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As part of a 2023 Coastal Zone Management Coastal Resilience Grant – Resilient Main Street, Fuss & O’Neill (F&O) completed visual assessments of the existing buildings along Merchant Way commercial area along the west side of Main Street in Wareham, MA to determine the feasibility of implementing floodproofing measures to improve and enhance the existing buildings’ performance when exposed to rising floodwater.
The Project Area map, shown here, indicates the buildings included in this assessment, 137 to 311 Main Street (Wankinco River side).
Using the data collected during the building assessments and the current and future projected flood elevations we assessed the viability of implementing various dry floodproofing measures as outlined in FEMA P-936 Floodproofing Nonresidential Structures
In addition, potential future design flood elevation or adaptations for redeveloped parcels was examined.