Rice county worship 2018

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Wednesday, March 21, 2018


Rice County

Worship March 2018 | Faribault Daily News | Northfield News

A reference book for area churches and community services throughout Rice County, Minnesota




Have faith

in your child’s future. •

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At Faribault Lutheran School, we provide parents the opportunity to place their children in a safe, Christian environment where children feel secure and are able to learn and succeed. At Faribault Lutheran School, all students in our communities are welcome, regardless of religious affiliations. We believe that we can offer children the instruction, both religious and academic, they need to lead successful lives.

If you would like to set up a tour of the school and meet the Principal and prospective teacher of your child, please don’t hesitate to contact us at 334-7982. We would love to visit with you!

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Wednesday, March 21, 2018



Rice County


2018 A special project of Faribault Daily News 514 Central Ave. Faribault, MN 55021 507.333.3100 Publisher & Editor Sam Gett A special project of Northfield News 115 West 5th St. Northfield, MN 55057 507.645.5615 Publisher & Editor Chad Hjellming

A reference book for area churches and community services throughout Rice County, Minnesota

Trinity Lutheran Church LCMS 803 Winona Street Northfield , MN 55057 inquiries@ trinitynorthfield.org (507) 645-4438 www.trinitynorthfield.org Rev. Brent Klein Rev. Dr. Armand J. Boehme

Worship service days and times: Sunday 9:00 a.m. Thursday 6:00 p.m. Radio Broadcast KDHL, and Faribault Cable TV Channels, Live Streaming Services at: www.trinityradioandvideo.org Statement of beliefs: Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod

Rice County Worship, 2018 is distributed to subscribers and readers of Faribault Daily News and Northfield News at no additional charge. All advertising contained herein is the responsibility of the advertisers. All rights reserved. Š2018.

Trinity Lutheran Church

Worship Times Thursday ................... 6:00 p.m. Sunday ...................... 9:00 a.m.

Sunday School ........ 10:30 a.m. Bible Study .............. 10.30 a.m.

803 Winona Street, Northfield | 507-645-4438 | www.Trinitynorthfield.org


RICE COUNTY WORSHIP John’s includes Holy Communion every week, beautiful music, and inspired preaching. We desire to create a community that is warm and welcoming to all God’s children wherever you are on your faith journey. Members of St. John’s are equipped for service Services for children / available through advocacy, benevolence, child care: and volunteer service here in Infant and toddler care Northfield and around the world. available during both services Our historic building in the heart on Sundays and at the 10:00 of Northfield was the birthplace a.m. service during the summer. Children of all ages are welcome of the St. Olaf Choir, and continues as a hub of community in worship. life for our neighbors. Here you Youth groups, small groups, other will find people of every age sharing joy and sorrows, and ministries: Faith formation for children, be challenged to grow in your own faith journey. We hope to youth, and adults - schedule welcome you soon. varies. Worship service days and times: Sundays at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. with Learning and Fellowship for all ages at 9:45 a.m. Summer services at 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. on Sundays.

St. John’s Lutheran Church 500 Third St. W, Northfield, MN 55057 office@StJohnsNorthfield. org (507) 645-4429 StJohnsNorthfield.org Pastor Pam Fickenscher, Senior Pastor Pastor Jonathan Davis, Associate Pastor

Statement of Beliefs: We invite you to join us for worship, education, and fellowship on Sundays. On Wednesday evenings during the school year we offer a community meal, afterschool children and youth programming, faith formation classes, and choirs for all ages. Sunday worship at St.

SUNDAY WORSHIP SERVICES 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. | Summer 8:30 and 10 a.m. LEaRNINg aND FELLOwSHIp All ages | 9:45 a.m. Sundays, September–May LIvE bROaDcaSTS· 1080 aM & 95.1 FM 8:30–9:30 a.m. Sundays | KYMN Radio NTv bROaDcaSTS· cHaNNELS 187 7:30 p.m. Mondays and 7 p.m. Fridays ST. JOHN’S LUTHERAN CHURCH 500 THIRD STREET WEST • NORTHFIELD MN 55057 507-645-4429 • StJohnsNorthfield.org

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 Worship service details: Days and times: Sunday 9:30am worship followed by fellowship Dress code: come as you are Music: traditional Services for children / available day care: Sunday School is held during the Sunday service Youth groups, small groups, other ministries: Wednesday “Peace Kids” program for K-5th grade. 3:305pm (every Wednesday during the school year). Free and open to everyone. Monthly youth (grades 6-12) events. Monthly coffee time (one Wednesday morning a month). VBS every August. Statement of beliefs: We believe our mission is to Spiritually and Physically spread the word of God. We follow a simple Methodist tradition, Do Good, Do No Harm, Stay in love with God. We believe that service to others, regardless of their religious affiliation, social status, circumstances, etc. is of the utmost importance. We believe that we are commissioned by Christ himself to seek and support the lost and lonely.

