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The fashion we choose to wear has the power to affect both the way we view ourselves and the way our peers view us. Showing up for yourself consistently by dressing to your personal style is a wonderful way to build true con dence. You will not only be showing yourself you are worth the effort, but you will be setting a precedent for how the world around you should respond to your presence. Putting time and thought into your appearance may feel conceited at rst, but over time your con dence will grow.

Your style journey should begin with just that, your style. Toss out the trends and re ect on the styles that make you feel your best and atter your speci c body type. Build a library of style inspiration by following in uencers on social media that share your style, create a Pinterest board for out t inspiration, or even go old school and cut out photos from your favorite magazines.

Once you get a feel for what you like cleanse your wardrobe of clothing that no longer serves you. This process can feel overwhelming and even a bit sad, but it is a big step in allowing you to expand your fashion horizons. Go through your closet piece by piece and determine why you have each garment and if it has a place in your new wardrobe. This is the time to donate any clothing that no longer ts, has pilled or is damaged, and just does not re ect your true style. Yes, it is time to let go of those jeans you are hoping to t back into someday!

As you eliminate items that no longer have a purpose in your wardrobe, take time to reimagine the pieces you love. Refer to your inspiration photos to bring new life to clothing you already have and love.

Off days are inevitable. From a bad night’s sleep, to waking up extra bloated; there will always be setbacks in your style journey. The key to combating those hurdles is to plan. Creating a few tried and true “lazy day” out ts that still make you feel like yourself will take some pressure off those dif cult mornings. Find trousers that atter your gure but are as comfortable as your pajama bottoms, or a simple dress that you can just slide on for a chic look every time. On extra chilly winter mornings, incorporate a comfortable oversized sweater with chic leather pants. Having go to accessories will complete your look and make your entire style feel more intentional to the outside eye.

As you move through your day, you will appreciate the extra effort you put in. Your con dence boost may even pull you out of the funk that you woke up in!

Establishing a morning and evening routine may seem unrelated but will play a huge role in your style journey. If you are constantly rushing out the door in the morning, it is easy to let your style slide to an out t that you just throw on without thought or planning. There is always tomorrow, right? Avoid feeling panicked and rushed by building a consistent routine that allows a realistic amount of time for you to get ready for the day.

At night, instead of one more episode on Net ix, take those extra 30 minutes to set yourself up for a successful morning. Outside of your hygiene routine, spend a few minutes preparing your out t for the next day. Make sure you have the proper undergarments and base layers. If anything needs to be washed or steamed, you now have ample time to take care of it.

Re ning your personal style and expressing yourself through fashion will be a lifelong journey. As your understanding of fashion and what works on you grows, so will your con dence in your fashion choices.

Now is the perfect time to show up for yourself. 



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FAR LEFT: A few great accessories help your personal style shine every day.

LEFT: A great pair of trousers can elevate a simple out t and your attitude.

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