sustainability noun noun: sustainability 1.the ability to be maintained at a certain rate or level. "the sustainability of economic growth" • avoidance of the depletion of natural resources in order to maintain an ecological balance. "the pursuit of global environmental sustainability"
Prepared for: Ts Norishahaini binti Mohamed Ishak Prepared by: Azzri Fazril Bin Rosman 2020916259 Adam Zhariff Qameil Bin Zamry 2020312085 Farhana Bt Mohammed Isa 2019658866 Mazliyani Bt Mazlan 2020391063 Norzaihan Bt Mad Zin 2020392719 Submission Date: November 2020
Assignment 2 Malaysia like many other developing countries faces conflict between economic growth and conservation of environment. However, it has recognized the concept of sustainable
development and has embedded this concept in its policies, vision, mission and plans. Malaysia is also very active in international sustainability activities, as reflected by its participation in the sessions of the commission on sustainable and incorporated the principal of Agenda 21 as one of the important sustainable development documents in its planning process. Explore some of the initiatives of sustainable development in Malaysia. Discuss on the Issues, Challenges and Prospects on Malaysia's Efforts toward achieving a Sustainable Development. Issuance Date: 27th October 2020
“Look after the land and the land will look after you, destroy the land and it will destroy you� Aboriginal Proverb
CONTENTS Introduction 6-13 Initiative & Approach 14-19 Issues & Challenges 20-27 Prospect 28-37 Conclusion 38-39 References 40-41 5
1.0 Introduction Sustainable development in Malaysian context
1.1 What is sustainable development? Concept
Development’ as a term and concept, came into the mainstream global agenda following a report
“Sustainable development is
development which meets the
the and
(lele,1991). Commonly referred to as ‘The
needs of the present without
Brundtland Report’ after its chairperson, the
compromising the ability of
essence of the report is a concerted approach by
future generations to meet their
all nations to strike a balance between
own needs”
development and the preservation of global resources. It is said that the appeal of
- World Commission on Environment
sustainable development lies in its potential to
and Development (1987)
address the shortcomings of the current business model which ignores morality and the environment (Gladwin, Kennelly, & Krause, 1995).
1.2 What is sustainable development concept in Malaysian context? Malaysia focus on a balance between the needs of people with the ability to provide service and product naturally without degradation. (N. Mokthsim and K. O. Salleh,
2014). Sustainable development also referring to the implementation of any development with that shall ensure that the natural resources are available from one generation to another generation. The main key thing is to ensure that the development is implemented without disturbing the quality of life for any living things in the earth now and future. The sustainable development also to ensure the minimal or zero impact to the environment and to avoid any source depletion due to the proposed development.
Three aspect of sustainable development according to UNESCO 2005 which are as follows;
Environmental Social Economy Environmental
•An environmentally sustainable system must maintain a stable resource base, avoiding over-exploitation of renewable resource systems or environmental sink function, and depleting non –renewable resource only to the extent that investment is made in adequate substitutes. This includes presenting and conserving of biodiversity, water, atmospheric stability and other ecosystem function nor ordinarily classed as economic resources, or industrial and human used.
Economy •An economically sustainable system must be able to produce goods and services on a continuing basis, to maintain manageable levels of government and external debt, and to avoid extreme sectoral imbalances which damage agricultural or industrial production.
Social •A social sustainable system must achieve distributional equity, adequate provision of social services including health and education, gender equity and political accountability and participation.
1.3 What types of sustainable development strategies in the context of Malaysia? According to Rancangan Fizikal Negara ke -3 (2016), there are 10 basic principles of sustainable development in Malaysia which are:
Principles of Sustainable Development 1. Neighborhood self-containment and self-sufficiency
green corridor and open space preservation topography public amenities and recreational providing commercial, industrial and work-place within the neighborhood pedestrian friendly mixed-use development higher density residential development local and district links guided busc
2. Socio-cultural welfare
Principles of Sustainable Development (cont’d) 3. Sustainable environment
4. Harmonize and interactivity neighborhood
5. Healthy Lifestyle
6. Safe environment
Principles of Sustainable Development (cont’d) 7. Democratic communal association and equitable
8. Green technology development
9. Happiness and joy
10. Affordable living
In addition, Malaysia is now moving from sustainable development to smart city development where the optimization of ICT in city operations, services to connect with the citizen and make the city more sustainable and liveable (N. S. Kassim, 2018). (See
Figure below).
