SUCCESSFUL HARVESTING. IT’S ALL A MATTER OF TIMING. NEW HOLLAND COMBINE HARVESTERS NEW HOLLAND TOP SERVICE 00800 64 111 111 24/7 SUPPORT AND INFORMATION The call is free from a land line. Check in advance with your Mobile Operator if you will be charged. préconiseHollandNewleslubrifiants October 2022 • Issue 518 Queen Elizabeth II1926–2022 Farmers Guide

Conserves the soil, compact and manoeuvrable With Variable Rate Control, the seed flow rate is adjusted to the site-specific conditions using previously created application maps The AEROSEM VT is able to control both metering systems independently of each other with two di erent application cards Site-specific drilling allows seed and fertiliser to be applied according to changing soil AEROSEMconditionsVT5000 DD Alois POTTINGER UK Ltd, T: 01536 272220,,

October 2022 3 Published by Early Bird Farming Publications Ltd from its office at Parkside, London Road, Ipswich, Suffolk IP2 0SS. Tel: 01473 691888. Full contact details for staff can be found at Original articles and advertisements created by Farmers Guide are copyright and are not to be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the Editor. No responsibility can be accepted by Farmers Guide for the opinions expressed by its contributors. For FarmAds and general enquiries call 01473 691888 ISSN: 2053-5414 Farmers Guide Contents 12 123142 13484 4665 CPD points code for Farmers Guide CP/111995/2122/g Farmers Guide PUBLICATIONS ARE WIDELY RECYCLABLE Out & about 4 Grain & fertiliser advice .....................................................................................................7 News in brief ........................................................................................................................9 Arable: Battling the e ects of war, drought and extreme weather events: A Romanian farmer’s perspective ....................................................................................... 12 Extended OSR disease exposure possible, growers warned 14 Fungicide performance for oilseed rape 16 Maintaining oilseed momentum 18 Suppressing slugs with a mix of chemical and cultural controls 28 Earlier wheat drilling puts particular pressure on pre-ems this autumn .............. 31 Encouraging leap forward in black-grass control 34 Atypical end to season brought an early harvest – but how was yield a ected? 34 Machinery: New tractors and a agship forage harvester feature at Italian press event 46 Forage harvester brand change delivers improved chop for high-quality feed 57 Product and service satisfaction leads to new purchase 60 Sta ordshire dispersal sale achieves a massive crowd and excellent trade 62 Livestock: Managing wormer resistance is key to ock health planning 65 Q&A: Respiratory health 66 Grain handling, drying and storage: Grain handling technology: When water isn’t “just” water 83 Controlling rodents: The need for speed 84 Direct drilling: Low-disturbance, direct drill brings exibility to Worcestershire farm................111 Precision farming: Free mapping tool boosts farm pro ts and aids future planning 123 Replacing paper records with an app improves operating e ciency 125 Digital decision-making tool helps to deliver on-farm e ciency 126 Sprayers: Power on the land 134 Diversi cation: Protect your investment and optimise cash revenue 142 Agricultural contractors 154 Henry Brown’s vintage page 157 Classi ed 158 Recruitment including About People ........................................................................ 216 Visit the AgMachinery website for all your used agricultural machinery requirements. The site has a fresh new look and incorporates Combine World, Forager World, Tractor World and Sprayer World. With a wide selection of competitively priced machines from a range of manufacturers, plus warranty and nance packages available, AgMachinery is your one stop shop.

Out & About
The FG team spoke with David Pool, smaXtec sales manager UK & Ireland, about the company’s advanced bolus technology which o ers early disease detection, precise heat detection and calving alerts.

John gripped the steering wheel tightly and gritted his teeth, speeding up a little. Not noticing his expression, she continued: “After all I’ve had to put up with, I want the farm, the house and the car.”
And finally…

Pictured at UK Dairy Day are Barry Heaton and Antonia Evans on the Evans Vanodine stand, where they discussed new products Sapphire 1:4 and Parlour Pro with livestock editor Sarah Kidby.
Farmer John and his wife were driving back from the livestock market in the truck when, out of the blue, she turned to him and said: “John, I know we’ve been married over 20 years, but I want a divorce. I’ve been having an a air with your best friend, and he makes me happier than you ever could.”
Calmly, John replied: “No, I already have everything I need.”
The Farmers Guide team spent some time on Norbrook’s stand, where Katrina Ross and Rebecca Jesset were introducing UK Dairy Day visitors to the company’s transition cow bolus range.

Closer to home in Essex, David headed to a vineyard where a New Holland grape harvester, the rst of its kind in the UK which was supplied by Ernest Doe & Sons’ Ulting branch, was being put to work in the vines. Pictured with David is vineyard and estate manager, Andy Hares. The full story will feature in the launch issue of our sister publication, Fruit & Vine magazine.

Rachel Hicks and the team
WithGuideFarmers editor

“Oh really?” she sco ed. “What have you got left, then?” Just before they slammed into the bridge, John turned to her, smiled and replied: “The airbag.”
This month, machinery editor David Williams visited Italy with Fendt, where he was given the opportunity to try out a tractor from the company’s newly expanded 700 Vario series, as well as a new, more powerful Katana forage harvester. See page 46 to see how he got on.

At this, John veered the car toward a massive concrete bridge ahead. Nervously, she asked: “Aren’t you going to say anything? Isn’t there anything you want?”
Dr Alison Bond and Stuart Linnen of Rumenco spoke about their Maxx Calf Health for helping calves with the challenge of scours and respiratory disease.

Farmers Guide had a stand at UK Dairy Day in Telford in mid-September. The show was packed, but the team managed to visit a number of clients to nd out the latest news, as well as chatting with FG readers both old and new.

Martha Aguirre and Gus Merrick explained that Omya was shortlisted for a new product award at UK Dairy Day for its OmyaFeed C MgO; an advanced formulation compound feed for ruminants.
John gripped the wheel even harder, and increased his speed to 85mph. Oblivious, she went on: “I also want the tractors, the combine and the dog.”

AGRIMAX FORCE is BKT’s response in terms of both productivity and resistance for high-power tractors. +44 0151 728



No matter how challenging your needs, AGRIMAX FORCE is your best ally when it comes to soil tillage and haulage applications with high-power tractors. Thanks to its IF Technology, this radial tyre can carry heavy loads with a lower inflation pressure than a standard tyre, thus reducing soil compaction and providing excellent traction.

AGRIMAX FORCE also boasts reinforced tyre bead, which helps lengthen the life of the tyre, ensure great performance even at high speeds and reduce fuel consumption.



In fact, if the demand for feed in July was extrapolated forward for the whole crop year, we could easily see a drop of 455,000 tonnes of wheat from animal feed alone.

I can’t think of many other industries or products that face the

Manyareoverthenweatherinitialchallengessameofcashoutlay,riskanduncertaintynalpricesthatachievableorreceived.ofyouwillmanagethis cash
October 2022 7
Speaking to a contact in Australia earlier this week, I came to the conclusion that certainty and the grain markets are two words that struggle to be in the same priceofunknownPryceresearch,shippingofOpencommentssentence,eld’sheadcompliance,andCecilia(right).Theimpacttheglobalenergyrisemayresult
Fertiliser matters
you; perhaps it’s time to be as dynamic as the market and maybe try some new things?
As natural gas prices and supply remain volatile across Europe, this has caused further curtailment of nitrogen production from major fertiliser producers, says Open eld’s fertiliser manager, Lucy Hassall. As a result of a lack of AN availability, both the UK and Europe have seen a major uplift in urea and inhibited urea purchasing, which has caused further price increases on these grades due to demand.CFFertilisers has announced that it will now import ammonia in order to continue running the Billingham plant to produce UK N and ful l outstanding orders; an option that not all facilities have. Should any o ers on imported AN be available to the UK today, it is highly unlikely that any suppliers would commit to cargoes due to the level of risk at such high prices. We are most likely to see a continuation in urea supply with the inhibited urea being a more attractive option as an alternative to regular AN buyers. FG

