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Solare B2B sfiora i 7mila followers su Linkedin PAG




Aperta a gennaio 2018, la pagina LinkedIn di Solare B2B, progetto di Editoriale Farlastrada dedicato al mercato delle energie rinnovabili, è cresciuta in soli tre anni fino a sfiorare i 7.000 follower. Questa pagina è uno dei componenti del sistema integrato di comunicazione di cui consiste SolareB2B, che coinvolge diversi strumenti divulgativi sia offline sia online.


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Tra esse spicca appunto la pagina LinkedIn, che per SolareB2B ha un’importante funzionalità di collegamento con esponenti della filiera del fotovoltaico e dell’efficientamento energetico in un ambiente proficuo. La community che SolareB2B ha su LinkedIn è quindi composta da professionisti appartenenti a ogni anello della filiera. La vetrina 390~ 410Wp EG-(SERIES)M54-HLV MONOCRYSTALLINE 108-CELL MODULE 390~ 410Wp EG-(SERIES)M54-HLV MONOCRYSTALLINE 108-CELL MODULE 390~ 410Wp EG-(SERIES)M54-HLV MONOCRYSTALLINE 108-CELL MODULE sul social network business-to-business veicola le notizie e gli aggiornamenti quotidiani pubblicati sul sito ufficiale di SolareB2B e condivisi anche su Facebook. Inoltre su LinkedIn vengono riproposti i principali articoli pubblicati nella rivista cartacea.


A fine luglio 2021 la pagina LinkedIn di SolareB2B contava circa 6.800 follower, in crescita dell’80% rispetto a gennaio e in costante aumento anno su anno. La maggior parte delle persone che seguono la pagina lavora in ambito vendite (15%), business development (13,5%), operations (11,1%) e ingegneria (10,7%). Nel mese di luglio inoltre la pagina ha contato 584 visualizzazioni (+13% rispetto a giugno) e 228 visitatori unici (+21% rispetto al mese precedente). A gennaio 2018 insieme alla pagina è stato creato il gruppo SolareB2B Forum con l’intento di creare una community tra operatori di settore che possono con questo strumento scambiarsi idee, opinioni e informazioni. SolareB2B Forum consente di aprire discussioni alle quali ciascun membro può partecipare contributo semplicemente scrivendo il proprio commento. Parte di queste conversazioni viene riportato sulla rivista cartacea in articoli dedicati all’argomento in cui sono inserite. Attualmente il gruppo conta oltre 653 membri.

390~ 410Wp EG-(SERIES)M54-HLV MONOCRYSTALLINE 108-CELL MODULE 390~ 410Wp EG-(SERIES)M54-HLV MONOCRYSTALLINE 108-CELL MODULE 390~ 410Wp EG-(SERIES)M54-HLV MONOCRYSTALLINE 108-CELL MODULE 0-+3% 0-+3% POSITIVE TOLERANCE POSITIVE TOLERANCE M54-HLVM54-HLV M54-HLV K KE EYF YFE EA ATU TUR RES ES 0-+3% POSITIVE TOLERANCE0-+3% POSITIVE TOLERANCE 0-+3% POSITIVE TOLERANCE Mbb half cell design Half-cutcells brings lower Mbb half cell design Half-cutcells brings lower resisitanceandincreased resisitanceandincreased Multi Multi Busbar reflectance ensures higher power output Busbar reflectance ensures higher power output

0-+3% POSITIVE TOLERANCE PRESENTAZIONE DEL NUOVO MODULO KEYFEEGING ATURES MOD. EG-405-410M54-HLV Mbb half cell design Half-cutcells brings lower resisitanceandincreased Busbar reflectance ensures higher power output Multi

More Power

Modulo ad alta efficienza di ultima generazione, piccola taglia, leggero e facilmente trasportabile, di facile installazione e adattabilità, estremamente affidabile e sostenibile KEYFEATURES Mbb half cell designKEYFEATURESKEYFEATURES KEYFEATURESKEYFEATURES Mbb half cell design Mbb half cell design Half-cutcells Half-cutcells brings brings lower lower resisitanceandincreased resisitanceandincreased Multi Multi Busbar reflectance ensures higher power output Busbar reflectance ensures higher power output More Power More Power Innovative 182mm big cell applied to ensure module power Innovative 182mm big cell applied to ensure module power up to 410Wp up to 410Wp More Power More Power KEYFEATURES Innovative 182mm big cell applied to ensure module power up to 410Wp Innovative 182mm big cell applied to ensure module power up to 410Wp Mbb half cell design Half-cutcells brings lower Excellent Low-light Performance Excellent Low-light Performanceresisitanceandincreased Multi Advanced AdvancedBusbar reflectance ensures higher power output solarcellsurface solarcellsurface texturingtechnology texturingtechnology allowsfor allowsfor excellent performance in low-light environments excellent performance in low-light environments More Power High Reliability High ReliabilityInnovative 182mm big cell applied to ensure module power up to 410Wp Strictin-housetestingin Strictin-housetestingin PV PV Lab Lab whichis whichis CNASapproved CNASapproved & & TUV/VDE certified TUV/VDE certified Excellent Low-light Performance

