New Earth June 2015

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New June 2015 | Vol. 36 | No. 6


The Magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Fargo

Honoring our spiritual fathers Diocesan priests, parishes commemorate ordination anniversaries


From Bishop Folda The gift of priesthood

Four ordained as deacons, prepare for priesthood

Year of Marriage and Family: Father leaders the faith NEW as EARTH JUNEof2015





June 2015 Vol. 36 | No. 6

ON THE COVER 14 Honoring our spiritual fathers Diocesan priests, parishes commemorate ordination anniversaries.

“By virtue of the sacrament of Orders you have become sharers in Christ’s priesthood, so that not only do you represent Christ, not only do you exercise his ministry, but you live Christ. Christ lives in you.” – Pope Paul VI. This month, the diocese celebrates the ordination anniversaries of several diocesan priests. Our spiritual fathers put aside their personal goals to provide for each of us the love and guidance to reach holiness. Please pray for the priests in our diocese and around the world.



The gift of priesthood




Pope Francis’ June Prayer Intentions


Ask a Priest: What does it mean to pray for social justice?


Christ’s real presence as a traveling companion

Father James Ermer answers this question in this month’s column.



Four ordained as deacons, prepare for priesthood



22 Spreading the Gospel Young Disciples embark on annual work with diocesan youth 10 Despite visitation chapel closing, ‘apostolate for life’ lives on

11 Father Asselin returns to the diocese after graduating 23 with canon law degree 12 Altar dedication, Mass celebrate parish renovation milestone 13 ‘We Are Family’ event held in Carrington

NEXT GEN CATHOLICS 20 Dare to be saints’ Shanley seniors receive call to action during graduation events 21 Youth group completes stepping stone rosary for Rolette community 2



Tattered Pages: A review of Catholic books and literature

Christopher Gunty, associate publisher and editor of “The Catholic Review,” reviews Archbishop William E. Lori’s book “The Joy of Believing: A Practical Guide to the Catholic Faith.” The book, distributed by Word Among Us Press, hopes to offer practical applications for living out the teachings of the Church.


24 Stories of Faith

Father Bert Miller shares a story of one woman’s prayer to stop judging others’ character based on appearances.

ON THE COVER: Jesus Christ, the Eternal High Priest with Apostle. Based on a Byzantine prototype of the same name, here Jesus is shown in Western Rite vestments. In the border are miniature icons of the twelve apostles connected in a winding vine pattern as a sign of their unity, and an articulation of the gospel verse, “I am the vine, and you are the branches” (John 15:5). © Marek Czarnecki 2015.



(ISSN# 10676406) Our mission is to serve Catholic parishes in Eastern N.D. as the official monthly publication of the Diocese of Fargo.

Publisher Most Rev. John T. Folda Bishop of Fargo

Editor Aliceyn Magelky

Staff Writer Kristina Lahr

Designer Stephanie Drietz - Drietz Designs

Subscriptions Parish contributions make it possible for each registered Catholic household in the diocese to receive 11 issues per year. For those living outside the Diocese wanting a subscription, an annual $9/year rate is requested.

25 Catholic Action

Christopher Dodson provides a “legislative wrap-up” from the recent North Dakota legislative session.

26 Stewardship

Steve Schons illustrates how an endowment fund is similar to Yellowstone National Park’s Old Faithful.

27 The Catholic Difference Guest columnist, George Weigel reflects on the sports

heroes and role models of yesteryear.

29 Seminarian Life

Seminarian Paul Kuhn reflects on “staying in the moment” especially during the most challenging times.


30 Happenings around the diocese / Glimpse of the Past 31 Events Calendar


32 Bishop Kagan shares story of four decades as a priest 33 USCCB plans fourth annual Fortnight for Freedom with events nationwide YMF 2015 34 Fathers as leaders of the faith

Postmaster Send address changes or subscription requests to: New Earth 5201 Bishops Blvd S., Suite A Fargo, ND 58104

Contact Information Use the following contact information to contact the New Earth staff: (701) 356-7900 Deadline to submit articles, story ideas, advertisements and announcements for the July/August issue is July 8, 2015. All submissions are subject to editing and placement. New Earth is published by the Catholic Diocese of Fargo, a nonprofit North Dakota corporation, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S, Suite A Fargo, ND 58104. (701) 356-7900. Periodical Postage Paid at Fargo, ND and at additional mailing offices. Member of the Catholic Press Association NEW EARTH JUNE 2015



The gift of priesthood


he day of ordination to the priesthood is always a joyful day in the life of the Church. The faithful gather to witness a beautiful and solemn event, a powerful moment of grace when Christ shares his own priesthood with unworthy men. I have to admit that I am looking forward to this year’s ordination on June 27 with particular anticipation. This will be the first ordination of priests that I will celebrate as a bishop, so I share the excitement of our two ordinands, Deacon Kyle Metzger and Deacon William Slattery. We should never fail to stand in awe before the gift of the priesthood to the Church, but we must also be humble before this gift.” – Bishop John Folda, Fargo Diocese The ordination of priests is an occasion of true renewal, a day of revitalization of hope, of faith and of trust in the future of God’s holy Church. Seeing these men lay down their lives renews our belief that the Church is alive and vibrant, and that it will endure as Jesus promised until the end of time. We rejoice in knowing that the Gospel will be preached, the sacrifice of the Mass will be offered, the sacraments administered and God’s people will be spiritually shepherded. Paraphrasing words of the late Cardinal John J. O’Connor, it is important to realize that what happens at an ordination is not a mere ritual in which these men will be vested with new vestments. They will become something they were not before. They will become priests of God for all eternity. They will be changed in a mysterious way that none of us can completely understand. They will remain men, with all their weaknesses in all their humanity, but they will become “other Christs” in their service to God’s people. This identification with Christ is most evident in their celebration of the sacrifice of the Mass, which every candidate for the priesthood eagerly anticipates. And, just as powerfully, they act in the person of Christ when they forgive sins through the sacrament of reconciliation. This notion of the priest acting in the person of Christ is at the heart of our belief in priesthood within the Church. The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches: “In the ecclesial service of the ordained minister, it is Christ himself who is



present to his Church as Head of his Body, Shepherd of his flock, high priest of the redemptive sacrifice, Teacher of truth. This is what the Church means by saying that the priest, by virtue of the sacrament of Holy Orders, acts in persona Christi capitis (in the person of Christ the Head)” (n. 1548). When the priest consecrates bread and wine at the altar, it is Christ who consecrates. When the priest forgives sin in reconciliation, it is Christ who forgives. When the priest proclaims the Gospel, it is Christ who teaches. We should never fail to stand in awe before the gift of the priesthood to the Church, but we must also be humble before this gift. Divine revelation says, “And one does not take the honor upon himself, but he is called by God, just as Aaron was” (Hebrews 5:4). No one is worthy to share in the priesthood of Jesus, but he chooses human instruments to do so nonetheless. Jesus is the “one mediator between God and men” (I Timothy 2:5), but he desires to exercise this mediation through the human agents he calls to be priests, whom the ancients called “other Christs.” St. John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests, once said, “A priest himself will not understand the greatness of his office until he is in heaven. If he understood it on earth, he would die, if not out of fear, then out of love.” This is also the time of year when most of our priests celebrate the anniversaries of their ordination. I can only express my deepest gratitude to all of our priests for their many years of priestly life and service to our diocese, and I would ask all the faithful to join me in expressing thanks to them. I also ask for prayers for our priests. They give of themselves every day to meet the spiritual needs of our people, and they make many unseen sacrifices for the good of the faithful. More than anyone else, our priests know their own frailties and shortcomings. They know they are ordinary men called to do extraordinary, even miraculous things. And, they know their need for prayers, so I implore all the faithful to remember them often in their prayers to Almighty God. Our diocese will be richly blessed in these two new priests of Jesus Christ, who very soon will serve in our parishes. But, the obvious challenge is also to encourage others to heed this same call. When I visit our parishes, almost without exception, I urge our people to pray for vocations to the priesthood, and I urge our young men to consider that Christ might be calling them just as he called Peter, James and John to follow him and become fishers of men. In fact, all the members of the Church should take to heart the directive of the Second Vatican Council: “The task of fostering vocations devolves upon the whole Christian community, which should do so in the first place by living in a fully Christian way” (Optatum Totius, 2). The call to the priesthood can originate in families, in schools, in youth groups and most definitely before the altar at Mass. As we all join in celebration at the upcoming priestly ordinations and anniversaries, let us resolve to pray that the Lord will move others to step forward, and that he will form them as shepherds after his own heart. May Christ the High Priest bless our new priests and all the priests of the Diocese of Fargo.

Diocese of Fargo Official Appointments/Announcements June 2015 Reverend James R. Ermer is appointed the bishop’s personal

representative to Catholic Charities North Dakota, effective June 24, 2015 and continuing ad nutum episcopi. This appointment is in addition to his duties as pastor of St. Leo’s parish in Casselton and St. Thomas’ parish in Buffalo. He will serve those parishes for a second term of six-years beginning June 24, 2015.

Very Reverend James S. Goodwin is appointed judicial vicar of

the Diocese of Fargo’s Tribunal. He is also appointed to the office of Canon Penitentiary for the Diocese of Fargo. These appointments are effective June 26, 2015 and continue to June 25, 2018.

Reverend Andrew M. Jasinski, is appointed chancellor of the

Bishop Folda’s Calendar June 9-12

USCCB Spring Meeting, St. Louis, Mo.

June 13 | 11 a.m.

Jubilee Mass for Franciscan Sisters, Hankinson

June 22 | 10 a.m.

North Dakota Catholic Conference, Jamestown

June 23 | 10 a.m.

Jubilee Mass for Mother Madonna, Carmel of Mary Monastery, Wahpeton

June 27 | 10 a.m.

Diocese of Fargo, effective June 24, 2015, and continues ad nutum episcopi. This appointment is in addition to his assignment as Director of the Office of Catholic Education and Formation for the Diocese of Fargo.

Ordination of Priests, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo

Reverend Jared C. Kadlec, JCL is appointed adjutant judicial

Mass at Sts. Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church, Bechyne

vicar of the Diocese of Fargo’s Tribunal. This appointment is effective June 26, 2015 and continues to June 25, 2018. This appointment is in addition to his current assignment as pastor of St. Benedict’s parish, Horace.

Reverend Matthew J. Kraemer is appointed Secretary to the

Bishop, master of ceremonies, vice chancellor and director of liturgy for the Diocese of Fargo. This appointment is effective June 24, 2015 and continues ad nutum episcopi.

Reverend Thaines Arulandu is appointed pastor of Transfiguration parish in Edgeley and Holy Spirit parish in Nortonville for a second term of six-years beginning June 24, 2015.

Reverend Jason P. Asselin is appointed pastor of St. Helena’s

parish in Ellendale and St. Patrick’s parish in Fullerton effective on June 24, 2015. This appointment is for a six-year term.

Reverend Raymond P. Courtright is appointed pastor of St.

Anthony of Padua’s parish in Fargo for a second term of six-years beginning June 24, 2015.

Reverend Thomas M. Feltman is appointed pastor of St. John

the Baptist’s parish in Wyndmere and St. Arnold’s parish in Milnor effective on June 24, 2015. This appointment is for a six-year term.

Reverend John F. Kizito is appointed pastor of St. Boniface’s

parish in Walhalla and Sts. Nereus and Achilleus’ parish in Neche effective on June 24, 2015. This appointment is for a six-year term.

Reverend Ross L. Laframboise is appointed pastor of St. Philip Neri’s parish in Napoleon for a second term of six-years beginning June 24, 2015.

Reverend Jason V. Lefor is appointed pastor of St. Boniface’s

June 28 | 10:30 a.m.

July 3

Pastoral Center Closed

July 6 10 a.m. Priests’ Council, Pastoral Center, Fargo 11:30 a.m. Catholic United Financial Golf Tournament, Rose Creek, Fargo

July 8 | 7 p.m.

