St peter grad new 2018

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Saint Peter High School


Thursday, June 7th 8pm

St. Peter High School Gymnasium, 2121 Broadway Ave.




Class Motto:

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Farah Ahmed

Greta Anderson

Lillian Anderson

Leif Annexstad

Parents: Sheila and Jeff Anderson Future plans: St. Olaf College to study art and pre-med and play soccer

“Together, we have experienced life. Separately, we will pursue our dreams. Forever, our memories will remain.” — Unknown

Class Flower:

White rose with blue tips

Class Colors:

Parents: Sheila and Jeff Anderson Future plans: Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, to study and swim

Navy blue and white

Class Song:

Parents: Rolf and Jean Annexstad Future plans: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

“Good Old Days” by Macklemore & Kesha

Congratulations to the Class of 2018! 24 Hour Emergency Service Heating & Air Conditioning Commercial and Residential

309 S. Minnesota Ave. St. Peter 507-934-4750 Look for this section on A special project of the St. Peter Herald, 311 S Minnesota Ave, St. Peter, MN 56082 Publisher CHAD HJELLMING Advertising Consultants MISSY DASCHNER KATHLEEN DAVIES Ad Design MARY JO BLANCHARD

Managing Editor DANA MELIUS

Congratulations to the Class of 2018! 507-931-1703 | St. Peter |

Congratulations to the Class of 2018!

Michelle Lund, D.D.S. | Bethany Whittier, D.D.S.

217 Nassau • St. Peter • 931-5646

Class of 2018!

Associate Editor NANCY MADSEN Customer Service Representative BECKY ASLESON

ST. PETER HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION, May 2018 is distributed to subscribers and readers of the St. Peter Herald at no additional charge. All advertising contained herein is the responsibility of the advertisers. All rights reserved. ©2018.

1618 S. Minnesota Ave. • 507-931-6100

Thursday, May 24, 2018



Matthias Annexstad

Andrew Artmann

Jesiah Bahr

Maansi Bhakta

Aidan Bistrup

Lexie Blaschko

Sarah Borgmeier

Hunter Braun

Bethany Bresnahan

Miranda Bresnahan

Jadyn Burgess

Brock Bushaw

Paige Cadriel

Josephine Carlson

Alexander Chadwick

Justin Clark

Ryan Connolly

Nasra Daud

Parents: Rolf and Jean Annexstad Future plans: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Parents: Jeff and Peggy Borgmeier Future plans: College of Saint Benedict

Parents: Efraim and Jessica Cadriel; Angie and Darin Ogren Future plans: Century College, to study nursing

Parents: Jesse and Michelle Artmann Future plans: Minnesota State University, Mankato, to study aviation

Parents: Marty and Jessica Braun Future plans: Alexandria Technical College, to study law enforcement

Parents: Jon and Heidi Carlson Future plans: Gustavus Adolphus College

Parents: Dale and Heidi Bahr; Tami Hauer and Ryan Carey Future plans: South Central College, to study architectural drafting and design

Parents: Mike and Vicki Bresnahan Future plans: Bethel University

Parents: Eric Chadwick and Andrea Faches Future plans: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, New York, to study engineering

Parents: Mike and Vicki Bresnahan Future plans: Bethany Lutheran College, to study nursing and play golf

Parents: Dana Clark and Sandie Hayes Future plans: University of Minnesota, Duluth

Parents: Tim Bistrup, Dana Bistrup Future plans: College

Parents: Tara Burgess, Billy Burgess Future plans: Work and be a full-time student

Parents: Cara and Randy Olinger and Rusty Blaschko Future plans: University of Wisconsin, La Crosse

Parents: David and Tressa Bushaw Future plans: Minnesota State University, Mankato

Parent: Rahma Mire Future plans: Minnesota State University, Mankato

Congratulations Class of 2018! Good Luck!

