13 minute read
The SCENE Calendar
by Kate Noet

28-JAN Bold & Cold Winter
Festival Owatonna 10 a.m.-10 p.m. “Bold & Cold takes place Jan. 28, 29 and 30. This weekend celebration has events and activities that are designed to highlight the Minnesota psyche of cold noses and warm hearts.” https://go.evvnt.com/974758-0 editor@ southernminnscene.com
28-JAN Resisting
Resistance “Arts Center of Saint Peter, 315 S. Minnesota Ave., Saint Peter” 1-5 p.m. “Three hundred drawings by Abby Daleki, produced over three years of participation in the national 100 Days creative prompt project, will be on display Jan. 28Feb. 26. 1-5 p.m. W-F; 10-5 Sat; 1-5 Sun.” https:// go.evvnt.com/998716-0 info@artscentersp.org
“Saint Peter, Street Peter” 5-11 p.m. Winterfest features various events in St. Peter’s downtown from Jan. 28 to Feb. 13. It kicks off on Jan. 28 with the opening ceremony and the rst clue to the annual medallion hunt. https://go.evvnt.com/974756-0 spchamb@ hickorytech.net
28-JAN Dance Party
Reunion - Buddy Holly and Friends “Paradise Center for the Arts, 321 Central Ave. N., Faribault” 7:30-10 p.m. “Dance Party Reunion is a re-staging of Buddy Holly’s 1959 Winter Dance Party, featuring music of Buddy’s co-stars, Ritchie Valens, Dion, and the Belmonts, The Big Bopper, and Frankie Sardo.” https://go.evvnt.com/974761-0 info@ paradisecenterforthearts.org
29-JAN Toners Lake
Vintage Ride “Toners Lake Karting, 8747 415th Ave., Janesville” 9 a.m.-7 p.m. A snowmobile ride through rural Waseca County. https:// go.evvnt.com/998714-0 editor@southernminnscene. com
29-JAN St. Peter Toy Show “Nicollet County Fairgrounds, 400 Union St., Saint Peter” 9 a.m.-4 p.m. “Farm toys, cars, trucks and various collectibles. Concessions also available. Show takes place Saturday and Sunday. Admission is $3.” https://go.evvnt.com/998713-0 editor@ southernminnscene.com

Climb 2 Feed
Kids “Mount Kato Ski Area, 20461 State Highway 66, Mankato” 9:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. “Gather team of 5-10 climbers (you’ll take turns climbing 500 feet up the hill and sliding down). Fundraise $1,000 or more (de nitely more) in support of FOCP’s programs. Receive athletic apparel.” https://go.evvnt.com/974765-0 focp.admin@feedingandfueling.org

1-FEB Authors Talk “North eld Public Library, 210 Washington St., North eld” 6:30-7:45 p.m. “Content Bookstore and North eld Public Library host Laurel Bradley and Sam Demas, the authors of Hut to Hut USA: The Complete Guide for Hikers, Bikers and Skiers.” https://go.evvnt.com/998709-0 info@contentbookstore.com

3-FEB Old
Town Indigenous Art Festival
Mankato 10 a.m.6 p.m. “Join the Old Town Mankato community as we host indigenous artists, food vendors, handmade good vendors, and amazing Indigenous Snow sculpture artists.” https://go.evvnt. com/998719-0 oldtownmankato@gmail.com
“Courageous Conversations
“”Sinner & Saint: The Church and Racism””” North eld 618-698-4870 7-8 p.m. “North eld pastors, Pam Fickenscher and Jonathan Davis, will offer frank discussion of the church’s complicity concerning racism, while acknowledging good work that has been, and is happening now.” https://go.evvnt.com/991531-0 women.stjohns500@gmail.com
4-FEB Dueling
Pianos “American Legion, 97 S. Park Ave., Le Center” 5:30-9:30 p.m. A fun adult’s night out with a performance by Dueling Pianos. Food by Fat Bellies BBQ and beverages available for purchase. Tickets are $30. https://go.evvnt. com/998721-0 managerclub108@gmail.com

