"day dreaming away" RED LIGHT STEREO E
SEVENTH ISSUE “CONTENTS” Editors Note The writing is on the wall -Letters Profile Main Cover Feature RED LIGHT STEREO
Interviews / Gig Review Red Light Stereo Lonehill Estate The Cheap Bad Habits Rest in Peace The Hollow DJ Amigo
Danni’s Punk Pit Jo’s Corner Chop of the month Togger of the month
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Wow! First of all thanks to everyone who showed some love for our last issue (revamped edition), It’s good to know we are
finally moving in the right direction and starting to make our mark as a good music Mag in the S.A music scene. It makes me really happy and proud to head this exciting magazine, but I cannot go further without mentioning, that I could never have pulled it off without such a great team behind me. I can honestly say that my team is the only reason you see Fanbase spammed all over your Facebook wall every month - without them there wouldn’t be a Mag. So Jo, Danni, Tammie, and Fly thanks so much and well done for putting out such an awesome issue. You guy’s all rock!!!
In this issue, our front cover is graced by well known band “Red Light Stereo” who is currently making big waves on MK music channel and various radio stations. Check out the awesome interview with this amazing band. I also had the privilege to interview the band “Lonehill Estate”. Check out this wicked interview and find out about this band, who’s also set to do big things in the world of music. In Danni’s Punk Pit she interviews awesome band “The Cheap Bad Habits” who are just so fun and cool with Mr Brett F. Botha joining them on bass. Also featuring, Poem of the Month, written and sent in by, Wade Kirkland, remember you can also send in your poems to . Danni also interviewed an awesome Portuguese D.J who goes by the name of “D.J Amigo”. It all makes for a great read. In Jo’s Corner she takes a look at “How not to fight like a celeb”, pretty funny stuff. The lyrics of the month are none other than our featured front cover band “Red Light Stereo” with their song called “Day Dreaming”. So… do we have any jokers in the house? Jo is starting a new topic in her corner called, “Just for Laughs” where she gives you the reader a chance to send in some of your jokes. So if you fancy yourself as a comedian then please send your jokes to, but please guys and dolls, try keep the jokes clean. Remember my Mom still has to read this magazine (laugh). Our Togger of the month is from an awesome photographer that I found by accident while going through some band pictures on Facebook. When I saw her work I knew we just had to feature her in the Mag. I am talking about Shane Grant. Watch out for her, she’s going to go far in the photography industry. Remember you saw her first in Fanbase Music Magazine. And finally we have “chop of the month” and this month’s award goes to, Clinton Richard Barnard, who happens to be a tattoo artist. Thanks so much to everyone else who sent in pics of their tatts. If you would like to send pics of your tatts then you can do so by sending them to Lastly go check out our new section called “The writing’s on the wall” where we give you the chance to send in your critic letters to the Mag. We accept good and bad critism. Also let us know what you would like to see in the Mag. All letters will be read! Speaking of which, check out an email sent in by Katie Windt from “Kissed by Katie” who tells us about her time in U.S.A. We miss you Katie. And last but not least - I would like to thank my Mom, Emily Clayton, who does all the proof reading for our Mag. Thanks so much Mom - love you lots. Also a special thanks to you the “Reader”. We really appreciate every single one of you. You all rock our socks!!! Much love and Hobo hugs Duwyne, Jo, Danni, Tammie and Fly
The Boss / Editor /Journalist
Name: Duwyne Nickname: Duzz, Duzzy ( I also answer to sexi man) Fave saying right now: Mamu or Lani Greatest ambitions in life: In the words of Just Jinjer’s song “What he means”, “ PEACE , LOVE MORE TOLERENCE (Live by that and you wont go wrong) Fave shoes: All stars Fave item of clothing: Skinny Jeans Whats playing in your c.d player/ipod right now: Rock till you drop volume four (but I find myself playing “Flyleaf- all around me” on repeat... That womens voice is amazing
Name: Joanne Nickname: Jo Fave saying right now: Yebo Greatest ambitions in life: To be a teacher Fave shoes: Black boots Fave item of clothing: Jeans Whats playing in your c.d player/ipod right W .d pl igh now: ow Seether
The Journalist
Name: Daniela The “Green Day” Journalist Nickname: Greenday Nic name: Danni / G reend Fave saying right now: "To do something that you feel in your heart that's great, you need to make a lot of mistakes. Anything that's successful is a series of mistakes." Billie Joe Armstrong Greatest ambitions in life: Become a music journalist and follow Green Day around the world!! Fave shoes: My Green Day chucks and doc martens (Oh and my crazy high heels). Fave item of clothing: Black hoodie Whats playing your c.d player/ipod right now: Green Day's Warning Cd Wha ts pl aying ying in y .d pl and some Aerosmith
The Dilly Designer
Name: Tammie - Ann Nickname: Panther, My band calls me Dilly, myy best ffriend calls me Bum or Pookie, my boyfriend calls me Nu-nu, t-dog, koeks or tamalam, and since i was born my dad has called me smelly (???)..... The list goes on??? Fave saying right now: Be modest, push yourself, have passion Greatest ambitions in life: To be the best I can be creatively and musically Fave shoes: my “socks” Fave item of clothing: My revamped, second hand vintage dresses Whats playing in your c.d player/ipod right now: Bob Dylan, Meditators, PJ Harvey, The Dreston Dolls
n o s g n i t i “The wr the wall” Hey Fanbase :) I’m in America, as you know. It’s been amazing so far! I’ve walked the whole of New York, which nearly killed me, but I had to do it. I’m in Cocoa Beach, Florida right now. It's really similar to Durban which is nice. Just, way more humid, if that’s possible. The people here are awesome.
