Effective Stain Removal Tips

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The loads and loads of toxins and chemicals contained in cleaning products we use on a daily or almost daily basis, not only have an extremely negative effect on our health or that of our family but also the well-being of our environment. This is the reason why stain removal tips are of such immense importance, especially unbelievably effective stain removal tips. It's unbelievably easy to get and maintain cleanliness and sanitation in your home without the use of an arsenal of products filled with dangerous chemicals. Caution! The use of cleaning materials with some very toxic solvents can be dangerous. These solvents include but are definitely not limited to Carbon tetrachloride and trichloroethylene. It's recommended that these solutions never be used in your home. Blood Stains- Personal experience has taught me that nothing works better for blood stain removal from clothing that a liquid known as "Tide". Place stained garment in a bucket of water with a good dash of Tide. Leave to soak for at least a couple of hours and see the blood disappear. Prevent yellowing- Yellow stain prevention is not only cheap and safe but also environmentally friendly! All you need to do is invest in Borax powder. Sprinkle a couple of tablespoons full in every load of light colored laundry along with your normal laundry washing powder. Ink stains are considered the number one type of stain we get on clothing and are also categorized among the most stubborn to get rid of effectively. Like almost all the other stains mentioned here, ink can be removed with three all natural items available in your kitchen, namely salt, baking soda or lemon juice.

A lot of research has been done about stain removal tips so that you don't have to make an effort. Check them out!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Yair_Livenman

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