The Episcopal Ordination and Installation of
The Most Reverend
John Thomas Folda as the Eighth Bishop of the Diocese of Fargo
Principal Consecrator and Celebrant
The Most Reverend John C. Nienstedt Archbishop of St. Paul - Minneapolis, Minnesota
The Most Reverend Samuel J. Aquila Archbishop of Denver, Colorado
The Most Reverend James D. Conley Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska
Wednesday, June 19, 2013 2:00 PM Cathedral of St. Mary Fargo, North Dakota
His Holiness Pope Francis
Most Rev. Carlo Maria Viganò Apostolic Nuncio to the United States
Most Rev. John C. Nienstedt Archbishop of St. Paul - Minneapolis, Minnesota Principal Consecrator
Most Rev. Samuel J. Aquila Archbishop of Denver, Colorado Co-consecrator
Most Rev. James D. Conley Bishop of Lincoln, Nebraska Co-consecrator
Other Ministers of the Liturgy Archbishops, Bishops, and Priests Chaplains to Bishop Folda Very Rev. Jeffrey R. Eickhoff, Rector, St. Gregory the Great Seminary Rev. Robert A. Matya, Vocation Director, Diocese of Lincoln
Deacons of the Mass Deacon James Hunt, St. Benedict Catholic Church, Wild Rice, ND Deacon George Loegering, St. Mary Cathedral, Fargo, ND Deacon Kenneth Votava, St. George Catholic Church, Cooperstown, ND
Lectors Mr. John Herlick Sr. Suzanne Stahl, SMP
Choir Choristers from parishes throughout the Diocese of Fargo Dr. Charles Ruzicka, Director Jennifer Splonskowski, Organist
Servers Seminarians of the Diocese of Fargo
Ushers Pastoral Center Staff of the Diocese of Fargo
Most Rev. John T. Folda Bishop of Fargo, North Dakota
Biography of Bishop-elect John Thomas Folda John Thomas Folda, 51, was born on Aug. 8, 1961, in Omaha, Neb., the son of Mabel and the late James Folda. He is the youngest of three children. His brother, James, and his wife, Paula, live in Brookfield, Wis. His sister, Mary, and her husband, Karl, live in Adams, Neb. They have four children and one grandchild. Bishop-elect Folda grew up in Omaha, where he attended St. Thomas More Grade School and Archbishop Ryan High School. After graduating from high school in 1979, he attended the University of Nebraska – Lincoln, where he studied architecture and electrical engineering. In August 1983, Bishop-elect Folda entered seminary formation for the Diocese of Lincoln. He attended St. Charles Borromeo Seminary in Philadelphia and graduated in 1985 with a bachelor of arts degree in philosophy. He continued his theological studies at St. Charles Seminary, where he earned a master of divinity degree in 1988 and a master of arts in theology in 1989. On May 27, 1989, Bishop-elect Folda was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Lincoln by Bishop Glennon Patrick Flavin. For two years, he served as parochial vicar at Cathedral of the Risen Christ, and was a teacher of religion at Pius X High School in Lincoln. In 1991, Bishop-elect Folda was sent to Rome, where he earned a licentiate in sacred theology at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas. Upon returning to the Diocese of Lincoln in 1993, he was assigned as pastor of St. Paulinus Church in Syracuse and Holy Trinity Church in Avoca. He was also guidance counselor and teacher of religion at Lourdes Central Catholic School in Nebraska City. During this time, he also served as assistant to the Vicar General of the Diocese of Lincoln. In 1995, Bishop-elect Folda was appointed pastor of St. Leo Church in Palmyra and St. Martin Church in Douglas, while continuing to work in the diocesan offices. In 1997, he was appointed diocesan Director of Religious Education, Co-Vicar for Religious, Master of Ceremonies, and Censor Librorum. He was also appointed Delegate of the Bishop to Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital and continues as vice president of the Board of Directors. Bishop-elect Folda has been a member of the Board of the Nebraska Catholic Conference since 1993. He has also been a member of the Presbyteral Council, College of Consultors, Finance Council, Priests’ Continuing Education Committee, Catholic Social Services Board and the Ethics Committee of St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center. In 1999, Bishop-elect Folda was appointed rector of St. Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, Neb. He served as president of the National Association of College Seminaries from 2008 to 2010. On Oct. 10, 2007, Pope Benedict XVI named him “Chaplain of His Holiness” with the title of Monsignor. On April 8, 2013, Pope Francis appointed him Bishop of Fargo.
O Sacrum Convivium by Remondi
Opening Hymns Creator Spirit by Whose Aid
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
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1. 2. 3. 4.5. 6. 7. 8.
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Fa - ther and the Son by thee. Al-le - lu-ia! Al-le - lu-ia! Al-leis the tongue and yours the ear. make this peo - ple hon - or thee. firm our weak un - cer - tain wills. as one bo - dy we may sing: prac - tice all that we be - lieve. sanc - ti - fy us whole we sing. now and for e - ter - ni - ty.
lu-ia! Al-le - lu-ia! Al-le - lu - ia!
Public Domain
Lord, You Give the Great Commission
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2. D
2. D
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The Introductory Rites The Introduct OR you are ORmy y
œ œ&
œ œ
Greeting Greetin
œ œ œ œá
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V. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, V. In the name of the Father, and of ow of your owwings. of your ow *an w M
men. R. A-‐‑men. poor, to heal poor,the to bro-ken-heart-ed. poor, heal the to bro-ken-heart-ed. heal the bro-ken-heart-ed. E. T. Al-leE. T. lu-Al-leia.E.‐‑ia.
á & á & á Verses: Psalm 62:2-3,5,8-9 Choir =4 = 4 and the =4 V. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, V. The grace of our Lord Jesus Chris Copyright © 2013 Chant settings by Samuel F. Weber, O.S.B., Institute of Sacred Music All Rights Reserved
hand up-holds hand up-hold me. hand
1. O God, my God, to you do I watch at break of 3. For you are my help, and I will rejoice in the VERSES VERSES VERSES Deus, Deus Deus, meus, Deus Deus, ad meus, te de Deus luce admeus, tevigilo. deshadow luce adPs tevigilo. 62 de :luce 2-3 vigilo. 62 : 2-3 Ps : 2-3 day. For you my soul has thirsted, my flesh of your My soul clings fast to á áPswings. á62 ᜠLo- ry be Lo-toryt faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where you; your&right hand&upholds me. Ant. communion of the Holy Spirit communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all be w 1 is. = =1 no = water Ant.1 Th 4. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and œ œ& œ in 2. Thus will I bless you all my life long, and in to the Holy Spirit. As it was œ the &atisbreak your name I will liftmy upGod, my hands. Ant. now, ever *shall be, world God, my to you God, God, domy toIyou God, watch dotoatIyou break watch dobeginning, of atI watch break day. *of day. *and of day. á Spir -‐‑ it. spir -‐‑ it. &Ho- ly Spir* HoAs itl without end.spir Amen. Ant.
