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Opportunities for the young and old abound in Waseca.

Waseca High School and the Waseca Braves make their home at Tink Larson Community Field. In addition, Waseca is also home to the Janesville Jays, American Legion, and VFW teams. Waseca’s miles of trails also provide plenty of options for walkers and bikers, as do the city’s lakes. Kayaking, canoeing and paddleboarding have become popular summer activities at Clear Lake Park.

There are plenty of winter activities, as well, throughout the county. Ice fishing remains a popular winter sport on the county’s host of lakes, with small cities appearing on several lakes throughout much of the winter season. Snowshoes can be rented from the Waseca Public Library.



Facing Clear Lake, Waseca Lakeside Club caters to both experienced and novice golfers. The club offers a fully stocked pro shop, memberships, leagues and a comfortable clubhouse. Find more at wasecagolf.com or 507-835-2574.


Janesville’s Prairie Ridge Golf Course is a nine-hole, par 36 reversible course for all skill levels that is city-owned. For more information, visit prairieridgegolf.com or call 507-234-5505, in the winter contact city hall at 507-234-5110. YOUTH RECREATION/ATHLETICS

Waseca has several independent athletic organizations that develop character, and physical and team-building skills: • Waseca Youth Baseball: wasecabaseball.com • Waseca Football Association: wasecafootball.com • Waseca Gymnastics: wasecagymnastics.com • Waseca Hockey Association: wasecahockey.org • Waseca Softball: games start in late spring through Waseca Community Education & Recreation. • Waseca Soccer Club: wasecasoccer.org • Waseca Wrestling Club: wasecawrestling.com


Waseca County 4-H, through University of Minnesota Extension, is part of the nation’s largest youth development organization. Waseca County has several clubs that provide training, scholarship opportunities, projects and other activities from agriculture to the arts. Each summer, dozens of area youth showcase projects at the county and state fairs. Volunteers help lead after-school programs, community service, civic engagement and camping programs. Learn more at extension.umn.edu/county/waseca or 507-835-0600.

Waseca Boys Scouts also keeps a dedicated bunch of scouts busy throughout the year and remain a rich part of the community’s traditions and history.


The Waseca Area Senior Citizens Center at 308 N. State St. is open to anyone 55 or older, and provides a place for residents to get together for activities including sewing, cards, cribbage, ping pong, pool, Wii bowling and bingo. There’s also internet capability on the center’s computer network. The Senior Center is also the location of Waseca’s Lutheran Social Services Senior Nutrition program. Like the Waseca Area Senior Citizens Center on Facebook or call 507-8354552. Common Good Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is at the heart of what makes the Senior Center a special place. Through the program, seniors provide thousands of volunteer hours, whether it’s helping with community event, fundraising or mentoring local youth.

waseca county history center

The Waseca County History Center is the place for residents and visitors alike to come together and be amazed by Waseca County’s unique history. It’s located at 315 Second Ave. NE in Waseca. It’s both an amazing history center and a very special museum.

The Waseca County History Center also has a topnotch genealogical research library, one of only three in the state that is a non-church research site of the Church of the Latter Day Saints and all their genealogical resources.

The museum exhibits are free. A Waseca County Historical Society membership gives you free research library use (copies extra) and a password to search online. The continuous work of the staff and volunteers is to receive, process and index artifacts, papers, records, archives, newspapers and more; and to make this volume of information available online. Its searchable website grows continuously. Schools and libraries have free access. WCHS members who live all over the country and a few beyond can research from wherever they are with internet access.

The Waseca County History Center is open Tuesdays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Visit www.historical.waseca.mn.us for more information about special events and expanded hours.

Appointments for special research are possible — call 507-835-7700 during regular hours. The museum and library are ADA accessible.


Everything from book release parties to kids’ summer reading contests to reading marathons and new releases are available at the Waseca-Le Sueur Library System’s public libraries.

The network of libraries offer thousands of titles of books, newspapers, books on tape, CDs, movies and DVDs as well as access to computers. Many libraries in the system have meeting rooms and provide tax forms, photocopiers and fax machines in addition to reference assistance, children’s activities and book clubs.

Each Waseca County library has a Friends of the Library organization that supports the library through fundraising, purchasing additional material and volunteering. For more information about the Friends organizations, call the library.

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