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Deciding what you will be using your in-car GPS unit for will play a major role in determining what is the best GPS for your money. The surge in models and brands over the past couple of years has actually made purchasing more difficult, not less. Your budget, and the functions GPS needs to perform for you will determine the system you need to buy. Today, I'm going to take a look at some of the more important attributes of a GPS, and try to help you determine what is the 'best GPS for the money'. Satellite Acquisition All GPS units find satellites. Some find them more quickly than others. The major brands like TomTom and Garmin are very reliable in locating, and relocating satellites. Some models have been known to lose signals quite easily, which of course results in you losing time, especially if you're in the middle of the city. Street Names and The Spoken Word I still find it amazing how these things work. You can be in the middle of nowhere, or in the centre of a major city and the GPS calls out those directions accurately (most of the time). It really is a great asset to your driving experience and makes the whole 'driving in an unfamiliar town' experience far less stressful. The 'best GPS for the money' will provide accurate, timely use of street names to get you to your destination quickly and safely. User Friendly - Ease of Use The modern GPS systems are designed to be used by all but the most technologically challenged user. They are very self explanatory and don't require too much menu surfing to point you in the right direction. Some are easier than others, and the Best GPS for the Money will be easy to use, but advanced enough to provide the features that you need. For many, any easy interface for updating software and adding additional voices to their GPS system is important. So if you are looking to get the on the market which provide entertainment for the whole family. Plenty of Useful Features Depending on what you will use your GPS for, and how often, will determine the features you need. Simple is good. I really like the ability of my TomTom GPS to be able to download points of interest directly from Google Maps. This was useful for a recent visit to Scotland and a feature I really liked. Security and Portability