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700 N. Minnesota Ave. • 507-931-6554 • 1-800-634-3444

k& liec eB on D s a nn ry Ol ria Ma Hen

CONGRATULATIONS GRADUATES! 200 S F ront Street • 9 31- 3200 • w w w

Class of 2018! Red Men Club St. Peter 412 S. 3r St. • 934-9966



Marianna DeBlieck

Hope Dewes

Suzanne Dietrich

Emma Doherty-Bohn

Drew Elofson

Jacob Emley

Danielle Epper

Megan Erickson

Maxwell Frederick

Alexandra Gault

Cailey Gessner

Garrett Goodrich

Parents: Erin and Chad DeBlieck Future plans: North Dakota State University, Fargo, to study agricultural economics

Parents: Marci Skrove and Andrew Elofson Future plans: Gustavus Adolphus College

Parents: Matt and Sharlyn Frederick Future plans: South Central College and Minnesota State University, Mankato

Parents: Gil and Nicole Dewes Future plans: Oral Roberts University, Tulsa, Oklahoma

Parents: Greg and BethAnn Emley Future plans: University of Northwestern, to study and play football

Parents: Sam and Julie Gault Future plans: University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, to study science

Parents: Jeff and Lanette Dietrich Future plans: University of St. Thomas

Parents: Jennifer and Christopher Epper Future plans: Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, to study actuarial science

Parents: Carrie Gessner, Jamie Gessner Future plans: Work for a year as a CAN, then South Central College

Parents: Tim and Christy Erickson Future plans: South Central College

Parents: Andrew and Meghan Goodrich Future plans: South Central College to study computer programming

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Nicole Ebeling

Benjamin Eide

Kaitlyn Flowers

Trey Franklin

Jakob Grawe

Eleanor Grinnell

Parents: David Ebeling and Barb Oelfke Future plans: North Dakota State University, Fargo

Parents: Monica Strand and Jeff Flowers Future plans: South Central College to study culinary arts

Parents: Justin Grawe and Lisa Spurr Future plans: Work full-time while pursuing a music industry career

Parents: Scott and Lisa Eide Future plans: Des Moines Area Community College

Parents: Josh and Gina Franklin Future plans: Minnesota State University, Mankato, to study biology then dentistry school

Parents: Barb Franchino and Jon Grinnel Future plans: Macalester College

Congratultions Class of 2018!

Class of 2018! Congrats Grads! Jorgi Peterson Miranda Bresnahan Bethany Bresnahan

121 S ut 17 1

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Thursday, May 24, 2018



Gavin Grochow

Makenzie Gunderson

Trevor Gurrola

William Haggenmiller

Katie Hamman

Hannah Hansen

Samm Hanson

Nathan Harlow

Leah Harms

Zoe Haugen

Alison Helder

Justyn Hermel

Kate Hildebrandt

Skylar Hinderscheid

Aaron Hunt

Ellie Johnson

Josiah Johnson

Parents: Matthew and Eva Grochow Future plans: University of Wisconsin, Stout

Parents: Keith and Amy Hanson Future plans: South Central College to study welding

Parents: Kurt and Teresa Hildebrandt Future plans: University of Minnesota, Duluth

Parents: David Gunderson and Heidi Strelow Future plans: Work

Parents: Dan and Jennifer Harlow Future plans: Minnesota State University, Mankato to study psychology

Parents: Brigit and Jason Sletta; John Hinderscheid Future plans: South Central College to study nursing

Parents: Chris and Kristie Gurrola Future plans: Army National Guard

Parents: Gardell and Sheila Harms Future plans: Riverland Community College to study radiography

Parents: Kari and Matt Leonard Future plans: College

Parents: Jeremy and Ericka Haggenmiller Future plans: Gustavus Adolphus College to study sports management

Parents: Peter and Brenda Haugen Future plans: Gustavus Adolphus College

Parents: Tom and Deb Johnson Future plans: Minnesota State University, Mankato

The City of Kasota

Congrats Class of 2018!

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Parents: Dave and Darcy Helder Future plans: University of South Dakota, Vermillion, to study kinesiology and sports management

Parents: Kim Devine-Johnson, Chris Johnson Future plans: Volunteer for a year in Puerto Rico, then study at Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington

Parents: Jenny Hermel and Jason Eggers Future plans: Gustavus Adolphus College to study management

Kayla Johnson

Parents: Melissa Niehaus and Neil Johnson Future plans: Minnesota State University, Mankato to study law enforcement

Class of 2018!


The Class of 2018!

