January New Earth 2013

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Our Year of Faith Pullout section, pages 1A-4A



January 2013 Vol. 34


No. 1

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth” — Rev. 21:1


‘Life must be defended’


s we observe the 40th anniversary of the United States Supreme Court decision to legalize abortion, Father Richard John Neuhaus offers these incredibly consoling words: “. . . So long as we have the gift of life we must protect the gift of life. So long as it is threatened, so long must it be defended. This is the time to brace ourselves for the long term. We are today laying the foundations for the prolife

movement of the 21st century. Pray that the foundations are firm, for we have not yet seen the full fury of the storm that is upon us. “But we have not the right to despair. We have not the right and we have not the reason to despair if we understand that our entire struggle is premised not upon a victory to be achieved but a victory that has been achieved. “If we understand that, far from despair, we have

By Rachelle Sauvageau

right and reason to rejoice that we are called to such a time as this, a time of testing, a time of truth. The encroaching culture of death shall not prevail, for we know, as we read in John’s Gospel, ‘The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.’ The darkness will never overcome that light.” Please turn to JAN. 22 on page 10

New Earth archives

Pilgrims from across the diocese annually participate in the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Auction items requested

Find your P’s & Q’s and more . . . Catholic Charities North Dakota’s “Purse & Quilt and more . . . Auction” features heirloom quality quilts and fantastic purses as well as service, home, sporting and entertainment packages in both live and silent auctions. In its third year, the event hosted 130 guests and raised more than $12,000. Catholic Charities is currently seeking cash and gift-in-kind donations for this year’s event with a specific need for handmade quilts. All gifts will be recognized in the auction catalog and receipted as a tax deductible gift, as allowed by law. This year’s auction will be Monday, April 8 at the Hilton Garden Inn in Fargo at 6:30 p.m. Tickets for this fun, wine and appetizer event are $20 each or two for $30. To reserve tickets, make a donation or have any questions regarding the Catholic Charities North Dakota’s “Purse & Quilt and more . . . Auction,” contact Sarah Ries at (701) 235-4457 or sries@catholiccharitiesnd.org, or visit www.catholiccharitiesnd.org.

2 ■ JANUARY 2013


Our Year of Faith efforts can be our New Year’s resolutions


would like to wish all of you a most begin to cut corners and eventually I happy, blessed and peace-filled New quit. Year. We have the custom of making I think I know the reasons why I do what are termed “New Year’s resolutions” this. this time every year and that in itself is First, I make too many resolutions; not so bad. However, for we who are second, they are too easy and, thus, any Catholics, our New Year distraction will make me has already begun with skip or stop doing them; the First Sunday of Adand, finally, none of vent and it is our long them are all that necesand holy tradition to call sary or important so that our New Year a year of if I stop them I really “grace and favor from won’t be bothered by the Lord”. that. Moreover, we have Let’s not do that this been celebrating this time. great “Year of Faith” with Let’s make what we are personal and communal doing in our “Year of prayer, devotions, our Faith” and our own New holy liturgies and our seYear of “grace and favor rious and further study, from the Lord” our caland we shall continue to endar New Year’s resoludo so until the Solemnity tions. In this way, we not of Christ the King this only strengthen, nourish November. and enliven our faith, Bishop David Kagan which is our life, we will Since the “Year of do the same for the Faith” is already underworld around us and in which we live, way and our New Year of “grace and fawork, go to school, recreate and assist vor from the Lord” is also underway, I others. would like to suggest that, as we begin a new calendar year, we make our “New In other words, we take our re-evangeYear’s resolutions” what we are already lized faith with us each day wherever we doing for the “Year of Faith” and which go and that re-evangelized faith is the the Advent and Christmas seasons have reason we speak and think and act as contributed to our prayers, devotions, faithful Catholics who love God and love liturgies, studies and works of charity and our neighbor as we love ourselves. self-sacrifice. Please know that I continue to remember all of you each day at the Holy SacriThe reason I suggest this is that, if you fice of the Mass, and I ask that in your are like me, I usually make resolutions goodness you would remember to pray for a new calendar year which are too for our priests, seminarians, deacons and easy to do and even easier not to do. the lay women and men who serve I end up keeping these resolutions Christ in His Church. for a little while and then gradually I

Apostolic Administrator

Bishops urge Catholics to pray for life, marriage, religious liberty In this Year of Faith, the Catholic Bishops of the United States have called for a nationwide effort to advance a movement for life, marriage and religious liberty through prayer, penance, and sacrifice. Catholics across the nation are being encouraged to pray for rebuilding a culture favorable to life and marriage and for increased protections of religious liberty. This call to prayer is prompted by unprecedented challenges to the Church and the nation, particularly the HHS Mandate and current trends in government and culture toward redefining marriage. The goal of this call to prayer is twofold: (1) to increase awareness of these challenges and (2) to build spiritual stamina and fortitude among the faithful so that we can be effective and joyful witnesses of faith, hope, and charity and agents of the New Evangelization. Beginning on the Sunday after Christmas, the Feast of the Holy Family, the Call to Prayer for Life, Marriage and Religious Liberty has five components: ■ Monthly Eucharistic Holy Hours in cathedrals and parishes. ■ Daily Rosary by families and individuals. ■ Special Prayers of the Faithful at all Masses. ■ Fasting and abstinence from meat on Fridays. ■ Fortnight for Freedom in June/July 2013. Join the movement! Pray for our nation. Pray for life, marriage and religious liberty.

Diocesan policy: Reporting child abuse The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents of child abuse, including sexual abuse, to civil authorities. If the situation involves a member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian, or an employee of a Catholic school, parish, the diocesan offices or other Catholic entity within the diocese, we ask that you also report the incident or suspected incident to Msgr. Joseph P. Goering at (701) 3567945 or Larry Bernhardt, victim assistance coordinator, at (701) 356-7965 or VictimAssistance@fargodiocese.org. For additional information about victim assistance, visit www.fargodiocese.org.

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth.” Revelation 21:1

NewEarth (ISSN # 10676406)

SERVING CATHOLIC PARISHES AS THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF THE DIOCESE OF FARGO, ND. Member of the Catholic Press Association Bishop David Kagan Apostolic Administrator, Fargo Publisher news@fargodiocese.org

Published monthly by The Catholic Spirit Publishing Company, a non-profit Minnesota corporation, 244 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102. (651) 291-4444. Periodicals postage paid at St. Paul, MN and additional post offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Boulevard, Suite A, Fargo ND 58104-7605. (701) 356-7900; FAX (701) 356-7997. Personal subscription rate for 11 issues of New Earth per year: $9.

Go to www.fargodiocese.org to learn more

JANUARY 2013 ■ 3


New garments for Father Jim Meyer

Ordination anniversaries in 2013 The following priests will be celebrating their ordination anniversaries with a special reception in their honor. Please mark your calendars for these upcoming gatherings. Father Richard Goellen 50th anniversary Saturday, June 1 at 10 a.m. St. Catherine’s, Valley City

Knights of Columbus members of Holy Cross Council #9642 in West Fargo, are pictured with Father Jim Meyer and the new chasuble and alb they presented to him for his service as council chaplain and for his efforts to promote the Knights of Columbus at Holy Cross Church. The liturgical garments will be worn on Knights of Columbus weekends when brother knights, their spouses and children cover all the ministries.

This Year of Faith, encounter Jesus Christ using time-honored methods of St. Ignatius By Rachelle Sauvageau

Pope Benedict XVI, on introducing the Year of Faith, stated that it will be “a moment of grace and commitment to a more complete conversion to God, to strengthen our faith in Him and to proclaim Him with joy to the people of our time.” It is to be a time of conversion, not only for those who do not know the faith, or are far from it, but also for those whose lives are in intimate relationship with the Father, Son, and Spirit. A call for greater efforts of evangelization and catechesis, this Year of Faith is also a time for personal growth in our faith journey. Pope Benedict points to this year as a time to “entrust Sauvageau ourselves fully to God, in complete freedom.” This entrustment takes place within a relationship of love and trust, one where we encounter the living and true God in prayer. And while prayer can take different expressions — vocal, meditative or contemplative — contemplative prayer is the “simplest expression of the mystery of prayer. It is a gift, a grace; it can be accepted only in humility and poverty” (CCC 2713). The Diocese of Fargo Office for Catholic Education and Formation has prepared the “Living our Baptismal Life” booklet to help persons learn and practice two particular methods of contemplative prayer during this Year of Faith. Pointing to the benefits of practicing either the Indwelling Presence of God, or Lectio Divina, the booklet shows how these methods of prayer allow us to en-

Introduction to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius: Retreats for men and women For many years, Father Andrew Jasinski has directed weekend retreats for those who want a taste of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. These retreats are conducted in silence, as retreatants seek great intimacy with the Lord. The following retreats will be held at St. Francis Convent and Retreat Center, Hankinson; cost is $250. ■ Retreat for women: Feb. 14–17 — Registration deadline: Feb. 11. ■ Retreat for men: March 7–10 — Registration deadline: March 4. Online registration forms can be found at www.fargodiocese.org/retreatregistration. For more information about these retreats, contact Rachelle at rachelle.sauvageau@fargodiocese.org.

ter into a deeply personal intimacy with the Trinity, to discover our true identity in God, and to choose our true life’s mission. These methods of prayer can and should be practiced on a regular basis. Another means of experiencing contemplative prayer is to take time away for a spiritual retreat. The Ignatian Retreat experience can provide an atmosphere of silence, solitude and through daily conferences, an understanding of the time-honored methods of St. Ignatius of Loyola as a way to encounter Jesus Christ. St. Ignatius is known for his keen spiritual awareness, those movements of the heart where we experience not only God’s love and mercy for us, but also those movements that may want to draw us away from God, from His desires and will for us. Over the course of a day, we all go through spiritual ups and downs of happiness and discouragement, anxiety and peace, even feeling great closeness to God and then not being able to recognize His presence at all. And yet in the midst of all these fluctuations, St. Ignatius offers us a means to “discern” what is God’s voice and what is not.

And it is in the discerning of God’s voice that we can more fully receive our true identity and mission. The booklet “Living Our Baptismal Life” is available from the Office of Catholic Education and Formation. For single or bulk orders, call Rachelle at (701) 356-7910 or contact her by email at rachelle.sauvageau@fargodiocese.org. Order forms can be found at www. fargodicoese.org/yearoffaith. A suggested donation for each booklet requested is $1. Rachelle Sauvageau is director of the Respect Life Office.

Msgr. Val Gross 50th anniversary Sunday, June 9 at 3:30 p.m. Sts. Anne and Joachim, Fargo Father Larry Haas 50th anniversary Sunday, June 16 at 4 p.m. Sacred Heart, Carrington Father Len Loegering 40th anniversary Sunday, June 23 at 4 p.m. Wyndmere Community Center, Wyndmere Father Tim Schroeder 25th anniversary Sunday, June 2 at 4 p.m. St. John the Evangelist, Grafton

NOTICE Look for The New Earth advertising insert from

ProLife Across America in all copies of this issue.

Bishop Kagan’s Calendar Jan. 18 Administrative meetings, Pastoral Center, Fargo Jan. 21 Pastoral Center closed for Martin Luther King Jr. Day Jan. 24 Administrative meetings, Pastoral Center, Fargo Liturgy for Bison Catholic Week, Newman Center, Fargo, 7 p.m. Feb. 2

Candidacy to the Permanent Diaconate, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo, 5 to 8 p.m.

Feb. 8

Administrative meetings, Pastoral Center, Fargo

Feb. 9

Vianney Discernment, Maryvale, Valley City, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Feb. 15 Administrative meetings, Pastoral Center, Fargo

1417 South University Drive, Fargo, ND 58103

4 â– JANUARY 2013


NOTE TO READERS: Renewals for readers living outside of the diocese: If you are not registered at a Diocese of Fargo parish but have a subscription to New Earth, please consider sending in your renewal payment if you have not already done so this year. Renewal notices are not mailed, but this notice is placed in New Earth usually once per year. The renewal/subscription cost is $9 per year for 11 issues of New Earth. Checks should be made payable to Diocese of Fargo and mailed to: New Earth, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A., Fargo, ND 58104-7605. If you have already renewed your subscription, thank you! Subscriptions for clergy and religious are mailed free of charge and renewal is not required. If you have questions about your subscription, please call (701) 356-7900 or email news@fargodiocese.org.

