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Did you know there is a free tool that could be helping you promote your music and you are probably not making full use of it? That tool is the Facebook fan page. Offering a wide variety of add-ons, the Facebook fan page makes it easy to stay in touch with your current fans and build an even larger fan base. Facebook itself connects 250 MILLION people around the world in a huge social network. 100 Million of these people are also using Facebook mobile on their phones and other wireless devices. If you have a mere 1% success rate, you could build 2.5 MILLION fans almost overnight. How many fans do you have now? I bet most of us could fairly say less that 10,000... What could 2.5 million fans do for your career? One of our team members, Larry Ray, recently put together a Facebook fan page for the MusicBizCenter Blog so I asked him a few questions about the process to see if he had any pointers that could help the rest of us with our own music promotion on Facebook. He had some good answers and I think they will prove very useful to our readers. How Do You Make A Facebook Fan Page? Start off by visiting Facebook Pages and click the link to create a page, tick the third button where it says Artist, Band,or Public Figure, enter your desired page name and choose the Create Official Page option. This will then create and open your page for editing. This is the basic page. This is just a starting point, however. You need to upload a main picture. Resize it to 200 x 200 pixels to make sure it appears properly. Then fill in your bands information, including the year you formed, your bands website and any other crucial information. Once this is done, you have the bare essentials of a Facebook fan page for your band. So We Have The Fan Page. We Can Stop There? Well, you could; if you don't want to really promote your band. To truly be effective in using a Facebook fan page for promotion, you need to take things further and add in some functionality and flair for your fans. Visit the Facebook Apps Directory at http://www.facebook.com/apps/directory.php to find some awesome add-ons for your Facebook fan pages. One of the most crucial things you can add to your Facebook fan page is an RSS feed. If you keep your website regularly updated, you can syndicate the RSS feed from your website directly to your Facebook fan page and make all of your posts appear directly on your fan page wall. There are several good apps to accomplish this task so just pick one that you like. Larry Ray recommends the one called NetworkedBlogs because it also adds your blog to a searchable directory, making it