Peace United Methodist 205 Division Street North Morristown, MN 55052 507-685-4466 Like us on FACEBOOK Pastor Elden Eklund

Peace United Methodist Church 205 North Division Street, Morristown, MN • 685-4466

Services every Sunday at 9:30am • Sunday School for ages PreK through 6th grade Plus confirmation • Coffee and fellowship after every service • Wednesday Peace for Kids (PreK-5th grade) 3:30-5:00pm • Monthly youth events (Birth-12th grade) • Peace Memorial Garden for personal reflection

Our Mission is to physically and spiritually spread the word of God.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Bethel Lutheran Church 1321 North Ave. Northfield, MN 55057 507-786-8876

RICE COUNTY WORSHIP life. Bethel Lutheran Church is a vibrant and dynamic congregation that loves its children and youth, is strongly committed to outreach and social ministry, celebrates the presence of Christ in its weekly worship, and is seriously committed to living as disciples of Jesus Christ in our church, community, and world.

bethel@bethelnorthfield.org Pastor Timothy McDermott Senior Pastor; Pastor Rebecca Wold Freeman - Associate Pastor; Barb Farmer - Director of Youth Ministries; Pam Vig - Director of Children’s Ministry; Megan Engel Director of Music & Worship Worship service details: Sunday 8:30 & 10:45 a.m. Statement of beliefs: Bethel Lutheran Church is a congregation of approximately 1,200 members and is affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. At Bethel we teach, preach, and live the truth that every one of us is loved, valued, and belongs. Bethel features eight choirs, three youth groups, women and men’s fellowship/study/ service organizations, and an active social service ministry. A staff of twenty-two full and part-time employees serves the congregation. From nursery care to youth camping trips to hospital visitation to Christian education, the work of the staff touches all aspects of parish

First United Church of Christ 300 Union St Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-7532 church@firstucc. orgfirstucc.org Rev. Todd Smith Lippert, Senior Minister; Rev. Abigail Henderson, Associate Minister Worship service details: Sundays 10:30 a.m. (always) and 5:00 p.m. (check calendar) Dress code: Casual


Visit http://firstucc.org/ about-first-ucc/ministries/ for a sample of our programs and activities.

Justice. We are committed to working for economic, racial, and gender equality. We are guided by visions of God’s realm on earth: a realm where everyone Statement of beliefs: is accepted as they are, everyone First UCC is a progressive is valuable, everyone is enough. Christian voice in Northfield. We Taking steps towards this realm are bound together by a covenant will lead us toward a true peace, and a common purpose, not by a Just Peace. 3) Extravagant uniformity of belief or doctrine. Welcome. We are an Open and And we are part of the United Affirming church of the United Church of Christ, a dynamic Church of Christ, meaning that Protestant denomination that has we strive to be welcoming to all often been a leader in extending people, including the Lesbian, the Good News of the Gospel Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender to all people. As we live our community. 4) Caring for God’s faith together, these values help Creation. As Christians, we are define what it means for us to be called to care both for other a progressive Christian church. human beings and also for the 1) Continuing Testament. Our creation on which we depend. faith is 2,000 years old, but our Humans are altering the earth’s thinking is not. We worship climate, and we are committed a God who invites our whole to working with others who are being, head and heart, into the trying to lessen the effects of life-giving path of Christian these changes on human beings discipleship. God spoke through and creation. our ancestors of faith, and God is still speaking today. We honor all that we know about our world today, and we listen carefully to our ancestors and to one another to hear what God is saying in our time. 2) Social

firstucc.org firstucc.org firstucc.org

firstucc.org firstucc.org

300 Union St. 300 300 Union Union St.St.

300 Union Union St St 300

Services for children / available day care: Children welcome in worship, with infant and toddler care available; faith formation programming for children during regular program year Youth groups, small groups, other ministries:


AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING CHURCH AN OPEN AND AFFIRMING CHURCH AllAll are are welcome welcome to to worship! worship!


Building Disciples for and His Kingdom Building Disciples for Christ Christ and His Building Disciples for Christ and HisKingdom Kingdom

Sunday Mornings: SaturdayEvening: Evening: Saturday

8:30 & 10:45 Worship with Holy Communion 5:00 Worship withHoly Holy Communion 5:00 with Communion 9:45 Worship Sunday School and Adult Education

SundayMornings: Mornings: Sunday

8:30 &Summers: 10:45 Worship

8:30 & 10:00 Worship 8:30 &Holy 10:45 Worship with Communion with HolyCommunion Communion with Holy 9:45 Sunday School 9:45 Sunday School andAvenue Adult 1321 North • Education Northfield 507-786-6674 • Adult www.bethelnorthfield.org and Education Summers: 8:30 & 10:00 Worship with Holy Communion

Sundays Sundays 10:30 10:30 a.m. a.m. oror 5:00 5:00 p.m. p.m. (9:30 (9:30 a.m. a.m. only only in in summer) summer)

All are welcome to worship! All to worship! Allare arewelcome welcome toor worship! Sundays 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. All are welcome to worship! Sundays 10:30 a.m. or p.m. Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 5:00 (always) (9:30 a.m. only in summer) additional times (9:30and a.m. only inor summer) Sundays 10:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m. (check calendar online)

(9:30 a.m. only in summer)


