AIESEC IN JORDAN 15.16 Presents:
Deadline: 12th Aug 2015
Hey AIESEC! Thanks for showing interest in being part of the National Support Team of AIESEC in Jordan. We are very grateful and exited to open this awesome opportunity to create a remarkable impact to both the national team and the entity of AIESEC in Jordan. This aims to bring bigger sustainable growth to Jordan’s community through the organization in general.
Introducti on
The aim of providing these NST positions is to give an opportunity to the members who need to learn and think out of the box in bringing changes to the society and world that everyone would wish to live. If you are eager to learn, develop, and bring changes to the society and the organization, this is the chance that you will get to explore the potential that you have and also to develop different skills that will contribute to your own life goals. MC 15.16 would appreciate to see the step that you will take to challenge your status quo for the aim of getting experience out of your comfort zone. If you are up for challenge, do not hesitate in taking this opportunity. We wish you best of luck. On behalf of MC 15.16 MCVP Talent Management & Communication Faraji H. Emily
m a e t C The M
ICX & BD National Partnership Manager Global Talent Hunter
TM & COMM Customer Experience Manager
Logistics & Migration Manager
Mkt & communication manager
Expansion manager Talent manager
Eligibilit y
4. 5.
Answer all questions in the general and specific questionnaires. You can answer questions for more than one position, you can create your own design. Your application should be maximum 4 pages + 1 page for each extra position that you are applying for. (Ex., if you are applying for 2 positions, your application should be 5 pages max.) Your application must be submitted in pdf format to & . The name of the file and the subject on the email should be (NameSurname)_LC_portfolioapplyingfor_position_15.16 (Example: FarajiEmily_Tanzania_TM_TalentManager_15.16) Deadline for submission of the application is by 24:59pm (GMT +3) on 11th Aug 2015. AUGUST 2nd
Release of application
Submitting deadline
of NST
1. He/she must be a member of AIESEC. 2. He/she should NOT have been more than three years out of the system. 3. He/she should NOT be part of an EB from any LC within Jordan. 4. He/she must be able to attend all the activities prepared by the specific MCVP respectively regarding the position.
AUGUST 14th & 15th
Announcement of the team
First meeting
Position 1
NST ICX Job Des & BD cription
Global Talent Hunter  Accountable to: Hours required: Dates: Functional area:
MCVP ICX & BD 10 hrs/week August 2015 – January 2016 iGIP
*This position doesn’t require physical presence*
General description: The Global Talent Hunter will be in charge of the talent search and pre-selection on behalf of our exchange partners, as well as of promoting the opportunities abroad and seek for international partnerships with other AIESEC entities to ensure the supply for our TNs and an efficient matching process.
Main responsibilities: đ&#x;“? đ&#x;“? đ&#x;“? đ&#x;“? đ&#x;“? đ&#x;“?
Promote our GIP opportunities abroad Screen CVs of applicants Set up interviews with suitable applicants Assess and evaluate interviewed candidates Send candidates to companies Follow up the companies’ selection process
Position 2
Customer Experience Manager  Accountable to: MCVP ICX & BD Hours required: 10 hrs/week Dates: August 2015 – January 2016 Functional area: iGIP & iGCDP
*This position requires physical presence*
General description:
arge nager will be in ch Ma ce en ri pe Ex er ds The Custom y standards towar it al qu al on ti na ng of implementi terns, as well as of in t ou d an rs ne rt r our exchange pa the national CRM fo on ti ac to in g in tt improving and pu a better tracking.
NST ICX Job Des & BD cription
Main responsibilities: đ&#x;“? Implement customer experience management đ&#x;“? XPPs and national quality regulation towards interns & TN takers đ&#x;“? Coaching LCs towards quality in iGCDP đ&#x;“? Global Minimum standards implementation and tracking đ&#x;“? Develop National delivery booklet đ&#x;“? CRM implementation đ&#x;“? Build historical of partners
Position 3
Logistics & Migration Manager  Accountable to: Hours required: Dates: Functional area:
MCVP ICX & BD 10 hrs/week August 2015 – January 2016 iGIP
*This position is only open for local current and former members*
General descriptio
charge of in e b l il w r age rns at a Migration Man te & in s g c in ti m is o g c Lo e in The cal ocess of th r p n o neral logisti ti e a g r ig e th f o the m as el, as well v le l a n o ti a n l. r their arriva io r p s e ic v r e s
NST ICX Job Des & BD cription
Main responsibilities: đ&#x;“? Be in charge of the visa process for all iGIP interns đ&#x;“? Follow up their migration status đ&#x;“? Supply the information and documents needed for their resident status đ&#x;“? In charge of logistics before EPs’ arrival. đ&#x;“? Coordinate EPs for accommodation logistics. đ&#x;“? Create a database of housing / accommodation options.
Position 4
National Partnership Manager Â
Accountable to: Hours required: Dates: Functional area:
MCVP ICX & BD 10 hrs/week Aug 2015 – Jan 2016 BD
*This position is only open for local current and former members*
General description: The National Partnership Manager will be co-leading the Business Development area by tracking opportunities for funds and partnerships, by developing external relations as well as by being in charge of the business intelligence process by researching leads opportunities that support the sales process.
NST ICX Job Des & BD cription
Main responsibilities: đ&#x;“? Actively look for calls for proposals and funds within NGOs and the public and private sectors. đ&#x;“? Be in charge of the applications for such mentioned opportunities. đ&#x;“? Develop leads and external relations with current and prospective partners. đ&#x;“? Ensure the presence of AIESEC Jordan in external events. đ&#x;“? Integration of the Alumni network.