Figure shows the Urban Planning Evolution (From Garden City to Smart City).
1.4 What are the main objectives of Malaysian government towards sustainable development in construction industry? The main objectives of sustainable development in Malaysian construction industry is to
ensure that the basic needs of the natural resources ie, water, air and power are well taken care and to provide a better living without compromising the next generation. (F. Shafii and M. Z. Othman, 2008). The building and construction sector is a key sector for sustainable development, as a means to mitigate global warming and climate change. The Green Building Mission launched by the Malaysian Government since 2007 is an indication of a promising effort to ensure sustainable production and delivery of the construction industry products to fulfil these demands. (MalaysiaGBC, 2007). The concept of sustainability in Malaysia also focuses on the preservation of the
Areas of main concern of sustainable
environment while critical development-related
development include energy use with
issues are designed into a construction project
(CIDB, 2020).
The “cradle to grave� aspects of building and construction linked from the creation of the materials, logistics and transportation to site, use and disposal of built facilities generate social and economic benefits to the society. However, at the same time constitute negative impacts upon the environment (F. Shafii and M. Z. Othman, 2008).
construction materials consumption, water
discharge, and integration of buildings with other infrastructure and social systems (SBCI-UNEP 2007, van der Putte, 2007). This implies that the construction industry and the building itself,
challenge, greater than any other industrial sector, in order to become more sustainable in the long term.
2.0 initiative & approach sustainable development
“Sustainable development
Development In Malaysia
is development that meets
There are numbers of initiative that had been
the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs” Gro Harlem Brundtland
done by Malaysian government towards sustainable development in Malaysia. There are
development that include Ninth Malaysia Plan and
Development Policy, National Conservation Policy, Malaysia National Vision Policy, and Malaysia Vision 2020 or “Wawasan 2020” (Saadation et. Al., 2012, Mokthsim & Salleh, 2014, Saadation et. Al, 2011)
2.1.2 Ninth Malaysia Plan and Sustainable Development Ninth Malaysia Plan or “Rancangan Malaysia ke-9” considered as
a planning blueprint as one of the initiatives by the Malaysian government from year 2006 to 2010. In the Malaysia Plan in conjunction with the ninth principle Islam Hadhari, environment stewardship continues to be promoted to ensure it is balance between the development and environmental exist (Saadatian et al., 2012). Under this plan, National Sustainability Development has been stipulated under Thrust 1 that boost the economy by improving the agriculture and agro based industry and also sustainable tourism development toward bringing Malaysia in position as preferred to the global tourism development. Thrust 3 more focussing towards equitable distribution of the benefit economic development and for the Thrust 4 that aim towards improve the standards and sustainability of Quality of Life Malaysian Citizens (Ismail, 2006). The aspect of sustainable environmental issue under this Malaysia Plan are regarding
practice of natural management environment that involve soil, water, forest, power and marine sources (Hanifah et. al., 2015)
2.1.3 Malaysia’s National Development Policy One of the efforts by Malaysian government towards sustainable development is through Malaysian National Development Policy that started with poverty eradication program since 1993 (EtheRaj, 2018). This national development policy will allow part of the environment that have to develop but still to follow with the sustainable development policy (Shaharudin, 2011). Malaysia’s National Development Policy that aim at eradicating poverty (Saadatial et al., 2011) and target promoting economic, social and cultural progress through sustainable development aim to maintain the economic development but at the same time implement environmental and social consideration that follow the philosophy of sustainable development (Saadatian et al., 2012).