Knights of Columbus and Altar Servers RedHawks Game, Fargo

July 12 | 10:30 a.m.

Mass for Father Bernard Pfau’s 50th Anniversary, St. John the Evangelist’s Catholic Church, New Rockford

July 13 | 4 p.m.

Year of Consecrated Life and 50th Anniversary Mass with Sisters of Mary of the Presentation, Maryvale, Valley City

July 17 | 5 p.m.

Mass for beginning of Nine-Day Novena, St. Ann’s Catholic Church, Belcourt

parish in Lidgerwood, Sts. Peter and Paul’s parish in Cayuga and St. Martin of Tours’ parish in Geneseo effective on June 24, 2015. This appointment is for a six-year term. (Continued on page 6)



Diocese of Fargo Official Appointments/Announcements (Continued from page 5) Reverend Luke D. Meyer is appointed pastor of St.

Reverend Troy K. Simonsen is appointed parochial

Reverend Franklin D. Miller is appointed pastor of St.

Reverend William P. Slattery is appointed parochial

Thomas Aquinas’ Newman Center in Grand Forks effective on June 24, 2015. This appointment is for a six-year term.

Cecilia’s parish in Harvey and St. Anthony’s parish in Selz for a second term of six-years beginning June 24, 2015.

Reverend Robert J. Pecotte is appointed pastor of St. Brigid of Ireland’s parish in Cavalier and St. Patrick’s parish in Crystal for a second term of six-years beginning June 24, 2015.

Reverend Robert F. Smith is appointed pastor of St. Maurice’s parish in Kindred effective on June 24, 2015. This appointment is for a six-year term.

Reverend Robert A. Wapenski is appointed pastor of St. Francis Xavier’s parish in Anamoose and St. Margaret Mary’s parish in Drake for a second term of six-years beginning June 24, 2015.

Reverend B. Alex King, HGN, is appointed parochial vicar of St. Joseph’s parish in Devils Lake with residence in the St. Joseph’s parish rectory. This appointment is effective June 24, 2015 and continues ad nutum episcopi.

Reverend Kyle P. Metzger is appointed parochial vicar of Sts. Anne and Joachim’s parish in Fargo with residence at the Sts. Anne and Joachim parish rectory. This appointment is effective July 1, 2015 and continues ad nutum episcopi.

vicar of the Cathedral of St. Mary in Fargo with residence in the Cathedral rectory. This appointment is effective June 24, 2015 and continues ad nutum episcopi. vicar at Holy Cross parish in West Fargo with residence at the Holy Cross parish rectory. This appointment is effective July 11, 2015 and continues through September 20, 2015. He is assigned to return to Rome in September 2015 to complete his studies to obtain a licentiate in moral theology. The expected completion date is spring of 2016.

Reverend Leonard J. Loegering is granted retirement from active ministry as a priest of the Diocese of Fargo effective June 24, 2015 in accord with canon 538§1. He will enjoy all the faculties generally held by a priest of the Fargo Diocese.

Reverend Mister Robert J.E. Keller is appointed to serve as a transitional deacon at St. John’s parish in Wahpeton, effective May 26, 2015.

Reverend Mister Paul B. Kuhn is appointed to serve as a transitional deacon at St. Joseph’s parish in Devils Lake, effective May 26, 2015.

Reverend Mister Patrick R. Parks is appointed to

serve as a transitional deacon at St. Alphonsus’ parish in Langdon, effective May 26, 2015.

Reverend Mister Steven J. Wirth is appointed to

serve as a transitional deacon at Holy Family parish in Grand Forks, effective May 26, 2015.

Christ’s real presence as a traveling companion


By David Gibson | Catholic News Service

here are occasions in the mad rush of life when responsible, caring people go considerably out of their way to make themselves present to a spouse or a child, a parent, friend or even stranger. A father or mother hurriedly leaves work quite late, intent on getting to a child’s middle-school basketball or lacrosse game at least by halftime. Someone whose schedule is overcrowded to the breaking point carves out time to visit a friend in another city who recently suffered a painful loss. What prompts people to do what it takes to be there for someone in a manner more real than the latest electronic device provides? Indeed, people go to extremes to be present to those they love, but many feel hard-pressed afterward to tell exactly why their presence mattered so much. Perhaps the child acknowledged the parent’s presence at the



school game with only a nod. Perhaps the friend, consumed by his loss, did not remember to ask about his visitor’s well-being or his family. Nonetheless, we humans take the matter of being really present to others very seriously. We hope our presence makes a silent statement that “speaks” loudly. For Christians, making an effort to be present to others is Christ-like. “The Gospel tells us constantly to run the risk of a face-toface encounter with others, with their physical presence, which challenges us, with their pain and their pleas, with their joy,” Pope Francis wrote in “The Joy of the Gospel.” This is precisely the risk that the Christian community believes Christ takes in making himself personally present to the complicated people of our times. We, in making ourselves present to others, signal our belief

FOCUS ON FAITH Transition,” a 2013 book by William V. D’Antonio, Michelle Dillon and Mary L. Gautier. Mark M. Gray, director of Catholic polls at the Washington-based Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate, derived some reassurance from the findings. They imply, Gray concluded, that “lack of belief in the real presence is more a problem of religious education than of doubt.” For, statistically speaking, few Catholics who know of the Church’s teaching on real presence “say that they do not believe the doctrine.” Gray wondered if Catholics who do not believe this teaching might “come to believe it if they knew and understood it better.” When real presence is discussed among Catholics, the accent frequently falls on the word “real.” Believers naturally want to know more about how Christ can be really present in this way. That does not mean, however, that the other word, “presence,” is The Feast of Corpus Christi (The Most Holy Body and Blood undeserving of attention. “It is highly fitting that Christ should of Christ) celebrates the institution of the sacrament of holy have wanted to remain present to his church in this unique way,” Communion. For more than 100 years, one parish in the diocese, the catechism states. It adds: St. Mary’s in Dazey, memorializes the day with Mass followed by “In his eucharistic presence he remains mysteriously in our a Eucharistic procession. In this photo, taken during the 100th midst as the one who loved us and gave himself up for us, and anniversary of the parish’s event, then-Bishop Samuel Aquila he remains under signs that express and communicate this love” processed with the Host through the community. This year’s (CCC 1380). Mass and procession was offered by Bishop John Folda on June 6. (Submitted by Nancy Bryn) Christ’s real presence is a sacramental presence. Pope Francis addressed this in a Sept. 24, 2013, homily. “A sacrament is not in them and our hopes for them. a magical rite, it is an encounter with Jesus Christ,” he stressed. But, do Christ’s reasons for wanting to be present to us In a sacrament, he insisted, “we encounter the Lord, and he is resemble our reasons for wanting to be present to others? If by our side and accompanies us” as “a traveling companion.” grace builds on nature, as theologians say, our intentions in Gibson served on Catholic News Service’s editorial staff for 37 becoming present to others should cast at least modest light years. He is a contributing writer to CNS’s “Faith Alive!” news feed. on the mystery of Christ’s presence to us. Christ is present in many ways. People readily speak of recognizing Christ’s face in the sick and poor or family members and friends, even the difficult ones. June The Catechism of the Catholic Church points out that Christ Universal intention: Immigrants and refugees. That speaks when the word of God or Scripture is proclaimed. He is immigrants and refugees may find welcome and present in the sacraments, “of which he is the author,” and in respect in the countries to which they come. “the person of the minister.” Moreover, he is present wherever “two or three are gathered” in his name (CCC 1373). Reflection: How is devotion to the hearts of Jesus Christ’s eucharistic presence under the appearances of bread and Mary connected to concern for migrants and and wine, called his “real presence,” uniquely commands the refugees? church’s attention. Speaking of this, the catechism explains: Scripture: Deuteronomy 10: 12-22. The Lord your God “This presence is called ‘real’ -- by which is not intended befriends the alien. to exclude the other types of presence as if they could not be ‘real’ too, but because it is presence in the fullest sense. ... It is Evangelization intention: Vocations. That personal a substantial presence by which Christ, God and man, makes encounter with Jesus may arouse in many young himself wholly and entirely present” (CCC 1374). people the desire to offer their own lives in the priesthood or consecrated life. I wanted to quote that passage, since recent research suggests that while nearly two-thirds of U.S. Catholics say they believe Reflection: How has the joy of knowing Jesus played in the real presence, another one-third, called “unknowing a role in my life and in my participation in Church unbelievers,” neither profess this as a belief nor know that it communities? represents a Church teaching. Some 17 percent of Catholics who Scripture: John 15: 1-11. “I have told you this so acknowledge the real presence say they also did not realize it that my joy might be in you and your joy may is a Church teaching. be complete.” These are among the findings of “American Catholics in

Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis

Provided by Apostleship of Prayer,




What does it mean to pray for social justice?


ocial justice is a very broad concept as well as being a teaching of Ask a Priest the Catholic Church. As a concept, social Father James Ermer justice is found in Part III of the Catechism of the Catholic Church (CCC). There are four parts to the church’s catechism and Part III deals with the moral life and all the component parts of Life in Christ.

Because all of us are created in God’s image, we share an equal dignity and therefore enjoy fundamental human rights such as a right to education, right to medical care, right to religious liberty, right to be free of discriminations based on race, color, sex, language, etc. and right to safe working conditions. At the same time, differences among people belong to God’s plan so that “each receives what he needs from others.” The 1965 Vatican II document “Gaudium et Spes” (Pastoral Constitution of the Church in the Modern World) leaves us with a number of social justice teachings (e.g. - the universal destination of goods; the order of things being subordinate to the order of persons; that ”everyone should look upon his neighbor without exception as ‘another self...’” (GS 27.1). This concept is

“Society ensures social justice when it provides the conditions that allows associations or individuals to obtain what is their due, according to their nature and their vocation. Social justice is linked to the common good and the exercise of authority.” – Catechism of the Catholic Church 1928 Before examining in detail the Ten Commandments, the catechism teaches that, as individuals, God has made us in his image and likeness and speaks to us in the depths of our consciences so as to freely choose virtuous living as the way to eternal happiness. But, the very nature of God is a communion of persons, a trinity of love known as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Therefore, we are more than individuals. We are social beings that live in a multitude of relationships and associations with other people. In the first book of scripture, God says, “it is not good for man to be alone” (Genesis 2:18). In that light, the catechism teaches, “Society ... is a requirement of our nature” (CCC 18789). It is this fundamental dimension of human existence that gives rise to the Church’s teaching on social justice. The catechism says, “Society ensures social justice when it provides the conditions that allows associations or individuals to obtain what is their due, according to their nature and their vocation. Social justice is linked to the common good and the exercise of authority” (CCC 1928). Social justice teachings attend to those essential conditions that contribute to the common good and the flourishing of the human community. Most modern notions of social justice begin with Pope Leo XIII’s encyclical “Rerum Novarum” (On the Conditions of the Working Classes) that was written in 1891. With people leaving the country and filling the industrialized cities of Europe, the plight of workers needed to be addressed. Pope Leo spoke of just wages and the place of labor unions as rightful dimensions of human living. Throughout the subsequent years, church writings on social justice have spelled out fundamental human rights that flow from our dignity as creatures of God as well as distinguishing false claims to such rights (i.e: the Marxist notion of class struggle). 8


especially true when it involves the disadvantaged, sometimes known as the “preferential option for the poor,” that economic activity is subordinate to human development; that the Church is tied to no political community or system but speaks for the transcendent goods of people’s lives. This is the stuff of social justice and praying in this spirit is certainly a true and honorable prayer. Father Ermer serves as the pastor of St. Leo’s Catholic Church in Casselton and St. Thomas’ Catholic Church in Buffalo. He can be reached at Editor’s Note: If you have a question about the Catholic faith and would like to submit a question for consideration in a future column, please send to with “Ask a Priest” in the subject line or mail to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S, Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104, Attn: Ask a Priest.

