www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
New Year’s Elegant Read To Boost Your Entrepreneurial Fervour… The New Year is here and everybody is talking about their resolutions- expressing how they wish to ensure a significant mark in their lives this year. Many are inspired by the entrepreneurial stories of the past year that propelled people to evoke the entrepreneurial spirits within them. Showcasing hope, resilience and ambition, Business Connect has also come up with a special publication that converges on sagas of success airing across the education industry. So, wishing our adored readers best wishes for the year 2022, we have come up with a specially curated edition- Topmost Educational Institutions to Watch in India. With great fervour and joy in the air, we have multiple reasons to rejoice. One is- our ceaseless quest to improve the magazine standards led us to make some major changes in this new edition to make justice to the new year’s vehemence. We have tried our level best to contribute heavily to the excitement of the new beginnings where our efforts will make a huge difference in the lives of our readers. And all the specially formulated stories in this exemplary issue will prove this most effectively. In an attempt to start the New Year fervour with a phenomenal story, we have brought the success story of the MD & CEO of Kalorex group, Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff. She is a well-recognized edupreneur, Vlogger and achiever who happens to be a role model for many people across the globe. Striving to inspire the educational space with the strong foundational pillars, she has played an instrumental role in founding and managing several premier schools in India. The leading lady is immensely dedicated to ensuring ‘Education for all’ and her educational institutions cater to the needs of different segments of the society- be it the elite section or the economically weaker section. Also, we avidly believe that this exclusive read will prove to be invaluable content giving wings to chase your aspirations concerning any objective. Last but not least, India witnesses a sharp rise in the number of covid-19 cases in the past two weeks that has sparked fear among the commonalities. As the new variant poses the threat of a third wave of pandemic across the nation, we must avoid the callous attitude and take the covid preventive measures into serious consideration to avoid the surge of cases. With that being said, I bid you all adieu by wishing you a joyous, peaceful and ‘safe’ new year!
Kajal Dobhal kajal@businessconnectindia.in
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
Vol - 4|Special Edition|January 2022 Publisher & Editor : Abhishek Kumar Dubey Editorial Team Indranil Roy | Kajal Dobhal | Sugandh Bahl | Smita Kumar | Gulshan Parveen Dr. Amit Mishra | Avishek Singh | Kriti Anand | Sanjay Maurya
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Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff MD & Chief Executive Officer Kalorex Group
SHROFFism Pave the path to holistic well-being
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AISSMS College of Engineering
Dispersion Of Education Through The Vision of A Triumphant Millennial
Success Story
Chate Public School
Dynamic World Education Community
Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance
Rathnavel Subramaniam College of Arts And Science
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Topmost Educational
Institutes To Watch In India 2022
The MD & CEO of Kalorex group, Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff is an edupreneur, Vlogger and achiever of her own kind who inspires many. Being inspired by the foundational pillars of education and the strong roots of entrepreneurship, she has been instrumental in founding and managing several premier schools in India. Dr. Shroff is passionate about ‘Education for all’ and her schools cater to the different segments of the society ranging from the elite section to economically weaker section.
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
ALO EX Shaping Glocal Learners
Pave the path to holistic well-being Kajal Dobhal | Business Connect
SHROFFism is propounded by Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff as a way of life that promotes “overall well-being” under the tenets of Mental, Physical and Spiritual well-being. For most people well-being resonates with physical fitness or financial wellness but in actuality wellbeing is not just lack of illness and a good bank balance but a state of contentment and satisfaction with your life. A sense of purpose and the ability to manage the day to day stresses of life while achieving life goals is essential to well-being. Overall well-being is a holistic approach. Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff who personifies grace and youth, is time and again asked about her secret to staying young. SHROFFism was conceptualised; to provide an insight into the habits and practises that have helped keep her youthful and healthy. To the question of why well-being is important, Dr. Shroff says that while well-being
seems to be a commonly used term these days, very few people understand what exactly it is and more importantly how to achieve it. More so well-being is a subjective concept and may vary from person to person but at the heart of well-being is finding fulfilment and meaning in life. While one photographer may find meaning in photographing the pain of a war torn place, bringing it to the world, helping in creating awareness and organising charity for the suffering people another photographer may find meaning in clicking celebrity pictures, selling it for huge amounts of money and creating riches for his family. Both are pursuing well-being in their own way. Basically every individual looks at well-being from the spec of their values, perceptions, past experiences and aspirations. Research has shown that a greater sense of well-being boosts our mental, physical and spiritual health and helps us to be the best versions of ourselves.
Age is just a number if your mind, body and spirit are agile. In fact, with age we acquire a better wisdom to live life fully. Says Dr. Shroff
MD & Chief Executive Officer
Kalorex Group
MD & Chief Executive Officer
Kalorex Group
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
Dr. Shroff suggests some activities like practicing gratitude, prayer, me time activities and more for calming our mind in the chaos called world. After all its only a calm mind that sends positive messages to our body to enhance physical well-being. A great mental health makes an individual cope up with the normal stresses of life easily and helps realise their full potential. Mental well-being includes our psychological, emotional and social well-being. Psychological well-being is a core aspect of overall wellbeing. It is linked to longevity, better physical health, better relationships and effectiveness in individual and social life. Psychological well-being is about living life well. It is a combination of feeling good and being effective. Feeling good comes from happiness and happiness can be defined in different ways. Psychology categorises happiness into hedonic and eudaimonic. Hedonic happiness, proposed by Greek philosopher, Aristippus, comes from pleasure and enjoyment and eudaimonic happiness proposed by another Greek philosopher Aristotle, comes from meaning and purpose. Most of the researchers in psychology believe that both happiness and finding purpose in life are important to maximize well-being.
MENTAL WELL-BEING Earlier in a traditional sense, physical health and longevity were considered the most important measure of well-being by people in general. Over a period of time it was realised that the body and mind are interconnected. In fact, Dr. Shroff feels that a healthy mind is a precursor to a healthy body. Hence, the first tenet of SHROFFism is mental wellbeing. Our thoughts, feelings, emotions and attitudes can impact our physiological functioning. In other words, our mind can affect how healthy we physically are! We all have heard of headache, upset stomach, shortness of breath, insomnia and many such health issues caused by stress and anxiety. Today, the modern medical science more specifically the field of Psychology, is doing a lot of work in the field of bodymind connection and have found that certain diseases that fall in the “psychosomatic category” clearly have a body-mind connection.
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
Emotional well-being primarily focuses on the ability to manage and express our emotions in an age appropriate way. It is our emotional health that ensures that we are in control of our thoughts, feelings and behaviour and are able to adapt or bounce back in case of stressful and adverse situations. Being emotionally healthy means that you know that you can’t be happy all the times and you are aware of your negative emotions and have the ability to deal with them. A healthy mind is a determinant of social well-being also. A happy and healthy mind leads to positive interaction with people which in turn leads to healthy relationships. A healthy relationship with people around us can be very gratifying as a human being seeks fulfilment from its associations. These associations can be individual or towards our society. So, developing, sustaining and sharing good relationships with others creates a sense of belonging and connectedness which makes us feel valued and brings a kind of joy that adds immensely to our well-being.
PHYSICAL WELL-BEING Physical well-being is the second tenet of SHROFFism and is important because a healthy body is the abode of a healthy mind and spirit. Physical well-being is not just physical fitness; it is inclusive of lifestyle choices to ensure health, avoid preventable diseases and live in a balanced state. To achieve optimal physical well-being, we need to eat right, exercise regularly and get a good sleep. While Dr. Shroff is a firm believer of eating right kind of food towards achieving a good health, at the same time she feels that in today’s time where we do not eat a balanced diet all the time, our bodies start suffering from nutritional deficiencies. Even the food that we eat; thanks to the modern methods of farming, use of chemicals, depletion of natural minerals from soil attributed to over farming; lacks sufficient nutrition. Given that it is advisable to take supplements along with a healthy diet to achieve optimal health. Our physical body is a perfect machinery created by the creator and like any machinery, the body parts run smoothly if used (exercised) regularly. The unused/less used body parts tend to rust and we know what rust does to a machine part!! Our body has its innate intelligence and it gives you signals in case of distress and you have to be aligned to understand it. To keep this perfect piece of machinery working well, we need to exercise our body regularly. Physical Fitness is about building cardiovascular endurance, strength, flexibility and a healthy weight. Each aspect is important and we need to work with different forms of exercise to achieve all the elements mentioned above. Dr. Shroff personally keeps experimenting with various forms of workouts like Aerial Yoga, Pranayama, Cycling, Kick Boxing, Pilates and many more. It makes exercising fun. Sleep is another important aspect of good physical health. Many people are of the opinion that the time spent in sleeping is a time wasted but they miss out on the fact that it is the time that our body needs to heal and repair itself. An internal body clock regulates our sleep cycle and a healthy body has a definite sleep cycle. This sleep cycle if disturbed for a significant period of time can lead to major health issues. Unfortunately, the modern lifestyle, the demands of modern life and work deadlines sees a lot of people tossing, turning because of stress and waking up sleep deprived. It’s important for us to follow certain habits and if required techniques to sleep well. Exercise and yoga help us sleep better.
