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The Club honoured the life of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and presented the Farmers Club Cup for 2022 in November. Andrei Spence reports

A tremendous afternoon on Monday 7th November, to honour the life of Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and present the 2022 Farmers Club Cup, was graciously supported by HRH The Countess of Wessex.

Despite travel difficulties over 40 members joined Chairman John Lee to welcome Her Royal Highness. All attending were presented to HRH and much lively debate was spawned before a finger buffet/tea and the presentation of the Club Cup.

Tables were adorned with one of our late Patron’s favourite flowers, white button chrysanthemums, as John gave a moving speech. He reflected on the fact that in 1955, some 67 years ago, the Club was informed that her Majesty the Queen had graciously consented to become our patron, and so began a lifetime of Her late Majesty’s Patronage.

Despite all the pressures and demands, we should perhaps not be surprised this patronage endured, given Her late Majesty’s great knowledge and long and abiding interest in agriculture and the countryside, and thereby the importance of fellowship and debate the Club offers to our sector.

Previous Chairmen were honoured to welcome Her Majesty to the Club and to the pavilion at the Royal Show on many occasions – visits they and all the members and visitors to the Club and Showground will never forget.

Her Majesty was not just the Head of State of the United Kingdom and Head of the Commonwealth, but was also a figurehead of selfless devotion, dedication, and service, who carried out duties with strength and humility. John conveyed the thanks of the members of The Farmers Club to HRH The Countess of Wessex, The King and other members of the Royal Family, as well as our sincere condolences.

He finished on an upbeat note that despite the great sadness still felt at Her late Majesty’s passing, and indeed that of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh, we should not forget the fun and more light-hearted occasions. Few will ever forget, for example, The Duke of Edinburgh popping round to the Club in his taxi, on a reasonably regular basis, for a half pint of pale ale!

John offered a toast to our late Patron, by way of one of her favourite tipples Gin and Dubonnet!

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