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John Edwards Velva (701) 721-7689

Giving Hearts Day an opportunity for Catholic organizations Feb. 14 On Feb. 14, Catholic Charities North Dakota will be taking part in Giving Hearts Day sponsored by the Dakota Medical Foundation. On this day, gifts made to the agency will be matched up to $4,000. To make a donation on Feb. 14, go to www.impactgiveback.org and click on Giving Hearts — Learn more. Select Catholic Charities North Dakota and make a donation. Catholic Charities North Dakota’s mission statement is “Guided by our values, Catholic Charities North Dakota serves people in need and advocates for the common good of all.� The agency serves the entire state of North Dakota with several programs including Pregnancy, Parenting and Adoption, Adults Adopting Special Kids, Guardianship Services, Counseling Services, and Disaster Response. This is the second year Catholic Charities North Dakota is participating in this wonderful day of giving. Last year $1,631,000 was raised by local non-profits on Giving Hearts Day. For more information, please contact Colleen Hardy at chardy@catholic charitiesnd.org or call 1-800-450-4457. Remember to mark Feb. 14 on your calendar and double your donation on Giving Hearts Day.

Feb. 7 luncheon to feature Catholic TV and radio personality Patrick Madrid Patrick Madrid, director of the Envoy Institute, will be the featured speaker at a luncheon event from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Thursday, Feb. 7, at Sts. Anne and Joachim Church in Fargo. Madrid will speak on the “Ticking Time Bomb — How Global Aging Will Affect You.� Drawing upon Catholic moral teaching, Madrid will offer the practical and spiritual implications of several interlocking social and moral issues such as contraception, abortion, euthanasia, cloning, and the population implosion taking place in the West. He will also address why countries whose birth rates are below replacement levels (most are) signals an imminent social catastrophe of staggering proportions, and how the Terri Schiavo saga is an example of the “right to die� movement’s steady transformation into the “obligation to die� mantra that will threaten the lives of countless aged and infirm men, women and children in the years to come. Madrid hosts the popular “Right Here, Right Now� radio show which is produced by Immaculate Heart Radio and broadcast on the EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network as well as on Sirius-XM

To make reservations Join us for Lunch with Patrick Madrid on Thurs., Feb. 7, at Sts. Anne and Joachim Church, 5202 25th St. S., Fargo. Cost for the event is $15/person. Registration deadline is Feb. 4. Registration is required; forms can be found at www.fargo diocese.org/prolifeluncheon or by calling (701) 356-7900 or emailing katie.wise@fargodiocese.org. The event is sponsored by the Diocese of Fargo Communications and Respect Life offices together with Real Presence Radio. Paid for in part by a grant from the National Catholic Society of Foresters. Satellite Radio (channel 130), and on the Internet. He has hosted several EWTN television series, including “Pope Fiction,� “Search and Rescue� and “Where Is that In the Bible?� Madrid is also a frequent guest and occasional guest-host on the “Catholic Answers Live� program.

Papal prayer intentions January General intention: The Faith of Christians. That in this Year of Faith Christians may deepen their knowledge of the mystery of Christ and witness joyfully to the gift of faith in him. Reflection: What are some of the signs of the “crisis of faith�? How can our faith help the Church respond to crisis? Mission intention: Middle Eastern Christians. That the Christian communities of the Middle East, often discriminated against, may receive from the Holy Spirit the strength of fidelity and perseverance. Reflection: How are charity and unity in my own parish community a witness to the wider world that peace will only come through reconciliation? Provided by Apostleship of Prayer, www.apostleshipofprayer.org.

JANUARY 2013 ■ 5


At St. Michael’s, 94 people consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary

A parishioner reflects on consecration

By Father Neil Pfeifer

See story below

On Nov. 5, several members of St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Grand Forks started their 33-day preparation for the Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary by St. Louis Marie de Montfort. The saint described the consecration in this way, “True devotion to Mary is nothing more than the perfect and certain and shortest way to live our baptismal vows.” Total consecration to Jesus is an absolutely beautiful exercise to increase your spirituality and ability to truly serve our Lord Jesus Christ. The basic premise is simply that Jesus came into the world through Mary and that for us to always be assured of being close to Jesus, even closer than ever before, we should go through Mary. St. Louis Marie de Montfort says that consecration to Mary “consists in surrendering oneself in the manner of a slave to Mary, and to Jesus through her, and then performing all our actions with Mary, in Mary, through Mary, and for Mary.” For some, this idea might seem strange, and some might not understand what consecrating oneself means. Consecration means to set something aside for a sacred purpose. Mary’s life was set aside for the sole purpose of serving our Lord. By following her example, we, too, can completely give ourselves to Christ in a fundamental way that consecrates us to him. We give our lives to him in service and love. When we consecrate ourselves to the Lord and his Blessed Mother, we become more aware of their presence and devote ourselves to them. The consecration helps us grow in holiness and increase our faith, hope and love. It is a prayerful and focused method of drawing closer to Jesus. Consecration to Jesus through Mary according to the method of St. Louis de Montfort is a method used by Pope John Paul II as a child. It forever changed his relationship with our Lord.

The process of consecration The consecration consists of a 33-day period of prayerful preparation followed by the actual act of consecration. During the 33 days, there are different phases: St. Louis Marie breaks the preparation period into sections, each section having its own prayers, and each day having its own brief readings. The readings come from Sacred Scripture, “The Imitation of Christ,” and “True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.” The goal is to make the prayers your own by internalizing them; don’t let your lips just mouth the prayers, truly pray them. First comes a 12-day preparation period that consists of emptying oneself of the spirit of the world in penance and mortification. For those 12 days, we pray certain prayers like the Veni Creator, the Ave Maris Stella, the Magnificat and the Glory Be. Each of the following weeks has a specific focus. The first week focuses on offering up our prayers and devotions for the purpose of coming to understand ourselves

and our sins. Humility is the key, and the prayers the Litany of the Holy Spirit, the Litany of Loreto, and the Ave Maris Stella help us. During the second week, we ask the Holy Spirit to help us better understand the Blessed Virgin. We pray the Litany of the Holy Spirit, the Litany of Loreto, the Ave Maris Stella, the prayer to Mary by St. Louis Marie, and five decades of the Holy Rosary each day for assistance. During the third week, we seek to better understand Christ through meditation and the Litany of the Holy Spirit, the Ave Maris Stella, and the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus, Montfort’s prayer to Jesus, and the prayer O Jesus Living in Mary. Those who participated in the 33 days of preparation gathered for the consecration after the 12:10 p.m. Mass on Dec. 8, the feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary. The object of this consecration is to cast off the spirit of the world, which is contrary to that of Jesus Christ, in order to acquire fully the spirit of Jesus Christ through the Blessed Virgin. The consecration consists of renewing your baptismal promises and praying a prayer and signing your name that, from that day forward, you will be a slave to Our Lady, and follow the Lord. By making this consecration to Mary, you are placing yourself completely and totally in her hands. You are giving her permission to form you, discipline you, and mold you into a true follower of Christ. Do not be afraid, because she loves you. She will always take care of you, and knows better than anybody how to do so.

Living the consecration Once you have consecrated yourself to Jesus through Mary, live that consecration. St. Louis Marie recommended the following: ■ Keep praying to develop a "great contempt" for the spirit of this world. ■ Maintain a special devotion to the Mystery of the Incarnation. You can do so through meditation, spiritual reading, and focusing on feasts centering around the Incarnation. Some great references are: — The book titled “33 Days to Morning Glory,” — 2 websites: newmanreader.org, campus.udayton.edu/mary/library.html ■ Frequently recite the Hail Mary, the Rosary, and the Magnificat. ■ Associate yourself with Mary in a special way before, during, and after Communion. ■ Renew the consecration once a year on the same date, and by following the same 33-day period of exercises. If desired, one can renew the consecration monthly with the prayer, “I am all yours and all I have is yours, O dear Jesus, through Mary, Thy holy Mother.” ■ Wear the miraculous medal as an outward sign and reminder of holy slavery. This practice is recommended by St. Louis Marie. Father Neil Pfeifer is parochial vicar at St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Grand Forks.

Submitted photo

Father Neil Pfeifer at the candle-decorated Mary altar at St. Michael, Grand Forks. By Kathy Leiberg

The date was Dec. 8, 2012. What a glorious day — the Feast of the Immaculate Conception. Immaculate? This word may mean “clean” or “to conceive” (as with a baby). Both of these meanings go together to describe God’s idea of the perfect place for his son to begin human life. Jesus needed a clean, perfectly clean, womb to grow in. God’s concept or idea of this womb was in a young girl by the name of Mary. Therefore her womb needed to be perfect. Thus, she was conceived in her own mother’s womb as the first and perfect tabernacle, free from all original sin. From all eternity God knew she was the one to be the mother of his son. She lived her entire life free from sin and, thus, was prepared for bearing Jesus, who is perfection itself. On Dec. 8 at St. Michael’s Church in Grand Forks, Father Neil Pfeifer celebrated the Mass of Mary’s Immaculate Conception followed by a celebration for those who had prayed the 33-day St. Louis Marie de Montfort Consecration to Jesus through Mary. The celebration consisted of Marian songs, a short homily and the praying of the consecration prayer together. Each of the participants held a lit blue or white five-day candle, which was then placed at the foot of Mary’s altar to burn until the celebration of the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe on Dec. 12. The area below the statue of Mary was made to look like a grotto by the members of the Knights of Columbus. Father Pfeifer also blessed the miraculous medals that each of us was given as we processed to Mary’s altar with our candles. At the front of the church near the Mary altar was a first class relic of St. Louis Marie de Montfort, which was lent to the church for the celebration of the consecration. We had the opportunity to venerate the relic on our way to the grotto. All of this tells us that Mary was not just the Mother of God who wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger of hay. She was not just any young Jewish girl, but was immaculate. She was the perfect one to bear this child and then to receive the graces she needed to raise him and endure the pain of his passion and death by being strong in doing the will of God. This also helps us to realize that going to Jesus through Mary is the perfect way to pray. St. Louis Marie asks us to pray the rosary each day so that we, too, can be made as strong as Mary to endure our own struggles. We at St. Michael’s are so thankful to Father Pfeifer for planning this blessed occasion and we look forward to the next such celebration. I recommend that all parishes or individuals pray the 33-day Consecration of St. Louis de Montfort to Jesus through Mary. These books can be ordered free of charge from MyConsecration.org. You pay only for shipping. You can also contact Ray Mooney at (718) 309-6126 to order the books. This is a great Marian devotion that will bring us closer to our Lord Jesus Christ, through and with our humble, loving and gentle Blessed Mother. This consecration comes highly recommended by many saints and by Blessed John Paul II who said it changed his life. It can change your life as well.