2.1.4 Tenth Malaysia Plan and Sustainable Development After this issue had been plan in Ninth Malaysian Plan, the sustainable of development strategies also been highlighted under Tenth Malaysian Plan 2011-2015. Under Strategy Thrust 4, it is clearly mentioned regarding improving standard and Sustainability of Quality of Life. This include quality of life for Malaysia citizen by providing better access to healthcare, public transport, electricity and water This also include economic development based on sustainable principle by develop a climate resilient growth strategy, promote community wellbeing and creating caring society (Ismail, 2006). Besides that, under this Malaysian Plan (2011-2015) the focus on the previous environment issue including preservation of public interest towards sustainable production practice especially on human economic benefit that include attract investor, in renewable energy production, energy savings, solid waste management improving, and preserving forest areas and wild life, adopt clean air action plan including the reduction of carbon gases in order to improve air quality (Hanifah et. al.,2015).
2.1.5 Malaysia National Vision Policy Malaysia government effort towards the sustainable development are also through Malaysian National Vision Policy that works as an equitable society through the development of economic also environment protection towards sustainable requirement (EtheRaj, 2018). This policy that also called as NVP had include the concept of sustainable development as encouraging more equitable society, sustain the economic development and pursuing environment protection (Hassan as cited by Saadatian et al., 2012 & Saadatian et al., 2011). Malaysian National Vision Policy 2020 also functioned towards environmentally sustainable development and it goals are more focusing the industrialisation, economic growth, increased productivity and production of wealth ("The lack of vision of the National Vision Policy | Social Watch", 2020)
2.2 Malaysia Sustainable Assessment Approach It is also had been discussed that aside to numbers of initiative that had been discussed by numbers of researcher, Malaysia also seen had been conduct sustainable assessment
approaches. Some of them are Malaysian Quality of Life Indez (MQLI), Malaysian Urban Quality of Life (MUQL), Compendium of Environment Statistics, Malaysian Urban Indicator Network, Malaysia Sustainable Development Approaches at State Level and Green Building Index (GBI) (Saadatian et al., 2012, Saadatian et al., 2011). Below will discuss generally regarding some of the main approach taken.
2.2.1 Green Building Index (GBI) Green building Index (GBI) are one of the most famous assessment tools in building level that aim towards saving energy, resources, material recycle and suit the building with Malaysia climate, tradition, culture and its environment as maintain the capacity of eco-systems. (Mun as cited as Saadation et. al., 2012). Under GBI it contains six different rubrics that include energy efficiency, indoor environmental quality, sustainable site planning and Management, Material and resources, Water and efficiency and Innovation (GBI Malaysia, 2010). The goal of sustainable
development also had been highlighted towards Technological resources, provision basic human needs, control climate change, financial stability, resource efficiency, indoor ecological quality improvement and waste subsiding (Hussein, 2016).
2.2.2 Malaysian Quality of Life Index & Malaysia Wellbeing Index 2013 (MWI) Before Malaysian Wellbeing Index (MWI) had been reformulated in 2013, nation’s progress
Gross Domestic product (GDP) had used Malaysian quality of Life Index (MQLI). It used 11 components and 45 indicators in capturing sosio-economic of Malaysia multi ethnic society to reflect quality of life (Dali et al., 2017). MQLI focussing on Air quality index, Deforestation, Clean water index, Income, Working life, Transportation and communication, Health, Education, Housing, Environment, Family life, Social participation, Public safety, and Culture and leisure (MQLI, 2004). Towards high income economy , Malaysia had enhanced and reformulated MWI that contain 2 sub ccmposite, 14 components and 68 indicator that finaly improve the level of wellbeing population (Dali et al., 2017). 2.2.3 Malaysia Urban Quality of Life (MUQL) Similar to Malaysian Wellbeing Index 2013, this Malaysia Urban Quality of Life (MUQL) also had been developed by th Economic Planning Unit in 2002. It had been mentioned that these approaches contain of 14 numbers of rubrics that include Income, Working life, Transportation and communication, Health, Education, Housing, Environment, Family life, Community participation, Public safety, Culture and leisure, Urban service, River quality index, and Solid waste per capita (MUQL, 2002).