Position 1 Accountable to: Hours required: Dates: Functional area:
Marketing and communication manager  MCVP TM & COMM 10 hrs/week August 2015 – January 2016 COMM
*This position requires physical presence*
General description: The Marketing and communication manager will be dealing with creating and designing the materials used both for online and offline promotions, supporting all the exchange activities and the entire entity, Follow the rules and guarantee the respect to AIESEC brand and sub brand guidelines, educate and track LCs on marketing in general and AIESEC brand and sub brands especially
TM & C Job Des OMM cription
Main responsibilities: đ&#x;“? Designing of materials used in marketing and promotions. đ&#x;“? In charge of all training regarding marketing activities and communication đ&#x;“? Ensure the presence of AIESEC Jordan in external events. đ&#x;“? Integration of the Alumni network through means of communication. đ&#x;“? Guarantee the respect of brand and sub brand guidelines đ&#x;“? Ensure effective media management in facebook, Instagram and the website đ&#x;“? Ensure both effective internal and external communications.
Position 2 Accountable to: Hours required: Dates: Functional area:
TALENT manager  MCVP TM & COMM 10 hrs/week August 2015 – January 2016 TM
*This position requires physical presence*
General description: The Talent manager is the person responsible for the development and growth of the entity by ensuring that there is an effective utilization of human resources, guaranteeing an effective growth in the education cycle, making sure that the conferences are well implemented, and ensuring effective transition from one generation to another.
“Remember education is the powerful weapon that can lead to the change in the world�
TM & C Job Des OMM cription
Main responsibilities: đ&#x;“? Design tracking system and evaluate the knowledge transition progress. đ&#x;“? Support the MCVP TM to generate the agenda for conferences đ&#x;“? Manage education cycle in the LCs đ&#x;“? Follow up on the education center and fulfill the need-based training requirements đ&#x;“? Support the MCVPTM on LEAD sessions and conference management đ&#x;“? Creating and facilitating webinars for soft skills, functional areas, and developing agenda for them. đ&#x;“? Ensure effective talent management for the LCs during the whole semester and the JDs to be applied during the performance of the activities
Position 3 Accountable to: Hours required: Dates: Functional area:
Expansion manager  MCVP TM & COMM 10 hrs/week August 2015 – January 2016 TM
*This position is only open for local current and former members*
General description: The Expansion Manager is the person responsible for executing the research for relevance in the potential expansion area, opening the expansions, responsible for the plan and implementation of the expansion progress, as well as tracking and coaching its performance.
TM & C Job Des OMM cription
Main responsibilities: đ&#x;“? Doing research for the sustainable expansion areas. đ&#x;“? Meeting with the universities to create connection and implement expansion plan. đ&#x;“? Coaching and tracking the opened expansion đ&#x;“? Ensure effective education to the expansion đ&#x;“? Implementing the expansion plan đ&#x;“? Managing the skills of the members in new expansion. đ&#x;“? Ensuring effective communications to the internal and external stake holders supporting the expansion.
General information 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Full name: Whatsapp phone number: Skype ID: Email: Nationality: Your LC: Age: Date of joining & ending AIESEC: Current team and position:
Note Provide Short introduction about yourself.
Your Picture
GENERAL QUESTIONNAIRE Answer all questions in the general and specific Questionnaires. 1. Why are you applying for NST and how is it going to contribute on your growth and development so as you can achieve your personal goals? 2. Do a SWOT analysis of yourself and show how is it going to contribute on the performance of the post you are applying for. 3. What do you expect from the MC Team and the entity in general (AIESEC in Jordan)? 4. Show the connection of NST together with MC & LC in performing works and your strategies on the cooperation.
Specific questionnaires Global Talent Hunter
Customer Experience Manager
What do you think are the 3 main bottlenecks when matching the TNs in Jordan?
Mention the main quality problems when dealing with partners and interns (3 for partners and 3 for interns).
How can you solve those bottlenecks?
What do you propose to solve each of these problems?
Mention 3 strategies to make more attractive our country when promoting the TNs.
Why is it important to implement the use of CRM system and how would you do it?
Specific questionnaires Logistics and migration manager 1.
Why is it important to have a Logistics & Migration Manager in AIESEC Jordan?
2. 3.
Do you have any experience writing proposals / partnerships / sponsorships requests? Explain.
What would be your contribution to the ICX&BD area in this role?
Which kind of knowledge/experience will you gain in this position and whyis it useful for you?
What is the importance of external relations for AIESEC Jordan and how can we capitalize on them (in general and with the Alumni)?
Mention 4 strategies to boost the presence of AIESEC Jordan in the private and public sector.
Specific questionnaires Talent MANAGER 1.
What do you understand by the term education cycle and education center, how are you going to ensure these two things are well implemented?
Give an example of tracking tool to evaluate the performance of LC and the implementation of the Team Minimums. Make a SWOT analysis in the TM portfolio of AIESEC in Jordan.
3. 4.
What do you understand by LEAD? How are you going to implement it in the LCs, create an ideal structure of the agenda in the conference including LEAD session.
What do you understand by expansion of the entity?
How are you going to ensure effective expansion and growth of the new expansion?
Present the procedures followed when doing expansion of the new LC.
Where would you like to have an expansion and why? Explain (at least 3 reasons).
What are your two design products that you are most proud of and why? Attach or provide a link of the photos within the application.
How are you going to ensure effective communication both internal and external to the entity
What is your greatest dream for a design project for AIESEC in Jordan?
Make a SWOT analysis in the marketing of AIESEC in Jordan.
Design a promotional material that goes in hand with the reality of Jordan society.
OF T S BE UCK L For more help you can contact: Faraji H Emily MCVP TM & COMM Contact: +255 713392336 (whatsapp only) Email: Skype: has,son,faraji5
Lilia Sandoval MCVP ICX & BD Contacts: +962 7 9709 60 85 Email: Skype: sandoval.lilia