Your 2024 Event Guide
Continue your diversification journey today.
W come to Farm Business Innovation 2024.
Welcome to the Farm Business Innovation Show 2024. This event is your gateway to unlocking the full potential of farm diversification, whether you’re taking your first steps or looking to expand an existing venture. In a time where farming businesses are exploring new ways to thrive, this show brings together the brightest minds and the latest innovations in the industry to help you grow, diversify, and succeed.
Here, you will have the chance to explore not only the world of farm diversification but also tap into the opportunities within the Land Leisure & Tourism Show, which focuses on holiday parks, attractions, and rural tourism ideas. The show’s co-located events create a unique space for you to connect, discover, and be inspired by cross-industry collaborations that can spark fresh ideas for your business. With exhibitors from across the industry eager to share their expertise, you’ll have access to the latest approaches and developments in farm diversification and beyond. Don’t hesitate to engage with the specialists here and ask questions that could help you drive your business forward.
Supported by
Our theatres are packed with content tailored to benefit you and your business. Over the next two days these theatres will offer insights that span farm diversification, rural tourism, leisure, and more. Whether it’s John Gilliland talking about, breaking down carbon and working together towards Net Zero, or Chris Otty, Regional Sales Director from Hoeseasons discussing maximising your income through holiday letting, we have key learnings for you.
A special thank you to our event charity partners, Farming Community Network, and Fareshare, and to all our event and media partners for their support. We are incredibly grateful to our steering committee, whose input has been instrumental in shaping this year’s event.
We hope you leave this event feeling inspired and equipped to explore new opportunities for your business!
V ity Hyland
Event Director Agriconnect
Exhibitor listings
Adaptainer 0330 122 0222 FM30
ADAS 0333 014 2950 FM442
Adips 01915 166 381 FM645
Ainscough Strategic Land Ltd FM456
Amax Digital Marketing 0208 515 7980 FM452
Amberside Energy Ltd FM440
Recent Changes to Permitted Development Rights:
What Landowners Need to Know
As a landowner, staying informed about permitted development rights is crucial for maximising your property’s potential. Recent updates have opened up new opportunities for converting and developing farm buildings, but there are also additional constraints to consider.
Permitted development rights allow certain developments without full planning permission. These are key for rural landowners, with the most relevant being:
Class Q: Agricultural to Residential – Updated in May 2024, these rights now allow up to 10 dwellings per agricultural unit and larger total oor space, with new limits on individual dwelling size and extensions permitted. These changes o er more exibility for landowners but require careful planning due to added constraints.
Class R: Agricultural to Commercial – Expanded oor space up to 1,000 square metres and broader use classes, including industrial processes. This makes diversifying farm income through commercial development more accessible.
Class A: Agricultural Development – Increased maximum footprint for new agricultural buildings, allowing structures up to 1,500 square metres without full planning permission, simplifying and speeding up the process for farm expansion.
These updates present valuable opportunities for landowners, whether you’re looking to convert agricultural buildings to residential or commercial use or expand farming operations. However, strategic planning is essential. Class Q and Class R developments come with unique restrictions, and Class A o ers streamlined agricultural building expansions.
Consulting professionals is recommended to ensure compliance with regulations and to fully leverage these opportunities. With the right approach, these changes can signi cantly enhance the utility and value of your land.
By Louise Newton, Partner at Bidwells.
Our Partners and supporters
Looking under the bonnet of new business ventures
Innovation in farming businesses is not new, but the pace of change is. We have the decline of the Basic Payment Scheme, in favour of productivity and environmental schemes. All businesses need to look at how they farm and how they can maximise the use of their land and buildings in order to sustain and to grow their business. The Farm Business Innovation show provides plenty of inspiration, bringing together fresh ideas and opportunities from rural tourism and recreation through to new farming ideas, woodland and environmental projects.
All new business ventures need careful thought to fully understand the opportunities, challenges and risks, and many current enterprises will be impacted by changes in regulations.
The seminars at the CLA stand will provide independent and impartial updates on current issues, understanding regulatory realities, and point to sources of funding and grants, to help you make the right decisions. The CLA focuses on supporting rural businesses and our experts are well placed to help you.