God’s Gift

6 ■ JANUARY 2013


Thank you for your support of the 2012 God’s Gift Appeal The goal for the 2012 God’s Gift Appeal was $2,669,436. As of Dec. 13, 2012, $2,828,051 was pledged. Thank you to all who helped support vocations, sick and elderly priests, evangelization efforts and the many other diocesan programs that serve parishes and people throughout the Diocese of Fargo. CITY


Anamoose Aneta Argusville Ashley Balta Bechyne Belcourt-St. Ann Belcourt-St. Anthony Belcourt-St. Benedict Bisbee Bottineau Buchanan Buffalo Cando Carrington Casselton Cavalier Cayuga Cooperstown Crystal Dazey Devils Lake Dickey Drake Drayton Dunseith-St. Michael Edgeley Ellendale Enderlin Esmond Fairmount Fargo-Holy Spirit Fargo-Nativity Fargo-St. Anthony Fargo-St. Mary Fargo -Sts. A & J Fargo-Newman Fessenden Fingal Finley Forman Fort Totten Fullerton Geneseo Grafton GF-Holy Family GF-St. Mary GF-St. Michael GF-Newman Gwinner Hankinson Harvey Hillsboro Hope Hunter Hurdsfield Jamestown Jessie Karlsruhe Kensal Kindred Knox Lakota LaMoure Langdon Lankin Larimore Leeds

Amount Pledged

$8,380 $4,725 $9,746 $7,137 $4,532 $4,873 $11,000 $3,000 $1,200 $4,635 $26,965 $2,250 $7,927 $16,359 $29,880 $31,724 $19,468 $5,535 $8,107 $6,226 $4,191 $105,257 $2,819 $6,798 $9,295 $6,400 $18,292 $13,205 $7,645 $6,545 $8,600 $129,780 $112,097 $86,211 $71,889 $170,000 $17,505 $5,984 $6,816 $4,075 $8,041 $4,000 $7,875 $4,140 $74,214 $124,850 $40,788 $127,105 $22,806 $5,493 $22,177 $28,773 $20,296 $6,903 $4,983 $2,382 $92,235 $6,006 $5,555 $3,960 $11,110 $4,346 $8,162 $16,972 $29,205 $3,960 $20,723 $5,445

$8,272 $8,205 $8,735 $7,930 $5,360 $6,255 $11,272 $3,110 $1,900 $3,395 $27,270 $3,575 $7,610 $13,108 $40,064 $34,125 $18,610 $7,945 $5,901 $5,560 $2,395 $138,397 $4,055 $4,175 $6,705 $6,570 $15,950 $16,434 $5,875 $7,155 $8,430 $149,890 $106,434 $78,022 $95,126 $219,512 $13,130 $3,920 $5,745 $5,225 $8,185 $2,695 $11,466 $6,125 $81,505 $87,673 $41,572 $146,038 $21,781 $3,320 $21,634 $50,294 $25,171 $4,980 $3,395 $1,295 $85,880 $10,022 $4,935 $4,235 $11,598 $3,880 $5,392 $20,250 $32,593 $4,281 $20,890 $4,047

Top parishes A look at how parishes did in 2012 Parishes over 100% of Appeal Goal 70 Parishes 75% to 100% of Appeal Goal 39 Parishes 50% to 75% of Appeal Goal 21

% Goal pledged Participation %

99% 174% 90% 111% 118% 128% 102% 104% 158% 73% 101% 159% 96% 80% 134% 108% 96% 144% 73% 89% 57% 131% 144% 61% 72% 103% 87% 124% 77% 109% 98% 115% 95% 91% 132% 129% 75% 66% 84% 128% 102% 67% 146% 148% 110% 70% 102% 115% 96% 60% 98% 175% 124% 72% 68% 54% 93% 167% 89% 107% 104% 89% 66% 119% 112% 108% 101% 74%

50 families or less CITY

% Goal

Windsor Tokio Aneta Veseleyville Jesse Buchanan St. Benedict, Belcourt Starkweather Geneseo Fullerton Cayuga Dickey Maddock Tolna Willow City McClusky

204% 178% 174% 174% 167% 159% 158% 155% 148% 146% 144% 144% 139% 137% 133% 132%

56% 57% 47% 91% 66% 82% 20% 12% 20% 56% 48% 72% 59% 57% 53% 41% 59% 83% 59% 74% 52% 49% 64% 56% 55% 25% 52% 56% 44% 64% 57% 51% 31% 41% 49% 42% 80% 60% 51% 48% 53% 22% 64% 64% 43% 35% 38% 38% 42% 44% 56% 49% 53% 42% 46% 32% 37% 80% 74% 70% 54% 70% 41% 55% 44% 70% 40% 50%


($108) $3,480 ($1,011) $793 $828 $1,382 $272 $110 $700 ($1,240) $305 $1,325 ($317) ($3,251) $10,184 $2,401 ($858) $2,410 ($2,206) ($666) ($1,796) $33,140 $1,236 ($2,623) ($2,590) $170 ($2,342) $3,229 ($1,770) $610 ($170) $20,110 ($5,663) ($8,189) $23,237 $49,512 ($4,375) ($2,064) ($1,071) $1,150 $144 ($1,305 $3,591 $1,985 $7,291 ($37,177) $784 $18,933 ($1,025) ($2,173) ($543) $21,521 $4,875 ($1,923) ($1,588) ($1,087) ($6,355) $4,016 ($620) $275 $488 ($466) ($2,770) $3,278 $3,388 $321 $167 ($1,398)

Rock Lake Nortonville Bechyne Finley Balta Selz Ashley Wales Lankin Kensal Oriska

132% 129% 128% 128% 118% 116% 111% 111% 108% 107% 104%



Lidgerwood Lisbon Maddock Mantador Manvel Mayville McClusky McHenry Medina Michigan Milnor Minto Mooreton Munich Napoleon Neche Nekoma New Rockford Nortonville Oakes Oakwood Oriska Park River Pembina Pingree Pisek Reynolds Rock Lake Rolette Rolla Rugby Sanborn Selz Sheldon Starkweather Steele St. John St. Michael St. Thomas Sykeston Tappen Thompson Tokio Tolna Towner Valley City Velva Verona Veseleyville Wahpeton Wales Walhalla Warsaw WF-Blessed Sacra. WF-Holy Cross Westhope Wild Rice Willow City Wimbledon Windsor Wishek Wyndmere Zeeland Non-Parish Desig. Anonymous Dec. 13, 2012

% Goal pledged Participation %


$26,145 $19,233 $6,915 $15,075 $15,495 $9,974 $2,825 $3,323 $3,655 $4,490 $8,315 $20,445 $13,530 $29,176 $43,685 $2,750 $2,135 $23,580 $5,965 $29,260 $5,940 $4,695 $28,910 $8,410 $2,980 $13,001 $18,524 $4,495 $11,780 $16,440 $43,665 $5,750 $6,050 $4,845 $6,340 $9,995 $3,161 $15,900 $4,265 $3,280 $3,140 $15,963 $1,600 $5,715 $14,900 $56,133 $15,505 $3,930 $17,066 $83,487 $2,535 $14,675 $12,823 $58,318 $72,214 $8,380 $18,614 $3,825 $6,070 $9,650 $7,139 $14,720 $11,560 $19,213

125% 79% 139% 133% 105% 65% 132% 89% 89% 68% 103% 105% 129% 153% 148% 67% 70% 100% 129% 110% 69% 104% 136% 92% 95% 127% 122% 132% 110% 147% 105% 86% 116% 93% 155% 82% 105% 114% 99% 47% 79% 102% 178% 137% 96% 94% 86% 99% 174% 106% 111% 78% 83% 81% 84% 106% 56% 133% 75% 204% 93% 100% 150%

84% 54% 63% 64% 51% 50% 80% 79% 52% 32% 56% 49% 65% 84% 79% 52% 86% 54% 100% 58% 80% 43% 70% 56% 67% 65% 72% 58% 58% 50% 48% 39% 67% 63% 60% 54% 25% 28% 53% 53% 45% 48% 50% 55% 62% 50% 45% 48% 100% 36% 44% 38% 56% 51% 30% 44% 43% 50% 44% 69% 50% 54% 55%

$5,245 ($5,077) $1,932 $3,771 $766 ($5,374) $680 ($417) ($440) ($2,143) $219 $953 $3,054 $10,168 $14,262 ($1,326) ($923) ($70) $1,330 $2,566) ($2,662) $162 $7,625 ($764) ($170) $2,804 $3,324 $1,096 $1,097 $5,220 $2,085 ($938) $830 ($380) $2,254 ($2,127) $161 $1,900 ($36) ($3,773) ($820) $332 $700 $1,539 ($552) ($3,355) ($2,623) ($57) $7,256 $4,727 $257 ($4,098) ($2,577) ($13,785) ($14,026) $449 ($14,804) $945 ($2,070) $4,925 ($561) ($50) $3,865 $19,213 $0 $0






Pisek Reynolds Rolette Esmond Westhope St. John, ND St. Anthony, Belcourt Kindred Milnor Forman

127% 122% 110% 109% 106% 105% 104% 104% 103% 102%

101-250 families

51-100 families

Amount Pledged

$20,900 $24,310 $4,983 $11,304 $14,729 $15,348 $2,145 $3,740 $4,095 $6,633 $8,096 $19,492 $10,476 $19,008 $29,423 $4,076 $3,058 $23,650 $4,635 $26,694 $8,602 $4,533 $21,285 $9,174 $3,150 $10,197 $15,200 $3,399 $10,683 $11,220 $41,580 $6,688 $5,220 $5,225 $4,086 $12,122 $3,000 $14,000 $4,301 $7,053 $3,960 $15,631 $900 $4,176 $15,452 $59,488 $18,128 $3,987 $9,810 $78,760 $2,278 $18,773 $15,400 $72,103 $86,240 $7,931 $33,418 $2,880 $8,140 $4,725 $7,700 $14,770 $7,695


% Goal


% Goal

Munich Zeeland Mantador Mooreton

153% 150% 133% 129%

Rolla Park River Carrington Lidgerwood

147% 136% 134% 125%

Ellendale 124% Hillsboro 124% LaMoure 119% St. Michael Ind. Miss. 114% Oakes. 110% Manvel 105% Minto 105% Dunseith 103% Thompson 102% Bottineau 101% Larimore 101% New Rockford 100% Wyndmere 100%

Langdon 112% St. Ann, Belcourt 102% St. Mary, Grand Forks 102% 501-1000 families CITY

% Goal

St. Mary, Fargo Grafton Wahpeton Rugby

132% 110% 106% 105%

Over 1000 families CITY

251-500 families CITY Harvey Napoleon

% Goal 175% 148%

% Goal

Devils Lake 131% Sts. A & J, Fargo 129% Holy Spirit, Fargo 115% St. Michael, Grand Forks 115%



JANUARY 2013 ■ 7

Vocations are everybody’s responsibility! By Father Kurtis Gunwall


he week of Jan. 14 through 19 is the National Week of Prayer for Vocations. What are you doing for this important week? Do you wonder why it is (or should be) important for you? Let me lay out a few reasons for everyone — some will even apply to you! Are you a teen or single young adult? Then you need to know what God is planning for you if you hope to have fullness of joy. You can have a pretty good or fairly happy life just by following your heart, but if your heart is broken, wounded, selfish, or sinful — which it is — then you will choose many things that will actually hurt you and others; you will do many things that hurt others and yourself. Look at your family, friends, and yourself as you grew and you know it is true. Are you already married? Then you still need to know what God is planning for you if you hope to have Only by a joy-filled marriage and to be a loving, faithful spouse seeking God’s and parent. If you have been married even a few heart, God’s months, you begin to realplan, and the ize how selfish you are and how your spouse and chillife of the Holy dren can disappoint you. know you do not alSpirit can we You ways act out of love for them but can be selfish and find the hurtful, too. You also want fullness of joy to witness and inspire your children to know God’s that God love and the joy of loving You want better promises us in others. than a mediocre marriage and family for them and for His Word. yourself. Are you recently “single” Father Kurtis Gunwall again, divorced and annulled or widowed; or have you lived as a single but are now a not-so-“young” adult? God has a plan for you to make a difference in the lives of others — whether you have children or not. There are too many glum and angry people in the world — that is never God’s plan. You are called to be joyful sons and daughters of the light. Have you considered that in your “freedom” as a single person, you can serve God and all his children in a special way? Take time to seek and to know the ever new plans of God.


nly by seeking God’s heart, God’s plan, and the life of the Holy Spirit can we find the fullness of joy that God promises us in His Word. Wholehearted seeking will lead you to your vocation. Do you love to solve problems? God will use that. Do you love to create? God will use that. Do you love to serve? God will use that. Do you love to work or teach or ponder or perform whatever desire that God has placed on your heart? God will use that for His glory and your joy! As I travel around the diocese preaching on vocations, I constantly share a Prayer for Vocations (right) distributed by the Knights of Columbus. It includes prayer for Consecrated lives, religious and those who commit themselves to the love of God and neighbor; ordained, diaconate and priesthood; married couples witnessing God’s love for the Church; and every baptized person seeking to love and serve God. So take one minute to pray from your heart the accompanying Prayer for Vocations every day this week (and keep praying it throughout this Year of Faith). Father Gunwall is Vocation Director for the Diocese of Fargo and can be reached at (701) 356-7957.