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
The third tenet of SHROFFism is Spiritual well-being. In today’s world of long to-do lists, our minds are constantly occupied with thoughts and responsibilities. There is hardly any down time and our necessary or not so necessary material pursuits can cause us to lose the perspective of what we are passionate about and what we really want from life. Most of the time, we end up racing on a track where there is no visible finishing line. This may lead to desperation, hopelessness and loss of spirit. How do we come out of this situation and become optimistic towards our life again? It leads us in search of something deeper. Spiritual well-being is a very broad concept that essentially revolves around our search for deeper meaning in life. The spirit is our essence, our being. When we get in touch with our essence or being, we are able to find a very different kind of fulfilment which is beyond any physical gratification. Spirituality may mean different things for different people. Some people follow religion, others may follow an art form yet some others may follow path of service and some more... Spiritual well-being means, you identify with your life’s purpose, have a connect with the divine energy, have a relationship with community, environment and culture and are committed to life’s purpose, your value and faith.
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
Research shows that there is a connection between our beliefs and sense of well-being. Positive beliefs, feelings of empathy, compassion, love and gratitude gives us a strength that seems to affect our body, mind and spirit positively. Strength gained from any form of spiritual practice has shown miracles in case of severe illnesses as well. To improve our well-being let’s take a note of certain age old practices and some new spiritual practices. The ultimate goal being peace and tranquillity from your spiritual practice.
So, the whole idea is to slow down, reflect, re-energize and go back to the purpose of your life.
Dr. Shroff practices many such ways of re-energizing and rejuvenating that she also shares in her SHROFFIsm talks. Ultimately by balancing our Mental, Physical and Spiritual wellbeing, we take care of our overall well-being and are blissful individuals.
Reading and reflection, is an age old practice where people get together or individually read a religious book and reflect on the verses. The act of contemplating the meaning and the divine connection gives a new meaning to life and helps us in getting into a positive frame of mind. Prayer is another age old way of connecting to the divine. Prayer can be ritualistic or informal, each has their own way but it has a calming effect on us as it is based on trust in God that he is looking upon us. A modern practice often recommended as a spiritual well-being activity is Journaling. Journaling can reduce your anxiety by helping you vent your emotions, it helps you in mindfully regulating your emotions and helps you overcome brooding of a bad event. It has tremendous health benefits, as it helps you in opening up your emotion and can be considered almost therapeutic.
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SS E C SUCor y St
LESSON FROM Kylie Jenner’s Success Story
Kylie Jenner has authoritatively become the most youthful individual to arrive at a very rich person status, there’s been no deficiency of individuals “getting down on her” about web-based life for her not exactly humble beginnings.
SS E C SUCor y St
We should make one thing clear as it so happens. That sort of conduct is terrible. At whatever point anybody makes any small amount of progress, there will consistently be twelve others disclosing to them that they don’t merit it.
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
WE SHOULD DO SOME MATH Kylie was worth roughly $5 million of every 2015 when she turned 18. In almost a long time from that point forward, her total assets have soared to $1 billion, making her the most youthful extremely rich person on the planet. That is a 19,900% percent expansion. That would resemble having $10k today and transforming it into $2 million by 2023. All right, so your next analysis is most likely that that Kylie originated from a rich family, that she had focal points that all of us could just dream about. On the off chance that that is the situation, for what reason isn’t each Kardashian/ Jenner worth $1 billion? The following top worker in the family is Kim, who is worth around $350 million, the path not exactly 50% of what Kylie’s worth in spite of being the impetus for Kardashian distinction. Kendall, the kin nearest the Kylie in age who teamed up with her on many brand bargains, is just worth $30 million. The most youthful individual from the family makes more than every one of her sisters consolidated. How Kylie become a very rich person? It was by a progression of savvy business choices that utilized developing patterns and advances to make her realm into what it is today. HOW KYLIE MADE HER MONEY The Kardashian faction made their presentation in 2007 with Keeping Up with the Kardashians. Aficionados of the show were in a split second enchanted by the family’s sumptuous way of life, delicious dramatization, and sweet family minutes. Kylie was 9 years of age when the show debuted, and in spite of the fact that she didn’t show up regularly in the show’s initial years, she fired taking up increasingly more of the spotlight as she became more established. By 2014, she was making a detailed $500,000 per scene. That is a great deal of cash, yet it’s not even close to $1 billion. That is the thing that her faultfinders neglect to recognize. Kylie didn’t simply show up on her family’s network program, working up dramatization swinging on
stripper shafts or absently looking on her telephone. She’s been hustling since she was an adolescent. At age 11, Kylie made 100,000 on an underwriting bargain for Kardashianthemed nail shines. From that point forward, she’s displayed and embraced endless brands like Puma and Topshop. She additionally worked together with top apparel brands to make their own style and magnificence assortment called “Kendall + Kylie.”
Also, perhaps that is the reason individuals are so threatened by Kylie’s prosperity. This is on the grounds that they understand that their own reasons are all B.S. You needn’t bother with a director or a PR individual to assist you with getting your foot in the entryway. It’s everything on you. In the event that you come up short, this is a direct result of something you did, not on the grounds that you didn’t have the chance.
Kylie’s endeavored to construct an after and a brand that most computerized advertisers can just dream about. She has direct access to more than 128 million individuals’ Instagram takes care of, and endless individuals set out to duplicate her tasteful decisions — from her body-cognizant design style to her out of control hair hues to even her broadly plumped lips. Her life is her image.
Does having a renowned family help? Correct. Is it essential for progress? Not under any condition. Your life is what you think about it. Presently, like never before, there is an open door for any individual who needs it to get their cut of the pie.
That is the eventual fate of expert life. Individual marking through online life is everything.
Thus, in case you’re one of those console warriors whimpering about Kylie’s “benefit” and never helping to promote your own prosperity, it’s an ideal opportunity to get genuine about what’s truly keeping you down.
In her meeting with Forbes, Kylie recognized the enormous job that online life has had in her prosperity. Social media life is a level playing field. Dislike the film or music industry where you have to have associations or sit tight for another person to give you a possibility. There’s no guardian revealing to you that you can’t pursue your opportunity at fame. Social media life has given every one of us a once in a blue moon opportunity to develop our own brands and show them to the world.
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
Topmost Educational
Institutes To Watch In India 2022
An acme of Knowledge and Innovation Indranil Roy | Business Connect The All India Shri Shivaji Memorial Society’s College of Engineering, Pune, popularly known as AISSMS COE, is a highly recognized institution accredited, with an A+ grade by NAAC (3.27 CGPA) in the first cycle, approved by AICTE and extensively endorsed, by the Govt. Of Maharashtra.
Dr. D S Bormane (Principal)
the society has fanned out and successfully established multiple educational institutes, which offer education ranging from preprimary level to post-graduation with PhD.
The College is a self-financing foundation, affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU), Pune. AISSMS College of Engineering’s guiding motivation - “Service to the society through quality education”.
AISSMS College of Engineering is led by Dr Dattatraya Shankarrao Bormane – an eminent academician, standing with a demonstrated history of – 3 decades in the professional space, which includes 15 years in Principal’s position. He has attained a trove of landmarks and his contributions, have been significantly valuable for the Institute.
The College is envisioned to offer excellent education and stands as a vital knowledge centre for the best talents across the Country. Functioning over - 2 decades, the Institute has established expertise, in providing technical education - through AICTE approved courses including Bachelor of Engineering (BE) in 8 engineering streams and Master of Engineering (ME) in 7 engineering streams. Its campus is spread over 11 acres and accommodates large playgrounds for sports competitions, parades and events.
INDUSTRY-IDEATED SYLLABUS The institute offers a curriculum designed by SPPU, Pune, which has a policy of revising syllabus after every five years, to stay parallel to the industrial transitions. The faculty members contribute to design and develop curriculum at various levels such as BOS, Academic Council, subject chairman etc. for syllabus revision. The meticulous approach cover contents beyond the syllabus, identify the gaps in the curriculum and bridges them through other innovative teaching methods. Lastly, the institute promotes a series of self-study projects - NPTEL, SWAYAM, etc. and industrial internships to give students exposure to emerging innovations.
GOVERNED BY A FERVID LEADER AISSMS College of Engineering was founded, in 1992 in the heart of Pune, by the social reformer, education protagonist and great visionary Late HH Shrimant Shri Shahu Chhatrapati Maharaj of Kolhapur, whose vision was to provide quality education to everyone. The Society today is spearheaded by Shri Chhatrapati Malojiraje who is relaying the vision of “Service to Society through quality education” forward. Under his able leadership, www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
AN ACADEMIA OF OVERALL DEVELOPMENT AISSMS College of Engineering is a ground zero of holistic development covering aspects like technical, social, cultural sports, industrial exposure, hands-on-training, innovations and much more. The Institute has student chapters covering niche areas like Automotive, Aeromodelling, Refrigeration & Air conditioning, Solar energy, TRIZ etc. Their learning process is driven, by aligned activities such as expert lectures, industrial visits, workshops and seminars on advanced topics, which improves practical knowledge of the students. Also, various training sessions are conducted for career guidance and fostering entrepreneurial aspirations. The college has a National Service Scheme Department, that focuses on upskilling student’s personality, through community service.
Various events are conducted under this program, like ‘Atmanirbharata’, a COVID-19 Start-up initiative that followed with a webinar series, for the same. Moreover, students got the opportunity to visit the Startup Festival at COEP and meet with Mr Vijay Talele (CEO), COEP’s Bhau Institute of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Leadership, Pune. Other events like Ideathon, Smart India Hackathon, National Innovation Contest, etc. are conducted, by this cell; many more are planned, for the near future.
