May New Earth 2013 - Section B

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Two to be ordained at Cathedral June 7 — Page 3B




May 2013 Vol. 34

No. 5


“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth” — Rev. 21:1

Welcome home Pope Francis greets retired Pope Benedict as he returns to the Vatican Catholic News Service

For the first time in history, the Vatican is home to a pope and a retired pope. Pope Francis welcomed his predecessor, retired Pope Benedict XVI, to the Vatican May 2 outside the convent remodeled for the 86-year-old retired pontiff and five aides. Pope Francis and Pope Benedict entered the convent’s chapel together “for a brief moment of prayer,” said Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman. Pope Benedict had been staying at the papal summer villa in Castel Gandolfo since retiring Feb. 28. Pope Francis traveled to the villa 10 days after his election to visit, pray and have lunch with Pope Benedict; the new pope also has telephoned his predecessor on at least two occasions. In response to questions about the fact that Pope Benedict seemed to be much frailer than he was two months ago, Father Lombardi told reporters, “He’s an elderly man, weakened by age, but he is not suffering from any illness.” In the last year of his pontificate, Pope Benedict was seen walking with a cane on more and more public occasions; after Pope Benedict retired, Father Lombardi confirmed that he had had a pacemaker inserted before becoming pope in 2005 and had undergone a brief procedure in November to replace the battery.

While the Vatican is now home to a pope and his predecessor, neither lives in the papal apartments of the Apostolic Palace. Pope Francis continues to live in the Domus Sanctae Marthae, the Vatican guesthouse just south of St. Peter’s Basilica where the cardinals stayed during the conclave; the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery where Pope Benedict is living is just to the north of the basilica. The location he chose as his residence had served since 1994 as home to four different communities of cloistered nuns — Poor Clares, Carmelites, Benedictines and Visitandines — who each spent a five- or three-year term there in a life dedicated to praying for the pope and the church. The structure includes what was once the Vatican gardener’s house; before the first group of nuns took up residence, Blessed John Paul II had it expanded to about 4,600 square feet, including a large chapel, refectory and infirmary. The retired pope will live in the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery with Archbishop Georg Ganswein, his secretary, who also serves Pope Francis as prefect of the papal household; and with four consecrated laywomen from Memores Domini. The building also has a guestroom designed particularly for visits from Pope Benedict’s older brother, Msgr. Georg Ratzinger.

Italian media report progress in Bl. John Paul’s sainthood cause Catholic News Service

A Vatican-convoked commission of doctors concluded a healing attributed to Blessed John Paul II had no natural explanation, according to Italian news reports. Eventual papal approval of the alleged miracle would clear the way for the canonization of the pope, who died April 2, 2005, and was beatified May 1, 2011. Once a panel of physicians convoked by the Congregation for Saints’ Causes determines a healing is authentic and lasting, and that there is no natural, medical explanation for it, the files are

passed on to a panel of theologians. The theologians study the events — especially the prayers — surrounding the alleged miracle and give their opinion on whether the healing can be attributed to the intercession of a particular sainthood candidate. If the theologians give a positive opinion, the cardinals who are members of the congregation vote on whether to recommend the pope recognize the healing as a miracle and set a canonization date. The newspaper Il Messaggero quoted Please turn to REPORT on page 7B

CNS photo/L'Ossevatore Romano via Reuters

Retired Pope Benedict XVI, left, is greeted by Pope Francis at the Vatican May 2. The 86-year-old retired pontiff returned to the Vatican to live in a monastery in the Vatican Gardens.

TV Mass will not air on May 26 The diocesan-sponsored TV Mass will not air on WDAY-TV 6, Fargo, or WDAZTV 8, Grand Forks, on Sunday, May 26, due to a required broadcast of the Indianapolis 500. There is usually only one Sunday each year when it cannot be broadcast due to required programming. It will return the following Sunday at its regular time from 10:30 to 11 a.m. The TV Mass can be viewed on this web page: EWTN-TV also broadcasts Mass at 7 a.m. and 11 a.m. That Mass is one hour and 10 minutes long. The TV Mass Apostolate is an important effort of the diocesan Communications Office. It brings the Mass to people who are unable to attend at their local parishes due to illness or infirmity. It also introduces non-Catholics to the beauty of the Catholic liturgy and the truths of the Catholic faith. The TV Mass is funded in part through donations to the God’s Gift Appeal, through grants, and through donations from individuals specifically for the TV Mass Apostolate. To support the TV Mass Apostolate, donors may mail a check, payable to the Diocese of Fargo, to Diocese of Fargo, Attn: TV Mass, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58107-7605.

2B â– MAY 2013


The Year of Faith: Opportunities for spiritual and educational growth and enrichment continue


n this month of May we find ourlieve and a better of understanding of selves just past the half way mark of why we believe and practice our faith our observance of the Year of Faith. as Catholics. When we began this graced moment It goes without saying that if we prolast October, I had asked all to enter into fess the Catholic faith of the Church, this year both personthe apostolic faith, then ally as well as commuwe must confess (live) nally. this same faith with the same knowledge and Since that time I understanding. These know that our parishes two aspects of Catholic and the diocese itself life are inseparable. have offered many opportunities for the spiritual enrichment of n the coming months our faith through inyour parishes will concreased times for the tinue to provide opporreception of the sacratunities for both spiritual ments, especially the and educational growth sacrament of penance, and enrichment in the and through more opfaith. Please do try to portunities for eutake advantage of as charistic adoration. many of these opportuThis is of the first nities as you are able. importance for all of us Bishop David Kagan Likewise, the Diocese and, as Pope Benedict of Bismarck will offer said at the time, the New Evangelization these opportunities to which I personwhich the Year of Faith inaugurates beally invite all in the Diocese of Fargo to gins in the confessional. participate, especially on the coming When we pause to think about this, Solemnity of Corpus Christi at the the Pope has come right to the heart of Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, the feast how we can and do live our faith. Reof St. Kateri Tekakwitha at the UTTC, penting of our sins and confessing them Bismarck, the Thirst 2013 Eucharistic to the priest, receiving sacramental abConference and our pilgrimage to Italy. solution and then using the graces received, re-evangelizes us so that we can f you have been able to participate in evangelize others with the joy we have your parish’s events and in some in knowing Jesus. diocesan events, that is wonderful. If you have not yet done so there is still n addition to these many and wontime and I urge you to take advantage derful opportunities for our personal of these opportunities. We can never do and communal spiritual growth, our enough to keep our faith and Catholic parishes and the diocese have offered life strong and vibrant. some excellent opportunities during this Please join me in thanking Almighty year to increase and strengthen our God for the abundant blessings he conknowledge of our faith through the tinues to bestow on the Diocese of study of the documents of the Second Fargo, especially with the coming ordiVatican Council and, using the Catenation of our new bishop. chism of the Catholic Church, studying the Creed. Again, it was the hope and Thank you for your prayers, and let the intent of Pope Benedict that, in dous continue to pray for vocations to the ing this, all of us would come to a better priesthood and the religious life in the knowledge of what we as Catholics beDiocese of Fargo.


Apostolic Administrator



Golf passes available Golf courses are open and it’s time to hit the fairways. The 2013 Chip In for Charity Golf Pass from Catholic Charities North Dakota features free or discounted golf at 100 courses in North Dakota and western Minnesota. To order your pass, go to or call (701) 235-4457.

Seminary scholarship funds consolidated with foundation endowments With the closing of Cardinal Muench Seminary and the expansion of endowment listings in the Catholic Development Foundation, all seminary scholarship funds have been consolidated with foundation endowments under the Catholic Development Foundation umbrella. With this change there is no longer a printed list of contributors in New Earth. Instead, all donors receive a letter of acknowledgment, which can also be used for tax deduction purposes. A quarterly and/or annual listing of donors is provided on the Catholic Development Foundation website [ or]. Scholarship and endowment funds for seminarian education consist of restricted contributions, of which only the income or earnings may be used, and only for the purpose stated. Earnings from seminarian scholarships are restricted for the use of funding candidates to the priesthood who are completing required seminary education, and to supplement education of clergy currently serving the diocese. Contributions for seminarian and clergy education are vital to the support of the diocese and your future priests. Without this aid, many of our young men would not be able to discern their vocation. To donate, please mail your gift to: Catholic Development Foundation, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605, call (701) 356-7930 or donate online at If a specific scholarship or endowment for seminary education is not noted, contributions are applied to the General Endowment for Seminarian/Clergy Education. On behalf of the seminarians and clergy who benefit from your generosity, we extend our heartfelt gratitude.