in a ‘reset’ button being pushed when it comes to supply and demand in many sectors. The basic question from the producer, asking: “Can I a ord to make a product?” is just as important as the question asked by the consumer: “Can I a ord to buy a product?” How long can these two parties a ord to keep making or buying a product? But, more importantly, are the new energy prices a short-to-medium term blip, or here for the long term? We have more questions than answers, but it’s a global issue – and from where I currently sit, it looks to be a game of survival.Whenit comes to commodity prices, grains and oilseeds may be necessities for survival; but as much of the world has embraced luxuries and excess in recent years, how much of that market will erode and what impact will that have on global and domestic demand for cereals and oilseeds and more directly on price? We can look at the global
crop numbers and anticipated demand, but when the average UK chicken’s diet is around 57% wheat, it doesn’t take a huge drop in that demand to a ect the demand for grains.
look at forward market prices and consider o -setting some of the risk for the 2023 crop. Unfortunately, not much of the population realises just how much of a cash investment farmers need to make before their crops are harvested, delivered and payment received.
If we see a drop, be it in animal feed demand, human consumption or industrial use, what would that mean to you, your crop and variety choice, and the way you plan to grow your crops? Fertiliser costs may be a driver for many of you when looking at eld and crop management, but I do urge you to

ow risk and marketing in a very professional way, but in a world of uncertainty can I ask you to consider how you market your 2023 crop, and at what point you lock in some grain sales against your fertiliser purchases.LastMarch, I urged farmers to buy fertiliser and sell their remaining old crop, as prices for 2022 crop were at such a discount; but at the time of writing this feature, the spread between May 2023 and November 2023 has dropped down from a high of £70 per tonne to around £13. Think outside of the box and look around
12th September 2022-7 days-30 days-90 days Nov '22 £275.25 12.755.20-7.75 May '23 £281.50 14.006.70-6.90 Perhaps it’s time to be as dynamic as the market is, and consider trying some new things There is no normal in the current market environment, and if you are marketing your grains, you need to be fully aware of the uncertainties ahead. *Prices quoted are from the London Wheat Futures on 12th September 2022. Wheat futures The Openfield Partnership: More than just grain Did you know we arrange soil sampling? • Post harvest is a great time to carry out soil sampling, when fields are more accessible. • Find out how much nutrient remains so you only apply inputs where needed to reduce costs. • Why not give us a call to find out I 01476 862730 Soil Sample Kit Soil Sampling 190x65px.qxp_Layout 1 19/08/2021 13:31 Page 1
Grain & Fertiliser Advice of the global energy it doesn’t take a huge drop in demand for grains. feed Times are changing and if you

Times are changing and if you are marketing your grains you need to be fully aware of the uncertainties ahead. There is no normal in the current market environment, but I’m concerned that even if energy costs were to drop, that household consumption may have changed in a dramatic way.

Are you ready for a maize harvest in a league of its own? KRONE BIG X – BECAUSE FORAGE QUALITY IS NO COINCIDENCE Thanks to innovative technologies, the BiG X can achieve the highest throughput rates with the best chop quality. When coupled with the renowned EasyCollect maize headers, optimum crop collection and presentation to the chopping drum is achieved. The KRONE OptiMaxx roller conditioner ensures intensive grain conditioning. BiG X 480 | 530 | 580 | 630 #kroneagriculture THE CONTRACTORS CHOICE WWW.KRONE-UK.COM

including Kramer, Pottinger, Sumo, Pichon, Shelbourne Reynolds, Sulky, AW & Bailey Trailers and many more.
Year-to-date: 8,227 units -5.4% change (compared with January–August 2021)
nitrogen is kept in the soil for longer.Theproduct should be applied at a rate of 1.7-litres/ha, as close to the application of the source of nitrogen as possible – ideally within a couple of days either side, if not applied with the slurry or Instinctdigestate.canbeapplied to a seed bed and incorporated or simply sprayed on as a surface application.
convenience and accuracy.
To ensure the company can deliver outstanding support to OctoberJohncontinuesReaandparts,nowandthroughoutcustomerstheShrewsburyNewportarea,TAGisactivelyrecruitingsales,service,precisionagadministrationsta.ValleyTractors(RVT)tobeanauthorisedDeeredealeruntil31st2022.
Ludlow-based manufacturer, McConnel has unveiled the next generation of its acclaimed, low ground pressure, self-propelled crop sprayer; the Agribuggy2 AB30.

The announcement follows TAG’s con rmation that it had been appointed
Meade Farm Group, which has grown from a small potato supplier to local shops to a grower, packer and distributor of fresh produce to retailers across Ireland, has this month increased its throughput by over a third.
Autumn nitrogen stabiliser for arable crops in stock

Haith completes £1.5M investment for fresh produce group

Tallis Amos Group (TAG) has con rmed plans for a new depot in Shropshire at Allscott between Shrewsbury and Telford, due to open in October 2022.
Corteva Agriscience is reminding growers and agronomists that its innovative nitrogen stabiliser product Instinct is available to cereal and oilseed rape growers across the UK and Ireland this autumn.
“We’re excited to bring these new innovations and enhancements to the proven Agribuggy format. By listening to users’ feedback, we’ve been able to increase e ciency, economy, performance, and functionality even further,” comments McConnel sprayer sales manager, John Davis.
After a couple of months of year-on-year declines, UK registrations of agricultural tractors (over 50hp) moved slightly above last year’s level in August. At 834 machines, the monthly gure was just ve higher than in August 2021 and only slightly further ahead of the August average from the previous ve years. The total for the year to date was still 5% lower than in January to August 2021, though, as supply chain disruptions continue to delay delivery of tractors to customers.

Month: 834 units +0.6% change (compared with August 2021)
“Meade Farm has been a valued customer for several years, and as they’ve grown, they’ve asked us to design and install increasingly sophisticated packing lines for them. Meade prides itself on delivering quality produce to its customers, and our vegetable handling machinery plays a key part in this,” says Duane Hill, managing director of the double Queen’s Award for Enterprise-winning company. “Meade uses ve of our root veg polishers, seven of our selfcleaning barrel washers and four Haith Rota-Tip box tipplers, and we are incredibly appreciative of their loyalty to us.”
UK agricultural tractor registrations –August 2022
The increased capacity has been achieved by Haith Group, which designed and installed a state-of-the art carrot grading and washing line at Meade’s facility in Lobinstown, CountyTakingMeath.sixmonths to deliver, Haith’s full stainless steel line features two optical sorters, washing, de-stoning and polishingIntegratingmachinery.optical grading from Newtec, which supplied a Celox optical sorter, the line is capable of handling 12 tonnes of carrots per hour.
Featuring a robust
October 2022 9 News in brief Equipment - Livestock - Feed - Fertiliser - Seed - Cash Flow Diversification - Property - Building - Debt Consolidation • Finance from £10k to £5m • Excellent rates • 6 Month to 10 year terms • Tax Efficient • Simple, quick phone application • Decision within 24 hours • Bad credit history, large debts – No problem! • High street unsupportivebanks • Tenant farmers welcome We bring the personal touch back into farm finance Please ring George Bridgman on 07522 731193 or email or apply on line at 89911
Redesigned from the ground up, the all-new Agribuggy features a new Stage-5 compliant Cummins engine, heavierduty drivetrain and larger 3,000-litre capacity spray tank for greater performance, durability, and output.
In oilseed rape, yield responses of up to 7% were observed when Instinct was used with slurry in the autumn.Theproduct is in stock and available to cereal and oilseed rape growers across the UK and Ireland.
mechanical drivetrain, larger axles and all-wheel drive the AB30 o ers safe traction with the added safety of a mechanical HP24 gearbox and di erential to arrest descent with engine braking.
The AB30 comes with a 3,000-litre sprayer demount that has been internally ba ed for extra strength and to prevent surges. A new electronic sight gauge with LED display for tank contents and remote PTO control has been added for greater
as the John Deere dealer to cover Shrewsbury and Newport in ofhassalessalesofthissiteplansNarberth,Kemble,anddepotsCurrentlyShropshire. operatingfourintheWestMidlandsWalesatEvesham,LeominsterandTAGalreadyhastoopenanadditionalnearLampeterinOctoberyear.Employingateam130,includingskilledafter-teamsandexperiencedrepresentatives,TAGacomprehensiverangeothermachinerypartners

