New May 2015 | Vol. 36 | No. 5
The Magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Fargo
Blessing, model to many St. Leo’s parishioner, 106, example of living the faith in everyday life
From Bishop Folda The Church and the media
Teen shares adoption story at Catholic Charities’ Angel Auction
Introducing Marian to 2015 our families1 NEWdevotion EARTH MAY
May 2015 Vol. 36 | No. 5
ON THE COVER 14 Blessing, model to many: St. Leo’s parishioner, 106, example of living the faith in everyday life “I shall pass through this world but once. Any good
thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” This quote by Stephen Grellet perfectly sums up the life Myrtle Farrell, 106 year old parishioner of St. Leo’s parish in Casselton, strives to live every day.
The Church and the media
Month of Mary: One parish’s celebration of our Blessed Mother
Pope Francis’ May prayer intentions
Ask a Priest: What do priests do when they study at seminary?
Fatima: A tool for the New Evangelization
Monsignor Gregory Schlesselmann shares the formation and maturation that occurs with attending seminary.
Diocese hosts inaugural New Evangelization Summit
10 Speaker Jen Messing travels diocese teaching Theology of the Body 11 Teen shares adoption story at Catholic Charities’ Angel Auction
20 Tattered Pages: A review of Catholic books and literature
Chris Gilbert, youth and young adult minister and University of Steubenville alumnus, reviews Jason Evert’s book, “Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves.” The book, distributed by Ignatius Press, dares readers not to be unchanged by the message within it.
OUR CATHOLIC LIFE 18 Catholic Medical Association student group encourages 22 Stories of Faith medical students to keep Christ at center of practice 19 Annual rally challenged all to seek and share joy, live the faith
Father Bert Miller shares a “fish story” of how limited food doesn’t stop a family from feasting together.
23 Catholic Action
Christopher Dodson corrects errors in secular media’s report on North Dakota SB 2279 and the proceedings leading up to the vote in the state’s House of Representatives.
24 Stewardship
In this month’s column, Steve Schons points out seven ways to remember the Catholic Church in your estate plans.
ON THE COVER: Myrtle Farrell, celebrated her 106 birthday on Dec. 6, 2014. For many years, she has provided care, love, lessons and inspiration to her family, friends and community. She continues to stay active, especially sewing baby quilts. Farrell is pictured surrounded by several quilts recently made for people all over the country. (Submitted by Fred Wittmann)
(ISSN# 10676406) Our mission is to serve Catholic parishes in Eastern N.D. as the official monthly publication of the Diocese of Fargo.
Publisher Most Rev. John T. Folda Bishop of Fargo
Editor Aliceyn Magelky
Staff Writer Kristina Lahr
Designer Stephanie Drietz - Drietz Designs
Subscriptions Parish contributions make it possible for each registered Catholic household in the diocese to receive 11 issues per year. For those living outside the Diocese wanting a subscription, an annual $9/year rate is requested.
25 Making Sense of Bioethics This month as guest columnist, Father Tad
Pacholczyk offers “Pondering the implications of three-parent embryos.”
27 Seminarian Life
Seminarian Zach Howick shares how the hectic schedule of seminary and parish life have helped prepare him to purposely make time for prayer.
28 Happenings around the diocese 29 Glimpse of the Past 30 Events Calendar 30 Milestone Announcements
U.S. and World News 31 Supreme Court doesn’t tip hand: Asks tough questions of both sides in marriage case 33 Cardinal George, 78, dies after long fight with cancer 34 Pope planning to visit Fatima in 2017, local bishop announces SPECIAL SECTION: YEAR OF MARRIAGE AND FAMILY 35 Introducing Marian devotion to our families
Postmaster Send address changes or subscription requests to: New Earth 5201 Bishops Blvd S., Suite A Fargo, ND 58104
Contact Information Use the following contact information to contact the New Earth staff: (701) 356-7900 Deadline to submit articles, story ideas, advertisements and announcements for the June issue is May 20, 2015. All submissions are subject to editing and placement. New Earth is published by the Catholic Diocese of Fargo, a nonprofit North Dakota corporation, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S, Suite A Fargo, ND 58104. (701) 356-7900. Periodical Postage Paid at Fargo, ND and at additional mailing offices. Member of the Catholic Press Association NEW EARTH MAY 2015
The Church and the media
t is always interesting and occasionally frustrating to see how the Church is portrayed in the media. Oftentimes, the Catholic Church gets a fair shake and very positive coverage, and we can only be grateful for the opportunity to share our message of good news with the wider public. But, there are other occasions when fairness seems to go out the window, and the Catholic faithful are made to look ridiculous at best and despicable at worst. Two recent examples come to mind. The well-crafted BBC series “Wolf Hall,” which is now airing locally on PBS, tells the story of Thomas Cromwell, chief minister to King Henry VIII in 16th century England. Cromwell was a principal player in the Reformation in England and had a direct hand in separating the Church of England from the Pope. He was also instrumental in the destruction of Catholic culture in England and the persecution of any who maintained loyalty to the Pope and the Catholic faith. An interesting aspect of the plotline is the relationship of Cromwell to Sir Thomas More, another key advisor to the king. While Cromwell comes off as the reasonable man of good sense and integrity, the BBC portrays Thomas More as an arrogant snob and a religious fanatic. But, personal and historical accounts of that time tell a very different story. Cromwell was, according to most historians, a brilliant and ruthless man who did great violence to the Church and to those who opposed him. Thomas More, on the other hand, was widely respected as a gentleman, a statesman, a scholar, a loving husband and father and a man of deep, reasoned faith. He was not a perfect man, but he was a great man. Due to his own integrity and fidelity to the Church, he could not support the marriage of King Henry VIII to Anne Boleyn, and he opposed the king’s rebellion against the Pope. Thomas More was willing to sacrifice his very life for this matter of truth, and he was beheaded at the order of the king in 1535. In fact, the Church canonized Thomas More a saint in 1935, and he continues to inspire those who strive for freedom of conscience and religion. Viewers can draw their own conclusions about Cromwell, but hopefully they will not be taken in by his portrayal as a hero.
And yet, it seems obvious that Thomas More has deliberately been made into a caricature, a straw man who represents all the throwbacks who would defend the Church, the Pope and traditional marriage. This should come as no surprise, since the author of “Wolf Hall,” a former Catholic, says the “Church today is not an institution for respectable people.” A writer despises the Church, and then retells a story to smear a holy man of the Church. A different kind of smear appeared in our own “The Forum” on March 25. The lead editorial that day chastised the North Dakota Catholic Conference (NDCC) for daring to raise objections against a bill in the legislature (SB 2279) that purports to give equal rights to all. Never mind that this bill would have seriously weakened the rights of people of faith. Rather than responding to the actual problems with the bill, “The Forum” resorted to a caricature and calls the objections “dishonest claptrap.” The Catholic Church was accused of “misusing the legislative process.” In other words, “The Forum” seems to say, we have no business bringing our views to bear or participating in the work of forming public policy. Christopher Dodson, the executive director of the NDCC, testified before the appropriate legislative committee, as many other organizations do on a regular basis. But, “The Forum” chose to portray this very common form of advocacy as meddling with lawmakers and inserting our religious beliefs into the secular sanctuary of lawmaking. How sad that a news organization like “The Forum” can’t imagine anyone having legitimate objections or reservations about this bill. And, how tragic that, in our state and nation where religious freedom is guaranteed, “The Forum” and other media and entertainment outlets would find it necessary to caricature people of faith or people who express their faith in a public way. How ironic that protection of rights is demanded by “The Forum,” unless one wants to defend their right of religious freedom and conscience. “The Forum” accuses the North Dakota Catholic Conference of “bullying,” but perhaps the editors of “The Forum” need to do a little examination of conscience. I invite everyone to read the testimony given by Christopher Dodson at the state legislature on SB 2279 at testimony2015, and then read the Forum’s editorial (“Pass ND housing, jobs bill” - March 25, 2015). Who is really doing the bullying here? Who is really being dishonest? These two episodes illustrate a growing trend in the news and entertainment media. People of faith are portrayed as bigots, haters or just plain ignorant. Catholics are demeaned
“There are many good, fair and talented people who work in the news and entertainment industries, and much of what they produce is of great value. But, when people of faith and the legitimate concerns of citizens are caricatured or denigrated by the media, they undermine their own credibility, and they deserve a response.” – Bishop John Folda, Diocese of Fargo 4
Bishop Folda’s Calendar May 10 | 10:30 a.m.
and the Church is to be put in its place, where it will have no voice in public discourse. Fortunately, this is far from a universal pattern. The media often reports favorably about works of the Church and some of her leaders. Pope Francis, for instance, seems to be quite popular, even though many journalists tend to ignore much of what he actually says. There are many good, fair and talented people who work in the news and entertainment industries, and much of what they produce is of great value. But, when people of faith and the legitimate concerns of citizens are caricatured or denigrated by the media, they undermine their own credibility, and they deserve a response. I hope people of faith, and especially the Catholics of eastern North Dakota, will not be taken in by the distortions we are fed by those who inform and entertain us every day. And, I would encourage them to respond when they are unfairly smeared because of their beliefs. Certainly, we all know that we are a Church of sinners, but we have something to offer to society nonetheless, and we should not allow ourselves to be pushed out of the public square.
Diocese of Fargo Official Appointments/Announcements May 2015 Most Rev. John T. Folda, Bishop of Fargo, has made the following appointments, announcements, and/or decrees: Rev. John L. Evans, received excardination from the Diocese of Fargo and incardination into the Diocese of Winona, effective on Mar. 25, 2015. Rev. Richard Fineo has been released to serve in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston as a full-time spiritual director at St. Mary’s Seminary in Houston. This is effective Jan. 3, 2015 and continues until the end of the academic year of 2016-2017. Deacon David Haney has requested and been granted retirement from active ministry as a permanent deacon in the Diocese of Fargo as of June 24, 2015. As a retired deacon he retains all faculties and rights provided to permanent deacons in the Diocese of Fargo.
Quotable “God creates out of nothing. Wonderful you say. Yes, to be sure, but he does what is still more wonderful: he makes saints out of sinners.” - Søren Kierkegaard, The Journals of Kierkegaard
Mass and Dedication of Altar, St. Theresa the Little Flower’s Catholic Church, Rugby
2 p.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist, St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church, Velva
May 13 | 7 p.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist, Holy Spirit Catholic Church, Fargo
May 16 | 10 a.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Devils Lake
5 p.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist, St. Alphonsus’ Catholic Church, Langdon
May 17 | 2 p.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist, St. John’s Catholic Church, Wahpeton
May 20 | 10 a.m.
Baccalaureate Mass for Shanley Students, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
12 p.m.
Baccalaureate Lunch, Holiday Inn, Fargo
6 p.m.
Shanley Graduation, McCormick Gymnasium, Fargo
May 23 | 10 a.m.
Diaconate Ordination, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
5 p.m.
Confirmation/First Eucharist, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
May 24 | 10 a.m.
Pentecost Sunday Mass, Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo
May 25
Memorial Day, Pastoral Center closed
June 6 | 10 a.m.
Corpus Christi Mass, St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Dazey
June 9-12
USCCB Spring Meeting, St. Louis, Mo.
June 13 | 11 a.m.