I've made some amazing friends. I went to a house party the other night, which was cool because it had red cups (like in the movies) and I learn’t how to play beer pong. I suck at it but its fine. These Americans have NOTHING on us South Africans when it comes to drinking. We party way harder. I didn’t get to take my guitar with me, but I've just ordered a Ukelele online, it’s small so I can take it with me when I travel. I have no idea how to play it but I’m sure it can't be that difficult. When I get back I'll be able to serenade you all with my Ukelele-playing-skills. I’m missing home terribly, especially my band mates Brett Botha and Steph Plevier. Brett’s just joined Cheap Bad Habits on the bass, so go check them out. Steph has started a new project with Shannon Rice and Wojtek Starzak, so that’s in the works. Keep following our “fanpage” on Facebook and we will keep you updated. As for me, I've taken a break from performing for a while. I've just been working on new material and hopefully I'll have some new stuff for you guys soon :) I’m planning to go to San Diego in a couple of months and hopefully I'll find some places to perform there. Missing all of you Durban kids loads, and can’t wait to get back so we can party HARD! Love love love, Katie Xx
Hi Fanbase music Mag WOW - just love your revamp magazine. Looking great. Sodaseed has done a great job with the design indeed!!!!! You guys have really stepped up in the music magazine world… Keep rocking Duwyne and team! We love you guys! Sent in by Estelle Kirkland
From The Riff Music Magazine, we would like to say WELL DONE fanbase, you guys really stepped up and the mag is looking good. Keep it up. Send in by Riaan Vorster, the Riff Music Mag
Sent in by Katie Windt ( Kissed by Katie).
Hi Fanbase, We've been reading your magazine from the first issue and so impressed to see how the mag's improved from issue to issue. Well done Team! Keep the "music juices" flowing! ♥ EC/LC ♥
RED LIGHT STEREO Since the time I started Fanbase music Mag I have wanted to interview Red Light Stereo and now I have finally got my chance… and the timing couldn’t have been better. With their music video “Day dreaming” doing very well on M.K and M.T.V base and also doing very well on various radio stations, this band is all set to go places and beyond. And I am glad we are all allowed to go along with the ride…Having seen RLS a few times play live, I can vouch that not only are they good in the studio or in front of the camera but they are an awesome live act also, both acoustic and electric, supporting some well known acts and also headlining a few venues there own. You can be sure that if Red light stereo is playing, its going to be an awesome party all round… So next time you see Red Light Stereo is playing, do yourself a favor and go support South African music at its best!!!
by : Duwyn e Clayt
L: Lliam Scholtz (Bass), G: Gareth Purchase (lead guitar, keys b/vocals), D: Dylan Rhodes (acoustic, vocals) What is the story behind the band, where did it all start? L: Dylan, Gareth and I went to the same school. With the two of them acting and myself playing in the band for our yearly musical we got to know each other and became good friends. From there we started a cover band playing at pubs and venues throughout Durban. It was only when our original drummer left for overseas that Don joined and we decided to rather pursue our own original songs. After writing and gigging for about a year we recorded our first 6 tracks EP and thereafter filmed our music video for our debut single “Daydreaming”.
How did you come up with the name “Red Light Stereo” G: We had an old song called “Red Light” so I’m pretty sure it has something to do with that. We all sat up at Lucky’s (Lliam) spot one night going through dictionaries, thesauruses, magazines and of course the magical powers of Google and after many hours of careful thought and deliberation, we came up with “Stereo”. Genuis!!! I think we kinda realised that with band names like “The Rolling Stones” and “The Red Hot Chilli Peppers” names aren’t actually too important. We’re all about the music. D: I blame the “Stereo” part on Lucky – he is the gadget man.
How would you define your music? Catchy, fun, colourful contemporary pop rock that is easy to listen to and has universal appeal and without a doubt feel good and will make your tap your feet.
What is your favourite s “Red Light Stereo” song? D: Probably one of the new ones we are working on but I love “Cash In”. G: hmmm… I would have to say “Cash In” or one of the new ones we’re working on. Watch this space. L: Of all of our released songs it would have to be “Daydreaming” given the success it has brought us, from being on radio, to being a crow favourite to
taking our music video on MK. Despite this, without a doubt our new stuff (which will be on our up and coming album) is going to rock the socks off anything we’ve done before.
What sort of crowds are your music aimed at? D: Big ones with lots of girls! G: We have actually discussed this quite a lot, I think we are lucky that we enjoy the music that seems to stem from our band room and so do a
large range of people. It’s easy on the ears and although is probably engineered more for people our age and younger, I have seen a few children of older generations tap their feet in the crowds.
“Catchy, fun, colourful contemporary pop rock ”
L: We write our songs with the intent to appeal to any age hey. We like to believe that there’s a little bit of everything in our music, so whatever your, um… maturity, that’s the word, or how youthful you’ll find elements that grab your attention.
Do you have any rituals before going on stage? L: hmmmmm, am I allowed to say? D: yes we do and my lips are sealed! Let’s just say that it gets us amped to rock ‘n roll! G: we most certainly do. It’s kind of a standard routine before we go on. Picture an America Football team in a huddle… wait can we tell them what we say? I’m not so sure…
What is the craziest thing that has ever happened on stage? D: We gave Gareth a keyboard with a thousand sound effects… need I say more… our intro has lightning on occasions. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It’s G on keyboard! L: We played at a local venue here in Durban (GMT), throughout the gig I kept getting a light shock, It wasn’t too hectic but enough to feel it. We got into a slower song and I sat down on Gareth’s amp and got the hugest shock ever. Yoh it was sore, will never forget that!
