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A sippy cup is training cup with a lid and spout, used to train babies in drinking water. The design of the cup was created by Richard Belanger in 1981 and sold to Playtex. The company launched some of the earliest designs of Sippy Cups. Even today the original design is marketed under the brand name Sipster. The cups are generally used by parents to transition from bottle-feeding or nursing to a regular cup. The cup's design of snap-on lid and a spout allows the child to drink without spilling. Using the cup helps in improving the hand to mouth coordination. Once the baby gets comfortable with the cup, the spout is removed to train them in drinking in a normal way. Generally parents decide on the time to introduce cups to train a baby. Some parents start as early as 5 to 6 months while many wait till 7 to 9 months. There are many parents who introduce the cups well after the baby's first birthday. Playtex sippy cups are readily available at all the departmental and baby stores. The cups are available in different colors and patterns. They have a unique valve system that regulates the flow of liquids and prevents most of the leaks. The cups are of best quality and their brand takes up the majority share in the market. Playtex has licensed the valve system used in these cups. The valves form a strong seal when the child is not drinking and at the same time it is supple enough to be used by very young babies. 6 months old children too can easily drink from these cups. The cup's design of tapered base forms an easy grip to hold. Another unique feature of the cup is its insulation. Drinks stay cold for a long time. The only drawback that some people may find with Playtex cups are expensive than other brands in the market.
If you need more information, please read my latest articles about playtex breast pump and playtex sippy cups.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_M_Van
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