Introductory Rites
Archbishop: name of and of the Son, and ofas the Holy For you In my Forthe soul you has my Forthirst-ed, soul youthe has myFather, soul thirst-ed, myhas flesh thirst-ed, my faints flesh formy faints you, flesh for faints you, forasyou,
Archbishop: Peace be with you.
V. In the name of the F
œ œ œ œ œ œœ
V. Grace to you and peace from God our Fa-‐‑ V. Grace to you and peace from God the evev-be, er shall world evbe R. er A-‐‑shall men.
in a dryinanda wear-y dryinand aland wear-y drywhere andland wear-y nowhere waland ter nowhere is. wa- ter no wais. ter is.
Or: Kyrie
á œ œ á
V. The grace of our Lo
Missa de Angelis á & á œ &œ á œ ᜠOr:
Vs v | v f y G c h v . 7 ^ % v h v . 9 & ^ % v h j h c , [ v | 6 $ # @ v t f v d c d v s b m } ccf c v f # @ ! v s v m s | v g F 6 v . 7 ^ % v h v . [ K B|v6$#@vtfcdcdcsmvc}clckc9*&k9h.v|vohv7.vFgv6.v [v|v6$#@vtfcdcdcsmvcc Bvlckc9*&vkv9h.c[cokv9*&vkv9h.v|vohv7.vFg6.v [v|6$#@vtfvdcdcsmc}cccvvcv &
Y - ri- e,
e -
have mercy
le - i - son. (2) Ky - ri -e,
œ á œ & spir œ -‐‑ᜠit.
V. Peace be with you. V. Peace be with you. R. And with your spi R. And wi
& le - i - son.
have mercy
á œ
The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal © 2010, Interna The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal in the Liturgy Corporation. in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserv
Ky- ri - e,
communion of the Ho V. The Lord be with you. V. The Lord be with you. R. And with your R. And
le - i-son. 2) Greeting at a Pontifical Mass: Chri-steGreeting at a Pontifical Mass: œ œ
have mercy
œ œ
____________________________ __________________ ________ Chant settings Chant by Fr. Samuel Chant byF.Fr. sett We R. Christ. And with your spir-‐‑ R. And with your spir-‐‑ it.settings it.S Meinrad, IN Meinrad, 47577-1010 INMeinrad, U.S.A. 47577-10 AlI
le - i - son.
have mercy
V. Grace to you and p
Christ. Or:
R. And wit
V. The Lord be with y
Italic words - Choir Gloria
Missa de Angelis
Bold words - Congregation
Vv h c h c f c d c s c d c f c d v m c s v m } ch c h c f c d c s c v d c f c d c s v m z v { v c s c d c v G Lo- ri- a in ex cel sis De- o. Glory
Et in ter- ra pax ho-mi-ni-bus
to God in the highest,
and on earth peace to people
of good}clck&^}clckcjchcJkcuh.,cv}vchv vbhv fb#b@cDfcvsmc Vscdcfchcjch.c} zv{hchcvfcdcv bscvdcfcdmcsmv Vvhchcfcdcsmcdcvfcdmcsmc{vsv Dfz v hv vuhcJkv okv vuhch.v}v hchcfcvbdcscc Vvdcfv vhcjch.v[vJkcokcj.cvh.v}v lckcjckcuhcjv{v hchc4#@cdfdcsmvb Vvscvdcfchcjv vhcJkvokcuh.,c{vhchc4#@cDfcdmcsmv}v lcvkcjchcjckcj.cvh.v b vo- lun ta-tis. will.
Lauda- mus te.
We praise you,
Glo- ri- fi- camus te. we glorify you,
Ado- ra- mus te.
Be- ne- di- cimus te.
we bless you,
we adore you,
Gra- ti- as a-gi mus ti- bi propter magnam glor-ri-am tu- am.
we give you thanks
for your great glory,
Domi-ne De-us, Rex cae le-stis, De- us Pa-ter om ni- pot- ens. Domi- ne Fi- li Lord God,
heavenly King,
O God, almighty Father.
u- ni- ge-ni- te Ie- su Chri-ste. Domi-ne De- us, Agnus De- i, Fi- li- us Jesus Christ, Only Begotten Son,
Qui tol-lis pecca- ta mun- di, you take away the sins of the world,
Lord God,
Lamb of God,
Pa- tris.
Son of the Father,
mi-se- re- re no-bis. Qui tol- lis pec ca-ta mun-di, have mercy on us;
you take away the sins of the world,
Vvhvhcvf,cdcvscdcfchcuhcJkvokvuh.,v}v hcvhcfcvdcsv v vdcfcvdmcsmv cccv susci- pe de pre-ca- ti- o-nem no- stram. Qui se-des ad dex te-ram Pa-tris, receive our prayer.
you are seated at the right hand of the Father,
13}}vlv kcuhcJkv vuhch.v}vchchcfv VvvescDfv bhv uh.,v v[}vv hcchc4#@cDfcdcsmv vb z{z scdcvfchcvjchcvb mi-se- re- re no-bis. Quo-ni-am tu so- lus sanctus.Tu so-lus Do-mi-nus. have mercy on us.
For you alone are the Holy One,
Al- tis-si-mus, Ie-su Chri-ste.
you alone are the Lord,
Cum Sancto Spi-ri- tu,
are the Most High, Jesus Christ, with the Holy
Tu so-lus you alone
in glo- ri- a De- i
in the glory of
VvvJkvokcuh.,v}c|v6$#@c5$#cesmnc}cccccccvvccccccccccccc Pa- tris.
the Father.
Collect O God, who out of the abundance of your untold grace alone choose to set your servant and Priest John over your Church of Fargo this day, grant that he may carry out worthily the office of Bishop and, under your governance in all things, he may direct by word and example the people entrusted to his care. The Introductory Rites Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, Greeting who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, á œ œ œ œ œ á one God,& for ever and ever. V. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spir-‐‑it. All:
& &
œ œ
R. A-‐‑men.
œ œ œ
V. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the
& á
communion of the Holy Spirit
be with you all.
R. And with your
Liturgy of the Word First Reading:
The Lord has anointed me; he has sent me to bring glad tidings to the lowly and to give them the oil of gladness.
Responsorial Psalm
After Jesus had revealed himself to his dis - cip- les
Isaiah 61: 1-3
Psalm 89
and eaten breakfast with them,
For ev-er Ihewill -ness thedoLord. said to sing Si-monthe Peter, good “Simon, son ofof John, you love me more than these?”
Respond and Acclaim Music © 1977, 1990, OCP,. All Rights Reserved
Second Reading: Simon Peter an - swered him,
“Yes, Lord,
Jesus said to him, “Feed Gospel Acclamation:
“Simon, son of John, do you love me?”
Timothy you2 know that I 1:6-14 love you.”
To stir into flame the gift of God that through thelaying on of hands. you have
sec - ond
Simon Peter an - swered him,
“Yes, Lord, you know that I love you.” He said to him,
“Tend my sheep.”
