New Earth November 2016

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New November 2016 | Vol. 37 | No.10


The Magazine of the Catholic Diocese of Fargo

Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy:

A look back

Heeding the Holy Father’s call in the Fargo Diocese


From Bishop Folda: The unending way of mercy

Home enthronement program marks 100-year observance of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima

Jubilee Year of Mercy: Sharing one’s story provides healing for EARTH those suffering after NEW NOVEMBER 2016abortion1




November 2016 Vol. 37 | No. 10

ON THE COVER 12 Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy: a look back Nov. 20 marks the official end of the Extraordinary

Jubilee of Mercy. When Pope Francis proclaimed the Year of Mercy, his intention was for all of the faithful to slow down and contemplate God’s mercy right now. Here we look at the ways the Fargo Diocese answered that call.



The unending way of mercy



Pope Francis’ November prayer intentions


National Adoption Awareness Month


Ask a priest: What is the ‘low down’ on stem cell research?



Home enthronement program marks 100-year observance of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima


40 Days for Life and Walk with Christ for Life defends rights of unborn and families


11 NDSU Newman Center announces new building project 16 New in parish and school religious education

12 8


Lord Jesus Christ, we the _________________________________ family consecrate ourselves to You today. The love for us and for all men that fills your Sacred Heart prompts us to pledge our love in return. We wish to live always in union with You. We wish to share your mission of bringing your Father’s love to all men. We wish You to be the Center of our hearts and of our home. Accept this consecration and keep us ever one in your Sacred Heart. Amen.

Mary, Virgin Mother of Jesus, we the _____________________________________ family consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart today. We wish to live in the likeness of your Holy Family. Glorious Mother of God and loving Mother of us all, we promise to try to inspire in others devotion to you to hasten the coming of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart in all hearts. Amen.

Signed __________________________________________________________ Date _____________

Signed __________________________________________________________ Date _____________


19 Stories of Faith

This month shares how the saints played a role in a mother’s spiritual life.

20 Catholic Action

Christopher Dodson explains what it means to be charitable to refugees.

21 Seminarian Life

Kevin Lorsung conveys what one aspect of seminarian life is like – the apostolate.

22 Stewardship

Steve Schons demonstrates the tax advantages for charitable giving.

23 Twenty Something



Guest columnist, Christina Capecchi, shows how listening is the key to better relationships with both God and those around us.

ON THE COVER: The holy door of St. Michael’s church in Grand Forks. This holy door is one of nine throughout the diocese. (submitted photo)



(ISSN# 10676406) Our mission is to serve Catholic parishes in Eastern N.D. as the official monthly publication of the Diocese of Fargo.


Most Rev. John T. Folda Bishop of Fargo


Paul Braun

Assistant editor Kristina Lahr


Stephanie Drietz - Drietz Designs


Parish contributions make it possible for each registered Catholic household in the diocese to receive 11 issues per year. For those living outside the Diocese wanting a subscription, an annual $9/year rate is requested.





24 Events across the diocese 24 A glimpse of the past 25 Life’s milestones 28 Giver of compassion and healing, Monsignor Wendelyn Vetter dies age 83 29 Memoriam

Please remember in prayer the faithful departed from our parishes, our diocese and throughout the world.

SPECIAL SECTION: JUBILEE OF MERCY 35 Sharing one’s story provides healing for those suffering from after abortion

Send address changes or subscription requests to: New Earth 5201 Bishops Blvd S., Suite A Fargo, ND 58104

Contact Information

Use the following contact information to contact the New Earth staff: (701) 356-7900 Deadline to submit articles, story ideas, advertisements and announcements for the September issue is November 23, 2016. All submissions are subject to editing and placement. New Earth is published by the Catholic Diocese of Fargo, a nonprofit North Dakota corporation, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S, Suite A Fargo, ND 58104. (701) 356-7900. Periodical Postage Paid at Fargo, ND and at additional mailing offices. Member of the Catholic Press Association NEW EARTH NOVEMBER 2016



The unending way of mercy


n N o v. 2 0 , t h e Solemnity of Christ the King, we will come to the conclusion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy, which began last Dec. 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. For this past year, at the urging of Pope Francis, we have been reflecting on the gift of God’s mercy, and striving to live that mercy more fully in our daily lives. Our Holy Father’s impetus for declaring the Jubilee of Mercy was to draw attention to and invite the faithful to a deeper experience of the fathomless mercy of God, a divine compassion that has no limits. He notably said to all of us that “the name of God is Mercy.” Over these past months, we have made pilgrimages through the Holy Doors of Mercy around our diocese, to recall that we are always on a spiritual journey, and Jesus is our ultimate destination. A special focus of this Jubilee has certainly been the Sacrament of Reconciliation. We are all sinners in need of God’s mercy and forgiveness, but that mercy is available in great abundance through sacramental confession. I dearly hope that all of us have come to the Lord in Reconciliation during this special time of grace, and I hope even more that we have grown into a habit of confession, in other words, a habit of regularly confessing our sinfulness and receiving the mercy of God’s forgiveness. The blessings of such a spiritual habit are incalculable. The Jubilee has also called us to a renewed emphasis on the corporal and spiritual works of mercy. As recipients of God’s boundless mercy, we are challenged to offer mercy to others in whatever way we can. Feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, sheltering the homeless, comforting the afflicted, counseling the doubtful, praying for the living and the dead: these and many other works of mercy are always before us, real works of compassion that allow us to touch Christ in the brothers and sisters that we meet every day. By practicing the works of mercy, we extend to others the love that we have received so beautifully from God.

On Sept. 4, Pope Francis canonized a true icon of mercy, Mother Teresa of Calcutta. With beautiful timing, our Holy Father presented Mother Teresa to the Church as the saint we have always known her to be. He called her a “tireless worker of mercy,” and he said that Mother Teresa, “in all aspects of her life, was a generous dispenser of divine mercy, making herself available for everyone through her defense of human life, those unborn and those abandoned and discarded.” Mother Teresa of Calcutta, often called “the saint of the gutters,” is for all of us a model of selfless love and mercy to the poorest of the poor. She recognized that people are not only hungry for bread, but they are also hungry for love; “they are hungry for God.” This Jubilee of Mercy teaches us that God is the answer to all our hungers, and that we too must become dispensers of mercy to our brothers and sisters. Last spring Pope Francis also encouraged every diocese to adopt a “mercy project.” He asked the local churches during the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy to take on an area of special need, a project that the faithful could unite to support. I’ve given considerable thought to this challenge from our Holy Father, and I have also asked for input from my brother priests. And now I would like to invite all of you to join me in supporting our diocesan “Year of Mercy Project,” St. Ann’s Mission School at Belcourt. St. Ann’s School is part of the larger St. Ann’s Mission Parish, and it is located on the Turtle Mountain Reservation. This is an area of great faith, but it is also scarred by poverty and unemployment. Many families struggle to make ends meet, and some children do not have the kind of care and support that most of us take for granted. Father Jeff Eppler, the pastor of St. Ann’s, told me that St. Ann’s School fulfills a great need at Belcourt, and without this school many children would simply fall through the cracks. Most importantly, though, St. Ann’s School offers a Christ-centered education for these youngsters who love our Lord and love to learn. St. Ann’s School was closed in the 1970s but was reopened in 1999, and has been in operation ever since. But keeping the school open is a constant challenge. Just last year it seemed likely that the school would have to close again for lack of funds. But the pastor, principal, staff, and parishioners stepped into the breach and have managed to keep the school going. It seems to me that we as a diocesan family can help to make their job a little easier, and we can do something together for the children of St. Ann’s. So I’m asking you to make a contribution to St. Ann’s School during this Jubilee of Mercy, so the kids of Belcourt will have the blessing of a Catholic education and the

“This Jubilee of Mercy teaches us that God is the answer to all our hungers, and that we too must become dispensers of mercy to our brothers and sisters.” – Bishop John Folda, Diocese of Fargo 4


love that we all long for. You will soon receive a letter from me in the mail, and I ask you to make an act of mercy for these little ones. When he canonized Mother Teresa, Pope Francis said: “God is pleased by every act of mercy, because in the brother or sister that we assist, we recognize the face of God which no one can see... In a word, we touch the flesh of Christ.” The Jubilee of Mercy will soon end and the Holy Doors will be closed, but the way of mercy continues. God’s mercy will be just as abundant, and we should spare no effort to receive this great gift. And, as we know so well, the need for mercy will be just around the corner in a person who is sad, hungry, lonely, elderly, ill, discouraged or estranged from God. Our neighbors are hungry for love and for mercy, and Jesus asks us to offer it to them. May the fruit of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy be visible in our families, our parishes, and our diocese for many years to come.

Bishop Folda’s Calendar Nov. 6 | 8:30 a.m.

Mass at St. Patrick’s, Enderlin

Prayer Intentions of Pope Francis Universal intention: Countries Receiving Refugees. That the countries which take in a great number of displaced persons and refugees may find support for their efforts which show solidarity.

Reflection: What does it mean for me to be in

solidarity with refugees in other parts of the world?

Scripture: Leviticus 19: 33-34. “Have the same love for the alien as you have for yourself.”

Evangelization intention: Collaboration of Priests

and Laity. That within parishes, priests and lay people may collaborate in service to the community without giving in to the temptation of discouragement.

Reflection: In my own parish or community, what are some of the things that lead to division and discouragement?

Scripture: Romans 16: 17-20. “Be wise as to what is good and simple as to what is evil.”

10:30 a.m.

Mass at Holy Trinity, Fingal

Nov. 8

| 10:45 a.m.

Apostolate Mass Sts. Anne and Joachim, Fargo

Nov. 12-17

Coming soon

USCCB Meeting, Baltimore, Md.

Nov. 21

| 5:30 p.m.

Operation Andrew Dinner,

Bishop’s Residence, Fargo Nov. 24-27 Thanksgiving Holiday, Pastoral Center Closed Dec. 8

| 12:10 p.m.

Immaculate Conception Mass Cathedral of St. Mary, Fargo Pastoral Center Closed

Dec. 11


Women’s Conference Saturday, March 11, 2017 Holiday Inn, Fargo

| 5 p.m.

Vespers at Sts. Anne and Joachim, Fargo NEW EARTH NOVEMBER 2016



National Adoption Awareness Month By Kristina Lahr

Pat and Jen Lagein adopted their three children through Catholic Charities adoption services. From left: Rebecca, Pat, Jen, Samantha and Lucas Lagein. (Sara Selensky)


ill you accept children lovingly from God, and bring them up according to the law of Christ and his Church?” This is one of the questions the priest will ask a couple as part of the wedding vows. This vow doesn’t just pertain to biological children but to all children in need of a loving family. Pat and Jen Lagein, parishioners of Immaculate Heart of Mary church in Rock Lake, are fulfilling these vows by accepting their



three children through adoption. November is recognized as National Adoption Awareness Month, which focuses on bringing more awareness to all forms of adoption, including foster care and infant adoption. Before beginning the process for adopting, Jen encourages couples to pray together about what God wants for them. “Really pray about it first,” she said. “Is it what God wants for you? Really talk about it as a couple and with your social worker. It’s not something to jump into.” As Jen and Pat prayed through this decision for each of their children, they felt a deep conviction that adoption was God’s will for them. “We didn’t have any doubts,” she said. Jen and Pat adopted their children through Catholic Charities ND, which offers both infant and foster care adoptions. “You go through some personality testing and fill out applications. Social workers have visits with you and your spouse, and they ask you questions to find a good fit for you,” said Jen. “You also have the ability to look through the profiles of the kids who are in foster care. Some of them are waiting for a forever family.” Catholic Charities ND provides many adoption services including those facing an unexpected pregnancy, foster care, couples interested in adopting and more. For more information, call (701) 235-4457.



What is the ‘low down’ on stem cell research?

n May 27, 1995 Christopher Reeve, an actor who played Superman, fell from a horse and incurred a spinal cord injury that left him paralyzed for the rest of his life. He died at age 52 in 2004. After his injury a lot of media turned its attention to a field of medical study known as regenerative medicine, which focuses on procedures and therapies by which the human body ‘regenerates’ healthy body parts to restore parts which are diseased or deteriorating. An emerging area of medical research study had been the world of stem cells. The Webster’s New World Medical Dictionary defines stem cells as “one of the human body’s master cells, with the ability to grow into any one of the body’s more than 200 cell types... They retain the ability to divide throughout life and give rise to cells that can become highly specialized and take the place of cells that die or are lost... (they) contribute to the body’s ability to renew and repair its tissues.” This is the great promise of stem cell research. In 1998 a doctor in Wisconsin was able to isolate and retrieve embryonic stem cells. This process of retrieval destroyed the embryo from which the stem cells had been taken. In theory, embryonic stem cells carry the promise of possibly curing spinal cord injuries like that suffered by Reeve. The media was alive in pursuing this kind of research for many who suffered from other debilitating diseases. But such medical hope comes with its own set of problems. Retrieving embryonic stem cells means killing the embryo. The Catholic Church teaches that human life begins at conception. The late Pope John Paul II stated in Evangelium Vitae, “The killing of innocent human creatures, even if carried out to help others, constitutes an absolutely unacceptable act.” In short, embryonic stem cell research suffers from a serious moral flaw. But this does not end the discussion on stem cell research. These master cells also exist in adult tissue. The discovery of adult stem cells is the result of observing that some adult tissue regenerates itself (e.g. skin cells). Research led to evidence “that stem cells are present in far more tissues and organs than once thought and that these cells are capable of developing into more kinds of cells than previously imagined” (National Institutes for Health, 2001). Some sources of adult stem cells are blood retrieved from umbilical cords, bone marrow, fat from liposuction, the nasal passage and neural stem cells from cadavers. These cells demonstrate an ability to generate cells different from the organ of the body in which they are found. Success from using adult stem cells have been found in patients suffering from cancer and leukemia, damaged corneas, broken bones, torn cartilage and damaged heart tissue. As of today adult stem cells have proven more effective than embryonic stem cells, which often grow in ways unintended. In the flurry of media attention around the issue of stem cell research, three myths seem to exist: (1) stem cells only come from

embryos – FALSE! There are also adult stem cells; (2) The Catholic Church is against stem cell Ask a Priest research – Father FALSE! The Church James Ermer favors medical research that is morally appropriate. The crucial moral question is – from whence comes the stem cell? Killing an embryo to obtain stem cells is wrong; therefore, the Church is against embryonic stem cell research; (3) Embryonic stem cells hold the most promise – FALSE as of to date. So far embryonic stem cells have proven to be unstable while adult stem cells have shown successful regenerative results. As it is with many contemporary developments, moral questions arise. Some moral principles need to be kept in mind: (1) the end does not justify the means. It is certainly laudable and desirable to heal people with debilitating illnesses, but the means by which we do such healing must be at least morally neutral. One cannot do evil to achieve a good; (2) one’s intention is not the sole determinant of whether an action is right or wrong. Certainly intention is one part of the moral equation, but so is the object of the act, i.e., the behavior done to accomplish the desired goal; (3) morality is more than what works or the fact that something can be done. That is a basic definition of utilitarianism. Just because something can be done or some good can come from it, does not mean it should be done. The world of modern medicine has brought many blessings to people caught in the grip of debilitating illnesses and diseases. Certainly adult stem cell research offers great hope in the world of regenerative medicine. It is the medical practice of embryonic stem cell research that is morally problematic. Killing nascent human life can never be seen as good nor be practiced as ‘good medicine.’ Good medicine heals, restores, rejuvenates, but never at the cost of killing. As adult stem cell therapies have already helped people with degenerative diseases, may this good medicine and its research continue to conquer new horizons in the world of disease and sickness all the while practicing morally right medicine. Father James Ermer serves as pastor at St. Leo’s Catholic Church in Casselton. He can be reached at Editor’s Note: If you have a question about the Catholic faith and would like to submit a question for consideration in a future column, please send to with “Ask a Priest” in the subject line or mail to New Earth, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S, Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104, Attn: Ask a Priest.