Jubilee Mass for OSF Sisters, Hankinson NEW NEWEARTH EARTHJANUARY MAY 2015 2015
Fatima: A tool for the New Evangelization By Deacon Robert F. Ellis
May 13, 2015 marks the 98th anniversary of the first of six apparitions of Our Lady at Fatima in 1917. The Message of Fatima identifies the cause of and provides the solution to the plethora of problems confronting mankind during our time. The faith, hope and charity (love) we so desperately need today are served up on a silver platter. Pope John Paul II considered Fatima more important today than it was in 1917. Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI cautioned that, “we would be mistaken to think that Fatima’s prophetic mission is complete.” His request for the consecration of his pontificate to Our Lady of Fatima which was honored on May 13, 2013, the entrustment of World Youth Day 2013 to her and his consecration of the world to her on Oct. 13, 2013 make Pope Francis’ disposition toward the importance of Fatima crystal clear. The church’s attitude toward the importance of Fatima during this 21st century is evidenced by her elevation of The World Apostolate of Fatima to the status of a Public International Association of the Faithful. As such, it is the only Fatima apostolate which speaks in the name of the church and with her authority on Fatima. Its mission is to help people learn, live and spread the message of Our Lady of Fatima in communion with the church and in concert with the New Evangelization. One would be hard pressed to find a more effective tool for the New Evangelization than Fatima. Contained within its story and its message are all of the essential truths which make up the teaching of the Catholic Faith. The Fargo North Dakota Division of the World Apostolate of Fatima, USA works with the approval and blessing of Bishop John Folda and under the spiritual direction of Father Peter This image depicts the Blessed Mother appearing before three Anderl throughout the diocese to spread the message of Our children near Fatima, Portugal in 1917. Lady of Fatima and assist the faithful in embracing it, living it in their own lives and sharing it with others. esus frequently opened with the words “peace be with you” More information on the Fargo Division is available at www. when speaking to individuals and groups. The first words or contact Karen Splonskowski at (701) 371-8409 spoken by the Angel of Peace in 1916 to the three shepherd or children of Fatima were “be not afraid.” Our Lady of Fatima’s first words to these children on May 13, 1917 were “Do not be Deacon Robert F. Ellis is the National Coordinator for the World afraid.” Archbishop Fulton Sheen’s parting words were always Apostolate of Fatima, USA “peace be to you.” Pope John Paul II never tired of saying “be not afraid.” Christ the King Retreat Center Buffalo, Minnesota Why is it, then, the numbers of people today who are at peace, either individually or collectively, is swiftly dwindling and our fears are mounting rapidly? Something must be wrong. In the absence of the peace of which Christ spoke, fear quickly transforms hope into despair, and life without love becomes almost unbearable for increasing numbers. People who despair for lack of hope are turned in upon themselves with a “woe is me” disposition which renders them incapable of love, because the first prerequisite for love is an ability to focus on others. Hope is therefore of paramount The readers of New Earth are cordially invited to a beautiful inexpensive lakeside retreat of importance, and it requires faith. It is faith which begets the wonderful relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation. The theme for the retreat is “The Joy of the Gospel.” For a free hope which makes love possible. brochure please call 763-682-1394, email, or visit us at
Month of Mary
One parish’s celebration of our Blessed Mother By Father Chad Wilhelm
Alexis (left) and Trinity (right) Ternes, Devils Lake, stand with
Father Chad Wilhelm following the 2014 May Crowning held at St. Joseph’s Catholic School in Devils Lake. Alexis was chosen as “queen of the May” to place a crown of flowers on a statue of Mary. Trinity carried the pillow holding the crown. St. Joseph’s is one of several parishes and schools conducting May Crownings this month. (Submitted photo.)
rocessions are an intimate part of Catholic liturgical and spiritual life that date back to our Jewish roots. Catholic processions were a type of pilgrimage first undertaken by the Jews to represent important historical events. Even as we reflect on the Mass, there are several processions: the entrance, Gospel, offertory, Communion and final procession. And, for centuries, the church has taken processions to the streets, for example, to honor the Blessed Sacrament on the Feast of Corpus Christi. In current times, we are encouraged to go on processions for Pro-life Marches and other public issues that are necessary for Christians to take a stand and be witnesses among the number. Processions remind us that our Christian life is a constant movement toward God and our eternal home. In the month of May, we have processions to honor Christ’s mother, and our mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Throughout the Diocese of Fargo, Catholics take a moment to honor Our Lady with a rosary procession or a coronation ceremony. However it may be in your parish, we should celebrate Our Lady, the very first Christian, and ask her for a deeper love and fidelity to Jesus Christ. At St. Joseph’s Church in Devils Lake, originating with the Benedictines and diocesan priests that have served here over the years, we honor Our Lady with coronation ceremonies and rosary processions within our parish and elementary
school. At St. Joseph School there is a “desired” position to be the girl chosen to crown an image of the Blessed Virgin. Each sixth grade girl writes a spiritual letter to the Blessed Virgin, explaining why she would like to be chosen. Letters of the past have included promises of purity and virtue to be lived out for the rest of their lives. On the first Friday of May, we have a procession from the classrooms to the gym, decorated with flowers and an image of Our Lady to be crowned. It is a rather simple practice, but it makes an impression on children, especially if parents participate, and helps to make the feast more concrete and significant. Also, praying the rosary, singing hymns and offering flowers are a large part of any coronation ceremony and it is a favorite part for our children at St. Joseph School. During this ceremony, the priests speak about the virtue of piety and the proper love we should have for Our Lady. She is the mother of the Savior, our spiritual mother in Heaven and the perfect model for us all. The Marian ceremonies that we have in our parishes help us to experience and know the eternal. We can look to a human being, our Blessed Virgin Mary, to give examples of what God can do in a life that desires to say “yes” to Him. Father Chad Wilhelm serves as pastor of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Devils Lake.
Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis May
Universal intention: Care for the suffering. That, rejecting the culture of indifference, we may care for our neighbors who suffer; especially the sick and the poor. Reflection: How has God used my own experience of suffering to help me be more aware of and compassionate toward those who suffer?
Scripture: 1 Corinthians 12: 12-26. God has so constructed the body that the parts may have concern for one another. If one part suffers, all the parts suffer with it. Evangelization intention: Openness to mission. That Mary’s intercession may help Christians in secularized cultures be open to proclaiming Jesus.
Reflection: In what ways have I experienced opposition or difficulties in speaking about or living my faith? In what ways do I find myself slipping into “practical atheism?” Scripture: 2 Timothy 4: 1-5. Proclaim the word; be persistent whether it is convenient or inconvenient.
Provided by Apostleship of Prayer,
What do priests do when they study at seminary?
o s t Catholics and even Christians Ask a Priest are familiar with the fact that future Monsignor Gregory priests spend a Schlesselmann good number of years in formation prior to their ordination. While most know that the places of formation are called seminaries, few know what constitutes priestly formation. Overall, it addresses four key areas: human maturity, spiritual interiority, intellectual ability and pastoral charity. The foundation of all priestly formation is the maturation process by which the seminarian becomes a man whose personality is a bridge for others in their encounter with Christ. The future priest is assisted in becoming a free and prudent man, mature in his relationships with others, a man of communion. He is encouraged to grow in fundamental virtues so as to solidify a sound character, and he is prepared to accept and embrace the priestly commitments of celibacy, obedience and simplicity of life. Overall, he is led to be open to ongoing conversion and growth in holiness. Secondly; and even more importantly, a seminarian is taught and led in the faithful practice of private and communal prayer. He is taught various forms of contemplative prayer as well as the liturgical forms of prayer integral to the life of a priest. Praying in the name of the whole church is an essential duty of a priest and the seminarian learns to incorporate a faithful practice of the Liturgy of the Hours and full active participation in the sacramental life of the church. Furthermore; since the spiritual life has primacy in the life of the priest and unifies it, the seminarian is given the formation needed so that he can live a life-long deepening intimacy with the Trinity. Experiencing his relationship with God in an ongoing encounter enables him to anchor his life in this divine friendship with Christ whose priest he will become.
Thirdly, seminarians are taught the spectrum of humanities, philosophical subjects and theological sciences in order to prepare them to commit themselves to pastoral ministry in an intelligent and coherent manner. By growing in wisdom, the future priest is gradually equipped to guide the flock entrusted to his care. Especially important in theology is his immersion in Sacred Scripture, the study of which is the very soul of sacred theology. In addition, exposure to the riches of Sacred Tradition enable him to mature in making the church’s understanding of the gift of Revelation ever more his own. By living an attitude of faith seeking understanding, the seminarian receives a deeper personal knowledge of Jesus Christ, the Word made Flesh, and therefore is readied for more credible witness to the Gospel. Fourthly, the future priest is introduced into the actual work of pastoral ministry in a gradual way. By directly experiencing the various types of apostolic activities that would typify a priest’s life, the seminarian is given the opportunity to practice the various skills he has learned in class and concrete occasions to directly engage his pastoral charity. He is exposed to parish liturgical life and catechesis, hospital ministry, service to the poor and other forms of service to the people of God. Finally, the seminarian is assisted in personalizing and interiorizing the formation he receives so that it is integrated into his life in an organic and spiritual way. Ultimately, the seminary is intended to be a school of holiness so that by deepening the seminarian’s union with the Trinity, he will be most apt to receive the gift of Holy Orders and enter into a lifelong, generous service of God and His people. Monsignor Gregory Schlesselmann serves as the director of the permanent diaconate program for the diocese. He can be reached at Editor’s Note: If you have a question about the Catholic faith and would like to submit a question for consideration in a future column, please send to with “Ask a Priest” in the subject line or mail to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S, Suite. A, Fargo, ND 58104, Attn: Ask a Priest.
“…the most fruitful activity of the human person is to be ‘able to receive’ God.” - Jean Corbon, “The Wellspring of Worship”
Diocese hosts inaugural New Evangelization Summit
n April 24-25, the Fargo Diocese hosted 115 enthusiastic Catholics and joined hundreds more across the country in the first ever New Evangelization Summit. They came together for one common reason: Jesus. The New Evangelization Summit is a two-day conference, broadcast live to several host sites throughout North America, including a site at Shanley High School in Fargo. The events’ purpose was to make it easier for audiences to connect with leaders in the New Evangelization mission. These experts provided inspiration, encouragement, training, practical wisdom and resources on how Catholics can effectively evangelize. During the breaks, the participants were able to mingle with one another and discuss the points from the presentations. “I will come again next year and hope that more young adults will be there, too,” said Jessica Skroch, event participant. Dr. Scott Hahn was the first keynote speaker. He outlined the history of the phrase “new evangelization,” tracing it back to June 9, 1979 when Pope John Paul II first used it in a homily. Dr. Hahn further showed how the 1990s was the advent season of the new evangelization and that it’s slowly picking up steam in the 2000s. He pointed out that one thing we all can do is to enjoy being Catholic, enjoy knowing and loving God as Abba, Father and sharing that joy with others. According to Dr. Hahn, another necessary ingredient to successful evangelization is authentic friendships. Friendship is the way we communicate the Gospel of Jesus. Ken Yasinski was the second keynote speaker, and he challenged the group to live day-to-day with an eternal perspective. He used the Dead Sea to illustrate to the audience the need to share their faith in order not to become stagnant. In the Dead Sea, water flows into it, but none flows out. “Our spiritual life will sputter and die if we don’t let it flow both in and out,” he said. “God loves us. Sin broke us. Christ saves us. This message fills the pages of scripture and has been passed onto us through the centuries. It is the basic Gospel message and it is the heart of the work of evangelization.” Saturday morning began with Mass followed by speaker JoEllen Gregus. In her presentation she explained a tool for the New Evangelization called “Light of the World,” a parish-based ministry that uses retreat, small community groups and ongoing adult formation. “Light of the World” is similar to the Cursillo movement as well as “Christ Renews His Parish.” It is a great tool for fostering deeper conversion to Christ and fellowship with the community of believers. Next, Dr. Ralph Martin, Consultor to the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelization spoke on his examination of point 46 of “Mission of the Redeemer,” a 1990 encyclical written by Pope John Paul II. Dr. Martin reminded the audience that accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is not just for protestants, but rather
By Katie Dubas
Participants of the inaugural New Evangelization Summit gathered at Shanley High School Auditorium, Fargo, on April 24-25. The event was broadcast live from Canada to the host site in Fargo. Attendees received inspiration, training and resources from experts in the New Evangelization movement. (Father Andrew Jasinski/Diocese of Fargo)
it is necessary for Catholics, too. We should have a personal relationship with Jesus and the blessed Trinity. The Vatican II document on the Apostolate of the Laity gives four ways we can work to transform the culture as leaven in dough: witnessing to life, performing works of mercy and charity, renewing the temporal order and using words to bring others to faith in Jesus. Before the lunch break, Father Michael Gaitley shared his personal testimony in detail of how the Lord worked in his life to bring him and his family from a luke-warm practice of the faith to a transformed love of Jesus. Through a series of events, Father Gaitley learned to entrust himself to the maternal care of the Blessed Virgin Mary as well as recognize that he’s been given buckets of Jesus’ divine mercy. After lunch, Father James Mallon shared his story about how his parish had been undergoing a divine renovation. According to Father Mallon, he has witnessed a renewal at work in his parish by using the ALPHA program with adults and then developing “Connect Groups” from it. Radio host from Catholic Answers Live, Patrick Coffin was the next speaker. He focused on how the medium of transmitting the Gospel conditions the way the message is heard. “Hearts and minds can be won through media, and it is our responsibility to use new media for evangelization,” he said. To reach this generation, we need to learn to speak their language without agreeing with it. Michael Dopp wrapped up the event with an emphasis on the need to renew our zeal for the New Evangelization and invited us to make this an annual event. The next New Evangelization Summit is planned for April 15-16, 2016.
