Approaching Dance with Experimental Mindset (Dance Lab Workshop)

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dance lab Dancing with body, Mind and soul

Pris Pris

Foreword Nowadays, dances has begun to shift from the realm of art into a lifestyle. There are so many dance works that are reducted that they lose their value. In the digital era where everything is easily fabricated and stolen, how do we as an artists have our own idealism, ideas and characteristics?

About Dance Lab Dance lab is the sanctuary of creativity, where ideas are cultivated, & innovation are generated. Teacher and facilitator only act as triggers, giving insight and methods for student as a tool to further experiment and develop their own ideas about dances.

Topics Intro

Learning Objectives Students are able to explain the framework/methods of experimental dances

Students are able to generate ideas with body as the main topic Able to demonstrate adequate body exploration in the dances Able to create relationship between body and space Students are able to craft an artful ideas with a strong background behind it Able to show their mindfulness towards music Able to explain their reason of movement Students are to execute generic movement with mindful detail to express and communicate certain message Able to modify a routine to suit their own idealism and expression

Syllabus Rehearsal Code 01-BodySeg.A 01 - BodySeg.B

Estimated Time

Facilities Needed

Project briefing, explaining methods that will be used during rehearsals



A special set of Warming Up & Body Conditioning will be given



Student in pair will be asked to alternately giving stimulation and reaction to each other.


Piece of Cloth for Blind fold

Student in pair/groups will be given a certain topics of movement and body parts to move. Each should create a 60'' routine that reflect those topics



Student will communicate their experience and conclusions from what they have learned from this class




Detail Activities

Introduction to Experimental Dances Understanding body

Body Awareness: Contact Improve 01 - BodySeg.C

01 - BodySeg.D

01 - BodySeg.E

Increassing awareness by experiencing stimulation to the body and give a proper & honest response From limit to creativity: Body Segment & Isolation Increassing vocabulary by limitting movement and giving a special attention/highlight to certain body part Evaluation & Reflection

Let me ask you a question...

Why do we need dances anyway? Natural & Primal Instinct Adalah natural bagi kita untuk merasakan kesukaan, ketertarikan terhadap hal – hal yang aesthetically pleasing.

Inter national or even Substantial Language Seni hadir sebagai suatu bentuk yang sama, sesuatu yang menyatukan disebabkan oleh kesamaan cara mengerti dari manusia.

As something that we have in common, It unite human as a being. it makes us complete human beings.


Why do we need dances anyway? 4D


Unlasting Rich of Experience Rich of Imformation

Human Body as A Medium The Closest to Us The Easiest to Relate To Everyone Could be The Arstist

Tari melibatkan waktu menjadi salah satu mediumnya, berarti suatu karya tarian tidak dapat dihadirkan selamanya, akan ada masa dimana dia tiada, dimana dia hanya sekedar memori. Namun, dengan menyertakan waktu pula, informasi yang ingin di komunikasikan menjadi begitu jelas dan memili lebih banyak peluang.

Tari melibatkan badan manusia, berbeda dengan pelukis yang harus memiliki kanvas, cat dan kuas. Seorang penari dapat membuat karyanya dimanapun dan kapanpun karna menggunakan badannya sendiri. Dengan menggunakan badan pula, para penikmat tari dapat berhubungan secara lebih dekat dengan pemahaman yang lebih dekat pula.

As a form of communication, dance communicate the best.

What does it means to communicate?


G b

Process of exchanging mental image


G Kita berkomunikasi saat terjadi perpindahan tentang apa yang ada di kepala kita ke kepala orang lain

But How? a

Coding & Decoding Mental image berubah menjadi sesuatu kode yang diketahui bersama, kemudian di kirimkan, untuk selanjutnya diterjemahkan kembali menjadi mental image

Ranting Besi Tempat Manusia Bertengger


Kursi IDEA



Body as Medium of Communication

Dalam bahasa kita mengenal


Bagaimana dengan badan?