At the same time, the college offers a prolific space for extracurricular activities, helping students achieve finesse in their talents. ‘Engineering Today’, is an Annual National Technical meet conducted, to acknowledge and empower their skills with national and international level competitions like SAE-BAJA, SUPRA, EFFICYCLE, AERO DESIGN, Robot & Drone designing and making. ‘Shivanjali’, is a Social Gathering and Excellence Award Ceremony organized every year, to accolade students, achieving excellence in academic, co-curricular, cultural and sports activities. ‘Ashwamedh’, is another social blend of sports and cultural competitions, where students from other colleges meet & participate.
A COMMITTED WORK CULTURE ‘Cohesive’, ‘Welcoming’, and ‘Supportive’ – are the three qualities that signify the institution’s work culture and attributes its futuristically visualized vision and missions. The collaboration fosters participative management and plays a significant role in the evolutionary reforms to elevate the Institute in preference of stakeholders.
The program has been significantly rewarding for the college. Two of their students have attained Rank 1, in the ANVESHAN 2020 in West Zone Engineering and Technology category among participating Universities of Rajasthan, Gujarat and Goa.
On the other hand, faculties receive benefits, like sponsorship for higher studies and are encouraged to attend/organize workshops, conferences, skill development programs, seminars, projects, consultancies and to publish research papers. The Institute has a genius appraisal system that also tests the fitness for promotion of faculty and staffs. Their unified work culture - helped them bounce back amid the COVID terror and all curriculums were covered, in the best possible manner.
The institute also provides excelling opportunities for students interested in sports. Inter-collegiate activities, like Chhatrapati Shivaji cricket trophy and Chhatrapati Shahu football trophy, are organized every year to empower student’s enthusiasm. All of these activities are effectively sponsored and coordinated by students; active engagement ensures the complete development of each learner.
A COLOSSAL INVENTORY OF LAURELS AISSMS College of Engineering has received a pethora of accolades for building talented professionals from students. The Institute ranks 1st in Pune region, 3rd in Maharashtra and 69th in India.
R&D - AN INTEGRAL PILLAR Research & Development is the nucleus of all activities at AISSMS College of Engineering. Each Dept. holds R&D at its forefront and works on creative projects from the industrial space, giving faculty and students a deeper understanding of technological principles and implementations in real life. Having leading expertise in R&D, keeps them updated with societal needs and to address them, the institution leverages on its R&D projects like Sewage Treatment Plant, waste bio-generation plant etc. Their EDS equipment for water management is one major project, highly endorsed by VESBE, Hennef, Germany.
It stands proud to have produced 645 University Rankers, 21 Gold Medalists to date and 180 Rankers over the last 5 years. The College has its Virtual Lab Nodal Centre, for emphasising online practical education. UGC has approved them, as a mentor under “Paramarsh” scheme and its accredited, by TCS and holds Green campus certification as well. The Institute has won the ‘Best Professional College Award 2019-20, under Urban Area’, from SPPU. They are winners of ‘Hackathon 2019 Hardware Edition’ held at IIT Hyderabad. They have been awarded the IE(I) chapter of Best Students (six awards in the last seven years) and the CSI awards for Best Student chapter (three awards in the last five years). Zee Marathi Disha awarded them with the ‘2nd State-Level Award’ in its annual magazine ‘Hrudayam’ in 2017-18. The Institute is ranked - 7th in West Zone, by Times India Survey 2020.
Contrarily, the analytical approach keeps them abreast of the changing technology and requirements of industry. The institute conducts workshops Innovation, Entrepreneurship, Automobiles, IoT, Robotics, Drones etc. are being attended by Academia, Industry, Research organizations from across the world, giving everyone a picture of the dynamic evolutions. ‘STARTUP AND INNOVATION CELL’ – THE CROWNING JEWEL AISSMS College of Engineering’s Startup Incubation Program is a golden opportunity, for any prospective entrepreneur willing to shape business ideas through guidance and mentoring. Established in association with MHRD, AICTE and Startup & innovation cell, SPPU Pune, the program focuses on building world-class incubation facilities with state-of-theart infrastructure. Furthermore, it endorses business planning, access to seed capital, industry partnerships, training and other attributes for innovative start-ups.
UPCOMING PROSPECTS With a steady pace that is propelling the Institution for a generation, AISSMS College of Engineering is ushering towards a bright future. In the coming years, it plans to build collaborations with foreign institutes, and grow as a favoured centre of excellence. Furthermore, they are aiming to incorporate emerging technologies and increase placements in prolific industries. Lastly, they aim to attract meritorious students to be the preferred institute in the eyes of stakeholders.
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Topmost Educational
Institutes To Watch In India 2022
CREATING CHANGE BRINGERS AND TOMORROW’S LEADERS Sugandh Bahl | Business Connect CBSE is the most acclaimed implemented education curriculum in India. And not just govt. Schools, it’s implemented in several Govt. regulated schools for their wholesome standards. CHATE Public School is one laudable name in the assembly following the CBSE pattern. Born in the digital age, Its foundation is built on student-centred, inquiry-based pedagogy with a commitment to creativity and collaboration.
CPS positions itself in a unique position by offering an immersive learning experience to ensure the holistic development of every child. It provides well-designed activities that give academics and extracurricular activities equal weight. CPS nurtures a child’s true potential, preparing a path that helps in achieving dreams of becoming doctors, engineers, IPS, IAS, etc. It is well-infrastructured and has an ideal environment that underpins teaching, learning and grasping. The school’s curriculum also connects students to several fine arts and athletics clubs. This gives access to various training and learning opportunities, such as job shadowing, worksite visits, and visits from guest speakers, alumni success stories and a lot more that can upscale their career. The School was founded by Hon. Prof. Fulchand Chate Sir in 2016. He is passionate about creating meritorious children and grow them mentally and physically through educational programs. The exact purpose helped him envision a school - dynamic & joyful, that’ll inspire students to be evergreen learners. Under his guidance, CPS has grown into a fun-filling, engaging and convenient campus. The academic and teaching excellence testifies to the founder’s vision of systematic education, which includes activity-based curriculum, commitment and dedication of teachers, parental participation, and students’ hard work. Together these make CPS privileged for success stories and a Symbol of Merit.
Prof. Fulchand Chate Founder
Education and competition are closely related and together nurture inquisitiveness in children. While it’s highly debated, but it’s important for children to have the intellect and intelligence to grow and sustain in this age. CPS focuses on building tomorrow’s leaders. It envisions an enthusiastic generation of inventive, dynamic, socialized and disciplined leaders, creating www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
the path for others. Its curriculum is meant to relieve stress in kids while maintaining high academic standards.
Moreover, CHATE has designed ten innovative clubs (Sports Club, Eco Club, Literary Club, Aryabhatta Club, G.K. Club, Heritage Club, IT Club, Dance Club, Art Club, and Einstein Club) to maintain students’ enthusiasm. These club activities kept the students engaged amid the pandemic. It underpinned collaborative learning and highlighted the value of other’s viewpoints. This helped in building a community of similar mindset, empowering teamwork to reach sensible goals. It also encourages students to make meaningful friendships with people from different origins and cultures, which is crucial during adolescence. Thus, at a young age, students build a leadership mindset. Thanks to the club activities, they are able to discover products and leadership opportunities beyond the classroom. This boosts their level of confidence and their sense of independence.
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As previously said, CPS focuses on a child’s holistic development, which covers a wide variety of factors. It’s important to keep nurturing these factors to ensure a positive atmosphere in the school. Let’s understand them in a broad sense: • Create meaningful parent involvement: CPS maintains complete transparency with students’ parents to avoid any misunderstandings. It has a feedback platform for parents - to express their opinions on curriculum and activities, as well as concerns about their children’s education. Instead of prevalent parent-teacher meetings, it organizes workshops to keep parents involved in the process. Even more, parents get invited to event committees and school fundraisers. The participatory method fosters cooperation between parents and the school, as well as a favourable impact on their child. • Celebrate personal achievement and good behaviour: The school celebrates every “Good job” done by individuals. This instils a sense of being valued and portrays a positive culture of the school. Teachers are tasked to set goals for the number of compliments each week to highlight the good deeds of individual students. • Establish norms that build values: It’s not just what they should or shouldn’t, but also why is also important. This is why CPS ensures its rules and regulations are clear to students. While there isn’t a rule for every possible situation, it follows norms that focus on building positive values in a class. • Set consistent discipline: CPS also has strong disciplinary practices. Instead of putting an iron grip on students’ faults, it assigns a specific disciplinary duty that educates the wrongdoing. This unique approach helps in encouraging a positive school culture. • Model behaviours of the management: CPS has a list of characteristics and values that it looks for in kids and teachers.
But the process starts with the management. They strive to be an example of the behaviour they expect from others. Engage students in ways that benefit them: Beyond the secular curriculum, CPS focuses on strengthening its students for their future after graduation. To do so, they follow the social-emotional learning (SEL) model. Teachers are encouraged to conduct activities that empower empathy, reliability, respect, concern, and a sense of humour. Celebrating rituals and traditions: CPS punctuates time for fun, just like study. Celebrations like ‘The school day’ and ‘School year and others, builds the morale in children. Maintain the physical environment of school: Surrounding environment and tangible factors have a huge impact on a school’s culture. It enables mobility, flexible arrangement and has a positive influence on a student’s behaviour. Knowing these, CPS maintains an alluring decorum (light, temperature, air quality, room colour, etc.) of its surroundings, ensuring the focus is on sessions. Introducing technology for supplement learning also imparts a positive impact on students.
