NOVEMBER 10, 2021
A special section that recognizes our veterans
he month of November is a special time for the nation’s veterans. While Memorial M emorial Day honors fallen soldiers and service people, Veteran’s Day, which takes place each November, is an opportunity to commemorate the efforts of all who have been in the armed forces, with a special emphasis on living veterans. While people are encouraged to thank veterans throughout the year, Veteran’s Day is a particularly poignant time to show your appreciation for the men and women of the military. Veteran’s Day takes place on November 11 and marks an important moment in history. On November 11, 1918, World War I, known at the time as “The Great War,” unofficially ended when an
Glenn Brekke US Navy 1943-1945
armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, took place between Germany and the Allied nations on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. World War I ended on paper when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919. In November 1919, President Woodrow Wilson proclaimed November 11 as the first commemoration of Armistice Day, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Armistice Day became a federal holiday in the United States in 1938. However, after subsequent wars, including World War II and the Korean War, veterans’ service organizations lobbied for Armistice Day to be revised so it would be more inclusive of all veterans. On June 1, 1954, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed legislation to strike the word “Armistice” from the holiday’s name in favor of “Veterans.” Since then, November 11 has been known as “Veterans Day” and has honored veterans of all wars.
Veterans Day was moved to the fourth Monday in October for roughly seven years under the Uniform Monday Holiday Act, which sought to ensure three-day weekends for federal employees by celebrating certain national holidays on Mondays. But since November 11 bore such significance, many states disapproved and continued to observe the holiday on November 11. In 1975, President Gerald Ford signed legislation to return the observation of Veterans Day to November 11 beginning in 1978. Should the day fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the federal government observes the holiday on the previous Friday or following Monday, respectively, according to History. com. The United States isn’t the only country to celebrate its veterans. Canada, Great Britain, Australia, and France also commemorate the veterans of World War I and II on or near November 11 as Remembrance Day or Remembrance Sunday.
Gunnery Sgt. John Jackson US Army 2005-present
Norman Prins US Marines
Marty Prins US Marines
John “Jack” Noble USNAF 1955-1957
Mark Rasmussen US Air Force 1951-1955
Jennifer Thompson Air Force European Theatre
Ronald Shultz US Army 1964-1966
J. Weldon Jackson US Navy 1942-1945
Kenneth Teeters US Army 1947-1951
Brian Berg US Navy 1990-1994
Roger Borchardt US Army 1956-1958
Andy Gentner US Navy WWII
Arvid Hustad US Navy 1943-1947
Thank You For Your Service
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Frank Krumholz Army Air corps 1944-45
Milo Quast Army 1955-1957
Jerome (Jerry) Erck Army Vietnam
Scott Peglow Army Desert Storm
Dale Waage Army 1961-64
Laurens Blankers Army Musician Ft. Polk
George Sierakowski Matthew Kern Leonard Rading Kenneth Zak Army Army Navy US Air Force Cold War 1964-1967 Afghanistan 2016-2019 WWII - South Pacific Vietnam - 1968-1969
Willie Schlobohm Army 1954-1956
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Randall Schlobohm Nathan C. Schlobohm US Arym National Marines Guard 2015-2019 1979-1985
Willis H. Yule Navy Korean
Frank J. Styndl Jr. Army WWII
Albert J. Styndl Army WWII - 1941-1945