2.2.4 Compendium of Environment statistic Malaysia, 2019 Compendium of Environment Statistic Malaysia present statistic on six environment component that include Environmental Conditions and Quality; Environmental Resources and their Use; Residuals; Extreme Events and Disasters; Human Settlements and Environmental Health; and Environmental Protection, Management and Engagement (Department of Statistic Malaysia, 2019). The statistic from this Compendium of
Environment statistic Malaysia were obtain from secondary data, administrative record and derived statistics (Department of Statistic Malaysia, 2020) and this compilation of the statistics includes environment state and information that involve impact of human activities on environment also the action towards minimizing the impact (Department of Statistic Malaysia, 2019). 18
2.2.5 MYCREST Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) mentioned that Malaysian Carbon
Reduction and Environmental Sustainability Tool (MyCREST) is a five-star success story. With the collaboration with Public Works Department (PWD), CIDB launched MyCREST in 2015, with the aim of increasing the number of green buildings in the country. Under MyCREST, it is mandatory for the building project wrth RM50 millions and above to use MyCREST (New Straits Times, 2018). Through MyCrest it has big potential in reducing carbon emission and promote sustainability in the built environment (Ohueri et al., (2019)
2.2.6 MyGHI and pHJKR JKR had launched MyGHI and pHJKR that applied road green rating sytems where each of them targeting toward highway (MyGHI) and Road for non-tolled highway (pHJKR) (Adzar et. al., 2019). The objective of this approach are to be a measurement tolls for the sustainability of the
government project and development by targeting improvement from time to time. Advanatges that had been discuss for this approach are also decrease the use of natural resources, reduce fossil fuels, reduce carbon footprint, lessen water consumption, reduce gas emission and preserve natural habitats (Zainol et. al., 2017) 2.2.7 MyHijau One of the main efforts currently being undertaken is the introduction of green procurement that is part of the government’s MyHijau initiative highlighted in Malaysian economic planning program. Previous studies have found that this concept of green procurement is still very new to the Malaysian construction industry and accordingly have
sought to address the low levels of knowledge in this area (Bohari, 2017). If the implementation of MyHijau is follow as the plan, green procurement are considered as an effective tools towards sustainable approach (Alqadami, 2020) 19
3.0 issues & challenges
sustainable development
3.1 Issue on Malaysia’s Effort toward achieving Sustainable Development: 3.1.1 What are the Sustainable Development issues in Malaysia? Since
Malaysia has grown up and continuously doing a development in order to achieve their mission
(Noranida et al., 2014). The efforts can be seen
even more drastically during the year of Malaysia’s 4th Prime Minister, Tun Dr.Mahathir Kuala Lumpur in 1960.
Mohamed where he has invoke the Mission ‘ Wawasan 2020’ even he also namely as ‘Bapa Pembangunan Malaysia’. Malaysia has become as one of ASEAN country that achieving their development target, but while we are eagerly making a development, Malaysia remain make an effort to preserve their surrounding in terms
eradication. Kuala Lumpur in 2020.
3.1.2 Environmental Degradation Issues Environmental degradation has become the main issues in Malaysian environmental issues. Researched made by Sahabat Alam Malaysia, the non-profit organization, due to the massive developments in Malaysia, sustaining high growth rates does not equate to sustainable development and lead to Malaysian environment out of balance. The mega-projects initially disturb the natural balance of water catchment zones, riddles hills slope with unstable soils, erodes our natural heritage, compromises the quality of water and air.