© 1999 Birnamwood Publications, All rights reserved. Bishop’s Ordination Mass Copyright John 2 Ordination Mass Bishop’s Ordination MassOrdination John Gospel: Bishop’s Mass Verse: 15:15b Bishop’s
Father me. known to youall that the has I call you my friends, says the Lord,Heforsaid I have made told to him the third time, “Simon, me?” son of John, do you love
Bishop’s V/. TheOrdination Lord be with And with Ordination Mass Bishop’s Mass you. R/. Gospel: John 2y V/. The Lord be withV/.you. R/. your - it.And you. Lord The R/. V/. beThe with withLord you. be R/. with your Ans spirwith And Deacon: The Lord be with You. Peter that was distressed you he had said a third “Do love me?” time, to him holy V/. The Lord V/. A reading from the Gospel according with you. R/. And Thewith Lordyour spir - R/. And w Lord V/. R/.beAnd A reading V/. beGospel with John. holy Gospel with A reading the V/.holy Gospel V/. from according A reading the -holy tothe according acco V/. The be with you. from your spir it. from him, everything; you you.” and to John. he said to “Lord, Deacon: A reading from the holy Gospel according youknow that know I love R/. Glory you, OJohn. Lord. accordi V/. A reading from the holy Gospel V/.toA according reading from thetoholy Gospel Glory R/.Glory you, R/. Oto you, R/. GlorytotoJohn. you, O Lord. O Lord. to Gospel according from the holy V/. A reading Lord. sheep.” Jesus said tohim, “Feed my
John 15-17 21: Gospel: Feed my lambs, feed my sheep R/. Glory to you, O Lord.
R/. Glory to you,
OR/.Jesus Glory Lord. you, Lord. After hadtorevealed himself toOhis dis - cip- les After Jesus had revealed Afterhimself Jesus to had After hisrevealed dis Jesus - cip-had les himself revealed andto eaten his himself dis breakfast - cip-to leshis with ad
to you, V/. The Gospel of After Jesus the Lord. R/.himself Praise Lord Je-sus Christ. he said Sidis - mon “Simon, son of his John, had revealed After to to hisJesus - cip had-Peter, les revealed and eaten himself breakfast to diswith to Si- mon Peter, he said “Simon, to Sison -he mon of said Peter, John, to Si“Simon, do - mon youPeter, love son of me “Simon, John, more son do thanyo o he said Please remain standing after theGospel until Archbishop the the blesses the congregation with book of the Gospels. Simon Peter an swered him, “Yes, he said to Si- mon Peter, “Simon,heson saidoftoJohn, Si- mon do Peter, you love “Simon, me more sonLord, than of Jo Simon Peter an - swered Simon him, Peter Simon an “Yes, - swered Peter Lord,him, anyou - swered know “Yes, him, that Lord, I love “Yes you 15
Deacon: The Gospel of the Lord.
Rite of Ordination Veni Creator
Ve - ni, Qui di Tu se Ac - cen Ho - stem Per te
Cre - a ce - ris pti - for de lu re - pel sci - a -
tor Pa mis men las mus
Spi - ri - tus, ra - cli - tus, mu - ne - re, sen - si - bus, lon - gi - us, da Pa - trem,
Plainchant, Mode VIII
Men - tes tu - o - rum al - tis - si - mi do digi - tus pa - ter - nae in fun - de amo - rem pa - cem - que do - nes no - sca - mus at - que
Im - ple Fons vi Tu ri in - fir Du - cto Te - que
su - per - na gra - ti - a vus, i - gnis, ca - ri - tas, te pro - mis - sum Pa-tris, ma no - stri cor - po - ris re sic te prae - vi - o, utri - us - que Spi - ri - tum
Quae tu cre - a - sti et spi - ri - ta - lis Ser - mo - ne di - tans Vir - tu - te fir - mans vi - te - mus o - mne Cre - da - mus o - mni
vi - si - ta: num De - i, dex - te - rae, cor - di - bus, pro - ti - nus: Fi - li - um
pe - cto-ra. un - cti - o. gut - tu - ra. per - pe - ti. no - xi-um. tem-po - re.
Presentation of the Bishop-elect The request for the ordination of the Reverend John Folda to the responsibility of the Episcopate is presented. After the presentation of Bishop-elect Folda, all are seated.
Priest: Most Reverend Father, the Church of the Diocese of Fargo asks you to ordain this Priest, John, to the responsibility of the Episcopate. Archbishop: Have you a mandate from the Apostolic See? Priest: We have. Archbishop: Let it be read.
Apostolic Letter Msgr. Jean-Francois Lantheaume, Chargé d’affaires a.i. of the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, D.C., representing Archbishop Viganò, reads the mandate from the Apostolic See. This authenticates the Holy Father's choice of this priest for ordination to the Episcopate. The letter is formally presented to the College of Consultors of the Diocese and the Chancellor records the proceedings.
Consent of the People All: Thanks Be To God After the reading of the apostolic letter, the people give their assent by saying "Thanks be to God", followed by applause.
Homily Archbishop Nienstedt addresses Bishop-elect Folda and all present on the office of Bishop.
Examination of the Candidate Archbishop Nienstedt examines Bishop-elect Folda on his resolve to uphold the faith and to discharge his duty faithfully.
Archbishop: The ancient rule of the holy Fathers ordains that a Bishop-elect is to be questioned
in the presence of the people on his resolve to uphold the faith and to discharge his duty. And so, dear brother, do you resolve by the grace of the Holy Spirit to discharge until death the office entrusted to us by the Apostles, which we are about to pass on to you by the laying on of our hands?
I do.
Archbishop: Do you resolve to preach the Gospel of Christ with constancy and fidelity? Bishop-elect: I do. Archbishop: Do you resolve to guard the deposit of faith, entire and incorrupt, as handed down
by the Apostles and preserved in the Church everywhere and at all times? Bishop-elect: I do.
Archbishop: Do you resolve to build up the Body of Christ, his Church, and to remain in the
unity of that Body together with the Order of Bishops under the authority of the successor of Saint Peter the Apostle? Bishop-elect: I do.
Archbishop: Do you resolve to render obedience faithfully to the successor of the blessed Apostle Peter?
I do.
Archbishop: Do you resolve to guide the holy People of God in the way of salvation as a devoted
father and sustain them with the help of your fellow ministers, the Priests and Deacons? Bishop-elect: I do.
Archbishop: Do you resolve, for the sake of the Lord's name, to be welcoming and merciful to
the poor, to strangers, and to all who are in need? Bishop-elect: I do.
Archbishop: Do you resolve as a good shepherd to seek out the sheep who stray and gather them
into the Lord's fold? Bishop-elect: I do.
Archbishop: Do you resolve to pray without ceasing to almighty God for the holy people and to
carry out the office of High Priest without reproach? Bishop-elect: I do, with the help of God.
Archbishop: May God who has begun the good work in you bring it to fulfillment. 17
Litany of Supplication
All kneel
Then the Bishops put aside their miters, and all stand. The principal ordaining Bishop, with hands joined, faces the people and invites them to pray.
Cantor Lord,
Lord, have
mer - cy.