John Joseph Noble US Navy Air Korean - 1955-1957
Larry Kelm Army Vietnam
Donald (Bing) Krause Navy - WWII
Thomas D. Krause Army Vietnam
Frank Korblick Army Korea
William (Jim) Jones, Jr. Army Korea
Kenneth Hunt Navy WWII, Korea
James Malakowsky Air Force 1965-1969
Keith Burggraff Marines Operation Iraq Freedom
Cory J. Burggraff Army Persian Gulf, Iraq, Afghanistan
Dennis J. Burggraff USMC - Vietnam 1964-1967
Don Teeters Army Korea
Ronald Hunt Army 1966-1969
Michael S. Granowski Army Vietnam
Donald Sobrack Army Korea
Ray Sobarck Navy 2 years active duty, 6 years reserves
Roderick Sobrack Army WWII
Clarence Nelson Army WWII
Glen Stange Marines WWII
Hank Stange Army 1948-1952
James W. Quinlivan Army WWII & Korea
Victoria Hoggard Army 2008
Jeff R. Hoggard Army Afghanistan
Victor J. Fischer Army Korea 1950-1952
Robert D. Fischer Army Korea 1951-1953
Albert Fischer Navy WWII 1945-1946
Charles Danks Army Vietnam 1966-1967
David Ramierz, Sr. Army WWII
David Ramirez, Jr. Navy Korea & Vietnam
Richard David Army Vietnam 1966-1967
Thomas David Army Germany 1965-1966
James David Army Reserve 1964-1970
Dan Simon Army Vietnam
Jerome Simon Navy WWII
Bernard Spinler Army WWII
Gerald Johnson Army Japan - 1945-1947
Donald Johnson Navy Europe 1959-1963
Arthur Johnson Army Germany 1951-1952
Donald M. Matthes Army Korea
Rudy Strusa Navy WWII
Derek Twaddle Marines 2011-2015
William Naber Army Vietnam 1967-1968
Gary Corson Army Germany 1965-1967
Russell A. Sorenson Army Staff Sergeant WWII 1942-1943
Adrian Chavez Air Force Operation Iraq
Alicia Chavez Army Iraq
Peter Kaplan Air Force
Nicholas Kaplan Air Force
Adam Kaplan Air Force
Donald Anti Army Korea
Hunter Roden Marines 2010-2016
Russel L. Karlen Army Korean
Deuel Potter U.S. Coast Guard Oct. 1960 - 7 years
Eugene LeRoy Klendrickson Marines
Steven P. Clark Army Vietnam
Ken Huber Army Vietnam
Robert Vaith Army Korean
Wyman Jensen Army 1951-1953
John Markuson Army WWI
Thank you for your service
Raymond R. Warner Dewayne Erickson Army - Philippine Army Islands Cuban and Berlin WWII - Infantry Crisis 1960-1962
Eugene Kriesel Army - Air Force WWII
Arlan Thompson Navy Vietnam
Thomas L. Twaddle Joshua Twaddle Air Force Marines - Iraq 1977-1982 Freedom, Afghanistan, US Embassy
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Ron Hager Marines 1990-1994
Cody Hager Marines 2010-2014
Dennis Hager Army 1960-1962
Matthew Hager Army 1988-1992
Micah Hager Army 1990-1997
Marlin Hager Army 1994-2006
Bob Hager Army 1991-2002
John Hager Army Germany 1957-1959
Gene Hager Army 1966-1968
Don Hager Army 1959-1962
Sam Hager Army 1980-1986
Tracy Hager Navy 2017
Dalton Hager Army 2017
Kyle Holz Army 2012-2020 in Africa
Eugene Rassman Navy Korea 1949-1955
Karl Christey Army Korea 1951-1953
Lawrence Christey Air Force Korea 1950-1953
Tom Nordquist Navy Marines WWII
Herbert “Hector” Wallace Navy WWII
Marlin “Monk” Wallace Army WWII 1943-1946
Earl “Ernie” Wallace Army WWII
Paul Grass Army WWII
Gerald Meixner Army Vietnam
Roger L. Grobner Army Security Agency Vietnam Era
Dave Roush Army Vietnam 1967-1969
Willis H. Yule Navy Korea
Walter D. Jandro Merchant Marine & Army WWII & Korea
William (Bill) Voight James E. Rowe Michael Pierce Army Air Force Army Korea Vietnam - 1964-1968 Vietnam - 1967-1968
Sgt. Danial Hannover Marines Afghanistan
Cpl. Mithcell Hannover Marines 2011
Donald Trom Navy WWII
Myron Meixner Army WWII
Ed Meixner Army WWII - New Guinea
H. Peter Baxter Air Force Korea - 1951-1954
Allen Kaplan Navy Sept. 6, 2000
Leonard Johnson Navy WWII - 7th Fleet Pacific
Norbert L. Schrom Sgt. James Leonard Leonard Armstrong Navy Army Army 1955 Vietnam Korea
Donald Albin Navy Korea
Violet (Langer) Risberg Navy - WWII
Kenneth Langer Navy WWII
Cynthia L. Rogers Navy Persian Gulf
Allen E. Rogers Navy Vietnam
Gilbert J. Mamer Air Force Korea