Dealer confirms new Shropshire depot

Instinct can reduce leaching by around 50% and reduce denitri cation through greenhouse gases by 45%. This means
New trials data from Corteva Agriscience show that arable crops can bene t from autumn applications of Instinct, which keeps more nitrogen in the soil for longer.
Next generation Agribuggy sprayer unveiled October 202210 89904 Jacobsens-GFM •2.7 ton – 5.0 ton lift capacity • xed, oating or folded positions of lift •loader compatible •PTO can be retro tted at any time Contact: Symon Jacobsen Tel 01561 361 340 • Mob 07973 542 142 Email: •800 or 1000kg main block • 400 or 600kg slide in base 6R’s Linkages & availablePTOsexstock 800 FP-PACK WEIGHT • Save fuel , time and increase productivity? • Come and have a chat and see what we can o er you Available for Case Claas Deutz John Deere Landini Massey Ferguson McCormick New Holland Steyr ZetorSteinbauer Tuning Modules Available in 6”, 8” or 10” widths JTE JOE TURNER EQUIPMENT t 01789 763958 • f 01789 400330 • m 07836 589699 • e • RANGEPRODUCT ››››››››››HedgecuttersFirewoodLogSplittersAgriculturalForestryFlailsExcavatorAttachmentsFirewoodGrappleSawAttachmentsRemoteControlMowers PLUS... › Used Machinery › Rotor Balancing › Spares 90054 Bomford Kestrel 5.7 Power Plus Proportional Electric Controls Power Slew 1.2m Head Bomford Hawk 6.5T Fully Proportional Controls Electric Arm Float Electric Rotor Reverse Choice of Heads Variflo Rear Mounted Flail Mowers 2.4m, 2.6m and 2.9m Cutting Widths Hydraulic Sideshift Hydraulic Rear Flap From £3,600 + VAT

This will increase the Waringstown rm’s production, reducing noise and eliminating dust from the process while enhancing paint adhesion and protection even further. Anyone wishing to visit the plant for a tour please contact your nearest dealer on to arrange.
Krone has launched two new high-end forage harvesters, the BiG X 980 and BiG X 1080, in direct response to an increasing global demand in the 900hp to 1100hp segment. Only the BiG X 980 will be available for the 2022/23 season in the UK.

'Plant Breeding Fit for the Future' is being hosted by the Soil Association and agri-tech innovation centre, Crop Health and Protection (CHAP) on 12th October at Aston University, Birmingham.Delegates will join plant breeding and other agricultural industry experts to discuss and debate priorities and asindustrywithwidechallenges.meetUKshareopportunities,collaborationaswellasresources,toensurebreedingprogrammesfutureneedsandTheeventwillfeaturearangeofperspectivespresentationsfromexpertssuchProfessorTimBenton
“Our Innovative Farmers eld labs looking at how

of British food and farming to theApplicationsnation. are open until 31st October 2022. Following a rst-stage online application, successful candidates will be invited to a nal-stage interview in November 2022.
Both models feature a modi ed PowerSplit that allows the operator to customise engine power to current requirements at the touch of a button.
Manage your fields’ microclimates

hop and wheat varieties perform in organic conditions have made a great start to this important conversation, but with changing weather patterns and input prices escalating, now is the time to bring more of the industry together.“Weencourage all growers to get involved with this event where we can share ideas on the plants we may need for a future farming system that is sustainable, resilient and pro table.” Tickets cost £30 per person, including lunch. Register at
Two new high-end forage harvesters launched

Krone Lift-Cab and the unique XtraPower system add to the new BiG X features. The latter is an online feature that o ers operators the opportunity to book additional engine power into the machine for a limited period of time.
The NFU is looking for young people passionate about British food and farming to help represent the voice of the next generation in agriculture, with applications open for its successful Student and Young Farmer Ambassador Programme.
SlurryKat has launched a stateof-the-art surface preparation facility. The new shot recovery and regeneration technology is the rst of its kind in the UK, Ireland and Europe.
VariStream, that consists of a spring-loaded oor beneath the chopping cylinder and a spring-loaded plate behind the crop accelerator, is also included to minimise blockages and ensure smooth crop ow.
Another unique versatility improvement is VariLOC – a gearbox inside the pulley that drives the chopping drum –which enables the drum speed to be reduced from 1,250 to 800rpm, while increasing cut length by up to 50%.
Learn more about the future of plant breeding
Sencrop is reminding growers of the fact that you can bring the company’s expertise in agricultural weather to your own farm – vital in such extreme, changeable and catchy conditions as the UK regularly sees. Accurate weather data sent directly from your elds, displayed by crop, allows you to make

better decisions. Real time data, bespoke agricultural weather forecast, and calculated risk indicators are all available in one app, 24/7, wherever you are. Connect this data to your DSTs, and Sencrop reckons you’ll see the di erence. Contact the company directly for more information.
of Chatham House, Tom MacMillan from the Royal Agricultural University and Paul Gosling of AHDB.
Other pioneering developments that make the high-end BiG X unique in the forage harvester market is the innovative crop ow assembly that consists of six pre-compression rollers, a massive chopping drum and the OptiMaxx 305 and CornConditioner. Its huge conditioning surface area ensures intensive grain and stalk processing.
SlurryKat reveals new blasting facility
NFU begins search for a new cohort of Student & Young Farmer ambassadors
The programme,year-longnow in its fourth year, gives successful applicants the opportunity to advocate for British agriculture and represent their industry at key agricultural and political events, promoting the value
October 2022 11 News in brief Roller shutter doors Sectional overhead doors Folding shutter doors Sliding doors Steel doors Reliable professional support 24/7 e: t: 01206 625675 01473 487616 m: 07803 875617 Specialists in agricultural doors SUPPLY MAINTENANCEINSTALLATIONREPAIR Covering East Anglia and the home counties 90162

Soil Association head of business development farming and land use Helen Aldis, said: “To build resilience into the industry, farmers need to have con dence in a more diverse range of seeds that they can rely on in changing climatic conditions.“Toooften they can be limited to varieties bred to perform well under inputrich conditions, which are not always best suited to farms that wish to avoid or reduce their chemical use.

Sixth-generation farmer Laszlo Szathmary grows a variety of crops including winter wheat, lucerne, maize and sun owers at Kocsordos Farm, as well as renting out parcels of his land to neighbouring farms.

Over the past decade, my father, Laszlo, and our family have encountered our fair share of challenges managing 60ha of arable land in Bihor County, Romania. As a sixth-generation farmer, however, Laszlo is determined to maintain the family legacy started by our ancestors in the 19th century.TheSzathmary family initially started farming on 12ha of land, which made them mid-level farmers for the region at that time. Laszlo still recalls his grandfather, my great-grandfather, experimenting with a wide range of crops, including barley, oats, sugar beet, wheat, maize, sun owers, and lucerne. Our family also raised cattle, swine and poultry back in the day, selling their produce in local markets.
the family farm and has been working it part-time for the last 20 years. Keeping only a small number of laying hens, he upgraded existing machinery and focused primarily on crop production.
For Laszlo, farming is a major commitment next to his full-time job in IT, which is why he only farms half of the family land. With only my uncle and my mother helping occasionally, he carries out most of the farm work throughout the year himself.
Battling the e ects of war, drought and extreme weather events:
Unlike British agriculture, Romanian farming experienced a major setback with the arrival of communism in 1945. In the years that followed, taxes on agricultural produce were raised to unreasonable heights, forcing many farmers to join collective farming units.

The majority of maize from our farm is sold directly to a trading company for export, with Laszlo transporting a small amount home for local customers. Whereas, the entire sun ower yield goes directly to an oil factory to be used for human consumption and animal feed production.
Like other arable farmers, Laszlo has adjusted his cultivation practices to suit the local climate. Since most of the rainfall occurs in the autumn and winter, he grows winter wheat to take advantage
Despite both maize and sun ower being of
The wheat varieties grown at Kocsordos Farm are Genius, Apache, and Glosa (local Romanian) varieties with good milling properties. Upon harvest, Laszlo sells most of the wheat to the local our mill, taking only a small amount home to use as seed the next year.
The family business was picked up by my paternal grandfather – a former electrician who dedicated the rest of his life to farming and continuing the family legacy. He purchased machinery and began growing wheat and maize alongside raising swine and laying hens.
Due to repeated refusal to give up their assets, our family lost all of their land, animals, and machinery in the 1950s. It wasn’t until two years after the fall of communism in 1989 that our family regained a portion of our former lands and started farming again.
A Romanian farmer’s perspective

of abundant moisture.