Lord, have
mer - cy
Holy Mary, Mother of God Saint Michael Holy Angels of God… [The invocation of the saints continues, ending with:] All holy men and women, Saints of God
Pray for us.
Lord be merciful From all evil From every sin From everlasting death By your Incarnation By your Death and Resurrection By the outpouring of the Holy Spirit
Lord de - li - ver us we pray
Be merciful to us sinners Govern and protect your holy Church Keep the Pope and all the ordained in faithful service to your Church Bless this chosen man Bless and sanctify this chosen man Bless, sanctify and consecrate this chosen man Bring all peoples together in peace and true harmony Comfort with your mercy the troubled and the afflicted Strengthen all of us and keep us in your holy service Jesus, Son of the living God
Lord, we ask you, hear our prayer.
gra-cious-ly hear us,
gra-cious-ly hear us.
Archbishop: Graciously hear our petitions, O Lord, and pour out upon this, your servant, the power of your blessing, flowing from the horn of priestly grace. Through Christ our Lord. All: AMEN.
Laying on of Hands
All stand
In silence, the principal ordaining Bishop imposes hands on the Bishop-elect as a sign of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Afterward, all the Bishops present come forward and lay their hands on the Bishop-elect as well. Then the principal ordaining Bishop receives the Book of the Gospels and places it, open, upon the head of the Bishop-elect and it is held in place during the Prayer of Ordination.
Prayer of Ordination The principal ordaining Bishop recalls the role of the priesthood in the history of salvation and of his own need for collaborators in the episcopal ministry.
Archbishop: God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Father of mercies and God of all consolation, who dwell on high and look upon the lowly, who know all things before they come to be, and who laid down observances in your Church through the word of your grace; who from the beginning, foreordained a nation of the just, born of Abraham; who established rulers and priests and did not leave your sanctuary without ministers, and who, from the foundation of the world, were pleased to be glorified in those you have chosen: All Bishops:Pour out now upon this chosen one that power which is from you, the governing Spirit, whom you gave to your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, the Spirit whom he bestowed upon the holy Apostles, who established the Church in each place as your sanctuary for the glory and unceasing praise of your name. 19
Archbishop: Grant, O Father, knower of all hearts, that this your servant, whom you have chosen for the office of Bishop may shepherd your flock. Serving you night and day, may he fulfill before you without reproach the ministry of the High Priesthood, so that, always gaining your favor, he may offer up the gifts of your holy Church.
Grant that, by the power of the Spirit of the High Priesthood, he may have the power to forgive sins according to your command, assign offices according to your decree, and loose every bond according to the power given by you to the Apostles.
May he please you by his meekness and purity of heart, presenting a fragrant offering to you through your Son Jesus Christ, through whom glory and power and honor are yours with the Holy Spirit in the holy Church, now and for ever and ever. All: AMEN. All be Seated
Anointing of the Head and the Handing on of the Book of the Gospels and the Insignia The principal ordaining Bishop anoints the head of the newly ordained Bishop, presents him with the Book of the Gospels, places the ring, and miter and presents the crosier.
Archbishop: May God, who has made you a sharer of the High Priesthood of Christ, himself pour out upon you the oil of mystical anointing and make you fruitful with an abundance of spiritual blessings. Receive the Gospel and preach the word of God with all patience and sound teaching.
Receive this ring, the seal of fidelity: adorned with undefiled faith, preserve unblemished the bride of God, the holy Church.
Receive the miter, and may the splendor of holiness shine forth in you, so that when the chief shepherd appears you may deserve to receive from him an unfading crown of glory.
Receive the crosier, the sign of your pastoral office: and keep watch over the whole flock in which the Holy Spirit has placed you as Bishop to govern the Church of God.
Kiss of Peace
All Stand
The principal ordaining Bishop invites the newly ordained Bishop to occupy the cathedra. As a sign of union, the newly ordained Bishop receives the fraternal kiss from the principal ordaining Bishop and all the other Bishops.
Verses: Psalm 95 (96)
1. O sing a new song to the Lord, sing to the Lord all the earth, O sing to the Lord, bless his name. Ref.
6. Bring an offering and enter his courts, worship the Lord in his temple. O earth, tremble before him. Ref.
2. Proclaim his help day by day, tell among the nations his glory and his wonders among all the peoples. Ref.
7. Proclaim to the nations: "God is king." The world he made firm in its place; he will judge the peoples in fairness. Ref.
3. The Lord is great and worthy of praise, to be feared above all gods; the gods of the heathens are naught. Ref.
8. Let the heavens rejoice and the earth be glad, let the sea and all within it thunder praise, let the land and all it bears rejoice, all the trees of the wood shout for joy Ref.
4. It was the Lord who made the heavens, his are majesty and state and power and splendor in his holy place. Ref. 5. Give the Lord, you families of peoples, give the Lord glory and power, give the Lord the glory of his name. Ref.
9. at the presence of the Lord for he comes, he comes to rule the earth. With justice he will rule the world, he will judge the peoples with his truth. Ref.
Offertory Motet
The Glory of the Father by Hovland
All People That On Earth Do Dwell
All Know O For To Praise
peo - ple that that the Lord en - ter then why? The Lord Fa - ther, Son, God, from whom
praise forth tell, Come doth us feed, and name al - ways, for firm - ly stood, and an - gel - host be heav'n - ly host: Praise
earth do God in gates with God is Ho - ly bless - ings
to the Lord with cheer - out our aid he did - proach with joy his courts mer - cy is for - ev God whom heav'n and earth him, all crea - tures here
on is his our and all
ful us un er a be -
ye be - fore him for his sheep he it is seem - ly shall from age to praise and glo - ry Fa - ther, Son, and Public Domain
Liturgy of the Eucharist
and doth so age ev Ho -
dwell, Sing deed; Withpraise; Apgood: His Ghost, The flow; Praise
serve are laud, truth men him
with his and at and a -
voice; Him make; We to; Praise, sure; His dore, from low; Praise
mirth, his folk, he bless his all times from the bove, ye
re - joice. us take. to do. en - dure. er - more. ly Ghost.
Prayer over the Offerings We offer you the sacrifice of praise, O Lord, for the deepening of our serviceThe Introductory Rites of you, so that what you have conferred on us, Greeting unworthy as we are, œ œ œ œ œ á & á bring to fulfillment. you may graciously V. our In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spir-‐‑it. Through Christ Lord.
œ œ
The Eucharistic Prayer The Eucharistic Prayer The Eucharistic Prayer
R. A-‐‑men.
Preface Dialogue Preface Dialogue Preface Dialogue
Preface &
œ œ œ
œœ œ œœ œœ œ and the love of God, œ œœ œ œ œœœ œ œ œœ œ &you. œ & œ& V. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, Bishop: The Lord be with œ œ œ œœ œœ œœ œ and the œ œ & á
R. And with your spir‑it. spir‑it. V. The Lord be with you. V. The Lord be with you. R. And with your spir‑it. V.áThe Lord be with you. á R. And with your
œœ œœ œœœœ œœœœ œœœ œ œ œ communion of the Holy Spirit Bishop: Lift up your hearts. œœœœœ œ œ œ œœ œœR. & œœ&œœ& œœœbe with you all. œ œ œ œ œ œœ œ And with your & œ œ
V. Lift up your hearts. R. We lift them up to the Lord. V. Lift up your hearts. V. Lift R. We lift them up to the Lord. up your hearts. R. We lift them up to the Lord.