RICE COUNTY WORSHIP gives life meaning and prepares us for the moment the soul separates from the body and continues on its eternal journey towards its Maker. Realization of the principle of the oneness of humanity is at once the goal and operating principle of Bahá’u’lláh’s revelation. Bahá’u’lláh compared the world of humanity to the human Youth groups, small groups, other body. Within this organism, millions of cells, diverse in ministries: In the Junior Youth Spiritual form and function, play their part in maintaining a healthy Empowerment program, older system. Similarly, harmonious youth act as animators to the relationships among individuals, junior youth. The program aims communities, and institutions to assist junior youth to take serve to sustain society and ownership for their spiritual allow for the advancement of and intellectual development, civilization. Major principles to develop a strong sense of include: the independent search purpose and the volition needed after truth; the oneness of the to make good decisions, and entire human race; the abolition to engage in meaningful social of all forms of prejudice; the action in their communities. harmony which must exist Thus, the program attempts between religion and science; to assist them to recognize the moral issues underlying everyday the equality of men and women; the introduction of compulsory decisions and identify the moral education; the adoption of a implications of speech and universal auxiliary language; action, and to empower them to the abolition of the extremes channel their energies towards both strengthening their own character and to serving their community. 162) Children learn through memorizing prayers and quotations, music, stories, games, arts and crafts. The goal is for the children to reach a stage in which they can understand and act upon the imperative to tend to their own spiritual development and contribute to the well-being of society.

Baha’i Faith of Faribault 710 3rd St NW Faribault, MN 55021 bahaifaith.faribaultmn@ yahoo.com (507) 334-5022 https://www.bahai.us/ Jim Muehlbach, Cindy Diessner (NOTE: there is no clergy in the Baha’i Faith) Worship service days and times: Varies Worship service location: Varies Worship service dress code, music or other details: In addition to Holy Days, the Nineteen Day Feasts, the gatherings which serve as the bedrock of Bahá’í community life are held every nineteen days and consist of devotions, consultation, and a social portion. Devotional gatherings are held in which friends, Bahá’ís and others alike, unite in prayer and awaken spiritual susceptibilities within the participants. Study circles are small groups that meet once or twice a week for a few hours, and participants arise to carry out specific acts of service. “Work done in the spirit of service is the highest form of worship.” (Abdu’l-Baha, Divine Philosophy, p. 83) Services for children / available child care: Bahá’ís see the young as the most precious treasure a community can possess. “Regard man as a mine rich in gems of inestimable value. Education can, alone, cause it to reveal its treasures, and enable mankind to benefit therefrom.” (Baha’u’llah, Tablets of Baha’u’llah, p.

Statement of beliefs: Throughout history, God has sent to humanity a series of divine Educators—known as Manifestations of God—whose teachings have provided the basis for the advancement of civilization. These Manifestations have included Abraham, Krishna, Zoroaster, Moses, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad. Bahá’u’lláh, the latest of these Messengers, explained that the religions of the world come from the same Source and are in essence successive chapters of one religion from God. Baha’u’llah’s Revelation affirms that the purpose of our lives is to know God and to attain His presence. Our true identity is our rational soul, whose free will and powers of understanding enable us to continually better ourselves and our society. Walking a path of service to God and to humanity

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 of wealth and poverty; the institution of a world tribunal for the adjudication of disputes between nations; and the confirmation of justice as the ruling principle in human affairs.

Let Us Pray

The Baha’i Faith is the youngest of the world’s independent monotheistic religions. Founded in Iran in 1844, it now has more than five million adherents in 236 countries and territories. Baha’is come from nearly every national, ethnic and religious background, making the Baha’i Faith the second-most-widespread religion in the world. Baha’is view the world’s major religions as a part of a single, progressive process through which God reveals His will to humanity. Baha’u’llah (1817-1892), the Founder of the Baha’i Faith, is recognized as the most recent in a line of Divine Messengers that stretches back beyond recorded time and includes Abraham, Moses, Buddha, Zoroaster, Christ and Muhammad. The central theme of Baha’u’llah’s message is that humanity is one single race and that the day has come for humanity’s unification into one global society. While reaffirming the core ethical principles common to all religions, Baha’u’llah also revealed new laws and teachings to lay the foundations of a global civilization. “A new life,” Baha’u’llah declared, “is, in this age, stirring within all the peoples of the earth.” For more information contact the Baha’is of Faribault at 334-5022 or bahaifaith.faribaultmn@yahoo.com Devotions on Mondays at 7:00 PM are open to all at 710 NW 3rd Street.

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

RICE COUNTY WORSHIP struggles of today. Services for children: Nursery care is provided throughout the entire service for children age 2 & under.