Prayer for Vocations Heavenly Father, call many holy young people to consecrated life for the sake of your kingdom. Call an abundance of virtuous men to serve in ordained ministry, as laborers for your harvest. Call numerous others to faithful, chaste and fruitful love in the sacrament of marriage, as signs and witnesses of Christ’s love for his Church. Through baptism you have called all your children, in whatever state of life, to love and serve you. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and grant us each the grace to follow you in perfect obedience and charity. With Mary and Joseph as our models and intercessors, we ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


8 ■ JANUARY 2013

January 14-19 is the National


Sr. Mary Pieta Breen Fargo Novice Sisters of Life, Bronx, N.Y.

Sr. Maria Veronica Splonskowski, OSF Lake Park, Minn. 1st Professed Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen, Hankinson

Sr. Mary Ruth Jones, CK Fargo 1st Professed Sisters of Christ the King, Lincoln, Neb.

Sr. Mary Ruth Huhn, OSF Darwin, Minn. 1st Professed Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen, Hankinson

Sr. Hannah Vanorny, OSB Oakes 1st Professed Annunciation Monastery, Bismarck

Katrina Beck Rugby Aspirant Franciscan Sisters of Christ the Divine Teacher, Davenport, Iowa

Sr. Mary Louise Bushy Fargo Postulant Sisters of the Visitation of Holy Mary, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Fay Bourgeois San Antonio, Texas Aspirant Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, Dunseith

Sr. Christina Neumann, OSF West St. Paul, Minn. 1st Professed Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen, Hankinson

Rosella Corral San Diego, Calif. Aspirant Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, Dunseith


Les Noehre Holy Family, Grand Forks Candidate

Dave Dahlin St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fargo Candidate

John Bredemeier St. Michael, Grand Forks Candidate

Dr. Rick Lagasse St. Therese, Rugby Candidate

Paul Schneider Holy Spirit, Fargo Candidate

Dr. Bruce Dahl Nativity, Fargo Candidate

Ken Severinson St. Joseph, Devils Lake Candidate

Kelli Lopez La Jara, Colo. Aspirant Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity, Dunseith



Week of Prayer for Vocations


Deacon Sean Mulligan Grand Forks Theology IV St. John Vianney, Denver

Deacon Troy Simonsen Sidney, Mont. Theology IV St. John Vianney, Denver

Kyle Metzger Fargo Theology II Mount St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, Md.

William Slattery Sylvania, Ohio Theology II North American College, Rome

Robert Keller Harvey Theology I St. John Vianney, Denver

John Klocke Fargo Theology I St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.

Paul Kuhn Harvey Theology I Mount St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, Md.

Patrick Parks Coon Rapids, Minn. Theology I Mount St. Mary’s, Emmitsburg, Md.

Steven Wirth Munich Theology I St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn.

James (JT) Kennelly Fargo Spirituality Year St. John Vianney, Denver

Zach Howick Billings, Mont. College III Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit

John Miller Lawton College III Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit

John Norberg Dilworth, Minn. College III Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit

Riley Durkin Inkster College II Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit

Collin Granger Reynolds College II Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit

Eric Seitz Fargo College II Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit

Jered Grossman Harvey College I Sacred Heart Major Seminary, Detroit

Sometimes bumps in the road lead us to our vocation Editor’s note: This is the second in a series of articles from our seminarians whose home parish is St. Cecilia’s in Harvey. By Paul Kuhn

Hi! My name is Paul Kuhn, seminarian number two from St. Cecilia’s in Harvey, and studying for the Fargo Diocese. The first time I initially thought about the priesthood was the fall of my senior year of high school. Robert Keller and I attended a Teens Encounter Christ retreat and, for whatever reason, I remember telling God I would like to be married and serve the Church as a deacon if he was not calling me to be a priest. After graduating from high school in May of 2005 I began my college career in Bismarck. While living in Bismarck I worked as a manager at a Blockbuster video store considering various careers, such as probation

officer, social worker, psychologist or teacher. After an unsuccessful two years I moved to Fargo. The move began in the summer of 2007, adventuring into one of the greatest programs our diocese has to offer for youth — Young Disciples. Once Young Disciples drew to an end, I settled down in Fargo while attending classes at Moorhead State Community and Technical College in Moorhead, Minn., focusing on radiology technology. In my free time, I was semi-involved at St. Paul’s Newman Center at North Dakota State University, being introduced to Fellowship of Catholic University Students and participating in a couple of Bible studies. After another unsuccessful attempt at college I was ready to enter the Air Force full-time and complete my degree in radiology technology. However, God would have other plans. Around this same time, one evening near the end

of daily Mass, I remember asking myself, “Do you still ever think about the priesthood and seminary?” It is basically history from that point forward. I entered seminary formation in August of 2008, studying at Cardinal Muench Seminary and North Dakota State University. Two years after beginning seminary formation in Fargo I received news of the future closing of CMS. Near the end of the 2009-2010 academic school year, I was asked to transfer to Mount St. Mary’s Seminary and University in Emmitsburg, Md. I completed my undergraduate degree in philosophy, graduating from the Mount on Mother’s Day, May 13, 2012. Currently I am a first year theologian at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary. So, from the Dakota plains back out to the East Coast Mountain Range, may you and yours have a blessed and peaceful new year!

10 ■ JANUARY 2013


Jan. 22 observance: Day of prayer for the legal protection of unborn children Continued from page 1 In the Gospel of Life, Blessed John Paul II exhorts us to “Walk as children of light… and try to learn what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness (Eph. 5:8, 1011).” We are called to counter the culture of death with our works of love and life. The works of a culture of life are ones that RESPECT the dignity of every human person and include a united effort of prayer for the transformation of hearts and minds; LOVE the woman who finds herself in an unplanned pregnancy and cares for the needs of the vulnerable and weak; PROMOTES the right to life of the unborn child and affirms women and families through educational, legislative and social initiatives. Across our nation Jan. 22 is recognized as a “Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children.” Tom Grenchik, Executive Director of the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, invites individuals and parishes to join in a Nine Days of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage from Jan. 19 to 27 to prepare for and participate in the annual observance. These nine days surrounding the Roe v. Wade anniversary are focused on the theme of pilgrimage and are part of a

These news items, compiled by Dorothy Duchschere, were found in issues of the Diocese of Fargo newspaper, New Earth, and its predecessor, Catholic Action News.

January 50 years ago — 1963 Six new building projects are planned for 1963 with construction expected to start this year. Two additional building projects are in the planning stage with start of construction possible this year. Presently under construction are: new church and social hall, church of the Holy Spirit, Fargo; new church, rectory and social-catechetical center, St. John the Evangelist, Grafton; new rectory and catechetical center, St. Boniface, Esmond; new convent for Sisters of St. Joseph, who teach at St. Mary’s and St. Michael’s grade schools and St. James High School, Grand Forks.

20 years ago — 1993 Presentation Sister Paula Ringuette, president of the North Dakota Confer-

nationwide pastoral initiative sponsored by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Pro-Life Secretariat. During the 9-day period between Jan. 19 and 27, a simple novena will be available electronically with daily prayer intentions for the healing and conversion of our nation, for elected officials who support abortion, and for all people whose lives have forever been changed by an abortion. This youth-friendly novena will assist actual pilgrims, as well as those participating from their parishes and homes via social media/ text messages/emails, with a web-link to the day’s prayers and activities. Each day will include: an intercession; simple prayers; a very brief reflection on the saint of the day or a lesson from the daily readings; suggestions for concrete acts of prayer, penance and charity; and a powerful myth/reality comment related to abortion. To find out more about the Nine Days of Prayer, Penance and Pilgrimage, go to www.usccb.org/9days. Here you can sign up to personally receive the daily prayers and suggestions, and learn how to promote these prayers and activities in your parish or organization. Rachelle Sauvageau is director of the Respect Life Office.

ence of Churches, presented Bishop James Sullivan a plaque recognizing the late Bishop Justin Driscoll and the late Father David Schmidt for their work in ecumenism. The Jan. 18 ceremony marked the conference’s first annual ecumenism awards. Sister Paula is executive director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference.

10 years ago — 2003 Bishop Samuel Aquila participated in the dedication of a new ultrasound machine at an open house at the AAA Pregnancy Clinic on Jan. 12. As a result of a recent fundraising campaign, the clinic was able to purchase a new state-of-theart ultrasound machine, an upgrade from the machine that had been donated to the clinic in 1997. Donors to the campaign were many Catholic churches and youth groups, including Sullivan Middle School and Shanley High School of Fargo. Father James Cheney of Cooperstown assisted with the campaign.

Decades of diocesan periodicals now preserved at Shanley library While Father John Shanley was pastor of the Cathedral parish in St. Paul, Minn., he also was the editor of “The Northwestern Chronicle,” founded in 1872 as the first Catholic newspaper in the area. It took him almost 20 years after he became the first Bishop of Fargo to continue his journalistic endeavors when, as editor and chief contributor, he began publication in March 1909 of a diocesan monthly newspaper, “The Bulletin of the Diocese of Fargo.” Unfortunately his untimely death occurred in July of that same year. His successor, Bishop James O’Reilly, was not journalistically inclined and soon discontinued this monthly. He employed “The Catholic Bulletin,” the recently established weekly newspaper of the Archdiocese of St. Paul, as the news medium for the Fargo Diocese. “The Catholic Bulletin” regularly ran news items for each diocese of the entire province (Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota and, in the early days, also Montana) on page five during the years 1911 through 1928. During this period a diocesan correspondent was in charge of supplying Fargo news to the “Bulletin” editors in St. Paul.


ne of the most reliable Fargo diocesan news correspondents during much of this period was Father Vincent Ryan (later Bishop of Bismarck). After 1928 news about these other dioceses in the province appeared only occasionally. Through the kindness of the editors of “The Catholic Bulletin” the Cardinal Muench Seminary library staff was given permission to spend a great deal of time in their archives Bound copies of the publications of the Diocese of Fargo — 46 volumes worth — are stored in the library at Shanley in St. Paul photographing High School in a bookcase built by a local craftsman, copies of the articles pertaining Ordean Swensen. The wood for this bookcase came from to the Diocese of Fargo. These the original large wooden front doors of Cardinal Muench copies were then printed and Seminary. bound. “Confraternity News” was published in the Fargo Diocese in 1937 and1938 by Father William T. Mulloy (later Bishop of Covington, Ky.) while he was pastor at St. John the Evangelist in Grafton; this publication was printed in Edgeley, by Father Victor Long. In January 1939, still under the direction of Father Mulloy, the name of the publication was changed, at the suggestion of Bishop Aloisius Muench, to “Catholic Action News.” Other early well-known editors were Father George Mehok and Father William Durkin. In October of 1980, under the editorship of Deacon Mathias Lanz (later Father Lanz), the name changed to “New Earth.”


bout 10 years ago the library staff at Cardinal Muench Seminary, under the direction of librarian John Nowacki, began the process of finding, copying, indexing and making available for education and research these publications. They have been bound at the seminary in 46 volumes and were kept in the seminary library in a bookcase built by a local craftsman, Ordean Swensen. The wood for this bookcase came from the original large wooden front doors of the seminary. Although Cardinal Muench Seminary closed its doors over a year ago, this project has finally been completed recently through the efforts of Father Leo Stelten and Father Andrew Jasinski. Thus these records of Fargo diocesan history, begun by Bishop John Shanley in 1909, have now been very fittingly moved to the Shanley High School library in south Fargo, where we hope they will be of use for years to come.

