Texas Farm & Ranch, vol 40

Page 1











Clear C lear Springs Ranch OF

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CANADA $7.95

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4 0 5/17/06 5:17:37 PM

TX40_CoverSpread.indd 2

The work was hard.

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We definitely know the best ways to finance it.


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001 CapitalFarmCredit_AD.indd 1

1-877-944-5500 5/17/06 1:36:50 PM

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003 JPKing TX Ad.indd 3

5/16/06 4:30:23 PM

004 TPWD Ad.indd 4

5/16/06 4:30:58 PM

AT RVOS INSURANCE, WE SEE IT TOO. We see it, because we’ve lived it. We’ve seen firsthand what hard work and perseverance can accomplish. A century of unwavering dedication to our members has helped us become the insurer of choice for countless homeowners, farmers and ranchers. If you want to protect the things you’ve worked so hard for, give us a call or visit us online.

005 JB Hermann.indd 5

5/16/06 4:32:16 PM

Join THE Voice of Conservation in Texas.

photo by Wyman Meinzer

Texas Wildlife Association is

asking you, fellow conservationists, landowners, and hunters, to join our vital efforts. Your membership will help support TWA’s numerous programs, including those that focus on conservation education, Texas’ hunting traditions, responsible land management, and the

opportunity for new generations to know the pleasures of the Texas outdoors. By joining, you will also strengthen our work with legislators, educators, and wildlife biologists to safeguard private lands and the many species of wildlife they support. The future of our wildlife populations depends on you. Join today, and let your voice be heard!

Membership Application Name: Address:


Sponsor: (Referring Member)

Amount Enclosed Voting City: State: ZIP: ❏ Life Member *$2,400 one time Phone: ( ) County: ❏ Conditional Life Member *$100 per mo (24 mos) ❏ President’s Council ❏ (Platinum) *$10,000 + per year Please check appropriate boxes and send your payment with this application to: ❏ (Gold) *$5,000-$9,999 per year Texas Wildlife Association ❏ (Silver) *$1,000-$4,999 per year 2800 NE Loop 410, Suite 105 • San Antonio, TX 78218 ❏ Corporate *$550 per year (210) 826-2904 • FAX (210) 826-4933 • (800) 839-9453 Some contributions to the Texas Wildlife Association may be deductible as business expenses but are not deductible as ❏ Patron *$325 per year Join Online at charitable donations for federal income tax purposes. The deductible portion of your dues for fiscal 2006 is 75%. www.texas-wildlife.org *$200 per year RESOLUTION: That a copy of each issue of Texas Wildlife shall be sent to each member of Texas Wildlife Association ❏ Family and that $18.00 of each member’s annual dues shall be for a year’s subscription to that publication. ❏ Active *$125 per year Non-voting Credit Card: ❏ MasterCard ❏ VISA ❏ American Express ❏ Associate *$35 per year Card #: Expires: ❏ Student (ages 17-22) $20 per year ❏ Youth (under 17) $12 per year Name on Card: ❏ Youth Life Member $1,000 one time (12 years or younger) *Includes $18/yr for monthly magazine subscription. Signature:

006 TX_Wildlife.indd 6

Membership Classifications

5/16/06 4:32:37 PM

Searching for Financing?

Look no farther than Lone Star Land Bank for all your rural real estate financing needs.



Building Lifetime Relationships through Financial Solutions member-owned cooperative • patronage dividends

Part of the Farm Credit System

007 LoneStarBank.indd 7

5/16/06 4:34:14 PM

On the Cover …

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com

Clear Springs Ranch of McLennan County See page 21


Cover Photography by John King Keisling

FEATURED RANCH 162 v Shadow Creek Ranch Listed by Mason & Morse Ranch Company

TEXAS SELECT 24 v Medina County 1,120 Acres Listed by Jeff Soele Investments, LLC

26 v Paradise in Utopia! Listed by Jeff Soele Investments, LLC

182 v Legendary Golf At Your Home on the Range

REFERENCE 9 v Broker Index 10 v Property Index & Map

CLASSIFIEDS 174 v Additional Properties in the Marketplace

48 v Winwood Ranch Listed by Hood Real Estate Company

56 v Spring-Fed Luxury Wildlife Ranch Listed by Ed White Realty

76 v Rancho Cuatro Hermanas Listed by LANDTX

98 v The Star of the Hill Country Listed by Stefka Home & Land Company

ITEMS OF INTEREST 16 v PJP Farms Peter Pletcher: A Champion Hunter/Jumper

Rancho Mirando page 148

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

008 TX40_TOC.indd 8

5/25/06 5:10:37 PM

broker index

AmanVerde Land Co. Inc. ...................129 Bacon & Ranch Investments, Inc. ....169 Beach Properties....................................108 Bill Johnson & Associates Real Estate ...........................................120 Border Realty Ranch Sales ..................140 Bownds & Associates, Inc. Realtors .130 Boyd & Boyd Properties, LLC ...........172 Capitol Area Realty ...............................146 CC Herber Co. Real Estate..................106 C. E. Muegge Real Estate .....................157 Century 21 Harvey Properties Inc. ...122 Childress Ranch Investments ............104 Clift, Scott & Associates ...................... 161 Coldwell Banker Taylor & Taylor Realtors ..................167 Coldwell Banker United ......................148 Continental Pacific ...............................142 Country Connection ............................ 171 Creekside Rural Investments .............147 Dan W. Kinsel III Ranch Broker, LLC 67 David A. Nisbet Ranch Sales ..............132 duPerier Texas Land Man, LLC .... 21, 38 Ed White Realty ...................................... 56 Evans and Associates ........................... 110 Fred Calhoun Realty ............................150 Frosty Miller Ranch Realty ................. 131 Gaines Land Sales .................................152 Grubb & Ellis ........................................172 Hall and Hall ..........................................166 Heritage Texas Country Properties...149 Hodde Real Estate Co. .........................153 Hoffman International Properties....... 84 HomeLand Properties .........................154 Hood Real Estate Company ................. 48 Jacobs Properties................................... 118 Jeff Soele Ranch Investments ............... 24 John McCollom & Associates Realtors 88 Kennedy Country Properties ............. 151 Kenneth Thweatt Real Estate .............169 Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty Ranch Division ..................................... 68 LANDTX ................................................... 76

Los Venados Ranch ..............................173 Mac Coalson Real Estate ..................... 171 Markham Realty, Inc. ...........................155 Mason & Morse Ranch Company ....162 Meek Ranch Sales .................................102 Navasota Realty .....................................156 Nixon Real Estate.................................. 112 No Fences Land Co. .............................127 Phyllis Browning Company .................. 91 Prudential Gary Greene Realtors ......158 Prudential Triple S Realty ..................165 Ranch & Hunting Land ...................... 141 Ranch Connection ................................160 The Ranch Group .................................128 Rare Earth ................................................. 97 The Real Estate Station ........................159 RE/MAX Community Brokers ...........168 RE/MAX Llano ......................................170 RE/MAX On The Brazos .....................173 RE/MAX Town & Country .................125 RE/MAX Wimberley ............................124 Ross Setzler Real Estate .......................145 Round Mountain Ranch......................134 Saddleside Realty .................................. 116 Stanberry & Associates .......................135 Stefka Home & Land Co. ..................... 98 Steve Grant Real Estate.......................... 62 Sycamore Creek Ranch ........................137 Taylor Real Estate Sales, LLC .............138 Tejas Properties .....................................139 Terry Wootan Real Estate.com ..........133 Texas Homestead Real Estate ............126 Texas Ranches For Sale .......................100 Tina McCelvey & Associates ..............136 Tom Alexander Texas Land .................. 72 United Country Real Estate.................. 94 United Country Real Estate - Crossroads Ranch Real Estate ........ 96 VIP Country Properties ....................... 114 W. K. Shumpes Co. ................................. 80 Waller County Land Company..........144 Wendland & Associates ......................143 Wilson & Goldrick Realtors ..............170

Texas Farm & Ranch Magazine V








Farm & Ranch Publishing, L.L.C. 50 Briar Hollow Lane, 6th Floor East • Houston, TX 77027 713 334-9222 • 800 580-7330 713 599-1534 fax SUBSCRIPTIONS

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info@farmandranch.com • www.farmandranch.com EDITOR/DIRECTOR OF BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT

David Light - 800 772-7195 MAGAGING EDITORS

Tiffany Franks Todd Powers F O R A DV E RT I S I N G I N F O R M AT I O N CA L L

Vicki Holland - Texas Regional Editor 713 402-4923 CUSTOMER SERVICE

Bethany Taylor - Manager Lauren Carlson Kelly Hults Stacy Korhely QUA L I T Y A S S U R A N C E


Jamie Destouet Megan McDonald PRODUCTION MANAGER

Karen J. Little A S S I S TA N T P R O D U C T I O N M A NAG E R


Pedro Almaraz Courtney Loving Christopher A. Skiles Lisa Warner CONTRIBUTING WRITERS

Paul Pfifer - P U B L I S H E D B Y-



Kendal Glades C H I E F O P E R AT I N G O F F I C E R


Mark F. Walz

©Copyright 2006, Farm & Ranch Publishing, L.L.C. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher.

Dancing Oaks Ranch page 150

TX40_BrokerIndex.indd 9

Texas Farm & Ranch is published four times per year by Farm & Ranch Publishing, L.L.C. 50 Briar Hollow Lane, 6th Floor East, Houston, Texas 77027. Information provided to Farm & Ranch Publishing, L.L.C. is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The publisher will not be responsible for any omissions, errors, typographical mistakes or misinformation within this publication. Measurements and figures are approximate. Properties are subject to errors, omissions, price change or prior sale. Printed in the U.S.A.

5/25/06 3:56:11 PM

property index


County Page


10................... Austin......................... 120 15................... Washington.................74 23................... Travis.......................... 148 25................... Fayette.........................114 25................... Hamilton................... 147 27................... Washington.............. 153 28................... Washington.............. 153 28................... Waller......................... 173 38................... Austin......................... 121 50................... Comal......................... 148 51................... Grimes....................... 156 57................... Colorado................... 149 60................... Travis.............................79 70................... Travis.......................... 148 76................... Colorado................... 121 86................... Fayette........................ 115 87................... Waller......................... 115 95................... Grimes....................... 156 97................... Washington.............. 151 101................. Washington...............114 102................. Travis.......................... 147 112................. Austin......................... 120 114................. Waller......................... 153 115................. Austin......................... 115 128................ Waller......................... 144 150................ Washington.............. 149 160................. Austin..........................114 160................. Washington.............. 149 162................. Fayette........................ 149 168................. Uvalde...........................37 170................. Gonzales.................... 151 200................ McLennan....................21 248................ Guadalupe...................71 272................ Guadalupe...................46 342................ Grimes....................... 156 379................ Madison......................118 380................ Medina..........................93 392................ Uvalde...........................26 400................ Bastrop....................... 143 409................ Wilson..........................92 490................ Medina..........................36 514................. Washington.............. 151 565................ Grimes....................... 156 617................. Bosque....................... 160 639................ Uvalde...........................33 663................ Concho.........................70 690................ Uvalde........................ 109 707................ Austin......................... 120 734................ Mills............................ 145 800................ Uvalde...........................37 803................ Uvalde...........................69 820................ Hamilton................... 104 900................ Menard.........................62 950................ Medina..........................36 993................ Mills............................ 133 1120.............. Medina..........................24 1339.............. Medina..........................28 1,507............. Milam......................... 169 1,558............. Kinney........................ 139 2,188............. Gonzales.......................67 2279.............. Uvalde...........................36 2,743............. Madison..................... 154 2,845............. Kinney........................ 147 3,700............. Uvalde........................ 172 4,000............. Kinney........................ 100 7000.............. Uvalde...........................32 8,000............. Kinney........................ 102

High Plains

2,457............. Briscoe........................161 2,537............. Briscoe..........................72 5,000............. Potter...........................161

Hill Country

Brazos River Ranch page 73


1..................... Hays........................... 124 5..................... Kendall...................... 108 6..................... Blanco........................ 124 10................... Hays........................... 135 10................... Hays........................... 135 14................... Hays........................... 172 15................... Gillespie..................... 125 20................... Bandera...................... 130


County Page

20................... Hays........................... 135 21................... Hays........................... 124 25................... Hays........................... 129 27................... Kendall...................... 109 28................... Bandera.........................44 30................... Kendall.........................71 48................... Hays........................... 170 56................... Gillespie......................111 57................... Bandera.........................42 58................... Bandera.........................70 59................... Bandera.......................110 60................... Burnet...........................47 62................... Blanco........................ 105 70................... Gillespie........................41 81................... Kerr...............................51 82................... Kerr...............................54 85................... Real..............................111 90................... Llano.......................... 133 95................... Gillespie..................... 112 100................. Blanco...........................37 100................. Gillespie..................... 125 100................. Kendall.........................30 102................. Burnet........................ 148 116................. Edwards.......................60 118................. Gillespie........................97 124................ Blanco...........................92 131................. Kendall.........................82 135................ Blanco...........................35 137................ Kerr...............................32 140................. Bandera...................... 130 143................. Llano.......................... 147 145................. Gillespie..................... 107 150................ Bandera...................... 108 155................ Bandera.........................70 160................. Edwards.......................60 190................ Kendall.........................81 200................ Blanco........................ 153 200................ Kerr...............................89 209................ Gillespie......................110 216................. Hays............................171 227................ Edwards.......................60 229................ Kendall.........................81 229................ Kerr...............................45 230................ Bandera.........................78 233................ Kerr...............................43 239................ Bandera.........................31 250................ Kendall...................... 136 252................ Blanco........................ 129 265................ Kerr...............................83 265................ Kimble..........................52 290................ Kendall.........................82 291................. Llano.............................78 300................ Gillespie........................36 302................ Kerr...............................40 306................ Bandera...................... 126 315................. Edwards.......................61 346................ Kimble........................101 348................ Edwards.................... 139 350................ Gillespie..................... 106 350................ Gillespie..................... 107 350................ Hays........................... 146 352................ Gillespie..................... 125 356................ Mason........................ 133 371................ Gillespie..................... 112 375................ Hays..............................98 380................ Kerr...............................34 382................ Kerr............................ 132 389................ Blanco...........................29 397................ Kendall.........................83 402................ Kerr...............................39 412................. Gillespie..................... 113 432................ Bandera.........................68 435................ Bandera.........................35 444................ Bandera...................... 103 452................ Bandera...................... 130 475................ Blanco........................ 134 484................ Kerr............................ 143 485................ Kerr...............................34 492................ Mason.........................131 500................ Blanco........................ 132 521................ Bandera.........................37 562................ Bandera.........................55 600................ Edwards.......................52 612................. Kimble....................... 100 700................ Kimble....................... 103


County Page

724................ Kerr............................ 132 726................ Hays..............................79 732................ Edwards.......................60 851................. Edwards.......................50 906................ Edwards.......................56 975................ Kimble..........................53 1,000............. Gillespie........................55 1,000............. Mason........................ 133 1,100............. Kerr............................ 126 1,200............. Gillespie..................... 107 1,239............. Edwards.......................59 1,288............. Kerr...............................38 1,300............. Real..............................101 1,376............. Edwards.......................50 1,428............. Kerr.............................111 1,581............. Burnet........................ 169 1,881............. Edwards.......................50 1,900............. Kerr...............................90 2,000............. Bandera.........................46 2,000............. Kerr............................ 126 2,008............. Edwards.......................58 3,034............. Burnet.........................131 5,250............. Kerr...............................88 5,700............. Kimble..........................89 11,080........... Kimble....................... 126 30,100........... Llano.......................... 170 60,325.......... Bandera.........................80


1..................... Wise..............................94 10................... Denton....................... 159 11................... Denton....................... 159 17................... Grayson......................116 22................... Denton....................... 159 70................... Grayson......................116 100................. Denton..........................85 105................. Parker..........................171 117................. Grayson........................86 135................ Kaufman.................... 123 154................ Hunt..............................86 342................ Hunt............................117 352................ Wise........................... 150 430................ Cooke..........................171 700................ Palo Pinto.....................73 800................ Hunt............................116 800................ Navarro...................... 127 1,320............. Palo Pinto.....................96


1..................... Houston..................... 155 10................... Henderson...................63 13................... Henderson...................63 48................... Cass...............................95 69................... Cass...............................95 69................... Lamar............................94 80................... Henderson...................63 105................. Lamar......................... 122 124................ Van Zandt.....................65 132................ Henderson...................65 180................ Harrison.......................94 184................ Henderson...................63 200................ Cass............................ 122 206................ Van Zandt.....................63 234................ Smith.............................94 240................ Henderson...................62 261................. Van Zandt.....................62 266................ Henderson...................65 281................. Henderson...................62 320................ Henderson...................62 326................ Red River................... 122 408................ VanZandt......................66 542................ Red River................... 123 680................ Hopkins........................84 750................ Lamar......................... 122 1,169............. Panola........................ 127 1,722............. Red River................... 123 2,200............. Smith.............................87


26................... Brown......................... 145 100................. Coleman.................... 152 462................ Coleman.................... 138 500................ Jack............................. 150 500................ Montague.................. 127


County Page

574................. Taylor......................... 152 633................ Knox..............................75 756................ Comanche..................141 787................ Knox..............................75 833................ Coleman.................... 138 940................ Coleman.................... 152 4,160............. Foard.............................95


200................ Frio..............................110 238................ La Salle...................... 136 380................ Frio............................. 136 442................ Jim Hogg......................68 554................ Frio..............................110 631................. La Salle...................... 105 727................ Frio............................. 105 1,089............. Zavala......................... 167 1,200............. Zapata........................ 128 1,410.............. Live Oak.......................48 1,650............. La Salle.......................101 2,200............. Zapata........................ 128 2,230............. La Salle...................... 136 2,546............. Webb.......................... 102 2,618............. Frio................................93 2,637............. Frio................................69 2,725............. Maverick.......................33 3,377............. McMullen.................. 103 3,864............. Starr............................ 173 4,059............. Duval.............................69 4,240............. Duval.......................... 102 5,985............. Frio............................. 105 6,100............. Webb.............................67 6,436............. Duval.......................... 102 8,350............. Frio................................67 9,300............. Webb.......................... 140 17,500........... Zavala............................91


40................... Montgomery............. 158 88................... Walker........................ 154 99................... Fort Bend.................. 139 100................. Walker.........................118 145................. Brazoria......................114 236................ Montgomery..............118 316................. Walker........................ 155 375................ Walker.........................119 509................ Montgomery..............119 736................ Walker.........................119 1,223............. Harris......................... 142 1,989............. Brazoria..................... 157


310................. Val Verde......................52 1,894............. Val Verde................... 167 3,759............. Val Verde................... 167 5,463............. Val Verde................... 104 6,239............. Val Verde................... 167 6,643............. Val Verde......................76 9,100............. Val Verde................... 137 14,916........... Terrell......................... 103 23,000.......... Val Verde................... 143

Outside the Region Colorado

2..................... San Miguel................ 166 11................... Gunnison.................. 168 14................... Gunnison.................. 168 35................... Gunnison.................. 168 70................... Summit...................... 162 85................... La Plata...................... 165 660................ La Plata...................... 165 4,352............. Garfield...................... 166


3,405............. Beaverhead................ 166

New Mexico

6,097............. Taos............................ 166


100................. Pushmataha.................95

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

TX40_PropIndxMap.indd 10

5/25/06 3:57:05 PM


Austin Bastrop Bell Bexar Bosque Brazos Burleson Caldwell Colorado Comal Concho Coryell De Witt Falls Fayette Freestone Gonzales Grimes Guadalupe Hamilton Karnes Kinney Lampasas Lavaca Lee Leon Limestone Madison McCulloch McLennan Medina Menard Milam Mills Robertson San Saba Travis Uvalde Waller Washington Williamson Wilson

HIGH PLAINS 18 28 76 24 13 22 26 37 20 40 1 75 16 41 19 31 74 57 14 30 25 3 6 10 38 8 58 42 29 5 39 56 7 32 4 11 21 12 17 9 2 23 55 15 54

Armstrong Bailey Borden Briscoe Carson Castro Childress Cochran Collingsworth Crosby Dallam Dawson Deaf Smith Dickens Donley Floyd Gaines Garza Gray Hale Hall Hansford Hartley Hemphill Hockley Hutchinson Kent King Lamb Lipscomb Lubbock Lynn Moore Motley Ochiltree Oldham Parmer Potter Randall Roberts Sherman Swisher Terry Wheeler Yoakum

TX40_PropIndxMap.indd 11

HILL COUNTRY 187 173 158 184 172 190 188 186 171 157 156 185

Bandera Blanco Burnet Edwards Gillespie Hays Kendall Kerr Kimble Llano Mason Real

METROPLEX 66 48 85 65 104 100 50 49 126 101 67 103 105 127 82 83 86 102 84 64

Collin Cooke Dallas Denton Ellis Erath Fannin Grayson Hill Hood Hunt Johnson Kaufman Navarro Palo Pinto Parker Rockwall Somervell Tarrant Wise

SOUTH 243 218 232 248 245 253 228 238 217 233 251 247 239 249 240 229 231 215 230 241 244 242 250 234 237 252 246 216

Aransas Atascosa Bee Brooks Calhoun Cameron Dimmit Duval Frio Goliad Hidalgo Jim Hogg Jim Wells Kenedy Kleberg La Salle Live Oak Maverick McMullen Nueces Refugio San Patricio Starr Victoria Webb Willacy Zapata Zavala


209 192 159 205 125 195 194 191 223 189 139 144 221 160 208 147 207 196 206 124 220 202 143 222 193 161 146 178 140 145 204 155 176 141 177 142 174 203 210 209 175 219

NORTHEAST 148 53 89 73 129 68 70 108 109 128 69 162 51 91 72 149 131 88 52 130 150 107 71 90 106 88

Anderson Bowie Camp Cass Cherokee Delta Franklin Gregg Harrison Henderson Hopkins Houston Lamar Marion Morris Nacogdoches Panola Rains Red River Rusk Shelby Smith Titus Upshur Van Zandt Wood

NORTHWEST 45 44 122 98 46 121 123 33 99 78 34 27 60 63 79 43 95 47 96 120 77 80 81 59 97 61 36 35 62

Archer Baylor Brown Callahan Clay Coleman Comanche Cottle Eastland Fisher Foard Hardeman Haskell Jack Jones Knox Mitchell Montague Nolan Runnels Scurry Shackelford Stephens Stonewall Taylor Throckmorton Wichita Wilbarger Young

SOUTHEAST 163 226 213 225 227 200 212 235 182 214 199 236 211 183 201 180 165 164 198 179 181 197 223

Angelina Brazoria Chambers Fort Bend Galveston Hardin Harris Jackson Jasper Jefferson Liberty Matagorda Montgomery Newton Orange Polk Sabine San Augustine San Jacinto Trinity Tyler Walker Wharton

WEST 92 167 119 134 153 112 115 110 117 94 111 137 131 113 93 116 152 166 136 132 154 118 170 168 138 135 169 133 114

Andrews Brewster Coke Crane Crockett Culberson Ector El Paso Glasscock Howard Hudspeth Irion Jeff Davis Loving Martin Midland Pecos Presidio Reagan Reeves Schleicher Sterling Sutton Terrell Tom Green Upton Val Verde Ward Winkler

w w w. f a r m a n d r a n c h . c o m Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch


5/25/06 3:57:36 PM

EXTRAORDINARY horses EXCEPTIONAL cowboys EXQUISITE ranches To receive your complimentary copy of the “Guide to Cutting” or for more information on membership contact the National Cutting Horse Association.

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012 NatlCtngHorseAd.indd 12

/ 817.244.6188 / www.nchacutting.com 5/16/06 4:34:34 PM

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013 HeritageLandBankAd.indd 13

5/22/06 3:44:59 PM

Since 1973

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With 30 years of experience in the heavy equipment business and general contracting industry, our passion is our equipment. The secret is proper planning. We love to see a ranch property - large or small - developed to perfection for the enjoyment of others.

Land Enhancement is our business • Habitat Enhancement

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We have references no one else has. Do you have a plan? Do you want to reach your goals? We are a family of integrity and truth serving the great state of Texas since 1973.

014 LandEnhancementsAd3.indd 14

5/16/06 4:36:29 PM

015 TrippleJJJRanch.indd 15

5/16/06 4:37:31 PM

Peter Pletcher

& PJP Farm



arm & Ranch magazine is a proud

end of the summer he was jumping the entire

Over the course of his career, Pletcher has

supporter of Peter Pletcher and PJP

table. When he returned home to Houston, he

ridden hundreds of horses and names his

Farm of Magnolia, Texas. We caught

began studying Hunter/Jumper equitation in

favorites from a list of horses he has owned in

up with him on his way out the

earnest. Pletcher accredits his early training to a

tandem with his parents George and Claudine

door to the Kentucky Spring Classic

noted list of equestrians: Bill Robertson, Joanie

Pletcher of Houston: Uncle Sam, who got his

Horse Show, one of approximately

Waterman, Bernie Traurig, Jimmy Lee, Debbie

start in Grand Prix aboard, January’s Best,

Stephens, Billy Glass and Johnny Conn.

Wizard of Oz, Extra and Star Struck. Currently,

40 horse shows Pletcher attends on an annual basis. In addition to his show schedule, he

Very quickly, Pletcher began making a name

for Grand Prix events, he is riding Charmed, a

teaches 35 students at his 60-acre facility outside

for him self in the show ring, and his list of

Dutch Mare owned by Alex and Cannell Dillard

of Magnolia, Texas, where he trains, boards,

accomplishments is long and varied. He has been

of Dillard’s Department Stores, and Pleasant,

breeds and sells horses. He is gracious and

amassing champion and grand champion titles

a Dutch Stallion by Darko, owned by Jack and

engaging, while maintaining a sense of humor

for twenty years, from prestigious charity shows

Judi Holmes of Houston. For Hunter/Jumper

about his very full schedule and impressive list

to world class Hunter/ Jumper events. In 2002 he

competition, he rides two horses for Lynn

of accomplishments. This is obviously a man

was named Chronicle of the Horse Professional

Walsh, Ocean Park and McArthur Park, whom

who loves what he does and does it well.

Rider of the Year and World Champion Hunter

she rides in Amateur events, and Peter shows at

Peter Pletcher began his jumping career

Rider of the Year. He has effectively established

working and second year levels respectively. In

inauspiciously on a quarter-Arabian he received

himself as one of the best show jumpers in

addition, Becky Gochman of Academy Sports

on this 12th birthday. Mostly, he rode bareback

the world. In 2004 he was named the World

and Outdoors has four horses, Cape Town,

or western, but one summer when he was 14,

Champion Hunter Rider Monarch Professional

Academy, Vanity and Primrose, Peter rides in 1st

Peter jumped his first picnic bench and by the

Hunter Rider of the Year.

year events and she in Older Amateur.


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

016-017 PJP_Article.indd 16

5/23/06 5:06:18 PM

On top of Peter’s non-stop show schedule, PJP Farm is a bustling horse farm where many of Peter’s Hunter Jumper students exhibit great promise. The Hobby daughters of Houston, Kate Gibson and Laura Beckworth, and also Kate’s children, Caroline and Carson are showing very well, as are the Eads family children, Julia and Evan, also of Houston. Peter is quick to point out that he does not manage his farm and schedule alone, but is aided by two assistant trainers, Sandy Strack who has been with him for 15 years and Danny Arendt, who joined the farm last year. Peter Pletcher has had an amazing show jumping career and “Farm and Ranch” magazine is wishing Peter well on the way to his next championship ride. Only time will tell when or where that takes place, but one thing is certain, it will happen. If you are interested in contacting or sponsoring Peter and PJP Farm, he may be reached at 713 822-4617. Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

016-017 PJP_Article.indd 17


5/23/06 5:07:25 PM

Dedic ated to

s l o o h c s c i l b academic excel lence in Boerne pu

The Foundation awards grants for innovations in education • Portable StarLab • Foreign Language Technology Lab • Science Robotics • Creative Therapy Studio • Butterfly Garden Project • DNA Lab

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Unique and One-of-a-kind Home Furnishings and Accessories 322 S. Main Street Boerne, Tx 78006


w w w. c a l a m i t y j a n e s t r a d i n g c o . c o m

018 CalamityJane_Boerne.indd 18

5/18/06 2:28:08 PM

One of the Best

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www. F A R M a n d R A N C H . c o m 019 FnRDotCom_Eagle.indd 19

5/16/06 4:38:18 PM

Soilmovers Since 1979

Fishing Lakes Wildlife Habitats Lake Renovation Lake Liners All Types of Excavation Work

Nick Jones 866-294-0582 903-732-5164 www.soilmovers.com

020 SoilMovers.indd 20

5/17/06 10:41:19 AM


he Clear Springs Ranch in Central

Cover Ranch

Texas offers the unique opportunity to own a beautifully luxurious

ranch that will also serve as essentially your own recreational resort. Whether managed as a personal residence or retreat center, the ranch offers a bit of luxury and fun for everyone. Situated on over 200 acres of rolling lawns, grasslands and mature trees, the three homes and one lodge provide a range of exciting options, which are all connected by two miles of paved driveway. The main house with five bedrooms and five bathrooms serves as the centerpiece of Texas charm and style. The foreman’s quarters (three bedrooms and two baths) and an historic log cabin, built in the 1860s, complement the main house. The log cabin (three bedrooms and two baths) signifies the long, interesting history of this land, once called the Patton Ranch. Another piece of living history on the ranch is the historic old mill, which still has the original stone grinding wheels. In addition to the three residences is a





lodge provides a range of opportunities for conferences or retreats, especially with its large

Clear lear Springs Ranch

Beautiful Luxury & Diverse Recreation

conference room that will seat over 20 people. Or, the lodge is the perfect gathering point for a large, family get-together. Either way, anyone staying in the lodge will at some point take advantage of the activities in the game room. Not only does the Clear Springs Ranch have plenty of indoor space and enjoyment for even the largest family, it offers enough Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

021-023 TexasLdMan.indd 21


5/17/06 10:45:08 AM

outdoor recreational opportunities to keep the 160,000 gallons per day, ensuring a sufficient

you’ll have a challenging course all to yourself.

water source. One can also stay on land and,

Coupled with the over 80 fenced acres are a

The eight lakes covering over 25 acres give within the confines of the ranch, hunt for wild

horse barn, roping area and two water tanks-

most active person engaged.

you the chance to fish for large-mouth bass, turkey and feral hogs. Or, take to the links, on plenty of riding and training facility for the novice or accomplished rider. One might also

crappie and bluegill. A year-round spring feeds

one’s very own 9-hole golf course. No need to

all the lakes and recreational swimming hole at

make tee times or wait for the slow players as want to play a game of tennis on the court


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

021-023 TexasLdMan.indd 22

5/17/06 10:46:21 AM

near the main house and afterward, cool off in the swimming pool. After a challenging day in the field, one can stroll the property and throw some rocks into the water from the old drawbridge. v

Clear Springs Ranch offers an exceptional combination of beautiful luxury and extensive recreational options. To experience this property for yourself, please contact Trip duPerier at 830 796-3018.

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

021-023 TexasLdMan.indd 23


5/17/06 10:47:03 AM

M edina SELECT County 1,120 Acres TEXAS

Central Texas v Medina County v Bandera


his recreational ranch is minutes to Bandera, Texas, and only 45 minutes to San Antonio, offering a live running creek with many springs, huge live oaks, limestone bluffs, heavy cover for game and lots of rolling hills and valleys with views of the sought-after Texas Hill Country. Add 40+ species of African, Asian, European, native and many

more animals. Quality, quantity and elusiveness promote total recreational satisfaction. The beautiful fully furnished lodge is elegantly appointed with custom furniture and rustic atmosphere, custom pool, hot tub, patio and outdoor cooking area, fabulous (owner’s house with three bedrooms and four baths) caretaker’s house, foreman’s house, office, nice horse barn, scientific breeder pens, paved roads, cattle pens, four water wells, gated rock electric entry, paved access, walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer, carport and workshop. There are four-wheel drive trucks, jeep feed buggy, a John Deere tractor, furniture, appliances, televisions, blinds, feeders, tools, a four-wheeler and more. This ranch is ready to go as a business, corporate retreat or your own personal family paradise and is currently run as a commercial hunting ranch with nice income.


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 24

5/25/06 4:57:56 PM

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 25


5/25/06 4:58:22 PM





Central Texas ❖ Uvalde County ❖ Utopia

his 392 acre property is near Utopia, offering fabulous Sabinal River frontage with towering cypress trees, limestone rock bluffs, rock formations, crystal-clear waterfalls, a very large spring and a luxury custom home high on a hill with panoramic views of the historic Sabinal Canyon and the river below. The home is rock and

stucco with three bedrooms, two and one-half baths, a very open living area with two rock fireplaces, a large, open kitchen, red oak floors, custom cabinets, library with floor-to-ceiling shelves, computer office, large patio, pool, hot tub, three large outbuildings and custom landscaping with automatic sprinkler system, custom lighting RV site with hookups, electric gate and way too much more to list. The property has been in the same family for over 125 years and was one of the sights of the area’s last Indian battle. There is tremendous views, a large field and wildlife everywhere. For an appointment, call Morris Killough, Agent at 210 415-9850.


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 26

5/25/06 4:58:59 PM

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 27


5/25/06 4:59:43 PM

Medina County Geronimo Creek, 1,339

Central Texas v Medina County v Hondo


This outdoorsman’s recreational paradise is truly one of the finest hunting, fishing or livestock ranches I have ever seen, and is only 45 minutes to San Antonio’s finest restaurants and attractions. This area offers thick brush, big oak trees, rolling hills, quail-hunting strips, paved roads, totally game-fenced with scientific breeder whitetail pens, stocked whitetail genetics from top breeders, many hunting stations with top-quality hunting blinds and feeders, irrigated food plots with five pivot systems powered by a large irrigation well, 18 stock ponds with piped water providing fabulous dove and duck shooting and fishing lakes, a five-bedroom, four- and onehalf-bath lodge sitting on a hilltop with large pool and patio area with outdoor kitchen, also a bunkhouse, foreman’s house, equipment barn, dog kennel and pipe cattle pens.

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 28

5/25/06 5:00:43 PM

Best Live Water Location Texas Hill Country v Blanco County v Austin


This 389 acre property is 35 minutes to Austin or San Antonio. This is a great readyto-go weekend getaway or recreational retreat. The small ranch house has great views, trees, fire pit, nice porch and more to see. Then add paved access, nice fields, big mountains, fabulous roads, fishing lake, both sides of a crystal-clear running lake with big trees, rock bluffs, waterfalls, many springs and all situated in a park-like setting. There is lots of wildlife, great hunting and a variety of topography. There is a nice equipment barn for those weekend toys. This property is close to many golf courses and the Highland Lake area. This one won’t last and is a must-see!

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 29


5/25/06 5:05:40 PM

Kendall County 100 acres

Texas Hill Country v Kendall County



This manicured showplace near historic Welfare and Sisterdale, Texas, is minutes to Boerne or San Antonio and only 30 minutes to the Texas Medical Center or the new La Cantera mall. This special place has a charming two-story rock home with metal V crimp roof, four bedrooms, four baths, a television room, large fireplace and must-see unique kitchen, all in a country club-like setting with great landscaping, big trees, pool, entertaining house with bright open windows, full kitchen, large open living area and two baths. Both overlook a great custom pool with waterfall and hot tub. There is a rock patio with outdoor fire pit, manicured paved roads, lighted riding area, cattle pens, workshop, hay/equipment barn, three water wells, full-size batting cage with lights, three-bedroom, two-bath foreman’s house, great trees, great gentle land and a must-see for the quality minded. It won’t last long and is great for horses, cattle and hunting.

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 30

5/25/06 5:06:36 PM

Bandera County 239 Acres


Texas Hill Country v Bandera County

This property has crystal-clear live water near Medina, minutes to Kerrville and only 45 minutes to San Antonio. The gorgeous cypress-lined Medina River has rapids and deep holes. This property offers highway access, a nice 50-acre field for horses, hay crop for grazing, big trees with deep soil and 360-degree views of the Texas Hill County. There is a small rustic house, hunter’s cabin, water well, electricity and unique pastureland rare to the normally rocky Hill Country. Free-roaming exotic animals, such as axis, blackbuck antelope, sheep and all native species roam the land. This place has lots of variety and character for the quality minded and many dream homesites waiting for your own personal touch and creativity. Owner/Broker.

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 31


5/25/06 5:07:14 PM

South Texas Best Central Texas v Uvalde County v Uvalde


This 7,000 acre property is minutes to Uvalde and only 1.5 hours west of San Antonio. This great ranch has tremendous potential and variety. There is thick brush, oak trees, nice hills and ridges with views of the distant hills. There is a nice three-bedroom, three-bath home with fireplace, bunkhouse, cookhouse, large barn, caretaker’s home, grain bins, pipe cattle pens, 13 water wells, five stock tanks, lots of quail habitat and some of the best sought-after whitetail deer country you will find. This ranch has everything South Texas can offer, with a flavor of Hill Country views, trees and rock ridges. Owner may divide. Enjoy tremendous wildlife and hunting. Own your own before hunting season! Tired of leasing?

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com


Country Living with City Conveniences Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Kerrville


This 137 acre property offers country living with city conveniences right next door. This property is only two miles to Kerrville and offers both sides of a crystal-clear, running creek with many dam sites to greatly enhance the water. Nice field, big mountains with great Hill Country views, flat hilltops with many building sites. Two different paved ways to get to the property. Then add great hunting, Boone and Crockett whitetail deer under this game-fenced, outdoorsman’s paradise. What a place with lots of variety and best location around.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 32

5/25/06 5:07:38 PM

Maverick County

2,725 Acres



South Texas v Maverick County ready





outdoorsman’s property is a rare find two hours southwest of San Antonio near Quemado, Texas. This brush country has big deer area with a fabulous dove and quail habitat. The hilltop lodge has three bedrooms, two baths, a big rock fireplace with large commercial kitchen, pool table and is fully furnished. This is a well-watered ranch, which is rare in some of South Texas. There are five water wells with 40± miles of underground water pipe and 20 concrete water troughs. There are two fishing lakes, a good road system, thick brush, big trees, rolling hills with views and lots of character and variety. Add eight lifetime deer blinds, protein feeders, corn feeders, nice carport, garage barn with game-cleaning area and walk-in cooler, a separate 1,100-acre game-fenced pasture, brush strips planted in buffel grass for quail and more only for you to come see. Priced to sell.

High Springs Ranch Texas Hill Country v Bandera County v Medina


This 639 acre property is only one hour to all of San Antonio’s modern amenities. Then add some of the best views of the Texas Hill Country, flat tops, gorgeous manicured valley, two stock ponds, many mountain springs with several large lake sites, well, electricity, game-fenced on two sides, good road system, great wildlife, fabulous hunting and many homesites to choose from. This is a great all-around recreational ranch and priced to sell. Owner/broker.

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 33


5/25/06 5:08:10 PM


Minutes to Kerrville and only 45 minutes to San Antonio, this fabulous home is high on a hilltop with touch-the-sky views of the Texas Hill Country. This spectacular home has approximately 5,000 square feet with a large master suite with fireplace, exercise room and a great porch to watch the sunsets and sunrises. There is a gourmet kitchen, great wet bar area, two other bedrooms, two and one-half baths,

Kerr County

380 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Kerrville

office, dining, massive living room with big rock fireplace, three-car garage, fabulous landscaping and outdoor lighting with waterfall. There are electric shutters and a detached three-car garage with office, all overlooking your own private lake with boat dock. Game-fenced, nice barn and workshop, cute cozy rock cabin overlooking smaller lake, paved roads with custom electric gated entry, seven other smaller lakes and more. The pictures cannot justify the actual experience of seeing this spectacular property. Truly a rare find and a must see for the quality minded. Seller will sell in smaller acreages to possibly custom design a tract.


Sitting only minutes to Kerrville or historic Camp Verde and 45 minutes to San Antonio, this property has paved access, nice rock and a weekend getaway ranch house. There is a small cabin, outbuildings, nice field for horses, hay or food plot, big, high hilltops with tremendous

Kerr County 485 Acres

Texas Hill Country Kerr County v Kerrville

views of Kerrville and surrounding Hill Country, nice valleys and great hunting. There are both sides of the crystal-clear rock-bottom creek, with cascading waterfalls, big rock bluffs, ledges and lots of room for your own lake if wanted. This one is priced to sell and won’t last long!