Diocesan policy: Reporting child abuse The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents of child abuse, including sexual abuse, to civil authorities. If the situation involves a member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian, or an employee of a Catholic school, parish, the diocesan offices or other Catholic entity within the diocese, we ask that you also report the incident or suspected incident to Msgr. Joseph P. Goering at (701) 356-7945 or Larry Bernhardt at (701) 356-7965 or VictimAssistance@ For additional information about victim assistance, visit www.fargo

MAY 2013 ■ 3B


Two to be ordained at Cathedral in Fargo June 7 Deacons Sean Mulligan and Troy Simonsen to become Fargo Diocese’s newest priests; Bishop Kagan to preside Two men will be ordained to the priesthood by Bishop David D. Kagan on June 7. The 4:30 p.m. ordination Mass will be celebrated at the Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo. The faithful are invited to be present at the Mass and to pray for these men who will serve the Diocese of Fargo as priests. The ordinands are Deacon Sean Mulligan of Grand Forks and Deacon Troy Simonsen of Sidney, Mont. Deacon Mulligan is the son of Jim and Jeanne Mulligan. He received his formation at Cardinal

Muench Seminary, Fargo, and St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, Denver, Colo. Following ordination, he will serve as a Parochial Vicar at the Basilica of St. James in Jamestown. Deacon Troy Simonsen is the son of Larry and Nancy Simonsen. He received his formation at Cardinal Muench Seminary, Fargo, and St. John Vianney Theological Seminary, Denver, Colo. Following ordination, he will serve as a Parochial Vicar at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Fargo.

Deacon Sean Mulligan

Deacon Troy Simonsen

Facts about age and more of new priests across the U.S. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has reported that the median age of men ordained to the priesthood in 2013 is 32, two-thirds are Caucasian, and 26 percent carry educational debt. These figures stand out in “The Class of 2013: Survey of Ordinands to the Priesthood,” the annual national survey of men being ordained priests for U.S. dioceses and religious communities. The study was conducted by the Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA), a Georgetown Universitybased research center. The entire report can be found at The report is the 17th annual survey of ordinands commissioned by the Secretariat for Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations of the USCCB. About 74 percent of an estimated 500 men to be ordained priests in the United States in 2013 responded to the survey. On average, most of the ordination class were baptized as infants, but nine percent became Catholic later in life. Eight in 10 report that both parents are Catholic, and more than a third have a relative who is a priest or religious. On average, respondents report that they were nearly 17 years old when they first considered a vocation to the priesthood. Two in three (67 percent) say they were encouraged to consider a vocation to the priesthood by a parish priest. Others who encouraged them include friends (46 percent), parishioners (38 percent) and mothers (34 percent). Two-thirds of the respondents (67 per-

cent) report their primary race or ethnicity as Caucasian/European American/white. Compared to the U.S. adult Catholic population, men to be ordained are more apt to be of Asian or Pacific Islander background (10 percent), but less likely to be Hispanic/ Latino (15 percent). Compared to diocesan ordinands, new priests for religious orders are less likely to report race or ethnicity as Caucasian/European American/white. Three in 10 respondents (31 percent) were born outside the United States, with the largest numbers coming from Mexico, Vietnam, Colombia, Poland, the Philippines and Nigeria. On average, respondents who were born in another country have lived in the United States for 14 years. Between 20 and 30 percent of respondents for the diocesan priesthood for each of the last 10 years were born outside the United States.

Bishop Kagan’s Calendar May 22

10 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 6 p.m.

May 30

Baccalaureate Mass for Shanley seniors, Nativity, Fargo Brunch, Holiday Inn, Fargo Shanley High School Graduation, Fargo Administrative meetings, Pastoral Center, Fargo

June 7

4:30 p.m.

Ordinations to the Priesthood of Sean Mulligan and Troy Simonsen, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo

June 18

7 p.m.

Solemn Vespers for Bishop-elect John Folda, Sts. Anne & Joachim Catholic Church, Fargo

June 19

2 p.m.

Episcopal Ordination and Installation of Bishop-elect John Folda, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo

In other findings: ■ More than half of the Class of 2013 (52 percent) report having more than two siblings, while one in five (20 percent) report having five or more siblings. Ordinands are most likely to be the oldest in their family (40 percent). ■ Before entering the seminary, six in ten ordinands completed college (63 percent). Almost one quarter (23 percent) entered the seminary with a graduate degree. One in three (29 percent) entered the seminary while in college. ■ Ordinands of the Class of 2013 have been active in parish ministries. Two-thirds indicated they served as an altar server and about half (47 percent) participated in a parish youth group. One-fifth (20 percent) participated in a World Youth Day before entering the seminary. ■ More than four in 10 respondents (42 percent) attended a Catholic ele-

mentary school, which is a rate equal to that for all Catholic adults in the United States. In addition, ordinands are somewhat more likely than other U.S. Catholic adults to have attended a Catholic high school and they are much more likely to have attended a Catholic college (44 percent, compared to seven percent among U.S. Catholic adults). ■ Many ordinands specified some type of full-time work experience prior to entering the seminary, most often in education, accounting, finance or insurance. Four percent of ordinands indicated that they had served in the U.S. Armed Forces at some point. ■ The survey also found that new priests in dioceses and religious orders have educational debt. Just over a quarter (26 percent) carried debt at the time they entered seminary, averaging just a little over $20,000 in educational debt when they entered seminary.

Papal prayer intentions May


General intention: That administrators of justice may act always with integrity and right conscience.

General intention: That a culture of dialogue, listening and mutual respect may prevail among people.

Reflection: What do you think are the most important qualities of a good judge?

Reflection: What have you found most frustrating in your conversation with someone with whom you disagree? How can you still respect them?

Mission intention: That seminaries, especially those of mission churches, may form pastors after the Heart of Christ, fully dedicated to proclaiming the Gospel. Reflection: If you had a chance to meet with seminarians, what would you say to them? What would you want them to know about priesthood?

Mission intention: That where secularization is strongest, Christian communities may effectively promote a new evangelization. Reflection: What are the characteristics of my life that “show the beauty of the Gospel” and invite others “to live with the joy of faith, hope and charity?” Provided by Apostleship of Prayer,

4B â– MAY 2013



Pastor pays seminarians a visit

Father Lawrence Haas will mark 50 years as a priest June 16 Submitted photo

Father Phil Ackerman, far right, pastor of Holy Family Parish, Grand Forks, attended evening prayer at the close of the school year at Sacred Heart Seminary, Detroit, Mich., with the Fargo college seminarians. The evening included dinner and a stop at a famous downtown bakery. Pictured from left are: Riley Durkin, Jered Grossman, Zach Howick, John Miller, Father David Fisher, Owosso, Mich., John Norberg, Eric Seitz and Father Ackerman.

Obituary Father Gerald Potter served the diocese for 58 years as a priest Father Gerald L. Potter, 85, priest of the Diocese of Fargo, passed away April 21 in Prairie View, Grand Forks. Gerald L. Potter was born July 15, 1927, in Minneapolis, the son of Joseph A. and Mary Eileen (Uriell) Potter. He attended St. Bridget’s Grade School, De LaSalle High School in Minneapolis and St. John’s Preparatory High School in Collegeville, Minn. He gradu-

ated from St. John’s University in 1949 with degrees in English, philosophy and history. During his college years, he was known for his theatrical role of Hamlet. He studied theology at St. John’s University and graduated from St. Bonaventure Seminary in New York. He was ordained a priest for the Diocese of Fargo on June 5, 1954, in the Cathedral of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn.


Pope Francis The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God. Romans 8:16

Holy Father

Father Potter was assigned as the parochial vicar of St. Mary’s Cathedral and instructor of religion at Shanley High School in Fargo. During this time, he became parochial vicar of St. Paul’s Newman Center at North Dakota State University and editor of the diocesan newspaper, Catholic Action News. Father Potter was assigned as the Parochial Vicar of St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center at the University of North Dakota, Grand Forks, from 1957 to 1960. During the summer months, he pursued advanced theological studies at the University of Notre Dame; eventually receiving a master of arts in early Christian literature. He also studied at the Angelicum University and the Gregorian University in Rome, Italy, culminating in the writing of his doctoral dissertation, “The Idea of Preaching According to John Henry Cardinal Newman.� In 1964, Father Potter began teaching in the religious studies department of the University of North Dakota. He was appointed chairman of the department and was instrumental in merging the philosophy and religious studies departments. During this time, he served as a priest at St. Anne’s Guest Home in Grand Forks, the Grand Forks Air Force Base and substituted in parishes throughout the Diocese of Fargo. He retired from teaching in 1997. During most summers, he traveled to Europe and he treasured his relationships with his European friends. He cultivated a life-long love of Shakespeare, opera and classical music. He loved foreign travel, hunting and visiting with his friends over a glass of wine. He especially enjoyed spending time and hunting with his close friends in the Balta, Fillmore and Esmond areas of North Dakota. He is survived by his sister, Patricia Potter-Keays (John), Tucson, Ariz.; and a number of nieces and nephews and great-nieces and great-nephews. He was preceded in death by his parents; and his youngest sister, Eileen Potter-Simmons. The Mass of Christian burial was held April 25 at St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center, Grand Forks.

Father Lawrence Haas will celebrate the 50th anniversary of his ordination to the priesthood on Sunday, June 16, at Sacred Heart Church in Carrington. Father Haas was ordained by Bishop Leo Dworschak at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Fargo on June 1, 1963. A Mass of thanksgiving will be celebrated at 4 p.m. with a reception and dinner following the Mass. If you would like to come, please call Sacred Heart Church at (701) 652-2519 by May 25 so that those organizing the event will know how much food to prepare.