Do you ever get nervous before going on stage? L: Not really hey, I do get concerned about sound and turnout before arriving at a venue but once I’m there and sound check is done it’s just pure excitement. Contrary to popular belief, for me the bigger the crowd the less nervous I am because I just get so amped. G: I think I’m one of the lucky ones that doesn’t get nervous. I have been in the past, but if you’re confident in the sound and the crowd are having a good time, feeding off that is really easy. Nerves, what are those? D: Nah not really… I get a bit anxious at times but it’s usually trying to make sure that all my stuff is sorted out so that we are prepared when we are on stage.
Your video “Daydreaming” is currently getting good air play on M.K and MTV base. How has the response been to it and what have you gained from that? D: The response has been awesome. I’ve had so many positive comments on the video. The airplay is national and MK has become a focal point for SA talent, so it’s opened doors for us and given us a gateway into the industry. G: The response has been great. People seem to dig guys doing ballet, which is actually slightly worrying, upon second thought. I suppose the real worry lies in the fact that everything in the video was our choice… L: I’m quite surprised (and stoked) at how well it has done, we had so many hits on YouTube the week it was released and now to hear that it’s still getting high rotation on MK after being released 6 months ago is epic. Lots of people have come to us saying
how awesome the video is and it has definitely brought us some new fans. If you haven’t, go check it out on YouTube and let us know what you think.
Now that more and more people are getting to know you do you get swamped with groupies? L: I’m not going to lie, it’s cool to have “groupies”. I’m still waiting for some though. If there are or were any they tend to flock to Don and Gareth, ha ha. G: “Groupies… very vague and slightly misunderstood term these days. Some call them fans, we call them friends and we love all of them. The more we get, the more we know our music is making people smile. D: Define groupies? Ha ha we have been swamped by fans on occasions…
Who in the band is single and who is in a relationship? G: No one in the band is single. Don, Lucky and Dyl have girlfriends and I am currently dating my new guitar pedal…however, it’s complicated cause there’s another new guitar pedal and another one coming… look nothing’s on Facebook okay… L: Ladies, behind door #1, meet Gareth. He’s single and has red hair, need I say more.
Where do you find inspiration for your song writing and what is the process like? L: I find my inspiration in listening to songs that I really enjoy, I tend to dissect these songs and listen to each individual part, from the groove to the timing to the song construction. By doing this I gain some great insight into what makes a song great, what makes it catchy or what makes it suck! G: It’s weird cause the process constantly changes. Dyl still writes the songs but we’re very much into work shopping our new songs now at an early stage. It’s really awesome when a new song comes together once all our input has been added in. Like having a child with no nappies. D: I write the lyrics and bare essentials, like the chord structure of the songs. Then I hand it over to the guys and we experiment until we are happy with each person’s part. We used to do each part separately and didn’t put enough thought and time into it but as we are growing we are also learning each song must be considered as a whole and so it requires more consideration. Some of our parts need to follow and some parts need to stand out, so you gotta think about what everyone else is doing with you too. I get my inspiration from great artists and from my own desire to have my songs out there for the world to listen to. The feeling of having one of your songs being played on radio or on TV or in front of an appreciated audience is an amazing one!! I’ll never forget when we first played one of our own songs before an audience a couple of year ago and the response we received. It’s what musicians live for! So we are inspired to make more music and inspire other people with it. Music makes the world a much better place doesn’t it!
Where can people get hold of your debut EP “Edges of a dream” You can still get them at Rythmic Beat stores and shortly in Look and Listen, at all of our shows, online
at or drop us a line and we’ll get one sent to you!
You have already mentioned talks of a new album in the pipeline, what can you tell us about it? L: Oh definitely, we’ve already written half of the songs and hit the studio with a top SA producer for some refinement. We’re hoping to finish up the rest of the songs by the end of the year and record them early 2012 and have it released by mid March. We’re so excited about the new stuff and dying to get the album out there so I wouldn’t be surprised if you hear something before then! G: It’s going to be a banger. I hope you’re ready! D: We want it to be the best that it can be, so no cutting corners. We are frikken excited though!
What do you wish for the future of “Red Light Stereo”? D: We want to make it BABY! Live the dream and play music all day. Office life doesn’t suit me! But seriously, we are super passionate about music and we want our music to talk to people. Whether it’s to make you smile, to make you dance or to cheer you up after a k#k day, we just want our songs to have an effect on people’s lives! G: I wish for our songs to really mean something to people like music means to me. I wish for them to inspire people to do what they are passionate about, to be first dances at weddings and feature in feel good teen movies. Sounds clichéd but we’re all passionate about music and hope that you will hear it in our songs and use them to live your life. I want our next single to be the song you choose to play on your next road trip! L: Pretty simple really, to take our music to as many people as possible and know that they really enjoy what we’re giving them. Whilst it is great to be playing, there is no better reward than sharing it with so many other people.