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 34

5/25/06 5:08:33 PM

Bandera’s Best River Ranch

435± Acres

Texas Hill Country v Bandera County


Minutes to Bandera or San Antonio, this property offers more water, not to imagine, but to see for yourself! There are 1.5± miles of the gorgeous, crystal-clear cypress-lined Medina River with unique limestone bluffs, fast-moving rapids, deep holes, shallow and easy-access banks and more for you to come and see. Add a great crystalclear, cypress-lined creek, great plantation-style two-story, four-bedroom, four- and one-half-bath, home, guesthouse, pool house with recreation room and bath, swimming pool, tennis court, horse barn with seven stalls and two-bedroom apartment, equipment barn, livestock corrals, six water wells, nice paved access with electric gate, paved ranch driveway, 80 acres of coastal, Bermuda and lots of wildlife! This is a great ranch with lots of variety and more live water than you can find. It is great for horses, cattle or a recreational retreat.

Blanco County 135 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Blanco County v Johnson City


This Pedernales River recreational retreat is minutes to San Antonio or Austin, truly a ready-togo place with Highway 281 frontage! There is a gated piped entry, granite roads, hundreds of trimmed trees, small gazebo, horseshoe pit, underground landscape lights and a cozy and rustic almost-new, two-bedroom, two-bath cabin with porch overlooking the river! Add an enclosed carport, another guest/caretaker’s apartment with private carport, smokehouse, cattle pens, game cleaning area, great fencing, good road system, Highway 281 and county road frontage, great hunting and wildlife, some commercial value on 281 and fabulous land with gorgeous views of the Texas Hill Country! The river here is wide, deep, crystal-clear, easy to get to and already looks like a park! There is possible development potential.

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 35


5/25/06 5:08:53 PM

Medina County 950± Acres

Central Texas v Medina County v Tarpley


This outdoorsman’s paradise is only 45 minutes to San Antonio, but still has that quiet and far away feeling! The property has paved access and a real big ranch feel with big valleys, mountains, big tree cover, great views and abundant wildlife! Campsite with water well and electricity! This property is a diamond in the rough and has a great price. This property has big neighbors, big land, a small price and great hunting!

Uvalde County

Gillespie County

2,279± Acres

300 Acres

Central Texas v Uvalde Co. v Utopia

Texas Hill Country Gillespie County v Fredericksburg


Located right in the middle of the sought-after


Sabinal Canyon, this big ranch has big water,

Minutes to historic Fredericksburg, Kerrville and

big mountains and canyons. Rarely ever does

only 45 minutes from San Antonio, this is a great

a ranch of this quality and variety come up for

place to raise deer or exotics in a location that

sale. There are both sides of a crystal-clear rock-

everyone wants, but cannot find! There is good

bottom creek with two dams, plus the gorgeous

country with hundreds of oak trees, some big

cypress trees line the Sabinal River. Add a main

post oak trees, a very unique, big, heavily treed

ranch house, guesthouse, foreman’s house,

flat mountaintop with tremendous views (a great

small cabin, barns, equipment barns, hay barn,

homesite) just waiting for that private hilltop

a good road system, paved airstrip, lots of

home, yet not too far from Fredericksburg’s

bottomland with giant trees and wildlife galore.

fabulous shopping and restaurants. This ranch

There are also many free-roaming exotics.

also offers great hunting with lots of wildlife

Morris Killough 210 415-9850.

already! If that’s not enough, add a nice crystalclear running spring with lots of character and possible water development! Recent price reduction! Best deal around!

Medina County Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com


490 acres


Central Texas v Medina County v Hondo

Between Bandera and Hondo, Texas, this property fronts Highway 173, 45 minutes to San Antonio, offering thousands of oak trees, big hills and nice wine valleys with lots of wildlife, such as deer, turkey, wild hogs and other native species. There is a great road system, electricity, water well, small rustic cabin, nice barn with concrete floor, equipment shed, many homesites with possible small tract development potential. This is a great place close to town and priced to sell as a good investment or place to park some money. Owner/Broker, will sell in 100 acre tracts!

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 36

5/25/06 5:09:11 PM


This 800± acre property is near historic and well sought-after Utopia, Texas. The property offers both sides of a crystal-clear, rock-bottom creek with several potential dam sites and water

Diamonds in the Rough Central Texas v Uvalde County v Utopia

development. This big country has wide, deep valleys, creating a bowl effect and big hilltops and mountains with forever views of the Texas Hill Country. This is a good place to just get away and enjoy the outdoors. Enjoy fabulous wildlife and hunting. This ranch has a lot of potential and is priced right in the market. Call Morris Killough, Agent at 210 415-9850.

Lost Maples Area! Texas Hill Country v Bandera County v Vanderpool


This 521 acre property is ready for you to go hunting. This recreational hunting ranch offers

Rare Find - Live Water

a variety of post oak country, views big deep canyons and draws, great road system, a three- Central Texas v Uvalde County v Utopia bedroom, two-bath home, caretaker’s house, equipment barn, well, electricity, five executive deer This 168± acre property is minutes to Bandera,


blinds and feeders, piped water, paved access and all of it ready to go and priced to sell fast. There and San Antonio is just an hour away. This is are free-roaming exotics and great hunting. Owner/broker. Rare find and great deal! a unique, all-around place with big trees, nice views of the Texas Hill Country and one-ofa-kind live water. This property is great for fishing, hunting and offers free-roaming exotics and county road frontage. Enjoy this land as an outdoorsman’s paradise or just a weekend getaway. This little beauty won’t last long! Call Morris Killough, Agent at 210 415-9850.

Best Live Water, Best Location 100± Acres

Texas Hill Country v Blanco County v Blanco


Minutes to Dripping Springs, Austin, and only 30 minutes to San Antonio, this property offers both sides of two crystal-clear, rock-bottom creeks with limestone bluffs, deep holes, rapids, waterfalls, four dams and more room for possible future water development. There is paved access, a nice field, cozy ranch cabin, nice two-bedroom, two-bath rock ranch home with patio, lots of wildlife and your own large hilltop for a future dream home of your creation. This is a good one and one that won’t last!

Jeff Soele Investments, LLC #15 Champions Run San Antonio, TX 78258

210 373-7740 cell 210 481-1551 office 210 481-9540 fax www.texasbestranches.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

024-037 Soele.indd 37


5/25/06 5:09:51 PM

Rattlesnake Springs

1,288 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Camp Verde


Originally a prison camp during the Civil War, this Hill Country ranch possesses some of the best running water, scenic views and finest improvements. Totally manicured, this ranch features coastal fields, pecan bottoms, lakes, dams and waterfalls. As you enter the property, you can’t miss the well-stocked 18+-acre pond with island swimming pool and stunning views. The main residence is an elegant 11,000±-square-foot home consisting of six bedrooms, six baths, courtyards and covered porches. This ranch includes miles of road improvements and is high-fenced and loaded with whitetail deer, turkey, dove, quail and some exotics.

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

038-047 TX_LndMan.indd 38

5/17/06 10:48:39 AM


Camel Bluff 402 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Camp Verde


Two cypress-lined creeks, Verde Creek and Palmer Creek, come together beneath a towering bluff. Just a few miles from historic Camp Verde, it was here that General Robert E. Lee commanded a prison camp during the Civil War. A quaint, paved county road fronts this property, and there are fields for horses and hills for spectacular homesites. This ranch is as good as it gets!

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

038-047 TX_LndMan.indd 39


5/17/06 10:49:33 AM

T Cypress Valley 302 Acres


Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Camp Verde

Come see Lake Louise and the cypress-lined Verde Creek and Mico Creek! This highly restricted ranch is located in Camp Verde, Texas, and features deep blue-green fishing holes and fabulous waterfalls. Enjoy the spacious canyons and gentle pastures of this exclusive area, entirely surrounded by large ranches. This Texas Hill Country property would be perfect for a hunting ranch or a family retreat.

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

038-047 TX_LndMan.indd 40

5/17/06 10:50:13 AM


Snaffle Bit

Texas Hill Country Gillespie County v Fredericksburg

This premier 70-acre ranch is one-of-akind in pure classic beauty of the land and improvements. It offers dramatic improved and native pastures, irrigation and Wolf Creek flows strong and freely through the ranch and pecan grove. The state-of-the-art horse facility with large barn, office and living quarters is adjacent to a 400- by 150-foot riding and roping arena. The foreman’s home is spacious and conveniently located. The impressive main residence is approximately 7,500 square feet and is an architectural masterpiece. It was designed and remodeled from the original Fredericksburg rock home originally built in the late 1800s.

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

038-047 TX_LndMan.indd 41


5/17/06 10:50:45 AM


Dos Rios Ranch Central Texas v Bandera County v Medina


Dos Rios Ranch features 57 acres on the Medina River off Elm Creek Road, just outside of Medina. The newly remodeled farmhousestyle home is over 4,000 square feet. This estate has the look of the 1940s, but the interior has moved into the next century. There are beadboard walls and cypress wood ceilings in the master bedroom and great room and 14foot ceilings are in the original section of the home. Two large porches provide ample room for enjoying the Hill Country breezes from whatever direction the wind blows. The floors vary from oak and pine to slate and tile. Two beautiful meadows offer room for the horses and cattle to roam, and there is also a rustic barn and rock office/workshop for other “toys”. The cypress-lined river sits on the properties border for .25 miles. If you are looking for a property within one hour of San Antonio with usable land, live water and love the farmhouse style, this is the property for you. $1,500,000.

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

038-047 TX_LndMan.indd 42

5/17/06 10:51:37 AM

233 Acres Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Kerrville


This 233-acre ranch with live water and paved roads is tucked away in a secluded corner of the ranch, with a cabin that accommodates four and offers an opportunity for you to enjoy a private retreat without ever leaving the property. It is peaceful and perfect. Behind the cabin, a small waterfall cascades down a sheer limestone bluff, splashing into a small pond—an ideal swimming hole. With many building sites to choose from, you will surely fined the perfect building location. $1,795,000.

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

038-047 TX_LndMan.indd 43


5/17/06 10:52:15 AM

Star D Ranch Central Texas v Bandera County v Medina


You read ads that say “unique” and “one-of-akind,” but seldom does the property measure up. Here is a place that will not disappoint you. There is a property just two miles west of Medina, Texas, that is truly paradise all wrapped up in 28 acres. Both sides of the gorgeous blue-green waters of the Medina River flow through the “ranchette.” The river has a great swimming and fishing hole, dam, numerous springs on the property and a cabana right on the water’s edge. The land is gorgeously manicured with two fields, a wooded area and a small hill. The main home is like one you have never seen. The original part of the home was built in the 1930s, an addition in 1970 and another addition in 2000. Creativity and functionality are great adjectives to describe this Hill Country homestead. Five unique bedrooms, (six including the guest room in the garage), three and one-half baths, two living rooms, (one is the original 1930s rock house, the other a magnificent log cabin), two dining rooms, an exterior game room, three unique rock fireplaces and much more. The living area

Trip duPerier

consists of approximately 4,600 square feet.

601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

There are too many details to list, so call today

830 796-3018

to make your appointment to see a unique and



one-of-a-kind estate that truly measures up.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

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5/17/06 10:52:59 AM


229 Acres


Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Kerrville This 229-acre live water ranch with spectacular views includes many amenities. The main ranch residence was built on a bluff overlooking the lake to take advantage of the view. The three-bedroom, two- and one-half-bath, Austin stone house was constructed five years ago as the ranch’s guest residence. Its open floor plan boasts a spacious kitchen, expansive great room, large private master suite and a three-car garage. The complex is completed with a standalone equipment shed, also constructed of Austin stone, and a walk-in game cooler. $2,595,000.

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

038-047 TX_LndMan.indd 45


5/17/06 10:53:32 AM

2,000± Acres Texas Hill Country v Bandera County v Medina


Great springs feed the creeks throughout the ranch! Two cypress-lined creeks come together and form a nice body of water that runs through the property. This is a unique ranch for the Texas Hill Country area. There are over 1,000 acres of flat hilltops with post oak and blackjack oak trees. These tops are lightly cedared and offer tremendous views and building sites. Another great asset of the ranch is end-of-the-road privacy and no easements through the ranch. There is a charming farmhouse that overlooks the spring-fed pond and offers great fishing and swimming just outside the door. Ranches of this size and quality are becoming a rare find, so hurry before this one is gone!


Just outside the city limits of Seguin, these 272 acres offer 900± feet of Guadalupe River frontage. The luscious pecan bottom and “carpet grass” make this area superb for picnics and lying in the hammock. The river is locally known as Meadow Lake and is a great fishing and swimming spot. The ranchland has State Highway 123 Bypass and FM 513 frontage. Rich soil makes the land suitable for growing cattle to hay. Numerous building sites offer Hill Country views. Make your appointment today to visit this perfect ranch that is less than 50 miles to Austin and 30 miles to San Antonio.

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com


Seguin 272 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Guadalupe County v Seguin

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

038-047 TX_LndMan.indd 46

5/17/06 10:54:04 AM

Mormon Mills

850 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Burnet County v Marble Falls


This great ranch has more than two miles of Hamilton Creek running through the hills. The site, locally known as Mormon Mill, features an incredible waterfall on the creek that drops into a blue-green hole that is said to be 60 feet deep. The site is where early Mormon settlers found a home in the late 1850s and created a three-story mill to earn a living. Only a few traces can be found of these early settlers, but the awesome waterfall is still present. The ranch has numerous Klein grass and coastal fields, two quaint farmhouses and much more. In addition, the ranch has been under a strict game-management program, creating excellent deer and turkey populations. This unique estate is convenient to San Antonio and Austin and perfect for a family homestead. Call today to see this magnificent ranch.

Trip duPerier 601 Main Street • Bandera, TX 78003

830 796-3018 www.texas-landman.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

038-047 TX_LndMan.indd 47


5/17/06 10:54:35 AM



Windwood Ranch South Texas v Live Oak County v Mathis


he 1,410Âą-acre Windwood Ranch invites the discerning buyer to see the phenomenal world-class hunting and ultimate in outdoor entertainment. The Windwood Ranch has been

extensively managed for over 20 years with elk, fallow, blackbuck antelope, axis deer, whitetail deer, turkey, quail and dove. Windwood Ranch has more fallow deer in the top end of the record books than any other ranch in the world! The planning, stocking and extensive management of Windwood’s big game herds, turkey, dove and other wildlife has been


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

048-055 HoodRE.indd 48

5/18/06 4:11:05 PM

to combine all amenities to provide the ultimate game preserve, Texas-style. Nine large beautiful ponds stocked with Florida bass, channel cat and blue gill all have permanent water piped to them. Special features of Windwood Ranch are the seven unique homes. Enjoy world-class luxury from the grandeur of the main missionstyle mansion, which boasts 7,500 square feet with too many amenities to mention. Also included are guesthomes, a foreman’s house, an Indian house, cowboy house and employee houses. Other ranch amenities include a good network of interior roads, ancillary buildings, livestock barn, corrals, hay storage, blinds, feeders and other fenced areas. The entire perimeter of property has game-proof fencing. A skeet range, shooting range and putting green are also included on the property. This spectacular property has many possibilities for corporate retreats, development potential or a permanent residence. Windwood Ranch is conveniently located only 35 miles north of Corpus Christi, Texas, fronting on Highway 37, overlooking Lake Corpus Christi. This rare find in today’s market is priced to sell at $5,795,000. v

P.O. Box 2191 Kerrville, TX 78029

830 896-0510 www.hoodranchsales.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

048-055 HoodRE.indd 49


5/18/06 4:12:27 PM

Carta Valley Wildlife Ranch 1,881± Acres

Texas Hill Country v Edwards County v Carta Valley


The Carta Valley Wildlife Ranch is the ultimate in an exotic and native game ranch. From the time you drive through the impressive main entrance, you will see the superb opportunity to own a very exclusive and highly improved ranch overlooking the Carta Valley. The beautiful five-bedroom, three- and one-half-bath main lodge is located high on a hill and has a Rocky Mountain feel, with its high ceilings, exposed logs, gourmet kitchen, native rock floors and ultimate rock fireplace. Other amenities include a walk-in cooler, mobile home, guesthouse and two water wells. Entire perimeter

is under high fence. Carta Valley Wildlife Ranch has many different exotics, such as axis, fallow, sika, blackbuck, red deer, auodad, red sheep, muflan and Corsican rams. Native wildlife includes white-tailed deer, turkey, dove and wild hogs. $750/acre. Carta Valley Wildlife Ranch can be purchased in any combination of tracts or all together. This is the best-priced high-fenced ranch in the Hill Country today. Call for a private showing.

Carta Valley Wildlife Ranch

Carta Valley Wildlife Ranch

Tract #2 - 1,376± Acres

Texas Hill Country v Edwards County v Carta Valley


This scenic piece of the Hill Country offers a two-bedroom, one-bath home with trailer, good set of working pens, three silos, two water wells and one concrete floor metal barn. Beautiful live oak trees cover the property, which is also under high fence. Also, an abundance of wildlife roam property. Priced at $725/acre. Call for a private showing.

Tract #3 - 851± Acres

Texas Hill Country Edwards County v Carta Valley


One of the focal points of this property is the Hutto Bat Cave, which is one of the top 250 longest caves in the state. The ranch has one water well, exotics, perimeter all under high

P.O. Box 2191 Kerrville, TX 78029

fence and big cliffs with tremendous vistas.

830 896-0510

that roam the property. Priced at $700/acre.



Tract 3 also has an abundance of wildlife Call for a private showing.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

048-055 HoodRE.indd 50

5/18/06 4:13:07 PM

Guadalupe River Paradise 81 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Hunt


The fabulous Guadalupe River is the focus of the 81¹-acre estate located on Highway 1340. Tremendous water opportunities invite everyone to picnic, swim, fish, canoe or just lounge by the cool rushing river. This water oasis includes a four-level chalet-style lodge with six bedrooms and five and one-half baths and two guesthouses. This would be a perfect family or corporate retreat. Other amenities include a large barbecue pavilion, outdoor fire pit, breathtaking views and abundant wildlife. This is truly a rare find in today’s market. $2,250,000.

P.O. Box 2191 Kerrville, TX 78029

830 896-0510 www.hoodranchsales.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

048-055 HoodRE.indd 51


5/18/06 4:13:43 PM

T & H Ranch Texas Hill Country Kimble County v Junction


Cradled in the surrounding hills of Junction, is the captivating 190-acre T & H Ranch. Legendary water with 2,572± feet of the Llano River makes this a premier water property in today’s market. The river bottom is lined with huge oaks, pecan and mesquite trees. An abundance of wildlife such as white-tailed deer, turkey, dove and quail make this an ideal getaway in the gentle rolling hills. Go back in time with the rustic older home, scenic valleys and river land. Conveniently located to town and Interstate 10, this rare find won’t last long. Call for a private showing! $7500 per acre.

310± Acres West Texas v Val Verde County v Pandale


Located 40 miles south of Ozona, Texas, lies the beautiful Pecos River and Fielder Draw. Amenities include one 40' by 75' pole barn and two water wells. Big rolling hills with panoramic vistas offer tremendous views in all directions. Wildlife abounds with mule deer, white-tailed deer, turkey, quail and dove. Priced at $1,200 per acre.

N & B Wildlife Ranch 600± Acres

Texas Hill Country Edwards County v Garvin Store


This 600±-acre property is located 19 miles west of Garvin Store on Highway 41. N & B Wildlife Ranch has gentle rolling terrain with many live oak trees and entire ranch is under high fence. Many exotics such as black buck, fallow, auodad, axis, sika and red stag roam property. Native wildlife includes trophy-whitetailed deer, turkey and dove. Property also has


P.O. Box 2191 Kerrville, TX 78029

one water well with submersible pump and

830 896-0510

included. $1,595/acre. Owner would consider


selling ranch in smaller parcels. Call for details.

one stock tank. All deer blinds and feeders are

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

048-055 HoodRE.indd 52

5/18/06 4:14:08 PM

Deep Llano River

P 975Âą Acres

Texas Hill Country Kimble County v London Phenomenal views and unbelievable water will attract the discerning buyer to these 975 acres with 4,340 feet of Llano River. Fronting on FM 1871, the ranch is 50 miles north of Kerrville. Surrounded by 8-foot deer fence and seven years of year-round protein has created many large whitetail deer, turkey and numerous coveys of quail. Gentle rolling hills with a variety of live oak, elm and pecan groves makes this property especially appealing. Imagine fishing, swimming, kayaking or just hiking along the riverbanks of this magnificent river. This ranch is a wonderful cattle ranch, as well as a wildlife ranch. What more could you want? $4,350/acre.

P.O. Box 2191 Kerrville, TX 78029

830 896-0510 www.hoodranchsales.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

048-055 HoodRE.indd 53


5/18/06 4:14:53 PM

Spectacular 82Âą-Acre Estate in the Heart of the Hill Country Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Kerrville


Imagine coming home to the rustic beauty, serenity and seclusion of country life on this 82acre custom estate. Enter this property with its 4 year-old ranch-style home through the private security gate that winds up to the 4,200-squarefoot, four bedroom three and one-half-bath rock home with sprinkler system, standing seam metal roof, custom landscaping and four-car carport. Magnificent open great room with 28foot ceilings, custom wood work, massive stone fireplace and gourmet kitchen with granite countertops overlook the breathtaking pool and cabana. Surround sound stereo system inside and out offers the best entertaining possibilities for the new owners. Cabana and blue lagoon swimming pool includes outdoor fireplace, kitchen, built-in barbecue pit and private bath all overlooking this one-of-a-kind view of the Texas hills. The diverse terrain offers all the ideal elements from high views to several springs in

P.O. Box 2191 Kerrville, TX 78029

the canyons. The entire property is all under 8-

830 896-0510

it all with country life yet close to town. Call for



foot game-proof fence. This true Texas estate has a private showing! $1,950,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

048-055 HoodRE.indd 54

5/18/06 4:15:49 PM

Gillespie County Ranch 1,000± Acres

Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Harper


In the heart of the Texas Hill Country is the Gillespie County Ranch. This ranch has a prime location conveniently located only 30 minutes from Fredericksburg and Kerrville. This beautiful property has tremendous potential with some of the highest elevations in Gillespie County and virtually cedar-free. Amenities include two water wells with windmills, set of working pens, pole barn and paved county road frontage. Panoramic views offer a multitude of possible building sites. Gentle rolling hills with an abundance of trees such as pecan, live oak, Spanish oak and walnut await the new owners. Owners will consider selling ranch in smaller parcels. Truly a rare find in today’s market. Call for pricing and details!

A & L Ranch

562± Acres

Texas Hill Country v Bandera County v Medina


Located in the magnificent Texas Hill Country is the A & L Ranch with 562± secluded acres. The finest scenery, hunting with abundant game and recreational opportunities await the new owners. The main spring of the North Prong of Medina River originates on this ranch. Amenities include a hunter’s cabin, set of working pens and county road maintenance dead ends at property. Lined along the creek bottom are several varieties of trees, such as cypress, live oak, elm and pecan. This “Nature’s Hideaway” has been undisturbed and is truly a diamond in the rough. It won’t last long. $2,495 per acre. Call for a private showing.

P.O. Box 2191 Kerrville, TX 78029

830 896-0510 www.hoodranchsales.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

048-055 HoodRE.indd 55


5/18/06 4:16:22 PM



Luxury Spring-Fed

Wildlife Ranch

Texas Hill Country v Edwards County v Barksdale


Only one mile northwest of Barksdale, this ranch features 1,594' to 2,139' elevations, two permanent springs, water well, live oak, shinoak, 8,631 feet of TX Hwy 55 frontage, a 4,825-square-foot, luxury, three-bedroom, four-bath, Spanish-style villa with wrought-iron fenced security gated compound, concrete drive and parking area, Blue Haven heated swimming pool with waterfall, Jacuzzi, professionally landscaped grounds, 1,243-square-foot guest home, 918-square-foot manager’s home. The ranch also includes a 38' by 60' metal barn, a 70'


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

056-061 EdWhite.indd 56

5/24/06 5:17:07 PM

by 100' metal barn, an 8' by 16' tack house, miles of roads and game fencing, spring water system with 91,000 gallons in three concrete reservoirs. Most of the back of the ranch is rugged hills with awesome views, while most of the highway frontage is gently rolling grasslands with large oaks. The luxury home is located at the foot of the hills with excellent views overlooking the large oak grasslands populated with dove, quail,

Rocksprings, Texas

turkey, axis and whitetail deer. This is the best

800 683-LAND Catalogs 830 683-LAND Showings

luxury ranch buy in the Texas Hill Country. 906 acres

$2.79 million

www.edwhiterealty.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

056-061 EdWhite.indd 57


5/24/06 5:17:38 PM

Silver Horn Ranches


Texas Hill Country v Edwards County v Barksdale

Thirteen miles west of Barksdale, only minutes by county-maintained road, through scenic large ranches crossed by crystal-clear creeks. This excellent wildlife haven is heavily wooded, rolling oak Hill Country with elevations of 1,860 to 2,200 feet and wet-weather creeks in an area of very large ranches. Silver Horn Ranches are under wildlife management with a professional wildlife biologist available to advise owners. Wildlife water will be piped to all ranches from shared wells. Electricity is supplied by Pedernales Electric Co-op. The wildlife habitat of rolling oak and pinon pine forests are home to axis, whitetail deer, elk, turkey, dove, quail and mountain lion. 100 acres

road 1 side, shared well, elec avail


101 acres

road 1 side, shared well, elec avail


102 acres

road end, shared well, elec avail


103 acres

county road, shared well, elec avail, hilltop views


104 acres

road 1 side, fenced 1 side, shared well, elec avail


105 acres

road 1 side, fenced 1 side, shared well, views, elec


107 acres

road 2 sides, shared well, elec avail


115 acres

road 2 sides, oak views, shared well, elec avail


160 acres

road end, fence 1 side, hilltop views, creek valley


201 acres

county road, shared well, elec avail, views, deer


233 acres

road end, fence 2 sides, hilltop views, creek valley


334 acres

road 2 sides, fence 2 sides, hilltop views, old well


393 acres

road end, fence 2 sides, hilltop views, creek valley


409 acres

road 1 side, fence 1 side, views, 2 wells, 3 cabins


483 acres

road 2 sides, fence 1 side, hilltop views, creek valley


542 acres

road end, hilltop views, tank, elec, borders 60,000 acres


600 acres

road end, fenced 2 sides, shared well, elec avail, views


817 acres

road 2 sides, fence 2 sides, shared well, elec, views


1,390 acres

end of road, windmill well, elec avail, views, deer, elk


2,008 acres

end of road, windmill well, elec avail, views, deer, elk


Rocksprings, Texas

800 683-LAND Catalogs 830 683-LAND Showings www.edwhiterealty.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

056-061 EdWhite.indd 58

5/24/06 5:18:17 PM

Rancho Venado Grande


Texas Hill Country Edwards County v Rocksprings

Only 18 miles southwest of Rocksprings with elevations of 1,800 to 2,222 feet and 14,000 feet of highway frontage this ranch features a 1,600-square-foot, three-bedroom, two-bath hilltop home, a 2,436 square-foot barn with a 471 square-foot, one-bedroom, one-bath apartment, a 28' by 12' one-bedroom, onebath bunkhouse, two wells, 20,000-gallon reservoir, six miles perimeter fencing, miles of interior roads, liveoak, shinoak, cedar, pinon pine, whitetail, axis, turkey, dove, quail, javelina, feral hogs and aoudad. This ranch ranges from high mesas with multi-mile vistas to rugged canyons and gentle valleys. 1,239 acres

$1.49 million

Rocksprings, Texas

800 683-LAND Catalogs 830 683-LAND Showings www.edwhiterealty.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

056-061 EdWhite.indd 59


5/24/06 5:18:46 PM


Northeast of Del Rio, these ranches are level to hilly. Liveoak, shinoak, cedar. Whitetail, turkey, dove, quail.

Low Cost Ranches Texas Hill Country Edwards, Kinney & Val Verde Co. v Del Rio

68 acres

Camper, 3 stands, 3 feeders, shared well, water tank


86 acres

Trailer, tripod, 3 blinds, 2 feeders, shared well


106 acres

Cabin, 3 stands, shared well


120 acres

720' Furnished 2/1 Lodge, water, elec, 4 blinds, 2 feeders


483 acres

1,624' Stone/Cedar 3/2 CHCA home, blinds, feeders, hwy frt


490 acres

Hwy frt, elec avail, perimeter fence, trophy whitetail


Scenic Wildlife Ranches Texas Hill Country v Edwards County v Rocksprings


Near Rocksprings, liveoak, shinoak, pinon, views. 35 acres

Hicks mobilhome, 600 gal cistern, 2 water troughs, 3 blds/fdrs


40 acres

16' by 16' Cabin, elec, shared well, 2 blinds, 3 feeders


50 acres

48' by 14' Lodge, 26' Trailer, elec, 4 blinds, 5 feeders


52 acres

Elec avail, shared well, hilltop views


Trophy Deer Ranch

53 acres

Elec avail, shared well, large oaks, hilltop view, creek bottom


54 acres

2,060' 4/3 Home, 344' Barn, 10' by 10' Shed, well, fenced, hwy

Texas Hill Country Kinney County v Brackettville

62 acres

2,287' fence, 380' water well, oaks, 2 blinds, elec avail


116 acres

631' Lodge CHCA, 5 blinds, 3 feeders, W Nueces River




3,750' frontage on FM 2523, furnished onebedroom, one-bath lodge, 20' container, two 5,000-gallon tanks, six water troughs, one stock pond, level to hilly, 1,460' to 1,691' elevations, under wildlife management for 20 years, whitetail, turkey, dove, quail, pinon pine and oak trees. 986 acres


Triple B Wildlife Ranch! Texas Hill Country v Edwards County v Rocksprings


Level to rolling 2,210' to 2,320' beautifully scenic wildlife habitat just south of Junction and west of Kerrville, with short county road access to Highway 377 just minutes from I-10 this high fenced

Rocksprings, Texas

800 683-LAND Catalogs 830 683-LAND Showings www.edwhiterealty.com


wildlife ranch is a rare find. Furnished three-bedroom, one bath Lodge with feed barn, seven feeders, six box stands, eight bow stands, 14' WW Gamestock Trailer, extensive interior road system, trophy Axis, Blackbuck, Whitetail and owner terms make the Triple B a turn-key opportunity. 227 acres


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

056-061 EdWhite.indd 60

5/24/06 5:21:27 PM



Indian Creek Wildlife Ranches Texas Hill Country v Edwards County v Rocksprings

Own some of this beautifully scenic wildlife habitat. This end-of-the-road wildlife haven has tree covered large valleys and rugged hills, 1,880'-2,280', heavy liveoak, shinoak and pinon pine cover. Seasonal Indian Creek with axis, elk, fallow, whitetail, turkey, feral hogs, dove and quail. Shared wells. 2,200' airstrip. Electric service available (Pedernales Electric Co-op). 102 acres

road 1 side, shared well, fence, water tank and trough, terms


102 acres

road end, shared well, fence 2 sides, water tank and trough, terms


115 acres

road 1 side, shared well, elec, fence, 1,100' 2/1 Home, water system


146 acres

road 1 side, shared well, fence, feeder, water trough, views


156 acres

road 1 side, shared well, fence, feeder, water trough, views


203 acres

road 1 side, shared well, fence, 2 water tanks, 2 water troughs


301 acres

road 1 side, shared well, 3 water tanks and troughs, protein feeder


Rocksprings, Texas

800 683-LAND Catalogs 830 683-LAND Showings www.edwhiterealty.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

056-061 EdWhite.indd 61


5/24/06 5:21:52 PM

The Marshall Ranch Northeast Texas Henderson County v Chandler


Located just west of Tyler, Texas, the Marshall Ranch represents the best of East Texas. Tremendous elevations, lush bermuda pastures, native hardwood and pines and excellent wildlife habitat, complete with ponds, duck marsh and native hardwoods make up this diverse retreat of 240+ acres. Custom-designed and constructed in 2002, the traditional-style Austin stone/brick three-bedroom, two- and one-half-bath home

offers the finest of quality and comfort. Italian Tuscany ceramic floors, 11-foot ceilings and an open floor plan. Enjoy magnificent views of the property. Dramatic elevations with open and wooded areas include 200± acres, pastures, wildlife habitat and flat lands. Six ponds and an approximately 18-acre duck marsh are the focal points of the land. Other amenities include a four-stall stable, main barn with office, including an equipment barn, foreman’s residence and 1± mile of pipe fencing. Convenient to Tyler and Athens, Texas, and only a short distance from the Metroplex, the Marshall Ranch is one of the premier offerings in East Texas. $1,600,000

Sugar Mountain Ranch Northeast Texas Henderson County v Athens


Located in Poynor, approximately 15 miles southeast of Athens, Sugar Mountain Ranch consists of 320+ acres of rolling to hilly terrain. This fabulous, newly constructed ranch-inspired home overlooks an existing 2- to 3-acre lake and a newly constructed 17-acre lake site. Incredible views of the property and of the surrounding area are offered for miles in every direction. Features of the home include three bedrooms, two and one-half baths, stained concrete flooring, a massive rock fireplace, vaulted and beamed ceilings, a gourmet kitchen with granite counters, a detached studio or fourth bedroom with bath and over 600 square feet of covered patio. The home is beautifully appointed, with high-end rustic elegance, and is being sold completely furnished. $1,250,000.

East Texas Ranch Northeast Texas Henderson County v LaRue


Views are outstanding on this beautiful property. Located conveniently to Tyler or Athens, this Henderson County property offers many opportunities. Perfect for ranching or retiring, these 266 acres of beautiful East Texas land have rolling hills, creeks, five ponds, fencing and cross fencing. A remote county road cuts through the property. A modest ranch house sits on a hill, overlooking the five ponds and conveniently located to the two pole barns and cross-fenced pastures. Located on the other side of the road are fertile hay pastures, Mulberry Creek running through the property and scattered woods. This is a great opportunity to own a piece of East Texas, if you want to raise cattle, hay or wildlife, you can’t find land that compares to this price! $525,000.

Steve Grant Real Estate P.O. Box 350 Athens, TX 75751

903 675-3503 Specializing in Farm and Ranch Properties stevegrant@stevegrant.com


London Oaks Ranch 900 Acres

Central Texas v Menard County v Mason


Why pay the normal Hill Country acreage price? London Oaks Ranch is 900 acres of rolling hills covered with large live oaks, lush grass and wonderful vistas. There is a three-bedroom, two-bath cabin with a porch plus a smaller hunter’s cabin. There are two water wells, a pond and windmill. The ranch is loaded with deer and turkey and has good roads, custom blinds and feeders. This is a one-of-a-kind property ready for you to hunt and enjoy! $1,950/acre.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

062-066 SteveGrant.indd 62

5/23/06 6:11:46 PM


Amazing hilltop views, rolling hills, improved pastures, heavily wooded areas and a 13- to 15-acre spring-fed private lake make this 184acre property “the most beautiful acreage” in Henderson County. From its hilly terrain, which provides high elevations for great views to its unspoiled land, this property has all that nature has to offer: wooded areas for wildlife and open improved pastures for livestock. Its

Majestic Vistas Northeast Texas v Henderson County v Athens


Minutes from downtown Athens, Texas, and just over an hour from Dallas, this 80-acre estate is the perfect mix of fabulous home, gently rolling terrain, private lake and rural privacy. Dual electric entry gates open onto a tree-lined asphalt driveway winding to the custom single-story brick home with 4,829± square feet, four bedrooms, three baths, great room with 16-foot vaulted ceiling, handmade bookcases, wet bar and classic fireplace. The gourmet kitchen has a vaulted

huge mature oaks and stands of pines create a wonderland of beauty throughout every season. Abundant wildlife abound, including deer and wood ducks. $995,000.

Country Estate Northeast Texas Henderson County v Athens

wood ceiling, granite countertops, Garland propane stove, Sub-Zero refrigerator, oversize pantry and joins a large breakfast/seating area with wood-burning fireplace and tile floors. The master bedroom/bathroom area has a 14-foot vaulted ceiling, his and her walk-in closets, oversized Jacuzzi tub, separate shower, his and her sinks, dressing areas and a private entrance to the spacious patio with 32- by 34-foot Gunite pool overlooking rolling pastures and your own 6-acre private lake. To complete this offering, there is a horse barn with efficiency apartment and storage, equipment storage building and pipe and cable fencing enclosing the entrance and home. $950,000.

East Texas Lake Place Northeast Texas Van Zandt County v Canton

4301 Lake Estates Drive 10± Acres

Northeast Texas v Henderson County v Athens


Enter this 10+-acre property through its solar-powered automatic gate; drive up the gentle incline and admire the stately appearance of this finely built home. The grounds are dotted with newly planted fruit trees of peach, apple and apricot. There are established pecan trees that greet your drive in and native oaks that offer a great backdrop and give cover to the north portion of the property. New and unique describe this home, built in 2005, with natural materials like stone and wood with a partially covered flagstone patio and custom columns that enhance the main covered porches. The entry welcomes you with its tailor-made curved mahogany double doors with beveled glass. This home is complete with four bedrooms, four and one-half baths and three living areas. The main living area has a wood-burning fireplace and built-in shelves. There is a formal dining or exercise room, a gourmet kitchen that would suit any cook’s dream and a three-car garage. This home will accommodate any size family. Custom features of the home include imported tile throughout, several walk-in showers with dramatic tile work, unique vanity cabinetry with


This property consists of 206 rolling acres of unparalleled beauty and boasts a fabulous spring-fed 20±-acre lake. Wildlife abounds on this wonderful property, which has a mixture of open areas and native East Texas hardwoods and pines. Located only a short distance from Dallas/Fort Worth’s Metroplex. $895,000.

Steve Grant Real Estate P.O. Box 350 Athens, TX 75751

outstanding mirrors, deep crown molding. The house also features recessed lighting and specialty

903 675-3503

ceiling fans throughout. All of these amenities and much more combine to create the tremendous

Specializing in Farm and Ranch Properties

appeal afforded with this offering. $599,000.

stevegrant@stevegrant.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

062-066 SteveGrant.indd 63


5/22/06 5:54:04 PM


Located in Athens, a unique East Texas hideaway exists only minutes from the Metroplex, but worlds apart in terms of serenity and lifestyle. The impeccable beauty

Casual Elegance in the Country Northeast Texas v Henderson County v Athens

of two tree-lined lakes highlight a private family compound that sits on 280.5 acres. Two picture-perfect lakes are fed from natural freshwater springs that flow majestically out of the sand hills surrounded by a canopy of dogwood, holly, oak and gum trees, gently rolling terrain and an unbelievable array of native East Texas foliage and wildlife. The four-bedroom, four-bath main home was meticulously designed and crafted to create a comfortable, relaxed lifestyle complete with the highest-quality amenities and features. The open main living area and sunroom have vaulted beamed ceilings overlooking the tranquil setting. Adjacent to the main living area is the kitchen, which has a commercial 48-inch gas grill, convection oven, center work isle and granite countertops. Guest quarters and a fitness center complete with sauna and workout area offer a fabulous view of the grounds and lake. Beautiful palm trees and permanent and seasonal plantings blend to create an oasis that weaves meticulously around the pool with hot tub spa, swimup bar, waterfall and fireplace. Guest and children can be entertained at the volleyball/ play station complete with imported white sand. The equipment/workshop building is complete with a one-bedroom, one-bath apartment ideal for staff living on the grounds. Experience a blend of quality and beauty that has been developed and preserved to become a true work of art carved out of the East Texas

Pine Mountain Ranch

hills. $2,900,000.