Father Len Loegering to celebrate 40 years of priesthood June 23 Father Len Loegering will celebrate his 40th anniversary of ordination to the priesthood on Sunday, June 23. Masses of Thanksgiving will be celebrated at St. Arnold’s Church in Milnor at 8:30 a.m. and St. John the Baptist Church in Wyndmere at 10:30 a.m. A brunch will be served at 11:30 a.m. in St. John’s Social Hall. Guests from out of town should RSVP for the lunch by visiting the anniversary website: The anniversary celebration will continue at the Wyndmere Community Center in Wyndmere, with an open house at 2 p.m., evening prayer at 4 p.m., a program at 4:30 p.m. and supper at 6 p.m. An RSVP is required for the supper. Please visit the RSVP page on the anniversary website noted above. Father Loegering was ordained June 10, 1973, at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Fargo and currently serves as pastor of St. John the Baptist, Wyndmere, and St. Arnold’s, Milnor. Anniversary greetings may be sent to him at 630 6th St., Wyndmere, ND 58081, by email at or by telephone at (701) 439-2200.

MAY 2013 ■ 5B


Anniversaries and Birthdays

Events across the Diocese

Share life’s milestones As a way to celebrate life and love, we encourage parishioners throughout the Diocese of Fargo to send photos of anniversaries of 60 or more years, or birthdays of 80 or more years, to New Earth, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Ste. A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or news@

Marie Lesmeister to be 100 years old in June

Holy Cross, West Fargo, to host Prairie Pilgrimage Holy Cross Church in West Fargo will host a Prairie Pilgrimage on July 21, 22 and 23. The group will be visiting churches, shrines and other Catholic places of interest in the southwestern part of the Fargo Diocese. The destinations at this time are: Holy Cross in West Fargo, Maryvale in Valley City, Sanborn, Jamestown, Napoleon, Strasburg, Hague, Ellendale, Lisbon, Kindred and the Diocesan Pastoral Center in Fargo. Space is limited, so please register early. The cost is $250 per person (based on double occupancy). The price includes transportation, lodging, all meals, snacks, water, daily Mass, Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, games, prizes and fun! The deadline to register is June 15. Contact Bill or Geri Harbeke for more information at (701) 277-9681.

June 1 (Saturday): Corpus Christi celebration, 10 a.m., St. Mary’s, Dazey. See page 13B. June 2 (Sunday): Annual Ice Cream, Pie and Cake Social, 1:30 to 3:30 p.m., St. Anne’s Guest Home, 524 N. 17th St., Grand Forks. June 7 (Friday): Ordination Mass for priests, 4:30 p.m., St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fargo. The faithful are invited to attend this special liturgy. See page 3B.

Marie Lesmeister

Marie Eva (Vetter) Lesmeister of Harvey will celebrate her 100th birthday in June. Marie was born June 20, 1913, in Pierce County and has lived there most of her life. She was the ninth child of 10 born to Joseph Sr. and Christina (Schweitzer) Vetter. She married Mike J. Lesmeister on Oct. 1, 1934. They were blessed with four children: Edith Ripplinger (Joe Ripplinger, Jr., deceased), Bismarck; Michael and Maloye Lesmeister, Harvey; Eleanor and Darold Schuchard, Fargo; and Lawrence and Barbara Lesmeister, Harvey. She has 10 grandchildren, 14 greatgrandchildren, and two step-greatgrandchildren. Mike and Marie had celebrated their 72nd wedding anniversary before Mike passed away on Feb. 24, 2007. Marie enjoyed gardening, reading, quilting and crocheting in her younger years. Poor eyesight prevents her from doing this today. When she moved into Selz, she was Father Vladis Aleksonis’ housekeeper for several years. Mike and Marie volunteered many hours updating and cleaning St. Anthony’s Cemetery and St. Maria’s Cemetery (known as the Strasburg cemetery). Marie moved into St. Aloisius Nursing Home in Harvey in 2009. She enjoys the activities at the nursing home, especially bingo. Marie’s faith has sustained her throughout her entire life. She still attends Mass twice a week at the nursing home and looks forward to daily communion. She has been a lifetime member of St. Anthony’s Church at Selz.

For more events throughout the diocese, visit

June 12 (Wednesday): Dining with the Word of God, 6:15 p.m., Sts. Anne & Joachim, Fargo. Father Paul Duchschere will explore the book of Genesis. Visit

Arnold and Alice Metzger

Metzgers celebrate 65 years of marriage Arnold and Alice Metzger of Langdon are celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary on June 22. They had six children, five of whom are living — Dennis, Becky, Kathee, Janet and David — and a baby girl who died at birth. They have nine grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. Alice worked at Ben Franklin for 25 years and Arnold was a self-employed mechanic. They thank God every day for all of the blessings he has given them in the past 65 years.

June 15 (Saturday): Evangelizing Youth Workshop, presented by CMD (Center for Ministry Development), 8:15 a.m. to 3 p.m., St. Therese the Little Flower Catholic Church, Rugby. Contact Kathy Loney for information at (701) 356-7902. June 15 (Saturday): Is God in the plans for my life? A one-day prayer and discernment retreat for single women and men ages 16 and older, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Maryvale, Valley City. Suggested donation is $15. Register by June 7 by contacting Sister Dorothy Bunce at dorothy or (701) 8452864. June 18 (Tuesday): Solemn Vespers and reception for Bishop-elect John Folda. June 19 (Wednesday): Mass of Episcopal Ordination and Installation for Bishopelect John Folda.

June 21-23 (Friday-Sunday): “Come to the Water” summer women’s retreat, Maryvale, Valley City. Suggested donation is $85. Register by June 14 by contacting Sister Dorothy Bunce at or (701) 845-2864. June 23 (Sunday): Faith through the Ages is a series of three talks which will examine how the faith was lived in various times throughout the history of the Catholic Church, and how we can apply these lessons to our own time. Visit July 7-12 (Sunday-Friday): Militia of the Immaculate Youth Camps (MI) for students ages 13-17, Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen Convent, Hankinson. Visit July 14-19 (Sunday-Friday): Militia of the Immaculate Youth Camps (MI) for students ages 13-17, Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen Convent, Hankinson. Visit July 21 (Sunday): Faith through the Ages is a series of three talks which will examine how the faith was lived in various times throughout the history of the Catholic Church, and how we can apply these lessons to our own time. Visit July 24 (Wednesday): Dining with the Word of God, 6:15 p.m., Blessed Sacrament West Fargo. Father Scott Sautner will explore the book of Revelation. Visit To submit events for New Earth and the diocesan website, mail them to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or email news@fargodiocese .org. The deadline for the June New Earth is June 12.

6B ■ MAY 2013


Resources available for those facing an adverse prenatal diagnosis

Reflecting on Catholic social teachings Rights and responsibilities The Catholic tradition teaches that human dignity can be protected and a healthy community can be achieved only if human rights are protected and responsibilities are met. Therefore, every person has a fundamental right to life and a right to those things required for human decency. Corresponding to these rights are duties and responsibilities — to one another, to our families, and to the larger society. Questions to consider: ■ Do I recognize and respect the economic, social, political and cultural rights of others? ■ Do I live in material comfort and excess while remaining insensitive to the needs of others whose rights are unfulfilled? ■ Do I take seriously my responsibility to ensure that the rights of persons in need are realized? ■ Do I urge those in power to implement programs and policies that give priority to the human dignity and rights of all, especially the vulnerable? Provided by the Social Justice Committee of Catholic Charities North Dakota.

Among the most devastating news parents can receive is that their unborn child has a serious condition which, in medical terms, will leave them either “incompatible with life” or that their life would be one of suffering. Too often these parents are left with the recommendation by their physician to “terminate” the pregnancy. The doctor’s intent may be to offer a compassionate means to “let the baby die now” rather than suffer, or to prevent a risky delivery down the road. But in reality a termination of pregnancy or early induction of labor because a child has a lethal anomaly is a direct abortion. The teaching of the Catholic Church should serve as a guide to parents who are at risk of aborting their unborn child after receiving an adverse prenatal diagnosis. Each child, created by God, has a purpose and possesses a dignity by which his or her right to life is to be respected and protected. Parents should receive pastoral care from their churches in these difficult times of decision making to affirm them in choosing life for their unborn child and in preparing for the challenges of possibly caring for a severely handicapped child. A Year of Faith Life Issues Series flyer listing organizations and educational resources to which parents and families facing an adverse prenatal diagnosis can refer is available at

A glimpse of the past These news items, compiled by Dorothy Duchschere, were found in issues of the Diocese of Fargo newspaper, New Earth, and its predecessor, Catholic Action News.


tinue as a ninth grade operation when the present sophomore class graduates. Division will take place to establish a six-grade elementary unit and regular junior high school through the ninth grade.

20 years ago — 1993

50 years ago — 1963 St. John’s Academy of Jamestown will close its high school facilities, starting with the elimination of the sophomore class this coming fall, Father Thomas Hendrickson announced recently. The school, which opened in 1890, will con-

Members of Holy Spirit Parish at Nortonville hope to have another 1,000 rosaries ready for their May crowning of a statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Children of the parish carry the rosaries in procession to the front of the church, where their pastor, Father Maurice

Worried About Increased Taxes in 2013? Stabilize Your Retirement Income With a Charitable Gift Annuity Five Reasons to Acquire a Charitable Gift Annuity 1) Attractive Rates* 2) Tax-Free Payments 3) Tax Deductions* 4) Fixed, Regular Payments 5) Your Catholic Faith is important to you!

