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Natural alternatives to watery mouth prevention
Since the delisting of the primary method of watery mouth prevention and treatment, there is a need for alternative methods. Dr Tom Barragry, a vet, veterinary pharmacologist and advisor to Provita Animal Health, shares some guidance.
Lamb mortality and neonatal deaths remain very high in the global sheep industry and keeping newborn lambs alive is no easy task. The principal causes of early lamb deaths are hypothermia, starvation, and watery mouth.
Watery mouth is an E. coli infection and with 45% of early lamb mortality caused by E. coli scours, watery mouth is one of the biggest killers in newborn lambs. This is primarily due to their almost non-existent immunity at birth. There is a direct and absolute correlation between low immunity and watery mouth. Hence an effective, new approach to promote neonatal gut health, better immunity, and prevention of E. coli infection may significantly reduce these high mortality figures for all newborn lambs.
To date, the use of oral Spectam Scour Halt (spectinomycin antibiotic) has been the primary method of treatment and prevention. This, however, has now been delisted from the UK and Irish markets on account of international policy on antibiotic resistance, therefore alternative methods of control must be adopted. Prevention of watery mouth is much more effective than cure, and this preventative approach must be based on the principle of rapidly boosting the lamb’s immune system at birth.
Provita’s Lamb Response can not only help effectively replace spectinomycin and aid in the prevention of watery mouth, but it has the added benefit (not seen with Spectam Scour Halt) of helping to produce heavier lambs at weaning.

How does Lamb Response work?
Lamb Response contains a combination of four highly effective and unique ingredients, not present in other commercial products, which directly combat E. coli, and enhance the much-needed immunity status of the newborn lamb.
These ingredients are: 1. Beneficial bacteria which naturally attenuates E. coli bacteria, enhances immunity, and ‘seals’ the newborn lamb’s gut. It contains potent strain of live organisms, which is one of the primary active ingredients of the first, EU-licensed probiotics (Provita Protect
POM-VPS) which is clinically proven to prevent scour and has antibacterial activity against E. coli. This ultra-fast replicating beneficial bacteria will seed the gut expanding the young lamb’s gut microbiome, which is the basis of the overall immunity.
In addition, tight junctions in the gut will be sealed, crowding out and neutralising E. coli pathogens and preventing their establishment within the lamb. 2. Egg powder proteins which provide high concentrations of unique IgY proteins which are more potent against E. coli than usual colostral antibodies.
These IgY antibodies have a higher binding affinity for E. coli antigens than do conventional colostral antibodies. Thus, the combination of beneficial bacteria plus IGY proteins provides a really powerful immediate protection against E. coli, which has been established in scientific literature. 3. High levels of vitamins necessary for the young animal’s metabolism and supplies especially vitamin E, which stimulates the lymphocytes in the underdeveloped immune
system, thus adding a further layer of protection. 4. Lastly, Lamb Response supplies high energy to stimulate appetite, help prevent hypothermia (a very common fatality factor in young lambs) and to stimulate blood flow through vital organs.
In short, Lamb Response will act to: • Reduce E. coli infection and diarrhoea • Increase active immunity in the newborn lamb via the gut microorganisms • Seal the gut from invading pathogens such as E. coli • Supply an antimicrobial activity against E. coli via bacteriocins in the gut • Supply novel IGY proteins which have potent protective gut e ects against E. coli • Stimulate the newborn immune system and improve appetite and suckling.
Bene cial bacteria in lambs have been proven in the scienti c literature to augment general immune function and increase antibody levels – as well as reducing E. coli diarrhoea by 50%, numbers of E coli in the gut and promoting weight gain. Trials have shown also that lambs given bene cial bacteria had statistical improvement in terms of weight gain, pre-weaning growth rate and general health when compared to control lambs.
UK sheep farmer James Warwick commented on the product, which has addressed issues with watery mouth on his farm: “We have had trouble with watery mouth this lambing and was recommended [Lamb Response] by our vet. Since we’ve been using it, we haven’t lost a lamb to watery mouth! A fantastic product!” FG
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also blood sample ewes, for metabolic pro ling, 3–4 weeks before lambing to provide nutritional advice. If assisting at lambing, wear disposable gloves to reduce bacterial contamination of the birth canal. Using lube will also reduce trauma to the tissues and injecting a non-steroidal antiin ammatory will help the ewe’s recovery and mothering ability.
2. Environmental management:
The lambing shed should be cleaned and disinfected before housing. Ensure the correct stocking rate and keep the bedding as dry as possible to prevent an increased bacterial burden. Drying or sanitising powders may be useful in some situations. Turn out ewes and lambs as soon as possible and clean the pen out before using again. Isolating lame or sick animals away from the rest of the ock will reduce the chance of disease transmission.
3. Lamb management: To have the best chance of preventing infection, lambs need 200ml/ kg of good quality colostrum in the rst 24 hours (50ml/kg of this as soon as possible after birth).
After lambing, check the ewe has su cient colostrum and the quality can be checked using a refractometer. If the ewe has insu cient colostrum, there are three options available: • Feeding colostrum from another ewe. A ewe milking device can help collect colostrum cleanly and it can be refrigerated for a week or frozen until needed • Cow colostrum (from a clostridialvaccinated, disease-free herd) can be fed at 30% more volume to provide adequate energy • In an emergency, use a powdered colostrum replacer with the highest IgG levels possible.
When feeding lambs, it is important to have clean hands or gloves and to use sterilised equipment. Finally, applying 10% iodine to navels will help reduce infections. For maximum bene t repeat 2–3 times a day over the rst 48 hours.
There are some situations where infections may still be a risk, so discuss with your vet a plan for any issues. But if most lambs are a born at a healthy weight into a clean environment and receive ideal amounts of quality colostrum there should be reduced need for antibiotics. FG
Reducing antibiotic use at lambing time
Neonatal lamb infections can cause signi cant losses, so it is important to do everything possible to prevent infection. But with the need to use antibiotics responsibly and the delisting of licensed oral products, how can lambs get the best protection? Georgina Stanley from Westpoint Farm Vets, Ashford, explains.
In order to prevent infections whilst using antibiotics responsibly, there are three key factors to address:
1. Ewe management: Ewe nutrition a ects lamb birthweight, colostrum quality, quantity and milk production, therefore it a ects lamb health. Ewes in poorer condition, and those carrying multiple lambs, should be managed separately with enough trough space to allow adequate food intake. Vets can