Overcoming business constraints
There are many things that can hold back growth, and hamper diversi cation and we will demonstrate how to reduce these risks. How to navigate the current planning system is always an issue, but will reformed planning policy help to deliver for the rural area? How can CLA members make the best of water and the environment in their future plans?
Regulatory changes
Keeping on top of regulatory changes is never easy, particularly if you are diversifying into new enterprises, whether this be licensing, training, certi cation or payment of taxes and business rates.
We help to ensure that businesses represented by the CLA are not disadvantaged by new regulation and are kept up to date.
We will look at funding and grant opportunities for farmers and landowners who wish to give greater focus onto the environment whether this is through the government’s environmental land management scheme, biodiversity net gain, or through woodland planting.
Come along and listen to the seminars and ask questions of the experts on the day.
This is a taste of the bene ts of CLA membership, and if you nd it useful you are welcome to nd out about all the other bene ts of being a member and join up at the stand (FM230) or visit
Wednesday, 6 November 2024: 10:30-11:00
Thursday, 7 November 2024: 10:30-11:00
Diversi cation: Things often forgotten
Avril Roberts
Avril will delve into things which are often forgotten in new diversi cation enterprises, but which can make the di erence between success and failure. This practical advice session will include business planning, making your business accessible both physically and digitally, and sustainability. Attendees will also get a avour of what is included in the upcoming CLA Advisory Handbook on diversi cation.
CLA Seminar Timetable
Wednesday, 6 November 2024: 13:45-14:15
Thursday, 7 November 2024: 13:45-14:15
Should I plant trees? Grants and other key considerations
Graham Clark
Government has ambitious tree-planting targets – but is it right for you? Graham will review the key issues landowners need to consider before committing land to woodland creation and will outline the key grants and funding opportunities available.
Wednesday, 6 November 2024: 11:15-11:45 Wednesday, 6 November 2024: 14:30-15:00
Thursday, 7 November 2024: 11:15-11:45
What’s changed in planning?
John Greenshields
The new Government has placed a signi cant emphasis on improving the planning system, particularly to allow delivery of 1.5million homes over a ve-year period. This talk will cover additional topics of interest including diversi cation, permitted development rights and environmental considerations, such as Biodiversity Net Gain.
Wednesday, 6 November 2024: 12:00-12:30
Thursday, 7 November 2024: 14:30-15:00
Funding for agriculture and the environment
Bethany Turner
It can be hard to keep track of the wide range of funding farmers and land managers in England can access. This talk will take a whistlestop tour through the options available from both the public and private sectors. It will cover government schemes – including the Sustainable Farming Incentive and Countryside Stewardship – private nature markets, and the opportunities for diversi cation through Biodiversity Net Gain.
Thursday, 7 November 2024: 12:00 - 12:30
Resilient water supplies
Matthew Doran
A secure and resilient supply of water sits at the foundation of successful rural businesses, but climate change and other pressures mean that water supplies are increasingly insecure. Matthew will cover ways of building water security within your business, from water storage and healthy soils to planning for future water need.
Avril Robers: Avril joined the CLA in 2022. She is the Senior Policy Adviser specialising in tourism and housing.
John Greenshields: John is a Chartered Surveyor in the CLA Midland’s region and advises members on securing planning permission for a range of di erent types of development – from houses to barns, from glamping to o ces.
Bethany Turner: Bethany is the CLA’s Environment Policy Adviser, covering all things nature, including protected sites, Biodiversity Net Gain, and funding for environmental projects. She joined the CLA in 2022.
Graham Clark: Graham is Senior Land Use Policy Adviser at the CLA and leads nationally on forestry and renewable energy.
Matthew Doran: Matthew is a Land Use Policy Adviser at the CLA, leading nationally on water resources, ooding, water quality, carbon markets, and land-related aspects of climate mitigation and adaptation.