Northeast Texas v Anderson County v Montalba

Pine Mountain Ranch offers unmatched quality and abundant amenities surrounded by beautiful East Texas rolling hills, lakes, abundant nature and wildlife, wind-open spaces, stunning mountain vistas and streams. Located just south of Athens, Pine Mountain Ranch has been completely designed to give family a true feel of the country life while enjoying upscale amenities: swimming pool and clubhouse with overnight accommodations for members. The two-level, stone and timber, mountain-style clubhouse offers a perfect gathering place for your

Steve Grant Real Estate

family to enjoy television, dining, exercising or simply set by a fire and enjoy this beautiful East Texas scenery. Pine Mountain Ranch boasts 40 carefully placed homesites, each accenting native

P.O. Box 350 Athens, TX 75751

hardwoods, impressive views, spring-fed lakes and other features of the country. These features

903 675-3503

maintained fishing lake. Owners can relax at or enjoy Lake Palestine, Lake Athens, Richland

Specializing in Farm and Ranch Properties

Chambers Reservoir, golf at the prestigious Pine Dunes Resort, the #1 ranked public course in



are enhanced and showcased with walking and jogging trails, exotic game and a professionally

Texas by the Dallas Morning News. Tracts start at $135,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

062-066 SteveGrant.indd 64

5/23/06 6:12:14 PM

Caddo Creek Club


Northeast Texas v Henderson County v Athens

From its 132 acres of picturesque rolling hills to its luxurious amenities, Caddo Creek Club boasts breathtaking views, a 22-acre private spring-fed lake with two floating docks, boat slips and community fishing boats and eight private, professionally managed stocks lakes and ponds. A Victorian-style bed and breakfast with a wraparound porch overlooks a resort-style swimming pool and hot tub. A unique clubhouse offers billiards, shuffleboard, an exercise facility, two rustic suites and bath for those who wish to relax. Adjoining the clubhouse, a common area offers, horseshoes, volleyball, children’s play area and fire pits and barbeque grills under a covered pavilion. You can also enjoy multiple walking trails. Located only a short drive from Dallas and minutes from Athens, this exclusive East Texas community which has only 40 lots is convenient for shopping, entertainment, nearby lakes and the #1 ranked golf course by the Dallas Morning News, the Pine Dunes Resort & Golf Course. Tracts start at $125,000.

East Texas Equestrian Showplace


Northeast Texas v Freestone County v Fairfield

The beauty of East Texas comes alive with this unique ranch house just a short drive south of Dallas, near Fairfield. This three-bedroom, two- and one-half-bath home is a unique blend of upscale amenities, which include modern kitchen with granite countertops, vaulted ceiling, oak fireplace mantel and private office. The fabulous master suite boasts a whirlpool tub, oversized shower, fitness room and fireplace. Spacious outdoor deck and swimming pool make entertaining on a sunny afternoon an event to remember. The equestrian center has an outdoor riding arena and nine portable automatic waterers. The stables consist of six stalls with automatic waterers, insect control spray system, work bay and tack room. The property is completely fenced for horses and has a three-bedroom, two-bath guesthouse amidst native hardwoods. $595,000.

Carter Ranch Northeast Texas v Van Zandt County v Van


Located between Athens and Tyler in the Garden Valley community, these 124 acres are rolling and extremely scenic. While offering great vistas, lush Bermuda pastures and several ponds, this property plays host to whitetail deer and hogs. Currently used as a weekender, with its charming three-bedroom, two-bath ranch home and its barn, pens, fencing and hay meadows, this property

Steve Grant Real Estate P.O. Box 350 Athens, TX 75751

could easily be a permanent residence and home to cattle and/or horses. Located in an excellent

903 675-3503

neighborhood with frontage on FM road, this property offers great building sites with utilities

Specializing in Farm and Ranch Properties

available. $470,000.

stevegrant@stevegrant.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

062-066 SteveGrant.indd 65


5/23/06 6:12:36 PM

Elegant Country Estate Northeast Texas v Van Zandt County v Edom


The tree-covered hills of East Texas–famous for scenic vistas and natural beauty–provide the backdrop for this unique family retreat on 408 picturesque acres. The main six-bedroom, seven-bath home has been decorated in an Early American-style decor. Features of this comfortable home include hand-hewn beams and plank floors which create an authentic feel of an early American way of life. Handhewn beams and wood work milled from trees located on the property add to the feel of the home. Guests are welcomed by a winding wood stairway which is truly a work of art, featuring hand-carved figures and a sculpted natural wood design. Ideal for intimate family gatherings or large parties, the main home boasts a spacious living area with stone wood-burning fireplace, plank floors, a quaint den with wood-burning fireplace and an entertainment center. The kitchen is a culinary fantasy with two gas ranges, walk-in cooler, Sub-Zero refrigerator and wine cooler. The formal dining area has beamed ceiling and an authentic San Francisco dinner fan. Two covered porches overlook the landscaped grounds with swimming pool, a fountain and built-in gas grill. The two-bedroom, two-bath guest cottage continues the early American decor. Constructed in part from a historic home in the area, the cottage has a large living area and overlooks the tree-lined 8.5acre lake and two ponds. For those who are equestrian-minded, the property has a stateof-the-art stable with living quarters. The scenic beauty of the property provides miles of riding trails. A lighted riding arena is also available. Located near the quaint East Texas community of Edom, this marvelous offering provides the utmost in amenities, character and privacy. $4,395,000.

Steve Grant Real Estate P.O. Box 350 Athens, TX 75751

903 675-3503 Specializing in Farm and Ranch Properties stevegrant@stevegrant.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

062-066 SteveGrant.indd 66

5/22/06 5:59:13 PM

Guadalupe River Ranch Central Texas v Gonzales County v Gonzales


This one-of-a-kind ranch with 2,188± acres is part of the original Kokernot Ranch founded in 1853. This ranch features approximately 3.5 miles of Guadalupe River frontage. Peach Creek flows through and empties into the Guadalupe on the property! In addition, there are three water wells. The wildlife habitat is excellent. A Level 3 MLD permit is in place, and the ranch has been managed for wildlife for many years. Deer, turkey, hogs, quail and dove thrive. Improvements include a house and barns at headquarters, a hunting camp on the river with equipment and hay barns and a good set of pipe cattle pens. $2,800 per acre.

Thunderhill Ranch Texas v Llano County v Llano


This ranch is a 10! If you are looking for river property, then look here: 1.5 miles of the gorgeous Llano River. A spectacular view of the river is afforded by a brand-new custom home. This 940±-acre hunting ranch is loaded with improvements, including the owner’s home, a foreman’s home, office, two guesthouses, a private fishing lake, deer-breeding facility, and pens stocked with 200+ superior whitetails! “As a pioneer in the white-tailed deer industry,

Lothringer Farms South Texas v Frio & La Salle Counties


I have been lucky enough to be part of some of the best deer ranches in the world. Without a doubt, Thunderhill Ranch ranks among the top 5 overall and #1 in deer-breeding facilities!

Lothringer Farms consists of 631± acres in La Salle and 727± acres and 6,992± acres in Frio

The ranch has a state-of-the-art breeding

County. Each tract can be purchased separately. This property is located in the highly desirable

facility with attention to every detail. The

red sand area of South Texas, about five miles west of Dilley and IH-35, between San Antonio

pen system is designed to provide maximum

and Laredo. Ideally suited for irrigated crops and/or cattle production, the farms have 13 Carrizo

biosecurity and health for their deer. The

irrigation wells with an estimated 18,000 acre-feet of water permitted by the Evergreen and

handling barn is without competition in

Wintergarden water districts. $2,500 per acre.

design and practice. The ranch property has been landscaped for whitetails and is one of the most scenic ranches in Texas, overlooking the Llano River. Attention to detail is the rule, rather than the exception. Thunderhill Ranch is ready for someone to move to the ‘top of the hill’ in the deer industry.” Dr. James C. Kroll (aka “Dr. Deer”). $9,500,000.

Webb County Hunting Ranch South Texas v Webb County v Encinal


This is an excellent opportunity to buy from 3,000 to 6,100 acres of some of the best hunting country available in South Texas. The ranch contains two stock tanks, four windmills, water line and numerous water troughs. Located approximately 30 minutes north of Laredo, this exclusive listing is priced at $1,500 per acre. We have other South Texas hunting ranches from 560 to 6,000 acres in size. If you are looking for a South Texas ranch, give us a call or see the classifieds section.

Dan W. Kinsel III Ranch Broker, LLC Cotulla, TX

830 378-5856 830 317-0115 mobile www.dankinselranches.com dwk3@dankinselranches.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

067 DanKinsel.indd 67


5/18/06 2:14:16 PM

Estrella Ranch 442± Acres

South Texas v Jim Hogg County v Guerra


This prime hunting ranch is in an area renowned for trophy deer and bobwhite quail. The property is completely high-fenced and surrounded by large ranches. The centerpiece

of the ranch is a spacious Camargo-style hacienda with high ceilings, courtyard with fountain and deep porches connecting the living/ entertaining areas and guest quarters. There is an elegant dining room, commercial kitchen, office, beamed and brick ceilings, mesquite and tile floors and stone fireplaces. The mirador/tower offers panoramic views of the ranch and star-filled skies. Sandy loam soils offer excellent brush diversity. The ranch has been under game management since 1980 and has an outstanding population of deer, quail, dove, wild hogs, javelina and turkey. There is a hunting vehicle barn, game-processing area, walk-in cooler and one well. This property is 35± miles southwest of Hebbronville and 80± miles northwest of McAllen. Contact Al Philip

Recreational Hill Country Ranch 432± Acres

Ranch Division Al Philip 6606 N. New Braunfels San Antonio, TX 78209

210 804-1515 866 904-1515 www.kupersothebysrealty.com


Texas Hill Country v Bandera County v Bandera


This property offers Hill Country seclusion with a unique combination of high scenic hills and magnificent views. Useable pasture, a nice lake, flowing springs, two tanks, two seasonal creeks, two wells with storage tanks, lots of hardwoods, hand-cleared of cedar, native and improved pasture with 100± acres suitable for cultivation. The handsome stone/frame residence has three bedrooms, two baths, fireplace and pool. There is a substantial barn and corrals. Whitetail deer, lots of turkey and free-roaming axis on the property. Secluded, but just 9± miles from historic Bandera, under one hour from San Antonio. This could make a great horse place. Contact Al Philip.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

068-071 Kuper_F&R.indd 68

5/17/06 3:59:43 PM

Rancho Paraiso

4,059± Acres

South Texas v Duval County v Freer


Truly a rare find, this is one of the few ranches in South Texas with a commercial vineyard! Entertain your guests with a big buck in the morning and a glass of wine in the evening. The property offers a 10±-acre lake, 11 water wells and an irrigation well. The diverse habitat has all components to produce trophy-class game, plus a 500±-acre cultivated field provides food plots. There is a whitetail deer herd that a renowned biologist deems on par with the finest in South Texas. There are three residences, high fenced property and easy access via a small paved county road or the paved 2,600±-foot private airstrip! Contact Robert Dullnig.

Double V Ranch 803± Acres


South Texas v Uvalde County v Uvalde

This ranch offers South Texas hunting with Hill Country views and great brush diversity mixed with large beautiful oak trees, providing a wildlife haven. Situated amongst very large ranches plus 2± miles off the pavement, this property offers the seclusion necessary for trophy, free-ranging whitetail deer and three water wells. Contact Robert Dullnig.

Murphy Ranch 2,637± Acres


South Texas v Frio & Zavala Counties v Batesville

Conveniently located, but ideally secluded, this is a sportsman’s dream with great brush diversity throughout the gently rolling hills. Completely game-fenced and well managed, this property offers a well and two tanks. Wildlife includes turkey, javelina, hogs, quail and dove. This property is 80± miles from San Antonio. Contact Robert Dullnig.

Ranch Division Robert Dullnig 6606 N. New Braunfels San Antonio, TX 78209

210 804-1515 866 904-1515 www.kupersothebysrealty.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

068-071 Kuper_F&R.indd 69


5/17/06 4:00:09 PM

Live Water 155± Acres

Texas Hill Country Bandera County v Pipe Creek


Minutes from San Antonio, this property provides an ideal homestead residence or relaxing recreational retreat with refreshing live water from Pipe Creek. The vintage 1920s frame home with metal roof is shaded by grand oaks and offers three bedrooms, two baths, covered porch, a well with sub pump, fenced and cross-fenced land and gently rolling terrace with native oaks and hardwoods. 70± acres are in fields. $1,500,000. Contact Albert Muzquiz.

Pipe Creek Acreage 58± Acres


Texas Hill Country Bandera County v Pipe Creek

This rare live water property has numerous tree-covered building sites, flowing creek frontage and easy access to San Antonio. It is ideal for a primary residence or weekend retreat. Owner may divide. Contact Rick Kuper or John Tarrillion.

Ranch Division 6606 N. New Braunfels San Antonio, TX 78209

210 804-1515 866 904-1515 www.kupersothebysrealty.com


Concho River Frontage 663± Acres

Central Texas v Concho County v Paint Rock


This ranch has been cleared and has coastal Bermuda, Klein grass, Sudan fields and native grasses. Fenced and cross-fenced, the property has a main residence, barn, pecan orchard and large tanks. Wildlife includes deer, turkey, bobcat, quail and dove. Owner may divide. Contact John Tarrillion.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

068-071 Kuper_F&R.indd 70

5/17/06 4:01:16 PM

Park Chalk Bluff 400± Acres

South Texas v Uvalde County v Uvalde


Since 1940, Park Chalk Bluff, bordering the spring-fed Nueces River, has provided an exceptional year-around park contrasting dramatic terrain and canyon bluffs. Sold in its entirety with owner/staff residences, 48 cabins, 75 campsites, 18 RV hook-ups, pavilion, office/store, garage, barn, boats, etc., this is a scenic property for relaxation or exploration with wildlife plus birds that inhabit and migrate through the area. This property is 15± miles north of Uvalde, southwest of San Antonio. Contact John Tarrillion. The immeasurable privacy belies the easy IH35 access and city conveniences minutes from historic New Braunfels. There are magnificent woodlands with 50% improved pastureland, fencing/cross-fencing plus pens. A hilltop limestone four-bedroom, three- and one-halfbath home has three fireplaces, wet bar, office, study, game room and covered porch opening to manicured lawn, landscaped pool, shop and four-car carport. Contact John Tarrillion.

Specht Ranch 248± Acres

Central Texas v Guadalupe County v Marion

Limestone Residence 30± Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kendall County v Blanco


A jewel in the Hill Country, this property is buffered by large ranches and surrounded by rolling tree-covered hills! The limestone home with metal roof features four bedrooms, three and one-halfbaths, study, patio and deck, waterfall and three-car garage with loft game room. Improvements include a well, tank, metal barn, graded roads, selective clearing and fencing. This property is 13± miles west of Blanco. Contact John Tarrillion.

Ranch Division John Tarrillion 6606 N. New Braunfels San Antonio, TX 78209

210 804-1515 866 904-1515 www.kupersothebysrealty.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

068-071 Kuper_F&R.indd 71


5/19/06 4:51:13 PM

Battle Creek Ranch 2,537 Acres


High Plains v Briscoe County v Silverton This beautiful ranch has both sides of Battle Creek, good roads, three tanks, good native brush, two windmills, a solar-powered well, new spin cast deer feeders, protein feeders and hunting blinds. A comfortable two-bedroom house sits high on a vista with stunning views of the creek and surrounding hills and is perfect for extended visits. You will be surprised at the number of deer, both mule and whitetail, as well as hogs, turkey, dove, bobwhite and blue quail. Good access, yet nicely secluded. This is really beautiful country with rolling terrain, draws, views and an abundance of wild game. You will be amazed! $795 per acre.

19901 SW Freeway #141 Sugar Land, TX 77479 713 826-8864 office www.TomAlexanderTexas.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

072-075 TomAlexander.indd 72

5/17/06 11:27:30 AM

Brazos River Ranch 700 Acres

Texas Metroplex Palo Pinto County v Palo Pinto


This ranch fronts the most beautiful section of the Brazos River in Texas. Clear, deep and wide describe the one and a half miles of flowing river below Possum Kingdom Lake. Located just a short drive from the Dallas/Fort Worth area on Highway 4, near the small town of Palo Pinto, with gently rolling pastures and unbelievable views of the scenic Hill Country. This is the perfect place to build your private river ranch. $6,500 per acre.

19901 SW Freeway #141 Sugar Land, TX 77479 713 826-8864 office www.TomAlexanderTexas.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

072-075 TomAlexander.indd 73


5/17/06 11:27:51 AM

Beautiful Brenham Texas 15 Acres

Central Texas v Washington County v Brenham


This is the perfect country place, a park-like setting of 15.3 acres with a three-bedroom, two-bath home, guesthouse and workshop located just 10 minutes north of Brenham. This beautiful country home sits nestled in a tree-covered valley with paved county road frontage and enough dense woods on either side to provide privacy and the ideal habitat for the wildlife. Broker/Owner $499,900.

19901 SW Freeway #141 Sugar Land, TX 77479 713 826-8864 office www.TomAlexanderTexas.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

072-075 TomAlexander.indd 74

5/17/06 11:28:42 AM

Knox County Ranch 787 Acres

Northwest Texas v Knox County v Knox City


The Brazos River rolls along the north end of this beautiful property, and paved County Road 1035 runs along the frontage or south end. The northern half features incredible river bottom, native pastures with clear-water springs, a creek, towering cottonwood trees, hackberry and mesquite. This river bottom is loaded with deer, hogs, turkey and quail. The southern half is cultivation land, ideal for planting wheat and wintering cattle, while also providing hunting for turkey, geese and dove. $1,095 per acre.


A great opportunity to own a section next to the historic 6666 Ranch. Located about 10 miles northwest of Knox City on Highway 222, this ranch has several tanks, native pasture and cultivation. Approximately 220 acres are excellent native brush pasture with a good cover of mesquite and cedar, and about 440 acres are income-producing cultivation/wheat

King County Farm 633 Acres

Northwest Texas v King & Knox Counties v Knox City

land for cattle and wildlife. There is excellent hunting for whitetail, mule deer, hogs, quail and dove. With three new, first-class superior two-man fiberglass deer stands on 10-foot towers and three new, Hang’em High, solarpowered, winch-up deer feeders, this place is ready to hunt! $795 per acre.

19901 SW Freeway #141 Sugar Land, TX 77479 713 826-8864 office www.TomAlexanderTexas.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

072-075 TomAlexander.indd 75


5/17/06 11:29:05 AM




Cuatro Hermanas Texas Hill Country v Hays & Blanco Counties v Dripping Springs


ancho Cuatro Hermanas, a legendary, live water showplace of 726 acres features over 1.5 miles of spring-

fed, clear-running Onion Creek with seven shimmering lakes of water throughout its length. This ranch is less than 35 miles from downtown Austin. A magnificent stone entrance on scenic FM 165 welcomes one to the high-fenced paradise stocked with exotic game and domestic animals. Sheer limestone cliffs tower over oak-studded creek bottom, which is lined with grassy berms and shady avenues. This renowned recreational ranch is first class in every way, with manicured pastures, immaculate but understated improvements and rugged uplands offering stunning vistas of the ranch and surrounding countryside. Deep canyons with springs, waterfalls and hidden pools beg for exploration. A complex of lodges will sleep up to 40, and the layout is geared toward big-time entertainment and Hill Country enjoyment. The turn-key offering includes exotic game, furnishings, equipment and accessories, with quality management already in place and is valued at $10,000,000.


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

076-077 LandTXSELECT.indd 76

5/22/06 5:37:22 PM

David E. Culver P.O. Box 755 • Boerne, TX 78006

830 248-1248 • 210 422-4676 830 248-1249 fax www.landtx.com • dec@landtx.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

076-077 LandTXSELECT.indd 77


5/22/06 5:36:55 PM

Rufi Ranch Texas Hill Country v Llano County v Valley Spring


Rufi Ranch is a 291-acre showplace on Highway 71, eight miles west of Llano in the scenic Valley Spring area. This area possesses scenic beauty and a rural feel that is rapidly leaving much of the Hill Country. This exquisite property is a shining jewel of refinement, recreation and usefulness. Flowing Johnson Creek bisects the ranch, much of which is manicured pastureland with scattered oaks and improved grasses. Beautiful improvements include a headquarters complex featuring a 2,400-square-foot home, office, apartment, horse barn, gun range and huge shop/barn. An extensive inventory of equipment, exotic game, implements and accessories is included in this turn-key offering valued at $3,250,000.

Chase Family Retreat 230 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Bandera Co. v Medina


The Chase Family Retreat comprises 230 acres in a private valley high up in the Medina River headwaters, west of the quaint town of Medina. This ranch has 50% ownership of a gorgeous 12-acre lake that is deep, blue and nestled in a fantastic private setting. This retreat has several springs that feed small creeks that flow over rock bottoms into fernlined pools and small waterfalls. Soaring hills look over picture-book valleys in a habitat that perpetuates native and exotic deer, turkey and songbirds. A comfortable cabin and nearby old west buildings add charm and function to wild, scenic beauty that can only be found in this part of the world. This affordable package is valued at just over $1 million.

David E. Culver P.O. Box 755 • Boerne, TX 78006

830 248-1248 • 210 422-4676 830 248-1249 fax www.landtx.com • dec@landtx.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

078-079 LANDTX.indd 78

5/22/06 5:38:32 PM

Rancho Diablo Azul 6,643 Acres

Southwest Texas v Val Verde County v Del Rio


Rancho Diablo Azul is a fabulous recreational paradise that has over 10 miles of frontage on beautiful Lake Amistad near Del Rio, home to jetclass airport. This wildlife sanctuary provides habitat for heavy-horned whitetail deer, quail, turkey and a plethora of varmints in a South Texas/ Chihuahuan high desert setting. Towering 300-foot cliffs jut out from the teal blue waters of this world-class fishing and playing lake, with tranquil coves offering the finest in kayaking, swimming and diving. Clear night skies beckon the stargazer as the lights of exciting Mexico twinkle in the distance. Clean dwellings and good infrastructure complete this unique package valued at $10,000,000.

Onion Creek Retreat Texas Hill Country v Travis County v Austin


Onion Creek Retreat is a 60-acre estate site located only nine miles from downtown Austin. The ranch features clear-flowing, cypress-lined Onion Creek flowing through for about .5 miles. Interesting rock formations, deep holes, grassy banks and gurgling shoals characterize the water, which currently maintains a steady flow even in drought conditions. The site itself includes manicured, oak-studded pastureland, with a spectacular homesite overlooking the creek bottom. The area consists of other small farmsteads, with this parcel being naturally shielded by cliffs and tall trees. Two water wells, three-phase power and a clean mobile home are additional amenities of this very unique offering valued at $2,200,000.

David E. Culver P.O. Box 755 • Boerne, TX 78006

830 248-1248 • 210 422-4676 830 248-1249 fax www.landtx.com • dec@landtx.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

078-079 LANDTX.indd 79


5/22/06 5:39:10 PM

Sierra Vista Ranches 60 to 325 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Bandera County v Pipecreek


Unique new Ranch and Estate style gated property - Pristine Hill Country Ranches with incredible panoramic mountain views - only 30 minutes from San Antonio, but a different time zone with their tranquil, unspoiled setting. A botanical & wildlife paradise with a tremendous variety of native hardwoods including live oaks, wild cherries, madrones, Spanish oaks & mountain laurel, plus plentiful whitetail deer & wild turkey. Sensible, noninvasive restrictions, real world pricing - Now available for previewing. Call for more details!

W. K. Shumpes Co.

312 River Road • Boerne, TX 78006

830 249-6161 800 727-9707 toll free www.wkshumpes.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

080-083 WKShumps.indd 80

5/24/06 5:12:07 PM

Canyon Creek Ranch 190 Acres


Texas Hill Country v Kendall County v Boerne

This magnificent 19,000+ sf European-influenced country estate is set gracefully among 190 acres of native Texas hills, commanding panoramic views of mountain tops and rich fertile valleys and has been designed with detailed attention to sophistication and style. Some of the most luxuriant features are: an expansive 38 foot tall two-story great room with hand-painted frescoes on the arched ceiling, a multi-roomed kitchen suite with granite countertops, a digital theater with recliner seating for 12, a climate-controlled wine cellar and tasting room, a luxurious office framed by dramatic view of the mountains, an elegant ballroom with balcony, a self-contained ground-floor suite for extended family, a covered pool with full outdoor kitchen plus an opulent master suite with massive bath and dressing areas. Additional rooms and features are simply too numerous to list. Canyon Creek Ranch is located just off IH-10, only 25 minutes from the conveniences of San Antonio and just 5 minutes from Boerne. Multiple additional tracts are available. $7,500,000

Boerne Commuter Ranch 229 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kendall County v Boerne


W. K. Shumpes Co.

This picturesque commuter ranch offers easy access - less than 30 minutes via IH-10 to San Antonio,

312 River Road • Boerne, TX 78006

only 7 minutes to Boerne, plus a sparkling spring-fed lake and several prominent mountaintops

830 249-6161 800 727-9707 toll free

affording building sites with truly spectacular views. The ranch has viable herds of both whitetail and axis deer protected by its high fence and can be sold in up to 3 tracts. $1,832,000.

www.wkshumpes.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

080-083 WKShumps.indd 81


5/24/06 4:57:10 PM

Zoeller Road Guadalupe River Ranch

131 Acres

Texas Hill Country Kendall County v Waring


Everyone wants flowing water - enjoy some of the prettiest Guadalupe River frontage to be found in the Texas Hill Country from your own backyard! This scenic farm with 105 acres of improved grasslands is the ideal location for a purebred horse ranch offering gently rolling, deep soiled pastures free of rocks. The property features a modern three bedroom, two bath masonry and siding home with standing seam metal roof, fireplace, and covered back porch, along with a metal barn and cypress shed. Conveniently located only 20 minutes to Boerne and 45 minutes to San Antonio. Comfort schools. $1,875,000.

Twin Peaks Ranch 290 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kendall County v Sisterdale


Incredible panoramic views from two high hill tops on this exotic game ranch nestled just north

W. K. Shumpes Co.

312 River Road • Boerne, TX 78006

830 249-6161 800 727-9707 toll free www.wkshumpes.com


of Sisterdale - 20 miles to either Boerne or Fredericksburg & 45 minutes to San Antonio. The rustic 2 bedroom, 2 bath cabin offers beautiful views from the porches from each bedroom numerous high-quality building sites if larger accommodations are desired. The ranch features an abundance of native hardwood trees, a flowing creek and several small ponds. Inside the high-fenced perimeter is a thriving population of exotic wildlife, including waterbuck, elk, axis & fallow deer plus native whitetail deer & wild turkey. $1,650,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

080-083 WKShumps.indd 82

5/24/06 4:58:35 PM

Comfort Hunting Ranch 265 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Comfort


Flowing springs, breathtaking views, lots of wildlife and a forest of healthy oaks and native hardwoods await the lucky Buyer for this Diamond-in-the-Rough Hill Country gem nestled at the end of private access road only 6 miles SW of Comfort and 50 minutes from San Antonio. Great recreational get-away or investment property priced to sell quickly! Could be divided into 2 parcels. $3,950 per acre.

Mason Granite Lands Ranch 397 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kendall County v Mason


Surrounded by large ranches, this private 397 acre ranch features intriguing granite outcroppings and boulders juxtaposed against rolling hills dotted with wildflowers and mature post oaks and

W. K. Shumpes Co.

blackjack. There are approximately. 15 stock ponds, 2 seasonal creeks, several acres of commercial

312 River Road • Boerne, TX 78006

lavender, large pipe working pens and 2 submersible wells - great set-up for cattle operation, plus

830 249-6161 800 727-9707 toll free

good hunting. The property fronts a paved county road and is conveniently located only 15 minutes north of Mason and 1 hour from Fredericksburg. $1,340,000.

www.wkshumpes.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

080-083 WKShumps.indd 83


5/24/06 5:02:23 PM

Rafter L Ranch Texas Metroplex v Hopkins County v Sulphur Springs


This 680-acre showplace is in a prime location only one hour from the Dallas Metroplex and features a custom-built mansion, lovingly constructed and completed only six years ago. With over 18,000-square-foot under roof, this two-story mansion features six bedrooms, six full baths, two powder rooms, two master suites, a complete guesthouse with living room, kitchen, large bedroom and bath. The two-story grand entry features a Gone with the Windstyle double staircase leading to the upstairs landing, opera balcony and art gallery with lighted cabinets. The gallery leads to the game

room with adjoining sitting room, multi-level theatre room with full bar. The two-story great room features 36' ceilings and overlooks the rolling Texas countryside complete with a huge fishing lake. The gourmet kitchen has a butler’s pantry. Next to the kitchen are an elevator and an indoor 40' pool with arched painted cloud ceiling. The downstairs master suite features a sitting room, huge bath/dressing complex and a room-sized closet with electronic clothes racks. This cattle ranch has two 100' by 200' barns, corrals and improved pastures. A rare opportunity to purchase one of the finest ranches in Texas in a prime location with frontage on Interstate 30.

Hoffman International Properties Marilyn Hoffman 214 698-1736 Dallas 903 569-6966 Mineola 903 521-0033 Tyler 859 253-9696 Lexington 972 217-1613 Ovilla 903 670-1040 Athens marilynhoffman@sbcglobal.net www.MagnificentProperties.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

084-087 HoffmanINTL.indd 84

5/17/06 10:12:27 AM

Stargate Farm Texas Metroplex v Denton County v Dallas/Fort Worth


Stargate Farm, Texas’ premier horse training and breeding facility, has 100 acres in a prime location just north of the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex and only minutes from DFW Airport. Designed with the finest equestrian amenities, with quality and craftsmanship at every turn, Stargate was built to host world-class equestrian events, such as the recent North American Symposium with Ulla Salzgeber, silver and gold medalist representing Germany at the 2004 Olympic Games. The main show barn has 20 deluxe stalls, office, two climate-controlled tack rooms, two large wash racks, kitchen, conference room and bathroom with shower. Each stall measures 13' by 14' and has its own

owner’s tack locker. This state-of-the-art facility features an industrial fire suppression system, an overhead fly-spray system, security cameras and motion sensors. The Training Barn has 20, 12' by 12' stalls, each with tack locker and an air-conditioned tack room with bath. Stargate Farm has one of the finest indoor riding arenas is the country. It is climate-controlled with central air and measures 200' by 100' of custom cushion flooring. Overlooking the arena is a custom viewing area with kitchen,

bar and large lounge area and library. The outdoor arena measures 450' by 500' of all-weather cushion footing. Other improvements include a covered round pen, an uncovered round pen and a covered Euro-Walker. Stargate has 30 fenced paddocks, ranging from .125 to 20 acres. The breeding barn and lab is separate from the training and show barns. Stargate features a custom-built 4,000-foot main home, manager’s home, deluxe apartment over the show barn and ample staff quarters. Stargate offers the buyer the opportunity to purchase one of the world’s finest equestrian properties.

Hoffman International Properties Marilyn Hoffman 214 698-1736 Dallas 903 569-6966 Mineola 903 521-0033 Tyler 859 253-9696 Lexington 972 217-1613 Ovilla 903 670-1040 Athens marilynhoffman@sbcglobal.net www.MagnificentProperties.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

084-087 HoffmanINTL.indd 85


5/17/06 10:13:02 AM

Lake Texoma Estate Texas Metroplex v Grayson Co. v Pottsboro


This resort estate on 117 lush acres in Grayson County is contiguous to the Tanglewood Golf

Course and minutes to Tanglewood Country Club and Lake Texoma. Just 10 minutes away is an airport with a two-mile runway. This property is the ultimate getaway. The three-story mansion boasts over 14,000 square feet, six bedrooms, nine baths, six living rooms, four separate kitchens, banquet dining hall, playroom, media center, exercise room and two separate offices. The guest suite is about 1,200 square feet with fully equipped kitchen, office, living, bedroom and bath. The grand entry stands 26 feet tall, and the barrel ceiling features a painted Tuscan sunset mural at one end and Tuscan country setting mural at the other end, 17-foot tall European-style doors, glazed tile floor with custom marble and granite medallion, and spiral staircase with ornamental iron balustrade and oak wood rail. The barrel ceiling ends in the living room centered above the imported custom marble fireplace. The luxurious master bath features a “warm floor” heating system, fireplace, Jacuzzi tub with custom stained glass window, glass block walled shower. The media center has upholstered walls and ceiling with built-in cabinets to house the sound equipment and media The natatorium features a 55,000-gallon indoor heated pool and is supported on 21 piers.

Apex Ranch Texas Metroplex v Hunt County v Lone Oak

Hoffman International Properties Marilyn Hoffman 214 698-1736 Dallas 903 569-6966 Mineola 903 521-0033 Tyler 859 253-9696 Lexington 972 217-1613 Ovilla 903 670-1040 Athens marilynhoffman@sbcglobal.net www.MagnificentProperties.com



The Apex Ranch has 154 prime acres, only one hour from Dallas, with a spectacular custom-built lodge-style home with 10,500 square feet under roof, including 2,600 square feet of covered flagstone terraces. Built to overlook a 24-acre private lake and surrounded by majestic oak and elm trees, this two-story stone mansion has five bedrooms, four and one-half baths and a banquet-sized dining room with a restored 1800's mantel. The gathering room has 22-foot vaulted ceilings and a floor-to-ceiling Austin stone fireplace. The gourmet kitchen has granite, Viking Pro appliances and wet bar with sink. The study has copper ceilings, two computer stations and built-in media/theatre has wet bar. The game room has French doors. The master suite has a fireplace and semi-private porch, Jacuzzi and a 10-jet stand-up spa with waterfall. There is a silver-plated antique chandelier with alabaster shades, restored antique wall sconces throughout, hand-scraped oak flooring, safe room with vault door, pool, outdoor kitchen and a horse and equipment barn. This fisherman’s paradise has a stocked lake with bass and catfish. Duck and dove hunters have two permanent duck blinds on stilts and two permanent shore blinds. Perfect for a corporate retreat or hunting ranch. This home is offered at $1,900,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

084-087 HoffmanINTL.indd 86

5/17/06 10:13:30 AM


North Star Land & Cattle Texas Metroplex v Smith County v Winona


This is a rare opportunity to own one of the most famous ranches in Texas, the North Star Land & Cattle Company in Winona, Texas. This 2,200-acre showplace has breathtaking views, highly improved pastures, creeks, lakes, wetlands and a potential lake site covering approximately 200 acres. North Star Land & Cattle Company is in a prime location midway between Dallas and Shreveport, just north of Interstate 20 near Tyler. This ranch offers a glimpse of nature at its finest, providing a paradise for the outdoor lover, rancher, developer, hunter or fisherman. There are over 300 acres currently under high fence and the natural wildlife areas, covered with tall pines and hardwoods, offer abundant wildlife, including deer, ducks, dove, wild hogs and other furbearing animals. Fishermen will enjoy the well-stocked lakes with bass, crappie, bream and catfish. As you enter the ranch through the original stone entry, a paved drive winds across two 4-acre lakes, bringing you to the main house, a recently remolded 6,900-square-foot stone/wood home. The home features five living areas, new hand-scraped hardwood floors, vaulted ceilings, granite countertops and balconies overlooking this lakeside setting. Outside is a 2,450-square-foot deck with stone cooking center, perfect for entertaining. The guest cottage is 2,000 square feet and has also been completely remodeled, including a beautiful patio with outdoor fireplace overlooking the lake. Under construction is a state-of-the-art stone/cedar hunting lodge/conference and office center. Other amenities include a lighted tennis court with fully appointed locker room, a rustic office building/club house, workshop and three barns, one of which is a six-stall horse barn with an upstairs apartment. There are two new sets of cattle pens. The main working facility is approximately 150' by 100' with running water, electricity, hydraulic chute and commercial bulk scale on site. There are 1,400 acres of pastureland configured in a MIG format, with over 80 paddocks and connecting lanes, all with access to water. Pasture improvements include 200 acres of irrigated Tifton 85 Bermuda grass, and an extensive soil fertility program including liming, poultry litter and other enhancements. There are plans to add an additional 250 acres of irrigation (making a total of 500 irrigated acres) using the K-Line irrigation system, all supported by four new water wells. This is the finest turn-key cattle ranch available in East Texas! For more information, contact Hoffman International Properties at 214 698-1736 or at www.MagnificentProperties.com.

Hoffman International Properties Marilyn Hoffman 214 698-1736 Dallas 903 569-6966 Mineola 903 521-0033 Tyler 859 253-9696 Lexington 972 217-1613 Ovilla 903 670-1040 Athens marilynhoffman@sbcglobal.net www.MagnificentProperties.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

084-087 HoffmanINTL.indd 87


5/17/06 10:14:21 AM

Kerr County Ranch 5,250± Acres


Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Kerrville

The premier ranch in the Texas Hill Country is now available. Located about 70 miles northwest of San Antonio near Kerrville, this classic ranch features over two miles of spring-fed creeks, 10 dams and lakes plus beautiful valleys and scenic hills. The main estate compound is nestled at the apex of the convergence of two spring-fed creeks and two lakes and is accented by a spectacular bluff. This one-of-a-kind ranch offers the very best of the Texas Hill Country. Extensive estate improvements tastefully blend Old World charm with a modern touch featuring the main estate compound that includes a large ranch home and a guest house, tennis courts plus extensive landscaping that complements the home and the creek/lake area. A second estate-type residence with a swimming pool and a large “party barn” with a commercial kitchen is located high on a plateau hill with panoramic views. A third home/guest compound is located in a beautiful valley over looking a spring-fed lake. This classic Hill Country ranch is the largest and most highly improved ranch available and is the ranch that you will want to own once you have seen all of the magnificent natural features — spectacular hills and valleys and spring-fed crystal clear flowing creek water — and the extensive improvements that blend together with the land to create the number one ranch in the Texas Hill Country. $68,500,000.

Since 1962 341 Junction Hwy. • Kerrville, TX 78028

830 896-1122 • 830 896-4164 www.mccollom.com • johnmc@mccollom.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

088-090 JohnMcCollom.indd 88

5/17/06 11:30:04 AM

Kerrville/Turtle Creek Area 200 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Kerrville/Turtle Creek


This classic 200-acre ranch estate, located about 15 miles south of Kerrville, features the very best of the Texas Hill Country, including a custom-designed 3,900±-squarefoot estate home at an elevation of about 2,000 feet with spectacular views. Other improvements include a barn and stables. The terrain consists of oak pastures and valleys accented by scenic bluffs with springfed Turtle Creek flowing through the ranch for about 1,500 feet, plus a dam and lake. The native stone home has three bedrooms, three and one-half-baths, a large living area with fireplace opening onto a wraparound deck area, office, exercise room, high-beamed ceilings, gourmet kitchen, electric security gate from Upper Turtle Creek Road and about one mile of private paved roads. $3,900,000. Contact Georgia Cook at 830 896-1122 or 830 377-3040 for additional information or to schedule private showing.

Kimble County Junction Ranch 5,700 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kimble County v Junction


This classic Texas Hill Country ranch is located 110 miles northwest of San Antonio and five miles north of the town of Junction. The ranch terrain offers lush wooded valleys, scenic foothills, spectacular plateau mountains, rugged canyons and wooded creek-bottom pastures. Spring-fed Gentry Creek transverses the property for about one mile. For over 70 years, this has been a cattle ranch. It’s an abundance of game, including native white-tailed deer, wild turkey, quail, dove and hogs. Exotic game includes axis deer, blackbuck antelope and fallow deer. This is a rare opportunity to own a classic ranch of 5,700 acres that features the very best of the Texas Hill Country. There is a spring-fed creek, beautiful pastures with oak and pecan

Since 1962

trees, fantastic views, rugged spectacular hills and canyons, scenic foothills and lush creek-

341 Junction Hwy. • Kerrville, TX 78028

bottom areas. $2,000 per acre. Contact Beaux Cook at 830 896-1122 or 210 387-9949 for additional information or to schedule private showing.

830 896-1122 • 830 896-4164 www.mccollom.com • johnmc@mccollom.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

088-090 JohnMcCollom.indd 89


5/17/06 11:30:21 AM

Texas Hill Country Ranch 1,900± Acres


Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Kerrville Located just west of Kerrville, about 70 miles northwest of San Antonio via IH-10, this premier ranch has the best features of Texas Hill Country ranchland including nicely wooded oak pastures, scenic vista high plateau pastures, beautiful valleys and shallow canyon country. A strong spring-fed creek flows through the ranch for about one mile. Also three concrete dams form three lakes for fishing, boating, swimming and water skiing. There are native whitetail deer and wild turkey plus exotic game: axis, blackbuck antelope and fallow. Access is from State Highway 27 through an electric security gate over a private paved road for over a mile where an estate compound area is located high on a plateau with spectacular views. The estate includes a super nice ranch house with a swimming pool and an outdoor entertainment area. There is also a large party barn with a commercial kitchen, tile floors and air conditioning that is ideal for entertaining family and guest. $19,950,000. Contact John McCollom at 830 896-1122 or 830 739-2533 for more information.

