One Last Battle - Spring2020

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WHAT’S GOING ON Tension between countries around the Bay of Algeciras has drastically risen throughout the years, a global interference has become the only solution. After multiple failed attempts to calm things down, a final decision was made. A neutral area is to be created, and a redistribution of land is imminent. To claim the most land is the ultimate goal of each country, but it isn’t that simple. Obstacles will be brought along the way of each country. The outcome of this is to be the last ever redistribution in this area, let the games begin...

AREAS OF VALUE TIME(R) Time is involved in three aspects of the game:

As not every spot in the site is as valuable as the other, conquering spots of greater significance counts for more points. The ranking of importance is: Port (60 points) Air (50 points)

1. Each scenario mentions time and setting of the game in the given moment (such as season, time of day, weather and surrounding conditions)

Ship (40 points)

2. If you stay for a long time in one medium you lose the chance to play the next round and get revived back in your starting position

Nature (10 points)

3. Main timer of the game where you can change the pace of the game based on your desire where every turn is timed to a limited number of seconds to play or the whole game ends after a certain time limit



HOW TO PLAY 1 2 3 4

Water (30 points) Land (20 points)



Press the New Game button on the side of the board (that will set the board to create a new random configuration and reset all previous game activity) Choose a character (Spain, Morocco, UK) (the board will automatically randomly position your character) Each player draws 5 cards (and keeps drawing 2 whenever his turn comes) Start game and try to conquer as much of the valuable neutral land as possible (with many obstacles and plost twists standing in the way of your goal) You win the game by collecting the most land + areas of value before either the land is fully occupied or time ends

DEALS & ALLIANCES SCENARIOS The heart of the game comes back to this. Since it consists of 3 players, you need to make sure you’re not the one that’s left out. The way to this can be used is when two players have cards that the other needs. The alliances occur also when an agreement is made to leave a specific area to a specific player. Get creative!

Covid-19, Oil spill, War, Natural disaster, Pandemic, Change in territory




these are the cards you use to move around the board, it dictates the number and direction of moves you are able to make

(Dis)Advantage in medium

these cards (water, land, nature, air) come in handy when meeting an opponent in different grounds, these cards decide who wins the battle

Mystery Cards

these cards (global interference, natural disaster, pandemic, accident, cancel move) change the course of the game


these cards (car, ship, ariplane, teleport) are used to help you move faster along the board to reach the desired location


Spain Morocco UK Water Ship Port Land Nature Air





The game starts with a fixed geography but flexible and real time positions of ships, airplanes, etc... Each character is randomly positioned along the board by the algorithm

At this stage of the game, we start to see islands of desired territories by each country, yet not defined

At this point all spaces of the puzzle are filled and the game ends accordingly. The country with the most territory doesn’t necessarily win, that plus the areas of value shown in instructions page decides who wins the game and the land


unaffected/thriving area, advantages on medium, winning battles (+10 points) grey ground medium where its affected but not drastically (-5 points) greatly affected ground, source of damage, losing battles (-10 points)

As the game is going, one of the mystery cards is drawn, and it’s the Covid-19 card, in the winter which helps it mutate and spread at an exponential rate. This changes the course of the game and adds more obstacles in the conquest to conquer the land for a period of time (10 rounds) and then vanishes but not without consequences and a bad aftermath!

COVID-19 GETS INTRODUCED TO THE GAME As the virus scenario’s introduced, air travel’s closed, ships are all emptied therefore ports are closed, and lastly land is on lockdown so that medium is disadvantaged too. While on the other hand, the waters and nature are thriving and recovering so they’re in an advantaged position now


After the world gets exposed to the virus for a period of time and it vanishes at once, things surely have to change. Now as things are operating again, they’re working with a disadvantage of social distancing for flights and ships for example, and with less capacity. So their value has gone down



unaffected/thriving area, advantages on medium, winning battles (+10 points) grey ground medium where its affected but not drastically (-5 points) greatly affected ground, source of damage, losing battles (-10 points)

As is the nature of these disasters, this scenario emerges all of a sudden. It can be one of many as mentioned in the “cards� section. It could be caused as an effect of global warming (so basically a man-made problem), or just as an independant occasion. In this case the disaster is a forest fire in the summer caused by global warming (for 15 rounds looking like there’s no end to it), and as a result affects most mediums and also changes the course of the game drastically, until the flood comes also as a result of global warming and the rise of sea-levels with its pros and cons in the winter (stays for 5 rounds) and changes the game yet again


The fires start in the summer, affecting nature mainly obviously, but still branch out to other mediums such as land, ports, and possibly the one airport in the site, until...


Winter comes after a long summer of suffering with the forest fires, with hope of toning it down with rain, but get surprised with another disaster that ends the first, yet creates many others along the process, which is a flood. A flood puts the forest fires to rest, yet further disturbs the operation of the waters, ports, land, and the airport on site for another few rounds before the sun finally shines again (well at least until another mystery card is drawn)


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