Where is this mystery steeple? Diocesan Annual Report Pages 11-14 Page 4
September2014 2011 November Vol. 3210 Page No. 8 Vol. 35 No. 1B
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth” — Rev. 21:1
www.FargoDiocese.org www.FargoDiocese.org
Disappointed, but not defeated Despite Measure 1 defeat, campaign built-up culture of life By Aliceyn Magelky
A fierce battle that began early in 2013 to place a protective measure in the North Dakota constitution came to an end on the eve of Nov. 4, 2014. During North Dakota’s midterm election, the majority of the state’s voters opted to reject the “Human Life Amendment” which stated, “the inalienable right to life of every human being at any stage of development must be recognized and protected.” The measure, firmly supported by both North Dakota bishops, would have protected several current laws prohibiting abortions on demand. Those laws include: parents be notified if their underage daughter seeks an abortion prior to the procedure, women receive full disclosure of information prior to an abortion, abortion procedures can only be performed by a licensed physician with hospital admitting privileges and prohibition of partial-birth abortions. “While we are disappointed that Measure 1 did not pass, we remain hopeful that a culture of life will be established in the state of North Dakota and throughout the nation,” said Bishop John Folda of the Fargo Diocese, in a released statement. “Unfortunately, every pro-life law in North Dakota is still at risk, and we have missed an opportunity to protect these laws from the unilateral opinions of judges and from the out-of-state abortion lobby,” he continued.
Building an army of supporters Since the day both the N.D. Senate and House of Representatives approved the measure to go to public vote, many faithful, pro-life advocates across the state united in campaign activity, prayer and witness to life. Despite the failing passage of the amendment, many would contend that defenders of the right to life in our state and proponents of Measure 1 can claim a victory. “Many supporters collaborated in the passage of this amendment with time, energy, talent and generosity,” said Bishop Folda. “A small army of parish coordinators, volunteers, pastors and financial supporters worked very hard to get the message out. Despite the election outcome, their efforts were not wasted, and they brought even greater attention to the sanctity of all human life. With their help we will persevere in our efforts to build and nurture a culture of life in North Dakota.” “It’s been very heartening to see doctors, attorneys, people of differing denominations, people who might not otherwise under other circumstances come together, work to support this Please turn to SUPPORTERS on page 3B
Efforts of many brought awareness
Above, students and parishioners from North Dakota State University’s St. Paul Newman Center showed their support for Measure 1 during the NDSU Homecoming parade in October. At left, signs like this one dotted parish lawns urging for the passages of Measure 1. Both North Dakota Catholic bishops stood solidly behind this amendment’s goal to protect all human life. Below left, ND Choose Life chairperson,Janne Myrdal (left) talks with Bishop John Folda of the Diocese of Fargo (center) and Matthew St. John, pastor of Bethel Church of Fargo following a press conference one day prior to Election Day in hopes of clearing any lingering confusion about Measure 1. Submitted photos
2B n November 2014
125 Years: a heritage of faith
n Nov. 12, 1889, Bishop John gious sisters continue to give witness to Shanley arrived in Jamestown the joy of consecration to Jesus Christ. to begin his service as bishop Heroism for the faith of a newly established diocese. At that time, the diocese was centered on The history of the Diocese of Fargo Jamestown and encompassed the entire includes the stories of true heroes of state of North Dakota. the faith: Father George Belcourt, Father Athanase Bernier, Bishop Shanley, When the 37-year-old Bishop ShanMother Mary Agnes Hughes and many ley arrived, he found a set of challenges others. that would make most of us shudder. In addition, we cannot pass over the North Dakota was sparsely populated, heroic lay faithful who came to this and there remained a certain “Wild state and diocese from other parts of West” mentality among the people and the country or other the clergy. But, Bishop parts of the world. They Shanley was a man of settled in a challenging singular determinageographical and sotion, and he set to work cial environment and building the Kingdom brought with them of God with his new the Catholic faith that flock. we cherish and celeWhen Bishop Shanbrate today. There are ley arrived in North too many to name in Dakota as its first diocthis narrative, but their esan bishop, there were faith and fortitude alperhaps 19,000 Catholowed the Church to lics throughout the enflourish as the years adtire state. He found 32 vanced. priests and 40 parishes As a relative newcomalready established, er, I am still exploring though many of these and learning the histoBishop John Folda were in rough condiry and character of the tion. But, 125 years latDiocese of Fargo. But, as er, the Church has grown and matured. I read the various accounts of pastors, Today, the Diocese of Fargo (which parishes and people, I can only smile was split to form the Diocese of Bisand marvel at the manifest providence marck in 1910) has a population of of God exhibited throughout this hisapproximately 73,000 Catholics in 131 tory. parishes. We are blessed with 141 diocNow, 125 years after our founding, esan and religious priests, including a the Diocese of Fargo faces both chalsignificant number who have come to lenges and opportunities. us from other nations. We face the challenge of a federal government that encroaches on reliOur 46 permanent deacons give gengious liberty and seeks to substitute its erous service to the parishes and other own priorities for the truth that Christ apostolates of the diocese. And, 91 relihas revealed. We face an aggressive secularism in our culture that yields growing reli“Then I saw a new heaven gious indifference in some quarters of and a new earth.” our population. Revelation 21:1 Some of our communities have dwindled in numbers, and rural parishes sometimes struggle to remain vibrant. But, along with the shadows, there is light.
Bishop Folda’s Calendar Nov. 15
10 a.m.
ass for the 125th anniversary celebration of the M establishment of the Diocese of Fargo, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
Nov. 21
5 p.m.
Acolyte Installation, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
Nov. 22
10 a.m.
rdination of Les Noehre to the Permanent O Diaconate, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
5 p.m.
Mass, Senior High Youth Celebration, St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church, Harvey
10:30 a.m.
ass for the 100th anniversary of St. James M Basilica, Jamestown
Nov. 23
Nov. 27 – 28
Dec. 3
Pastoral Center closed
6:30 p.m.
Bishop’s Message
NewEarth (ISSN # 10676406)
Serving Catholic parishes as the official newspaper of the Diocese of Fargo, N.D. Member of the Catholic Press Association Bishop John Folda Bishop of Fargo Publisher Aliceyn Magelky Editor news@fargodiocese.org Published monthly by The Catholic Spirit Publishing Company, a non-profit Minnesota corporation, 244 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, MN 55102. (651) 291-4444. Periodicals postage paid at St. Paul, MN and additional post offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Boulevard, Suite A, Fargo ND 58104-7605. (701) 356-7900. Personal subscription rate for 11 issues of New Earth per year: $9.
Multiple blessings The population of our state is growing, and our parishes are reaching out to welcome new members. We are blessed with dedicated priests, deacons and religious, and our seminarians and novices are a sign of hope for future years. Campus ministry at our state universities is lively and vigorous, and organizations like FOCUS joyfully bring the Catholic faith to our college students. Despite the uphill climb of contemporary challenges, there is undiminished energy in our Catholic schools. And, in response to the perennial human needs of our people, Catholic Charities and Catholic health care institutions extend the compassion and healing of Christ to all. This anniversary celebration is certainly an occasion for thanksgiving. First, we must give thanks to God for granting the gift of faith to our ancestors who settled this state. There are no accidents in God’s providence, and it is by his merciful hand that the faith was planted in North Dakota and allowed to flourish here. For the sake of perspective, it is useful to consider that there are many places in the world where the Catholic faith has struggled to take root, or where it has been persecuted almost into non-
Dec. 6 – 7
“ Baptism and Confirmation,” address given to Family Faith Formation, St. Catherine’s Catholic Church, Valley City
astoral visit to Our Lady of Mt. Carmel’s Catholic P Church, Balta; St. William’s Catholic Church, Maddock and St. Boniface’s Catholic Church, Esmond
Dec. 8
12:10 p.m.
I mmaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mass at Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo Pastoral Center closed
Dec. 10
3 p.m.
Mass at Villa Maria, Fargo
Dec. 11
10 a.m.
North Dakota Catholic Conference, Jamestown
Dec. 14
9 a.m.
Mass at St. Stephen’s Catholic Church, Larimore
Dec. 24 – Jan. 5
Pastoral Center closed
existence. So, it is surely by God’s grace that we have been the recipients of the gift of faith over these 125 years of our history as a diocese. This is a gift not to be taken for granted. Secondly, God chooses to work through human instruments, so we also must be grateful to those courageous men and women who first brought the Catholic faith with them to these open prairies and who passed it along to their children and the generations that followed. Through the years of its history, the faithful of the Diocese of Fargo have shown exceptional dedication to their faith. Even when the diocese was largely frontier territory, the people understood the need for churches where they could worship and receive the sacraments. Ordinary people made great sacrifices, even in hard times, to build and maintain their churches and schools, and their fortitude is an inspiration to us today.
Look ahead and outward But, this anniversary isn’t only about celebrating the past. The Church must also look forward with renewed determination to live the faith that we have received. And, in living our Catholic faith, we are invited by our Lord to pass it on as it was given to us.
As the world around us becomes more skeptical about religious faith and transcendence in general, we as Catholics must be willing to witness to our faith with zeal and authenticity. Pope Francis and his predecessors have summoned us to a “new evangelization,” a readiness to propose the Gospel of Christ with new creativity and renewed ardor. And, far from turning in on ourselves, Christ continues to send us outwards. At the turn of the millennium, St. John Paul II exhorted the faithful to “put out into the deep — Duc in altum.” At this time of celebration in our diocese, our task must always be to set out into the deep waters of our community and culture and to lower the nets of Christ’s truth and love. I have no doubt that God is still inviting the people of our time to encounter his love and mercy in the person of Jesus, his Son. And the mission of the Church in the Diocese of Fargo will always be to joyfully share this love and mercy with others. As we celebrate this anniversary of faith, we give thanks to God for the gracious blessings of the last 125 years. And, with trust in the guiding hand of our Lord, we humbly ask him to sustain us and send us out for a new adventure of grace.
Supporters will join the church in continued efforts on behalf of life Continued from page 1 measure,” added John Trandem, chairman of the board for North Dakota Right to Life, a group heavily involved with campaigning for Measure 1. “To me it serves witness to the overall pro-life tenure found in North Dakota, and that people recognize the need for sensible regulation when it comes to abortion in our state,” he said. North Dakota Right to Life was one of several entities collaborating to form the ND Choose Life campaign group, a coalition of pro-life, pro-family, women’s and religious organizations. Among those campaigning for Measure 1 included North Dakota State University senior Nathan Joraanstad. A computer engineering student from Rolla, Joraanstad first learned about the measure in February 2014, and he couldn’t shake the strong desire to do something. “All summer I kept thinking how I could get involved,” he said. “It happened that I shared a ND Choose Life status on Facebook. Later, I was contacted to see if I wanted to help.” Joraanstad, along with several college students, began planning a strategy to educate their peers. From sponsoring a weekly booth in student unions, participating in community parades and hosting an hour-long Q & A session about Measure 1, Joraanstad’s “Yes on Measure 1” group worked tirelessly to spread the importance of the right to life. “If you don’t have the right to life, none of the other rights matter,” commented Joraanstad on why, win or lose, he will continue to fight to protect the dignity of all human life.
An effort to protect life Furthermore, both Bishop Folda, Fargo Diocese and Bishop David Kagan, Bismarck Diocese had taken an active role in advocating for this amendment as its language succinctly mirrors the Church’s desire to protect all human life at any stage. Clergy and faithful laity across the region joined them not only in campaign activity but earnest prayer. Several parishes hosted a Holy Hour for Life. “The Catholic Church will continue to stand up for the dignity of every human life at all stages of development, and we will continue to share this message with all people of good will in North Dakota,” said Bishop Folda. “We are grateful for the fervent prayers of so many supporters of life. Life is a gift from God, so we will continue to rely on God’s strength and grace as we persevere in our efforts to build and nurture a culture of life in this state.”
Prayers, parades and perseverance Above: A couple participates in a prayer service for life. Parishes were encouraged to host a Holy Hour of Life in the days prior to the Nov. 4 vote to approve the passage of Measure 1. At right, Miss Red River Valley, Chenise Nesler, waves to the crowd while she and young Measure 1 supporter march in a parade in a community near Fargo. Below, right, shirts, like this one, became a staple at many community parades across the region in support of Measure 1, the “Human Rights Amendment.” Below, Jared Weinand center discusses the implications of Measure 1 with fellow University of North Dakota students at a booth set up to educate voters on Measure 1. Submitted photos
November 2014 n 3B
4B narth November 2014 N ewE
Fargo Diocese’s ‘New Earth’ to transition to magazine format “New Earth,” the Diocese of Fargo’s monthly news publication, will transition from a newsprint format to a full-color magazine format. The full scale release of the publication in the new format will occur with the January 2015 issue. Several factors including costs, reader opinions and industry trends were key components used to weigh the decision to move forward with a new design. Additionally, the Communications Office staff acquired broad consultation from members of the Priests’ Council, Diocesan Pastoral Council and individual deanery councils; each group offering an overwhelmingly positive response to the magazine format and strong encouragement to transition to it. “Our goal is to revitalize interest in the publication from all individuals while staying loyal to our ardent readers,” said Aliceyn Magelky, “New
Earth” editor. The new magazine format will range in length from 24 to 32 pages containing primarily local diocesan news, features and commentary. While Magelky will oversee content management and productions, she will be assisted by local graphics designer, Stephanie Drietz, Drietz Designs on layout, and Kristina Lahr, communications assistant for the diocese will help with writing and editing. The publication will be printed and distributed by MidStates Group, a print and media solutions company based in Aberdeen, S.D. This company is currently publishing the Sioux Fall Diocese’s monthly magazine, The Bishop’s Bulletin. Cost to produce the new format is comparable to the current newsprint version. Depending on advertising volume, expenses could be less.
Newn Earth November 2014 10
Image shows the cover of the June 2014 New Earth issue printed as a magazine. A copy of the issue was sent to registered households at Holy Cross parish, West Fargo and St. Cecilia’s in Harvey. Feedback from these parishioners along with consultation from diocesan priest, pastoral and deanery councils guided the decision to make the transition to a new format.
November’s the time we remember the saints and our beloved dead By Catholic News Agency
Editor’s note: In this “New Earth,” we highlight a list of all the faithful departed of the Diocese of Fargo. This special section appears every year in November, and it will continue to be shared annually. November marks All Saints’ Day, when we celebrate all saints, known and unknown, and All Souls’ Day, a time we remember the dead and pray for their release from Purgatory. The following is a bit of history on these Holy Days.
Feast of All Souls
The commemoration of all the faithful departed is celebrated by the Church on Nov. 2, or, if this falls on a Sunday or a solemnity, the feast is celebrated on Nov. 3. The Office of the Dead must be recited by the clergy on this day, and all the Masses are to be of Requiem except one of the current feast, where this is of obligation. The theological basis for the feast is the doctrine that the souls which, on departing from the body are not The Solemnity of All Saints perfectly cleansed from venial sins, or have not fully atoned for past The Solemnity of All Saints is celtransgressions, are debarred from the ebrated on the first of November. Beatific Vision, and that the faithful It was instituted to honor all of the on earth can help them by prayers, saints, both known and unknown, almsgiving and especially the sacriand, according to Pope Urban IV, fice of the Mass. to supply any deficiencies in the In the early days of Christianity faithful’s celebration of saints’ feasts the names of the departed brethren during the year. were entered in the diptychs. Later, In the early days of the Church, in the sixth century, it was customthe Christians were accustomed to ary in Benedictine monasteries to solemnize the anniversary of a marhold a commemoration of the detyr’s death for Christ at the place of ceased members at Whitsuntide. In martyrdom. In the fourth century, Spain there was such a day on Satneighboring dioceses began to interurday before Sexagesima or before change feasts, to transfer relics, to diPentecost, at the time of St. Isidore vide them and to join in a common (d. 636). In Germany, there existfeast, as is shown by the invitation of ed (according to the testimony of St. Basil of Caesarea (397) to the bishWidukind, Abbot of Corvey, c.980) a ops of the province of Pontus. Fretime-honored ceremony of praying quently, groups of martyrs suffered to the dead on Oct. 1. This practice on the same day, which naturally led was accepted and sanctified by the to a joint commemoration. Church. In the persecution of Diocletian, the number of martyrs became so St. Odilo of Cluny ordered that great that a separate day could not the commemoration of all the faithbe assigned to each, but the Church, ful departed be held annually in the feeling that every martyr should be monasteries of his congregation. venerated, appointed a common day “The Landauer Altarpiece, All Saints Day,” by Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), is an oil on panel from 1511. It From here, it spread among the othfor all. The first trace of this we find hangs in the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria. er congregations of the Benedictines is in Antioch on the Sunday after and among the Carthusians. 609 or 610 consecrated the Pantheon in Rome to the Pentecost. We also find mention of a common day in a Of all the dioceses, Liège was the first to adopt it unBlessed Virgin and all the martyrs, ordering an annisermon of St. Ephrem the Syrian (373), and in the 74th der Bishop Notger (d. 1008). It is then found in the versary. Gregory III (731-741) consecrated a chapel in homily of St. John Chrysostom (407). martyrology of St. Protadius of Besançon (1053-66). the Basilica of St. Peter to all the saints and fixed the At first only martyrs and St. John the Baptist were Bishop Otricus (1120-25) introduced it into Milan to anniversary for Nov. 1. honored by a special day in the Liturgical Calendar. be celebrated on Oct. 15. Sometime between 998 and Other saints were added gradually and increased in A basilica of the Apostles already existed in Rome, 1030, St. Odilo of Cluny decreed it should be celebratnumber when a regular process of canonization was and its dedication was annually remembered on ed on Nov. 2 in all monasteries of his Benedictine conestablished. May 1. Gregory IV (827-844) extended the celebration gregation. Over the next two centuries, other BenedicStill, as early as 411, in the Chaldean Calendar there on Nov. 1 to the entire Church. The vigil seems to tines and the Carthusians began to celebrate it in their is a “Commemoratio Confessorum” for the Friday afhave been held as early as the feast itself. The octave monasteries as well, and soon it spread to the entire ter Easter. In the west, Pope Boniface IV on May 13, was added by Sixtus IV (1471-84). Church.
