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Packed programme of Club Events

Our hugely varied events programme started in early October with a wonderful behind-the-scenes tour of Wimbledon, with a superb lunch in the Champions Room, followed by the hugely impressive interactive Wimbledon Museum.

Later in October HRH The Princess Royal visited the Club as guest of honour and speaker at the Young Farmers Chairman Dinner, attended by over 50 former chairmen of the National Federation. This was followed by Defra Minister Lord Benyon speaking and taking questions at the Monday Evening Lecture (p8).

Early November brought the much postponed (due to rail strikes) lunch celebrating the life of our late Patron, Queen Elizabeth II, and the presentation of the Farmers Club Cup. Our Guest of Honour and speaker was HRH The Countess of Wessex. A tremendous occasion of celebration and poignancy in equal measure (p12).

A very busy November concluded with a small group enjoying dinner at the Club before Puccini’s La Boheme at the Royal Opera House – a great evening out.

The Under 35s had a tremendously successful festive dinner in the Farmers Suite, with good numbers and the room resplendent in festive livery (p20)!

At the end of the month, John and I led a party of 30+ to the Guards Chapel, Wellington Barracks, for the annual Advent Service, including a moving memorial to the SAS, superbly accompanied by Hereford Cathedral Choir. A marvellous festive dinner followed at the Club, including turkey and Christmas pudding, before hearing General Sir Adrian Bradshaw KCB OBE speak on current global threats, including political, military, energy and food security issues.

December proved very busy, with meetings and Christmas celebrations from members and associated agricultural organisations and related industries. We also re-invigorated the New Members’ Reception, enabling new members to meet the Chairman, myself and other members of the team, and other new members. Another small step towards full normality!

A dinner and trip to the Barbican theatre for Kings College Cambridge Choir’s Christmas carols was supported by the hastily assembled Farmers Club Choir! Finally, the annual New Years’ Eve Gala dinner was held in the Farmers Suite, the first since 2019. A packed room enjoyed sumptuous food, wine and champagne (and even bacon/sausage sandwiches early on New Year’s Day). The Mayor of London provided spectacular fireworks opposite our Terrace on the stroke of midnight. A superb evening marking the last day and event of 2022 Chairman John Lee, who was joined by 2020 and 2021 Chairmen, Allan Stevenson and Keith Redpath, who were unable to host such an event due to the pandemic.

It has been a year with just about our maximum output of 44 events (Club and Under 35s) covering a broad range of interests and experiences. The Member Experience Team is already hard at work on the 2023 programme, which looks as if it will be every bit as busy and diverse!

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