Catholic Charities USA training helped me — and may help you, too By Cathy Schwinden

As a member agency of Catholic Charities USA (CCUSA), Catholic Charities North Dakota is able to take advantage of many valuable outreach efforts of the national agency such as the support they offer to parishes in developing their social ministry programs. I had the opportunity to attend “Social Ministry Regional Training: Responding to Need and Injustice as an Expression of Our Faith” last fall in the St. Cloud Diocese and was extremely

impressed with the experience I gained there. I learned about this training through my participation in the social justice committee of Catholic Charities North Dakota, but anyone is welcome to attend a training session. When I became the social justice coordinator at Nativity Church in Fargo four-and-a-half years ago, I joined a wellestablished program. The social justice commission met regularly, 4 percent of each Sunday’s adult envelopes helped support a dozen organizations each month, and commitment to social

justice was an integral part of parish life. I came away from this training both inspired and affirmed by dynamic national speakers from CCUSA. I met a variety of people including deacons-intraining, college students, parishioners with many years of experience in promoting social justice, and those who hoped to begin programs in their home parishes. The resources that were made available to me through CCUSA were outstanding, helpful for people at all levels of experience with social ministry. I share this information in the hope

that those who would like to begin social ministry programs, expand their programs or re-energize their programs might make use of these user-friendly, low-cost (and often free) materials available through Catholic Charities. Check out their website at www. CatholicCharitiesUSA.org or contact Larry Bernhardt, Executive Director at Catholic Charities North Dakota at (701) 235-4457. Locally, you can see what CCND is up to at www.catholic charitiesnd.org under the “News” tab.



JANUARY 2013 ■ 11

We must work for a better society, more peaceful world


uman persons are rational creaAdam Lanza himself was not evil. A pertures. Our ability to reason is one son’s act can be evil even if the person of the gifts of God that makes is not. us created in His image. We are problem By most accounts, Adam Lanza sufsolvers. fered from a mental illness, which was the case for the perpetrators in most of Our capacity to solve, however, is limthe recent mass shootited by our fallen state. ings. He might have We cannot create a perlacked the mental capacfect society. ity to fully appreciate Ultimately, the queswhat he was doing. Only tions raised by the NewGod will know the truth. town shooting are theoWhat we do know is that logical because they mental illness distorts a concern the existence of person’s sense of reality evil in our world. Even if and impairs their cogniwe might find answers tive abilities. through Revelation, we For that reason we are incapable of creating should exercise caution a solution that eliminates when trying to find a all evil. grand cause for Lanza’s Recognizing this truth actions. does not mean that we Yes, we live in a culture should resign to evil and Christopher Dodson of death where killing never try to create a more children by abortion has just and peaceful world. become acceptable by many. God made us problem solvers for a reaYes, our schools and public places son. have been forcibly secularized. We The appropriate response of a Chrisshould not, however, be so bold to claim tian lies between resignation and hubris. that these trends directly caused the We are obligated to work for a better sokillings in Newtown. Such claims rest ciety while recognizing our limits as huon the assumption that Lanza acted raman persons. tionally, which we know is unlikely. PutThese are important lessons to reting prayer in public schools and remember when addressing any issue, but specting unborn human life may help they are particularly crucial when recreate a better society but, short of sponding to events as shocking as the knowing the will of God in His provikillings in Newtown, Conn. dence, we cannot say they would have stopped Adam Lanza. roposals to prevent similar incidents in the future have ranged from deo what can we, as humans, do to try creasing access to guns to increasing the to prevent another such incident? presence of guns in schools, from reThe United States Conference of forming our mental health care system Catholic Bishops, drawing on stateto putting prayer back in public schools. ments by the Vatican and its own past Some of the proposals might crop up positions, has called for legislators to: during the North Dakota legislative ses1. Support measures that control the sion. Others are certain to appear in the sale and use of firearms; U.S. Congress. 2. Support measures that make guns Before looking at some of these prosafer (especially efforts that prevent their posals, we should get a few things unsupervised use by children and anystraight. one other than the owner); What Adam Lanza did at Sandy Hook 3. Call for sensible regulations of Elementary was evil. It cannot be exhandguns; plained away as solely the consequence 4. Support legislative efforts that seek of biology, psychology, economics, famto protect society from the violence asily situations or laws. At the same time,

Catholic Action



CNS photo/Carlo Allegri, Reuters

Crosses are seen in the snow Jan. 2 as part of a makeshift memorial in Newtown, Conn. Hundreds of children who escaped the harrowing attack on Sandy Hook Elementary School in December returned to classes for the first time Jan. 3 since a gunman killed 20 of their schoolmates and six staff members.

“What Adam Lanza did at Sandy Hook Elementary was evil. It cannot be explained away as solely the consequence of biology, psychology, economics, family situations or laws.

sociated with easy access to deadly weapons including assault weapons; 5. Make a serious commitment to confront the pervasive role of addiction and mental illness in crime. The proposals concerning guns are controversial and differences in regional and cultural attitudes toward guns will make federal legislation difficult to achieve. Confronting mental illness should be less controversial. A serious commitment, however, will require insurance reform, changes in attitudes, better government services, and striking a balance between those who fight all forms of

civil commitments and those who would use institutionalization as a solution to problems that could be better addressed in community settings. Let’s hope that serious attention is given to improving our attitudes, policies and options when it comes to caring for those with mental health needs. As the bishops wrote in their response to the Newtown shootings: “There is no shame in seeking help for oneself or others; the only shame is in refusing to provide care and support.” Christopher Dodson is executive director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference. Visit ndcatholic.org.

Charitable benefits of American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012


n Jan. 1, 2013, both the Senate and House passed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA). The bill resolved the “fiscal cliff” and includes a number of provisions that will be favorable for philanthropy and charitable giving. Fortunately, some of the proposals such as caps on charitable deductions or limits on tax savings from charitable gifts were not enacted. Because the general trend of the bill is to create higher tax rates for upper-income taxpayers, the benefits of charitable giving will be obvious to many people.

IRA Charitable Rollover

Since 2006, IRA owners age 70½ and older have been able to make a qualified charitable distribution (QCD) up to $100,000 each year. ATRA extends and expands this option for 2012 and 2013. The following is an explanation: First, some individuals in 2012 made

QCDs directly from their IRA custodian of 2013, they will not report the IRA to charities with the hope that the law distribution as income. Effectively, the would be retroactive. These QCDs are Dec. 2012 RMD is converted to a Januqualified retroactive to ary QCD that qualifies Jan. 1, 2012. for 2012. Second, individuals Individual who did not make a Income Tax Rates QCD in 2012 can do so on Ordinary Income during January of 2013. This is similar to 2011, The existing tax brackwhen it was possible to ets of 10%, 15%, 25%, do a QCD for the prior 28%, 33% and 35% will year in January and a secbe extended. There is a ond QCD in the remainnew 39.6% bracket for ing 11 months of the married persons with year. $450,000 of taxable income, heads of houseThird, many individuhold with $425,000 and als had hoped to do single persons with a QCD in 2012, but in $400,000 of taxable inDecember of 2012 reSteve Schons come. ceived their IRA required minimum distribution Long-Term Capital Gains (RMD). If these individuals transfer those funds to charity during January The capital gains rate of 0% for those


in the 10% and 15% bracket and 15% for those in higher brackets will be extended. However, individuals who are subject to the 39.6% tax bracket will have a 20% capital gain rate. In addition, because capital gains for those with incomes over $250,000 married or $200,000 single will be subject to the 3.8% Medicare tax, the capital gains rate for upper-income persons will be 23.8%. Gift and Estate Taxes

Marital portability and the $5 million (with indexed increases) applicable exclusion amount for gift and estate taxes are made permanent. For 2013, the expected IRS ruling will set the applicable exclusion amount at $5.25 million. The top rate for gift and estate taxes is 40%. For more information, please call Steve at (701) 356-7926 or email steve.schons@fargodiocese.org. Steve Schons is director of stewardship and development for the Diocese of Fargo.

12 ■ NOVEMBER 2012


Father Schill hosting Holy Land pilgrimage Join Father Damien Schill on a pilgrimage to the Holy Land Sept. 8-17. The cost is $4,279 leaving from Minneapolis or $3,999 leaving from New York. Special pre-tour option to Jordan, Amman, Petra, Kerak, Maeleba, Mt. Nebo and Jerash, Sept. 5-9, at $1,398 per person. For more information, please call Rinda or Samantha at 1-800-206-8687 or visit www.pilgrimages.com/frschill.

Events around the diocese For more events throughout the diocese, visit www.fargodiocese.org/events.

man Center, Fargo. Visit www.bison Catholic.org.

Jan. 17 (Thursday): Dining with the Word of God, 6:15 p.m., St. Paul Newman Center, Fargo. Father Boucher will explore the book of Exodus. Visit www.fargodiocese.org/wordofgod.

Jan. 22-27 (Tuesday-Sunday): Students grades 9 to12 from across the diocese will participate in the 40th annual March for Life in Washington, D.C.

Jan. 20-26 (Sunday-Saturday): BisonCatholic Week! St. Paul's Catholic New-

Jan. 24-27 (Thursday-Sunday): Men’s Cursillo in Harvey; rector, Nick Schmaltz. Visit www.cursillond.org. Jan. 29 (Tuesday): Msgr. Paul Watson to give talk on Vatican II, St. Joseph’s, Devils Lake. Supper at 5:30 p.m., presentation beginning at 6:30 p.m. See page 4A. Jan. 30 (Wednesday): Msgr. Paul Watson to give talk on Vatican II, St. An-

thony’s, Fargo. Supper at 5:30 p.m., presentation beginning at 6:30 p.m. See page 4A. Feb. 7 (Thursday): Luncheon with Patrick Madrid, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sts. Anne and Joachim, Fargo. See page 4. Feb. 8-10 (Friday-Sunday): The Vocation Office will host a discernment weekend for men 16 years and older who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood. See page 13. To submit events for New Earth and the diocesan website, mail them to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or email news@fargodio cese.org. The deadline for February 2013’s New Earth is Jan. 23, 2013.

HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Sacred Heart Catholic School in East Grand Forks, MN, is seeking a High School Principal starting August 15, 2013. Send current resume with references to: Fr. Larry Delaney Sacred Heart School 200 3rd St. NW East Grand Forks, MN 56721 PSC@SACREDHEARTEGF.NET (218) 773-0877

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JANUARY 2013 ■ 13


Don’t underestimate the power of stories or the power of God


f there is one truth that I have been most reminded and convicted of this semester, it is that stories are powerful. I had heard this from various talks by author Matthew Kelly, as well as the founder of FOCUS, Curtis Martin. Yet, as I look back at the past few months, I have to admit that stories are extremely important, most especially when they are stories about the love that God has for his children. For example, just before Christmas we spent a night with our student missionaries at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Student missionaries are college students who are committed to growKristen Vetter ing in personal holiness and being leaders on campus by leading Bible studies and working with their peers in one-on-one discipleship. We have just over 30 of these students now at UMD! At our monthly meeting with all of them, we split into groups of four and each student was asked to share their five-minute testimony (their story of how they met Jesus Christ). Some of our students have given up lives of partying, unchaste relationships, and other serious sin. Others have always been practicing Catholics, but are now on-fire rather than just lukewarm. It was so great to listen to these stories, each beautiful in their own way.



eing a missionary has also given me an opportunity to share my story with the students I am meeting. At my final Bible study of the semester, we were talking about the importance of sharing our stories. Bible study is usually an hour long and my group rarely

struggles to fill the time. This particular week, after a great discussion, my clock showed that there were still 20 minutes left. I instantly knew why: God wanted me to share my story with these girls, to show them what we had just discussed. So I did. It was so good to be reminded of how God has drawn me close to him by sharing my story with my study group. Just as our own stories can be powerful witnesses to the reality of God’s love, so too is his story.