Single-Life Gift Annuity Rates


12% .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................



10% .......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................




8%........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 7.3% 6.0%







6%........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 4%........................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ AGE 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 *Annuity rate and charitable deduction depend on your age at time of gift.

✁ Please send a gift annuity sample for a gift of: ■ $20,000 ■ $10,000 ■ $5,000 ■ $2,000 ■ $____________ Name ____________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth (month/day/year) ____________________________________________ Address___________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________________________________ For more information contact your parish or Steve Schons, Director of Development and Stewardship for the Diocese of Fargo. He can be reached at (701) 356-7926 or e-mail him at

Mueller, blesses them. Last October, the month of the rosary, the parish sent 800 rosaries to Peru for Father Mueller’s brother, Ralph, and his wife, Veronica. The Muellers are commissioned through the Diocese of Palm Beach in Florida to operate Mission Possible. Two hundred black rosaries were sent at that same time to the men’s prison in San Jose, Calif.

10 years ago — 2003 Father William Sherman is a pastor in Grand Forks who has been serving St. Michael’s for the past 26 years. Father

Sherman is most recognized for his interest in North Dakota’s ethnic history. He has written many books on the subject, including “Plain Folks: A History of Ethnic Groups in North Dakota”, “Prairie Mosaic: An Ethnic Atlas of North Dakota” and “African Americans in North Dakota.” He has received several awards. Father Sherman was conferred the Doctor of Leadership degree, Honoris Causa by the University of Mary, Bismarck, on May 5. He was recognized for his contributions to understanding ethnicity in North Dakota.

EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Catholic Charities North Dakota, a not-for-profit social service agency serving the entire state of North Dakota, is seeking an experienced leader to build on the strengths and potential of a growing organization. The Agency has programs in pregnancy, parenting and infant adoptions, special needs adoptions, guardianship services for vulnerable adults, and counseling for individuals, couples and families. Qualifications: Master’s degree in social work or related field with a minimum of 5 years of senior management experience in social services; demonstrated leadership qualities with strong verbal and written communication skills, computer proficiency, and a collaborative management style; practicing Catholic grounded in Catholic Social Teaching. A Bachelor’s degree with at least 10 years of experience in social service management, plus qualifications as listed above, may be considered. Benefits and salary negotiable. Job description and application can be seen at Letter of interest, resume and application should be sent to: Search Committee, Catholic Charities North Dakota, 5201 Bishops Boulevard, Suite B, Fargo, ND 58104-7605; fax (701-356-7993); e-mail: search committee@catholiccharities and received no later than June 1, 2013.

MAY 2013 ■ 7B


Maryvale Institute offers course on art from a Catholic perspective Maryvale Institute in Birmingham, England, is offering a distance-learning, one-year course titled “Art, Beauty and Inspiration in a Catholic Perspective.”

CNS photo / Agencja Gazeta, Reuters

A monument to the late Blessed John Paul II is raised into position in Czestochowa, Poland.

Report: Late pope’s sainthood cause moving Continued from page 1B Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, the Vatican spokesman, as saying, “There is a widespread desire for the canonization” of Blessed John Paul, “but no date has been set. First these two formal acts (by the theologians and by the cardinals) are necessary, and then the decree of the pope about the miracle.” In sainthood causes, the votes by the board of physicians usually are kept confidential. News about progress in causes generally is known only once a pope approves decrees related to them. Msgr. Slawomir Oder, the postulator of Blessed John Paul’s cause, was not giving interviews in late April. Several Italian newspapers quoted an

unidentified source as saying the alleged miracle presented to the Vatican involved a woman who was healed just a few hours after the late pope was beatified by Pope Benedict XVI. When the details are made public “many people will be surprised,” the source said. The web-based Vatican Insider spoke to Polish Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz of Krakow, Blessed John Paul’s longtime secretary, about the canonization. “It would be marvelous if it took place during the Year of Faith,” which ends in November, the cardinal was quoted as saying. He said he hoped the ceremony could be held in October, “35 years after his election” to the papacy in 1978.

Feminists hurl water, insults at archbishop CNA/EWTN News, Brussels, Belgium

Four semi-nude feminist protestors attacked Archbishop Andre-Joseph Leonard of Malinas-Brussels during a recent conference on freedom of expression. The April 18 conference took place at the Free University of Brussels and was entitled, “Blasphemy — crime or freedom of expression.” The four women, who belong to the group Femen, removed their shirts and used plastic bottles similar to those used by pilgrims at Lourdes to throw water at the archbishop while shouting insults and making violent gestures.

The women painted their bodies with the phrases, “My body, my rules” and “God loves lesbians.” They also carried a sign which read, “Stop homophobia.” Archbishop Leonard remained silently in prayer until security officials were able to intervene and remove the protestors. After the incident, the archbishop picked up one of the bottles, which was shaped in the image of the Virgin Mary, and kissed it as a sign of reparation. In 2010 and 2011, Archbishop Leonard was the target of attacks for his statements against homosexual acts and abortion.

The course includes one residential weekend in Kansas City July 12 through 15. It will be presented by David Clayton and Caroline Farey. Clayton is the artist in residence at Thomas More College of Liberal Arts in Merrimack, N.H. He has a special interest in icons. (See Farey is the course director and a faculty member at Maryvale Institute. According to the course description at, this part-time course explores the beauty and depth of visual art from a Catholic perspective. It introduces the riches of the whole Christian tradition and its continued inspiration in both the East and the West up until the present day, rooted above all in the Incarnation and the Paschal Mystery. The course is for both practicing artists and for those interested in art, including its role in Christian life, liturgy and catechetics. It does not presume, nor require, any specific abilities or skills in art. Nonetheless, the course aims to stimulate and inspire a new wave of Catholic artists to create a new “epiphany of beauty” in religious art, according to the vision of Pope John Paul II. Included in this course is the role of art in liturgy and in catechesis, as well as how artists have drawn inspiration for their work in the light of grace, the daily life of the Church and the action of the Holy Spirit. The course explores the ways that visual art forms can reflect timeless truths and a holistic Catholic world view that can speak to the needs that today’s men and women have for beauty, goodness and truth. This program is characterized by a ho-

listic approach which encourages students to draw together the personal, religious, artistic and intellectual dimensions of their lives into a coherent focus. It aims to unite theology and art so as to contribute richly to each person’s development. Those completing the course successfully receive a Maryvale Certificate in Art, Beauty and Inspiration. There are several options for registration: Option A: Full Certificate Course — $1095, includes residential (accommodation and meals) full tuition and all course materials — module coursebooks, “art packs” and assessment. Option A students are required to purchase a few additional books which are listed in the course module. Option B: Audit plus Course Materials — $750, includes residential (accommodation and meals) full tuition and all course materials — module coursebooks and “art packs.” There is no graded work for this option. Option C: Audit only — $650, includes the residential (accommodation and meals) and full tuition. No course materials. Registration must be completed by visiting For more information, contact Mary Hanbury in the diocesan Office of Evangelization and Catechesis at (701) 356-7909. She will be attending the residential weekend and would be willing to set up a carpool drive for those attending.

2013 FirstChoice Clinic’s “Swing Fore Life” Golf Marathon Tuesday, June 4th – Rose Creek Golf Course Do You Golf And Have a Heart For Life? If so become a member of the FirstChoice Clinic Golf Team. Find others with the same passion for life to sponsor you and continue to help FirstChoice Clinic provide FREE life affirming medical services and support to those most vulnerable in need. Golfers, this event is specially tailored with you in mind. Where else can you take a day and play golf, meet other golfers, have fun and help others in need all in one day? Please call Mona at 701-237-5902 or email to register or ask questions.

Putting Life First — 3 sites with 1 mission

FirstChoice Clinic Administrative Site 1351 Page Drive, Suite 205 Fargo, ND 58103 FirstChoice Clinic - West 1120 College Dr. Suite 204 Suncrest Office Park, Bismarck, ND 58501 FirstChoice Clinic - Lake Region 1031 7th St NE Mercy Hospital, 4th Floor Devils Lake, ND 58301

8B ■ MAY 2013


Hundreds gather on state capitol steps to thank legislators, Gov. Dalrymple Photos by Deacon Joe Krupinsky; text by Matthew Kurtz, both Diocese of Bismarck

Despite temperatures in the low 30s (and brisk wind chills even colder) hundreds met on the steps of the North Dakota state capitol April 17 to show their appreciation for five pro-life bills that were passed during the 2013 legislative session. Thanks to the hard work of students from St. Mary’s Central High School, Bismarck, (who shoveled 18 inches of snow off the capitol steps before the event), Marlo Nelson from Badlands Right to Life, and Eckroth Music (which provided the audio equipment), a variety of speakers addressed the outdoor crowd, including: ■ Bishop David Kagan (Diocese of Bismarck) ■ Tom Freier (N.D. Family Alliance) ■ Christopher Dodson (N.D. Catholic Conference) ■ Shanley Teens for Life (Shanley High School, Fargo) ■ Janne Myrdal (N.D. Concerned Women for America) ■ Father Frank Pavone (Priests for Life) Excerpts from their remarks are included on this page.