NN ovember ovember2014 2014nn5B 1
Inside a halo: ‘Amber moments’ depict a woman’s encounter with Christ By Father Bert Miller
Editor’s note: Stories of Faith is a recurring feature in New Earth. If you have a faith story to tell, contact Father Bert Miller at bert.miller@fargodiocese.org. Author’s Note: I don’t usually start celebrating Christmas in November, but I have two wonderful stories sent to me by two wonderful storytellers. So, here is the first of the two stories. It is written by Rosemary Dimmer Coleman about the first Mass celebrated in 1951 at St. Henry’s in Alice.
he first time that I can remember encountering Jesus was Christmas Eve, midnight Mass, 1951. I was nine years old. One month later, my life changed forever when my mother gave birth to twins on her birthday. For months before, we had been having Mass in the town hall: the same place with oiled wood floors where we went roller skating, dancing, held public school programs, church dinners, etc., for longer than I had lived. The old wooden church, which was dark and drafty and had oiled wood floors, had
Prayer intentions of Pope Francis November Universal intention: Lonely People. That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. Reflection: What are some of the best ways that I have found to deal with loneliness? Scripture: John 14:15-21 “I will not leave you orphans.” Evangelization intention: Mentors of seminarians and religious. That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors. Reflection: What would I like to say to those responsible for the formation of priests and religious to help them? Scripture: Luke 8: 4-8 “Some seed fell on good soil, and when it grew, it produced fruit a hundredfold.” Provided by Apostleship of Prayer, www.apostleshipofprayer.org.
NOTICE Look for a New Earth advertising insert from
in all copies of this issue.
been torn down earlier that year to be replaced with a brand new brick and mortar edifice. I guess I had a general disdain for oiled wood floors as all the buildings in town sported them. On Christmas Eve, we were in the new church for the first time. We were still sitting on the wooden folding chairs from the town hall. The floor was still just concrete, and I don’t remember kneeling being optional. It wasn’t at the town hall either. The walls were cement block up to the bottom of plain, opaque windows. The rest of the walls were more decorative with smaller, fancier cement bricks that held a slight tint in them. The ceiling was marvelous. Huge, medium hued arches met at the peak of the wood ceiling. And, the beautiful lights suspended from the arches, wow! I was seated at the wall end of a row about half way back, on the “Mary side,” so I could only see up, down and to my left. The parishioners were attired in dark winter coats, and the sanctuary smelled of wet wool. As I sat and stood and knelt and listened (only the choir was allowed to
“That’s when it happened.
A tingling peace came over me. I looked around and found that the whole building was ensconced in an amber glow, like being on the inside of a halo. Rosemary Dimmer Coleman
sing back then and only the altar boys could respond vocally), my mind started drifting to my new surroundings. I started to talk to Jesus. As if he didn’t know, I excitedly started telling him all about our new church and how happy he must be that we were celebrating our first Mass in it on his birthday. That’s when it happened. A tingling peace came over me. I looked around and found that the whole building was ensconced in an amber glow, like being on the inside of a halo. And, the wet wool smell had
been replaced by a sweet heavenly scent I can recall to this day. I have since experienced several more “amber moments.” The church has since been decommissioned and is lovingly being turned into a country home by the son and family of a longtime friend. I don’t know if I will ever be able to enter it again. But, I know I’ll have other “amber moments” with Jesus. Father Bert Miller serves the Diocese of Fargo as pastor of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in West Fargo.
6B 1 nnNN ovember ovember 2014 2014
N New ewEarth
Many hands come together for ‘Life’ billboard Property owners Wayne and Janell Barbot along with billboard artist Nancy Cogdill and members of the Bottineau County Right to Life organization stand in front of a billboard the group designed and erected in support of life. The billboard measures eight feet by 24 feet and stands on the corner of Scenic Byway 43 and Hwy. 14. Submitted photo
By Kathy McGhan
Through the joint efforts of the Bottineau County Right to Life organization in Bottineau and Dunseith Knights of Columbus and several other contributors, the Bottineau County Right to Life billboard stands at the corner of Scenic Byway 43 and Hwy. 14, northwest of Bottineau. Many people put time and money into designing and constructing the sign. In the past, fundraising dollars of the Bottineau County Right to Life chapter was sent to “Prolife Across America.” This year Wayne and Janell Barbot offered a vacated sign on their land to the group. With the help of artist Nancy Cogdill, an eight foot by 24 foot billboard was completed.
A joyful noise to the Lord at Sts. Anne and Joachim Fargo church to host concert to debut new hybrid organ By Kristina Lahr
Phone: 701-282-4400 • www.robertgibb.com
Learn more at
Award-winning performer Jared Ostermann will present a free concert on the new organ at Sts. Anne and Joachim Church in Fargo at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 21. In addition to works for solo organ, the concert will include hymns sung by the audience and choral selections performed by Sts. Anne and Joachim’s choir, directed by Cindy Hoselton and accompanied by Ostermann on organ. The concert will include modern French music and pieces by Bach. “It’ll have some of the greatest hits
of the organ,” said Ostermann, who is director of music at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Sioux Falls, S.D. and artistic director of the Cathedral’s Sacred Arts Series. “We’ll start with [Pachelbel’s] Canon D and other pieces that are familiar. It is a very approachable concert for those new to pipe organ.” The concert will ring out the first sounds of the new organ, which was recently installed in the church by Rodgers Classic Organs in Grafton and Moe Pipe Organ Company, Wadena, Minn. The three-manual, hybrid organ has 23 ranks of pipes. Digital voices include 61 main stops, 135 Voice Palette™ stops and 180 Library Access™ organ and orchestral voices. The pipes and speakers for the digital stops are located in the two alcoves on either side of the balcony’s stained glass window. “This organ is a hybrid of physical pipes and recorded sound,” Ostermann said. “Most of the time it’s one or the other, but this way allows you to have a bigger instrument and more sound options for the price while still retaining some of the pipe work.” Osterman is originally from Kansas and started playing the organ when he was 16. He earned his doctorate at the University of Kansas, where he studied organ. As a concert organist, Ostermann has been awarded prizes at numerous prestigious competitions, including the Canadian International Organ Competition in Montreal, Quebec; the Miami International Organ Competition; the John R. Rodland Scholarship Competition; the San Marino Organ Competition and the Augustana/Reuter National Undergraduate Competition. As a result of his prizes in Miami and Montreal, his playing has been featured on the nationally-syndicated radio program “Pipedreams.”
November 2014 n 7B
Franciscan sisters renew their vows By Sister Sara Marie, OSF
Annually, on Oct. 4, the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, all the Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen renew the vows of their religious consecrations. Four sisters who reside at St. Gerard Community of Care in Hankinson participated this year: Sisters Magdalen Schaan, Bernadette Jaeger, Hildegard Keller and Sara Marie Belisle. “It is a powerful grace to renew our vows, to publicly say them out loud again,” Sister Sara Marie said. “And, it was particularly touching to hear Sister Magdalen repeat them with us in a strong, clear voice.” Suffering from a form of dementia and almost totally blind, Sister Magdalen still knows the vow formula by heart. Monsignor Joseph Huebsch, chaplain of St. Gerard’s, received the sisters’ vows following Mass offered for all the sisters of the congregation. Like marriage, religious consecration is a two-way commitment between persons. When men or women religious consecrate themselves to Christ, he receives their promises and, in turn, consecrates himself in a new way to them, as in a spousal relationship. Sister Magdalen Schaan made her vows for the first time 75 years ago. Sister Bernadette Jaeger professed hers 74 years ago followed later by Sister Hildegard Keller, 69 years ago. And, Sister Sara Marie Belisle will mark 25 years next spring since her first vows.
Submitted photo
Four Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen living at St. Gerard’s Community of Care in Hankinson renewed their vows of religious consecration on Oct. 4, the feast day of St. Francis Assisi. The women religious renewing their vows include from left to right: Sister Sara Marie Belisle, Sister Magdalen Schaan, Sister Bernadette Jaeger and Sister Hildegard Keller. Monsignor Joseph Huebsch, left, chaplain of St. Gerard’s, received the sisters’ vows in the home’s chapel.
Catholic Charities celebrates ‘Caritas’ winner, supporters at annual luncheon By Colleen Hardy Catholic Charities North Dakota
Catholic Charities North Dakota held its annual Celebration Luncheon Oct. 8 in Fargo. The event celebrates the significant achievements of the agency in the areas of adoption, guardianship, counseling and disaster response. Bishop John T. Folda, the keynote speaker, expressed his appreciation for those who support the work of caring for the poor and the vulnerable in our world. He indicated that it is not glamorous work and told the story of a journalist visiting Mother Teresa of Calcutta. “He witnessed Mother Teresa cleaning the sores of a dying man, and said, ‘I wouldn’t do that for a million dollars.’ And, Mother replied simply, ‘Neither would I,’ ” Bishop Folda recounted. “What she did, she did for love of God, and that is the way of Christian charity,” Bishop Folda continued. The luncheon allows the agency to publicly award its highest honor: the Caritas Award. This award, recognizing outstanding love and service to humanity, was presented to Sister Kathleen Atkinson, OSB, the founder of Ministry on the Margins in Bismarck. In her acceptance speech, Sister Kathleen described how the ministry began, pointing out that it was intended for those who fall through the cracks, especially those transitioning from prison back into civilian life and those who are homeless, the poor and vulnerable among us.
Benedictine Sister Kathleen Atkinson, center, the founder of Ministry on the Margins in Bismarck, received the Caritas Award Oct. 8 from Catholic Charities North Dakota. In her acceptance speech at CCND’s annual Celebratioin Luncheon, Sister Kathleen described how the ministry began, pointing out that it was intended for those who fall through the cracks, especially those transitioning from prison back into civilian life and those who are homeless, the poor and vulnerable among us. Bishop John Folda, left, was keynote speaker for the luncheon. At right is Dianne Nechiporenko, Catholic Charities North Dakota executive director. Submitted photo
Sister Kathleen first had a connection with the inmates when she volunteered to facilitate “religious study” in the North Dakota State Prison. In this way, she came to know the men and learned of the challenges they faced when leaving prison. Sister Kathleen embodies the phrase, “Here I am, Lord; I come to do your will.” Also speaking at the event was a former client, Kaleb, a young man adopted through the Adults Adopting Special Kids program. He told how his life suddenly changed one day when he was in third grade and
a police officer and social worker came to pick up him and his younger sister because his mother had been arrested on drug charges. After being placed in several foster homes, keeping his belongings in a single box because he never knew when he would be moved, he was finally placed in the home of Sarah and Mark. It was with them that he and his sister have found a “forever family.” His future is bright, and he spoke with heartfelt gratitude to Catholic Charities for the life he now lives. Dianne Nechiporenko, Catholic
Charities North Dakota executive director stated, “We would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of our supporters in attendance at the event and those who were unable to attend. Without you, our work would not be possible.” For more about Catholic Charities North Dakota or to view the 2014 Annual Report, visit CatholicCharitiesND.org or call (800) 450-4457. To read Bishop Folda’s keynote address, visit www.fargodiocese.org/foldahomilies.
8B n November 2014
Young witnesses, Fr. Pavone enliven ‘Cupcakes for Life’ event Group hopes to make history by emptying Shanley High School in January By Roxane B. Salonen
The goal was simply to raise enough money by selling cupcakes and seats to get the whole student body of Shanley High School, Fargo, to the 2015 March for Life in Washington, D.C. On the evening of Oct. 24 at Sts. Anne and Joachim Church in Fargo, the school’s Teens for Life students leaped mightily toward that objective after offering student testimonies, along with a rousing talk by world renowned pro-life leader, Father Frank Pavone. Leading the student talks, Elizabeth Erickson, a Shanley junior, quoted a line from “The Lord of the Rings” trilogy to exemplify why young people won’t give up on the pro-life mission. “When Frodo questions what they’re holding onto, his friend Sam replies, ‘That there’s some good in this world, and it’s worth fighting for,’ ” Erickson said. “And, that’s why we keep marching, year after year.” The presentations inspired the crowd of more than 600 to its feet multiple times in standing ovations and through Photos by Roxane B. Salonen / New Earth numerous rounds of enthusiastic, Father Frank Pavone, right, director of Priests for Life, mingles with attendees at the Cupcakes for Life event held Oct. 24 at Sts. Anne and Joachim break-out applause. They had reason to pull out all the parish, Fargo. More than 600 hungry Shanley Teens for Life supporters sampled cupcakes like the ones pictured below during a fundraising event to stops. Shanley High School has been se- help the group reach its goal to send every student from Shanley High School, Fargo, to the annual March for Life. lected to carry the lead banner this year thedral in Fargo said in the social hall in what has become the largest proafterward, while cleaning up crumbs life demonstration in the world, with from her cupcake, that after hearing hundreds of thousands of participants the students, she wondered if Pavone marching at the nation’s capital. “might have a hard time topping them.” With this in mind, they aim to clear She was especially moved by a talk by out the halls of their school in January Nick Kraft, Shanley junior, who spoke to be a witness to the world. for the first time publicly about learn“We are the pro-life generation, and ing his mother had aborted two of his we have Planned Parenthood shaking siblings several years ago. in their shoes,” Erickson said, adding a Loegering remarked, “That reality of thank you to supporters. “You are givthem finding the truth that they had ing us an opportunity to wage war on siblings that were aborted, along with the greatest evil of our time.” the depth of hurt that has to be and the depth of tragedy in their lives, and Hunger present a tyrant state, and the very nature of A symbol of love yet to have the family holding together government changes,” and that this is Guests came hungry, not just for cupand weathering this truth together – Father Pavone’s portion began with not just one issue among many but the cakes but to be encouraged in the quest that was so beautiful to hear.” mention of a relic he’d brought to Farheart, soul and foundation of every isto bring about a culture of life. Father Pavone was impressed enough go comprising drops of blood from St. sue. Char Henning of Holy Spirit parish by Kraft that he has since invited him John Paul II, taken the day of his death, He concluded by noting some have in Fargo said she was especially imto join the “Silent No More” campaign, and given to Father Pavone by the forsaid it’s time to pass the torch of this pressed by the students’ talks. “What a group of post-abortive women and mer pontiff’s right-hand man, Cardinal movement to the young people, who unbelievable maturity, and the depths men he helps lead, on the steps of the Stansilaw Dziwisz. are not only the pro-life leaders of tothat those kids had, it was just beautiful Supreme Court in January to present to “The cardinal gave me the relic in the morrow but its leaders today. While it’s to witness.” the nation some of what he shared in course of a prayer service, in which he true they are today’s leaders, he said, Marilyn Loegering of St. Mary’s CaFargo that evening. dedicated it to the ministry of Priests he’s not wholly satisfied with that sugfor Life,” Father Pavone said, noting gestion. that the event that night was under “My intention is to say to the young the protection of St. John Paul II. “Let people, as we are doing tonight, ‘Take this blood symbolize our love for the our hands. Yes, we’ve been at this for unborn; this is the spirit in which we decades, and we’re all grieved that evcome together tonight.” ery day, thousands are legally killed and Father Pavone said the pro-life movethrown into the garbage . . . but we’re ment isn’t just about concepts and not sending you to finish the job alone. ideas, but a known reality of the unTake our hands and hold on tight; we born child, “that brother, that sister of are going to cross over the line of victoours in the flesh.” We will be led back to ry together!’ ” truth “when we make them real.” “I don’t think these young people “As Nick said, people are losing memtruly know the depth of what this bers of their families,” he said. “Whenmeans to us,” Loegering added later. ever a child is aborted, we see the effect Contact: The Vocation Director “Some of us have been working so long, on those left behind.” vocations@assumptionabbey.com with so many people hiding and saying But, these aftermath stories also pronothing. I like the idea of all of us takvide momentum to the movement. Assumption Abbey ing the torch together, with strength “They’ve been saying, ‘Listen to the Richardton, North Dakota and honesty.” voices of women,’ and now when they 701-974-3315 listen to the voices of women, they are saying, ‘We regret our abortions.’ ” Individuals wanting to help with the www.assumptionabbey.com Borrowing again words from St. John final push to get the students to D.C. can Paul II, Father Pavone said, “When a visit www.jp2schools.org or contact Jeanine state authorizes abortion it becomes Bitzan at (218) 329-5883.
