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Firm Overview

Fanning Howey is an integrated architecture, interiors, and engineering fi rm specializing in learning environments. We use the power of design to create smarter, happier learners, more successful educators and stronger communities. From our offi ces in Indiana and Ohio, we have designed K-12 and Higher Education learning environments throughout the midwest and across the country. Our team is devoted to fi nding ways to conceive and build inspirational places for teaching and learning.



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Design Approach

With the region’s most highly-experienced team for the design of smarter places for learning, we off er deep insights into multi-sports athletic complexes. Our design approach maximizes resources and fl exibility, while working within real-world constraints.

Multi-Sport Athletic Complex Design


Here are a few insights that will lead to a better athletic complex.

• Put your priorities fi rst. Maximize the school’s use of the facility before fully incorporating community events.

• Think operating costs. Don’t expect rentals to cover the cost for the operating budget.

• Plan for scheduling. Create a plan for who will schedule activities and evaluate requests to use the sports complex.

• Think long-term. Create a master plan that lets you fund items as money becomes available. Athletic coaches are famous for burning the midnight oil in an eff ort to fi nd a competitive advantage. They study fi lm, evaluate their team’s strengths and weaknesses and devise complex strategies – all in the name of being as informed as possible. Successfully designing a multi-sport athletic complex requires a similar level of preparation. Before you start a project, it is important to take the time and answer a few basic questions.


One of the most fundamental questions an owner must ask is, “How big do we want to be?” Many school districts expand outdoor athletic facilities with the goal of hosting sectional and regional playoff s, or even state championships. Before taking this approach, it is important to understand the requirements for hosting such events. Criteria will vary by sport and by state. However, they will generally involve the following elements: • total number of seats • type of playing surface • press box size • proximity of fan parking • lighting levels

During the planning process, it is important to be realistic about the potential to host large events. Though state and regional competitions can be lucrative, the cost of building a facility to the desired specifi cations can often be a challenge. The extra expense must be weighed against the potential short- and long-term benefi ts.

ABOVE | The Ziosnville Sports Complex supports a variety of athletic activities, including baseball, soccer and tennis.


While your largest draw may be the Friday night football game, it is crucial to consider the needs of all potential end users, including track and fi eld athletes, soccer players, the marching band and local residents.

Track and Field

When it comes to track and fi eld, be sure to consider the technical specifi cations and regulations governing these events. The placement and orientation of the track and the individual fi eld events will aff ect the playability and long-term maintenance of the facility. Using an in-fi ll synthetic fi eld inside the track allows for improved grading and drainage options, and makes it easier to meet the stringent guidelines for competitive tracks.

Soccer Teams

For soccer teams, it is important to provide as much playing surface as possible. Remember to keep enough clear space on the sidelines for corner kicks and throw-ins. Although a popular approach is to color the football end zone with intense graphics, this can impact a soccer goalie’s ability to see the ball near the net. If a stadium is truly intended to be a multi-sport complex, the facility should anticipate the needs of all users.

Marching Band

The marching band is an important, but sometimes overlooked, stakeholder. Consider proper placement of movable bleachers and the resulting impact on acoustics. Ease of access to and from the fi eld, as well as to adjacent staging areas, is another concern. When selecting a fi eld surface, keep in mind that in-fi ll synthetic turf can take the abuse of hundreds of marching feet. This allows the stadium to be used by the band for practice and competition.

Community Use

Last but not least, make sure facilities are properly lighted to allow community use. A new or upgraded stadium can be a premium venue for outside groups seeking to play sports, host fund raisers or simply walk the track.

“ What Fanning Howey designed for us in term of athletics is both economical and fl at out fi rst rate.”



Zionsville Community School

Zionsville, OH


While items like seat count and fi eld size often take center stage during the planning and design of a new stadium, smaller improvements also make a big impact. For example, including an in-fi ll synthetic turf system is one of the best investments you can make. In-fi ll turf fi elds reduce both maintenance costs and the rate of player injuries. Because of their extreme durability, in-fi ll synthetic turf fi elds also increase the number of event opportunities, which, in turn, increases revenue.

Parking, traffi c circulation and signage also greatly impact the fan experience. Make sure that parking is within a reasonable distance of the facility and that pedestrians have a safe route to the venue. Be sure to eliminate any traffi c bottlenecks near the stadium. When possible, provide large vehicular access to the locker facilities and fi eld. Imagine a band contest with buses and semi trucks fi lled with instruments and equipment from 10 diff erent schools. During events such as these, access to facilities is crucial.

Way-fi nding signage and restrooms are two important but sometimes overlooked components of a successful outdoor athletic facility. Way-fi nding signage should be placed along main traffi c corridors, to allow out-of-town visitors to easily fi nd the venue. Prominently-placed signage also demonstrates school pride. On site, be sure to provide appropriate restroom facilities. While you may only need the full complement of restrooms for fi ve or six large events a year, it is important to plan for these periods of maximum usage, either by allocating the necessary amount of restrooms or supplementing a smaller facility with portable units.


No matter what your goals, preparation is the key to success. Develop a plan that addresses the needs of all stakeholders, and you will have exceptional outdoor athletic facilities for years to come.

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