New Earth January 2014

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Where is this mystery steeple? PlantPage seeds 4 to foster call

New Earth





September 2011 January 2014 Vol. 35   No. 32 No. 18 Vol.

“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth” — Rev. 21:1

A ‘distinguished pastor’ Prestigious award goes to Fargo’s Monsignor Wald By Aliceyn Magelky

An ardent supporter of Catholic education, Monsignor Jeffrey Wald, pastor at Holy Spirit Church, would say “he’s just doing his job” in response to the accolades he recently received from the National Catholic Educational Association (NCEA). On Dec. 13, 2013, Monsignor Wald received notice he was one of six recipients of the NCEA’s Distinguished Pastor award. From a potential pool of 5,000, he along with an elite few were chosen to receive this recognition because of their “outstanding support of Catholic elementary education.” Each year principals of Catholic schools collaborate with superintendents and local diocesan officials to submit nominations for pastors they would like considered for this award. Often the nomination is submitted anonymously. That was the case for Monsignor Wald. “I knew if I had gone to him first before nominating him, he would have told me not to do it,” said Holy Spirit Elementary principal and nominator, Jason Kotrba. “And, I know I wouldn’t be able to go behind his back and do it anyway. For something like this, it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than for permission.” Kotrba wanted to use this opportunity as a way to honor and thank a man who has had significant impact on his life and the school. “Priest assignments don’t last forever,” commented Kotrba. “I wanted to be able

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Monsignor Jeffrey Wald, pastor of Holy Spirit Church in Fargo, answered questions from Pre-K students during one of his weekly classroom visits to Holy Cross Elementary. His dedication to Catholic schools placed him among one of six to receive the prestigious Distinguished Pastors award from the National Catholic Educational Association. Monsignor will officially receive his award during a commemorative dinner at the NCEA Annual Convention and Expo April 22-23 in Pittsburgh.

Please turn to LOCAL PRIEST on page 9

Looking ahead: What to watch for in 2014 from Pope Francis By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service

After a year that included the historic resignation of Pope Benedict XVI and a series of celebrated innovations by Pope Francis, it is hard to imagine 2014 at the Vatican could be nearly as eventful. Of course, the biggest stories are likely to be those that come by surprise, but in the meantime, here are developments bound to loom large in Vatican news over the coming year: n New cardinals: Pope Francis is scheduled to create new cardinals Feb. 22. By that time, no more than 106 members of the College of Cardinals will be under the age of 80 and thus eligible to vote in a conclave to elect a new

pope. Under rules established by Pope Paul VI, the college should not have more than 120 such members, though subsequent popes have occasionally exceeded that number. So Pope Francis can be expected to name at least 14 new cardinal electors. The election of the first Latin American pope has raised expectations of greater geographical diversity among cardinal electors, so the new slate might prove relatively heavy on names from statistically underrepresented regions, especially Latin America and Africa. n Vatican reform: The eight-member Council of Cardinals that Pope Francis formed to advise him on governance of the universal church and reform of the Vatican bureaucracy has already joined him for two rounds of

meetings at the Vatican and will do so again in February. The body is working on the first major overhaul of the Roman Curia, the church’s central administration at the Vatican, since 1988. Although the council has not announced a timeline for its work, Pope Francis has established a record of acting fast; in December, he approved an idea for an international commission on the sexual abuse of children just one day after the council proposed it. So, few will be surprised if the council gives him a draft of an apostolic constitution reorganizing the curia before the end of 2014. n Canonization of two popes: The double canonization ceremony of Please turn to LOOKING AHEAD on page 8

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The joy of the Gospel


n a broadly-written document that who follow him and commit their lives reflects his own character and perto him a destiny of unending joy. He sonality, Pope Francis has given the promises a place in his own kingdom, Church a manifesto of joyful evangeliwhere there are no tears or sorrows. zation. The very title, Evangelii GaudiAnd that kingdom, Jesus tells us, is alum, or the Joy of the Gospel, speaks of ready among us. Already we experience the Holy Father’s conviction that, come the joy and satisfaction of discipleship, what may, we are all called to a joyful of knowing the Lord and experiencing living of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. his love and mercy. Although we know we are sinners, we also Pope Francis goes so know that Jesus forfar as to say that it is gives us. What could impossible “to imaggive greater joy than ine a Church without to know we are forgivjoy; and the joy of the en and healed of such Church lies precisely deep spiritual wounds? in this: to proclaim the name of Jesus.” Share the wealth St. Teresa of Avila was Pope Francis reminds a woman of great zeal us of our responsibiliand common sense. In ty to be evangelizers, a moment of typical to bring the joy of the bluntness and candor, Gospel to others. she is known to have We must invite othsaid, “Dear God, save ers to come and know us from sour-faced the joy and hope we saints!” Bishop John Folda find in the message of Even Pope Francis truth which we call Jewarns against this same sus Christ. affliction; that is, being a “sourpuss” Hearkening back to words of Pope while claiming to be a disciple of Jesus. Paul VI, the Holy Father says, “An evanWhat greater contradiction of the gelizer must never look like someone Gospel could we imagine than a disciwho has just come back from a funeral. ple who is perennially unhappy or even Let us recover and deepen our enthuangry? siasm, that ‘delightful and comforting Undoubtedly, there are reasons for joy of evangelizing, even when it is in sadness and frustration in the world tears that we must sow. . . . And may the and in our own personal lives. We world of our time, which is searching, would be fools to act as if everything sometimes with anguish, sometimes in the world were rosy or has already with hope, be enabled to receive the reached perfection. We are realists, and good news not from evangelizers who we know better. are dejected, discouraged, impatient or anxious, but from ministers of the GosBut despite the sadness and disappel whose lives glow with fervor, who pointment that we all know only too have first received the joy of Christ.’ ” well, the Gospel can still give us authenIndeed, the French philosopher Leon tic and enduring joy. Jesus assures those Bloy wrote, “Joy is the most infallible sign of God’s presence.” And while a modern skeptic might not initially be “Then I saw a new heaven interested in the eloquence and logic and a new earth.” of our proclamation of faith, he or she Revelation 21:1 may be attracted by the witness of our joy.

NewEarth (ISSN # 10676406)

Serving Catholic parishes as the official newspaper of the Diocese of Fargo, N.D. Member of the Catholic Press Association Bishop John Folda Bishop of Fargo Publisher Aliceyn Magelky Editor Published monthly by the Diocese of Fargo. ND, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605. (701) 356-7900. Periodicals postage paid at Fargo, ND. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Boulevard, Suite A, Fargo ND 58104-7605. (701) 356-7900. Personal subscription rate for 11 issues of New Earth per year: $9.

I was privileged to witness this kind of joyful evangelization in a beautiful way just this past Christmas Eve. I saw a notice in the local newspaper that Nativity parish in Fargo was holding a Christmas Eve dinner open to the public, especially for those who did not have family gatherings or anyplace special to celebrate Christmas. I decided to stop by and say hello,

Diocesan policy: Reporting child abuse The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents of child abuse, in­­ cluding sexual abuse, to civil authorities. If the situation involves a member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian, or an employee of a Cath­olic school, parish, the diocesan offices or other Catholic entity with­in the diocese, we ask that you also report the incident or suspected incident to Msgr. Joseph P. Goering at (701) 356-7945 or Larry Bernhardt at (701) 356-7965 or VictimAssistance@ For additional information about victim assistance, visit

Joy of another stripe

A multitude of happy and joyful volunteers were on hand to greet and serve hundreds of guests, who came in out of the cold to a warm and cheerful Christmas dinner.

Later this month I expect to witness another very different type of joyful evangelization. I will travel to Washington D.C. for the annual March for Life, and while there, I plan to meet up with more than 100 fellow pilgrims from the Diocese of Fargo. One of the things that is often noted about the March for Life is its youthful character. The young pilgrims and marchers, who come from all over the country, some after long hours or even days of travel, are an exuberant and joyful group. Despite the solemn and somber character of the anniversary we commemorate, that is, the legalization of abortion, the many people — young and old — who attend the March for Life maintain a positive and upbeat spirit. They do not succumb to anger, bitterness, despair or hostility, but they keep the spirit of the Gospel in their hearts, in other words, a spirit of joy. These young people are one of the best advertisements on earth for the Gospel of Life and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They are unabashed in their faith and friendly in their demeanor. They willingly accept the hardships that such a journey entails, and they describe the journey as “life-changing.” They put forward the best face of the Church and witness to the joy of living as followers of Jesus Christ. I know many who witness this annual March have been deeply affected and even converted to the pro-life cause. Once again, the joy of the Gospel has the power to change hearts, and our joyful witness to the love and mercy of Christ, even in such a heartbreaking cause, can transform the moral landscape of our nation. I hope each of us will unite our prayer and joyful witness to those marchers who will witness to the Gospel of Life in Washington. And I hope that by our witness, wherever we are, minds and hearts will be turned to Jesus and to the sanctity of life.

The good people who were preparing, serving, and delivering meals were uniformly happy to be part of this great occasion, and I was delighted to learn that this event has been going on for 43 years. Those who came for dinner seemed genuinely grateful for the welcome they received, and there was a real spirit of joy among them. Although there was no explicit preaching or catechizing going on, this was undoubtedly a work of evangelization. On Christmas Eve, the many people who worked so hard to put on this event again this year demonstrated by their joy and charity that “there is room at the inn.”

Bishop’s Message

Evangelizing by deeds

and I was overwhelmed by what I saw.

By their actions they heeded the Pope’s call to go out to the margins, and they taught their visitors that all are welcome in the Church, which is God’s family. Without question, there is also a need for clear and joyful preaching and catechesis, which will perhaps be a topic for another reflection in this space. But we, as Catholics, must first evangelize by our deeds, and by the joy of our Christian lives. It is said in legend that St. Francis of Assisi told his followers, “Preach always, and when necessary, use words.” By the witness of our lives, each of us can preach an eloquent homily of God’s grace and love to all those we meet. Of course, this Christmas Eve dinner is just one event in one parish, and I know I could cite numerous examples from all our parishes where the joyful Gospel of Christ is being lived and preached in a thousand different ways. But the spirit of joy that Pope Francis speaks of seemed to be especially evident on this occasion.

Bishop Folda’s Calendar Jan. 15

6:30 p.m. Faith formation with youth, Basilica of St. James, Jamestown

Jan. 16

10:15 a.m. St. John’s Academy school Mass, Basilica of St. James, Jamestown

12:30 p.m.

Mass at James River Correctional Center, Jamestown

Jan. 18

11:15 a.m.

Mass with permanent deacons, Maryvale, Valley City

Jan. 19

4 p.m. Graduation Mass for Maryvale catechist program, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo

Jan. 20-23

March for Life, Washington D.C.

Jan. 25

5 p.m.

Mass at St. Agnes Catholic Church, Hunter

Jan. 26

11 a.m.

Mass at St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center, Grand Forks

Jan. 27

9:30 a.m.

St. Joseph’s School Mass, Devils Lake

Jan. 30

9:30 a.m. All JPII Catholic Schools Mass, McCormick Gymnasium at Shanley High School, Fargo

Jan. 31

6:30 p.m.