Set out on the path to Christ
November 2014 n 9B
A night without Lidgerwood students experience glimpse of homelessness By Kathy Loney
An idea, sparked by Melodi Novotny, youth coordinator for St. Boniface’s Church, Lidgerwood, gave 35 students, ranging from ages 13 to 18, an opportunity to experience homelessness: sleeping in a box, going without food and water and wearing only one set of clothing. From 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Oct. 15, until 1 p.m. the following day, students from the Lidgerwood community experienced a touch of being without. The evening started with participants constructing their “homes” for the night: a variety of cardboard boxes. A speaker from Churches United for the Homeless, an organization that helps homeless individuals and families, spoke about the organization’s mission and reasons people become homeless. Her presentation was followed by testimony from Nancy Haertling, a woman who deliberately chose to live a life of homelessness. Her passion for helping and understanding people who are homeless prompted her to move to Dallas, Texas, surrender all of her belongings and live on the streets. “You know when you click through channels on TV and something grabs your attention and you stop. That’s how I was with homeless people,” said Haertling. “I wanted to see what I could do to help.” The thing Haertling wants others to understand most about homelessness is the wall that exists between people who are homeless and those who are not. According to Haertling, people who are not homeless tend to misjudge people who are homeless and vice versa. Many homeless people suffer from addiction and mental illness which led them to the life situation they are facing. “They are looking for a friend, someone to listen to them,” commented Haertling. After the speakers, the students packed about 500 toiletry bags containing soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoo and conditioner. Also, they made blankets to donate to Salvation Army. The evening activities concluded with praying the rosary. Around midnight, participants retreated to their cardboard boxes until they were roused at 7:30 a.m. to attend Mass celebrated by Father Robert Smith. Following Mass, the kids conducted a communi-
Photos by Kathy Loney / New Earth
Cardboard boxes were scattered outside St. Boniface’s Catholic Church in Lidgerwood Oct. 15 and 16 for junior and senior high students to experience homelessness for one night. Junior high students from St. Boniface, Lidgerwood, fill personal hygiene bags to donate to people who are homeless. The project was part of a bigger event for the students to better understand what it’s like to be homeless. For the social justice project, Homeless in a Box, the students not only slept in cardboard boxes overnight but canvassed the community for food and money donations to help people who are homeless.
ty food drive and concluded the event with a meal. “It wasn’t bad sleeping out one night or going without food for one day, but if it was multiplied to several days, then the struggles would be hard and life would be tough,” commented one student, a sentiment many others felt. Novotny says the students and parish can expect more social justice activities in the future. “I would like to do this project every year with more specific goals set, but I thought this was a good start,” said Novotny. “I learned a lot.”
Shanley student accepts inaugural pro-life award named in her mother’s honor By Roxane B. Salonen
Warrior for pro-life movement
When Shanley High School senior Julia Johnson was a little girl, her mother, Roberta, loved reading her the book, “Horton Hears A Who,” by Dr. Seuss. Even now, when she flips through the pages of the book, Julia can easily spot the words her mother loved most. “She had underlined several times, in blue link, ‘A person’s a person no matter how small,’ ” said Julia, recounting her mother’s pro-life convictions at the Shanley Teens for Life Cupcakes for Life fundraising event. “She was the perfect example of living what she believed.” Julia shared these and other memories with the crowd of several hundred while accepting the inaugural Roberta Johnson Life Award; an honor given by the Teens for Life to recognize exemplary work in the pro-life arena. The award was named for Roberta, who simultaneously became its first recipient. Julia received the award on her mother’s behalf.
Jeanine Bitzan described her friend Roberta as a tireless pro-life warrior who lived her convictions to the end. In Nov. 2010, when Julia was a seventh-grader, Roberta succumbed to a year-long battle with cancer, but even on her deathbed, according to Bitzan, she was feeding friends ideas of how they could be better advocates for life. “This award was started because of this woman, who was our biggest cheerleader,” said Father Charles LaCroix, Shanley Teens for Life advisor. “No one was a harder worker in being a witness to life and to giving life by her witness.” Bitzan said Roberta taught her the profound gift and sacrifice of adoption by having given up her first child for adoption as an unwed mother, and added how touched she was to see that daughter at Roberta’s funeral. “They were still connected, but she’d made that choice to choose life.”
Later, Roberta married her husband, Bill, and had “five incredible children,” Bitzan said. “Parenting and teaching them about being pro-life was a priority for her.”
A daughter’s hero Julia described her mother’s life as “nothing short of incredible,” through her choices to attend daily Mass, start a mother’s study group and work for FirstChoice Clinic on abstinence education. “She is and will always be my hero.” She said she’d been to the March for Life all three of her first years of high school and is excited to return. “The fact that my school has the opportunity to lead this holy revolution is one of the most humbling of honors.” When she marches in January, Julia said, she’ll have an advocate with her. “The one who taught me the power of love will be walking every step with us . . . the one who taught me that a person’s a person no matter how small.”
“Imagine a man so focused on God that the only reason he looked up to see you is because he heard God say ‘that’s her.’ ” Author unknown
10B n November 2014
Media missed synod’s testimonies of joy
n the days since the Synod of BishStill, the tone and content of some of ops ended, I have had some people the discussions worried some people. tell me they are confused or worried The great Catholic writer and thinker about the results of the gathering. G.K. Chesterton once wrote in his book “The Everlasting Man,” “Christendom Many of them have listened to the has had a series of revolutions and in secular media reports that openly adeach one of them Chrisvocate for the Church tianity has died. Christo change her teaching tianity has died many on marriage and human times and risen again; sexuality, but they did for it had a God who not read the actual docknew the way out of the uments. grave.” Outside of the meJesus knew the way dia spotlight, the synod out of the grave, and heard beautiful testimohe assured St. Peter the nies from couples and “gates of the netherbishops around the world world shall not prevail who had experienced against” the Church the truth of the Church’s (Mt16:18). teaching on marriage. But, since those stories We live in particularly didn’t fit the media narchallenging times where rative, they didn’t make secularism is rampant, Archbishop it into the newspapers or but that makes it the nightly newscasts. perfect time to trust in Samuel J. Aquila the guidance of the Holy The joy of the Gospel Spirit and Christ’s promise to St. Peter. of Marriage is alive! This was especially clear in Pope Francis’ remarks at the It is the perfect time to speak the conclusion of the synod. truth of the Gospel with joy and to urge people to encounter Jesus Christ. During the synod, he said, the testimonies provided moments of “consolaPope Francis noted this, too, in his tion and grace and comfort.” The couopening address to the synod. “I ask ples who spoke shared “the beauty and you to speak with frankness and listhe joy of their married life,” and they ten with humility,” he told the synod bore witness to a journey “where the fathers. “Do so with tranquility and stronger feel compelled to help the less peace, for the synod always takes cum strong, where the more experienced are Petro et sub Petro — with Peter and under led to serve others, even through conPeter — and the presence of the Pope is frontations.” the guarantee for all and the safeguard of the faith.” The media never reported on the strong witness given to marriage and And, at the closing he declared, “And the stories of the joy that comes from I have felt that what was set before living out of the Church’s teaching. our eyes was the good of the Church,
Guest Commentary
of families, and the ‘supreme law’ the ‘good of souls.’ And this always (was the goal) — we have said it here, in the hall — without ever putting into question the fundamental truths of the Sacrament of Marriage: the indissolubility, the unity, the faithfulness, the fruitfulness, the openness to life.” Pope Francis also addressed the way the discussions unfolded in his closing remarks. The synod, he said, was marked by moments of “profound consolation” and moments of “desolation, of tensions and temptation.”
Mutual risks For “traditionalists” and intellectuals, the Holy Father said the temptation was to become consumed with the letter of the law, while “progressives and liberals” risked buying into a “deceptive mercy” that binds wounds without “first curing and treating them.” He also noted the synod fathers face the temptation to “neglect the ‘depositum fidei’(deposit of faith), not thinking of themselves as guardians but as owners or masters (of it).” These are real problems that have to be addressed, but it seems to me that an even greater temptation exists for the faithful: doubting the Holy Spirit and Christ’s promise to St. Peter. Pope Francis did not miss this either, citing the tendency of commentators and others to doubt the HolySpirit, “the true promoter and guarantor of the unity and harmony of the Church.” “The Holy Spirit,” he reminded the synod fathers, “has always guided the barque, through her ministers, even when the sea was rough and choppy, and the ministers unfaithful and
sinners.” The discussions of the synod over Communion for the divorced and remarried were certainly vigorous and took the spotlight off of the joy of the Gospel of Marriage and the struggles of families. On his flight back from the Holy Land last May, Pope Francis told journalists that the point of the synod was much broader than the lightning rod issue of Communion for the divorced and remarried, it will be about “both the rich reality of the family and the problems faced by families,” he said. During the coming year, I ask you to pray that the joys of family life in light of the teaching of the Church are made known to the world, and the struggles of modern families are healed with authentic mercy, a mercy that conveys the truth with love. Instead of being troubled by the intense debate, I urge you to remember St. Paul’s message to the Corinthians, who were experiencing divisions within their own community and struggling with understanding how their various gifts fit into the life of the Church. St. Paul spoke to the Corinthians about a “more excellent way,” the way of love that “bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things” (1 Cor 13:7-8). Our love for Christ and his Church is what should carry us through trying times. We must love and trust Christ even in the challenges of our times. Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila serves as the Archbishop of Denver, Colo. Previously, he served as the 7th Bishop of Fargo from 2002 until 2012.
‘Redefining’ marriage?
n the current debate over gay marexample, prohibitions existed in more riage, people sometimes ask, “Who than a dozen states which outlawed should define marriage? Demopersons of different races from marrycrats or Republicans in Congress? The ing one another. A white man and a Supreme Court? Should it be put to a black woman could fall in love in those referendum, allowing the majority to states, but they could not legally tie choose a definition?” the knot. The Supreme Court overturned those We can identify two restrictions in 1967, reckinds of “definitions” ognizing that the ability when it comes to marto enter into marriage riage. doesn’t depend on the The first touches on skin color of the man the essence, the objective and woman getting reality, or the truth about married. marriage. The second involves a legal or politGay marriage advoical position, advanced cates today sometimes through the media, juattempt to draw a paraldicial decisions or other lel between such mixedlegislative means. race marriage laws and state laws that would While these secondary prevent two men (or two definitions of marriage women) from getting can be of interest, their married to each other. true level of importance Father Tadeusz is properly gauged only They suggest that lePacholczyk in reference to the first gally forbidding two and objective definition. men from getting marNotable errors are sometimes made ried stigmatizes those men in much the in these secondary definitions of marsame way that preventing a black man riage. from marrying a white woman stigmaIn the mid-1960s, to consider but one tized both of them. Yet, there is really
Guest Columnist
no parallel at all between the two cases. While marriage as an objective reality is certainly color-blind to the racial configuration of the spouses, it can never be “genital-blind,” because male-female sexual complementarity stands squarely at the heart and center of marriage itself. To see this fundamental point about marriage, however, we have to step beyond the cultural clichés that suggest that marriage is merely an outgrowth of emotional and erotic companionship. The institution of marriage does not arise merely out of loving sentiment. It is born, rather, from the depths of the commitment assumed by a man and a woman as they enter into the total communion of life implied in the procreation and education of children flowing from their union. To put it another way, marriage arises organically and spontaneously from the radical complementarity of a man and a woman. Sexual intimacy between men and women involves the possibility of children. No other form of sexual or erotic interaction encompasses this basic, organic and complementary possibility. Professor Robert P. George described
marriage as “a union that takes its distinctive character from being founded, unlike other friendships, on bodily unity of the kind that sometimes generates new life.” Marriage teaches us that men need women and women need men and that children need both mothers and fathers. In this sense, marriage and the family represent foundational realities, not constructs that can be invented, defined, legislated or determined by popular vote or culture. Marriage is a given reality that we come to discover in its authentic design, not a concept for us to “define” according to our own agenda or desires. Gay marriage proponents deny these foundational truths about marriage. Through vigorous legislative efforts, they are striving to impose a profoundly false redesign for marriage upon society so that, in the words of Professor George, marriage becomes “an emotional union for the sake of adult satisfaction that is served by mutually agreeable sexual play.” Father Tad Pacholczyk serves as the director of education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See www. ncbcenter.org.
November 2014 n 1
— Novemb
er 2014 • Page 11B
Dave Arntson / Milestones Photography
hen this Diocese was founded in 1889 our forefathers could not have imagined what the Church would look like 125 years into the future, let alone the changes that would take place in that far-off wilderness. And, I believe this, because when I was named Bishop of Fargo, I did not know what to expect a month or year into the future. What I’ve experienced is truly exceptional; a faithful people grounded in their faith and willing to place themselves on the front lines to defend the Church and her teachings and values, a faithful people committed to defending the dignity of life and to passing on the Catholic faith to future generations. These are examples of stewardship of time and talent, along with the resources to make it happen. It is my privilege to be your bishop, and I am humbled by your generous spirit and faithfulness to the Church. What follows is the annual accountability report, which covers the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014. The Diocesan Finance Council, represented by 10 lay people from throughout the diocese and five diocesan representatives, assists me in the arduous BISHOP JOHN T. FOLDA task of overseeing diocesan finances. We are thankful for your generous and consistent financial support. May God bless you and reward you for your financial assistance, prayers and acts of service in responding to his call. The condensed summary of our reports, found in this issue, is intended to give you a bird’s-eye view of the normal operations of the diocese and its ministries, as well as the contributions which our diocese makes to the international and national work of the Church. This report summa-
“I am humbled by your generous spirit and faithfulness to the Church.”
rizes more than 60 pages of audit reports on three diocesan entities: the Diocese of Fargo, the Catholic Church Deposit and Loan Fund and the Catholic Development Foundation. Complete audited financial reports are available to the faithful of the diocese via links on the diocesan website under the Finance and Administration section. Additionally, a copy of each report may be reviewed in the Diocesan Finance Office. The numbers cannot begin to explain the many good works that are being accomplished by your generosity. As our diocese continues to adapt and change, Catholics in Eastern North Dakota must answer God’s call to respond to the needs of the Church. As we move forward, our faith must be rooted in prayer and strengthened by the Eucharist. We must also be committed to stewardship as a way of life, so that the blessings God bestows upon us can multiply as we dedicate a portion toward helping others grow in their knowledge of the Catholic faith. I continue to be awed by how much is happening in our diocese. The incredible response to the needs of our brothers and sisters in others parts of the world shows how well you understand that God lives among and suffers with those less fortunate. I am constantly reminded that God is faithful. He promises to walk with us and to provide what we need. I am thankful for all who trust in that promise and listen to God’s call to use their gifts and talents to build up his kingdom here in Eastern North Dakota. In return, I pledge to do my utmost in providing good leadership and ensuring effective use of the resources you entrust to me and our staff. Sincerely yours in Christ,
Most Rev. John T. Folda Bishop of Fargo
Annual Report
12B n November 2014
Diocese of Fargo statement of operating income and expenses for year ending June 30, 2014
Operating Income
Revenues: God’s Gift Appeal Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,970,665 54% Programming Donations/Contributions. . . . . 1,511,680 27% Endowment Fund Earnings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 565,300 10% Grants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472,352 9% TOTAL INCOME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,519,997
Operating Expenses
Expenditures: Faith Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,203,875 24% Sick and Elderly Priests. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303,590 6% Development and Stewardship . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282,059 6% Vocations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820,724 17% Family Life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 766,735 16% Chancery Functions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,410,782 28% Cathedral Subsidy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150,000 3% TOTAL EXPENSES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4,937,765 100% Complete audited financial statements are available for review on our website under the finance office link [www.fargodiocese.org/departments/finance.htm] or by contacting the finance office (701.356.7930) for an appointment.
Other financial funds and related information Custodial Fund The Custodial Fund is used for monies that are from national collections taken up in the parishes and the Diocesan Insurance Program. When national collections (i.e. Black & Indian Mission, Peter’s Pence/Holy Father, Good Friday/Holy Land and Religious Retirement) are taken, the money from each parish is sent to the diocese. Once all the monies from all parishes are received, a single check is sent on behalf of the people of the diocese to the intended national office or agency. During this past year, the following collections were forwarded to national offices: Catholic Relief Services for Typhoon Haiyan . . . . . $159,556 World Mission/Propagation of the Faith . . . . . . . . . . $51,301 Good Friday/Holy Land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $48,463 Peter’s Pence/Holy Father . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $35,941 Religious Retirement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $33,287 Catholic Home Missions Appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $27,109 Black & Indian Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,326 Catholic Relief for Operation Rice Bowl . . . . . . . . . . $19,246 USCCB for OK Tornado & Disaster Recovery . . . . . . . $17,564 Archdiocese of the Military Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,296 Others (e.g., Aid to Eastern Europe) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,035
The Diocese of Fargo received $75,000 from the Black & Indian Mission office this year for direct aid to Native American communities in the diocese and $50,000 from the Catholic Home Mission office for Diocesan programming and economic assistance to three parishes. All parishes participate in the diocesan insurance program through Catholic Mutual. Catholic Mutual sends bills to the parishes based on a $1,000 deductible. The parishes make payments to the diocese for these insurance premiums. Catholic Mutual bills the diocese based on a $25,000 deductible, and the diocese makes payments to Catholic Mutual. The premium difference or spread between the $1,000 and $25,000 deductibles is retained in the Insurance Reserve and is used to pay insurance claims between the $1,000 and $25,000 level.
Catholic Church Deposit & Loan Fund of Eastern North Dakota The Catholic Church Deposit & Loan Fund of Eastern North Dakota is a separate corporate entity that exists so that Catholic churches and institutions may make deposits to and borrow from it in an effort to reduce the cost of funds to “sister” organizations. The Deposit & Loan Fund was established during the Depression in 1937 by Cardinal Aloisius Muench after having numerous financial institutions shut their doors in his face when requesting loans for the building of churches within the Fargo Diocese. As a cooperative group, the investors and debtors of the Deposit & Loan Fund have withstood many adversities. The money deposited with the Deposit & Loan Fund belongs to the individual churches and institutions that have placed the money with the fund and is available for their use. As of July 1, 2014, the rate paid for deposits is 2.25 percent, and the rate charged on loans is 3 percent. These rates are based on the Prime Rate, and are adjusted quarterly. The deposit rate is Prime minus 2 percent, and the loan rate is Prime minus 1 percent as of the adjustment date. However, with the historically low rates in place the last few years, the current rates are higher than the Prime minus percentages and have been set as a floor rate until market rates begin to increase. There are 10 outstanding loans with a combined total of $3,418,600 and more than 450 deposit accounts from individuals, parishes and institutions totaling $37,885,887.