Speaker Jen Messing travels diocese teaching Theology of the Body By Kristina Lahr
e know full well the challenges everyday life can bring to talking to young people about human sexuality. Speaker Jen Messing of Minneapolis traveled to Belcourt, Rugby, Grand Forks and Fargo April 12-16 offering tools to foster understanding of who we are, what our bodies mean and how our desire for love points to God’s plan for us. Using the language of St. John Paul II’s “Theology of the Body,” Messing shared concrete ways to talk to children and teens about human sexuality and real love. “When we watch TV or listen to the radio, we don’t necessarily see what real love looks like, but we see glimpses of it in our desires,” said Messing. “When we imagine our future spouse, we don’t hope that someone will cheat on us or force themselves on us or love us partially. The Church is actually upholding the kind of true love that we desire deep down, but we tend to settle for less.”
When talking to children and teens about human sexuality, Messing suggests that rather than having one potentially awkward conversation, it is better to start when children are young and use examples in their daily life about how to be a gift to others. “First of all, ask the Lord to give you the words and to push through any awkwardness you feel,” she said. “Ask him to untwist any lies that might be in your own heart. Then, tell your children we are made to be a gift. We are meant to go out of ourselves to be a gift to others not fixate on ourselves.” Messing said we can take small steps to help our children recognize beauty to help them know that their bodies are good. A father can ask his child, “isn’t your mom beautiful?” which will help that child to recognize true beauty. Since we are made in the image of God, we know that our bodies are created beautiful and good. Praying daily with our children that they will grow to make a gift of themselves in their everyday life will teach them how to give of themselves body and soul in their vocation. “As a body-soul person, you are good,” said Messing. “Some-
Speaker Jen Messing, Theology of the Body expert, speaks to parents about teaching Theology of the Body to their children April 16 at Nativity Catholic Church in Fargo. Messing explains that by taking small steps to help children recognize the beauty of the body when they are young will help them to understand the beauty of sexuality when they are teenagers and young adults. (Kristina Lahr/New Earth)
times there is the temptation to put the body on a pedestal and brush the soul aside or to put the soul on a pedestal and brush the body aside. But, God didn’t create us to be divided within ourselves but united.”
Messing also suggests explaining salvation history in the light of Theology of the Body. Telling a story serves as a baseline for younger children especially. “I encourage using the story of a hero and villain,” she said. “There is a hero who wants to save us and a villain who wants to drive wedges between you and your loved ones. God is all about unity, and Satan is all about division.” “God hasn’t left us alone to fight this battle. He gives us tools to fight the villain: prayer, sacraments and communication with each other. He wants to give you strength in body and soul to do battle.” Jen Messing has been speaking at and leading Theology of the Body based retreats around the United States since 2002. Though her undergraduate degree was in social work, learning about the Theology of the Body quickly redirected her energy. She immediately recognized that social work could not get at the root of the problems people constantly face. “The concepts found within the Theology of the Body remind us who we are and why we are here,” Messing said. “This hope, paired with staying in union with Jesus, makes it possible to do battle with original sin, freeing our hearts to love like God loves.”
Diocesan priests gather for annual Spring Ed Days
By Aliceyn Magelky
uring the second week of Easter, priests from across the diocese met in Carrington for the annual Spring Ed Days. This optional event allows clergy to come together for continued education, prayer and priestly fellowship. Additionally, they conduct an open forum and discussion with the bishop. Speakers each year are decided based on a list of information gathered from questionnaires and evaluations about what priests would like to see from the previous Spring Ed days. This year’s event, held Apr. 12-14, featured Dr. Edward Sri. Dr. Sri is a theologian and nationally-known Catholic speaker who appears regularly on EWTN. He presented a four-part series on “‘The Joy of the Gospel,’ Marriage, Family and Parish 10
Ministry.” The focus of his first talk centered on the nature of the New Evangelization: re-evangelizing the baptized but not evangelized Catholics. “The baptized need skills in order to fulfill the commands of the Lord,” he said. His last two talks focused on marriage. First, Dr. Sri pointed out the need to build stronger marriages, develop ongoing formation of authentic love and the importance of countering the false sense of love presented by secular culture. Additionally, he reminded the group that Christ-centered love is “free, total, faithful and fruitful.” A similar gathering for priests will be held again this fall in Jamestown.
Photos of children and teens in need of families fill the hallway at the Holiday Inn, Fargo. Through Catholic Charities’ Adults Adopting Special Kids (AASK) program, children and teens are connected with their forever families. A red ribbon indicates who has been adopted and who is still in need of a family. (Kristina Lahr/New Earth)
Teen shares adoption story at Catholic Charities’ Angel Auction By Kristina Lahr
hen Kalob How was eight years old his life changed forever. While playing freeze tag in gym class, he was told to go to the principal’s office where his brother and a police officer were waiting for him. “I thought I was going to be blamed for something my brother did, but instead we were told that our mom was making meth in our house,” he said. From then on, How spent a few weeks or months in different foster care homes in small communities. He had some difficulty remembering all the different places he lived for such short periods of time. He never knew when he would be moving and kept his boxes packed. All the while, he hoped someone would adopt him, so he could have a permanent home. While moving from home to home, How was told a family adopted him, only to find out later they changed their minds. So, when the How family said they would adopt him in 2009, he didn’t believe them at first. He felt like a stranger and stayed to himself at school not just because he didn’t know anyone, but because he felt his past made him different. “I came to my family broken, alone and very introverted,” he said. But as How got to know his family, he felt he finally had the proper springboard to be his true self. Now 18 years old and enlisted in the National Guard, he describes himself as very extroverted and happy to be a voice for all the teens in foster care. “I like what Catholic Charities does, especially with older
kids,” he said. “I may not have the most connected family in the world, but I still have a family. You need a family. It’s not just something nice to have. You need a family. You need someone to support you and someone for you to support.” How urged those in attendance not to forget about teens and older children waiting to be adopted. “Give them a chance. Give them hope. Everyone deserves that. They may not live with you long, but they’ll come back to be with you on holidays and when they need someone to believe in them. They spent years thinking they would never be adopted.” After How was adopted, it wasn’t just a blessing for him to receive a family, but to give back to a family, too. “I didn’t realize how good it was to treat someone on Mother’s and Father’s Day. And, to celebrate holidays. You know what it’s like to go home for Easter. Imagine not having that.” How shared his adoption story on April 13 as part of the Catholic Charities Angel Auction held at the Holiday Inn in Fargo. After How’s testimony was given a standing ovation, auctioneer Kimberly Fladeboe said, “This is the result of what Catholic Charities does. If we work together, we can do remarkable things.” Adults Adopting Special Kids (AASK) is a collaborative program of Catholic Charities ND and Path ND, Inc providing adoption services for children in foster care and the families who adopt them.
Presentation Sisters host appreciate dinner for priests
he Sisters of the Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Fargo gave an appreciation dinner for the priests who serve them on April 14. The priests present that evening were Father Duaine Cote, Father Charles Fischer and Father Leo Kinney, all from Fargo; and Father Don Tauscher, OSB from Collegeville, Minn.
By Father Leo Kinney
The evening began with a prayer to God for the canonization of their Foundress Mother Nana Nagel followed by Evening Prayer then a supper. The program started with a brief passage from the sisters’ constitution regarding the place of the Holy Eucharist in their community and concluded with a song written in part by Sister Stella Olson, PBVM. All the sisters present sang out whole heartedly. NEW EARTH MAY 2015
Bismarck Diocese to co-host Year of Consecrated Life celebration April 25
he public is invited to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life on April 25 at the McDowell Activity Center on the University of Mary campus south of Bismarck. Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, declared this the Year of Consecrated Life to honor and enliven this most necessary and ancient charism in the Catholic Church. The event, sponsored by the Diocese of Bismarck, Annunciation Monastery, Sacred
Heart Monastery and Assumption Abbey, is free and open to everyone. The schedule features two keynote speakers and six breakout sessions, and Mass with Bishop David Kagan celebrated at the close of the day. More information and registration is available online at www. For more information, contact the Annunciation Monastery at (701) 355-8901.
Monsignor Huebsch: NDLTCA Adult Volunteer of the Year
Bu Sister Mary Louise Jundt, OST | St. Gerard’s Community of Care
Monsignor Joseph Huebsch is pictured offering Mass for the residents and staff of St. Gerard’s Community of Care in Hankinson. He has been voted the 2015 North Dakota Long Term Care Association’s Adult Volunteer of the Year. (Submitted by Sister Mary Louise Jundt, OSF)
he North Dakota Long Term Care Association (NDLTCA) in Bismarck selected Monsignor Joseph Huebsch, chaplain of St. Gerard’s Community of Care as the 2015 NDLTCA Adult Volunteer of the Year from among nominations sent to them from long-term care facilities across the state. Monsignor Huebsch, 97, has been chaplain of St. Gerard’s for the past 12 years, but his association with St. Gerard’s goes all the way back to its beginning in 1952. He was serving as the associate pastor of St. Philip’s parish in Hankinson under Monsignor Gerard Bierens, for whom the facility was named. Over the 65 years of his priesthood, Monsignor Huebsch has become a welcome friend to many in Hankinson. He is always ready with an encouraging word, a blessing for the day, a helping hand or an offer to take residents out for a ride around town or to check the fields. And, Monsignor Huebsch brings Christ to all at daily Mass and cheerful acts of charity. He makes himself available to residents, staff and guests. On April 29, Monsignor Huebsch and his family members from Bird Island, Minn., traveled to Bismarck to attend the NDLTCA banquet and award ceremony.
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Carmelite nuns share a laugh while completing sewing projects and makingSTORY rosaries at their cloistered convent COVER in Wahpeton. (Kristina Lahr/New Earth)
Pictured is Myrtle Farrell, parishioner of St. Leo’s in Casselton and Father James Ermer, pastor of St. Leo’s. Farrell celebrated her 106 birthday on Dec. 6, 2014. A party was given in her honor at the parish. (Submitted by Fred Wittmann)
Blessing, model to many By Aliceyn Magelky
t 106, Myrtle Farrell of Mapleton and parishioner of St. Leo’s in Casselton may be the oldest living Catholic in the Diocese of Fargo. While that feat is quite remarkable, her quick wit, giving spirit and “can-do” attitude are what truly make her special to her family, friends and the community. She is a treasured gem in the lives of many people. While clearing out her apartment in 2012 for a move to live with Tom and Jean Madsen, Mapleton, Farrell’s family came across the following quote pinned to the wall above her sewing machine: “I shall pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” For those that know Farrell, this verse, penned by Stephen Grellet, perfectly sums up her entire way of living.