Christ the King Retreat Center Buffalo, Minnesota

The readers of New Earth are cordially invited to a beautiful inexpensive lakeside retreat of wonderful relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation. The theme for the retreat is “The Joy of the Gospel.” For a free brochure please call 763-682-1394, email, or visit us at


During the May 23 diaconate ordination, (from left) Robert Keller, Harvey; Paul Kuhn, Harvey; Patrick Parks, Coon Rapids, Minn. and Steven Wirth, Munich were presented to Bishop Folda and the general assembly as worthy candidates for the diaconate. These men were ordained at the Cathedral of St. Mary in Fargo. (Aliceyn Magelky/New Earth)

Four ordained as deacons, prepare for priesthood By Aliceyn Magelky


n May 23, the Diocese of Fargo received a gift of four his successors. Also, they promised to remain celibate, proclaim new deacons as Bishop John Folda celebrated Mass the faith and enter a deeper prayer life including a commitment and ordained these men as transitional deacons at the to praying the Liturgy of the Hours. Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo. The newly ordained clergy, Deacons Later, in an expression of total dependence on God, they Robert Keller, Harvey; Paul Kuhn, Harvey; Patrick Parks, Coon prostrated themselves in front of the altar while the assembly Rapids, Minn. and Steven Wirth, Munich will complete seminarian prayed the litany of saints. studies this fall and are expected to be ordained priests next The bishop consecrated each man for the Church’s ministry summer. This summer Deacon Keller will serve in Wahpeton by laying his hands on them. Then, the men were vested with at St. John’s. Deacon Kuhn will assist at St. Joseph’s Catholic the stole and dalmatic by a priest of significant influence in his Church in Devils Lake. Deacon Parks will serve Langdon at St. life. The bishop presented each new deacon with a Book of the Alphonsus’ Catholic Church. And, Deacon Wirth will spend Gospels and extended the kiss of peace which was repeated by his summer in Grand Forks assisting at Holy Family parish. their fellow deacons. Seminarians are customarily ordained to the transitional A deacon’s duties include proclaiming the Gospel at Mass diaconate before their last year of preparation for ordination and delivering homilies. In addition, he may administer holy to the priesthood. Communion, the sacrament of baptism, and he may witness Surrounded by family, friends and area faithful, the seminarians weddings. Deacons also are active in Christian outreach and received the sacrament of holy orders and joined in service and ministry in a variety of places including parishes and hospitals, brotherhood with all deacons of the diocese. After each one was as well as service to the poor. formally presented to the bishop to receive the sacrament and move forward in their journey, these men placed their hands Additional photos from the ordination can be found within the News and into Bishop Folda’s, promising respect and obedience to him and Events section of the diocesan website NEW EARTH JUNE 2015



Despite visitation chapel closing, ‘apostolate for life’ lives on By Aliceyn Magelky


mid an expectedly somber scene, a closing Mass was held on May 27 at the Visitation Chapel, located next to North Dakota’s only abortion facility in Fargo. For nearly four years to the day, volunteers of the Prayer Apostolate for Life spent their Wednesdays praying there in support of furthering a culture of life. Father Kurt Gunwall offered Mass for the approximately 30 people in attendance. “A lot of people are sad, and rightly so, because the apostolate is dear to their hearts,” said Rachelle Sauvageau, diocesan Respect Life Director. “At the same time, it’s not the end but a new beginning to this journey.” On June 1, 2011, then-Bishop Samuel Aquila offered the opening Mass for the chapel. Every Wednesday from that day forward, Mass was offered and Eucharistic Adoration was held during the day for the intentions of the women entering the abortion facility, the people who work to promote abortion and for furthering the culture of life. In March 2015, the building that housed the chapel changed ownership. As is common with

rental property, a change in ownership meant a change in lease terms as well. Despite the chapel closing, the Prayer Apostolate for Life and the diocese has not lost its resolve and commitment to pray for and minister to women and men involved in the abortion decision. The group of dedicated volunteers will remain in solidarity but in a new location. Beginning June 3, the Prayer Apostolate for Life will meet between 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. every Wednesday at the Pastoral Center located at 5201 Bishops Blvd. in Fargo. “Hopefully, it will bring more participation by having it at the Pastoral Center,” commented Sauvageau. “A fruit of the Visitation Chapel is that it drew together a group of people committed to prayer for life. I believe the Lord wants to keep this group together and to see it grow.” Prayer time will open with saying the rosary, continue with private meditation and close with the recitation of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy. All are welcome to attend.

A confirmation treat

Bishop Folda signs bibles for Logan Heilman, Amber Finn, Grant Pribula and Killian Wells. Each are students who received confirmation and first holy Communion May 1 at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church, West Fargo. (Father Luke Meyer/Fargo Diocese)




Father Asselin returns to the diocese after graduating with canon law degree


Father Jason Asselin stands with Father Robert Kaslyn, S.J., dean of the School of Canon Law at the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. Father Asselin graduated with a licentiate in canon law May 15. (Submitted photo)

By Kristina Lahr

fter three years studying at the Catholic University of America in Washington D.C., Father Jason Asselin graduated with a JCL degree, a licentiate in canon law on May 16. A JCL degree is a graduate degree in the Roman Catholic Church that qualifies an individual to serve as a judge in the tribunal with regards to marriage cases. Although Father Asselin won’t be working directly within the tribunal on his first assignment back in the diocese, he says he’ll be working on marriage cases as needed in addition to his assignment as pastor at St. Helena’s parish in Ellendale and St. Patrick’s parish in Fullerton. “Having this degree allows me to serve the Church in a wider aspect in the tribunal ministry, so I can serve the needs of the diocese in a broader way. The nitty-gritty of it is that I’ll be judging annulment cases. In some capacity, I’ll be serving the needs for justice in the Church.” Now back in the diocese, he says he’s excited about his first time as a pastor and the new experiences that lie ahead meeting the people of Ellendale and Fullerton. “It’s been enjoyable to study, but the Fargo Diocese is where my heart is,” he said. “It seems fitting to be finishing this degree during the Year of Marriage and Family… the tribunal can be a great service to the life of families.”




Altar dedication, Mass celebrate parish renovation milestone By Father Tom Graner


t. Therese the Little Flower in Rugby recently celebrated the completion of its refurbishing project with dedication of the altar and Mass celebrated by Bishop John Folda on May 10. In addition to the new marble altar, a matching ambo and tabernacle stand were added to the sanctuary furnishings. Materials for the altar were chosen to match the existing baptismal font. The cross on the front of the altar echoes the design of the wrought iron crosses that cap the church bell towers. New paint, refinished pews, new carpet and a new lighting system were all included in the work that began Jan. 5, 2015. The interior refurbishing is the first since 1982, and it is the

A rendering of the newly renovated altar, ambo and tabernacle at St. Therese the Little Flower parish in Rugby. The change is one of the most visible improvements to the parish in series of projects that began in 2009. (Submitted photo)

most visible aspect of a series of projects that began in 2009. Much of the refurbishing work was accomplished by Henning Church and Historical Restoration LLC of Forest Lake, Minn. The DiNardo-Henning family has had five generations work on St. Therese the Little Flower’s parish since it was originally built in 1928. Parish volunteers also were key components to completing significant portions of the refurbishing. Funds for the refurbishing were raised through the parish Centennial Capital Campaign which began in 2008. Resources generated from parishioners were matched in part by a $50,000 grant from the Alma Hommerding Incentive Fund of the Diocese of Fargo.

On May 10, Bishop John Folda celebrated Mass and dedicated the altar in the newly refurbished sanctuary of St. Therese the Little Flower parish. (Father Luke Meyer/Fargo Diocese)

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‘We Are Family’ event held in Carrington

n April 26, more than 140 members from Sacred Heart Catholic Church of Carrington and St. Elizabeth’s in Sykeston, gathered together as a parish family to celebrate the diocesan “Year of Marriage and Family.” Sacred Heart high school students and St. Elizabeth’s youth group provided dinner and entertainment to parishioners using the theme, “We Are Family.” The purpose of the celebration was for the youth to learn the value of hard work and to appreciate how much their parents, grandparents and friends have sacrificed for them. The teachers, teenagers and several volunteers planned, decorated, prepared and served a wonderful supper, which senior Claire Endres emceed. Also, they provided a slideshow of parishioners’ personal photos from the past and present. The Sacred Heart

By Angela Boeshans and Cindy Murphy

Youth Choir, led by Jennifer Hoornaert on the piano, provided vocal entertainment, along with senior Bailey Retzlaff singing several beautiful and reflective solos. St. Elizabeth’s youth group assisted in decorating the rainbow-colored parish hall with a large poster, colorful flowers and balloons. Sacred Heart students cooked and served the meal. Also, during the event, a microphone was passed around the room. Several parishioners took that opportunity to offer thanks for how they were raised, to show how blessed they were to be part of a great parish family or to remember that God brings us together to support one another. To conclude, each person took a balloon, and, as a group, they released them into the air to illustrate their thankfulness and their prayers ascending to the Lord.

Parishioners of Sacred Heart, Carrington and St. Elizabeth, Sykeston release balloons together to represent their prayers ascending to the Lord. The parishes came together to celebrate the diocesan “Year of Marriage and Family” on April 26. (Submitted Photo)



Honoring our spiritual fathers Diocesan priests, parishes commemorate ordination anniversaries



COVER STORY Compiled by Aliceyn Magelky


une is a month reserved for the celebration of our fathers and grandfathers. It’s a time of rejoicing and thanking the men in our lives that have nurtured, protected, challenged and guided us to be the best we can be. While we likely think of our biological fathers when remembering “Fathers’ Day” in June, this month is an opportunity to recognize our spiritual fathers, the priests in our lives, too. Like our own fathers, these men pray for us, console us, laugh with us and lead us to be the best we can be. They put aside their desires and their woes to give each of us a glimpse of Christ’s love, compassion and mercy in the world. Just as a father must nourish, instruct, challenge, correct, forgive and listen, a priest must meet the needs of those entrusted to his care, providing them with the nourishment of our Lord through the sacraments. He must preach and live the Gospel with fervor and conviction and challenge all to continue on a path of conversion which leads to holiness. He must correct those who have made mistakes with mercy and compassion. That’s a tall order to ask of anyone. All of our priests deserve special recognition in our hearts and our prayers. However, this month “New Earth” is highlighting specific priests in the diocese who are celebrating jubilees. Jubilees are milestone anniversaries since the priests’ ordinations. Please continue to pray for all clergy in their work as our spiritual fathers.

Celebrating 65 Years

Ordained by Bishop Leo Dworschak in 1950, Monsignor Joseph Huebsch’s first assignment was to assist Monsignor Gerard Bierens at St. Philip’s parish in Hankinson. After 45 years, he returned to Hankinson when he retired. He spent the next ten years as the chaplain to the sisters Monsignor Joseph R. Huebsch at St. Francis Convent. And, on Feb. 1, 2004, he moved into St. Gerard’s Independent Living Unit. Following the death of Father Lambert Studzinsky in 2005, Monsignor Huebsch accepted the assignment to serve as chaplain of St. Gerard’s Community of Care in Hankinson. Not wanting anyone needing or desiring the healing grace of Christ to go without, Monsignor Huebsch insists the nursing staff call him at any hour, day or night, if a resident is in need of his ministry. During the years he was away from Hankinson, he served many small communities in rural North Dakota including parishes in Jessie, Aneta, Alice, Leonard, Buffalo, Enderlin, Sheldon, Fargo, Steele, Lake Williams and Tappen. He made many lasting friendships with the people of these parishes as many former members still stop to visit him when in the Hankinson area. Having grown up on a farm, Monsignor Huebsch enjoys working


with his hands even lending them to the masonry work on a new community center built in 2013. When he’s not attending to the needs of residents and staff at St. Gerard’s Community of Care, he enjoys taking a drive around the countryside to see the crops and harvests. Always willing to help in whatever way he can, Monsignor Huebsch was recognized for his service to others by being named the ND Long Term Care Association’s Adult Volunteer of the Year for 2015. He was chosen from a group of nominations from people across the state. On June 3, Monsignor Huebsch marked 65 years as a priest. An open house in his honor is scheduled for June 12 at St. Gerard’s Community of Care in Hankinson from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m.