4-FEB The Holy
Rocka Rollaz “State St. Theater Co., 1 N. State St., New Ulm” 7-10 p.m. “Take an authentic trip Back to the ‘50s with Minnesota’s own Holy Rocka Rollaz! If you love the rock n’ roll music of Elvis, Buddy Holly, Chuck Berry, Johnny Cash, Brenda Lee, Patsy Cline and more.” https://go.evvnt. com/998724-0 info@statestreetnewulm.org
Mike Filzen Memorial Poker Run
“Boat House Grill and Bar, 406 Ninth St. NE., Waseca” 11 a.m.-6 p.m. “A poker run is an organized event, in which participants stop at several checkpoints, drawing a playing card at each one. This ride, part of the Sleigh and Cutter Festival in Waseca, has seven stops.” https://go.evvnt. com/998909-0 ken.borgmann@gmail.com

Raptor Center
Visit “River Bend Nature Center, 1000 Rustad Road, Faribault” 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. “Come meet and learn about an owl, hawk and falcon with the Raptor Center of Minnesota. The Raptors of Minnesota program explores different raptors found in Minnesota and their role in the environment.” https://go.evvnt.com/998718-0 rbncinfo@rbnc.org

Day “The Capitol Room, 419 S. Minnesota Ave., Saint Peter” 6-9 p.m. “Join for a night of comedy, crafts and cocktails - all to raise money for a great cause in CADA, which provide safety and support to victims of domestic and sexual violence in south central Minnesota.” https://go.evvnt.com/998893-0 editor@ southernminnscene.com

11-FEB Luminary
Snowshoe Hike “River Bend Nature Center, 1000 Rustad Road, Faribault” 6-8 p.m. Enjoy an adult night out! Stroll through the nature center with luminaries as your guide. Then enjoy an adult beverage as you warm up inside. Snowshoes available to rent. Pre-registration required. https://go.evvnt. com/998884-0 info@riverbendnaturecenter.org CONTINUED page 20
11-FEB Alcoléa & cie: Ciné-concert Méliès - En plein
dans l’oeil “Sheldon Theatre, 443 W. Third St., Red Wing” 7-11 p.m. “Alcoléa & cie réunit une équipe inventive et réactive d’artistes, de techniciens et de plasticiens, qui œuvre à la réalisation de chaque spectacle. Notre compagnie présente des spectacles pluridisciplinaires tout public et des spectacles pour le jeune public. Pianiste, compositeur, improvisateur et scénographe, Jean-François Alcoléa présente des spectacles empreints de son univers pluriel, alliant musique, créations sonores, lumière, images xes et animées, arts de la rue, danse, textes et installations plastiques.” bandsintown.com
Benjamin Raye
@Giesenbrau Bier Co. “Giesenbrau Bier Co., 1306 First St. NE, New Prague” 7-11 p.m. “This is a solo/acoustic show. Singer/ Songwriter from the MinneapolisSt. Paul, MN area. You can see me play a couple time a week at various venues in the area.” bandsintown.com

Chord “The Grand Center for Arts & Culture, 210 N. Minnesota St., New Ulm” 7-9:30 p.m. “Harper’s Chord is a 4-piece country/folk/Americana band led by lead singer, Jill Moore. Appeals to a listening audience who appreciate songs with a message and musical interest.” https://go.evvnt.com/998958-0 grand@ thegrandnewulm.com

11-FEB Blithe
Spirit “Little Theatre of Owatonna, 560 Dunnell Drive, Owatonna” 7:30-9 p.m. “The smash comedy hit of the London and Broadway stages. Cantankerous novelist Charles Condomine, re-married but haunted by the ghost of his late rst wife. Tickets online.” https://go.evvnt.com/998882-0 info@ littletheatreofowatonna.org 12-FEB Winter Charm on the Farm Waseca 11 a.m.-3 p.m. “Horse Drawn Wagon Rides, Snow Painting, Winter Walking Tours, Snowshoe Trails, Cross Country Skiing, Camp re, S’mores and Hot Cocoa. Admission is $5 per person in advance online.” https://go.evvnt.com/974735-0 editor@ southernminnscene.com

Sweetheart Soiree
“Cannon River Winery, 421 Mill St. W., Cannon Falls” 5-10 p.m. “Prom the way it should have been! No chaperones, good food, good music and you don’t have to bring the booze. King an Queen crowned and prized for best dressed. Tickets are $45 each.” https://go.evvnt.com/998894-0 info@ cannonriverwinery.com