Dale Omson Army Korea
Dale O. Mowers Navy WWII
PFC Raymond J. Wolf Army Korea
Col. Troy J. Soukup Army - Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom, New Dawn
Roger William Soukup Air Force Vietnam
Todd E. Schwanke U.S. Army Operation Enduring Freedom
Albert C. Steinbauer Navy - World War II 1943-1946
Jason Ryks Army Operation Iraqi Freedom
Kenneth Carroll US Army Medical Corps 1954-1956
Joseph A. Partridge SP4 Thomas J. Navy - 1942 Patridge AMM 2/c WWII Army - Vietnam War 1973-1975
Roy A. Risberg Navy WWII
Wally C. Risberg Navy
E-4 Bradley J. Partridge Marines 2002-2006 War on Terror
Maxine Thompson Navy WWII
Staff Sgt. Holly Jane Lt. Col. Michael W. Carl Wieman SFC E-7 Daniel Wieman, SSG Berg Berg Army & Army US Army Reserves Army - Iraq Enduring Army - Operation Reserves Iraqi Freedom/ Freedom, Afghanistan Iraqi Freedom 1972-1998 Afghanistan
Joseph A. Lisowski Army - 1961-1963 Germany
Luverne Schlobohm Navy - WWII
Jon Calcamuggio US Marines Operation Iraqi Freedom
Maj. Luke R. Nelson Air Force - Operation Enduring Freedom
Lt. Col. Anthony Nelson Army - Operation Enduring Freedom
Mick McCorkell Army Vietnam
Jerome Francis Zetah Army 1957
Matthew Kath Army National Guard Kosovo
Dennis Deets Marines 1969-1970
Donald Lagas Army 1960
Gregory Adam Jes Army National Guard Afghanistan War
James Kenney Private Army 1959
135 Oakdale St. • Owatonna
Leonard Kading Navy WWII - South Pacific
Walter Barfknecht Army Korean Conflict
Paul Stender Army Korean Conflict
William Jungbluth Army Air Corps WWII
Richard Moen Navy WWII
Al Jirele Army 1959 Korean Conflict
Lodge #1395 126 E.Vine Owatonna 507-451-1395
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Arlyn Todahl Marines WWII - Korea
Gerald Todahl USN: May 1967-Feb. 1971 USAR: 1976-1988
Grant Todahl USN: July 92 to Jan 96
Jay Paulson Army Reserves 2009-2015
Caleb Erickson USMC, Operation Enduring Freedom Afghanistan 2012-2014
Norman Dinse Army Korean War 1953-55
David Luedtke Jr. Marine Reserve Afghanistan Active
Andrew N. Luedtke Donald Nordmeier Marine Reserve USAF Active Retired
Bob Dunker Navy WWII
Ron Eggers US Army Korea
William J. Seykora Army Vietnam
Ralph D. Schrader Army Korea
Colonel Peter C. Draheim Air Force - Iraq, Afghanistan
Howard D. Lestrud Army National Guard 1965-1971
Dale O. Mowers Navy World War II
Raymond Trenda Army WWII
Donald Standke Army Korean War
Russell Fullerton Army 1959-1962
JDee R. Ferguson Army Medic WWII
Daniel Ferguson US Air Force Active
Don Dierking Army 1953-1961
James Steinbauer US Air Force 19501952, Air National Guard - 1956
Michael Shimpach Army - Vietnam Era 1969-1977
Ed Strohschein Marines
Jim Fox Navy
Richard Kniefel US Air Force
John Nechanicky Army
Leo “Bud” Skalicky Marines
Harvey Ronglien Army WWII
Gerald “Jiggs” Queen Marines
Donald Loveless Army
Dennis Fischer Army Vietnam
Jerome A. Kubista Navy World War II
Gary Ringhofer Army Vietnam 1970-1971
David M. Linders Navy Vietnam 1966-1970
Johan Paulson Army World War II
Harold Moorman Navy Sea Bees Vietnam Era
Ronald J. Vaith Army 1961-1964
Randy Vaith Army Persian Gulf War
Tom Nolan Army 1953-1955 Germany
James Nylund Marines Vietnam 1963-1969
Chad Lange US Army Infantry 1961-1964
James Hoffmann Army Vietnam
James Nelson Army Vietnam
Jerome Wanous Army/Air Force World War II
Donald Trom Navy World War II
Albert Fischer Navy World War II 1945-1946
Victor J. Fischer Army Korean 1950-1952
Robert D. Fischer Army Korean 1951-1953
John Klecker Army Germany
James Klecker Army Vietnam
Dan Klecker Army Vietnam
Bernie Prihoda Army Vietnam
William Prihoda Army World War II
Leland Coulter Army World War II
Gary Lawson Army Vietnam
Elmer Lawson Army World War II
Arthur Bartosch Army Medic World War II
Robert Bartosch Army
Wayne Whitbeck Army Iraq