Home enthronement program marks 100-year observance of the apparition of Our Lady of Fatima Diocesan families encouraged to consecrate their homes and families to the hearts of Jesus and Mary By Paul Braun should first contact their local parish to make the request. They may also contact the diocesan offices at (701) 356-7900 to request copies if none are available through their local parish. A small fee will be charged to offset printing costs. See more at www.

This Enthronement certificate will soon be available to those who wish to enthrone their home and family to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

Lord Jesus Christ, we the _________________________________ family consecrate ourselves to You today. The love for us and for all men that fills your Sacred Heart prompts us to pledge our love in return. We wish to live always in union with You. We wish to share your mission of bringing your Father’s love to all men. We wish You to be the Center of our hearts and of our home. Accept this consecration and keep us ever one in your Sacred Heart. Amen.

Mary, Virgin Mother of Jesus, we the _____________________________________ family consecrate ourselves to your Immaculate Heart today. We wish to live in the likeness of your Holy Family. Glorious Mother of God and loving Mother of us all, we promise to try to inspire in others devotion to you to hasten the coming of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart in all hearts. Amen.

Signed __________________________________________________________ Date _____________

Signed __________________________________________________________ Date _____________


n May 13, 2017, the world’s faithful will commemorate the 100-year anniversary of the first of the Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima, where Mary appeared to three young children at Fatima, Portugal. Millions have made the pilgrimage over the years to Fatima to honor and venerate our Mother, but millions more have never had the opportunity. Now there is something all families can do this centennial year to honor both Mary and her divine son, Jesus. The World Apostolate of Fatima, founded in 1947, is an organization commissioned by the Vatican dedicated to help people learn, live and spread the message of Our Lady of Fatima. Since 1993, the organization has been encouraging home enthronement, and has developed a certificate and prayer booklet to help families consecrate their homes. When Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta saw Our Lady, she informed them that in order to prevent future war, she asks for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Jacinta, before she died, told Lucia to “Tell everybody that God grants us graces through the Immaculate Heart of Mary; that people are to ask her for them; and that the heart of Jesus wants the Immaculate Heart to be venerated at his side.” Since this command has been handed down to all the faithful, any family may request the certificate and prayer booklet. The Enthronement begins in the home itself, in the presence of a priest or deacon. The family publically and solemnly acknowledges that Christ is the King of the home. The certificates are printed on card stock and are suitable for framing, to be shown in a place of honor. The booklets are easy to read and follow, so the entire family may take part in the ceremony. The certificates and booklets will be available beginning this month. Individuals who wish to receive a certificate and booklets 8


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40 Days for Life and Walk with Christ for Life defend rights of unborn and families

Hundreds of faithful were led by the Blessed Sacrament from St. Mary’s Cathedral to the abortion facility in downtown Fargo for The Walk with Christ for Life on Oct. 2. (Paul Braun | New Earth)

Teens from the parish cluster of Lidgerwood, Cayuga and Geneseo pray outside the abortion facility with their pastor Father Lefor on Oct. 14. (Kristina Lahr | New Earth)

Steve Karlen, Director of the North American campaigns for 40 Days for Life, speaks of the importance of standing for life outside the Civic Center in downtown Fargo. The national “50 States in 40 Days” bus made its stop in North Dakota on Oct. 14. (Kristina Lahr | New Earth)

Bishop Folda blesses the abortion facility during the Walk with Christ for Life on Oct. 2. (Paul Braun | New Earth)

Give a Gift to Help Keep the TV Mass on the Air

The best gift for those you love who are nursing home residents, shut-ins, or non-practicing CatholicsWDAY, Channel 6, Fargo – WDAZ, Channel 8, Grand Forks 10:30 a.m. Sunday Name_________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ City/State/Zip_________________________________________ Phone_________________________________________________ A GIFT FOR: Name_________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________ City/State/Zip_________________________________________

“I support the TV Mass because it was an important part of my mother’s life. My husband and I would sometimes watch it with her. I’m thankful that the TV Mass was there for her.” – Helen Bye, Fargo

Or, IN MEMORY OF: Name________________________________________________ I would like this listed at the end of the TV Mass on this date(s): ______________________________________________________ MAIL TO: TV Mass, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605




Father Robert Pecotte, pastor of St. Brigid’s in Cavalier and St. Patrick’s in Crystal, makes a point to the more than 350 men gathered from across the diocese for the Redeemed: Made for Greatness Men’s Conference, held at the Fargodome on Oct. 8. The conference helped attendees ages 14 and older to think, in the words of Bishop John Folda, about how they may “become men of deeper faith, while giving of themselves to their families, co-workers, society and to God and his Church.” The next Men’s Conference is tentatively scheduled for Spring of 2018. (Paul Braun | New Earth)

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An exterior view of the proposed $21.5 Newman Center project (submitted photo/bisonCatholic)

NDSU Newman Center announces $21.5 million building project


Submitted by bisonCatholic

ct. 22 was the biggest event in the history of the NDSU Newman Center. More than 550 people attended a special banquet at the Fargo Ramada Conference Center to hear the news that bisonCatholic will be moving forward to build a new $21.5 million facility for the future leaders of our Church, state, and nation near the campus of North Dakota State University. The project would construct a 70,000 square foot multi-use facility that will include a 425-seat chapel, student commons, a three-story Newman Center, residence space for priests and mean considering the priesthood, and a 96 bed faith-based housing facility for NDSU students. Excitement definitely filled the room among our alumni, friends, supporters and students who attended the banquet. Alumni vocational testimonies from Kenny and Abbey Moenkedick and Father Greg Haman, and a message from Curtis Martin were just the start to setting the stage of what the special announcement would be. Father Cheney followed with an incredible presentation that revealed the plans to put in place a new facility that will bring greater programs to reach out and build the faith of all of the Catholic students on campus. The Newman Center is a beacon of light at NDSU and will be able to shine even brighter as we work together to Move Newman Forward. We would like the all faithful to prayerfully consider how the Lord may be asking you to make a sacrifice for the future of our Catholic faith. An envelope is provided for you to mail back what you think you could do to help us turn this dream into a reality. Thank You. For updated information, please visit our website at

Artist’s conception of interior of new Newman Center church (submitted photo/bisonCatholic)

Curtis Martin, President of Fellowship of Catholic University Students (FOCUS), makes his appeal to banquet guests at the October 22nd building project announcement event. (submitted photo)



The Nearly Nu Thrift Store in Valley City. (Submitted photo)


Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy: A look back By Paul Braun


Heeding the Holy Father’s call in the Fargo Diocese

ov. 20 marks the official end of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy. When Pope Francis proclaimed the Year of Mercy, his intention was for all of the faithful to slow down and contemplate God’s mercy right now. The Fargo Diocese answered that call through the establishment of nine Holy Doors across the diocese, pilgrimages by the faithful to those Holy Doors gaining the Jubilee Year indulgence, works of mercy by individuals and parishes, and a 24-hour period of reconciliation during Lent. In his proclamation, Pope Francis encourages all of us to live the message of mercy by showing others mercy through the seven Corporal Works of Mercy. We do this through the simple, yet necessary outward actions of feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, sheltering the homeless, visiting the sick, visiting prisoners, burying the dead and giving alms to the poor. He also called on us to help our neighbor in their spiritual time of need, which can be done through the seven Spiritual Acts of Mercy. There are many ways these acts can be lived, so here are some helpful guidelines:

• Counseling the doubtful - Everyone has moments

of doubt in their faith journey. Nevertheless, we should always remember that Christ is the Way, the Truth and the Life and turn to him along our way.



• Instructing the ignorant - Learn about our faith and

be open to talking with others about our beliefs. There is always something more to discover about our faith.

• Admonishing the sinner - Do not judge, but be

supportive in helping others find their way and correct their mistakes. Together we can learn to walk more closely with Christ.

• Comforting the sorrowful - Be open to listening and

comforting those who are dealing with grief. Even if we aren’t sure of the right words to say, our presence can make a big difference.

• Forgiving injuries - Forgiving others is difficult at

times because we do not have God’s limitless mercy and compassion. But Jesus teaches us that we should forgive as God forgives, relying on him to help us show others the mercy of God.

• Bearing wrongs patiently - Do not be bitter about

wrongs done against you. Place your hope in God so that you can endure the troubles of this world and face them with a compassionate spirit.

• Praying for the living and the dead - Prayer is one

of the most powerful ways we can support others. Joining

Volunteers at Hospice of the Red River Valley with Celebration Bears (Submitted photo)

together in prayer for the living and the dead entrusts us all There are roughly 24 congregations who made a commitment into God’s care. to offer their building or assist with staffing to provide overflow New Earth now takes a look back at the Extraordinary Jubilee sheltering for the homeless or to partner with a host site. of Mercy in the Diocese of Fargo in 2016 as published in New *Update to this story – In January, Bishop Folda put out an appeal to Earth; a time of deep personal conversion and renewed zeal in the faithful to “welcome the stranger/shelter the homeless” during the Year of Mercy by contributing to a diocesan fund to assist homeless sharing God’s mercy with others. shelters. That collection, along with 25% of the 2016 Rice Bowl contributions, resulted in $7,429.34 raised. The funds were distributed to shelters in Grand Forks, Fargo and Devils Lake.


The faithful around the diocese were encouraged to make a pilgrimage to a Holy Door. With nine doors across the diocese, pilgrimage opportunities were available to most everyone. Holy Doors are a specially designated entrance that symbolizes Christ and are a pathway to grace. Passing through a Holy Door is a way to rediscover the offer of mercy Christ gives us. Passing through a Holy Door also offers the repentant soul an indulgence. “The Holy Father offers a special jubilee indulgence, a remission of the temporal punishment due to sins which have been forgiven,” said Bishop Folda in the January New Earth. “By our pilgrimage through the Door of Mercy, by our confession of sins and our detachment from sin, and by our prayers for the Pope’s intentions and our works of mercy, we can receive this indulgence, this gift of purification.”

FEBRUARY The Fargo-Moorhead Sheltering Churches program provides overflow sheltering for the winter season. FM Sheltering Churches is a volunteer-run organization that works to build a partnership between area shelters and the churches of our metro area. Dianne Nechiporenko, Executive Director of Catholic Charities ND, said in the February New Earth that homelessness has been on the rise in our community. But, instead of building another shelter, Fargo-Moorhead Sheltering Churches provides warmth and comfort in existing facilities (namely churches) while working toward long-term goals and permanent solutions. Guests first arrive at area shelters for in-processing, and are only transported to the emergency overflow host church in the event that there is no more room in the permanent shelter.

MARCH Across the diocese on March 4-5, churches stayed open, and priests were available for a 24-hour period to hear confessions. Pope Francis said that “Lent is the perfect time to let go of selfishness and indifferent attitudes, returning to God with the help of prayer, penance and acts of charity.” Those involved in prison ministry are examples of this call. Also featured in New Earth were the Basilica of St. James in Jamestown and St. Joseph’s parish in Devils Lake. Both parishes have been involved with prison ministry for several years, celebrating Mass with inmates, teaching catechism studies, and socializing with inmates on a monthly and weekly basis. Volunteers collect bibles, devotionals, rosaries and other religious articles for inmates. They also plant the seed and get the Lord out to prisoners, and let him do the rest.

APRIL Many people in communities and churches across the diocese want to help the poor, but they don’t know how. One way is by volunteering at a thrift store. The April New Earth featured several Catholic thrift stores across the diocese that are helping to meet the needs of those less fortunate, while providing opportunities to serve. Thrift stores provide quality merchandise for those who can’t afford more, and the profits help those in the short-term who fall through the cracks or have unexpected expenses. Parishioners from St. Philip Neri parish in Napoleon and St. John the Evangelist in Wahpeton took the ultimate Holy Door pilgrimage…to the Vatican! They were able to walk through the NEW EARTH NOVEMBER 2016


Holy Doors of the Basilicas and participate with Pope Francis in a Penance Service at St. Peter’s Basilica. Both groups expressed their gratefulness and the spiritual graces received as they came back with a renewed sense of faith.


