CEO’s MESSAGE Mike Reynolds, CEO, Farm Credit East
YOUR PARTNER INTO THE FUTURE Northeast AgEnhancement and the
we launched an improved online banking
cooperative! In late November, customer-
This is an exciting time for your
FarmStart program (learn more
platform, allowing you more access to
stockholders overwhelmingly approved
about both programs later in this issue).
manage your loans and the option to
the proposed merger of Farm Credit
This issue’s cover story discusses
receive billing statements electronically.
East and Yankee Farm Credit. We
stewardship, often referred to in
We are also implementing tools and
thank everyone who participated in
corporate governance as Environmental,
processes on our end to provide our team
this important vote. As two financially
Social and Governance (ESG). ESG is
more time to spend with you discussing
strong cooperatives who have partnered
increasingly important to our investors,
your business needs and goals. We plan
together on programs and initiatives
partners, team members and the
to roll out additional tools over the next
for many years, we look forward to
association as a whole. The cover story
several years to further enhance your
combining our expertise and resources
highlights our ESG efforts, including
experience doing business with us.
to be a stronger partner for Northeast
several organizations we have supported
Customer relationships remain the driver
agriculture, commercial fishing and forest
and our team members’ involvement
of our digital strategy and these various
products into the future.
in community and agricultural
tools aim to enhance those relationships.
The merged association will begin
organizations. This is an area you’ll
And, of course, at the core of
operations as Farm Credit East, ACA,
continue to hear more on as we plan to
this strategy is the security of your
on January 1, 2022. Our team has been
grow our ESG efforts in 2022, especially
information. We continue to see an
working diligently over the past several
as it relates to environmental stewardship
uptick in cyber threats and scams, but we
months on our transition plan, and while
and diversity, equity and inclusion.
have the safeguards in place, including
we still have some work to do as we
Governance is another area of focus.
extensive staff training, to ensure your
officially bring our teams together, this
We will welcome three of Yankee’s
information remains secure. This will
merger won’t impact your day-to-day
board members to our board in January.
continue to be an area of highest priority.
interactions with our team. Your branch
Their backgrounds and experience will
office remains the same. Your relationship
bring additional industry knowledge
excited for the year ahead as we are. I
team remains the same. However, over
and insights to Farm Credit East and our
look forward to welcoming Yankee Farm
time we look forward to extending to
members. Additionally, three seats are up
Credit staff and customers as part of the
our members the benefits of increased
for election on the Farm Credit East Board
Farm Credit East family the first of the
loan diversity, a stronger capital base and
in 2022. The nominating committee will
year. This is an exciting milestone to
enhanced earnings.
hold their meeting in early January to
ensure we have the capacity to remain
advance a slate of candidates for customer
your trusted financial partner into
aim to expand our commitment to the
consideration. Learn more about the
the future.
industries and communities we serve.
election process on page 17 of this issue.
As we head into the new year, we
Stewardship is important to both Farm
Finally, with our expanded team and
Credit East and Yankee Farm Credit,
resources, we look forward to growing
and an area we have partnered in for a
our relationship with you. We continue
number of years through Farm Credit
to advance our digital journey. In 2021,
In closing, I hope you are all as
Wishing all a happy and healthy holiday season. We look forward to growing our relationship into 2022.
FALL 2021