-‐‑ it. Bishop: Let usspir give thanks œœ œ œ œ œGod. &to theœLord &œ our
œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ œœœœ œœ œœœœ œœœ œœ œ œ œœ œ œœœœ œ œœ œœœ œœ
V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. R. It is right and just. V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. is right and just. R. ItR. V. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right and jus œ œ á
œ œ
V. Grace to you and peace from God our Fa-‐‑ther and the Lord Jesus Sanctus
Missa de Angelis
Bv g F v y f v g v t v v f c , [ v r v v w a v n m [ v f v h G v i h v 6 % $ v t f c m , { c \ v h F v v k k v u h v h c . v k v v \ b u h x c ccc S Btfvg6fb4b@!cfbGhvihv6b%$ctfcf,c]v fcHkck/cv H kck/cz z \v9b*&vkcuh.,v [vkv v\vuhv Ghv 6b%$vf,v Bfv vrc vwacfcvGhvhvihv6b%$vtf,mc]vfvHkv v 8b^%vkvk/cKlv \9*&vkvuh.,v[chchvfv vhckv Klv kv vk/v v v BIv v\Klv9b*^vjvtfv[vGhcvrdcwacfvGhvihv6b%$ctf,mcv}cccccccccccccccvv &
of hosts.
& &
Christ. Or:
œ œ
R. And with your spir-‐‑it.
ctus, Sanctus, San-
œ Holy
V. The Lord be with you.
œ Lord œ God
mi-nus De- us
R. And with your spir-‐‑it.
Greeting at a Pontifical Mass:
œ Ple- niá sunt cae- œli œ et terba-œ oth.
V. Peace be with you.
Heaven and earth are full of
R. And with your spir-‐‑it.
glo- ri- a tu- a. your glory.
The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
Ho-sanna in excelHosanna
Ho- sanHosanna
in the highest.
in ex celin the highest.
Bene- di- ctus qui ve- nit Blessed
is he who comes
in nomi- ne Do- mi-ni.
in the name
of the Lord.
Memorial Acclamation Doxology
VvavdcvDfcfcfcfcfvfcdcfvhvfvf,c}czz av Dfv fcvfcfcfvfcfv fc Vvgv fcDfv dmc[vrscdvdcav +acvanc}ccccccccvvccccc
Missa Jubilate Deo
The Priest takes the chalice and the paten with the host and, raising both, he sings:
á O Lord, &We proclaimœ your death,
et tu-am re-sur-recti- o-nem á resurrection œ œ œ œ and profess œ your
Mortem tu- am annunti-amus,Do-mi-ne,
Through him, and with him, and in him,
á & confi-temur,
œœ œ œ œ œ
do- nec ve-ni- as. until you come. in the unity of the Ho-‐‑ ly Spir-‐‑it,
O God, almighty Father,
œ œ œ œ
œ œ á
all glo-‐‑ry and hon -‐‑ or is yours,
œ œœ œ œ œ œ œ œ Amen& œ œœ for ev -‐‑ er and ev -‐‑ er.
R. A-‐‑men.
Communion Rite The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
The Lord’s Prayer Sung Sign of Peace Agnus Dei VIII
Missa de Angelis
BFTvtfv Ghv v fgfvf,c[vfv vrv vwacscacSfcvfgfcf,c{vfv Ghchc\vGjv^%vhv vfgfcf,cc -
gnus De- i, * qui tol-lis pecca- ta mun- di : mi-se- re- re
Lamb of God,
Who take away the sins of the world,
no- bis.
have mercy on us.
BvfcHkc8v^%vkvk/c[vkc6cfcgv fv Ghcfgfcf,c{vfcGhchv c\vGjv^%vhcfgfcf,cccv BvFTvtfv Ghccfgfvf,c[cfv vrv vwacscacSfv bvfgfcf,c{vfvGhchc\vGjv^%vhcfgfcf,c}vvc Agnus DeLamb of God,
i, * qui tol- lis pecca-ta mun- di : mi- se-re- re Who take away the sins of the world,
gnus De-i,
Lamb of God,
have mercy on us.
no- bis.
*qui tol- lis pecca- ta mun-di : dona no- bis Who take away the sins of the world,
grant us peace.
All Catholics who are properly disposed are invited to receive the Eucharist, please refer to page 36 for the guidelines for the reception of holy communion. 24
pa- cem.
COMMUNION ANTIPHON Pater sancte. Jn 17 Communion Antiphon
Vb b d b b b h b b b g H U b b b j b > b b [ b b j b b b j b b b k I b b b b y g b b b u h b b b j b b b j k j b > b b ] b b j b b H Vbb D7b b b uhb b HU<Ob b bjb b hb b b jb b b uhb<> b b{b b ygb b hb b hijb b hbygb b bhb b bgb b b fb b b tfb<M b[b Vbb bfYb b bdb b b dfdbM b }b b b b D7b b b7>b HU<Ob buhb b hb. b [b hijb bj8hbyfYb bdfdb b dbM b b}b b b b b b
John 17
7. d
O- LY Fa-ther, * con- se-crate them in the truth.
you sent me in- to the world, so I send them in- to the world,
says the Lord. E. T. Al- le-
lu- ia,
al- le-
lu- ia.
Copyright © 2013 Chant settings by Samuel F. Weber, O.S.B., Institute of Sacred Music All Rights Reserved
Verses: Psalm 24:1,4,20 Choir 2. Your ways, O Lord, make known to me, and teach me your paths. Ant.
1. To you O Lord, have I lifted up my soul. In you, O my God, I put my trust; let me not be put to shame. Ant.
3. Keep my soul, and deliver me; I shall not be ashamed, for I have hoped in you. Ant.
Communion Hymns Panis Angelicus
Pa - nis an - ge - li - cus Te, tri - na De - i - tas
fi - gu - ris sic - ut te
Do - mi-num ten - di-mus,
fit pa - nis u - na - que,
ter co
mi - num. li - mus;
ho - mi - nim; po - sci - mus,
O Per
Pau - per, ser - vus et hu Ad lu - cem quam in - ha
Dat Sic
pa - nis nos tu
mi - lis. bi - tas.