Check out Red Light Stereo on:
LONEHILL ESTATE Lonehill Estate is one of the top live performing bands in South Africa. with their mischievous rock sound poking fun at current affairs and the music industry, their shows are riddled with offensive anecdotes and eye-twitchingly good music. The band burst onto radio in 2005 with hit singles "Girl on a Roof" and "Skyward" charting on high rotation. In 2007 the band won "Best South African band" and represented South Africa in London at the Global Battle of the Bands. 2007's December issue of Cosmopolitan Magazine named Lonehill Estate as one of the Bands to look out for. In 2008 Lonehill Estate released their second studio album "Hong Kong Dollar" which featured the hit "Memories." They then went on to perform alongside Muse, Korn, Good Charlotte and 30 Seconds to Mars at the 2008 MyCokeFest. In 2009 Lonehill Estate's ballad "Forty" was used in the comedy "Finding Lenny" starring Barry Hilton.
Lonehill has received much criticism for their music being too eclectic in the past so from mid 2009 to mid 2010 the band focused on funneling their influences into their new sound, represented by "Gangstar" and "Techno Band" which both took #1 on 5fm's local Pop chart. Both Gangstar and Techno Band achieved top 10 status on 5fm's top 40 and it's video achieved high rotation on MK89. Green Pocket is currently climbing the 5fm top 40 having also reached the Number 1 spot on the Pop chart. Lonehill’s strategy is to release digital singles as opposed to a full album to create an infinite production line that pumps out cutting edge music. There are new singles inthe pipeline that are sure to impress. Lonehill's music is available on-line internationally,and the band is achieving new levels of acclaim in the public eye, regularly featuring in SA magazines, newspapers, TV and radio shows.
What is the story behind the band, where did it all start? In the year 2001 my band (Born Itchy), and Dave’s band (Cracked Plastic), went head to head in a battle of the bands. Neither band took home the title as they weren’t related in any way to the judges and so they decided to end the battle and talk as friends. Nathan told Dave he dug the way he jammed his axe and Dave mentioned that he dug Nathan’s blue hair and fluffly leopard skin pants. In 2003 when Nathan’s band was in rehab and Dave’s had ascended to a higher spiritual plane they got together. A few years later auditions for a drummer were held and Sunshine brought a packet of Tea Lovers biscuits and we told the droves of other drummers that the position had been filled. They both left in tears. A couple of years after that the band saw Mark wearing a Lonehill Estate shirt and took it as a sign. He was also a great guitarist which we also took as a sign. When we asked him he gave us the sign and we took that as a sign, so we lured him to band practice with pancakes and money. Pancakes are still a regular part of band practice.
How did you come up with the name Lonehill Estate? Well believe it or not it’s actually the name of an estate in the Fourways/Lonehill area. None of us live there.
How would you define your music? Well I’d have to call it Pop but it’s the kind of pop that makes you feel better or even smile like when your elbow clicks. It’s not Pop in the traditional sense but rather as in “Tupac got popped by Biggie’s thug.” I listen to a lot of Pop and Disney soundtracks but then Mark brings his metal influence and Dave brings his Orchestral score influence and the result is usually what you hear on radio.
What is your favourite s Lonehill Estate song? Whichever one we are currently working on I reckon. Technoband was obviously loads of fun but some of the stuff we are working on now defy the laws of... um... well... many small religious countries.
What sort of crowds are your music aimed at? Mostly females in their late 60s, but I suppose anyone looking for a big night out. We work exceptionally well for first dates as we play music loud so there is no room for awkward silence. When the show is done there are usually a few talking points that the two awkward lovers can utilize to their benefit.
Do you have any rituals before going on stage? Rituals are risky cos you can become reliant on them. Like if you have a really great gig and you say “Wow what did we do different?” and someone says “Well Sunny hit that cat with his car” and then you think that will bring you luck so you sacrifice a cat before every gig, i think it’s how most religions start. So we try and keep each gig as it’s own separate experience, it makes it unpredictable and different every time.
What is the craziest thing that has ever happened on stage? I once did a pancake solo on stage. In this one part of the song (where there is usually an axe solo) I had a preheated stove top and premixed pancake mix. I made the pancake on stage and flipped it into the crowd.
Do you ever get nervous before going on stage? There’s kind of an excitement tinged with anxiousness. It’s hard to explain, kind of like knocking on a girl you like’s door, and then you’re waiting to see who will answer, the scary father, the over protective mother, the ugly sister... you know.
Where do you find inspiration for your song writing and what is the process like? It mostly comes from watching people and their reactions to certain things. We usually try put a spin on the song that hopefully offers people a new angle at which to look at something. Like Technoband which tells the story of a bitter rock band that secretly, like Techno and find that it’s actually more fun than trying to be “deep and meaningful” all the time. In The Green Pocket we wrote a song from Nature’s point of view. It was inspired by all the recent natural disasters that have been going on.
You have had your single “Forty” played for the comedy movie” Finding Lenny” starring Barry Hilton. Tell us about that whole experience and what did that do for your future in the industry? Well the whole experience was basically us being asked if that would be ok to which we said “yes.” We got to go to the premier and I collected all the leftover Bar-One’s that were left on chairs for media who didn’t pitch.
Now that more and more people are getting to know you do you get swamped with groupies? Yes of course. They mostly end up carrying Sunny’s drum stuff back to the car. Then when we get back the hotel room we play Go Fish! with them. It’s like ‘Dave do you have a brunette with green eyes?’ and he’ll be like ‘Go Fish!’ Then it’s bath time, but we use groupies instead of water. On to Hot chocolate and then we pile the best looking ones on top of us like a large giggling blanket. In the morning we swap them for a large English Breakfast.
Who in the band is single and who is in a relationship? Well we thought that dating within the band might be a conflict of interests, plus we all like women.