Feb. 1

5 p.m. Mass at St. Thomas Church, St. Thomas; Potluck and council & parish meeting to follow

Feb. 2

10:30 a.m. Mass at Sacred Heart Church, Oakwood, followed by parish breakfast and council & parish meeting

Catholics Unplugged, Sts. Anne and Joachim, Fargo

Feb. 3-7

Catholic Leadership Institute Conference, Orlando, Fla.

Feb. 8

Vianney Discernment Weekend, Maryvale, Valley City

Feb. 9

2 p.m.

Catholic Collage, Shanley High School, Fargo

Feb. 13

7 p.m.

Mass for God’s Children, St. Anthony of Padua, Fargo

Feb. 14

7 p.m. Holy Hour and Vespers with permanent diaconate candidates, St. Anthony of Padua, Fargo

Feb. 15

10:30 a.m.

Regional Confirmation, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo

7 p.m.

Couples Night Out, Sts. Anne and Joachim, Fargo


January 2014 n 3

Jan. 22 marks day of prayer for unborn


Photo submitted

At St. Maurice in Kindred, N.D., the “That Man Is You” group meets at 6 a.m. every Wednesday during the school year.

‘That Man Is You’ group alive, working in Kindred, N.D. Men’s group “This group in some active By Aliceyn Magelky

In its nearly 50 year history, St. Maurice Church, Kindred, and its parishioners have been fighting a somewhat uphill battle to bring the news of the church and share the faith with others in that community. However, the steadfastness of all faithful in that area to pull together to build up a church community is mirrored in the men participating in the parish’s “That Man is You” program. For many years, the community did not have a Catholic presence. That hurdle didn’t stop those seeking a means to worship together. In 1993, several individuals worked together to build a parish hall. In 2000, a new church was dedicated. At that time, the parish counted 69 families. Today, more than 125 families call St. Maurice home. In addition to a lack of church space, parishioners have experienced a “revolving door” of priest with no priest in residence. But, families continue to bond together, work hard and strive to keep the church active and helping each other live out their faith. “We welcome new members by putting them to work,” joked parishioner Earl Wilhelm.

icated themselves to developing a men’s leadership way feeds that desire program that was Despite its Catholic-centric struggles, this parfor more, a need for a and captivating to ish continues to flourish. In parrelationship with Christ modern audiences. ticular, a group According to the not found elsewhere for program’s promoof men dedicated to the “That Man tional material, the men in the parish. is You” program “That Man is You” demonstrates the “. . . emphasizes Father Jared Kadlec positive impact both intellectuthat sacrifice, loyal and spiritual alty and commitment can make in the formation. The intellectual formation spiritual lives of members and the parharmonizes the findings of social and ish as a whole. medical science with the teachings of “People in Kindred have learned to the church . . . while the spiritual forbe more self-reliant for spiritual direcmation equips men with the tools they tion because priests are not at the parish need to embrace a life that is counter to long, some only a year,” commented Faprevailing culture.” ther Jared Kadlec. “This group in some This program started in Houston, way feeds that desire for more, a need Texas, and expanded globally, includfor a relationship with Christ not found ing within the Fargo Diocese. While elsewhere for the men in the parish.” this program was highly encouraged “That Man is You” is a program crein the diocese to help mobilize men, ated by Steve Bollman, a former energy St. Maurice parishioners waited. derivatives trader from Houston. ExpeThe year after it was instituted in the riencing first-hand the pressures placed area, the St. Maurice group was formed. on men and families in modern sociToday, 12 men comprise the group. ety, he felt called to create this ministry. Please turn to TMIY on page 8 He, along with a group of peers, ded-

Seminarians best priests in annual basketball event Seminarian Cardinals repeated their 2012 win over the priests’ Team Padres in the annual Collar Classic. The final score was 55 to 52. Since 1991, priests and seminarians have come together each year to fight for bragging rights in a game of basketball. At the half, the priests led by two points. However, the priests were not able to hold the lead, and the seminarian team pulled ahead for the win. Originally, the game was played in the Cardinal Muench Seminary gym in Fargo. Not long ago, the event moved to Shanley High School, Fargo, to accommodate more people and provide a better floor. Typically, 300 – 400 spectators cheer on their favorite team. Volunteers from around the diocese keep score, referee and provide commentary, including Father Paul Duchschere who has been announcing the game for the past four years. The game, started as a friendly game between Cardinal Muench Seminary alumni and current seminarians, has turned into a long-standing tradition of fun and rivalry. Many players who in their words “have no business playing” come back every year to help claim the title for

North Dakota faithful will join thousands in March for Life, ‘Nine Days’ initiative By Rachelle Sauvageau

In a talk given this past November, Bishop Olmsted of the Phoenix Diocese posed the question, “Should we not count it a privilege and blessed opportunity from God to bear witness to the Gospel of Life today, to stand up for the life and dignity of the most vulnerable among us, and to work with others of good will to secure the right to life of all?” More than 100 Fargo diocese youth and adults will take his remarks to heart as they embark on a journey to bear witness for those unable to speak for themselves. Beginning Jan. 18, students from the Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage group will travel to Washington D.C. and join the North Dakota Right to Life group to observe the anniversary of the tragic Roe vs. Wade Supreme Court decision regarding abortion. Jan. 22 marks the 41st anniversary of the court ruling. Students and adult volunteers from Shanley High School and Holy Spirit Elementary also will participate. The Catholic Church recognizes Jan. 22 as a time of prayer and penance for an end to the crimes against life that have caused the death of more than 55 million innocent, unborn children; darkened our culture and harmed women and families. On this day, prolife North Dakotans will join others in the March for Life. Bishop John Folda will offer Mass on Jan. 20 at the Franciscan Monastery in Washington D.C. for the North Dakota’s contingent representing the state at the March for Life. EWTN will provide coverage of the celebration of the Vigil Mass for Life that will take place at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception on Tuesday, Jan. 21 beginning at 5:30 p.m. CST. Additionally, EWTN will air the March for Life beginning at 11 a.m., CST on Jan. 22. Bishop Folda will be a concelebrant at the Mass, and the Diocesan Youth Pilgrimage group will join in the celebration.

Opportunity for involvement

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Real Presence Radio Executive Director, Steve Splonskowski and announcer, Father Paul Duchshere pause for a photo op. A crowd of more than 300 people came out to watch diocesan seminarians and priests battle in the Collar Classic.

their team. Some seminarians have included classmates from other dioceses. This year, Jeremy Bach from the Diocese of Duluth joined his St. Paul Seminary classmate Jayson Miller from Linton, N.D. in the game. “I thought it would be fun,” said Bach. “And, I love the fans.” Historically, the priests have 10 wins

over the seminarians while the seminarians have nine wins under their belts. The teams have tied once. And, the record books show a cancelled game due to a blizzard. Each year, Real Presence Radio broadcasts the game live. A full recording of the broadcast can be found by visiting

Also, the Diocese of Fargo invites people to observe this anniversary in other ways. Parishes and individuals are invited to participate in the “Nine Days” initiative coordinated by the USCCB Pro-Life Secretariat office. This program — running Jan. 18-26 — offers prayerful recognition of the tragic Roe vs. Wade decision. Resources made available from the USCCB Pro-life Secretariat include a novena with very simple prayers and a different intercession, reflection, and section of suggested acts of reparation for each day; and a closing Eucharistic Holy Hour. For more information, visit

4 1 n January anuary 2014 2014

N New ewEarth

Thank you for your support of the 2013 God’s Gift Appeal The goal for the 2013 God’s Gift Appeal was $2,749,999. As of Dec. 19, 2013, $2,893,036 was pledged. Thank you to all who helped support vocations, sick and elderly priests, evangelization efforts and the many other diocesan programs that serve parishes and people throughout the Diocese of Fargo. CITY


Anamoose Aneta Argusville Ashley Balta Bechyne Belcourt-St. Ann Belcourt-St. Anthony Belcourt-St. Benedict Bisbee Bottineau Buchanan Buffalo Cando Carrington Casselton Cavalier Cayuga Cooperstown Crystal Dazey Devils Lake Dickey Drake Drayton Dunseith-St. Michael Edgeley Ellendale Enderlin Esmond Fairmount Fargo-Holy Spirit Fargo-Nativity Fargo-St. Anthony Fargo-St. Mary Fargo -Sts. A & J Fargo-Newman Fessenden Fingal Finley Forman Fort Totten Fullerton Geneseo Grafton GF-Holy Family GF-St. Mary GF-St. Michael GF-Newman Gwinner Hankinson Harvey Hillsboro Hope Hunter Hurdsfield Jamestown Jessie Karlsruhe Kensal Kindred Knox Lakota LaMoure Langdon Lankin Larimore Leeds

Amount Pledged

% Goal pledged Participation %

$8,634 $9,728 113% $4,253 $5,795 136% $10,236 $10,337 101% $6,423 $7,730 120% $4,985 $5,120 103% $5,360 $6,870 128% $11,300 $6,210 55% $3,100 $1,165 38% $1,500 $2,060 137% $4,172 $4,075 98% $29,097 $24,752 85% $2,225 $3,335 150% $8,469 $8,970 106% $17,995 $12,920 72% $26,892 $40,990 152% $34,896 $36,434 104% $19,351 $18,240 94% $4,982 $7,865 158% $8,695 $5,770 66% $5,806 $7,471 129% $4,610 $2,710 59% $104,184 $136,560 131% $2,940 $3,190 109% $7,478 $4,050 54% $10,225 $6,490 63% $6,500 $6,246 96% $18,814 $15,235 81% $13,476 $15,828 117% $8,146 $7,156 88% $6,968 $9,540 137% $8,316 $8,920 107% $117,260 $149,826 128% $116,581 $112,224 96% $81,131 $82,722 102% $69,506 $104,626 151% $175,000 $245,841 140% $15,755 $14,123 90% $6,582 $5,490 83% $7,406 $6,985 94% $4,198 $4,999 119% $8,845 $9,415 106% $4,000 $4,960 124% $7,088 $11,968 169% $3,890 $6,045 155% $75,923 $78,966 104% $135,522 $96,571 71% $44,867 $36,677 82% $139,816 $150,181 107% $23,304 $24,049 103% $6,042 $3,600 60% $21,061 $20,591 98% $31,650 $35,325 112% $18,486 $28,715 155% $6,836 $6,605 97% $4,485 $3,870 86% $2,620 $1,445 55% $101,459 $85,621 84% $6,400 $10,475 164% $5,790 $4,890 84% $3,592 $4,335 121% $12,221 $7,500 61% $4,781 $4,235 89% $8,607 $6,565 76% $15,275 $15,865 104% $26,285 $34,471 131% $4,356 $3,701 85% $23,426 $15,549 66% $4,901 $3,765 77%

Top parishes A look at how parishes did in 2013 Parishes over 100% of Appeal Goal 67 Parishes 75% to 100% of Appeal Goal 42 Parishes 50% to 75% of Appeal Goal 20