St. Leo’s parishioner, 106, example of living the faith in everyday life
to graduate from high school. Instead, she went to work for a farmer near Mapleton. She continued to work as a “hired girl” or nanny for several different families in and around Mapleton and Casselton. That’s how she met her husband, Jimmy. “Once I got to Casselton, it wasn’t any trouble,” said Myrtle about connecting with Jimmy. The family that employed Myrtle at the time was planning to take a vacation. Along with Myrtle, this family housed another young woman, and they felt it would not be a good idea to leave two maidens unattended. As the story goes, about the time this family had planned to take their trip, the Farrell’s, their good friends, were getting their house painted. Jimmy Farrell couldn’t handle the paint fumes, so he moved into the household where Myrtle was living and working. “I thought he was ok,” mused Myrtle about their first meeting. As it turned out, “He was a very good husband.” MIGHTY MYRTLE The couple got married Oct. 7, 1935 at St. Leo’s Catholic Church, Myrtle was born Dec. 6, 1908 to Joseph and Carrie Jendro in Casselton. The ceremony occurred at 8 a.m. on a Monday mornFargo. She had an older brother and two younger sisters. Al- ing, “because that’s when the priest said he could be available.” though her family moved quite a bit, from Fargo to Lynchburg, Born into a family with a Norwegian Lutheran mother, Myrtle to Amenia, to Prosper and to Mapleton, they never strayed received most of her formation in Lutheran churches. from Cass County. She attended five different schools before the “Jimmy was going to be very generous with me. He said I eighth grade. Unfortunately, Farrell never got the opportunity 14
Often referred as her “wedding photo,” Myrtle Farrell, Mapleton, is pictured with her husband Jimmy shortly after the pair wed. The couple was married in a small ceremony on a Monday morning in the fall of 1935 at St. Leo’s parish. (Submitted by Fred Wittmann)
Myrtle Farrell with her grandniece, Chelsea Wittmann in 1987. Although, Farrell did not have children of her own, her love and influence was passed onto many generations. (Submitted by Fred Wittmann)
could stay Lutheran, but I knew his mother would have been heartbroken,” said Myrtle. “I said ‘no.’ If we get married, we’ll both go to the same church, then your mother won’t be worried. We won’t hurt her feelings.” In those days, coming into full-communion with the Catholic Church seemed to take a little less study and preparation. “The priest asked me to memorize the Apostles’ Creed and the Lord’s Prayer,” recalled Myrtle. “The next day I came back to him and recited them. He said to me ‘you’re a quick learner.’ I thought in my head, ‘Don’t you think the Lutherans know the Lord’s Prayer or anything?’” As an avid volunteer and always comfortable in a variety of church settings, Myrtle decided to immerse herself into her new church community. Soon after she and Jimmy got married, an announcement came asking for help to clean the church. “I thought I better offer my service, so I went to the church where I was told I could wash the steps down to the basement. To me, that was the dirtiest job,” said Myrtle. “As I was getting ready to clean, someone asked me if I had anything for my head. I said ‘no.’ So, the person pinned a doily to my head. I scrubbed the floor that way. I suppose I was thinking that if I had stayed with the Lutheran church, I wouldn’t have had to wear the hat.” Thankfully, that first volunteer experience did not stop her from staying active with the parish. Myrtle often helped with dinners and bazaars and many other projects that needed attention. For Myrtle, being productive is an important part of her life. She’s known for being incredibly hardworking and able to do just about anything. “She just gave of herself constantly. I don’t think she ever hesitated or said, ‘I don’t want to do this.’ If she saw something that needed to be done, she did it,” commented Kathy Nelson, Argusville, close friend to Jimmy and Myrtle Farrell. Aside from volunteer work, Myrtle worked alongside her
Myrtle (left) and Jimmy (right) were well-known for their hospitality and meeting the needs of children in their community. Pictured in the photo with the Farrell’s is Laura Fregoso, (middle) a foreign exchange student living with the Farrell’s neighbors, the Madsen’s. The Farrells ensured Fregoso attended Mass weekly with them. (Submitted by Fred Wittmann)
husband, Jimmy, as proprietors of The Club in Casselton, a confectionary store where they sold ice cream to movie goers. Later, Myrtle joined Jimmy at the Mapleton Coop Oil Company where he managed the store for nearly 30 years. Myrtle shares that she had done just about every job at the oil company except drive the gas truck. She managed the books, pumped gas, cleaned car windows and changed truck tires. “She had quite a drive,” commented Nelson. “My husband [Roger Nelson] said she could change a truck tire faster than many men. She is a really neat, neat person.” After a long day at the shop, Myrtle would continue working at home: cooking, gardening and sewing.
Jimmy and Myrtle always opened their doors for others and would lend a hand, especially when it came to children. Although, the couple was unable to bear their own, they shared their love and influence with many kids throughout the community and surrounding area. Often youngsters were known to stop by the Farrell’s home to sample Myrtle’s baked goodies, share a joke with Jimmy or perhaps get a lesson in sewing from Myrtle. Jimmy knew a lot of these kids’ families, because he delivered fuel to their parents. The Farrell’s house in Mapleton, near the school, made them a prime location for visitors. Their home became a hub for boarding children unable to travel to their rural homes because of a bad weather or lack of a ride. “Every time it stormed a bit, I would have a house full. One time I had five little girls at once,” said Myrtle. The accommodations weren’t much, a simple blanket on the floor and one on top to stay warm, but everyone seemed content. Further, Myrtle tells a story about a young girl who tore her coat while sliding down a river bank. The young lady hustled to the Farrell’s home for Myrtle’s help. “I did just enough to get her home, but her mother later told NEW EARTH MAY 2015
noted Ricketts. “She set high expectations for goodness and kindness for me and my fellow man. She is still and always will be someone I am in awe of.”
Known as a top-notch seamstress, Myrtle Farrell often would share her skill with others. In this photo, one of her “adopted daughters,” a young DeAnn (Anderson) Ricketts, shows-off “one of my most favorite of her sewing creations.” (Submitted by DeAnn Ricketts)
me that I did such a good job that she didn’t know for a long time that it had been torn,” said Myrtle. Even exchange students fell in love with the Farrell’s hospitality. A young girl, Laura, from Mexico City used to call Myrtle her “Mama in North Dakota.” Myrtle always made sure Laura attended Mass with her in Casselton.
It’s likely many stories exist of how Myrtle helped guide and mold the lives of many kids, but at least one person attributes a significant portion of her upbringing to Myrtle’s influence. “I literally grew up half the time at Myrtles’ and half at my home,” said DeAnn Ricketts (Anderson), former next door neighbor and dear friend. “It was Myrtle that said you need to know how to cook, sew and take piano lessons. She has known me since the day I was born. Because Myrtle and Jimmy never had kids, I always referred to her as my second mother. ‘That’s our kid’ is how Myrtle referred to me.” Ricketts, the only girl in a household of four male siblings, saw the struggle her mother endured trying to raise difficult sons. Her mother welcomed the opportunity to share her daughter with Myrtle. “My mother was so supportive of me spending time at Myrtle and Jimmy’s. We were extremely poor, so she was delighted and grateful that Myrtle could provide the things that she couldn’t do. On the flip-side of things, Myrtle was always very supportive of my mom. They complimented each other. Neither of them ever said a harsh word about the other. My mother was grateful Myrtle would open her heart, and Myrtle was grateful for a ‘child on loan’ to do those things. I got the best of both worlds,” Ricketts said. Myrtle’s practical, common-sense approach to work and life sticks with Ricketts today. She taught Ricketts to sew, garden and cook, something Ricketts shares now with her own “adopted granddaughter,” Natalie. “Myrtle was not a touchy, feely person, but I know how much she loved and adored me by the things that she said,” 16
As Myrtle Farrell grew older, and the children she cared for grew into adulthood, having babies of their own, Myrtle turned from mother to grandmother. “They were meant to be together,” said Mary C. Tintes about the relationship between Myrtle and her children. Tintes formed a tight bond with Myrtle over the years Myrtle provided childcare for Tintes’ two children. Following the birth of her first child, Tintes hoped to return to work, but she needed someone to watch her son. Several people suggested she contact Myrtle. In her 70s and widowed, Myrtle was hesitant. She had cared for lots of young children and school-aged kids but never an infant, however, she said, “Let’s try it.” “My son was such an easy baby. They hit it off great. We adopted her. No longer was she the babysitter. She became a dear friend. My kids love her like another grandma,” said Tintes. Now young adults, Tintes’ children still hold a special place in their heart for Myrtle. Every return visit to the area requires a stop to see her. “They hold her in high regard. And, they always make it a priority to spend time with her. She’s family,” noted Tintes. “Myrtle allowed them to be their true selves. I wish everyone could have someone like that to help raise their children. She showed them kindness, humility. They were good kids, now good adults, which has a lot to do with Myrtle’s influence on them and me.”
Kathy Nelson, Argusville, is pictured in her wedding gown. It is one of many garments Myrtle Farrell had sewn over the years. The dress had 40 hand-sewn buttons down the back. (Submitted by Kathy Nelson)
Always open to caring for children, Myrtle Farrell (pictured front, left) willingly decided to provide full-time childcare for Matthew Tintes (pictured back, right) at a time she was nearing 80 years old. Later, she cared for Matthew’s sister, Emily (pictured back, left). Both kids view Farrell as another grandmother that helped guide them alongside their biological grandmother, Bernice (pictured front, right). (Submitted by Mary C. Tintes)
“I shall pass through this world but once. Any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show, let me do it now. Let me not defer it or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.” – Stephen Grellet Recently, she donated a baby quilt to the Community of Care Not only could Myrtle handle truck tires as well as any man, organization in Casselton. The group was holding its annual care for small children with gentleness and offer her support fundraising banquet. The quilt sold during a live auction for whenever possible, she was gifted with a talent for sewing. $525. Myrtle was there to accept a standing ovation. It’s a skill and interest that has evolved into quilting in her Every day, she still cuts and assembles baby quilts for people requesting them all over the country, all tagged with her name. later years.
“I started sewing as soon as my mother would let me near the sewing machine. I was maybe 12 or 14. I’ve made a lot of my own clothing, clothes for kids,” said Myrtle. Indeed, Myrtle has made sewing a daily activity. “Myrtle had a sunroom with her sewing machine going all the time,” said Nelson. From shirts to shorts, dresses to coats, Myrtle likely has created multiple wardrobes for the people around her. She even made an intricate wedding gown. “I was going to make my own wedding dress. After I bought the fabric, Myrtle came over to see it. She looked at it and said, ‘If you don’t mind, I’m taking this fabric and making your dress,’” Nelson said with a laugh. Today, Myrtle still works her magic with needle and thread. After helping with the morning dishes, she is at her sewing machine. However, instead of apparel, her focus has shifted to quilting, especially baby quilts. For many, those quilts are a big deal. Several of her quilts have made it into the homes of her “adopted children and grandchildren” as well as all of their friends. Additionally, she has donated countless quilts to the children’s hospitals in Fargo, to homeless shelters and to families displaced by a house fire. In one year, she made more than 100 quilts.
St. John of the Cross once said, “In the twilight of life, God will not judge us on our earthly possessions and human successes, but on how well we have loved.” Certainly, Myrtle had her own successes along the way, but it’s the unconditional love she willingly shared with many that will likely be remembered most about her. Although, no one can predict how long the world will be blessed with a gift like Myrtle, she hasn’t and likely never will take any day for granted. With the help of her “black horse,” her wheeled walker, Myrtle keeps going. She helps around the home of Tom and Jean Madsen, the couple who reciprocated Myrtle’s love by offering to take her into their home a few years ago. She continues to attend church as often as she’s able to travel, and her steady quilting projects keep her sewing machine humming. Some may wonder her secret to long-life to which Myrtle replies, “Try to make it to 107.” Some might say her presence is still needed on Earth. Either way, she will always remain a gift in the hearts and minds of the people she has encountered. “We’ll never run out of stories, and we’ll never lose our memory of her,” said Tintes. “She colored our lives in ways that will never be gone.”
Catholic Medical Association student group encourages medical students to keep Christ at center of practice By Kristina Lahr students to meet for Eucharistic adoration followed by time to get to know each other.
Kiedrowski says the CMA not only helps him to be more connected to Christ but more confident in how to defend and uphold the teachings of the Church. “The feeling of knowing there are people who back me up on my beliefs gives me confidence to speak up,” he said. “It provides reassurance that I’m not alone.” As medical students advance in their studies, they are asked to be involved in contraception procedures such as tubal ligation, IUD and other contraception devices. For Emmel and Kiedrowski, learning about these procedures in class is fine for the sake of education, but being actively involved in the Medical students at UND formed a Catholic Medical Association procedure contradicts their desire to truly help their patients. (CMA) student branch this year to encourage students in faith “Whenever I need to request to opt out of something, I and medical practice. Executive committee members are (from try to be clear that I’m not judging anyone who is doing whatever left to right) Lee Kiedrowski, Vice President; John Emmel, is involved,” said Emmel. “I would just rather not participate. President; Laura Morgan, Outreach Coordinator; and Marcus Those conversations have gone over better than one might expect.” Geffre, Secretary/Treasurer. (Danielle Kiedrowski/UND CMA) “There is a place for personal beliefs,” agreed Kiedrowski. “In conversations I have with physicians, they present that there is t’s nice to meet other Catholics who are proud to be in the a place in the medical field for counter-cultural practices like medical school,” said Lee Kiedrowski, vice president of becoming an NFP-only doctor instead of prescribing contracepthe newly established Catholic Medical Association (CMA) tives.” student branch at the University of North Dakota. “We wanted a group that would foster an environment to allow us to grow Kiedrowski believes patients can feel at ease when being treated by a doctor who upholds the teachings of the church. as Catholic student doctors.” To keep Christ in the center of their practice, the CMA group John Emmel, president of the group, started it at the beginning uses the quote, “Every bed another altar; every patient another of the school year, so that Catholic medical students could make Jesus” from a Catholic medical student blog, “Medical Matins,” connections and have support throughout medical training. as a guiding principle. “The CMA is present on campus in order to unite Catholic students involved in schooling for healthcare-related professions,” “If a patient were to inquire on their care, they should know said Emmel. “Our purpose involves nurturing students’ Catholic there’s going to be a source of dignity in their humanity and not in how sick or old they are,” he said. “They can be assured I’d be there for them and not abandon them, just as Christ would not abandon them.”