Where can people get hold of your latest single “The green pocket” All good (and by good I mean legal) download sites. Omusic Store,, iTunes, Exact Mobile.
Is there any new albums coming out in the pipeline? We have talked about it but it’s still a while off, if at all. There’s something about releasing singles that always leaves the fans wanting more. Plus it is far more environmentally friendly.
What do you wish for the future of Lonehill Estate? Can I wish for more wishes? If not I suppose I’d wish that there would be four robotic gloves created by a paranoid and elderly extra terrestrial on the other side of the galaxy. Then the band would find them and throughout an exciting string of events they would figure out that if there was a large threat like a planet that is set to collide with earth, the gloves would begin glowing and the four band members would join together to become a huge robot. We would punch the planet and it would be smashed into smithereens moments before colliding with earth. Then at our ‘you saved the whole planet’ banquet we would meet Bono and he will say “Thank you for saving the Earth” and we would say something like “It was our pleasure Bono but you have been saving the world much longer than us”.
And lastly if you were invisible for a whole entire day what would you spend doing? I suppose we would be doing what most invisible people do... we’d be Accountants.
Interviewed by : Duwyne Clayton
The Juno Award-winning band, formed in Ajax , Ontario in 1996. The band came together 41 days into the summer before their senior year of high school, and formed their own band. Their name came from this 41 day period. “Sum 41” band members consist of : Deryck Whibley (lead vocals, rhythm guitar), Cone McCaslin (bass guitar, backing vocals), Steve Jocz (drums, backing vocals), and Thomas Thacker (lead guitar, backing vocals, keyboard). Since their inception in 1996, “Sum 41” has been relentless, unapologetic, and unconcerned with musical boundaries. To date, the band has released five studio albums, namely : All Killer, No Filler (2001), Does This Look Infected? (2002), Chuck (2004), Underclass Hero (2007) and Screaming Bloody Murder (29 March, 2011). With their eagerly anticipated fifth album, Screaming Bloody Murder, released earlier this year, the upcoming tour dates are sure to re-confirm their staggering live reputation. Speaking about their new album, Bassist, Cone McCaslin feels “like we really reached a new level with this one. It’s definitely my favourite Sum 41 album. Musically, this album has pushed way beyond anything we have ever done. I can’t wait to play the album live and for fans to here it. With track titles like: Blood in My Eyes, Jessica Kill, Holy Image of Lies and Happiness Machines. Screaming Bloody Murder is an evolution of the band’s metal and punk-rock influence, but continues to blend musical styles as they have done in the past. Furthermore, Sum 41 who have collaborated with Iggy Pop, Ludacris, Tommy Lee, Rob Haldford, and Tenacious D, and were invited to tour with heavy metal legends Motley Crue in the past when they reunited; bring a seemingly inexhaustible supply of youthful energy in their performances.
SUM 41 Sum 41 is without a doubt one of the more prominent names in the history of punk rock and can justifiably be described as one of the perennial punk rock bands of our generation. Recently labelled as one of the world’s best live bands, be sure to catch the downright legendary band, at one of their spectacular concerts in South Africa!
Canadian punk rock group “Sum 41” will be hitting South Africa in August, with two phenomenal live shows at Wave House in Durban, on 5 August and at the OppiKoppi “Unknown Brother” Festival in Limpopo, on 7 August. Featuring SA's bands : The La Els, LowProfile, FTTW and Zebra & Giraffe!
Tickets available at @ or Gateway, Wavehouse front desk! They going fast! Gonna be Mental! Gates open 16:30 - 23:30
Tonight as I write this article, I have just come back from “The Hollow’s” last gig. Yes, yet another Durban band going their separate ways. This year has proven to be a tough one so far for the music Durban scene with seeing the likes of “Kissed by Katie” and “Beyond the Pale” to mention just a couple deciding to go their separate ways, and now one of Durban’s best metal bands also calling it a day. The venue at the Winston Pub was quite packed as the entrance fee was free, bringing in some of “The Hollows” most faithful and loyal fans all coming to pay their last respects. The line up for the night was wicked with “The terror Kings” as the opening band. They put on an awesome show and really opened up with a bang. Next up was “Pledge Defiance” who totally blew the crowd away with their crazy set!!! These boys definately know how to give a good show with their loud screams and energetic music sounds opening the way of what was to come next.
Review by : Duwyne Clayton Photography: 35mm Shoot Next up, the whole reason why we came to this gig in the first place, “The Hollow” took the stage for what would be their last performance, and they were ready to rock the crowd one last time. As M.C., Shannon Rice, made everyone have a moment silence you really get hit with the fact this really is “The Hollow’s” last gig ever. They play an awesome set. One of the best sets I’ve seen them play during their life as a band. Playing old songs from when they first started, to some of their latest songs. Each member gave it their all, really giving their die hard fans a show they wouldn’t forget, and as, what was meant to be the last song finished, the crowd shouted “We want more”, clearly not letting “The Hollow” be buried peacefully, the band did not disappoint with playing one more song. The mosh pit grew even bigger and as lead singer Wojtek staged dived into the crowed it was the perfect way to go. An end to an era for a great metal band. RIP “The Hollow”, you’ll sorely be missed and we wish you well for the future.