Be Our Guest Valentine’s Event
“Indian Island Winery, 18018 631st Ave., Janesville” 5-8:30 p.m. “For $110 per couple, get a three-course meal, including desserts, two glasses of win (keep the glasses), six wine tasting tickets, a rose and a small gift to bring home, plus music and dancing.” https://go.evvnt.com/9988890 indianislandwinery@yahoo.com

Candlelight Snowshoe and Ski
“Ney Nature Center, 28238 Nature Center Lane, Henderson” 6-9 p.m. “Enjoy a beautiful winter night snowshoeing or skiing by candlelight along our peaceful groomed trails. All ages. Free event but if you are renting skis or snowshoes, $3 for members, $5 for non-members.” https://go.evvnt. com/998899-0 info@neycenter.org
Whitesidewalls Valentine Dinner and
Dance “Kato Ballroom, 200 Chestnut St., Mankato” 6-10 p.m. “A night of great 50s and 60s music and dancing. Special Valentine’s buffet meal - Garden Salad, Butter-Herbed Chicken Breast, Rice Pilaf, Fresh Vegetable and Bakery Roll. $40 for dinner and dance.” https://go.evvnt.com/998897-0 tania.cordes@katoballroom.com

Til Death Do Us Part
“Chankaska Creek Ranch, Winery, & Distillery, 1179 E. Pearl St., Kasota” 7-9 p.m. “This Valentine’s weekend, dress the part and enjoy provided appetizers while helping to solve a murder... or die trying. Tickets are $40.” https://go.evvnt.com/998901-0 info@ chankaskawines.com

12-FEB Chris
Holm “Sleepy Eye Brewing Company, 121 Main St. W., Sleepy Eye” 5-9 p.m. “Chris Holm is a country blues musician based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. A ngerstyle guitar picker and harmonica player, Chris channels the high-spirited liveliness of Charley Patton, thumping on his suitcase drum, attacking his guitar strings with abandon, and shouting along in a gravelly howl, later to channel the lonesome sounds of a weeping slide guitar and a blue yodel.” bandsintown.com
12-FEB The Double Dees “Minnesota Wing King, 43539 French Hill Road, Saint Peter” 7-10 p.m. “It’s a pre-Valentine’s Day party with food, drinks and live music. The Doubles Dees features multiple guitars and drums.” https://go.evvnt. com/998892-0 mnwingking@gmail.com
The Singing
Wilderness “St. Olaf College, 1520 Saint Olaf Ave., North eld” 7:30-9:30 p.m. “The St. Olaf Orchestra pre-tour and home concert features the world premiere of composer Matthew Peterson’s rst symphony, The Singing Wilderness. In honor of Steven Amundson’s upcoming retirement.” https://go.evvnt.com/998891-0 editor@southernminnscene.com

Ice Sculpting
“South State Street, S State Street South State Street, Waseca” 8 a.m.-5 p.m. “Part of the Sleigh and Cutter Festival in Waseca, Sakatah Carvers will sculpt ice over the course of three days (Feb. 16-18).” https:// go.evvnt.com/998886-0 ken.borgmann@gmail.com

Two Nights at The Sheldon
“Sheldon Theatre, 443 W. Third St., Red Wing” 6-11 p.m. “Big Turn Music Fest presents Brothers Burn Mountain, Annie Mack and Heiruspaces Friday, then Bad Bad Hats, Low and Cloud Cult Saturday. $100 for two-night tickets.” https://go.evvnt.com/998928-0 editor@ southernminnscene.com

410 Project Juried Exhibition
“The 410 Project, 523 S. Front St., Mankato” 7-9 p.m. “Reception TBA, depending on COVID. Show runs Feb. 18 to March 5. Drop off dates are Feb. 9 and 10. All mediums and ages welcome. $5 per art work; up to three art works per person.” https://go.evvnt.com/998919-0 the410project@hotmail.com

