Arc6981 fang liwei project3 individual portfolio

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how to achieve


The site situated on the south-eastern part of Devonshire Quarter in the west of the city. The majority of this community is residential and commercial area based round the traditional industries such as Pryor Marking Technology. The typical build form reflected the early industrial uses of the area and consisted of terraced housing, factories and workshops. Some important clusters of building of industries heritage remain around in Milton St. Several outstanding Georgian and Victorian buildings and the earlier dwellings set in there. The space of Milton St. and surrounding area now faces the problems of less vibrant and simple architectural function, which cause the negative effect to people gathering and public activities. Otherwise, we found that there are a variety of potential opportunities to develop a diverse community cause existing use groups with diverse occupations, backgrounds, and nationalities active nearby. Moreover, policies support that creating a mix of uses can help to attract people to live, work and play in Devonshire Quarter. To extend the mix-used urban context, we suppose that Sheffield CLT could collaborate with a range of synergies to set up a community with cross class users, mixed function and a wealth of community life.



First impression

Site Walking

Policy support


Subjective mapping

Design support

SCC & Sheffield CLT Feedback

Integrated information

Situating Map Land Ownership Maps Policies & Submitted Planning Applications Potential synergies & Existing organizations

Gathering Mapping Photographing

Studio Polpo

Design Principle


Upgrade proposal

Defines intervention area Previous/ existing program Physical design


Design pamphlet and billboard Setting up urban installation Drinks and snack Interactive sessions




1 Ruhr museum


Year: 2010 Location: Ruhr, Germany Function: Museum; conferences and exhibitions; Character: Industrial heritage; industrial element; nostalgic identity; visual symbol.

SSD Songpa

Year: 2014 Location: Seoul, South Korea Function: Residential building; Shared living room; Character: Mixed used and mixed income settlement; Semi-public circulation Flexible and adaptable units

Group Approach Leading through a "gangway" made of glass

Based on the existing buildings, original coal washing plant change to Ruhr Museum as a window for the new Ruhr Metropolis.


Commuity-led approach

Post-industrial landscape re-appropriation


Unit block


Exhibition space Gathering space Micro-theater

Diverse community Mixed-income community

Sustainable design method




The major under using buildings are the key building. The owner is unknow but they are protected by SCC







Sheffield Community Land Trust As the core of community association, Sheffield CLT takes the needs of individuals, economic diversity and community services into account in each phase. SSoA Collaborate with Sheffield CLT and Studio Polpo, students in SSoA invo in initiatives projects and propaganda.


Studio Polpo Providing initiatives with community to make business with society objectives and reinvest in community development. English Heritage Experts Team Providing guidance and technical assistance to heritage conservation. Organizing experts and public to participate in community heritage buildings protection project periodically.



Mixed-use Creating a mix of uses can help to attract people to live, work and play in the same area. Getting the mix right is important. Diversity of layout, building form and tenure can contribute to making successful living and working environments.

Housig Land Information Provide strong leadership and involve local communities in planning and regeneration matters. We will also use our land and assets to enable sustainable housing growth which supports our ambitions for a strong and competitive economy.

Dovenshire Quarter Relevant policies cover society, economy and environment aspects, which includes central shopping area and the cultural hub development, safeguarding sensitive uses from nuisance, shopping and leisure development and communities facilities.

To solve this problem, we defined a new approach to acc



how to achieve Group approaches


Our primary step after form a community is upgrading funds and resource to achieve heritage buildings conservation. In that case, the significant characters of typical Georgian and Victorian buildings could be remained and reused. To bring more vitality to this area and to attract public’s interest and promote community brand, the community will arrange a series of public activities, such as history theme day or community festival. For the short-term perspective, heritage buildings conservation is the primary task.Its outcome provides a characteristic space and distinctive post-industrial urban landscape to foster a new diverse community.

Individual strategy

My individual strategies are based on the primary group design principle, which is achieving diverse culture, class, gender and race in the future community life. What I mainly discuss these two issues in the personal proposal are: How to realise a sustainable historic district regeneration to attract people from diff cultural background. 2.How to manage mixed income groups of people to avoid conflict in the community.

Defining Intervention Area









Summary of Critical Reflection As the last project in my MA postgraduate course, this project provide me an excellent opportunity to apply the skills and ability I have developed in previous projects and promote many useful technique and skills for public event arrangement. The crucial thing is the community-led approach provides me a new angle to consider urban context and community planning. Nonetheless, ,in this project, each session require very different task to us and this indeed make me confused about which part is the primary task for the whole project. Apparently, I will discuss through following two aspects to reflect my understanding of this experience.

Community-led approach In this term, I just start to acquire knowledge about collective appropriation and stewardship of land and resources on Reflection Urban Design Practice course and Project 3. At first, community approach almost completely ignorant concept for me. As far as I have concerned, “community-led” is a specific expression of what urban design demands, which means “making community for people”. Hence, the primary thing should be considered is how to collect social resource and to engage potential partners to form and operate a community, rather than only orient to economical development. There are the principles I learned from the precedents and applied in develop individual design proposal. 1. Keeping balance of social, environmental and economic objects to make the development of community steady and sustainable. 2. Not only residents, other stakeholders should be engaged in mutually supportive social relationship. 3. The key value of community formation and operation are improving stakeholders’ personal well-being and enhancing social cohesion, rather than achieveing socioeconomic effect. 4, Long-term committee should be established in advance and form the core of the community.

Group approach and individual The initiative of community-led appropriation is non-profit purpose. Generally, a social enterprise is a business with primarily social objectives where any profits are reinvested in the business or in the community, instead of given to shareholders and owners. Therefore, I suggest that the primary task is looking for a common goal and common benefit of each stakeholder and synergy. To attain positive prospect in the future or to buffer existing problem, enterprise and other stakeholders are willing to be a part of partnership. For our site,the most obvious problem is lack of vitality and public service, which make this place bleak and desolate. Our group approach proposals historic building regeneration is the first step to improve regional social environment and bring more people, developers and investors to drop in. However, I would like to query the effect brought by historic building conservation. Because the profit and positive affect which be triggered by this action. Although historic buildings conservation can promote the impact and character of this area, the fund which may collect from social organization and Sheffield CLT may be not meet the cost of building maintenance. If the project encountered the issue of fund shortage, the construction of affordable housing is more likely break off at the preliminary phase. So I upgrade the proposal in my individual strategy. Before crowdfunding from the public, I suggest the current residents and other stakeholders should be involve in the action of conservation. In that case, it is building relationship with user groups and community through the common objective. Because the target historic building is the public activity center for future community, so people are more likely to join to. Historic buildings are not only the symbol of this glorious industrial city, but also relate to their real life quality. In short, from my point of view, the ultimate aim of a diverse community is forming a new community culture to band people from different background with the same aim.

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