Since 1962 341 Junction Hwy. • Kerrville, TX 78028

830 896-1122 • 830 896-4164 www.mccollom.com • johnmc@mccollom.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

088-090 JohnMcCollom.indd 90

5/17/06 11:30:42 AM


Zavala County is located in the heart of the best whitetail deer hunting in the state of Texas. The highest scoring buck in the state this past season came from Zavala County. The brush types in this area are excellent for producing phenomenal antler growth. The brush size and variety on this 17,500Âą-acre ranch are really outstanding. The wildlife on the property is impressive. The whitetail deer herd has been carefully managed, producing excellent quality and numbers. In addition to the deer, there are lots of turkey and a portion of the ranch being roller-chopped this past year has enhanced the quail population. There is great dove hunting, and wild hogs and numerous varmint species provide hunting year-round. The terrain throughout the ranch varies. On the north side, there are three and one-half miles of beautiful Leona River. The ranch is approximately seven miles from north to south and over three miles from east to west. The improvements on the ranch consist of a magnificent ranch compound

Pioneer Ranch Central Texas v Zavala County v Batesville

that includes a 7,000-square-foot main house with a 3,400-square-foot primary guest home. There are several other smaller guesthouses for visiting hunters and separate dining facilities for visitors. There are nine water wells and 11 stock tanks, most of which are stocked with bass and catfish. The ranch has over three miles of frontage on both sides of FM 117 and over seven miles of frontage on Loma Vista Road. The ranch has an excellent road system, and the roads have been very well maintained. The perimeter fences are predominately lowfenced and in good condition. The ranch has been in the same family for many years, and the family has done a tremendous job of managing the property and wildlife. You can look for a long time and not find a ranch as good as this one. The neighbors are large ranches, and the property is only 85 miles from downtown San Antonio. This is truly a rare opportunity!

210 805-3616 800 860-0699 toll free 6061 Broadway San Antonio, Texas 78209 www.pbcfarmandranch.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

091-093 PhyllisBrowning.indd 91


5/22/06 5:40:14 PM

Quaint Home and Beautiful Pastures Texas Hill Country v Blanco County v Johnson City


Quaint and nicely situated on 124 acres just outside Johnson City is a restored twostory, three-bedroom, two-bath home. The property straddles crystal-clear Rocky Creek that runs year-round except in drought conditions. There are two outdoor barns: one used for equipment storage and a closed-in bunkhouse/game room and the other used for livestock. The property has been very well kept and preserved over the years.

Cattle or Horse Farm Central Texas v Wilson County v Floresville


This 409-acre cattle ranch features a charming three-bedroom, two-bath home. The property is

210 805-3616 800 860-0699 toll free 6061 Broadway San Antonio, Texas 78209 www.pbcfarmandranch.com


fenced and cross-fenced with great cattle pens and chutes, all of metal construction. Additional features include a metal storage barn with shop, plus two- and three-phase electricity service to the property. Most of the ranch is planted in coastal grasses with seasonal rye and oats. Some native wildlife, including deer, hogs, dove, turkey and quail, can be found throughout. Gently sloping to level terrain with two stock tanks makes this an ideal cattle or horse farm.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

091-093 PhyllisBrowning.indd 92

5/22/06 5:40:52 PM

Hunter’s Haven Central Texas v Frio County v Pearsall


This rare gem is located in the heart of big deer country and offers over 2,618 acres for your ranching needs and hunting enjoyment. The current owner has 100% possession of the minerals in this rich area and will convey half of that with the sale of the land. Rolling hills and scattered, diverse brush make this area ideal for thriving wildlife. Deer, turkey, hogs and quail are available in abundance and quality. This area is most unique in that it lends itself perfectly to hunting quail over dogs, yet harbors and grows big game as well. There are eight water wells, six windmills, two submersible pumps, numerous stock tanks and a number of plugged chalk wells suitable for conversion into Carrizo Sands high-volume water wells. Additional features include fencing and cross fencing.

Quail and Deer Habitat Central Texas v Medina County v Castroville


Just south of San Antonio is a scenic 380-acre property located between Castroville and Natalia. An ideal mix of native brush and pasture provide a great habitat for deer and quail. Of the 380 acres, 120 acres are composed of rolling terrain featuring a couple of nice hills that offer beautiful views of the surrounding property. Additional features include fencing, cross fencing, a barn,

210 805-3616 800 860-0699 toll free

holding pens and two stock tanks, one of which is approximately 1 acre. Several scenic areas are

6061 Broadway San Antonio, Texas 78209

ideal for further improvements for a permanent home or weekend retreat.

www.pbcfarmandranch.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

091-093 PhyllisBrowning.indd 93


5/22/06 5:42:43 PM


This pristine 234-acre working cattle ranch boasts of the best coastal Bermuda grass in the area. The lush rolling pastures can accommodate 150 head of mother cows. Currently over 200 acres are in hay production. The hilltop location offers magnificent views of the rolling countryside. The stone entrance to the ranch features electronic wrought-iron gates, and white painted pipe fence lines the road frontage. The best features of the ranch house are the front balcony and the wide back porch. The spacious floor plan features

Lonesome Willow Ranch

four bedrooms, each with a private bath. This property is just 90 minutes east of Dallas with

Northeast Texas v Smith County v Tyler

easy access to I-20. $1,375,000.

Showplace Horse Ranch, Pecan Grove and Vineyard Texas Metroplex v Wise County v Rhome

Private Retreat Northeast Texas v Harrison Co. v Hallsville


This showplace 30-acre horse ranch with new barn (to be built), hundreds of adjacent acres for riding plus picture-perfect pecan grove and vineyard with sparkling year-round creek offers a spacious and

elegant custom home with lovely views of the property, electronic security gated entry, pipe fencing This beautiful California-style, three-story, for horses, cattle or other livestock and a two-stall loafing shed. The pecan grove and vineyard are stucco home is in the middle of an all-wooded income producing. Fishing and boating lakes, as well as deer and turkey hunting are nearby. This


180-acre mature pine and oak forest with ranch is 20 minutes to Fort Worth, 15 minutes to Alliance airport and 30 minutes to DFW airport. an abundance of deer, squirrel and turkey. It Equipment for harvesting pecans and new barn are included in the price of $750,000. sits on a hill with a magnificent view of the valley that is second to none. This property features 5,000+ square feet of living area and 11,000 square feet under roof and features four bedrooms, four baths, three living areas and numerous decks. $990,000.

Beautiful Country Setting Northeast Texas v Lamar County v Blossom


A beautiful country setting surrounds this three-bedroom, two- and one-half-bath brick home on 69 acres. This home features cathedral ceilings with an open floor plan with neutral carpet and

Step into United Country for outstanding buys on real estate of all types Coast to Coast

800 999-1020 ext. 857 www.unitedcountry.com


tile. There is a cozy gas log fireplace, two hot water heaters, wet bar and office area. The land is great sandy loam soil pasture with nice-size lake behind home and metal pipe corrals. The house and 69 acres are priced at $400,000. There are an additional 81.9 acres of good Bermuda grass pasture and rolling sandy loam soil with barn, corrals and pipe fencing for $265,000. The owner might make package deal!

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

094-095 UC_KayDavis.indd 94

5/19/06 5:01:41 PM

Lazy RJ Ranch Northeast Texas v Cass County v Linden


Enjoy this Hill Country-style stone home with approximately 6,676 square feet, two stone fireplaces, two-car garage, gourmet kitchen with custom pecan cabinetry and Legacy stone countertops. The open floor plan includes great room with 18-foot vaulted ceilings and wood-burning fireplace, sitting room with gas log stone fireplace, dining room with antler chandeliers and built-in pecan wood hutch, master suite with his and her walkin closets, 10-foot ceilings throughout the house with stained and scored concrete flooring. A 2,050±-square-foot wraparound porch with native cedar log posts and stone wood-burning fireplace surrounds the home. A security system protects the main house, guesthouse and shop. 900±square-foot, one-bedroom, one-bath guesthouse. A Richmond 30-gallon gas water heater services the guesthouse and shop. The guesthouse is heated/cooled by an American Standard heat pump and supplied with water via a 732-foot well. All this is on 69± acres of beautiful, slightly rolling ranchland. In Linden-home to famous music festival where stars perform. $1,199,000.

Hunter’s Lodge Oklahoma v Pushmatha County v Clayton

This perfect corporate retreat and hunter’s lodge is located on 100-acres on the side of one of

West Texas Ranch

the Kiamichi Mountain, with a breathtaking view. 6,000-square-foot lodge has a great room of

Northwest Texas v Foard County v Benjamin



over 800 square feet, perfect for manager’s meetings. A hot tub overlooks the valley. A wine cellar This 4,160-acre rugged ranch borders two wellcompliments the “good time” feeling about this place. $995,000. known working ranches and offers incredibly scenic views. This would be an excellent place to create a hunting ranch, as there are wild hogs, whitetail and mule deer, bobwhite and blue quail. Located three hours from the Dallas/Ft. Worth airport, this property offers some frontage on the Wichita River and on Farm to Market road about 10 miles from town. $2,288,000.

East Texas Hideaway Northeast Texas v Cass County v Bivins


Come enjoy these 48± wooded acres, featuring a 16±-acre lake and three cabins (two of which are

four-wheeler trails, dock, hunting, fishing and gorgeous views. This is the perfect place to relax

Step into United Country for outstanding buys on real estate of all types Coast to Coast

and enjoy life! $550,000. Price includes ATV four-wheeler, row boat and canoe. Call for your

800 999-1020 ext. 857

connected by a covered patio area). There is a two-bedroom, one-bath cabin across lake from the main cabins surrounded by a covered porch. The property also features numerous outbuildings,

private viewing of this unique property.

www.unitedcountry.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

094-095 UC_KayDavis.indd 95


5/18/06 4:20:39 PM

Spectacular Eastland County Ranch With a 40-Acre Lake


Texas Metroplex v Palo Pinto County v Strawn

This scenic north Texas Hill Country ranch has 1320.76 acres and is located in a secluded valley a little over one-hour west of Fort Worth. The ranch is a recreational paradise. With an active topography and excellent habitat and cover for game, this ranch provides some of the best hunting, fishing and wildlife viewing opportunities of any ranch in Texas! As you drive through the ranch you will usually see large flocks of turkey everywhere. A year-around feeding program for wildlife, as well as several fenced food plots has been in place for almost 10 years. Whitetail deer are abundant and the numbers of turkey are incredible. The ranch is truly scenic with several hills, valleys and a 220- foot elevation change. Its centerpiece is a beautiful 40-acre lake located at the head of the Palo Pinto Creek and Cook Canyon that runs through the middle of the ranch. In addition, there are 21 ponds, some stocked with fish. The lake is stocked with bass, channel catfish, bluegill and threadfin shad. There is a covered boat dock for two boats. Another centerpiece of this ranch is the main house. It is in a beautiful setting, high on a hill, with scenic views of the lake, the valley below and the surrounding Hill Country. The home is approximately 4,000 square feet, including three bedrooms, three and one-half-baths and an oversized two-car garage with a large storage room. It features a sunken great room with high-beamed cathedral ceilings, stone fireplace and extra-large picture windows. Overlooking the great room is a large loft with fitness equipment, studio and office areas. The walls and ceilings throughout the living areas are cedar. The kitchen features a Sub-Zero refrigerator/freezer, Dacor gas stove top, Asko dishwasher and granite countertops. The master bedroom features a fireplace and a master closet completely lined in fragrant cedar. Floors on the main level are stained and polished concrete.

Affiliated with

Bedrooms are carpeted in wool by Karastan. Your family and friends will enjoy the natural beauty of this ranch from the outdoor spa on the 2,000-square-foot redwood deck. The exterior of the home is stone and cedar with a standing-seam steel roof. Another feature of this ranch is its extensive system of roads. There are about five miles of improved crushed gravel roads and another 15 miles of well-maintained dirt roads. Other improvements include a 1,400-square-foot

Shilene Arwood Gary Southern

square-foot metal barn, plus additional small barns and sheds. There is also an 8' by 10' walk-in

P.O. Box 310 • Santo, TX 76472

game cooler. For working livestock there is a good set of pipe working pens and chutes. The

940 328-3415 940 328-4678

ranch has excellent cross fences providing several pastures. In addition, there are approximately

shilenearwood@yahoo.com gsouthern@hotmail.com


guest home, plus another small home for additional guests or foreman. There is a large 6,400-

70 acres of wheat fields, 20 acres of coastal, plus another 20 acres in several smaller game plots. For additional information serious and qualified buyers please call Gary Southern at 940 3284678 or Shilene Arwood at 940 328-3415. Property number: 42136-00075. $8,500,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

096 UnitedCOCross.indd 96

5/17/06 1:34:42 PM

Buffalo Wallow


Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Fredericksburg

Archeologists have verified that many years ago, this was an area where the buffalo roamed. Tradition tells us that the large bison would find a damp spot in the clay soil and roll around in it carrying away moist mud on their hairy hides. Eventually, they would wallow out a place that held water year-round. Legend says that what we see on this land are buffalo wallows. Deed records show that this land was first patented in 1836. Ownership has changed only seven times in the last 170 years! There is now an opportunity for you to enjoy this place with a history as rich as its soil. One-quarter mile of Pedernales River with shallow areas for wading and deeper pools for swimming and kayaking provides recreation. The many tanks/ponds provide good fishing and the spring-fed creek can be enjoyed for its beauty. Enjoy the many amenities of historical and charming Fredericksburg, just five minutes away. Buffalo Wallow may be purchased as a premier ranch of 118 acres or see the proposed division of this ranch into four exclusive parcels from 20 to 35 acres on our website.

Cynthia Thomas, Broker/Owner 315 Earl Garrett Kerrville, TX 78028

830 257-7192 cynthomas@yahoo.com www.RareEarthRealty.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

097 RareEarth.indd 97


5/18/06 4:22:21 PM



The Star of the Hill Country Texas Hill Country ❖ Hays County ❖ Dripping Springs


ourney into the past, through the present and into your future at “Star D Ranch” on the coveted Onion Creek. Your dream

ranch boasts 375± acres off magnificent Texas Hill Country with captivating water features including grottos, creeks and a 1.5-acre lake. Your livestock will flourish on the ranch along with the abundant local wildlife including whitetail deer, turkey, fox, dove, quail and more. Enjoy entertaining? Proudly invite your guests to enjoy over 12,000 square feet of main residence, a beautiful heated pool, spa and massive entertainment cabana complete with outdoor cooking facilities. Take the kids or grandkids down to the fishing camp and entertainment pavilion for the time of their lives fishing and swimming in your private


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

098-099 StefkaTXSELECT.indd 98

5/22/06 9:57:15 AM

lake! Two additional homes are prefect for the ranch manager or overnight guests. Horse lovers will be in heaven with over 3,700 square feet of state-of-the-art equine facilities. The attention to detail throughout this estate is second to none! All this, plus prime future land development potential. “Star D Ranch”, history, oak trees, water, Hill Country and luxury all rolled into one. Your true Texas Star is only 20 miles west of Austin. For more information, go to StarDRanch.com or contact us for a private viewing. $12,500,000.

Curt Stefka 3109 A Slaughter • Austin, TX 78748

512 280-1094 curt@stefkatx.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

098-099 StefkaTXSELECT.indd 99


5/22/06 9:57:41 AM

Double D Ranch South Texas v Kinney County v Brackettville


Yes, this live water is located on a South Texas ranch on one of the most beautiful creeks in the area. With a rock bottom, this clear-flowing creek is wider than most rivers in Texas. This spectacular ranch is ideal for a

game management operation or corporate hunting retreat. The ranch has great soils with almost no rock, good brush and browse. The Double D ranch covers just over 4,000 acres of distinctive South Texas brush country. As you drive throughout this well-managed ranch, the pride of ownership is quickly observed. Improvements include high-fence, well-positioned living quarters, horse facilities and a lighted roping arena. Please call Ken or Steve to set up a viewing of this tremendous ranch.

Ken Hoerster, Broker Steve Bennett • Jay Whidbee Richard Coiner • Barry Jordan Larry Godfrey • Scott Allen 508 East San Antonio Street Boerne, TX 78006

830 249-9339 info@texasranches-forsale.com


El Oso Creek Ranch Texas Hill Country v Kimble County v Junction


El Oso Creek Ranch features 612 acres of excellent oaks, views, tremendous hunting and live water near Junction. From its high point, you can see all of Kimble County. The property is completely fenced and cross-fenced and has had very little hunting pressure in the last five years. This won’t last long. Call Scott or Ken for a showing.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

100-101 TXRanches4Sale.indd 100

5/24/06 5:15:15 PM

The Preserve Texas Hill Country Edwards County v Rocksprings

High View Ranch


These nice ranches range from 935 to 1,950± acres and are within a larger high-fenced ranch

350 Acres

just southwest of Rocksprings. The ranch is

Texas Hill Country v Kimble County v Junction


This is the perfect hunting ranch. This ranch has 350±-acres, excellent access, two wells, ranch house to relax, hunter’s quarters, implement barn, small pond, field for food plot, great trees, excellent cover, whitetail, axis, aoudad, blackbuck, fallow, turkey and hogs. Call Scott for a true turn-key hunting ranch.

rolling with nice draws and nice views of the Nueces River Valley. The prior owner of the property managed the ranch for 25 years with minimal hunting allowed. Both North and South Texas whitetail were introduced to the ranch early on, resulting in excellent body and antler growth. Exotics, including elk, axis, fallow, Sitka, black buck, aoudad, emu, Russian boar hogs and a variety of Rams, are readily available with many gold-class trophies observed. Bird species include turkey, quail and dove. Most tracts have fenced in covered feed troughs and gravity feed stations. Please call Ken or Scott for more information.

Cheyara Canyon Ranch 1,300 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Real County v Leakey


This exceptional year-round recreational ranch is located approximately eight miles southwest of Leakey in the heart of The Frio Canyon. The ranch features several nice springs, a wildlife feeding program and excellent hunting and fishing. The main lodge is a newly renovated five-bedroom, three-bath true ranch-style lodge with a screened-in porch. Improvements include new roads, a bunkhouse, hunter’s home, stables and much more. Cheyara Canyon has a unique character and is definitely the Texas Hill Country at its best! Please call Ken or Jay to set up a showing.

Flying F Ranch South Texas v La Salle County v Tilden


Flying F Ranch, just southwest of Tilden, is a 1,650±-acre high-fenced ranch with two large tanks, several water troughs, protein feeders, good brush and browse. The ranch also has as three-bedroom, three-bath mobile home, storage building and a shed. The property has a shared well from an adjoining ranch, with water piped throughout the ranch. Please call Ken or Jay for a showing of this turn-key ranch.

Ken Hoerster, Broker Steve Bennett • Jay Whidbee Richard Coiner • Barry Jordan Larry Godfrey • Scott Allen 508 East San Antonio Street Boerne, TX 78006

830 249-9339 info@texasranches-forsale.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

100-101 TXRanches4Sale.indd 101


5/24/06 5:15:38 PM


Arenosa Creek Ranch

The Arenosa Creek Ranch has some attractive features that would appeal to a wide variety

8,000 Acres

of ranch buyers. The ranch is a very good

Central Texas v Kinney County v Uvalde

compromise for people that want the views of the hill country but the brush and the deer of south Texas. Creek drainages, big mesquite and oak trees, shallow underground water, electricity, and a good location known for excellent wildlife add to the overall attractiveness. The ranch has an attractive price tag on it in comparison to the prices of South Texas or the Hill Country. The owner will consider selling the ranch in two tracts.

Chiltipin Ranch 6,436 Acres

South Texas v Duval County v George West


First time offered on the market in 30 years,

Parrilla Creek Ranch 4,240 Acres

South Texas v Duval County v Freer


This is a turn-key deal with great improvements including two nice homes, a barn, 70% high

this ranch is undeveloped with all first-growth fence, four water wells, and an elaborate ranch watering system. This ranch has been game native brush and offers a good combination managed for many years and big deer are in place. Parrilla Creek is lined with big live oak and of rolling ridges, big valleys and sandy soil.

elm trees all through the ranch. The owner will divide into two tracts.

Chiltipin Creek passes through the ranch for over three miles and offers big lake development potential! Basic improvements include two water wells, all-weather interior roads and 70% high game fencing. This ranch is only 30 minutes south of George West, Texas.

Palo Blanco Ranch 2,670 Acres 1845 Water Street • Kerrville, TX 78028

830 257-8881 www.meekranchsales.com info@meekranchsales.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

102-103 MeekRanch.indd 102

South Texas v Webb County v Encinal


This ranch is located in the heart of the golden triangle! It has big brush, some red dirt and is loaded with game. Basic improvements include one house and eight stock tanks. This ranch has been game managed and protein fed.

5/18/06 2:12:02 PM

Terrell County Ranch 14,916 Acres

West Texas v Terrell County v Del Rio

Pertle Creek Ranch

3,377 Acres


South Texas v McMullen County v Tilden


Terrell Country Ranch is approximately 1.5 hours west of Del Rio. This outstanding hunting ranch has good brush coverage, breathtaking canyons, large wide valleys with good soil and scenic mountains with tremendous views up to

The McMullen County Ranch is right in the middle of big deer country. The entire ranch is first- 2,500 feet in elevation. There are five water wells, growth giant brush with very big trees. Because of the diversity and density of brush, the wildlife a spring, electricity through the ranch and a small does very well. With Choke Canyon Lake close by, you are just minutes away from some of the ranch house. Game includes good numbers of best fishing the state offers. Another plus about McMullen County is it has one of the lowest whitetail deer, some mule deer, bob white quail, blue quail, turkey and hogs. $250/acre.

property tax bases in all of South Texas.

Kimble County Live Creek Ranch

700 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kimble County v Junction


Just one hour west of Kerrville is 700Âą acres of beautiful Texas Hill Country. There is approximately 1,000 feet of beautiful live creek with giant bluffs in the background. This ranch has scenic views up to 2,130 feet in elevation, a good variation of bottomland and large oak trees. You will find great hunting for whitetail, turkey, hogs and roaming exotics such as axis deer. There is county road frontage and agriculture exemption is in place. The owner is a licensed real estate broker. $2,350/acre.

Camp Verde Creek Ranch 444 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Bandera County v Bandera


This beautiful ranch is 13 miles south of Kerrville near Camp Verde. The gorgeous live creek has great lake potential and there is a new 5-acre lake and spring-fed ponds stocked with fish. Camp Verde Creek Ranch has fantastic views of the Texas Hill Country and building sites loaded with colorful hardwoods. The ranch features a 3,500-square-foot rock home, perimeter high fence, many exotics, whitetail up to 150 class and paved road frontage on Farm to Market 173. $3,650,000.

1845 Water Street • Kerrville, TX 78028

830 257-8881 www.meekranchsales.com info@meekranchsales.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

102-103 MeekRanch.indd 103


5/18/06 2:12:47 PM

5,463-Acre High-Fenced Game Ranch West Texas v Val Verde County v Del Rio


This ranch has county road frontage and rolling to rugged hills. Improvements include nice modular homes under a 130- by 100-foot metal building, sleeping quarters for 20, commercial kitchen, walk-in freezer, walk-in cooler, butcher shop, paved lighted airstrip, 100- by 60-foot hangar, barns, corrals, 10 miles of caliche and paved roads, four tanks, eight water wells and 30 wildlife waterings. There are lots of whitetail deer, turkey, elk, fallow, axis, aoudad, barbado, Armenian sheep, quail and dove. This is an excellent turn-key hunting ranch.


This ranch is located in the rolling hills east of Hamilton and has county road frontage. The property has a number of outstanding live oak motts, mesquite and redberry cedar.

820-Acre Ranch Central Texas v Hamilton County v Hamilton

Crystal-clear Fornash Creek crosses the place for about one-quarter mile. The creek area is heavily wooded with large live oak, sycamore and willow. Three stock tanks, a water well and three small spring-fed creeks that run in wetter months provide water for livestock, deer, turkey, dove and quail. In addition to being a very pretty place, this ranch has an excellent turf of climax grasses and forbs, which makes it good for cattle grazing and wildlife habitat. This place is within easy driving distance of Dallas-Ft.Worth, Austin and San Antonio.

Childress Ranch Investments

Over 30 Years of Selling South Texas and Hill Country Ranches P.O. Box 1260 • Canyon Lake, TX 78133

830 964-4600 www.childressranchinv.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

104-105 Childress.indd 104

5/17/06 11:19:51 AM

727 Acres in Frio County South Texas v Frio County v Pearsall


This property lies near Pearsall with frontage on a paved road. The terrain is gently sloping to two wet-weather creeks that cross the property.

5,985 Acres in Frio County South Texas v Frio County v Dilley


The place is mostly cleared with a few scattered mesquite and live oak trees. The deep red sandy loam soils are very productive for good

This property lies near Dilley with frontage on a paved road. The terrain is gently rolling with bobwhite quail habitat. A Carrizo sand irrigation about 3,235 acres in native brush, about 2,250 acres in irrigated cultivation and 500 acres in dry well equipped with turbine pump, Caterpillar land cultivation. There are deep fertile red sandy loam soils. Improvements includes a hunting

motor, gear-head and a 200-acre pivot irrigation

lodge, shop, several equipment sheds, two mobile homes and two large water storage reservoirs system are all in working condition. There is a which deliver water for livestock and wildlife over the entire property via miles of 2-inch pipeline. stock tank, potholes in the creeks and there are Eight irrigation wells are equipped with pumps and motors, and the 15 center pivot systems

sites where large stock tanks could be built on

are in good workable condition. The property is perimeter fenced and cross-fenced into many

the creeks. The property is perimeter fenced.

pastures. This is one of the finest hunting ranch/farm combinations in South Texas with great This has everything to make a top-notch quail place in the best area of Texas for bobwhites. potential for trophy deer and bobwhite quail.


This property lies near Dilley with frontage on a gravel county road. The terrain is gently rolling and sloping to a wet-weather creek that crosses the property. About 360 acres of the property are cleared and in Bermuda grass inside the pivot irrigation system. The balance of about 271 acres is in native brush. The red sandy loam soils are very productive and produce good habitat

631 Acres in LaSalle County South Texas v LaSalle County v Dilley

for both deer and bobwhite quail. A Carrizo irrigation well is equipped with pump, motor and the large pivot irrigation system in working condition. There are good metal cattle corrals, high fencing on two sides and a stock tank filled from the irrigation well. An older hunting cabin is fixable. This property is an excellent cattle place. It has a good number of deer and would make an excellent bobwhite quail/deer place with some management. There is presently a sizable peanut limitation payment to the landowner.

62-Acre Ranch Central Texas v Blanco County v Blanco


This scenic property is tucked away less than one-half mile from Ranch Road 473 in the hills south of Blanco. The gently rolling country has beautiful live oak trees interspersed with cleared areas and some brush. Improvements include a water well and septic, as well as perimeter and cross-fencing. Power is available. This ideal recreational ranch is only 45 miles from downtown San Antonio, 60 miles from Austin and is convenient to Blanco and Canyon Lake.

Childress Ranch Investments

Over 30 Years of Selling South Texas and Hill Country Ranches P.O. Box 1260 • Canyon Lake, TX 78133

830 964-4600 www.childressranchinv.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

104-105 Childress.indd 105


5/17/06 11:20:22 AM

Tin Star Ranch

T 350 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Fredericksburg This is a unique opportunity to own a piece of the beautiful Texas Hill Country with an authentic flair of the Old West. Spanning 350 diverse acres, the ranch terrain ranges from gently flowing Crabapple Creek, rolling pastureland, open fields to limestone hills with exquisite vistas. The Longhorn Palace Saloon, built in an 1800s Victorian-style, features a 30-foot oak bar, accommodates up to 350 guests and comes complete with 14 rooms upstairs for overnight stays. Outside, walk the street-lined Old West shooting stages replicating Dodge City, Lonesome Dove, Jersey Lily, Dry Bean Saloon and the Alamo, all excellent bed and breakfast potentials. There is a five-unit bed and breakfast settlement nestled among native oaks and grasses, featuring rustic log cabins and charming limestone homes

145 E. Main Street Fredericksburg, TX 78624

built in the early Fredericksburg German pioneer-style, antique furnished and providing all the

800 606-4323

featuring a beautiful authentic southwestern adobe-style home, guesthouse and an inviting negative-

www.ccherber.com 窶「 info@ccherber.com


modern comforts of home plus more. Live life to the fullest on the adjacent 9.98-acre scenic hilltop, edge swimming pool. Capture the excitement 窶馬othing quite like it anywhere!

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

106-107 CCHerber.indd 106

5/17/06 10:08:06 AM

The Ultimate Getaway! Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Fredericksburg


These beautiful native 145.79 acres offer rolling granite country with grand views of famed Enchanted Rock. A large pond, wildlife, barn/workshop, pens along with improved granite gravel roads grace the property. A neat low-maintenance stone-exterior three-bedroom, one- and one-half-bath rustic country home offers a spacious kitchen/dining/living with fireplace and a separate game room/den. The home is conveyed completely furnished with all amenities and located in the northern Gillespie County, 16Âą miles from Fredericksburg. Tranquility at its best!

Crabapple Creek

1,200 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Fredericksburg


Diverse, scenic, serene and somewhat rugged, this beautiful Gillespie County ranch, perfected with close attention to the preservation of nature and its environment, is the great getaway you thought you would never find! Crabapple Creek cuts a deep one-half mile canyon with crystal-clear water and large rock outcroppings, plus three-fourths mile of gently flowing water through this phenomenal tract. There are outstanding panoramic and Enchanted Rock views, improved granite gravel and granite-colored concrete roads, several ponds, water wells, underground utilities and abundant wildlife. Improvements include two dwellings, a camp house and a lighted concrete helicopter pad. Secluded and recreational, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity you must see to appreciate!

145 E. Main Street Fredericksburg, TX 78624

800 606-4323 www.ccherber.com • info@ccherber.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

106-107 CCHerber.indd 107


5/17/06 10:08:44 AM

Bandera County 411+ Acres


Texas Hill Country v Bandera County v Tarpley

A new home, live water, views and land — what more could a person want? This gorgeous one-of-a-kind place has all of that to offer and so much more. The property itself varies from hilltops to gorgeous pasturelands. There is high fencing, 150 acres of planted native grasses, miles of fencing, a superb road system and culverts throughout the property for easy access anywhere you would like to go. There are limestone bluffs, gorgeous rock bottoms and crystal-clear creeks. This is a very prestigious property and home. The nearly 4,000-square-foot home is absolutely stunning! Put on a hilltop so you can enjoy the peace and tranquility all your own, the three-bedroom, five-bath home offers a study, gym, open floor plan and windows everywhere. This home offers everything imaginable inside and out, including an indoor/outdoor audio system, wireless computer capability, travertine and antique oak flooring, granite countertops, Thermador appliances, wet bar and so much more. Outdoors, you have a builtin gas grill, ice maker, barbecue area and tons of rock patio space to go along with the gorgeous infinity-edge heated pool. Enjoy entertaining and the views. This one-of-a-kind property and a must-see. Substantial price reduction!

Bret Beach 164 Ranch Drive • Boerne, TX 78006

210 382-1116 210 875-3285 mobile


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

108-109 BeachProperties.indd 108

5/22/06 5:43:48 PM

Cordillera Ranch Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Boerne


This gorgeous estate-style Hill Country home is in the sought-after location of Cordillera Ranch with its Jack Nicholaus golf course and country club. This home is 6,000± square feet and offers a media room, den, living area, high ceilings, chef’s kitchen, master suite and bath with two-sided fireplace, his and her closets and so much more. Relax or entertain in the beautiful pool with its lush surroundings. Also, for the horseman, you have a sixstall barn with runs, tack room, feed room, apartment, exercise room, sound system, etc. Everything you need is here!

Gorgeous Hill Country Home Texas Hill Country Kendall County v Boerne


These 5 gorgeous acres are in the Boerne School District with great location. There is a spectacular 3,600-square-foot, three-bedroom, three-bath home with a great floor plan. It is absolutely gorgeous inside. You have to see this home to believe it. There is too much to mention, and the home can be sold completely furnished! This Hill Country-style home has a metal roof, rock exterior, paved driveway, tons of oaks and views. This is a special home and a must-see!

Live Water Ranch 690 Acres

Central Texas v Uvalde County v Leakey


You will love this property! There are gorgeous hilltop views, beautiful bottomland with valleys and most of all, crystal-clear running springs and great hunting. Located eight miles south of Leakey with a mile of highway frontage, this one-of-a-kind property is priced to sell fast.

Bret Beach 164 Ranch Drive • Boerne, TX 78006

210 382-1116 210 875-3285 mobile Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

108-109 BeachProperties.indd 109


5/22/06 5:45:37 PM


This highly improved feed yard has great potential to be used as a starter yard, finishing yard and/or a feed yard. There is an elaborate set of feed pens, a dry roll mill, corn storage, concrete and metal bunks, shipping, sorting and receiving traps, eight horse stalls, tack room, excellent drainage, retention pond,

Border Cattle Co.

200 Acres

South Texas v Frio County v Pearsall

excellent water well and water storage, 60foot truck scales and much, much more! This property fronts Highway 85. Call for a showing! $695,000.

Willow City Loop Ranch 209 Acres


Texas Hill Country Gillespie County v Fredericksburg

Beautiful views just begin to describe the Willow City Loop Ranch. There is very nice house, guesthouse, two barns and a pond. Lots of oak trees, fertile pastures and fields, and both native and exotic game are a few features that make this ranch a must-see! In addition, there are two water wells and a small set of pens. $4,950/acre.

Fajita Flats Ranch 554 Acres

South Texas v Frio County v Devine


The Fajita Flats has been highly improved with three pivot irrigators, electric well, metal pens and one hay barn. 80% of the fencing is newly replaced, and there are two large stock tanks on the property. This is a very beautiful ranch, improved and ready for haying or running cattle. Excellent hunting for whitetail deer, turkey, dove and quail! $2,500/acre.

Flying T Ranch 59.05 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Bandera Co. v Bandera


This ranch would make a great personal residence, recreational or working ranch. The

Evans and Associates 830 895-0777

devans@ktc.com www.evansandassoc.com


property terrain is flat to gently rolling and great for horses! The Flying T has a water well, excellent hunting for whitetail deer, wild turkey and free-roaming exotics! $395,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

110-111 Evans&Associates.indd 110

5/18/06 4:26:31 PM

Der Heimplatz 56 Acres

Texas Hill Country Gillespie County v Fredericksburg

83+ Acres


Texas Hill Country v Real County v Leakey

orchard, two turn-of-the-century barns, one

Frio - River Dream Place


This area five minutes north of Fredericksburg offers fantastic horse country. The property is fenced/crossed-fenced, has fertile coastal pastures, post oaks, three wells, a small

This is a one-of-a-kind find, bordering a large ranch with excellent hunting, fishing and unforgettable implement barn with water/electric, a 1930s views! It has a new 3,000Âą-square-foot home with large wraparound porches under construction native stone home, root cellar, large pecan ready for your final touches for completion and a bluff overlooking the river with gentle walkway

trees, and an additional 74 acres of fenced lush

for easy access for total family enjoyment. This rare find will not last long. $1,250,000.

field available. $795,000.

Divide Ranch 1,427 Acres

Texas Hill Country Kerr County v Mountain Home


This ranch is fantastic for hunting, with some open oak tree areas and an abundance of shin oak and scrub oak for excellent browse for white tail deer, Exotics, turkey, dove and quail. There is one water well and a good set of cattle pens with two miles of highway frontage. New on the market, this ranch has a great location 20 miles from Kerrville. Call for a showing. $2,750/acre.

Evans and Associates 830 895-0777

devans@ktc.com www.evansandassoc.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

110-111 Evans&Associates.indd 111


5/18/06 4:26:52 PM


Just north of Fredericksburg lies a great 95.4acre hunting tract. The property features a historic rock two-story home and tank house for your hunting facilities, or it could be a great restoration project to fix up and enjoy on weekends or full time. The property includes a 15-acre field for crops and the balance is lush pastureland, thickly wooded in areas with Post Oak, Live Oak, Walnut and Elm. Two wells and an older stock tank are located on the property. There’s lots of browse and cover for the deer. $5,300/acre. Listed by Vic Nixon.

Country Getaway Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Fredericksburg

Klein Branch Creek Ranch Nixon Real Estate Residential • Recreational Farm • Ranch • Commercial Vic Nixon, Broker 830 997-2187

Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Harper


This ranch has it all—beautiful water for fishing, lots of wooded pastureland with an abundance of deer and turkey, a large herd of Blackbuck Antelope, plus an awesome members-only golf course just one half-mile down the road. This 371.54-acre ranch offers approximately 1,900 feet of Klein Branch Creek (both sides), an outstanding wide creek with a dam, plus a large stock tank. Enjoy the antics of dozens of hummingbirds sipping from the feeders while you relax on the large front porch of the charming two-story, spacious, country-style main home tucked beneath the massive oak trees. Even guests will delight in the single-wide mobile guest quarters with large covered porch and lovely interior decor. An unrestored log cabin, frame barn and a large metal shop/barn

info@nixonrealestate.com are among several outbuildings on the property. This nicely timbered ranch with good water is a www.nixonrealestate.com rare find. Don’t hesitate. Listed by Roy Herbort. $2,400,000.


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

112-113 NixonRE.indd 112

5/23/06 11:36:37 AM

Hidden Oasis Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Fredericksburg


Hidden Oasis offers unbelievable water! Imagine a 36.8-acre tract of land completely encircled by water. This unique setting for a bed and breakfast, corporate retreat or health spa and resort is less than a mile from Fredericksburg’s well-known Main St. Four private units replicate the late 1800s limestone main house, and two suites are part of an addition to the main house, a professionally restored two-bedroom, two-bath historic rock home with great attention to detail. Outbuildings include a large garage/workshop and greenhouse. If used as a business, retreat or resort, the compound offers a dry sauna and massage room, hot tub and an in-ground pool for guests to enjoy. The grounds and surroundings are nicely manicured, private and offer a beautiful pastoral setting hidden away at the edge of town. Call for full details. Listed by Mike Starks.

Hollow Creek Ranch Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Fredericksburg


You’ve got it all on these 412 picturesque acres! Flowing creek with deep holes, views, lush fields, lots of wooded pasture, good access and good fences, livestock facilities, including a 40' x 60' barn with workshop and equipment storage area, smaller barn with horse stalls and pens and an outstanding Texas limestone custom-built ranch home with countless amenities. The home’s beautifully appointed interior includes rich oak floors, top-of-the-line appliances, cathedral and 10' ceilings, luxurious master bath, granite countertops, custom tile design, custom masonry fireplace and attractive etched double front doors. Lush, drought-resistant landscaping surrounds the home, and a hot tub with rock waterfall spills into a lovely

Nixon Real Estate Residential • Recreational Farm • Ranch • Commercial Vic Nixon, Broker 830 997-2187

swimming pool with automated cleaning system built into the pool floor. Truly a first-class info@nixonrealestate.com www.nixonrealestate.com ranch offering. Contact Vic or Marian Nixon. Shown by appointment.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

112-113 NixonRE.indd 113


5/23/06 11:37:17 AM

La Gema Retreat Central Texas Washington County v Burton


Hidden down a long tree-lined country road near the quaint town of Burton lies this 101-acre retreat featuring a 2,600±-square-


foot Austin stone home accompanied by a 2,700-square-foot activity building, two guest

Southeast Texas v Brazoria County v West Columbia

cottages, caretaker’s house and rock gazebo.


Strategically located just 40 minutes from the center of Houston via FM 288, this 145-acre The improvements are visually united by a tract features massive live oaks, pastures, woods and San Bernard River frontage offering the common theme of rock, stucco, metal roofs perfect location for seclusion. An impressive electronic security gate opens to a winding paved and board fencing surrounded by rolling road that leads to a state-of-the-art home offering panoramic views of rolling pastures, pecan manicured pastures and enchanting woods. orchard, barn, river, pond and woods. A “reflection” lap pool decorates the front lawn with Add to this package a riding pen, fishing conversation areas under ancient live oaks. A multitude of surprising extra features makes this pond and game courts for a fully equipped spacious 6,200±-square-foot home an impressive gentleman’s farm. $1,900,000.

entertainment facility. $1,100,000.

Twin Brooks


Central Texas v Austin County v Bellville

These 160± acres are in a prominent location, just minutes from Bellville with great commuter access. An outstanding balance of woods and improved coastal Bermuda pastures complement this luxury home of over 6,400-square-foot on a hill and bordered by wooded creeks. Many top-of-the-line features are incorporated into the spacious floor plan of high ceilings, large open rooms and great expanses of glass showcasing the scenic views of the land. A heated pool and spa accented by a rock waterfall and overlooking a large winding pond complete this package. The best combination for country living at its finest. $1,999,000.