“North Dakota is second to no other state in our great nation in defending and promoting the intrinsic value of each person as loved and created by God and able to be a blessing to our society.”

“As the state leader for Concerned Women for America, let me tell you one thing: Women are not always victims. Ladies, are we victims because of our gender and our motherhood? I am so sick and tired of us being told for 40 years and longer that we have to be victims and we are not strong enough to go through the tough, hard decisions that women have to go through.”

— Bishop David Kagan

— Janne Myrdal

“We’re standing not on a political platform, we’re standing on the platform of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and that is life!” — Father Frank Pavone, national director, Priests for Life

Pro-life bills passed by the N.D. Legislature ■ SB 2305 — Requires admitting and staff privileges at a nearby hospital for any physician who performs abortions in N.D. ■ HB 1305 — Prohibits abortions for the purpose of sex selection or in cases of genetic abnormality ■ HB 1456 — Prohibits abortions after the detection of a fetal heartbeat ■ SB 2368 — Prohibits abortions after 20 weeks gestation ■ Senate Concurrent Resolution (SCR) 4009 — Creates and enacts a new section to Article I of the Constitution of N.D. relating to “the inalienable right to life of every human being at every stage of development.” The resolution will go to a vote of the people of North Dakota in November 2014.

“We think of a future where the answer to a crisis pregnancy is not pitting a woman against her child, but it’s a future where abortion is seen for what it is: an offense against women, a violent act, and it’s a sign that we have failed as society, and our future says that we can do better.” — Christopher Dodson, executive director, N.D. Catholic Conference

“Life is always precious. The life of the mother is precious and the life of the child is precious. And women have the power within them, given by God, to go through those things and choose life.” — Janne Myrdal, N.D. state director, Concerned Women for America

“When we speak about abortion in the churches, they say we’re too political. We speak about it in the political arena and they say we’re too religious. So if abortion is wrong, where do we go to say so? We go to the churches, and to the political arena, and to the schools, and to the media, and to business, and to the streets!” — Father Pavone

“We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed. Each of us is loved. Each of us is necessary.” — Bishop David Kagan, quoting Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI A video recap of the pro-life rally can be found at

MAY 2013 ■ 9B


Photo by Rylee Nelson

Father James Cheney, pastor of St. Paul’s Newman Center, Fargo, leads a draft team during the 28th annual NDSU-UND bike race.

Pedal power St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center retains bike race trophy

Photos by Rylee Nelson

And they’re off! More than 400 people (photos above and below) participated in the April 27 bike race between the Newman Centers on the UND and NDSU campuses.

The annual bike race fundraiser between St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center at the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks and St. Paul’s Newman Center at North Dakota State University in Fargo raised more than $223,000 for the two Newman Centers. NDSU may have had more riders, but UND raised the most money and had more of the top-20 times. When all the points were tabulated, St. Thomas Aquinas, Grand Forks, was declared the winner.

Submitted photo

Loren Loh, Fargo, road the race with his seven-year-old son, John, on a “trail a bike” attached behind his bicycle, and his three-year-old daughter, Gianna, who was pulled in a trailer attached behind John. Loh’s 10-year-old daughter, Maria, rode the 40-mile ride with her father and siblings all by herself.

Bringing Jesus Christ to campus through Newman Centers, housing By Tanya Watterud

A new Newman Center and chapel, along with Catholic housing, are being built on the campus of University of Nebraska in Lincoln, according to a story in the May 5 issue of National Catholic Register. “Under the direction of Father Robert Matya, chaplain for the UNL Newman Center, the Phi Kappa Theta fraternity (founded in 2005) and Pi Alpha Chi sorority (founded in 2012) are challenging the Animal House mentality with a Newman-based idea of Greek living – where Catholics can live, learn and grow in their faith and evangelize others,” the story by Peter Jesserer Smith notes.

“The fraternity and sorority houses will serve 120 residents (60 residents per house) when complete. The Phi Kappa Theta house will open its doors in August 2013. A Newman Center and chapel built in the English-Gothic style will go up in 2014. The sorority house for Pi Alpha Chi is projected to open in August 2015. The chapel construction just got under way.” Here in the Diocese of Fargo, plans are being considered for changes at St. Paul’s Newman Center on the campus of North Dakota State University in Fargo, as well. “The broad spectrum of Catholic education and formation should include

the collegiate experience,” said Father James Cheney, pastor of St. Paul’s Newman Center. “We can’t just forget about college students after high school when 80 percent of them will walk away from their Catholic faith. When it comes to forming the future leaders of our Catholic faith, campus ministry is important. Indeed, the most efficient use of catechetical stewardship in terms of forming future leaders for the life of the Church today is campus ministry.”

Center and, possibly, student housing in Fargo. “NDSU Newman is truly at a crossroads in determining what the future of our service to the NDSU campus will look like,” Father Cheney said. “Our campus ministry program is very successful. What most people don’t realize is that we’ve actually had to dial down our programs because our facilities are in such a state of disrepair: to the point of having to close down needed space.”

Those are some of the reasons a feasibility study was conducted recently. The study provides information about the ability and willingness of people to support construction of a new Newman

To find additional information about this project and read the results of the feasibility study, visit the Newman Center’s website at

Quotable “Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.” Leo Buscaglia


10B ■ MAY 2013

Sometimes God talks to us through the stories of others


was walking in the parking lot after getting friendlier, or if I’m just noticing a meeting at our church one night things more, but I have learned so much and a woman I had never met was a about people and life and feelings this short distance ahead of me. We had past year. parked next to each other and, instead I haven’t held back from striking up of getting into her car, she turned to conversations and I’ve heard so many speak to me as I aptouching stories. proached. Maybe it is because I’ve We exchanged greetentered more unfamiliar ings, then she said, “I territory — a different Tanya Watterud have to tell you somecity, a different parish, a thing.” different house, a different neighborI don’t remember the exact words, hood — and I know I need to reach out but what she told me went something to feel connected. I’m noticing more like this: “I was just noticing the sound distinctly the things, and especially the as you were walking. My son always people, that I appreciate and I miss. used to tell me he loved the way I s I left church on Easter Sunday, I sounded when I walked. Kind of that saw an elderly man who reminded soft rhythm it makes when your heels me of my grandpa who died a few years touch the ground.” ago. We chatted as we walked out and, I was surprised and my heart was almost immediately, he shared with me moved by the family memory she exthat his wife and his son had both died. pressed. Why did he tell that to me, a stranger? Our conversation went on to other It was on his heart, and when we give things, including how interesting the people the opportunity to tell their stospeaker at the meeting had been. Then ries, they will. It’s healing for them, and we said goodbye. it’s inspiring for us. As she drove away, I paused for a I wish I had asked the woman in the minute, thinking about why she had parking lot about her son. Maybe she shared the story about her son with me. had a story to tell, a story that would Was she missing him? Had he died, help her heal from some hurt she might maybe? Or was he living far away? feel, or simply rejoice in the memories Or did the sound of footsteps on paveher son has given her. ment just kindle a warm memory for I know for sure that being able to tell her, one so poignant she needed to comher story would have made her feel good, municate it? and important, and loved — the same That simple statement the son had way her son’s words made her feel. said to his mother made a difference in Start a conversation with someone toher life. It told her that something she day and listen — really listen — to the did made her beautiful in his eyes, made stories they are willing to share. It will her memorable. be a gift to them, and a gift to yourself, I don’t know if it’s because I’m older as God’s love flows through their stories now and more comfortable in my skin into your heart. than when I was young, or if people are



Photo Editorial From the vantage of Our Lady of Consolation Church, Carlos Rojas and the hillside slum of Vidigal are seen in Rio de Janeiro April 17. Vidigal has undergone a transformation since 1980, when Pope John Paul II visited the slum. Rojas says the church played a large role in revitalizing his community. Rio will host World Youth Day July 23-28.