Hugo Matejcek Army World War I
Michael S. Meixner Army Operation Iraq Freedom
Kenneth Jones Navy Korean
Wayne Sommers Army Vietnam
Roger Hagen Army 1953-1955
Donald V. Smith Army Air Corp World War II
Gary D. Smith Army 101st Airborne Vietnam
Gregory W. Smith Air Force 1977-1997
Calvin “Bud” Fisher Army WWII
Hunter Roden PFC Marines
Don Matejcek Army Vietnam
Harlow Pirkl CPL - Army 1952-1954 Korean Conflict
Oryle V. Davis Navy Korean Conflict 1951-1955
Allen Grosland Army 1961
Richard Fisher Navy Vietnam
Thomas Sisser Air Force Korean Conflict
Simon Escamilla Marines Corps. Operation Iraqi Freedom, Afghanistan
Donald A. Robinson Donn M. Robinson US Air Force US Air Force Korea Desert Shield Desert Storm
Raymond H. Pirkl Army 1954-1956
Robert H. Nelson George Sierakowski Marines - 1951-1952 Army Korea Germany 1964-1961
Eurgene LeRoy Ellwood M. Hansen Hendrickson Army Marines 6 yrs WWII National Guard 2 yrs 1941-1945 WWII
James R. Hines Navy Vietnam
Gregory Grossbach Army Vietnam
Harlan Redman Army 1957-1962
Ellwood M. Hansen Jr. Army Vietnam 1966-1968
Jerry Atkinson Army Berlin Brigade 1971-1974
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
Gilbert Even Pogones Army WWII
John M. Jensen Army Vietnam
Edwin G. Jensen Army Japan & Korea
Merv Henke US Navy 1958-1962 Cuba
Vince & Lori Thiele Navy 1958 | 1957
Derald Shaw Army 1968-1970 Japan
Dale Fairbanks US Army Vietnam
Richard D. Wencl Army Vietnam
Matthias Wilson Army Operation Iraqi Freedom
Jeff Bartsch Air Force Korea
Dale Springer Army Vietnam
Levi D. Hanson USMC Operation Iraqi Freedom
Michael Burton USMC Operation Iraqi Freedom
David M. Linders US Navy Vietnam
Arlan Burmeister Army Korea
Cpl. Jonathan Palm USMC Operation Iraqi Freedom
George E. Simon Army Korea
Merrill O. Jensen Army Korea
John A. Lent Army 1954-1956
Ray Anderson Army Vietnam
A. Allen Haberman Navy Korea
Victor Stenzel Navy - Chief Engineer 1955-1957
John E. Hallenberger Navy WWII
Delbert A. Jones MN National Guard
Sanford J. Johnson US Army WWII
Lloyd Dawley Army WWII
Robert Chambers Army Vietnam
Dana Wesley Army National Guard 2012-Present
David F. Vaith US Army 1956-1958
Curtis E. Ringhofer Army Vietnam War Purple Heart
Ronald Minske Air Force Vietnam
Lars Meland Air Force WWII
Martin Meland Army WWII
Brad Labeda USMC 1975-1978
Nels F. Thompson Navy 1956-1959
Tony Seykora Marines Air Corps WWII
Larry Dean Null Navy Desert Storm
Terrance A Warner Army Vietnam
Jerry Shore USMC Vietnam
Paul Irwin Army
Larry Roehling Navy 1942-1948
Edward Sanders National Guard 1941-1951
Lester Salisbury Air Force 1951-1955
Andy Gentner US Navy WWII
Hunter Roden USMC 2010-2014
Douglas B. Kolbe Army Vietnam
Daniel Dahle Army Vietnam
Jerry A. Krause Navy Vietnam
James Talley Army Korea
Roger Standke Navy Sea Bees Operation Deep Freeze - Antarctica
Ralph Piepho Army Medical Corp WWII Europe
Floyd Piepho Army Special Troops WWII Philippines
Stan Degen Army Korea
Tom Montgomery Air Force 1957-1961
Jerry L. Thompson Air Force Vietnam
James N. Wagner AO3 Navy Korea
Clarence M. Thompson Army WWII
Randall Rickman Sergeant E-5 Marines 1980
Brendan Boomgarden Sergeant Army
Jeff Bartsch Air Force 1983-1995
Todd Mogen Staff Sergeant National Guard Iraq
Christ F. Minske Corporal Army Korea
Alixxandra Purdie Mogen Specialist National Guard
Ben Wencl Specialist Four Army Vietnam
Lawrence E. Lester Oeltjenbruns David Broin Oeltjenbruns Army Army Operation Iraqi Freedom 1955 Machinist Mate 3/C Operation Enduring Freedom Navy - WWII
Verlyn Cornelius Glen R. Anderson Lloyd Dahl First Class Petty Officer coxswain Sergeant Major Navy - WWII Pacific Army National Gaurd Navy Korea WWII
Jacob Dahl Sergeant Marines 2016-2020
NOT PICTURED James E. Rowe US Air Force Vietnam
Col. Peter C. Draheim Air Force Operation Iraqi Freedom