50 families or less CITY

% Goal

Windsor 199% Veseleyville 171% Fullerton 169% Jessie 164% Cayuga 158% Nortonville 158% Tolna 158% Buchanan 150% Aneta 136% Crystal 129% Bechyne 128% Rock Lake 128% Starkweather 128% McClusky 123% Kensal 121% Ashley 120%


50% $1,094 52% $1,542 56% $101 75% $1,307 63% $135 85% $1,510 14% ($5,090) 19% ($1,935) 19% $560 63% ($97) 49% ($4,345) 57% $1,110 47% $501 56% ($5,075) 49% $14,098 43% $1,538 55% ($1,111) 82% $2,883 49% ($2,925) 84% $1,665 43% ($1,900) 45% $32,376 63% $250 55% ($3,428) 44% ($3,735) 26% ($254) 48% ($3,579) 50% $2,352 53% ($990) 57% $2,572 56% $604 49% $32,566 29% ($4,357) 38% $1,591 42% $35,120 39% $70,841 71% ($1,632) 51% ($1,092) 44% ($421) 57% $801 52% $570 25% $960 62% $4,880 55% $2,155 39% $3,043 34% ($38,951) 37% ($8,190) 37% $10,365 62% $745 38% ($2,442) 43% ($470) 48% $3,675 52% $10,229 43% ($231) 46% ($615) 39% ($1,175) 35% ($15,838) 78% $4,075 62% ($900) 50% $743 41% ($4,721) 53% ($546) 52% ($2,042) 55% $590 40% $8,186 64% ($655) 33% ($7,877) 48% ($1,136)

Finley 119% Maddock 119% Willow City 114% Dickey 109% Oriska 107% Medina 106% Balta 103% Wales 102% Westhope 101% 51-100 families CITY

% Goal

Munich 174% Geneseo 155% Mooreton 150% Belcourt-St Ben 137% Esmond 137%



Lidgerwood Lisbon Maddock Mantador Manvel Mayville McClusky McHenry Medina Michigan Milnor Minto Mooreton Munich Napoleon Neche Nekoma New Rockford Nortonville Oakes Oakwood Oriska Park River Pembina Pingree Pisek Reynolds Rock Lake Rolette Rolla Rugby Sanborn Selz Sheldon Starkweather Steele St. John St. Michael St. Thomas Sykeston Tappen Thompson Tokio Tolna Towner Valley City Velva Verona Veseleyville Wahpeton Wales Walhalla Warsaw WF-Blessed Sacra. WF-Holy Cross Westhope Wild Rice Willow City Wimbledon Windsor Wishek Wyndmere Zeeland Non-Parish Desig. Anonymous Dec. 19, 2013 2013 Dec. 19,

Pisek 130% Mantador 128% Selz 127% Fort Totten 124% Ellendale 117% Anamoose 113% Rolette 113% Fairmount 107% Thompson 107% Buffalo 106% Forman 106% St Thomas, GF 103% Argusville 101% 101-250 families CITY

Amount Pledged

% Goal pledged Participation %

$22,990 $27,181 118% $25,510 $20,660 81% $5,481 $6,515 119% $11,207 $14,310 128% $16,202 $16,423 101% $15,676 $10,585 68% $2,108 $2,600 123% $3,930 $2,955 75% $4,505 $4,773 106% $5,970 $5,405 91% $8,906 $7,665 86% $21,441 $20,365 95% $9,428 $14,166 150% $17,107 $29,820 174% $32,365 $46,608 144% $4,338 $3,050 70% $2,752 $2,010 73% $25,882 $23,921 92% $4,172 $6,605 158% $29,363 $31,935 109% $8,266 $5,690 69% $4,080 $4,385 107% $23,414 $29,920 128% $10,091 $7,045 70% $2,835 $2,710 96% $9,177 $11,900 130% $15,092 $19,777 131% $3,739 $4,780 128% $10,490 $11,875 113% $12,342 $18,618 151% $45,738 $48,605 106% $7,357 $5,354 73% $4,750 $6,030 127% $5,748 $5,180 90% $4,434 $5,690 128% $12,666 $11,560 91% $3,100 $2,236 72% $14,000 $16,285 116% $4,632 $4,200 91% $7,271 $4,045 56% $4,356 $3,200 73% $17,194 $18,348 107% $1,500 $1,150 77% $4,205 $6,635 158% $16,997 $17,425 103% $62,026 $55,676 90% $18,367 $17,285 94% $3,698 $3,280 89% $8,829 $15,135 171% $81,611 $71,233 87% $2,070 $2,105 102% $18,684 $15,201 81% $16,940 $15,642 92% $70,264 $54,208 77% $94,864 $73,347 77% $8,724 $8,820 101% $36,760 $28,061 76% $2,687 $3,055 114% $8,612 $4,000 46% $4,983 $9,895 199% $8,470 $7,745 91% $16,247 $15,635 96% $8,381 $10,590 126% $27,375 $2,749,999 $2,893,036 105% 2,749,999 $2,893,036 105%

% Goal

Hillsboro 155% Rolla 151%

Reynolds 131% Park River 128% Lidgerwood 118% Ellendale 117% St Michael Ind Mission 116% Oakes 109% LaMoure 104% Towner 103% Manvel 101% 251-500 families CITY % Goal Carrington 152% Napoleon 144% Langdon 131% Harvey 112% Casselton 104%


56% $4,191 55% ($4,850) 53% $1,034 58% $3,103 51% $221 44% ($5,091) 62% $492 71% ($975) 57% $268 38% ($565) 45% ($1,241) 53% ($1,076) 59% $4,738 72% $12,713 71% $14,243 65% ($1,288) 56% ($742) 48% ($1,961) 77% $2,433 53% $2,572) 69% ($2,576) 46% $305 63% $6,506 43% ($3,046) 48% ($125) 55% $2,723 64% $4,685 50% $1,041 52% $1,385 48% $6,276 47% $2,867 37% ($2,003) 53% $1,280 55% ($568) 42% $1,256 58% ($1,106) 17% ($864) 25% $2,285 44% ($432) 49% ($3,226) 52% ($1,156) 48% $1,154 40% ($350) 50% $2,430 63% $428 47% ($6,350) 43% ($1,082) 41% ($418) 83% $6,306 32% ($10,378) 27% $35 34% ($3,483) 50% ($1,298) 49% ($16,056) 30% ($21,517) 45% $96 40% ($8,699) 48% $368 38% ($4,612) 59% $4,912 48% ($725) 51% ($612) 50% $2,209 $27,375 $0 $0 42% $143,037 42% $143,0

501-1000 families CITY

% Goal

St. Mary, Fargo 151% Rugby 106% Grafton 104% St Anthony, Fargo 102% Over 1000 families CITY

% Goal

Sts. Anne & Joachim, Fgo 140% Devils Lake 131% Holy Spirit, Fargo 128% St. Michael, Grand Forks 107%


January 2014 n 5 1

Statue of Pilgrim Virgin makes journey to the Fargo Diocese By Tiffany Goering and Aliceyn Magelky

Recently, the World Apostolate of Fatima, Fargo division, completed the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue program in the Diocese of Fargo. This program, coordinated in conjunction with the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA, is to bring a replica statue of the one created of Our Lady as seen by three young children in Fatima, Portugal. The ultimate goal of the National Pilgrim Virgin Statue program is to have the statue spend at least 22 days in each diocese of the United States The “Pilgrim Virgin” has completed nearly 50 diocesan visits to date. During these visits, WAF members help tell the story of Our Lady’s apparitions at Fatima, spread her message to the world, identify her requests and to assist faithful with her requests. The visit to the Fargo diocese included stops at 13 parishes and two nursing homes. Statue custodian and World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF), Fargo division member, Bill Sockey, gave presentations about the message of Fatima brought to the world in 1917 initially by three young children. Sockey compared spiritual starvation to physical starvation. Prayers are spiritual food for those living in sin as food is for those that are physically starving. “As we help those with food fill their starving bodies, we should help those

with prayer fill their starving souls,” he explained. Also during the pilgrimage, EWTN International Radio hosted a live radio broadcast, “From the Heart of North American to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary” from St. Therese Little Flower Church in Rugby, N.D. The broadcast began with a welcome from Deacon Arlen Blessum, then, WAF members led a rosary for peace. The event concluded with a presentation about Mary’s peace plan from heaven and how we can bring peace to ourselves and the world. The mission of the World Apostolate of Fatima (WAF) USA and all diocesan divisions of the group is to help people learn, live and spread the message of Our Lady of Fatima, in communion with the church and in concert with the New Evangelization. The Message of Fatima was delivered by Our Lady to the world through three small children — Lucia dos Santos and her cousins, Francisco and Jacinta Marto — during six apparitions in 1917, and subsequent apparitions to Lucia on Dec. 10, 1925 and June 13, 1929. Our Lady asked for the daily offering of prayer, penance and sacrifice in reparation for sin and for the conversion of sinners. She also asked us to pray the rosary daily; to wear the brown scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and live the consecration it represents; and to practice the devotion of the First Saturday

Photo submitted

Statue custodian and World Apostolate of Fatima Fargo division member Bill Sockey, left, and spiritual director Father Peter Anderl work with parishes to spread the message of Fatima and increase the army of prayer for our Blessed Mother.

Communions of Reparation throughout our lives. Fatima is a call to greater devotion to Our Blessed Lord in the Holy Eucharist and to the cultivation of the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity in our lives as well. The revelation that God desires devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary is the Fatima call to all of us to spread the message of Our Lady of Fatima to others. The WAF, Fargo division, under the guidance of Bishop Folda and spiritual director, Father Peter Anderl, work with parishes to spread the message of Fatima and increase the army of prayer

for our Blessed Mother. Primarily, the group is focused on creating Fatima prayer cells and awareness of First Five Saturday devotion. The World Apostolate of Fatima, Our Lady’s Blue Army, is the official voice of the Catholic Church on the apparitions, history and spirituality of Fatima. This group is the only Fatima organization approved by the Vatican to spread the message of Fatima. For more information about the World Apostolate of Fatima, Fargo division visit or contact Tiffany Goering at (701) 388-6362.