Body Parts & Whole Angle








Beberapa huruf sudah punya artinya sendiri

In The Making Of Meaning Beberapa perlu di susun untuk memberi arti

Sedang lainnya menunggu untuk diberi

Rules Make Meaning Rules -> Something that happen regularly, something to use as basis, something that create familiarity Rules -> The main ingredients of type, type help people understand something

Try reading this sentence!



nijdnfivjnsjdncjnsfanskdmlkanjkcn aksncjkasncjkanscjknasdjioi


AjAsyUkcBnRe WookiLass guhrRUmanji atasokiMniKolOBBB

YuK liK SimBaLaM TaSYuk KoManSa LiraKaSiYuTi Lom AnaPati

How to Use Rules in Dances? Few tools to use

Spatial Typology

Spatial Stimuli & Response

Rules of Movement

Rules of Body Part

A .

W a r m

U p



S t r i k e


P o s e

A .

W a r m

B .

B o d y

U p



S t r i k e


S e g m e n t a t i o n

P o s e

A .

W a r m

U p

B .

B o d y

C .

C o n t a c t



S t r i k e


S e g m e n t a t i o n I m p r o v

P o s e

Genuine and Genius Creating an Authentic and Thought Provoking Dances

Every artist should be


/ˈjēnyəs/ adjective

Genuine truly what something is said to be; authentic.



exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

Every artist should be /ˈjenyo͞oən/

/ˈjēnyəs/ adjective

Genuine truly what something is said to be; authentic.



exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

Critical Thinking

Creative Thinking

Finding something new, thinking deeply, taking position, creating arguments

Developing ideas, adapting to constrain & limitation

/ˈjenyo͞oən/ adjective

Genuine truly what something is said to be; authentic.

Critical Thinking Finding something new, thinking deeply, taking position, creating arguments

Method to Generate Issues

/ˈjenyo͞oən/ adjective

Genuine truly what something is said to be; authentic.

Contemplate “What” & “What-ness” 5W + 1 H

Critical Thinking Finding something new, thinking deeply, taking position, creating arguments

Exe 1: Define Issues

Every artist should be /ˈjenyo͞oən/

/ˈjēnyəs/ adjective

Genuine truly what something is said to be; authentic.



exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

Critical Thinking

Creative Thinking

Finding something new, thinking deeply, taking position, creating arguments

Developing ideas, adapting to constrain & limitation

Every artist should be /ˈjenyo͞oən/

/ˈjēnyəs/ adjective

Genuine truly what something is said to be; authentic.



exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

Critical Thinking

Creative Thinking

Finding something new, thinking deeply, taking position, creating arguments

Developing ideas, adapting to constrain & limitation

Developing Ideas Background

Concept Statement


Moral of the Story Types of Message: Descriptive / Narrative




exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

Research! Deepening the knowledge and gather more information

Creative Thinking Developing ideas, adapting to constrain & limitation

Developing Ideas Background

Concept Statement


Defining Methods of Communication Genre Rules (Body & Sound) Metaphor Etc.




exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.

Creative Thinking Developing ideas, adapting to constrain & limitation

Boundaries in dance







exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability.


Spatial Aspect



Creative Thinking Developing ideas, adapting to constrain & limitation

Exe 2 : Define Musical Aspect

Generate Ideas, Rules & Performance Plan

• Musicality • Sound Mixing

• Mindfulness in Dance • Making an Authentic Concept

The Structure of Music Natural & Primal Instinct Adalah natural bagi kita untuk merasakan kesukaan, ketertarikan terhadap hal – hal yang aesthetically pleasing.

International or even Substantial Language Seni hadir sebagai suatu bentuk yang sama, sesuatu yang menyatukan disebabkan oleh kesamaan cara mengerti dari manusia.

As something that we have in common, It unite human as a being. it makes us complete human beings.


Body, Mind and Soul Touch the audience by harnessing the power of the soul

• Expression • Execution

• Role-Playing

Creating Metaphor:

Some Word have different meaning, when spoken differently

7 Elements of Art Line

Creating Metaphor:










Tempo Movement

Lighting, Costume & Property

Workshop #3: Make Your Move: Tempo, Clarity & Sharpness

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