Innovative 182mm big cell applied to ensure module power up to 410Wp Excellent Low-light Performance Advanced solarcellsurface texturingtechnology allowsfor excellent performance in low-light environments High Reliability Strictin-housetestingin PV Lab whichis CNASapproved & TUV/VDE certified Highly Strengthened Design

Half-cutcells brings lowerMbb half cell design Mbb half cell design resisitanceandincreased Multi Busbar reflectance ensures higher power outputHalf-cutcells brings lower resisitanceandincreasedHalf-cutcells brings lower resisitanceandincreased Multi Multi Busbar reflectance ensures higher power output Busbar reflectance ensures higher power output More Power Innovative 182mm big cell applied to ensure module power More Power More Power up to 410Wp Innovative 182mm big cell applied to ensure module power Innovative 182mm big cell applied to ensure module power up to 410Wp up to 410Wp Excellent Low-light Performance Advanced solarcellsurface texturingtechnologyExcellent Low-light Performance Excellent Low-light Performance allowsfor excellent performance in low-light environments Advanced solarcellsurface texturingtechnology allowsfor Advanced solarcellsurface texturingtechnology allowsfor excellent performance in low-light environments excellent performance in low-light environments High Reliability Strictin-housetestinginHigh Reliability High Reliability PV Lab whichis CNASapproved & TUV/VDE certified Strictin-housetestingin Strictin-housetestingin PVPV LabLab whichis whichis CNASapproved CNASapproved & & TUV/VDE certified TUV/VDE certified Black Frames Applied


Excellent Low-light Performance Advanced solarcellsurface texturingtechnology allowsfor excellent performance in low-light environments High Reliability Strictin-housetestingin PV Lab whichis CNASapproved & TUV/VDE certified Highly Strengthened Design Certifiedto withstand:5400Pasnow load and2400Pawind load PID Resistant Excellent PID resistance performance optimized by unique Black Frames Applied structural design


Excellent Low-light Performance Advanced solarcellsurface texturingtechnology allowsfor excellent performance in low-light environments High Reliability Strictin-housetestingin PV Lab whichis CNASapproved PID FREE & * TUV/VDE certified Black Frames Applied Highly Strengthened Design Certifiedto withstand:5400Pasnow load and2400Pawind load 100% PID Resistant 98% Excellent PID resistance performance optimized by unique structural design 90% Highly Strengthened Design Certifiedto withstand:5400Pasnow load and2400Pawind load * Black Frames Applied PID FREE PID Resistant Excellent PID resistance performance optimized by unique structural design 12 100% 98% Linear warranty from EGing PV Standard performance warranty 90% Highly Strengthened Design Certifiedto withstand:5400Pasnow load and2400Pawind load PID Resistant Excellent PID resistance performance optimized by unique structural design 12 Linear warranty from EGing PV Standard performance warranty * Black Frames Applied


Advanced solarcellsurface texturingtechnology allowsfor excellent performance in low-light environments High Reliability Strictin-housetestingin PV Lab whichis CNASapproved PID FREE & * TUV/VDE certified Black Frames Applied Highly Strengthened Design Certifiedto withstand:5400Pasnow load and2400Pawind load 100% PID Resistant 98% Excellent PID resistance performance optimized by unique structural design 90% Certifiedto withstand:5400Pasnow load and2400Pawind load PID Resistant Excellent PID resistance performance optimized by unique structural design 12 Linear warranty from EGing PV Standard performance warranty

Highly Strengthened Design


Changzhou EGing Photovoltaic Technology Co.,LTD No. 18 Jinwu Road, Jintan District, Changzoi, 213213 China Tel: +86 519 8258 5880 / 8258 8999 Web: www.egigngpv.com

EU reference EGing Photovoltaic Europe GmbH PID FREE Email: donatella.scavazza@egingpv.com Mobile +39 388 4482846

Certifiedto withstand:5400Pasnow load and2400Pawind load PID Resistant Excellent PID resistance performance optimized by unique PID structural design


Highly Strengthened Design Certifiedto withstand:5400Pasnow load and2400Pawind load PID FREE PID Resistant Excellent PID resistance performance optimized by unique structural design

Highly Strengthened Design Certifiedto withstand:5400Pasnow load and2400Pawind load PID Resistant Excellent PID resistance performance optimized by unique structural design

12 ∙ ISO9001:2015, ISO14001:2015, ISO45001:2018 QC080000:2017, IEC TS 62941 certified factory ∙ IEC61215, IEC61730, UL1703, IEC62804, IEC62716 certified product

80% 80% 80% 1 10 84.8% 84.8%

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