Speaker returns for Prayer Day at U of Mary Immaculee Ilibagiza shares her story of survival, faith and forgiveness worldwide By Tom Ackerman

On Thursday, Feb. 6, Immaculee Ilibagiza returns to Bismarck for the 36th annual Prayer Day at the University of Mary. Her keynote presentation, “Immaculee Ilibagiza’s Story of Faith, Hope and Forgiveness,” starts at 11 a.m. in the McDowell Activity Center on campus. The massacre of Ilibagiza’s people, the Tutsis, began in Rwanda, Africa, in April 1994. Hutu extremists went from one community to the next, house-tohouse, slaughtering men, women and children. Their intent was to destroy the entire Tutsi population. To protect his only daughter from rape and murder, Ilibagiza’s father told her to run to a local pastor’s house for protection. The pastor sheltered Ilibagiza and seven other women, concealing them in a hidden three-by-four-foot bathroom. For the next 91 days, Ilibagiza and the other women huddled silently in this small room while the genocide raged outside the home and throughout the country. Prior to going to the pastor’s home, Ilibagiza’s father, a devout Catholic, gave her a set of rosary beads. She began to pray the rosary as a way of drowning out the anger inside her and the evil outside the house. In the weeks after April 6, 1994, 800,000 men, women and children perished, perhaps as many as three-quarters of the Tutsi population. At the same time, thousands of Hutu were murdered because they opposed the killing campaign and the forces directing it. After the genocide, Ilibagiza came face-to-face with the man who killed her mother and one of her brothers and

offered the unthinkable, telling the man, “I forgive you.” Onsite registration for her presentation starts at 10 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 6. Preregistration is also available online at or by calling 701-355-8102 or 800-408-6279, ext. 8102. The event continues with a book signing and lunch at noon, an afternoon address at 1 p.m. and a Eucharistic Liturgy at 2:15 p.m. with Bishop David Kagan presiding. The cost for the day, including lunch, is $10.

Phone: 701-282-4400 •

6 1 n January 2014


Loving parents after miscarriage By Mary McClusky

A friend who recently lost a child through miscarriage called to express disappointment that she didn’t know where to turn for the resources and support she and her husband so desperately needed. This heartbreaking conversation reminded me of another friend who miscarried a child at six months of pregnancy, but who masked her pain with a smile instead of reaching out for comfort. Though each experienced the deep pain of losing a child, neither received the loving support she deserved. Sadly, their experiences are common. Though most miscarriages occur very early in pregnancy, often before the woman knows she is pregnant, as many as 15 percent of known pregnancies end in miscarriage. Our culture and even some church communities don’t always recognize this loss, leaving women or couples to deal with their pain alone.

Comfort aching hearts Our witness to life must address the pain and grieving experienced by those who have lost a child. Just as we recognize the humanity of the unborn child

Mass for God’s Children to be held Feb. 13 Families who have lost a child to miscarriage or stillbirth may not have the opportunity to grieve their loss with their faith community. Yet, the church desires to provide a means for mourning and support through the liturgy of the Mass. Bishop John Folda will offer a Mass for God’s children at 7 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 13 at St. Anthony of Padua Church, Fargo, to offer healing for grieving families. Parents, siblings, together with other family members and friends are encouraged to attend this Mass in rememberance of their child(ren). A reception will follow. For more information, contact Rachelle Sauvageau at (701) 356-7910 or For more resources on early infant loss, visit and select “Early Infant Loss.” lost to abortion, we must acknowledge equally the unborn child lost to miscarriage. “I see clearly that the thing the church needs most today is the ability to heal wounds and to warm the hearts of the faithful; it needs nearness, proximity,” Pope Francis said recently. As Catholics and people of life, we are called to draw close to these parents and provide care and comfort to their aching hearts. So, what can we do to help parents grieve their loss and witness to the gift of their child’s life? We can acknowledge their loss, support them as they grieve, and direct them to helpful resources. How do we do this? First, don’t dismiss their loss with comments like “You’re young; you’ll

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NOTICE Look for The New Earth advertising insert from the

ProLife Across America in all copies of this issue

St. Gerard’s Community of Care, Hankinson, N.D., provides up to 888 hours of skilled nursing care every day, in the name of Jesus. For more than 60 years, we have been able to offer our residents daily Mass and a full sacramental life, thanks to the bishop and priests of the Diocese of Fargo.

conceive again soon,” or “You still have your other children.” Instead, make time to listen as they share their pain. Affirm their right to grieve. Offer your condolences and prayers, and ask if there is anything they need. Direct the parents to their parish priest, who can help them organize a memorial service, funeral or burial. The Order of Christian Funerals has prayers for a stillborn child, and the Book of Blessings includes a blessing for parents that can be administered by a priest or deacon after a miscarriage. Some blessings can even be adapted for use by a layperson. Keep in mind that the father and mother may have different emotional needs.

She might feel the loss more directly, or wonder if somehow she caused the miscarriage. She might prefer to talk things out with a friend. The father may need space to eventually feel comfortable sharing how the loss affects him, and may even need time to take his mind off things. He might need guidance on how to support the mother. Losing a child can drive parents apart, so the couple might need the reassuring love of a faithful community to keep close and stay together. Child loss or bereavement support groups at their parish or local hospital can provide support, as well as spiritual advice or counseling. As members of the body of Christ, the church, we are called to bear witness to the loss of every life, no matter how brief or small. Let us pray that our growing sensitivity to the loss of a child through miscarriage will better assist grieving parents and help them to entrust their child to God’s unfailing care and mercy. Mary McClusky is Assistant Director for Education & Outreach at the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. To learn more about the bishops’ pro-life activities, go to www.usccb. org/prolife.

Prayer intentions of Pope Francis for January General intention: Economic Development. That all may promote authentic economic development that respects the dignity of all peoples. Reflection: What did Jesus mean when he said, “It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God” (Matthew 19:24). Scripture: 1 Timothy 6:6-10. The love of money is the root of all evils. Mission intention: Christian Unity. That Christians of diverse denominations may walk toward the unity desired by Christ. Reflection: On Sept. 25, 2013, Pope Francis asked, “Do I increase harmony in my family, in my parish, in my community or am I a gossip?” Am I a cause of division or embarrassment?” Scripture: James 4: 1-12. Where do the conflicts among you come from? Provided by Apostleship of Prayer,


January 2014 n 7

Fourth in a series

Young boy uses God-given talent to glorify him “So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

By Father Bert Miller

The themes of the liturgical year get harder and harder to preach on as one grows older in ministry. As I recall, Epiphany in about year 10 was particularly difficult for me. I had pillowed my head all afternoon. No inspiration by the Holy Spirit seemed to have come. I got up and went to church, and at the ambo the Holy Spirit kicked me into overdrive. The post-Christmas let down had hit the parish. All that great music, accompaniment and voice heard throughout the Advent season was missing today. No accompaniment and one lone male cantor lead the assembly. At the altar with me was one server. I had met this server five years before when I had come to the parish. At that time, he was eight. Then, he was trying to learn English, fit in to the community and make friends. He had been adopted from a Bulgarian orphanage.

Instant results When it was time for the homily, I got up and was inspired to talk about all the gifts we were given by God for our earthly journey. I talked about many things, including parenting, teaching, cooking, nursing and medicine, farming, leadership, public service, justice, organization, artistry, singing and music. It seemed to go on and on. But, I could see people understood that if you have a gift (or passion) you should work with it, develop it and use it for the good of others and to glorify God. When I sat

1 Corinthians 10:31

File photo

down to rest, the young server came over to me, knelt down and whispered in my ear: “Will you be OK if I go and play piano for the cantor?” I nodded my approval. Tears were welling up in my eyes. I had not expected such an immediate response to the words of the homily. For the preparation of table song and the rest of the liturgy, the young server, dressed in his white alb, played the grand piano for the cantor and assembly. At 13, he could play the songs and Mass parts without a note in front of him. He played everything by ear. It was fabulous. He went on to play at least one liturgy weekly; giving our other musicians a

rest for a number of years. He now plays professionally in the entertainment industry. This young man had a gift from God and with the help of the Holy Spirit, he knew how to work with it and develop it into a passion and a livelihood. What is your gift? What are you do-

Editor’s Note: This article is the fourth in this series: Stories of Faith. If you have a faith story to tell, contact Father Bert Miller at Father Bert Miller is a pastor at Blessed Sacrament Church in West Fargo.

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8 3 n January 2014

Looking ahead in 2014


Pope orders new rules on relationship between bishops, religious orders By Catholic News Service

Continued from page 1 Blessed John XXIII and Blessed John Paul II, scheduled for April 27, is almost certain to draw crowds larger than the more than 1 million who attended the CNS photo / Claudio Peri latter’s beatification in May 2011. Pope Francis has a busy agenda at the start of the By choosing to declare the sanctity of new year. both men on the same day, Pope Francis may be trying to emphasize fundapeace in the Middle East a priority of mental continuities between two popes his geopolitical agenda. While a threewidely seen as respectively liberal and day papal visit would be unusually brief conservative, especially with regard to for such a prominent destination, it reforms ushered in by the Second Vatwould be appropriate for Pope Francis, ican Council. Blessed John opened the who has a heavy agenda of reform at council in 1962, and Blessed John Paul home and the media flair to reach the attended all four sessions as a bishop. world without leaving the Vatican. The ceremony could thus serve as an n Divorced and remarried Cathoccasion for Pope Francis to expound olics: An extraordinary session of the on his own understanding of Vatican II Synod of Bishops will meet at the Vatiand its legacy for the church. can for two weeks in October to discuss n Papal trip to the Holy Land: The the “pastoral challenges of the family Vatican has yet to announce dates or an in the context of evangelization.” itinerary for an expected papal visit to Pope Francis has indicated topics of the Holy Land but has not denied recent discussion at the synod will include reports that it will take place in late May church law governing marriage annuland last three days, with stops in Israel, ments and the eligibility of divorced Jordan and the Palestinian territories. and remarried Catholics to receive Pope Francis has said a Holy Land visit Communion — problems he has said would include a meeting with Ecumenexemplify a general need for mercy in ical Patriarch Bartholomew of Constanthe church today. tinople, considered first among equals In addition to speculation about by Orthodox bishops. possible changes in church practice in those areas, the synod has drawn attenThe trip would be Pope Francis’ section with a preparatory questionnaire ond outside of Italy, following his vissent to the world’s bishops, which asks it to Brazil in July 2013, and the first about the promotion and acceptance of planned during his pontificate. The Catholic teachings on such controverdestination would be fitting for a pope sial topics as premarital cohabitation, whose relations with Jews have been same-sex unions and contraception. exceptionally warm and who has made

Diocesan Vocation Office to offer Vianney Discernment Weekend for men in February The Vocation Office of the Diocese of Fargo is sponsoring a Vianney Discernment Weekend at Maryvale Convent in Valley City for men 16 years and older who are discerning a vocation to the priesthood. The weekend, which will be Feb. 7-9, allows the men the opportunity to pray, reflect and discuss the possibility of answering Jesus’ call to be a priest. There is no cost, but pre-registration is required. For more information or to register, contact Father Kurtis Gunwall, Vocation Director, at (701) 356-7956 or

Pope Francis said he has ordered a revision of what he called outdated Vatican norms on the relations between religious orders and local bishops, in order to promote greater appreciation of the orders’ distinctive missions. The pope’s words were published Jan. 3 in the Italian Jesuit magazine La Civilta Cattolica. He made the comments Nov. 29 at a closed-door meeting with 120 superiors general of religious orders from around the world. Pope Francis referred to “Mutuae Relationes,” a set of directives issued jointly by the Congregation for Bishops and the Congregation for Religious in 1978. The document said that religious orders are part of the local church, though with their own internal organization, and that their “right to autonomy” should never be considered as independence from the local church. “That document was useful at the time but is now outdated,” the pope said. “The charisms of the various institutes need to be respected and fostered because they are needed in dioceses.” The pope, who until his election in March 2013 served as archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina, and formerly served as a Jesuit provincial, said he knew “by experience the problems that can arise between a bishop and religious communities.” For example, he said, “If the religious decide one day to withdraw from one of their works due to a lack of manpower, the bishop often finds himself suddenly left with a hot potato in his hand.” “I also know that the bishops are not always acquainted with the charisms and works of religious,” he said. “We bishops need to understand that consecrated persons are not functionaries but gifts that enrich dioceses. “The involvement of religious communities in dioceses is important,” the pope said. “Dialogue between the bishop and religious must be rescued so that, due to a lack of understanding of their charisms, bishops do not view religious simply as useful instruments.” The 15-page article by Jesuit Father