Pastor Steve Crombie The River Community Church 528 4th Ave NW Faribault, MN 55021 office@theriverchurch.org (507) 334-1897 https://www. theriverchurch.org Worship service details: Sunday worship begins at 10:00 am in our beautiful historic building. Dress code is casual. Our service begins with contemporary worship led by our worship band, followed by a message based on God’s Word that is relevant to issues and

Children in Grade 6 & down are dismissed after worship for age appropriate classes led by caring volunteers. Youth group / small groups / other ministries:


ample opportunity for fellowship and spiritual growth. 7:40 Men’s Breakfast happens once a month on a Saturday morning at the church. This $5 breakfast includes an encouragement to men to embrace maturity and leadership in their homes, as indicated by its namesake verse, I Chronicles 7:40. Statement of Faith:

Youth Group for students ages 13-18 meets Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm at the church. Our aim is to lay a solid foundation of truth in the lives of the students so they can stand strong in their faith in their daily lives.

We believe that God loves all the people of the world and desires them to draw near to Him. We believe that sin has separated mankind from God. The River Church exists to preach the clear message of salvation through Jesus Christ alone as the answer Tuesday night is normally the to humanity’s dilemma of sin. night our small church-wide We believe the Word of God groups meet, which change is our foundation of truth. We location and format from time believe the church is called to be to time. Sometimes there are Christ’s voice, his hands and his women’s and men’s groups; feet to express God’s message of sometimes they are combined and love to the world around us. we meet together. We believe life change happens best when people are in relationship with one another, and we try to provide

Saint Luke’s Church

Saint Luke’s C Saint Luke’s Church Saint Luke’s Church

6:30PM Maundy Thursday Servi 6:30PM Good Friday Service 9AM Easter Breakfast (Free) 10:15AM Easter Service 6:30PM Maundy~Thursday Service Evangelical Nondenominational Christ-Centered ~ Nondenominational 6:30PM Good Friday Service Christ-Centered ~ Intergenerational 9AM–Sunday Easter Breakfast (Free) 9:00AM School ~ (PreK-Adult) 1100 9th Ave SW Faribault 10:15AM Easter Service 10:15AM – Worship Service (507)-334-6608 Evangelical ~ (Nursery Nondenominational Available) Christ-Centered ~ Intergenerational

6:30PM Maundy Thu 6:30PM Good Frid 6:30PM Maundy Thursday Service Easter Break 6:30PM Good Friday9AM Service 10:15AM Easter 9AM Easter “Where Breakfast the Gospel (Free) brings life to Generations.” 1100 9th Ave SW Faribault 10:15AM Easter Service Evangelical ~ School Nondenom 9 blocks south of the High (507)-334-6608 Christ-Centered ~ Interge slcfaribault.com Evangelical ~ “Where Nondenominational the Gospel brings life to Generations.” “Where the Gospel brings life to Generations.” Christ-Centered ~ Intergenerational 1100 9th Ave SW Faribault




St. Luke’s Church 1100 SW 9th Avenue Faribault, MN 55021 507-334-6608 slcfaribault.com Pastor Greg Purchla Worship service details: Days and times: 10:15 AM Sundays. Sunday School all ages 9:00 AM Dress code: Casual Music: Blended: Hymns/Contemporary

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Youth groups, small groups, other ministries: We have a Bible Study on Tuesday Mornings, Wednesday Evenings we have a Youth Discipleship Group/ Confirmation Group. Sunday night Home Group, and various other short term classes. We have adult and youth fellowship opportunities. We host a Vacation Bible School in the summer. Statement of beliefs: Saint Luke’s Church is a non-denominational Christcentered Church. We exist to glorify God in the power of the Holy Spirit by making disciples who: exalt His name in worship, evangelize the lost, and encourage one another to love and good works. We stand on the Bible to be the inerrant word of God, and we believe that salvation is only possible through faith and trust in Jesus Christ alone for the forgiveness of sins.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2018


PAGE 9 God.

Statement of beliefs: All Saints is a beautiful historic church, which lends itself to participatory in easy-to-follow liturgies and excellent music. In 2014 we underwent major All Saints Episcopal reconstruction to better serve our mission of hospitality to the Church Northfield and Rice County area. 419 Washington Street As part of the Episcopal Northfield, MN 55057 Church of Minnesota and in 507-645-7414 relationship with our Bishop The office@allsaintsnorthfield. Rt. Rev. Brian Prior we believe All Saints participates in God’s org mission: allsaintsnorthfield.org * To proclaim the Good News of the kingdom The Rev. Gayle Marsh * To teach, baptize and nurture new believers Worship service details: * To respond to human Sunday 9:30AM All Age Christian Ed, Sunday 10:30AM need in loving service * To seek to transform Holy Eucharist unjust structures of society, Tuesday Evening Prayer & Study to challenge violence of every 7PM, Wednesday 7:30 AM kind and to pursue peace and Morning Prayer reconciliation Services for children / available * To strive to safeguard day care: the integrity of creation and Sunday School 9:30 AM sustain and renew the life of the September-May earth Nursery Available 9:30-Noon Youth groups, small groups, other ministries: Whether you are single, a college student or part of a family you are welcome at All Saints. Children of all ages participate in using their gifts and worship. For the convenience of parents there is staffed nursery during the service, but children and toddlers are also welcome to stay in church with their parents. Our youth group meets mid-week and Confirmation study happens on Sundays. As a smaller community we are flexible and adapt to individual needs. Pastoral care is provided by our priest and community from cradle to grave. Our essential worship is the Celebration of Holy Eucharist which give thanks to God for what has been done for us in Jesus Christ.