The small town of Fullerton, population 54, was highlighted for a unique ministry to help families grieve over the loss of a loved one. The St. Patrick’s Parish Altar Society took on the duties of the Celebration Bears program at Hospice of the Red River Valley. The ladies of the Altar Society create for families a bear created from their loved one’s clothing. The handmade bears are keepsakes to remember and celebrate the memory of these individuals after their deaths. Special touches, like brooches and logos, capture the memories and essence of the patients. And the crafters have the patient in mind while working on each bear. The bears are unique and have their own personality due to the different clothing patters provided. Many grieving families say the bears take on the personality of the loved one being honored.

For many, the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy reached its culmination when Pope Francis canonized Mother Teresa Sep. 4, recognizing the holiness of charity, mercy and courage found in a package just five-feet tall. Mother Teresa faced criticism for not using her fame and contacts to advocate more directly for social and political change to improve the lives of the poor she served. Locally, Jim and Carolyn Exner, parishioners at the Basilica of St. James in Jamestown, decided they wanted to take an active part in the Year of Mercy observance by making a pilgrimage to each of the nine diocesan Mercy Doors, and they shared their story with New Earth in September. They accomplished their goal between April and July. While traveling from church to church they enjoyed some of Gods’ great blessings in the changes in the trees and flowers as the spring progressed into the summer. They said it also became a wonderful time to pray the rosary together. The Mercy Doors will be closed Nov 13. The Mercy Door at the Cathedral will be closed by Bishop Folda Nov. 20.




Bishop Folda ordained three new priests for the Diocese of Fargo on June 4. Because they were ordained during the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, Bishop Folda reminded Deacons Robert Keller, Patrick Parks and Steven Wirth that “You are being called to a mission of mercy. In everything you do, try to bring God’s tenderness and mercy to the people you meet. Wherever you are, strive to make the mercy of God real and present.” In his June column in New Earth, Bishop Folda said of priests; “He is ordained not only for himself, but for service to the People of God. In the tradition of the Church, we say that the priest is alter Christus, another Christ. And thus he must be a man of mercy, like Christ himself.”


Reflections on Mary and the Year of Mercy from Fargo Diocese seminarian Christopher Finneman: “In the past months, I have felt in prayer as though I have not been entering into the Year of Mercy as I ought to be. So it recently came to me. Mary is the original door of mercy. In her Immaculate womb, divinity and humanity first met. Through her fiat, the Father’s mercy collided with human misery. Through her, I can further enter into what remains of the Year of Mercy. I pray that through the Mother of Mercy, we begin to come to know and live mercy in a more-sincere way, and that through the graces she obtains for us through her Son’s passion death and resurrection, we ourselves may become doors of mercy just like her. So when the year ends and the doors of mercy are gone, all members of the Church will be walking and talking doors of mercy.”

Sweltering in the hot Kansas sun, missionaries from Holy Cross parish in West Fargo performed acts of mercy at the Alpha Christian Children’s home, an orphanage in Kansas City. This was the third summer the parish joined together to help the orphanage with their needs. The relationship with the orphanage started when Father Steven Meyer, pastor of Holy Cross, was looking for mission work in a nearby state. What started as a work relationship has now flourished into a friendship. Because the orphanage isn’t government funded, it relies heavily on volunteers. The group built a barn for the orphanage goats, chopped firewood for the winter and painted buildings. Kristin Aswege, one of the students on the mission, said “My favorite part was meeting the kids at the orphanage. They’ve had a lot of heartbreak and struggles in their life. I enjoy knowing we did something to help them achieve their goals and have faith.” Teens from Holy Cross Parish in West Fargo work to build a barn for a Kansas City-area orphanage. (Gannon Schlader)




Students at St. Ann’s Catholic School in Belcourt. (Submitted photo)

Bishop Folda announces Diocesan Mercy Project


By Paul Braun

ope Francis declared in 2015 that Dec. 8, 2015 to Nov. 20, are dealing with extreme poverty and other social issues. Please 2016 would be the Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy consider how much we take for granted on a daily basis, and worldwide. Along with his proclamation, Pope Francis prayerfully consider lending a hand with our Year of Mercy encouraged each diocese around the world to take on a Year of project. Your gift of mercy can be life-changing for a child at St. Mercy Project to help those in need. Ann’s School.” Although the Year of Mercy officially comes to an end this month, mercy shown to others must never end. So, Bishop Folda has announced that the St. Ann’s Parish and School in Belcourt will be the focus of the Fargo Diocese’s “Year of Mercy” project. In a letter sent this month to all parishioners in the diocese, Bishop Folda writes; “Throughout this past year, I have seen firsthand and heard how you are living out the works of mercy in your daily lives. I have heard many stories of the faithful taking care of our poor, visiting those who are incarcerated and caring for our elderly. This outpouring of time and commitment in response to our Holy Father’s request has been nothing short of inspiring.” The St. Ann’s Mission Church and School in Belcourt was selected due to the immediate and pressing needs of the buildings on the grounds, and the lack of resources for school children in the area. A majority of the population there is Native American, and most families live at or are below the poverty level. St. Ann’s School provides the children from these families a quality, faith-filled Catholic education at little or no cost to the families, while also providing food for the children while at school, and food to bring home since many of these families go without. The immediate needs of the school and parish requires about $460,000 to pay for the dedicated teachers and staff, school supplies, tuition, building repairs and more. A generous matching grant of $200,000 has been provided, as long as the diocese can match or exceed the grant total. In his letter, Bishop Folda states: “Despite the challenges they face, St. Ann’s Indian Mission continues to be a shining beacon St. Ann’s Catholic Church, Belcourt (File | New Earth) of hope and God-centered stability in the lives of so many who NEW EARTH NOVEMBER 2016



New in parish and school religious education By Mary Hanbury | Director of the Diocesan Office of Catechesis


ishop Folda has asked for a unified approach for youth catechesis in parish Religious Education programs and Catholic Schools. As a response to this request, a committee of those involved with parish Religious Education and Catholic Schools was formed two years ago to write a new set of standards for Catholic Education in the Diocese of Fargo. Once the standards are complete they will be the main evaluation tool used to select a textbook series to be used throughout the Diocese for grades K-8. The standards are a set of written statements of what the student should know in each grade. They are based on the four pillars of the Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Profession of Faith (Creed), Sacraments, Moral life, and Prayer. The committee is currently editing the standards, which will be available this spring. This process also included collecting data from the students using the Assessment of Children in Religious Education (ACRE). This is a tool created by the National Catholic Education Association to assess current Religious Education programs for both parish and schools. The ACRE is available at three levels. Last spring, the diocese chose to administer level 1 and level 2 which correspond to fifth and eighth grades. Parishes and schools, on their own, may administer level 3, as Shanley High School does every year. The results from last spring’s assessment revealed certain strengths and weaknesses across the diocese. Here is a brief overview of those results. The fifth and eighth graders in our Catholic Schools did well, scoring above the national average for schools. The fifth grade parish students scored below the national average for parishes, while the eighth graders scored right at the national average. Weak areas for students in both parishes and schools included general knowledge of the faith and liturgical life. For example, students seemed to struggle with church vocabulary words, such as “vocation” and “magisterium” as well as “Advent,” “Pentecost” and the “Immaculate Conception.” Even though students seem to have struggled with some of

the concepts, they responded very positively to the question which asked how important being Catholic is to them, with scores over 90% for both schools and parishes. They also scored very positively when asked about their relationship with Jesus, people in the parish caring about them and how well they liked their parish. The committee will consider the results of the ACRE, along with the standards and other considerations such as reading level and methodology, when it comes time to examine textbooks. These considerations will make sure certain areas of the faith (especially those where the students showed a weakness) are covered and developed at age-appropriate levels and that all the standards are covered. As we go forward with this project of unified standards and textbooks, it will open up more doors such as sharing best practices, ideas and methods between teachers, and also finding good supplemental materials that could be incorporated into the curriculum. Overall, having a unified set of standards and text will be a great benefit. All the students will receive the same formation, and teachers will be able to share ideas and methods with one another and still be able to keep the creativity of individual classroom instruction.

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How the saints played a role in my spiritual life: STORIES OF FAITH A mother’s story


By Dora Diepolder of Rugby

he feasts of All Saints and All Souls was celebrated Nov. 1 and 2, and I wish to share my faith journey with these two great feasts. Almost 63 years ago my husband and I were married and spent part of our honeymoon in Mexico City. We went to the basilica and saw the people dancing, singing and praying before the imprinted portrait of our Lady of Guadeloupe. The faith, devotions and joy of the people was so touching. Practically a whole nation was converted through the intercession of Our Lady of Guadeloupe. That has always stayed with me. We returned home, lived on a farm near Willow City, had 10 children, and the first one was a boy. We named him Joseph. We soon realized that Joe had special problems. I constantly asked St. Joseph to watch over Joe and intercede for him before the throne of his Son. Sometimes Joe just took off. One afternoon the bus came from school and no Joe. We considered calling the highway patrol but decided to give the situation a little more time. Rest assured I asked St. Joseph to watch over him. Then, Joe was in the yard. I asked him where he had gone. He’d hitch-hiked to see a friend living over 50 miles away near the Canadian border. On his hike back, he was picked up by two

gentlemen who drove Joe to the farm. On another occasion, our daughter Ann had finished medical school and needed a job to fit her special circumstances. My sister and I were going to Rome. Ann asked that I light a candle for her there. At a church we entered there was a statue of St. Anne with candles. I lit a candle and said a prayer. When we returned home, Ann had her job. Our son Karl had moved to the oil patch looking for work. He couldn’t find a place to stay and was sleeping in his pickup. One afternoon my phone rang. This lady started talking and I assumed she was one of many asking for money. I began to cut her off and she said, “No, no, I don’t want money today. Do you have a special need that we can pray for together?” She was from Food for the Poor, and suggested that we pray to St. Joseph, the patron saint of workers. A few days later Karl had a place to live and a job. I share these experiences not to imply that my family and I have a lock on virtue. To the contrary, we are needy sinners and have many problems. Critics will say that most of these experiences are just a matter of coincidence, but with the all-knowing and loving God, there is no such thing as coincidence.

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Accepting refugees in our neighborhoods


he controversy over placing refugees in the state Catholic reminded me of a Action story about a Sixth Century Egyptian Christoper Dodson monk. The story goes like this: Going to town one day to sell some small articles, Abba Agathon met a cripple on the roadside, paralyzed in his legs, who asked him where he was going. Abba Agathon replied, “To town, to sell some things.” The other said, “Do me the favor of carrying me there.” So he carried him to the town. The cripple said to him, “Put me down where you sell your wares.” He did so. When he had sold an article, the cripple asked, “What did you sell it for?” And he told him the price. The other said, “Buy me some bread,” and he bought it. When Abba Agathon had sold a second article, the sick man asked, “How much did you sell it for?” And he told him the price of that also. Then the other said, “Buy me this,” and he bought it. When Agathon, having sold all his wares, wanted to go, he said to him, “Are you going back?” and he replied, “Yes.” Then he said, “Do me the favor of carrying me back to the place where you found me.” Once more he picked him up and he carried him back to that place. Then the cripple said, “Agathon, you are filled with divine blessings, in heaven and on earth.” Raising his eyes, Agathon saw no man, it was an angel of the Lord, come to try him. (The Sayings of the Desert Fathers, translated by Benedicta Ward.) Abba Agathon’s attitude of acceptance and charity is one we should emulate, not just in our personal lives, but also in how we act as a society. It is one modeled after Christ himself, who embraced and healed, rather than distanced himself from, the lepers. (Please, readers, do not dismiss Jesus’ actions as unrealistic for us because, being the son of God, he could heal himself. Jesus was also man and capable of catching disease. Besides, he was surrounded by disciples who could also become infected.) Not only did Abba Agatha not refuse to take the cripple to town, the monk didn’t even ask the man why he needed to go to town. Abba Agathon was probably selling items he had made in his desert cell for sustenance. But he did not refuse the request to use the money raised to buy the cripple what was asked. The story does not say what other items were bought. They might not have even been needed in Abba Agathon’s mind. The monk did not ask for an accounting. He just gave as asked. Jesus likewise did not choose who to heal. We know that one of the lepers who begged to be cured was a Samaritan, a foreigner. He did not ask them what they planned to do after they were made whole. He did not go and check on them later to see if they were behaving. 20


This attitude of acceptance should be the starting point of our policy toward refugees. This does not mean we should throw caution to the wind. We have obligations to protect others in the community. Nevertheless, we should start with and always shape our policies and community responses with the spirit of Abba Agathon. Instead of a position that says, “Well, you can come in if you do this and this and you don’t do that,” our position should be, “Welcome, if there is a problem with this or this, we will help and we hope you don’t do that.” If there are gaps in security screening, then we should fix them rather than shutting our doors. If there are burdens to the local schools, we should help the schools, not turn our backs on children. If there are impacts on the social service system, we should step up our support for the system and increase charitable responses in the community. Refugees do not choose to come here. They are not abandoning their homelands. They come here because they have to. Some people expect refugees and the agencies that help them to meet all the burdens with placing refugees in our communities. They also act like accepting refugees and whatever burdens doing so may bring as an unnecessary inconvenience far removed from the core functions of government and society. This attitude is wrong. Because our nation is built upon a principle of extending a helping hand and because we as a society, especially Christians, believe in doing what is morally right for others, we should view it as our job to accept refugees, just as Abba Agathon must have viewed it as his job to do what the cripple asked. Welcoming those forced to flee should be viewed as part and parcel of who we are, burdens and all. We, not the refugees, should be expected to make the needed adjustments to our lives and communities. Abba Agathon, pray that we embrace refugees as you embraced the angel of the Lord. Christopher Dodson is executive director of the North Dakota Catholic Conference. The NDCC acts on behalf of the Catholic bishops of North Dakota to respond to public policy issues of concern to the Catholic Church and to educate Catholics and the general public about Catholic social doctrine. The conference website is

Diocesan policy: Reporting child abuse

The Diocese of Fargo is committed to the protection of youth. Please report any incidents or suspected incidents of child abuse, including sexual abuse, to civil authorities. If the situation involves a member of the clergy or a religious order, a seminarian or anemployee of a Catholic school, parish, the diocesan offices or other Catholic entity within the diocese, we ask that you also report the incident or suspected incident to Monsignor Joseph P. Goering at (701) 356-7945 or Larry Bernhardt at (701) 356-7965 or For additional information about victim assistance, visit