200 N Webster Street • Box 218 • 931-3290

171 St. ien St eet • St. ete • 93 -0055 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. - 5:00 P.M.



Thursday, May 24, 2018

Kyle Johnson

Mara Johnson

Kelsey Kampa

Jordan Keeley

Reegan Kelly

Mackenzie Kienholz

Ethan Klaseus

Gage Kriese

Payton Lange

Nora Leonard

Owen Little

Bennet Madden

Blake Makela

Olivia McCabe

Mathew Meixner

Morgaine Miller

William Miller

Abdikadir Mohamed

Parents: Mike Johnson and Brenda Liebhard-Johnson Future plans: Work

Parents: Chris and Barb Klaseus Future plans: South Dakota State University, Brookings, to study agricultural biosystems and engineering

Parents: John and Mary Makela Future plans: Bemidji State University to study marketing communications

Parents: Kim Devine-Johnson, Chris Johnson Future plans: Gap year, then college

Parents: Chad Kriese and Ashley Albrecht Future plans: College

Parents: Rachel Dauk and Kelly McCabe Future plans: College of St. Benedict

Congratulations Cody Paul and to the Class of 2018!

312 W. Julien Street | St. Peter | (507) 931-2730

Parents: Todd Kampa, Theresa Kampa Future plans: University of Minnesota, Rochester to study health sciences

Parents: Katie Gish and Eric Lange Future plans: South Central College

Parents: Ken and Stella Meixner Future plans: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Parents: Jeff and Kim Keeley Future plans: Saint Mary’s University, to study pre-physical therapy and international business and compete in hockey and track

Parents: Amy and Ben Leonard Future plans: University of Minnesota, Morris

Parents: Jennifer and Michael Brunick Future plans: University of Manitoba

Congratulations to the Class of 2018! Good Luck!

220 S. 3rd St. • St. Peter, MN • (507) 931-3310 •

Parents: Kris and Patti Kelly Future plans: University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point to study physical therapy

Parents: Sara Emich and Landon Little Future plans: Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, to study elementary education and play baseball

Parents: Kelly Crawford and Tim Miller Future plans: Minnesota State University, Mankato

Parents: Jeff and Deb Kienholz Future plans: Minnesota State University, Duluth to study biology


Parents: Lon and Jacki Madden P Future plans: Bemidji State University F to study physical education s

Congratulations to the Class of 2018! (507) 931-2200 1900 North Sunrise Drive | St. Peter, MN

Thursday, May 24, 2018



Savannah Morey-Flowers

Isaac Oachs

Kayla Oeltjenbruns

Henry Olson

Alexis Orth

Casey Osborne

Cole Pankratz

Cody Paul

Grace Pehrson

Jacob Pehrson

Payton Portugue

Trevor Powers

Rose Prins

Anthony Putz

Rachel Quist

Shannon Rao

Samuel Redmond

Madalyn Rimstad

Parent: Stacy Morey Future plans: College

Parents: Terry and Kelly Pankratz Future plans: South Central College to study welding

Parents: Debbie and Gary Prins Future plans: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, to study environmental studies

Parents: Dan and Lori Oachs Future plans: Undecided

Parents: Stacey Paul and Kelley Paul Future plans: Minnesota State University, Mankato

Parents: Jamie Putz and Cindy Putz Future plans: University of Minnesota, Crookston, to study medical lab science and play football

Hats Off To The Graduates! Congratulations to the Class of 2018! Dr. Mary A. Snyder 2 0 2 W a lnut Street Sa i nt Peter, MN (5 0 7 ) 9 3 4 -2 2 3 1

Parents: Keith and Kim Oeltjenbruns Future plans: Minnesota State University, Mankato to study elementary education

Parents: Amy and Patric Pehrson Future plans: Southwest Minnesota State University

Parents: Andrew and Lisa Quist Future plans: Dartmouth College, Hanover, New Hampshire, to study English

Parents: Pam and Karl Olson Future plans: Learn, travel, live

Parents: Amy and Patric Pehrson Future plans: South Dakota State University, Brookings, to study dairy management or agricultural education

Parents: April and Bill Malphurs Future plans: Fordham University, New York City, to study English

Congratulations and Good Luck Class of 2018!

Parents: Jeff and Sara Orth Future plans: Luther College, Decorah, Iowa, to study pre-medicine and chemistry

Parents: Jeff and Kristi Portugue Future plans: Winona State University, to study elementary education and early childhood special education

Parents: Ronda Redmond, Jim Redmond Future plans: South Central College

Parents: Mark and Liz Osborne Future plans: University of St. Thomas

Parents: Jake and Lindsay Powers Future plans: Bemidji State University

Parents: Joel and Heidi Rimstad Future plans: Iowa State University, Ames

Congratulations Class of 2018!