Antonio Spadaro, editor of La Civilta Cattolica, quoted extensively from the pope’s remarks at the three-hour meeting, which Father Spadaro attended. Father Spadaro’s wide-ranging interview with Pope Francis, published in the same magazine in September 2013, included the pope’s controversial statement that the church “cannot insist only on issues related to abortion, gay marriage and the use of contraceptive methods.” During the meeting with religious superiors, Pope Francis preferred “neither to give a talk nor to listen to their prepared remarks: He wished to have a frank and free conversation consisting of questions and answers,” Father Spadaro wrote. Noting the growth of religious orders in Africa and Asia, the pope acknowledged challenges to evangelization there, including correct adaptation of Catholic teaching to local cultures, as well as a temptation to exploit poorer societies as sources of vocations. Pope Francis said that sensitivity is needed not only for crossing geographical boundaries but social and cultural frontiers as well. Catholic teachers must be prepared to “welcome children in an educational context, little boys and girls, young adults who live in complex situations, especially family ones.” The pope offered an example of such a situation from his experience in Buenos Aires: “I remember the case of a very sad little girl who finally confided to her teacher the reason for her state of mind: ‘my mother’s girlfriend doesn’t like me.’ ” Pope Francis praised efforts by Pope Benedict to stop sex abuse of minors by clergy and religious and stressed the importance of vetting candidates for religious orders, in order to weed out those with incorrigible failings. “We are all sinners, but we are not all corrupt,” the pope said. “Sinners are accepted, but not people who are corrupt.”

TMIY benefiting families and parish in Kindred, N.D. Continued from page 3

igh t mmu nit y of E co r ou g n ti a le br mo te Join u s in ce T HE R we pro E G O T s a rishes Ne twork Pa ca tion Ca tholic E du


Sunday, January 26, 2014 11:30 am - 4:00 pm


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Although other groups across the diocese have waned a bit, this group continues to meet every Wednesday morning at 6 a.m. during the school year. The meeting starts with typical small talk and coffee, followed by a 30-minute video on a specific topic and concludes with discussion among the men about the video topic. The first two years of the program focused on marriage and the family. Specifically, the group discussed how to be a good husband and father. “Through the years, we have underestimated the importance of the father in the role they play in marriage, family,” Father Kadlec said. “This program helps remind and guide men in the role they play.” The wives and families of participants have even commented on the improvement they have seen in their marriages and lives. Even kids get extra exposure

to the teachings of the Catholic Church that hopefully impacts them. “My kids are probably tired of hearing me talk about it, but I always am saying, ‘Do you know what I learned at TMIY?’ ” said Wilhelm. “It doesn’t matter, Catholic, Christian, non-Christian — the teachings and topics discussed still fit for living a good life in the modern world.” Asked how to start or rebuild this group in other parishes, Wilhelm suggests, “Start out slowly. Give it a try. It may take a couple of years before you realize the true meaning. You may not realize the fruits of your commitment right away, but you will see it. The group is a great place for teaching humility.” “The male psyche may say, I can just roll up my sleeve and do it all myself,” Wilhelm continues. “But, this group is great way for men to hear what they are experiencing in their lives is not unique and other men have been there, too.”


January 2014 n 9 4

Local priest wins national honor

learn,” Monsignor pointed out. Monsignor Wald’s first assignment was at St. Michael’s Church and School. “That’s where I really fell in love with Catholic education,” commented Wald. Next, he spent two years assigned to Continued from page 1 parishes in Oriska and Fingal. Then, he spent six years at St. Joseph’s Church and to do something to honor him for his School in Devils Lake where he played a time at Holy Spirit before he may move role in every aspect of the school includon. He lives and breathes Catholic eduing administration, fundraising and cation.” spiritual direction. “At every assignment you grow. I’ve Strict criteria been fortunate to have been assigned to parishes with Catholic schools. The This annual award, established in experience working around Catholic 2007, affirms each nominee’s commitschools has changed my life,” Monsiment to Catholic education, whether gnor Wald expressed. or not he receives it. The application As many of his process calls for supporters will atthe pastor to meet test, you may be nine specific criteIn my opinion, I hard pressed to find ria. Specifically, the person submitting don’t think there is any anyone in the diocese who supports the application Catholic education must demonstrate money better spent more than Monsihow the pastor in the church than in gnor Wald. provides spiritual guidance, possesses “I’m a big CathCatholic schools. a clear philosophy olic schools supof Catholic educaporter,” Monsignor Monsignor Jeffrey Wald tion, participates Wald added. “In in school activities, my opinion, I don’t supports administration and engages think there is any money better spent the community in financial support of in the church than in Catholic schools. the school. Catholic schools are essential for famiAdditionally, the nominee must rely life in the modern world. The greatceive exceptional recommendations est mission of the church is to hand off from a principal, faculty member, repthe faith. This is done in perfect form in resentative from the parish council or Catholic schools.” school board and a parent. Monsignor Wald continued, “It’s According to Kotrba, “There is somehard enough just going to church. With thing special about Monsignor. He neva Catholic school system, you’ve got er takes a day off. He’s always in the friendship and support from other famischool, always available. Parents love lies. It’s a friendship based on parish life. him. He’s always around at events. They I think that’s very valuable in the modappreciate his clear directions. He’s very ern world. With Catholic education, we detailed in the sacraments and very spehave the rare opportunity to be able to cific when he teaches the students about look at everything in the world through them. Catholic lenses. So much of world tries “Also, he does weekly visits to classto negate God or diminish his imporrooms, and it’s very common to see him tance and involvement. With Catholic in the lunchroom and halls. He’s always education, we can show there is a place involved formally, of course, but he uses for Christ in everything, whether doing events and activities as a ways to conmath problems or playing in the gym.” nect with families.”

Returning parents’ trust Monsignor Wald looks at his involvement as a necessary part of the trust parents have instilled in him and the staff of Holy Spirit to help bring the Catholic faith to their children and families. “Any time I see parents at gatherings, it’s humbling to look out and see faces of these people who have made sacrifices and trust us to help them educate their children in the Catholic faith,” said Monsignor Wald. “We take that responsibility very seriously.” Before seminary, Monsignor Wald knew very little about Catholic schools. At seminary, he became close friends with two former Catholic school teachers. The stories about their experiences piqued his interest and he wanted to know more about the world of Catholic schools. “They had such a fondness of their experience, for the families and children,” said Monsignor Wald. “I was in awe of their admiration of it.” Prior to his ordination, Monsignor Wald had an opportunity to visit with Fargo Diocese bishop at that time, Bishop James Sullivan. During their conversation, Bishop Sullivan asked about Monsignor Wald’s interest for assignment after ordination. “I told him I should be sent to a parish with a Catholic school because I know nothing about them, and I should

Anecdotal evidence A few years ago, Monsignor Wald got to see first-hand how Catholic education impacted one former student. In July 2011, the parish office and school was destroyed by flooding and sewer damage. Many volunteers came to help clean and repair the damage, including one former student. This student had left Holy Spirit to attend public school, so Monsignor Wald had lost track of him. “I was touched to see him there, and I asked him why he had come,” Monsignor Wald related. “He got emotional and said, ‘This is my home. I had to help. I have many good memories here. This is where I learned my faith.’ ” “That’s what I want families to know. This is not just a school, but this is a place that becomes your home, to learn about your faith, and it lasts forever,” Monsignor concluded. Kotrba said, “In every industry or business there always seems to be a group of people who separate themselves by doing something a little bit extra. For me Monsignor does this. He truly, deeply cares for the mission of the church, especially the role children and families play. I’m looking forward to the convention where he will be honored.” Monsignor will officially receive his award during a commemorative dinner at the NCEA Annual Convention and Expo April 22-23 in Pittsburgh.

Catholic Schools Week 2014 JANUARY 26 - FEBRUARY 1 Open Houses Pre-K & Kindergarten Tuesday, January 28, 2014 • 1:30 PM & 6:30 PM Thursday, January 30, 2014 • 6:30 PM Nativity Elementary Holy Spirit Elementary 1825 11th Street South 1441 8th Street North Lori Hager Fargo Fargo Director of Admissions 701.893.3271

©2013 NCEA/USCCB •

LIFE TRULY IS THE BEAUTIFUL CHOICE! Alexandria Rose will celebrate her 1st birthday on January 22nd, 2014 — the 41st anniversary of the Supreme Court Decision Roe vs. Wade. Her mother chose life! Saint Gianna’s Maternity Home offers a home and hope to mothers who find themselves pregnant and alone.

Help us help them CHOOSE LIFE!

Saint Gianna’s Maternity Home has been chosen by Dakota Medical Foundation and Impact Foundation to participate in the 2014 Giving Hearts Day that will be held on February 13, 2014. Contributions of $10 or more will be matched. Go to to participate.

24-hour Online Fundraising Event - February 13


“If today the Church proposes a new Yearlife of Faith a new evangelization, it is not to honor an anniversary, The care of human and and happiness, and not their destruction, but because there is more need of it, even more than there was 50 years ago!”

is the first and only object of good government. ― Pope Benedict XVI Thomas Jefferson


1 nnJanuary January2014 2014 10


On judging others, hurts carried in hearts, and forgiveness


his past Sunday, I had the opporothers. Sadly, it’s usually the people tunity to listen to what I considclosest to me, the ones that need my er a very brave group of women, support most, that often get the worst PALS. PALS stands for Post-Abortive Lareview. dies. Each woman on the panel had experienced Our self-righteous an abortion and lived to tell about it. They strugselves gled to spiritually and One woman comphysically survive after mented that she hid her their experiences. abortion because she During this presentafeared the sneers from tion, these women retold her inner circle, “How the details of what led could anyone have an them to the abortion, abortion?” how they felt throughout She’s right. I would the process, the lies told be just as afraid. I know to them and how the exin my circle of friends, perience turned them if the topic of conversaupside-down; turning to tion turned to abortion, alcohol, drugs and even Aliceyn Magelky many would make that suicide as a solution for same comment without the pain they felt. hesitation. We’d take our self-righteous As you can imagine, these women’s attitude and position ourselves above testimonies were incredibly powerful anyone who had participated in such a and emotional simply by the nature of horrific act. the topic. Additionally, two underlying Likely, in my case anyway, we make messages really struck me and caused these kinds of judgmental statements me to take reflection on my own life to cover up our own faults. and actions: The problem: Judgments like these 1. Because we are all sinners, we need ones paint an unintentional “scarlet to be mindful of our human instinct to letter” on the ones we love. Our friends scrutinize others. and family shut down, bury their faults 2. God gave us Jesus to forgive us our deeper and continue to believe their sins. No matter how deep or dark. sins can’t be forgiven. I, like I believe a lot of women, am For many years the PALS women hid really good at criticizing the doings of their experience, withdrew and didn’t


seek healing, partly because of the internal judgment they placed upon themselves and partly because of the perceived and real judgment from others. For some, more than 20 years, they kept the experience concealed; hidden from friends, spouses, everyone. These women, like all of us, carried in their hearts hurt from the mistakes they had made. The experience hardened them, and they buried their secret deeper and deeper inside them. Instead of seeking support, they tried to kill the pain with alcohol, punish themselves by not eating and to disappear from the world forever. They were chained to their past mistake simply because they believed the lie: No one will ever love you or forgive you. Imagine if someone, rather than highlighting their mistake and showing disdain for it, took a different approach with these women. Imagine if they were guided to a place of healing sooner. Perhaps, if they were told the truth about God’s saving grace more often, their lives could have been much different.