The joys and struggles of an apostolate

s a senior here at St. Gregory the Great, I have been blessed to be given an apostolate last year and this year. An apostolate is where we seminarians go out every Wednesday to help either at parishes with CCD or hospitals to visit with people. We do this in pairs and I love the similarity of how Christ sent out the disciples in pairs just as we do for our apostolates. I remember back to my first year at St. Gregory the Great, when I heard about the idea of an apostolate, I was immediately excited. After growing deeper in my faith at the NDSU Newman Center, I thought I could teach others and thus I wanted to go out and teach others about the faith. “Christ will give me the grace I need to help

these kids come closer to him and to follow him. It will be humbling because I will need to realize that it is he who is teaching through me and I’m merely his instrument.” –Kevin Lorsung, Fargo Diocese seminarian

Now that is what I wanted to do, but God, through my formators, wisely told me to wait. Not until now do I realize why it was a wise decision. It was a wise decision because not only did I need to grow more in my faith and as a man of God, but I already had an apostolate of sorts at the seminary. That apostolate was to be with my seminarian brothers at St. Gregory’s. What I mean by that is I needed to get to know them better, help them on the path to priesthood and deepen my relationship with God. After that first year I was ready to take on an apostolate. My first apostolate last year was to go to a nearby parish and help teach CCD and lead a youth group. It was a very good experience overall, and I definitely felt God’s grace when I was teaching. It was a joy to work with the children because they wanted to learn and they were very energetic which helped keep us going. It also was a joy to work with the teenagers because I could reach them where they were at, seeing as I was one not long ago. But along with joys come struggles, and I’m thankful they send us out in pairs because my seminarian brother and I supported each other not only with words but with prayers. Thus God prepared me for this year. I was excited for my apostolate assignment because it was a new place, but I was still uneasy because it’s arguably the biggest parish we send seminarians to. We came in a little nervous, but now, with the help of the priests and the CCD directors, we feel at home in that parish. My personal favorite thing at my new apostolate is the monthly rosary with all the kids, especially because of my love for our mother Mary, but also because of the enthusiasm of the kids. I know the 8th graders were nervous to lead, but my seminarian brother and I prayed for them and they led well. I’m sure they will continue to do a great job. We just had our first actual classes of teaching the kids who are behind in the sacraments, and I’m so excited to keep teaching them more about the Holy Spirit and the beautiful sacrament of Confirmation.

I know at times it won’t be easy, and those are times I need to rely on Seminarian Christ. Christ will Life give me the grace I need to help these Kevin Lorsung kids come closer to him and to follow him. It will be humbling because I will need to realize that it is he who is teaching through me and I’m merely his instrument. It’s truly a big responsibility, and I feel both honored and tested, but with God’s grace, I’ll be able to see them confirmed this spring, which will make me feel so elated to know that I was a part in bringing them closer to God. Please continue to keep us seminarians in your prayers, and may God bless you and be with you always. Lorsung is a College IV student studying at St Gregory the Great Seminary in Seward, Neb. Editor’s Note: Seminarian Life is a column written by Diocese of Fargo seminarians. Please continue to pray for them.

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Tax advantages for charitable giving ND Tax Credit, Traditional and Roth IRA’s


he end of the year is fast approaching and this is a good time to remind Stewardship folks of some Steve Schons generous tax incentives regarding charitable giving. Here is an update on three popular ways of giving, especially when it comes to supporting your local parish or diocesan program.

1. ND Tax Credit. A few years ago, ND legislatures

passed a bill that allowed a very generous tax credit to those who make a charitable gift to a ND qualified endowment. If you are a North Dakota resident and make a gift to a ND qualified endowment of $5,000 or more, you are eligible for a 40% tax credit on your ND taxes. Tax credits are much different than a tax deduction because they reduce your tax liability dollar for dollar. The maximum tax credit is $20,000 or individuals or $40,000 for married filing jointly. However, credits can be carried over for up to three years.


$5,000 $25,000 $50,000

*Federal tax savings ND state income tax credit Net “Cost” of Gift

-$1,250 -$2,000 $1,750

-$6,250 -$10,000 $8,750

-$12,500 -$20,000 $17,500

*assuming a 25% federal marginal tax rate

• To make such gifts, it is important to not withdraw funds

prior to a gift, but have the gift amount distributed directly from an IRA to one or more qualified charities. For those with check writing privileges on their accounts, this may be the most efficient way to make gifts directly from an IRA. • If you have previously made a charitable distribution from your IRA to the Catholic Development Foundation, we will send you an updated letter. If you have any questions or would like further information about the topics covered in this article or any other types of giving, please contact me at (701) 356-7926 or steve.schons@ Steve Schons is director of stewardship and development for the Diocese of Fargo and president of the Catholic Development Foundation. He can be reached at or (701) 356-7926.

Did you know?

Each Catholic parish in the Diocese of Fargo has an established endowment. In fact, there are endowments set up for a variety of programs such as Catholic schools, cemeteries, religious education, seminarian education to name a few. To view a full list of all endowments available, please visit

2. Tax-Free IRA Gifts

For those aged 70.5 or older, it is once again possible to make tax-favored charitable gifts from traditional and Roth IRA accounts. Recent legislation makes this provision permanent for future years.

How It Works

• If you are 70.5 or older, you can give up to $100,000 directly from your IRA or ROTH IRAs to charities such as Catholic Development Foundation, to support your favorite Catholic entity, free from federal income tax each year. • The transfer generates neither taxable income nor a tax deduction, so you still benefit even if you do not itemize your tax deductions. There may be state income tax savings as well. • If you have not taken your required minimum distribution (RMD) for the year, your IRA charitable rollover gift can satisfy all or part of that requirement. • The transfer may be made in addition to any other charitable giving you have planned.

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Listening at the keyholes: how to love better and learn more

hen two 20-somethings slung a wire across rooftops in The Holy Father Boston, they were hoping to hear each other’s voices has charged us to be transmitted across that line. It worked, and they did, a “listening church,” but in the process, they also picked up a far more exotic sound: b u t o u r n o i s y Twenty powerful radio waves emitted from the sun. Information Age Something Alexander Graham Bell was 26 and working in a fifth-floor makes it hard to listen well, and my attic when he spoke those famous words into a mouthpiece: Christina Capecchi generation may “Mr. Watson, come here, I want to see you.” suffer the most. We consume sound bites “When it’s God who is speaking, the proper and snapchats, headlines and thumbnails. way to behave is to imitate someone who We are stuffed so full that we forget how to be empty and attuned: has an irresistible curiosity and who listens to listen to each other, to the Mass, to ourselves and to God. How embarrassing to think of the many times I missed out at keyholes. You must listen to everything on really hearing others because I talked over them or missed God says at the keyhole of your heart.” the question they were begging to be asked, because I made it about myself or reinforcing something comfortable rather than ~St. John Vianney challenging myself to go somewhere new. When we set down our phones and set aside our agendas, The message to his assistant was transmitted, Bell wrote in we can listen in a transformative way: We can love better and his journal: “To my delight he came and declared that he had learn more. heard and understood what I said.” “When it’s God who is speaking,” St. John Vianney once Any charged wire becomes not only a transmitter but an said, “the proper way to behave is to imitate someone who has antenna, and Bell’s assistant, Thomas Watson, an earnest an irresistible curiosity and who listens at keyholes. You must 22-year-old he had plucked from a machine shop, spent hours listen to everything God says at the keyhole of your heart.” listening to the strange chirps and whistles coming from their I love the image of a curious child, snooping and sleuthing, accidental antenna. Using the first telephone, it turned out, the pressing his ear to a keyhole in hopes of picking something up. young men were actually dialed into the sun. Watson correctly That’s how we should lean in and listen to God, eager to discern guessed that he was picking up activity on the surface of the every whisper. That’s how we should approach the world around sun through its radio waves. us, observing and appreciating – neighbors, grandparents, Fifty years later Bell hired an engineer to study those noises, colleagues, cashiers – and listening at all the keyholes. ushering in a new age of space exploration – radio astronomy – and prodding astronomers to scale up their antennas, connecting Christina Capecchi is a freelance writer from Inver Grove Heights, Minn., them to loudspeakers, and catch the radio waves made by stars and the editor of and planets. New insights into the solar system were unlocked not through looking but listening. Space, they discovered, makes a hissing noise. Jupiter, when carried through short waves of radiation, sounds like pebbles thrown on a tin roof. The sun roars like the sea. And a pulsar, which is a pulsating radio star, beats like a drum – the faster Pilgrimages for Catholics and people of all faiths the star spins, the faster the beat. Prices starting at $2,499 ~ with Airfare Included in this price To hear these celestial structures is to know them in a new way, from anywhere in the USA to render them “a little more tangible,” said Honor Harger, a New Several trips to different destinations: the Holy Land; Italy; France, Portugal, Zealand sound artist who spoke about this field of study on a Spain; Poland; Medjugorje, Lourdes, Fatima; Ireland, Scotland; England; TED stage. “It’s through listening that we’ve come to uncover Austria, Germany, Switzerland; Greece, Turkey; Viking Cruises; Caribbean some of the universe’s most important secrets,” she said. Cruises; Budapest; Prague; Our Lady of Guadalupe; Colombia; Brazil; Argentina; Domestic Destinations; etc… Her words came through my iPhone last Friday, via a podcast, We also specialize in custom trips for Bishops, Priests, and Deacons and resonated deeply with the lost art I have been pondering (Hablamos Español) this autumn: listening. This is a season that calls us to quiet, to Call us 24/7 508-340-9370 hear the crinkling of leaves and the clapping of wind whipping 855-842-8001 through cornfields. NEW EARTH NOVEMBER 2016



Events across the diocese Life in the Spirit retreat coming to Valley City

St. Catherine’s Catholic Church, Valley City, is hosting a Life in the Spirit Seminar from Dec. 2 at 6:30 p.m. to the afternoon of Dec. 4. Come and experience an inner renewal through scripture, sacraments, listening to inspiring talks, discussions, prayer and song. Seize the opportunity to deepen your personal relationship with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit and fellow members of the Body of Christ. All are welcome. Cost is a free-will offering. Contact Doran Chandler at (701) 840-1257 for more information and to register.

New Earth wants to know about your parish Christmas Pageants Does your parish or parish school put on a children’s Christmas Pageant every year? We at New Earth want to know about it. Please send any photos from past pageants and a brief history of your pageant tradition by Nov. 21, to Your pageant and photo could end up as part of the cover story, for the December 2016 issue of New Earth!

A Glimpse of the Past - October

These news items, compiled by Dorothy Duchschere, were found in New Earth and its predecessor, Catholic Action News.

50 Years Ago....1966

At the Pastoral and Apostolic Council held in Jamestown on November 7, Bishop Dworschak announced that tentative plans are being made to establish a Diocesan Retreat Center in the building at 1310 Broadway, which originally was a part of Sacred Heart Academy and more recently the temporary quarters of Cardinal Muench Seminary. The center will provide quarters for 40 retreatants, a retreat master and the Director. Fr. Dennis Schue has been appointed Director of the Retreat Center.

20 Years Ago....1996

All Saints Day will be a special day for Pope John Paul II. The young Karol Wojtyla was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Krakow, Poland on that day in 1946. The people of Rome are planning many festivities to celebrate the Pope’s golden anniversary. The Pope has invited every priest throughout the world who also was ordained in 1946 to join him in Rome for the festivities November 7-10. It is estimated that there may be as many as 4,000 priests living who were ordained in 1946. In the Diocese of Fargo, three priest celebrate their golden jubilee with the Holy Father: Frs. Patrick Duffy, George Lommel and Julius Walz.

10 Years ago....2006 Get Connected Find more stories and information about the diocese at:

Fr. Jack Davis, a priest of the Diocese of Fargo who serves in Chimbote, Peru, recently received a Medal of Honor from the Peruvian Congress, said Sr. Peggy Byrne, who works with Fr. Davis in Chimbote. “The President of the Congress, Mercedes Cabanillas, presented Fr. Jack with the medal and accompanying certificate in a ceremony on November 13 in Lima,” Sr. Peggy wrote in an e-mail to New Earth. “The Congressman for Ancash (our region) Wilder Calderon, had nominated Fr. Jack, out of recognition for the tremendous work he has done in Chimbote,” Sr. Peggy wrote.

NET ministry retreats

NET Ministries, a well-trained evangelization team of young adults, will be leading retreats in our diocese Dec 7-14. If you would like to have your youth participate in a retreat at one of these locations, please contact the person hosting the retreat and ask if your youth could join their retreat for the day.

Date Location Parish Grade Contact 12/7 12/9 12/10 12/11 12/12 12/14 24

New Rockford Fargo Lidgerwood Bottineau Belcourt Grafton

St. John the Evangelist Sullivan Middle School St. Boniface St. Mark’s St. Ann’s St. John the Evangelist


Grades 7-12 Grade 6 Grades 7-12 Grades 7-12 Grades 6-12 Grades 7-12

Sharon Eversvik – (701) 947-5325 Leon Knodel – (701) 893-3279 Melodi Novotny – (701) 538-4604 Father Hickin – (701) 288-3164 Dorothy Godines – (701) 477-5601 Rose Marie Kern – (701) 352-1648

Life’s milestones

James and Marlene celebrate 60th anniversary

James and Marlene Burckhard were married at St. Boniface church in Walhalla on Nov. 10, 1956. They are charter parishioners of Holy Family parish in Grand Forks. They have four children, seven grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

Feltmans celebrate 50th anniversary

Ray and Jennette (Uggerud) Feltman celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary Oct. 22. They are parishioners of Sacred Heart church in Wyndmere, and have two children, Father Tom Feltman, pastor of Sacred Heart in Wyndmere and St. Arnold in Milnor, and Becky Knudson of West Fargo. They have two grandchildren.

Laturnus’ celebrate 60th anniversary

Pete and Donna Laturnus will celebrate 60 years of marriage on Nov. 19. They were married at St. Boniface church in Calio in 1956 and are currently members of St Mary’s church in Munich. They have five children, 11 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren.