CNS photo / Elie Gardner, Inti Media

Kermit Gosnell and the rest of us


hile they ignored it for ative but cynically dishonest answer: months, many national media Blame it on pro-life Americans. People are now finally covering the who oppose abortion drove it “undermurder trial of Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who ground,” refused to “integrate” it into for decades operated an standard medical pracabortion clinic in Philatice, and opposed public delphia that the local disfunding that would have trict attorney calls “a let women get free latehouse of horrors.” term abortions at safe Among many other viand “reputable” clinics. olations, Gosnell is bortion advocates’ charged with causing a attempts to transfer woman’s death from an blame runs afoul of ceroverdose of sedatives, tain facts: and murdering at least 1. The claim about four children born alive public funding was disduring attempted lateproved over three decterm abortions by “snipades ago. When federal ping” their spinal cords funding of abortion while they struggled to was stopped in the late survive. Richard M. Doerflinger 1970s, abortion advoAt this writing [April cates scoured the country 26] the verdict and senlooking for an increase in “unsafe” abortence for Gosnell are still pending. But tions — and instead found a reduction another blame game has already begun, in overall abortions and abortion comas people ask: What made someone like plications. Kermit Gosnell possible? 2. The grand jury report on Gosnell Pro-abortion groups have a very cre-


Guest Editorial

squarely places blame on a series of proabortion administrations in Pennsylvania, which after 1993 stopped inspecting abortion clinics because they felt such scrutiny could compromise easy “access” to abortion. 3. The grand jury also laid responsibility for Gosnell’s horrors at the door of the National Abortion Federation (NAF), trade association for “reputable” clinics, which had inspected his clinic and found numerous legal violations — but never reported them to authorities. 4. The “reputable” clinics harm women, too. Midtown Hospital of Atlanta, largest abortion facility in Georgia, was an NAF member that received referrals from Planned Parenthood. It was closed by a judge in 1998 due to what court documents call its “shocking disregard” for women. During a fiveweek period last year, three women were hospitalized following abortions at a single Planned Parenthood clinic in St. Louis. 5. When policy makers in various states have discovered terrible conditions like those at Gosnell’s clinic, they

have tried to pass new safety regulations — only to be vigorously opposed at every turn by powerful abortion advocacy groups which have spent millions of dollars to stop such safeguards and even have them declared unconstitutional.


n short, unlimited “access” to abortion has become an end in itself, trumping all other considerations. A movement that once claimed to defend the rights of people who have been born no longer sees birth as the boundary that necessarily stops killing. An industry that justified its existence in terms of women’s “health” is showing disregard for women’s lives. Gosnell is an especially egregious case. But he is also the tip of the iceberg. He is a wake-up call on the abortion agenda in our country, if enough Americans are open to hearing it. Richard M. Doerflinger is associate director of the Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. For more information on the bishops’ pro-life activities, visit



MAY 2013 ■ 11B

Moving closer to a just and humane immigration system


or years the Catholic bishops of the The Catechism states: “ . . . more prosUnited States have called for comperous nations are obliged, to the extent prehensive immigration reform and they are able, to welcome the foreigner for just as many years Congress has in search of the security and the means failed to fix the nation’s broken immiof livelihood which he cannot find in gration system. his country of origin. Public authorities Instead of authentic reform, the nashould see to it that the natural right is tion has been subjected respected that places a to costly enforcement guest under the protecmeasures that have failed tion of those who receive to stop unauthorized enhim.” (No. 2241.) try and have hurt famiDenver Archbishop lies and communities. Samuel J. Aquila, in an The federal governaddress to Regis Univerment has spent $150 bilsity on immigration, relion on enforcement minded his audience that since 2000, but the numthe right to migration is ber of undocumented rooted in the natural law. has increased from 7 milHe noted that Pope lion in 2000 to 11 milPius XII reflected that lion today. Sixteen bil“the natural law itself . . . lion dollars was spent last urges that ways of migrayear on immigration ention be opened to . . . forcement, which is those who have been more than was spent by forced by revolutions in Christopher Dodson any other enforcement their own countries, or agency in the federal by unemployment or government. hunger to leave their homes and live in A record 411,000 immigrants were deforeign lands.” ported last year, with about 100,000 parIn addition, there are the principles ents deported and separated from their of Catholic social doctrine that apply to U.S.-citizen children. Clearly, an enall public policies. forcement-only immigration policy does Immigration policies, like any other not work. policy, must give priority to the life and The bishops do not seek a more hudignity of the human person, especially mane immigration system solely bethe family. They must respect the right cause the church in the United States to seek work and to work in humane has an immigrant history or because conditions. They cannot be shaped most migrants today are Catholic, solely by economic considerations. They though that history and experience is cannot be tarnished by racism, nativism, relevant. Bishops and lay leaders witness or elitism, but must respect the equal first-hand the failings and injustices of dignity of all human persons. the current system. That experience provides working knowledge of what will he bishops have identified several eland will not work as a solution. ements that a reform measure should include. The California bishops od has actually instructed us to recently, and succinctly, identified them draw from our immigrant experias: ence when it comes to our own treatment of immigrants. Repeatedly, God 1. An earned path to full legal status, told the Israelites to love and treat the and eventual citizenship, that is reasonalien with justice “for that is what you able and attainable; were in the land of Egypt” (Dt. 10:19; 2. Provision for immigrants brought cf. Ex. 22:21, 23:9, Lv. 19:34, Dt. 23:7). here as minors to swiftly gain legal status Experience is important, but the bishto continue their education and enter ops’ position is also rooted in the natural the workforce; law and the church’s social doctrine. 3. The reduction of immigration ap-

Eliza de la Cruz, center, and her daughter, Rosario, right, take part in a rally for comprehensive immigration reform April 10 near the U.S. Capitol in Washington. Demonstrators urged lawmakers to support a path to citizenship for an estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants in the U.S. Christopher Dodson notes that former Fargo bishop and now Denver Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila, in an address to Regis University on immigration, reminded his audience that the right to migration is rooted in the natural law.

Catholic Action



CNS photo/Rafael Crisostomo, El Pregonero

plication backlogs so that families may be united more quickly; 4. A temporary worker program that is safe, workable for families, and fair to all workers, immigrants and non-immigrants, alike; 5. Restoration of due process protections restored for all immigrants involved with the immigration justice system; 6. The protection of refugees and unaccompanied immigrant children; and 7. A way of addressing the root causes of immigration. For the first time in a long while, there exists a real possibility that Congress

and the President may enact comprehensive reform. The bipartisan “Gang of Eight” has crafted an immigration reform blueprint for the Senate that may provide a vehicle for true reform. The U.S. bishops have responded to the proposal with optimism, though a final position will depend on the legislation’s details. Let us pray that our nation will finally commit to a just and humane immigration system. Dodson is executive director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference. More information is available at

Why we need to give


ean Martin echoed a basic truth However, the warm feeling that acin his signature song, “Everycompanies giving is the least important body Loves Somebody.” Love’s part of the experience. The truth is we reach extends beyond song and art into need to give because we grow by givreligion. Jesus, whose life ing. is our greatest lesson about love, identified he world would have love as the path to salvaus believe that we tion. grow by getting: the more Love goes beyond I have, the more I am. In well-wishing to action, this view, persons are dethe “laying down” of fined by things. Personal life. Jesus saved us possessions count more through giving. He gave than personal qualities, us himself. like character and virtue. We’ve all experienced But a fast car or a flashy the joy of giving, the exnew cell phone is a poor citement of presenting means of self-expression. an unsolicited gift or a In order to express ourparticularly generous selves, we need to share one. our uniqueness with othSteve Schons We enjoy witnessing ers, to create and to give. the joy our gift brings. Giving allows us to Parents experience this when they grow socially. We need relationships and give to young children. relationships are enriched by giving. We all experience it when we give to Giving helps us to understand the a friend, a neighbor, a charity, a stranger. true purpose of our possessions. We

“ . . . the warm feeling that accompanies giving is the least important part of the experience. The truth is we need to give because we grow by giving.



should own things in order to increase our ability to serve others. Do our possessions also extend our ability to love? If they are shared with others, they can.


e sometimes hold back our giving because of fear. If I volunteer my time and donate my money, will I have enough left for me? Am I willing to risk sacrifice? Giving and sacrifice strengthen relationships. And when we give, we strengthen the community. As St. Paul says, “Love never fails” (1 Corinthians 13:8). We all have a need to give — a need to love “somebody sometime.”

Because God loved us first, he has given us abundant life and a unique combination of gifts. Through our baptism, Jesus calls us to join his mission of salvation, and our gifts are tools which contribute to that mission. When we give, we obey the first commandment, we practice the greatest virtue, and we reveal ourselves as Christian stewards. Adapted from an article by Father Jon Thomas, Parochial Vicar, Christ Our Light Parish, Cherry Hill, N.J. Steve Schons is director of stewardship and development for the Diocese of Fargo and can be reached at or (701) 356-7926.

12B ■ MAY 2013


Results are in for 40 Days for Life More than 7,500 babies’ lives saved from abortion

File photo

Bishop Aloisius Muench is pictured with the first formal graduating class of St. James High School Academy, from 1942, including from left, Rita Daily, Dorothy Simon, Billy Engels, Bishop Muench, Margaret Blatsky, Marcella Steinbach and Mary LaCaille.