Hiding other shames Most of our family and friends are not recovering from an abortion, but I believe many of them are holding guilt in their hearts. Likely, they are afraid of what others will think if they say out loud that thing that shames them. Instead of spewing our judgment

over them; perhaps, we need to think about how we can reach out to them? What can we do to help remove that fear? Maybe, we need to be mindful of the things we say and do before we say and do them. Who will be impacted? How will what I do change someone’s life? Will my words and actions lead someone towards or away from Christ? Let’s look to the courage of these women in telling their story and turning to God for healing as a testament that we, too, can be saved from our sins. Jesus was sent to us to relieve us of the burden of our sins. As Christians, we know that to be true. Unfortunately, like the women of the PALS panel, we can get blinded by our shame and believe our mistakes are too great, too devastating or too unbelievable to be forgiven. As one woman concluded in her talk, “There is hope and healing in Christ. He’s just waiting for you with open arms.” I’m thankful to the organizers of this presentation for giving me the opportunity to hear the group’s testimonies. And, I’m especially thankful to the PALS women for reminding me of God’s saving grace and helping me to turn my judgmental, pointing finger into an open hand of love and support. Aliceyn Magelky is the director of communications for the Diocese of Fargo. She can be reached at aliceyn.magelky@ or (701) 356-7958.

This is women’s healthcare?


hanks to the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative and Progress Now Colorado Education, a new ad campaign has been circulating the internet with the intention of educating the public about the perks of Obamacare as well as getting young people to sign up for the program. The ads, on, are based off of the “Got Milk?” campaign, targeting those healthy twenty-somethings whose minimal insurance claims will help offset the staggering costs of Obamacare. One ad, titled “Let’s Get Physical,” focuses on Susie who is excited that her birth control is free and easy; now all she has to worry about is “getting him between the covers.” Another ad, “Brosurance,” shows you how easy health insurance can be, even after the bad hangover from the kegger the night before. Even more bizarre is how a cardboard cut-out of actor Ryan Gosling is thrown into the mix, showing how Obamacare’s easy access to birth control now somehow makes you desirable to Ryan Gosling himself. After all, he’s really looking forward to getting to know you (and your free birth control). Quick to respond to the ad campaign was Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado. At first enraged by these ads, thinking they were sponsored by an “anti-Obamacare” group, Planned Parenthood considered the campaign an

offensive response to the new healthcare iniative. Posting their concern on Twitter, they commented: “Unfortunate that anti-Obamacare folks are #slutshaming #women who use #birthcontrol.”

Oops — changed our minds A few hours later, after realizing these questionable ads were actually in support of Obamacare, Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado went on to withdraw their previous comments. They tweeted their approval, saying the campaign was actually encouraging women to be healthy. The confusion resulting from Planned Parenthood’s initial response is just one example of how ineffective and ridiculous this campaign really is. These ads are presumably meant to be funny and entertaining, but they miss the target on more than one account. Not only do they belittle women’s healthcare by implying her most important concern is getting a man to sleep with her without the possibility of pregnancy; they also insult the foundation of healthcare while giving the general public a very negative idea of what their tax dollars are funding. Most of the ads are concerned with being able to afford birth control and booze. Now that the taxpayers are footing the bill for one of those items

through the Affordable Care Act, these clueless millennials can worry about more important things.

Priorities: Sex and alcohol? However, is this really our generation’s biggest concern for health? Not only do these ads project women as seeing free birth control (and cheap wine) as their highest priority, but they also speak condescendingly to women, making recreational sex a young woman’s main concern. Only one of the 11 ads in the campaign shows a pregnant woman, but with the negative view that bringing a baby into the world is the most expensive burden a woman could sustain, which is why you would want Obamacare to be there for you. These ads promote the idea that being able to have free birth control should be as easy as getting a man into bed; however, doesn’t this project women as only having as much worth as the price on her birth control? Women should be insulted by this campaign because it presents her dignity as nothing more than her desire to get a man “between the sheets.” Men should be offended by these ads as well because they relegate him to a sexual object for a woman once she has access to free birth control. Fulton J. Sheen offers a different option for men and women. Rather than

using and abusing each other for the fulfillment of lustful impulses, he suggests that men and women should instead love each other selflessly and become worthy of that love through truth and goodness: “When a man loves a woman, he has to become worthy of her. The higher her virtue, the more noble her character, the most devoted she is to truth, justice, goodness, the more a man has to aspire to be worthy of her. The history of civilization could actually be written in terms of the level of its women.” This challenges men to actually love women, and to become worthy of them, rather than viewing them as an object. It also encourages women to be the standard of dignity and virtue, something to be pursued and valued, rather than a symbol of lust and pleasure. This campaign not only degrades women by suggesting that their worth revolves around attaining free birth control, but it also fundamentally disregards the importance of insurance to be nothing more than cleaning up after (or “preventing”) a mistake from the night before. Instead of submitting to these degrading attitudes, it is important for men and women alike to stand up for the dignity and worth of each other. Maggie Lawson frequently contributes to the Catholic News Agency’s column: Catholic Womanhood.



January 2014 n 11

Critics calling Pope ‘communist’ are wrong Taking sections of Evangelii Gaudium out of context diminishes true meaning


of employment and an integral promotion of the poor which goes beyond a simple welfare mentality. I am far from proposing an irresponsible populism, but the economy can no longer turn to remedies that are a new poison, such as attempting to increase profits by reducing the work force and thereby adding to the ranks of the excluded.” Because of these lines Pope Francis has been accused of being “a Marxist,” “a socialist,” “wholly incompetent” and an “enemy of freedom.”

ope Francis’ apostolic exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, contains more than 50,000 words and runs over 100 pages. Some critics, however, have focused entirely on just two paragraphs in which the pope warns about placing too much confidence in free market theories. After reminding us It’s not new, that human beings it’s doctrine should not be considered “consumer goods to be News flash for those used and then discardcritics: The pope is Cathed” the pope wrote: “In olic. Pope Francis did this context, some peonot write anything that ple continue to defend his predecessors Pope trickle-down theories John Paul II and Pope which assume that ecoBenedict XVI had not nomic growth, encour Christopher Dodson said before. Nor did the aged by a free market, pope’s comments stray will inevitably succeed from well-established Catholic social in bringing about greater justice and indoctrine. clusiveness in the world. This opinion, It should be clear from the words which has never been confirmed by themselves that the pope did not issue a the facts, expresses a crude and naïve blanket condemnation of the free martrust in the goodness of those wielding ket. Nor did the pope embrace Marxism economic power and in the sacralized or socialism. Only those who erroneworkings of the prevailing economic ously think that anything other than system.” an unfettered liberty in economics is, Further on he adds: “We can no lonby definition, Marxism or socialism, ger trust in the unseen forces and the could reach that conclusion. invisible hand of the market. Growth These same narrow thinkers mistakin justice requires more than economenly believe that any desire for a just ic growth, while presupposing such distribution of the world’s goods is an growth: it requires decisions, proembrace of communism. grammes, mechanisms and processes specifically geared to a better distribuAt the heart of Pope Francis’ comtion of income, the creation of sources ments is something the church has

Catholic Action

“Don’t assume as a belief

that the free market is by its nature fine and good. We have a moral obligation, using governmental action if necessary, to make sure that it, or any economic system, works to meet basic human needs and further justice, especially for the poor and vulnerable. Christopher Dodson

long taught: we cannot put our faith in any economic philosophy. The economy exists for the person and is a human activity. The free market may work at times but because it is a human institution is also a flawed institution. We should not raise it to an ideology wherein we believe that it is the only answer to inequalities and exclusion. This is what Pope John Paul II warned about when he cautioned against the “idolatry of the market.”

Fallible human traditions Ironically, the outcry from some quarters against the pope’s statements demonstrates the very problem to which the pope was trying to call attention. Some people embrace free market theories or capitalism as if they are God-given truths. In truth, as Catholic apologist Mark Shea has noted, they are not part of sacred tradition but are “human traditions.” Like all human things, economic practices can be used for good or perverted to evil ends.

St. Paul warned about adherence to human philosophies in his letter to the Colossians. “See to it that no one makes a prey of you by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the universe, and not according to Christ” (Colossians 2:8). This is what the pope, like the popes before him, is trying to say. He is saying that the free market is all fine and good if it is, in fact, fine and good. But the proof is in the pudding. Don’t assume as a belief that the free market is by its nature fine and good. We have a moral obligation, using governmental action if necessary, to make sure that it, or any economic system, works to meet basic human needs and further justice, especially for the poor and vulnerable. Dodson is executive director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference. The NDCC acts on behalf of the Catholic bishops of North Dakota to respond to public policy issues of concern to the Catholic Church and to educate Catholics and the general public about Catholic social doctrine. The conference website is

Endowments: Easy and essential tools for leaving a legacy in your church Reasons to launch your own endowment


here are several reasons you should consider launching your own endowment. Here are three:

1. Unending annual gifts

and friends of your values and beliefs. Grandchildren, great-grandchildren and further generations will encounter their own heritage as they see “their” endowment at work. If you want to build a lasting legacy to benefit your church and inspire people for years to come, launch your own endowment.

3. Financial stability As a member of your church, you probably Your church can gain make at least one annual financial strength from gift to support its work. its endowment funds. Our endowment proJust knowing that they gram allows you to make can count on a stream of sure that these annual endowment income pergifts continue in perpemits them to make bettuity after you are gone. ter financial projections Endowment funds and plan for the future are basically investment more confidently. funds that preserve Also, income from enprincipal and make paydowments allows us to ments (or gifts) to your do some things we might church (or other Cathonot otherwise be able lic entity) from the earnto do. An organization ings. In other words, with strong endowment Steve Schons after you are gone your assets tends to draw supendowment would take port from donors who your place in providing might not otherwise contribute in this annual support for your church. And, way. this giving could continue indefinitely.