David Charles Engbard Marine Vietnam
Norbert L. Schrom Navy 1955
Nick Muldovan Air Force Korean Conflict
Brandon David Engbard Marine Iraq
Ellwood M. Hansen Jr. Army Vietnam 1966-1967
Michael J. Sweeney Army Vietnam
Joe Falteysek Air Force 1966-1969
Lavern Bendorf Air Force Korean Conflict
408 N. Cedar Avenue, Owatonna
Richard Bromley PO3 Navy Vietnam
Peter Seys Stewards Mate Merchant Marines WWII
William “Bill” Miller Army 1945-1947
Jonathan & Shannon Kohn Sergeant & Staff Sergeant Minnesota National Guard Operation Enduring Freedom
Don Loken Marines Vietnam
Allen D. Buss Seaman Second Class Navy WWII
Bruce D. Buss Private Army Vietnam
Lt. Cmdr Silvin Pribyl Naval Air WWII
Justin Spinler Army WWII 1945
James L. Skalicky Marines Vietnam
Glen Roger Quaintance Army Vietnam
Matthew J. Kasper Air Force 2016-2017
Wednesday, November 10, 2021
William P. Gordon Private Navy Korea
Darryl Hill Army Vietnam 1960-1966
Dennis Wimer Army, 25th Infantry Vietnam 1966-1968
Kenneth Keller Specialist Army 1957-1959
James E. Rowe Air Force Vietnam
Clinton J. Bowers Warrant Officer Marines Afghanistan & Syria
Paul Kubicek Army Okinawa, Japan 1957-1961
Edward Disher Army Korean Conflict 1957-1959
William Kasper Air Force 1978-1983
Philip A. Michelson Army Airborne WWII - Japan
Distinguished MEDALS
branches of military – one for the Army, another for the Air Force, and one shared our beloved serviceman or servicewoman is likely humble about by the Navy, Marine Corps and the Coast Guard. the medals they were awarded during their careers. When you’re sitting around the table this The Purple Heart The Purple Heart metal is typically given holiday season, be sure you’re up to speed to soldiers who were wounded in combat. on the various military medals and what Eligible service men and women have they represent. You can make a big differserved in the military on or after April 5, ence during the holidays by showing that 1917 when the United States joined the you appreciate and understand the sacriAllied forces in World War I. It is also comfices your favorite veterans have made in mon for families of fallen troops to receive their careers. One way to do so is learning more about the award on behalf of their soldier’s ultimedals, including the Medal of Honor and mate sacrifice. The Purple Heart. Distinguished Service Cross Here are some of the most impressive Introduced on Jan. 2, 1918, the Dismedals a military member can receive and tinguished Service Cross is awarded to what it means to earn one, as reported by soldiers who engaged in conflict with forces the Pearl Harbor Visitors Bureau. that threaten the United States. Here are three of the most common. Medal of Honor Navy Cross: Most likely awarded to Regarded as the highest military decoration to be awarded by our government, the servicemen and servicewomen who were present during the Pearl Harbor attack. Medal of Honor is presented by the presiCongress created the medal on Feb. 4, 1918. dent of the United States and recognizes a Air Force Cross: Established on July service member’s gallantry and intrepid6, 1960, has been awarded to more than ity for their risk of life while engaging an 190 Air Force members for their distinct enemy force. service. The first medal was introduced in 1861 Silver Star: The third-highest honor as an award for the United States Navy. The awarded to military members recognizes a Army followed with their own reward the following year, and the Air Force Medal of soldier’s level of bravery. It was introduced in 1932 and used to replace the Citation Honor was adopted in 1965. Star which was created by Congress in There are three distinct versions of the award used to represent the different 1918. (GS)
ThANk You VeTerANs!
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