“Every bed another altar; every patient another Jesus.” – Medical Matins
faith and helping them to prosper spiritually, intellectually and socially. We also want to create a support system for everyone that will carry on to our careers. “Our get-togethers usually involve having discussions that focus on how to apply the teachings of the Catholic Church to our practice as physicians, how to address bioethical issues that arise in medicine and how to bring the love of Christ to people who are suffering.” Kiedrowski said that not only do their CMA gatherings help form connections with others in their field but with Christ. Social events such as “Adoration and Libations,” encourage 18
The CMA branch at UND hopes to continue to find ways to balance spiritual, work and family life as they grow closer to becoming licensed physicians. They believe adding more prayerful components will help them to see a greater connection between their faith and work. “We’re all excited about this group,” said Emmel. “I’d like to ask people for their prayers. Something like this can do a lot of good, but it doesn’t just fly off the ground. It takes a lot of work and support from the Holy Spirit.” “We ask everyone to pray for us to strengthen our faith life to become the physicians that Christ wants us to be,” Kiedrowski said.
Annual rally challenged all to seek and share joy, live the faith
he gym and hallways of Holy Spirit Elementary School, Fargo, were rocking with music from Catholic musician Lee Roessler and his band on April 11 at the Fargo Diocese’s Junior High Youth Rally. Roessler and his crew drove a truck from Kentucky to Fargo to crank-up the joy at the annual event held for sixth through eighth grade students of the Fargo Diocese. More than 200 kids, chaperones and event organizers attended. Each year, the Catholic Youth Advisory Council (CYAC) members develop a theme, agenda and activities focused on bringing kids into a deeper relationship with the Lord. This year’s theme, “Are you joyful?” beckoned participants to openly display and share their love of Christ and his church. To exhibit this enthusiasm and illustrate a sharing of faith, CYAC members carried and passed along beads, silly sunglasses and wacky hats to others. Not only did they distribute to their peers, but they encouraged those individuals to keep passing their “treasures” to the masses. After ice breakers, introductions and opening prayer, Father Peter Anderl took the stage to present “Gift of Happiness and Joy.” “Joy is the fruit of happiness, a free gift of God in knowing we are loved,” he said. “We are made in love, by love, for love. That’s our purpose in life.” Using his personal experiences and relationships as a stand-out athlete, Father Anderl talked about using the gifts and talents God has given each of us but to be mindful of “J.O.Y.” (which stand for J = Jesus, O = Others, Y= You). “We need discipline in life to discover God’s purpose and plan,” he explained. Additionally, he cautioned all to not fall into the trap of the “dictatorship of relativism.” “The devil has one commandment: do whatever the hell you want. By switching our focus from Jesus to ourselves, we no longer have joy.”
Lee Roessler, Catholic singer/songwriter, kicked-off the annual Junior High Youth Rally held at Holy Spirit school in Fargo on April 11. (Aliceyn Magelky/New Earth)
By Aliceyn Magelky Following Father Anderl’s presentation, Roessler shared with the crowd a story of healing experienced through reconciliation. As a young child in Catholic school, Roessler had little interest in academics. Because of his poor grades, a priest in his school told him he would never amount to anything. This message kept going through Roessler’s mind, and he kept asking himself, “Is he right?” Years later, still holding on to that pain, Roessler walked into a confessional only to come face-to-face with the priest that had given him angst. After ranting about grade school and the awful way the priest made him feel, the priest responded with, “I don’t remember you.” “This story isn’t about the priest but about how God placed that desire in my heart,” Roessler said. “It was no coincidence that I faced that priest on that particular time and day. God has a plan. In this case, it was to make me laugh and forgive. It’s a beautiful thing to forgive. We are not able to forgive unless we know we’re forgiven.” Roesslers presentation created an invitation for all to seek healing and forgiveness in reconciliation, which was offered as part of the day’s activities. In the afternoon, students had the opportunity to attend workshops focused on how to live the faith in different areas of their lives. The topics included: Modesty and Chastity for Young Men, Modesty and Chastity for Young Women, Male Relationships, Female Relationships, Family Roles, Technology, Music and Athletics. The day concluded with Eucharistic adoration and procession followed by Mass celebrated by Father Neil Pfeifer. In the evening, participants continued the festivities with supper and a concert featuring Roessler and his band.
Keynote speaker Father Peter Anderl gave testimony of living the faith in all we do and making J.O.Y (Jesus, Others, You) happen in our lives. He presented his talk during the annual Junior High Youth Rally hosted by the Diocese of Fargo on April 11. (Aliceyn Magelky/New Earth)
‘Saint John Paul the Great’ offers a fresh perspective on the new saint By Chris Gilbert
TATTERED PAGES A review of Catholic books and literature
“Readers beware! Evert creates a dangerous encounter with Saint John Paul II, one powerful enough to elicit real and lasting changes in a seeking human heart.” – Chris Gilbert
an you sum up the life of a great saint who changed the world? Can you adequately convey the impact of a man who preached, wrote, and taught for most of his eighty-five years? What can be said about a young man who became a priest, a bishop, and then a pope, that hasn’t already been said? You cannot reduce this man to a book, but you can explore his life by looking at what he loved. The man is Karol Wojtyla, now immortalized as St. John Paul II, and the author who presents a peek into this beloved pope’s heart is Jason Evert. The biography, “Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves,” is an excellent read for someone already familiar with the life and teachings of John Paul II, while also serving as a wonderful introduction to this spiritual giant of our times. Evert’s simple and direct style draws the reader in while keeping the lofty subjects accessible. Yet, it is the author’s passion and personal insight that make the book so powerful and applicable. It comes across as the impact of one man’s heart and mind upon the heart and mind of another. The personal insights, testimonies and conversions shared through encountering John Paul II do not lose their force. The reader may find himself constantly whispering, “Wow!” and finding the nearest person to share, “You gotta hear this…” Evert explores the life and influential events of this incredible man. From the tragic deaths of family members to narrow escapes from Nazis as a young seminarian to his fight against communism as a young Bishop to his attempted assassination in St. Peter’s Square, Evert moves the reader through the marvels and miracles that marked Wojtyla’s incredible life. 20
The reader will observe the pope’s prayer habits, mystical abilities, the inspiration for his famous “Theology of the Body” teachings, his continual embrace of personal poverty and detachment and his insight into the purpose of pain backed by his own road of suffering. Amidst an intense life of prayer, writing and pastoring, the Holy Father embraced a lifelong penchant for time spent hiking, skiing and praying in the great outdoors with those closest to his heart: the youth. Perhaps most notably, the piercing sanctity and unusual brilliance of this man will not leave the reader despairing over his own futile chances at sainthood, but rather will inspire him to follow the model of the Holy Father as a beacon of hope for personal holiness. Not only will the reader discover John Paul II’s numerous achievements throughout this volume, he will see the motivations that drove him and the power that enabled him to accomplish so much: a faith fortified by prayer and action. After a truly exhilarating tour of the life of young Lolek to the papacy of John Paul II in Part I, the author frames the life of the Holy Father around his five loves: young people, human love, the Blessed Sacrament, the Virgin Mary, and the cross. Each of these loves allows the reader interior access to the man himself, a narrative that goes beyond mere information or a nice story. Evert’s reflections deliver profound insights into how this saint viewed, embraced and focused his life in light of these five loves. Readers beware! Evert creates a dangerous encounter with Saint John Paul II, one powerful enough to elicit real and lasting changes in a seeking human heart. Gilbert received his M.A. from Franciscan University of Steubenville in Theology with a specialization in catechetics. He worked in youth and young adult ministry for seven years. Now, he and his wife own their own business from home and are blessed by their three children.
About the Book: “Saint John Paul the Great: His Five Loves” by Jason Evert. Published by Ignatius Press. Hardcover is 300 pages. Available via Ignatius Press, Amazon and other book resellers.
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Diocesan policy: Reporting child abuse The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents of child abuse, including sexual abuse, to civil authorities. If the situation involves a member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian or an employee of a Catholic school, parish, the diocesan offices or other Catholic entity within the diocese, we ask that you also report the incident or suspected incident to Monsignor Joseph P. Goering at (701) 356-7945 or Larry Bernhardt at (701) 356-7965 or For additional information about victim assistance, visit
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STORIES OF FAITH By Father Bert Miller
Trust, the Lord will provide Limited food doesn’t stop family feast and fellowship
Author’s Note: It is Mother’s Day and fishing opener. This is a big day/weekend in Minnesota and North Dakota. It’s a time to get out on the water no matter how cold it is. There are a lot of fishing stories. My favorite comes from my childhood. At age five, I was standing on the shore end of the dock while my dad and a friend were casting from the other end of the dock. Soon, my hat was flying out over the lake. I didn’t even know it was gone. I thought it was funny, but the wife of my dad’s friend sure did not think it was funny. Here is a real fish story. It was sent to me by a faithful reader of “Stories of Faith.” It is told by the woman of the house. My husband and a friend went fishing one Saturday. They had a successful catch. They decided to combine their catch and both families, consisting of six people, would enjoy the fish at a supper at our house that evening. When our guests arrived, there was a little surprise. The guest couple’s two adult children like fresh fish and wished to be included in the invitation. I was a little worried that we wouldn’t have enough to share, so I quickly thawed a package of frozen fish that was caught the week before. There wasn’t much there, but I figured it would be enough.
We were getting close to sitting at the table when who should enter through the door, but my adult son who decided to come home to visit for the weekend. He, too, is a lover of fresh fish. Panic began to set in, so I called a family conference in the kitchen. I told my family to make sure everyone gets fish and don’t go for seconds, so we can make sure everyone gets enough to eat. Just as we were all getting organized at the table, my sister and her husband dropped in to visit. Now, I was really in a panic. There was no way I had enough fish to feed two more adults. I went to the kitchen, looked up to heaven and said, “Please God, don’t let anyone leave here hungry.” When the meal was over and the guests had left, I found two fillets of fish left in the pan. I brought my family into the kitchen once again and asked them if they got their fill. They all said they had. They observed that the pan was passed around twice and everyone got seconds and left the table with full stomachs. Go figure! There was still leftovers! When the scripture of the multiplication of fish and loaves is read during Mass, I smile. I know He is watching over me and taking care of me.
Secular media gets it wrong
hen it comes to providing accurate information, the state’s news and social media sometimes fail miserably. Last session, the newspapers inaccurately portrayed the legislature as preoccupied with abortion bills when the legislature actually spent a relatively short amount of time on the abortion bills. The editorials, buttressed by letters and social media posts, then created the impression that all the pro-life bills from the last two sessions were struck down by the courts. In fact, a court has invalidated only one statute. Perhaps the most egregious example concerns the legislature’s defeat of SB 2279, the “sexual orientation non-discrimination bill.” According to the narrative created by the secular news and social media, something like this happened: Following the example of most states, legislators introduced a bill that merely banned discrimination against someone because he or she is a homosexual. The bill completely addressed religious concerns, was clear in its definitions and was widely supported by the business community. Evidence was presented that North Dakotans were denied employment, housing and services because of their sexual orientation. Religious groups bullied legislators into opposing the bill, citing religious doctrines about the immorality of homosexual relationships. The bill was the most important issue this session and the state House’s defeat of the bill sends a message that the state is not welcoming. The problem with this portrayal is that not a single sentence of it is accurate. Not one. Here’s the truth: • A majority of the states do not have laws like SB 2279 and most that do have better religious protections. • The bill did not prevent discrimination because of someone’s mere orientation. Instead, its definitions extended to provide legal protection to a specific set of acts that express sexual orientation. • The bill did not include valid religious exemptions, and it arguably scaled-back existing religious protections already in the law. • The bill was not widely supported by the business community. Only two business-related organizations supported the bill and the state retail association did not take a position. Legislators reported that many business owners, especially in the days before its defeat, contacted them with concerns about the bill. • Despite hours of testimony, no one testified or brought forth evidence of discrimination actually based on sexual orientation. Most of the wrongs that were alleged were already penalized under the law. • The North Dakota Catholic Conference and the North Dakota Family Alliance not only did not “bully” legislators, but actually made little effort to defeat the bill. The problems with the bill and the bill’s supporters did that work for them. We mostly just provided answers to questions when asked. • The North Dakota Catholic Conference’s opposition
never appealed to religious doctrine or the Catholic morality of Action homosexual acts. The opposition was based Christoper solely on the Dodson problems with giving certain acts and chosen behaviors special protection under the law and the lack of protections for religion and conscience. • Although the bill was the most important issue for some, it certainly was not for most North Dakotans. Except for those that represented a few select districts, many legislators have expressed that they did not receive many emails on the bill and that those that were received were split mostly equally between supporters and opponents. The issue certainly was important to the “Forum” news paper, which took the unprecedented action of using its front page to “expose” legislators who voted against the bill. The “Forum” apparently took as its model the newspaper tycoon from “Citizen Kane” who declared “If the headline is big enough, it makes the news big enough.” • The defeat of the bill changed nothing in the law. North Dakota is just as welcoming as it was before the bill’s defeat. No evidence was presented that discrimination because of sexual orientation is occurring in housing, employment or public accommodations, and North Dakota has been a magnet for families, businesses, and young entrepreneurs. If a negative message is being sent, it is being sent by the bill’s supporters, not the legislature.