St. James Academy memories

Celebrating 100 years on June 29 and 30 By Father Bernard Pfau

Five girls and one boy made up the 1942 high school graduating class of St. James Academy of New Rockford, with Bishop Aloisius Muench (later Cardinal Muench) as the commencement speaker. The six students were Rita Daily, Dorothy Simon, Billy Engels, Margaret Blatsky, Marcella Steinbach and Mary LaCaille. St. James High School Academy served as a boarding school for a number of years for high school students from around the region and then closed that service to offer more students the opportunity for a Catholic high school. The maximum number of high school students graduating in any one year was 26 in 1965. Due to financial constraints and a shortage of religious for teaching, the high school was closed in 1971. According to a history journal of the school’s achievement the following best describes the pride St. John’s Parish of New Rockford took in offering a Christian and Catholic education for the

many students who attended the Academy School: “During the years, 434 young people graduated from St. James High School, having had the advantage of participating in a close knit family of energy, enthusiasm, and love shared with one another. It was a time when the school yearbook, Memories, was established by the class of 1945; when Dave Simon and Jim Donnelly built the Grotto on the school grounds in 1944; when the St. James News and The Ace received statewide awards in journalism; when football went from 6-man to 11-man to 9-man and the Aces captured the CNDC football championship seven times in ten years; when the basketball and track teams showed their true colors in good sportsmanship; when the school stopped taking boarders and was no longer an academy; and when everyone in the community turned out for the annual operetta.” The Centennial Celebration for St. James Academy Grade School and

High School will be held the weekend of June 29 and 30 at St. John’s Parish, New Rockford. All St. James Academy alumni and former staff members are invited to the following activities on that weekend: 1) A social with refreshments and time for sharing memories on Saturday, June 29, from 6 to 9 p.m. in the Parish Center. This event takes place immediately after the Saturday 5 p.m. Mass in the church. 2) A Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, June 30, at 11 a.m. at St. John’s Church, New Rockford, with a short program in the church before a special meal in the Parish Center. Anyone planning to attend the Centennial/Reunion Celebration, either on Saturday or on Sunday, should register by mail to St. John’s Parish, Box 389, New Rockford, ND 58356, or by emailing Kathy O’Connor at oconnorek@ by Monday, June 10. There will be a free-will offering for these events and memorabilia of the centennial will be on hand.

On May 2, the National Day of Prayer, 40 Days for Life announced the comprehensive results of 40 Days for Life over the last five and a half years. The 40 Days for Life campaign is an international effort of prayer, fasting and peaceful prayer outside abortion facilities. The most recent campaign was held during Lent with 261 local campaigns being conducted in 11 countries involving 83,000 participants. Campaigns are held in the fall and spring of each year. In North Dakota, the 40 Days for Life North Dakota Committee has conducted the campaign each fall, including organizing prayer outside the state’s sole abortion provider, Red River Women’s Clinic in Fargo. The comprehensive results of the past five and a half years for the international 40 Days for Life effort includes 2,480 campaigns being held in 501 cities and 19 countries. Sixteen thousand churches and at least 575,000 individuals participated. During the 40 Days for Life campaigns, 33 abortion centers have closed and 83 abortion workers have quit their jobs. Most importantly, the lives of 7,536 babies have been confirmed as being saved. The number is likely much higher because people do not always report their change of heart regarding abortion. To donate to the international campaign, visit To donate to the North Dakota efforts or to sign up for the phone tree or email list to receive prayer requests, visit, call (701) 284-6601 or email phc@

Give A Gift to Help Keep the TV Mass on the Air! The best gift for those you love who are nursing home residents, shut-ins, or non-practicing Catholics WDAY, Channel 6, Fargo — WDAZ, Channel 8, Grand Forks 10:30 a.m. Sunday Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________ Phone_____________________________________________________________________________ A GIFT FOR: Name ____________________________________________________________________________ Address ___________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip _____________________________________________________________________

“I support the TV Mass because it was an important part of my mother’s life. My husband and I would sometimes watch it with her. I’m thankful that the TV Mass was there for her.” — Helen Bye, Fargo

Or, IN MEMORY OF: Name ____________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ I would like this listed at the end of the TV Mass on this date(s): ____________________________ MAIL TO: TV Mass, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605

MAY 2013 ■ 13B


2013 auction raised $22,000 for Catholic Charities’ Pregnancy, Parenting and Adoption Services Catholic Charities North Dakota’s “Purse & Quilt and more . . . Auction” was held April 8 at the Fargo Hilton Garden Inn. The sold-out event hosted over 225 guests and offered 165 live and silent auction items. The event raised more than $22,000 in support of Catholic Charities’ Pregnancy, Parenting and Adoption Services. The evening began with silent auction bidding during the wine and appetizer social, followed by welcoming remarks from Kaylin Frappier, Interim Executive Director. Taryn, an adoptive birth mother, shared her story before the live auction kicked off. Forty quilts, created with love and generously donated, were sold as well as 41 fun and unique purses and handbags through live and silent bidding. Additionally there were weekend trips to Medora, N.D., and Deadwood, S.D., a beautiful handmade hardwood rocking motorcycle, Minnesota Twins and Vikings autographed merchandise,

Submitted photo

Some of the participants in the Modern Day Plagues fundraiser were, from left, Paige Feist, Jessica Long, Kelsey Weigel and Jayden Dewald.

restaurant and service certificates and gift baskets filled with assorted delights. Next year’s “Purse & Quilt and more . . . Auction” is scheduled for Monday, April 7. Please make sure to reserve your ticket early for this popular event. To make a cash or in-kind donation to the auction, please contact Sarah Ries at

108th year for Corpus Christi celebration June 1 at St. Mary’s Church in Dazey St. Mary’s Church, 1606 116th St. S.E., Dazey, will celebrate its 108th consecutive Corpus Christi celebration Saturday, June 1. Mass will be celebrated at 10 a.m., followed by an outdoor procession of praise and adoration around the perimeter of the church grounds concluding with a final Benediction in the church. The day’s celebration includes dinner and children’s games, plus a softball game for all ages. Hot dogs, ice cream and candy are also available. For more information, call Father John Ejike, St. Mary’s pastor, at (701) 435-2310.


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Modern Day Plagues fundraiser a success The St. Philip Neri youth group from Napoleon presented a five-course meal and entertainment April 27 to raise money to support the youth group’s annual trip to Steubenville North in Minneapolis. The theme of the evening was “Modern Day Plagues”. Students read Scripture from the book of Exodus detailing the 10 original plagues inflicted on Egypt. One course of the meal was served after each enactment of a “modern day plague” by the students. The meal courses and plagues were: First course — Blood from the Nile River (tomato soup) — Modern Day Plague “Dentists lose their ability to use hands and must use feet”; Second course — Locusts’ and Frogs’ Legs (chocolate covered almonds and chicken wings) — “Cell phones cease to function”; Third course — Burst Boils (applesauce) — “Ears cannot hear unless opened each time by saliva”; Fourth course — Lice, Flies, Frog Legs (Chicken Stir Fry) — “Your mother has to serve as your translator in the confessional”; Fifth course — Darkness (chocolate cake) — “Mimes work at cash registers.” Forty students participated in the evening, either acting in the modern plagues or serving the meal to over 200 guests. “The evening was not only enjoyable but also successful,” said Father Ross Laframboise, pastor. A total of $5,700 was raised and a matching donation from an anonymous donor brought the total to $11,400.

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Youth & Young Adults

14B ■ MAY 2013


Are you curious about the priesthood or religious life?


ocational discernment is not a tion, had the opportunity to be reunited thing of the past. After attending with Christ in the sacrament of penance SEEK 2013, the Fellowship of and attended Mass with one of the carCatholic University Students national dinals who had just spent time with conference in Orlando, Fla., where more Pope Francis. than 6,000 young people gathered for a In addition to prayer, we served with five-day Catholic conferthe sisters and saw what ence, a group of students their apostolic life enfrom the university tailed. By experiencing where I serve asked us Christ in prayer, we were missionaries about vocaready to bring him to the tions to the religious life. poor and to meet him in At SEEK, our students the poor. had the opportunity to Finally, by eating meet religious brothers meals and taking part in and sisters from all over recreation with the sisthe country and, for ters, we were able to get many of these students, to know them as they reit was both the first time ally are — normal people they had met religious with an abundance of brothers and sisters and joy, laughter, and energy the first time they had who love Christ and his ever considered the pospeople. sibility of a religious voJackie Mitzel ill any of the cation. women we brought Recently my teammate and I took a to the convent discern they are called group of women on a “Come and See” to the religious life? It is probably too weekend where the students got to live early to tell. with religious sisters and see what their But even if they are not called, they life is all about. left the weekend knowing the beauty We prayed Liturgy of the Hours, sat of such a call and knowing that being a in front of Christ in Eucharistic adora-



religious sister is a beautiful gift and something that can bring great joy. They left the weekend knowing that religious life is not a thing of the past but a legitimate and awesome vocation. One of the beautiful fruits of the ministry of FOCUS is that, since its founding in 1998, nearly 250 young men and women have discerned the Lord’s call to enter seminary or religious life after their involvement with FOCUS. This has happened only through God’s grace, but beginning to hear God’s voice and direction is also a natural fruit of relationship with Christ.


ur goal as missionaries is to invite college students into a growing relationship with Christ and his church and to inspire and equip them for a lifetime of Christ-centered evangelization, discipleship and friendship in which they lead others to do the same. When students grow in their relationship with Christ, they also begin to grow in their commitment to prayer and also their commitment to slowing down amidst the busyness of modern life so that they can hear God speaking to them and guiding their lives. If you are a young person who has even an inkling of curiosity about the

priesthood or religious life, I challenge you to do two things. First, commit to daily prayer with Scripture and ask Christ to show you what will help you get to heaven and what will bring you the greatest happiness in this life. Second, ask someone how to discern. If you don’t know who to ask, you might just drop an email to Father Kurtis Gunwall, the vocation director for the Diocese of Fargo. He is an awesome young priest who is friendly and who would love to help you in any way he can. Email him at kurtis.gunwall@ The most important thing, however, is not to be afraid. It is Christ who calls each to his or her vocation, be it to married life, single consecrated life or the priesthood and religious life. And wherever he calls, that is where you will be the most happy. Jackie Mitzel is a Fargo native and a 2007 graduate of Fargo South High School. She graduated from Ave Maria University in Florida in 2011 and spent the last year working as a youth minister at St. Michael’s Church in Grand Forks. She is now a FOCUS missionary at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va.