Diocesan Vocation Office to offer Vianney Discernment Weekend in Valley City Feb. 8-10 for men 16 and older The Vocation Office of the Diocese of Fargo is sponsoring a Vianney Discernment Weekend at Maryvale Convent in Valley City for men 16 years and older who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood. The weekend, which will be Feb. 8-10, allows men the opportunity to pray, reflect and discuss the possibility of answering Jesus’ call to be a priest. There is no cost, but pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, call Father Kurtis Gunwall, Vocation Director, at (701) 356-7956 or email him at vocations@fargodiocese.org.


he week before finals, I was on-campus for discipleship with one of the women I’m working with. As we began in meditative prayer, reading through the story of Christ’s birth, a professor came over and asked if he could join us. I read through St. Luke’s account of the Nativity (see Luke 2:1-20), and then led us in prayer, meditating on the role of the shepherds that first Christmas. After we finished, we had a great discussion with this professor, who shared that he is Catholic, too. He said that his family was beginning their own Christmas tradition and would possibly include that beautiful story in it. How incredible! He was drawn to join us just by hearing the beauty of God’s word. Never doubt the power of your story, or that of our heavenly father. That story might be the one that helps another person realize the truth of God’s love for us and that God is actively pursuing each and every one of us. Kristen Vetter is a Fargo native and 2008 graduate of Shanley High School. She received her college education at North Dakota State University.

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Give A Gift to Help Keep the TV Mass on the Air! The best gift for those you love who are nursing home residents, shut-ins, or non-practicing Catholics WDAY, Channel 6, Fargo — WDAZ, Channel 8, Grand Forks 10:30 a.m. Sunday Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________________________________________________ A GIFT FOR: Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________

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Or, IN MEMORY OF: Name ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ I would like this listed at the end of the TV Mass on this date(s): ____________________________ MAIL TO: TV Mass, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605

14 ■ JANUARY 2013


Scholarship fund donations assist seminarians and priests Several donors faithfully support the education of our seminarians and priests through their gifts to the Scholarship Fund. The Scholarship Fund consists of restricted contributions, of which only the income may be used, and only for the purpose stated. All income from scholarships is restricted for the use of funding candidates to the priesthood who are completing required seminary education, and to supplement education of priests currently serving the diocese. Contributions to the scholarships are vital to the support of the diocese and your future priests. Without this aid, many of our young men would not be able to discern their vocation. In addition to providing for the education of priests, contributions are a wonderful memorial to the men and women (priests, religious and laity) who have served the Catholic Church. To donate, mail your gift to: Scholarship Fund, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or call (701) 356-7930. SCHOLARSHIPS



Catholic Order of Foresters Scholarship

By: ND Catholic Order of Foresters



Rev. Adam J. Hasey Scholarship

By: St. Charles Altar Society, Oakes



Father Joseph, Joe W. and Elizabeth Senger Scholarship Fund

By: Msgr. Joseph Senger, In Memory of Joe W. and Elizabeth Senger



Joseph and Helen Haman Scholarship Fund

By: Joseph P. and Helen Haman



Father Patrick Roche Memorial Scholarship

By: Mr. and Mrs. George Wyman



Very Rev. Ervin A. Zirbes Memorial Scholarship

By: Holy Rosary Altar Society, Bisbee



Rev. John P. Axtmann Memorial Scholarship

By: Holy Rosary Altar Society, Bisbee



Rev. William Crane Memorial Scholarship

By: Holy Rosary Altar Society, Bisbee



Rev. Edward McDonald Memorial Scholarship

By: St. Charles Altar Society, Oakes



Rev. David H. Schmidt Memorial Scholarship

By: St. Margaret's Guild, Drake



Rev. Alfred Allmaras Memorial Scholarship

By: Bechyne Altar Society



Catholic Development Foundation – General Endowment for Seminarian/Priest Education By: Diocese of Fargo $100 In Memory of Father Peter Grady Thomas and Judy Freund $100 Darlyne Floberg $1,000 Eva Hogan $200 Richard M. Goellen $250 In Memory of Blanche and Edward Goellen Johanna Nagel $218 St. Mary’s Altar Society, Lakota $100 St. Ann’s Altar Society, Fairmount $100 Paul Stary $150 Donald and Chanis Klontz $15 Dean and Donna Thompson $25 F. Gerald and Mary Joyce $50 In Memory of John and Michael Joyce Jean Kram $50 In Memory of Deceased Family Members Dennis and Patricia Bina $25 Richard and May Fuka $50 Rev. William Sherman $30 Mark Kobe, In Memory of Deceased $25 Kobe and Miller Family Members Richard and Pauline Vetsch $10 Anonymous, In Honor of Father Robert $100 Pecotte and Father Peter Sharpe Durran Unger $25 Annella and Steve Winger $20 In Memory of Annella Swartz Robert Titus $100 Loretta Huschka $100 In Memory of Martin and Mary Mitzel Terry and Shari Kensok $200 Roger and Donna Hentjes $100 John and Evelyn Bjorness $25 Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nicklay $100 Phil and Laurie Kraemer $500 Lawrence and Ruth Fiebeger $100 James and Tammy Miller $50

Richard Hamkens In Memory of Louise Hamkens Wayne Mauch Neil and Jolean Pederson In Honor of our Families Ed and Rita Mauch Roger and Debby Jaeger In Memory of Ardys Jaeger Renae and Andrew Arnston In Memory of Ann Streifel K.K. Morehead In Honor of all our Diocesan Priests Colleen and Neal Dimmer Delores Johnson In Memory of Marvin Johnson Russel Pfeifer In Memory of Father Adam Hasey Ken and Margaret Dahl Joseph and Cecilia Kraft Andrew Axtman In Memory of Ann Schall Sharon Fritz In Memory of John R. Fritz J. Thomas and Darlene Raymond Frank and Janice Fritel, In Memory of Parents of Frank and Janice Fritel Shirley Suda In Memory of Paul Suda Scott and Cindy Hoselton St. Charles Altar Society, Oakes Sylvia and George Calkins In Honor of Sylvia and George Calkins Family Ervin and Margaret Knaus John and Mary Noah Amber Erpelding St. Arnold’s Altar Society, Milnor Donna Ralston

COMBINED TOTAL Catholic Development Foundation – Diocese of Fargo Deacon Endowment By: St. Arnold’s Altar Society, Milnor

$100 $100 $25 $25 $500 $10 $10 $50 $5 $100 $25 $250 $300 $20 $200 $25 $100 $50 $50 $50 $10 $25 $10 $50 $20

$88,916 $50


Drake couple celebrates 60 years Adeline (Dorscher) and Daniel Ludwig recently celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary. They were married at St. Margaret Mary Catholic Church in Drake on Nov. 5, 1952. They have resided in Drake ever since. The couple has four children: Michael (Pam) of Monticello, Minn.; Gary (Linda) of Starbuck, Minn.; Debbie (Doug) Duncan of Grangeville, Idaho; and Bruce (Linda) of LeMars, Iowa. They have eight grandchildren and nine great-grandchildren.

Share life’s milestones As a way to celebrate life and love, we encourage parishioners throughout the Diocese of Fargo to send photos of anniversaries of 60 or more years, or birthdays of 80 or more years, to New Earth, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Ste. A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or news@fargodiocese. org.

News briefs from Devils Lake ■ St. Joseph’s parish in Devils Lakes is experiencing something few parishes in the diocese or even the world can claim – that is they have welcomed back their previous pastor. Five years ago, Father Chad Wilhelm was called to be pastor at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Fargo. St. Joseph’s had the honor to then welcome Father Dale Kinzler for the next five years. In May, Father Kinzler announced he had been assigned to St. George Father Wilhelm in Cooperstown and that Father Wilhelm was asked to return to St. Joseph’s. Welcome back Father Wilhelm. ■ St. Joseph’s Knights of Columbus held their annual patriotic Mass in November. It is a Mass to remind us that we should be loyal to God first, but also loyal to our community and to our country. There are adult servers at this Mass. They were Kyle Ternes, Pius Kraft, Dennis Schwab and Ken Severinson. Ken is currently in the diaconate program. Father Wilhelm said their service was a good example for the youth of the parish. ■ St. Joseph’s held a meeting to discuss end of life issues in November. Father Wilhelm discussed cremation, guidelines for a Catholic funeral, and making Catholic decisions with regards to death and dying. Stephanie Armstrong from Gilbertson Funeral Home discussed how to plan a funeral choosing Scripture and songs appropriate for a Catholic funeral. Tom Traynor, an attorney, discussed the advantages of having a will and other legal issues. Approximately 100 people attended the meeting.

JANUARY 2013 ■ 15


St. John’s, New Rockford, to observe centennial of St. James Academy

Children host a Christmas program

Alumni of St. James Academy, New Rockford, are invited to join St. John’s Parish in observing 100 years since the founding of the academy. The academy was established in 1913 under the leadership of Father Pare, pastor of St. John’s parish. The academy didn’t open its doors to students until January 1914, when the Sisters of the Presentation from Fargo invested in teaching and administering the school in New Rockford. Even though St. James high school closed in 1971, and St. James grade school closed in 1990, there is every reason to celebrate the many years the academy and the Presentation Sisters served the many students who proudly call themselves “Alumni of St. James Academy.” A Mass of Thanksgiving will be held on Sunday, June 30, 11 a.m., at St. John’s Submitted photo

On Dec. 16, children of the tri-parishes of Sts. Peter and Paul, Bechyne; St. Joseph, Lankin, and St. John, Pisek, put on a Christmas program in Pisek titled “Mary Did you Know.” Pictured as Mary is Jaylie Jelinek and Connor Hodek as Joseph.

Invitation to adoration Come and see our new adoration chapel before it is blessed! What: Our Lady of Guadalupe Adoration Chapel Open House Where: Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo When: Sunday, Feb. 10 Time: 12 to 5 p.m. On Feb. 11, 24-hour adoration will begin after the altar is dedicated. Anyone willing to commit to a weekly hour of adoration at the new chapel can call Cindy, head coordinator, at (701) 232-5985, or Marilyn, co-coordinator, at (701) 347-4031, home, or (701) 261-5051, cell.

Church. Former priests and sisters who have served St. James Academy are especially invited to be part of this festive occasion, as well as any and all alumni who wish to be part of the celebration. A short program will be held in the church after the Mass, followed by a meal served to all guests and parishioners in attendance. All alumni and former staff are also invited to a social and time to remember on Saturday evening, June 29, hosted by the local Knights of Columbus. There will be more details on the time and place of these two events, and how to register for them in future issues of New Earth. For now, St. James Alumni are asked to put this weekend of June 29-30 on your calendar and make plans now to join the celebration.

Father Joe Barrett to speak on prison ministry Father Joe Barrett, parochial vicar for St. James Basilica, Jamestown, and chaplain at the James River Correctional Center, will share his experiences of prison ministry during a presentation at 7 p.m., Monday, Feb. 11 at St. James Basilica. Father Barrett came to the Fargo Diocese in 2005 after studying at Holy Apostles Seminary in Cromwell, Conn. His first assignment included ministering to those imprisoned. “These are special people with particular needs and challenges,” Father Barrett explained.

Deacon Jim McAllister, Sanborn, and Deacon Carl Orthman, Valley City, will join Father Barrett in a panel to present some of those challenges and explain the different programs and opportunities including Residents Encounter Christ (REC) Father Joe Barrett and the week-to-week involvement with the prisoners. The public is welcome to attend this free presentation.