2. A lasting legacy This example is one of the most powerful reasons to launch an endowment. The ongoing nature of these funds provides an unending way to not only support your church but to remind family

Beginning your endowment

You can launch your endowment in several ways. You can do it all at once by making a major gift of cash or marketable assets. Or, you could make all the arrangements now and defer the launch date until activated by your will.

(Please complete and return this reply form.)

Catholic Development Foundation: ___ Please send me free literature about creating an

endowment with the Catholic Development Foundation to benefit my church.

Name:____________________________________________________________________ Address:___________________________________________________________________ City:______________________________________________________________________ State:__________ Zip:____________Phone:____________________________________ Mail this form to:

Catholic Development Foundation 5201 Bishops Blvd, Suite A Fargo, ND 58104 You could also start now with a modest amount and add to your endowment later. Other ways might involve a gift annuity arrangement or even the use of a charitable trust. Many people in our diocese have discovered that endowment building is one of the most satisfying means to support the good works of the Catholic Development Foundation.

If you want to learn more about this program and how you can participate, contact Steve Schons at (701) 356-7926. Or, use the response form that accompanies this column. Steve Schons is director of stewardship and development for the Diocese of Fargo and can be reached at steve.schons@ or (701) 356-7926.

12 1 nnJanuary January2014 2014


Priestly formation guided by four pillars


ne of the surprising plans of on conversational confidence, losing God is to take finicky, compliweight, eliminating sarcasm or even decated and sinful men like myself veloping a basic knowledge of football. and use them to bring the sacraments Everything from a firm handshake, to the people of God. to being reliable, to conHe could have chosen a fidence in celibacy fall different means, but this under the domain of huapproach was what he man formation. desired. Forming seminarians Academic Pillar into priests is a difficult The academic side of and long process. The formation is perhaps the church’s expectations of most obvious. The peous became much clearer ple of God expect their in 1992, thanks to Blesspriests to be intelligent ed John Paul II. He wrote and offer substantial ana document, “I Will Give swers to their questions You Shepherds,” to help of faith. articulate four areas for seminarians to cultivate In his final years, a during their formation seminarian is expectSeminarian years. ed to write sensible and Kyle Metzger precise homilies. In large When I have been part this skill is develasked what a seminarian oped in the classroom. needs to do in eight years to become a priest, the following four pillars provide A seminarian takes a full load of a helpful structure. courses each semester in both philosophy and theology. Ultimately, he will Human Pillar graduate with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and a master’s degree in diA priest ultimately acts as a bridge, vinity. Seminarians taking additional helping connect people to God. He coursework earn a master’s in theology. must work through any personal traits

Guest Columnist

that will be an obstacle to this bridge. To bring the people to God, at the very foundational level, he needs to be a well-balanced human person trusted by his people. He strives to be relatable, hospitable, cheerful and mature. To build these traits, a seminarian, with input from seminary faculty, establishes goals. He may strive to work

Spiritual Pillar A priest cannot bring people to Christ if he himself does not intimately know Jesus. A seminarian is expected to pray, and pray often. It has been said prayer is doing theology on one’s knees. By ordination, a seminarian ought to be praying three to five hours a day.

He attends daily Mass, prays the liturgy of the hours, meditates a holy hour and receives the sacrament of reconciliation regularly. He meets with a spiritual director bi-weekly to help him develop his prayer life. A seminarian setting spiritual goals may strive to make a Marian consecration, read through the entire Bible or make a pilgrimage.

Pastoral Pillar Holy Orders is a sacrament of mission, that is, it is aimed outward. It strives toward the sanctification of others. A priest, therefore, cannot view himself as a bachelor, a man pursuing his own whims. Pastoral formation ensures a seminarian is always focusing his efforts on others. This point is especially important given the heightened emphasis on the New Evangelization. Some ways a seminarian keeps this focus by bringing Holy Communion to the sick, teaching students, visiting the imprisoned, exercising simplicity or leading a bible study for college students. Often, priests are called upon to be all things to all people; indeed a high ideal to obtain. Seminarians, realizing this monumental goal, continually grow to be more like Christ. Please keep us in your prayers, so that through our formation we will become faithful models of Christ. Kyle Metzger is a third year seminarian at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md. He is originally from Fargo and a parishioner at Nativity Church.

Events across the diocese For more events throughout the diocese, visit Jan. 17-19 (Friday-Sunday): Life in the Spirit Seminar, St. Cecilia’s, in Harvey. For more information contact Sister Dorothy Bunce at dorothy.bunce@ or (701) 845-2865. Jan. 19 (Sunday): Soupapalooza! Soup luncheon fundraiser to support the St. William’s CYO mission trip to Omaha in July 2014. Free will offering. Event held at St. William’s Church, Argusville from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Jan. 18-23 (Saturday-Thursday): Youth pilgrimage to March for Life. Youth in grades 9-12 from across the Diocese of Fargo are invited to participate in the March for Life in Washington, D.C on Jan. 22. Jan. 26 (Sunday): Spaghetti Dinner celebrating Catholic Schools Week, Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, 210 5th Ave W, West Fargo from 11:30 a.m – 4 p.m. Free will offering to support JPII Catholic Schools. Jan. 28 (Tuesday): Catholic Schools Week Open House at Nativity Elementary, 1825 11st St S, Fargo at 1:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. Jan. 30 (Thursday): Catholic Schools Week Open House at Holy Spirit Elementary, 1441 8th St N, Fargo at 6:30 p.m. Feb. 4 (Tuesday): Serra Club dinner, an opportunity to visit and pray with others who support vocations in the area, 6 p.m., St. Anthony of Padua, Fargo. Feb. 7-9 (Friday-Sunday): Young Adult Life in the Spirit Retreat. Young Adult (ages 18-35) Life in the Spirit event held in Hankinson. For more information, contact Kathy Loney or Katie Dubas at (701) 356-7900. Feb. 9 (Sunday): Catholic Collage. Several 4-week courses offered at Shanley High School, Fargo, to help teens and adults grown in their faith. Cost: $20 per course. Child care will be provided. List of course titles, registration information and additional details are posted at Feb. 11 (Tuesday): Sidewalk Counselor Training, 7-9 p.m. at Diocesan Pastoral Center, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Fargo. Attend this session if you are interested in learning more about serving as a side walk counselor in front of the abortion facility in Fargo. Current counselors will share their experiences, practices and resources. For more information contact Colleen at (701) 284-6601 or Feb. 13 (Thursday): Mass for God’s Children. Bishop Folda will offer Mass for families grieving loss of a child(ren) due to miscarriage or stillbirth, 7 p.m., St. Anthony of Padua, Fargo. Parents, siblings, other family members and friends are encouraged to attend. A reception will follow. For more information contact Rachelle Sauvageau at (701) 356-7910 or rachelle.sauvageau@ To submit events for New Earth and the diocesan website, send information to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or email news@ The deadline for the February New Earth is Jan. 22.


January January2014 2014nn13 1

April showers bring May flowers Early preparation helps foster one’s call to vocation By Father Kurtis Gunwall


n the church, we often hear about planting seeds of faith. Jesus also used the image of seeds in his parables. If we listen to the radio, we can hear commodity and grain prices, moisture and heat conditions, and harvest hopes throughout the summer and into the fall. Even though many of us no longer have a direct hand in farming, we still know the importance of good seed and good conditions for growth and harvest. With that in mind, I would like to share a few thoughts and challenges to nurture the youth and young adults in our families, parishes and communities, especially regarding God’s plan and life call. “The harvest is rich but the laborers are few” (Matthew 9:37) and the adage, “It takes a village to raise Father Kurtis Gunwall a child” are similar in that both the harvest and good virtuous kids depend upon numerous factors and people. Let us look at three age groups and the nurturing that can help them live full and abundant lives – knowing and following God’s guidance. n Children: Pray — talk to God (interceding and thankfully); recognize beauty (creation and every person); read the Bible and stories of the saints (their “yes” to God). n Teens: Serve (as a family); talk about hopes and dreams (encourage them to make a difference); learn to listen (Lectio Divina — pray with Scripture); and seek to know and follow God’s call (ordained, consecrated, or married vows, or service as a single).


Obituary Presentation Sister Emma Marie Arcand dies at 91 Sister Emma Marie Arcand died at Sheyenne Care Center, Valley City, Dec. 22, 2013. Her funeral Mass was celebrated Dec. 27 at the Maryvale Convent Chapel. Sister Emma Marie was born March 9, 1922 in Williston to Lucien and Emma (Bellemare) Arcand. She was the youngest of 17 children. She professed vows as a Sister of Mary of the Presentation on Aug. 26, 1942 in Spring Sister Emma Valley, Ill. Sister Emma Marie attended high school at Notre Dame Academy in Willow City, N.D. and received her bachelor degree in education from the College of Great Falls in Great Falls, Mont. She loved to teach and taught all grades from first through 12th in several communities in North Dakota and Illinois. She taught for eight years at Cardinal Meunch Seminary in Fargo. Sister Emma Marie was a patient visitor and volunteer at presentation Medical Center in Rolla, N.D. and Presentation Care Center at Rolette, N.D. Sister Emma Marie is survived by her religious community and her two sisters; Sister Mary Noreen Arcand of Omaha and Theresa Bjella of Lisle, Ill.

n Young adults: Be a witness of generosity, service, trust, and prayer in every area of life; encourage selflessness (missions, service projects, religious life); trust God to bring them to true joy; and pray for their salvation.

Can’t go it alone At any age, in every aspect of our lives, we need the encouragement of faithful family and friends to persevere through doubt and difficulties. We need martyrs who give themselves to God for the least of these to inspire us to give completely of ourselves. We need the truth of God’s word to guide us in the maelstrom of opinions, half-truths, and lies of the world that would otherwise distract us off the path

that leads to God. Will you allow God to speak through you to encourage your son, daughter, nephew, niece, brother or sister to see, hear and follow God’s call? If you see it, will you tell them that they would make a good priest, deacon, brother, sister or nun? Will you encourage them to pray every day that God will lead them to the spouse, which he has prepared for them? Encourage the vocation of the ones you love by pointing them to God. We would be happy to help you or your parish with resources and ideas. For a brochure on what you can do to promote vocations, contact the Vocations Office at 701-356-7957, or

14 n January 2014


A glimpse of the past These news items, compiled by Dorothy Duchschere, were found in issues of the Diocese of Fargo newspaper, New Earth, and its predecessor, Catholic Action News.

January 50 years ago — 1964 In an age which finds its taste satisfied by the hard sell and lavish production, the small, intimate and dedicated chamber group is hard to find. Such a group is the Unicorn Guild which for the past three years have been performing at St. Paul’s Student Center at NDSU, Fargo. Formed in 1960 by Dr. William Weiler, Director of Music for the Diocese of Fargo, and Jerome D. Lamb, free-lance writer and artist, the Unicorn Guild is composed of a variety of students, teachers, professional men and housewives, who have been drawn together by their common interest in music and drama, that is not often heard or seen.

20 years ago — 1994

Photo submitted

Eric Johnston, Kaleb Haley and Colton LaBrie deliver Christmas treats on Dec. 18 to a variety of people. The list included people whom the students wanted to share Christmas joy.