Despite the extreme drought conditions of the past two years, wheat yields have remained relatively high at our family farm. However, the same cannot be said about maize and sun ower yields, which have su ered heavy losses over the summer months. Irritatingly for farmers, plentiful rainfall often occurs in late August, when it does crops more harm than good.
Hot and dry summers are an ongoing hindrance
Farmers Guide sta writer, Henrietta Szathmary, returned to Romania recently to visit her family farm, run by her father Laszlo. She discusses the e ects of the Russian con ict, adding to existing challenges amid increasingly extreme weather.
Over the years, Laszlo increased the family holdings to 60ha by purchasing land from our relatives. He currently farms winter wheat, maize and sun owers on mainly clay and sand loam soils at the 30ha Kocsordos Farm, and rents the remaining parcels out to local farmers.
“It is good like this,” he says. “After the stress of o ce work, I can go and unwind in nature.”
With this year being the hottest and driest in half a century, British growers have faced unprecedented challenges in arable farming. However, in countries like Romania, prolonged periods of drought and extreme heat have been weighing down the agricultural sector for the past decade.

As for his day job, Laszlo has so far refrained from cutting the cord and going all-in with farming. With climate change bringing about unpredictable crop yields, trading the security of employment for volatile pro ts is a risk he can’t a ord to take.
After his sad passing in 2003, Laszlo took over October 202212
The typical crop rotation at Kocsordos Farm is wheat / maize / sun owers. Wheat elds are disccultivated in the autumn, followed by drilling in October and fertiliser application in the spring. To keep weeds at bay, the crops receive a post-em herbicide treatment (tribenuron-metil) in early April.
Regardinghigh.control systems, Laszlo uses a range of biocides to protect crops from weeds, insects and harmful fungi. Against fungal diseases, all crops receive fungicide seed treatment and wheat elds are sprayed in May. Common diseases threatening crops in the area include powdery mildew, downy mildew, fusarium head blight, and septoria.Tocombat weeds and insects, wheat is sprayed with herbicides in April and insecticides at the end of May. Maize and sun ower are treated again with herbicides when they reach a height of 0.5m to counter renewed weed growth.
Pictured with my father, Laszlo (l-r) are my paternal grandmother, Ilona; my mother, Anita; and me with my sister, Victoria.
With ongoing ghting cutting o Ukraine’s export routes towards the east and the sea, Romania has become a major destination for Ukrainian grain. Due to prices being signi cantly lower in the war-stricken country, Romanian traders have been importing considerable amounts of Ukrainian wheat, leading to a fall in demand for Romanian wheat.
Farming practices at the family farm
Although Romania is one of the EU’s largest wheat, maize, and sun ower exporters, it used to be much more agri-oriented than it is today. Nowadays, jobseekers turn towards opportunities in the industrial and service sectors rather than a career in Accordingagriculture.toLaszlo, farming is not attractive to younger generations, which creates further uncertainty regarding the future of farming. Most farmers are in their mid-40s and 50s, facing the prospect of having to sell or lease out their lands when they retire. These farms are often absorbed into larger operations, continually reducing the number of small farmers in the country.
• Wheat: Common windgrass (Apera spicaventi), creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense), cleavers (galium aparine)
With the lack of a pro table yield, many farmers opted to cut maize stalks prematurely for silage.

As the sole operator of our family farm, Laszlo is facing a similar future. Myself, my sister and our relatives have all made other commitments and will not be carrying on the family legacy. However, until the time comes to throw in the towel, he will continue to savour all that farming has to o er. FG

• Sun owers: Creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense), common cocklebur
Laszlo also stores some of the wheat and maize at our family home while waiting for prices to rise. However, like many other small farmers, he has limited storage capacity and is therefore at a disadvantage.Fertilisercost is currently 4–5 times what it used to be due to rising gas prices. The cost of machinery parts has also notably increased as metal prices doubled following the bombardment of Azovstal Steel Plant in Mariupol. Combined with already high fuel and energy prices, these factors will have a signi cant impact on Romanian crop production this year.
During harvest, Laszlo hires a combine harvester and operator, who is the only seasonal worker on the farm. Besides harvesting crops, he also helps with transporting grain to buyers when yields are
October 2022 13 Arable
• Maize: Field bindweed (Convulvulus arvensis), Johnson grass (Sorghum halepense), green foxtail (Setaria glauca), common cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium)
The impact of the Ukrainian war on Romanian agriculture

With maize, he adds fast-degrading nitrogen fertiliser to the seedbed when drilling. Two to three days later, the seedbed receives a herbicide treatment, which is repeated when the crops have reached V6–V8 stages.
Alongside rising temperatures and reduced rainfall, Romanian growers have su ered further losses due to the outbreak of war in neighbouring Ukraine on 24th February, 2022. In addition to the same e ects felt throughout Western Europe in terms of fertiliser, fuel and energy cost, Romanian farmers must also tackle a drop in wheat prices, as cheap Ukrainian grain oods the market.
the drought-tolerant Pioneer varieties, the crops struggled to produce yield in this year’s harsh conditions. With temperatures consistently over 35°C this summer, the heat severely compromised crop viability alongside little-to-no rainfall.
hope of better prices a few months down the line.
Pests like deer, crows, pheasants, hares and small rodents can also cause considerable damage to crop elds. In Romania, deer are by far the most destructive of all pests and are abundant in number across the country. Unfortunately for growers, they are a protected species by law and hence cannot be controlled e ciently.
To make matters bleaker, irrigation isn’t a feasible option for our family farm. As much as we would like to use water to counter the drought, irrigation would only be possible via drawing a well, which is neither practical nor cost-e ective at present.
Unfortunately, there is little that Romanian farmers can do to counter plummeting wheat prices. Reducing inputs such as fertiliser and biocide use might adversely a ect crop yields and is therefore not a viable option. Instead, many farmers are choosing to hold onto their wheat in
Like many others in the area, our family farm lacks an integrated pest control system. Insecticides and good old-fashioned scarecrows are as far as most farmers go regarding pest control.
During an average year, Laszlo normally drills equal amounts of wheat, maize, and sun owers. However, given the current conditions, he is considering growing more wheat and possibly sorghum to achieve higher and more consistent yields.
Looking into the future
Other than the combine harvester, Laszlo owns all of the machinery used on our family farm. This includes a smaller 45hp and a larger 75hp tractor (FarmTrac 675 DTŋ), two ploughs, two disc harrows, a combinator, a fertiliser spreader, a sprayer, a wheat and a maize/sun ower seed drill, a roller, a maize stalk shredder, and three large trailers. When expanding his inventory, he always buys new machinery from local suppliers.
The key problem weeds for each crop are:
Fields meant for maize and sun owers are deep-ploughed in the autumn (to 30–35cm), then levelled in the spring with a combinator. Laszlo then adds complex, slow-degrading fertiliser to the soil and levels the elds once more before drilling.
The cultivation process is fairly similar for sun owers. For drilling, he uses Pioneer hybrid seeds which feature an ExpressSun herbicidetolerant trait. This type of seed has only been available for the last 10 years and has been selectively bred for herbicide resistance.
That disease control strategy is unlikely to change for later drilled crops, although Mr Lowe will make a call nearer the time. “We could have two very di erent crops this autumn, but again the rapeseed price means they are worth looking after,” he notes.
Of those, LG Aviron is rated as an 8 and 7 respectively, Auckland and Aurelia get a 7 for both diseases. DK Exstar is a little better, with 8 for LLS and phoma.
Forward rapeseed prices remain strong and there is every chance early August drilled crops will grow away from CSFB as well as phoma and light leaf spot (LLS) threats. But don’t be complacent is the message from agronomists.
The most potent LLS options are either bixafen or uopyram with prothioconazole, which is also a potent combination against Phoma too. It is an autumn option for Mr Lowe if disease pressure is particularly high. Otherwise, Proline (prothioconazole), Savanna (tebuconazole) or a combination of the two are more likely.
What this season has shown us is the extremes with our current weather and a cold spell shouldn’t be ruled out. As a result, growers are being advised to stay vigilant as should this occur crops could be exposed to disease for longer.
He believes these early-drilled crops have every possibility of ‘growing away’ from pest and disease threats, but Mr Lowe sounds a note of caution. A cold spell could see growth grind to a halt and, with crops exposed for longer, disease pressure could build.