S ’ I N N A D
Hello all you lovely people! I am so happy to report that there are so many talented poetry writers out there! I have been receivin some rad and lovely poems that I cannot wait for all of you to read. Please keep on sending me your poems so we can show off all your hard work. I hope you guys enjoy my two interviews this month. I had the pleasure of interviewing my very favorite DJ, who is Portuguese like meeeeeeee,(Yes I may be a little bias but he is amazing!!), Antonio Santana aka DJ AMIGO! I also interviewed The Cheap Bad Habits who were awesome to interview, I know you will love their answers to my questions! A big thank you to Jed who was so helpful! Anyway I hope you all enjoy your month! Keep sending those poems!! Keep it Punk! *xx
Evil mind's play evil trick's The stain you left on me is like a real bad itch One that even the cure can't fix As strong as a gun But melting in the sun Your mark on me is the reason I don't love anyone When I first saw you I said you looked stunning But in return you gave me nothing So when I take aim it's you who should start running.
Wade Kirkland
The Cheap Bad Habits aint nothin’ but a low-down, dirty, rock n’ roll blues band. Hailing from the
rich muddy waters of the Durban delta, is a band that is hell-bent on delivering their own rare blend of outlaw blues, and classic high-voltage rock n’ roll. An exciting four piece, The Cheap Bad Habits are engaged in crafting memorable songs featuring: catchy riffs, thunder-God drums, elastic bass-lines, dueling lead guitars, and all-out-attitude. With a sound inspired by classic blues-based hard rock acts such as: AC/DC, Led Zepplin and the Rolling Stones; and comparable to cult-contemporary acts like the White Stripes and the Black Keys; The Cheap Bad Habits are old school, new cool.
Formed in late 2010, the band has a bustling catalogue of rollicking original material and a plethora of high profile gigs under their belt, sharing the stage with the likes of Shadowclub (JHB), the Carniwhores (JHB), the Otherwise (DBN), Avade (DBN), Steve Fataar (DBN) and Sibling Rivalry (DBN). The band’s lineup includes former members of acoustic rock acts Clockstruck June and the Lost Dogs. You Want More? Of course you do!!!! With undeniable magnetism and energetic live performances, The Cheap Bad Habits play with a gripping immediacy arrests everyone: from the casual listener; to Blues Aficionados; to just lovers of good old-fashioned Rock n’ Roll! All of this to a beat that keeps feet tapping, bodies moving, and heads banging. Band Updates! Interestingly, The Cheap Bad Habits have forged a unique relationship with scene photographer Sarah Jane of 35mm Shootout Photography, posting an online photo journal of the band’s.
Bookings For bookings or additional information call: Jed Coventry on 084 50 444 38 ( Additional Links Youtube: View our short film, “Introducing…” Myspace: You can also find The Cheap Bad Habits on: ReverbNation and Twitter.
The Cheap Bad Habits also recently recorded an EP entitled Delta Sons, at Face Studios in Westville (engineered by Greg Bedford). They have an exciting new addition; their new bassist is Mr. Brett F.Botha. He used to play guitar for Kissed by Katie but now graces the stage with The Cheap Bad Habits! Please give all your support to this extraordinary band!!!!!! You can follow The Cheap Bad Habits and receive updates about gigs, news and releases by visiting them on Facebook and “liking” the page: (Hold Cntrl+Click the link above ^.)
1. What are The Cheap Bad Habits all about?
3. When was your first gig and how was it?
Ryan: The Cheap Bad Habits is a metaphor for having fun and rocking out. Musically we’re a band whose ideals are set in blues and classic rock n’ roll. In a word: freedom. Sid: We're all about doing the things that maybe you shouldn't but make you feel like you want to feel, like hooking up with that girl your friends say you shouldn't, or having that extra drink that maybe you shouldn't have.
Sid: It was at Zack's and it was kinda like "I don't care, whatever, rock n' roll is dead, nobody's gonna dig this." But to my surprise the audience really dug us, I mean dudes who would normally be listening to bland potato salad music were really getting into it. I got my head out my a*$s and realised rock n' roll is in everyone. Jed: I think they were expecting something softer but we rocked out, we didn’t hold back.
2. Who decided to start the band? Jed: I started the band with a batch of songs I’d written, I found a musical soul mate in my longtime buddy Sid. I was going crazy. For me it was either start a band or join the army. Luckily I met up with some other mates from way back who made up one monstrous rhythm section. Sid: I was at Splashy, my head felt like Transnet had set up a station in it, it was the last day and a was kinda getting over it, none of the music was to my liking the whole event through. Then outta nowhere this dude (Rob Thompson from Jack Rabbit Slim's) started banging out some sick riffs. He didn't care if you enjoyed it or not, he was on his own ride, had the rock n' roll blues in his blood. I looked over at Jed and we were both like, "Dude, let's shoot some rock n' roll into Durban's veins, man!"
4. Who are your heroes? Sid: The works, anyone who understands that taste, and I mean, really playing with feeling, trumps virtuosity anytime. Ryan: Drumming-wise Lars Ulrich for me. Jed: Jack White.
5. What does Rock and Roll mean to you? Sid: The Same thing The Cheap Bad Habits means to me; livin’ large and doin’ what your heart desires. Ryan: Rock n’ roll means inspiration and the freedom to be yourself in the most honest form.
6. Where in the world would you guys like to play?
10. Where can we catch you performing?
Sid: In your speakers or preferably in front of you.
Sid: All around Durban, no venues foreign to us, we’ve played all the places you go to rock out. Jed: We’ll be in and around Durban during July/August and you can catch us at Spog Weni Flem Festival in Ballito between 6 and 9 October.