Just like every other school, CPS faced monumental challenges with the COVID-19. Offline schooling shifted to online schooling overnight, and teachers needed training for this. CPS maintained its vigilance and adhered to the requirements accordingly. It laid an upgradation program for teachers and encouraged innovation in classes to improve the learning process. Even the founder and the others on the board went on to research and brainstorm new ideas and methods to make the teaching process more comprehensive. “We want our students to be proud of their school and take part in various aspects of their development,” Prof. Fulchand Chate Sir The process helped in conducting freewheeling sessions throughout the lockdown. Those who couldn’t attend classes were shared teaching videos and notes. They even went on to celebrate festivals online, attaching science with culture and rituals.
Besides students, CPS prioritizes the development of the brains that aligns children with the school’s vision. To help teachers improve their skills and craft, It pairs individual teachers with a mentor from day 1. As such, teachers become cognizant of policies and rules and how to use tech in class. “Supporting new teachers in this way helps to promote a consistent atmosphere,” Said, Principal Mrs. Mikita V. Kale. Working closely with teachers also helps in understanding what they feel about their work. CPS also heeds their feedback, hear out concerns, and get suggestions for improvement.
CPS has established a strong reputation in Pune in just a few years, thanks to its dedication and skill. With innovation-based learning, outdoor learning, sport and community gatherings, etc., it has built a stimulating environment acclaimed by parents and allows students to explore opportunities. In the broad sense of prospects, the School targets to be the #1 Rank in India, in terms of: • Cultural diversity & volunteerism within the community. • Partnering with International Schools to explore more cultures • Enhance before and after school program (Foreign language and social/emotional development) to develop the “whole child” • Virtual Learning methodologies • Student Internships to build a proactive background for them • Partnership with local Universities to acquire and install academic programs and technology in class. 25
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www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
How Cooking Can Bring Harmony in Life WANT TO BE A GENIUS IN COOKING? Add a pinch of mindfulness, a flake of creativity, and a drop of focus. Then gently blend it together, bake it in a slow oven, and observe your state of mind rising. Serve it hot with a plate of satisfaction. This is the way you can enhance your mood in the kitchen, cooking is a wonderful method that helps in satisfying the body’s need for food and is recognized as a way of nurturing the mind. People nowadays are so busy with moving in this fast-paced life that they hardly find time to cook. The easiest solution they end up with is to order food from restaurants that would satisfy their taste buds. But have you ever thought that you can cook your food by yourself according to your satisfaction? The consumption of food is safest and healthier when it is cooked at home. Yes! I agree that food from restaurants is tastier than made at home but why not trying to make the same restaurant food at home? You may fail once or twice but trying it several times would lead you to the same satisfaction.
A SELFLESS ACT, WHEN COOKED FOR OTHERS Cooking brings connectivity to people. Our childhood is spent on eating home food cooked by our mom. There has always been a feeling of satisfaction when she fed us. There is a saying that, a mother puts all her love into making food for her family and that is visible in the food. That is what connects us to her, the mixture of love and care. Cooking for others is nurturing, it is sustenance.
Cooking comes up with some positive psychological benefits that would bring harmony in life:
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A Tool To Improve Relationships Cooking builds special memories, remember the good old days when during vacations you end up in messing up the kitchen, then mom comes to your rescue and teaches how to manage things in the kitchen. Those times were filled with the excitement of learning new things. How can someone forget the pleasant aroma of brownies that you baked with your mom? Even sometimes when you fight with mom, just enter the kitchen to help her out with small kinds of stuff and you will see that you both ended up in having fun cooking together.
There is a cumulative effect of cooking that it shows a self-care when you cook for yourself, it helps in taking care of others when you cook for other by putting an ingredient of love in it, it hits on meeting the basic needs for oneself as food is the most important part of life. Cooking is a feeling of connection and happiness that brings people together. Entering the kitchen opens up a path to endless opportunities that expresses your creativity and leads you to the art of gratification. Spending quality time in the kitchen helps one to ease stress and restlessness, it also enhances mindfulness and brings harmony to life.
A Form Of Self-Care
There is always a self-care part of cooking. When we cook something, we add up a lot of creativity into it which makes the dish look more vibrant. Cooking is an act of making nourishment for yourself and taking the time to feed your body is important. Cooking for yourself not only helps you to eat healthily but also helps in raising confidence.
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
Topmost Educational
Institutes To Watch In India 2022
DYNAMIC WORLD EDUCATION COMMUNITY Simplifying The Journey To Stay Abroad In A Transparent Way Avishek Singh | Business Connect
oday, a large number of Indian students dream to complete their studies abroad because of new opportunities opening up there. Because of the easy availability of loans, it has become easier for them to manage a high fee structure and high cost of living. This has given a great boost to the total number of students passionate about making a global career and has contributed greatly to the demand for education consultants by leaps and bounds. Upon realizing the probable importance of overseas education consultants, the idea of one of the fastest-growing Companies in the Overseas Education space, DYNAMIC WORLD EDUCATION COMMUNITY, was coined by the visionary leader Puja Saluja, Founder & CEO, DWEC, in the year 2020 with a vision to be the most trusted & preferred partner in the domain of foreign education. The orgnization has been an integral part of the journey of thousands of people who seek education outside their country. They assist and advise students in pursuit of world-class higher education from 20+ countries catering to almost 84,000 of the most popular Undergraduate as well as Post Graduate Courses. Since its inception, the industry leader and entrepreneur, Puja has ensured that DWEC steadily grows and
functions as a one-stop solution with exceptional expertise in the domain of study abroad. Under the wise leadership of the Puja Saluja, DWEC has helped in amplifying the reach of education to students who lack the right resources and a pocket-size for expensive teachers or educational institutes. It provides splendid services from counseling to admission, language test preparation (English - IELTS/ PTE /German / GRE/ SAT / TOEFL, etc.), visa education loan, and job assistance. AS THE NAME ITSELF INDICATES, THEY ARE BUILDING A COMMUNITY PLATFORM HELPING THE FOLLOWING: • Mentoring students to make them FUTURE READY • Helping the cause of WOMEN EMPOWERMENT to make them FINANCIALLY FREE • Helping Corporate executives / Entrepreneurs hurt or displaced by COVID with INVESTMENT FREE business opportunity From dedicated counselling support to streamlining immigration and admission procedures, DWEC is committed to refining the overseas education experience like none other. Its mission is to simplify the journey to study abroad in the most ethical and transparent manner.
DWEC’S MARKETING STRATEGIES Market Dominance Strategies: Conversations, Acts and Experiences. • By ensuring our strongest reasons should fill gaps in students/ parents understanding, lessen administrative burden so that they will explore and gain insights on global practices. • We have designed services portfolios to uncover hidden complexity and offers customized assistance bridging expectations and involvement. • By providing easily accessible compelling contents. • We offer video counselling with slot booking options. • We deepen engagement cycle with slew of infographics. • Building reputation – Through reviews and testimonials. GROWTH STRATEGIES. We pride ourselves as a go-to platform with expertise in bringing confident and professional interventions to the Studying Abroad aspirants: • Horizontal Integration: Our single window platform offers comprehensive services right from need realization, information search and comparative evaluation to application and short listing to loan processing to job placements. • Vertical Integration: We make technology deliver to boost efficiency: data-science, AI and provide progress tracking. •
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Innovation Integration: We follow incremental innovation which enhances existing practices and helps in attracting a niche segment of the business.
Founder - World Education Community
Dynamic World Education Community Pvt. Ltd.
She personally follows a DEMOCRATIC leadership style, opting for the opinion of her core Management team/Advisory Council, and truly believes in delegating responsibilities. Also, believe in being a good FOLLOWER and always open to learning from anybody, irrespective of their level in the Organization.
THE WOMAN WHO MADE IT HAPPEN An inspiring and organized leader focused on coming up with realistic goals, creating ways to efficiently achieve those goals, and producing results, Puja Saluja leads the DYNAMIC WORLD EDUCATION COMMUNITY in the key position of Chief Executive Officer. She holds over15 years of hands-on experience in the Education Industry, Lead Generation & Counseling. Present-day, she is striving hard to address the needs of students for Higher Education in the Global Market. Ms. Saluja brings along commitment, enthusiasm & strong business networking capabilities, and envisions making study abroad services accessible to students across the globe. WORK CULTURE AT DWEC
Ms. Saluja believes in fully empowering her TEAM (of Employees as well as Partners) as the term itself says -TOGETHER EACH ACHIEVES MORE. She has ensured to build a workplace the employees love. DWEC works as one team, sharing the same vision with the right to communicate openly between all levels of businesses while maintaining openness and transparency which builds a sense of ownership across the entire organization. FUTURE OUTLOOK The leading lady is planning to exponentially throw the company’s B2B Vertical, based on the strength of the distinguished Business Partners predominantly and support them every step of the way by focusing on their personal as well as Commercial growth, in the real sense of the word. In addition, DWEC is going to keep growing globally across the following regions - the United Kingdom / African Region / Europe / USA & Middle East. MILESTONES & ACHIEVEMENTS ON THE WAY • Largest Portfolio of Foreign Institutions • One-stop solution provider • Expert guidance WORDS OF WISDOM Identify a gap and offer a solution to fill that gap. To stay eternally focused on the core strength areas and keep building on the same Try Something if it works that’s Great, But If you try something and it doesn’t work, then look for ways not only to make it work but to make it worth it.