He points out the disease favours warm weather; something many areas experienced at the start of September. Research has shown the time of peak airborne spore release (ascospores) from infected stubble is during warm and humid weather. These then land on the leaves of the newly-emerged crop. Some good news is that phoma is a monocyclic disease so a well-timed fungicide preventative application should protect plants.
But he warns that timing is important as there are no real curative options. “You need to spray when thresholds are reached. No fungicide is fully
But he says disease management has to start with variety selection, and he is pleased that a number of the top yielding varieties also have good LLS or phoma resilience and sometimes both.
Mr Stephenson, too, will treat crops with an autumn fungicide, and typically looks for actives that are e ective against both diseases.
LLScurative.”canbemore challenging. Mr Stephenson describes it as a bit of a mystery, and it can be hard to spot early on. “It can be very patchy in elds, and the spotting hard to see; sometimes the disease is almost symptomless.”
Extended OSR disease exposure possible, growers warned
Milder winters is one reason why LLS has continued to be a problem in some seasons, despite reduced OSR area. ADAS research has shown that LLS spores need 17 hours of leaf wetness for leaf infection to occur, so the warmer and wetter it is the more quickly the disease will cycle. In ideal conditions the latent period could be as short as 17 days.
In his area, light leaf spot (LLS) is the key threat – although a ‘southern summer’ could lead to an increased phoma threat. Mr Lowe has used Bayer’s Spotcheck service in the past, and is likely to do so again this season. It is worth noting it has recorded the disease in the most northerly of Scottish regions.

remain buoyant. Even a small uplift in yield is likely to pay handsomely.”
Mr Stephenson also is mindful of resistance management. “Prothioconazole suits all OSR disease timings so it is used extensively in WOSR. The addition of bixafen (Aviator) is certainly welcome, bringing another mode of action,” he notes.
At owering, Mr Lowe is almost certain to go down the bixafen or uopyram route plus prothioconazole to tackle sclerotinia.
It is a rain-driven disease, and ADAS guidance is that phoma thresholds are typically reached after 20 rain events after drilling. And, with crop going into the ground in early August, Mr Stephenson

suggests this could be reached earlier than the typical late October/early November period, so he advises growers to remain cautious.
ADAS is partnering Bayer with the SpotCheck service, and ADAS plant pathologist Philip Walker notes that the disease is very di cult to spot in the early stages of infection. “In its early phase, LLS expresses itself as small white dots scattered across the top or underside of the leaf, where the fungus is erupting from the leaf surface. They can look like tiny grains of sugar but without a hand lens or microscope they are di cult to spot.”
Hard to spot
SpotCheck has another purpose for him, and that is justifying treatments. He is looking to use any fungicide as appropriately as possible, matching rates to re ect varietal resilience and disease severity.
There are number of autumn fungicide options but he cautions not all are e ective against both LLS and phoma.
He too has used Bayer’s SpotCheck service to corroborate what he believes might be happening in a eld. Again, he stresses the importance of timing. “You have to spray when symptoms appear. If it takes hold the damage is done.”
A little further south in North Yorkshire, AICC agronomist Patrick Stephenson has the twin challenges of LLS and phoma. He considers LLS still the greater threat in most seasons but, like Mr Lowe, believes phoma could be as prevalent this year.
Twin challenge
Fungicide options
And whilst the winter months might not see optimum conditions, the disease will cycle in temperatures as low as 4°C, so it can remain active during the winter. FG October 202214 Arable

He appreciates that, if crops grow away from disease, it does bring the question of an autumn fungicide into call; but his view is, with the potential impact of LLS, the price of rapeseed and that growers are likely to be making a pass with a stem weevil treatment or Kerb (propyzamide) the inclusion of a fungicide is added peace of mind. “Currently there is plenty of potential in Augustdrilled crops and rapeseed prices are likely to
In Aberdeenshire, many farmers took the opportunity of early August rain and drilled at the start of the month. So far this is paying o . With fair weather, warm soils and good seed beds, agronomist Ben Lowe says some crops reached the one true leaf stage in 10 days and look particularly healthy and green for this time of the season.
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Fungicide performance for oilseed rape

The only control option for verticillium is to grow a resistant variety, with some of the modern resistant options being more able to withstand infection, likely through increased vigour, good standing power and genetic pod shatter resistance. Currently, the AHDB Recommended List does not feature ratings for verticillium resistance, although this is something that is expected to be introduced soon.

ADAS arable plant pathologist, Philip Walker, spoke to Farmers Guide to discuss the latest e cacy results when it comes to the current ag chems for OSR. Rachel Hicks reports.

control and yield.
Should OSR areas increase as a result of higher prices and demand, Mr Walker says there may be a raised risk of disease carry over from previous crops to the new crop, particularly the leaf diseases phoma leaf spot and light leaf spot; this is because their initial phase of disease development is as air borne spores which remain in the stubbles of the previous crop. These are infectious to the newly growing crop. As it’s been so dry this summer, Mr Walker feels we could possibly be seeing a low-risk autumn for phoma, as you need a certain amount of rainfall for infected stubbles to release spores October 202216
Mr Walker explained that this is why levels of verticillium often vary from year to year.
Phoma stem canker • Phoma controlled by azoles, SDHIs and strobilurins • Average yield response c. 0.3t/ha, with little bene t from applying >50% of full label rate (as part of two-spray programme) • Some di erences in canker control between products, but small yield di erences (0.1–0.2 t/ha), (especially where index is less than 30). AHDB fungicide performance update for oilseed rape (2021)

While light leaf spot strains with decreased sensitivity to azoles have been detected in the lab, Mr Walker con rmed that this hasn’t translated to any reduction in e cacy in the eld.
period when growers would usually desiccate, the symptoms were more apparent. It will have been in the soils in previous years, but there’s been enough moisture for the crop to remain green up until desiccation. Whereas this year, a lack of moisture has caused premature senescence, making symptoms clearer.
• Azoles non-azoles providing similar levels disease
When it comes to fungicides for OSR, Mr Walker (pictured) commented that a similar range of chemistry as was assessed for 2021 (see AHDB graphs and summary below) was available to growers in 2022.

Light leaf spot
However, on the ip side, as drilling has been delayed for many OSR growers due to the ground conditions, some OSR plants will delayed in terms of establishment and growth going into the winter, so these smaller plants will be at higher risk for the stem canker phase the following summer if they were to be infected by phoma leaf spot in the autumn. FG

• Make use of di erent modes of action for resistance
Increased expression of verticillium symptoms
Both azoles and non-azoles are still performing strongly in light leaf spot trials, and there have been no anecdotal reports suggesting otherwise on-farm.
Mr Walker says verticillium symptoms were more obvious in crops this year, due to the dry conditions in the spring – often a ecting growers who already had an issue with verticillium in the past. Hot spot areas in Su olk and Cambridgeshire have been particularly a ected, although some growers in the West Country also reported verticillium this year. He was keen to point out however that it hasn’t increased in severity –rather, as it’s been very dry leading up to the
Summary of the 2021 report ndings:
• Some light leaf spot have a decreased sensitivity to azoles laboratory although performance is not a ected
Seasonal carry-over

Every year, growers spend thousands on fungicides to protect their oilseed rape from light leaf spot – a disease that’s only becoming harder to control as resistance rises, fungicide costs climb, and its geographical spread broadens.