Willow Springs Central Texas Fayette County v Industry


This is a one-of-a-kind farm with Willow Springs Creek originating on the property and forming a clear wide stream. An attractive lawn slopes to the creek’s bank framed by large willow and pecan trees and a lovely view of the back pasture. The renovated 1.5-story farmhouse is

P.O. Box 582 Bellville, TX 77418

located in the center of a 25±-acre tract with

979 865-9459

on the other. This is a peaceful location for a



a small horse barn on one side and a pond wonderful weekend getaway. $395,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

114-115 VIP Country.indd 114

5/17/06 11:24:42 AM

Peach Grove Farm Central Texas v Waller County v Waller

The Wood-Hughes Home Central Texas v Washington Co. v Brenham


Offered to the discerning buyer, this mansion, completed in 1897, is an excellent example of late Victorian residential architecture with


Eastlake influences. Listed as a Texas Historic This 87-acre farm offers an unusual opportunity as an investment property, commuter home Landmark in 1973 and placed on the National or a weekend retreat. The center of the tract displays massive live oak trees surrounding a twoRegister of Historic Places in 1990, this home is

story home of 3,600± square feet with six bedrooms and large open areas for entertaining. The

a completely functional 4,487-square-foot family back of the home opens onto a lovely patio and deck with a swimming pool and spa stationed residence. Located on a large lot on the edge of in one corner highlighted by an “adult tree house.” The central lawn is bordered by lovely groves the Historical District of downtown Brenham, of peach trees lined in visual harmony with rows of landscaping trees and other fruit trees for the four-bedroom, four-bath home is truly a a versatile crop producing throughout the year. The farm is equipped with barn, offices and a rare gem for those who share the vision and functional pond with a decorative fountain. Package this unique property within iron security gates in a growing area of Waller County for an enjoyable investment. $2,200,000. appreciation of this unique home. $695,000.

Triple Creek in Round Top


Central Texas v Fayette County v Round Top

Cross through the gated entry onto these 86± acres, wind down a tree-lined drive and step back in time 150 years as you cross the threshold of this meticulously restored, dog-trot log home built by Jared E. Groce in the mid-1800s. This wonderful three-bedroom, five-bath weekend home features three fireplaces, beautiful longleaf heart of pine flooring and a long porch overlooking highly improved pastures. The home lends well to entertaining with relaxing gardens, hammock beneath the live oaks, enclosed pool with patio area, a one-bedroom one-bath restored cottage and a separate game room with kitchen and bath that could be used as a second guesthouse. Lazy afternoons promising walks along the wooded trails, fishing in the stocked pond or picnicking in the park-like setting along Cummins Creek are sure to refresh your soul. $1,725,000.

Cuttin’ Low Ranch Central Texas v Austin County v Shelby


This exceptional property for the horse enthusiast features approximately 90 acres with barns, a distinguished main house, improved pastures, ponds, a distant view and live oaks. The 4,200-square-foot home with pool overlooks the operation with a stunning view of the hills, trees and water. The barns are located at the far side of the property and include a five-stall stallion barn, a breeding barn and a 22-stall mare barn. A remarkable

P.O. Box 582 Bellville, TX 77418

ranch. $1,200,000. An additional 73± acres

979 865-9459

with barns and arenas may also be purchased.

www.vipcountry.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

114-115 VIP Country.indd 115


5/17/06 11:25:37 AM

800 Acres With 6-Acre Lake Texas County vv Malone Malone Texas Metroplex Metroplex v v Hill HillCounty


This property offers 3+ miles of creek, huge pecan trees, county road access, utilities and over 550 acres of cropland. With scenic beauty and great income, this land is located 70 miles south of DFW off Interstate 35. Owner will convey minerals. No lease. $840,000.


Private 17.29 Acres


Texas Metroplex Grayson County v Southmayd

These densely wooded and private 17.29 acres on paved road are well located just 35 miles north of Stonebriar Mall in Frisco and two miles west of Preston Road in Dallas’ booming north corridor. This ideal estate offers a building site bordered by a newly constructed 4-acre lake with dock and utilities in place. This area is ready to build, gated, fenced and offers a driveway and water service line. Offered at $150,000 with financing terms.

Saddleside Realty

70-Acre Hilltop

Jim Johnson P.O. Box 802022 Dallas, TX 75380-2022

972 383-1277 office 972 419-1027 fax jkjdallas@aol.com www.saddlesiderealty.com



Texas Metroplex v Grayson County v Bells

This majestic, secluded hilltop with superb highway frontage borders a 20+-acre conservation lake and Mill Creek. With great tree vistas, this ideal getaway is just north of DFW and 40 miles from McKinney. The owner is installing utilities, a driveway, entry and many more improvements. $316,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

116-117 Saddleside.indd 116

5/17/06 11:26:33 AM

Lost River Ranch

T 342 Acres

Texas Metroplex v Hunt County v Lone Oak This ranch is a distinctive estate property located in close proximity to DFW and North Texas. Superb location, unique setting, quality improvements and superior access. These are the features of land ownership that yield maximum appreciation and result in a country land investment frequently used in you lifestyle. Featuring beautiful rolling terrain down to the Sabine River bottom, this property offers a wonderful combination of treestudded pastures and dense animal habitat and wetlands. Remote, private, yet easily accessed, the Lost River Ranch includes many improvements, including a gorgeous Austin stone home. This three-bedroom, two-bath home, completed in 2001, overlooks river bottoms from a shaded knoll and has wraparound porches, amphitheater fire pit, connected garage/barn and a 1-acre sprinkled lawn inside pipe rail. The secluded homesite is situated back 1,500 feet from paved road down a tree-lined driveway. The property also has four lakes, separate stock pastures for cows and horses, stock barn, all-weather roads, helipad, several miles of creek frontage and numerous established hunting blinds and game feeders. This place would be a perfect fit for a hunting retreat or a family ranch. $899,000.

Saddleside Realty Jim Johnson P.O. Box 802022 Dallas, TX 75380-2022

972 383-1277 office 972 419-1027 fax jkjdallas@aol.com www.saddlesiderealty.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

116-117 Saddleside.indd 117


5/17/06 11:26:54 AM


The Lazy H offers 100 acres with improved hay pastures, a wooded buffer for seclusion and

Lazy H

100 Acres Southeast Texas v Walker County v Huntsville

timber and a 5-acre stocked lake. There is a 7,378-square-foot home that overlooks the lake across a stone patio and swimming pool. The great room has a two-story beamed roof, stone chimney, tile floors and built-in entertainment

center. The gallery above has two walls of bookcases and wood floors. The kitchen has two islands, top-of-the-line gas cook top with stone surround, three sinks and many other features. The house has two master suites, one upstairs and one downstairs. The entire downstairs is handicap accessible. A game room with its own bathroom is beside the swimming pool. The pavilion is a screened-in 32- by 30-foot room with tile floor, fireplace and full kitchen including a grill/smoker, dishwasher, refrigerator and ice machine. The barn has four stalls, an air-conditioned office with a full bath, workshop and large storage room upstairs. Located southwest of Huntsville, one hour and 20 minutes from Bush Intercontinental Airport and less than an hour to The Woodlands, the Lazy H can accommodate up to 15 people in luxurious comfort and could serve as a corporate retreat/training center or your family estate. Offered at $2,850,000.

Double J Central Texas v Madison Co. v Normangee


This 379-acre ranch fronts on OSR, just west of Normangee with a four-bedroom, two-bath home, spacious hay barn, equipment barn with shop, covered pipe working pens with working chute, loading ramp and scales, horse barn with six stalls and feed/tack room, four stock ponds and four large loafing sheds in the coastal Bermuda pastures. The Double J is ready for your livestock! $1,100,000.

Lake Creek Ranch Southeast Texas v Montgomery County v Montgomery

Established 1967

Jacobs Properties 206 Liberty • P.O. Box 1370 Montgomery, TX 77356

936 597-3301 www.txland.com



These 236 acres of excellent pasture offer some scattered trees, a live creek with concrete lowwater crossing, abundant wildlife and the perfect ranch for the weekend rancher. It is hard to find land an hour from Houston for $2,500 per acre.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

118-119 JacobsProps.indd 118

5/17/06 1:40:17 PM

Gator Lake Farm Southeast Texas v Walker County v Huntsville


A property of this quality is rare. These 736 acres of rolling, coastal Bermuda pastures with tree-studded hilltops surround two homes overlooking a private 40-acre lake. Gator Lake’s commercial hay operation produces 100,000 square bales (or equivalent) a year of quality horse hay. 110 acres are under pivot irrigation with room to expand. Included are 64,000 square feet of hay and equipment barns for storage. All necessary infrastructures are in place with established pastures, making this an extremely attractive turnkey package. This would also make an outstanding yearling or “MIG”-type cattle operation. $3,900,000.

Roberts Spur Ranch Southeast Texas Walker County v Huntsville


A fully restored farm home from the 1880s graces this 375-acre ranch. The property is fenced, cross-fenced and ready for livestock. The home features hardwood floors throughout. The large family room centers on a brick woodburning fireplace. Modern kitchen appliances are concealed in old-style cabinetry. Covered porches and metal roof add to the historic ambience. The ranch also offers a guesthouse for visitors or live-in ranch help. $1,250,000.

Flying K Ranch at Bee Creek


Southeast Texas v Montgomery County v Willis

This premier ranch offers 509 acres of beautiful rolling hills with full horse facilities less than

Established 1967

an hour from Bush Intercontinental. A band of woods screens the ranch from the highway and ensures privacy. All the improvements are sited on a high ridge overlooking improved pastures and affording spacious vistas across Caney Creek toward the Sam Houston National Forest to the north. The unique brick home built in 1991 makes natural light a feature of every room. 9,000+ square feet include seven bedrooms and four and one-half baths, so there is plenty of room for a large family and lots of guests to enjoy the elegance and grandeur of this fabulous residence. The 15-stall barn has a wide paved alleyway with roll-up doors at both ends leading to the 190-foot

Jacobs Properties

round pen. A pipe-fenced roping and cutting arena is nearby, as is a six-horse hydraulic walker.

206 Liberty • P.O. Box 1370 Montgomery, TX 77356

The lake is locally known for the quality of bass and catfish to be caught. There are two stock

936 597-3301

ponds in the pastures. $3,200,000.

www.txland.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

118-119 JacobsProps.indd 119


5/17/06 1:40:45 PM


With a 34-acre lake with an island used for recreational activity, the Tidwell Ranch is truly one-of-a-kind. It consists of 707 beautiful rolling acres covered with lush coastal and native grass fields nestled between heavy and scattered wooded areas of oak and pine trees. Several spring-fed stocked ponds enhance the beauty of the wildlife-inhabited ranch land. Through the lighted ranch entrance, magnified by 7,456' of wood fencing along prestigious FM 1094, one travels over the meandering ranch road to the main home at the hill’s top, overlooking the 34-acre lake complex. The main ranch home, designed for entertainment and enjoyment, consists of 6,700 square feet of living area with six bedrooms and five baths. Other amenities

The Tidwell Ranch

include a comfortable brick guest or foreman’s home and a nice show barn. The Tidwell Ranch

Central Texas v Austin County v New Ulm

awaits the discriminating investor.

Buckhorn Country Estate Central Texas v Austin County v Bellville


This 9.9-acre estate was formerly operated as a tree farm and is privately enclosed by oak, pine, blue spruce, pecan and bald cypress trees. Lush St. Augustine grass provides a carpet-like feel to most of the grounds. A three-bedroom,

Moonlight Ranch

two- and one-half-bath main home with a

112 Acres

wraparound porch overlooks the peaceful

Central Texas v Austin County v Bellville

stocked pond, and the guest cottage invites friends and family to enjoy the beauty, serenity and nature of the property. This is a peaceful and inviting retreat!


This beautiful two-story home built in 1991 is on 112 coastal covered, wooded and rolling acres about four miles north of Bellville. The property has about 3,640 feet of paved road frontage, with access from both Old Highway 36 and Highway 36 and a paved private road through the ranch. This Fredericksburg/Hill County-style stucco and Austin stone home sits in a grove of mature oaks and overlooks the unequaled beauty of two sparkling spring-fed lakes. With four bedrooms, three and one-half baths, wood flooring, wood-burning fireplace and large wraparound porches,

Bill Johnson & Associates Real Estate 420 East Main Street • Bellville, Texas 77418

979 865-5969 • 281 463-3791 www.bjre.com


enjoy comfortable, peaceful country living a relaxing one-hour drive from Houston. Property may be divided into two tracts of 25 acres with barn or 87 acres with home and lakes.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

120-121 BillJohnson.indd 120

5/17/06 1:41:38 PM

Coyote Crossing 76 Acres

Central Texas v Colorado County v New Ulm


Sit on your spacious back porch and watch the rain clouds roll across the hills adjoining these 76+ gently rolling acres. A beautiful southern home with three bedrooms, three baths, butler’s pantry and an office are combined with a keeping room, kitchen and breakfast area convenient to the comfortably elegant living room and dining room. A wood-burning fireplace in the keeping room and a second remote-controlled fireplace in the living area adds a touch of coziness and warmth. Tasteful, lighted built-ins enhance the natural light of the ample windows throughout the home. From within the home, one will enjoy dynamic views across the pool to coastal pastures and down to the oak and pecan-lined all-weather creek area where deer and other wildlife can be seen crossing the property. Two nice ponds and a large barn/workshop accommodate a small cattle operation. Located in north Colorado County near Frelsburg, a relaxing one-hour drive to Houston, enjoy country living in elegant style.

Red Bird Lane Farm Central Texas v Austin County v New Ulm


The Red Bird Lane Farm is about 70 miles west of Houston, near the neat little community of New Ulm. Meticulous attention to detail and a designed master plan for management of the 38 acres of land and improvements has earned Red Bird Lane Farm its reputation as a recognized horse training and breeding facility. A lovingly restored 1860s farmhouse graces the farm, and its flagstone patio is an ideal place to relax and embrace the scenery. Three horse barns with 35 stalls, tack rooms, wash racks, collecting room, lab, hay and equipment barn, covered and open arenas, two horse walkers, office, guest quarters and a foreman’s house are but a few of the noted improvements in daily operation on this farm. The Red Bird Lane Farm is simply an outstanding horse training and breeding facility

Bill Johnson & Associates Real Estate

420 East Main Street • Bellville, Texas 77418

979 865-5969 • 281 463-3791 www.bjre.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

120-121 BillJohnson.indd 121


5/17/06 1:42:04 PM

Scenic Pasture Land 326 Acres

Northeast Texas v Red River County v Bogata


Bring your cattle to these 326 beautiful acres of rolling sandy pasture land with farm to market and county road frontage. This property features good grasses and is fenced and cross-fenced. There is county water and electricity already in the barn. You’ll find lakes, ponds and a creek on the property. For the hunters, there are 30± acres of woods for hunting. Offered at $392,098. Ask for Coy McGregor.

Weekend Hideaway Northeast Texas v Lamar County v Paris


This 105-acre property is ideal for the weekend getaway. Located in northeast Lamar County,

Breathtaking Views

this is some of the prettiest land in the area. The

Northeast Texas v Cass County v Linden

property features plenty of woods with some


Among the piney woods of East Texas sits a beautiful home on 200 acres that offers outstanding

open land and lots of deer and other game. views of a beautiful 55+-acre lake and the surrounding area. Private and gated, this one-of-a-kind There is a new 5-acre lake, a creek running

property offers lakefront living at its best, with a 4,800-square-foot, updated home that features

through the property and a two-bedroom cabin a game room, bar, double garage, covered boat dock and many more amenities. Serenity can be that complements this weekend escape. Offered yours—just a short drive from the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. Offered at $1,800,000. Ask for at $249,000. Ask for Gerald Whitesides.

Chris Harvey.

North Farm Northeast Texas v Lamar County v Sumner


This wonderful recreational property consists of 750 acres located near Pat Mayse State

Harvey Properties, Inc.

hunting or four-wheeling, but also has some

Renee Harvey - Broker

open pastures. Fenced and cross-fenced, this

2550 Lamar Ave. • Paris, TX 75460

is a great place to combine work and play.

903 785-8484 800 785-8495 toll free

Build your dream home, raise cattle and enjoy



Park. The property is mostly wooded for

exploring the woods. Offered at $1,000,000. Ask for Pete Patterson.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

122-123 C21_Harvey.indd 122

5/17/06 1:43:25 PM

Recreational Tract Northeast Texas v Red River County v Clarksville


This wonderful recreational tract consists of a mixture of 542 wooded acres, meandering trails and open land. There is an abundance of turkey, deer and small ponds making this the ideal property for the avid outdoorsman. Offered at $514,900. Ask for Rusty Lowe.

135 Acres Texas Metroplex v Kaufman Co. v Scurry


You’ll find this 135-acre property level and ideal for developing a single-family home tract. Utilities are available. Offered at $1,800,000. Ask for A.W. Shelton.

North Texas Farm Northeast Texas v Red River County v Clarksville


Harvey Properties, Inc. Renee Harvey - Broker

This North Texas farm consists of 1,722± acres in one contiguous tract and is currently planted

2550 Lamar Ave. • Paris, TX 75460

in corn and cotton. With FM highway and county road access, this is a very productive piece of

903 785-8484 800 785-8495 toll free

property. The lay of the land lends itself well for a ranch conversion with several great pond and lake sites. Offered at $2,150,000. Ask for Rusty Lowe.

www.c21php.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

122-123 C21_Harvey.indd 123


5/17/06 1:44:33 PM


This stunning bed and breakfast and/or business retreat facility lies on 6± acres in Blanco with 800± feet of Blanco River frontage. The property features a main lodge, three customfinished cabins, barn with living quarters, fenced riverside picnic area and one concrete RV pad with patio and full hookups. The lodge features three bedrooms, four and one-half baths, gourmet kitchen with 12-foot natural hickory island and beautiful stone fireplace with built-in 42-inch plasma television. The lodge is finished with concrete and pine floors

The Lodge at Chimney Valley Texas Hill Country v Blanco County v Blanco

throughout, antique doors from Mexico and a cypress-lined pantry. Downstairs has a media room and 432-bottle wine cellar. This is an amazing business opportunity. $1,695,000.

Cypress Creek Cottages on Cypress Creek Texas Hill Country v Hays Co. v Wimberley


Currently a bed and breakfast operation, this property has two cabins on beautiful Cypress Creek about a mile from downtown Wimberley. Recent appraisal, current survey, phase one study and property assessment reports are available. An additional eight cabins across the street are also for sale. This site has many potential development possibilities! $445,000.

Wimberley Allison “AJ” Harwood, JD, MBA, GRI, Attorney, Real Estate Broker Wimberley, Texas

512 847-7653 office 512 857-8588 efax 713 668-7653 Houston direct www.AJsTexasHomes.com AJ@REMAX-Wimberley.com Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.


Woodcreek Resort Texas Hill Country v Hays Co. v Wimberley


This great redevelopment opportunity offers a former lodge/resort property in Wimberley, Texas, made up of four tracts totaling 21.027± acres (per survey). The resort includes a 21room lodge, pool, restaurant, waterfront cafe, tennis courts, laundry facilities, office space, waterfall and more. Property has tremendous commercial potential! $1,295,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

124 RMX_Wimberley.indd 124

5/17/06 1:35:32 PM


Whitebriar Farm is situated on 14 acres in the heart of Fredericksburg’s wineries. The architecture of the early settlers remains at the heart of this updated, nearly 3,000-squarefoot home, which was moved from Llano to its present location in 1980. The original structure dates back to the 1870s. Exposed beams, wainscoting, tall ceilings and two fireplaces make this a very cozy residence to call your own. A total of four bedrooms (all with exterior entrances) and three and one-half bathrooms allow for privacy for a large family. Some other amenities you find will be a classic barn, wildlife, horse-friendly soils and a lap pool. Take the virtual tour online or call Dennis for an appointment.

Whitebriar Farm Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Fredericksburg

Live Oak Creek Ranch Texas Hill Country Gillespie County v Fredericksburg


Live Oak Creek Ranch features 100 acres just outside the city limits with live water, productive soils and a spacious home in one package and ready to go! There are coastal Bermuda pastures for grazing or haying, a 4,000-squarefoot home with unique architectural features including a portion being an 1800s dog-trot log cabin, several outbuildings and a whole lot more. Take the virtual tour online, or call Dennis for an appointment.

Circle W Ranch Texas Hill Country v Gillespie County v Fredericksburg


The Circle W consists of 352 park-like acres in the heart of the Hill Country just west of Fredericksburg. Amenities include a German-style, 4,500-square-foot home consisting of three bedrooms and three and one-half baths with exposed timber trusses, rock interior walls and much more. The ranch also features a 2,500-square-foot guesthouse and a large barn with horse stalls. Other improvements include corrals, and about 60% of the ranch is high-fenced. Shown by appointment. Call Darlene or take the virtual tour online.

RE/MAX Town & Country 116 E. Austin Fredericksburg, TX 78629

830 990-8708 877 996-0099 www.remax-fbgtx.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

125 RMX_Town&Country.indd 125


5/18/06 4:27:50 PM

Live Springs Ranch Texas Hill Country Kerr County v Kerrville


These 20- to 60-acre ranchettes feature dramatic Hill Country views and live water. Native and exotic game wander the property. This property is near to the conveniences of town and designed for retirees and professionals as a full-time residence and/or weekend getaway. There are good restrictions. Bow hunting is

Tributary Ranch Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Mountain Home


These 1,800 acres are located near Kerrville, one hour from San Antonio, Texas. The property offers game-fenced perimeter, the large headwater spring of Johnson Creek, an enormous aquifer, abundance of native game and exotics, such as axis, red deer, black buck, etc. and long-distance Hill Country views. This property is suitable for an executive game ranch or a development. $4,500 per acre.

permitted; however, this is not a hunting lease for weekend warriors. The property is suitable for horses and hours of hiking and biking. Located an hour from San Antonio, Kerrville can be called a Texas paradise. Tracts and prices vary. Please call for information.

11,080±- Acre Sportsman’s Ranch Texas Hill Country v Kimble County v Junction


These 11,080 acres are located just out side of Junction, l.5 hours from San Antonio, Texas, and just minutes from the Junction Municipal Airport. There are rolling creek bottoms with large hardwoods and deep soil (fantastic for deer crops) and abundant native and exotic game. $2,000 per acre.

Affiliated with

306±-Acre Water Ranch Texas Hill Country Bandera County v Bandera


Build your dream home on this high-fenced

Graydon Vaught 830 792-4404 1028 East Main Kerrville, TX 78028 www.owntx.com


game ranch with a 20±-acre lake stocked with bass and managed for 25 years. Native whitetail and exotic animals are abundant on this property. Amenities include a landing strip and hangar. $9,300 per acre.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

126 TXHomestead_Vaught.indd 126

5/17/06 11:23:56 AM


Big Whitetail Ranch is 500± acres located approximately nine miles north of Bowie, Texas, along the eastern edge of Belknap Creek. It is surrounded by mature hardwoods, including oak, pecan, cedar elm and mesquite. This property has naturally produced whitetails that have been harvested, scoring over 150 B&C. Several large sheds have also been found on the ranch that would go Pope and Young. During normal rain conditions, Big Whitetail Ranch is proud of its 15-acre lake, which contains large bass, catfish, bluegill and crappie. Turkey and bobwhite quail are also abundant throughout

Big Whitetail Ranch Northwest Texas v Montague County v Bowie

the entire region, especially along Belknap Creek, which runs directly into the Red River only miles away. Tremendous improvements have also been made to this ranch in order to enhance the productivity on the livestock side, as well. $2,500/acre.


This Duck and Goose Paradise is 800± acres

Duck and Goose Paradise

of a waterfowlers’ dream, only one hour and

Texas Metroplex v Navarro County v Trinidad

fifteen minutes from downtown Dallas. This property is a state-of-the art, exceptionally designed, water fowler’s dream! With 200 acres of freshwater marsh, 200 acre/feet of water rights with electric pump station, six different marshes, Trinity River frontage, more than a mile of Cutoff Lake frontage and more than 600 acres protected from flooding by a Corps of Engineers levee, this property can be hunted up to three times a week without putting too much pressure on the ducks and geese. This prime hunting property also provides opportunities for bass fishing, wild hog and whitetail deer hunting, where 140-150 sized deer are not uncommon. Ideally located at the confluence of Cedar Creek and the Trinity

River, halfway between Cedar Creek Lake and Richland Chambers Reservoir, which are all major resting areas for waterfowl. $2,250/acre.


Waterfowl Heaven is 1,159± acres in the Sabine River Basin, a duck hunter’s paradise with over 700 acres of wetland habitats, including bottomland hardwoods, emergent wetlands, stock tanks, sloughs, beaver ponds and over 2.5

Waterfowl Heaven Northeast Texas Panola County v Carthage

miles of creek frontage. A stunning homesite with water and electricity sits on an elevated

Affiliated with

ridge overlooking the largest of the wetland complexes and the adjacent creek bottom. Texas Parks & Wildlife harvest data indicates that Panola County sustained the third highest duck harvest for the entire state during the 2004/2005 season. The area is abundant with quality white-tailed deer and feral hogs. Fishing

Jason C. Pettigrew

opportunities include largemouth bass, catfish

3231 Harwood Rd. Bedford, TX 76021

and crappie. This tract may be divided into two

866 800-LAND (5263)

separate parcels of 868 acres at $2,150/acre and 291 acres at $2,500/acre.

jasonp@nofencesland.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

127 NoFencesLandCo.indd 127


5/17/06 11:23:01 AM

Rancho de los Cazadores 1,200 Acres

South Texas v Zapata County v Zapata


This 1,200±-acre hunting ranch is between Laredo and Zapata in the “Golden Triangle” of South Texas. It enjoys a careful and responsible professional whitetail breeding program, which makes this hunting ranch second to none. There is an earthen stock tank, as well as water rights, which provide ample water for wildlife and domestic use. With the good soil, diverse brush, perimeter high fencing, quality Tecomate deer genetics and good road access, it would be difficult to find a better quality hunting ranch.

Rancho de Ciervo Grande South Texas v Zapata County v Zapata


Located in the “Golden Triangle” of South Texas and only 20 minutes south of Laredo, in an area of large ranches, this 2,200+-acre hunting ranch boasts quality whitetail deer with Tecomate

Wayne A. Cameron 7110 Highway 173 South Bandera, TX 78003-4611

800 210-LAND www.theranchgroup.com


genetics, plentiful dove, quail, turkey and hogs. The terrain is gently rolling sandy soil and is enhanced with numerous earthen stock tanks, good roads and excellent diverse brush. There are good elevations on the ranch with tremendous views. No minerals are available; however, there are water rights for livestock and domestic use. The ranch is perimeter high fenced and is easily accessible from Highway 83.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

128 TheRanchGroup.indd 128

5/17/06 1:50:00 PM

The Falls on Rancho Madrone Texas Hill Country v Hays County v Wimberley


This beautiful Tuscan Villa is tucked away deep in the foothills of Texas Hill Country’s fabled Devil’s Backbone. The property consist of 25 acres and the home is located at the headwaters of Pierce Creek which flows on three sides and features waterfalls that can be enjoyed off the main living deck. Pierce Creek meanders around the property through a small canyon and series of grottos creating several additional downstream waterfalls. The house was completed in late 2004 and the design features extensive use of glass, making the home light and airy and creating a feel of oneness with the surrounding outdoors. There are too many design features to list and the quality of the finishes is of the highest standards. The gourmet kitchen and great room features 20-foot ceilings and a massive adobe fireplace flanked by the 450-square-foot main living deck overlooking Pierce Creek. The property is professionally landscaped to blend perfectly with the natural setting. The Falls Ranch is both private and secluded, yet only 10 minutes from Wimberley Village and the Blanco River. Shown by appointment only to discerning buyers seeking a unique property in Wimberley Valley. This is the trophy home you have been searching for!

Carson Carey, Owner/Agent 866 666-6577 theLandCompany@AmanVerde.com www.AmanVerdeRealEstate.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

129 AmanVerdeRE.indd 129


5/22/06 9:54:45 AM

Mill Creek Hideaway


Texas Hill Country Bandera County v Vanderpool

This beautiful Hill Country setting consists of 20± acres and is located off Highway 337 near Vanderpool. It features both sides of cypresslined Mill Creek, and an abundance of live oaks are scattered throughout the property with numerous types of wildlife. A great building site with terrific views is located along the high bank overlooking crystal clear Mill Creek. The location of this beautiful property makes it a rare find. $350,000.

Texas Hunting and Recreational Ranch Texas Hill Country v Bandera Co. v Utopia


Strategically located in the Hill Country between Utopia and Tarpley, this ranch features strong springs, perimeter game fence and a rustic cabin. There are good proportions of grass-covered mountainsides, partially cleared mountaintops and long valleys with beautiful hardwoods. This is an outstanding hunting ranch with an abundance of native and exotic game animals. $2,800/acre. Call John 830 966-6112.


Associates Inc. Realtors® “Selling the Texas Hill Country for Three Generations”

Brandon Bownds Office: 830 966-6111•Fax: 830 966-6107 800 850-5969 HWY 187 N. • P.O. Box 617 • Utopia, TX 78884 www.bowndsrealtors.com


Near Lost Maples Texas Hill Country v Bandera County v Vanderpool


You won’t find a more picturesque ranch with a solid rock-bottom creek, natural waterfalls, springs and a concrete dam. Not far from Lost Maples State Park, this property has beautiful views and a four-bedroom, two-bath home with a large deck. Multiple types of game, such as turkey, hogs, whitetail deer and aoudad sheep call this ranch home. Native trees on the ranch include live oak, Spanish oak, post oak, cherry, madrone and cedar. A great combination of terrain, abundance of live water and improvements make this an excellent recreational or weekend retreat. $850,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

130 Bownds&Assoc.indd 130

5/17/06 3:20:37 PM

Cow Creek Ranch


Texas Hill Country v Burnet County v Burnet

This beautiful ranch covers 3,034Âą acres in Burnet County, Texas. There is an older rock cabin with a loft, four wells with pumps and three live creeks with numerous springs. The terrain is diverse with deep canyons and broad mesas. There are many different types of trees and brush, but the ranch is predominantly covered with live oak and some cedar. Tremendous views of the surrounding area include distant views of Lake Travis and Marble Falls, and the property has excellent hunting for deer, feral hogs and turkey. This is a beautiful private ranch that is approximately 45 minutes from Austin and would also make a good development property.

Grote Ranch Texas Hill Country v Mason County v Mason


Located approximately 35 miles northwest of Llano, Texas, this ranch has approximately 492 acres. This property is fairly flat on the west side then becomes more rolling the further east you go. There is quite a bit of native brush cover among the mesquite and oak trees and very little cedar. Along with a fairly large spring that is thought to never go dry, there is excellent hunting for deer, turkey and most wildlife native to the Hill Country. This is a very nice private piece of property with a good stand of grass and obviously well taken care of through the years.

307 Bessemer Llano, Texas 78643

325 247-3997 325 251-6671 www.frostymiller.com frosty@tstar.net Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

131 FrostyMiller.indd 131


5/17/06 11:22:07 AM

Reunion Creek Ranch 724 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Hunt


This ranch has the most beautiful setting along the creek that you will ever see! There are three creeks, three dams, many springs, hilltop views and it is only 2.4 miles west of Camp Waldemar. You can add Green Mountain Ranch if you want more acres!

Green Mountain Ranch 382 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Hunt


This ranch has the most beautiful views you will ever see and is across the county road from Reunion Creek. There are two water wells, a hilltop ranch house and springs/seasonal creeks. Adjoining is another 300 acres that can be added for a total of about 681 acres.


19319 Strauss San Antonio, TX 78256

210 698-2245 www.nisbetranchsales.com


Hills of Madrone Ranch 499.98 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Blanco County v Blanco


This residence features breathtaking views and is situated on one of five hilltops on this ranch. There is another residence, several ponds, a trickling spring, cedar-free, grass runway and is high-fenced with some exotic game. Investors, this ranch has plat approval for 16 parcels.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

132 DavidNisbet.indd 132

5/23/06 11:50:09 AM


This is one of the most unique properties in the Hill Country! One-of-a-kind improvements will make you feel at home as soon as you step through the front door of the cozy twobedroom, two-bath main home. This home has a large open living room with a fireplace and a South American hardwood deck in the rear of the home, with a spa area surrounded by trees. There is a guest home on Broken Horn Ranch that is also a two-bedroom two-bath, with a large outdoor fire pit. The barn/workshop has

Broken Horn Ranch 1,000 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Mason County v Mason

all the extras, including a covered mezzanine for storage. On the south end of the ranch, there are strong, permanent springs, two operating windmills and a large cistern. Views on the property are magnificent and one-of-a-kind. This ranch is rich with wildlife and has an excellent variety of birdlife, as well. The Broken Horn has been game managed for six years and is reaping the benefits. If you are looking for a unique piece of property, conveniently located between, Mason, Kerrville, Harper and Fredericksburg, come take a look at this Hill Country Jewel.


These are stunning 30- to 80-acre ranches just west of Llano, on or near Pecan Creek. This is the newest and finest gated ranch community in Llano. There is a water well on every piece of property. Each ranch will be secluded and private with paved road frontage and all the conveniences of being close to town. These ranches have abundant wildlife and plenty of room for your dream home. If you are looking for that perfect piece of land with all the Hill Country views you could ask for, take a look at Rough Hollow Ranch and see what it has to offer. You won’t be disappointed! Call for individual ranch details.

Rough Hollow Ranch 30 to 80 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Llano Co. v Llano


This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for the hunting enthusiast or someone looking for a great investment. Hoof-n-Horns Ranch, in Mills County on gently rolling terrain, is loaded with improvements and extras too numerous to mention. Just a few of the extras are a beautiful spacious main home, large hunting lodge, smaller lodge, seminar/office facility, hay barn, equipment barn, outdoor kitchen, miles of high fence and much more! The 1100± acres not part of the deer breeding facility are loaded with quail, dove, turkey, trophy-exotics and a lake stocked with catfish, bass and brim. Hoof-N-Horns generates a number of sales, whether in the sportsman hunts or in the deer breeding stock, there is a great amount of positive income. This is a fantastic opportunity to own

Hoof-N-Horns Ranch 1443 Acres

Central Texas v Mills County

this successful and knowledgeable ranch. The seller is willing to help the buyer get started in this venture, and current employees are ready and willing, as well. The new owner just needs to pack a suitcase when they buy this deal. Call for an appointment today!

Elm Creek Ranch 356± Acres

Texas Hill Country v Mason County v Mason


This property will take you back in time. Located on Elm Creek, there are two beautifully remodeled homes. One was originally built in 1877 and has been refurbished to its original form. This twostory, two-bedroom, two- and one-half-bath home offers interior rock walls, a great fireplace and lots of added charm. There is a large covered back porch with views of the creek. Across the creek is another home with two bedrooms, two baths, a fabulous outdoor cooking area and a two-car carport. Elm Creek Ranch also has a 40- by 60-foot barn and a 2.25-acre breeding pen with nine does and a buck. The ranch has been high fenced for three years and game managed for eight. This ranch is ready-made, with lots of extra appeal. If you are looking for a hunting retreat or a new place to call home, this is it. Come take a look or call for more details.

Terry Wootan, Broker 830 285-5711 cell Joe David Yates, Assoc. 512 567-3036 cell 325 247-5711 office 325 247-3052 fax 506 West Young Llano, TX 78643 Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

133 TerryWootan.indd 133


5/17/06 11:40:56 AM

Round Mountain Ranch Nineteen, 25 Acre Estate Ranches

Texas Hill Country v Blanco County v Round Mountain


“The Premier Estate Ranches of the Texas Hill Country,” Round Mountain Ranch is a 475-acre development of the most beautiful land the Texas Hill Country has to offer. Stunning hilltop views, remarkable sunrises fading into breathtaking sunsets, majestic oak-covered hillsides, native grass pasturelands, seasonal creeks, turn-of-the-century greystone rock walls and the headwaters of the famous Double Horn Creek give this property characteristics unlike anything you have ever experienced in the Hill Country. Abundant native wildlife, including the whitetail deer, Rio Grande turkey, red fox, morning dove, bobwhite quail and numerous species of waterfowl call Round Mountain Ranch home. A large herd of Blackbuck Antelope roams the plains of this very special ranch. Round Mountain Ranch is one of the finest ranch communities in the Texas Hill Country. We are offering 19 exclusive 25-acre estate ranches, each with its own unique homesite. From paved roads with concrete ribbons to the highest of restrictive covenants, to our exclusive wildlife tax exemption, Round Mountain Ranch promises to maintain its premier property values for years to come. Enjoy the security, serenity and exclusivity of this special gated community. Round Mountain Ranch is conveniently located just off US 281, between Johnson City and Marble Falls. We are only a short drive from Austin, San Antonio and Fredericksburg and only minutes away from the beautiful Highland Lakes, as well as the world-renowned Horseshoe Bay Golf Resort. A visit to Round Mountain Ranch will leave you longing for a piece of Texas Heaven to call your own. With prices starting from $250,000, these 19 exclusive ranches will not last long.

“Gateway to Texas Heaven” Ken Butschek, Broker 512 413-1788 Tommy Cain, Agent 512 263-1206 www.roundmountainranch.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

134 RoundMtRanch.indd 134

5/17/06 11:40:09 AM


Enter this incredible 20±-acre gentleman’s ranch through gated entry, then drive up the meandering, paved drive. The prestigious main house is 30 minutes west of Austin, 4,312± square feet and overlooks the inviting stock pond. The home is beautifully appointed with gourmet kitchen with Sub-Zero refrigerator, Thermador gas cook top, porcelain trough farm sink, tumbled stone backsplash, granite counter and island top, Old World ceramic tile floors and built-in wine storage cooler and ice

Phenomenal Views!

maker. The “Texas” family room sports cedar

Texas Hill Country v Hays County v Dripping Springs

stone fireplace. The garden apartment is 1,000±

wainscoting designer stucco walls and a large square feet and is adjacent to the main home.

The estate is complete with expansive decks, in-ground pool, dressage arena and a seven-stall barn with hot water, tack room, kitchen and wash rack. This ranch offers the buyer the opportunity to purchase one of the Hill Country’s finest equestrian properties. Rarely does a view property like this one become available! MLS# 8176425. $939,900. www.toursmith.com/property.asp?id=765


Surrounded by rolling terrain and tree-covered hills, this classic estate, only 20 minutes west of Austin, includes a white limestone main residence (3,500± square feet) and detached guesthouse (900± square feet), as well as a workshop and a raised bed garden area with greenhouse.




efficient floor plan, energy efficiency, wireless Internet,





Texas Chic

complete home automation, whole-house surround sound, gourmet kitchen with cook top, two convection ovens, built-in steamer,

Texas Hill Country v Hays County v Dripping Springs

granite countertops throughout, home theater, 10-foot ceilings and 500-gallon in-ground propane tank and rainwater collection system (54,000 gallon storage tank). Tank could be an easy pool conversion. MLS# 3340482. $746,390. www.toursmith.com/property.asp?id=429

Showplace Home Texas Hill Country v Hays County v Dripping Springs


Experience casual elegance in the Hill Country. This 9.99±-acre estate, 20 minutes from Austin, boasts hundreds of oak trees and backs to a sparkling wet-weather creek. Gated, fenced and crossfenced, this lovely ranch features a stately 4,169±-square-foot home, a five-stall barn with tack room and an oversized, in-ground, lap/sport pool. The home has an open floor plan, three living areas, great room with fireplace, home office, media room and an enormous country kitchen with island and spacious breakfast bar. Four bedrooms and four baths plus breakfast and formal dining facilitate the flow of daily routines. MLS# 4423047. $699,900. www.toursmith.com/property.asp?id=767

Stanberry & Associates Terese Peabody 400 Highway 290, Suite B-101 Dripping Springs, TX 78620

512 894-3488 Terese@stanberry.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

135 Stanberry&Assoc.indd 135


5/22/06 2:55:02 PM


These 2,230± acres are located in La Salle County, approximately 25 miles southeast of Cotulla on Highway 624 and Cameron Lane. The property may be sold as a whole or as a 1,000-acre tract that may be sold with the improvements with an option on the balance. Seller financing is

Cameron Ranch

available. Once owned by Pat Welder, this is the

1,000 - 2,230 Acres

headquarters of the famous Cameron and Dobie Ranch, known for the exceptional whitetail deer

South Texas v La Salle County v Cotulla

population. There are excellent whitetail genetics,

including drop tines; other game include axis, hogs, mountain lion, turkey, dove, quail and other varmints. The land is typical South Texas brush with an abundance of mesquite, black brush, guajilla, guayacan and granjeno. There is a large stocked lake (approximately 80 acres when full) near the headquarters compound. There is a catfish pond, which is about 30 feet deep when full and is loaded with big catfish. There are about 30 to 40 acres of fields that have been used for commercial dove hunts and deer hunting. Improvements include a 4,000±-square-foot main house is a 1950s brick home with tile floors, two large bedrooms with tile baths and dressing areas, a main living room with a huge petrified wood fireplace and antique wagon wheel chandelier, television room with fireplace and half-bath and a large dining room with a game area on the side, a small bunkhouse sleeps four, a large bunkhouse sleeps 15, camp kitchen, two-bedroom foreman’s house, helicopter pad and much more. $1,795 per acre.

