FACI Application ACTIVATE 2015

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FACILITATOR’S APPLICATION deadline: 28th September 2015


c n e r e Conf

Message from the agenda manager Dear Applicants,

Congratula=ons for taking this opportunity to apply to be FACI for ACTIVATE 2105.

ACTIVATE 15 in Jordan is the second conference in the term 15.16 conducted by MC M3ALLEM aiming at induc=ng new members, building culture to them, seQng mindset and presen=ng the direc=on of the en=ty on our term.

From the above explana=on, it’s our hope that the objec=ves presented above are will be fulfilled by having mo=vated people with skills and knowledge to facilitate, mo=vate and make our conference enjoyable and most impacVul than ever before. Faraji H Emily MCVP TM & COMM Agenda Manager




2 en%%es with 50 members a1ending the conference. 1.  New members 2.  Old members 3.  Execu=ve board

1.  Make AIESEC in Jordan relevant to the region 2.  Delivering inspira=onal and moments for change 3.  Switch mindset 4.  Ensure pipeline and growth to the en=ty 5.  Presen=ng our direc=on and goals

Conference Days 22-23-24

Application timeline 28th Sept Interview and selec=on 21th Sept FACI Applica=on launch

30th Sept Session distribu=on 5th October FACI first virtual mee=ng 19th October Pre FACI mee=ng

Note: FACIs must a+end the pre-­‐mee3ng

Faci general information Facilitators profile ROLE: Current/Past AI, MC, EB or NST COMPETENCIES: i.  Communica=on skills ii.  Presenta=on skills iii.  Crea=vity and innova=on iv.  LEAD v.  AIESEC Direc=on vi.  English and Arabic language vii.  Experience in Na=onal and local conferences (as FACI) viii.  TtT Cer=fied. (Not must)

Financial support Included and covered: i.  Conference fee ii.  Accommoda=on pre and post mee=ng iii.  Food during the conference iv.  Transport to and from the conference venue. v.  NOTE: For interna=onals we don’t provide transporta=on from and back to home countries

Personal information Personal details

Your current picture here

u Name: u Date of birth: u Current posi=on and en=ty: u Country of origin u Email: u Mobile/What Sapp number: u Skype ID: u Language spoken:

Experience and conferences attended No

Name of the conference a1ended


Key achievements


AIESEC experience


Key achievements

General questions 1. What mo=vates you to apply as FACI for ACTIVATE 2015? 2. What will be your contribu=on to the FACI team to make an effec=ve conference? 3. What kind of culture would you like to create for our Conference, basing on mo=va=on, experience, engagement and excitement? 4. Present a SWOT analysis of you as a facilitator.

Video challengE u  Create a video explaining who you are, why you are applying to be a FACI for ACTIVATE and presen=ng a LEAD session to mo=vate AIESEC Jordan members. The dura=on of the video must be 3 minutes maximum. u  Being crea=ve and energe=c will add credits and might be part of FACI introduc=on. ü  Send your applica=on as PDF to : faraji.emily@aiesec.net ü  File name should be: Name_FACI_ACTIVATE_2015 ü  Upload your video on YouTube and afach a document with the link on the applica=on package ü  Applica=on deadline is on 28th September 2015, 11:59pm GMT+3

Wishing you best of luck

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