“The problem with this portrayal is that not a single sentence of it is accurate. Not one.” – Christopher Dodson, NDCC The news media is not solely responsible for all this misinformation, and its reporters are less culpable than the editors. Editors can exempt themselves the standards of journalism. Twitter, Facebook and blogs compound the problem. We have much “information” floating around, but the truth can be harder to find. If there is a lesson learned from all this it is not just that we need to work harder to find the truth. We also need to pray that our Father shows us the truth. Christopher Dodson is executive director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference. The NDCC acts on behalf of the Catholic bishops of North Dakota to respond to public policy issues of concern to the Catholic Church and to educate Catholics and the general public about Catholic social doctrine. The conference website is NEW EARTH MAY 2015
Seven ways to remember your Catholic Church in your estate plans
Stewardship Steve Schons
here are many ways to remember your Catholic church in your estate plan, and you may be surprised to discover how inexpensive most of these are to accomplish. Here
Some of the gift arrangements are revocable and others cannot be changed once established. Some work better with cash and others with appreciated assets. There are many variations, enough so that a giving plan can be tailored to your needs, desires and capabilities. Although our office of Stewardship and Development does not practice estate planning, we can sit down with you and help clarify some things so you get the ball rolling. But, for your protection, we will urge you to check with your own professional advisor before completing any planned gift.
Steve Schons is director of stewardship and development for the Diocese of Fargo and can be reached at 1. Amend an existing insurance policy to add your church as or (701) 356-7926. an additional beneficiary. You could also purchase a new policy and name your church as beneficiary. are seven options to consider:
2. Visit your personnel office and ask to amend your group life insurance policy or retirement plan to add your church as one of your beneficiaries. 3. Instruct your lawyer to prepare a simple, inexpensive codicil to your existing will, creating a bequest for your church. 4.
If you’re over 65 and disappointed with the income you are receiving from your long-term stocks or your certificates of deposit, consider the Catholic Development Foundation’s charitable gift annuity program. Besides providing attractive tax benefits, this easy-to-accomplish gift may reward you with higher annual income.
5. Deed your house to your church and continue to live in it. Your income tax savings from the gift may cover the legal costs.
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6. Leave written or verbal instructions for your surviving spouse to include your church when redrawing his or her will (which will be necessary). 7. If you have a sizable estate, let us show you how a charitable trust may benefit both you and your church. Again, the tax advantages are significant and may offset any legal costs.
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Pondering the implications of three-parent embryos
n ethical Rubicon was crossed when the first in vitro fertilization (IVF)-conceived baby came into the world in 1978. With human reproduction no longer limited to the embrace of a man and a woman, people felt empowered to take their own sperm and eggs, or those of others, and create their much desired children bit-by-cellular-bit. As they mixed and matched these cells, they soon were drawn into other twists and turns of the advancing technology, including screening the genes of their test-tube offspring and eugenically weeding out any undesired embryonic children by freezing them in liquid nitrogen or simply discarding them as laboratory refuse. Recent developments have exacerbated this situation by offering additional options and choices for generating children, recasting human embryos as modular constructs to be assembled through cloning or through the creation of three-parent embryos. While cloning involves swapping out the nucleus of a woman’s egg with a replacement nucleus to create an embryo, three-parent embryos are made by swapping out additional cellular parts known as mitochondria through the recombination of eggs from two different women. Even more baroque approaches to making three parent embryos rely on destroying one embryo (instead of an egg) and cannibalizing its parts so as to build another embryo by nuclear transfer.
rates of birth defects have been observed, even when certain genetic defects may Making Sense have been previously of Bioethics screened out. As children born Father Tad Pacholczyk by assisted reproductive techniques become adults, they are starting to be tracked and studied for various psychiatric issues as well. A growing number of young adults are vocalizing their strong personal concerns about the way they were brought into the world through techniques like anonymous sperm donations, because they find themselves feeling psychologically adrift and deprived of any connection to their biological father. It should be obvious how any approach that weakens or casts into question the integral connection between parents and their offspring will raise grave ethical concerns. Whether it be three-parent embryos, anonymous sperm donations, or surrogacy, we need to protect children from the harmful psychological stressors that arise when they are subjected to uncertainties about their
“As procreation becomes reduced to just another commercial transaction, and our children become projects to be assembled piecemeal in the pursuit of parental desires, we invariably set the stage to cross another significant ethical line.” – Father Tad Pacholczyk, Making Sense of Bioethics We risk trivializing our human procreative faculties and diminishing our offspring by sanctioning these kinds of “eggsas-Lego-pieces” or “embryos-as-Lego-pieces” approaches. Ultimately there is a steep price to be paid for the everexpanding project of upending our own beginnings and rupturing the origins of our children. Part of that price includes the significant health problems that have come to light in children born from IVF and other assisted reproduction techniques. Researchers have found an overall doubling in the risk of birth defects for children born by these technologies when compared with rates for children conceived in the normal fashion. For retinoblastoma, a childhood eye cancer, a six-fold elevated risk has been reported. Assisted reproduction techniques are also associated with heightened risks for a number of rare and serious genetic disorders, including Beckwith-Wiedmann syndrome, Angelman’s syndrome, and various developmental disorders like atrial septal and ventricular septal defects of the heart, cleft lip with or without cleft palate, esophageal atresia and anorectal atresia. Considering the various harsh and unnatural steps involved in moving human reproduction from the marital embrace into the petri dish, it should perhaps come as little surprise that elevated
own origins. As one fertility specialist bluntly commented, “As a nation, we need to get a conscience about what we are doing here. Yes, it’s nice when an infertile couple is able to build a family, but what about the children? Shouldn’t their needs be in the mix from the very beginning too? I think it is ridiculous that a donor-conceived child would need to ‘research’ to find out their genetic origins. Give me a break. What if you had to do that? Is it fair?” Beyond these immediate concerns about the wellbeing and health of our progeny, we face further serious concerns about our human future in the face of these burgeoning technologies. As procreation becomes reduced to just another commercial transaction, and our children become projects to be assembled piecemeal in the pursuit of parental desires, we invariably set the stage to cross another significant ethical line. That bright ethical line involves the creation of humans that have heritable genetic modifications (changes that are passed on to future generations). When the first three-parent baby is born, which will likely take place in the next year or two, we will have stepped right into the middle of that hubris-filled brave new world of manipulating the genetic traits of future children. We will have transitioned to a paradigm where biomedical experimentation on future generations is seen as acceptable and NEW EARTH MAY 2015
Don’t miss the Real Presence Radio
Father Tad Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his doctorate in neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral work at Harvard. He is a priest of the Diocese of Fall River, Mass., and serves as the Director of Education at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in Philadelphia. See for more information.
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justifiable. Now is the time to ponder carefully the implications of our rushed reproductive choices, and to stand firm against the preventable injustices that inexorably flow from assisted reproductive technologies.
Making time for prayer
Seminary helps prepare priests for parish schedule
write this article with gratitude. Many times in life we do was not prepared for not see the importance of something until after it is over. how wonderful an We don’t see the growth until after it has already been done. experience that was. This point is true in the seminary as well. Many times I have All of these activities Seminarian heard seminarians complain about the hectic schedule. (I have take time. They are Life done my fair share of lamentation.) I am currently on a parish good and worth evassignment, and now I thank God for the busy schedule in the ery second, but each Zach Howick seminary. It is a great service the seminary does in training us day is packed to the to internalize certain habits of prayer. Most seminaries I have brim. This is why I been to follow a basic schedule that goes like this: You wake up am so thankful for and do an hour of adoration in front of the Blessed Sacrament. the preparation the This is followed by Morning Prayer and Mass. Next you have seminary gives us. In the seminary the schedule is given to us, breakfast and go to class. You finish class and pray Evening and we work everything around that schedule of prayer. In Prayer. Next you have dinner and then spend the rest of the the parish nothing is set in stone. Nothing is given to you as night doing homework, and you finish the night by saying Night a set schedule. You have to find the time to pray. You have to Prayer and going to bed. There might be a slight variation in the find time in the day to retreat into the heart of Christ and rest. schedule I have outlined, but all of those things will take place I have found the only way this happens for me is if I am very each day. On top of homework, a seminarian has to find time intentional about it. This often means that in my daily schedule I to exercise, relax and meet with priests on staff at the seminary. have to set time aside specifically to go and pray. This dedicated At times it can be overwhelming. Yet, somehow Christ is always habit of prayer and Mass is what feeds me and makes me able there taking your heart by the hand and walking you down the to give myself in my work to Christ.
“In the seminary, we always talk about how busy the parish would be, and how important it is to internalize the habits of prayer the formation staff was teaching us, but it was always in an academic way. Now in the parish I see first-hand how wonderful it is and how necessary intentional prayer is.” – Zach Howick, Fargo Diocese Seminarian path. He is constantly saying to us, “Come follow me and see the path of joy that I have in store for you.” It is hard, but it is joyful and fulfilling. Now being in the parish, I see the hard work of the formation program of the seminary paying off. It is a great joy to be in the parish. I find it so encouraging, because each day I see God working in the lives of the people around me. I encounter him in each person. One of the great highlights has been working with the youth and seeing them encounter Christ in a more personal way. Another great experience was going on a Cursillo retreat. I
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In the seminary, we always talked about how busy the parish would be and how important it was to internalize the habits of prayer the formation staff was teaching us, but it was always in an academic way. Now in the parish, I see first-hand how wonderful and necessary intentional prayer is. It has clicked for me. I am thankful to the parish for giving me this experience and to the seminary, because I feel they have prepared me well. There is still a lot of time left in my parish assignment at St. Catherine’s in Valley City, and it has been a wild ride. I can’t wait to see what God has in store for me in the months to come. Zach Howick is a Theology I student studying at St. John Vianney Seminary in Denver, Colo. He is originally from Grand Forks. In his spare time, Howick enjoys target shooting, fishing and reading. He enjoys the life of a seminarian. As he says, “I am surrounded every day with good and holy men, both priests and seminarians, who are actively pursuing to know God and what God wants them to do with their life.” Editor’s Note: Seminarian Life is a monthly column written by current Diocese of Fargo seminarians. It gives New Earth readers a glimpse of what these discerning young men are experiencing. Let us know if there is something you would like to know about the life of a seminarian. Perhaps, it will inspire an article from one of them. And, please continue to pray for them. NEW EARTH MAY 2015
Happening Around The Diocese Parishes to host priests’ jubilee celebrations
June is the month many priests in the Diocese of Fargo were ordained. Several parishes will be hosting events to commemorate the milestone anniversaries since ordination of the pastors that serve them. Father Paul Duchschere. Celebrating 25 years. On Sunday, May 31 at 6:30 p.m., Sts. Anne and Joachim Catholic Church, Fargo will hold Solemn Vespers followed by a program.
Father Steven Meyer. Celebrating 25 years. On Saturday, June 6 from 1-6 p.m., St. Mary’s parish, Lakota, will host an open house followed by rosary at 6:30 p.m. and Mass at 7 p.m. Father John Cavanaugh. Celebrating 25 years. On Sunday, June 7 at 4 p.m., Our Lady of Perpetual Help Catholic Church, Reynolds will hold Solemn Vespers followed by a reception. Father Charles Fischer. Celebrating 25 years. On Wednesday, June 10 at 5:30 p.m., St. Mary’s Cathedral, Fargo will celebrate Mass followed by a pig roast and BBQ in the parking lot.