Catholic Development Foundation Catholic Development Foundation (CDF) was established in 1985 as a separate entity that exists as an “umbrella foundation” for Catholic churches and institutions. CDF serves as a vehicle for Catholic entities to accumulate endowments, perpetual care funds and the like through bequests and deferred gift planning. Gift planning tools such as charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder uni-trusts, charitable lead annuity trusts and other deferred gift plans utilize CDF as a means of providing for the Church after our earthly existence. As of June 30, 2014 there were: Endowments for Seminarians/Clergy Education . . $18,369,775 Endowments for parishes and agencies . . . . . . $13,877,398 Endowments for Catholic schools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7,133,914 Donor Advised Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,886,424 Annuities/Uni-trusts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,770,923 Perpetual Care Cemetery Funds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,539,915
Catholic Development Foundation provides a permanent way for donors to make a positive impact for years to come on the well-being of the Catholic Church and the people served through its many ministries. As an umbrella foundation for the Catholic entities in the Fargo Diocese, Catholic Development Foundation seeks to financially support the spiritual, educational and social well-being of our Catholic faith community and to help donors achieve their charitable and financial goals through a legacy gift.
Annual Report
November 2014 n 13B
About Catholic Development Foundation
Serving the Faithful of the Diocese of Fargo 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A Fargo, ND 58104-7605 (701) 356-7926 www.cdfnd.org
A message from Steve Schons
The mission of the Catholic Development Foundation (CDF) is to financially assist in the spiritual, educational and social well-being of Catholic faith communities. By supporting individual parishes, Catholic institutions and diocesan ministries, CDF is able to help the Church better serve the needs of parishioners. CDF is a securely structured organization that was incorporated in 1985. As a publicly supported 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, CDF helps donors achieve their charitable and financial goals. The foundation ensures the security of all donated funds. The funds are used only for their intended purposes as designated by the donors. People have a need to give. Stewardship is a way of life that expresses our faith. Stewardship binds us together to support common Catholic causes. We invite you to support your Catholic Development Foundation. Your gift will make a difference. With your gifts we can build a future full of hope. For more information about Catholic Development Foundation, visit www.cdfnd. org or call (701) 356-7926.
During Fiscal Year 2014, Catholic Development Foundation
Dear Friends,
e have all heard the saying, “We reap what we sow.” Since 1985, Catholic Development Foundation (CDF) has been sowing the seeds of generous Catholics throughout the Diocese of Fargo. Because of this generosity, hundreds of Catholic programs and ministries within the framework of our diocese will continue to grow and strengthen our Catholic faith community for years to come. CDF has produced wonderful benefits for many parishes and diocesan programs over the last five years. Distributions from the CDF for parishes, diocesan programs and clergy/seminarian education have totaled $4,988,383. On the next page, you will see a list of endowments currently established for various Catholic ministries and parishes. I encourage you to review this list to see which ones are created in your community or otherwise important to you. All Diocese of Fargo parishes have an endowment established in CDF. If you do not see your parish listed, it’s simply because it hasn’t been funded by a donation yet. God has planted within us a desire to give and to receive. CDF’s ability to easily receive gifts and help donors offer gifts is rewarding both for donors and for those who are assisted. Donors know their gifts are long-term investments for current and future Catholics. I encourage you to become a Catholic Development Foundation donor. Every contribution, no matter the size, makes a difference in the lives of Catholics in our diocese. Planning and making a gift now will allow you to witness your charity in action. Thank you and may you see your blessings multiplied through your generosity to CDF. Sincerely, Steve Schons Director of Stewardship & Development
Endowments Awarded July 1, 2013 – June 30, 2014
paid out $264,447 in annuity payments to faith-filled individuals who have funded annuities with the foundation. Yes! I want to help support Catholic causes important to me. Please accept my enclosed gift in the amount of: $100 ____ $250____ $500 _____ $1,000 ____ $2,500 ____ Other _________ Monthly Gift_______________ In Memory/Honor of:____________________________________________________________________________ (Name of Person or Persons)
I want to help fund an endowment that will assist with meeting the needs now and in the future. My gift is to be used to fund the endowment for: q Church q School q Cemetery q Other___________________________________ (Name of Endowment)
q MasterCard q VISA q Discover q Check Enclosed: payable to Catholic Development Foundation Card Number: (16 digit number) rrrr rrrr rrrr rrrr Exp. Date: _____________________ Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________ City:_________________________ State: _________ Zip:_______ Phone: _____________________________ Authorization required for credit card:
I authorize Catholic Development Foundation and Vanco Services, LLC to charge my credit card in accordance with the information specified on this form. I understand that this authority will remain in effect until I provide reasonable notification to terminate the authorization. Signature required: ______________________________________________Date:______________________
r Stock: I wish to make a stock gift. Please contact me regarding stock transfer. r Please contact me about a Charitable Gift Annuity. Send your tax deductible charitable gift to: Catholic Development Foundation 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A Fargo, ND 58104-7605 Safe and Convenient Online Giving Options: www.cdfnd.org/donatenow Gifts to Catholic Development Foundation qualify for charitable income tax deductions according to provisions of federal and state law.
What is an Endowment Fund?
Seminary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $566,583 39% Parish . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $360,944 24% Catholic Schools . . . . . . . $276,885 19% Cemetery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $43,447 3% Diocesan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $13,266 1% Other . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $207,015 14% TOTAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,468,140 100%
Endowment gifts are to a parish what retirement funds are to an individual — they represent set-aside resources for the future. Endowment dollars can make it possible to underwrite programs, projects, positions and even facilities that might be impossible to maintain otherwise. An endowment can allow the donor to honor or memorialize a loved one, parish or diocesan cause as a permanent philanthropic legacy. An endowment gift is perpetual, never-ending. It leaves a lasting impression of your personal values and beliefs for the charity and for family and friends.
Annual Report
14B n November 2014
North Dakota Tax Credit Benefits the Church and you
A few years ago, N.D. legislators passed a bill that allowed a very generous tax credit to those who make a charitable gift to a N.D. qualified endowment. If you are a North Dakota resident and make a gift of $5,000 or more to a N.D. qualified endowment, you are eligible for a 40 percent tax credit on your N.D. taxes. Tax credits are much different than a tax deduction because they reduce your tax liability dollar for dollar. The maximum tax credit allowed is $20,000 for individuals or $40,000 for married couples filing jointly. However, credits may be carried forward up to three years.
THE FOLLOWING IS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW TAX CREDITS MAY BENEFIT YOU: Gift Amount. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5,000. . . . $25,000 . . . $50,000 Federal tax savings*. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1,400. . . . . . . $7,000. . . . . . $14,000 ND state income tax credit . . . . . . . . . -$2,000. . . . . -$10,000. . . . . -$20,000
Net “Cost” of Gift. . . . . . . . . . . $1,600. . . . . $8,000 . . . $16,000
Your Guide to Giving Catholic Development Foundation (CDF) offers many ways to give and leave a legacy. CDF accepts gifts of cash, appreciated securities and real estate. All gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. And, you choose the parish, school or organization which will benefit from your gift.
GIFTS THAT START MAKING A DIFFERENCE TODAY These are gifts that are easy to make and see immediate impact. • Existing Endowment Fund • Donor Advised Fund
GIFTS THAT GIVE BACK – LIFE INCOME GIFTS These types of gifts provide income for the donor’s lifetime; any remainder goes to the donor’s charity of choice. • Charitable Gift Annuity • Charitable Remainder Trust
• Charitable Unitrust
The benefits an organization receives from these gifts are deferred until a later time, typically after a donor passes away. • Charitable Bequest
*Based on individuals that fall in the 28 percent Federal tax bracket. Please consult your own financial or tax advisor for your unique situation.
• New Endowment Fund
• Life Estate
For more information, please contact Steve at (701) 356-7926 or visit www.cdfnd.org.
Catholic institutions and parishes with funded endowments in CDF Cemetery Endowments St. John the Baptist’s Cemetery St. Anthony’s Cemetery Sacred Heart Cemetery St. Leo’s Cemetery St. Helen’s Cemetery St. Patrick’s Cemetery St. Mary’s Cemetery Dickey Catholic Cemetery Assoc. Immaculate Heart of Mary Cemetery St. Louis Cemetery Holy Cross Cemetery Sacred Heart of Jesus Cemetery St. Martin’s Cemetery St. Cecilia’s Cemetery Perpetual Care St. Rose of Lima Cemetery Care Sacred Heart of Jesus Cemetery Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetery Care St. Mary Cemetery Care St. Joseph Cemetery Sts. Peter and Paul Cemetery Care St. Mary’s Cemetery St. Arnold’s Cemetery Care St. John’s Cemetery Care Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Cemetery St. Bernard’s Cemetery Care St. Mary’s Cemetery Care Our Lady of Perpetual Help Cemetery Little Flower Cemetery St. Anthony’s and St. Marie’s Cemetery St. John’s - Ottofe Cemetery St. Catherine’s Cemetery Holy Cross Cemetery St. Luke’s Cemetery St. Boniface Cemetery St. Pauline’s Cemetery St. John the Baptist’s Cemetery
Location Ardoch Bathgate Cando Casselton Concrete Crystal Dazey Dickey Dunseith Dunseith Fargo Fried Geneseo Harvey Hillsboro Joliette Karlsruhe Knox Leroy McHenry Medina Milnor New Rockford Olga Oriska Park River Reynolds Rugby Selz Tolna Valley City Velva Veseleyville Walhalla Windsor Wyndmere
Other non-endowed cemetery funds are not listed here. These other funds are managed by parish cemetery committees through the Catholic Church Deposit & Loan Fund. For further information and to contribute to those funds, please contact your parish cemetery representative or pastor. You may also contact Steve Schons or Scott Hoselton at (701) 356-7930. Parish Endowments St. Ann’s Church St. Benedict’s Church St. Thomas Church Sacred Heart Church St. Joseph’s Church St. Edward’s Church St. Michael the Archangel’s Church St. Helena’s Church Holy Spirit Church Nativity Church
Location Belcourt* Belcourt Buffalo Cando Devils Lake Drayton Dunseith Ellendale* Fargo Fargo*
St. Paul Newman Center St. Mary’s Cathedral Sts. Anne and Joachim’s Church Seven Dolors Church Holy Family Church St. Michael’s Church St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center St. Rose of Lima’s Church St. James’ Basilica St. Maurice’s Church St. Alphonsus’ Church St. Boniface’s Church St. Aloysius’ Church St. Arnold’s Church Native Americans – Blue Cloud Abbey St. John’s Church St. Mary’s Church Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church St. Joachim’s Church St. Therese the Little Flower’s Church St. John’s Church St. Michael’s Church St. Thomas’ Church St. John the Evangelist’s Church St. Benedict’s Church St. John the Baptist’s Church
Fargo Fargo Fargo Fort Totten Grand Forks Grand Forks Grand Forks* Hillsboro Jamestown* Kindred Langdon Lidgerwood Lisbon Milnor Native American Parishes New Rockford* Park Rapids Reynolds Rolla Rugby St. John St. Michael St. Thomas Wahpeton Wild Rice Wyndmere
Other Named Endowments Archbishop Aquila Scholarship Deacon David Gates Scholarship Rev. Darin Didier Memorial Fund St. Joseph School St. JPII Catholic Schools Diocese of Fargo Diane Brooks Memorial Scholarship Real Presence Radio Fr. George Bolte Memorial St. James Catholic High School Fund Lidgerwood K of C – Dexter Cemetery Catholic Charities North Dakota Little Flower Elementary School Fr. John Bacevicius Memorial Fund Thomas Gustafson Religious Education Marriage Tribunal Endowment Young Disciples Seminarian Clergy Endowments St. John’s School
Church/Location/Serving Seminarian Education Diaconate Education Seminarian Scholarships Devils Lake* Fargo* Fargo* Diocese of Fargo Youth Programs Fargo/Grand Forks Holy Trinity - Fingal Benefits 3 Grand Forks parishes for education Lidgerwood Statewide Rugby* St. Boniface Cemetery - Kintyre St. Charles Borromeo - Oakes Supports people seeking annulments Fargo Diocese of Fargo* Wahpeton
Donor Advised Funds Our Daily Bread
Serving/Supporting Various Catholic Charitable works
*These locations have multiple named endowments. Due to limited space, individual endowments are not listed here. Visit www.cdfnd.org or call (701) 356-7926 for more information.
November 2014 n 15B
The Conference Outlining the purpose for which the organization serves North Dakota Catholics
hat is the North Dakota Cathbishops, not the state’s Catholics. olic Conference? This is a good Theoretically, a majority of the state’s question since sometimes conprofessed Catholics could support a fusion arises about what the North Daright to abortion. That does not mean kota Catholic Conference is and is not. that the Catholic Conference should, or even could, abandon its pro-life poQuite simply, it is the voice of the sition. North Dakota bishops, So, while it may disBishop John T. Folda of tress us, it does not afFargo and Bishop David fect us when someone D. Kagan of Bismarck, says that Catholics in on matters of public polthe pew do not agree icy and other mutual inwith the conference’s terests. position on a particular When the bishops issue. We pray and hope engage in public policy that through teaching issues, they apply the and conversion Cathteachings of the Church olics that disagree will and the Church’s expecome to respect the bishrience in the world to ops’ views as they exerpublic policy issues. The cise their task of applyNorth Dakota Catholic ing Catholic teaching to Conference, therefore, matters of public policy. is not a “political” orga Christopher Dodson Furthermore, the nization in the typical North Dakota Catholic usage of the word. It is Conference is not the orthodox police not interested in party politics or supfor Catholic legislators. porting or opposing candidates. Rather, it serves as a prophetic voice applying Limited role universal principles to policy issues, working to shape policies so they are In the past, we have received reconsistent with the Church’s social quests to track the legislative records teachings. of Catholic legislators and then expose This type of work is within the legal them to their parishes or bishop. That restrictions imposed by the Internal is not the role of the Catholic conferRevenue Service. Church organizations ence. In fact, in most of our work, we do cannot support or oppose candidates not distinguish between Catholic and or political parties. They can, however, non-Catholic legislators, though knowtake positions on issues, legislation and ing a legislator’s religious affiliation can even ballot measures. sometimes help establish a common reference point. When engaging in this process, the This is not to say that the Church bishops are well aware that not every is not concerned about the actions of Catholic in their respective diocese will Catholic legislators inconsistent with agree with their assessment or even the Catholic teaching. However, a pastoral Church’s social teachings. Sometimes, issue is best dealt with by the legislator’s however, this recognition is lost on the pastor, not the North Dakota Catholic media and legislators, and we need to Conference. remind observers that the North Dakota Catholic Conference represents the Since the North Dakota Catholic
Catholic Action
“. . . not interested
in party politics or supporting or opposing candidates. Rather, [the North Dakota Catholic Conference] serves as a prophetic voice applying universal principles to policy issues . . .
Christopher Dodson
Conference works on so many different issues, it sometimes must work with other organizations with particular expertise. When doing so, the bishops strive to maintain their own independence. The North Dakota Catholic Conference is not the “Catholic wing” of prolife, farm, environmental, educational, labor, pro-family or other organizations that might happen to agree and work with the bishops on a particular issue. We look at it as those organizations agree with the bishops, not the other
way around. It is a helpful way of reminding ourselves that the positions of the bishops are rooted in a body of doctrine. Christopher Dodson is executive director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference. The NDCC acts on behalf of the Catholic bishops of North Dakota to respond to public policy issues of concern to the Catholic Church and to educate Catholics and the general public about Catholic social doctrine. The conference website is ndcatholic. org.
Choosing gratitude Gratefulness is an underlying principle of stewardship and discipleship
nother November is upon us, is such a fun time of year, and I have so which means Thanksgiving is much to be thankful for. drawing near. I love this time Our humanity shows of year. The season is filled with many “feel good” activities going on right Of course, everything isn’t “rainnow. bows” all the time. I don’t know what Our lives are filled your backyard looks with plenty of disaplike this fall, but mine is pointments and failures. bursting with colors. It It’s just part of our huseems like the leaves are man existence. brighter and bolder than I find it fairly easy to ever before and are holdshow gratitude to God ing on for weeks longer and others when things than usual. are going well. When Hunting season is the events in my life are gearing up, and many going well, it’s easy to family and friends will spot the goodness and be getting together to express appreciation. walk the shelterbelts On the flip side, it’s with the hopes of makdifficult to express gratiing sausage. tude when things are goFarmers are harvesting ing awry. During those Steve Schons their crops now, too. For moments, I wonder, the most part, I think “What in the world is the weather has really cooperated this there to be thankful for?” year, and most farmers have been able Not surprisingly, gratefulness is one to work the fields without too many of the underlying principles of living a problems. stewardship life. In the U. S. Bishops’ 1992 Pastoral And, of course, the kids are going full Letter, “Stewardship, a Disciple’s Rethrottle in school and completely insponse,” the bishops state that living as volved with their activities. For me, this
“Choosing to be grateful is a continual challenge
for me. Sometimes it’s easier to wallow in misery and heap more upon my shoulders when things are not going well. In these times, I find the words in Matthew 11:28 comforting. ‘Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.’ Steve Schons a disciple of Jesus Christ, or being anyone who has responded to Jesus’ invitation of, “Come follow me” means to be grateful for all our gifts. This appreciation, according to the U.S. Bishops, is an obligation, not an option. The pastoral letter continues to describe stewardship, and choosing gratitude, as a way of life in all our daily activities, whether good or bad. Choosing to be grateful is a continual challenge for me. Sometimes it’s easier to wallow in misery and heap more upon my shoulders when things are not going well. In those times, I find the words in
Matthew 11:28 comforting, “Come to me, all you who labor and are burdened, and I will give you rest.” Life with gratitude, much like other attributes, is a journey not a destination. So, this Thanksgiving, I am going to choose to express gratitude for all my fortunes and misfortunes that have happened throughout the year. Either way, I know it will draw me closer to a God. Steve Schons serves the Diocese of Fargo as the director of stewardship and development and can be reached at steve.schons@ fargodiocese.org or (701) 356-7926.
