S t a r seeds S t a r Seeds

chapter one chapter one
Moments ago, Before I left for my journey into the future-present, I received a message in a droplet from the Crystal Sigil. it gave me a glimpse of the unfolding entanglements of all Quantas in time.

in the cold resplendence of the expanding cosmos.
A Chronon, a quantum mediator of time, flows through space.

They create the cyclical movement of all celestial bodies.
They resonate within all inner and outer elements, seen and unseen.
All elements of the known universe are entities known as Quantas.
We are all Quantas, we interact with each other at the subatomic level to co-create the vastness of this dimension that is space-time.

it is the language of the spatial relationships of matter, energy, particles, waves.
All matter and energy are in constant movement.

Atoms, cold dark matter, and dark energy dance in a ritualistic entanglement of its chaos.
Space-time is not a fixed interval, it is not a free-flowing continuous line.
We all move through it.
A quanta approaches the chronon.
in a flurry of color…

Electrons and protons are energized.
the particles create a counter-rotating energy field; a tetrahedron.
The quantas decays into four particles
The Chronon gives a seed to the four particles, encased in a quantum cocoon of probabilities.
Without hesitation,

all respond in a ceremonial dance.
The tetrahedron is given to the chronon with devotion.
the seed is received with jubilee.
they take the seed into their entanglement.
The particles swoosh away the seed.

the tetrahedron is the symmetry and balance of all physical and non-physical.
it is a key to open a gateway for many possibilities that lie within all matter.
Unlocking probabilities in space and time.

Absorption is decay. it is a change of state and releases radiated energy.
All particles unfold as they interact with each other, creating an evolving space-time.