Monsignor Joseph Huebsch. Celebrating 65 years. On June 12 from 2-4 p.m., St. Gerard’s Community of Care, Hankinson will host an open house. Father Bernard (Bernie) Pfau. Celebrating 50 years. On Sunday, July 12 at 10:30 a.m., St. John the Evangelist’s Catholic Church, New Rockford will celebrate Mass followed by a meal and activities for families.
Look in the June New Earth for more information about all priests celebrating jubilees this year. And, learn more about the lives and ministry of these spiritual fathers.
Sister Marguerite Guarneri celebrates milestone birthday
“The purpose of our existence is not to make a living, but to make a life … a worthy, well-rounded, useful life.” For 100 years Sister Marguerite Guarneri of Valley City has been living this life of love and devotion to God. Sister Marguerite was born on Apr. 6, 1915, in Spring Valley, Ill. She was the eldest child of four born to James and Mary (Marino) Guarneri, both of Italian descent. She is the only surviving member of her family of six. Sister Marguerite attended Grant School through eighth grade. At age 14 she began working at St. Margaret’s Hospital in Spring Valley. It was during this time working with the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation who operated the hospital that she felt a calling to religious life. At the age of 18 in June 1933, she was finally able to pursue her religious vocation and traveled to Broons, France. She took the religious habit on Feb. 11, 1934, and on Sept. 8, 1935, she made her first profession of vows. Sister Marguerite stayed in France at Rennes until 1937 where she also helped in the linen room. She mended socks for the
children at the school. Later that year, she returned to the United States to work as a nurse’s aide at St. Margaret’s Hospital. She worked in the office and kitchen serving meals to the patients. She also taught catechism to both Italian and Lithuanian children. She traveled to North Dakota where she attended classes at St. Catherine School in Valley City and Oakwood Academy in Oakwood and completed her high school equivalency education. From 1951-1954 she was a student at St. Bede College in Peru, Ill., where she studied religion, philosophy, literature, English, science and drama. In 1954 she traveled to Montreal, Canada, to teach in an English school in Kenogami. She remained there until 1962 then moved west to attend college in Great Falls, Mont. for one year. She completed her BA degree with a major in French and English composition and literature. She returned to North Dakota to teach seventh and eighth grades at St. Cecilia’s School in Harvey from 1963-1968 and sixth grade at St. Catherine School in Valley City from 1968-1977. In 1977, she began her final teaching years at St. Patrick School in Washington, Ill., where she taught sixth grade and French until 1983. In 1983 at the age of 68 she made her final move, returning to Valley City where she served as librarian and archivist at Maryvale Convent. She also completed a minor in library science at Valley City State University. And, she did some volunteer teaching of French at St. Catherine School for several years. During the past 32 years at Maryvale, she has devoted much time to translating documents from the French language to English. She had the privilege of traveling to international meetings of the Sisters to serve as a translator of French to English for the sisters who did not have adequate knowledge of spoken French. Happy 100th birthday, Sister Marguerite.
Sister Marguerite Guarneri (Submitted photo)
A Glimpse of the Past
These news items, compiled by Dorothy Duchschere, were found in issues of the Diocese of Fargo newspaper, New Earth, and its predecessor, Catholic Action News.
50 Years Ago....1965
For the first time in more than a half century, there will be no high school classes when St. Aloysius Academy in the Oakwood religious community east of Grafton opens for the fall term. The Academy was opened by the Sisters of Mary of the Presentation on September 3, 1906 and a four-year high school course was started in the fall of 1913. -May 1965 Catholic Action News
Golf fore life event 18 h ole s cramble
Tuesday - June 2 - 2015
20 Years Ago....1995
More than 350 gathered on a warm spring day at Cardinal Muench Seminary in Fargo to join Bishop James S. Sullivan in the celebration of his 10th anniversary as Bishop of the Diocese of Fargo and his 40th anniversary as a priest. Bishop Sullivan addressed the two-fold May 29th celebration as priest and as bishop during his homily. Following Mass, there was a picnic lunch and a brief program. He was installed Bishop of Fargo on May 30, 1985. -June 1995 New Earth
10 Years ago....2005
More than 170 area women attended the annual May Day event at St. Stephen in Larimore on May 4. This year’s event was an evening of music provided by Paulette Deutsch, a vocalist and a member of St. Stephen and Barb Maristuen, a pianist and a member of Evangelical Lutheran Church in Northwood. After the program, lunch was served by St. Stephen’s Altar Society. It was the 10th year that St. Stephen’s Altar Society sponsored the May Day event. -May 2005 New Earth
Golfers interested in golfing this event please call (701) 237.5902 This is a “FUN” fundraising event for FirstChoice Clinic. FirstChoice provides an alternative to abortion in n.d. 3 sites 1 mission I Fargo I Bismarck I devils lake
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Calling all Catholic mothers
A small, privately-sponsored research project called “The Mothers Will Tell Us” is being undertaken in our diocese. The project will center on Catholic mothers with children still at home, with the object of identifying areas of need in the vital and necessary unit of the Christian family. Identifying these needs by hearing from the mothers could be instrumental in bringing to light the kinds of things most helpful for supporting and strengthening families of believers in our diocese today. If you are a Catholic mother and would like to participate, we would like to hear from you. For practical reasons the numbers of participants will be limited, but the final results of the project will be made available to all who are interested. For more information, contact Rose Sharpe by June 1 at (701) 265-3717 or
Sunday Mass not available via TV broadcast on May 24
On Sunday, May 24, the local ABC affiliates, WDAY-TV 6 in Fargo and WDAZ-TV 8 in Grand Forks will be carrying the Indianapolis 500 beginning at 10 a.m. Typically, these stations air the Sunday Mass during this time. Therefore, the Sunday Mass will not be available on TV broadcast for that day. However, it can be viewed online at The Sunday Mass will resume normal schedule the following weekend.
Events Across The Diocese Mark your calendar for events around the diocese Ultreya Pot Luck.
Basilica of St. James, Jamestown. Saturday, May 16 at 5:30 p.m. Contact Kim Casey at (701) 269-3742.
Transitional Diaconate Ordination.
Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo. Saturday, May 23 at 10 a.m.
Mission Run.
St. William’s Catholic Church, Argusville. Wednesday, May 27 at 7 p.m. Proceeds for this 5K and 10K run benefit the St. William youth mission trip scheduled for summer 2016. Contact Wendy Westrick at wendy.westrick@ or (701) 793-6303.
Quo Vadis Days.
Hankinson Retreat Center. Sunday, May 31 to Friday, June 5. A camp experience for young Catholic men and boys to learn more about the priesthood, to deepen their faith and to better discern God’s call in their lives. Contact the vocations office at (701) 356-7956.
Feast of Corpus Christi.
St. Mary’s Catholic Church, Dazey. Saturday, June 6 at 10 a.m. Bishop Folda will celebrate Mass for the 110th anniversary of the feast of the Corpus Christi followed by an outdoor procession of the Blessed Sacrament, dinner, games for children, softball and more. Contact Nancy Bryn at (701) 733-2292.
Prayer and Discernment Retreat.
Maryvale, Valley City. Saturday, June 13. Come to Maryvale for a retreat to help you seek meaning and direction in 30
your life. For single men and women ages 16 and older. Register by June 6. Contact Sister Dorothy Bunce at (701) 845-2864 or dorothy.bunce@
Women’s Retreat.
Maryvale, Valley City. Friday, June 19 to Sunday, June 21. This retreat entitled “The Transforming Touch” is based on the scripture of the Gospel of Luke 8:40-56, Jesus’ encounter with the woman with a hemorrhage and his healing of Jairus’ daughter. Register by June 12. Contact Sister Dorothy Bunce at (701) 845-2864 or dorothy.bunce@
To submit events for New Earth and the diocesan website, send information to: New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or email The deadline for the June New Earth is May 20. The earliest that issue will reach homes is June 8.
In the April 2015 issue, the last names of Dorothy Gustafson and Annette Mears were incorrectly identified in the photos on pages 12 and 15. We apologize for the confusion this error may have caused.
Kaisers celebrate 60 years of marriage Jack and Corrine Kaiser were married at St. Anthony’s Catholic Church in Fairmount on May 7, 1955. They have four children, ten grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren. Jack and Corrine celebrated their anniversary with family. They live on a farm near Fairmount.
Share Life’s Milestones As a way to celebrate life and love, we encourage parishioners throughout the Diocese of Fargo to send photos of anniversaries of 60 or more years, or birthdays of 80 or more years to: New Earth, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or
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Supreme Court doesn’t tip hand:
Asks tough questions of both sides in marriage case
.S. Supreme Court justices asked tough questions of both plaintiffs and respondents at oral arguments on Tuesday in a possibly landmark marriage case that is expected to be decided in June. “Clearly, the justices were conflicted over this issue,” stated the Heritage Foundation’s William E. Simon senior fellow Ryan Anderson, who attended the April 28 oral arguments before the Supreme Court. “The first question out of Justice Kennedy was, ‘do you want to throw away a millennia-old definition of marriage for 10 years of same-sex marriage?’ He was asking questions that I think are a good sign. They suggest his mind is not made up.” The justices heard arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges, part of four marriage cases concerning the constitutionality of state traditional marriage laws. The court will decide, probably in June, whether states must recognize same-sex marriages under the 14th Amendment, and recognize same-sex marriages conducted in other states. Supporters of both traditional marriage and same-sex marriage
By Matt Hadro and Adelaide Mena | Catholic News Agency packed the sidewalk outside the Supreme Court building in Washington, D.C. to tell the court to rule their way on marriage. Traditional marriage supporters argued that marriage cannot be redefined and that children should be raised by both a mother and a father. The matter should be left to the people and the states, they added, not decided once and for all by the court when so much disagreement on the matter persists. Supporters of same-sex marriage said everyone has the right to marry the person they love, and that right cannot wait to be decided by the states but should be recognized immediately by the Supreme Court. The justices did not reveal a clear consensus toward either side in their questions. Justice Anthony Kennedy, usually considered a swing vote between the conservative and liberal justices, acknowledged right away that marriage has been defined for “millennia” as between a man and a woman. Yet in the same statement he remarked, “it was about the
Supporters of marriage join protests in front of the U.S. Supreme Court during oral arguments in Obergefell v. Hodges, Apr. 28, 2015. (Addie Mena/CNA)
U.S. AND WORLD NEWS same time between Brown and Loving as between Lawrence and this case.” Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark 1954 decision which ruled that state laws allowing racial segregation in schools denied persons equal protection under the law. Loving v. Virginia, 13 years later, overturned Virginia’s interracial marriage ban. Lawrence v. Texas was a 2003 case which overturned Texas’ sodomy law, criminalizing private conduct of same-sex persons as an unconstitutional violation of due process of same-sex couples. Kennedy delivered that ruling. Kennedy later stated, “I thought that was the whole purpose of marriage. It bestows dignity on both man and woman in a traditional marriage … it’s dignity bestowing, and [same-sex couples] say they want to have that – that same ennoblement.” He also questioned whether opposition to same-sex marriage on purely religious grounds was “sufficient.” John Bursch, who represented the states, maintained that “the state’s entire interest springs out of the face that we want to forever link children with their biological mom and dad when that’s possible.” The justices peppered Mary Bonauto, arguing for the petitioners in the case, with questions about the long-standing recognization of marriage as between a man and a woman. Justice Stephen Breyer acknowledged that the traditional definition of marriage “has been the law everywhere for thousands of years.” He continued, “suddenly you want nine people outside the ballot box to require states that don’t want to do it to … change what marriage is to include gay people.” “Why cannot those states at least wait and see whether in fact doing so in the other states is or is not harmful to marriage?” he concluded. Chief Justice John Roberts echoed the point that the democratic process could decide the issue better than the courts. “If you prevail here,” he told Bonauto, “there will be no more debate. I mean, closing of debate can close minds, and it will have a consequence on how this new institution is accepted. People feel very differently about something if they have a chance to vote on it than if it’s imposed on them by the courts.” Both Justices Scalia and Alito pressed Bonauto and U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verilli, who also argued for the plaintiffs, on religious liberty concerns if a constitutional right to marriage was recognized by the court. Verilli did later admit that “it’s certainly going to be an issue” for colleges who oppose same-sex marriage to keep their tax-exempt status if the court ruled in favor of a constitutional right to same-sex marriage. The justices also questioned the argument against same-sex marriage, asking how allowing marriage benefits to same-sex couples would take away from married opposite-sex couples. Marriage rights have also been granted in the past to persons who did not enjoy the right before, such as interracial couples or prisoners, noted Justices Elena Kagan and Sonya Sotomayor. Ryan Anderson highlighted the judges’ asking hard questions of both sides as more evidence that the court should not decide the issue, but leave it to the democratic process and the states. 32
“The nine justices on the Supreme Court don’t have any more great insight than ordinary citizens do as to which marriage policy will serve the 50 states best,” he said after the arguments. “If the Court is to be consistent with its marriage ruling from just two years ago, then the Court must uphold state marriage laws defining marriage as the union of husband and wife. Nothing in the Constitution requires all 50 states to redefine marriage.” Archbishop Joseph Kurtz of Louisville, who is president of the U.S. bishops conference, commented that “today is a moment of great consequence. Marriage is a perennial institution, with deep roots in who we are and in our nation’s culture and laws. Marriage is and always will be the union between one man and one woman. This truth is inseparable from the duty to honor the God-given dignity of every human person.” “We pray that the justices will uphold the responsibility of states to protect the beautiful truth of marriage, which concerns the essential well-being of the nation, especially children. Children have a basic right, wherever possible, to know and be loved by their mother and father together. The Church will always defend this right and looks to people of good will to continue this debate with charity and civility,” the archbishop concluded.