16B n November 2014
Why must we attend Mass every Sunday? ously, and then removed. The cake is cut and served with generous portions of ice cream. Although variations in the ritual are possible, it certainly should not be omitted. If you don’t think this is true, ask any child if he or she would like to skip his or her birthday this year and wait for the response.
An event to remember
By Father Matthew Kraemer
here are really two questions here: 1. Why should we go to Mass at all? 2. Why do we go to Mass on Sunday? First, we, as human beings, always remember important events with particular celebrations. Take for example, someone’s birthday. A birthday celebration is very important. What better way to let someone know how much you appreciate the gift of his or her life? This appreciation is expressed with a very concrete ritual. Family and friends gather around the birthday boy or girl. They bring cards and gifts. A special cake is made and covered with candles. The candles are blown out ceremoni-
The Mass is much different than a birthday celebration, but it has some similarities. Like a birthday celebration, Mass is a particular celebration that commemorates an important event. The event is the Paschal (passover) Mystery of Jesus Christ. The Paschal Mystery is Jesus’ suffering, death and resurrection, and it is the most important event that has ever occurred or will ever occur in the course of history. Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, died for you and me and rose again so that we could live forever. Because of the great importance of the Paschal Mystery, Jesus gave us a specific way to remember it. We know this from the sacred Scriptures and from holy tradition. St. Paul tells us in his first letter to the Corinthians: “For I received from the Lord what I also handed on to you, that the Lord Jesus, on the night he was handed over, took bread, and, after he had given thanks, broke it and said, ‘This is my body that is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.’ In the same way also the cup, after supper, saying, ‘This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you
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Father Matthew Kraemer proclaim the death of the Lord until he comes.” 1 Cor. 11:24-25 Jesus, on Holy Thursday, anticipated his death on the cross when he took bread and said, “This is my body that is for you.” The bread that Jesus held in his hands at the Last Supper really did become his body, which he offered up on the cross. The wine that he prayed over at the Last Supper really became his blood, which he poured out the next day on the cross. He told his apostles to “do this in remembrance of me,” giving them the power to do the same. When the Apostles, and those to whom they passed on their ministry (bishops and priests), offer these same prayers, the bread really becomes Jesus’ body which he offered on the cross, and the wine really becomes Jesus’ blood which he poured out for us. The great event of Jesus laying down his life for us on the cross becomes truly present. At Mass, not only do we remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross, but it actually becomes present here and now. The answer to the question, “why do we go to Mass” is very simple. We go to Mass because Jesus sacrificed his life for us, and Mass is the way that we accept his sacrifice and thank him for it. The word Eucharist literally means “thanksgiving.” To intentionally skip Mass is to say that Jesus’ sacrifice is not important. Since the time of the apostles, Christians have always gathered on Sunday to celebrate Mass. In the New Testament the Mass was called the “breaking of bread.” We see this in the Acts of the Apostles: “On the first day of the week when we gathered to break bread. . . .” (Acts 20:7). According to the Jewish calendar, the
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for us, and Mass is the way that we accept his sacrifice, and thank him for it. The word Eurcharist literally means ‘thanksgiving.’ To intentionally skip Mass is to say that Jesus’ sacrifice is not important.
Why on Sunday?
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“We go to Mass because Jesus sacrificed his life
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first day of the week was Sunday. But, we know that the Jewish people would worship in the synagogue on the Sabbath, that is, the last day of the week. The Sabbath day was the day of rest, established by God at the creation of the world. Christians, by breaking bread on Sunday, were doing something new. Sunday had become the new day of rest, eternal and definitive rest, established by Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross and resurrection from the dead. They knew that because Jesus had died and rose again on Sunday, it had become the most fitting day to worship God. No one would ever question why we should go to a birthday party on someone’s birthday. We all know that a birthday party is the way we rejoice in the gift of a person’s life, and that the most appropriate day to celebrate it is the anniversary of that person’s birth. Hopefully, it is obvious now why we should go to Mass on Sunday. The Mass is the most profound way that we rejoice and take part in Jesus’ victory over sin and death. What better day to celebrate this victory than the day that it took place? Every Sunday Jesus gives us the opportunity to share in his Paschal Mystery whereby he laid down his life for us. Why would we ever turn down an invitation like that? Father Matthew Kraemer serves the Diocese of Fargo as parochial vicar of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Devils Lake.
Editor’s Note: If you have a question about the Catholic faith and would like to submit a question for consideration in a future column, please send to news@ fargodiocese.org with “Ask a Priest” in the subject line or mail to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S, Fargo, ND 58102, Attn: Ask a Priest.
November 2014 n 17B
‘God’s grace working through me’ Transitional deacon tells story of the grace received in holy orders
tive disparity, multiple times over and you’ll get a glimpse at what it is like to be ordained. You spend your whole life admiring priests and deacons. You seek out their wisdom and counsel. You admire their piety and reverence. And then one s a young kinday, or so it seems, you dergartener at suddenly become that Nativity School person yourself. But, you in Fargo, I remember feel so unlike that perlooking up to the fifth son. graders with sheer awe. They seemed so differI remember the first ent from me. They were time someone apso courageous. So tall. So proached me asking if mature. I wanted to be they could speak to me one of them. about a challenge in their life. “You want to speak But, once I finally beto me?” I wondered. came a fifth grader, I “Why not someone else, felt no different. I was perhaps the pastor?” somewhat disappointed. I didn’t feel like any of Sometime later, someDeacon Kyle Metzger one approached me with the things I was waiting to be. I figured the first a new Bible. They asked graders viewed us quite differently than me to bless it for them. My instinct was I viewed the fifth graders years prior. to seek out a holy priest rather than to perform the blessing myself. I had the same experience as a freshman at Shanley High School. The seThe power of God’s grace niors were so confident, socially savvy, charismatic and smart. But, once After Mass one morning, a parishioI became a senior, I felt none of these ner complimented my homily, stating it things. How come I never seemed to was as if I was speaking directly to her measure up? life’s situation. Yet, I hardly knew the Amplify this perception, this cogniparishioner. How could this be?
Seminarian Life
“As a newly ordained cleric, you see powerfully
how God can work through you, so long as you are attentive and docile to his promptings. I often do not feel different, but with the eyes of faith, I can see how God’s grace works through me.
Deacon Kyle Metzger In the church, we have a word for this: grace. And, the grace of holy orders is quite powerful. As a newly ordained cleric, you see powerfully how God can work through you, so long as you are attentive and docile to his promptings. I often do not feel different, but with the eyes of faith I can see how God’s grace works through me. That parishioner who approached me for counsel left with new spiritual insight. Another’s Bible was blessed. And, the homily I prepared without any knowledge of my parishioner’s struggles touched her in an unexpected way. These experiences are not the works of my own. They are the results of God’s grace working through me. They are the fruit of the grace of the sacrament of holy orders. As a cleric, I’ve learned quickly that I will be surprised often, that I will be
surprised by the grace of God working in me in completely unexpected ways. One feels as though he’s a very inadequate instrument, but God’s grace is inhibited by very little. Deacon Kyle Metzger is a Theology IV student studying at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md. Originally from Fargo, Metzger was ordained a transitional deacon in May 2014 with the intent to be ordained a priest in the summer of 2015. This past summer, Deacon Metzger spent time at St. John’s Church, Wahpeton.
Editor’s Note: Seminarian Life is a monthly column written by current Diocese of Fargo seminarians. It gives New Earth readers a glimpse of what these discerning young men are experiencing. Let us know if there is something you would like to know about the life of a seminarian. Perhaps, it will inspire an article from one of them. And, please continue to pray for them.
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18B n November 2014
Catholic philosopher shares life’s truths as told to children, grandchildren
About the book
By Father Luke Meyer
It wasn’t until my grandparents passed away while I was in major seminary that I tasted the reality of death more directly. The summer my grandmother died I was a newly ordained deacon. As a close family, we spent many holidays, meals and harvests together on the farm, so accompanying her during her struggle with cancer was natural for her children and grandchildren. Having driven her to chemotherapy treatments in Fargo, driving many miles to bring her communion and arranging for the last sacraments, I had shared the uncertainty, fear and looming grief tangible in those last days of life. Preparing her funeral homily proved to be a privileged moment of grace. The light of the resurrection was able to shed its gentle rays into the sadness of my loss, which was really “our” loss too, as a family, parish and community. Hopefully, what I was able to share from my heart at Mass allowed the solace and wisdom I had experienced during my homily preparation to become saving words in the hearts and minds of all present. Honest reflection on death, in light of the paschal mystery, brings about an invaluable perspective for life.
Gazing upon death with hope Turning the mind to think on death may strike the contemporary mind as morbid, or at least a killjoy.
A review of Catholic books and literature
“This book is no dry last will and testament
or some sentimental story found on an end table of a funeral home . . . Rather, one will find personal and honest reflections grounded in a robust Catholic faith. Father Luke Meyer Many efforts in contemporary culture, and old-fashioned pursuits to find a fountain of youth, are invested in the lie that we can stay young forever. When the world meditates on death, the only conclusion, whether ancient or new, is some version of eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die, driven by the anxious fear that we might miss out on life. However, the wisdom of the Church is found precisely in gazing upon death, not with fear, but with eyes of hope. Anxious panic is replaced by a desire to seize the moment, not for exhilaration
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and excitement, but for love and truth. The Christian, by baptism, is already dead to the world, and therefore as a dead man, has both a confidence and an outlook born not of flesh and blood but from the resurrection of Jesus. This confidence and outlook of the Christian soul finds a winsome expression in Peter Kreeft’s “Before I Go: Letters to Our Children about What Really Matters.” This book is no dry last will and testament or some sentimental story found on an end table of a funeral home — although, it would make a great replacement. Rather, one will find personal and honest reflections grounded in a robust Catholic faith. “Before I Go” is witty and homey, simple and profound. Instead of long explanations and obscure insights, Kreeft sketches his thoughts in 162 short reflections, just a page or two each. I had many favorite moments. In the chapter/section “Reasons” he offers a straightforward list contrasting seven bad and seven good reasons for doing anything. Kreeft speaks with tender-
“Before I Go: Letters to Our Children about What Really Matters” By Peter Kreeft. Published by Sheed & Ward, 2007. Hardcover is 264 pages. Author, Peter Kreeft, is a professor of philosophy at Boston College and lives in West Newton, Mass.
ness and depth about the suffering and grief that accompany death and life. Other sections contain unexpected, unique and humorous metaphors, from comparing life to a fish fry to anecdotes based in his love for surfing. At times, Kreeft is unvarnished and random, but that approach is precisely fitting for the way a father may speak to his sons and daughters or his grandsons and granddaughters, as he shares honestly and freely his heart and mind. “Before I Go” is a little treasure. It is a book that can have many audiences, whether for our own personal growth, or as a gift to someone seeking meaning in the face of a death of a loved one. Death is certain, a stark truth that cannot be sanitized, glossed over or ignored. Whether choosing to read or just flip through, Kreeft will lead you to gaze upon death with the eyes of hope that permit us to live this life in wisdom, love and truth. Father Luke Meyer serves the Diocese of Fargo as Chancellor and Director of Liturgy.
Obituary Presentation of Mary Sister Helen Backes, was veteran nurse Presentation of Mary Sister Helen Backes, age 101, died Oct. 27 at Maryvale Convent in Valley City. Visitation and prayer service was held Oct. 30 in the convent chapel. Father Claude Seeberger, OSB, presided at the funeral Mass for Sister Helen on Oct. 31. Helen Backes, the daughter of John and Gertrude (Willenbring) Backes, was born Aug. 27, 1913, in Foxholm. She was the youngest of eight children. She attended grade school in a country school near her farm home near Lansford. She attended high school and was a boarder at Notre Dame in Willow City and later graduated from St. Catherine’s Sister Helen School in Valley City. Backes She professed vows as a Sister of Mary of the Presentation Sept. 3, 1931, in Broons, France. After her novitiate in France, she returned to the United States and began nurse’s training in Illinois. She received her RN degree and later a graduate’s degree in obstetrics in Peoria, Ill. Sister Helen worked in hospitals sponsored by the Presentation Sisters in Bottineau, Harvey, Rolla and Spring Valley, Ill. In 1980, she moved to Maryvale Convent where she took care of the elderly and sick sisters for 16 years. She retired in May 1996 at Maryvale Convent. Sister Helen is survived by her religious community and several nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents and her siblings.
Share life’s milestones As a way to celebrate life and love, we encourage parishioners throughout the Diocese of Fargo to send photos of anniversaries of 60 or more years, or birthdays of 80 or more years to: New Earth, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or news@ fargodiocese.org.
Diocesan policy: Reporting child abuse The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents of child abuse, in cluding sexual abuse, to civil authorities. If the situation involves a member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian, or an employee of a Catholic school, parish, the diocesan offices or other Catholic entity within the diocese, we ask that you also report the incident or suspected incident to Msgr. Joseph P. Goering at (701) 356-7945 or Larry Bernhardt at (701) 356-7965 or VictimAssistance@ fargodiocese.org. For additional information about victim assistance, visit www.fargodiocese.org/ victimassistance.
November 2014 n 19B
Inspired by Mary, bisonCatholics march with Christ Annual Eucharistic procession brings renewed dedication to the Fargo campus Father James Cheney, pastor at St. Paul’s Newman Center, near the campus of North Dakota State University, Fargo, leads clergy, students and parishioners in the organization’s annual Eucharistic procession. The event is held on the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary, Oct. 7, to rededicate the campus to our Blessed Mother.
By Tara Splonskowski
Each year the staff and parishioners of St. Paul Newman Center at North Dakota State University host an annual Eucharistic procession to rededicate the campus to our Blessed Mother Mary on the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. This year the event began with Mass and ended with exposition of the Eucharist. With a trail of about 150 students and parishioners, the Eucharistic procession moved through Fargo west on 12th Avenue North toward Albrecht Bouldvard on the south side of NDSU’s campus. During the procession, the rosary was prayed. The procession stopped at the “Babbling Brook” near Minard Hall and Memorial Union on the campus. There, Monsignor Gregory Schlesselmann dedicated North Dakota State University’s campus to Our Lady of the Rosary. The group processed back to the Newman Center through campus where dinner was served by the Catholic Daughters of America, St. Gianna Division. Father Kurt Gunwall, Father Tim Johnson and Father James Cheney also
Photo by Jacob Kubik
were present for the dedication. After the meal, Monsignor Schlesselmann gave a short talk about the Blessed Virgin Mary and the importance of having her in our lives. Later, students signed up to take a traveling Fatima statue to their dorms or apartments to help with prayer. Each participant will take the traveling statue for one week in an effort to increase Marian devotion and encourage students to pray the rosary daily. The statues were courtesy of the World
Apostolate of Fatima. “We’ll do anything for Our Lady,” said Father Cheney. “There has been much fruit of this dedication that we have seen in the last few years. You know that Mary has touched the lives of many bisonCatholic students here when you come to the Newman Center and almost every student you meet is wearing a consecration chain on their wrist or ankle, symbolizing their personal consecration to Jesus through Mary in the Ignatian way.”
Events around the diocese For more news and events, visit the “News and Events” section of the diocesan website: www.fargodiocese.org/ news-events. Annual Tree of Lights: St. Michael’s Church, Grand Forks. Saturday Nov. 1 through Dec. 10. Contact St. Michael’s parish at (701) 772-2624. Life in the Spirit Seminar: St. Catherine Church, Valley City. Friday, Nov. 14 to Sunday, Nov. 16 beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Friday. Contact Deacon Joe and Deb Leitner at (701) 845-0817. 125th Anniversary of the Diocese, Celebration Mass and Reception: Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo. Saturday, Nov. 15 at 10 a.m. Contact Diocesan Pastoral Center at (701) 356-7900. Alzheimer’s Conference: Sts. Anne and Joachim Church, Fargo. Saturday Nov. 15 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Contact Sister Sharon Houle at (701) 232-2414. Inaugural Organ Concert: Sts. Anne and Joachim Church, Fargo. Friday, Nov. 21 at 7:30 p.m. Contact Peggy Bartunek at (800) 962-6989.
Senior High Youth Celebration: Harvey High School, Harvey. Saturday, Nov. 22 at 9:30 a.m. Contact Kathy Loney at (701) 3567902. Trinity Anniversaries: Basilica of St. James, Jamestown. Sunday, Nov. 23 at 10:30 a.m. Contact parish office at (701) 252-0119.
urday Dec. 6 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday Dec. 7 at 3 p.m. Music by Pepper Choplin and performances by Holy Cross musicians including choir, orchestra and handbell ringers. Contact Bianca Wiederrich at (701) 282-7217.
5-Day Pilgrimage to Mexico: Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine and other notaThanksgiving Dinner: ble sites. Tuesday, Blessed Sacrament www.fargodiocese.org/ Dec. 9, to Sunday, Church, West Fargo. news-events Dec. 14. Contact Thursday, Nov 27 Nancy Orthman at from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. (701) 845-6271 or nancyorthman@ Contact Karen Beets at (701) 282-3321. centurylink.net. For more news and events, visit the “News and Events” section of the diocesan website:
National Catholic Conference for Youth Ministers: San Antonio, Texas. Wednesday, Dec. 3 to Monday, Dec. 8. Contact Kathy Loney at (701) 256-7902. Christmas Cantata, Images of Adoration: Holy Cross Church, West Fargo. Sat-
To submit events for New Earth and the diocesan website, send information to: New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or email news@ fargodiocese.org. The deadline for the December New Earth is Nov. 26. The earliest that issue will reach homes is Dec. 13.