Statement of beliefs: It is the desire of our church to invite you into an authentic and exciting relationship as you experience the best way to live life - in relationship with Jesus Christ. There is traditional music and contemporary praise songs, a casual atmosphere, children’s time, prayer time, coffee and goodies following. Nursery and young children’s class during worship is available.

Fourth Avenue United Methodist Church 219 4th Ave NW Faribault, MN 55021 (507) 334-4308 fourthaveumcoffice@ gmail.com http://www. fourthaveumc.org/ Broadcast Days: Available on YouTube @ https:// www.youtube.com/channel/ UCm8uLou3Zk3Jj8OzoXf13xA Co-Pastors – John and Judy McEachran Worship service details: Days and times: Worship Service Sunday, 9am Music: Traditional and Praise Music are offered Services for children/available day care: Nursery and young children class offered Youth groups, small groups, other ministries: Fourth Ave United Methodist Church is always looking towards activities that support ministries of nurture, outreach, and witness. Our ministries have a goal of making it easy to find and experience

e Comship Woitrh us w

Sunday Worship Service: 9am Sunday School: 9:15am Refreshments/Coffee: 10:15am

FOURTH AVENUE UNITED M ETHODIST CHURCH More information at: www.fourthaveumc.org 219 4th Avenue NW, Faribault, MN 55021



First Baptist Church 1108 Westwood Drive, Faribault, MN 55021 507-334-3373 fbc@firstbaptistfaribault. org www.firstbaptistfaribault. org

10:00 a.m.; Picnic supper with bouncy houses, carnival games, lawn games, etc. beginning at 4:00 p.m. (FREE) Statement of beliefs: To exalt Christ through worship, Bible study, outreach, service and fellowship

Trinity Lutheran Church 530 4th St NW Faribault, MN 55021 Worship service details: Days and times: Sunday: 9 a.m. 507-331-6579 Sunday School (year-round, all billk@trinityfaribo.org ages), 10 a.m. Morning Worship, www.trinityfaribault.org Mr. Jared Matthew, Pastor

6 p.m. Bible Study and Prayer. Wednesday, 6:30-8:00 p.m. Awana (May-Sept)

Services for children / available day care: Nursery available during Sunday Services Youth groups, small groups, other ministries: Awana: Ages 3yrs to 6th grade, Sept-May. Small Group Bible Studies: on-going Food Shelf: Distribution the first Monday of the month by appointment. Easter Egg Hunt: Saturday before Easter, 1 p.m. (FREE) Neighbors Night Out, July 30: Sunday morning service under the tent (weather permitting)

Broadcast Days: Each Sunday 8:00am on KDHL. Also Wednesdays at 5:30pm during lent and advent. Broadcast Times: 8:00 am Sundays Stations ie: Radio/TV KDHL radio. Also several times/week on Faribault Community TV. Also streaming video available of past Sunday services at www.trinityradioandvideo.org

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Days and times: Saturday, 5:30pm, 8:00am & 10:30am Sundays, Lent and Advent seasons: 5:30pm Wednesdays Dress code: Formal or casual Music: Pipe organ, piano, choir, contemporary singing group with guitars on 1st & 3rd Sundays of the month at 10:30am. On 5th Sundays of the month, special Gospel Service featuring older style hymns with stringed instruments and piano.

to special places for fun and for learning. Quilting group meets each Wednesday morning. Dozens of other groups and activities too numerous to list (see website). Anyone welcome at any time.

Statement of beliefs: Trinity is a family of believers in Jesus Christ who are eager to share God’s Word with the world. Services for children / available We are blessed by your day care: participation with us in worship, Either Sunday service, special education, and caring fellowship that is centered in God’s children’s sermon sitting up front on the alter steps. extravagant love for Jesus’ sake. We encourage you to grow with Youth groups, small groups, other us in your relationship with God and with others. ministries: What We believe Many Bible classes held, Our Vision is to connect some at church, some in homes at people to Christ through God’s various times during the week. Word. Our Values of Grace, Youth group meets periodically for special youth fun Faith, Hope and Love are nonevents and projects. negotiable and are the foundation JOY ( Just Older Youth) of our beliefs that make us group meets 1st Thursday of unique. each month at 11:00am to travel

Rev. Dr. Michael Nirva – Senior pastor Rev. Paul Rieger – Assoc pastor Contemporary Service Leader – Rick Schafer Youth Coordinator – Kristen Sellentine Worship service details:

Service Times Sunday Sunday School 9:00 A.M. (year-round for all ages) Morning Service 10:00 A.M. • Evening Service 6:00 P.M. Wednesday A.W.A.N.A /Youth Group (Sept.-May) 6:30 P.M. 1108 Westwood Dr., Faribault, MN 55021 • Jared Matthew, Pastor Phone: 507-334-4885 • firstbaptistfaribault.org