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Lambing preparations help counter weather challenges
2022 has so far brought variable weather and seasonal extremes. Within a few days, temperatures have gone from the low teens to freezing or below, and some areas have had bursts of high rainfall. These conditions present challenges during lambing.
“Warm conditions create the perfect breeding ground for bugs, and increase the risk of infections, while hypothermia is a threat when cold and wet weather set in,” says Cargill’s young animal nutritionist Bianca Theeruth.
Around 20% of lambs are lost at or around lambing, but this can be reduced with good preparations and protocols.
Ewe nutrition, cleanliness in the lambing environment, disease prevention and early lamb feeding are top priorities. “It doesn’t mean making
Mobile handling system popular with sheep farmers

Since its launch in 2020, the new Stockpen UK mobile sheep handling system has had a “fantastic” response from sheep farmers, according to Stockpen managing director Edward Finney. Many customers have praised the system for its high quality and said they would recommend it to other farmers, Mr Finney adds.
The system comes with three options to choose from. All hold an average of 150 sheep and come complete with 16mm lugs and pins, as well as: • Fully sheeted sheep race • Sheep shedder • 16ft sheeted race • Race joiner • Guillotine • Ten x 10ft panels, eight barred and double-strapped. Options two and three also come with three sheep dividers (two access points and a race stopper) – one in the sheeted race, one in the holding pen and one at the access point at the rear.
In addition, option three comes with an extra 10x 10ft panels, eight barred and doublestrapped, making a 100ft holding pen with two access points.
Stockpen UK supplies high quality, heavy-duty sheep handling gates, mobile cattle systems, mobile sheep handing systems, stockyard and calving gates, delivered nationwide. All products have a hot dipped galvanised nish and gates are eight-railed for multi-use of small and large livestock – meaning one system is versatile to cover all applications.
Contact the company directly for more information. FG big changes, just checking for weak links in the system. There are some easy wins to be had.”
Getting ewe nutrition right is important. It should be tailored to the number of lambs they’re carrying and their body condition. “And concentrates need to be built up gradually, to a maximum of 1kg a day each and no more than 0.5kg in each feed.”
Around 75% of foetal growth takes place in the nal two months of pregnancy and the ewe needs extra protein and energy for this, as well as for preparing for milk production.
“This is not the time to cut back or skimp on ewe diets and put lamb survival at risk. Ewe nutrition will have a bearing on lamb birth weight, colostrum quantity and quality.”
Dry, clean conditions are crucial at lambing, with some shelter provided for ewes lambing outdoors and clean and dry areas where ewes can lamb. For those lambing indoors, clean pens are essential – not clean straw on old dirty bedding.
Ms Theeruth believes some of the basics of colostrum provision are still missed, and advises focusing on the ve ‘Qs’: quality, quantity, quickly, ‘quenliness’ (cleanliness) and quantify.
“Indoor lambs need 10–15% of their birthweight in colostrum and outdoor born lambs need 5% more. For a 4kg lamb, this is a minimum of 840ml (1.5 pints), of colostrum in the rst 24 hours, and more for a heavier lamb. This should start as soon after birth as possible.”
Where colostrum is short or not available, a supplement or replacement is needed. Weak or orphaned lambs also require a lamb milk replacer and feeding system. Systems such as the Shepherdess feeder and milk replacer supplies groups of lambs with a high-quality milk at optimum temperature 24/7. It is a close match with the nutritional value of maternal milk and includes gut health package NuStart to help lambs through the early growth period, she adds. This can see weaker lambs thrive without extra ‘manpower’ and avoids competition or pot bellies.
“Early planning, so that newborn lambs get the best possible start, will help to improve performance and maximise the opportunities that the market will hopefully present in 2022.” FG

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