Putt 4 a Purpose coming up in August The 7th annual Putt 4 a Purpose Bishop’s Charity Golf Classic will be held Monday, Aug. 5, at Rose Creek Golf Course in Fargo. Proceeds from the event benefit seminarian education and youth programs. Sponsorships are available and individuals and teams are encouraged to register. Call Jami Crummy at the diocesan Pastoral Center at (701) 356-7928 or visit www. for more information.

Quo Vadis Days camp to be held in June The Shanley Debate Team and instructors are shown in this yearbook photo by Scherling Photography, Fargo.

Shanley students win international debate contest During a banquet and award ceremony in New York City on April 13, Shanley High School, Fargo, was named the International Public Policy Forum World Champion by the Bickel and Brewer Foundation and New York University. The Shanley debate program will receive a $5,000 award and the “Bickel and Brewer Cup”; and three debaters, Sebastian Startz, Thomas Startz and Chase Johnson, will receive scholarships totaling $10,000.

Founded by the Bickel and Brewer Foundation in 2001, the IPPF is the first and only competition that gives high school students around the world the opportunity to engage in written and oral debates on issues of public policy. More than 200 teams from 30 countries took part in this year’s initial competition in October, debating the topic, “Resolved: Adaption should be the most urgent response to climate changes.” Eight teams of finalists competed in New York.

Students recognized for essays By Trish Mohr

Mike Brown, mayor of Grand Forks, visited the fourth grade classroom at Holy Family-St. Mary's School on Monday, April 15. He awarded the winner of the city's Mayor of the Day contest: Eliot Schumacher. His classmate, Cloe Hanson, was the runner up. All of the students in fourth grade received a certificate for participation. Eliot and Cloe started the City Council meeting that same evening by leading the Pledge of Allegiance and reading their essays. Their parents, Jami and Matt Schumacher and Corey and Stacey Hanson, and children were in attendance. Out of nearly 200 fourth graders in Grand Forks, the two top winners were chosen from Holy Family-St. Mary’s School. This is a tribute to our children and to their families. Mohr teaches fourth grade at Holy Family-St. Mary’s School.

The Diocese of Fargo will host Quo Vadis Days for young men ages 15 through 25 June 9 through 13, and for boys completing grades six through eight on June 13 and 14. Quo Vadis Days is a camp for young Catholic men through which they can learn more about the priesthood, deepen their faith, and better discern God’s call in their lives. The camps will be held at the St. Francis Convent and Retreat Center, 102 6th Street SE, Hankinson. A donation of $50 and $20 respectively, is suggested. For more information, contact Father Kurtis Gunwall, vocation director, at (701) 356-7957 or vocations@fargo A registration form is at

Shanley swimmer a state champion

Eliot Schumacher and Cloe Hanson were honored with awards by the mayor of Grand Forks.

Alex Brock, a junior at Shanley High School in Fargo, is the state champion for the 500 freestyle in swimming. He also set a new state record in that event at the North Dakota state high school boys’ swim meet in March.

MAY 2013 ■ 15B


Shanley takes region science bowl crown

Shanley High School recently won the title of National Science Bowl 2013 Regional Champions. Pictured, from left, are Tim Cruff, coach and teacher in the Shanley High School science department; Julia Jordan; Colton Keller, team captain; Ashley Holland; and Eliana Goehring. The regional and national Science Bowl competitions are sponsored by the United States Department of Energy.

Pilgrimage raises funds for those in need

Munich students create prayer chain

The CCD children (grades K-5) of St. Mary’s Church in Munich participated in a Lenten Chain Project, adding links every week representing their prayers, good works and penances, and also visually seeing the 40 days of Lent.

Students experience government in action

Submitted by Jessica Skroch, language arts and religion teacher

On April 26, the eighth grade students at Sullivan Middle School, Fargo, made their annual pilgrimage, carrying a cross and walking from Holy Spirit parish in north Fargo to Sullivan Middle School in south Fargo. The students stopped at each parish along the way to pray a rosary. As a part of the pilgrimage, students raised more than $3,600 to benefit the Fargo-Moorhead Dorothy Day House.

The fifth grade students at Holy Spirit School in Fargo took their annual field trip to the state capitol in Bismarck on April 19. Pictured with the students is Chris Dalton, fifth grade teacher, and Lt. Gov. Drew Wrigley (center).

Pilgrimage of lifetime next June on El Camino de Santiago Are you looking for an experience that will change your life forever? Looking for adventure? Wanting to place some exercise back in your life? Is your prayer life slipping a bit? If these describe you, a pilgrimage is being planned that you need to participate in. In June 2014, Father Kurt Gunwall, vocations director for the Diocese of Fargo, along with Kathy Loney, director for youth and young adult ministry, will be taking a group of young adults and those who are young at heart on “El Camino de Santiago” — the St. James

Way — a pilgrimage to walk in the footsteps of St. James to the beautiful Cathedral of Santiago de la Compostela in northern Spain. This pilgrimage experience begins on June 6, 2014, when we will arrive at Toulouse, France, and experience a tour of the Airbus Factory. We will then move on to Lourdes for our overnight, experiencing a city tour the next morning and visiting this beautiful pilgrimage site, participating in Mass, with time for private prayer and contemplation, and exploration of the area. We will travel to Leon, Spain, the

next day for a morning city tour and visits to the Leon Basilica and the Creche Museum. In the afternoon there will be time for personal exploration. Our next day takes us to Sarria where we will secure our pilgrim credentials, relax and get ready for our walking pilgrimage. From Sarria we will head to the Portomarin area and continue on each day until we reach Santiago de Compostela. Every day of our walking pilgrimage will bring us new people to meet, different foods from the area to taste and unbelievable scenery. Mass will be offered every day and discussion in the eve-

nings around our Catholic faith will happen while enjoying tapas, wine or beer. This trip is offered to those 19 and older. The price is $3,200 per person, which includes air transportation roundtrip from Fargo, accommodations, breakfast and sightseeing tours mentioned in the brochure. If you are interested in the pilgrimage, contact Kathy Loney at (701) 356-7902 or at Space is limited and the first deposit of $500 is due Aug. 1. Don’t delay, we are already signing people on. You may miss out on a fantastic opportunity to change your life forever.

16B ■ MAY 2013


Year of Faith: Faith as the children see it

A few months ago, the diocesan youth office offered a writing and drawing program to help young Catholics express their faith as part of the Year of Faith. Students were asked to ‘hop on the faith train’ and submit hand-drawn artwork and written explanations of what their faith meant to them. Here are some of the submissions. More will be shared in the June issue of New Earth.

Drawing by Emily Salwey, Rugby, grade 6

Close to Jesus

God gives us courage

Reconciliation is getting closer to Jesus! You get your sins taken away. Jesus is so happy when you go to Reconciliation. Mortal sins are like a virus. Venial sins are like a cold. When you go to Reconciliation it is like medicine and you get cured. I was scared at first but at the end I was happy because my sins got washed away. I can’t wait for Holy Communion!

When I was in 5th or 6th grade I got really nervous when I had to say the readings at Mass. Almost every time I got up to read it went well. I knew God was with me. After I was done I felt renewed. I think it was God thanking me for having the braveness to do it. He was the one that had given me that courage. Not only was I glad that I had done it. It made me feel really good too. I know that God was helping me through it the whole way! — Jazlyn Brossart, Rugby, grade 8

— Maisie Plemel, Devils Lake, grade 2

Confession is fun I felt excited because it was fun. I got all of my sins off my soul. And it was scary because I was thinking I was going to get in trouble. When I went in I was excited because I knew the priest said I wasn’t in trouble. It was fun since it was my first confession. I was glad so that I could go to heaven. — Zander Gratton, Devils Lake, grade 2

Drawing by Jazlyn Brossart, grade 8

Good, clean, happy, awesome When I go to my first Reconciliation I am going to feel good because my sins will be gone and I will be clean. I can’t wait to go to my first Reconciliation. I haven’t gone before. I wonder what it will be like. Maybe good, clean, happy, awesome. But I’m scared to tell my sins. What should I do? Oh, I know, tell the Holy Spirit to help me or maybe Jesus too.

My little miracle My nephew Tucker was born 3 months early. He weighed 2 pounds, 8 ounces. Against all odds Tucker made it and is now 2 years old. He has had 10 surgeries on his head and stomach and is still the happiest little boy that I know. Tucker truly is my little miracle. And he will always be my greatest gift from God. — Matty Koenig, Rugby, grade 8

— Amaya Sheppard, Devils Lake, grade 2

Sins make sadness

Drawing by Matty Koenig, grade 8

My family went to Mass. I went to Reconciliation. I did like it because God does not want sadness. And God hates sins. And sins make sadness. I feel more happy. I loved it. Later grandma and I went to lunch. Then we did the chores. Then I went home. — Owen Nelson, Devils Lake, grade 2

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