___ Ch Me
Cae - li - cus vi - si - ta,
res mi - ra - bi - lis! tu - as se - mi - tas
Man - du - cat Duc nos quo
Public Domain
The King Of Love My Shepherd Is
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
The King of love my shep - herd is, Whose good - ness Where streams of liv - ing wa - ter flow my ran - somed Per - verse and fool - ish I have strayed, but yet in In death's dark vale I fear no ill, with you, dear You spread a ta - ble in my sight, Your grace so And so through all the length of days, Your good - ness
fails soul love Lord, rich fails
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. -
he food home, cross your in
me nev he's lead he sought be - side be - stow me nev
is mine ce - les re - joic be - fore pure cup your house
er; ing, me, me, ing; er,
I noth - ing And, where the And on his Your rod and And O what Good Shep - herd,
lack if ver - dant shoul - der staff my trans - port may I
I am his, and pas - tures grow, with gent - ly laid, And com - fort still, Your of de - light from sing your praise with-
for - ev tial feed ing, brought to guide is flow for - ev
er. ing me. me. ing. er. Public Domain
O Esca Viatorum, Heinrich Isaac
Prayer after Communion Complete within us, O Lord, we pray, The Introductory Rites the healing work of your mercy, and graciously perfect and sustain Greeting us, so that in all things œ œ & á we may please you. œ œ œ á Through Christ our Lord. V. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spir-‐‑it. All:
& &
Te Deum
œ œ
R. A-‐‑men.
œ œ œ
V. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the
& á
The newly ordained Bishop is led by the ordaining Bishops through the church to bless all those present. communion of the Holy Spirit
Refrain& œ œ
be with you all.
R. And with your
spir -‐‑ it.
œ œ œ œ
V. Grace to you and peace from God our Fa-‐‑ther and the Lord Jesus
1. You are Lord: á you. Youœ are œ & œ we acclaim the eternal Father: All creation worships Christ. R. And with your spir-‐‑it. you. Ref.
4. Your true and only Son, worthy of worship, and the Holy Spirit, advocate and guide. You, Christ, are the King of Or: glory, á œ the eternal Son of the Father, 2. To you all theœ powers of á œ & all angels, Whenœ you became man to set us free you heaven, Cherubim and SeraphimR.sing in V. The Lord be with you. And with your spir-‐‑ it. did not shun the Virgin’s womb. You endless praise: Holy, holy, holy Lord Greeting at a Pontifical Mass: overcame the sting of death and opened God of powerá and might, heaven áand œ œ œ œ kingdom of heaven to all believers. the earth & are full of your glory. Ref. V. Peace be with you. R. And with your spir-‐‑ it. are seated at God’s right hand in You 3. The glorious company of apostles praise glory. Ref. The English translation and chants of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English you. The noble fellowship of prophets in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved. 5. We believe that you will come and be our praise you. The white robed army of judge. Come then, Lord, and help your martyrs praise you. Throughout the people, bought with the price of your world the holy church acclaims you, own blood, and bring us with your saints Father of majesty unbounded. Ref. to glory everlasting. Ref.
Concluding Rites Address by Bishop Folda Final Blessing and Dismissal Bishop Folda: O God, who care for your people with gentleness and rule them in love, endow with the Spirit of wisdom those to whom you have handed on authority to govern, that from the flourishing of the holy flock may come eternal joys for its shepherds. All: AMEN. Bishop Folda: As in your majestic power you allot the number of our days and the measure of our years, look favorably upon our humble service and confer on our time the abundance of your peace. All: AMEN. Dismissal
Bishop Folda: Give a happy outcome to the tasks that through your grace you have laid upon me, whom you have raised to the rank of Bishop; make me pleasing Then the Deacon, or the Priest himself, with Then the Deacon, or the Priest himself, w hands joined and facing the people, sings: hands joined and facing the people, sing to you in the fulfillment of my duties, and so guide the hearts of people and œœ flock pastor, that&the obedience œ never failœœthe œ œ œmay œ œ œ œœ norœ theœœ œ œ œ œ œ œœ œof the &œœshepherd care of the shepherd be lacking for the V. Go forth, the Mass is end-‐‑flock. ed. R. Thanks beV. to God. Go forth, the Mass is end-‐‑e All: AMEN. Or: Or: Deacon: Go and announce & the Gospel œ œof the œ Lord. œœ
œ œœ œ œœ œ
œ œœ
œœœ œ œœ œ œ œœ œ
œ &
V. Go and an-‐‑nounce the Gos-‐‑pel of the Lord. R.V.Thanks be Go and an-‐‑ to God. nounce the Gos-‐‑
Refrain: (Christ conquers! Christ reigns! Christ rules!)
& &
dœ œ œ á a j j
œœ œœ j œ œj&
œjœœœ œœjœ œ áœ
V. Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life. R. V.Thanks be Go in peace, to God. glorifying the L Or:
Chri - stus
œœ œ œ œœ dj
V. Go in peace.
Vin - cit!
Chri - stus
œœ œ œ œœ
Re - gnat!
œœ œ œ œœ
œœ œ
& j k k to God. j k z ks V.i Go in peace. J R. Thanks be
R. Thanks b
The following dismissal is used on Easter Sunday, the Octave of Easter, and in the Mass The following dismissal is used on East Chri - stus, Chri - stus Im - pe - rat! during the Day on Pentecost Sunday. during the Day on Pentecost Sunday.
œ continual œ&œ &and universal á œ and œ œ œ œ health.) (To Francis, Supreme Pontiff Father, peace, life
1. Francisco, Summo Pontifici et universali Patri, Pax, vita et salus perpetua. Ref. V. Go forth, the Mass is end-‐‑ed, al -‐‑ le -‐‑ lu -‐‑ ia,
œáœœœœ œ œ œ œœ
œ œ
al -‐‑ V. le -‐‑ Go forth, the Mass is end-‐‑ lu -‐‑ ia. ed
2. Joanni Reverendissimo Episcopo, et omni clero ei commiso, Pax vita, et salus perpetua. Ref. (To John, Most Reverend
Or:and Bishop
all the clergy entrusted to him, peace, life andOr:continual health.)
œ œ
œ œœœ
œ œ
& Christi œ œveniat! Regmum œ œ œ Christi veniat! œ œ œRef. œ &œ 3. Tempora bona veniant, Pax
œ œ
œ œ œœ œ
Go in peace, al -‐‑ le -‐‑ lu -‐‑ ia, al -‐‑ le -‐‑ lu -‐‑ come!) ia. V. Go in peace, al -‐‑ le -‐‑ lu -‐‑ ia, (May good times come, may theV. Peace of Christ come! May the Reign of Christ
œ œ œœ œ
œ œœœœœ&œ œ œ œœá
œ œ œœ
Closing Hymns O God, Beyond All Praising
arr. Richard Proulx
O God be- yond all The flow'r of earth - ly Then hear, O gra- cious
prais - ing, we wor - ship you to - day splend - or in time must sure - ly die, Sav - ior, ac - cept the love we bring,
sing the love a - maz - ing that frag - ile bloom sur - ren - der to we who know your fa - vor may
bless - ings with - out small in mor - tal tri - umph through our
num - ber and stat - ure, to sor - rows and
lift our hearts be - fore you and Christ, the man from heav - en, from mar - vel at your beau - ty and
songs can - not re - pay; you, the Lord most high. serve you as our King;
we can on - ly won - der at ev - 'ry gift you hid - den from all na - ture thee - ter - nal seed is wheth - er our to - mor - rows be filled with good or
mer - cies with - out heav - en's gar - den rise to bless you
wait up - on your death has set us glo - ry in your
and its that
For But and
send, sown, ill,
at though we'll
end: grown. still:
we For to
word, free, ways,
we and and
hon - or and a - dore you, our great and might-y Lord. we through Him are giv - en the fin - al vic - to - ry. make a joy - ful du - ty our sac - ri - fice of praise. Copyright © 1982, Jubilate Hymns, admin. by Hope Publications Co. All Rights Reserved
To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King
To Je - sus Christ, our sov - 'reign King, Who is the world's salThy reign ex - tend, O King be - nign, to ev - 'ry land and thy church, great King, we pledge our heart's obTo thee and to
Je - sus,
- va - tion, All praise and hom - age do we bring and thanks and ad - ona - tion; for in thy King - dom, Lord di - vine, a - lone we find sal- la - tion; un - til be - fore thy throne we sing in end - less ju - bi-
- ra - tion. - va - tion. - la - tion.