A glimpse of the past
a special effort to have all the equipment in the church represent the best in handcrafted artistry. Visitors from all parts of the U.S. have stopped at Grafton to study the new church. (Reprinted from the December 1964 issue of Catholic Action News)
50 Years Ago — 1964
20 Years Ago — 1994
St. John the Evangelist Church, Grafton, was among six churches chosen for special recognition out of a field of nearly 40 new churches that were considered by a committee of art and architecture of the National Liturgical Conference. St. John’s Church is the first church in the Diocese of Fargo to be erected with a permanent altar facing the congregation. Father Jospeh Hylden, pastor of St. John’s has made
Three orders of nuns in the Diocese of Fargo have decided to pull together in their efforts to introduce women to religious vocations. Sisters from the motherhouses of the Sisters of Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fargo, Sisters of St. Francis of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Hankinson and Sisters of Mary of the Presentation in Valley City formed the Diocesan Sisters Vocation Team. Sister Anne Germaine
These news items, compiled by Dorothy Duchschere, were found in issues of the Diocese of Fargo newspaper, New Earth, and its predecessor, Catholic Action News.
Picard said the decision to collaborate grew from “the love of God, belief in our lifestyle and the utter unmet needs of the people of God.” (Reprinted from the November 1994 issue of New Earth)
10 Years Ago — 2004 On Nov. 6, Real Presence Radio began broadcasting Catholic radio programming in the Red River Valley on KWTL1370 AM, Grand Forks. The station features Catholic programming from the EWTN Global Catholic Radio Network. Among the programs are daily Mass, devotionals and Catholic talk shows. The studio of Real Presence Radio is located in the library of St. Thomas Aquinas Newman Center, Grand Forks. (Reprinted from the November 2004 issue of New Earth.)
20B n November 2014
‘Remember Me, Never Forgotten’ South Dakota woman turns heirloom into product of love and sharing for others By Andy Wilcox Sioux Valley News
From the start, there were questions of how the book could be completed. When she took the book to Mailway Printers in Sioux Falls, S.D., they took the project to heart. Because of the uniqueness of the product, they ended up doing several things to the book so it would be strong and would last as an heirloom. These steps included hand-binding each book, something they had not planned on doing. “It really was the hands of the printer doing the labor on this,” Woods said. “It was going to be mechanically bound, but the binder couldn’t handle this particular size. We told them ‘thank you’ for doing it, but they said right back, ‘no, thank you for the business.’ ”
Reprinted with permission Family, friends, loved ones all pass away. This notion is an eternal truth that cannot be changed. How those loved ones are remembered, cherished and loved can be influenced after their time of passing, however. Laura Rutten Woods of Canton, S.D., has been working several years on a “product” as she calls it, which will help not only keep the dates of loved ones’ passing fresh, but it also will help guide future generations in honoring the memory of those who have passed. “When we first got married (Jim, her husband), we had obituaries all over. Family members would pass away, and we would just add to the pile,” Woods said. “Jim told me I should put together a book to help remember all of those that had passed. Four years ago, I had a feeling that I had not been remembering to pray for these people, I just wasn’t remembering the dates.” That is when Woods began an undertaking that would take faith, time, money, but also many strong connections with others who had a hand in the “Remember Me, Never Forgotten” product. “I was waking up in the middle of the night with that feeling of sadness. Their memory was just fading,” she added. After researching for several months, Woods realized most people had problems keeping the obituaries, funeral programs and holy cards in a safe place. Many people she consulted said they were putting the items in drawers, Rubbermaid containers or even throwing them away. Through her own research, Woods found no products available to put all the precious memorial information together.
A labor of love That is when she started putting together a binder, of sorts. The book Woods put together is one-of-a-kind. It is also a labor of love. Woods is Catholic and designed the book to reflect the strong imagery of her faith, but the tools can be utilized by any faith.
A place for details Andy Wilcox / Sioux Valley News
Laura Rutten Woods is pictured with the first book she used to test the practicality of various elements of her book, “Remember Me, Never Forgotten.”
Inside the front cover, the book remembers those who helped produce the remembrance. The dedication reads, “To our family and friends who have gone before us; may we always remember them. To my husband, Jim, who encouraged me to create this ‘Remember Me, Never Forgotten’ book. With the grace of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit, it has come to completion.” The special foreword was written by Woods’ brother, Father Paul Rutten of the Diocese of Sioux Falls. The book then describes the reasons for praying for the dead, instructions on how to use the book, prayers for those departed and then the heart of the book is opened. The book starts with a page that says January. On the opposing page is an image of Jesus falling as he carries the cross. Under the flap, however, is the secret to Woods’ book’s appeal. There, you will find a folder pocket to put the obituaries, holy cards and other information about loved ones who have passed. The book contains room for writing the names and dates of death on each month’s page as well. It is divided by month, offering a fast and convenient way to start out each
month when remembering those who have passed. “When I first put this together, I said to myself, let me use it for a year and see how it worked,” Woods said. “We [Woods’ family] would open the book at the beginning of the month and each of our children would read an obituary aloud. As Catholics, we feel you should offer up your sufferings and sorrows to the soul that has passed. They, the kids, began to know the people that we were praying for. We believe that if you have sufferings, you should offer those up to the souls you are remembering. Maybe it’s something as simple as a test you are facing or troubles you are having. But, those souls can help with the troubles. “It’s easy to lose track of timing, and this helps bring a human touch to all of the written memories we collect. God has given each person a special gift. When they pass, we want to remember that gift.” Woods gave several examples of loved ones who had passed, including her father, Edwin Rutten, who died in 2012. She said the stories that are told in the obituaries and funeral programs give those who did not know the dead a glimpse into what they had offered in their lives.
Another important part of the piece is the record of death section in the back. The record provides space to record not only the name of the person remembered but their relationship, date of death, where they are buried and a memory of that person you would like passed on. “Whatever the faith, the book will help you remember, offer up prayers and keep your loved ones and their gifts alive in your heart and mind,” Woods said. Editor’s note: Laura Rutten Woods grew up in Sioux Falls, S.D. After she got married, she and her husband Jim moved to Canton, S.D., where he owns a roofing business and she cares for her children and household. Woods has four children, two boys and two girls, ages 20, 18, 16 and 14. She and her family are members of the Cathedral of St. Joseph, Sioux Falls, S.D. Though this project started as something for her family to use to actively remember the faithful departed, Woods has recounted many ways the Lord, through the Holy Spirit, has urged her to share her book and story. People from all over the region have requested she talk about her book, the importance of remembering loved ones and how the book has impacted her family. Woods spoke during a Seekers’ Forum hosted at Holy Spirit parish in Fargo Nov. 2. For more information about Woods and her book, visit www.theremembrancebook. com.
Give A Gift to Help Keep the TV Mass on the Air! The best gift for those you love who are nursing home residents, shut-ins, or non-practicing Catholics WDAY, Channel 6, Fargo — WDAZ, Channel 8, Grand Forks 10:30 a.m. Sunday Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________________________________________________________________________ A GIFT FOR: Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address____________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip______________________________________________________________________
“I support the TV Mass because it was an important part of my mother’s life. My husband and I would sometimes watch it with her. I’m thankful that the TV Mass was there for her.” — Helen Bye, Fargo
Or, IN MEMORY OF: Name _____________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________ I would like this listed at the end of the TV Mass on this date(s):____________________________ MAIL TO: TV Mass, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605
We Remember
November 2014 n 21B
Special Section
We Remember A call to pray for those who have gone before us Please remember in prayer the faithful departed from our parishes, our diocese and throughout the world.
File photos
DIOCESE OF FARGO Priests: Father Peter Hughes-July 16, 2014. Deacons: Harry Didier, Jr.-Sept. 7, 2014. Women Religious: Sister Emma Marie Arcand, PBVM-Dec. 22, 2013; Sister Mary Palmer, PBVM-Feb. 3, 2014; Sister Mary Frances Lux, SMP-March 26, 2014. ALCIDE-St. Anthony: Willard Bruce-Oct. 16, 2013; Bernadine DeCoteau-Oct. 26, 2013; Charles “Chuck” Lafloe, Sr.-Oct. 27, 2013; Daniel Belgarde-Nov. 6, 2013; Madonna R. LaVallie-Nov. 24, 2013; Jarrod V. Azure-Dec. 6, 2013; Walter J. DeCateauDec. 13, 2013; Deborah Mendoza-Jan. 22, 2014; Floyd “Rocky” A. LaRocqueFeb. 20, 2014; Corinna LaRocque-April 27, 2014; Robert “Bob” J. Frederick-July 3, 2014; Brooke D. Nadeau-Aug. 13, 2014. ANAMOOSE-St. Francis Xavier: Raymond Bickler-Oct. 19. 2013; Arthur Schmidt–Jan. 17, 2014; Fern Schmaltz Reinowski-Oct. 9, 2014. ANETA-Sacred Heart: Betty Lippert-April 29, 2014. BALTA-Our Lady of Mt. Carmel: Katherine “Kaye” R. Fettig-Dec. 27, 2013. BELCOURT-St. Ann: Fabian “Nobby” R. Charette-Oct. 28, 2013; John E. Monette-Oct. 30, 2013; Cyrus R. Parisien-Nov. 2, 2013; Adam W. Malaterre-Nov. 4, 2013; Alfred Nicholas-Nov. 13, 2013; Joel C. Sherman-Nov. 27, 2013; Archie J. Grant, Jr.-Dec. 12, 2013; Clifford “Mark” Gourneau-Dec. 24, 2013; Mary “Stella” LaFountain-Dec. 26, 2013; Michelle L. Walter-Dec. 28, 2013; Gerald C. Nadeau-Jan. 2, 2014; Thomas S. PoitraJan. 7, 2014; Randy L. LaFontaine-
Jan. 9, 2014; Jon Payer-Jan. 10, 2014; Earl J. Houle, Sr.-Feb. 14, 2014; Rodney A. Davis-Feb. 15, 2014; Alice A. DeCoteau-Feb. 27, 2014; Gabriel Tyler Azure-March 2, 2014; Leona E. DavisMarch 8, 2014; David A. Frederick-March 15, 2014; Dustin Spears, Jr.-March 22, 2014; Carol A. Laverdure-March 26, 2014; Bonita K. DeLong-March 29, 2014; Arthur “Benny” B. LaFountain-April 2, 2014; John J. Martin, Jr.-April 3, 2014; Patricia I. Norman-April 20, 2014; Stella R. Wilkie-April 21, 2014; Steven A. DavisApril 23, 2014; Louis “Stoney” LaVallie-April 25, 2014; Alfred Short, Jr.April 27, 2014; Callan McGillisApril 28, 2014; Joseph “Johnny Cake” J. Azure-May 6, 2014; Tom Dauphinais-May 14, 2014; Linus D. PoitraMay 23, 2014; Simeon M. PoitraJuly 17, 2014; James Lilley-July 20, 2014; Larry “Buggs” LaFromboise-July 21, 2014; Viola R. MarcellaisJuly 31, 2014; Larado D. St. ClaireAug. 7, 2014; Delema A. BercierAug. 21, 2014; Theresa L. GourneauAug. 22, 2014; Andrew S. AzureAug. 29, 2014; Kenneth R. DeCoteau-Sept. 5, 2014; Dave “Sonny” J. Keplin-Sept. 6, 2014; Shannon R. Brunelle-Sept. 15, 2014. BELCOURT-St. Benedict: Florestine M. Champagne-Oct. 16, 2013; Margaret R. Nadeau-Jan. 10, 2014; Willard “Jay” E. Champagne-Feb. 22, 2014; Ramona C. Azure-March 27, 2014; Clara E. Nadeau-June 9, 2014; Judy J. Morin-Aug. 28, 2014.
BUCHANAN-St. Margaret Mary: Gertrude Neys-Feb. 21, 2014. BUFFALO-St. Thomas: Elmer Halland-Nov. 19, 2013. CANDO-Sacred Heart: Eileen Eggl-Nov. 23, 2013; Sterling Weiker-Dec. 27, 2013; Betty F. HartlFeb. 26, 2014; Charles Rader-May 2, 2014; Dorothy Deplazes-May 29, 2014; Sharon Y. Sand-June 29, 2014; David Lang-July 11, 2014; Louise M. Hoffman-Sept. 9, 2014. CARRINGTON-Sacred Heart: Fawn Kautzman-Nov. 2, 2013; Kathryn Duchscherer-Nov. 9, 2013; Gary J. Laber-Dec. 12, 2013; Marlys Mullenberg-April 18, 2014; Jeffrey J. LaberMay 7, 2014; Katherine A. HouseJune 21, 2014; Rosemary Zink-June 25, 2014; Lloyd F. Becker-Oct. 10, 2014. CASSELTON-St. Leo: Shirley J. Kasowski-Oct. 30, 2013; Verona Seiwert-Jan. 23, 2014; Marlyss Spiekermeier-March 2, 2014; Raymond P. Baumler-May 19, 2014; Janette A. Kensok-Aug. 3, 2014; Kathryn HolmOct. 7, 2014. CAVALIER-St. Brigid of Ireland: Rod D. Sigvaldson-Dec. 17, 2013; Freda Kihne-Feb. 25, 2014; Ryan Cleem-March 21, 2014; Melissa Chadwick-May 5, 2014. COOPERSTOWN-St. George: Helen Geiger-Nov. 1, 2013; Marilyn Fletschock-July 3, 2014.
BISBEE-Holy Rosary: George Phillipp-Aug. 27, 2014; Lorraine Starr-Sept. 21, 2014.
DAZEY-St. Mary: Stephen Burkhart-April 22, 2014; Jim Wieland-May 13, 2014; Anna Hollinshead-July 21, 2014.
BOTTINEAU-St. Mark: Roger D. Berg-Oct. 23, 2013; Ronnald Tennancour-Feb. 13, 2014; Lillian Allard-March 16, 2014; Delmar Haberman-April 11, 2014; Anthony Dukeman-April 27, 2014; Mensvil N. Larson-June 7, 2014.
DEVILS LAKE-St. Joseph: Mavis A. Stromme-Nov. 14, 2013; James W. Thompson-Nov. 17, 2013; Raymond P. Eisenzimmer-Nov. 19, 2013; Johanna “Jenny” J. Bertsch-Nov. 23, 2013; Betty Jane Dix-Nov. 28, 2013; Jean J. Hammond-Dec. 5, 2013; Chad
E. Weber-Dec. 6, 2013; Robert B. Boehmer-Jan. 8, 2014; Theresia M. EbackJan. 14, 2014; Margaret “Maggie” M. Shorey-Jan. 14, 2014; William “Bumpy” M. Hendrickx-Jan. 25, 2014; Mathilda “Tillie” M. Wallace-Jan. 28, 2014; Bette Mae Strong-Feb. 16, 2014; Helen Streifel-Feb. 17, 2014; Keith A. KraftFeb. 22, 2014; William “Will” J. NixonFeb. 22, 2014; Gerald “Jerry” M. Mayers-March 11, 2014; Don L. Klein-March 17, 2014; Jean L LingorMarch 20, 2014; Ruth A. ChristiansonApril 25, 2014; Mildred A. MertensApril 25, 2014; Maurice W. BartonMay 2, 2014; Ronney F. Pfeifer-May 22, 2014; Lois C. Burt-Myers-June 1, 2014; Anton “Tony” Burkhardsmeier-June 9, 2014; Glenn E. Weirick-June 16, 2014; Bernice M. Eberle-June 17, 2014; Norma L. Vaagen-June 20, 2014; Gerald F. Spaeth-July 16, 2014; Angeline “Angie” R. Hager-July 18, 2014; Madeline F. Schmidt-Mootz-July 26, 2014; Florence O. Johansen-Aug. 16, 2014; Bernadine “Bernie” Zacher-Aug. 20, 2014; Leslie A. Crist-Aug. 29, 2014; Arlen “Andy” A. Wingenbach-Aug. 31, 2014; Robert A. Monette-Sept. 5, 2014; Victoria T. Wakefield-Sept. 5, 2014; Floyd J. Austin-Oct. 8, 2014; Edward “Eddy” G. Senger-Oct. 11, 2014. DICKEY-Assumption: Mark S. Kartes-Feb. 9, 2014. DRAKE-St. Margaret Mary: Shelby R. Bruner-Oct. 28, 2013; Pete Lemer-Nov. 16, 2013; Albert BossertDec. 24, 2013; Toni Gefroh- Dec. 24, 2013; Theresa Kuntz Martin-Oct. 2, 2014. DRAYTON-St. Edward: Amber Olson-Feb. 13, 2014; Steve Marciniak-May 1, 2014; Cecelia Landowski-Sept. 19, 2014. DUNSEITH-St. Michael the Archangel: Archie M. Morin-Nov. 17, 2013; Joseph F. Peltier-Dec. 12, 2013; Walter DeCoteau-Dec. 16, 2013; Ronald Please turn to WE REMEMBER on page 22B
22B n November 2014 Continued from page 21B Counts-Jan. 11, 2014; Linda Amyotte-Jan. 20, 2014; Shiree R. WilsonJan. 22, 2014; Larry J. Demery-April 11, 2014; Darren W. Poitra-April 28, 2014; Gary Azure, Jr.-July 5, 2014; Telephine G. DeCoteau-July 20, 2014; Roy J. CountsAug. 6, 2014; Cecelia Rodriguez-Cotton-Aug. 14, 2014; Clifford GillisAug. 15, 2014; Thomas J. ThiefaultOct. 6, 2014; Charles Demery-Oct. 7, 2014. EDGELEY-Transfiguration: Caroline “Lena” Huber-Oct. 23, 2013; Richard K. Walburn-June 3, 2014. ELLENDALE-St. Helena: Joanne E. Merkel-April 19, 2014. ENDERLIN-St. Patrick: Lawrence Rolland-Feb. 11, 2014; Dennis M. Lemna-April 21, 2014; Kathryn L. Green-Aug. 6, 2014. ESMOND-St. Boniface: Mary Ellen Gumeringer-Jan. 15, 2014; Gerald V. Rieger-Jan. 22, 2014; Thomas A. Hoffner-April 24, 2014. FARGO-Sts. Anne and Joachim: Ralph F. Majerus-Oct. 17, 2013; Renee Bearden-Dec. 23, 2013; Elizabeth Retterath-Jan. 12, 2014; Neil A. LittleFeb. 8, 2014; David G. KlemishFeb. 18, 2014; Gregory D. SchulzFeb. 27, 2014; Jeffrey Skuza-March 11, 2014; Dolores A. Cochran-April 25, 2014; Mary R. LaBrasca-Sept. 5, 2014; Stephen Devine-Sept. 15, 2014; Rodney JaegerSept. 26, 2014. FARGO-St. Anthony of Padua: Anne Sheppe-Oct. 30, 2013; Rosabell VanEeckhout-Nov. 4, 2013; Gerald “Jerry” Bartholomay-Nov. 14, 2013; Regina Smith-Dec. 20, 2013; Mavis GanjeJan. 25, 2014; Kathryn BowmanFeb. 19, 2014; Janet L. GerberdingFeb. 23, 2014; Laura Voth-Feb. 26, 2014; Benjamin Knier-March 14, 2014; Russell C. Andersen-April 5, 2014; Gerald “Tiny” Pfeifer-April 19, 2014; Cynthia “Cindie” Winzer-April 19, 2014; John Clark-April 24, 2014; Paul Erickson-May 5, 2014; Patricia J. Matuska-May 6, 2014; Anna Tran-May 31, 2014; Mark Sweeney-June 21, 2014; Gilberta Clemenson-July 2, 2014; Helen Rud-July 12, 2014; John “Jack” Kelly-July 24, 2014; Charles Bowman-July 28, 2014; Milton D. Murray-July 30, 2014; LaVon Schaffer-Aug. 2, 2014; Joseph Kuhn-Aug. 10, 2014; Yvonne Harrison-Aug. 14, 2014; Mara Kresic-Aug. 15, 2014; Jerry Gerberding-Aug. 15, 2014; Steve Gorman IIIAug. 22, 2014; Najeeb Maroki-Sept. 4, 2014; Thomas Stickel-Oct. 3, 2014. FARGO-Holy Spirit: Helen E. Corcoran-Nov. 16, 2013; Andrew “Andy” Kowalski-Dec. 4, 2013; James Pyle-Dec. 7, 2013; Elaine Zelinski-Dec. 9, 2013; Howard BlackJan. 9, 2014; Mary Kay Nestler-Jan. 21, 2014; Doris G. Hunt-Feb. 1, 2014; Jerry Keogh-Feb. 17, 2014; Ronald Williams-Feb. 21, 2014; Gerald Kavanaugh-March 1, 2014; Mary Jane McNeal-March 5, 2014; Dean M. ZieskaMarch 5, 2014; Nicholas SpaethMarch 16, 2014; Tracy J. Schmidt-April 2, 2014; Eleanor Fridgen-April 13, 2014; Clifford Cossette-May 10, 2014; Robert Follett-May 20, 2014; Wendy L. EberleJune 26, 2014; Sheila Kummeth-July 5, 2014; Janet J. Novak-Aug. 12, 2014; Robert “Bob” Biske-Aug. 21, 2014; Shirley Shafer-Sept. 3, 2014; Richard McGarvey-Sept. 21, 2014; Virginia Riepe-Sept. 28, 2014; Lee R. McMainesOct. 10, 2014.