Baking project helps students bring joy to others By Sharon Eversvik

On Dec. 18, 10th grade religious education and faith formation students of St. John’s Church, New Rockford, shared the joy of Christmas with homemade cookies and candy treats. Seven students and their teachers baked cookies, cake pops and bars and made dipped pretzels, almond puff corn and caramel corn. Earlier that month, students nominated people to receive their handiwork. The list of names ranged from bachelors to elderly couples, former teachers, recent widowers, individuals battling health issues and others without family. “It was touching to see the names of people the kids had requested to receive a treat plate,” said teacher Leann Schafer. The students enjoyed delivering their treat plates and had requests to sing Christmas carols. They obliged by singing “We Wish You A Merry Christmas.” Other St. John students participated in bringing the joy of Christmas to the New Rockford community by singing Christmas carols and delivering poinsettias to the Fourth Corp group homes. The evening was completed with pizza and treats for the kids.

About 8,000 questions have arisen during the 19,000 home visits through the Opening Doors & Opening Hearts program in the Fargo Diocese so far. The Opening Doors & Opening Hearts visitors relayed these questions to the diocesan office and they were addressed. “Our replies aren’t always as prompt as they should be”, said visitation director Justin Gullickson. “The requests come in such large volume that sometimes it’s about a month until we’ve completed them. The follow-up work is very important”, Gullickson said, “we don’t want anyone to fall between the cracks”.

10 years ago — 2004 The AAA Pregnancy Clinic, a Fargo pro-life service agency in existence for 20 years, has changed its name to First Choice Clinic. Pauline Economon, the clinic’s executive director, said one of the main hurdles the staff has faced as a pregnancy help center was the name. “The name with the three ‘A’s’ was cold sounding”, she said. “Many women facing their circumstance do not want to hear the word pregnancy, initially. In fact, most are in a state of denial. That is why the name is so important, it needs to attract people rather than make them feel uncomfortable”.

Anniversary Nesvig-Sattler celebrated 65 years together George and Patricia Nesvig-Sattler celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary June 7, 2013 with their family. They were married at St. Mary’s Church in Knox, N.D. They are members of Little Flower Church in Rugby. They have eight children, 16 grandchildren and 15 great-grandchildren.

Share life’s milestones As a way to celebrate life and love, we encourage parishioners throughout the Diocese of Fargo to send photos of anniversaries of 60 or more years, or birthdays of 80 or more years to: New Earth, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, N.D. 58104-7605 or

Give A Gift to Help Keep the TV Mass on the Air! The best gift for those you love who are nursing home residents, shut-ins, or non-practicing Catholics WDAY, Channel 6, Fargo — WDAZ, Channel 8, Grand Forks 10:30 a.m. Sunday Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________________________________________________ A GIFT FOR: Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________________________________________

“I support the TV Mass because it was an important part of my mother’s life. My husband and I would sometimes watch it with her. I’m thankful that the TV Mass was there for her.” — Helen Bye, Fargo

Or, IN MEMORY OF: Name _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ I would like this listed at the end of the TV Mass on this date(s):____________________________ MAIL TO: TV Mass, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605


January 2014 n 15

Students’ project offers hope of protection for area homeless By Gwen Stoltman

Looking for a spiritual New Year’s Resolution . . . is offering two special projects that deliver free daily messages to your email in-box. One daily email program, found at, covers the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church in small pieces. The other, found at gospels, shares the gospels each day. Every day, participants receive a reading and commentary about either the Gospels or a section of the Catechism. At the end of 2014, each participant will have covered the entire Catechism of the Catholic Church and/ or studied all four gospels.

In Argusville, St. William’s of Norwich religious education students spent an evening last month learning about the homeless in the community and made “pillow protectors” to donate to the Christmas Store at Churches United of Fargo-Moorhead. The children listened to the story “Someplace to Go” by Maria Testa. This story is about a young boy named Davey who describes how he spends his time after school trying to keep safe and warm until he can meet his mother and older brother when the shelter opens in the evening. After discussing the story, the children discovered ways to lean on their faith to pray for protection, most importantly, how to pray to various “protectors” at any time. They learned about St. Michael the Archangel who was the leader of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against Satan and his followers. And, they heard about St. Christopher as the patron saint of protection for travelers and protection against storms and plagues. Finally, they were taught about guardian angels and how everyone has a guardian angel sent especially to protect them. Each child made a card for the person receiving a donated pillow, which included a prayer and heartfelt message. After completing the cards, the children took the pillows into the church and silently prayed for the person that would receive the pillow. The evening concluded with the prayer, “Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep.”

Flocknote uses the Ignatius Study Bible for both scripture translation and commentary for the study of the gospels. And, Flocknote uses the YOUCAT, short for Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church, to cover the Catechism of the Catholic Church in a question and answer format.

St. William’s of Norwich 5th and 6th graders (top photo) joyfully display their completed cards to be included with their pillows. In photo below, religious education students spend time in prayer for the people who will receive pillows and cards.

For more information, visit or

Photos by Gwen Stoltman

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16 n January 2014


Author, filmmaker and Catholic convert Steve Ray to speak in Fargo and Bismarck On Monday, Feb. 24, Real Presence Radio staff invites all in the diocese to hear Steve Ray tell his conversion story. The event will take place at the Ramada Plaza Inn & Suites, Fargo. For Real Presence Radio listeners in western North Dakota, Steve will share his message in Bismarck on Feb. 25 at the Ramkota Inn. Steve Ray’s presentation coincides with Real Presence Radio’s annual fundraising banquets. As with past banquets, organizers hope many will consider sponsoring the event at varying levels. These sponsorships cover the costs of the event so all other donations go directly toward Real Presence Radio’s mission of evangelization. Also, the group is looking for table hosts willing to invite eight guests to join them. Registration is required by Feb. 10. Listen to Real Presence Radio for more details as plans for the banquets progress.

A couple’s conversion Raised in a Fundamentalist Baptist family, Steve Ray “asked Jesus into his heart” and was “born again”, according to Baptist tradition, at the age of four. In 1976, he married Janet, a Protestant. Prior to 1994, neither of them had ever entered a catholic church. With two small children in tow, Steve and Janet moved to Europe for one year where they traveled extensively researching their reformation roots in Switzerland, Germany and England. They studied for six months at L’Abri in Switzerland with noted theologian Francis Schaeffer. As they worked to convince their friend, Catholic convert and radio host Al Kresta, that the early church was evangelical, Steve and Janet ended up being the ones who changed their minds. On Pentecost Sunday 1994, they became members of the Catholic Church. Since then, Steve’s passion for the depth of truth found within the Catholic tradition has led him to walk away from his previous career and pursue what he really loves: writing, speaking, producing Catholic films and leading pilgrimages to biblical lands. Steve and Janet have traveled to the Holy Land more than 100 times to explore, film and lead thousands of pilgrims. Steve is a regular guest on Catholic radio and TV including Catholic Answers and EWTN. He writes Bible studies for Catholic Scripture Study International and is the author of “Crossing the Tiber,” “Faith for Beginners” and other books. For more information about the banquet or to RSVP call 1-877-795-0122. To learn more about Steve Ray, visit www.

Photos courtesy

Standing with his wife, Janet, Steve Ray takes a break from filming one of 10 videos in the Footprints of God series available through Ignatius Press. Behind Steve and Janet is the Sea of Galilee. Inset, Ray rides a black stallion near Giza Egypt. This photo was taken while filming the “Moses” DVD for the series.

Swimming upstream: Living the Catholic life in a pagan culture In the first three centuries Christians turned the world upside down for Jesus. How did they do it? They gave us a blueprint. All we have to do is study and follow their blueprint and pray for the blessing of God so we can re-evangelize our world to being a pro-life and Christian culture. Hear Steve Ray reveal the blueprint at a luncheon on Mon., Feb. 24, 11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m. at Sts. Anne and Joachim Church in Fargo. Cost is $15/person. Registration required. Registration form can be found at: or by calling (701) 356-7900. Event sponsored by the Fargo Diocese Respect Life Office in conjunction with Real Presence Radio.

Medley of course offerings in new Catholic Collage Adult faith formation provides an outlet for deeper understanding of faith and spirituality By Joan Schaefer

Like liturgy, there is depth, richness and beauty to the teachings of our Catholic faith that require our active and conscious effort to study and reflect upon them to get a glimpse of their meaning. To help area Catholics get a deeper knowledge of the faith, Father Bert Miller of Blessed Sacrament Church in West Fargo created Catholic Collage. In its inaugural year, Father Miller and others assisting with this initiative, aim to present an opportunity for Catholics to move beyond their elementary and high school CCD knowledge. The goal of Catholic Collage is to lead Catholics to a deeper understanding about facets of faith and spirituality

while showcasing Shanley High School and Sullivan Middle School, which Father Miller identifies as the “flagship location of the Blessed John Paul II Catholic School network.” According to him, there is no better place to explore beauty of the Catholic faith than a facility dedicated to spiritual and educational endeavors. This year, Catholic Collage is offering 10 engaging four-week courses to help people grow in their faith and enter into a richer relationship with God. Classes will be held on Sunday afternoons Feb. 9, 16, 23 and March 2. Each Sunday is divided into two sessions. Session one runs from 2 – 3:15 p.m. while session two runs from 3:30 – 4:45 p.m. A variety of session topics allow participants to find ones that suit their interests. For movie lovers, local movie critic Tony McRae will show and discuss a different movie each week: “Babette’s Feast,” “Going My Way,” “The Day the Earth Stood Still” and “Angels with Dirty Faces.” This course will span both sessions. Bishop John Folda will offer a session

about spirituality and the riches of the Catholic spiritual life. Mike Hagstrom, religion teacher at Shanley High School, will demonstrate the Psalms as an ideal path to a deeper life in Christ. And, Father Luke Meyer along with Judge Ralph Erickson will present “Religious Liberty” which examines the theological foundations and development of religious liberty as well as its history in America and the issues it raises. Father James Ermer will discuss Blessed John Paul II’s Theology of the Body which provides many keen insights into married love and human sexuality in contrast to the many contemporary and impoverished understandings and practices today. Participants may want to go around the globe in “Catholicism Among the Nations” which will look at Catholic traditions in India, Cameroon, South and Central America, Germany and Saudi Arabia. For a complete list of courses and descriptions, visit www.

Child care available Participants may enroll in one, fourweek course during each session for a cost of $20 per course. Refreshments and entertainment will be provided by the students of the Blessed JPII schools between the sessions each week. Child care will be available for those families requesting the service in advance. Registration and course fees are due Feb. 4. Registration forms may be found at, in Catholic Collage brochures in local parishes or by contacting Beth Fedje at (701) 237-6063. Class sizes are limited, so early registration is recommended. Catholic Collage is open to anyone wishing to mature their faith. While many presentations contain Catholic nuances, many courses may interest Christian friends and neighbors as well. For more information, contact Father Bert Miller, Joan Schaefer at or Beth Fedje at

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