To Connect People toPeople Christ Through God’s Word To Connect to Christ

Through God’s Word


Saturday 5:30 PM Sunday 8:00 and 10:30 AM

9:15 AM Adult Bible Classes – held in the Fellowship Hall 9:15 AM Sunday School Classes – Each Sunday during the school year Radio Broadcast KDHL 920AM Sunday 8:00AM Live Streaming Services at www.trinityradioandvideo.org Faribault Cable TV Channels 10 & 181 3:30 PM Monday and/or Tuesday 530 NW Fourth Street • 507-331-6579 • www.trinityfaribault.org

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

RICE COUNTY WORSHIP 8:30 a.m. and a contemporary worship service at 10:45 a.m. Wednesday evening services are generally a little shorter and more traditional. Our single Sunday worship service is also traditional in style. Dress code: Casual Music: Traditional and Contemporary

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 418 East Sumner St. Northfield, MN 55057 (507) 645-8252 terryrydberg@northfieldstp.org www.northfieldstp.org Pastor, David Weeks Julie Klock, Children & Family Faith Formation; Mary Kay Bougie, Coordinator of Music Worship service days and times: Sunday: 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.; Wednesday Evening: See calendar; Summer: One worship service on Sunday mornings at 9:00 a.m. Worship service details: We hold a traditional worship service at

Services for children / available day care: SUNDAYS: Sunday School (3 years old-5th grade) is held during the school year between worship services 9:40-10:40. Included is a bible lesson with an activity and music class. A children’s sermon during worship is a special time with children attending worship services each week. Every third Sunday high school students volunteer at Caring & Sharing Hands. WEDNESDAYS: Breakfast Club for Sibley Elementary students on late start days meets at 7:45 a.m. with a full breakfast and activity. Students are walked to school by adult leaders. Breakfast Club is not a religious class. Confirmation and SPY (St. Peter’s Youth) groups meet.

PAGE 11 Statement of beliefs: We are confessionally Lutheran and we are progressive. We cherish the Reformation witness that we are justified by grace through faith alone, and we appreciate the ancient traditions of the church. But we are not locked in the past. Christ’s church is always in the process of re-formation. We are a people interested and committed to growing deeper in our faith. The world is changing quickly but we are not afraid. Time and time again, in the Bible, God says, “Do not be afraid.” We are energized by the possibilities and opportunities for Christ’s church in the future. Do we have all the answers to the questions about tomorrow’s church? No, but we celebrate questions and exploration. If you are looking for a church home where questions are expected and encouraged, St. Peter’s may be the place for you.

Youth groups, small groups, other ministries: Youth Groups, Mission Trips, Bible Study, Community Outreach, Music, Prayer, and Family Ministries.

You are welcome here!

St. Peter’s Lutheran Church Sunday mornings… Worship at 8:30 and 10:45 a.m. Education and Fellowship at 9:40 a.m.


Worship at 9:00 a.m.

Believe • Belong

BECOME www.northfieldstp.org Like us on


St. Peter’s Lutheran/Northfield


Fellowship l Bible Study l Mission Trips Community Outreach l Music and Prayer Children, Youth, and Family Ministries St. Peter’s Lutheran Church 418 East Sumner Street • Northfield, Minnesota 55057 David Weeks, Pastor

(507) 645-8252




Baha’i Faith

Seventh Day Adventist Church 1360 Albers Path Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-332-8256

Baha’i Faith of Faribault 710 NW 3rd St Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-5022 800-228-6483

Assemblies of God Canvas Church 401 Jefferson Pkwy Northfield, Minnesota 55057 507-301-6777 Iglesia Nueva Vida en Cristo (New Life in Christ Church International) 1132 NW Sixth Street @ Lincoln Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-333-9210

Life 21 2100 Jefferson Rd Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-7730 River Valley Church 722 Ravine St Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-4917 Triumphant Life Church Parish House of the Congregational Church UCC 222 NW Third Ave Faribault, MN 55021 507-412-8382 Triumphant Life Church 221 NW Second Ave Lonsdale, MN 55046 612-605-1147

Baptist Berean Baptist Church (Southern Baptist Convention) 20 NW 2nd St Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-331-8202 Emmaus 712 N Linden St Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-9480 First Baptist Church (GARBC) 1108 Westwood Dr Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-4885 Buddhist Northfield Buddhist Meditation Center 313 ½ Division Street (above Jenkins Jewelers) Northfield, Minnesota 55057 Catholic Church of St Dominic 104 N Linden St Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-8816 Church of the Immaculate Conception 116 SE Alabama St Lonsdale, MN 55046 507-744-2829

Divine Mercy 139 Mercy Dr Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-2266 Church of St Patrick, Shieldsville 7525 Dodd Rd Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-6002 Church of God (Iglesia De Dios) Rios De Agua Viva 425 NW Sixth St Faribault, Minnesota 55021 College Carleton College Skinner Memorial Chapel 1 North College St Northfield, MN 55087 507-222-4003 St Olaf College Boe Memorial Chapel 1520 St Olaf Ave Northfield, MN 55057 507-786-3092 Community The Crux Church 112 N Central Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-5211 The River Community Church 528 4th Ave NW Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-1897