However, if you could accurately nd out exactly how much latent disease is present in your crop, you could certainly tailor your treatment; only spray when you need to, use the fungicide product and dose rate appropriate for your disease levels, and better protect your crop.
SwiftDetect, which has already been helping farmers and agronomists manage wheat and barley disease by reducing fungicide usage with no compromise on yield, is now the rst commerciallyavailable test for light leaf spot, following extensive trials on several OSR varieties with Ad4pt Group.
and get caught out.
product type and dose rate to use? You could look at weather patterns and walk your elds to see if any disease has already emerged. But that won’t be enough information for you to have full con dence in the fungicide choices you make. You could easily be lulled into a false sense of security
The rapid test has pharmaceutical grade sensitivity and a one business day turnaround, so you can make informed decisions in real time, regarding what to spray, when to spray and where you should prioritise.
These results will show a tra c light measure, so you can see at a glance if light leaf spot is present and, if so, how much. You’ll also have a SwiftDetect Score, to give you a quantitative measure of your disease levels. This information will help you or your agronomist optimise fungicide e cacy.
For more information, visit www.swiftdetect. Farmers Guide readers can get 25% o your rst order by quoting LLS01 at checkout. FG
Do you know how much LIGHT LEAF SPOT is in your crop? Reveal the level of disease in your OSR with SwiftDetect. Accurate results in 1 business day. NEW rapidtest Order now and get Using the code Call for more information or order your test online 01225 • Gain an early warning: take action sooner • Tailor your treatment: use fungicides more efficiently • Hassle free: just post a small sample of leaves LLS01
Simply post a sample of 10 leaves to SwiftDetect, collected by walking a W-shaped pattern in your eld. Within one business day, you’ll receive your results by email.
One of the issues with light leaf spot is that, like most foliar diseases, it has a long latent period. In fact, it can be as long as 7–30 days. This means that, just when the disease is most treatable, you can’t see it’s there. So, how do you work out what fungicide
A new way to spray: Treat light leaf spot e iciently
signi cantly limits the ability of the pollen to

The early stages of oilseed rape (OSR) growth (i.e. germination and emergence) are nothing short of vital, yet it is then that the crop is at its most vulnerable to a poor growing environment, which is why it is so important to get your crop growing away as soon as possible.
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monitoringWeather Disease

Nutrient availability is key to getting the crop through those rst phases of growth quickly, e ciently and in a robust manner. For this reason, crop management needs to promote the development of a su cient number of seeds, and for a crop to reach its full yield potential, each seed needs to ll completely.
“Once the crop gets to the 4–6 leaf stage, an application micronutrientsofis also a good way to keep that crop momentum going. OSR can put a lot of biomass on over a short space of time if conditions are right, so there is the potential for crop to deplete micronutrients in theThesoil.”easiest way to apply all the key nutrients required in the

Boron is one of the most important micronutrients in oilseed rape. A boron de ciency often occurs in calcareous soils and with rapid cell formation and division. A de ciency can lead to a signi cant loss of yield and quality. Checking the plants for a de ciency by soil or plant analysis is therefore resultany“Aisfertilisation,impairsformationgerminateabilitysignirecommended.strongly“Alackofboroncantlylimitstheofthepollentoandalsoaectstheoftheseeds.Thisinturntheformationofowersandandtheproteincontentalsoaected,”explainsMsWood.smalldeciencymaynotgiveyouvisiblesymptoms,butitwillstillinpoorseedformation.”
“Putting down NPKS fertiliser during the drilling process (or as soon as possible thereafter) is a good way to kickstart this process, which hopefully you were able to put into action this year,” explains Yara agronomy operations manager, Natalie Wood (pictured).

autumn for oilseed is to use a multinutrient, crop-speci c product, preferably containing magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, boron, molybdenum and a small amount of nitrogen – all of which vital to OSR growth. When it comes to micronutrients, oilseed rape, like any other crop, has speci c requirements. If not met, these will result in yield losses.



To do this, it is essential to try to ensure that there are no limiting factors to its growth, which is where micronutrients come in.
In field weather data •Organise your interventions: ultra-local forecast. • Visualise the risk indicators: weather forecast by crop. • Make the best decisions: follow the conditions in real time. Scan this QR code and test the Sencrop app today!* Any questions? +44 7723 580941 *free trial Weather connected to your crops
Manganese is important for chlorophyll formation and photosynthesis. Ms Wood adds: “Of all the micronutrients, OSR has the highest manganese requirement. Similarly to boron, in practice, a defect often remains undetected because it is often only latent.” It should be noted that the risk of manganese de ciency is signi cantly increased for crops on light and well-aerated soils. the past six years, Yara has conducted trials which have shown an average yield response of 0.33t/ha from an application multi-nutrient product, Brassitrel Pro,” comments
Ms Wood. “Using September prices for oilseed, that’s £174/ha extra yield – so this application stands to make a significant difference to yourFormargins.”moreinformation, visit FG

“ OSR can put a lot of biomass on over a short space of time if conditions are right, so there is the potential for crop to deplete micronutrients in the soil.

of our

October 2022 19 Arable Same Field \ More Yield 48%SSO3 6% MgMgO 17%CaCaO Polysulphate 2021/22 autumn establishment trials have shown: 10kg per ha increase in nitrogen uptake 34% improvement in phosphate uptake 30-40% growth in root mass • Enhanced yield and quality* *average across 23 UK trials sites Polysulphate has the lowest carbon footprint of any fertiliser. Ask your local distributor for details. 14%KK2O Manganese
With over 10,000 varieties worldwide and 600 species around the UK, inter-tidal brown seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum has been demonstrated to be highly e ective in improving the physiological and biochemical process in crops in the following ways:
Farmers Guide spoke to Micromix territory manager UK & Ireland, Grant James, to nd out how seaweed-based biostimulants can bene t growers, both in the eld and nancially.

Some biostimulants contain seaweed extracts – a range of carbohydrates such as alginate, fucoidan and betaines plus minerals proteins to promote plant growth. Seaweeds are multi-cellular macroscopic organisms found in coastal marine ecosystems – a very rich source of polysaccharides, which provide natural energy storage and structural cell support for the crop, readily available once translocated into the leaf.
• Reduces abiotic and biotic stress
Increased leaf and shoot growth
Improved storability of treated
We seem to have come a long way since Covid, with mixed results – in particular, with hiked prices, delivery problems and fuel costs spiralling, the economics seem to be all over the place. The only visible sign of farming giving a positive message seems to have been the Clarkson’s Farm TV
• Organic approved product by OF&G
Earlier establishment • Increased early rooting - Reduction in drought suceptibility.
• crops
So, after a great 2021 start for the 2022 harvest crops and not bad prices selling forward for this autumn, how have you coped with fertiliser prices at £800+/tonne – if you could nd some, that is?
The good autumn 2021 start, with slight concerns over of lack of spring rain and N input during March/April led to a greater number of growers
Overall reduction in abiotic plant stress levels

• Improved shelf-life of fruits and �owers after a C-Weed AAA programme
Improved resistance to disease and pests

Increase in plant carbohydrate production
• Enhances nutrient uptake

Sustainable seaweed-based biostimulants increase yield and enhance chemical e icacy

While there are over a dozen companies selling biostimulants in the UK and Ireland, only a very small number use seaweed as a positive proven ingredient. UK peak production of brown seaweed was during the 17th–18th century when it was used to produce soda ash in soap and glass production.Sincethe 2000s, UK seaweed farms have grown in strength, resulting in long term production availability –now sourced for use in beauty, health October 202220 90245 European Crop Health Specialists - Olmix Micromix Active Foliar Nutrients Active Biostimulants Active Soil Improvers Specialists in Plant Health From Nutrition to Biostimulation BIOSTIMULANTS Micromix combines many di�erent biologically active components to create tailored biostimulants that bring distinct bene�ts to di�erent crops. Our formulation technology takes biostimulants to a higher level. Performance against stresses and beststrenghtheningplantareinclass. Micromix Plant Health Ltd Coachgap Lane NG13NottinghamshireLangar9HP 01949 www.micromix.cominfo@micromix.com898001 C-Weed 50 C-Weed 50 is a truly di�erent biostimulant algal extract, that contains seaweed concentrate produced from a cool extraction process utilising only Ascophyllum nodosum from the Atlantic coast BENEFITS • Earlier & faster crop establishment • Increased early rooting - reduces drought susceptibility • Increase in photosynthetic area • Increased leaf and shoot growth • Increase in plant carbohydrate production • Improved resistance to disease and pests • Improved storability of treated crops • Improved shelf-life of fruits and �owers after a C-Weed 50 programme • AMIX Activated Humic-lignate Complex uptake technology • Organic approved product by OF&G C-Weed AAA C- Weed AAA is a natural plant growth stimulant obtained by the extraction of both algae (Ascophyllum nodosum) and L-Amino Acids from fermentation of plant materials, generating natural growth promoters. The combination of two highly active components creates a unique biostimulant with multiple application opportunities.
• Promotes growth through root/ microbe interactions

than usual looking to biostimulants early in the Biostimulantsseason.are products that are able to act on plants’ metabolic and enzymatic processes to improve productivity and quality. They also assist plants to cope with abiotic stress in the early stages of plant development by stimulating natural processes to enhance nutrient uptake.
Increase in photosynthetic area
• Increases nutrient availability. All of the above resulting in a healthier crop, maximising its potential.
and nutritional markets for humans as well as agricultural crops worldwide.