Deforestation for Oil Palm plantation
3.1.3 Unstoppable Environment Pollution Issues
Source: /corporate-malaysia-must-embrace-un-global-goals
As you can see in news reported daily,
Even though Malaysia has a series of
Selangor are the most affected state in
policies and plans that contribute to
Malaysia that frequently facing with water
achieving sustainable developments
disruption due to water pollution by the
goals, but up to today the environment
irresponsible industries and parties. The
pollution in related to development are
greediness has lead a million people
yet to stop and been resolve.
Bauxite mining lead to river pollution in Sungai Balok, Pahang.
3.1.4 Lacking of understanding and awareness We believe education also play a major role to spread the awareness and understanding
developments. Although Malaysia are yet
development’ country, but we believe by implementing the understanding of SD’s concept in all range of educations level, might create the awareness from our young generation.
SUNWAY Education Group committed the Saving Mother Earth campaign among their students and public awareness.
Eco-Schools Programme by WWF-Malaysia to promote environmental and sustainable developmental education for schools
3.2 Challenges on Malaysia’s Effort toward achieving Sustainable Development:
Uneven balance in economic and social progress The Malaysian has put extra effort in addressing their poverty and balancing their lifestyle but tremendous continuation of current development strategies by Government will not suffice to achieve sustainable development. Economic and social progress remains uneven leads to financial crisis has revealed the fragility of development. While we were busy on development of less needed
infrastructure, Malaysian themselves struggle to make ends meet.
Lack of financial resources Current development of this nation has shown struggling to meet the needs of .
present generation surely will compromise the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs. Besides, we are facing lack of financial resources to carry out and plan sustainable development. It’s often unlikely to happen as there are other priorities on their hand.
3.2 Challenges on Malaysia’s Effort toward achieving Sustainable Development: (cont’d)
Government administration conflict The government administration conflict between fast profit and long investment towards sustainable. In Malaysia, the government has even increased financing towards the mining sector instead of looking for affordable sustainable energy resources, with oil & gas towards 90% of total energy generation in this country. These measures are thought to been implemented as a move to win votes in the Borneo of Malaysia by giving sales profit to them.
Social Inequalities. Apart from environmentally issue currently suffering, there are also a number of social issues in Malaysia that urgently required attention. It was call Social Inequalities. It is vital to comprehend that every inequality, no matter how small it was deserving attention. One of the
most obvious social inequalities in this country is the corruption rampant among politicians. Corruption is conventionally understood, and referred to, as private wealth-seeking behaviour of someone who represents the authority. It is the misuse of public goods by public officials for private gains. In simple terms, corruption may be describing as an act of bribery or the use of public power for private profits in a that constitutes a breach of law or a deviation from the norms of society (Amundsen, 2000).
3.2 Challenges on Malaysia’s Effort toward achieving Sustainable Development: (cont’d)
Under-employment Social, economic and environmental challenges exert direct and indirect effects on city and the lives of people in developing nation. The challenges include securing the necessary resources for investment in public infrastructure, renewable sources of energy which is most unlikely to happen. We also facing challenge in today’s era of pandemic which is to create decent employment for large urban populations that are underemployed and having limited access to good housing conditions, clear air and water, efficient public transport and school.
Efficiency in system Upper middle income and high-earner cities with urban populations that already have all access to basic public services facing the challenge of becoming more
efficient in system. Growth of cities such as Klang Valley, Johor Bahru and Pulau Pinang has often gone hand in hand with an increased use of natural resources and ecological system, driven by economic growth and economic structure changes. Through out these years since Malaysia Independence, economical structure has changes in terms of a shift from agriculture to manufacture and right now they are focusing on services which can generate fast money.
3.2 Challenges on Malaysia’s Effort toward achieving Sustainable Development: (cont’d)
Pollution On top of that, wealthier residents in Damansara, Subang Jaya and Kuala Lumpur greatly contribute to the demand for
freshwater from distant ecosystem. It leads to capacity affected and generate significant levels of pollution and green house emissions at state levels.