“For we do not preach ourselves but Jesus Chris as Lord, and ourselves as your slaves for the sake of Jesus.” – 2 Corinthians 4:5 Father Leo Stelten was born in Minneapolis, Minn., on Aug. 11, 1925. He attended St. Bridget’s elementary parochial school in Minneapolis, Nazareth Hall Preparatory Seminary in St. Paul, and the Saint Paul Seminary. He was ordained on Father Leo F. Stelten June 3, 1950 at St. John’s in Wahpeton. Then, he was assigned associate pastor at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Fargo from 1950 until 1956. While at the Cathedral he began his teaching career at the newly opened Shanley High School. Later, he was the diocesan vocation director from 1955 to 1962. During that time, he earned a master’s degree in classics at St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mo., in 1957 and was a teacher and assistant superintendent at Shanley from 1957 to 1962. Later he earned a PhD in Classical Languages in 1971 from St. Louis University. In 1962, he became a member of the Cardinal Muench Seminary faculty. And, from 1966 to 1977, Father Stelten taught Latin and Greek at both Cardinal Muench Seminary and North Dakota State University. Additionally, he served in the marriage tribunal and as parochial vicar for St. Paul’s Newman Center in Fargo. From 1978 until 1995, he served outside the Diocese of Fargo as a faculty member of Pontifical College Josephinum in Columbus, Ohio. After his retirement in 1995, he returned to North Dakota and worked in the Cardinal Muench Seminary library and assisted the librarians in handling the thousands of books that came from the bishop’s residence during a remodeling project. He became actively involved in diocesan and seminary historical and archival work as well as book binding and repair. He, along with Father William Sherman, edited “Scattered Steeples Expanded.” Currently, Father Stelten lives in Las Vegas.




COVER STORY seminary. He began studying for the priesthood at Crosier Seminary in Onamia, Minn. Father William Sherman immediately following high was born in Detroit, Mich. school graduation. He and attended high school later entered the St. Paul in Oregon, North CaroSeminary in St. Paul, Minn. lina and North Dakota. to complete his major After high school, he joined theological studies. On June the U.S. Army when he 4, 1955, he was ordained was 17, serving in the Phila priest by Bishop Leo ippines and Japan for a year. Father Vincent J. Tuchscherer Dworschak at St. Therese When he returned, he went the Little Flower’s Catholic to St. John’s University in Church in Rugby. The following day he offered his first Mass there. Father William C. Sherman Collegeville, Minn. where he started thinking about His first assignment was parochial vicar at Transfiguration becoming a priest. On June 11, 1955 he was ordained at St. Catholic Church, Edgeley. Later he was stationed at several rural Michael’s Catholic Church in Grand Forks. He offered his first parishes including ones in Jud, Gackle, Nortonville, Napoleon, Burnstad, Hope, Finley, Page, Grafton, Pisek and Conway. His Mass at St. Boniface parish in Lidgerwood. last assignment was as pastor of Sacred Heart Catholic Church, While at St. John’s University, Father Sherman earned his B.A. Orrin; St. Anselm’s Catholic Church, Fulda and Our Lady of Mt. in sociology and philosophy and later a divinity degree. In Carmel’s Catholic Church, Balta. He spent 17 years in what he 1965, he earned a Master of Arts degree in sociology from the affectionately calls “God’s country” driving between the three University of North Dakota. He taught Sociology of Religion and parishes on mostly gravel roads to offer Mass at each parish Sociology of the Great Plains at North Dakota State University in every Sunday. Fargo from 1971 to 2001, and is now a professor emeritus there. Perhaps most known for his 27 years of service as pastor of Today, Father Tuchscherer lives in a quiet apartment community St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Grand Forks, Father Sherman in southwest Fargo. He exercises every day by taking walks also served as pastor in Sheldon, Alice, Enderlin, Fargo and around his neighborhood. “I want them to know, I’m okay,” he Verona as well as the national chaplain for U.S. Veterans of said. “I really feel so blessed, not just lucky, but blessed, that I got to know so many wonderful people in all my parishes and Foreign Wars. the communities where I lived.” Father Sherman has written several books. One of particular note to the diocese is “Scattered Steeples,” a historical perspective of the Fargo Diocese. Twenty years after that publication had long gone out of print, he, along with Father Leo Stelten, edited Father Bernard a new edition entitled “Scattered Steeples Expanded.” It’s a “Bernie” Pfau, pastor of St. “panoramic view of the church from sod-house Masses to the John the Evangelist in New grand liturgies of the Cathedral-like city churches” written by Rockford and Sts. Peter various authors. and Paul in McHenry, will celebrate 50 years of priest On May 17, 2014 Father Sherman received an honorary degree hood with Mass at 10:30 a.m. from the University of North Dakota during its general spring at St. John’s in New Rockford commencement ceremony at the Alerus Center in Grand Forks. followed by a meal and This award is given to celebrate someone who has spent many family activities. years in a specific field. Father Sherman was nominated by the Father Pfau is one of 15 Department of Sociology at UND for his work. Father Bernard “Bernie” children born to Michael Father Sherman continues to live in Grand Forks. He offers A. Pfau and Mary Pfau. He attended daily Mass in his private chapel at 4:00 p.m. every day where Assumption Abbey College in Richardton for two years, then he invites anyone to attend. studied at St. John’s in Collegeville, Minn., including two years at the university and four years at the seminary. He was ordained Father Vincent Tuchscherer grew up on a large farm about a by Bishop Leo Dworschak on June 5, 1965, in his home parish mile from Rugby. Because the farm was close to town and often of St. Boniface in Esmond. in need of extra help, Father Tuchscherer recalls several priests He served as associate pastor at St. Michael’s parish, Grand from his home parish, St. Therese the Little Flower, taking time Forks, from 1965 to 1972. He began working with Worldwide to assist with threshing and hauling bales. Specifically, he tells Marriage Encounter in 1970 and served as a presenting and a story of Father Victor Schill spending a summer as a foreman coordinating team priest for the program for 12 years. on the property during the building of a new barn. Father Pfau served as pastor at St. Joseph’s parish, Tolna, Enamored by these men, Father Tuchscherer credits Sacred Heart parish of Aneta, and Sts. Peter and Paul parish of this exposure to priests as one of the reasons he entered

Celebrating 60 Years



Celebrating 50 Years




COVER STORY McHenry from 1972 to 1978. During this assignment, he began giving Engaged Encounter Weekends as a Team Priest, work which he continued until 2000. He was assigned by Bishop Justin Driscoll to serve as youth director for the Fargo Diocese from 1978 to 1983 and as vocation director from 1981 to 1983 before being assigned to the Newman Center at North Dakota State School of Science in Wahpeton for two years. Father Pfau served as pastor and rector of the Basilica of St. James in Jamestown, with the mission parishes of Sacred Heart, Fried, St. Michael’s, Pingree and St. Margaret’s, Buchanan, from 1985 to 2002. In June 2002, he was assigned to his current position as pastor of St. John the Evangelist parish, New Rockford, along with the mission parish, Sts. Peter and Paul in McHenry. Father Pfau has a sister, Sister Marita Pfau, who is a Franciscan sister in Mitchell, S.D.

of Blessed Sacrament Church in West Fargo, an assignment he thoroughly enjoyed. In 2004, he was asked by then-Bishop Samuel Aquila to come to the Cathedral of St. Mary’s as rector and pastor to St. Williams in Argusville. In 2007, he was assigned as pastor to Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Reynolds and St. Jude’s in Thompson, where he currently serves. A celebration marking Father Cavanaugh’s anniversary as a priest was held on June 7 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church in Reynolds.

“For I resolved to know nothing while I was with you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.” – 1 Corinthians 2:2

Celebrating 25 Years

Father Paul Duchschere was born on Sept. 19, Father John Cavanaugh 1962 to Gus and Dorothy entered this world on Jan. Duchschere, at St. John’s 29, 1952 at the Indian Health Hospital in Fargo. He has Hospital in Fort Totten. He two older brothers, Kevin is the oldest of nine children and Kyle. borne to John B. and Ruth Growing up on the Cavanaugh. He attended north side of Fargo, Little Flower School locatPaul’s home parish was ed in St. Michael. At the Father Paul C. Duchschere Holy Spirit. He attended completion of elementaCatholic schools his ry school, he was sent to entire life: Holy Spirit Elementary, Shanley High School, the Assumption Abbey Prep College of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn., and finally Mount St. Father John L. Cavanaugh School in Richardson and Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md. On June 2, 1990, Father stayed there until it closed. He graduated from high Duchschere was ordained a priest by Bishop James Sullivan at school at St. Mary’s Academy in Devils Lake. While a the Cathedral of St. Mary in Fargo. senior in high school, he worked as an orderly at Mercy Hospital. Here, he experienced many facets of the medical profession and Father Duchschere’s first assignment was as a parochial vicar to Monsignor Wendelyn Vetter at St. Anthony’s in Fargo from became interested in pursuing a medical career. 1990 to 1992. He learned many of his pastoral ministry skills In 1970, he entered Mary College, later to become University and habits from Monsignor Vetter during those two years. His of Mary, in Bismarck. His interest in medicine continued, and first pastorate was to the people of St. Patrick’s in Enderlin, St. he worked part-time at MedCenter One on the surgical floor. Mary’s in Sheldon and St. Henry’s in Alice from 1992-1994. He However, his career path changed, and he moved onto humanities. came back to Fargo and began his 10 year pastorate at St. Paul’s He graduated in 1974 with a degree in social and behavioral Newman Center at NDSU from 1994 to 2004. Ministering to the sciences and secondary education. college students as the millennium turned offered him a time Upon graduating from college, he returned home to the Spirit of real maturing and enjoyment of his priestly life. Lake Nation. Later that summer, he enlisted in the U.S. Navy In 2004, Father Duchschere was asked to become the vocation and completed his basic training at the Naval Training Center director for the Diocese of Fargo, which he did until 2010 and in Orlando, Fla. For nearly 10 years he served in several posts at that time he lived at Cardinal Muench Seminary. Finally, in within this military branch. Before entering seminary, Father December of 2009, he became the pastor of Sts. Anne & Joachim Cavanaugh had seen more than 100 countries. He loved seeing Church in Fargo, where he currently serves. He has also served the world. He left active duty in 1983 to pursue the priesthood as the dean of Deanery II for over 12 years, and he has led the and began formation at Sacred Heart School of Theology in Continuing Education Committee for Priests and the Formation Hales Corner, Wis. Program for the Permanent Diaconate. On June 2, 1990, Father Cavanaugh was ordained a priest for Solemn Vespers followed by a program was held May 31 at the Diocese of Fargo by Bishop James Sullivan at the Cathedral Sts. Anne and Joachim’s Catholic Church, Fargo, to recognize of St. Mary in Fargo. His first assignment was at St. Michael’s Father Duchschere’s 25 years as a priest. Catholic Church in Grand Forks. In 1992, he became the pastor of St. Cecelia’s Church in Harvey. In 1995, he became pastor





COVER STORY Father Charles Fischer was born June 4, 1961 and grew up in Kenosha, Wis. along the shores of Lake Michigan. When he was 14 years old, he attended a seminary high school in Milwaukee, Wis. and from there went to Marquette University where he graduated in 1983 before attendFather Charles M. Fischer ing Georgetown University for three semesters. In 1985, Father Fischer volunteered to teach English to sixth graders at a Jesuit school in Cairo, Egypt. This teaching assignment was intended to be for two years, but after one year in Egypt he received a scholarship to attend a new seminary in Rome, Italy. In 1986, Father Fischer moved to Rome and conducted his general theological study on Blessed John Henry Newman. On June 10, 1990, Father Fischer was ordained a priest by then-Pope John Paul II in Rome. During Father Fischer’s time in Rome, he earned a Doctorate of Sacred Theology. After eight years there, he decided to move back to the United States to stay with family. Following a brief rest, Father Fischer contacted Bishop James Sullivan, who he met in Rome, to see if there was a need for a priest in the Fargo Diocese. Father Fischer moved to Fargo and became parochial vicar at St. Anthony’s in Fargo in 1994. After a year, he was assigned to Drayton where he was pastor of three churches (Drayton, Pembina, and St. Thomas) from 1995 to 2000. From 2000 to 2002 Father Fischer taught at Cardinal Muench Seminary followed by two years as resident priest for the Franciscan Sisters of Dillingen in Hankinson. In 2004, he became parochial vicar at Sts. Anne and Joachim’s parish in Fargo and worked with the great staff to raise money to help build the new church. In 2006, Father Fischer became priest-in-residence at the Cathedral of St. Mary where he offers Mass and hears confessions every day as well as visiting shut-ins regularly. Father Fischer truly enjoys talking, sharing a meal with people, and if he is not getting an invitation then he “makes sure they wake up and give me one.” He said that anyone will tell you “Father Fischer doesn’t have any hobbies.” With that being said, he likes listening to music every night including: Christmas music all year long, folk, classical and opera. Also, he likes it when it is Monsignor Goering’s turn to cook at the Cathedral rectory. On Wed., June 10 at 5:30 p.m., Mass will be celebrated at St. Mary’s Cathedral followed by a pig roast and BBQ to honor Father Fischer’s presbyteral anniversary.


