What Food to Feed Pet Turtles

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Meal times can be fun for both you and your pet turtle as they enjoy gnawing at their food. Turtles make for great pets for animal lovers of all ages. And that's the reason why you want to go all out of your way to provide them with the best possible care that fundamentally involves knowing the type or species of your pet turtle so that you can administer a healthy and well balanced diet accordingly. Knowing when and what to give them is quite essential to ensure the longevity and robust health for your pet turtle. Knowing what and how to feed your pet is not a long and arduous task and mostly involves a basic observation of your pet's eating patterns and preferences initially. Once you have mastered those skills flawlessly, your pet turtle can peacefully enjoy a long life span, a disease free health and a contended lifestyle. Most turtles eat both meat and vegetables, thus falling under the omnivore genre, so a balanced diet with an equally included combination of both would be a wholesome diet for your turtle. Some species like tortoises are vegetable lovers and enjoy gnawing at grass and plants, whereas some of them are scavengers feeding on insects and even other sea creatures. Hence a fair knowledge of what bracket your pet turtle fits will enable you to decipher what you must feed your pet turtle with. Commercial food can be included in their diet, though not largely since turtles willingly relish vegetables and meat, however it needs to be finely chopped and well apportioned. Feeding your pet turtle at a time when they are willing to take food can be gauged within the first few days of their arrival and this knowledge will enable you to not supply food that they will not eat. Uneaten food leads to contamination of the tanks making the environment filthy and smelly. Hence a clear comprehension of when and what to feed your turtle can virtually eradicate contamination. In addition they must be regularly provided with fresh drinking water served in a separate container. Turtle food facts are guidelines of how to feed your pet turtle with a well balanced and healthy diet, however variations are always welcome. Further you know your pet's eating habits. They may eat only vegetables and can be entirely contended with it. As a pet owner, you may never really know unless you try and expose them to other food varieties, though it must be serves in proportion and with precaution. If you notice that your turtle is growing lethargic and having cloudy skin patches or milky eyes, it could be due to poor nutrition or a disease. Both aquatic and terrestrial turtles have similar feeding habits, although aquatic turtles tend to eat more meat whereas terrestrial turtles have an affinity for vegetables. Older turtles eat less meat, so special care must be taken to not over feed them with excess protein rich food. As far as vegetation is considered, turtles feed on berries, alfalfa, cabbage and lettuce. Turtles are an exotic and fascinating group of pets whose presence in the house can be a delightful experience. Hence, to keep any infections and dangers to their health off

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