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
Topmost Educational
Institutes To Watch In India 2022
“Learn from your mistakes, the only person who knows what is best for you is only you. The entire purpose of education is not to restrict itself to imparting bookish knowledge only but inculcate humanitarian values too” Naina Jain.
he literacy rate around the world does not hold a very remarkable number and education, as we recognize today, stands to be a remote right for millions of children. And in the subtleties so unfortunate globally in terms of education, it is of paramount significance that there are endeavors coming up to fetch a revolution in the segment of education. And one such boon in the multifaceted education system of the current era is Naina Jain, Additional Secretary, MD International School, Bijnor, who’s aggressively affianced in the dispersion of enhancing knowledge.
Meet the Millennial Visionary!
While there are innumerable noble minds in an educational institute, but among them are some that turn out to be the change-makers of the society. Naina Jain has been one such personality of this institute. Born on August 28, 1994, she completed her graduation (B Sc. Hons) from IILM (University of Bradford) and a diploma in interior designing from Pearl Academy, New Delhi and joined M.D. International School as an Additional Secretary in 2018 at a very young age of 24 years. “My inspiration during this journey and throughout my life is my father- Mr. Navneet Jain. He is a man of principles and always motivates me to go ahead in my life. It is because of his hard work and dedication that the school has achieved so much in such a short span of time,” further recalls Naina. Talking about her early days at the institute, she adds that, her challenges weren’t any different from the rest. Supervising a school and getting together departments to accomplish the mission is always an enormous challenge for school management but transforming the school with additions of high technology-enabled automation tools to support the academic and administrative processes made it easier to achieve the goals. Initially, taking up such a big responsibility under the guidance and support of her father Navneet Jain, she efficaciously learned and ensure the roles and responsibilities associated with enhanced learning results.
Naina Jain
Additional Secretary, MD International School A critical role of education also is dependent on molding the individuality of a child into a sturdy personality and a jovial soul, who isn’t just operational with 21st-century attitudes and robotically is inclined towards scholarly magnificence. It also is essential to teach one how to face the difficulties of life in a fair and amicable way. In this way, the arrangement of training should fill in as an impetus in making every child a reasonable individual. A school as an institution essentially turns into a preaching ground for the little one, they tend to gain knowledge according to their understanding. A lot starts to depend on the manner of exposure or education school’s imparts into one. And MD International has been doing an impeccable job, they are in the process of making the next generation the bright future of the country and raise bars of their institute.
Education in the Present Scenario!
The Ideologies on Ground Zero!
Naina currently believes in focusing on shaping up the existing system in the changing scenario of globalization with attempts to resolve the issue of getting trained manpower in the field of higher education for sustainable growth and development of the nation.
MD International School, regarded as a center of educational excellence, their sole aim has been to provide a comprehensive education for holistic development of individual personality with a human touch and visionary outlook. www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
She feels that autonomy has been found to improve learning outcomes in both public and private schools with most high-achieving education systems allowing schools to make their own decisions about teacher hiring practices, curriculum development or resource allocation. Over the past decade, there have been a number of changes in the education space that have revamped the landscape of the industry. Institutions are making lots of efforts to customize the students’ experiences and are changing their processes to become more student-centric. Most parents want children to have the best possible global education with greater exposure, something that they may not have been able to get themselves. “One of the biggest changes in the recent past has been the increase in the number of parents looking beyond the goal of ‘getting a reputed job’ for their children. Parents now see more value in the building life skills that would be useful in the ‘real world’, and allowing them to follow their own passions and entrepreneurial ideas rather than goals set by their family” states Naina. From her perspective education is a necessity and not a luxury, it is about using education for personal advantages and to utilize the knowledge for our growth. Also one can lead their own life without depending on others. As far as education in terms of schools or colleges is concerned, education is a luxury for most people at least here in India and it is a measure of the wealth of modern society that we propose to educate everyone.
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What’s On Cards in the Future?
The school is journeying towards providing value-based education with new innovations and ideas so that the children grow into aesthetically aware and integrated young people, capable of fulfilling their dreams and aspirations. They want to encourage mutualism, develop a global vision, enhance value based education and capacity to take decisions in difficult times. They assure a rewarding future, modern Gurukul life, Secularism, impartial judgment and an ideal blend of tradition and modernity. Also, build relationships within the community so they have outside resources to supplement their internal support system and have school policies that are firm, fair and consistent so teachers and staff can enforce them. The motivated young millennial, Naina Jain comes with a picture of transforming education for the greater good of the following generations. Recognized on multiple platforms like “Most Promising Young Woman Award -2018” for excellence in woman entrepreneur category by GLOBAL LEADER FOUNDATION, New Delhi, “Best Young Director of the Year Award (Below 40 Years)” in “Global Education and Corporate Leadership Awards (GECL-2018)”, Meerut and “ SEAS Global Women’s Achiever Awards 2018” has not let all the accreditations get to her head. She always wished to indicate not only academic excellence but positive attitude and values like honesty, compassion, knowledge, and leadership among the students and has successfully achieved it so far by flying colors and we look forward to seeing more of her future endeavors. “Life goes on, do not focus on being right or smart. Build your entire identity around being a learner and focus on what makes you happy”. Naina Jain
Facilities in MD School: • • • • • • • • • • • •
A large multipurpose ground for skating, volleyball, football, cricket, Yoga, and aerobics. Electromagnetic Shooting Range with modern equipment. Cafeteria and eatery for providing healthy food items. Counseling room Residential facility for outsider faculties. 100% power and water back up. Health and wellness center to take care of minor health issues and medical guidance.
Excellent Infrastructure and Clean green campus. Modern security and safety ( through CCTV cameras and restricted entry and armed security personals) High standard of hygiene and health facilities Potable RO filtered drinking water. Wi-Fi enabled 4 Mbps internet access campus Use of ICT in the teaching-learning process, having smart boards. Specialized dance, art & craft rooms. Language lab to remove pronunciation related problems. Well equipped labs (Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Computer, Geography, Math, Home science Language Lab). Auditorium with 250 seating capacity. Well-furnished Indoor Gymnasium. Badminton Academy with wooden flooring.
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Trekkers Adapting to COVID-19 Norms, are Exploring New Tracks Trekking is a social sport, loved by wanderers. Just imagine yourself climbing up to the Himalayas. The satisfaction of reaching to the top and sitting on a cliff, enjoying the enormous surrounding from the top will take away, all your stress. The more realistic way would be to imagine yourself there with a hot cup of tea along with a bowl of Maggi in the chilly weather! Climbing through the Himalayas will assure an experience that can never be forgotten. The willpower to start and finish the trek is a motivation in itself. But trekking was forced to be at a halt for some time due to the Coronavirus pandemic that has taken the world by a storm.
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The most difficult days faced by trekkers were the time of lockdown when they were forced to lock themselves down at home for a long period. It is extremely difficult for trekkers to live in four-cornered rooms, who are used to live in tents on the lap of nature. No air condition can provide the cool breeze that nature can give. A pure freshness of tropical forest is everything that a wanderer needs. The pandemic hit hard like a termite who ripped through the layers and made its presence felt. When the entire country was in lockdown, train journeys were on hold and trek routes were forbidden territories. When the lockdown was unfolding slowly, the paths for trekkers were gradually opening too but just like other guidelines, the trekkers also have to get adapted to the new COVID norms. It seems like after a long time, the trekkers are reconciled with their backpacks and jackets filled with dust. Three months back, when the coronavirus was calmly unfolding, a pastor and trekker from Mohali, Daniel Francis looked forward at the journeys to several Himalayan treks. He picked one to Bhrigu Lake, which is one of the well-known routes along Manali’s Himalayan trekking trail. “I plunged into action, as I enjoyed a trek to Hatu Peak. It’s easy if you can drive to Barog from Chandigarh and then take the next stop at Narkanda, which is the beginning of a seven-kilometer trail to the artistic Hatu temple,” shares Francis. Surrendering to nature is what trekkers love to do and by inhaling the much-needed dose of oxygen and embracing the world of nature with a walk on the wild side. A Chandigarh-based trekker, Jashan Chatwal states that whenever a trek in the Himalayas is planned, he not only looks forward to climbing, tent stays, make-shift bathrooms, or the delicious meat curries but also the break from all the noises that exist in the urban lives. “I have been exploring local urban hikes and forgotten parts of the city, discovering gorgeous dead ends and pretty houses around where I live,” says Chatwal.
“ Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all
the happiness and growth occurs while you are climbing it.
– Andy Rooney
It is said that walking in nature is something where you can be lucky to witness a thousand miracles. A passionate hiker, Sheena Singh emphasizes the view, “You have to be super present and that’s what trekking is, it’s being in the moment. It’s not being somewhere else. It’s being in the right now. With COVID-19 numbers going up, I am concerned about the possibility that trails may close again which is why it’s sensible to follow the local guidelines and maintain a physical distance. That means, for instance, avoiding popular trails or peak times.” When one decides to do something, nothing can come in their way. Just like the world has resumed with the guidelines being followed, trekking has also resumed, adapting itself to new COVID norms. The most common challenges that can be faced when you are on trekking will be interacting and adjusting with locals, evening camaraderie, sharing stories with people around, and then the warm hugs. A lot might have been changed when you go for trekking next time but in the end, you will be mesmerized with the beauty of nature anyhow. The world might have changed but still, the sky will be the same as always.