The “Forest City” Johor Bahru, Malaysia
4.0 prospect of Malaysian effort
towards sustainable development
Malaysia’s planning system has been in place since 1956. The current long-term plan, adopted in 1991, is entitled Vision 2020. It aims to make Malaysia a high-income country by 2020. As the completion of Vision 2020 draws near, a new long-term vision, National Transformation 2050, is being developed to guide Malaysia for the next 30 years.
4.1.2 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) In September 2015, Malaysia has expressed commitment along with 193 other countries to support and implement the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The SDGs officially known as Transforming our World: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, sets out an ambitious plan of action for people, planet, prosperity, peace and partnership with the objective of leaving no one behind. The SDGs are a set of 17 Goals and 169 Targets which include poverty, hunger and food security, health, quality education, gender equality, water and clean sanitation, economic growth and urban city, responsible production and consumption, climate change and biodiversity. In order to achieve these agenda, Malaysia has been proactive in implementing
the 2030 Agenda nationally. The Government's commitment to this sustainable development agenda are transpired through the Mid-Term Review of the 11th Malaysia Plan (11th MP) which was presented recently. In this regard, the commitment to Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development has been aligned with the strategies and initiatives of the 11th Malaysia Plan.
4.1.3 The Eleventh Malaysia Plan The 11MP also gives a greater focus on the effectiveness of implementation with clear strategies, initiatives and outcomes. Project management will be enhanced for better and faster outcomes, public sector institutions will be rationalised for greater productivity and performance, and service delivery will be improved with citizens at the centre. Six strategic thrusts are identified to address the nation’s challenges and opportunities of the fast-changing global landscape. They also aim to comprehensively address the end-toend needs of the people and the nation, as follows
I. Enhance inclusiveness towards an equitable society • to ensure all Malaysians benefit from economic growth regardless of gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status, or geographic location.
II. Improve the well-being for all to promote a socially advanced Malaysia with healthy individuals and happy households, living in cohesive and united communities.
III. Accelerate human capital development for an advanced nation to improve labour productivity, deliver a higher-skilled workforce, and create a virtuous cycle of job creation, growth and social development.
IV. Pursue green growth for sustainability and resilience
V. Re-engineer growth for greater prosperity
to ensure “green growth” will be a way of life and lead to strengthened food, water, and energy security; lower environmental risks; and ultimately, better well-being and quality of life.
to ensure quality growth and international competitiveness. All economic sectors will migrate towards more knowledge-intensive and high value-added activities with greater productivity.
4.1.4 The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Malaysia has continuously embraced sustainable development in the national agenda. In this regard, the commitment to the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (2030 Agenda) has been mapped with the Eleventh Plan to align strategies and initiatives to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The first phase of a roadmap is being developed to provide guidance for the smooth implementation of the 17 SDGs. The roadmap takes into account the nation’s capacities and capabilities in achieving the identified goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda. The mapping of the SDGs to the Eleventh Plan strategic thrusts is as shown
4.2 Prospect on sustainable development based on six pillars in Eleventh Malaysia Plan
Pillar I: Reforming Governance towards Greater Transparency and Enhancing Efficiency of Public Service One of the main focus areas to improve governance as well as uphold accountability and transparency in the Government administration. Bold and effective measures will be implemented to drive the reform agenda towards strengthening check and balance mechanism at all levels to regain the trust and confidence of the rakyat. In this regard, initiatives pertaining to four priority areas, namely improving governance at all levels, elevating integrity and accountability, enforcing prudent public finance management and enhancing public service delivery will be undertaken. Improving governance at all levels
Strengthening check and balance mechanism Improving relationship between Federal, state and local governments Reforming the political system
Elevating integrity and accountability
Enhancing anti-corruption agenda Improving transparency Inculcating noble values and ethical work practices
Enforcing prudent public finance management
Improving the budgeting system Enhancing procurement management Strengthening performance management, monitoring and evolution framework