• High ability to improve plant growth

Improved Sugar content in treated crops
So, with granular fertiliser fast approaching gold prices grammefor-gramme, forbiostimulantsseaweed-basedareworthconsiderationthisautumnandspring2023.

Sustainable seaweed sources from Norway, France, Ireland and Scotland are helping to minimise the chemical footprint we have currently in the UK. It’s di cult for many farmers to move away from traditional agro-chemical inputs; however, the good news is that adding seaweed biostimulants to the tank-mix in most cases will enhance the chemical e cacy of such inputs.
Improved tolerance to heat stress
Clearly,show.there’s been a lot of change. In fact, we’ve probably seen the most signi cant chances to agriculture in the last 50 years in these last two.

microorganisms and the growing plant.
• Cereals (wheat, barley, oats and more)

• Vegetables and salad crops
Nutricor Agronomics’ products are approved for use in organic systems by the Soil Association.
With farmers and growers constantly searching for ways to achieve greater productivity, and with many chemical fertilisers, pesticides and fungicides being outlawed in the next few years, we believe our bio-based alternatives to be the future of crop production.
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It informs the products we choose to o er to our customers and supports our ambition to initiate change from short-term fertiliser ‘ xes’ to long term problem solving.
‘Time and motion’ is also reduced, including farm tra c, due to fewer operations alongside reduced quantities of inputs such as plants/ seeds/tubers/fertilisers.Fertilisercostsandavailablity are a major concern for growers, and Nutricor’s products o er increased plant growth potential with reduced fertiliser needs, as well as increasing CO2Thesequestration.non-hazardous, high-e cacy products promote sustained and improved soil health due to greater mutually bene cial symbiotic

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nutrition for crops and soil without the need for chemical fertilisers, pesticides or other potentially harmful additives underpins our whole business and everything we do.

• Allium (onion, garlic, leek, shallot)
We are dedicated to sustainably advancing yields andagronomics,cutting-edgethroughorganicproductsresearch.Theethosofproviding
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• Root crops (potato, carrot)
• Grass and forage crops (grassland, maize, lucerne, clovers)

• Fruits (pome, stone, berry, soft)
• Viticulture.
Nutricor says these are proven to signi cantly enhance plant vigour, soil health and yield potential, with the high-quality products providing nutrient requirements, correcting nutrient de ciencies, supporting and multiplying the essential microbiome of soil and plant life, and boosting overall plant nutrient utilisation.
This boost in yield and nutrient density can also in uence land usage, by allowing more e cient crops to be grown on reduced hectares, releasing land for other crops or diversi cation options.
• Legumes (beans, peas and more)
Improving crop values and sustaining soil healthrelationshipsPROMOTIONwithsoil-borne

October 2022 21 Arable PNEUMATICSTAR STIPNEUMATICSTAR MDCAMERA HOES TERRINGTON MACHINERY LTD Tel: 01553 828083 or 07966 417720 GRASSLAND MANAGER www.terrington sales@terrington Grassland Harrows, Seeders and Seeder Boxes available Ex-Stock. Inter-Row Hoes (with or without Camera Guidance) available to order for 2023 season.

Crops which can bene t from Nutricor’s mineral nutrition and biostimulant fertilisers include: October 202222 t: 03333 239 230 e: Talk to us about prescription nutrition Keep nitrogen out of the clouds by keeping it in the crop a proven protected urea less>70%ammoniaemissionsthanurea emissionsless>70%nitrousoxidethanAN comparedyield100%performancetonitrates The UK’s No.1 Liming Product - 9kg/t MgO - 8kg/t SO3 - 7kg/t Customer service 0800 090 2376 LimeX is a business of British Sugar Save £££’s on fertiliser this year with LimeX Scan for quote

Get in touch with LimeX customer services on 0800 090 2376 for more information. FG

British Sugar says that, by taking advantage of its Soil Sampling Service, you can save on fertiliser with LimeX. has never been more

October 2022 23 Arable ADAMA Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd. Third Floor East, 1410 Arlington Business Park, Theale, Reading RG7 4SA. Telephone 01635 860 555. Visit for more information TOWER® is a registered trademarks of the ADAMA group. TOWER® contains 250g/L chlorotoluron, 40g/L di ufenican and 300g/L pendimethalin. Always read the label and product information before use. For further product information, including warning phrases and symbols, refer to or call The Technical Helpline on 01635 876 622. @AdamaUK_ Flexibletiming to t conditionsseasonal TOWERPENDIMETHALINDIFLUFENICANCHLOROTOLURONtiming conditions combination management strategy compatibility the broadest range of cereal crops e ective rates actives providing broad spectrum control | DIFLUFENICAN | CHLOROTOLURON YOUR PROGRAMME Key to successful cereal grass weed management

British Sugar suggests the best place to start is with a standard pH and nutrient analysis package for your elds using British Sugar’s Soil Sampling Service, which is currently available in East Anglia and the East Midlands.LimeX, which is a calcium-based liming product with, British Sugar claims, the nest particle size on the market can rapidly raise the pH of your elds – giving your crops the best possible start with the nutrients that are already in the soil.

In addition, LimeX also has an inherent nutritional value equating to at least £20 worth of phosphate, magnesium and sulphur for every tonne of LimeX spread at current fertiliser prices, the company reckons.“Careful management of your soil pH is the key to ensuring the nutrients within your soil are the most available to the plant,” says LimeX business manager, Glenn Carlisle (pictured above). “And, because our product has such ne and consistent particle size, it’s very fast-acting and more e cient at raising pH and available calcium levels than ordinary ground limestone.“Withan additional bene t of a minimum 9kg of phosphate, 8kg of magnesium and 6kg of sulphur in every tonne, farmers can cut out a huge proportion of their fertiliser costs whilst keeping on top of their liming.”You don’t have to grow sugar beet to be a LimeX customer – the company supplies over 250,000t of product to farmers across the entire UK and Ireland every year.

You can’t manage what you don’t measure

With such a huge amount of pressure being placed on the farming industry, not helped by extreme yourimportanthaspricetheconditionsweatherandunprecedentedoffertiliser,itneverbeenmoretomakesuresoilsareinthebest possible condition for next year’s crop.

“By harnessing the amine form of nitrogen, normally only produced and found in the plant itself, AminoA BLAAZT helps improve yield and quality in all crops,” explains AminoA managing director, Richard Phillips.

Mr Phillips also advises preparing biological seed treatments this autumn to encourage speedy crop establishment and root biomass, while reducing overall input costs and achieving a signi cant return on investment.AminoASTAART is a new seed treatment containing a complex of 18 L-isomer amino-acids and natural phytohormones that are essential for early growth and development, while increasing the plant's resistance to abiotic and biotic stress.
It is suitable for use in all crops and fully approved for use in organics. In cereals at the standard rate, 3-litres/t, it has delivered yield responses in the range of 200–500+ kg/ha in a wide range of climatic conditions, making it a very cost-e ective input.

AminoA’s natural bio-stimulant and nutrient source, AminoA FLO, has consistently revealed evidence of both performance and cost bene ts in interaction with fungicides, across independent and replicated trials.