Lauers celebrate 60th anniversary

L eon and Donelda Lauer celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary Nov 10. Originally from South Dakota, they have been parishioners of Holy Family church in Grand Forks for 30 years. They have been blessed with five daughters, 11 grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.

Share Life’s Milestones As a way to celebrate life and love, we encourage parishioners throughout the Diocese of Fargo to send photos of anniversaries of 60 or more years, or birthdays of 80 or more years to: New Earth, Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd. S., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104-7605 or

Eugene and Theresa Marcotte celebrate 60th wedding anniversary

Eugene and Theresa Marcotte were married at St. Alphonsus church in Langdon on Oct. 25, 1956 by Father Vincent Wiederholt. They have been blessed with four children, nine grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. They have been members of St. Alphonsus all of their lives.

McKennas celebrate 60th anniversary

Te r r y a n d M a r y A n n McKenna, charter parishioners of Holy Family church in Grand Forks, celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary Nov. 3. They were married at Sacred Heart church in Cando. They have five children, 10 grandchildren and two grandchildren.

Weigels celebrate 62nd anniversary

Frank and Frances Weigel celebrated 62 years of marriage Nov. 8. They have been blessed with nine children, 20 grandchildren, and 10 great-grandchildren. They are parishioners of St. Andrews Catholic church in Zeeland.

Delores Desautel celebrates her 95th birthday

Delores Desautel celebrated her 95th birthday Sep. 27. She is a former parishioner of 67 years of St. John’s Church in Grafton and is currently a resident at Valley Eldercare in Grand Forks. She has four children, four grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Delores enjoys being close to family and being a part of their lives and celebrations.



Life’s milestones Edwin Goeser celebrates 90th birthday

Edwin Goeser celebrated his 90th birthday on July 13. He has been married to Iona Goeser for 59 years and is a parishioner of St. Mary’s church in Munich. On July 16 a family reunion was held celebrating his birthday with his five children and their families including 10 grandchildren and 10 great-grandchildren. He is a former parishioner of St. Boniface’s church of Calio.

Rose Mitzel celebrates 100th birthday

Rose Mitzel will celebrate her 100th birthday Nov. 28. She and her husband, Fred, moved off the farm in 1981 to live in Edgeley. Fred passed away in 1994, and she resided in their home until she was 90. They were parishioners of Transfiguration church in Edgeley for many years. Rose recently moved to Ave Maria Village in Jamestown. She has 11 children.

A special collection will be gathered at all Masses Nov. 20 for Black and Indian Missions. Your generosity allows the mission to give helpful grants to dioceses across the country to operate schools, parishes and other missionary services that build the Body of Christ in Native American, Alaska Native, and Black Catholic communities.

A special collection will be gathered at all Masses Dec. 11 for the Retirement Fund for Religious. Across the United States, hundreds of religious communities lack financial resources sufficient to meet retirement and health-care needs of aging religious. Your generosity helps religious communities provide for the current and future needs of senior members.



STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION (Act of August 12, 1970: Section 3685) Title 39, United States Code

1. Title of Publication: New Earth. 2. Publication No. 0009526. 3. Date of Filing: October 2016. 4. Frequency of Issue: Monthly, except August. 5. No. of Issues Published Annually: 11. 6. Annual Subscription Price: $9.00. 7. Complete Address of Known Office of Publication: The Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104. 8. Complete Mailing Address of the Headquarters of General Business Offices of the Publisher: The Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104. 9. Names and Address of the Publisher, Editor, and Managing Editor. Publisher: Bishop John T. Folda, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104. Editor: Paul Braun, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104. 10. Owner: The Diocese of Fargo, 5201 Bishops Blvd., Suite A, Fargo, ND 58104. 11. Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: None. 12. For completion by Nonprofit Organizations Authorized to mail at special rates (Section 132.122 Postal Service Manual): The purpose, function and non-profit status of this organization and the exempt status for Federal Income Tax purposes have not changed during the preceding 12 months. 13. Publication Name: New Earth. 14. Issue Date for Circulation Data Below: October 2016. 15. Extent and Nature of Circulation:

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Paul Braun, Editor NEW EARTH NOVEMBER 2016


Connect with parishes at fall and Christmas gatherings Oaks: St. Charles church is hosting their annual fall dinner on Nov. 13 at 11 a.m. Menu includes turkey with all the trimmings. Adults $12, students age 6-12 $7, age 5 and under free. Contact parish at (701) 742-2418. Fargo: Sts. Anne and Joachim church is hosting their fall festival Nov. 13 from 4-7 p.m. Menu includes pork roast, mashed potatoes, green beans, stuffing, coleslaw, dinner roll and dessert. Adults $10, children $5. Country store, basket raffle, farmers market, children’s games, bingo and cake walk. Raffle to win a new car! Contact parish at (701) 235-5757.

West Fargo: The Christmas Cantata “Come Let Us Adore” created by Russell Mauldin and Sue C. Smith will be performed Dec. 10 at 7:30 p.m. and Dec. 11 at 3 pm, at Holy Cross church, featuring a choir, orchestra and handbells. This year’s performance will also include a drama called “Close to Christmas.” A free will offering will be collected during the performances with proceeds benefiting Holy Cross music ministry. Contact (701) 282-7217.

Christ the King Retreat Center Buffalo, Minnesota

West Fargo: Holy Cross parish is hosting their 7th Annual Holiday Collections Craft Fair Dec. 3 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Explore 75+ booths for your holiday shopping. Admission is a canned or boxed food item. All proceeds go to the new Holy Cross Mary rosary garden. Contact (701) 277-9681. Milnor: St. Arnold’s church will host its annual Christmas Party Dec. 7, from 4:15-7 p.m. Homemade candies, cookies, lefse and other holiday goodies for sale plus Christmas basket raffles. Contact parish at (701) 427-9288.

The readers of New Earth are cordially invited to a beautiful inexpensive lakeside retreat of wonderful relaxation and spiritual rejuvenation. The theme for the retreat is “Reawakening Hope.” For a free brochure please call 763-682-1394, email, or visit us at

Giver of compassion and healing, Monsignor Wendelyn Vetter dies age 83


he Reverend Monsignor Wendelyn Vetter, 83, an international model for helping separated, divorced priest of the Diocese of Fargo and resident and widowed people overcome their losses. He often of Grand Forks, passed away Oct. 20 in the reflected on his ministry saying, “BE helped me to Transitional Care Unit of Valley Eldercare Center grow the most.” in Grand Forks. In 1995, in recognition of Father Vetter’s Wendelyn Vetter was born Oct. 5, 1933 faithfulness and devotion to the Catholic Faith in Strasburg the son of Michael and Mary and the Church, he was named Prelate of Honor (Schumacher) Vetter. He grew up on a farm south of his Holiness with the title of Monsignor. He of Napoleon and spent his seminary years at retired from active ministry in June 2006. In St. John’s University, Collegeville, Minn. and St. his retirement, he resided at St. Michael’s Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minn. Catholic Church in Grand Forks and helped at St. Michael’s, St. Anne’s Guest Home and Villa St. Father Wndelyn Vetter was ordained a priest Vincent in Crookston, Minn. He brought Christ’s for the Diocese of Fargo on June 4, 1960 at St. love, compassion and healing to his people as a Anthony’s Parish, rural Napoleon. He served the pastor and through the BE program. Diocese of Fargo in many and varied capacities during his 56 years as a priest. He served in the parishes of St. He is survived by his brothers, James (Ardis) James, Jamestown; Holy Spirit, Fargo; St. Agnes, Hunter; Vetter, Fargo; Daniel (Vivian) Vetter, Aberdeen, S.D.; Holy Family, Grand Forks; Chaplain at Sacred Heart Convent, Clarence (Betty) Vetter, Kindred; sisters, Mary Ann (Cy) Votava, Fargo; St. Anthony of Padua, Fargo; St. Maurice, Kindred; St. Grand Forks; Loretta (Roger) Rasmussen, Bismarck; sisters-inRose of Lima, Hillsboro; Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Reynolds; law, Rose (Mrs. William) Vetter, Fargo; Diane (Mrs. Michael) and St. Michael’s, Grand Forks. Vetter, Hamilton, Mont.; many nieces, nephews, great-nieces, Also, he served the diocese as faculty at Shanley High School great-nephews and the priests of the Diocese of Fargo. and Cardinal Muench Seminary, both in Fargo. He also served in He was preceded in death by his parents; brothers William various official capacities including, the Diocesan Chancery and and Michael Jr.; and infant sisters Pauline and Magdelene. the Marriage Tribunal, dealing with annulments. His ministry Mass of Christian Burial was held Oct. 24 at St. Michael’s with The Tribunal inspired him to heal the wounds caused by Church, Grand Forks and a Memorial Mass was held Oct. 25 at separation, widowhood and divorce. In 1978, he was instrumental St. Philip Neri Church in Napoleon. Monsignor Vetter is buried in starting Beginning Experience (BE). This program has become at St. Philip Neri Catholic Cemetery, Napoleon. 28


We Remember A call to pray for those who have gone before us

Please remember in prayer the faithful departed from our parishes, our diocese and throughout the world. Included are those who passed away between Oct. 15, 2015 and Oct. 15, 2016. If your loved one was not included in this list, we will include them in the Dec. 2016 issue.

DIOCESE OF FARGO Deacon: Deacon Conrad Schuster-June 16, 2016. Religious: Sr. Mary Rosaria Action, PBVM-Jan. 3, 2016; Sr. Antonine Foy, PBVM-Jan. 30, 2016; Sr. Carolyn Althoff, OSFMar. 1, 2016; Sr. M. Magdalen Schann, OSF-Mar. 7, 2016; Sr. Francis Anne Bellemare, SMP-June 7, 2016; Sr. Bernadette Jaeger, OSF-Aug. 12, 2016; Sr. Marie Leona Dostaler, SMPSep. 17, 2016. ALCIDE - St. Anthony’s Catholic Church: Elaine R. Baker-Oct. 16, 2015; Rose M. Allery-Jan. 14, 2016; Brenda Parisien-Jan. 24, 2016; Michael J. Page-Jan. 25, 2016; Roxanne Moors-Feb. 5, 2016; Marvin L. Morin-Mar. 5, 2016; Bruce F. Nadeau-Mar. 12, 2016; Anthony Poitra-Mar. 15, 2016; Niko Short-Mar. 19, 2016; Shirley Morin-Mar. 28, 2016; Frank LaRocque-May 4, 2016; Louis J. Roussin-May 7, 2016; Roland Desjarlais, Sr.-May 19, 2016; Fred A. Demery, Sr.-May 24, 2016; Merlin E. Falcon-May 31, 2016; Raymond L. AzureJune 6, 2016; Tonna M. LaFromboise-July 21, 2016; Kenneth J. LaVallie-Aug. 1, 2016; Nora Jeanotte-Aug. 10, 2016; Stella DeCoteau-Powell-Aug. 15, 2016; Dwight P. Charbonneau, Sr.-Aug. 22, 2016; David C. Allery-Sep. 22, 2016. ANETA - Sacred Heart Catholic Church: Leona Kueber-Bergevin-Dec. 29, 2015. ASHLEY - St. David’s Catholic Church: Mary Bosh-Jan. 2, 2016.

BALTA - Our Lady of Mt. Carmel’s Catholic Church: Pauline M. Goetz-Nov. 7, 2015; Frances Schmaltz-Dec. 27, 2015; Michael J. Schneider-Aug. 9, 2016. BECHYNE - Sts. Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church: James T. Shirek-Jun 25, 2016. BELCOURT - St. Ann’s Catholic Church: Bradley W. Carrington-Oct. 18, 2015; Edward “Eddie King” Johnson-Nov. 1, 2015; Sue Boucher-Nov. 10, 2015; Aidyn Kom-Nov. 14, 2015; Mike V. Vann-Nov. 26, 2015; Beulah McCloud-Nov. 26, 2015; Clifford “Porky” Martell-Nov. 28, 2015; Maria Boyer-Dec. 10, 2015; Lloyd J. Delorme-Dec. 14, 2015; Lee Lahini C. Blue-Dec. 19, 2015; Joseph A. Morin-Jan. 1, 2016; Georgia V. Peach-Jan. 3, 2016; James D. Peach-Jan. 4, 2016; Autumn R. Gourneau-Jan. 24, 2016; Steven Charette, Jr.-Jan. 25, 2016; James M. Enno-Jan. 26, 2016; Kaylee J. Houle-Feb. 13, 2016; Dorothy E. Balucki-Feb. 14, 2016; John Patnaude-Feb. 18, 2016; Daniel Azure-Mar. 16, 2016; Raymond P. Dionne -Mar. 23, 2016; Dustin V. Peltier-Apr. 2, 2016; Elmer Poitra-Apr. 21, 2016; Donna Brown-Apr. 22, 2016; Steven “Chick” Allard -Apr. 28, 2016; Brekken Tessman-Apr. 30, 2016; Ernest Thomas-May 8, 2016; Doris M. DeCoteau-May 14, 2016; Joshua D. Langan-May 20, 2016; Robin L. Langan-May 20, 2016; Edwin M. Falcon-May 22, 2016; Dwight Azure-July 5, 2016; Dennis Belgarde-July 6, 2016; Lacohn R. Wilkie-July 9, 2016; Brenda A. Nadeau-July 10, 2016; Frank J. Baker-July 12, 2016; Mark P. Belgarde-July 13, 2016; Dennis C. Anderson -July 15, 2016; Stylz L. Morin-July 16, 2016; Bryne Bercier-July 20, 2016; Dale Brien-Aug. 13, 2016; Jessica L. Greatwalker-Aug. 15, 2016; Mary E. Wilkie-Aug. 17, 2016; Lucenda “Juggie” Morin-Sep. 2, 2016; James C. St. Claire-Sep. 3, 2016; Felix Wallette-Sep. 5, 2016; Patrick Brunelle III- Sep. 23, 2016. BOTTINEAU - St. Mark’s Catholic Church: Ronald Forschen-Feb. 25, 2016; Betty Janzen-Mar 11, 2016; NEW EARTH NOVEMBER 2016


Lucille Peterson-Mar. 16, 2016; Cecilia Dolezal-Apr. 4, 2016; Wilma Kofoid-May 15, 2016; Aime Vandal-May 30, 2016; Duane Sebelius-July 1, 2016; Elaine Sivertson-Sep. 17, 2016.