We Remember FARGO-Cathedral of St. Mary: Rose E. Loegering-Nov. 22, 2013; Jeanette Swartz-Dec. 9, 2013; Inge Deane-Jan. 8, 2014; Harland “Stubby” C. Swatfager-Jan. 23, 2014; Anne Tuchscherer-Jan. 26, 2014; Carol BuegelFeb. 18, 2014; Edwin MilliganMarch 22, 2014; David J. Joneward-March 25, 2014; Lorraine Cox-April 19, 2014; Amelia BowersMay 13, 2014; Jill Nor-nes-June 19, 2014; Sandra J. Reitan-July 12, 2014; Keith Jacobson-Aug. 5, 2014; Adrian D. CihakOct. 1, 2014. FARGO-Nativity: Harlan M. Scheibe-Oct. 17, 2013; Timothy Palmer-Oct. 22, 2013; Erin Koffler-Oct. 28, 2013; Verlin HeierDec. 9, 2013; Rose AndersonDec. 27, 2013; Rosemary WrightJan. 12, 2014; Rae Colliton-Jan. 12, 2014; Kathryn Olafson-Jan. 20, 2014; Paul Sornsin-Jan. 25, 2014; Donna Reed-Feb. 15, 2014; Gerald D. DeedeFeb. 17, 2014; Catherine SchmalzFeb. 21, 2014; Joyce Engan-Feb. 28, 2014; Ellsworth “Ed” DollingerMarch 2, 2014; Molly J. Volkerding-March 14, 2014; Donald Mugan-April 3, 2014; Dianna BookeApril 7, 2014; Lucille Maki-May 1, 2014; Donald Metzger-May 14, 2014; Charlotte Lutjens-May 18, 2014; Duane Lang-June 25, 2014; Beatrice NessJune 28, 2014; Verna M. McGovernJuly 3, 2014; Elaine Hanson-July 5, 2014; Coddington Hewitt-July 19, 2014; William J. Adkins-Sept. 4, 2014; Robert Fischer-Sept. 7, 2014; Barbara SornsinSept. 13, 2014; Edwin Hieb-Sept. 24, 2014; Kathleen Fjelde-Oct. 3, 2014.
23, 2014; Cristobal “Chris” SegoviaApril 26, 2014; Donald EndresApril 28, 2014; John A. Ryan-April 29, 2014; Jerrod S. Hilliard-May 11, 2014; Ellen G. Fish-May 23, 2014; Anna B. OlivaMay 29 2014; Lillian E. KadlecJune1,2014;Henrietta“Hienie”C.TillettJune 6, 2014; Donna Anderson-June 7, 2014; Larry D. Graveline-June 9, 2014; Marcella M. Holweg-June 22, 2014; Allen D. Clement-July 4, 2014; Magdalen A. Eckman-July 6, 2014; Beverly SchererJuly 8, 2014; Kayla Cadreau-July 26, 2014; Josephine Sampson-July 29, 2014; Irene Wesolowski-July 30, 2014; Adam Grzadzielseski-Aug. 3, 2014; Jacqueline
ic-July 24, 2014; Carol “Corky” McKinnon-Sept. 3, 2014; Declan J. Quirk-Sept. 17, 2014; Marilyn E. Schuman-Sept. 28, 2014; Diane “Toodie” L. Baril-Oct. 7, 2014.
“Jackie” Andrys-Aug. 3, 2014; Spencer C. Stevenson-Aug. 10, 2014; Susan Briske-Aug. 12, 2014; Waldon A. JensenSept. 23, 2014.
bara J. Mihulka-Jan. 22, 2014; William J. Nelson-Jan. 24, 2014; Jean K. TankeFeb. 3, 2014; Cyril C. Feltman-Feb. 6, 2014; Lynn D. Ebert-Feb. 11, 2014; Keith F. Hamley-March 5, 2014; Ilah Spoonland-March 9, 2014; Norman BurgerMarch 12, 2014; Bennie W. DvorakMarch 24, 2014; Henry R. Pinta, Sr.April 13, 2014; Darren M. BurnsApril 24, 2014; Jose L. Espinoza-May 24, 2014; Grace A. Brodeur-May 25, 2014; Sophia C. Garza-May 28, 2014; Helen E. Linhart-June 5, 2014; Alice L. Lessard-June 10, 2014; Rose “Dolly” Kliniske-June 18, 2014; Robert L. Vaudrin-July 24, 2014; John V. LangowskiSept. 1, 2014; Thomas C. CudmoreSept. 1, 2014; Dorothy A. Wentz-Oct. 9, 2014.
GRAFTON-St. John the Evangelist: Lynn “Jim” Thompson-Oct. 7, 2013; Peter LaFrance-Nov. 23, 2013; Roger A. Sherek-Nov. 27, 2013; Danny L. Leedahl-Dec. 1, 2013; Dr. James R. Gaustad-Dec. 21, 2013; Doris M. Corneillie-Dec.23,2013;MaryA.BessetteJan. 1, 2014; Joanie M. Silewski-Jan. 2, 2014; Lucille M. Dolan-Jan. 15, 2014; Bar-
FESSENDEN-St. Augustine: Isabel Degenstein-Jan. 17, 2014; Elfiede Miller-April 25, 2014. FINGAL-Holy Trinity: Debbie Koller-May 17, 2014; Mary A. Morth-May 17, 2014. FINLEY-St. Olaf: Amy Wendlick-May 11, 2014. FORMAN-St. Mary: Nichole E. Caster-Oct. 23, 2013; Marie C. Rust-Nov. 27, 2013; Beverly A. Phillips-April 27, 2014. GENESEO-St. Martin of Tours: George J. Ciesynski-Nov. 22, 2013. GRAND FORKS-Holy Family: Timothy E. McGurran-Oct. 21, 2013; Nicholas Ruhland-Nov. 27, 2013; Stephen J. Vanyo, Jr.-Jan. 26, 2014; Aldrin Lafferty-Feb. 12, 2014; Madonna “Betty” Cobban-March 16, 2014; Harold Kozojed-March 27, 2014; Hubert J. Garceau, Sr.-April 7, 2014; Idona Wolfe-April 29, 2014; Scott E. Wetsch-May 19, 2014; Stanley S. BohacJuly 22, 2014; Robert “Bob” FischerJuly 25, 2014; Elda M. Corbit-Aug. 22, 2014. GRAND FORKS-St. Michael: Jerome “Jerry” J. HoeppnerOct. 24, 2013; Viola Passa-HugginsOct. 25, 2013; Bernadette HowlettOct. 29, 2013; Raymond “Ray” F. Tupa-Oct. 30, 2013; David Czapiewski-Dec. 8, 2013; George L. KohlDec. 9, 2013; Roger Carl-Dec. 10, 2013; Ruth Wasylow-Dec. 12, 2013; Kathleen C. Whalen-Dec. 15, 2013; Raymond “Ray” J. Schwartz-Dec. 23, 2013; Bernice Wold-Dec. 25, 2013; James H. Rood-Feb. 13, 2014; James R. Cronin-Feb. 13, 2014; Gert RambergMarch 19, 2014; Sergio L. Gambucci-April 8, 2014; Colleen Grassel-April
GRAND FORKS-St. Mary: HelenMarynik-Thorson-Nov.10,2013; Ann Volbrecht-Nov. 13, 2013; Patricia A. Schauer-Dec. 4, 2013; Marion L. Vonesh-Dec. 5, 2013; Sarah C. LentsDec. 18, 2013; Dion D. Vondal-Jan. 1, 2014; M. Marian Wasinger-March 13, 2014; Myra T. Waletzko-April 2, 2014; Edward H. Samson-April 4, 2014; Robert Davidson-April 6, 2014; Bernadette M. Gallagher-April 21, 2014; Margaret Kapocius-May 7, 2014; Ellen R. McKinnon-May 20, 2014; Elsie L. GlinskiJune 16, 2014; Louis “Ralph” Belgarde-July 9, 2014; Kari L. McGlynnJuly 13, 2014; Andja Kovacev-
Please turn to WE REMEMBER on page 23B
NewEarth Continued from page 22B GWINNER-St. Vincent: Susan G. Henderson-April 12, 2014; Margaret Budeau-May 16, 2014; Vivian Hobson-June 17, 2014. HARVEY-St. Cecilia: William Ryan-Dec. 21, 2013; Wilda Keller-Dec. 30, 2013; Patricia Bromley-Jan. 14, 2014; Otto Volk-Jan. 19, 2014; Leah E. Gumeringer-Jan. 30, 2014; Kevin M. Schmidt-Feb. 10, 2014; Kyle Keller-March 16, 2014; Charity Schmitt-March 24, 2014; Thomas W. Roller-May 12, 2014; James M. EnglishMay 21, 2014; Katherine Schall-May 27,
We Remember Dec. 29, 2013; Kenneth G. HessDec. 30, 2013; Viola HimmelspachDec. 31, 2013; Gerda ThenagelsJan. 29, 2014; Bernard Wagner-Jan. 31, 2014; Ruth McKay-Feb. 4, 2014; Mary Jean Willman-Feb. 5, 2014; Mathilda “Tillie” Blaskowski-Feb. 16, 2014; Muriel Edgekowski-March 2, 2014; John Szarkowski-March 7, 2014; Bernard “Bernie” Wojick-March 20, 2014; Wilfred L. Fercho-April 21, 2014; Donald BoyleApril 25, 2014; Magdalene Bartkowski-May 4, 2014; Elizabeth “Betty” Schwehr-May 4, 2014; Mary Trzpuc-May 11, 2014; Casey WrightMay 19, 2014; Randall “Randy” S. Sar-
KINDRED-St. Maurice: Don Brouillard-Jan. 30, 2014; Evelyn Jacob-April 27, 2014. LAKOTA-St. Mary of the Assumption: Mabel Shirek-Oct. 27, 2013; Richard L. Trappen-Dec. 31, 2013; Donald Mootz-Jan. 10, 2014; Terrence Halvorson-Sept. 22, 2014. LAMOURE-Holy Rosary: Mary Gleesing-Feb. 10, 2014; Edith Busch-Feb. 12, 2014; Rosa L. Shockman-Aug. 12, 2014; Delmar Montgomery-Aug. 17, 2014. LANGDON-St. Alphonsus: Aelred Dettler-Oct. 18, 2013; Darol Hoffman, Sr.-Oct. 24, 2013; Bernadine Mikkelsen-Nov. 19, 2013; Florentine Gapp-Dec. 15, 2013; Ronald Mikkelsen-Jan. 14, 2014; Tom Mikkelsen-Jan. 20, 2014; Ruth Chaput-Feb. 1, 2014; Emeric Metzger-Feb. 1, 2014; Dorothy Schneider-March 5, 2014; Robert Otto-April 7, 2014; Joseph KramApril 23, 2014; Annette LoewenMay 26, 2014; Christie Sauer-July 28, 2014; Daniel R. Kramer-Brown-Aug. 22, 2014; Charles “Carl” Koehmstedt-Aug. 23, 2014; Odelle Grimm-Sept. 7, 2014. LANKIN-St. Joseph: Rose D. Potulny-Nov. 6, 2013; Herman A. Bosh-March 28, 2014; Gary L. Pecka-June 24, 2014. LARIMORE-St. Stephen: Helen Wageman-Oct. 19, 2013; Mabel Pietron-Dec. 25, 2013; Valoise “Bud” M. Pietron-Feb. 16, 2014; Robert “Bob” W. Shide-March 26, 2014; Michael McMahon-June 23, 2014; Rosemond A. Pietron-Oct. 10, 2014. LEEDS-St. Vincent de Paul: Thomas P. Leppard-April 18, 2014. LIDGERWOOD-St. Boniface: Michael Gilles-March 25, 2014; Leonard Jelinek-March 30, 2014; Joseph Lyon-May 23, 2014; Louise DuerrAug. 16, 2014. LISBON-St. Aloysius: Bonnie R. Zirnhelt-Oct. 29, 2013; Wayne Freeberg-Dec. 26, 2013; Robert L. McMahon-Jan. 7, 2014; Robert “Bob” Jodsaas-May 7, 2014; Kenneth KaspariSept. 27, 2014; Virginia T. NohrSept. 27, 2014. MANTADOR-Sts. Peter and Paul: John Fettes-March 1, 2014; Marcella Fettes-April 8, 2014; Dorris Mauch-May 9, 2014; Frances Waxweiler-July 21, 2014; Ora L. Lugert-Aug. 5, 2014.
2014; Bradley J. Bachmeier-July 5, 2014; Jacob Goldade-Aug. 31, 2014; Annie M. Schmidt-Sept. 5, 2014; Marion J. Bartsch-Sept. 8, 2014; Faith VebskySept. 12, 2014. HILLSBORO-St. Rose of Lima: Rosalee Geray-May 31, 2014. HUNTER-St. Agnes: Phyllis Power-Jan. 9, 2014; Marjorie Judisch-Feb. 25, 2014. JAMESTOWN-St. James Basilica: Donald F. Frederick-Oct. 16, 2013; R. Steven Lacher-Oct. 16, 2013; Virginia J. Szarkowski-Nov. 4, 2013; Ronald Wenzel-Nov.30, 2013; Donna M. Ginsbach-Dec. 12, 2013; Gary L. Dame-Dec. 25, 2013; Thomas DocktorDec. 27, 2013; Vernon HenneDec. 29, 2013; Mary Jean Kartes
baum-June 17, 2014; William M. Erling-July 1, 2014; Gerald (Jerry) KainzJuly 7, 2014; Glory R. Ebertz-July 22, 2014; Francis J. Donegan-Aug. 12, 2014; Florence T. Sabinash-Aug. 14, 2014; Martha Trudeau-Aug. 31, 2014; Marian Wilma-Sept. 18, 2014; Margaret Kostelecky-Sept. 25, 2014; Linus J. Hoffart Sept. 25, 2014; Naomi M. WanzekOct. 11, 2014; Richard G. HeinertOct. 15, 2014. KARLSRUHE-Sts. Peter and Paul: Kathryn Boechler-Oct. 6, 2013; Edward A. Schwan-Feb. 10, 2014; Anna M. Mack-July 15, 2014. KENSAL-St. John: Opal Ableidinger-Oct. 28, 2013; Joyce Sabinash-Jan. 16, 2014; Mathilda Blaskowski-Feb. 16, 2014; Maxine BakerFeb. 21, 2014.