Born on Jan. 16, 1963 in St. Paul, Minn., Father Steven Meyer came from a large family. He is the ninth child out of 11 borne to Robert and Theresa Meyer. In seventh grade, his family moved to Ashley where he graduated high school. He and his family were parishioners at St. David’s while Father Victor Schill was the pastor. He recalls serving regularly for Mass and assisting with the Stations of the Cross. After graduating high school in 1981, he decided to make 18


the journey to Fargo to experience Cardinal Muench Seminary. He attended the school for two years. Then, Bishop Justin Driscoll transferred him to Holy Apostles College and Seminary in Cromwell, Conn. where he completed his collegiate and theological studies in 1989. Father Steven J. Meyer On June 2, 1990 at the Cathedral of St. Mary, Bishop James Sullivan ordained Father Meyer along with six other men to the priesthood. His first assignment was parochial vicar for St. Alphonsus’ Catholic Church, Langdon and St. Edward’s Catholic Church in Nekoma. Father Meyer has served in Hope, Finley, Page, Wimbledon, Kensal, Davey, Courtney, Lakota, Michigan and Tolna. Although, Father Meyer has served small, rural parishes, it’s something he has thoroughly enjoyed. Those opportunities have given him the chance to really get to know the people he serves. He said, “I find there has been a deep sense of connection with the people and the communities I serve.” Currently, Father Meyer serves at St. Mary of the Assumption in Lakota, St. Lawrence in Michigan and St. Joseph’s in Tolna. To celebrate his 25 years as a priest, an open house followed by praying the rosary and Mass was held on June 6 at St. Mary’s in Lakota.



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Congrats to St. Alphonsus for 94 years of Catholic education

Bishop John Folda and Father Luke Meyer visited the students at St. Alphonsus Catholic School in Langdon April 20. In a keynote address, Bishop Folda congratulated the school for its 94 years of providing Catholic education to the community. (Submitted photo)




‘Dare to be saints’

Shanley seniors receive call to action during graduation events By Aliceyn Magelky


Bishop John Folda presents a high school diploma to one of the 69 seniors graduating for Shanley High School in Fargo on May 20. (Aliceyn Magelky/New Earth)



he 118th graduating class of Shanley High School, Fargo, gathered for farewell and final reflection as they participated in a morning Baccalaureate Mass followed by evening commencement exercises on May 20 in Fargo. That morning, the 69 seniors, their families, friends and school faculty attended Baccaulaureate Mass celebrated by Bishop John Folda at the Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo. “My friends, I dare you to be saints,” Bishop Folda challenged the group in his homily. “I don’t mean like the holy cards that we’ve all seen or the stories of saints from past centuries. I mean you should be saints now for our times, witnesses now of the goodness of God, witnesses of the truth that God revealed to us in Christ.” Later in the evening, Shanley High School exuded the appropriate pomp and circumstance fitting the occasion. Seniors, faculty and priest marched into McCormick Gymnasium to processional music performed by Shanley High School Band. After prayer led by chaplain Father Charles LaCroix and a senior welcome from Mark Christianson, senior class president, Dr. Michael Smith, superintendent for the St. John Paul II Catholic Schools Network offered the commencement address. Chosen to deliver the keynote speech because of “his daily inspiration and dedication to students and the network,” Dr. Smith’s sincere and heartfelt message addressed the highs (winning championships and achieving academic success) and lows (losing loved ones) felt by each one in the room. He started his speech with words of gratitude and ended with the following action items for each senior: pray, celebrate and love. “Only people that trust in God can pray, celebrate and love when faced with real life. The class of 2015 has done just that,” he said. A particularly touching tribute was the public display of two vacant chairs among the faculty present during the ceremony. The two empty spaces were placed in memory of Randy Nelson, former activities director and Randall Rustad (’68), former social studies teacher. These men, favorites among the staff, students and alumni, passed away within weeks of each other this past school year. Principal Sarah Crary presented each graduate to the assembly as Bishop Folda conferred a diploma to each one. Then, Zachary Burd delivered the senior class response. The ceremony concluded with a blessing from Bishop Folda. Additional photos from Baccaulaureate Mass and the commencement ceremony can be found within the News and Events section of the diocesan website at


Youth group completes stepping stone rosary for Rolette community By Amy Jo Leonard


embers of the Sacred Heart Youth Group, Rolette, put their mission of service on display May 3 when they gathered and constructed a stepping stone rosary for parishioners and community members. The group, led by Dr. Amy Jo Leonard, gathered to assemble and create the display in May with hopes of completion by Mother’s Day. With the consultation of local landscape artist, Larry Delmaire, the group prepared an exhibit that included a full, five-decade rosary, cross, flower display, statue of Mary and bench. The intent of the stones was to allow individuals to walk on them as they prayed. The bench was added for people who would rather sit and meditate. The saying, “The Lord shall provide” came to mind often during this project. When raising money and budgeting for the landscaping materials first started, Leonard worried that additional fundraising events would be needed. But, thankfully, the parish and parishioners donated labor and some materials. As project funds were near depletion, again the Lord provided when additional donations for the project came in unexpectedly. And, on the day of construction, the Lord provided beautiful weather. Numerous compliments have been received about the work and dedication of these young people. One parishioner from Sacred Heart declared the small sanctuary to be “the best Mother’s Day gift around.” The youth group has a mission to do God’s work in small yet meaningful ways. The group is small in numbers but great in faith. On average, seven young adults attend the monthly gatherings. Activities throughout the year consist of service projects and activities that teach the youth that loving and serving God can be done through serving others.

Sacred Heart Youth Group relaxes after completing a stepping stone rosary in Rolette, May 3. “The Lord shall provide” became the motto of the project as it continued to move forward despite worries of fundraising. (Amy Jo Leonard/Sacred Heart Catholic Church)

Diocesan policy: Reporting child abuse Pilgrimages for Catholics and people of all faiths Austria, Germany, Switzerland with Fr. John L. Cavanaugh; September 12-24, 2015; $4,999 Airfare and All Inclusive Prices starting at $2,699 ~ with Airfare Included in this price from anywhere in the continental USA

Several trips to different destinations: the Holy Land; Italy; France, Portugal, Spain; Poland; Medjugorje, Lourdes, Fatima; Ireland, Scotland; England; Austria, Germany, Switzerland; Greece, Turkey; El Camino de Santiago; Viking Cruises; Caribbean Cruises; Budapest; Prague; Our Lady of Guadalupe; Domestic Destinations; etc...

Call us 24/7 508-340-9370 |855-842-8001 Carmela Manago - Executive Director

The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents of child abuse, including sexual abuse, to civil authorities. If the situation involves a member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian or an employee of a Catholic school, parish, the diocesan offices or other Catholic entity within the diocese, we ask that you also report the incident or suspected incident to Monsignor Joseph P. Goering at (701) 356-7945 or Larry Bernhardt at (701) 356-7965 or For additional information about victim assistance, visit NEW EARTH JUNE 2015



Spreading the Gospel Young Disciples embark on annual work with diocesan youth


oung Disciples is an apostolate of Catholic young adults Back row, left to right: Mary Evinger, Fargo; Robert Foertsch, that travel across the Fargo Diocese to evangelize and Wyndmere; Katelyn Rogers, Md.; Casey Akset, East Grand Forks, catechize in rural communities and reservations. For 10 Minn.; Erin Bechtel, S.D.; Henry Yeagle, Mo.; Bernadette O’Keefe, weeks in the summer, the Young Disciples teams conduct week- Fargo. Front row, left to right: Mikayla Stratton, Pa.; Elissa Berg, long day camps for kindergarteners through sixth graders and Hillsboro; Holli Schmitz, West Fargo; Briana Godin, Wis.; Alyssa evening missions for teens. Schlosser, Edgeley; Emma Hergenroeder, Pa.; Danielle German, Fargo; Corey Baumgartner, Napoleon; Chris Finneman, Fargo. (Mary Hanbury/Fargo Diocese)



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Archbishop Lori’s book provides catechism in bite-sized pieces By Christopher Gunty | Catholic Review


A review of Catholic books and literature

“We don’t just accept the faith as a series of abstract truths that we say are true but as kind of unconnected from our lives. The joy comes when we apply the faith to our lives, when it makes a critical difference in how we live.” – Archbishop William E. Lori


rchbishop William E. Lori has published his first book, “The Joy of Believing: A Practical Guide to the Catholic Faith.” The title of the book is an intentional play on the title of Pope Francis’ first encyclical, “The Joy of the Gospel.” “It’s the flipside,” the archbishop said. “The Gospel is really the person of Christ and his teaching. It is really the joy that Christ came to proclaim. This book is about the joy we experience when we embrace the Lord and embrace the teachings that flow from knowing and loving the Lord.” The book grew out of a series of columns the archbishop wrote for “Columbia,” the magazine for the Knights of Columbus, of which Archbishop Lori is supreme chaplain. The columns on faith distilled the Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church to elements that could be easily read and prepared for discussion at a Knights’ council meeting. “You can read one of the chapters and you’ve covered a considerable amount of ground in the compendium, but hopefully in a way that’s conversational and in a way that is meant to prompt reflections,” Archbishop Lori said. Each chapter includes questions that can be used for personal reflection or group discussion. “We don’t just accept the faith as a series of abstract truths that we say are true,” the archbishop said, “but kind of unconnected from our lives. The joy comes when we apply the faith to our lives, when it makes a critical difference in how we live.” The book attempts to explain some of the great mysteries of our faith in a way people can understand. He said it’s typical for those who just come out of the seminary to use theological jargon in their homilies “and you see all the eyes glaze over and all the heads nod.” He notes there is a time and place for the

Church’s faith to be expressed at a high level, but a pastor’s job is to build a bridge between people’s ordinary experience and the beautiful truths of the Gospel and the Church’s teaching. “That’s what I try to do in this book,” he said. “When I would finish an article, I’d let it sit in my desk drawer for a couple of days, and then I’d go back over and say, well, this paragraph maybe not even God knows what it means. And, then I’d go back and rewrite it.” He hopes the book will help those seeking to deepen their faith open their hearts to the Lord. “If someone has questions, I hope this will be at least the beginning of searching for answers,” he said, “and I also hope that if someone is alienated or disconnected or disappointed in the church or simply has found his or her faith has been a little bit overwhelmed by the cares of daily life, I hope this will be a moment to say, ‘let’s take another look’ in a way that is accessible.” Gunty is the associate publisher and editor of The Catholic Review, the official newspaper for the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

About the Book: “The Joy of Believing: A Practical Guide to the Catholic Faith” by Archbishop William E. Lori. Published by Word Among Us Press. Paperback is 184 pages. Available via Word Among Us Press, and other book resellers.