Vic - tor!
Christ Je-sus, Lord and Re - deem
Je - sus,
Ru - ler!
Text: © 1941 Irene C. Mueller, Tune: Ich Glaub An Gott. GIA Publications, Inc. All Rights Reserved
Receiving Line and Refreshments All are invited to meet and greet Bishop Folda in a receiving line in the front lawn of the Bishop's residence following the Ordination. Beverages will be provided.
The Coat of Arms of The Most Rev. John T. Folda
Central to the arms of the Diocese of Fargo is the Cross of Christ. The colors of the shield, gold and blue (Or and azure), are traditional attributes of the Virgin Mary, who is invoked as patron of the diocese under the title of her Immaculate Conception. In the center of the Cross is a horseshoe, alluding to William George Fargo (1818–81), the namesake of the See city and co-founder of Wells Fargo & Co., whose stagecoaches carried express mail, bank funds and settlers throughout the Midwest. At the top left (dexter chief) is a wheat sheaf (garb), which recalls the important agricultural product of North Dakota, as well as the bread that becomes the Body of Christ in the celebration of the Eucharist. The arms of Bishop Folda incorporate the colors and layout of the arms of the Diocese of Lincoln (Nebraska); the bishop was ordained a priest of that diocese in 1989. In the blue band at the top of the shield (the chief azure) is a star to represent Our Lady, also taken from Lincoln. Next to the star is a dove, a symbol of the Holy Spirit and an attribute of Saint Gregory the Great, the pope and doctor of the Church, who is often depicted with the dove hovering at his ear as he writes. Bishop Folda served as Rector of Saint Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, Nebraska, from 1999 to 2013. On the red vertical stripe (the pale gules) is a Chi-Rho, the ancient monogram for Our Lord composed of the first two Greek letters in the name Christ. Rising from the base of the shield is an eagle, which has been used from ancient times to allude to Saint John the Evangelist, the author of the fourth Gospel and Bishop Folda’s baptismal patron. The Bishop’s motto, on a scroll below the shield, is taken from the Prologue of this Gospel: Verbum caro factum est —“The Word was made flesh” (John 1:14). As the Chi-Rho draws the viewer’s eye to Christ at the center of the shield, so the motto draws the viewer’s heart to contemplate the Incarnation, the central mystery of the Christian faith. The shield is ensigned with external elements that identify the bearer as a Bishop. A gold processional cross appears behind the shield. The galero or “pilgrim’s hat” is used heraldically in various colors and with specific numbers of tassels to indicate the rank of a bearer of a coat of arms. A bishop uses a green galero with three rows of green tassels.
Symbols of the Office of Bishop Bishops wear distinctive symbols or insignias, also called regalia, which communicate to the faithful and others their special place within the Church. The Order of the Bishop, which grants to those ordained to this rank the fullness of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, is symbolized primarily by three items: the ring, the miter, and the crosier (or pastoral staff).
The Ring The first insignia to be received by the bishop during the Rites of Ordination is the ring. Upon the handing over of the ring to the newly ordained bishop, the principal ordaining bishop says, "Receive this ring, the seal of fidelity, adorned with undefiled faith, preserve unblemished the bride of God, the Church." The ring symbolizes primaily two things. First, it is a sign of discretion since rings are used to seal private documents. Second, the ring is a sign of the conjugal nature of the relationship between the bishop and the Church. The ring represents the symbolic marriage between the bishop and the Church.
The Miter (the bishop's hat) The next insignia, which is given to the newly ordained bishop during the Rites of Ordination, is the miter. The principal ordaining bishop places the miter on the head of the new bishop while saying: "Receive the miter, and may the splendor of holiness shine forth in you, so that when the chief shepherd appears, you may deserve to receive from him an unfading crown of glory." The miter is a headdress, which points upward toward heaven and can be compared to the laurel wreaths given to victorious athletes. It has become a symbol of how the bishop will be received in heaven with his whole flock and rewarded for his fidelity. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 says, "I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith. From now on the crown of righteousness awaits me, which the Lord, the just judge, will award to me on that day, and not only to me, but to all who have longed for his appearance."
The Crosier (also called the pastoral staff) The last symbol received by the newly ordained bishop is the crosier. The principal ordaining bishop says: "Receive the crosier, the sign of your pastoral office, and keep watch over the whole flock in which the Holy Spirit has placed you as bishop to govern the Church of God." Each bishop is a symbol of Christ the Good Shepherd. It is Christ who the bishop is trying to model himself after and it is Christ who each bishop strives to imitate and model for the flock. The crosier also symbolizes the responsibility that the bishop has in leading all to Christ. Sometimes the crosier will be used to scare off the wolves that want to hurt the flock, and other times it can be used to pull the sheep back if they begin to wander off. The crosier tells us that the bishop is a leader after Christ's own heart.
The Pectoral Cross While not part of the Rites of Ordination another symbol of the bishop, and a relatively new addition to the symbols of the bishop, is the pectoral cross. It is called pectoral because it is worn over the pectus or breast of the bishop, close to his heart, and its use began between the 17th and 18th century. Traditionally, the bishop will take the cross, kiss the cross and while placing it over his neck say the following short prayer, "Munire me digneris." This is a prayer, which is asking the Lord for three things: For protection against all who wish him harm To be able to always remember the Passion of Christ Keep in mind the success of those who have professed their faith in Christ
The Bishop's Chair The bishop's chair or throne in his primary church is called a cathedra, and this is why this primary church is called a cathedral. From this chair the bishop presides at Mass and other solemn celebrations. The bishop is always the leader of prayer in his diocese. Because of this, when the Rites of Ordination of a Bishop take place in the bishop's cathedral church, and he is to become the Ordinary Bishop of the Diocese, he is led to this chair after having received the symbols of his office as bishop. This symbolizes that the bishop has taken his place as the ordinary of the diocese.
Coat of Arms A bishop's coat of arms is distinguished by a sign of his rank, an ecclesial hat. That hat, placed over the shield, was worn in processions, as late as 1870. The hat is low-crowned, flat, and wide brimmed. The hat is green and hanging from it are twelve green tassels, six on each side. There is also a processional cross above the shield. The cross on a bishop's coat of arms has one bar; an archbishop's cross has two. The design of the shield itself differs from bishop to bishop.