Ampyr Solar 07792 944 589 FM222
Anesco Limited 07557 672 937 FM42
AP Leisure (The Original Grass Sledge) 01773 856 949 FM343
Appetite Me FM536
BBespoke Hideouts 07887 747 393 FM132
Barcham Trees 01353 720 950 FM43
BIdwells 01223 559 503 FM628
Biofarm FM657
Asteer Planning FM136
Aura Power (0 )1 172 141 971 FM460
Bobcat Mowers FM260
Boralex 07967 555 765 FM324
Borrow My Garden FM655
Birketts 01245 211 275 FM328
Blue Electrics 0333 444 5558 FM643
Breast Cancer Now 0118 932 0598 FM651
Britwind Ltd HP476
BSR Energy LTD FM315
CPD Accredited Training Course: Heat Pump for Engineers This
Exhibitor listings
CCaltta FM438
Canopy & Stars FM133
Capita 07880 366 576 FM462
Carden Group 07830 210 767 FM472
Cassoa 0843 216 5802 FM454
Cinderella Eco 0118 982 1555 FM344 CLA 07584 205709 FM230
Cleveland Containers Ltd FM350
Winsbury shakes up milk market... with bottle wash system
“Before MEIKO”, explains Winsbury’s Ellie Beavan, “the dairy spent ‘hours and hours’ double handling returned milk bottles; pre-washing and rinsing in a sink before a second wash in a small glass washer.
“Now the backlog has gone and the bottles go straight into the Meiko bottle washer where they are washed, heated to 80°C (sterilised) and come out dry.”
See for yourself on stand FM625
Close Brothers Asset Finance www.closeasset 07842 223 101 FM131
Coal Bunker Glamping Pods FM550
Collington Winter Environmental LTD 01204 939 608 FM752
Core Conservation 01342 300 598 FM140
Creative Play (UK) Ltd 01244 375 627 FM700
CSX Carbon 01609 786 655 FM116
CXCS Ltd 01981 590 514 FM400 FM116
FeatherDownFarms provideuniqueglamping experiencesacrosstheUKandEuropeonworkingfarms,offeringa provendiversificationavenueforfarmersinsmall-scaletourism witha20-yearhistory.Byblendingfarmers’knowledgeand expertisewithourpassionforcountrysidegetaways,wehelpguests escapetonaturewhilefarmersearnanadditionalincome.
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Thinking of diversifying?
We’re with you every step of the way
At NFU Mutual, we understand the unique opportunities and challenges that come with diversifying. Whether you’re exploring new ventures or enhancing your current operations, our local experts are here to provide tailored advice and comprehensive insurance solutions, so you can focus on what matters most.
Scan the QR code or search ‘NFU Mutual Farming
Diversification’ to discover the latest trends, expert insights, and inspiring real-life success stories.
Exhibitor listings
D Page Contractors
07973 852 166 FM300
Daisy Vending FM639
Dandor Properites FM114
De b UK / Good Skills Training 01473 551 815 FM410
Dudley Peverill Associates LLP FM340 E
Dragon Drilling FM348
East Green Energy 07506 451 225 FM612
Exhibitor listings
Easy Compute FM458
Ecodeck Grids Ltd 01615 079 302 FM770
EDP Renewables 07850 855 608 FM446
Enchanted Creations FM570
ET Planning
01344 508 048 FM532
Ethical Planning 01912 092 564 FM310
Ethical Power FM451
Evelyn Ecology 07834 817 286 FM416
Event Production Show 0208 481 1122 FM41
FF&S Energy 01245 690 151 FM304
Wouldyouliketogeneratenewrevenuestreamsfromtheseresources,cutdownonoverheadsandreduceyour carbonfootprintaswellasboostyourreputationforsustainability?
Tumblebugdesignandtechnologysolutionssupportbusinessestodelivercircularsolutionsfororganicresourcesforpeopleplanetandprofit. VisitusatStandFM412tofindoutmore
Come and talk to us about unlocking the value of your land
Come and talk to us about unlocking the value of your land
Come and talk to us about unlocking the value of your land
With Four Regional offices we offer a range of planning and development services including Ecology, Flood Risk, Arboriculture and Habitat Creation, Management and Mitigation. We are able to guide your project from conception to completion with vast experience in a range of sectors, including Strategic Land review, housing and commercial development, utilities and infrastructure minerals and agriculture.
