Location and community The Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco do Porto is located in the eastern part of Porto City, in the parish of Campanhã, in the eastern end of the municipality of Porto. It is bordered on the south by the river Douro, east and northeast by the municipality of Gondomar, and to the west by the parishes of Bonfim and Paranhos. In 1994, roughly 23 years ago, Campanhã in general, and Campanhã’s Valley, in particular, were seen by the municipality as: - One of the most disadvantaged urban areas of both the city and the Metropolitan Area of Porto; - Peripheral area marked by a strong social and urban ecological degradation; - Industrial decline’s area characterized by a strong disintegration of resident assets of the labour market; - A big concentration of underprivileged persons, which translates into perverse effects on the production and reproduction of certain social problems, such as certain unexpected behaviour; - An area where the populations (especially from neighbourhoods) are affirmed by the negative, accentuating social stigmas; no adapted to the school and difficulties of labour integration of the youth population; More than twenty years have gone by and the characterization of the zone is identical. In this parish, as in the whole national territory, there is a trend towards an aging population. However, with regard to the social districts of the parish, the trend is the reverse. In general, the population living in the municipal districts of Campanhã is younger than the average of the parish and the municipality. Regarding schooling, we can observe low levels of schooling of the population living in the parish of Campanhã, which is even more pronounced in the neighborhoods of social housing of the territory: close to 20% of the population does not have any degree of education. In this parish cohabits a great number of individuals of the gypsy community, coming from the near neighbourhoods, that, annually, are integrated in the schools by the fact that they have been relocated in the District of the Cerco. The neighbourhood of Cerco do Porto was built in the 60's. The main objective of the construction of this Social District (and others that emerged later) was to house families from poor and degraded areas of the city of Porto, with a low social and cultural level , low financial resources and low expectations, mainly due to the existence of unemployment and the
consequent absence of life projects, forcing many of these families to maintain a closed struggle for survival, sometimes dragging them into deviant lifestyles, provoking the total exclusion in the community in which they are inserted, reflecting the effects on their descendants. In recent years, in a context of widespread economic crisis, social problems have become more acute, as well as the vulnerabilities and risks involved. A large part of the population lives in economically and socially disadvantaged conditions. A large number of households live in unstable conditions, with precarious employment, atypical labor practices, with an income below the national minimum wage, depending on subsidies and the RSI (Social Integration Income). There are high rates of exclusion, both in the education system and in the labor market structural factors in the sustainable development of any community. Situations of social exclusion arise from a more or less advanced process of accumulation of various breakdowns: at work, habitat, family and, roughly, at the level of participation in the dominant modes of life, with the consequent internalization of identities devalued.
In. https://www.google.pt/search?q=bairro+do+cerco&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwivuNHH8PDXAhVCnRQKHavODLoQ_AUICigB&biw=1517&bih=735#imgrc=7yg KIrFU1nWDKM:
About school
In order to increase the educational success of the school community, with the intention of avoiding absenteeism and dropping out of school, in order to avoid indiscipline and promote inclusion, many projects take place at school. You can see here the name of some in English. For more information, use this link and learn some Portuguese. http://www.aecerco.pt/index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=42%3Aproj etos-e-atividades&Itemid=83&layout=default&limitstart=20
Erasmus + Step-by-Step Building the Future Cercool contest Inspiring Conversations Eco-Schools: "My class has more piles than yours" and "My class gives more covers than yours" Mathematical Olympiads Diploma Day Creativity and Innovation Award Contest "The Chemistry Award" REDEmat (Math contest) Representative of the Siege School Grouping in the National Mathematical Olympiad International Day of the Person with Disabilities