Frio River Ranch

380± Acres

South Texas v Frio County Pearsall and Dilley

South Texas Paradise South Texas v La Salle County v Cotulla


Hidden in the heart of South Texas is this magnificent tropical paradise. Built on 238 acres three miles west of Cotulla is a 3,400-square-foot home with five/four bedrooms, three baths, stone


This is a rare find on the Frio River, a little over an hour from San Antonio, Texas. Beautiful oak trees canopy over the river to create a parklike setting. The balance of the ranch is native brush. There are two water wells and one stock tank, five food plots, two sides are high fenced, no minerals and paved frontage. This is the

fireplace, European ceramic tile flooring, custom hardwood cabinetry, game room and study. Perfect for entertaining, it also includes a three-car carport, which also doubles as an entertainment area/dance floor. In addition, there is a pool with spa and waterfall, patio and barbecue pit. The ranch also includes five pipe horse stalls, cattle pens with troughs, horse barn with tack and feed room. There is an abundance of wildlife on the property, including dove and quail, wild hogs and whitetail deer. The property is perfect for a weekend getaway or permanent residence. Seller will consider selling the home with smaller amount of acreage. Price reduced $650,000.

prettiest ranch on the market in South Texas. $2,595/acre.

Bear Creek Ranch 250± Acres

Texas Hill Country Kendall & Kerr Counties v Fredericksburg

Tina McCelvey, Broker 210 495-TINA (8462) www.TexasRanchGirl.com Tina@TexasRanchGirl.com



This magnificent property in Kendall and Kerr Counties fronts for almost one mile on Highway 87 between Fredericksburg and Comfort. The beautiful oak trees, spring-fed creek, and abundant wild game make this a Hill Country gem. For a private estate or a fabulous development, this familyowned property on the market for the first time is something you must see. $3,750,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

136 TinaMcCelvey.indd 136

5/24/06 5:23:12 PM

Spectacular Corporate Retreat/Family Compound


West Texas v Val Verde County v Del Rio

This 9,100-acre water and wildlife paradise is located southeast of Del Rio, Texas, with vast fertile bottomland, large mature oak mottes, rolling brushy ridges, high bluffs and deep creek beds with crystal-clear water. A 30+-acre private lake allows for excellent fishing and waterfowl hunting. Known nationally and internationally as one of the finest native and exotic game ranches in the country. The three-bedroom, three-bath main ranch house, the trophy lodge and swimming pool are positioned on a bluff overlooking Sycamore Creek. For more information on this property, business or additional pictures, go to www.SycamoreCreekRanch.com.

Kimberly Terk Murphy P.O. Box 980 Fredericksburg, Texas 78624

830 456-7711 phone 830 997-0016 fax Sycamore@Austin.rr.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

137 MurphyCo.indd 137


5/22/06 5:46:21 PM

Coleman County Game Ranch Northwest Texas v Coleman County v Coleman


These 462 acres are just 30 minutes from Coleman and 10 minutes from fishing mecca, beautiful OH Ivie in southwest Coleman County. The ranch is completely high-fenced with a highly improved deer herd, including three-year-old stud bucks in the 160-class range and other wildlife galore. Other improvements on the ranch include a 50' by 120' equipment shed and RV shed which is 60' by 50'. The ranch house is a warm and homey five-bedroom, two-bath rock home with panoramic views of Elm Creek to the southwest. Knotty pine accents, rock fireplace, vaulted ceiling and ceramic tile floors complete the open kitchen and den area, while the master bedroom boasts Pergo flooring. Other features of this comfortable spread include a 3,600-squarefoot shop, an office and guest quarters which include four bedrooms, one and one-half baths, full kitchen and a 10' by 10' walk-in gun vault. This is a perfect place to raise a family or entertain your hunting and fishing friends. Call Ted Taylor at 325 214-0543. Property #894.

A Name you know - A Name you can count on!

112 Commercial Coleman, TX 76834

325 625-4112 800 625-4117 toll free www.taylor-realty-coleman.com


Prime Coleman County Hunting Property Northwest Texas v Coleman County v Coleman


Just waiting for your purchase, this property has a 22-acre conservation lake, two stock tanks, beautiful views and great hunting with plenty of quail, dove, turkey and deer. There are two 10acre food plots, perfect for bird hunting and good fishing. This property is located off Highway 67, between Coleman and Valera. Set up and showing with Ted Taylor at 325 214-0543 or Kim Horne at 325 636-4400. Property #887.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

138 TaylorRE.indd 138

5/18/06 2:17:22 PM


This great Hill Country ranch offers tons of wildlife. Axis, fallow, mouflon and aoudad roam the hills and valleys, not to mention whitetail, turkey and hogs. Live oaks are everywhere, plus other various types of trees and cover found in the Texas Hill Country. This ranch has great county road frontage, a well, electricity and

Edwards County Ranch

348 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Edwards County v Rocksprings


This outstanding ranch is located in a lush valley with tons of grass and excellent wildlife browse only minutes from Uvalde or Brackettville. The property is in an area that has both South Texas brush and Hill Country views with whitetail,

two seasonal creeks with seep springs. The property is only three miles west of Highway 55, and the adjoining 486 acres can be added if needed. Come look today; it will not last long. $1,125 per acre.

Kinney County Ranch 1,558 acres

Central Texas v Kinney County v Brackettville

free-ranging axis, blackbuck, turkey, hogs and great bird hunting waiting for you. Electricity crosses the ranch, and a well is in place for your use. The property is high-fenced on two sides and has highway frontage. If you are in the market for a good ranch at a good price, you will buy this one. This is an exceptional property priced at an affordable $795 per acre.

Fort Bend County Ranch 99 Acres

Southeast Texas Fort Bend County v Brazos Bend


This fantastic ranch in southern Fort Bend County is a great tract for subdivision potential or would make a wonderful home place. With one mile of paved county road frontage, improved pasture and large oak and pecan trees, this property offers easy access to Houston, 15 minutes to Sugar Land or 35 minutes to is in the Needville School District. 25 acres or

Quality Texas Ranches 615 Highway 90 E. Brackettville, TX 78832

more for $7,995 per acre. Owner financing is

830 563-9911 • 830 563-3533 fax

the Medical Center (via 288). This property

possible! Owner/Broker

www.Tejas-Properties.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

139 TejasProperties.indd 139


5/18/06 2:19:42 PM

San Roman Ranch


South Texas v Webb County v Laredo This historical ranch is located 32 miles north of Laredo, Texas, and is assessable by the San Roman Interchange. This ranch has been game managed and operated by one owner since 1928 and 160- to 170-class whitetail deer are not uncommon for this area. Game management has been the key to producing many Boone and Crocket deer, in addition to an abundance of quail, dove, turkey hogs and javelina. Water is plentiful through out the entire ranch, including many large and small stock tanks and water wells. Water depths vary anywhere from 350 to 550 feet below the surface. The soil ranges from a dark red sandy loam to a light red in color. This type of soil, along with the water depth, produces a great habitat for wildlife. There are numerous homes situated on the ranch with areas especially for outdoor entertaining. The ranch may be sold as 9,300Âą acres or can be divided into several different pastures. Divisions are as follows: West pasture: 455 acres, 500 acres, 1,235 acres, 1,405 acres, 2,700 acres (with quarters). East pasture: 1,480 acres, 1,544 acres, 1,590 acres, 3,200 acres, 5,000 acres. Please call for details or to view any of our fine properties.

Oscar O. Martinez, Jr., Agent 1511 Serene Drive • Laredo, TX 78045

956 237-8310 laredocountry2002@yahoo.com www.southtxhuntingranches4sale.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

140 BorderRealty.indd 140

5/17/06 4:06:16 PM

Comanche County Ranch


Central Texas v Comanche County v Brownwood

Easily accessible to Dallas-Fort Worth, Austin, San Antonio and the Hill Country, this 756-acre Comanche County ranch is loaded with possibilities. Rich in wildlife, this property offers great deer, turkey, dove and quail hunting. Heavily wooded with large live oak, red oak, post oak, elm, pecan and red bud trees, as well as native brush, browse and grass, the wildlife find plenty of food and shelter both on the hilltops and in the creek bottoms. This unique property features spectacular views, a seasonal creek, five stock tanks, three water wells, good to excellent fences, a metal barn, stock pens, paved access and a two-bedroom, two-bath cabin (nearly new mobile home). $1,927,800.

Larry Guthrie, Owner/Agent Jody Guthrie, Broker Coleman, TX 76834

325 624-5292 www.ranchandhuntingland.com guthrie@web-access.net Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

141 Ranch&Hunting.indd 141


5/17/06 11:38:10 AM

Plum Grove Road Package 1,123Âą and 7,544Âą Acres

Southeast Texas v Harris, Montgomery & Liberty Counties v New Caney


These two contiguous properties are for sale in Southeast Texas. The East Fork Tract is within 25 driving miles north of Houston in the Plum Grove area, approximately seven miles east of the Highway 59/FM 1485 intersection (New Caney Exit). This excellent investment offers a mile of high-bank frontage on the East Fork of the San Jacinto River, pine and hardwood timber and FM 1010 frontage (Plum Grove Road). For development potential, The Commons on Lake Houston Subdivision is to the south of the property. East Fork Tract is offered for $3,500 per acre. The Luce Bayou Tract is directly east of the above-mentioned East Fork Tract. The west side of property fronts FM 1010 and the east side fronts Luce Bayou. There is excellent hunting, pine and hardwood timber and subdivision potential. $2,500 per acre. BROKERS PROTECTED.

850 231-5119 www.cplandco.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

142 HS_Tejas.indd 142

5/17/06 1:52:44 PM

Kerr County Ranch 484 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Kerr County v Kerrville


This wonderful water property is within minutes of Kerrville or historic Camp Verde for easy access to town. The ranch has paved access and a nice older rock home. There are fields for grazing or haymaking and big, high hilltops for fantastic views of the surrounding areas along with valleys and creek frontage. Crystal-clear rock bottoms can be found along with cascading waterfalls, ledges and an area for a lake on the ranch. One-of-a-kind with both sides of the creek, this one won’t last long. Call for your showing!

Santa Clara Ranch 23,000 Acres

Southwest Texas v Val Verde County v Langtry


Don’t miss out on an opportunity to own a large parcel of West Texas. Close to Mexico, Big Bend National Park and beautiful Lake Amistad provide an area rich in recreational activities. Over eight miles of Highway 90 run through the ranch for easy access to both sides of the ranch. There is excellent hunting for whitetail deer, quail, javelin, turkey and occasionally a mule deer. There are wide draws and large canyons with the typical Trans-Pecos terrain. The ranch is equipped with working livestock facilities for cattle or sheep, adequate water resources with water

lines and troughs and good fencing. The Santa Clara ranch also has state classified minerals on 5,036 acres. $5,175,000.

Stockade Ranch 400+ Acres

Central Texas v Bastrop County v Paige


Looking for a great horse or cattle ranch close to Austin? This ranch has been developed and operated by the current owners for more than 35 years. The sandy loam soils and gently rolling terrain have been established for coastal Bermuda and managed for maximum efficient cattle, horse and hay production. The entrance to the ranch is located 35 miles east of Austin. This property is with three bedrooms, three baths, three fireplaces, formal dining room, large family room with glass

Kenneth & Nancy Wendland, Brokers

across entire front that will provide viewing of the entire ranch from the hilltop location. Other

P.O. Box 291157 • Kerrville, TX 78029

improvements include a manager’s house, horse barns, covered arena, equipment barns, livestock

830 896-8410 • 888 896-1411

highly improved, and all facilities are in very good condition. The main house is 3,600 square feet

facilities and three large spring-fed lakes. This is a great investment opportunity! $3,500,000.

www.wendland-associates.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

143 Wendland.indd 143


5/17/06 12:50:48 PM


This premier ranch features scenic rolling terrain with beautiful pecan and hardwood trees, springfed creek and ponds. At the heart of this highly improved property is a 5,500square-foot main residence. Originally built in the 1960s, the owners completely renovated this stunning home in 1997. It features an open floor plan that is perfect for entertaining and a first-class kitchen that is a cook’s dream. There is a large wood-burning fireplace and extensive




throughout. The spacious patio with built-ins will more than accommodate your outdoor get-togethers. You and your guests will stay cool all summer in the 54' by 23' heated pool with spa. The park-like grounds feature an old

Circle J Ranch

2,160-square-foot farmhouse that has been converted into guest quarters and an exercise

128 Acres

room. Additional improvements include 3

Central Texas v Waller County v Hempstead

large barns, a large equipment shed, several outbuildings, loafing sheds, two bunkhouses

and a bathhouse. This gorgeous property is fenced and cross-fenced. Potential for horse or cattle operation, dude ranch, bed and breakfast or retreat center. Perfect for the gentleman rancher. Additional acreage is available up to 328 acres total. It has long frontage on two roads, including US Highway 290 and offers easy access to Brenham, Bryan-College Station and Houston. This is truly a one-of-a-kind property where endless opportunities abound! Offered at $2,264,000.

Waller County Land Company

704 10th St., Hempstead, TX 77445

979 826-4133 • 281 391-5600 P.O. Box 1274, Waller, TX 77484

936 372-9181 • 281 373-5555 www.wallercountyland.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

144 WallerCountyLandCo.indd 144

5/17/06 1:55:06 PM

La Mision


Central Texas v Brown County v Brownwood

Aptly named for its Spanish mission-styled construction, La Mision is one of the most captivating hillside properties in Central Texas. The 26-acre estate commands panoramic views of live oak-lined hills and Brownwood Country Club. The 6,421-square-foot main home features a Lueders-stoned exterior, red clay-tiled roof, airy porte-cochere, antique solid wood interior doors and three-car garage. The downstairs includes five bedrooms and four and onehalf baths. Upstairs is a complete efficiency apartment. Enjoy summer evenings fishing the two large clear-water ponds, relaxing in the vanishing-edge pool or entertaining under the spacious, Saltillo-tiled veranda. Mesquite hardwood floors run throughout the home. Five gas-lit fireplaces, each carved from antique Mexican stone, warm the dining, living, study, master suite and patio areas. The commercial-grade kitchen includes a Wolf six-burner gas range and griddle, two Bosch stainless steel dishwashers, Thermador double oven, icemaker, two stainless-steel Sub-zero TR700 refrigerators with two matching Sub-zero TF700 freezers—both with upper cabinets and lower drawers. The 1,936-square-foot guest quarter includes three bedrooms, two and one-half baths, fireplace, five-car garage, two-car carport and a wonderful hilltop view of Central Texas. A covered observation deck for late-evening stargazing tops a concrete-clad storm room ideally suited for extra storage. Secluded, yet conveniently located minutes from town, the medical center and the surrounding Texas Hill Country. $2,500,000.

Colorado River Ranch


Central Texas v Mills County v Brownwood

More than a mile of deep-watered Colorado River frontage winds through this scenic, end-ofthe-road hunting ranch in far western Mills County. The perfect combination ranch—owned by the same family for more than 50 years—includes more than 733 acres with a productive 60acre coastal Bermuda field, several large stock tanks, working pens and a clean hunter’s cabin complete with kitchen, bath, satellite television, electricity and water supplied by a nearby well. A deep-cut, tree-covered draw separating two fields drains into the Colorado, providing sanctuary to hundreds of whitetail deer and wild turkey. The upland terrain includes rolling hills covered in mesquite, white brush, oaks and cedar elm. The fertile lowland bottoms include gently rolling to level terrain for planting food plots or crops. The river is canopied by mature cottonwood, live oak, post oak, cedar elm and pecan trees. Countless Indian artifacts can be found along the river’s edge. Located 20 minutes south of Brownwood and less than one mile from paved FM 586, the ranch is accessed via unpaved County Road 441. The road ends at the ranch gate, and a rural water line is less than one-half mile from the ranch entry. The owner will convey all owned minerals - believed to be 50 percent. Centrally located, the ranch is an easy two- to three-hour drive from Dallas/Fort Worth, Austin, Abilene, San Antonio and Midland/Odessa. $2,017,180.

114 Early Boulevard Early, TX 76802

325 646-4186 office 325 642-1869 cell ross@ross-realestate.com www.ross-realestate.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

145 RossSetzler.indd 145


5/17/06 3:44:44 PM


Heart of Austin on Barton Creek

Texas Hill Country Hayes County v Dripping Springs

These 350± acres represent the picture-perfect Central Texas Hill Country. Austin’s notable and favored Barton Creek winds through the verdant green pasture land for about .5mile. Enjoy cool deep stone swimming holes and natural waterfalls of pristine, spring-fed water! This land boasts a bit of everything that the Hill Country can offer. Upper pasture areas are lush with natural grasses, live oak, elm and pecan trees, and are bristling with additional live water, native deer and wild turkey. A very rare oasis, this ranch is surrounded on three sides by conservation land and has a state-of-the-art rainwater collection system, fenced horse pastures and a 20,000-square-foot covered arena. Imagine this kind of tranquility and privacy just three minutes from downtown Dripping Springs, exemplary schools, shops and restaurants, and only 20 minutes to South Austin’s music venues, golf courses and all the amenities that Austin is famous for. $4,900,000.

Capitol Area Realty Austin Area Ranch and Waterfront Specialist

Nancy Hiller 512 791-2910 800 749-8765 hillerproperties@cs.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

146 CapitolArea.indd 146

5/17/06 11:36:26 AM

Leon River Cherry Creek - Lago Vista Central Texas v Travis County v Cedar Park


Central Texas Hamilton County v Jonesboro


Enjoy scenic Central Texas riverfront acreage from this beautiful ranch with a combination

These 102 acres of rolling hills and hidden valleys are minutes from Austin. This unique grotto of scenic wooded areas and nice meadows. has a waterfall hidden deep in one of the canyons. You can own both sides of scenic Cherry

Towering pecan trees line the one-half mile of

Creek with several outstanding building sites. This property is priced to sell at $4,578 per acre.

Leon River frontage. This is the best deal around

Properties of this quality and diversity so close to Austin are rare.

on quality river frontage at $2,875 per acre.

Kinney County Hunting Ranches Central Texas v Kinney County v Uvalde


This area is where South Texas brush meets the Hill Country. These ranches feature good brush, great deer and nice oaks in the draws. 2,845 acres with great views, oaks and an old headquarters complex for $895 per acre (cash). 1,600 acres with a spring hidden in a wooded canyon, nice oaks and brush for $985 per acre (cash). 4,420 acres with old headquarters and spring $795 per acre (cash). Owner financing is possible.

Putman Mountain Texas Hill Country v Llano County v Fredericksburg


Classic Hill Country views accent this rolling wooded property just north of Fredericksburg. With lots of deer and exotics, this 143-acre property is offered for $3,575 per acre (cash) or 75 acres for $3,985 per acre (cash). Owner financing is available.

Creekside Rural Investments 500 Log Cabin Road Mertzon, TX 76941

325 632-2423 For additional properties see: www.creeksiderural.com cri@zipnet.us Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

147 Creekside.indd 147


5/17/06 11:35:36 AM


Rolling hills and scenic views highlight this 23-acre Mediterranean gated estate. Vaulted ceilings, intricate stonework and art niches accentuate the home with an open gourmet kitchen and luxurious master suite. The property includes a one-bedroom, one-bath detached guest home with same high-end finish as the main home. The wonderfully landscaped exterior includes a stunning 60-foot lap pool with waterfall and fountains, along with a sound system and lighting throughout

Eventide Ranch

the grounds. Two fenced pastures and a large

Central Texas v Travis County v Austin

Only 20 minutes to downtown Austin and 25

storage barn complete this picturesque ranch. minutes to the airport. Offered at $1,500,000.

Wavesong Ranch Texas Hill Country v Burnett Co. v Spicewood


With nearly a mile of deep waterfront in the beautiful Cooper’s Bend area of Lake Travis, this phenomenal property offers the privacy of lakeside living in a park-like setting. Once a primitive LCRA camp, this gated ranch is teeming with wildlife and tall, mature trees

Colorado River Ranch Central Texas v Travis County v Smithville

throughout the 102 acres of manicured grounds. A majority of the gentle sloping terrain lies within the flood plain, with sandy beaches and panoramic views of the Hill Country and lake for miles. The ranch includes a new 8,000-square-foot barn. Offered at $3,000,000.


Incredible views and over 1,000 feet of Colorado River frontage highlight these 70 acres of fenced meadows. From a cliff overlooking the river to a tranquil oak grove near the 200 feet of shoreline, the property offers access to some of the best live water in Central Texas. Buildings include a 6,000-square-foot metal barn, as well as a single-wide mobile home. Located minutes from Highway 71, about 10 minutes east of Smithville. Offered at $399,000.

Rancho Mirando Specializing in Ranches, Waterfront and Estate Properties

Dave Murray 9442 N. Capital of Texas Hwy. Arboretum Plaza One, Ste. 600 Austin, TX 78759



Central Texas v Comal County v Fischer

A 2,630-acre ranch with Texas blue rock exterior on 50 private, gated acres surrounds a handbuilt custom Spanish mission home with Santa Fe interiors, a kiva-style library and spacious great room with wood beam ceiling looking onto the surrounding Hill Country and tile courtyard with fountain. Custom touches include a tile courtyard with fountain, native honeycomb rock

512 751-6060

walkways and pavilion—perfect for entertaining. The surrounding land consists of big oaks,

Dave@dmtx.com www.dmtx.com

Lake, 10 minutes to Wimberley and 15 minutes to San Marcos. $1,395,000.

native pasture and a 1,200-square-foot barn with utilities. This ranch is five minutes from Canyon

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

148 CBUnited.indd 148

5/17/06 12:50:02 PM

Windmill Hill Farms Central Texas v Fayette County v La Grange


Picturesque 150±-acre farm just outside the quaint town of La Grange and centrally located between Austin and Houston. The new construction of the spacious custom home incorporates an original 132-year-old stone home and features three bedrooms and three baths. A large metal barn with RV accommodations, milk barn, equipment shed, historic corn crib and restored, functioning outhouse add to the country charm. The spectacular setting of five ponds, seasonal creek, beautiful, rolling terrain and grand views make this the quintessential property. $1,540,000.

Rolling Hills West Sandy Creek Ranch Central Texas v Colorado County v Weimar


Central Texas Washington County v Brenham


This beautiful 160±-acre ranch features rolling hills, grand views and two ponds. One of the

This ranch offers a peaceful 57±-acre setting with heavy woods and trails for exploring or ponds has a pier for great fishing and loads of watching the abundant deer and wildlife and a 2±-acre stocked pond with covered fishing

family fun. The location is convenient to town

pier. The main home was built in 1998 and offers three bedrooms, two and one-half baths for shopping and is centrally located between with antique, stained glass transoms, massive rock fireplace, open and flowing floor plan and Bryan-College Station, Houston and Austin. spacious kitchen with lots of windows. There are two guest homes, one of which is a renovated This is the perfect place to build your country 1800s cottage. The property is complete with a workshop and tractor shed. $659,900.

dream. $800,000.

Whitley Ranch Central Texas v Fayette County v Shelby


Whitley Ranch offers lush, rolling terrain with gorgeous scattered 200 to 500-year-old live oaks on this 162±-acre spread. Impressive, tree-lined entrance to your new homesite with views that stretch for miles under the canopy of stars deep in the heart of Texas. This primo property features an incredible barn any horseman would be proud to own, three slick wire pastures for your prized horses or cattle, live creek, wonderful interior roads and two guest farmhouses. This ideal country estate is centrally located between Houston and Austin. $2,200,000.

888 663-6461 Brenham 888 663-6469 Bellville 888 663-6467 Round Top 888 663-6440 La Grange www.E-CountryProperty.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

149 HeritageTX.indd 149


5/22/06 9:56:06 AM

Honey Hollow Ranch 352 Acres


Texas Metroplex Jack & Wise Counties v Runaway Bay

Honey Hollow Ranch is located in Jack and Wise Counties, one hour from DFW Airport. This ranch is ideal for corporate retreats with corporate team training facilities, large party room, 8,500-square-foot, two-story log home with all-cedar interior, separate bunk house, large restroom and shower facilities with separate stalls, lighted horse arena, highway frontage. $3,000,000.

Fred Calhoun Realty Fred Calhoun 111 West Belknap Jacksboro, TX 76458

940 567-2611 940 567-2534 fax fred@fredcalhounrealty.com


Dancing Oaks Ranch 500 Acres

Northwest Texas v Jack County v Gibtown


Coastal and improved grass covers 200 acres of Dancing Oaks Ranch in southeastern Jack County. The property features 10 tanks, two water wells, five rental cabins, 64' by 160' horse barn with 32 stalls and 20 outside runs, 150' by 300' covered and lighted horse training and roping arena, large tack room, office, three apartments and eight horse pens with loafing sheds, 5 RV pull throughs with water and electricity, 3 bedroom frame manager’s home. $5,000,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

150 FredCalhoun.indd 150

5/18/06 4:23:32 PM

Rolling Bluebonnet Hills Central Texas Washington County v Washington


This property is premier for development and consists of 514± acres near historical Washington-on-the-Brazos.



features rolling terrain, woods, thickets, ponds, native trees, panoramic vistas, numerous water sources and approximately two miles of hardtop road frontage. The home on the property dates from the 1870s. The owner will divide.

Nickel Ranch Central Texas v Gonzales Co. v Gonzales


Nickel Ranch is a meticulously maintained and beautiful 170.13±-acre property centrally located between Houston, Austin and San Antonio. The property features the main house, guesthouse and pool house with apartment. Other amenities include mature scattered trees, barns, improved pastures, woods and ponds. This is an exceptional property!

Sultan’s Ridge Central Texas v Washington County v Brenham


These 96± high rolling acres feature a spacious 3,260±-square-foot main home with brick and Hardiplank exterior. Other amenities include panoramic views, barns, mature trees, pond, guest home and recreation house. Owner will divide.

101 North St. Charles Brenham, TX 77833

979 836-1002 www.kennedycountry.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

151 KennedyCountry.indd 151


5/17/06 10:05:38 AM

Fisk Ranch 940± Acres

Northwest Texas v Coleman County v Coleman


This estate is being offered for sale for the first time since 1912. The ranch has two homes with existing water meters. This year’s quail numbers are amazing and the migratory bird hunting is just as good and there is a healthy population of deer and turkey. Sorry no wild hogs. Beautiful hilltop views looking north, east and south with elevation changes of 150 feet or more. Several large ponds on the ranch are stocked with bass and crappie. Minerals to convey. No oil production. If you like to hunt and fish you must see this place. $1,525/acre.

Happy Valley Ranch 574± Acres

Northwest Texas v Taylor County v Abilene


Happy Valley Ranch features flat to rolling hills with thick mesquite and cedar trees and there

Voss Ranch

is some cultivation currently in sunflowers. There is good access to the property with one

100± Acres

mile of county road frontage and just .25-mile

Northwest Texas v Coleman County v Coleman

off of the pavement. Two ponds and a well supply water to the ranch. Seller to convey .25 of seller owned minerals. This is a great hunting property, and there are no current hunting leases. This ranch is being offered for sale to the general public for the first time in over 100 years and priced to sell at only $750/acre.

Gaines Land Sales Mathew Kemper Gaines, broker 325 625-9001 www.gainesland.com



Voss Ranch is near Lake O. H. Ivie, and Elm Creek runs through the property and holds water most of the year. The terrain consists of rolling hills to creek bottomland with elevation changes of 110 feet or more. There is abundant wildlife in the area and would be ideal for two or three hunters. Existing electricity and county water tap. $2,000/acre. This property could be split into two 50± acre tracts.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

152 GainesLand.indd 152

5/17/06 4:03:21 PM

Little Rocky Creek

Songbirg Springs

Central Texas v Washington County v Brenham


Why drive to the Hill Country if you don’t have to? These 26.8 acres of rolling hills offer 100+-yearold live oaks and a rock-bottom, spring-fed creek. The unique rock formations along the creek, which meanders through the property, make for a wonderful homesite and a peaceful setting.

Central Texas Washington County v Chappell Hill


These 27 acres in historic Chappell Hill were originally part of the Browning Plantation in the 1850s and contain a .75-mile abandoned railroad (tracks removed) that transported locally grown cotton to the Brazos River Steamboats. The property is secluded and features scattered trees, open prairie, a large hill, a restored antique home and a large springfed pond, the headwaters of Gibbs Creeks. The land is currently under wildlife exemption

Ranches of Brushy Top

that brings whitetail deer, rabbits, opossums, raccoons, dove, hawks, heron and songbirds

Texas Hill Country v Blanco County v Blanco

and has been enhanced with native grasses


Outstanding Hill Country land ranging from 5- to 200-acre tracts. Easy access to San Antonio

and wildflowers. The antique farmhouse has

and Austin, with unique panoramic hilltop views, common area and wildlife preserve. Nature

two large bedrooms, one with an antique cast

is on display 24 hours a day here with abundant whitetail deer, turkey and many exotics. Road

iron wood-burning stove. Other rooms include

construction is under way.

bath, living room, large kitchen and formal dining room. The home has a new metal roof,

Texas Showplace

fresh interior and exterior paint and rebuilt

Central Texas v Waller County v Hempstead

for weekend retreats or permanent residence.

front and rear porches. This is a great property There is road frontage on FM 1371, as well as Nicholson Lake Road. For those who can’t wait on their dream home, there are numerous building sites available.


Enjoy the luxuries of country living without sacrificing convenience. This property can be utilized as a weekend ranch or a main residence for those who are the cowboy at heart. Enter through a private security gated entrance. Wind through the tree-lined drive to the impressive 3,900square-foot home, which lends 360-degree views of the property. This one- and one-half-story home features an open-concept floor plan to easily entertain guest. The executive three-bedroom home has three and two-half baths, crown molding throughout all rooms, tile floors, solid surface countertops and custom cabinetry. The three bedrooms are all located downstairs. The property also includes a 100- by 50-foot covered working cattle facility, 125- by 40-foot equipment barn, four bays for storage, tractors or implements. In addition, there is a three-bedroom, two-bath house with a full-size kitchen and bonus room.

112 West Main Street Brenham, TX 77833

979 836-8532 888 882-1321 toll free 979 836-1224 fax www.hodderealty.com www.hoddere.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

153 HoddeRealEstate.indd 153


5/17/06 11:21:12 AM

Elegance and Acreage Southeast Texas v Walker County v Huntsville


This is one of the finest properties Walker County has to offer. This exceptional five-bedroom, four- and one-half-bath home is elegant, yet comfortable, on 88Âą acres. From the secured gated front entrance, you will be impressed with this beautifully manicured property. The home features custom woodwork throughout, high ceilings, huge flagstone porches, gourmet kitchen, stereo system, a huge master suite with a split bedroom arrangement and many other special custom amenities. A gorgeous swimming pool accents this lovely home along with a backyard fireplace, statuary, magnificent views from glass windows in the kitchen/living area, ponds, covered rear patio and so much more. The property is in a prime location close to town, but in a suburban setting dotted with lovely trees on rolling meadows. The elegance of the home and desirability of the location three miles west of town on Highway 30 makes this property one of the most unique and versatile home and acreage packages offered in Texas. $1,175,000.

Black Oak Ranch

2,743 acres

East Texas Madison County v Huntsville


Black Oak Ranch is a well-managed timber investment property with good recreational attractions. Bordering the north side of the historic Bedias Creek on the southern limits of Madison County, Texas, this ranch is comprised of two separate parcels, one being 2,049 acres of mostly upland merchantable pine timberland and the other 694 acres of mostly hardwood bottom. This ranch offers rolling terrain, tall timber, fertile soils, abundant wildlife and hunting/fishing. This property is close to I-45 and within one- and one-half hours from downtown Houston. Total price at $1,966/acre, all inclusive.

Andy Flack, Broker John Paul Lampson, Broker 1600 Normal Park, Huntsville, TX 77340

936 295-2500 office 800 246-2500 toll free www.homelandproperties.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

154 Homeland.indd 154

5/17/06 11:47:40 AM

Houston County Lake Retreat Southeast Texas v Houston County v Crockett


Get away and relax! This great home on two waterfront lots fronting fabulous Houston County Lake near Crockett, Texas provides a wonderful recreational opportunity. It is located approximately 115 miles north of Houston or 120 miles southeast of Dallas. Houston County Lake is home to some of the best fishing in Texas. Go fishing, boating, skiing or just enjoy the peaceful views this place has to offer. The home features three large bedrooms, two baths, large country kitchen, two living areas (one upstairs and one downstairs), sunroom and screened-in porch. Outdoor amenities include covered boat dock, huge workshop and garden tool storage building. This retreat has been extremely well maintained and is ready for a new owner. $265,000.

Sam Houston Forest Ranch 316 Acres

Southeast Texas v Walker County v Huntsville


This unbelievable 316-acre ranch is in the southwestern portion of Walker County. The entrance adjoining the national forest connects to FM 1791 and is approximately an hour north of Houston and only 15 minutes southwest of Huntsville near Lake Conroe. With over 6,500 square feet of living area, this gracious five-bedroom, five-full and two-half-bath, four-car garage home features soaring ceilings, a beautiful spiral staircase, gourmet commercial kitchen and incredible windows with panoramic vistas of pool, lake and pastures. The many amenities of this ranch include hay barns, equipment barn, guesthouses, horse stalls, hydraulic squeeze chute and pipe cattle working pens. This beautiful ranch property, in the towering pines, next to Sam Houston National Forest, will satisfy every member of the family. $2,500,000.

Selling Quality Texas Properties Since 1970 2715 11th Street Huntsville, TX 77340

936 295-5989 888 286-3575 www.markhamrealty.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

155 Markham.indd 155


5/17/06 11:42:08 AM

Montgomery Ranch 565Âą Acres

Central Texas v Grimes County v Anderson


This beautiful ranch features a variety of scenic terrain. Lush wooded areas coupled with native pastures and excellent hardwoods make this property a great place for hunting and ranching. A 7-acre lake offers recreational possibilities, while the largely untouched acreage provides a peaceful wildlife habitat. Nestled in the woods is a rustic cabin overlooking a 2-acre lake. This property is 50 miles from Houston and 30 miles from College Station. $3,900 per acre, possible to divide.

342 Acres in Grimes County Central Texas v Grimes County v Navasota


This ranch features 342 acres of rich cropland close to the Navasota River. There is plenty of paved road frontage and a live creek running year-round. Great for hunting, crops or

Secluded Country Property Central Texas v Grimes County v Richards


This secluded country property features a beautiful 8-acre lake. The older homestead sits in a pine grove presenting lovely views of the lake and the surrounding scenery. Partially wooded with open pasture for livestock and perimeter fenced, this would be a nice place for raising a family or for the weekend rancher looking for a getaway retreat. $440,000.

pasture, this property is located in southern Grimes County. Bargain priced at $564,300.

Navasota Realty Nancy Perry 502 S. La Salle Navasota, TX 77868

936 825-5094 navasotarealty@aol.com


50 Acres on FM 39 Central Texas v Grimes County v Iola


With plenty of paved road frontage and two ponds, this quiet property offers a beautiful setting for a country home. A combination of 50% woods and 50% open pasture provides a tranquil place for deer or cattle to graze. This property is centrally located between College Station and Huntsville. Possible to divide.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

156 Navasota.indd 156

5/25/06 3:52:18 PM

McGinnes Ranch 1,989 Acres


Southeast Texas v Brazoria County v Sweeny This fine Gulf Coast property situated between Houston and Victoria, near Sweeny, Texas, is an ideal dual-purpose ranch with excellent grazing and hunting. Century-old oaks are scattered throughout the improved pastures on the ranch. Native timber provides cover for herds of deer and feral hogs. Several stock tanks and a 5+-acre bass lake can be enjoyed along with numerous other recreational opportunities. There is high visibility from CR 505, and the rear of the property provides complete privacy and seclusion. Neighboring wildlife reserves ensure this condition will continue. View our website for more information, or call us to receive our full color brochure along with pictures and aerials.

Eric Muegge 213 N. Richmond Rd. Wharton, TX 77488

800 310-5253 info@cemuegge.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

157 MueggeRealEstate.indd 157


5/18/06 2:20:52 PM


Be Ready to be Wowed!

Southeast Texas v Montgomery County v Montgomery Located about 30 minutes west of the Woodlands off of I-45 North. This gated country estate on 40 acres boasts its own 7-acre stocked lake and dock. Tucked back from view and approached by a custom concrete driveway, this property includes a 5,443-square-foot main house 1,050-square-foot guesthouse with 1,581-square-foot garage/workshop below and 1,225-square-foot RV garage with unfinished office space and bath. Custom built with every attention to detail, this home also features a fabulous kitchen, splendid master suite, all bedrooms down, playroom, mini-kitchen, full bath, billiards room, card room, media rooms upstairs, pool and spa. Call Cheryle Sanderson for further details on this gorgeous property at 281 413-9990. $1,700,000. MLS# 5179187.

Gary Green Realtors速

Cheryle Sanderson 19075 I-45 North, Ste. 250 The Woodlands, TX 77384

281 413-9990 cheryle@cherylesanderson.com www. cherylesanderson.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

158 PrudGaryGreene.indd 158

5/18/06 10:57:42 AM


This 10-acre wooded estate features a threestory, seven-bedroom, seven-full and three-halfbath Texas limestone home. Designed by awardwinning architects Barley and Pfeiffer of Austin,

Three Falls Texas Metroplex v Denton County v Copper Canyon

this country home features an impressive security system that includes a panic room and many other details. The property includes an attached one-bedroom apartment with kitchen over the garage and a two-bedroom guesthouse. There are mature oaks, ponds with three waterfalls and a stream that graces the rolling hills. The home features slate, marble, tile and carpet flooring and casual and formal dining areas. Sliding panels separate the casual dining room and sitting area, with white boards and pin-boards. The second floor has screened-in porches and the sunroom provides a relaxing space with peaceful views. There are three fireplaces, exercise room, game room, music room, study/office, reading alcove and amazing amounts of closet and storage space. Outside is a large open patio with grill and panoramic views. There is also an arena and three-stall barn that includes a bathroom and office. Far too many luxury details to list, but this home has everything you’d expect from this quality property. If you want to see more, a virtual tour is available on our website.

762 Orchid Hill Texas Metroplex Denton County v Copper Canyon


Beautiful French Country 5,192-square-foot home on 11 secluded heavily treed acres with a small creek. The gourmet kitchen has an island and granite countertops, formal dining room, study, vaulted ceilings, billiards room, RV/boat parking, ceiling fans, wet bar, brick fireplace and wood floors. Outside is a gorgeous pool, veranda with outdoor kitchen, rustic guest cottage and peaceful green land with picturesque views to

4239 Bonnie Brae

call your own.

Texas Metroplex v Denton County v Argyle


Fabulous country estate on 21.5 secluded acres with large oaks, pond and a wet creek. This five-bedroom custom home includes beautiful faux finishes, slate and limestone floors, 27.5foot vaulted ceilings with huge cedar beams

crown molding and granite counters. This is a

Teresa Rather, Broker/Owner 214 794-0131 cell 940 464-1111 office

gorgeous horse property with a seven-stall barn.


and double-sided stone fireplace. The kitchen features custom cabinetry with hand-carved

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

159 RealEstateStation.indd 159


5/17/06 2:00:04 PM

Christmas Moon Ranch


Central Texas v Bosque County v Clifton

This enchanting ranch is located in a very special region in the heart of Texas, noted for its beauty and quality of life! The ranch offers scenic vistas, live creek frontage, lake and tanks and an abundance of native wildlife. The two-story Austin stone home is situated on a commanding hilltop with a paved drive circling around a crystal-clear lake to the home’s entrance. The home is Texas with Santa Fe flair—casual elegance at its best! Large hewn logs add interest to the ceilings. There is a huge stone fireplace in the living area and a kiva fireplace in the kitchen area, as well as a

fireplace in the courtyard, which overlooks the countryside. The master bedroom and bath are massive, and there are two additional bedrooms and baths. A guesthouse behind the main house is of the same construction and offers a spacious office, entertainment area, bedroom and bath. The main home area is surrounded by the courtyard and pool. Nearby is a stylish horse barn with paddocks behind the home and barn area. There are 367± acres of improved pastures, native grass and cropland within the main headquarters area. The land has a beautiful hilly roll and borders a live creek. The remaining acreage is more wooded, but not too heavily, with large live oaks and a scenic mountaintop, grassy meadows for picnics and grazing. Another guesthouse overlooks a tank and provides three bedrooms, two baths, tile floors and a fireplace! An exceptional thrill is the historic Norwegian stone home and smokehouse nestled among the big oaks! This is truly a place where you think you have died and gone to heaven and finally have your just rewards!