Reforming public sector institutions
Reforming public sector institutions Redesigning public services Empowering local authorities
4.2 Prospect on sustainable development based on six pillars in Eleventh Malaysia Plan (cont’d)
Pillar II: Enhancing Inclusive Development and Wellbeing The implementation of inclusive development will be enhanced to bring greater prosperity and wellbeing to all Malaysians. Underpinned by the emphasis on growth with equity, this implementation will provide an equitable opportunity for the rakyat to participate and benefit from the economic growth and inclusive development. Meanwhile, efforts will be intensified to improve the wellbeing of the rakyat through various measures. This will be achieved through two priority areas, namely enhancing inclusiveness towards an equitable society and improving wellbeing for all. Enhancing inclusiveness towards an equitable society
Raising the income and purchasing power of B40 households Enhancing Bumiputera Economic Community (BEC) Empowering minority groups Addressing the needs of specific target groups
Improving wellbeing for all
Increasing purchasing power for all Providing quality and affordable housing Enhancing the healthcare delivery system Making the nation safer and secure Promoting noble values and active lifestyle Addressing the needs of specific target group
4.2 Prospect on sustainable development based on six pillars in Eleventh Malaysia Plan (cont’d) Pillar III: Pursuing Balanced Regional Development Efforts will be intensified to address development imbalances among six regions, namely Northern, Eastern, Central, Southern, Sabah and Sarawak, to promote equitable growth and increase the wellbeing of the rakyat. Focus will be given to enhance economic activities, particularly in the less developed areas within states and regions as well as reduce the development gaps between urban and rural areas. In addition, major cities and identified growth areas will be leveraged to accelerate economic growth. Interstate collaborations will be further enhanced to ensure balanced regional development. At the same time, the ASEAN sub regional cooperation will be intensified to accelerate and facilitate economic activities in the bordering areas. Thus, three priority areas have been identified to achieve a balanced regional development, namely strengthening regional economic development, bridging urban-rural development gap and accelerating development in Sabah and Sarawak. Strengthening regional economic development
Strengthening and streamlining state and regional development planning Modernising and diversifying the economic base Promoting competitive cities Enhancing ASEAN sub regional cooperation
Accelerating development in Sabah and Sarawak
Bridging urban-rural development gap
Enhancing rural infrastructure
Improving urban rural linkage Creating local economic activities in rural areas
Intensifying economic growth and development planning Improving infrastructure for better connectivity Expanding access to basic infrastructure, amenities and services Increasing employment opportunities Enhancing the development of customary land
4.2 Prospect on sustainable development based on six pillars in Eleventh Malaysia Plan (cont’d)
Pillar IV: Empowering Human Capital Human capital development will continue to be a key priority to empower the workforce in supporting economic growth. Focus will be given to create skilful, knowledgeable and innovative human capital to meet the requirements of the industry. Human capital development initiatives will provide opportunities for quality employment as well as ensure access to quality education and training towards building a more inclusive, equitable and prosperous nation. These will be implemented through four priority areas, namely reforming the labour market, improving labour efficiency and productivity, enhancing access to quality education and training as well as fostering stronger industry-academia linkages. Reforming the labour market
Generating skilled jobs Raising salaries and wages Enhancing management of foreign workers Improving labour market conditions
Improving labour efficiency and productivity
Strengthening workers’ rights Increasing female participation in the labour force
Enhancing access to quality education and training
Raising quality of education Prioritising quality over quantity of TVET Improving education for all
Fostering stronger industry academia linkages
Developing industry relevant skills Promoting contributions of society and industry
4.2 Prospect on sustainable development based on six pillars in Eleventh Malaysia Plan (cont’d) Pillar V: Enhancing Environmental Sustainability through Green Growth Green growth initiatives will be enhanced to ensure sustainability of natural resources and increase resilience against climate change and disasters while achieving higher economic growth. Efforts towards green growth will be pursued intensely to achieve sustainable development to safeguard the natural endowment for the present and future generations. This will be achieved through three priority areas, namely strengthening governance, conserving natural resources as well as combating climate change and reducing disaster risks. Strengthening governance