With Four Regional offices we offer a range of planning and development services including Ecology, Flood Risk, Arboriculture and Habitat Creation, Management and Mitigation. We are able to guide your project from conception to completion with vast experience in a range of sectors, including Strategic Land review, housing and commercial development, utilities and infrastructure minerals and agriculture.
With Four Regional offices we offer a range of planning and development services including Ecology, Flood Risk, Arboriculture and Habitat Creation, Management and Mitigation. We are able to guide your project from conception to completion with vast experience in a range of sectors, including Strategic Land review, housing and commercial development, utilities and infrastructure minerals and agriculture.
Fareshare Midlands FM530
Farm & General FM414
Farm Diversity FM149
In Partnership with
Seeking a select number of landowners in beautiful locations for planning exempt, off-grid wellness cabins.
Everything included – off-grid technology, integrated sauna, tub, deck, inventory
Sustainability first – super insulated, British and recycled materials throughout Bookings and support – leave marketing and guest management to us
As featured in The Times. Also available to buy from £39,000.
Exhibitor listings
Folk To Folk FM326
Forestry Commission, DEFRA & Rural Payments Agency 0300 020 0301
Forestry Commission 0300 067 4900 FM141
GGivEnergy n/a
DEFRA organisations/department-for-environment-food-rural-a airs 03459 33 55 77 FM141
Glampitect FM670
Good Skills Training 01473 551 815
Harris Lamb Ltd FM710
Grand Lodges Scotland Ltd 07368288049/07967750985
Harvest Hosts 07514 086 745
FM542 FM618
HHalpinRobbins Limited 07737 083 222 FM161
Ib Vogt UK FM630
Ice Trikes 01326 378 848
Igne FM240
Inspiring Learning for Enterprise 01983 200 300
Innofund logo in folder FM130 020 4583 1267
Island Green Power FM156 K
Kinnovis 07984 006 198 FM450
Kuboid 01933 222 535 FM409 L
Landmark Systems 01798 877 100 FM224
Landstack 01285 706 708 FM418
Exhibitor listings
Legacy Habitat Banks FM653
Lightsource BP 0333 200 0755 FM652
MMeiko UK Ltd FM625
Merit Advantage 01488 444 004 FM426
National Farm Attractions Network 0333448987 FM434
Mactaggart & Mickel Strategic Land Limited FM616
Majestic Storage 07739 973 073 FM21
Marsh & Co Insurance Brokers FM406
Merlinsoft 01226 294 413 FM44
Modulek 01202 813 121 FM429
MPC Services FM656
Mudcontrol Ltd FM430
NBB Recycled Furniture FM600
NFU 0247 685 8754 FM250
NFU Mutual 01789 204 211 FM250
Exhibitor listings
Noan Technology FM644
Northern Log Cabins 07800 981 270 FM760
Northern Trust Company 07500 994 175 FM320
Norhybrid Renewables FM640
Novalux Solar Ltd 07798 582 369 FM772
OOctopus Energy for Business 07591 085 807 FM470
Open Air Business FM322
Origin Planning Services Ltd 07445 962 848 FM40
Pear Technology 0239 249 9689 FM226
Pegasus Planning Group FM636
Out of Eden 01768 372 939 FM620
Pilgrims Pride / BQP 01379 383 100 FM150
Pleydell Smithyman Ltd FM138
Exhibitor listings
Portman Finance Group portman 01604 761 276 FM420
RQuintas Cleantech development-uk FM242
RentaDinosaur FM500
Ramm Sanderson 0115 930 2493 FM428 RenewEV 01225 805 547 FM102
Rollins Group 01945 440 779 FM522
Exhibitor listings
Ruralspace 07917 853 301 FM342
Sovereign Play FM210
Stora Ltd FM346
Sun Harvester Ltd FM624
Sykes Holiday Cottages FM642
Telet 07890 320 624 FM302
Tentipi Events FM110
The Scenic Capsule Company 01761 221 366 FM510
TTCA Solar FM754 Terra Energy Solutions 07591 235752 FM424
The British Pod Company FM22 The Environment Bank 07494 786 132 FM110
The Experience Group FM750 The Farmart Magazine FM762
The Woodland Trust 01752 249 758 FM20
Ticket Tailor FM220
Tilhill Forestry FM722
Titan Containers 07584 122 297 FM120
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Our advanced CEN & CRX models feature patented aerobic and non-aerobictreatment in a single tank, UK since 2020, FujiClean is a proven, reliable choice.