Cynthia Inman, Ranch Broker 131 E. Exchange Avenue, Suite 105 Fort Worth, TX 76106

817 624-6564 www.ranchconnection.com


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

160 RanchConnect.indd 160

5/17/06 10:10:47 AM

Mexican Creek Ranch 2,457 Acres

High Plains v Briscoe County v Amarillo


Mexican Creek Ranch is a secluded ranch that lies on the south side of the Prairie Dog Fork of the Red River with tail water of the Mexican Creek that flows out of Caprock State Park. This property is a hunter’s oasis with West Texas trophy-deer, abundant turkey, numerous conveys of bobwhite quail and wild hogs. Mexican Creek Ranch is just 60 miles southeast of Amarillo and has a wildlife management plan that has been in place since 2000. All these reasons make this a property that you must consider if you are looking for a reasonably price recreational ranch. Priced at $595/acre. Please e-mail with any questions or for more pictures.

Puckett Ranch 5,000 Acres

High Plains v Potter County v Amarillo


The Puckett Ranch consists 5,000 acres within two miles of Amarillo city limits and has been in the same family for 70 years. The ranch consists of rolling ranch grass prairie that is so hard to

George Clift 2920 Duniven Circle, Suite 3 Amarillo, TX 79109

ways to sell the property as house lots or commercial sites along the three miles of frontage on

806 355-9856 806 358-3481 fax

US Highway 287. Priced at $1,295/acre.


find in the northern plains of Texas. All 5,000 acres are contiguous. This offers many different

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

161 CliftScottAssoc.indd 161


5/17/06 2:06:53 PM

Featured Ranch

ShadowCreek Ranch

A Step Beyond Extraordinary


hadow Creek offers the western high country ranch lifestyle where enjoyment is unlimited and work is optional. Located in Summit County on more than 5,800 deeded acres in the heart of the Rocky Mountains, Shadow Creek is an innovative, master-planned ranch community that provides an astonishing retreat for 22 owners and their families. Shadow Creek Ranch typifies the beauty Colorado is famous for, providing stunning overviews of the Blue River Valley, Eagles Nest Wilderness and the Gore and Williams Fork mountain ranges. With homesteads beginning at $1,900,000, people are recognizing that this unique property is a tremendous value. Only 9 of the 22 seventyacre deeded home-sites remain, and this oncein-a-lifetime chance is disappearing quickly. To keep the ranch’s glory intact, each 70acre homestead contains a 10-acre development activity envelope, beautifully suited for stately family homes, guest cottages, private stables


and other personal amenities. This arrangement allows each owner to enjoy unfettered access to over 5,600 acres of the ranch. Conservationminded covenants protect the integrity of the property and your investment in this exclusive western ranch. Since Frank Smith homesteaded the land in 1880, Shadow Creek Ranch has always been a working cattle ranch and home to some of Colorado’s most glorious scenery. The ranch runs 150 head of its own cattle year-round and during the summer grazing season, it takes in an additional 300 pair. The ranch maintains a 24-horse remuda that can be ridden at the equestrian center’s indoor and outdoor riding arenas, or residents can explore endless trails on the ranch and in the adjacent U.S. Forest Service property. At anytime, ranch owners can work right alongside the cowboys, learning the ways of the land, just as the seasoned cowboys once did from their own mentors. Unlike many communities, owners at

Shadow Creek have the option of not building on their homestead lots. A home is not a necessity because ownership at the ranch allows you and your guests to enjoy 55 suite nights a year in the luxurious four-bedroom 6,000-square-foot lodge or beautiful fourbedroom guesthouse. In addition to your 55 suite nights, you also have 45 cabin nights to use per year in one of the five cozy out-cabins located throughout the ranch’s back country. A chef is on staff to prepare and serve your meals during your stay at the ranch, or meals can be

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

162-164 ShadowCreek.indd 162

5/17/06 2:08:14 PM

prepared to be taken to your cabin. Of course, enjoying the outdoors is one of the main reasons people come to Colorado. At Shadow Creek Ranch, world-class fly-fishing is literally in your backyard. The Blue River runs through the eastern border of the ranch and 22 stocked alpine lakes and ponds dot the countryside. Anglers can pit their skills against rainbow, brook and brown trout with the expert assistance of the ranch’s Orvis-endorsed fly-fishing guide, who is a former Orvis FlyFishing Guide of the Year. In the shadows of the aspens and pines, trophy-elk and mule deer make their home. For those who enjoy the adventure of hunting, guided expeditions are available under the leadership of the ranch’s resident hunting guide. In the summer, ranch owners can enjoy hiking, camping, mountain biking, horseback riding and four-wheeling. In the winter, there is snowmobiling, sledding, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and sleigh rides for owners and their guests to enjoy. Additionally, some of the world’s finest alpine skiing is less than an hour away at Breckenridge, Copper Mountain, Steamboat Springs and Vail. Throughout the year, Shadow Creek offers its owners concierge services that can include: shuttle transportation to the local airport and Denver International Airport, firewood Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

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services, house cleaning, grocery shopping, and snow removal. Even the most devoted outdoor enthusiasts occasionally need the sights and sounds of town. Kremmling (jet accessible) is only 15 minutes away, Breckenridge is 45 minutes and Denver is only a 90-minute drive. The area boasts everything from fine dining and exclusive shopping to golfing on courses designed by Jack Nicklaus, Robert Trent Jones, Jr., Tom Fazio and Greg Norman. With all things considered, Shadow Creek Ranch is a step beyond extraordinary. It is the American West of your imagination and one which you and your family can enjoy until the cows come home! v To experience Shadow Creek Ranch for yourself, please call Rue, Robb or John at Mason & Morse Ranch Company, 877 207-9700 or visit the website www.shadow-creek.net or www.ranchland.com.


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

162-164 ShadowCreek.indd 164

5/17/06 2:09:08 PM

River Ridge Ranch

Riverfront Property: 1/4 Mile Colorado v La Plata County v Durango


Fish to your heart’s content on your own

private stretch of the Pine River. This 85-acre parcel is the perfect gentleman’s ranch. With one-plus CFS of irrigation water, your meadows will be green and lush. The property is fully fenced and crossed-fenced for horses. Your prized equine friends will live in a wonderful 3,300+-square-foot Colorado barn with extra rooms for workshop, tack and equipment. The residence of 4,708 square feet is custom built and boasts floor-to-ceiling glass in every room with views of the river and lush pastures. A light and bright open floor plan consists of the main great room, a master suite with sitting room, master bath, large office and extra bedroom and bath. The private guest wing has two bedrooms, two baths and kitchen amenities. There are outbuildings for equipment and a caretaker’s residence. Co-listed with Ranch Marketing Associates 303 503-4499 and Linda Crowther Prudential Triple S Realty, 970 375-3245. Exclusively offered at $3,400,000.

Pine Ridge Ranch Colorado v La Plata County v Durango


With seclusion at the end of the road, this scenic mountain ranch spans 1,260 acres, including 660 acres of deeded and 600 acres of State lease with lush meadows and tree-covered pine and aspen forests. The 6,375-square-foot custom main home has the feel of a mountain lodge with large open spaces, a gourmet kitchen, random-width wood floor, a huge rock fireplace and incredible views. The charming guesthouse is 1,735 square feet and has a beautiful stone fireplace and comfortably sleeps 10. The ranch facilities include a Colorado-style barn, machinery building, 7,000-bale hay barn and an outdoor arena. This property is comfortable, classy, well maintained and accessible. Co-listed with Ranch Marketing Associates 303 503-4499 and Linda Crowther Prudential Triple S Realty, 970 375-3245. Exclusively offered at $6,750,000.

Linda Crowther 700 Main Ave. Durango, CO 81301

970 375-3245 linda@lindacrowther.com www.durangocolorado.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

165 PrudTripleSRealty.indd 165


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At the crown of Wilson Mesa, only 13 miles southwest of Telluride, the Sound of Music Ranch is appropriately named as it commands breathtaking and expansive views of several of Colorado’s most famous and rugged “fourteeners.” The entrance to the ranch is a lush open valley punctuated by a series of lakes, which give way to groves of aspen and evergreens that surround large grass and wildflower meadows in the upper reaches of the property. A haven for wildlife, it is easily accessible and boasts a superb private interior road system. The majority of this 2,384-acre property is being sold

Sound of Music Ranch Colorado v San Miguel County v Telluride

for charitable purposes and may be purchased in its entirety for $32,600,000. (Also available in two parcels priced at $11,500,000 for 660 acres and $21,100,000 for 1,724 acres.)


A true end-of-the-road ranch, Teepee Park has 4,352 acres surrounded by White River National Forest and BLM lands. Incredible views, old-growth forest, outstanding wildlife and small stream fishing for native cutthroat trout only begin to describe the virtues of this than 25 minutes from the I-70 exit at Rifle,

Teepee Park Ranch

Colorado. $14,900,000.

Colorado v Garfield County v Rifle

wilderness property, which is located less


Located 35± miles north of Taos, New Mexico, within one hour of Red River and two hours of Santa Fe, the Latir Mountain Ranch consists of 6,097± deeded acres in the midst of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains adjacent to the Carson National Forest and the Latir Peak Wilderness Area. The ranch improvements are easily accessible, nicely finished and very distinctive. Latir Creek flows through a richly diverse topography punctuated by rock outcroppings and deep draws,

Latir Mountain Ranch New Mexico v Taos County v Qvesta

interspersed with spacious open meadows in a heavily timbered alpine setting providing natural habitat for resident wildlife. Expansive views, privacy and seclusion present a unique opportunity to acquire a recreationally oriented property close to a world-renowned location. $13,000,000.


Nestled in a basin near the Idaho/Montana border in the Tendoy Mountains west of Dell, Montana, this 3,405±-acre mountain ranch is a blend of scenic recreational property and a working ranch. Two trout-filled mountain streams run for several miles, offering small stream fishing and providing water to irrigate nearly 1,000 acres of grass. Herds of elk, deer and antelope roam the ranch, providing excellent hunting opportunities.

Hall and Hall 406 656-7500 P.O. Box 81490 Billings, MT 59108 www.hallandhall.com


The ranch will carry approximately 475 AU and

Mountain View Ranch Montana v Beaverhead Co. v Dell

is supported by a large summer grazing allotment in the adjacent national forest. The headquarters of the ranch are highlighted by a well-designed cattle-handling facility. $4,400,000.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

166 Hall&Hall.indd 166

5/17/06 2:28:09 PM

Rock Springs Ranch Texas Hill Country Val Verde County v Carta Valley


Located in the magnificent Texas Hill Country, these tracts of land offer some of the finest hunting, scenery and recreational opportunities in the Southwest. The property is priced at $1,050 per acre. Owner financing is available.

Shallow Springs Ranch 6,239 Acres

Texas Hill Country v Val Verde County v Carta Valley


Prices of available pastures are as follows: Kid This outstanding Texas Hill Country property offers mile after mile of rolling hills covered in tall Pasture: 378 acres at $396,000; Buck Pasture: grass and majestic oak trees. A rustic ranch headquarters and historic buildings are sprinkled 307 acres at $322,350; Axis Pasture: 241 acres at $253,050; Antelope Pasture: 338 acres at

throughout the property. Not far is the Amistad National Recreation Area known for excellent year-round, water-based recreation, including boating, fishing, swimming, scuba diving and

$354,900; Elk Pasture: 630 acres at $661,500. water-skiing. Combine all that with a region that has virtually no winter, and you’ve got a haven that is a dream. $6,990,000. $1,050 per acre.


Along the banks of the wandering Nueces River lies a quiet, calm body of water. Overlooking this lake rests Nueces Lake Ranch & Resort. A multifaceted investment opportunity, it consists of income potential from the expansive riverfront RV sites, as well as hospitality income from the modern hunting lodge. If that is not enough,

Nueces Lake Ranch & Resort

1,089 Acres

South Texas v Zavala County v Crystal City

Carta Valley Ranch


Texas Hill Country v Val Verde County v Carta Valley

This spectacular ranch of 3,579 deeded acres in the Texas Hill Country is positioned near the recreational opportunities of Amistad National Recreation Area, which is famous for year-round hunting, fishing and boating. This is some of the most scenic property in all of Texas. The beautiful headquarters is nestled comfortably among the live oaks of the Texas Hill Country. A fantastic investment opportunity in the escalating Texas market! $3,995,000.

the ranch also has water rights to support its farming and ranching operations. This is a unique opportunity to own a world-class ranch property with lake frontage. Call to receive a tour of this ranch on DVD. $5,656,000.

Coldwell Banker Taylor & Taylor Realtors 400 W. Second Street Roswell, NM 88201

866 323-3111 toll free 505 420-5585 mobile 505 622-1490 office ptaylor@rt66.com www.ranchline.com

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

167 CB_TaylorTaylor.indd 167


5/22/06 5:48:59 PM

Horse River Ranch


Colorado v Gunnison County

Western heritage abounds in the small mountain town of Gunnison, Colorado. This Old West historic ranching and mining community allows residents to “have it all.” The Gunnison/Crested Butte area boasts a top-notch airport, Crested Butte Ski area, Western State College, Blue Mesa Reservoir, gold medal fishing and endless outdoor recreational alternatives. Over 85% of Gunnison County is public lands with numerous creeks and rivers, high mountain lakes and abundant wildlife. The following three equestrian properties are highlights of Gunnison County: 3,260 square miles with 1.8 million acres of public land, 20,000 acres of fishable waters and over 1,500 miles of trails. Artfully planned and protected, Horse River Ranch provides all-season recreation out your back door just five miles north of the Gunnison airport and less than 25 miles to Crested Butte. Each 35+-acre ranch offers individual and community features that will warm the heart, including creek access, stocked ponds, breathtaking mountain views, meadow, trees and Colorado sage. Call Erich, a resident of Gunnison since the early 1960s, for more information on these and other ranch properties.

Parlin Fishing Retreat


Colorado v Gunnison County

These 14+ acres are complete with horse barn, guest quarters and back door fishing. This custom home is snuggled next to a trout-stuffed pond with Tomichi Creek wrapped around it. The balance of the 14+ acres is a separately deeded parcel bordered by Quartz Creek and Tomichi Creek. You are guaranteed to catch fish! If you need more creek and meadow, let’s talk about some adjoining property.

RE/MAX Community Brokers Erich Ferchau, Broker/Owner Gunnison & Crested Butte Offices 131 North Main Street Gunnison, CO 81230 970 641-1188 • 970 596-0848 cell


Ohio Meadows Estate Colorado v Gunnison County


Southern exposure means a lot in this valley, and this property has it. This beautiful estate is being sold fully furnished, with over 10 acres of meadow with mature landscaping, horse barn, two caretaker houses and plenty of room for the horses to roam. This property offers access to BLM land that adjoins the neighborhood, as well as access to high mountain wilderness area farther up the Ohio Creek Valley.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

168 RMXCommunity.indd 168

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Luedtke Ranch 1,581 Acres

Central Texas v Burnet Co. v Copperas Cove


Only one hour northwest of Austin is this outstanding, end-of-the-road ranch, with approximately 1 mile of beautiful Lampasas River frontage. The rolling terrain has great tree cover, coastal field, spectacular views, several ponds, a creek and two nice homes. The majority of the ranch is high-fenced and has been game-managed. There aren’t many like this left.

Mike Bacon P.O. Box 201330 • Austin, TX 78720

512 335-0071 512 335-1543 fax baconranchsales@EV1.net

1,507-Acre Texas Cattle Ranch Central Texas v Milam County v Cameron


This 1,507-acre feature is one of the best cattle ranches in Central Texas. Improved coastal grass is found in all of the many pastures that make up this ranch. Water is plentiful, with the many stock ponds throughout the property. Approximately 1.5 miles of county road frontage make for easy access. Located only an hour from Waco, Bryan/College Station and the Georgetown/ Round Rock area, this is a fantastic cattle ranch. $1,695 per acre.

Kenneth Thweatt P.O. Box 108 Cameron, TX 76520

254 697-6572 254 697-4208 fax Email: thweatt@direcway.com Website: www.ThweattRealEstate.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

169 Bacon_Tweatt.indd 169


5/22/06 10:01:43 AM

RE/MAX Llano Tom Shaw 1000 Ford Street Llano, TX 78643 325 247-5776 office 512 755-5270 cell

Vista Encantada Ranch Texas Hill Country v Llano County v Llano


You must come see the fantastic views of enchanted rock and the Texas Hill Country mountains from this beautiful ranch. These 50- to 100-acre restricted tracts are 20 miles north of Fredericksburg, just off Highway 16 and only minutes from Llano. The ranch has a large stock tank and lots of draws with post oaks and live oaks. Wildlife is abundant, with excellent deer population.

Magical Compound Texas Hill Country v Hays County v Dripping Springs


Two wonderful homes, one old and one new, make this immaculate 48-acre estate a magical compound. The original house was built in 1900 and has been lovingly restored and expanded. It is connected by a breezeway to the newer home, an “empty nester� or guest residence with incredible upgrades. There is a 2,400-square-foot storage building, two horse stalls, a greenhouse, storage warehouse and the garages are centrally heated and air-conditioned.

923 Westbank Drive Austin, Texas 78746

Between the two houses is a swimming pool. Year-round, dammed Bear Creek with grand

512 328-0022 Office 800 365-7246 Toll free 512 328-0302 Fax

and grandkids. There is a 2-acre section on FM 1826, which is open zoned. The rest of the



pecan trees, cypress trees and grassy banks create a swimming, fishing and picnic area for kids property is residential and could be split into 5-acre parcels. Stunning views and total privacy make it hard to believe that it is only a 15-minute drive to downtown Austin. $3,500,000. Additional acreage is available on request. Clare Moore, 512 423-6866.

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

170 WilsonGold_RMXllano.indd 170

5/17/06 11:35:03 AM

Equestrian/Livestock Business 430 Acres

North Texas v Cooke County v Saint Jo-Muenster

Development Opportunity in the Hill Country 216 Acres


Nestled in the Hill Country of North Texas, you will find a secluded 430 rolling-acre paradise for your family and livestock business. Constructed into the side of a hill, the 10,000-square-foot Frank Welch-designed home features six bedrooms, seven baths and two half-baths. Blended with stone, wood, granite and cedar beams along with 15-mile views, a truly unique and grand experience has

Texas Hill Country v Hays Co. v Wimberley been created. Equestrian improvements consist of indoor and outdoor arenas, a 16-stall show barn


Southwest of Austin, near Wimberley, are 216

with office, 20- and 10-stall mare and training barns, manager and worker’s homes and cattle working

picturesque acres for you to enjoy or develop features. The ranch is cross-fenced into 14 coastal into 5-acre tracts. There are four homes on Bermuda pastures with pipe, barb and doublethe property and here is great opportunity to lock mesh fencing. You will enjoy the one and fish, canoe and view wildlife and waterfowl.

one-half mile of frontage on the sandy beaches of

The main home lies on the shoreline of a 12- the Red River and you are only one and one-half

Ranch and Country Property Division

acre lake, large peach orchard, workshop and

hours north of Dallas. The ranch has a fishing

equipment barn. The property is well balanced

lake and plenty of wildlife. This would make an

with good topography, available pasture for

excellent dude ranch. View our website at www.

livestock and a wooded hilltop where you can

countryconnection.com for additional photos

Brian Smith, Director Debbie Pounds, Team Coordinator

see for miles. $3,750,000.

and a virtual tour. $5,500,000.


105-Acre Executive Country Estate Texas Metroplex v Parker County v Weatherford


This magnificent property is only 40 minutes west of Fort Worth in the Brock community and minutes from Sugar Tree golf course on the Brazos River; private yet very accessible via paved county road. The sandy loam soil, giant Bermuda and coastal fields are bordered along the front with scheduled 40 heavy black pipe-fenced leading to a large impressive limestone and wroughtiron gated entry. Live oaks, extensive PVC board fencing and grassy pastures border the long driveway. Boasting 9,000 square feet under the standing seam metal roof within the limestone exterior, this two-story Mediterranean prize is awe striking. Four tall stone columns with a slate front porch prepare your anticipated entry. An elegant Tuscan decor features five bedrooms, three and two-half baths and a 2.5-car garage. Ultra-high-end amenities include granite countertops, wood floors, 30-foot ceilings, Schonbek crystal chandeliers, Viking kitchen appliances, Theatre/ media room and a Caterpillar 60kw 400-amp auto transfer backup generator. Furnishings valued at over $200,000 will stay with the new owner at no additional cost. Beautiful landscaping, fivestall Barnmaster horse barn and an all-steel equipment barn finish off the exterior improvements. Gorgeous large pond with dock and adorned with many oak trees. 100% of the executive mineral rights and 50% of royalty rights will be conveyed at closing and funding. For detailed information, go to www.coalson.com/105.html or call 940 682-4993. Realistically priced at $2,900,000.

Mac A. Coalson Real Estate Broker 7801 New Authon Road Weatherford, TX 76088

940 682-4993 • 940 682-7751 817 925-3333 cell 940 682-4322 fax www.coalson.com • mac@coalson.com www.ranchesoftexas.com Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

171 CountryConnect_Coalson.indd 171


5/18/06 2:25:34 PM

Austin Hill Country Retreat Texas Hill Country v Hays County v Austin


Bring your horses to this rare Hill Country retreat. There is a year-around creek, 1860s cabin,

Barbara Boyd 14607 Bear Creek Pass Austin, TX 78737

512 306-9966 Office www.boyd2.com barbara@boyd2.com

and a wonderful modern home with guesthouse surrounding a beautiful pool, all on 14 acres. The cabin, reinforced and reconstructed, is now a living area in the core of a modern home. Original materials have been reused in many places. Floors and kitchen cabinets are made of recycled longleaf yellow pine. Year-around Bear Creek offers great swimming and fishing. With an excellent seven-stall horse barn and about six acres of pasture, this is the perfect spot for equestrian enthusiasts. This property is only 20 minutes from downtown Austin. $1,375,000.

Blanco Creek Ranch Unique Turn-Key Hunting Ranch in South Texas

3,700 Acres

Central Texas v Uvalde County v Sabinal


Located about 70 miles west of San Antonio, this ranch has almost two miles of frontage on the crystal-clear, cypress-lined Sabinal River. The ranch has just the right mix of brush and fields for the avid hunter and/or the horse or cattle business. Blanco Creek meanders through the middle of the ranch, offering even more water and cover for game. Some of the improvements on this


If buying or selling ranches in Texas, let our Land Specialists take the reigns! 40 NE Loop 410, Suite 607 San Antonio, TX 78216

3,702-acre ranch include secluded owner’s lodge with swimming pool, two caretaker’s homes,

210 828-5050 210 828-7860 fax

protein feeders and game-fenced perimeter. To schedule a tour, please contact Kit Corbin, Senior


210 804-4854; e: clint.hennessey@grubb-ellis.com.

office/headquarters with bunk and tack room attached, game-cleaning facility and walk-in cooler, horse stables and several working pens, numerous barns to store equipment, deer blinds and ample deer breeding pens, recently planted food plots, feeding stations with both corn and Vice President p: 210 804-4855; e: kit.corbin@grubb-ellis.com or Clint Hennessey, Associate p:

Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

172 Boyd&Boyd_GrubbNEllis.indd 172

5/18/06 4:24:44 PM

Superb South Texas Hunting Ranch 3,863.53 Acres

South Texas v Starr County v San Roman


Located at the southwest corner of Highway 649, This ranch is watered by one well with a submersible pump and approximately four miles of waterline bisecting the property. There are eight troughs, specially designed for wildlife. There is a large amount of brennan loam and some McAllen, delmita and copita soils. There is predominantly buffle grass and native grass in the lower portions, with typical brush such as granjeno, coma, guayacan, ebony, blackbrush, whitebrush, mesquite and cenizo on the “caliche” areas along ridges. A wildlife management program was initiated in June 2003, in March of 2004, the ranch received 35 does to further increase and improve the genetics on the property. No deer have been shot since the program began. The quail production has been better than average the last two years. The property has 3,449.1 acres currently enrolled in the government’s CRP program. This is in the form of two contracts. The aggregate amount of these two contracts is almost $150,000 annually. There are four miles of road frontage allows for subdividing into four smaller ranches. Priced to sell at $1,125/acre.

Richard A. Garza 956 494-6295 Oscar L. Garza Jr. 956 358-1325 www.bicranches.com

Waller County Ranch Central Texas v Waller County v Brookshire


Over 28 acres five miles from Katy, 25 miles from Houston and 35 miles from Sugarland, this ranch is only minutes to big city shopping and business. Out in the peaceful horse country of the Pattison/ Brookshire area, Waller County property is in demand and this ranch will not last. The almost 2,500square-foot residence was completed in December 2005 and awaits your personal touches to make it home. Also on the property is a 5,000-square-foot building that includes 2,500 square feet of full living space with two bedrooms, one bath and a full kitchen, along with central air conditioning

Bobby Little

and heat. The forklift can stay because the building is wall-to-wall with 5,000-pound dunage racks!

19984 Southwest Freeway Sugarland, TX 77479

A three-car garage and three-bay barn are on the property, along with three wells and six ponds, catfish and bass stock. Completely fenced and electric throughout, this ranch is a deal at $921,000. This is a place to live, raise horses and cattle or to spice up and turn for profits fast! See more at www.TheBobbyLittleTeam.com. Each RE/MAX® office is independently owned and operated.

281 344-3234 281 344-8201 fax blittle@remax.net Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

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Eventide Ranch page 148


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

Page 174

Bownds & Associates Inc., Realtors www.bowndsrealtors.com

880 966-6111 office 800 850-5969 toll free 830 966-6107 fax Marler Creek Ranch - 800± acres, headwaters Marler Creek, strong springs, lake-$4,250,000. CONTRACT PENDING. 452± Acres - Strong springs, native & exotic wildlife, game fence, small cabin. $2,800 per acre Springs & Waterfall - 160± acres, 3/2 home,springs$950,000 Near Lost Maples - 140± acres, strong creek, log home. 1,600 Feet Sabinal River Frontage - 58± acres, unimproved. CONTRACT PENDING 28.9± Acres - Overlooking Sabinal Canyon, 1,100-sf home. Madrone Overlook - 42± acres,views,hunting. $4,750/acre Mill Creek Hideaway - 20± acres, Mill Creek frontage, native wildlife, hardwoods, and bottom land. $350,000 30± Acres Bandera County - Native hardwoods, vegetation, and wildlife. $4,650 per acre

Nisbet Ranch Sales www.nisbetranchsales.com

210 698-2245 724 AC - 7 miles west of Hunt, 3 creeks, 3 dams, many springs, hilltops. $6,950/ac 400 AC - Across county road from above, hilltop ranch home, 2 water wells, seasonal creek & springs $5,500/acre 300 AC - 2 water wells, 2 springs, seasonal creek, views, next to above 400 acres. $5,500/ac 499.98 AC - 2 miles N. of Blanco on Hwy 281, fabulous views from rock residence, ponds, spring, helpers house, plat approved for 16 parcels, $8,000/ac

Border Realty Ranch Sales Oscar O. Martinez

956 237-8310 956 763-8141 10 Acre Tracts. Paved roads and electricity. 19 miles north of Laredo. Owner finance. 15 Acre Tracts. Hwy. 44 frontage. Owner finance. 50 Acre Tracts. 14 miles north of Laredo. Water and electricity. Owner will finance. 10% down. 50 Acre Tracts. 19 miles south of Laredo. Super hunting, lots of hogs, dove, deer and quail. Owner finance. 50 and 100-Acre Tracts. 34-mile marker IH-35. Water well and stock pond. Red sand loan. Four to choose from. 50 Acres. 28 miles north of Laredo. IH-35. Large tank. Next to Callaghan Ranch. 60 Acres. Will divide. Good commercial development or recreational use. 79 Acres. 18 miles south of Laredo. Lots of deer, hogs, quail and dove. 177.25 Acres. 18 miles south of Laredo. Stock tank, 3/4 fenced. 180 class BBC deer, dove, quail and hogs. 225 Acres. Big deer, water well. Webb County. 252 Acres. Super hunting. Red sand. Webb County. 500 Acres. 19 miles south of Laredo. Water and electricity. 529.25 Acres. The ranch every hunter would dream of. Good cattle and hunting ranch. 534 Acres. Minutes from Laredo. Super brush loaded with game. A hunter’s paradise. 600± Acres. Pearsall Texas, Hwy frontage. Barn, apartment, food plots, two stock tanks. 780 Acres. 19 miles south of Laredo. Some of the best hunting in South Texas. Owner finance. New Listing - 815 Acres. Randando, Texas. Stock tank, sandy loan. House, Hwy. Frontage. Storage container. Water well and electricity. Big, big deer. 2,400 Acres. Game fenced. 23 miles northwest of Freer of Hwy. 624. Water well, three stock tanks, living quarters. Nueces River frontage, 3.5 miles Hwy. Frontage. With minerals. 3,000 Acres. Chapote Ranch. Two stock tanks, cattle pens, super hunting. Will divide. New listing – 1,000 - 3,000 Acres. 26 miles south of Laredo. Game fenced, water and electricity. Now under Tecomate management.

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4:38 PM

Page 175

Donnie Stegemoller Realtors

Childress Ranch Investments

CC Herber Co. Real Estate




830 964-4600

Fredericksburg, Texas www.ccherber.com info@ccherber.com

866 646-5656 325 646-5656 25,000 Acres OLD MEXICO, west of Zaragoza, good level terrain with great brush to elevation change to 2,300 ft. Heavily wooded, mountainous, great topography, good water & ranch house. Asking price is $8,000/acre. Ask for Donnie. 4,140 Acres WEST CENTRAL TEXAS, a turn-key deer breeding & hunting operation. Excellent deep soils, 70% heavy mesquite timber & 30% hilly topography, many water wells irrigating several food plots, high fenced & good improvements. Will sell a 1,200-acre tract separate. #05-146-5. Ask for Dale. 2,560 Acres SOUTHWEST TEXAS, west of the Pecos River, a turn-key hunting operation, set up for bow hunters with blinds, stands & feeders, great topography, rough & rugged terrain, 8 water wells, 5 ponds, 6BR/4BA lodge, deer, turkey, quail, dove & sheep hunting, some minerals. $1,495,000. #06031-1. Ask for Donnie. 1,500 Acres CENTRAL TEXAS, Highly improved hunting ranch, excellent surface water, water wells, high fenced, heavily wooded with a good variety of timber, food plots, seasonal creek, great B&C whitetail genetics, 2 beautiful lodges, 3 employee houses, numerous barns, large metal shop & much more. #06066-9. Ask for Jeremy. 640 Acres CENTRAL TEXAS, Quail & dove hunting paradise, good deer hunting, approximately 50% excellent cultivation & 50% dense heavy mesquite, surface water & good access. PRICE REDUCED TO $895/acre. #06-023-10. Ask for Josh. 400 Acres CENTRAL TEXAS, a turn-key recreational ranch. High fenced, 2,500-sf lodge, equipment barns, game cleaning facility, strong water well, rolling live oak & mesquite country, secluded & great B&C genetics. #05-1595. Ask for Dale. 202 Acres SOUTHWEST WEST showplace. Unbelievable topography, secluded, heavy timber with live oak & cedar, mountainous terrain to heavy covered draws, high fenced, excellent water, dirt runway & a unique rock cabin overlooking the entire ranch. #05059-10. Ask for Josh. MORE LISTINGS AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE

Guilott Realty Inc. www.ggrealty.com

830 460-3517 Superior Game Ranch in Bandera County. 664±acre exotic game ranch with a 7,000 sq. ft. custom built home w/verandas on all four sides. Outstanding panoramic views of the surrounding manicured hills from every room. Great location. Highly developed 60 acres can also be purchased. Lovely Historical Home in quaint Medina. This historical home, built in 1878, sits on 10 acres with extensive State Highway 16 frontage. The property has horse stalls, separate garage, rock smoke house, w several outbuildings. Commercial potential!

BEXAR CO. 100 Ac. - Near Castroville, Hwy. .87 miles of paved road frontage, 250-acre-feet water rights, irrigation well. $15,000/ac BLANCO CO. 62 Ac. - Very scenic property, gently rolling terrain, live oaks, power, water well, homesites, access via easement. $8,500/ac FRIO CO. 727 Ac. - Highway & county road, open country w/irrigation well, 200-acre pivot system, red sandy loam, super quail place. $2,100/ac FRIO CO. 5,985 Ac. - Combination ranch/hunting ranch/irrigated farm, hwy, deep red sandy loam soils, lodge, outbuildings, 8 irrigation wells equipped, 15 pivot systems irrigate 2,250 acres, stock tanks, water piped over the ranch, fenced & cross-fenced, 3,200 acres of brush, big deer, lots of bobwhite quail. $2,500/ac HAMILTON CO. 820 Ac. - County road, rolling hills, creek, well, 3 tanks, roads, fenced. $1,495/ac LASALLE CO. 631 Ac. - 360 ac. in Tifton Bermuda under pivot irrig., irrig. well, 271 ac. brush, old camp house, red sandy loam, deer, quail, co. rd. $1,900/ac VAL VERDE CO. 5,463 Ac. - Highly improved, highfenced Co. hunting ranch, accommodations for 20, paved lighted airstrip, 100’ x 60’ hangar, 10 miles of caliche & paved roads, 8 water wells, spring, deer, turkey, elk, fallow deer, axis, aoudad, barbado, Armenian sheep. $750/ac

Bill Johnson & Associates Real Estate 979 865-5969 806 E. Main St., Bellviile - This property features a three-bedroom, one-bath, circa 1920 frame home on a .47-acre corner lot. 16 Acres - Old Laake Lane, New Ulm. No improvements, good 10-acre hay meadow, about half heavy woods. 22 Acres - 5166 Mill Creek Rd., Cat Spring. Beautiful rolling property with nice 7-stall horse barn, c. 1900 restored 2BR/2BA home, pond, creek, improved grasses. 24 Acres - 8077 Red Bird Rd., New Ulm. All-wooded rolling, secluded tract with live creek, double-wide mobile. 41 Acres - 11795 Jalowy Road, Cat Spring. 3BR/2.5BA, Hardiplank, 2-story home, barn, shop, stocked ponds, great views! 54 Acres - 1088 Kleihege Rd., New Ulm. 2 BR/1BA stone and siding cabin, pond, creek, nature trails, wildlife! 63 Acres - FM 949 between Beliville and Sealy. 50% wooded, pond, corral, no structures. 94 Acres - Bostic Road, New Ulm. 3BR/2.5BA home, 80% wooded, 2 ponds, well/septic. 179 Acres - Located on Highway 290/FM 1736, Waller County. This is an excellent development property featuring Highway 290 frontage.

830 606-4323 HIGH ELEVATION. 13-acre grass/treed tract. Spectacular views. Paved roads. $12,300/acre A WEEKENDER. 18 acres, open/wooded. Small restored home. Pond. High hill ideal for future home. $439,000 SO DELIGHTFUL. 20 acres, pretty, wooded tract w/2-story, 3BR/2.5BA limestone. Guesthouse. Cul-desac. $629,000 EVERYONE’S CHOICE. 23-acre wooded tract w/high hill & views, 60 feet of both sides of spring-fed creek. $9,500/acre VERY SCENIC. 25 acres, gently rolling w/distant views of Enchanted Rock. Paved road frontage. Lowtraffic road. Peace and quiet prevail. $7,960/acre FISHING, BOATING. 11±-acre lake, part of large Williams Creek watershed. Recreational, 56 acres total. Wooded, sloping terrain. $6,995/acre HOME ON THE RANGE. 92 acres at Harper W. of Fredericksburg. Wooded/open w/good deer hunting. High-fenced/fenced/cross-fenced. Managed longhorn cattle & whitetail programs established. Ponds, pen, barn. 50x30 workshop/garage. Huge rock home, over 5,300 sq. ft living, lots of porches, decks. $1,383,000 MENARD COUNTY. 210 acres, northwest of Fredericksburg and Mason. Pretty country. Improvedgrass fields, wooded rolling terrain, hilltop. Excellent wildlife habitat. Nice brick home, barns, pens, outbuildings. $520,000 SAN SABA COUNTY. 100± acres. Excellent cattle country. Hunting. Off the beaten path, easy access. Excellent opportunity. $2,395/acre HIGH RIVER RANCH. Beautiful 4- to 7-acre tracts, wooded, spectacular views and/or river frontage, restricted. 7 miles SW of Fredericksburg, 17 miles NE of Kerrville and IH-10. Starting at $98,500.

Frosty Miller Real Estate 325 247-3997 Post Oak Canyon Ranch: 162 acres 16 miles NE of Mason, Texas. 9-10 gpm well and panoramic views. $2,750/acre Llano River Property: 10.68 acres in Llano, Texas. Access to electricity and 350-400 feet of Llano River frontage, 2 deep swimming holes, sand beach and rapids. $210,000 Buchanan Lake Home: Located on Lake Buchanan, 2story red sandstone rock home, garage, efficiency apartment. $350,000 Harper Ranch: Approximately 660 acres located 23 miles west of Fredericksburg, Texas. Hilltop views, oak trees, wildlife, well and rustic cabin, $3,500/acre 780 Ranch: 665± acres can be split into smaller tracts of no less than 100 ac. located 4 miles E of Cherokee, Texas. High-fenced on 2 sides, electricity and a small spring. Lots of wildlife, trees and hills. $3,000/acre Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch


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Sperry Van Ness 813 926-8600 Bill Bach 806 356-0111 Leslie Cox SOUTHWIND RANCH - Karnes City, Texas Elegant 16,000-sf mansion on 240 acres. Pool, cabana, tennis courts, sale barn, stable, kennel, boathouse, greenhouse, manager’s home, bunkhouse & more. $6,500,000.

Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty San Antonio, Texas

210 804-1515 866 904-1515 toll free 45,000± ACRES, COAHUILA, MEXICO 135± miles from Eagle Pass, TX. Hacienda La Rosita. Flat brush plains to rolling hills to dramatic mountains. 4 water wells, numerous tanks, seasonal springs, 4 man-made reservoirs. Extensive waterlines for irrigation/ cattle troughs. Stone main residence. 6 staff quarters. Barn, tack room, sheds, etc., 3 separate cattle pens. Deer, turkey, quail, dove, mountain lion, black bear. Hwy. 57 from Piedras Negras, First Int’l Port of Entry. Contact Alberto Muzquiz. 188.97± ACRES, BANDERA COUNTY Horse, cattle or a beautiful residential setting. Relatively flat; large trees. 75± acres improved pasture, remainder rangeland. Deep soil. Good access. Abundant wildlife. Contact Robert Dullnig. 160± ACRES, FRIO COUNTY Dilley. Relatively flat. 130± acres in diverse brush & 30±-acre field. 1 tank. 1 well. Red dirt. Abundant wildlife. Contact Robert Dullnig. 156± ACRES, UVALDE COUNTY 1± mile north of Concan in Frio River Canyon, near Garner State Park. Native grasses & trees with abundant wildlife. 1 well. Seasonal springs. Hunting or recreational property 1.5± hours from San Antonio. Contact Robert Dullnig. 30± ACRES, DIMMIT COUNTY Carrizo Springs. 3/2 one-story home, 2,714± square feet. Renovated 2004. Fireplace, HVAC, 3±-acre manicured yard. 3±-year-old 3,000±-square-foot barn, concrete foundation. 2 wells. Contact Robert Dullnig. 20± ACRES, MEDINA COUNTY Historic “Old Wurzbach Place” country estate. Finely renovated five-bedroom, three and one-half-baths. Pool, pavilion w/fireplace. Game room. Guest/bunkhouse. Dairy barn. Wood/metal horse barn, tack room. Metal barn, stalls. Excellent horse property. 25± minutes to downtown San Antonio. Contact Robert Dullnig. 13± ACRES, UVALDE COUNTY “Casa de Viento” on a hilltop with million-dollar views. 2,000±-sf barn. 2-story 4/4, FP, formal dining, study. 3-car garage. RV/boat pkg. Barn, shed, kennels. Fenced. 1 well. Horses allowed. 7± mi. SE of Uvalde, 90± mi. from San Antonio. Contact Robert Dullnig. 8.45± ACRES, BANDERA COUNTY Minutes from Tarpley. This luxury 5±-year-old log cabin offers a fireplace, loft. Manicured 8+ acres with large oaks, slope to creek. Wraparound porch, grill. Contact Robert Dullnig.