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Topmost Educational
Institutes To Watch In India 2022
Empowering Education With Digital Technology
The age of digitization has conceived profound measures to elevate the industrial arena. Every industrial vertical has installed sophisticated measures, helping them to stay competitive/stay ahead of the competition. In the academic domain, the digital platform has proved to be a USP for maintaining quality standards. Rathnavel Subramaniam College Of Arts and Science is one of the sci-tech colleges in India that utilizes the digital technologies to proffer a cutting-edge, as well as a comprehensive academic framework to develop competent students for the modern era. A QUICK OVERVIEW Rathnavel Subramaniam College of Arts and Science(RVSCAS) is a self-financed state-of-the-art college, established under Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. The college was founded in 1986 and is valued as one of the biggest educational firms of that era. The institution is operated by RVS Educational Trust, a non - profitable organization. The college is associated with the “Digital India” initiative and has incorporated all the advanced measures of learning, the century has to offer. RVSCAS is presently glowing with more than 4,700 students, 210 teaching faculties, 60 administrative and 30 basic staff members. AN ILLUMINATING ACADEMIC MODULE RVSCAS’s educational module integrates 20 UG courses and 14 PG courses, 10 M.Phil. and 10 PhD programmes for a variety of disciplines in Arts and Science namely, Computer Science, Electronics, Management, Commerce, English Literature, Mathematics and Life Sciences. In addition to disciplinary education, the college also focuses on upgrading its students’ intellectual skills like personality development, inter-personal skills, people skills, aptitude and communication. This part is governed by their placement division and they make sure every student garners substantial domain knowledge that surpasses the learners of professional courses. “Every year 70% of our outgoing students are placed in the best companies like Infosys, Wipro, TCS etc.” asserts Dr.K. Senthil Ganesh, Managing Trustee. Being actuated in the digital era, RVCAS puts its prime focus on digital courses and follows the OBE pattern. This helps in acquiring the prime aspects of education rendering to eventually meet the need of the hour. CHALLENGES THAT PAVED THE WAY TO INNOVATE RVSCAS was initially conceived in an antiquated period, with a meagre student strength. During that time the college didn’t envision a stipulated path or had an example to follow. However, this didn’t drive the institution to void, rather empowered the college to craft it’s own educational framework. Eventually, the college acquired a noteworthy position as the first self-financing college in the community, growing to a headcount of 5100 students and an increasing 1:20 faculty-student ratio. With www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
Dr.K. SENTHIL GANESH Managing Trustee
development, many educational disciplines were inducted like Life Sciences, Commerce and Computer Science, and many more. Moreover, RVSCAS proffers a refined educational methodology. An outcome-based comprehensive curriculum is formulated followed by a learnercentric approach and engaging students in an activity/problem-based learning. This help students to learn and enhance their knowledge, which gradually stimulates self-innovation. The college is also structured with State-of-the-art measures that provisions ICT enabled teachinglearning and academic garage labs for real-time learning. FLEXIBLE TO TRANSITIONS The leadership team of RVSCAS declares, “The mission of our institution is to impart need-based quality education through the comprehensive curriculum by adopting apt technologies and progressive teaching, learning and research processes.” On this notion, they dwelve deep into the market and churn out the most contemporary trends and advancements.
R & D plays a prominent role in updating institutional framework with laudable features. Over the years, the college has inculcated many disciplines from areas of science & arts through extensive R&D programmes. The college has a specialized committee - Curriculum Development Cell, which focuses on R&D practices and updates its curriculum with all cutting-edge technologies, the digital sphere has to offer.
training, the college ensures that every student is equipped with ethical responsibilities, humble attitude towards the community and adaptability to the societal principles. By bestowing students with adept education and humanitarian skills, the college facilitates the students to grow into individuals, who can elevate the society . ACHIEVEMENTS TO BE COMMENDED FOR Throughout its journey of three and a half decades, RVSCAS has achieved several feats and accomplishments that do justify its fame and name. To mention a few are : • RVSCAS ranked as the 4th place among the best colleges in Coimbatore. • Times of India and Economic Times (2008) have adjudged RVS College of Arts & Science as fourth top college among the best colleges in and around Coimbatore • In 2009, Bharathiar University has awarded RVSCAS the first place for the maximum numbers of foreign student enrollment. • Reaccredited with ‘A’ grade by the National Assessment and Accreditation council (NAAC) based on the quality bound service.
RECOGNITION AND INCENTIVES BY THE GOVT. OF INDIA RVSCAS is one of the remarkable colleges, with contemporary standards in the region. Throughout time, it has provided quality education resulting in churning out of tech-savvy individuals. Recognizing the importance of the institution and it’s services towards the students community, many govt. funding agencies such as UGC, DST, DBT and TNSCST have released grants. These grants play a prime role in executing research programmes, building high-tech laboratories, installation of sophisticated instruments and amelioration of infrastructure, augmenting to develop the overall academic framework. In addition to this, the govt. provides various students scholarships, especially for SC/ST classes and differently-abled students. RVSCAS focuses on elevating education in rural areas. The first generation learners are provided with scholarships to encourage their learning. These scholarships play a vital role in the lives of economically backward students to pursue their studies with ease and enthisuasm.
AN INCREMENTAL PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Based on the 34 years of successful journey, RVSCAS is foreseeing a great future. By 2025, the college is aiming to be the preferable choice of quality education for the Digital era. In the coming years, the college is looking forward to becoming a hub for learning Artificial Intelligence by students, employees from various sectors, managers and decision/policymakers.
INFRASTRUCTURE WITH ADEPT TECHNOLOGIES “Our highly esteemed college is aligned with the Government of India’s flagship programme, Digital India”, says Dr.K.Senthil Ganesh . With the influence of digitization and the affiliation of govt. initiatives, RVCAS has always aimed at moulding the young generation which can sustain efficiently in the digital era. Being one of the foremost colleges with trending advancements, RVSCAS works meticulously on the govt.’s vision to “transform India into a digitally empowered society and knowledge economy”. The institution has infused it’s educational model, with many digital advancements like Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Cloud Computing, Business Intelligence and Business Analytics. The college follows the ‘RAVES’ education ERP system, which has been developed by the institution , that strengthens the Teaching and Learning Process. For further tech-support, the institution has collaborated with Git Hub, a software developer community that gives access to millions of software developers around the world. CREATING SOCIETAL RESPONSIBLE CITIZENS As said before, RVSCAS works on developing an academically alert ,morally sound and socially committed young generation. The institution is also indulged in a wide variety of philanthropic activities. RVSCAS concentrates on creating good corporate citizens, who are well aware of corporate social responsibilities and can contribute towards upgrading the society. Through rigorous 39
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Topmost Educational
Institutes To Watch In India 2022
PROMOTING QUALITY EDUCATION AMONGST INDIAN AND FOREIGN STUDENTS Sugandh Bahl | Business Connect Event Management is not just a program but connection.It’s a project that connects people and messages.It makes people think and act in a different way.It instruct people to share,learn and motivate each other.Overall event management is a fun but a huge responsibility since it can make or break the special occasion of your client.Organising education fair take huge responsibility but same time fair are an invaluable tool for talking to university, school or college representatives face-to-face and then making your study decisions and ensure the best possible future for many students. SAPE is one of the leading event management and educational promotion organizations of South East Asia & Africa dedicated to serving the student community by providing them with easy access to education options and prospects almost at their doorsteps. “We offer a range of clear and cutting-edge solutions to inspire, motivate and grow business, as well as deliver sustainable and innovative change in the education & skills, creative, cultural, heritage, digital, and media sectors. promoting quality education amongst Indian and foreign students” shares Mr. Sanjay Thapa (Founder & MD)
Over the years, SAPE has grown consistently both horizontally as well as vertically. Delivering customized, cost-effective and long-term solutions to the audience and in the process setting new benchmarks of excellence has been the standard operating procedure at SAPE. Sanjay believes, “The fact that we have more than 100% year on year growth, is a testimony to our excellence and exceeding expectations of our esteemed clients.” ‘With great work comes great responsibility’. – The team at SAPE believes in this adage and puts in optimum resources, latest technology, best of experience, and personalized services to efficiently organize educational events to ensure value addition to the original outcome of the event. Mr. Sanjay Thapa shares “We focus on not just organizing a gathering, rather, we endeavor to create a successful convergence of people to achieve a result that not only meets all the expectations of the client but surpasses them. We derive enormous gratification in assisting clients in the culmination of not just consummate but memorable Conferences.” SAPE EDUCATION FAIR SAPE Education Fair is now the most sought education fair in India and various other South Asian & African countries. The Education Fair has extended to more than twenty-five cities and has proudly held more than 200 education shows until now. SANJAY THAPA | Founder & MD www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
the path of diverse career options and help in right decision making for a better future.”
The initiative has been appreciated by the exhibitors and their continuous support has made it possible for us to explore new markets. Education Fair organized by SAPE is not just an Indian fair but also acclaimed in several southeast Asian & African countries.SAPE organize an Education fair in Port Blair, Aizawl, Gangtok, Darjeeling, Siliguri, Itanagar, Kolkata, Patna, and Asansol and also in Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Nepal, Bangladesh, Ghana, Togo, Benin and Ivory Coast.
SAPE DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION SUCCESS The COVID-19 crisis seemingly provides a sudden glimpse into a future world, one in which digital has become central to every interaction, forcing both organizations and individuals further up the adoption curve almost overnight. Thriving in the digital age is closely related to innovation and digital transformation strategies.SAPE able to retaining their competitiveness in light of the digital transition, or even capable of strengthening their positions, others are falling behind.