Previous Bishops of Fargo Most Rev. JOHN SHANLEY, D.D. was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in 1874. He was ordained Bishop on December 27, 1889. Bishop Shanley died July 16, 1909. Most Rev. JAMES Oâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;REILLY, D.D. was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on June 24, 1880. He was ordained Bishop on May 19, 1910 and installed on June 1, 1910. Bishop O'Reilly died December 19, 1934. His Eminence ALOISIUS CARDINAL MUENCH was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on June 8, 1913. He was appointed Bishop of Fargo, August 10, 1935. He was ordained a Bishop on October 15, 1935 and installed November 6, 1935. He was appointed Apostolic Visitator for Germany on July 8, 1946 and granted the personal title of Archbishop on November 1, 1950. He was appointed Papal Nuncio to Germany on March 10, 1951, created Cardinal Priest and elevated to the Roman Curia on December 14, 1959. Cardinal Muench died February 15, 1962. Most Rev. LEO F. DWORSCHAK was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on May 29, 1926. He was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Rapid City on June 23, 1946 and ordained August 22, 1946. He was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Fargo on April 10, 1947 and succeeded to the See on May 10, 1960. Bishop Dworschak resigned and retired September 8, 1970 and died November 5, 1976. Most Rev. JUSTIN A. DRISCOLL was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on July 28, 1945. He was appointed Bishop of Fargo on September 8, 1970. He was ordained Bishop of Fargo and installed October 28, 1970. Bishop Driscoll died November 19, 1984. Most Rev. JAMES S. SULLIVAN was ordained to the Holy Priesthood on June 4, 1955. He was ordained Auxiliary Bishop of Lansing on September 21, 1972. He was appointed Bishop of Fargo on April 2, 1985 and installed May 30, 1985. Bishop Sullivan retired March 18, 2002 and died June 12, 2006. Most Rev. SAMUEL J. AQUILA was ordained to the Holy Priesthood in Denver, Colorado on June 5, 1976. He was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Fargo on June 12, 2001, and was ordained at St. Maryâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Cathedral in Fargo on August 24, 2001. He succeeded to the See on March 18, 2002. Bishop Aquila served as Bishop of Fargo until May 29, 2012 when he was appointed Archbishop of Denver, Colorado. He was Administrator to the Diocese of Fargo until his installation in Denver on July 18, 2012.
A Brief History of the Diocese of Fargo The Territory of Dakota was divided by an act of Congress on Feb. 22, 1889, and on Nov. 2 of that same year two new states, North Dakota and South Dakota, were admitted to the Union. Shortly thereafter, on Nov. 12, the Holy See created the Diocese of Jamestown, N.D., and on Nov. 15, 1889, Father John Shanley, the 37-year-old pastor of the St. Paul Cathedral, was appointed by Rome as its first bishop. He was consecrated as a bishop on Dec. 27, 1889, at the cathedral in St. Paul by Archbishop John Ireland in a unique triple ceremony. The Diocese of Jamestown included the entire state of North Dakota. Hoffmanns’ Catholic Directory of 1890 indicates that there were 34 priests and 44 churches in the new diocese. For convenience of travel reasons, Bishop Shanley moved his residence from Jamestown to a large house in the Island Park area of Fargo in 1891. The Holy See changed the name of the diocese to Fargo a few years later. That residence in Fargo later became the nucleus for the first Catholic hospital in the state in the early 1900s. Bishop Shanley found the Catholic Church situation in the city of Fargo, as well as in the entire state, sorely inadequate. Almost immediately property was purchased and plans for a Cathedral were made. Only the basement was completed before the “big fire” of 1893 destroyed much of the downtown section of Fargo. Bishop Shanley donated the better part of the Cathedral funds that he had raised, to a great extent by preaching and giving missions, to the city for reconstruction after the fire. Therefore the Cathedral construction was delayed. The Cathedral was finally completed and the dedication was held on May 30, 1899. In 1909 the state of North Dakota was split into two dioceses with the Western half becoming the Diocese of Bismarck. Compiled by Father Leo Stelten Spring 2012
The Principal Patroness of the Diocese of Fargo is the Immaculate Conception celebrated on Dec. 8th. The Diocese of Fargo serves the Eastern half of the State of North Dakota which encompasses 36,635 square miles. The total population is approximately 393,194 with approximately 73,657 Catholics served in 132 Catholic parishes by 115 Priests and 42 Permanent Deacons, active and retired, and is home for 114 consecrated Religious.
Guidelines for the Reception of Holy Communion For Catholics As Catholics, we fully participate in the celebration of the Eucharist when we receive Holy Communion. We are encouraged to receive Communion devoutly and frequently. In order to be properly disposed to receive Communion, participants should not be conscious of grave sin and normally should have fasted for one hour. A person who is conscious of grave sin is not to receive the Body and Blood of the Lord without prior sacramental confession except for a grave reason where there is no opportunity for confession. In this case, the person is to be mindful of the obligation to make an act of perfect contrition, including the intention of confessing as soon as possible (canon 916). A frequent reception of the Sacrament of Penance is encouraged for all. For our fellow Christians We welcome our fellow Christians to this celebration of the Eucharist as our brothers and sisters. We pray that our common baptism and the action of the Holy Spirit in this Eucharist will draw us closer to one another and begin to dispel the sad divisions which separate us. We pray that these will lessen and finally disappear, in keeping with Christ’s prayer for us “that they may all be one” (Jn 17:21). Because Catholics believe that the celebration of the Eucharist is a sign of the reality of the oneness of faith, life, and worship, members of those churches with whom we are not yet fully united are ordinarily not admitted to Holy Communion. Eucharistic sharing in exceptional circumstances by other Christians requires permission according to the directives of the diocesan bishop and the provisions of canon law (canon 844 § 4). Members of the Orthodox Churches, the Assyrian Church of the East, and the Polish National Catholic Church are urged to respect the discipline of their own Churches. According to Roman Catholic discipline, the Code of Canon Law does not object to the reception of communion by Christians of these Churches (canon 844 § 3). For those not receiving Holy Communion All who are not receiving Holy Communion are encouraged to express in their hearts a prayerful desire for unity with the Lord Jesus and with one another. For non-Christians We also welcome to this celebration those who do not share our faith in Jesus Christ. While we cannot admit them to Holy Communion, we ask them to offer their prayers for the peace and the unity of the human family. Secretariat for Divine Worship | 3211 4th Street, N.E., Washington DC 20017-1194 | (202) 541-3060 © USCCB. All rights reserved.
G.I.A. Publications, Inc. 7404 South Mason Avenue, Chicago, IL 60638 Reprinted under #A-704319 Saint Meinrad Archabbey, Fr. Samuel F. Weber, O.S.B., St. Meinrad, IN 47577-1010 OCP Publications 5536 NE, Hassalo Portland, OR 97213 Morning Star Music Publishers of St. Louis 1727 Larkin Williams Rd, Fenton, MO 63026