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Exhibitor listings
Tumblebug 07867 503 867 FM412
Up Acre 07804 373 618 FM246
Voltalia FM432
Youreco FM151
UKUAT LTD 07403 066 432 FM162
Willbox 0800 023 5060 FM144
Zone Technology FM650
The Land Leisure and Tourism Show Awards
This year we introduced the show’s first Tourism Awards, acknowledging those who are doing outstanding things for industry or offering something innovative. Across the twelve categories we’re celebrating industry leading practices and achievements in customer
experience, such as accessibility and inclusivity, sustainability, farm diversification, and attraction of the year. The awards were open to visitors to both of our co-located events, Land Leisure and Tourism Show and Farm Business Innovation.
Hear from our Award Sponsors
NFU Mutal: Farm Business Innovation of the Year
Set up by farmers for farmers, NFU Mutual is the UK’s leading rural insurer and has been at the heart of the farming community since 1910. With over 280 local agency offices located in rural towns and villages throughout the UK, NFU Mutual has become part of the fabric of rural life and remains committed to serving the needs of its customers.
With expertise, products and services for all types of farms, including smallholdings, diversified farms and large-scale farming operations, NFU Mutual is there to protect what matters most. As well as offering insurance for the farm business, NFU Mutual provides high quality risk management advice, financial planning services and machinery inspection. Proud to deliver more than simply insurance, NFU Mutual supports initiatives and charities which help farmers and rural communities nationwide and works to make farming safer and tackle rural crime and social isolation.
Sykes Holiday Cottages: Camping and Glamping Site of the Year
With over 30 years of experience in the holiday cottage rental market, we understand how farms can evolve to enhance their income and attract visitors. Discover how converting parts of your farm into holiday accommodations can provide new revenue streams while sharing the beauty of rural life with guests. Our expert team is here to share insights, answer your questions, and help you envision the possibilities.
Scan the QR code to find out more about NFU Mutual
Sykes Holiday Cottages say, ‘’Sponsoring the Land Leisure & Tourism awards is a fantastic opportunity for us to support and celebrate the innovation and resilience within the farming community. These awards are crucial as they not only highlight the vital role that diversification plays in the future of farming but also recognise the incredible achievements of those who are pioneering new paths in the industry. We are excited to be a part of this event because it allows us to champion the hard work and creativity of farmers who are adapting to change and driving growth in their sectors. It’s a privilege to be involved in an event that honours such dedication and success.’’
Scan the QR code to find out more about Sykes Holiday Cottages
5 QUICK WINS for diversifying your farm business:
Storage – Offering storage is becoming an increasingly popular diversification proposition for farmers or landowners. The UK’s self-storage industry is worth over £1 billion and is growing by 10% each year, according to the Self-Storage Association UK. Many farms have buildings that are no longer fit for purpose due to machinery growing in size, or herd numbers increasing, making old barns redundant. Making these areas secure can provide the ideal space for short or long-term storage solutions.
Composting – Since Johnson’s government pledged to ban the use of peat in retail bagged compost by 2024, the government has continued to honour that commitment, and the use of peat in professional horticulture is set to become outlawed by 2026 to protect peatlands. This change is going to create a gap in the market, and composting using natural waste materials is the perfect solution.
Many livestock farmers have an excess of manure that they are not able to introduce back into their
land, due to the limits placed on muckspreading in the UK. Composting can be done on any scale, depending on the size of revenue needed for the diversification enterprise. The process is generally simple, done by creating layers of wood shavings for carbon, manure for nitrogen and microorganisms, and green matter for moisture. This concoction of ingredients is hard to beat when it comes to natural fertilisation products.
