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Fraid Mollaee Bachelor of Graphic, Ghom, Iran 2002, 1999, Diploma of Graphic, Ghom, Iran Work experience and employment 2003. ‘Vix ‘Caricature Exhibition, Negarkhaneh Farhang, Ghom Winner of the special prize of International Social Justice Caricature competition, 2003 Tehran Caricature International Biennial, 2003 Selected Artworks of Ghom illustrators Biennial, 2005 Setting up the Individual Illustration Exhibition, ‘Negarkhaneh Farhang’, Ghom 2004 Selected graphist of the Press Exhibition Caricature Contest, Iran, 2005 Selected gaphist of ‘Design Section’ of Ghom Imaginary Arts Festival, 2005 Winner of the ‘Design section’ in the First Iranian Youth Imaginary Art Festival, Niavaran/Fabercastel, 2006 Selected graphist of the ‘Illustration section’ of the Iranian Youth Imaginary Arts Festival, 2006 Selected graphist of the fifth Ghom Annual Graphic Designers Exhibition, 2006 Winner of Art Award in 14th Annual Exhibition of Ghom’s painters,