Richard Steenerson-Oct. 20, 2015; Chester Kalka-Dec. 26, 2015; Donald Staskivige, Sr.-May 10, 2016; Daniel J. Rudnick-Sep. 23, 2016.

BUFFALO - St. Thomas Catholic Church: Theresa A. Killoran-Sep. 2, 2016.

DUNSEITH - St. Michael the Archangel’s Catholic Church: Rick Gunville-Oct. 25, 2015; Edward Peltier-Oct. 27, 2015.

CANDO - Sacred Heart Catholic Church: Edward L. Goergen-Jan. 14, 2016; Gary D. Johnson-Feb. 18, 2016; Joanne F. Knudson-Mar. 26, 2016; Pearl Krueger-May 25, 2016; Leroy J. Vandal-May 25, 2016; Rose Hermann-Sep. 11, 2016; Edward W. Koshney-Sep. 20, 2016; George T. Freud-Oct. 16, 2016.

EDGELEY - Transfiguration Catholic Church: Wade Rademacher-Dec. 12, 2015; Anna Gefre-Apr. 18, 2016.

CARRINGTON - Sacred Heart Catholic Church: Clara M. Vetsch-Nov. 23, 2015; Kenneth Fruhwirth-Dec. 2, 2015; Rose Tollefson-Jan. 7, 2016; Elizabeth “Betty” WinandyFeb. 29, 2016; Ellen Sherman-Mar. 23, 2016; Patricia Merriman -Apr. 7, 2016; Eleanor Sondag-May 9, 2016; Vincent N. SchmitMay 26, 2016; Marie Haster-Sep. 15, 2016; Lynn BauerOct. 11, 2016; James “Jim” Carr-Oct. 15, 2016.

ELLENDALE - St. Helena’s Catholic Church: Ursula “Toni” Betting-Apr. 9, 2016; W. Elaine Casey-Sep. 29, 2016; Glenn Graves-Oct. 9, 2016. ENDERLIN - St. Patrick’s Catholic Church: James Dammen-Feb. 12, 2016; Leo Schall-May 31, 2016; Kevin W. Muscha-July 18, 2016; Douglas L. Groth-Aug. 12, 2016.

CASSELTON - St. Leo’s Catholic Church: Margarette E. Schmidt-Jan. 27, 2016; Dorothy S. KapaunFeb. 6, 2016; Margaret M. Baumler-Apr. 14, 2016; Mary M. Stautz-Sep. 15, 2016; Timothy P. Barnes-Sep. 20, 2016. CAVALIER - St. Brigid of Ireland’s Catholic Church: Laverne “Bonnie” A. Jeffords-Nov. 22, 2015; Deloris Quam-Jan. 25, 2016; Barbara Ermer-June 7, 2016. CAYUGA - Sts. Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church: John W. Young-Dec. 12, 2015. COOPERSTOWN - St. George’s Catholic Church: Allen Kenninger-Dec. 13, 2015. CRYSTAL - St. Patrick’s Catholic Church: Esther Pessler-June 26, 2016. DAZEY - St. Mary’s Catholic Church: Larry Gruman-Nov. 9, 2015. DEVILS LAKE - St. Joseph’s Catholic Church: Catherine Wentz-Oct. 20, 2015; Viola “Frost” M. SchneiderOct. 28, 2015; Marie E. Ripplinger-Nov. 10, 2015; Wendelin “Wendy” T. Senger-Nov. 18, 2015; Rose WirthNov. 27, 2015; Joseph “Joe” Ahad-Dec. 11, 2015; Donald J. Regan-Dec. 29, 2015; Alphonsus M. WagnerFeb. 4, 2016; Cynthia “Cyndee” L. Hansen-Feb. 7, 2016; Thomas “Tom” L. Vilandre-Feb. 8, 2016; Leo E. KraftFeb. 14, 2016; Charles A. Korb-Feb. 20, 2016; Agnes Halvorson -Feb. 24, 2016; John P. Schneider-Mar. 2, 2016; Marjorie A. Miller -Mar. 11, 2016; Marie Ridley-Mar. 17, 2016; Robert “Bob” E. Alvestad-Mar. 27, 2016; Rosie M. Wentz-Mar. 28, 2016; Raymond “Ray” J. Kraft-Apr. 10, 2016; Leonard P. SchwabApr. 19, 2016; Betty J. Berg-Apr. 22, 2016; Elizabeth “Betty” Dosch -Apr. 25, 2016; Julius W. Senger-Apr. 28, 2016; Cecil J. Miller-June 15, 2016; Kathryn “Kay” Hermann-June 16, 2016; Thomas “Goose” W. Greening-July 1, 2016; Anita G Plemel -July 6, 2016; Arlene Klemisch-Aug. 13, 2016; Terrell “Tee” L. Sullivan-Aug. 18, 2016; Yvonne Schwab-Aug. 19, 2016; Johanna Hovland-Aug. 29, 2016; Susan M. Bingham-Oct. 5, 2016. DICKEY - Assumption Catholic Church: Renee Schmoker-Nov. 7, 2015. DRAYTON - St. Edward’s Catholic Church: 30


Grand Forks (Paul Braun | New Earth)

ESMOND - St. Boniface Catholic Church: Daniel C. Hoffart-Nov. 24, 2015; Sebastian “Buckshot” F. Hoffner -Dec. 17, 2015; Reuben Brown-Mar. 30, 2016; Sylvia A Leier-June 21, 2016; Katherine Wolfe-July 9, 2016; Henry S. Pfeifer-Sep. 7, 2016. FARGO - Sts. Anne and Joachim’s Catholic Church: Alivia L. Plutowski-Oct. 28, 2015; George A Ugland-Jan. 3, 2016; Sylvia J. Calkins-Mar. 16, 2016; Elizabeth Ann “Lizzy” Ostby-Apr. 26, 2016; James D. Kuchera-May 12, 2016; Matthew Thomas Traynor-June 4, 2016; Eileen SologukAug. 5, 2016; Mary Louis Timlin Magill-Aug. 23, 2016; Paul Jerome Gravel-Aug. 28, 2016; Ruby Faustina Shultz -Aug. 31, 2016; Clement Nissko-Sep. 14, 2016; Dale Chilson -Sep. 19, 2016; Gisela S. Nobel-Oct. 1, 2016; Joan M. Schultz -Oct. 20, 2016. FARGO - St. Anthony of Padua’s Catholic Church: Adrienne Sullivan-Nov. 3, 2015; Ann Johnson-Nov. 23, 2015; Vivian Nayes-Nov. 25, 2015; Duane Hodges-Dec. 10, 2015; Betty A. Butler-Dec. 13, 2015; Margaret Burgess-Jan. 11, 2016; Justin Reynolds-Jan. 16, 2016; Karl Helfter-Feb. 1, 2016;

Don McAllister-Feb. 26, 2016; Marcell A. Grandbois-Mar. 10, 2016; James Noehl-Mar. 29, 2016; Sandra Ryan-Apr. 21, 2016; Harold Heley-Apr. 25, 2016; Robert F. Leibhan-May 4, 2016; Robert Carr-May 10, 2016; Morris Doyle-June 3, 2016; Margaret “ Marge” Templin-June 6, 2016; Julie C. LambJune 14, 2016; Donald J. Duval-June 26, 2016; Otilia “Tillie” PerezJuly 6, 2016; James Sakellson-July 18, 2016; John “DJ” Guerrero -July 29, 2016; Thong Van Huynh-Aug. 22, 2016; Clarence Schaffer-Sep. 8, 2016; Joan Kamranian-Sep. 12, 2016; Joan Mitchell-Oct. 4, 2016; Rosella Mae “Joey” Oslie-Oct. 11, 2016. FARGO - Holy Spirit Catholic Church: Rita Ruud-Nov. 19, 2015; Daniel F. Dullea-Dec. 1, 2015; Allen F. Perius-Dec. 12, 2015; Carolyn Van Raden-Dec. 25, 2015; Knute “Lanny” Henning-Jan. 24, 2016; Yvette Montplaisir Feb. 6, 2016; RaeAnn Lehse-Feb. 12, 2016; James “Jim” Pettinger -Feb. 14, 2016; Thomas R. Gust-Feb. 23, 2016; Lloyd “Bud” Williams-Mar. 8, 2016; Duane A. Strang-Mar. 28, 2016; Mary Degelder-Apr. 1, 2016; Pearl Byrne-Apr. 3, 2016; Mary J. Becker-Apr. 5, 2016; Irene Wanzek-Apr. 10, 2016; Catherine Kupperion-May 3, 2016; Bob Knight-May 24, 2016; Catherine McMaines-June 27, 2016; Edward Gorrilla -July 7, 2016; Colleen L. Hare-Aug. 8, 2016; Victor D. Klassen-Aug. 12, 2016; Hugh J. McDonald-Oct. 9, 2016. FARGO - Cathedral of St. Mary: Oliver Berg-Nov. 27, 2015; Lucille Germaine-Dec. 21, 2015; Frances Swanson-Jan. 2, 2016; Lorna “Laurie” Muhle-Jan. 9, 2016; Evelyn S. Fischer-Jan. 12, 2016; James Conneran-Jan. 22, 2016; Jeanette Fletcher-Jan. 30, 2016; Doranna Robertson-Mar. 20, 2016; David Kapaun-Mar. 31, 2016; Matthew Harris-Apr. 15, 2016; Vern Grommesh-May 11, 2016; Bruce Neisius-May 25, 2016; Vernon S. Muhle, Sr.-June 2, 2016; Robert B. Sherman-June 8, 2016; James H. Flaherty, Sr.-July 8, 2016; Randall “Randy” Harms-Oct. 10, 2016. FARGO - Nativity Catholic Church: Lawrence Kraft-Oct. 15, 2015; Everett Schumacher-Oct. 19, 2015; Beverly Moran-Nov. 8, 2015; Peggy Sweeney-Nov. 10, 2015; Leona Hilsendager-Dec. 5, 2015; Irene Gunkel-Jan. 24, 2016; John Meyer-Jan. 25, 2016; Michele “Mitsy” Knoll-Feb. 12, 2016; Joyce Lordeman-Feb. 21, 2016; Connie Hunder-Feb. 22, 2016; Charles Parker-Mar. 16, 2016; Andrew Cossette-Mar. 29, 2016; Diane Rogne-Mar. 29, 2016; Orel Nicklawsky-Apr. 4, 2016; Mildred “Millie” Bach-Apr. 9, 2016; Terry Knoepfle-Apr. 28, 2016; Richard Akers-May 2, 2016; Theresa Brunelle-May 11, 2016; Robert Berceau-May 19, 2016; Amanda May-June 30, 2016; Steven Leibfried-July 7, 2016; DeLaine Kuebler-July 11, 2016; James Neavill-July 14, 2016; Matthew Fritz-July 17, 2016; Douglas Hansen-July 30, 2016; Janice Dollinger-Aug. 2, 2016; LouAnn Olien-Aug. 8, 2016; Timothy Davies-Sep. 1, 2016; Wallace Solum-Sep. 7, 2016; Leo Kelsh-Sep. 16, 2016; Rosa Fendt-Sep. 18, 2016; Michelle Ross-Sep. 20, 2016; Lawrence Leonhart-Oct. 2, 2016; Roland Mohn-Oct. 8, 2016; Ronald Hoffart-Oct. 10, 2016; Anthony “Tony” Von RuedenOct. 10, 2016. FINGAL - Holy Trinity Catholic Church: Joshua Ertelt-Feb. 26, 2016. FINLEY - St. Olaf’s Catholic Church: Donald Bergenheier-July 24, 2016. FORMAN - St. Mary’s Catholic Church:

Patricia “Trish” M. Harms-Aug. 20, 2016; Phyllis M. Sjothun -Sep. 3, 2016; Donald G. Zirnhelt-Sep. 5, 2016. FORT TOTTEN - Seven Dolors Catholic Mission: Theresa M Charboneau-Aug. 5, 2016. FULLERTON - St. Patrick’s Catholic Church: Clifford Glynn-June 3, 2016; Florence Ulmer-Aug. 5, 2016. GENESEO - St. Martin of Tours Catholic Church: Bruce Paczkowski-Aug. 6, 2016; Jason Siemieniewski-Sep. 12, 2016. GRAND FORKS - Holy Family Catholic Church: Travis Vorachek-Nov. 6, 2015; James Haus-Nov. 7, 2015; Harold Gustafson-May 24, 2016; Sherril A. Slominski-June 25, 2016; Helen M. Bogan-Sep. 7, 2016; Doris Hart-Sep. 14, 2016; Vernon Wick-Oct. 8, 2016; Doreen Wall-Oct. 15, 2016. GRAND FORKS - St. Michael’s Catholic Church: Eugene E. Bertsch-Oct. 17, 2015; Luaine Andrys-Oct. 18, 2015; Mary Kay Marsh-Oct. 27, 2015; Ronald A. Roth, Sr.-Nov. 3, 2015; Peggy E. Konze-Bartlette-Nov. 14, 2015; Ginger Rieger -Nov. 16, 2015; Charles “Chuck” C. Randall-Jan. 3, 2016; Aubri Hilliard-Jan. 12, 2016; George Chaput-Jan. 18, 2016; Joseph “Little Joey” P. Jordan, Jr.-Jan. 25, 2016; Clarion Lunski-Jan. 29, 2016; Abraham “Abe” S Knaus-Jan. 31, 2016; Beth E. Kasprick-Feb. 3, 2016; Philip Whalen-Feb. 14, 2016; Vivian Dohman-Feb. 27, 2016; Robert “Bob” P. Buckley, Jr.-Mar. 9, 2016; Ruben J. ObregonMar. 18, 2016; Grace Swatlowski -Apr. 1, 2016; Frank L. BrantApr. 6, 2016; JoAnne M. Mozinski -Apr. 22, 2016; Ruth “Marge” Meagher-May 29, 2016; Lynn J. McLarenMay 30, 2016; Delores E. Paschke-June 7, 2016; Daniel Worman-June 12, 2016; Dale T. Fontaine-June 12, 2016; Richard “Dick” Bonlie-June 23, 2016; Michael “Minnow” E. Bushaw-July 8, 2016; Donna Mae E. Kuchar-July 8, 2016; Bernadette Mortrud-July 11, 2016; Ronald P. Kuntz-July 13, 2016; Michael P. Hettwer-Aug. 4, 2016; Lois A. Melland-Aug. 8, 2016; Lois K. Buckley-Aug. 13, 2016; Elizabeth Alvarado-Aug. 24, 2016; John J. Kraft-Sep. 9, 2016; Joyce A. Fladeland-Sep. 10, 2016; Daniel E. Dubuque-Sep. 10, 2016; Joseph R. Miller-Sep. 15, 2016; Ignatz “Ned” Brossart-Sep. 20, 2016. GRAND FORKS - St. Mary’s Catholic Church: Patricia E. Gelinas-Dec. 5, 2015; George W. Widman-Dec. 8, 2015; Roger J. Stygar-Dec. 20, 2015; Donald G. Herbeck-Jan. 10, 2016; John T. Hughes-Jan. 11, 2016; Clara C. Zacher-Jan. 19, 2016; Lawrence “Larry” R. Cobert-Jan. 27, 2016; Dorothy M. Demarais Feb. 24, 2016; David J. Evenson-Mar. 7, 2016; Kathryn RieleyMar. 30, 2016; Judy A. Gornowicz-Apr. 8, 2016; Adella “Del” M. Steffl-Apr. 18, 2016; Elmer G. Bannach-Apr. 20, 2016; Ellen R. Tetrault-Apr. 29, 2016; Evelyn McCarty -July 8, 2016; Luverne “Russ” A Russell-July 14, 2016; Catherine A. Nagle -Sep. 5, 2016; Theresa M. Hoffart-Sep. 28, 2016; Ramona A. Minner -Oct. 6, 2016; Sylvia M. Norlin-Oct. 12, 2016. GRAFTON - St. John the Evangelist’s Catholic Church: Robert Robinson-Oct. 29, 2015; James Bailey-Oct. 31, 2015; Edward Rose-Nov. 2, 2015; Lawrence Credit-Nov. 25, 2015; Margaret Campbell-Dec. 3, 2015; Donna Oihus-Dec. 10, 2015; Rita Sass-Dec. 16, 2015; Doyle Alden Strahs-Dec. 28, 2015; Mary “Colleen” Prondzinski-Jan. 14, 2016; Frank Aasand-Jan. 15, 2016; Leonard Delorme-Jan. 20, 2016; Maria “Mary” Jimenez-Jan. 24, 2016; Anita LeBerge-Apr. 1, 2016; Jose Contreras-Apr. 7, 2016; Keith Pederson-Apr. 7, 2016; NEW EARTH NOVEMBER 2016


Edna Teevens-Apr. 13, 2016; Joyce Moran-Apr. 17, 2016; Lillian Martin-Apr. 23, 2016; John “Jack” Pederson-May 2, 2016; Dorothy Martell-May 2, 2016; Earl Machart-May 20, 2016; Martha Patocka-June 1, 2016; Leigh Brandt-June 29, 2016; Donna Gehrtz-July 5, 2016; Archie Bina-July 23, 2016; Raymond Charlton, Sr.-July 28, 2016; Dolores DesautelAug. 27, 2016; Stanley Kennelly-Sep. 9, 2016; Martha Campbell-Sep. 17, 2016; Norvin Elbert-Sep. 17, 2016.

2016; Ronald G. Splitt-Feb. 17, 2016; Dorothy A. Sarbaum Aug. 25, 2016; Ardis L. Aberle-Sep. 13, 2016; James M. PottsSep. 29, 2016. Anamoose (Paul Braun | New Earth)

HARVEY - St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church: Nora Nitz-Nov. 20, 2015; John Weinmann-Dec. 18, 2015; Kevin Goldade-Dec. 25, 2015; Dennis Sautner-Jan. 5, 2016; Walter Streifel-Feb. 21, 2016; Beverly Vetter-Mar. 6, 2016; Leo Rutten-Apr. 4, 2016; Walter Bachmeier-Apr. 27, 2016; Frank Faller-Apr. 27, 2016; Kenneth Goldade-Aug. 17, 2016; Pearl M. Zerr-Aug. 24, 2016; Betty Kraft-Aug. 30, 2016; Peter P. Schall-Sep. 7, 2016. HILLSBORO - St. Rose of Lima’s Catholic Church: Christy Boeddeker-Oct. 20, 2015; Virgil McNamee-Mar. 14, 2016. JAMESTOWN - St. James Basilica: Mary F. Young-Nov. 14, 2015; Joanne A. Lorenz-Nov. 21, 2015; Wayne C Deery Sr-Dec. 14, 2015; Roger M. Starkey-Dec. 31, 2015; Lois “Chic” A. Heer-Jan. 2, 2016; Shane B. Larson-Jan. 7, 2016; Prakseda “Proxie” Dick-Jan. 7, 2016; LaVerne M. Qual-Jan. 13, 2016; Ardella E. Dockter-Jan. 19, 2016; Donna L. Heer-Jan. 21, 2016; Eve Schonauer-Feb. 3, 2016; James K. Harty Sr.-Feb. 5, 2016; Coltt W. DeCoteau-Feb. 7, 2016; Gary A. Hanson -Feb. 11, 2016; Bernice T. Fousek-Feb. 17, 2016; Richard A. Hammer -Feb. 27, 2016; Melvin E. Wegner-Mar. 6, 2016; Pamilla Schauer -Mar. 15, 2016; Maurice L. Johnson-Mar. 17, 2016; Jackie TewsMar. 21, 2016; Donald C. Schrader-Mar. 22, 2016; Edna “Peg” Pokorny-Apr. 3, 2016; Rita Thomas-Apr. 13, 2016; Daniel J. Zimney, Sr.-May 11, 2016; Kenneth V. DeCoteau-May 16, 2016; Christopher Roach-May 22, 2016; Stephen H. Richards -June 12, 2016; Josh M. Mering-June 18, 2016; Maria Grinsteiner -June 27, 2016; Dorothy L Carlascio-June 28, 2016; Marvin L. Tokach-July 3, 2016; Beulah M. Hoffart-July 12, 2016; Frank Bosch-Aug. 17, 2016; Duane Brophy-Aug. 23, 2016; Gladys E. Fercho-Aug. 27, 2016; Timothy M. Klose-Sep. 10, 2016; Sadie A. Hagan-Sep. 13, 2016; Colleen L. Davis-Sep. 21, 2016; John F. Balster-Oct. 14, 2016. JESSIE - St. Lawrence Catholic Church: Betty Pound-Dec. 25, 2015; Bernard Zimprich-Feb. 28, 2016; Genevieve Zimprich-June 28, 2016. KARLSRUHE - Sts. Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church: Steven Voeller-Aug. 18, 2016. KENSAL - St. John’s Catholic Church: Charles Ramer-Nov. 15, 2015. Thomas Messmer-July 20, 2016. KINDRED - St. Maurice Catholic Church: Vicki L. Schmit-Jan. 16, 2016; Kent Bartl-Apr. 2, 2016. KNOX - St. Mary’s Catholic Church: Elsie Black-Sep. 15, 2016. LAKOTA - St. Mary of the Assumption Catholic Church: Deloris Uriell-Jan. 10, 2016; Esther G. Schuh-Feb. 5, 2016; Phillip Pesek-June 8, 2016. LAMOURE - Holy Rosary Catholic Church: Ralph “Fred” Evert-Dec. 23, 2015; LuVerne G. Mangin-Feb. 7, 32


LANGDON - St. Alphonsus Catholic Church: Stanford Slama-Oct. 16, 2015; Lloyd “Ted” Hall-Dec. 4, 2015; Elmer Schneider-Jan. 5, 2016; Gladys Lorenz-Jan 14, 2016; Rose Mullarkey-Jan. 15, 2016; Bernard “Ole” KoehmstedtJan. 16, 2016; Jim Hansel-Feb. 11, 2016; Kathleen Delvo-Feb. 11, 2016; Julie Feil-Feb. 22, 2016; Cheryl Condon-Mar. 22, 2016; Keith Mack-Apr. 4, 2016; Betty Laturnus-Apr. 12, 2016; Margaret Heck-Apr. 17, 2016; Jean Fisk-Apr. 19, 2016; Cheryl Ballweg-Apr. 30, 2016; Patricia Metzger-June 10, 2016; Doloris Keaveny-July 1, 2016; Stella Brown-Aug. 27, 2016; Margret Rueger-Aug. 28, 2016; Della Metzger-Sep. 1, 2016; Vivian Crawford-Sep. 12, 2016; Edna Waslaski-Sep. 12, 2016; Norbert Hiltner-Sep 14, 2016; Joseph Tholkes-Oct. 9, 2016. LANKIN - St. Joseph’s Catholic Church: Loretta P. McLaughlin-Oct. 15, 2015; Kaye Swartz-Nov. 4, 2015; Elaine Brodina-May 2, 2016; Leo J. Bosh-May 12, 2016; Iona I. Verke-Aug. 9, 2016. LARIMORE - St. Stephen’s Catholic Church: Jacqueline Farrell-Nov. 4, 2015; Francis Beard-Nov. 11, 2015; Bonnie Farrell-Dec. 22, 2015; Ilah Sullivan-Apr. 21, 2016. LIDGERWOOD - St. Boniface Catholic Church: Francis P. Arth-Feb. 15, 2016; Dorothy A. Haase-Mar. 3, 2016; Dorothy A. Thielman-Mar. 7, 2016; Eugene W. NovotnyApr. 7, 2016; Margaret A. Lyon-Apr. 27, 2016; Gary E. Scheffler-July 14, 2016. LISBON - St. Aloysius Catholic Church: John W. Wolters-Nov. 24, 2015; Jeannine H. Robert-Dec. 20, 2015; Gordon L. Evenson Jr.-Feb. 15, 2016; Gloriann “Googs” Roach-Mar 8, 2016; Myrtle L. WoltersMar. 9, 2016; Joseph “Joey” R. Haecherl-Mar. 9, 2016; Kaye A. Louden-Mar. 13, 2016. MANTADOR - Sts. Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church: Mary Goerger-Oct. 11, 2015.

MANVEL - St. Timothy’s Catholic Church: Anne J. Etherton-Aug. 3, 2016.

ROLLA - St. Joachim’s Catholic Church: Virginia A. Boucher-Sep. 1, 2016.

MAYVILLE - Our Lady of Peace Catholic Church: Jean M. Capouch-Apr. 10, 2016; Don Cannon-June 3, 2016; Jennifer “Jenny” Karboviak-June 7, 2016.

RUGBY - St. Therese the Little Flower’s Catholic Church: Carl L. Duchscher-Oct. 15, 2015; Margaret C. Brossart-Oct. 25, 2015; Marscida Bachmeier-Oct. 30, 2015; Gerald E. Halverson -Nov. 23, 2015; Kristi S. Erickson-Dec. 7, 2015; Theresa A. Bachmeier-Jan. 3, 2016; Patricia R. Sattler-Jan. 20, 2016; Rose M. Heintz-Feb. 15, 2016; Agatha Mattern -Feb. 22, 2016; Anton Senger-Mar. 19, 2016; Richard Bickler -May 17, 2016; Bradley D. Cichos-May 28, 2016; Carol Houim-June 2, 2016; Lorraine H. Axtman-Sep. 14, 2016; Bernice Leier-Sep. 20, 2016.

MCHENRY - Sts. Peter and Paul’s Catholic Church: Evanelle Miska-Nov. 2, 2015; Arthur K. Bartlett-Dec. 19, 2015. MEDINA - St. Mary’s Catholic Church: LeRoy E. Flegel-Jan. 2, 2016; Gladys McGruder-Aug. 28, 2016. MICHIGAN - St. Lawrence O’Toole’s Catholic Church: Thomas Riely-Mar. 19, 2016; Margaret D. Berdahl-Sep. 11, 2016. MILNOR - St. Arnold’s Catholic Church: Eugene C. Gregor-Nov. 9, 2015. MINTO - Sacred Heart Catholic Church: Frank E. Kurtyka-Nov. 23, 2015; Casmer S. Miskavige-Jan. 15, 2016; Elsie M. Klitz-Mar. 24, 2016; Dorothy G. Slominski-Apr. 28, 2016; Michael N. Slivicki-June 6, 2016; Kay J. TherouxJune 15, 2016.

SELZ - St. Anthony’s Catholic Church: Marie E. Lesmeister-May 14, 2016. SHELDON - Our Lady of the Scapular’s Catholic Church: Marian Bartholomay-Nov. 24, 2015.

