==== ==== If you are looking for more information about bed bugs, check this site www.reviewsandadvices.com/bedbugs ==== ==== Pests have always been part of the major problems or concerns that affect the industries of agriculture and production.
Along with it, when pests proliferate, diseases follow, so health agencies and organizations come in.
Through the years, mankind has developed different and potent equipment and chemicals to control pests. History and current pest standing will then judge if those efforts have been effective, or if they have gone to the brink of futility.
Bed bugs
Bed bugs are one among those pests that affect households. They may not affect plants, but did you know that bed bugs can prey on poultries and birds?
Yes, scientists believe that ancient bed bugs used to prey solely on birds. Maybe, centuries or millenniums ago, bed bugs did not like blood of people. All they sucked was birds" and poultries" blood.
But now, bed bugs thrive not just in bird nests but also in people's "nests." It is believed that in developed countries, five out of ten apartments have bed bugs in it. In the developing countries, the figure can be worse.
It can be because third world countries may not have enough budget to be allocated to the control of bed bugs. Or it can be that because governments in third countries do not spend much on education about the particular pest.