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 Episcopal All Saints Episcopal Church 419 Washington St Northfield, MN 55059 507-645-7417 The Cathedral of Our Merciful Saviour 515 NW 2nd Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-7732 Evangelical Cornerstone Community Church (C&MA) 1313 S Division St Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-8839 Iglesia Evangelica Cristiana Espiritual 5 NE Sixth Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 Evangelical Free Church Faribault Evangelical Free Church 1039 Saint Paul Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-332-8369 Northfield Evangelical Free Church 5600 E 110th St Northfield, MN 55057 507-663-0133 Jehovah’s Witnesses Jehovah’s Witnesses Kingdom Hall 2618 NW Park Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-332-7581

Wednesday, March 21, 2018 Northfield Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses 5785 E Lonsdale Blvd Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-6704 Jewish Jewish Shabbat Services Jones House Carleton College Northfield, Minnesota 55057 Latter Day Saints Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints 902 SW 17th St Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-7046 Lutheran Bethel Lutheran Church (ELCA) 1321 North Ave Northfield, MN 55057 507-786-6674 Bethel Ridge Church of the Lutheran Brethren 1401 Bethel Ct Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-6801 Bethlehem Lutheran Church (LCMS) 404 West Franklin St Morristown, Minnesota 55052 507-685-4338 Christ Lutheran Church (ELCA) 1200 NE 1st St Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-8821 Dennison Lutheran Church 37514 Third Ave Dennison, MN 55018 507-645-6042 First English Lutheran Church (ELCA) 204 NW 2nd St Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-4389 Grace Lutheran Church (ELCA) 305 South First St Nerstrand, Minnesota 55053 507-334-2822 Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (ELCA) 1207 SW Prairie Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-331-2276 Peace Lutheran Church (LCMS) 213 SW 6th Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-9610 Rejoice! Lutheran Renewal Northfield High School Auditorium 1200 Division St 507-664-9007 St John’s Lutheran Church 500 W Third St Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-4429 St Peter’s Lutheran Church 418 E Sumner St Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-8252 Trinity Lutheran Church (LCMS) 530 NW 4th St Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-331-6579

RICE COUNTY WORSHIP Trinity Lutheran Church 10500 West 215th St Morristown, Minnesota 55052 507-685-2307 Trinity Lutheran Church (LCMS) 803 Winona St Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-4438 Trondhjem Lutheran Church (ELCA) 7525 Garfield Ave Lonsdale, MN 55046 507-744-2310 Vang Lutheran Church Corner of County 49 Blvd and 20th Ave Dennison, MN 55018 507-645-6042 Moravian Main Street Moravian Church 713 Division St Northfield, Minnesota 55057 507-645-7566 Non-Denominational Cannon City Community Church 17790 Cannon City Blvd Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-3163 Cannon Valley Church of Christ 22220 Glynview Trail – County Road 19 Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-1542 Canvas Church Services held at Bridgewater Elementary School 401 Jefferson Parkway Northfield, MN 55057


First United Church of Christ 300 Union St Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-7532

Peace United Methodist Church 205 N Division St Morristown, Minnesota 55052 507-685-4466

Saint John’s United Church of Christ 19086 Jacobs Ave (Wheeling Township) Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-789-5766

Prairieville United Methodist Church 9411 Kenyon Blvd Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-332-9646

United Methodist

Religious Society of Friends (Quaker)

Fourth Avenue United Methodist Church 219 NW 4th Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-4308

Cannon Valley Friends Meeting 313 ½ Division St Northfield, Minnesota 55057 507-663-1048

Hope United Methodist Church 3166 East 197th St Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-5849 Little Prairie United Methodist Church 2980 130th St E Dundas, MN 55019 507-663-6150

Unitarian Universalist Unitarian Universalist Fellowship 113 Linden Ave S Northfield, MN 55057 507-786-3366

Nerstrand United Methodist Church 12 Maple St Nerstrand, Minnesota 55053 507-332-4089 Northfield United Methodist Church 1401 S Maple St Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-5689

City Light Church 2140 S Hwy 3 Northfield, MN 55057 507-645-8829 Faribault Church of Christ 937 SW 9th Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-7164 Gospel of Life Family Church Heritage Square Mall on Hwy 3 South 2010 Jefferson Square, Suite A Northfield, MN 55057 507-259-2644

Be the HART of the community!

Harvest Church International 2627 NW 2nd Avenue Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-332-8731 St. Luke’s Church 1100 SW 9th Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-6608 Pentecostal (Iglesia Evangelica Pentecostes) Nueva Jerusalem 609 NW 4th Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 United Church of Christ Congregational Church of Faribault, UCC 222 NW 3rd Ave Faribault, Minnesota 55021 507-334-5910

Transport residents of Goodhue, Rice & Wabasha Counties to appointments and recreational activities. Receive mileage reimbursement and set your own schedule. Call 866-623-7505 or email us at HART@threeriverscap.org for more information.