STORIES OF FAITH By Father Bert Miller

Praying for the grace of charity Woman receives God’s gift through everyday encounters


ver pray that you would not be judgmental simply based upon how other people look? One of my friends, Marge, has been praying for that grace. Marge believes God has been answering in the two examples she sites here: Marge and her husband, George, were going camping when she noticed two scruffy looking campers across the way. These two men, dressed rather poorly, were setting up an old dilapidated tent and driving an old dirty car. She says she thought as they drove by the two men that she was glad they (Marge and George) were better off than the two men. As Marge and George left the campsite to check out the town, they spied a nice upholstered chair in the camp dumpster. George said that if it was still there when they returned, he would pick it up and take it home. As George was struggling to carry the chair back to camp, one of the scruffy campers ran up to him and offered to help George carry the chair. When they got to the camper, George asked what he owed the man for his help. The man said “a beer would be good.” George had to admit, they had no beer. Marge later mentioned to George that they had some glazed donuts from the night before. George took the donuts over to the men. They said “God bless you!” The men really appreciated the treat. Days later, when Marge, George and their son, Dan, were 24


visiting a friend of Dan’s on an Indian Reservation, Marge stayed behind in the car to read. While reading, a wreck of a car pulled up along Marge’s vehicle. She says she thought to herself that this man is probably going to ask me for money. She says she looked for her husband, son and friend, but they were nowhere in sight. The man rolled down his window and said, “Isn’t this a beautiful day the Lord has given us!” Marge says she heaved a sigh of relief and thought to herself, “I’m going to be okay.” Marge and the man struck up a conversation about his 28 years of sobriety, family and occupations. The man told her he was an artist and asked her for a sheet of paper. But, she had no paper. He dug around in the back seat of his car, found an envelope that he turned over, and he drew for her the most wonderful picture of a Native American. He used a ballpoint pen and balanced the paper on the steering wheel. It was amazing! Soon, George, Dan and his friend returned and visited with Marge’s new-found friend, too. Having experienced these two incidents of friendship where Marge thought there would be none, she says she is doing much better not judging people before experiencing what they have to offer.



Legislative wrap-up and unseen bills

he North Dakota Legislative Assembly adjourned April 28 with only one bill unresolved. Although leaving a bill unfinished is unusual, if not unprecedented, voters should keep in mind that it is common in many other states and, unlike every other state legislature, the North Dakota legislature holds hearings on and advances every bill introduced. Legislators introduced 938 bills and resolutions. The North Dakota Catholic Conference followed 145 of them. Only a handful of them became what most people would call “newsworthy.” Why do we follow so many bills? To begin with, consider all the institutions and missions in which the church engages. The church has schools, parishes, cemeteries, a university, Catholic Charities of North Dakota, and other charitable programs. Health care is provided through Catholic hospitals, nursing homes, assisted living centers and more. Each session many bills are introduced that could impact the operation of any of these programs and entities. Very often the proposed legislation does not affect the work of these ministries. Until final passage, however, a bill can change and the conference tries to monitor all the bills throughout the process. In addition, the church is committed to ensuring that the poor, marginalized, sick and suffering are treated with respect and dignity. For this reason, the conference follows many bills involving the provision of human services such as abortion alternatives, adoption, medical assistance and treatment for persons with mental illness. About one-half of all the bills followed by the conference fall within this category. These bills may not make headlines and, to be honest, can sometimes be boring. The church, however, would not be the church if it turned away from legislation that affected the least among us.


The legislature passed a set of bills to address the serious problem of human trafficking in North Dakota. Three bills supported by the conference were especially important. SB 2107 was the main bill. It revises and strengthens the criminal laws on human trafficking, ensures that victims of trafficking are eligible for services without regard to their immigration status and prevents tax money for victims’ services from being used to refer for or counsel in favor of abortions. SB 2199 provides much needed funding for victim services. SB 2219 establishes a statewide task force to address human trafficking. An additional bill, proposed by the North Dakota Catholic Conference, provides an enhanced criminal penalty for human traffickers who have forced or coerced a victim to have an abortion.


The legislature passed two bills that further parental choice in education. HB 1462 provides tax credits for contributions to private education institutions. These contributions can be used for scholarships at nonpublic schools. SB 2151 provides some funding to low income parents to voluntarily choose an early childhood education program for their child, including a program at a nonpublic school.

The state Senate, however, narrowly defeated (22 - 24) a Catholic proposed income tax Action deduction to help low and middle income parents cover the Christoper cost of tuition and Dodson books at a nonpublic school. The House had passed the legislation 69 -24, making HB 1254 the first school choice tax deduction bill to ever pass one of the chambers.


The North Dakota Catholic Conference successfully lobbied for amendments to bills that would have interfered with the right of churches to set their own policies on firearms and the right of private religious colleges to establish their own student disciplinary policies. Although it was one aspect of the bill that did not get much attention in the press, SB 2279, the defeated sexual orientation non-discrimination bill, could have scaled-back religious protections on matters that did not even involve sexual orientation. For more on SB 2279, see my column in the May 2015 New Earth.


The conference supported SB 2284, which provides much needed funding for sexual assault nurses to conduct forensic exams for victims of sexual assault. These specially trained nurses are scarce in some areas of the state. Our Catholic hospitals are among those that need access to these services.


When it comes to services for behavioral health and substance abuse, North Dakota is in a state of crisis. In response, legislators proposed several bills that only began to address the problems. Unfortunately, many of the bills that required funding were defeated or had the funding significantly reduced. This issue is a problem that will not go away and must be addressed next session.


The only bill opposed by the conference that passed was SB 2351, which opens up some agriculture operations to ownership by outside investors. Opponents of the legislation have launched a referral effort. The bishops support this effort.

Christopher Dodson is executive director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference. The NDCC acts on behalf of the Catholic bishops of North Dakota to respond to public policy issues of concern to the Catholic Church and to educate Catholics and the general public about Catholic social doctrine. The conference website is




Three things about Old Faithful


hen you v i s i t Yellowstone National Park you will Stewardship eventually find yourself standing Steve Schons with the crowds to see the eruption of the world’s most famous geyser: Old Faithful. There are many geysers throughout the park, but there’s only one Old Faithful. It’s a sight to behold and something you wouldn’t want to miss. As you stand there watching this natural wonder, you may find yourself making the following observations.


Year after year, decade after decade, century after century, it just keeps right on spouting. It’s persistent, unending and ceaseless. You can count on Old Faithful. An endowment fund at the Catholic Development Foundation is not unlike Old Faithful. These ongoing funds faithfully provide income year after year after year.


When you arrive at the scene, you will find signs announcing the next eruption. And sure enough, the “payout” happens pretty much on time. In fact, tourists check their watches and begin moving toward the viewing area a few minutes before “blast-off.” The endowment funds at the Catholic Development Foundation are predictable, too. Every year, at appointed times, parishes, cemeteries and other Catholic ministries receive income. This regularity enables continued Catholic ministry to these programs.


There are many sights in the park to see, but it’s Old Faithful that draws the big crowds. Tour buses and cars of every description jam the parking lots. Numerous shops and facilities accommodate the gawking masses. Well, the Catholic Development Foundation’s endowment program is popular, too. Not to the same degree, of course. But still, for many diocesan members, an endowment fund is an excellent way to support their favorite Catholic entity or ministry. You can create your own “geyser” by launching an endowment fund at the Catholic Development Foundation. It will perpetually and predictably provide funds for future needs. And, thanks to you, it will be a popular source of ongoing support for generations to come. To learn more about the endowment program at the Catholic Development Foundation, please contact me. Although our office of Stewardship and Development does 26


not practice estate planning, we can sit down with you and help clarify some things so you get the ball rolling. But, for your protection, we will urge you to check with your own professional advisor before completing any planned gift. Steve Schons is director of stewardship and development for the Diocese of Fargo and president of the Catholic Development Foundation. He can be reached at or (701) 356-7926.

Job Opening Church of the Ascension is seeking a Parish Manager who uses creativity and energy to encourage staff and parishioners of the opportunities to grow, share their faith and be of service to others. This person supports the Pastor in the management and stewardship of the parish’s physical, financial and personnel resources. Qualifications: Business Administration or accounting degree with supervisory or management experience. Experience in church accounting software preferred. Ability to organize and implement procedures as they relate to the church environment. An appreciation of the Catholic faith and complete background check is required by the Diocese of Bismarck. Submit a cover letter and resume to: Search Committee | Church of the Ascension 1905 South Third Street | Bismarck, ND 58504

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Remembering number 84

e scored 40 times in an eight-year NFL career, best known, now, for the touchdown he didn’t score, as the sun set over Yankee Stadium on Dec. 28, 1958. His wife of 59 years, Joan, said that Jim Mutscheller, who died on April 10, wanted to be known as a man “who had led a good life,” for he was “quiet, humble, and so conservative that he’d eat crabs with a suit and tie on.” And, therein lies a tale and a yardstick by which to measure pro sports then and now. Born in Beaver Falls, Penn. (as was Joe Namath, about as different a character as you can imagine), Mutscheller’s father was known locally as the “best bricklayer in Beaver County.” The son graduated from Notre Dame, having played offensive and defensive end on the 1949 national championship team in the days of single platoon football. He then spent a couple of years in the Marine Corps including a stint in Korea that convinced Mutscheller, whose look “would bore a hole in a vault” (as one sportswriter put it), that getting knocked around on the football field wasn’t so bad a deal after all. He was a tight end in the days when you could be six feet tall, weigh 190, and play that position, what with no 350-pound behemoths on the other side of the line. But he was also reasonably fleet afoot. He could block, he had those great hands and there was … that look. All of which helped bring him and the Baltimore Colts to the Bronx on a bleak December afternoon in 1958 for what’s now known as The Greatest Game Ever Played. It wasn’t, in fact, all that great a game. But, it had a lot of drama. It ended with the first (and thus far only) sudden-death overtime win in the history of NFL championships, and Jim Mutscheller was in the pivot of the action. With strong men ready to collapse from exhaustion after four and a half quarters of play, the Colts, having driven to the Giants’ six-yard line, were poised for the game-winning touchdown. The immortal John Unitas brought the Colts out of the huddle, having called a running play for “The Horse,” Alan Ameche (who looked more like a tenor in a Verdi opera than a Heisman Trophy-winning fullback). Unitas, however, noticed a chink in the Giants’ pass defense and checked off at the line of scrimmage, calling for Mutscheller to run an out pattern to the near corner of the end zone. It was intended to be a touchdown pass, and would have been except that Unitas deliberately led Mutscheller a bit more to the outside than usual. Number 84 couldn’t get traction on the icy surface, slipping out of bounds at the one-yard line. On the next play, Ameche drove in for the winning score with Mutscheller throwing a key block that took out Giants’ linebacker Cliff Livingston. Years after the game that changed the way America spends fall Sunday afternoons, Unitas would kid Mutscheller, saying, “Geez, Jim, I tried to make you the hero.” To which Mutscheller replied, “If I’d scored that touchdown, Ameche wouldn’t have been able to sell all those hamburgers.” (Extra credit for anyone who can remember the name of the double-stack burger at “Ameche’s.”)

They’re almost all gone now, these Catholic sports heroes of my extreme The Catholic youth: Ameche first, Difference in 1988; Unitas in 2002; Artie Donovan George Weigel in 2013; now Jim Mutscheller, whom I used to see at daily Mass, head bowed after receiving the Mystery. Only Gino Marchetti is left. And, since it was “something inside Gino” that, according to Lenny Moore, held the Colts together, that is right and just. But, I’ll think of them all during the parade of oversized young studs, oozing self-esteem and entitlement, who’ll walk across the stage to get their handshake/hug from Commissioner Roger Goodell on NFL draft day. And, I’ll remember that, once upon a time, Catholic men from working class families could be sports idols and role models. George Weigel is Distinguished Senior Fellow of the Ethics and Public Policy Center in Washington, D.C. Weigel’s column is distributed by the Denver Catholic, the official newspaper of the Archdiocese of Denver.