Ramada Plaza Suites, Fargo

16 ■ JANUARY 2013



Mission experience to a different world Reprinted with permission from The Napoleon Homestead and edited for New Earth. By Jessica Wald

When 13 people traveled to Chimbote, Peru, for a mission trip, their eyes were opened to a whole “different” world. Jim, Bailey and Jacob Bitz, Steve, Lori, Kayla and Matthew Gross, Terry and Kali Schwartzenberger, Bruce Wentz, and Father Don Leiphon, all of Napoleon; Jim Schmidt of Kintyre, and Mary Brooks of Montana began their journey on Nov. 20 and stayed in Peru through the Thanksgiving holiday until Nov. 27. After the group’s flight to Lima, Peru, which is the capital of Peru with nine million people, they were taken on a seven-hour bus ride to Chimbote. “It was a really great experience; something everyone should witness. It’s like it’s a whole different world down there,” said missionary Matthew Gross, a sophomore in high school. A group consensus was that the trip was overwhelming. “I knew there would be poor people, but not for miles and miles and miles,” said Jim Bitz. He noted the city has a 70 percent unemployment rate and everyone has very little. “It’s a different way of life,” he said.


he mission group’s main purpose was to help build houses, do mission work and experience the culture. The mission in Chimbote is run by Father Jack Davis, a retired priest of the Fargo Diocese. For 37 years, he has operated the mission, which provides education, healthcare, social programs and transformation programs for the Peruvians. Father Jack employs 112 people and it takes around $17,000 a week to remain open. While the group stayed in a dormitory that had no hot water, except to shower, and a toilet which couldn’t handle toilet paper because of the sewer system, they learned a few things about how some of the Peruvians live and work every day. Most houses are made of bamboo poles and hystera, which is equivalent to cat tails, and only last 3 to 5 years. Floors are made of dirt. There is no indoor plumbing and water is warmed by placing it in basins under the sun. There are not many insects, but cockroaches crawl everywhere. There are as many dogs, even in church, as there are people. The group also noticed clothes drying on old electrical wires because there are no clothes lines. Terry Schwartzenberger said what amazed him the most was that garbage was scattered everywhere on the dirt streets. “It reminds me of the photos I would see on the nightly news when reports were being broadcast from Vietnam.”


ne house the group helped build was for a 17-year-old girl. Her parents abandoned her, leaving three younger siblings as her responsibility. “It made me realize how I sometimes get upset when I’m asked to babysit my younger siblings because I have something else to do, while this girl has a lot to worry about like not going to college and raising her siblings,” said sophomore missionary Bailey Bitz.

The group learned that guinea pig is a delicacy in Chimbote and they were able to try it if they wanted. Besides the look of the guinea pig (head and all fours still attached), Matthew Gross said, “It was pretty good; like chicken but a little chewier.” Bailey also noted they were able to try seveche, raw fish marinated in lemon, lime and onions. While in Peru, the group experienced the end of the spring season, with temperatures of 70 to 75 degrees. They noted it was very dusty, as it only rains “maybe every seven years.” The average salary of a Peruvian, if they have a job, is $6 a day. The group said not a lot of men work, as the women are usually out in the fields, which are irrigated. With Chimbote located right along the Pacific Ocean, fishing is one of the higher-paying jobs, but due to over fishing the area, few jobs are available. “I was amazed at their attitudes; they get up every day just to survive,” commented Jim. “It makes you evaluate what’s important.”


Submitted photos

While on a mission trip to Chimbote, Peru, James Schmidt (middle) of Kintyre poses with a Peruvian child who is standing in line with other children and mothers who were waiting their turn to select a piece of clothing after cleaning up around the outside of the compound. The mission in Chimbote is run by Father Jack Davis, a retired priest of the Fargo Diocese. For 37 years Father Davis has operated the mission, which provides education, healthcare, social programs and transformation programs for the Peruvians.

n Saturday mornings 150 women gather to clean the mission grounds. In return they receive goods (mostly clothing), which are donated and given away after the women choose a number and then an item in numerical order. “I left most of my clothes there; I realized they need them more,” added Bailey. The group said many people in Chimbote take great pride in their animals so they can sell them for the Peru currency: soles. In American dollars, $2.50 is equivalent to Jacob Bitz sits on a bed frame which was assembled prior to delivery to the needy in Chimbote while Matthew Gross, one sole. Kali Schwartzenberger, Father Don Leiphon, Bailey Bitz and Jim Bitz are in the background. All are from Napoleon. Father Don Leiphon said Chimbote has the “most efficient and productive space” he has ever seen, as many things such as animals are in free spaces. “There are a lot of dogs and animals everywhere. You don’t know if they are owned or wild. There were donkeys randomly walking the streets,” said sophomore Kali Schwartzenberger. Lori Gross said one of the most touching moments was when some of the group delivered a stove, which was similar to a camping stove, to a family who had only stones and an open flame. She said the woman receiving the stove was emotional and grateful. “It was very hard to transition when we came back Matthew Gross, Kali home. We realized they have nothing Schwartzenberger and have such a strong faith. We are and Father Don distracted by stuff and things.” Leiphon try a piece As the Peruvians do not celebrate the of guinea pig, a United States’ Thanksgiving holiday, delicacy in Chimthey generously tried to recreate the holbote. iday for the Americans. Two turkeys ence and I want to go again,” said Bailey. trip to the people in need instead of were killed Thanksgiving morning and “The trip was really eye-opening and spending money to travel. He said othserved for dinner. They also were served heart breaking,” added Kali, “They are ers questioned this, too. ice cream, which is usually only eaten so happy with absolutely nothing; no After the trip, though, they realized it by Peruvians once a year. clothes and dirt floors. I learned how is the experience. “It’s about bringing “It was a fun experience and I learned we take things for granted.” what we saw with our own eyes back to take nothing for granted,” said Matthew. Jim said before the mission trip he with us. It would be the easy way to just “It was a sad experience, but I was wondered why people wouldn’t just send a check, but we learned it’s more amazed at how friendly the people are.” send the money they would use for the than that.” “Overall it was an awesome experi-



A special pullout section of


OUR YEAR OF FAITH Pope Benedict XVI declared that a Year of Faith will be celebrated from Oct. 11, 2012 through Nov. 24, 2013. He desires this Year of Faith to be a time of particular reflection and rediscovery of the faith. This will be a solemn moment for the whole Church to reappropriate exact knowledge of the faith, so as to reinvigorate it, purify it, confirm it and confess it.


n his Apostolic Letter announcing the Year of Faith, Pope Benedict wrote: “One thing that will be of decisive importance in this Year is retracing the history of our faith, marked as it is by the unfathomable mystery of the interweaving of holiness and sin” (no. 13). The picture which appears on the diocesan poster and other literature for the Year of Faith was chosen because it captures the history of faith, an interweaving of holiness and sin. The picture of the Immaculate Conception is from a book of prayers which was handmade and presented to Cardinal Muench in 1951. In describing this book, Cardinal Muench called it “my prized possession.” This picture not only connects us to one of our former bishops, but captures a decisive moment in the history of salvation and invites us to a deeper relationship with Jesus through Mary, his mother. The Blessed Virgin Mary is pictured in white, a symbol of purity; at her conception she was preserved from the stain of Original Sin. A scarlet veil hangs behind Mary, sign of the blood which Christ shed for our salvation. Since Mary’s conception is the final stage of the coming of Jesus into the world, her foot is shown crushing the head of the serpent, the Devil who misled Adam and Eve and caused them to sin

(Genesis 3). Because their sin darkened the history of humanity, they appear as shadowy images behind Mary, as does the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. In contrast to this sad history of sin are the bright images in the foreground. A dove appears surrounded by golden rays above Mary’s head, symbol of the Holy Spirit who will overshadow her at the Annunciation (Luke 1:35). She who calls herself “the handmaid of the Lord” (Luke 1:38) folds her hands in a posture of docile obedience. Golden rays bursting forth like the sun (see Revelation 12:1) and the halo indicates her holiness. She stands on a green hill alive with growth, as the New Eve who brings new life. The border is composed of Prairie Roses (the state flower of North Dakota), as the rose is a symbol of love, beauty and paradise. Mary, under the title Immaculate Conception, is the patroness of the Diocese of Fargo. As she experienced freedom from sin in a unique way, so we turn to her intercession as our own personal history unfolds in an “unfathomable mystery of the interweaving of holiness and sin.” She will help us deepen our relationship with Jesus, her son, and grow in confidence in the salvation he won for us. For an expanded version of this article, visit www.fargodiocese.org/yearoffaith.

A Special Pullout Se

2A ■ JANUARY 2013

Carrie Michaelson — Searching for the truth


Father Matt Kraemer is surrounded by his extended family.

Father Matt Kraemer — Faith-filled family life was foundation for my priesthood


was ordained a priest in 2012. I first began to fall in love with Jesus and his family, the Church, at home with my parents and siblings. It is a beautiful faith! The day in and day out of family life was the setting in which my relationship with Jesus and his Church began to grow. My parents were very involved in my life. They homeschooled us, and sought to raise us well. Of course they were not perfect, and made mistakes in raising us. Nevertheless, there are many things that they did well that had a profound impact on my life. My parents’ consistent example of prayer and service, and their perseverance in teaching the faith was very instrumental in forming my desire to give my life to Jesus and his Church. Growing up, I had a hard time with prayer. We went to Mass on Sunday and said quick prayers before meals and before going to bed. That was easy enough. But my parents also wanted us to have a deep prayer life as a family. I remember really dreading and resisting the attempts my mom and dad made at helping us to pray as a family more often and more consistently. We would pray every day before school, but I was almost always distracted by something or other. It seemed to me that my siblings, with whom I usually got along, were particularly obnoxious during prayer. Family rosaries were also difficult. It was a struggle to get everyone together and settled down, and once we finally got started, it seemed laborious and dry. Even though it was hard and didn’t seem to be working most of the time, I am grateful that my parents gave family prayer decent effort. I am glad that they made me pray with them, because as time went along I began to realize that I should want to pray with them, and it bothered me that I didn’t. It was at that point that I was able to put aside the annoyances and distractions and really pray. Who knows where I would be now if I had been allowed to skip out of family prayer.


od worked in a special way through my dad to instill in me a heart of service. When I was quite young, perhaps five or six, he would take my older sister and me with him to pick up elderly people for Sunday Mass. Riding along in the bus, we would watch dad help the elderly from their homes onto the bus. As they came by they would pinch our cheeks and say how cute we were. Even though we really didn’t enjoy having our cheeks pinched, we realized that we brightened their day just by being there. Dad gave us an example of service and gratitude for God’s gifts to us, but we didn’t always follow it, especially at home. I remember on one occasion my dad had helped a couple move to a new apartment. The husband had ataxia and was losing his motor skills but he still helped in whatever small ways he could. When dad came home that night he noticed our reluctance to help out around the house. He sat us down and shared with us how this man, whose entire body was failing him, wanted to help so badly, and couldn’t. He really helped us to realize what a gift it is to have a healthy body, and that we must use it for the service of others. Also instrumental in my growing in love with Jesus and his Church was learning about the faith. My mother took it upon herself to understand the faith and was able to teach it to her children. She wasn’t a theologian or scripture scholar, but she strived to present to us what the Church teaches. The Catechism books she had us study were interesting to me because they presented the truth. In them I saw the beauty of God’s plan for mankind and his plan for me. I realized that to be a Christian really is an adventure; there really is a battle between good and evil and I could be on Jesus’ side in the fight, and win. Of course I did not understand all of this then, but I do know that the desire to know the truth was stirring in my heart at a young age, and was fed through the unadulterated teaching of the Church.


thank God for the gift of having grown up in a Catholic home. Reflecting back on the way my parents raised me I can say that with the help of God they laid a strong foundation for me through their example and teaching. This foundation, which is a life of prayer, service and learning, is being built upon in my priesthood. God willing, I will be able to support other Catholic families in their efforts to create strong Catholic homes of their own where vocations can flourish.