Divine Mercy Catholic Church 139 Mercy Drive Faribault, MN 55021 507-334-2266 http://divinemercy.cc msimon@divinemercy.cc Broadcast Days: Tuesday and Wednesday Broadcast Times: 2:00pm for the previous weekend’s Mass Stations ie: Radio/TV FCTV Enventis channel 10; Charter channel 181 Fr. Kevin Kenney Pastor Fr. Byron Hagan Associate Pastor Fr. Kyle Kowalczyk Associate Pastor Worship service details: Days and times: Weekend Masses Saturday 4:00 pm......... Divine Mercy Sunday 8:00 am........Divine Mercy 10:00 am......Divine Mercy

12:00 noon........Divine Mercy (Español) 5:00 pm............. Divine Mercy Weekday Masses Mon 5:30 pm....Divine Mercy Tues 8:30 am....Divine Mercy Wed 8:30 am.......Immaculate Conception (Sept-May) Divine Mercy ( June-August) Thurs 8:30 am.Divine Mercy Fri 8:30 am...........Immaculate Conception (Sept-May) Divine Mercy ( June-August) Sat 8:30 am ......Divine Mercy

12:00 noon....Divine Mercy (Español) 5:00 pm.........Divine Mercy

Weekday Masses Mon 5:30 pm .............Divine Mercy

the international Shrine of Divine Mercy in Poland) Divine Mercy Catholic Church was formed in June 2002, as three Catholic communities became one by the providence of God. The Catholic faith in our community dates back to 1847, when the first Holy Mass was celebrated at the home of Alexander Faribault. On August 2, 2009, we dedicated our new Church, built to be your new Church home! Not Catholic? Not a problem, we welcome everyone.

Statement of beliefs: Divine Mercy Catholic Church is a community of disciples of Jesus Christ committed to loving God and others. Our motto is “Jesus, I trust in you!” When you visit us you can expect an authentically Catholic parish community, a warm and open environment where you and your family will feel welcomed and at home. You’ll experience community and a relevant message about God and his amazing plan for our lives. Divine Mercy is “a place of conversion and repentance; a place for the celebration of the Eucharist; a fountain of mercy; a place of prayer and of constant appeals for mercy for ourselves and for the whole world.”- St. John Paul II (When dedicating

Weekend Masses S aturd ay 4:00 pm ...................Divine Mercy S und ay

8:00 am.........Divine Mercy 10:00 am.......Divine Mercy

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

T ues 8:30 am ............... Divine Mercy

Wed 8:30 am ................ Immaculate Conception (Sept-May) Divine Mercy (June-August) T hurs 8:30 am.......Divine Mercy Fri 8:30 am.................Immaculate Conception (Sept-May) Divine Mercy (June-August) S at 8:30 am.............Divine Mercy

Church Location: 139 Mercy Drive, Faribault, MN Parish Office and Mailing Address: 4 2nd Ave SW, Faribault, MN • 507-334-2266


Northfield United Methodist Church

1401 Maple Street South, Northfield www.northfieldumc.org For information contact call 507-645-5689 Pastors Rachel McIver Morey and Jerad Morey

W orship services at 9:00am and 1 0:4 5 am Sundays, ch ild care prov ided, S u nday S ch ool for all ag es 9 : 3 0 - 1 0 : 1 5 . Sup er W ednesdays w hil e school is in session: K ids’ club at 3:30pm, community meal at 5 :30pm, worship at 6 :30 with childcare prov ided and a serv ice pro ect the first Wednesday of each month at :00

Wednesday, March 21, 2018



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NRC Pastor Kristine Braaten-Lee with her parents, residents Pastor Arndt and Hazel Braaten

Find us on Facebook 900 Cannon Valley Drive • Northfield, MN 55057 • 507-645-9511 • www.northfieldretirement.org Northfield Retirement Community is an Equal Opportunity Provider.



Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Choosing wherechoose to send yourachildren Why to school is not an easy decision, but Catholic School our Catholic schools are worth it. They encourageEducation... excellence inside and outside of the classroom. Dedicated, competent, Your child’s journey started caring teachers give generously of their the day they were born. time and talents to develop positive From that day until now, learning thatthem meet the you environments have tried to guide needs of life’s every student. through challenges, and they have learned

At DMCS and BA, we develop the whole many of life’s lessons from you. individual. unified offers Therefore, Our as you choosesystem your child’s you a full PreK-12 faith-based educational options, education journeyyou for will yourlook child. for Come a schoolvisit our schools and see what we have offer! We that will best provide fortothe are here toneeds serve, here to help, and of we the are whole child. we are here to support you in making the At DMCS BA, best choice forand your child.

we develop the whole individual. Our unified system,Catholic offers you Top 10 Benefits of Choosing Schools full PreKstandards - 12 faith-based 1. Higha academic education journey 2. Safe learning environment for your child. 3. The home, school, and church work as one 4. Standardized are above the Come test visitscores our schools, national average see just how much we have to offer! 5. High college acceptance rate You have worked hard 6. Faith-based facultyyour child to teach

about meets virtues values; 7. Curriculum orand exceeds state regulations and guidelines continue those lessons

throughout child’s 8. Students are creative,your self-disciplined, self-motivated and responsible grade school and high school years.

Providemoral themand withspiritual an academic 9. Religious, development and spiritual foundation 10. An atmosphere of care, concern, and love that willSchools lastCenter a lifetime. Source: Catholic for Excellence, “Top 20 Benefits of a Choosing Catholic Schools”

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