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Making time for prayer

A reflection on living in the moment


re you living in the present moment? The following quote is an old Catholic saying, “The past belongs to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence.” As I reflect upon the past seven years of seminary formation and move towards the transitional diaconate ordination, one theme defines this time of preparation: the practice or habit of living in the present moment. Seminary formation has taught me the importance of living in the present moment. It truly is a life-giving experience because that is where we grow in our relationship with God and we flourish in our humanity. The practice of living in the present moment, the here and now, is where we truly encounter and grow in our relationship with God and others. It is the moment in time we are invited to be with God, others, attending to our work, prayer, study or allowing time for recreation and life to unfold. On any given day, there are the challenges of the monotony or busyness of life. Complaining, boredom, frustration, anger, annoyances, etc. all seek to pull me from living in the present moment. In other words, there are 101 things vying for my attention every day. Yet, practicing living in the present moment remains an opportunity for encountering God in the midst of life. In seminary formation one of the more challenging times of living in the present moment is certainly final exam week. I don’t know of a single seminarian, myself included, who is not ready to leave, sometimes as quickly as possible, once final exams are completed. I find living in the present moment most challenged when I encounter this “go-go-go,” rushed

“Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love and the future to God’s providence.” – St. Augustine of Hippo excitement over the upcoming break (Christmas or summer) and the “burdensome” appearance of final exams either from myself or that of others. So, when final exam week approaches, prayer is even more important along with the question, “Am I living in the present moment?” or “Am I wrapped up in the burdens of the week and simply wanting to leave seminary for break as soon as possible?” When I am living in the present, I am intentionally taking study breaks, spending time in prayer and intentionally spending time with the guys perhaps talking and drinking coffee or taking out a few hours to hike. As the transitional diaconate ordination fast approaches, living in the present moment has been challenged by the excitement and nervousness of an unknown future. Over the past year alone, there has been so much going into seminary formation and life in general. And, students at “The Mount,” family or friends,

would ask, “Are you ready or excited for the diaconate ordination?” This question Seminarian usually caught me Life off guard, because it was the last thing Paul Kuhn I was thinking about in the moment. Yes, I am excited but also nervous, because the future is filled with many mysterious unknowns. And, that is all right! If I found myself dwelling on this question for too long, it would begin drawing me out from living in the present moment. So, I return back to prayer, thanking God for any graces received in the present moment and offering the future into his providence by sharing with him the excitement and the nervousness of an unknown future. As I’m writing this article, I am approaching my transitional diaconate ordination. Only God knows how the future will unfold, but he has something more for me to receive leading up to the day of ordination. There was a saying used at the Institute for Priestly Formation (IPF), “All ready, but not yet.” In other words, the day is fast approaching, the end (of seminary formation—in a year) is near, but God still has something for me to receive in the present moment. When I discover myself living in the past or the future, I am not free to receive what God has to offer in the present moment. The transitional diaconate ordination has not yet arrived, but it will, and when the time arrives, I will be as ready as can be in order to receive the graces God desires for me to receive. Paul Kuhn is a Theology III student studying at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Md. He was recently ordained transitional deacon and will serve at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Devils Lake this summer. Kuhn is originally from Harvey.

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Happening Around The Diocese Post abortion healing retreat scheduled for July

If you or someone you know has suffered from the physical, emotional and spiritual effects of an abortion, there is hope for healing. Rachel’s Vineyard offers a safe, non-judgmental and confidential weekend retreat for anyone (women, men, grandparents and siblings) who struggle with the feelings of loss that can accompany an abortion experience. The weekend begins on a Friday night and concludes on Sunday afternoon. An upcoming Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat is scheduled for July 10-12 in Hankinson. For more information or to register, please contact Ruth Ruch at (701) 219-3941 or All calls are confidential.

MI camp has a new twist this year

Every summer the Diocese of Fargo hosts the Militia of the Immaculate Youth Camps. These camps promote the spirituality and teachings of St. Maximilian Kolbe and have four characteristics: Catholic, Eucharistic, Marian and Apostolic. MI has a new twist this year – bring your working gloves. We’ll have a great time! This year ’s camp will be at the Franciscan Retreat Center in Hankinson July 12-17. Cost is $285 per camper. Camp is for students ages 13-17. Register online at before June 11.

NDSU Newman Center to host ‘Family Fest’

St. Paul’s Newman Center is pleased to invite alumni, friends and families to its Newman Social on Sat., June 27. This family-friendly event is not a fundraiser, but rather it’s a chance for everyone connected to the Newman Center to enjoy some time together and see their old stomping grounds. The social will feature picnic-style food and kid-friendly inflatable games. Mass will be celebrated at 4:30 p.m. followed by supper and games at 5:30 p.m. Please RSVP by calling (701) 235-0142 ext. 101 or by visiting the Bison Catholic Facebook page and finding the “Newman Family Fest” in the “Event” section. The mission of St. Paul’s Newman Center is to provide opportunities for young adults to encounter Jesus Christ. We are a home away from home for every student who passes through our doors.

SMP to celebrate Maryvale Convent anniversary with open house

The Sisters of Mary of the Presentation will celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life and the 50th anniversary of the building of Maryvale Convent in Valley City on Mon., July 13. Mass with Bishop John Folda will begin at 4:00 p.m. in the Maryvale Chapel. Following Mass, a light buffet supper will be served in the dining room. Also, an open house with tours of the 30


convent is scheduled. Historical displays will be shown. Anyone can attend. For more information, contact Sister Elaine Lange at (701) 840-9727 or, or contact Sister Rose Therese Sevigny at (701) 845-2864.

A Glimpse of the Past

These news items, compiled by Dorothy Duchschere, were found in issues of the Diocese of Fargo newspaper, New Earth, and its predecessor, Catholic Action News.

50 Years Ago....1965

Mary’s Church, Lakota, was dedicated on June 27 by Bishop Leo F. Dworschak. Father Joseph Haas, SAC, former pastor of St. Mary’s was the celebrant of the dedication Mass and Bishop Dworschak delivered the sermon. Construction of the new church was started in May of 1964. The altar is located so that the celebrant faces the people - in keeping with recent liturgical adjustments. Seating is semi-circular with no person further than eight pews from the altar. The church has a seating capacity of 300. -September 1965 Catholic Action News

20 Years Ago....1995

“One Hundred Years of Service to God and Each Other,” was the maxim chosen for the centennial celebration of St. Cecilia Church in Harvey. The June 9-11 celebration featured many events and ended with a banquet and centennial Mass celebrated by Bishop James Sullivan. St. Cecilia was incorporated in 1895 with its first pastor assigned just after the turn of the century. The current pastor is Father John Cavanaugh. -July 1995 New Earth

10 Years ago....2005

The parish family of St. Andrew in Zeeland will celebrate 100 years as a parish the weekend of June 24-26. The event encompasses more than a century of Catholicism and acknowledges the spiritual heritage of St. John’s parish built in 1888 to serve German-Russian immigrants in McIntosh county and southern Emmons and Logan counties. A book was published containing the history of both parishes. Father Andrew Jasinski, pastor of St. Andrew is the author of the book. Father Jasinski said his goal was to “let the people tell their stories.” -May 2005 New Earth

Get Connected Find more stories and information about the diocese at:


Events Across The Diocese Mark your calendar for events around the diocese

Prayer and Discernment Retreat. Maryvale Convent,

Valley City. Saturday, June 13. Come to Maryvale for a retreat to help you seek meaning and direction in your life. For single men and women ages 16 and older. Contact Sister Dorothy Bunce at (701) 845-2864 or dorothy.bunce@fargodiocese. org for more information.

Pie and Cake Ice Cream Social. St. Anne’s Guest

Home, Grand Forks. Sunday, June 14 from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. Free will offering. Great entertainment. For more information, call (701) 746-9401.

Mother/Daughter Days.

Franciscan Retreat Center, Hankinson. Sunday, June 14 to Tuesday, June 16. The Franciscan Sisters of Dilligen are hosting their 12th annual Mother/Daughter Days to celebrate the unique relationship between mothers and daughters. For more information, contact Sister Jean Louise at

Women’s Retreat.

Maryvale Convent, Valley City. Friday, June 19 to Sunday, June 21. This retreat entitled “The Transforming Touch” is based on the Gospel of Luke, Jesus’ encounter with the woman with a hemorrhage and his healing of Jairus’ daughter. Register by June 12. Contact Sister Dorothy Bunce at (701) 845-2864 or dorothy. for more information.

Presbyteral Ordination.

St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fargo. Saturday, June 27 at 10 a.m.

Newman Family Fest.

St. Paul’s Newman Center, Fargo. Saturday, June 27 at 4:30 p.m. Mass will be celebrated followed by picnic-style supper and games. For more information and to RSVP, call (701) 235-0142 ext. 101.

Military Prayer Service.

Holy Family Catholic Church, Grand Forks. Thursday, July 9 at 5:30 p.m. The prayer service will be followed by a potluck dinner. Also, Monsignor Brian Donahue will be honored as he turns 60. For more information, contact Holy Family Catholic Church at (701) 746-1454.

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat. Franciscan Retreat Center, Hankinson. Friday, July 10 to Sunday, July 12. Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats offer a safe, non-judgmental and confidential weekend for anyone who struggles with feelings of loss that can accompany an abortion experience. For more information, contact Ruth Ruch at (701) 219-3941 or All calls are confidential.

MI Youth Camp. Franciscan Retreat Center, Hankinson. Sunday, July 12 to Friday, July 17. MI (Mission of the Immaculata) Youth Camp is a week-long camp fashioned after St. Maximillian Kolbe’s teachings for teens ages 1317. Registration deadline is June 11. Cost is $285 per student. For more information, contact Kathy Loney at (701) 356-7902 or kathy.loney@

St. Ann’s Mission 130th Novena. St. Anne’s Mission, Belcourt. Friday, July 17 to Sunday, July 26 at 7:00 p.m. St. Anne’s Mission will be praying its 130th novena in honor of good St. Anne. Free will offering. Contact David “Doc” Brien at (701) 477-5601 ext. 214 or stanns@

Love and Life Celebration. St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Grand Forks. Sunday, July 19 from 5

to 9 p.m. This dinner is sponsored annually by the Couple to Couple League. Bishop John Folda will be speaking at the event this year.

To submit events for New Earth and the diocesan website, send information to: New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or email The deadline for the July/August New Earth is July 8. The earliest that issue will reach homes is July 27.

Greicar to celebrate 100 years

Nettie (Cicha) Greicar, parishioner of St. John Nepomucene’s Catholic Church in Pisek, will celebrate her 100th birthday on June 12. Greicar was born on a farm south of Lankin to Frank and Mary (Uhlir) Cicha. She has two brothers and sisters. Greicar married Charles Greicar on July 27, 1936. After getting married, the couple lived in the Pisek area and had eight children. Today, she has 27 grandchildren, 47 great grandchildren and 12 great, great grandchildren. An open house in her honor will be held on June 14 at St. John’s in Pisek, at 2:00 p.m.