18-FEB Red Dirt
Road Show “Veterans of Foreign Wars, 113 E. Elm Ave., Waseca” 8-11:59 p.m. “Lunch and dinner served at 5-7 p.m. Red Dirt Road combines great harmonies, killer musicianship and an arena style light show. Simply put, the best country/rock show in the region.” https://go.evvnt.com/998914-0 editor@ southernminnscene.com
19-FEB Science Day “River Bend Nature Center, 1000 Rustad Road, Faribault” 10:30-11:30 a.m. “Learn about animals that can survive extreme environments, then learn some techniques for you to survive the winter weather. Programs are led by experienced education staff.” https://go.evvnt. com/998906-0 info@riverbendnaturecenter.org
Sleigh and Cutter Parade
“Waseca County Court House, 307 N. State St., Waseca” 12-2 p.m. “Parade starts from fairgrounds and runs through downtown Waseca. The parade will feature multiple breeds of horses pulling many types of units, plus other features, like cowboy reenactors and Miss MN.” https://go.evvnt.com/998917-0 ken.borgmann@gmail.com

Chastity Brown
“Paramount Theatre, 125 Fourth Ave. NE, Austin” 7-11 p.m. “Based in Minnesota, but with roots in Tennessee, Chastity grew up surrounded by country and soul music. In the full gospel church of her childhood, she played saxophone and drums and found her singing voice and a passion for music.” bandsintown.com

19-FEB Strange
Daze Rocks “Reggie’s Brewhouse, 220 N. Cedar Ave., Owatonna” 8:30-11 p.m. “Minneapolis, MN’s modern rock band Strange Daze released its rst national album, Shine Through in 2013, an anthemic collection of modern rock.” https:// go.evvnt.com/998903-0 strangedazemail@yahoo. com 25-FEB REO Speedwagon “Mayo Civic Center Auditorium, 30 Civic Center Drive SE., Rochester” 7:30 p.m. “The classic rock band will play its biggest hits. Tickets $36.50-$225.” ticketmaster. com

Larry “The Doublewide, 421 Saint Joseph St., Elko New Market” 8:3011 p.m. “An evening with Ledfoot Larry, a Saint Paul-based band, combining Tex-Mex and early styles of country music to create a neotraditional sound.” https://go.evvnt. com/998941-0 editor@southernminnscene.com
26-FEB Cabin Fever Party “Faribault HarleyDavidson, 2704 W. Airport Drive, Faribault” 9 a.m.-5 p.m. “Beat the winter blues. Party includes a clearance on end-of-season apparel, gift card giveaway and a free nacho bar.” https://go.evvnt. com/998934-0 info@faribaulthd.com

Sleigh and Cutter Closing
Day Waseca 9 a.m.1 p.m. “Vintage snowmobile show 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Boat House; Vintage snowmobile ice drags starting at noon at Boat House; and reworks display (largest show ever) on Clear Lake, just after 5 p.m.” https://go.evvnt.com/998930-0 ken. borgmann@gmail.com 26-FEB The Ring of Kerry “State St. Theater Co., 1 N. State St., New Ulm” 7-10 p.m. The Ring of Kerry is a bursting-with-energy Irish music group that captures the hearts of listeners. All ve of its engaging musicians sing and play several instruments. Tickets online. https://go.evvnt. com/998947-0 info@statestreetnewulm.org
26-FEB Johnny Cash Tribute Show “The Grand Event Center of North eld, 316 Washington St., North eld” 7-10 p.m. “What better way to celebrate Johnny Cashs birthday than to hear his music played live by the best tribute band in the land, Mitchell Hall and the Tennessee Trio live in North eld. Tickets online.” https://go.evvnt. com/998936-0 thegrandeventctr@msn.com

26-FEB Mardi Gras Masquerade Party
“Blue Moon Bar and Grill, 300 S. Webster St., Kasota” 8-11:59 p.m. “Join for a night of music and dancing celebrating Mardi Gras at the Blue Moon, featuring The Everett Smithson Band, bringing their hot movin music from up and down the Mississippi River.” https://go.evvnt.com/998944-0 editor@ southernminnscene.com 27-FEB “Voctave: Red Wing, MN” “Sheldon Theatre, 443 W. Third St., Red Wing” 3-7 p.m. “A cappella sensation Voctave shot to prominence after garnering over 100 million online views of their videos in just two years. Formed in 2015 by producer and arranger Jamey Ray, the voices that bring their arrangements to life represent a wealth of diverse backgrounds and musical experiences hailing from Central Florida, the eleven members of Voctave have performed across the globe and appear on countless recordings.” bandsintown.com

Do you want to submit an event to this calendar?
Send details to editor@ southernminnscene.com. Did we miss something? Let us know! We may still be able to get an important event on one of our weekly pages that run in the newspapers on the back page of the B section.