Health Benefits of Fish Oils Cannot Be Ignored

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Are the health benefits of fish oil with DHA and EPA the health miracle of this century? It certainly looks that way. There's valid study after valid study showing numerous health benefits from diets that that are high in the right kind and amount of omega 3 fatty acids. Choosing Your Omega 3 Fatty Acid Source Sources for omega 3 fatty acids include fish oil and oils from certain plants and nuts. For example, oils from some nuts, such as walnuts, some plants, such as flax, borage, perilla and primrose, and some vegetable oils, such as canola, soybean, and olive oil contain high quantities of the omega 3 fatty acid ALA (alpha-linolenic acid). But these sources are either totally lacking or contain only miniscule amounts of the miraculous DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) fatty acids. And the oil from cold water fish, such as salmon, albacore tuna, rainbow trout, mackerel, sardines and anchovies, are the only naturally high available sources of these vitally important omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids. Salmon is nature's richest source. Research Proven Health Benefits of Fish Oil Evidence from numerous scientific studies shows it's the DHA and EPA in cold water fish and high quality fish oil supplements that offers all of the following health benefits. Heart Disease Prevention - Large population studies report a significantly lower rate of heart disease death for people who regularly eat fish. Fish oil supplements are also associated with improved blood vessel function and a decreased resting heart rate. Reduces Triglycerides for Heart Health - There's also strong scientific evidence from human trials that omega 3 DHA and EPA fatty acids from cold water fish and fish oil supplements significantly reduce blood triglyceride levels. Improves HDL (good cholesterol) - Fish oil supplements have been shown to increase and help balance high-density lipoprotein levels (HDL - good cholesterol). Lowers High Blood Pressure - Multiple human trials strongly suggest that omega 3 DHA and EPA can also reduce blood pressure for better heart health.

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