Sanjay says- Whether you’re a sponsor, participant, or an external stakeholder, our mandate is to create an affable and seamless experience where attendees/participants not only accomplish the stipulated objectives but also have a time which is etched in the memory as a congenial experience. Our expertise is not confined to organizing events and conferences with coveted opulence and demeanor, but also in optimizing resources, managing costs, and planning sequences and emergency response systems. We are also committed to listening to the views of businesses across all sectors and look forward to hearing your views.”
In a digital age, universities and colleges are better placed today more than ever to provide students with easy access to continue their studies online. The education system has to adjust itself to the new reality. edufaironline.com promoted by SAPE Events & Media Pvt. Ltd., the First Organisation to organise a Virtual Education fair in the year 2008.
SAPE education fair supported by the local and international organizations, embassies, cultural centers ensures high returns and low-cost investments for the service providers. Today
Using our 21 years of experience in the organising education edufaironline achieved different milestone. In seven days two lakh student has visited the site and more than 7000 students visited the fair and discover the right institutions for further study.The remarkable success and the early adoption of this technology by our company and students has attributed to this milestone.
“Our participant’s satisfaction is highly important to us and we constantly improve ourselves for the best quality and customer satisfaction. As a result of our efforts, many of our past participants re-attend SAPE Fairs every year, and recommend our events to their colleagues in the international education field with confidence SAPE Fairs has a reputation for attracting the highest quality students. Although we need to attract a large number of students, it is essential that we attract the most interested and qualified candidates to our fairs.” says Sanjay.
WITH OUR UNIFIED EFFORTS AND UNDAUNTED STRUGGLES, IT TOOK THIS SITE TO NUMBER ONE IN GOOGLE SEARCH. The company will be organizing the next edition World Online Education fair on edufaironline.com from 15th June to 17th June 2021. Functioning for three days, this online fair will give you an exclusive opportunity to reach out to thousands of educators, students, parents, and education professionals separated by geographical boundaries. The stall owners can even answer direct queries of the visitors, interact with them online on chat, and attend to virtual walk-throughs. The number of visitors can grow manifold over three days and inquiries rise as the stalls will operate, enhancing your brand visibility in the process.
MEET SANJAY THAPA: About seventeen years ago, a young small-town from Kurseong, Darjeeling then 25 and academically equipped with a modest Post Graduate degree in Marketing & Sales from Bhavans, Kolkata took a momentous decision. He decided to stop hunting for a Government job like his other friends. “I faced a problem that frustrates millions of youth in this country and decided to start doing my own thing,” he recalls.
WORLD ONLINE EDUCATION FAIR 2021 supported by the local and international organizations, embassies, cultural centers ensures high returns and low-cost investments for the service providers. The key purpose to organise the events is to bring all the institutions across the world under one single roof and help them to connect not only with the potential students but to give a global platform to create a strong network. The exhibition will have virtual halls to conduct exhibitions, conferences, virtual meetings from different parts of the world as per their convenience.
Scanning the socio-economic horizon, he identified education as a high-potential growth area of the economy. This led to the promotion in 2004 of a proprietor firm with the somewhat curious name of SAPE with a mission to stage fairs and exhibitions which would serve as marketing platforms for educational institutions across the country. SAPE’s very first education exhibition was held in Siliguri in 2004. “It was a hit.
“While the pandemic keeps impacting our lives, virtual events seem to be the only certainty. And every tech investor wants a big piece of the pie. Zoom $186 million in profit for the quarter ending July 31 compared to $5.5 million for the same period last year.Edufaironline also got blue chip investors want to invest” said Sanjay Thapa
This milestone is also a significant achievement as it signifies our commitment to reach our vision to become the strongest medium between students and institutions. Sanjay tells “The vision of the company is to constantly upgrade the importance of education to the youth and guide them through 41
www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
Healthcare Sector Showcases Spellbinding Progress Amid Covid-19
The spread of COVID-19 has drastically disrupted the lives of livelihoods, communities, and businesses across the globe. Concerning public health, its potential lives all stakeholders, especially global businesses came together. Although our healthcare workers battling the crisis, our pharmacies prudent work towards providing medicines to reach people around India and the globe.
Faucet The Enormous Potential The healthcare system, its potential and has been providing a shift towards self-sufficiency. The Healthcare system take initiative to pursue ideas to the government that would pave way for a self-reliant ecosystem. The Healthcare center started 24/7 monitoring facilities by trained professions. Through this patients and physicians can connect virtually during treatment.
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Government Implemented Telemedicine Facilities Handling patients remotely referred to as Telemedicine. In these facilities, patients and providers are not physically contacted with each other. It is a modern technology that enabled doctors to consult patients in this pandemic. Some organization has changed the knowledge of regulations, legalities, and technological aspects of implementing telemedicine. Many organizations decide to consult their patients through telemedicine due to COVID-19.
Startup Awards Healthcare Innovation and Midas Touch Categories have been shortlisted for startup awards for the Economic Times Startup Award 2020. In the time of the global outbreak, pivoting business models and bringing effective healthcare solutions, a group of a highly powered jury consisting of top business leaders, investors, and entrepreneurs will decide the winners on a virtual meeting held on August 20.
Strategic Innovation Ventures Infosys On Thursday, August 27, Infosys IT service has signed a five-year deal with the cloud customer experience and contact center solutions provider and started five partnerships with Genesys it enables that both companies will develop and deploy innovation and provide the best level solutions in the customer experience market. To endurance, the capability of both organizations clients will be combined to stand benefit from investment innovation.
TATA Groups Group of the Shapoorji Pallonji will compel the Tata Group to scale back its equity holding shares, pledge equity of its listed companies against debt, or allow an outdoor investor in Tata Sons. A number of these options will help to scale back Tata Sons’ financial flexibility. Tata group of companies has pledged shares of the financial services, Alternately Tata sons sell the share of a non-core asset and pledge the equity of its listed companies. While the debt was raised, there has rarely been a priority over the potential loss of control. In doing so, the group will reverse its past 24-month effort to scale back debt, prop up shareholding in listed companies, and untangle the cross-holdings across the group. This may accompany the conditions attached. For one, outside investors in Tata Sons will want the corporate to travel back to being a public company from its current private limited state.
IBM In India, IBM playing an important role in developing innovative solutions for cloud technology for local as well as global markets, South Asia Managing Director Sandip Patel ae combining synergies of IBM and RED HAT – an opensource of software solutions firm it acquired last year for USD 34 billion. IBM cloud innovation developed India and other country foundation platform. This offer will help software labs teams to develop their condition from India.
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www.businessconnectindia.in | Vol. 4 | Special Edition January 2022 INDIA
Topmost Educational
Institutes To Watch In India 2022
Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance
Kapil Mishra | Business Connect
cope in the Banking and Finance Industry is behemoth; number of opportunities are emerging in the arena. At present times, individuals don’t want to miss out on a single chance to work for the sector. But not everybody is skilled or capable of filling the banking, financial services and insurance positions. Honing the skills of youngsters by rendering an excellent education in the respective realm, Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance, Pune has carved a colossal niche. Dr. Manisha Ketkar, the connoisseur, is the Director and Professor of SSBF. Symbiosis School of Banking and Finance (SSBF) is an integral part of Symbiosis International – a deemed University, Pune. SSBFl offers full time and two year residential MBA program in Banking and Finance. The purpose of education here is to prepare students and make them industry- ready-professionals to pursue a career in Banking, Financial Services and Insurance (BFSI) sector. SSBF has always kept it self abreast of the latest changes in the industry. In order to cater to the requirements of the dynamic BFSI sector, SSBF tunes its curriculum by soliciting inputs from the Industry stalwarts. Hence, it is not surprising that SSBF has eminent and experienced people from the industry in the advisory board and alumni who provide inputs to keep their curriculum relevant and updated as per the demands of the industry.
Director & Professor of SSBF
When SSBF started in the year 2010, Public sector banks used to recruit talent from the private institutes through campus recruitments. With the objective of providing ready to move human resources, SSBF was established to offer an MBA in Banking and Finance. After the year 2013, according to directions of honorable Bombay High Court, SSBF shifted its focus from public sector banks to private sector banks and companies in the BFSI domain.
THE CURRICULUM The curriculum starts with the basics of management, finance and banking and over the course of two years, students get exposure to more complex and relevant subjects like Credit management, Financial Risk Management, Fixed Income Markets, Micro Finance and development Banking. Foreseeing the huge requirement of talent in FinTech companies and technological advancements in the sector, SSBF has added a few technology related subjects in the curriculum in order to understand the expectations of the industry. The curriculum has been developed by benchmarking it against National and International Universities/Institutes, offering similar courses. This has made their program comprehensive and well defined, catering to both the National and International needs of the BFSI domain. SSBF’s Corporate Interface Team invites industry experts to deliver guest lectures on varied topics such as Data Analytics, Growth and prospects in the banking industry, Cryptocurrency, Financial Journalism, Budget Analysis etc., which help students to keep themselves updated. An Annual Banking and Finance Conclave popularly called as the Symposium is organized every year on the contemporary/ forthcoming topics and issues enveloping the banking and Finance Industry. This is organized as a series of panel discussions throughout the day where industry experts deliberate and throw light on the challenges and opportunities in the sector.