Seasonal Events – In recent years, we have seen an increase in popularity for ‘pick your own’ events as a popular agritourism activity. Pairing these with the seasons limits the amount of time and effort it takes away from traditional farming practices. For example, pumpkin patch activities or Christmas tree picking. These ‘holiday’ activities have seen a surge in popularity, especially with families who are looking for a unique seasonal experience for their children. Pumpkins are relatively fast-growing crops, which means they require a smaller time investment.
Workshops and Classes - As a farmer, many of the niche skills you use daily are in high demand. These skills are often passed down through generations and aren’t learned in the classroom, meaning there aren’t many spaces that educate people on rural skills. Hands on skills are difficult to learn from a book and more easily acquired through a personal experience. Offering courses on the farm doesn’t need to be daunting, teaching individual’s animal husbandry, or animal basics can help them in their day-to-day lives.
Hosting workshops on rural skills from hedgelaying, drystone walling, and sustainable farming, to gardening and cooking, could be beneficial to new entrants, smallholders or young farmers. This form of diversification allows minimal investment and could lead to apprenticeships where an extra set of hands on the farm may be useful.
Farm Tours - The routine jobs that a farmer might think of as simple and matter-of-fact, are often
the opposite for the non-farming community. Offering educational farm tours or ‘day on the farm’ events for universities, schools or even families can have substantial benefits for the business. There are various grants available for educational farm visits, for example, The Countryside Stewardship scheme (run by the Rural Payments Agency), offers Educational Access Payments, to farmers and landowners who offer educational farm visits. Alternatively, The Morley Agricultural Foundation also funds a range of agricultural education projects, including helping primary school children learn about farming and supporting PhD students.
Working with local schools and universities to offer them farm-to-school programs or extra-curricular activities can provide huge benefits to young people. Furthering outdoor education and encouraging young people to experience ‘hands on’ tasks in a natural environment can help them to develop problem solving and self-discovery skills.
Agri-Tourism: What is it and how can you get involved?
What is Agri-Tourism?
In recent years, Agri-tourism has become a popular way for people to connect with rural life, experience local culture, and enjoy the rejuvenating benefits that come from being enveloped in the natural landscape. But what exactly is Agri-tourism, and how can you take part in this growing industry?
Agri-tourism is a type of tourism that involves visiting farms, homesteads, food festivals, or other agricultural businesses to experience rural life, culture, and food. It’s a blend of agriculture and tourism, designed to promote sustainable travel, support local farming, and provide economic benefits to rural communities.
In its simplest form, Agri-tourism is a partnership between agriculture and tourism, offering visitors an incredible educational experience while creating a symbiotic relationship between the two industries. The World Tourism Organisation defines Agri-tourism as involving “accommodation being offered in the
farmhouse or in a separate guesthouse, providing meals, and organising guest activities in the observation and participation in farming operations.”
Whether it’s a farm stay, or farm tour, a hands-on cooking class, or a visit to a local harvest festival, Agri-tourism allows farmers, producers, and their families to turn their businesses into destinations. By opening their doors to the public, they can share the rural economy’s richness and educate visitors about where their food comes from.
Types of Agri-Tourism Activities
The variety of Agri-tourism experiences is vast, offering something for everyone:
Farm Stays: Guests stay on a working farm, immersing themselves in daily farming operations and enjoying rural life.
Farm-Based Recreation: Activities like hiking, hunting, or fishing on farm property offer a unique way to explore the countryside.
Pick-Your-Own Produce: Visitors can harvest fruits, vegetables, or flowers, creating a fun and educational outing.
Food Festivals and Wine Tastings: Enjoy local food and drink at events celebrating the harvest, or visit vineyards to taste wines straight from the source.
Educational Workshops and Cooking Classes: Learn about sustainable farming, animal care, or how to prepare farm-to-table meals.
Agri-Entertainment: Attractions like corn mazes, pumpkin patches, Christmas tree picking and farm festivals provide a fun activity for the whole family.
Benefits of Agri-Tourism
For Farmers:
Identify your farm’s unique offerings: Consider what your farm can offer, whether it’s accommodations, outdoor activities, or seasonal events. Unique experiences can attract a diverse range of visitors.