2 2 8 Mu lb erry S t . P et er | 5 0 7 - 9 3 4 - 4 8 8 0 w w w . st p et erf ood . coop



Thursday, May 24, 2018

Ashby Roloff

Cole Salisbury

Dylan Samuelson

Senia Sanchez

Carter Schmidt

Nicholas Seitzer

Rafat Solaiman

Kiersten Stierlen

Brittney Suchy

Jesse Tate

Parents: Jane and Jim Tate Future plans: South Central College

Parents: Todd and Sherri Terhurne Future plans: Undecided

Jaden Thompson

Justin Uvalle-Ramos

Anthony Weber

Sophia Weelborg

Antonia Weiss

Teagan Weiss

Parents: Rob and Lindie Roloff Future plans: Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama, to study journalism

Parents: Peter and Ann Seitzer Future plans: University of Minnesota to study animal science

Parents: Curry Thompson and Jessica Gunnerson Future plans: South Central College to study information technology

Parent: Denise Salisbury Future plans: South Central College, Faribault, to study carpentry

Parents: Mohammed and Rose Solaiman Future plans: University of Minnesota, Twin Cities to study physiology

Parents: Mario Uvalle and Yolanda Ramos Future plans: Undecided

Congratulations to the Class of 2018! 311 S. Minnesota Ave. St. Peter, MN 507 - 9 31- 4 520

Parents: Tim and Karla Samuelson Future plans: South Central College

Parents: Donald and Carrie Stierlen

Parents: Frank and Connie Weber Future plans: South Central College to study automotive service

Parents: Maria Alvarez-Betkar, Nilesh Betkar Future plans: New York University, New York City, to study film

Parents: Bart and Ruthann Weelborg Future plans: University of Minnesota to study biology and psychology for pre-med

Congratulations to the Class of 2018!

102 S. Third St., St. Peter • 934-2823 326 Broadway, Cleveland • 934-3174

Parents: Mike and Kim Schmidt Future plans: College

Parents: Rusty and Madonna Weiss Future plans: University of Minnesota, Duluth to study anthropology

Tianna Schott

Parents: Marty and Melody Schott; Rachel Schott Future plans: University of Wisconsin, River Falls to study animal science

Stephen Terhurne

Parents: Rusty and Madonna Weiss Future plans: Gap year, then college to study environmental science and outdoor education

A Special Congratulations to the Graduates of 2018!


And 115 S. Minnesota Ave. • 931-2880


Thursday, May 24, 2018


Kendall Wenner

Lily Werner

Joy Zimmerman

Jeremy Zuhlsdorf

Parents: Ray and Kim Werner; Deanna and Keith Ruffing Future plans: University of Wisconsin, La Crosse

Parents: Scott and Linda Zuhlsdorf Future plans: Dakota State University, Madison, South Dakota, to study and play baseball

Sienna Wiebusch

Parents: Corey and Cinde Wiebusch Future plans: Central College, Pella, Iowa, to study business and communication and play soccer and basketball

Olivia Young

Parents: Meredith and Tom Young Future plans: Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin


Mohamed Yussuf

Parents: Ibrahim and Fardowsa Yussuf Future plans: College

Alexandra Zachman

Parents: Shannon and Joseph Zachman Future plans: Gustavus Adolphus College to pursue a career in sports medicine

Not Pictured

Najma Abdi

Fatima Hernandez

Kaitlyn Rinehart

Leyla Abubaker

Hunter Jahnke

Ryan Roemhildt

Awad Ahmed

Kira Jones

Clayton Schrumpf

Servanda Alcantara Alvarez

Inga-Ana Kugler

Tori Schutt

Sumeya Ali

Kennady Legg

Amy Shevtsov

Katrina Creel

Erica Martinez

Matthew Straka

Joseph De La Cruz

Guadalupe Martinez

Alexander Titchenal

Felipe Diaz

Jael Mbuyamba

Elijah VanGrootheest

Hannah Evans

Joseph Mclane

Mryhia Voss

Mikkel Feldmann

Carrigan Miller

Star Wentzel

Kortney Figueroa

Danielle Nelson

Bianca Wilson

McKinzie Frederick

Bailey Nesje

Hunter Woodrum-Wilson

Evan Friedrichs

Dominic Olson

Najimo Yussuf



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Thursday, May 24, 2018

Thursday, May 24, 2018



Top photo by Nancy Madsen/St. Peter Herald. Bottom photo courtesy of St. Peter Public Schools.




st. peter high school graduation 2018

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220 South Third Street • St. Peter • (507) 931-3310

Thursday, May 24, 2018

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