The exponential growth of the banking and financial sector in this competitive era has opened up varied career roles. Starting from the Financial and Business Analytics to Assets Management, today, the students have numerous options to choose from. SSBF regularly revises and updates its curriculum, thereby making it futuristic based on comments from industry experts. Also, their MBA offers in depth knowledge in encompassing the multiple aspects of the Banking, Financial Service and Insurance (BFSI) industry. With a focus on inculcating adaptability in students, SSBF enables students to become lifelong learners. The MBA in Banking and Finance of SSBF is designed with an objective to disseminate the relevant knowledge and provide skills to students so that they can function effectively in the challenging environment of banking, finance and insurance sectors.
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category journals. They regularly present papers at prestigious International and national conferences and have also won a number of awards. The classroom environment is interactive where participative learning permits a free flow of ideas between faculty and students.
ESSENTIAL TIE UPS The tie ups maintained by SSBF further help in facilitating the academic delivery. They are an educational partner to Bajaj Finserv, as a part of which, they offer a joint certificate program in Banking, Finance and Insurance (CPBFI) for fresh graduates and final year students who are seeking jobs after their graduation. SSBF runs this program along with Bajaj Finserv under the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative of Bajaj Finserv. SSBF has developed content for all the modules of this certificate program. SSBF also conducts Training programs to run this certification program in PAN India. SSBF has been developing training and students’ manuals for CPBFI.
ACCOLADES UNDER THE NAME OF SSBF SSBF has achieved many accolades in this journey of imparting knowledge; the list is as follows: • Awarded as ‘ Maharashtra’s Top 20 Educational Institutions-2019’ by The Academic Insights magazine. • Awarded for ‘Excellence in Industry-Academia Interface’ in 7th Higher Education Summit 2019 by Indian Education Network • Ranked in Top 100 B-School Ranking 2018 by Outlook-Drshti in October 2018 • Awarded as ‘Business School of The Year 2018 in the category of Curriculum Revision’ by The Academic Insights magazine. • Awarded as ‘Management Institute of The Year 2018’ by Higher Education Review magazine. • Awarded AAA+ rank in Top Private B School Ranking 2018 - West Zone by the Digital Learning Magazine • ‘Best Institute in Banking and Finance’ by Dewang Mehta National Education Awards on 25th November 2017 • 2nd position all over India in Bloomberg sponsored Trading competitions ‘So You Think You Can Trade’ held from 05th January 2015 to 05th February 2015.
SSBF has also collaborated with the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) to develop content for National University Student’s Skill development, a project initiated by TISS to increase the employability of the university students by imparting knowledge and skills. SSBF has signed an MOU with CRIF High Mark for giving a scholarship of Rs. 1,00,000-/- for a needy student based on academic performance and family’s financial condition. The trophy is awarded for the outstanding student every year. MOU is signed with BAIF for the field visit where students interact with the community in the rural areas and understand ongoing projects, facets of micro finance and their business model for livelihood. SSBF has patterned with EduCBA (Online training provider) to provide 700+ online modules in the finance domain to the students to have an edge over other MBA students. SSBF has alsopartnered with the Association of International Wealth Management of India (AIWMI) to offer the prestigious global certification- Certified Credit Research Analyst (CCRA).
Students are getting an appreciation for their knowledge and hard work during summer internship by diverse organizations such as State Bank of India, HDFC Bank, Indian Overseas Bank, Bank of India and Bank of Maharashtra. The projects were undertaken on wealth management, Credit appraisal, Non-performing assets, and Asset Recovery and Loan products.
They encourage students to appear for industry relevant certifications such as CCRA certification, Bloomberg Market Concepts, NISM certifications, etc., which are all embedded in the curriculum. Students also get a firsthand industry experience during two months of mandatory internship. The dissertation is also an essential aspect of the curriculum where students get to research on contemporary issues in the BFSI sector.
SSBF has an excellent track record with respect to Placements. For last 3 years we have achieved 100% placement for eligible* candidates. (*Eligibility is based on the Attendance norm, No backlog etc.) SSBF Students got placed in JP Morgan Chase, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank, Ujjivan Small Finance Bank, HDFC Bank, Capital First, Federal bank, Care Ratings, etc. with various profiles like Operations, Channel Officer, Credit Officer, Relationship Manager, Analysts, Credit Manager, Credit Underwriter, Product Trainee and Management Trainee etc.
EXEMPLARY FACULTY Banking and Finance being a specialized domain, so the role of faculty members becomes instrumental for the students’ academic and professional progress. The role of faculty in a class room is more of a facilitator imparting and building the theoretical foundation of the field and stimulating learners to think critically in practice. Faculty at SSBF are UGC qualified and experienced academicians. Most of the faculty members have also served the industry who are committed to excellence in teaching and research. The theoretical knowledge provided by academicians and the practical aspects disseminated by bankers/industry professionals, offers the perfect blend of both these aspects. The faculty members are sound in research and have their researches published in Scopus and ABDC
SSBF is proud to say that their alumni Mr. Hardik Mehta has joined as a Manager in Reserve Bank of India (RBI). Mr. Bhargav Diwanji has joined as an Associate Vice President- Analytics, Consulting and Strategy at Autoninja. Few students have ventured into entrepreneurship establishing new businesses. Many of their students have achieved laurels in their careers in a short span.
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Some people say leadership is the art of managing employees for good. Some say leadership is a science and technical way of handling employees. There were a lot of books and materials written on the topic and a lot of approaches discussed. But actual leadership begins with a true CEO and in this blog, we will discuss the best CEOs of India. Currently, many Indians have taken over the thrown of major international companies as CEOs. This episode clearly shows that the Indians are not only capable of building great companies and empires that are competing at the International level, but also they are best leaders at the forefront of multi-national corporations. Moreover, our topic suggests that a ‘Daring CEO’ is someone who not only has the necessary degrees to define his worth, but also he has the perfect mixture of insight, judgment, and strength of better character that no institution or school can teach. This only comes with experience and strong leadership qualities. Here are a few examples of Top CEOs in India who are colossal business prodigy:SUNDAR PICHAI Sundararajan Pichai or better known as Sundar Pichai who belongs to Tamil Nadu is the CEO of Google. He was the best -known face and people of every town literally talk about him. He was the best-known CEO of Google Inc. Sundar Pichai was the Product in Chief at Google lately and the Right-Hand man behind the founder of Google Larry Page. Sundar earned his degree in metallurgical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur. He joined Google in the year 2004 and steer product management and innovation for its tech giant’s client software products. These products include Google Chrome, Chrome OS, and all the development of Gmail and Google Maps.
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In the year 2008; Google launched its first yet world’s best browser under the guidance of Best CEOs Leadership – Google Chrome.
He was the only Indian to feature among the top 50 CEOs, in the same place where other prodigious leagues like Steve Jobs of Apple, Yun Jong-Yong of Samsung Electronics, lies.
Due to such new innovations and never stopping path of becoming the top CEO of India, Sunder follows immense success and it was obvious that he became an overnight sensation. He became the Most well-known CEO by google itself and gained the respect of the whole world.
NATARAJAN CHANDRASEKARAN Born to a farmer family in 1963 in Tamil Nadu, Mr. Natarajan Chandrasekaran who is popularly called Chandra had never applied for any job. He obtained a Bachelor’s in Applied Sciences from the Coimbatore Institute of Technology, and then he completed his Master’s in Computer Applications.
SATYA NADELLA Satya Nadella, the best CEO of Microsoft! He resides from Hyderabad and has been incorporative with Microsoft Corporation for over 22 years. He was first appointed as CEO on February 4, 2014.
The 53-year-old Chandra joined Tata Consultancy Services TCS in 1987 and arose as the CEO in 2009. Today, Tata Consultancy Services is the most successful Indian IT company in India with emerging CEOs like Chandra. He became the youngest Tata Group CEO in India.
With a salary package of $1.2 million, currently, he has been creating a buzz all over the tech world. Media like Silicon Valley and the Indian media regarded him as the Top Most CEO of India. Nadella succeeded Steve Ballmer, who was the former CEO of Microsoft. He elevated the position from Executive Vice President of Microsoft’s Cloud and Enterprise group. It is a position in which Nadella was in charge of building and running the entire company’s Computing Platforms such as Developer Tools and all the Cloud Computing Services.
SHANTANU NARAYEN Shantanu Narayen is currently regarded as president and chief executive officer of Adobe. He joined Adobe company in January 1998 as its Vice President and General Manager. In the year1999 January, he got promotion as a Senior Vice President, Worldwide Products. Afterward, his success journey is in a good run and in March 2001 he was promoted to Executive Vice President, Worldwide Product Marketing and Development. In January 2005, Narayen was promoted as a President and Chief Operating Officer, of Adobe. In December 2007, he was appointed CEO and joined our Board of Directors in Adobe.
MUKESH AMBANI Mukesh Dhirubhai Ambani, the face of new emerging India, has been ranked among the top five best-performing CEOs in the world by the very prestigious Harvard Business Review magazine listing.
Prior to joining Adobe, he began his career with Apple Inc. Shantanu also served as a director for Silicon Graphics in desktop and collaboration products. He is also a co-founder of a company named Pictra Inc. Such CEOs like him are very prestigious leaders who are so engrossed in their respective fields. This episode is very motivating from his story as it is a blessing to learn from him through his work.
Mukesh Ambani is India’s best CEO, who is managing director and chairman of Reliance Industries which has earned the reputation of being one of the largest privatesector enterprises in India for decades. A Fortune example of leading 500 companies, and one of the largest private-sector businesses in the world.
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