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

Page 176

WATERFRONT ESTATE, ARANSAS PASS Residential luxury captures the sea & sky, with unrivaled attention to detail in a walled, waterfront estate. 10- to 15-foot ceilings, travertine floors & FPs, Verandahs front & back. Study. Exercise room. Lap pool. 3-boat dock, 2 electric lifts. 3-car garage, 3-car gated parking court. Contact Charlie Kuper.

John McCollom & Associates 830 896-1122 Guadalupe Riverfront Estate. 12 Acres. 3 main houses & 3 cottages. 500-foot river frontage. Many more amenities. Georgia Cook, Agent. Two Wells Ranch. 49.61 acre premier horse facility at Mt. Home. 8-stall barn w/ 3BR/2.5BA. Also includes other buildings. Pete Cook, Agent 101± Acres southeast of.Kerrville with about 1824’ on the Guadalupe River, Gentle rolling pasture land with views. Jim. Gardner, Agent 123.59 Acres in Prestigious Hunt Area. 2BR/2.5BA custom-built rock home w/spectacular views of the Guadalupe River Valley. Georgia Cook, Agent 195 Acres West of Junction. Towards London. Nice bunting tract. Beaux Cook, Agent.

Thunderhill Ranch page 67

220 Acres 40 miles NW of Kerrville. Rolling hills & rugged canyon. Wooded pastures. Excellent hunting. Water well & cabin. Steve Oehler, Agent. 275 Acres 55± miles West of Kerrville. Hills w/plateau tops & scenic hills. Nice wooded pastures. Pinion pine, pecan, oak, walnut & cedar. Lots of game. Doublewide & deer cooler. Steve Oehler, Agent 300 Acres 30 miles North of Kerrville. Gently rolling wooded oak pastures. 2,700-foot grass landing strip. Improvements include a nice 4,000±-sf custombuilt home w/large rooms, high ceilings & great views. Steel hanger/barn. Barry McCollom, Agent. 319± Acres 6 miles West of Medina. Private end-ofthe-road hunting ranch. High fenced. Several wooded canyons with springs. Bart Jones, Agent. 460 Acres near Lampasas on Hwy. 16. Beautiful wooded pastures. Spring-fed creek & lake. Native & Exotic game. Georgia Cook, Agent. 640 Acres just North of Junction. Bordering Hwy. 83. Beautiful views, rugged canyons & live springs. Beaux Cook, Agent. 2,497 Acres. This ranch is ready to go with new roads, cleared cedar and a spring-fed creek. Beaux Cook, Agent. Medina River Frontage. 36 Acres near Bandera with 1,214 feet of Medina River frontage. Bart Jones, Agent 191 Acres 25 miles N of Lampassas with 3,562 feet on Lampassas River. 2,700 sq. ft. home. Barry McCollom, Agent 226 Acres North of Boerne. Rolling oak pastures & spring-fed creek. Bart Jones, Agent

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HS Tejas, Ltd. 850 231-5119 EAST FORK - Don’t miss this unparalleled opportunity to own 1,123 acres of timbered land in Northeast Harris County. This property is divided into parcels from 11 acres fronting FM 1010 and waterfront on the East Fork of the San Jacinto River. Ready for development, recreation or investment. $3,500/ac LUCE BAYOU - Continental Pacific is now offering the Northeast Harris County Luce Bayou 7,544 acres of timbered land ready for development, recreation or investment. There is over a mile fronting on FM 1010 and waterfront on the Luce Bayou. Will divide. SPLENDORA - 24 acres with 1,000 feet fronting US 59 just north of FM 2090, will divide. KINGWOOD – HORSE RANCH and nature preserve in HEART OF KINGWOOD. Land borders Kingwood Country Club golf course and offers over 3,000 feet of waterfront on San Jacinto River. This property is being offered as 2 – 50 acre tracts for $2.49 million each.

Nixon Real Estate 830 997-2187 830 997-3905 fax Boot Ranch - Private world-class, 19-hole golf course & residential development information & private viewing appointments available now thru our office. 1- to 2-Acre Tracts permitting mobile, modular & pre-manufactured homes. Community water & electric available. $29,975 & up. 3.34 Acres - DEVELOPMENT POTENTIAL! R-2 zoning allows for single-family lots or multi-family development. City water/sewer available. $230,000. Adjoining 4.83 acres available with same zoning & water/sewer access. $239,085 5.12-Acre Tract - Pretty, high elevation bldg. site just 6.8 miles east of Fbg. with awesome views, water well, underground utilities, nice trees, paved private road & good restrictions. $130,000 11.36 Acres - Ideal for building your weekend cabin & enjoying the views, fresh air & wildlife. $62,480 18.42 Acres - Excellent treed building. site, views, underground utilities, new 40 GPM water well, quality restrictions & hidden from main road. $9,500/acre 313 Acres - Secluded tract with rolling terrain, hilltop building site, great views, paved road, well & windmill. Cleared with several nice oaks, livestock shed, pens & pond site. $7,500/acre 54 Acres - Hilltop & hillside bldg. site w/panoramic views S. of Fbg. in White Oak community. $4,950/ac 102 Acres - Blanco Co. ranch 2 miles from town w/1,500 feet on Hinds Branch Creek, good wells, livestock pond, some field, thickly wooded creek and hills with 1BR/lBA house & garage. 280 Acres - Exceptionally nice ranch with varied terrain bordering 2 counties. 1 dammed spring-fed fishing lake, deep pond & good whitetail hunting. Incl. beautifully restored 1870s rock home, entertainment area & 2/1 tin-sided Victorian guesthouse. $2,295,000 371.54 Acres - Fantastic water from dammed Klein Branch Creek a rare find. Some field, mostly wooded with large blackbuck antelope herd and whitetail. Includes 3BR/2BA country home w/large front porch, guest quarters, hay barn, pens, metal barn/workshop & original log cabin. $2.400,000

Heritage Texas Country Properties

VIP Country Properties www.vipcountry.net

979 865-9459


888 663-6440 La Grange 888 663-6461 Brenham 888 663-6469 Bellville 888 663-6467 Round Top 41± ac. Large, custom-designed home built in 2002, 2 master suites, fabulous features, barn, pond. $650,000 188± ac. Magnificent Texas ranch, 6 lakes, country home, pool w/waterfall, barn, corrals. $1,972,320 200± ac. All-inclusive, turnkey ranch, vintage farmhouse, huge oaks, rodeo arena. $995,000 266± ac. Abundant wildlife, partially and heavily wooded, sandy soil, rolling, 2±-acre lake. $1,200,000 100± ac. Brick farmhouse, rolling hills, 3 barns, 1±acre stocked pond, sandy soil, will divide. $629,000 28± ac. Elegant & practical custom home, 2 living areas, 2 ponds, barn, pens, near town $625,000

United Country Real Estate www.unitedcountry.com

800 999-1020 ext. 857 WINERY. 139+-acre, state-of-the-art award-winning vineyard includes tasting & gift store, production facility, 3,200-sf home. Full inventory of cased wines included. Excellent reputation. $2,113,337 NUECES RIVER GAME RANCH. 1,768 acres w/1.6 miles of river frontage. Loaded w/deer, turkey, hogs, javelina & birds. Excellent guajillo cover. Road system. 2 ponds. Wildlife tax exemption. 5 tower blinds. $3,350,000 RAISE QUAIL or any other birds for that matter. 10+ acres currently set up to handle 40,000 birds annually. 3BR/2BA home overlooks beautiful lake. Ag exempt. 30 miles from San Antonio. Might just be the lifestyle you’re looking for! $425,000 RED RIVER FRONTAGE. 320 acres for fishing the river & hunting whitetail deer. Good FM rd. frontage. 55 acres tillable. Some of the minerals will convey to the new owner. $480,000 ATTN: PILOTS. Beautiful 3BR/2BA, 2,500-sf home in fly-in community. 2,400-sf hangar & 6,000-sf warehouse for any type of business venture. 30 miles from Ft. Worth. Nice 1.42-acre lot. $399,950 SIGNATURE HUNTING RANCH. 2,544-acre ranch featured in several outdoor shows. 9,500-sf lodge w/many amenities. There’s 4 lakes, 12 ponds, 8-ft game fencing & 17+ yrs of expert management. Whitetail bucks scoring over 200+ B&C points and elk scoring 419+! Numerous storage & outbldgs. Worldclass horse facilities & expansive cattle working pens. 2 hours from Dallas. $12,000,000 11,084 ACRES. Good grass, rolling hills, airstrip, 2 homes, hunting cabins, barns, new pipe corrals, 4 named creeks, 44 ponds, 2.5 miles of river frontage. Need anything else? This ranch has it! Offered by owner/agent for $12,192,400.

Rim Fire Ranch 489 ac, Austin Co., Woods, rolling terrain, meadows, live oaks, sandy soil, high hills, ponds, seasonal creek, wildlife, will divide. $8,000/ac Lost River Ranch 158 ac, Austin Co., Impressive stone home, pool/spa, improved pastures, woods, pond, wildlife and water of oxbow lake. $1,800,000 Plantation Gardens 24 ac, Waller County, Louisianastyle antebellum home. property features live oaks, tennis courts, hot tub, pool with waterfall slide, barbecue area, sprinkler system and horse barn with quarters. $895,000 The 202 Ranch 202 acres, Fayette/Gonzales County, Convenient, yet private location with rolling pastures, woods, ponds, barn, pens and a seasonal creek. $3,000/acre Vista Oaks 86 ac, Austin Co., Long road frontage, high scenic hills, major live oaks, pond, sandy soil, small tractor barn. $6,500/ac Double Deuce Horse Farm 21 ac, Waller Co., Located w/in 45 min of Houston, scattered trees, pastures, 20-stall horse barn and additional red barn, pond, board fencing. $405,000 Country Place 4+ ac, Austin Co. Commuter location, spacious 4/2.5 home with pool/spa. $389,000 Victorian Charm Brenham, Washington Co., Circa 1915 4/2 restored home, wood floors, high ceilings, oversized corner lot, 2-bedroom apartment. $169,000 SEE OUR AD IN THIS ISSUE FOR: Cuttin’ Low Ranch 90 ac, Austin Co. $1,200,000 An add’l 73+ acres with barns and arenas available. ARMCOR Farms 145 ac, Brazoria Co. $1,900,000 Triple Creek in Round Top 86 ac, Fayette Co. $1,725,000 La Gema Retreat 101 ac, Washington Co. $1,100,000 The Wood-Hughes Home Historic home, Brenham, Washington Co. $695,000 Peach Grove Farm 87 ac, Waller Co. $2,200,000 Twin Brooks 160 ac, Austin Co. $1,999,000 Willow Springs Farm 25 ac, Fayette Co. $395,000

Rare Earth Kerrville, Texas www.RareEarthRealty.com

830 257-7192 Gillespie County. 118 ac. Hwy. 16 near Fredericksburg. Spring-fed creek w/new concrete dam. Five large ponds/tanks. Pedernales River. Coastal fields, hardwoods, concrete interior road. Large rock entrance w/lifesize buffalo & flowing water. Rare. $2,500,000 Gillespie County. 20.12 ac. Old homestead. Twostory, late 1800s + log cabin + small house. Spring-fed creek, Hardwoods, coastal field. Hwy. 16. Near Fredericksburg. Gillespie County. 25.93 ac. Coastal field. Some woods, spring. Gated entrance. Near Fredericksburg. Gillespie County. 34.21 ac. Post oaks. Coastal field, 3 tanks/ponds, well & windmill. Gated entrance. Near Fredericksburg. Great views! Gillespie County. 29.14 ac. Woods. 2 tanks/ponds. Wildlife & solitude. Gated entrance. This property is near Fredericksburg. Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch


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Tejas Properties Dan Kinsel III Texas Hunting Ranches Ranch Broker, LLC 830 563-9911 60 Acres in Southern Fort Bend County. Highway frontage, south of Richmond in the Needville School District. Trees and deer. $5,900/acre. Owner/Broker 484 Acres in Edwards County. This property offers permanent water, well, electricity, great views and game both native and exotic. Offered at $1,125/acre 1,467-Acre Hunting Ranch in Kinney County. 15 miles east of Brackettville. Good game both native and exotic. Has not been grazed in years! $850/ac 995 Acres in Eastern Kinney County. Near highway in an area of historically big deer. Well, electricity and tons of wildlife. We have ranches available up to 15,000 acres. Give us a call today!

Selling Ranches in South Texas www.dankinselranches.com dwk3@dankinselranches.com

830 378-5856

Llano River Thunderhill Ranch. 940 Acres $9,500,000. Spectacular home overlooking the river. Loaded with improvements, including state-of-the-art deer breeding facility & pens stocked with 200+ superior whitetails, and your own fishing lake. Guadalupe River Ranch. 2,188 Acres. $6,126,400. Pristine Gonzales County ranch. Approx. 3.5 miles of Guadalupe River frontage. Peach Creek flows through the ranch, 3 water wells, Level 3 MLD Permit, other improvements. Frio & LaSalle County Farm/Ranch. 8,350± Acres. $20,875,000. Water! West of Dilley and IH-35. Ideally suited for irrigated crops and/or cattle production. Thirteen Carrizo Aquifer irrigation wells with an estimated 18,000 acre-feet of water permitted by the Evergreen & Wintergarden water districts. www.markhamrealty.com Webb County Hunting Ranch. 6,100± Acres. $9,150,000. Some of the best hunting country View maps & pictures on website available in South Texas. 2 stock tanks, 4 windmills, 888 286-3575 water line and numerous water troughs. About 30 minutes north of Laredo. 52-Acre Ranch. Walker County. North of New Waverly, La Salle Co. CRP Quail Country. 870± Acres. Texas. This ranch offers a custom home, barn,, fenced $1,740,000. Excellent quail and dove hunting. Water and cross-fenced pastures and a bunkhouse. $549,500 well and tank, county road frontage on 2 sides, & deer77 Acres. Walker Co., 5 miles north of Huntsville, proof fence on 3 sides. Currently in CRP. wooded rolling hills, cabin $259,500 100 Acres. Walker Co., 7 miles north of Huntsville, cabin, frontage on Nelson Creek, property resembles Hill Country. $3,695/acre 225 Ac. Madison Co., NW of Madisonville, fenced pastureland, tank, corrals. $2,550/acre 515-Acre Coastal Ranch. Seadrift, Texas, recreational property fronting Victoria Barge Canal on San Antonio Bay, fenced, hwy frontage. $1,695,000

Markham Realty, Inc.

Ranch & Hunting Land Realty Coleman County, TX www.ranchandhuntingland.com

325 624-5292 2,600 ac. Lake, hills, creeks, tanks, live oaks. By appt. 1,690+ ac. Deer/quail co., 3 lakes, 2 tanks. $1,095/ac 756 ac. Comanche Co., oaks, hills, ww. $2,550/ac 527 ac. Cabin, co. water, elec., 4 tanks, oaks. $1,995/ac 460 ac. 3/4-mile CO River, co. water/elec. $1,995/ac 260 ac. 4/3 home, barns, tanks, spring. $520,000 233 ac. Brown Co., oaks, hills, draws, hunting. $1,200 185 ac. Coleman Co., oaks, hills, hunting. $2,000/ac 163 ac. Oaks, co. water, elec., good hunting. $1,895/ac 128 ac. New cabin, 5 tanks, oaks, hunting. $2,595/ac 98 ac. 3/2 cabin, wooded, oaks, ex. hunting. $265,000 87 ac. 4/2.5 brick, live oaks, tank, fish, hunt. $299,500 34 ac. 2/2 home, hills, scenic, oaks, wildlife. $149,900 Lake Ivie Waterfront Lot. (Deep water). $39,985


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

62-Acre Ranch page 105

La Salle Co. Red Sand Ranch. 650± Acres. $1,300,000. Excellent hunting. Big tank. Waterwell produces 225 gallons/minute. Deer-proof fence on half of the boundary. Approx. one-half mile of IH-35 frontage south of Cotulla. Live Oak Co. Choke Canyon Ranch. 558 Acres. $1,283,400. Gorgeous views of Choke Canyon Lake. Frontage on Hwy. 72 and Simmons Road. City water and great subdivision potential. Large stock tank, rolling hills and native brush throughout the property. Uvalde Co. Property. 1,730 Acres. $4,325,000. 4.5± miles of the beautiful Frio River. Huge trees and deep aqua blue pools of water and good fishing and hunting. Webb Co. Hunting Ranch. 560 Acres. $1,400,000. 30 minutes north of Laredo. Lots of improvements, including a 3BR house, water well that produces 250 gallons/minute, and a large earthen tank. Red sand country with bull mesquite on the entire ranch. Webb Co. Hunting Ranch. 840 Acres. $1,890,000. Excellent hunting for whitetail deer. Deer-proof fence on 2 sides and county road frontage. Old headquarters, water well, windmill and tank. Great potential for division into smaller tracts. Zavala Co. Hunting Ranch. 1,260 Ac. $2,200,000. On paved road 5 miles west of Crystal City. Big creeks, including Turkey Creek w/permanent water, big oak trees, scenic views, excellent hunting for deer, hogs, turkeys, dove & quail. Webb Co. Headquarters Ranch. 2,593 Acres. $5,056,000. Excellent hunting ranch that is highfenced on 3 sides. Improvements include owner’s house, cookhouse, foreman’s house and barn. Bexar Co. Development Prop. 100 Ac. $1,250,000. Currently an irrigated farm with an Edwards irrigation well that is permitted with 250 acre-feet of water. Paved frontage Five miles west of Loop 1604 and just one mile south of Highway 90!

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Ed White Realty Rocksprings, TX www.edwhiterealty.com

800 683-LAND .22 ac. 809’ home, carport. $29,950 6.5 ac. Pulliam Creek, elec, Barksdale. $499,950 20 ac. Pulliam Creek, elec, Barksdale. $999,950 35 ac. Mobile home, 600 gallon cistern, 2 water troughs, 3 blinds, 3 feeders. $49,950 40 ac. Cabin, elec, shared well, 2 blinds, 3 feeders, hog trap, deer, turkey. $39,950 50 ac. 48x14 furnished lodge, 26’ travel trailer, hog trap, 4 blinds, 5 feeders. $89,950 52 ac. Elec avail, shared well. $49,950 53 ac. Elec avail, shared well. $49,950 54 ac. 2,060-sf 4/3 home, 344-sf barn, 10x10 shed, horse paddock, elec, well, 3 blinds, 5 feeders, fenced, hwy frtg. $159,950 62 ac. 380’ water well, elec avail, fence one side, big valley, hilltop views. $69,950 68 ac. Trailer, 3 stands, 3 feeders, water tank, shared well. $39,950 75 ac. Trailer, 3 Blinds, 5 feeders, well. $39,950 86 ac. Trailer, 3 Blinds, 2 feeders, well. $49,950 100 ac. Hilltop view, fence, deer, elk. $99,950 100 ac. County rd, hilltop, deer, elk. $109,950 100 ac. County rd, oak valley, elk. $109,950 101 ac. Oaks, views, elk, deer. $109,950 101 ac. Hilltop view, old well & tank. $129,950 102 ac. Hilltop views, water tank/trough. $99,950 102 ac. End of Road, water tank/trough. $99,950 102 ac. Fence, Cave Creek, views. $111,000 102 ac. Road 1 side, fence, views. $111,000 103 ac. Road 1 side, fence 1 side, creek, roads, hilltop, shared well, elec avail, deer, elk. $112,000 103 ac. County road, shared well, elec avail, deer, turkey, elk. $113,000 104 ac. Road 1 side, fence 1 side, valley views, shared well, deer, turkey, elk. $114,000 105 ac. Road 1 side, fence 1 side, Cave Creek, shared well, elec avail, deer, turkey, elk. $115,000 105 ac. Road 1 side, fence 1 side, 3 cabins, concrete reservoir, 2 shared wells, elec. $199,950 105 ac. Road 1 side, fence 1 side, elec avail, shared well, views, deer, elk. $115,000 106 ac. Cabin, 3 stands, shared well, awesome views, deer, turkey. $69,950 107 ac. Road 2 sides, fenced 1 side, shared well, elec avail, hilltop view, deer, turkey, elk. $116,950 107 ac. Road 2 sides, oak views, shared well, elec avail, deer, turkey, elk. $117,500 115 ac. Road 2 sides, oak views, elec avail, shared well, deer, turkey, elk. $126,000 115 ac. Hilltop 1,100’ 2/1 home, water system, elec, deer, axis, elk, turkey, awesome views. $239,950 116 ac. Lodge CHCA, all appliances, well, elec, 5 blinds, 3 feeders, Nueces River. $149,950 120 ac. Furnished 2/1 lodge, elec, 3,000-gallon water system, hilltop view, deer. $119,950 146 ac. Fence 2 sides, two 3,000-gallon tanks, 2 water troughs, 3,000-lb feeder, creek. $499,950 156 ac. Oak valley, fenced 3 sides, 3,000-gallon tank, water trough, water guzzler, creek. $499,950 160 ac. Road end, fenced 1 side, shared well, elec avail, deer, turkey, elk. $175,000 201 ac. Road 2 sides, shared well, views, elec avail, deer, elk. $209,900 201 ac. County road, views, deer, elk. $218,000 201 ac. Road 2 sides, well, elec, deer, elk. $219,900 203 ac. End of road, shared well, hilltop views, creek canyon, owner terms. $199,900

203 ac. Road 1 side, fence 1 side, creek valley, hilltop views, shared well, deer. $214,950 208 ac. Road 1 side, fenced 1 side, big valley, shared well, elec avail. $225,000 217 ac. Road 2 sides, fence 1 side, oak views, shared well, elec avail, elk. $229,950 227 ac. Furnished Lodge, water well, 12,600’ fame fence, 3 water tanks, 2 water troughs, 7 feeders, 6 blinds, 8 bow stands, game stock, terms. $499,950 233 ac. Road end, fenced 2 sides, creek valley, shared well, deer, turkey. $256,000 238 ac. Hilltop 650’ lodge, elec, 5 blinds, 5 feeders, fence 2 sides, 2 stock tanks, views. $250,000 261 ac. Road end, fenced 1 side, hilltop views, creek valley, shared well, deer, elk. $279,950 266 ac. Road 1 side, fence 1 side, hilltop views, creek valley, elk. $289,950 301 ac. 4 water systems, 3,000-lb feeder. $999,900 309 ac. Remote, 2 wells, 3 cabins, tank, elec, deer, turkey. $399,950 334 ac. Road 2 sides, fence 2 sides, hilltop views, old well & tank, deer, elk. $359,950 393 ac. Road end, fenced 2 sides, water, elec, hilltop views, creek valley, deer, elk. $399,950 409 ac. Fence 1 side, hilltop views, elec avail, 2 shared wells, 3 cabins, deer, elk. $499,950 483 ac. Fence 1 side, awesome views, deer, turkey, creek valley. $499,950 483 ac. 1624’ Stone/Cedar 3/2 CHCA all appliances, wildlife pond, well, elec, fenced, 5 blinds, 7 feeders, hwy frtg. $899,950 490 ac. Hwy frt, elec, fencing, water well, Trophy Deer $439,950. 542 ac. End of road, fenced 3 sides, elec, 3000 gallon water tank, big oaks. $699,950 600 ac. Fence 2 sides, Shared well, elec, creek valley, deer, turkey. $599,950 732 ac. Homes, backhoe, blinds, feeders, shared well, borders 2 huge ranches. $699,950 817 ac. Fence 2 sides, hilltop views, old well & tank, elec avail. $799,950 906 ac. Spring-fed wildlife ranch, 4,825’ luxury 3BR/4BA home, guest home, manager’s home, barns, 2 permanent springs, water well, axis, whitetail, Hwy frt, views. $2.79 mil. 1,239 ac. 1600’ hilltop home, bunkhouse, barn, apartment, 2 wells, fenced, hwy frtg. $1.49 mil. 1,390 ac. End of road, fenced 3 sides, windmill well, hilltop views, deer, elk, turkey. $1.389 mil. 2,008 ac. End of road, fenced 3 sides, windmill well, hilltop views, deer, elk, turkey. $1.999 mil. 3,338 ac. End of road, fenced 3 sides, windmill well, hilltop views, deer, elk, turkey. $3,335 mil.

Tina McCelvey & Assoc. www.TexasRanchGirl.com

210 495-TINA (8462) phone 210 481-1765 fax 127.14 Acres 30 minutes from downtown San Antonio, TX, in New Berlin/St. Hedwig area. Large oak trees, small home, water well. $4,250/acre 200 Acres San Marcos, TX, unimproved property. Water meter, pipe cattle pens and abundant wildlife. Seller may divide. $3,500/acre 238+ Acres in La Salle County. 3,400-sf home, horse stalls, cattle pens, horse barn with tack and feed room. Small stock tank, lots of brush & wildlife $650,000 250.8 Acres Bear Creek Ranch in Kerr and Kendal Counties. Includes spring-fed stock tanks, beautiful oak trees and abundant wildlife. $ 3,750,000

270-320 Acres available in Edwards County. 45 minutes from Kerrville, high-fenced, water well, and electric. Starting at $1,195. per ac 380 Acres in Frio County, 1± hour south of San Antonio, TX. Fronts about 1/2 mile of Frio River. Huge oak and mesquite trees with lots of deer, hogs, quail and dove. No minerals. $2,595/acre 1,505.54 Acres Heavens Gate Ranch in La Salle County. High-fenced with 7 stock tanks, lodge and surface minerals only breeder deer, intensely game managed. $2,000/acre 2,230 Acres Camaron Ranch in La Salle County. Original 1950s headquarters lodge, large lake, South TX brush, wild game. Much, much more. 1,795/acre 3,100 Acres in LaSalle Co. Hunting ranch, cabin 3/2, 40-acre lake, food plots, high fenced $ 1,795/acre 7,000 Acres in La Salle Co., modest improvements, high-fenced, large stock tanks, all brush, no minerals. $ 1,795/acre. Will divide in 3 tracts.

Phyllis Browning Company www.pbcfarmandranch.com

800 860-0699 7 ACS. Atascosa Co. Nice updated 3-2. Barn, shed. 48 ACS. Atascosa Co. Comfortable 3-2 brick home. Good brush, outbuildings & electric gated entry. 6.69 ACS. Bandera Co. Riverfront community w/shared Medinal River frontage. 23.6 ACS. Bexar Co. Seasonal creek. Springs fill pond, 2 homes. 10-stall horse barn & pastures. 10.02 ACS. Bexar Co. Hill Country views from 4-3.5 estate in gated area. 124 ACS. Blanco Co. Near Johnson City, straddles running Rocky Creek Barn, Bunk House. 36+ ACS. Comal Co. Elegant universal designed hilltop home, pool, steel barn w/qtrs, room for 6 stalls. 2,618 ACS. Frio Co. Early settlers ranch. Superb cattle ranch, wild game, good roads & water. 844 ACS. Hays Co. Near TSU Campus. Suited for upscale development project or commercial. 17.1 ACS. Kendall Co. All weather creek runs through property. Main house, guest & creek houses. 26 ACS. Kendall Co. Rock 5-4.5 w/HW flrs. Outdoor kit. qtrs. w/2-bdrms. & kit. 3 water source. 380 ACS. Medina Co. Mix of native brush & pasture. Quail & deer. Fence/cross fenced, 2 stock tanks. 213 ACS. Medina Co. Prime brush w/large stocked lake. barn, pavilion,, skeet towers. 22.2 ACS. Medina Co. 7 acs. income prod. Irrigate pecan orchard, peaches, figs, grapes & vegs. 764 ACS. Uvalde Co. Good recreational prop. Fenced with some cross fencing. 155 ACS. Uvalde Co. On Nueces River. 3/2 house w/views. Many improvements & abundant game. 409 ACS. Wilson Co. Great for cattle/horses. Nice 32 home w/Fp. & hottub. Cattle pens & 2 stock tanks 24.8 ACS. Wilson Co. Great horse farm w/3-2 + guest qtrs. Barnmaster barn, fenced & corss fenced. 251 ACS. Wilson Co. New rock home w/3-car gar. & pool. Add’l 2-story historic home circa 1870. 13.78 ACS. Wilson Co. Opportunity to restore old farmhouse. Rolling terrain, livestock & horses okay. 17,500 ACS. Zavala & Frio Cos. In heart of best whitetail deer hunting in Texas. Excellent brush, carefully managed. Deer, turkeys, quail, dove. 3 miles of Leona River. Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch


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Terry Wootan Real Estate www.terrywootanrealestate.com

325 247-5711 Law Creek - 1,073 acres. McCulloch Co. Beautiful ranch home. Too many extras! Turn key, high-fenced ranch, home to many exotics! $3,995/ac Johnson City - 381 acres, Main home, Sunday house. Lots of potential, great deer hunting! $2,100,000 Horse Lovers - 43 acres. Llano Co. 3BD/3BA home, 2 barns, arena, much more! $674,900 Log Home on 19 acres on Llano River – Custom log home. Home features 3BD/2BA, lots of windows allowing for beautiful Texas Hill Country views. The property has 533 feet of Llano River frontage and is ready for immediate enjoyment. $595,000 Wells Ranch - 630 acres in Hall, Texas, Large main home, one-of-a-kind hunting lodge, Richland Creek, beautiful views & a good amount of wildlife. Professionally managed for 6 yrs. $3,995/ac. Great Hill Country find! Valley Spring -110 acres. There is a 3BD/1BA brick home, good living condition. The property offers panoramic views, some improved pasture and lots of hardwood cover. All and all, an affordable ranch in Llano County. This is a must-see! $3,950/ac 24+ Acres - Cherokee, TX. Raw land with 2.5 acres of cultivated field with great irrigation possibilities. There are great views and abundant wildlife. Come take a look. $4,600/acre 16+ Acres on Llano River - Large oaks, granite outcroppings, outstanding building sites with views of the beautiful Llano River. 1,100± feet frontage of the river. This property will not last long! Come see today! $25,000/acre. Will divide. Ottwell Ranch – 1,591 acres in Llano Co. Just north of Llano. Main home, great elevation changes due to BabyHead Mountain! Lots of extras! $6,000,000 McBride Ranch - 556± acres in Comanche Co. 2 live creeks, 2 water wells, barn, storage building, and 2 homes. 30-mile hilltop views. Beautiful piece of property! $2,295/ac

Page 180

Oatman Creek Ranch - 217± acres south of Llano. Beautiful rock home 4BR/3BA home w/carport, covered porch, well, pond, barn, gated. Abundant wildlife. Very nice Hill Country ranch! $1,300,000 Walker Ranch - 43± acres in Lake Buchanan off of 261. Great Lake Buchanan access. Would make great retirement/vacation building site. $7,800/ac Rockin’ J Ranch - 952± acres in San Saba Co. Located on one of the highest points in the county. One of the best low-fenced ranches in the hill country, game managed for 4 years. 2 nice manufactured homes, large barn. Deep Creek runs through the front pasture during wet weather. Great hunting ranch! $2,995/ac

Steve Grant Real Estate Athens, Texas www.stevegrant.com

903 675-3503 903 675-3536 fax LAKE PALESTINE OPPORTUNITY. 54.68 acres w/1,771 feet of lake frontage, private lake, rolling

Waller County Land Company 936 372-9181 979 826-4133 10.8 Acs. Hempstead, 2 tracts, high & dry, one w/pond. $10,000/ac 12 Acs. Waller, scenic partially wooded. $10,250/ac 18 Acs. Waller, open & wooded, scenic. $9,250/ac 19.3 Acs. Unrestricted, large oaks, fenced. $9,250/ac 21-40 Acs. Hempstead, comm./resid. $20,000/ac 25 Acs. Waller, rolling, trees, barn w/qrtrs, well, septic, fenced. $319,400 26 Acs. Waller, 2 tracts, each half wooded & half open, scenic, restricted. $7,900/ac 30 Acs. Waller, corner w/3,000’ frontage, great comm. potential. Will divide 10-acre min. $19,000/ac 46.7 Acs. Hockley, outbuildings, fenced w/wooded & cleared areas. Tifton 85 hay pasture. $420,480 95.5 Acs. Waller, 3/2.5 stone home, pens, barn, pond, fenced, cross-fenced & gated. $699,000 164 Acs. Waller, working ranch, 2/2 stone home, creek, pens, barn, equip. shed, workshop, improved pasture, fenced/cross-fenced, .5 mi. frtg. $985,000 270 Acs. Hockley, 5/4 home, guest home, 4 ponds, 8,000-sf barn, hay barn, pipe fencing. $2,950,000 471.7 Acs. Hwy 290 at Brazos River. River frontage. Ag exempt. $2,700/ac

terrain, mixture of open land, mature pine & hardwood forest. Ideal for private retreat or getaway. $925,000 SOUTH OF ATHENS - Newer home on 2 acres, corner lot, quiet country atmosphere, very spacious home w/2 living areas, 4BR/2BA, 2 wbfp, lots of nice features. $145,000 ATHENS AREA - Great 3BR/2BA/2cp “like new” home on approx. 20 acres w/approx. 50% open & 50% wooded, Wilcox water well & storage bldg. $214,000 ATHENS - Approx. 30 acres w/CR frontage. Mostly open, gently rolling, scattered giant oak & hickory. Great homesite. $150,000 COUNTRY ESTATE on 13.87 acres. Fabulous custom 3BR/3BA/1 w/mixture of open & wooded land, gourmet kitchen, brick patio & more. Gated entrance provides the utmost in privacy. Owner will sell w/less acreage. $329,000 GORGEOUS ROLLING LAND - Approx. 94.3 acres minutes from downtown Athens w/approx. 900 feet of Loop 7 frontage. 2-acre beaver pond on the back; huge native oak trees, rolling pastures, fenced & cross fenced, two entrances, natural wildlife habitat. $358,340 ATHENS AREA – Custom-built home w/3BR/2BA/2

Sound of Music Ranch page 166

w/1,800+ sf on 15 acres w/creek in back. $187,500 30.03 ACRES - 5 ac. open, 25 ac. woods, hilly terrain, mature oaks & pines, 3BR/2BA mobile, fenced, set up for second mobile & 2 shallow wells. $90,000 AN EAST TEXAS JEWEL - Incredible 76+ acres w/improved pasture, 55% open, 45% wooded w/huge oaks, 3-acre spring-fed stocked lake on back, wonderful privacy & slightly rolling terrain, 2 stg trailers, elec. pole & water meter in place, 3BR/2BA mobile could be used as weekender or temporary dwelling while you build. $325,000 COUNTRY GETAWAY - Fabulous 3BR/2.5BA w/warm & spacious floorplan and large deck nestled admist hardwoods w/meadow overlooking 3 ponds & workshop. Weekend/permanent living. $279,000 ATHENS - Custom 4BR/3BA/2 on 18 acres w/hug views, wonderful landscaping, huge family room, oversized garage w/room upstairs, workshop and is fenced & cross-fenced. $419,000


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch


ugusta National. Pebble Beach. St. Andrews. Hallowed ground, where a single round is a once-in-a-lifetime experience.Imagine playing these famed links everyday…in your own backyard.You can. Tour Scapes creates personal, customized golf retreats that challenge your skills and invigorate your senses. Begin with a tribute hole, capturing the essence of the world’s most renowned golf courses. Add a crystal clear lake stocked with your choice of trophy game fish. Perfect your swing in the year-round comfort of a climate-controlled golf studio. Relax in an outdoor living environment, complete with a full kitchen, fireplace, deck and Hotsprings spa. TM

Savor the panoramic view…of your own property.

Because hallowed ground is just outside your door. 3255 Austin Bluffs Pkwy • Colorado Springs, CO 80918

(719) 502.1782 • www.tourscaperetreats.com

181 TourScapesAD.indd 181

5/17/06 11:32:44 AM

Legendary Gol f

at Your Home on the Range


ugusta National. Pebble Beach. personal St. Andrew’s. In the world of golf, these famed courses are








clients’ designer, the TourScapes team includes talented

recreational estates, that is about to change. “At TourScapes, we approach the land with

golf course designer Matt Louis Rauh and aquatic consultants Paul Cassidy, who designs,

an artist’s eye seeing the possibilities, not the builds and manages lakes, streams and fisheries

generations, the faithful have paid homage to

limitations,” said Garth Hystad, one of the

for the company’s clients. Collectively, the group

the game they love on these famed links.

company’s founders. “Together, my partners

has more than 40 years experience and each

For many, these courses offer the ultimate and I create personal golf retreats that enhance

man is a top professional in his respective field.

golfing experience, but few have the privilege

the beauty of the land, add value to the property

“For years, we worked individually,” Hystad

of playing regularly on links of this caliber. and reflect the owner’s individual style.”

said. “Then, Black Bear Ranch brought us

Because of TourScapes, a Colorado Springs-

together, and we quickly realized that by

In addition to Hystad, who is considered the

based company that specializes in building country’s premier outdoor living environment pooling our talents, we could create original,


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

182-184 TourScapesARTICLE.indd 182

5/17/06 11:33:14 AM

course year-round–in the middle of the hottest summer days or the snowiest winter nights. Another unique feature unique to a Tour Scapes’ personal golf retreat is the inclusion of “tribute holes.” Rauh designs golf holes that capture the flavor of the owner’s favorite holes on the world’s most renowned golf courses. Hystad’s favorite course is Augusta National and now his family and friends pit their skills against tribute holes that have the distinct flavor of the originals. While, for obvious reasons, the tribute holes are not exact replicas of the famous holes that inspired them, they are similar enough to transport the players to another place. Of course, the courses can contain holes custom-designed for the terrain. In addition to the golf studios and tribute holes, TourScapes can bring the pristine beauty of water to the landscape. Cassidy has dedicated personal golf retreats unlike any other in the his career to designing and building healthy world. There is no one else doing what we do water systems that can include lakes, ponds and at the level we do it.”

streams. To make the water bodies even more Using his own Black Bear Ranch as an appealing, Cassidy uses his biology training to example, Hystad outlined the possibilities. At create a self-sustaining ecosystem that supports Black Bear, Hystad converted an old airplane a population of trophy-game fish. hangar into a mountain lodge-inspired golf Outdoor living environments round out the studio that combines comfort, style and company’s offerings. In his inimitable style, practicality. Because of the unique climate Hystad seamlessly combines the outdoors control system in the golf studio, it is possible and indoors to showcase the best of both for Hystad’s friends and family to enjoy the golf worlds. The climate-controlled outdoor living Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

182-184 TourScapesARTICLE.indd 183


5/17/06 11:33:39 AM

environments can include everything from full

interested in a water system. Another client

outdoor kitchens and wet bars to fireplaces

might want a combination of tribute holes,

and Hotspring® spas.

outdoor living environment and a pristine lake

“When I entertain at Black Bear, our days and stream stocked with trophy-game fish. The have a certain rhythm,” Hystad said. “My friends

possibilities are endless.

and I start early with some great golfing and as

“At TourScapes, we are dedicated to realizing

the day warms up we go swim in the lake and

the possibilities,” Hystad said. “We believe that

relax in the outdoor living environment.”

people deserve the best that we can imagine.” v

“Later, we catch some trophy-trout, cook them in the outdoor kitchen, eat a satisfying meal in the outdoor dining room and head back out for a night round of golf. My golf retreat lets me enjoy a perfect day whenever I choose, and now, with the advent of Tour Scapes, other people can experience their own personal perfection.” Of course, perfection, like beauty, is in the

Colorado Springs, CO

719 502-1782 or visit the company’s website at www.tourscaperetreats.com.

eye of the beholder, so each golf retreat can be customized to meet the needs of individual customers. The tribute holes, the golf studio, the outdoor living environment, and the lakes, rivers and streams–can stand alone. Or customer can choose the features that meet his needs. For instance, a client might want a golf studio and a golf course, but not be


Volume 40 Texas Farm&Ranch

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5/17/06 11:34:07 AM


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5/17/06 5:18:17 PM

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Texas Farm & Ranch Magazine • Volume 40

Texas style.

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