Are You Having Psoriasis

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Psoriasis comes from the Greek word psora, meaning fine bran like scaling. Psoriasis afflicts 1% 4% of the general population, and is a type of chronic skin condition where itchy scaly red or white flaky patches form on the scalp (in approximately 40% of cases), elbows, forearms, knees, groin, and legs or lower back. For many it is a condition that seems to "come and go," and may appear as a few spots or involve large areas. It is not contagious, either to other body parts or other people. It is characterised by thickening of the skin (epidermis) which reveals bleeding points upon removal of the scale. The cause of psoriasis is uncontrolled skin-cell growth, the rate at which skin cells divide in psoriasis is roughly 1,000 times greater than in normal skin. This is a condition that generally can tend to run in families. Some cases I have seen in the clinic are quite severe, and can be quite physically and emotionally traumatic for the person involved. In most cases however, psoriasis is confined to a few spots, and seems to affect many people on the sides or at the back of the head. Many patients visit natural therapists with psoriasis, and we are often the 'last port of call' when it comes to chronic conditions affecting the skin. Long-standing psoriasis patients often have been to a medical doctor or a skin specialist and have tried many creams, tar solutions, been prescribed pharmaceutical drugs and various other lotions and potions along the years. Most of these treatments are only of temporary use, and many patients I see have given up on conventional treatment and started to experiment and self-prescribe. Natural medicine does have a big role to play in helping alleviate the condition. Skin eruptions such as psoriasis, are generally curable to a large extent if the patient perseveres with their treatment long enough, however, skin irritants such as the sun, anxiety, stress, and various other triggers take their toll over time, and the person relapses again and again. This makes it harder to stick with a treatment plan. It can significantly help sufferers if they can identify their individual triggers, to eat a more 'psoriasis-friendly' diet, and to learn about the effects of stress and nervous tension on psoriasis. Psoriasis is a stubborn and difficult condition to treat, both from a practitioner's as well as patient's perspective. Successful treatment requires patience, diligence and long-term treatments with detoxification to observe any true lasting benefits. I have found that there are many potential causes of psoriasis, and several underlying factors may trigger skin flare-ups, including the following. Poor protein digestion and bowel toxemia: One major theory relating to the cause of psoriasis proposes that psoriasis occurs when the liver is functioning poorly, in which case endotoxins (wastes from within the body) enter the bloodstream. The build up of endotoxins, along with poor bowel flora (too many bad bugs, not enough good

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