Agri-tourism offers numerous benefits for both visitors and farmers. For consumers, it provides a chance to reconnect with nature, learn about agriculture, and gain a deeper appreciation for where their food comes from. With a growing interest in sustainable living and domestic travel, many people are choosing to explore these rural experiences.
For farmers, Agri-tourism presents an opportunity to diversify operations and generate additional revenue, which can support business growth and stability. The additional visitor ‘products’ not only benefit the farm itself but also provide an economic boost to the surrounding rural community. Tourists from urban areas bring new business to local cafes, restaurants, activity providers, and tour operators, enhancing the local economy.
Prepare for guests: Ensure your farm is visitorfriendly with proper facilities, clear signage, and safety measures. A welcoming environment is key to a successful Agri-tourism business.
Promote your Agri-tourism business: Utilise social media, local tourism boards, and online platforms to reach potential visitors. Highlight seasonal attractions or special events to draw in crowds.
Collaborate with local businesses: Partnering with nearby farms, or local attractions can create a more comprehensive experience for tourists, making your region a must-visit destination.
For Tourists:
How to Get Involved in Agri-Tourism
Whether you’re a farmer looking to start an Agritourism venture or a traveller eager to explore rural areas, there are plenty of ways to get involved.
Research Agri-tourism destinations: Many farms and rural businesses offer a variety of experiences, from farm stays to food festivals. Find one that aligns with your interests.
Book in advance: Agri-tourism activities, especially those involving accommodations, often require advance reservations. Planning ahead ensures you won’t miss out on popular attractions.
Respect the farm’s guidelines: Remember that farms are working environments. Following the host’s rules helps ensure your safety and allows the farm to operate smoothly.
Support local agriculture: Buying produce, handmade goods, or farm products directly from the source is a great way to support local farmers and sustain rural economies.
Agri-tourism is more than just a travel trend; it’s a meaningful way to connect with rural life, support local agriculture, and enjoy unique experiences. Whether you’re a farmer looking to diversify or a traveller seeking a new adventure, Agri-tourism offers endless opportunities to engage with the land and its people. Explore the possibilities and discover how you can be part of this industry.
Seminar programme
In today’s rapidly evolving agricultural landscape, farmers and landowners are seeking innovative ways to secure their financial future.
The Farm Business Innovation Show, offers the perfect platform for discovering opportunities to diversify farms and unlock new revenue streams. As the UK’s only event dedicated entirely to farm diversification, the show is designed to provide farmers, rural entrepreneurs, and landowners with actionable insights and expert advice to help them adapt to changing market conditions and futureproof their businesses.
With over 40 seminars, workshops, and panel discussions, this two-day event will showcase a wide range of opportunities, from agritourism and renewable energy to direct sales and selfstorage. Whether maximising underutilised land is the goal, or tapping into government incentives and explore alternative income streams, the Farm Business Innovation Show is the gateway to a more sustainable and profitable farming future.
Why should farmers diversify?
Many farmers are diversifying their businesses to generate additional income -from providing overnight accommodation and wedding venues to setting up outdoor gyms or direct-to-consumer farm shops. In this panel discussion, a range of stakeholders from across the sector will be talking about the benefits of diversification, and how to make it make sense for your farm business. This panel, hosted by Alex Phillimore at the Farming Community Network, will talk about some of the challenges, how to set started, and how to maximise return on investment.
Keynote Session: Breaking Down Carbon with John Gilliland
One of the event’s most anticipated speaker sessions is the keynote from John Gilliland, a leading advisor at the Agriculture Horticulture Development Board (AHDB) and a pioneer in sustainable farming. In his session, titled “Breaking Down Carbon: Working Together on a Journey Towards Net Zero”, John will offer invaluable insights into how farmers can understand and reduce their carbon footprint. Drawing from his work on the Arc Zero project in Northern Ireland, he will share key lessons learned in using quality data to drive sustainability efforts and foster collaboration among farmers to reach Net Zero.
To view our full range of speakers for this years show, please scan the QR code.