Fall 2021 Financial Partner

Page 19

WASHINGTON Update Tom Tom Cosgrove Cosgrove Executive Vice for Public Affairs SeniorPresident Vice President for Public Affairs

Making Sure Farm Credit’s Voice is Heard in Washington As a cooperative, telling the Farm

Administration (FCA), and Farm Credit

In addition, we discussed Farm

Credit story to policymakers and other

institutions themselves, so it’s important

Credit’s efforts to support diversity,

stakeholders is really telling the story of you,

they understand the important role Farm

equity and inclusion in agriculture and

our members. And there’s no one better to

Credit plays in supporting members’

concern over regulations that would

tell that story than members themselves.

operations. With the political turmoil over

impose undue reporting burdens on

infrastructure proposals, government

Farm Credit institutions.

In early November, Farm Credit East participated in the Farm Credit national Fly-

funding and the debt ceiling, topics

in, held in Washington, D.C. Representing

specific to Farm Credit and our customers

Farm Credit East customers were four

can get lost in the rhetoric.

board members who, along with four

Not all Congressional offices are

staff, joined with more than 600 Farm

familiar with Farm Credit, so in some

Credit representatives from across the

meetings, we take time to present

country, including board members, staff

“Farm Credit 101,” or the basics of how

and customers. Farm Credit representatives

our cooperative operates. In offices

met with members of Congress to tell them

familiar with Farm Credit, our delegation

about the amazing work our customers do

discussed a number of issues, but

every day, and how associations like Farm

underlying all our conversations was

Credit East support them.

the core message: Farm Credit supports

Holding an event like this as COVID-19

rural communities and agriculture with

continues to impact everyday life made

reliable, consistent credit and financial

it different than past fly-ins. All local

services, today and tomorrow.

Senator Susan Collins (ME) with Farm Credit East Director Peter Triandafillou

As noted earlier, the final event of

mandates were followed, including

Other issues discussed included:

the Fly-in was an outdoor Congressional

wearing masks indoors, and though some

• How Farm Credit has supported the

reception. Farm Credit East was pleased to

visits with Congressional leaders were

essential work of our customers

feature customers’ hard cider and spirits

held virtually, many were held in-person.

during the pandemic.

from New York’s Hudson Valley along with

The event concluded with a reception

• How Farm Credit supports its

featuring Farm Credit customer products

from across the country.

Despite the challenges of holding such

pies made from Connecticut grown apples.

customers as they combat climate

Enjoying customer products is a tangible

change and protect the environment.

way for members of Congress and their

• The need for a long-term solution to

staffs to appreciate the efforts of all our

an event, the importance of doing so was

provide a reliable source of

customers and understand that their story

more evident than ever. As the creator of

agricultural labor, urging Senate

is one worth telling.

the Farm Credit System, Congress, through

action on the House-passed

its agriculture committees, provides

bipartisan Farm Workforce

oversight of our regulator, the Farm Credit

Modernization Act as a first step. FALL 2021


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