7. Who is the craziest member of the band and why? Sid: We’re all pretty wild at times so the verdicts out on that one. Probably Jed tho, haha! Ryan: I’m sure it’s me. Haha!
8. What are your songs mainly about? Sid: Mainly about cheap bad habits. The things that, on the one hand make your heart beat like it wants to jump out your chest, and on the other hand make you heart wanna break in the cruelest way.
9. If you could sit down and interview any Rock Star, dead or alive, who would it be? Sid: John Lee Hooker, maybe he’d show me how to play with my heart not just my fingers. If you’ve heard # Hobo Blues you’ll know what I mean. Ryan: Dimebag Darrel, those stories would be amazing.
11. How do you deal with all the groupies?;) Sid: I reject the term, it’s a label, fans are fans and I thoroughly appreciate our fans. Ryan: Give them a huge CBH hug, buy ‘em a shooter and make them your friend. Rock n’ roll and friends belong together.
12. Name one song that best describes your band. Sid and Ryan simultaneously: Highway to Hell by AC/DC. Jed: Well it aint Stairway to Heaven…
Interviewed by : Daniela de Almeida Photography: 35mm Shoot
DJ Amigo I was particularly looking forward to having this interview as Antonio Santana, DJ Amigo, is also Portuguese. He not only captivates people with his funky music but manages to draw them in with his awesome personality that really puts him on another level. His music has a way of putting anyone in the mood to express themselves through dance. He is witty and bounces from every corner of the room because he absolutely loves what he does. DJ Amigo has a certain charisma that not everyone is lucky enough to have. Do yourself a favor and go and catch him playing at FTV, The Origin and Fun in the Sun which is on the 24th September.
What made you start Djing?
I’ve always loved the way music created emotion for me and as a DJ I’ve tried to project that into the crowd so that I can build up their emotion. My parents always had the latest house music, so I caught the bug from them, I actually didn’t pursue it at first, I pursued rugby, but I’m not the biggest guy (laughs), so that didn’t work out. After that I bought my first CDJ and ever since then I’ve been going at it.
How did you come up with your stage name?
I got a personalized number plate that says “Amigo”, for my first car. It means “friend” in Portuguese and I am always the one driving my friends around too clubs. I’m a friendly guy so it was a natural progression to be my stage name.
What sets you apart from other DJs?
Well I have new tracks; they are tracks that people wouldn’t usually play. I like to keep my stuff funky and I try to mix it up as much as I can with all different genres and types of music but my music is very commercial sounding, in the fact that everyone likes it, so I think that’s what sets me apart. I also try to create my sets to build up which I think a lot of DJ’s don’t do and I try to build it up so the energy keeps increasing and the crowd never gets disinterested or thinks it’s too much.
Who are your inspirations?
Jeepers… Locally I would have to say, the guys who helped me through Djing, are guys like “Black Moss” and “P-Kuttah’, they really helped me get into the industry and are two local Hip Hop DJ’s. They are true inspirations. If I had to mention some big name DJ’s, I would say Erick Morillo and Axwell.
What’s been your biggest achievement?
Playing at Origin is a great achievement for me, I would say it’s Durban’s best electronic house music club, there is always new stuff and they are always pushing the boundaries with house and electronic music. Another big achievement is Djing at Fun in the Sun on the 24th of September. I’m still up and coming but those are definitely my biggest achievements so far.
Who would you say your target audience is?
My target audience is quite broad, I want it to be like that because my music, as I’ve said, is very easy to listen to and people are able to relate to it as it has a funky feel to it. It relates to people of any color because I play all types of genres. I don’t try keep my music directed at one audience, I want to keep it as big as I can, although I would have to say that something like Rock and Drum and Base is not really my forte, although I personally do go to those types of events, it’s not something I do. My music is very percussive sounding which means it’s
natural sounding, I use a lot of real instrument sounds in it, which has the Latin feel and I really enjoy that because it gets people moving, like Latin music always does.” How many years have you been Djing for?
I’ve been Djing for over two years now, when I got my first CDJs’ is when I pretty much started Djing which was for my twenty first birthday I’m twenty three now.
Tell me about your Portuguese descent. Is it one of your goals to get the Latino flare out there?
I’m Portuguese, my Grandparents originated for Madeira so it is definitely something that I like to portray in my music. My music is very percussive sounding which means it’s very natural sounding, I use a lot of real instrument sounds in it, which has the Latin feel and I really enjoy that because it gets people moving, like Latin music always does. I enjoy getting people on the dance floor, the best thing about playing music is when you play a track and there’s a person sitting down and you can see they want to get up and move. That comes from my Latin side.
If you could DJ anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
I would say everywhere!! Definitely Miami, especially over the Winter Music Conference, which is massive. Ibiza, obviously, because that’s the maddest jol with the sexiest people in the world and if I had to mention an event it would be Ultra, but you have to be a huge international producer to play there.
Where can we catch you performing?
Origin, usually every Saturday. You can catch me at FTV in Florida Road on a Thursday night and on a Sunday evening, we have sundowners on Sundays and there is free entrance otherwise the next big event is on the 24th of September at Fun in the Sun.
What do you like to do when you are not performing?
Hmmmmm…Party!!! Well I work for Computicket during the day which is only a recent thing, but it is quite nice because I am involved with events and so forth. I love hanging out with my guy mates and partying with them, I am a single guy, so you know, always out there! (Laughs)
How do you deal with the popularity that comes with being an up and coming DJ?
(Laughs shyly) Ahhhhhhh sherbet!!!!!!! Popularity hey?