hat is the meaning of life, and what is our purpose? These are questions I’ve asked myself since early childhood. It wasn’t until I got much older that I realized every person is born with a yearning to know God. This deep seeded desire to “know” became overwhelming by the time I reached the age of 12. My childhood had been surrounded with alcoholism, filled with verbal and physical abuse, poverty, family dysfunctions of many various types and was devoid of religion. My family lived in darkness, sorrow, despair and suffering. However, I count my childhood experiences as blessings, as it is through these experiences that my search for the truth began. At 12, I attended a Southern Baptist Bible camp. This experience had a profound effect on me. I came to believe in Jesus, to know that Jesus loved me no matter what, even if it seemed no one in the world loved me. I knew there was a God and I knew that profound love and joy, like none on earth, that comes when you welcome Jesus into your life. Michaelson As I grew older, into my teens, I became lost in alcohol, drugs and promiscuity. Then at 17, as a single mother living on my own raising a baby girl, I started trying to “re-connect” with God again. In my quest for truth, I began attending churches of various Christian denominations including Methodist, Lutheran, Episcopal, Presbyterian, non-denominational Evangelical, and at one point even held home bible study sessions in the faith of Jehovah’s Witness. I was growing more confused by the day, and one by one I kept leaving each church. I felt in my heart that each one was missing something. In my disappointment, I left all churches and started seeking worldly comforts.


t 19, I married an Army Sergeant who was Buddhist by birth. He practiced no religious faith and expressed the sentiment that religion was only for the “troubled” and “weak”. Our home was basically “religion free”. The marriage lasted until my daughters were 10 and 16. My best friend and confidant, my mother, died at the age of 49. A year later, two more tragedies struck. My grandmother died of sorrow over my mother’s death, and I became a divorcee. In my attempt to understand life, suffering and death, I got involved with New Age in various forms. New Age is very deceptive, in that it uses bits and pieces of truth, incorporated into lies, to make them more believable. I had become an alcoholic by the time I had reached my early 20s, and although I had quit drinking at least five years prior to my divorce, I still held onto my marijuana addiction. At the time of my divorce, my 16-year-old daughter was going through her own version of life’s hell, and my youngest, 10, preferred to stay with her father most of the time. So, by the age of 32, I was completely alone and had lost everything that ever meant anything to me, and I began to occasionally drink.


he desire to know God again grew stronger than ever in my heart. Surely the truth must be somewhere, but where? Surely the Lord must have a true and faithful Church on earth who knew Him, and served Him faithfully, but where? It was at this time that I obtained a job working for a Catholic non-profit organization. My office was in the basement of the Cathedral office. I heard the church bells ringing every day at noon, inviting and nudging me, ever so gently, to Holy Mass. And so I went. The homilies made sense, the teachings from the Word of God. Then I was invited on a pilgrimage that changed my life forever. In October 1998 at Medjugorje, Croatia, I received a personal visit from the Blessed Mother herself. Nothing fancy, no audible. Please turn to CARRIE on page 3A

ection of New Earth

JANUARY 2013 ■ 3A

Local Witnesses of Faith Here are short excerpts of local stories of faith from across the diocese. More testimonies will be posted online throughout this Year of Faith. To read these stories in full, go to www.fargodiocese.org/storiesoffaith. If you are open to sharing your story, please contact Katie Dubas at (701) 356-7908 or katie.dubas@fargodiocese.org.

Susan and Steve Braun: “Do you know where you’re going when you die?” asked my well-intentioned Baptist friend. “I know where I’m going.” The seconds passed slowly as I struggled with a response. We had been friends for several years and religious topics had been discussed before. She was sure she was “saved” and I resolved that day that I needed to figure out what I believed.

Beth and Bo Lemer: My husband Bo and I really worked on our marriage formation, but the hardest part was praying together. It was awkward and uncomfortable because it forced us to show an intimate side of ourselves that we almost never show to people. So, although Bo and I tried to pray, it rarely happened. About two months after our wedding I heard God calling me to give everything in my life to Him. Before I went to sleep one night I told Him He could have it all – my life, my heart. I surrendered to His call. Within two months of this, God put people, books and experiences in my life that only lead me closer to Him.

Jennifer and Patrick Lagein: Right after we were engaged, I called a friend and she offered this advice: “Ask God if he is the one for you. God will answer you.” I got off the phone and did exactly what she said. I cried through the whole prayer. God answered me that very moment. He said, “Yes.” It was like He was in the room with me because I could hear His voice.

Laura Johnson: I had a friend who was Catholic and I asked him if I could attend Mass with him. He agreed and I walked into St. Paul’s Newman Center not knowing that my life would be forever changed. I was intrigued by this church and as I sat through Mass, I formulated numerous questions to ask my friend for I was puzzled by its mysteriousness.

love and joy, I was also given the assurance that the Catholic Church was her son’s true Church, and that I was invited to share in the Feast. I returned home with an eagerness to learn about the Catholic faith.

sense. I knew where I was supposed to be, who I was supposed to be with, and for what purpose my life had been given. And I knew I was a sinner. Sin can weigh the soul down like an anchor, preventing it from reaching the heights that God desires for the soul. The sacrament of confession freed me from my anguish and guilt. I knew God had truly forgiven me and that I could come back as often as needed for His healing, mercy and forgiveness.

Liz and Doran Chandler: The first time I was prayed over for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit, I sat at Father Neil’s table. He placed his hand on my heart and told me my heart was full of wounds and scars and I should pray to St. Michael constantly. He also told me God wanted to heal my heart and I should ask Jesus to go with me to those deep wounds and talk about them. Be careful what you ask Jesus to do, it can be painful, but with pain comes healing and joy.

Carrie’s story Continued from page 2A words, no visual apparitions. Just Mary and me on a mountainside, where I “experienced” the love she and her son have for me. I cried tears of joy, and experienced love like I have never known. My heart was filled to the point of exploding; my body grew weak in the presence of such beautiful holiness. It was impossible to move, or utter a word from my mouth. It was like time had frozen. I could only “feel” the love being given to me. In those few seconds of sheer peace, overwhelming


eing a person of logic and reason, I researched the Catholic faith to understand the basis for its faith and teachings. I already knew in my heart that it was the Church established by Christ. The more I learned, the more enlightened was my mind. Everything made

A Special Pullout Section of New Earth

4A ■ JANUARY 2013 2A ■ JANUARY 2013

Vatican II and how it applies today

Msgr. Watson is currently spending a couple of months with the Dominican Sisters of St. Joseph in Lymington in the South of England, serving as the chaplain of the community before his Archbishop gives him a new parish assignment.

Speaker has theological background

That’s the topic for January talks by British theologian The Fargo Diocese will sponsor a conference on the teachings of Vatican II as part of its Year of Faith offerings. The talk will be given in two locations: Tuesday, Jan. 29, at St. Joseph’s, Devils Lake; and Wednesday, Jan. 30, at St. Anthony’s, Fargo. The schedule for each evening will include dinner at 5:30 p.m., and the presentation beginning at 6:30 p.m. A free-will offering will be taken. Guest speaker Msgr. Paul Watson, retired director of Maryvale Higher Institute of Religious Sciences, Birmingham, England, will present a brief summary of the four main documents of the Second Vatican Council and show Msgr. Watson how they are still applicable to the Church today as we participate in the mystery, communion and mission of the Trinity. He has a deep love for Holy Scripture and Holy Mother Church. Come and listen to his insightful presentation. You’ll be glad you did.

Msgr. Watson is a priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, England. In Sept. 2000, he became the Director of Maryvale Institute after serving as parish priest in two parishes in the archdiocese. Msgr. Watson undertook his studies for the priesthood at Oscott College in Birmingham (1968-73), and was ordained in January 1974. He later studied for his license in theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, specializing in Catholic Spirituality. In 2004 he received a master’s degree in education from the Open University. He has a wide experience as a writer and speaker. As a co-founder of the monthly magazine Bible Alive, he has been a regular contributor since 2006. His articles are also featured regularly in Maryvale’s Catechetical Journal “The Sower,” in the “New Diaconal Review” and “Faith Today.” He has also contributed to published symposia such as “Hear O Islands,” “A Garland of Silver” and the published papers of various catechetical conferences. He has also written course books for several of Maryvale’s degree programs — most recently for the new Maryvale Master of Arts in Apologetics. As a speaker, he has given a number of retreats for priests and lay people, as well as talks in parishes, and at conferences at home and overseas — focusing particularly on catechesis and Scripture. Msgr. Watson retired as Director of Maryvale Institute in August 2012. He is currently acting as chaplain to the Dominican Sisters at St. Dominic’s Priory, Lymington, Berkshire, and is carrying out a number of speaking engagements connected with the Year of Faith.


5 family priorities for celebrating the Year of Faith Your family is the most important priority in your life, right? Here are five tips to keep your family drawing closer to Christ. Celebrate, study and live your faith as a family. 1. Eat together — Talk with one another during mealtime. No TV, cell phones, etc. This is a great opportunity for quality time and to nurture the faith of your family. 2. Pray together — Start by praying before meals, before bed, before road trips. The rosary is a beautiful devotion that even little children can learn to pray. 3. Discuss the homily — After Mass, talk in the car about what you learned. See what everyone remembers. 4. Photo albums — Look at pictures of Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist, weddings, and reflect on the graces given to your family in the sacraments. Show your children their baptismal certificate. 5. Field trips — Visit churches besides your regular church, walk around together and discover the statues, stained glass and other sacred art. See if you can name the bible story or the saint portrayed there! Look up their stories and discuss over mealtime. This is also great to do when traveling on vacation.

Attention! Attention!

ECHOES Starting Feb. 7

Student’s grades 2-12 are invited to ‘hop on the faith train’

What is ECHOES? • Adult formation and training in knowledge of the Catholic faith • Overview of Catholic essentials in 11 sessions • Covers basic teaching skills for those involved in catechesis • Reveals how to use the Bible and Catechism in teaching • Connects catechesis to worship and the liturgy • Tells the story of Salvation • Helps one grow in faith • Recognizes that every adult is a catechist in various ways

Location Fargo Diocese Pastoral Center 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Ste. A Fargo, ND 58104


Dates and time

For more information and to register

Eleven Thursdays — 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sessions held on Feb. 7, 14 and 28, March 14 and 21, April 4, 18 and 25, May 9, 16 and 23. (There is no homework between sessions)

Call Katie Dubas at (701) 356-7908 or email katie.dubas@fargodiocese.org

$15.00 — includes participant booklet

For parish catechists, this fulfills Level 1 certification.

An Act of Faith Oh my God, I firmly believe that You are one God in three Divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. I believe that Your Divine Son became man and died for our sins, and that He will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the Holy Catholic Church teaches, because You have revealed them, Who can neither deceive nor be deceived. Amen.

Attention all Catholic schools, religious education students or youth groups, come hop on the faith train for the Year of Faith! The youth department of the Diocese of Fargo is offering a writing/drawing competition. It is designed to help you both reflect upon your faith and share your faith with others. This is how it works: send a hand drawn cartoon, poem or personal story about your Catholic faith. Just follow these simple instructions: • 2nd-4th grade students, submit a drawing or story, no longer than 100 words, of your experience during your first Reconciliation or Confirmation and first Eucharist, or what you hope it will be like when receiving first Reconciliation, Confirmation and first Eucharist. • 5th-6th grade students, submit a drawing, poem or story, no longer than 200 words, about an experience you have had while attending Mass. • 7th-9th grade students, submit a drawing, poem or story, no longer than 200 words, about an experience you have had in school, your neighborhood or with your family while learning something new about your Catholic faith. • 10th-12th grade students, submit a drawing, poem or story, no longer than 250 words, about an area of your Catholic faith that you struggled with or have had a personal experience with that has been lifechanging for you. Submit your entry to the youth office no later than Feb. 28. The best of the entries will be featured in an insert in the Catholic diocesan newspaper, New Earth. Please include a school picture of yourself along with your entry. If submitting a drawing, color crayons, pencil, ink or markers are permitted. Handwritten or typed stories allowed. On a separate sheet of paper, please write your name (first and last), your grade, your parent’s names (first and last), mailing address and the Catholic Church you belong to. Don’t delay, write your entry today and send to: Kathy Loney, youth department, 5201 Bishops Blvd, Ste. A, Fargo, ND 58104.

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