MUNICH - St. Mary’s Catholic Church: Constance A. Haider-Feb. 17, 2016; James J. Bernardy-June 24, 2016. NAPOLEON - St. Philip Neri’s Catholic Church: Jane V. Silbernagel-Nov. 22, 2015; Sharon Engelhardt-Nov. 27, 2015; Angeline Gerving-Dec. 11, 2015; Andrew J. Schneider -Jan. 16, 2016; Betty Fettig-Jan. 31, 2016; Irene BrunnerFeb. 9, 2016; Peter P. Sperle-Feb. 11, 2016; David L. LaberFeb. 14, 2016; Martin S. Sperle-Mar. 14, 2016; Darlene McClureMar. 30, 2016; George Silbernagel-Mar. 30, 2016; Lawrence J. Moch-Apr. 11, 2016; Leo Unser-June 28, 2016; Joseph A. Fettig-Sep. 29, 2016. NEKOMA - St. Edward’s Catholic Church: Donald Krom-Dec. 1, 2015; Marie Krom-Aug. 23, 2016. NEW ROCKFORD - St. John the Evangelist’s Catholic Church: Robert E. Steinbach-Oct. 15, 2015; Margaret Schaffer-May 12, 2016; Mary Jane Cook-June 20, 2016; Walter “Butch” LesmeisterJuly 7, 2016; Josephine Cunningham-July 25, 2016; Francis O’Connor -Aug. 14, 2016; Doris Jordan-Ryan-Sep. 15, 2016; Doris L. Ryan-Jordan-Sep. 15, 2016. OAKES - St. Charles Borromeo’s Catholic Church: Doris R. Vculek-Dec. 23, 2015; Viola “Vi” Antoine-Jan. 9, 2016; Betty M. Praska-Apr. 19, 2016; Craig Galbreath-May 23, 2016; Joseph Antoine-May 27, 2016; Michael Shelton-May 31, 2016; Kay L. McPhail-July 3, 2016; Marlys Harris-Oct. 2, 2016. OAKWOOD - Sacred Heart Catholic Church: Beatrice Dipple-Mar. 2, 2016; Alice Sevigny-Apr. 4, 2016. PARK RIVER - St. Mary’s Catholic Church: Geraldine M. Suda-Oct. 14, 2015; Lydia A. Kovarik-Oct. 6, 2016. PEMBINA - Assumption Catholic Church: Elaine C. Meagher-Dec. 11, 2015; Mavis S. Dorion-July 11, 2016. PINGREE - St. Michael’s Catholic Church: Raymond Kautzman-Nov. 22, 2015. PISEK - St. John Nepomucene’s Catholic Church: Lona M. Carter-Nov. 6, 2015; Clair B. Greicar-Nov. 21, 2015.

Rugby (Paul Braun | New Earth)

STARKWEATHER - Assumption of the B.V.M. Catholic Church: Ralph A. Gangl-Nov. 23, 2015; Betty Jean Besse-May 16, 2016. STEELE - St. Francis de Sales Catholic Church: Brandy George-Nov. 5, 2015. SAINT JOHN - St. John’s Catholic Church: Juan Gomez-Dec. 15, 2015. SAINT MICHAEL - St. Michael’s Indian Catholic Mission: Beatrice A. Belgarde-Joramo-Oct. 21, 2015; Richard D. Abraham -Oct. 31, 2015; Robin Poorbear-Nov. 20, 2015; Selma Johnson-Nov. 25, 2015; Glennis S. Jackson-Dec. 4, 2015; Larse Azure-Dec. 19, 2015; Kyann Spotted Wolf-Dec. 22, 2015; Kayleetha GeorgesonDec. 22, 2015; Allen Brown-Dec 23, 2015 ; Phillip Krulish-Jan. 7, 2016; Damian M. Volk-Jan. 21, 2016; Gina Callousleg-Jan. 31, 2016; Leo Kraft-Feb. 14, 2016; George P. CavanaughFeb. 23, 2016; Ellie John Blackbird, Sr.-Mar. 11, 2016; Frederick King-Apr. 16, 2016; Lillian M. DeMarce-Apr. 16, 2016; Skylar W. Comer-Apr. 28, 2016; Hunter Lovejoy-May 9, 2016; Hadley R. Smith-May 11, 2016; Jennifer Drake-May 12, 2016; NEW EARTH NOVEMBER 2016


Mary E. Longie-Goodell-May 17, 2016; Noreen CavanaughMay 18, 2016; Constance R. Black-May 29, 2016; Martez W. Curley -June 19, 2016; Eugene Littlewind-July 1, 2016; Marvin E. Charboneau -July 4, 2016; Carl Walking Eagle, Sr. -July 24, 2016; Selma R. Hill-Aug. 2, 2016; Angel Cavanaugh -Aug. 5, 2016; Dakota Skye Old Rock-Aug. 7, 2016; Cherelle F. SwiftHawk -Aug. 12, 2016; Andrew DeMarce, Sr.-Aug. 14, 2016; Sheldon R. Black-Aug. 16, 2016; Margie B. Ross-Sep. 2, 2016; Wayne C. Anderson -Sep. 3, 2016; Glenn P. Belgarde, Jr.-Sep. 20, 2016; Heaven L. Birdhorse-Sep. 22, 2016; Genesis Azure-Oct. 2, 2016; Gerald M. Griffin, Jr.-Oct. 13, 2016; Robert L. Herman, Jr.-Oct. 15, 2016. SYKESTON - St. Elizabeth’s Catholic Church: Phyllis O. Laber-Mar. 25, 2016; Mathew Neumiller-May 18, 2016. THOMPSON - St. Jude’s Catholic Church: Vernon J. Adams-Dec. 13, 2015; Mary M. Froelich-Feb. 19, 2016; Dorothy H. Bohlman-Apr. 24, 2016; Mary Ann Applegren-June 26, 2016; Daniel L. Vettel-Oct. 15, 2016. TOWNER - St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church: Adam Bachmeier-June 3, 2016; Francis R. Hoynes-July 25, 2016; Richard Burckhard-Aug. 16, 2016; Ronald C. Volk-Sep. 2, 2016. VALLEY CITY - St. Catherine’s Catholic Church: Lucille Dosch-Oct. 20, 2015; Jacob Dosch-Dec. 18, 2015; Arnold Heinze-Jan. 19, 2016; Karen Steidl-Jan. 23, 2016; Rosemary Meidinger-Jan. 30, 2016; Richard HejtmanekFeb. 2, 2016; Albert Meidinger-Feb. 10, 2016; Arthur GoffeMar. 6, 2016; Robert Werran-Mar. 12, 2016; Lillian PfeiferApr. 12, 2016; Matthew Klein-May 13, 2016; Luella M. Kunze -May 17, 2016; Ted Zaun-July 9, 2016; Brian T. ThomsenJuly 18, 2016; G. Morley Stack-July 18, 2016; Christine FicekAug. 2, 2016; George G. Thilmony-Sep. 1, 2016. VELVA - St. Cecilia’s Catholic Church: Betty Kelner-Oct. 17, 2015; George Schmaltz-Feb. 2, 2016; Delores Feist-Mar. 26, 2016; Bruce Klein-May 22, 2016; John Deibert-Sep. 3, 2016; Lena Ganje-Oct. 3, 2016. VERONA - St. Raphael’s Catholic Church: Mavis “Bonnie” Christensen-July 30, 2016. VESELEYVILLE - St. Luke’s Catholic Church: Mary Schanilec-July 28, 2016. WAHPETON - St. John’s Catholic Church: Carol Lovcik-Oct. 17, 2015; Janet A. Dohse-Nov. 16, 2015; Delores E. Lenz-Nov. 23, 2015; Gloria Nyquist-Nov. 25, 2015; Muriel E. Pope-Nov. 26, 2015; Margaret Pausch-Jan. 22, 2016; Marian Zach-Jan. 28, 2016; Herbert E. Masching-Feb. 9, 2016; Robert L. Lemke Sr-Feb. 24, 2016; Kelly Aakre-Mar. 7, 2016; Monica Ehlert-Mar. 11, 2016; Lillian “Dicki” Haman-Mar. 30, 2016; Thomas J. Milne-Apr. 23, 2016; James I. Ostrom-May 9, 2016; James F. Link-May 13, 2016; Ione Meyer-May 25, 2016; Audrey Hermes-May 30, 2016; Jim Aldrich-July 1, 2016; Denise A. Jacklitch-July 30, 2016; Albena “Beanie” Oliver-Aug. 2, 2016; Mary Sutyla-Aug. 10, 2016; Lillian M. Masching-Aug. 13, 2016; Charles “Chuck” Scott-Aug. 18, 2016; Ervin J. EichhornAug. 31, 2016; Katherine Pausch-Sep. 3, 2016; Margaret Hoffard -Sep. 29, 2016. WALES - St. Michael’s Catholic Church: Marie Valentine-Aug. 4, 2016. WALHALLA - St. Boniface Catholic Church: Gail Dalzell-Nov. 13, 2015; Ray Gapp-Mar. 11, 2016; 34


Larry Frieson-Mar. 24, 2016; John A. Koropatnicki-Apr. 26, 2016; Albert “Buddy” Dumas-May 13, 2016; Donald G. DanielsonMay 29, 2016; Randy A. Bartlette-Oct. 11, 2016; Marie Dalzell-Oct. 15, 2016. WARSAW - St. Stanislaus Catholic Church: Walter Osowski-Oct. 15, 2015; Evalayne Puchalski-Oct. 21, 2015; Annette D. Riskey-Nov. 5, 2015; Lois E. Stanislowski-Feb. 11, 2016; Steven Gary Dymowski-Apr. 29, 2016; Elizabeth “Betty” A. Kosmatka-Aug. 6, 2016; Loma L. Rudnik-Aug. 26, 2016; Yvonne J. Slominski-Sep. 30, 2016. WESTHOPE - St. Andrew’s Catholic Church: Marvel Zahn-Dec. 16, 2015; John “Jack” Sandy-Jan. 8, 2016. WEST FARGO - Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church: Marie E. Wadeson-Oct. 31, 2015; James Hill-Dec. 8, 2015; Wilbert J. Schuster-Feb. 28, 2016; Joanne A. Miller-Mar. 3, 2016; Bill Thie-Mar. 19, 2016; Peter Gross-Mar. 26, 2016; Susan Ranzenberger-May 12, 2016; Conrad Schuster-June 16, 2016; Dennis Muldoon-July 1, 2016; Peter M. Iverson-July 31, 2016. WEST FARGO - Holy Cross Catholic Church: Terry Walsh-Oct. 21, 2015; Charlotte Lacher-Nov. 4, 2015; Phyllis Gludt-Nov. 28, 2015; Donald Spieker-Dec. 1, 2015; Bill Willmann-Dec. 17, 2015; Milo Pedersen-Dec. 18, 2015; Rose M. Franek-Feb. 3, 2016; James Thomas-Apr. 11, 2016; Markus Franck-Apr. 15, 2016; Leon R. Pherson-Apr. 30, 2016; Elaine F. Heisler-May 24, 2016; David A. Breuer-May 25, 2016; Bradley Burgard-June 7, 2016; Judith Nikle-June 9, 2016; Martha Knoll-June 13, 2016; Rita Burgard-June 17, 2016; Rodger Sims-June 20, 2016;Robert Voss-July 1, 2016; Leo Mastel-July 2, 2016; Beatrice Lewandowski-Aug. 6, 2016; Michael J. Korsmo-Aug. 27, 2016; Shawn D. Faller-Sep. 4, 2016; Charles Syvertson-Oct. 10, 2016. WILD RICE - St. Benedict’s Catholic Church: Michael Rheault-Nov. 28, 2015; Vance G. Albert-Feb. 24, 2016. WIMBLEDON - St. Boniface Catholic Church: Agnes M. Samek-May 27, 2016. WINDSOR - St. Mathias of Windsor Catholic Church: David J. Wanzek-Nov. 29, 2015; Rosemarie Gonser-Feb. 4, 2016. WISHEK - St. Patrick’s Catholic Church: Tammy Baumgartner-Aug. 21, 2016. ZEELAND - St. Andrew’s Catholic Church: Joe Salwei-Mar. 28, 2016; Joseph R. Jangula-May 9, 2016; Mary Lacher-May 24, 2016.

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Sharing one’s story provides healing for those suffering after abortion By Kristina Lahr


uth Ruch and Jody Clemens know first-hand how difficult it is to admit to having an abortion. That is why they now encourage both women and men to seek healing for past wounds, whether the abortion occurred this year, 10 years or 40 years ago. “Following an abortion,” said Jody. “A woman travels through a valley of dark suffering and prolonged pain that results in deep wounds. Because of this, the woman often turns inward, not being able to forgive herself or believe that God can forgive her. Shame, fear, self-hatred, hopelessness and despair become her constant companions. Yet it is these feelings that most often motivate a woman to reach out for help.” “I knew abortion was morally wrong,” said Ruth. “It went against every value I had been taught, and it went against my human instincts. How do you tell another person you decided to abort your child? I didn’t feel worthy of forgiveness because I intentionally chose to commit a mortal sin. Confessing that to another person is extremely difficult.” Ruth and Jody are now encouraging anyone who suffers from a past abortion experience to seek healing and forgiveness through Rachel’s Vineyard weekend retreats, the Day of Prayer and Healing on Nov. 19, Reconciliation, or explaining what happened to a close friend. The ability to tell one’s story can be truly life-giving. “I believe that God calls all of us to seek him and come to know his immense love and forgiveness,” said Ruth. “Rachel’s Vineyard weekends guide – in a safe, confidential, and nonjudgmental way – the path to that. The truth is that we will never be fully open to God’s love and many graces without facing and dealing with those deepest and darkest parts of us. Nothing is hidden from God. He knows everything about us, and yet he loves us unconditionally.” For Ruth and Jody, they admit it can be a struggle to speak about their past abortions in order to bring healing to others. Even so, the fruits that have come from their witness are immeasurable.

“I don’t know where I would be today without the healing experience of Rachel’s Vineyard,” said Ruth. “It has been a struggle, but one worth going through to fully feel forgiven – from God, from my child and even myself. I am and always will be a sinner, but I know now that I am also a daughter of God and worthy of his love. My purpose in life is no longer to punish and hate myself, but rather be the daughter that he intended me to be.” In addition to Rachel’s Vineyard Retreats, Project Rachel Ministries also offers Days of Prayer and Healing, a “miniretreat” experience where women can share with each other their stories, but also spend time with Our Lord, the Divine Healer of all wounds. “For those who have participated in the sin of abortion, know that no sin is too great for God to forgive and no wound is so deep God cannot go deeper,” said Jody. “God stands with open arms waiting for you. Don’t hesitate. Run to him.”

Day of Prayer and Healing for women suffering from a past abortion Nov. 19

Do you know someone who is carrying the grief of a past abortion? There is help and hope available. The pain and sorrow of a past abortion need not endure for a lifetime. A Day of Prayer and Healing will be held Nov.19 and offers women an opportunity to experience the love and mercy of God and to heal the wound of a past abortion. For location and confidential registration, call Rachelle at (844) 789-4829. For more information visit:





Catholic Diocese of Fargo 5201 Bishops Blvd, Ste. A Fargo, ND 58104



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