MANVEL-St. Timothy: Diane K. Brown-Nov. 21, 2013; Joseph “Joe” M. Murphy-Dec. 16, 2013; William J. Wasylow-Dec. 23, 2013; Regina M. Ferry-Dec. 24, 2013. MAYVILLE-Our Lady of Peace: Marguerite M. Walker-March 17, 2014. MEDINA-St. Mary: Vernon Klostreich-July 16, 2014. MICHIGAN-St. Lawrence O’Toole: Forrest Kroke-Feb. 10, 2014; Mary Lou Robinson-March 3, 2014. MILNOR-St. Arnold: Joseph L. Bouchard-Oct. 31, 2013; Mary Ann Michels-Jan. 24, 2014; Shirley A. Nicolai-Jan. 25, 2014; Bradley A. Foertsch-Sept. 11, 2014. MINTO-Sacred Heart: Clementine F. Lunski-Nov. 12, 2013; Betty L. Zolondek-Feb. 10, 2014; John “J.D.” D. Miller-March 22, 2014; Ervin
November 2014 n 23B “Shorty” H. Narlock-May 2, 2014; Martina “Tina” A. Oosterwijk-July 14, 2014; Onufry T. Lizakowski-Aug. 31, 2014; Leo Misialek-Sept. 12, 2014. MOORETON-St. Anthony: Mary McDonald-May 1, 2014; Madelyn Haberman-July 7, 2014. MUNICH-St. Mary: Nora E. Rose-Dec. 30, 2013; Hilary Bernardy-Jan. 10, 2014. NAPOLEON-St. Philip Neri: Leo B. Wald-Dec. 19, 2013; Alfred Gross-Dec. 26, 2013; Isadore I. WaldJan. 16, 2014; Marilyn K. NeigumFeb. 5, 2014; Charles D. Sperle-Feb. 10, 2014; Ralph V. Scherr-Feb. 18, 2014; Ray Schmidt-March 29, 2014; Katharina K. Holzer-June 12, 2014; Kelvin B. SpottsJune 28, 2014; John P. EngelhardtJuly 22, 2014; Eva Roehrich-July 26, 2014; Raymond L. Berreth-Aug. 2, 2014; Rose Mary Wald-Aug. 23, 2014; Kenegunda Unser-Aug. 31, 2014. NEKOMA-St. Edward: Shirley Lenz-Oct. 26, 2013. NEW ROCKFORD-St. John the Evangelist: Robert E. Manly-Nov. 10, 2013; Maxine Allmaras-Nov. 17, 2013; Ramona Allmaras-Dec. 24, 2013; Darrell B. Ludwig-Dec. 26, 2013; Mary Rose RexinJan. 2, 2014; Marjorie Ann Beauclair-March 4, 2014; Vera M. Hilbert-June 11, 2014; Daniel P. Beauclair-June 12, 2014; Earl J. SauerJune 25, 2014; Frank Hilbert-Oct. 3, 2014; Donna Mae M O’Connor-Oct. 4, 2014. OAKES-St. Charles Borromeo: Marta Cavazos-April 7, 2014; Marshall Visto-April 24, 2014; William “Bill” McCann-May 11, 2014; Viola “Vi” Ubben-May 30, 2014. OAKWOOD-Sacred Heart: John B. Sevigny-Feb. 22, 2014; Michael French-April 18, 2014; Jerome Pilon-Sept. 13, 2014; Edmond Campbell-Sept. 13, 2014; Edgar A. LaFreniere-Oct. 8, 2014. ORISKA-St. Bernard of Clairvaux: Earl McAllister-March 16, 2014. PARK RIVER-St. Mary: Grace Berdahl-Oct. 31, 2013; Florence M. Denault-Dec. 11, 2013; Sandra Myrvik-Feb. 11, 2014. PISEK-St. John Nepomucene: James F. Sommer-March 20, 2014; Marcella M. Capouch-July 30, 2014. REYNOLDS-Our Lady of Perpetual Help: Cecelia A. Schreiner-April 2, 2014; Lyle P. Schumacher-July 12, 2014; William J. von Ruden-July 31, 2014; Dorothy Lazur-Aug. 2, 2014. ROCK LAKE-Immaculate Heart: Angeline Gori-Oct. 9, 2014. ROLETTE-Sacred Heart: Margaret Kromrey-Dec. 4, 2013; Rose Casavant-April 13, 2014; Vincent BonnMay 23, 2014. ROLLA-St. Joachim: Margie Branchaud-Jan. 28, 2014; Therese Hendrickson-April 21, 2014; Terry LaFrance-May 24, 2014; Sandra Olson-June 22, 2014; David Schleisman-Aug. 9, 2014; Marie HamleySept. 25, 2014. Please turn to WE REMEMBER on page 24B
We Remember
24B n November 2014
NewEarth Aug. 17, 2014; Ronald Bruesch-Sept. 2, 2014.
Continued from page 23B RUGBY-St. Therese the Little Flower: Casmer Volk-Oct. 20, 2013; Marlys T. Hinchey-Oct. 27, 2013; Rose M. Brossart-Nov. 12, 2013; Magdalena “Lena” Axtman-Nov. 14, 2013; Rochus “Roy” W. Scheet-Nov. 20, 2013; Marion Hauck-Dec. 4, 2013; Caroline Hoffert Dec. 7, 2013; Wayne K. Mattern-Dec. 8, 2013; Carl Schaan-Feb. 7, 2014; Anton “Tony” J. Goetz-Feb. 9, 2014; Emilia “Emily” J. Brossart-Feb. 16, 2014; Gary W. Ringham-Feb. 17, 2014; Peter Bachmeier-March 5, 2014; Elda Mae Tuchscherer-March 25, 2014; John Kirchofner-March 26, 2014; Leona M. SchmidtMarch 30, 2014; James P. Koble-May 7, 2014; Margaret L. Bischoff-May 31, 2014; Michael Fritel-June 2, 2014; Melvin “Mel” J. Bickler-June 13, 2014; Loretta R. Kirchofner-June 14, 2014; Mary M. Schmaltz-June 16, 2014; Kathryn “Katie” Busch-June 28, 2014; Clifford O. Ostenson-July 10, 2014; Rose E. Hoffert-Aug. 2, 2014; Dennis Scheet-Aug. 3, 2014; Ronald Lake-Aug. 21, 2014; Kenneth Degenstein-Aug. 23, 2014; Joseph E. Hoffert-Sept. 13, 2014; Pius V. WentzSept. 14, 2014; Rose M. Keller-Oct. 3, 2014; Matilda “Tillie” Schmaltz-Oct. 3, 2014; Anne Duchscher-Oct. 13, 2014. SANBORN-Sacred Heart: Mary Ann Wendel-Feb. 3, 2013; Harry Didier-Sept. 7, 2014. SELZ-St. Anthony: Eleanor Hager-March 23, 2014; Eva Keller-May 2, 2014; Sean M. DeckMay 28, 2014; Delores Held-Sept. 14, 2014. SHELDON-Our Lady of the Scapular: Anna M. Bunn-Oct. 20, 2013; Robert Bartholomay-Dec. 22, 2013; Julie Rosenberry-Aug. 3, 2014. STARKWEATHER-Assumption of the B.V.M.: Orville Stinkeoway-Oct. 27, 2013. STEELE-St. Francis de Sales: Jarett J. Wolf-June 3, 2014. SAINT JOHN-St. John: Sherry Tandeski-Jan. 26, 2014. SAINT MICHAEL-St. Michael’s Indian Mission: Dion J. Iceman-Oct. 8, 2013; Beatrice Abrahamson-Oct. 30, 2013; Carletta J. Walking Eagle-Oct. 31, 2013; Raphael E. `Feather-Nov. 15, 2013; Herminia F. Belgarde-Nov. 28, 2013; Mark GourdDec. 7, 2013; Alvina Bear-Dec. 14, 2013; Maxine Paul-Dec. 20, 2013; Mary L. Herman-Dec. 29, 2013; Daniel “Danny” Jetty-Jan. 22, 2014; Isaac N. MallardMarch 10, 2014; Sharon A. LohnesThomas-March 12, 2014; Zephren L. Jetty-March 15, 2014; Cecelia JonesMarch 29, 2014; Margaret M. EagleApril 4, 2014; Emil A. Kraft, Sr.-April 20, 2013; Elmer Brown-April 21, 2014; Benjamin P. Barragan, Jr.-April 22, 2013; Jacquline “Dee” D. Baker-June 1, 2014; Patricia M. Shaw-June 3, 2014; Lorraine “Tootsie” Charboneau-June 13, 2014; Edward “Charlie” C. John-June 16, 2014; Todd M. Rough, Sr.-July 17, 2014; Joel B. Lenoir, Jr.-Sept. 29, 2014; Jerome J. Littlewind-Oct. 1, 2014. SYKESTON-St. Elizabeth: Bernard “Bernie” F. Huss-Feb. 10, 2014; Alvin J. Polries-Aug. 20, 2014. THOMPSON-St. Jude: Pauline Bachmeier-Feb. 7, 2014. TOLNA-St. Joseph: Margaret Halvorson-May 11, 2014. TOWNER-St. Cecilia: Zachary Haman-Dec. 1, 2013; Balzar Burckhard-Dec. 28, 2013; Lucy Hager-
WALES-St. Michael: Justin Kruk-Oct. 8, 2014. WALHALLA-St. Boniface: Laurie Bennett-Jan. 31, 2014; Albert LaCoste-March 22, 2014; Timothy “Ted” Eagan-April 4, 2014; Vernon A. Dalzell-Aug. 13, 2014; George B. KopfAug. 25, 2014. WARSAW-St. Stanislaus: Barbara A. Denault-Nov. 9, 2013; Lorraine C. Kaatz-Dec. 14, 2013; Herman A. Schuster-Jan. 4, 2014; Lorraine V. Duray-March 26, 2014; James J. ShoultsJune 22, 2014; Sylvia A. Zolondek-July 6, 2014; Robert F. Plutowski-Oct 4, 2014.
New Earth photo
Laura Alkofer stands beside the memorial frame at St. Mary’s parish in Park River. She donated the frame in memory of her husband and hopes similar memorials will be placed in other parishes.
‘They still are a part of our parish even if they’ve passed away’ Alkofer donates frame in remembrance of parishioners By Kristina Lahr
While traveling in Bulgaria with her daughter, Laura Alkofer came across a memorial frame hung in a small parish featuring the photos and stories of those who had passed away. She was inspired to take the idea home to St. Mary’s parish in Park River. Alkofer asked Father Gary Luiten, pastor of St. Mary’s and St. Luke’s in Veseleyville, about the possibility of having something similar to what she saw. Father Luiten agreed that he didn’t often see memorial displays in parishes beyond a book of remembering and encouraged her to pursue the idea. With the help of Lanny Peterson, a contractor in Park River, an oak frame was built and hung in the parish entryway in July. The frame was dedicated to Alkofer’s husband, Ray, who passed away in October 2011 and is for parishioners and close family of parishioners of St. Mary’s in the area. “We should remember the people who were a part of our lives and community and continue to say prayers for them,” Alkofer said. “They still are a part of our parish even if they’ve passed away. [The frame] is a constant reminder that we still remember and love them.” In January, the photos and stories on the frame will be placed in a memorial album to make room for those who pass away in 2015. Eventually a shelf will accompany the frame to hold that album. Currently there are four people displayed. Alkofer hopes that some kind of memorial will catch on in other parishes as well. “Once you’ve had a family member put on the frame, it means so much more to you,” she said. Alkofer has been a parishioner of St. Mary’s in Park River for 41 years. She grew up on a farm near Little Falls, Minn., and has five children, eight grandchildren and four great-grandchildren. Jan. 7, 2014; Judith Thomas-Jan. 8, 2014; Mary Johnson-Jan. 19, 2014; Catherine Schmidt-May 3, 2014; Barbara Burckhard-Sept. 28, 2014. VALLEY CITY-St. Catherine: Merwyn S. Johnson-Nov. 1, 2013; Ann R. Loh-Nov. 29, 2013; Eileen Kosse-Dec. 14, 2013; Marie F. Baumgartner-Dec. 18, 2013; Sharon PetersonDec. 19, 2013; Lucy Lockwood-Jan. 10, 2014; Agnes Reisenauer-Jan. 19, 2014; Joanne Moritz-Jan. 21, 2014; Marianne Baumgartner-Jan. 21, 2014; Peter KobleFeb. 7, 2014; Frank Weis-Feb. 28, 2014; Ann Kjelland-March 7, 2014; James Mahan-March 8, 2014; Harry HannigMarch 19, 2014; Esther M. HafnerMarch 26, 2014; Dorothy A. Werran-March 31, 2014; James L. Didier-May 3, 2014; Walter E. Holm-May 6, 2014; Beatrice Wendel-June 19, 2014; Rita Weber-June 30, 2014; Margaret M. Boyer-July 1, 2014; Ann HaverlyAug. 13, 2014; Gregory Dimmer-Sept. 5, 2014; Ruth Langer-Sept. 16, 2014. VELVA-St. Cecilia: Roger Baluski-Oct. 21, 2013; Tony
W. Feist-Feb. 26, 2014; Louis SchatzMay 29, 2014; Rose M. Schatz-June 7, 2014; Elsie A. Jacobson-Aug. 30, 2014; Arthur Heisler-Sept. 15, 2014. WAHPETON-St. John: Elizabeth “Betty” Torgeson-Oct. 16, 2013; Dayle Y. Dietz-Nov. 25, 2013; Bernice A. Dietz-Dec. 10, 2013; John “Jack” Olson-Dec. 16, 2013; Francis “Frank” Theede-Jan. 1, 2014; Elarine Pelzl-Jan. 3, 2014; Jeannette Chermak-Jan. 19, 2014; Dennis J. Ehrens-Jan. 22, 2014; James Lauman-Feb. 28, 2014; Alyce L. SeurerSchuster-Feb. 28, 2014; Donald L. MillerMarch 2, 2014; Brian Bult-March 15, 2014; Timothy M. McLaren-April 3, 2014; Elaine M. Jacobson-April 6, 2014; Ione O’Hearn-April 25, 2014; Mary C. TheedeApril 30, 2014; Susan L. Braun-May 22, 2014; Grace Lehman-May 23, 2014; Wilbur F. Matejcek-May 26, 2014; David W. Matejcek-May 26, 2014; Floyd Morken-June 27, 2014; John WallJuly 18, 2014; Darilyn Thiel-July 24, 2014; Francis Kreller-July 31, 2014; David Goroski-Aug. 3, 2014; Leander Wawers-Aug. 9, 2014; Audrea A. Lenzmeier
WESTHOPE-St. Andrew: Richard Furgeson-Dec. 27, 2013; Ann Lesmann-Feb. 15, 2014. WEST FARGO-Blessed Sacrament: Jeanette M. Allrich-Oct. 16, 2013; NormanH. Ulmer-Nov. 21, 2013; Gerald Baumgartner-Dec. 6, 2013; Gennice Baumgartner-Dec. 12, 2013; Roy Eisenzimmer-Jan. 26, 2014; Eleanor J. Lautt-Feb. 22, 2014; Wallace A. BeatonMarch 13, 2014; Mabel L. VerlindenApril 19, 2014; Duane L. Tougas-June 13, 2014; Loran Paczkowski-June 24, 2014; Carol Anne Schmidt-July 8, 2014; Mark E. Wilken-Aug. 27, 2014; Jerome LiskaAug. 31, 2014. WEST FARGO-Holy Cross: Susan “JoJo” Flynn-Oct. 29, 2013; Ryan S. Seamands-Nov. 5, 2013; Francis Gludt-Dec. 9, 2013; Bessie MurrayDec. 16, 2013; Michael L. HollandDec. 19, 2013; Maynard “Chip” Johnson-Feb. 5, 2014; Carmen Maring-Feb. 12, 2014; Art WielandFeb. 12, 2014; Donna GaffaneyFeb. 13, 2014; Rose Hagel-Feb. 13, 2014; Ernest Cossette-March 22, 2014; Judith Fredricks-April 13, 2014; Barbara Haas-Prall-May 20, 2014; Yvonne PickJuly 7, 2014; Martina “Tina” Eisenzimmer-July 10, 2014; Brooklyn JoyceAug. 2, 2014; Duane A. Simon-Aug. 6, 2014; Greg Sprecher-Aug. 28, 2014; Cheri DietzSept. 23, 2014; Doran Evenson-Sept. 28, 2014. WILD RICE-St. Benedict: Della Bassett-Dec. 12, 2013; Daniel Schmidt-Feb. 6, 2014; Donald HoffMarch 19, 2014; Emma Erickson-June 5, 2014; Charlie Erickson-June 5, 2014; Dorothy Dunwoodie-Oct. 2, 2014. WILLOW CITY-Notre Dame des Victoires: Donald O Koehmstedt-Jan. 31, 2014; Robert Withey-Feb. 14, 2014; Myrtle Due-April 6, 2014. WIMBLEDON-St. Boniface: Ronald Hoggarth-March 15, 2014. WINDSOR-St. Mathias of Windsor: Donald W. Norris-Nov. 17, 2013. WYNDMERE-St. John the Baptist: Cy Mauch-Sept. 9, 2014. ZEELAND-St. Andrew: William “Bill” Aberle-Oct. 23, 2013. For the most part, this listing includes deaths that fell between Oct. 15, 2013 and Oct. 15, 2014. However, variances may occur. If we inadvertently omitted anyone, please contact Suzanne Nelson at (701) 356-7944 or news@fargodiocese.org. The names missed will be included in the December 2014 issue of New Earth.