Lankin parishioner celebrates 95th birthday

Loretta P. McLaughlin, parishioner of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Lankin, celebrated her 95th birthday on May 14. McLaughlin married Harold McLaughlin on Sept. 26, 1939. He passed away on Feb. 20, 2004. The couple farmed their entire lives and attended an old time dance nearly every Saturday night. McLaughlin has four children, 10 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren. She takes pleasure in word games, visiting with family and friends and listening to old time music. NEW EARTH JUNE 2015



Bishop Kagan shares story of four decades as a priest


By Hillary Mast | Catholic News Agency

n his 40th anniversary as a priest, Bishop David Kagan of Bismarck says he has a deeper understanding of his own vocation than when he was first ordained. “My vocation is who I am, and it is not just what I do at times. I think I understand much better now that I am a priest forever,” he told CNA in a recent interview. “This is a tremendous grace which gives me much consolation every day, but it is the daily challenge to me to be who I have been called to be in every way.” His comments came after priests from the Diocese of Bismarck gathered along with loved ones on May 20 to mark jubilee anniversaries ranging from 10 to 60 years with Mass at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit. For Bishop Kagan, the strongest memory in 40 years of priesthood remains his ordination day in 1975, which came with an “exhortation to become what I celebrate at the altar of God.” “I don’t think I am there yet, but by God’s mercy and grace I keep trying,” he added. He says the best part of being a priest “has always been celebrating our Church’s liturgies, especially the liturgies of the Most Holy Eucharist and reconciliation.” Having served as Bishop of Bismarck since 2011, he said his favorite part of that role is two-fold: ordaining priests and administering the sacrament of confirmation. “These give me such great hope, and my own faith is always renewed at these times.” In the time since his ordination, he’s seen many changes in the Church but “perhaps the most dramatic” was the introduction of face-to-face confession and the wide availability of the Code of Canon Law and the Catechism to the laity. Even now, he says he is “seeing and experiencing the good fruits of these changes.” For the young men preparing for the priesthood in the seminaries, Bishop Kagan advised them not to “second guess God’s choice of you” but to “humbly accept it and enter completely into priestly formation.” “It does not end with ordination, your priestly formation goes with you into the priesthood. Enjoy it now and keep it fresh and vital as it will stand you in good stead as a priest,” he said. Father John Paul Gardner, a priest celebrating his 10th Bishop David Kagan celebrates Mass on May 20 at the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit, Bismarck. (Deacon Joe Krupinsky/Bismarck Diocese)



anniversary in the diocese, had similar advice for seminarians. Echoing Bishop Kagan, Father Gardner encouraged them to “spend every single day praying for the grace necessary to fulfill the call of Christ” and to ask the Blessed Mother for her help. “If we hesitate in that, (that’s where) the devil is lurking,” he warned, “and that’s where scandal’s going to occur, so it’s really essential to say ‘yes’ to Jesus wholeheartedly.” Born nine months after John Paul II’s election and ordained just two months after the pope’s death, Father Gardner said the saint has always been “one of my heroes.” The strongest memory he has as a priest is being in St. Peter’s Square when his namesake was declared a saint April 27, 2014. “Ever since I was a little kid I wanted to be like him,” Father Gardner said, “so just to be there when there were so many people – that was a pretty big highlight of my life.” One thing Father Gardner has learned in his time as a priest is just how indispensable the family is in the life of the Church. The committed love of a husband and wife and their children is “so essential,” he reflected. “If there’s no family, it’s so difficult, I would say maybe impossible in my experience, for the Church to exist,” he said. “Families are the Church.” Father Gardner said his parents’ example in raising their nine children helped him discover his vocation to the priesthood. “I had a mom and a dad who worked through all their difficulties with prayer, with a sense of humor. All of us kids in some way, in some deep way, benefitted from that,” he said. Like Bishop Kagan, Father Gardner said “by far” his favorite part of being a priest is the privilege of celebrating Mass. “Raising the host and chalice to the Heavenly Father, offering him our Lord Jesus in union with the Holy Spirit – there’s no doubt that’s what I live and breathe for.” Other priests celebrating special anniversaries in the Bismarck Diocese are Monsignor Gerald Walsh (60 years); Father Stephen Kranz (60 years); Father John Pfiefer (50 years); Father George Pruys (40 years); Father John Gurthie (25 years); Father Johnson Kuriappilly (25 years); Father Boniface Muggli (25 years); Father Manuel Silva Cely (10 years); and Father Paul Eberle (10 years).


A worshipper holding a rosary and crucifix prays during a July 4 Mass celebrated at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington on the final day of the U.S. bishops’ Fortnight for Freedom campaign in 2014. (Bob Roller/Catholic News Service)

USCCB plans fourth annual Fortnight for Freedom with events nationwide


hreats to religious freedom continue to emerge, making it more urgent for people of faith to take action to defend the full realm of religious practice, said Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore. Speaking during a May 28 webinar announcing the fourth annual Fortnight for Freedom, Archbishop Lori called on Catholics to learn about the importance of religious liberty throughout the history of the United States and to actively promote free religious practice during the two-week period beginning June 21. This year’s fortnight observance will open with Mass at 10:45 a.m. (EDT) June 21 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Baltimore. It closes with Mass at noon (EDT) July 4 at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington. “Religious freedom is not something that stands alone. It’s not simply a legal question for the church. It pertains very much to the new evangelization,” Archbishop Lori explained. This year’s fortnight observance theme is the “Freedom to Bear Witness,” stemming from the Gospel message that Jesus came to the world to bear witness to the truth, explained Hillary Byrnes, assistant general counsel for the USCCB, who joined the archbishop during the webinar. She said dozens of local events in dioceses across the country are planned, including prayer services, discussions and charitable works. “We would definitely encourage people to attend those events

By Catholic News Service

as well as read and educate yourself on religious freedom,” Byrnes told the nationwide audience of diocesan employees and parish leaders. “We’re looking this year to raise awareness of religious freedom so people don’t take it for granted,” she added. Archbishop Lori said government policies, such as the federal mandate to include a full range of contraceptives in employee health insurance and the redefinition of marriage throughout the country, pose growing threats to religious freedom. The fortnight, he said, also is meant to draw attention to the dangers to religious liberty around the world as Christians and people of other faith traditions face persecution, limits on their freedom and death. “Pope Francis pointed out that we are truly living in an age of martyrs,” the archbishop said. “I think we have to pay a lot of attention to the sacrifices which people are making for their faith around the world. Many Christians are being persecuted, beheaded. And, Muslims are being persecuted for not being Muslim enough. “These are men and women of deep faith and deep courage, and as we witness their sacrifice, first of all I think we have to hold up and to highlight what’s happening to them. I’m not sure our leadership is paying enough attention to their sacrifice.” Information about the fortnight and various resources to help plan local observances are available online at




Fathers as leaders of the faith By Kristina Lahr


s we continue reflecting on how to strengthen our families as he picked up the elderly of the parish to go to Mass.” during the diocesan “Year of Marriage and Family,” we “My dad prayed the rosary with us every night,” said Paul look to our fathers this month, both dads and priests, and Schneider, Fargo, who will be ordained a permanent deacon how their faith in turn affects all people of the church. this summer and is the brother of Father Bernard Schneider. “It “We’re both called to love,” said Father Bernard Schneider, was something we just did in addition to making sure we got pastor of St. Timothy’s Catholic Church in Manvel. “A father’s to Mass even in the winter. I’d see my dad go out to start the vocation is to love his children and to do what’s best from them, car an hour before Mass, because in those days the cars didn’t and a priest is called to lead the people of his parish in the best start as well. Those things you saw as a kid were important.” way. We’re both called to be there for the needs and difficulties STUDIES SHOW DADS PASS ON THE FAITH as well as in the good times and celebrations.” A study by Werner Haug and Phillipe Warner, published As far as a father expressing that love to his children, Father in 2000, found that adults follow the religious practice of Matthew Kraemer, parochial vicar of St. Joseph’s parish in Devils their fathers more than their mothers. If a father and mother Lake, said that whenever his father was simply present meant attend church regularly, about 33 percent of their children a lot to him. attended church regularly later in life. If a mother attends church “He played with us,” said Father Kraemer. “That was one regularly and the father irregularly, only two percent grew up of the best things about my childhood. He really enabled us to to be regular attendees. But, if a father is a regular attendant learn and helped us to follow our interests. He gave us a good and the mother is irregular, 38 percent of their children became example of service, too, when we would ride along in the bus regular churchgoers.



It seems that if children grow up seeing the faith as something their mother wishes them to follow, it doesn’t have nearly as much impact as witnessing their father’s example. “Kids grow up doing what their parents do, more specifically what their dads do,” said Father Schneider. “I see that quite a bit. I think dads represent the outside world more than their moms. In my own family, Dad was the one who was the lead in terms of family and faith. We had a country school, and some of the time we were the only Catholic family there. And, when we had a holy day, my dad would take us out of school to go to Mass, and said, ‘if the teacher has a problem with it tell them to talk to me.’ It wasn’t negotiable.” “My dad compared it to yard work. Mom’s the brain, and he’s the brawn,” said Father Kraemer. “That’s how it went in the spiritual life, too. My mom had a more elaborate understanding of some of our prayers, but my dad was the one who would lead them.” This study continued to illustrate that if a father does not regularly attend Mass, no matter how faithful his wife’s devotions, only one child in 50 will become a regular worshipper. But, if a father does attend regularly, a child’s chances of taking the faith seriously as an adult are much better. One of the reasons for this distinction is that children tend to take on their mother’s habits of domestic life and their father’s habits of the outside world. If dads take faith in God seriously, then the message to their children is that God should be taken seriously, too. “If a religion looks like women’s business, men especially won’t stay,” said Father Kraemer. “It can appear to be a very feminine environment, which can lead a young man away, because he doesn’t see the manly elements of the Christian religion. Where if he sees his dad pursuing the faith, and he respects his dad, then he will see that another man sees something in the faith, too.” “There are a lot more kids raised by just their mother in the household,” said Father Schneider. “Sometimes the fathers are still close at hand, but a lot of times there’s a temptation for fathers to go where the work is. I think society has that backwards. We have to go where the kids are, even if that means a less lucrative job, even if fathers are not living in the same household.”


Father Kraemer mentioned that one of the challenges he sees is parents coping with a busy culture. If parents find it difficult to share meals together, they’ll also find it difficult to find time to mentor and teach their kids one-on-one. “It was from supper time prayers that I learned becoming a priest was something good,” said Father Kraemer. “My dad always prayed that if God wanted one of his sons to be a priest, help them to say yes. I always knew I’d have support from my father in my vocation.” “One of the challenges is to have taught them and given them advice on something and then to watch your children not follow that advice,” said Schneider. “You know what’s going to happen, but you also know to let them make some of those mistakes on their own.” But, through the challenges fathers face, they can draw strength from St. Joseph and remember the courage he exhibited in the face of trial. “St. Joseph was a big protector and provider,” said Schneider. “He was always caring and in-tuned to what Jesus wanted him to do. He had a good relationship with God, was very trusting and acted on that trust. He didn’t announce his trust, he just acted on it.” “One thing about St. Joseph was that he was faithful in what he was given,” said Father Kraemer. “He had his strengths and weaknesses, but he always did what he could, and because of that he’s a great saint day. In our own struggles today, we think in one sense we can’t do this, but in another sense we can with God’s help.” With evangelization starting in the home, it is only fitting that our dads fill a special role in their children’s’ lives. If we believe that fathers can build a strong faith foundation for their children, we can see that their influence can also create strong families. Strong families create strong churches, which ultimately will make our nation strong. “Really rise to the occasional,” said Father Kraemer. “Try to live that role to the full. No man is without trial and to really face those things we struggle with shows kids that their dad is strong, and kids need that.””

The Fargo Diocese’s Year of Marriage and Family kicked-off Dec. 28, 2014. Each month New Earth will feature an article related to a particular theme of the month during the year-long celebration. The following lists each month’s theme.





Our Children and Youth

Spousal Love

Natural Family Planning






The Blessed Virgin Mary

St. Joseph, Spouse and Father

Familial Love

“May I?” “Thank you” “I’m Sorry”





Parents: The First Teachers of Faith

Respect Life

Communion of Saints

Domestic Church

If you have a story idea related to these topics, please contact us at or (701) 356-7900 to let us know about it.





Catholic Diocese of Fargo 5201 Bishops Blvd, Ste. A Fargo, ND 58104



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