Aaah I wish there was a lot of popularity. No, I am still up and coming so there is not too much popularity yet but it is getting there. Popularity is cool though because then I know people are following my music. I’m doing what I love and the fact that other people enjoy that is awesome. I just want to make people have a good time when they out so the popularity is something that comes with it but I will always be levelheaded.
Contact Dj Amigo at: 0827918093 Interviewed by: Daniela de Almeida
"JO’S corner "
Hi everyone, Its Joanne here, I can’t believe we’re halfway through the year and into our 7th issue of Fanbase Music Mag. Time sure flies when you’re having fun!!! What a fun issue this is going to be. One of my favourite bands “Red Light Stereo” is gracing our front cover. Check out my lyrics of the month, which features their hit song “Day dreaming”. Also in this months issue of Jo’s Corner we bring you some light hearted humor with “How not to fight like a celeb”, because we all know how crazy celebs can be. Lindsay Lohan’s rehab days and Pete Doherty blowing smoke into a camera mans face, we teach you how not to fight like a celeb. Something new in Jo’s Corner is “Just for Laughs” where you, the reader, can send in your favorite jokes - please send all your funny jokes to and your joke might be published in one of the future issues of Fanbase Music Mag, under Jo’s Corner.
"LYRICS of the month" Red light stereo-Day dreaming away I’m sick of this noise, you’re raising your voice. You’re getting under my skin. I’m planning escape, I’m running away. To a place where the, sun shines and the weather is fine, I’m sipping on a cocktail all the girls are digging my vibes. I know it’s not real but it helps me to cope. Now I’m starting to choke. I don’t care what you do, I’m simply not in the mood. So build a bridge and follow through, because I’m over you. The conversation is raging and I’m falling behind. You know I’m lost, daydreaming away. Every second I’m wasting of your valuable time. It’s gone, it’s lost, daydreaming away. Daydreaming, daydreaming away. Daydreaming, and I don’t care what you say. I’m staring at space, the lines on your face, Depict a scene out of hell. I don’t know why I bother to try understand, when you, Talk like we’re in Days of Our Lives, you’re moaning likes a fish wife. It’s metaphorically true that im abandoning you. So think it through. I’ve said what I’ve done and I’ve done what I’ve said. The truth is a blur, only madness ahead. When there’s nothing left to lose. You’ll find there’s nothing left to use. Daydreaming. Daydreaming away. Daydreaming. Daydreaming away
HOW NOT TO FIGHT LIKE A CELEB!!! We may worship their life styles, but celebs don’t have it as easy as you might think, especially with a whole lot of cameras in your face all the time. It is not always agreeable the way celebs live their lives but if you want to walk in their shoes, here are some ways to fight the next person who steps on your toes. Run away from your attacker: No matter how scared you are, running for your life will not help. Face your attacker and learn how to face the problem. Pull the middle finger: Lets be honest, it is easier to swear and be rude. But it doesn’t say much for your character, so don’t go there. Breaking something of value of your enemy: Think how you would feel if something of yours got broken? Respect other people’s things and be the bigger person, don’t let anger get the better of you, even if the Paparazzi are in your face. Jump on your enemy without warning: Don’t tackle your enemy down by surprise, its not cool. It’s dangerous and we’re not wild animals. Pretend to be your enemy’s friend Be true to yourself, don’t just be friends with your enemy because it makes your life easier. Forgive and forget and build bridges, get over it. Spit at your enemy: How gross!!! Be a lady and have respect for yourself no matter how bad the situation .
"JUST FOR LAUGHS" Pharmacist to customer: "To buy anti- depression pills, sir you need a proper prescription... simply showing a picture of your wife is not enough!"
"Togger of the month" How did you get into Photography?
I was in the local music scene form a young age and I’ve always just watched the photographers have so much fun with what they were doing and I thought that it would be rad for me to experience that same thrill.
What camera are you currently using? At the moment my baby is a Canon EOS 60D.
What do you like about photography?
I love capturing the emotion of that moment. That’s why I love doing band photography the most. Musicians are so passionate about what they do and they put all their love and hard work into it and I get to capture that moment in time, where people can say “hey I remember that, was so rad!” or they wished they had been there to have seen it.
What style of Photography do you like?
I do band photography but I’ve just got into, what I call “freak photography” which is just my word for alternative models.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years in terms of your photography? Travelling with bands overseas and taking their photos. Then opening up my own studio in South Africa.
Who is your favourite South African Photographer and why?
It would have to be both Adrian Shields and Kevin Goss-Ross. They are both very, very talented and even thou the both have such a different style of photography I still draw a lot of inspiration from both of them.
Describe a day in the life of a photographer?
For me it’s pretty easy. Wake up, get ready for work, work, get home, get ready again, and then hit a local gig to capture a few photos. Well that’s my usual weekend any way.
What advice do you have for up and coming photographers?
No one wants to see a photo that looks like everyone else’s, so always stick to the style you are comfortable with and never change to fit in, because different is the new cool.
Out of your portfolio, give us the one image you’ve taken recently which really blows your mind.
I took this photo while I was at a picnic, it’s one of my favourites because I did absolutely no editing on it but it looks like a painting to me.
of the month Every month we search high and low for the reader with the best “chops” thanks to everyone who sent in pics of their tatts… remember you can send your ink pics to:
CHOP D R A W A and maybe u can take the “chop of the month award” This months “chop of the month” award goes to
Clinton Richard Barnard.
Here is some other cool ink work sent in by our readers Hayley Williams
Harry Dennen
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