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Is there such a thing as the best gps? All buyers would like to have only the best. Then again the term can be a little too general. What exactly makes a gps unit the best? If you base the answer only on the opinion of users, you will never arrive at one common general answer. Find out what's best for you on your own. Here's how. Find Out What's Out There The first real step to find the best gps unit is to research. You'll never really know what the best is until you know what current gps devices carry. All you have to do is to use a typical search engine. You'll find a lot of product pages with product details that you can look into. What your search will yield can be a bit surprising. Although gps devices are primarily meant to assist in navigation, different models now also carry an outstanding array of features. Yo can have a gps device with voice navigation, international maps, media players, waterproof shield, heavy duty batteries and locators. Every year, more and more units are coming out with even more features. Look for What You Need Full featured gps devices can cost as much as $2000. If you are on a tight budget though, you will definitely not be able to afford such an expense. A gps unit that will bleed your pockets dry is definitely not the best for you. The best way to find a unit that is truly the best for you in terms of budget is to list down what you truly need from a gps device. For a lot of people the best unit is simply that which can provide the right directions. A good cheap model will only cost you $200. Look for What You Want You can afford to be choosier if you do not have a budget to keep. If you can afford expensive devices, then the best gps for you might be the one that carries every feature you can ever imagine. Those who have a little extra to spare would typically opt for units that have entertainment features. Ease of Use Users will always disagree when it comes to gps features. Some will prefer a particular model only because it has this or that feature. Nearly everyone agrees though that the best devices are those that aren't difficult to use. A gps device should be user friendly regardless of its price or number of features.