Subcommittee for the Promotion and Defense of Marriage
Marriage: Unique for a Reason
Cardinal George, 78, dies after long fight with cancer By Catholic News Service
Cardinal Francis E. George, the retired archbishop of Chicago, prays after Communion during the 2014 closing Mass celebrating the 150th anniversary of St. Mary of the Annunciation Church in Mundelein, Ill. Cardinal George, 78, died Apr. 17 after a long battle with cancer. (Karen Callaway/Catholic News Service)
ardinal Francis E. George, the retired archbishop of Chicago who was the first native Chicagoan to head the archdiocese, died April 17 at his residence after nearly 10 years battling cancer. He was 78. His successor in Chicago, Archbishop Blase J. Cupich, called Cardinal George “a man of peace, tenacity and courage” in a statement he read at a news conference held outside Holy Name Cathedral to announce the death. Archbishop Cupich singled out Cardinal George for overcoming many obstacles to become a priest, and “not letting his physical limitations moderate his zeal for bringing the promise of Christ’s love where it was needed most.” A childhood bout with polio had left the prelate with a weakened leg and a pronounced limp throughout his life. With the cardinal’s death, the College of Cardinals has 223 members, of whom 121 are under 80 and thus eligible to vote for a pope. Cardinal George’s funeral Mass was celebrated at noon April 23 at Holy Name Cathedral, followed by a committal service at All Saints Cemetery in Des Plaines. In an April 18 telegram to Archbishop Cupich, Pope Francis expressed his condolences to all in the Chicago Archdiocese and
imparted his apostolic blessing. He recalled Cardinal George’s “witness of consecrated life” as a Missionary Oblate of Mary Immaculate, “his service to the church’s educational apostolate,” and his years of episcopal ministry. “I join you in commending the soul of this wise and gentle pastor to the merciful love of God our heavenly Father,” said the pope. Cardinal George was a philosophy professor and regional provincial then vicar general of his religious order, the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, before being named a bishop in 1990. He was named bishop of Yakima, Wash., in 1990, then was appointed archbishop of Portland, Ore., in April 1996. Less than a year later, Pope John Paul II named him to fill the position in Chicago, which was left vacant by the death of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin in November 1996. By retiring in 2014, Cardinal George accomplished what he often joked was his aspiration, to be the first cardinal-archbishop of Chicago to step down from the job, rather than dying in office, as his predecessors had. In a catechesis session during World Youth Day in Dusseldorf, Germany, in 2005, Cardinal George told the youths that having polio at the age of 13 left him, “a captive in my own body. I soon learned that self-pity got me nowhere. Faith was the way out, because in faith I was not alone, and good can come of something that appears bad at that time.” Archbishop Cupich in his statement also noted that when the U.S. church “struggled with the grave sin of clerical sexual abuse, [Cardinal George] stood strong among his fellow bishops and insisted that zero tolerance was the only course consistent with our beliefs.” He observed that Cardinal George had offered his counsel and support to three popes, serving the worldwide church. In Chicago, Archbishop Cupich noted, the cardinal “visited every corner of the archdiocese, talking with the faithful and bringing kindness to every interaction.” Cardinal George was president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops for three years, from 2007 to 2010, which made him the public face of the bishops’ efforts to help shape what became the Affordable Care Act. In his final address to the body of bishops as their president in November 2010, he criticized those who define the church’s usefulness by whether it provides “foot soldiers for a political commitment, whether of the left or the right.” He recalled at length the public debate over what the legislation should include and referred to the “wound to the church’s unity” caused by disagreements over the final bill. The USCCB opposed the final version of the bill, saying it would permit federal funding of abortion, inadequately protect NEW EARTH MAY 2015
the conscience rights of health care providers and leave out immigrants. The future cardinal was born in Chicago Jan. 16, 1937, to Francis J. and Julia R. (McCarthy) George. He attended St. Pascal elementary school on Chicago’s northwest side, the parish where he would be ordained a priest Dec. 21, 1963. After being rejected by the archdiocesan seminary because of his disability, he instead attended the Oblate-run St. Henry Preparatory Seminary in Belleville, Ill.. He entered the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate Aug. 14, 1957. His formal education continued through a string of academic degrees including: bachelor’s and master’s degrees in theology from the University of Ottawa in Canada, a master’s in philosophy from The Catholic University of America in Washington; a doctorate in philosophy from Tulane University, New Orleans; and a doctorate of sacred theology in ecclesiology from the Pontifical Urban University in Rome. After his ordination, much of Cardinal George’s work was in academia, teaching at the Oblate Seminary in Pass Christian, Mississippi, at Tulane University and Creighton University in Omaha, Neb. In 1973, he became provincial superior of the Midwestern province of the Oblates, based in St. Paul, Minn. The following year he was elected vicar general for the order, and served in that post in Rome from 1974 to 1986. When he returned to the United States, he became coordinator of the Circle of Fellows for the Cambridge Center for the Study of Faith and Culture in Massachusetts from 1987-1990. His term as bishop of Yakima lasted five and a half years before he was named to the Portland Archdiocese and soon after to Chicago. A year later, in 1998, St. John Paul elevated him to the College of Cardinals. As a cardinal, he served in the
Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, the Congregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life, and the Pontifical Council “Cor Unum.” He also served in the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples and the Pontifical Commission for the Cultural Heritage of the Church; and the Pontifical Council for the Study of the Organizational and Economic Problems of the Holy See. Cardinal George participated in two conclaves. The first was in 2005 to elect a successor to St. John Paul II in 2005 -- Pope Benedict XVI -- and the second in 2013 in which Pope Francis was elected. Besides his term as president of the USCCB, Cardinal George served on its committees on Divine Worship, Evangelization and Catechesis, Doctrine, Latin America, Missions, Religious Life and Ministry, Hispanic Affairs, Science and Values, African-American Catholics and was the USCCB representative to the International Committee on English in the Liturgy from 1997 to 2006. Among other activities, Cardinal George served as chancellor for the Catholic Church Extension Society and the University of St. Mary of the Lake in Mundelein; as a member of the board of trustees of The Catholic University of America, the Papal Foundation, the National Catholic Bioethics Center, the National Catholic Office for Persons with Disabilities and numerous other organizations. In addition to English, he spoke French, Italian, Spanish and German. Cardinal George is survived by one sister, Margaret Cain of Grand Rapids, Michigan, as well as nieces and nephews.
Pope planning to visit Fatima in 2017, local bishop announces By Catholic News Agency
n 2017, Pope Francis plans to travel to Fatima, said Bishop compassion, love, but also reproach, envy, pride, even hatred.” António Augusto dos Santos Marto of Leiria-Fátima in a “Often,” he added, “the look says more than words, or says statement after meeting with the Holy Father. what words cannot or dare not say. Who looks at the Virgin The occasion for the visit would be the 100-year anniversary Mary? She looks at all of us, each of us…She looks at us like a mother, with tenderness, with mercy, with love. The same way of Mary’s appearing to three shepherd children at Fatima. No travel dates to the Portuguese shrine have been set, but she looked at the child Jesus, in every moment of his life… When the country is already preparing for the celebration of the we are tired, discouraged, overwhelmed by the problems, look to Mary.” centenary of the apparitions. Pope John Paul II also had a special devotion to Virgin of Two years ago, Pope Francis received the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in St. Peter’s Square. He invited those present to Fatima. He attributed his survival during a 1981 assassination attempt to her miraculous intervention. As a sign of his gratitude, meditate on the gaze of Mary. “O Mary, let us feel your gaze as a mother,” he said. “Lead he placed the bullet from the failed assassination attempt in us to your Son, as we are not Christians ‘for show’, but who her crown. “Pray for the brother who shot me, whom I have sincerely can ‘get their hands dirty’ to build with your Son, Jesus, his forgiven. United to Christ, as a priest and victim, I offer my kingdom of love, joy and peace.” sufferings for the Church and the world,” Pope John Paul “How important it is,” the pope said of Mary’s gaze. “How II said. many things can be said with a look! Affection, encouragement,
Introducing Marian devotion to our families WHAT’S HAPPENING
By Kristina Lahr
he month of May is traditionally dedicated to our Blessed Mother, so we are encouraged to honor her more intentionally throughout this month. As our spiritual mother, Mary guides us in a special way to her son. As we introduce and teach our children to rely on Jesus, we must also consider the role Mary has in Jesus’ life and ministry, and, in turn, what role she has in our lives. “God asks Mary to be the one who receives the incarnation of her son,” said Monsignor Gregory Schlesselmann, who serves as the director of the permanent diaconate program for the diocese. “Her vocation has a unique reference to those receiving Christ in their lives. Our church talks about her as being the Mediatrix of all grace. Given God’s choice to place so much importance on her in our salvation, she is very important to our reception of God’s gift of his son.”
So, how does a family begin to bring Mary into their lives in a deeper way? “The first step might be to pray the rosary as a family together,” suggested Monsignor Schlesselmann. “If you don’t know how to pray the rosary, the first step is to learn how. There’s something very important about a family praying together and children seeing their mom and dad pray.” For those not used to praying the rosary, praying a decade each day is a good way to start. An even smaller step would be to add “Mary, pray for us,” to your prayer before meals. Also, committing to reading the gospels directly related to Mary to your children will help them to see Mary as a real person with joys and sorrows that speak to our own hearts. “We don’t want to limit to memorized prayers and devotions,”
he said. “These are good, but more fundamental is a personal relationship with her, to get to know her and pray to her in a personal way that guides us to Jesus.”
“If families want to learn more about Mary, look to the catechism, read comments from St. John Paul II or what a whole slew of saints have written on her. In terms of learning more, that’s what I would recommend: diving into that literature. There’s so much available,” continued Monsignor Schlesselmann. Also, he encouraged adults to consecrate themselves to Jesus through Mary by using one of many resources such as “33 Days to Morning Glory” by Father Michael Gaitely. But, for a family he encourages consecrating the home to the Sacred Heart of Mary. By consecrating our homes to Mary, we choose to be more receptive to her guidance in leading us to her son. “Place a shrine or photo someplace visible,” Monsignor Schlesselman said. “There are certain prayers available that can be said to dedicate the home and family to Mary. Pick a Marian feast day to renew the consecration each year.” The next upcoming Marian feast days are Our Lady of Fatima on May 13 and the Visitation on May 31. Consecrating our homes and exhibiting a visual reminder of her [Mary’s] presence in our lives help us to recognize the importance of being more relational in how we live our faith. “Encourage your children to have a conversation with Mary,” Monsignor Schlesselmann added. “Tell them they have a spiritual mom. Develop that familiarity. Don’t talk to Mary as if she is a real person but because she is a real person. Be concrete and real with Mary. She is the perfect disciple, so she is the person to talk to in order to become a more perfect disciple ourselves.”
Catholic Diocese of Fargo 5201 Bishops Blvd, Ste. A Fargo, ND 58104