Strengthening policy, legislation and institutional framework Improving capacity and capability, enforcement and monitoring Raising awareness anda fostering a sense of shared responsibility
Combating climate change and reducing disaster risks
Intensifying climate change mitigation Augmenting climate change adaptation Strengthening disaster risk management
Conserving natural resources
Conserving terrestrial and inland water areas Conserving coastal and marine ecosystems Enhancing livelihood and capacity of the indigenous and local communities
4.2 Prospect on sustainable development based on six pillars in Eleventh Malaysia Plan (cont’d)
Pillar VI: Strengthening Economic Growth Efforts will be undertaken to strengthen economic growth by enhancing productivity and increasing competitiveness of the industries. At the same time, measures will be intensified to enhance sectoral development and develop high value-added activities with knowledge-intensive content, supported by skilled workforce in services, manufacturing, agriculture and construction sectors. Meanwhile, infrastructure and utilities will be further enhanced to support and facilitate economic activities. Thus, three priority areas have been identified, namely strengthening sectoral growth and structural reform, accelerating innovation and technology adoption as well as providing quality infrastructure. Strengthening sectoral growth and structural reforms
Enhancing sectoral growth productivity improvements Increasing export capacity Improving market efficiency Facilitating ease of doing business
Accelerating innovation and technology adoption
Harnessing the Fourth Industrial Revolution Increasing technology adoption Aligning research and innovation Enhancing capacity building
Providing quality infrastructure
Developing an integrated transport system Strengthening logistics and trade facilitation Improving digital infrastructure Improving water services Sustaining energy supply
5.0 conclusion
sustainable development
“In the real world, we can rarely avoid tradeoffs, and we can “maximize” only one objective at a time. it is impossible to define sustainable development in operational manner in the detal and with the level of control presumed in the logic modernity”
Construction has a strong impact on the
-Jonathan M. Harris, 2002.
that government’s always focus towards the aim
environment. The process can cause destruction on the ecosystem, especially when care is not taken to prevent damage. With the strong focus
the Malaysian government has had on improving sustainability in construction now and into the future, the development of new technology to help reduce the industry’s impact on the environment has become vital to the continued success of these ventures. It also had been discussed that numbers of initiative and approaches that had been done by the Malaysian government and other agencies. This initiative and approached had been plan since numbers of years ago. This actually show of sustainability development.
conclusion (cont’d) However, Malaysian government are yet to find the strict actions in order to resolve the environmental issues. We believe by adapting the sustainable concept as apart of our culture might be one of the best way to ensure everybody not only the industry people are practicing the sustainable developments in their daily routine. In short, Malaysia government is committed and confident in achieving the 2030 Agenda. The nation has demonstrated that it is possible to set and achieve “more ambitious� targets through sustained, systematic and dedicated efforts. Malaysia has already aligned the SDGs with the 11MP and existing sectoral plans, to ensure smooth implementation. The priorities and emphases based on six pillars will focus on reforming governance and improving public service delivery, enhancing inclusive development and wellbeing, pursuing balanced regional development, empowering human capital, ensuring environmental sustainability and strengthening economic growth. Nevertheless, structural policy measures as well as high impact development programmes and projects will continue to be implemented, albeit in a more transparent and financially sustainable manner, to ensure a more meaningful growth for the rakyat.
Apart from that, they face challenges to maintain sustainable cities in term of ageing, food insecurity and climate change. For time being, they have to reduce the impact on livelihoods by reducing carbon emissions and generate financial resources for adaptation of global climate change. At same time, prepare alternative way to improve access to food supply by increasing productivity of country area which nearby urban city
As citizen of this beloved country, we have to create policy space for inclusive development; to reduce underemployment, promote economic diversity and create productive employment for older citizen in order for them to give back to society based on their experiences.
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ICP863 MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY AND ENVIRONMENT Azzri Fazril |Adam Zhariff Qameil |Farhana |Mazliyani |Norzaihan @2020/2021