Improve performance results while
reducing CO2 footprints As we head into the key autumn foliar treatment period for cereal crops, now is the time to include biostimulant applications within tank mixes, to help achieve performance results and return on investment, while also helping to reduce farm carbon footprints. October 202224
“We have still been able to achieve relatively good results with low inputs, and BLAAZT plays a role

“By stimulating continuous root development, STAART increases the plant’s ability to uptake nutrients, ultimately increasing yields and improving pro ts,” concludes Mr Phillips. FG
UK bio-technology company

Its hybrid biostimulant product, AminoA BLAAZT, is also demonstrating the same yields and quality improvements, while addressing environmental concerns by reducing the total nitrogen application needed on crops.

influence final yield and quality
in supporting this,” he says.
“AminoA STAART encourages vigorous root development and growth, while improving the e ciency of other agrochemicals and fertilisers and working in harmony with the soil microbiology.
“Not only providing e ective nitrogen nutrition, it also reduces the risk of environmental pollution from the run-o of easily leached chemical fertilisers,” he adds.

Allowing for the e cient application of nitrogen in Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZs), AminoA BLAAZT also reduces the carbon footprint of transporting bulky fertilisers.ColinChappell of Gander Farm in North Lincolnshire, winner of the new on-farm sustainability Rawcli e Bridge Award in July, has focused on reducing inputs, using AminoA BLAAZT for the past three years as part of a wider programme to reduce nitrogenIncludingapplications.BLAAZT in foliar applications for spring crops to relieve stress in wheat, while applying later in OSR at pod ll, Mr Chappell explains: “I have been able to achieve a 40kg reduction in nitrogen use this year.

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With chemical and biological control options for slug control limited, e orts to prevent slug populations from spiralling out of control rely increasingly on the use of non-chemical approaches. With each solution only providing partial control, a combination of tactics are often required. AHDB provides the following advice.
chemical and cultural controls

Firm seedbeds also reduce slug activity, as it is harder for them to move around and reduces the

The level of slug mortality depends on the soil type, as well as the machine action and timing of cultivation, depth and intensity.

availability of safe resting places.

A ne, consolidated seedbed also provides good seed-to-soil contact. This helps crops germinate quickly and grow rapidly through the vulnerable establishment stages. If the seedbed is cloddy, increase sowing depth of wheat to 4–5cm.

spreadabilityPersistencePersistencepersistencespreadabilityspreadabilityBetterattractivenessBetter spreadabilityBetterattractivenessBetter CONTROLSLUGS Simply and efficiently De Sangosse ferric phosphate pellets are manufactured with the finest durum wheat using our advanced wet process. They are proven to attract slugs, are fatal once ingested, and offer premium performance with excellent environmental credentials. attractivenessBetter spreadabilityBetter palatabilityBetter persistenceBetter Experts in the science of slug control 01223 Engineered with exclusive attractant technology The essence of science and nature Colzactive ferric phosphate pellets have pioneered the incorporation of an enriched blend of brassica oils and extracts proven for their attractant properties for all common species of slugs. Attractiveness is a crucial feature and Colzactive’s unique formulation makes it more potent than any competitor. IronMax Pro, Fe-est, Ferrimax Pro, X-Ecute and Sigon contain ferric phosphate. Always read the label. Use pesticides safely. THE LARGEST GLOBAL PRODUCER OF SLUG PELLETS

Soil management is an essential component of slug control. In fact, land/seedbed preparation and quality are potentially even more important than the chemical control of slugs. This is particularly true for combinable crops.
The management of slugs is often more critical following higher-risk crops in the rotation. For example, slug damage is greater after leafy crops, which create moist soil conditions, and crops grown for
Mechanical cultivations are e ective at reducing slug populations, with the most intensive and e ective option being ploughing. However, even minimum tillage gives a considerable reduction in slug damage, compared with direct drilling.
relatively long periods. Crops established in elds with historic weed problems are also at higher risk.
The controlchemicalofslugs
Damage in potato crops is partly related to tuber maturity. Lifting potatoes as soon as possible can limit damage, as it minimises the time the crop is exposed to feeding.
The controlbiologicalofslugs

management of beetle banks in eld margins, as habitats for carabid beetles, can potentially reduce slug numbers by predation, mainly from
The chemical content of bait/pellets a ects their attractiveness to slugs, and their durability. Too much active substance may deter slugs from feeding before receiving a lethal dose. Too little may also prevent slugs receiving a lethal dose, especially in larger slugs. There are no records of resistance to plant protection products authorised for slug control.
Ferric phosphate

A biological molluscicide, based on a nematode parasite of slugs (Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita), is available. Unlike pellets, nematodes can target soil-dwelling slugs, as well as surface-active slugs. However, slugs may not feed or rest on substrates treated with nematodes.
For more advice from AHDB, library
Ferric phosphate is particularly suitable for organic systems. Slugs quickly stop feeding, become less mobile and die within 3–6 days. As slugs often die underground, e ectiveness of the treatment should be measured by the decrease of feeding damage in the crop, as with the cessation of metaldehyde only happening recently, farmers may still think success should be measured by the number of dead slugs they can see. FG

The nematodes enter the slug’s shell sack (mantle) and release bacteria from their guts. The nematodes feed on the multiplying bacteria. Eventually, the slug’s mantle swells and bursts. Although it usually takes 7–21 days for an infected slug to die, it stops feeding soon after the nematode enters the body. When the slug dies, the nematodes feed on it until the food source is depleted. They then leave in search of more slugs.
October 2022 27 Arable Gusto® IRON is a registered trademark of the ADAMA group. Gusto® contains ferric phosphate. Always read the label and product information before use. For further product information, including warning phrases and symbols, refer to or call The Technical Helpline on 01635 876 622. • High quality, long lasting, palatable bait • Superior mould resistance • Optimum pellet size and baiting points • Made with Desidro technology • Excellent value ferric phosphate The obvious choice for cost-e ective slug control Gusto® IRON ADAMA Agricultural Solutions UK Ltd. Third Floor East, 1410 Arlington Business Park, Theale, Reading RG7 4SA. Telephone 01635 860 555. For more information resistanceand esidro
Natural enemies include ground beetles, rove beetles, parasitoids, birds, amphibians and hedgehogs, so providing habitats for these species may help to control slug populations.
The establishment and
Due to relatively high costs, biological control of slugs is particularly suited to organic systems and high-value crops. It is also extremely useful in situations where it is di cult to target the slugs e ectively with pellets, such as in mature lettuce crops.
The grey eld slug is highly vulnerable to the nematode but larger species are only susceptible when they are young and small.

Nematodes can be applied in advance of expected damage, at sowing or any time during the crop’s lifetime. However, they are best applied in dull weather, in the evening and before rain. Success is dependent on wet conditions after application.Inidealconditions, nematodes provide a reduction in damage for about six weeks after application. To get the best out of the product, it may need to be used soon after purchase (always follow the instructions carefully).
Use of nematodes
• A tray test to con spreadandworkingrmwidthevennessof
• An electronic report of the test results October 202228 THE NO. 1 CHOICE FOR UK GROWERS Xbeet® and Germains® are registered trademarks of Food Investments Limited. Bio stimulants for improved early crop coverandFasteremergencePromotesgrowthplantemergencemorecanopy Helps veriIndependentlyforTrialledyieldingconsistent,deliverhighercropsandtestedUKclimateedresults For more reasons why Xbeet® enrich 200 is best for your Sugar Beet visit
In addition to regular calibration checks (prior to the start of the spreading season and before each subsequent application), all pellet spreading equipment should also be tested to the required standard to ensure it can spread the desired product over the declared working width in an even and uniform pattern: in order to comply with the NSTS
To ensure slug pellets are applied accurately and to achieve the optimum number of baiting points (45 pellets per m2 when applied at 5kg/ha), all spreading equipment should be calibrated in accordance with the machinery manufacturer’s recommendations to ensure they are producing an even and accurate spreading pattern.

• An inspection of the spreader prior
to a tray test
Adama o ers the following slug pellet application advice, aimed at improving accuracy and e ectiveness.

For more information about pesticide applicator calibration or to get your machine tested, go to Adama’s Gusto IRON is a ready-touse, pelleted bait containing 2.94% w/w anhydrous ferric phosphate.

Pellet application: Preparation is key
• As well as ensuring spreading equipment is correctly calibrated and tested, care should also be taken to ensure that it is positioned at an appropriate height for the machine on which it is mounted (usually 110cm for quad-mounted applicators)
It is approved for use in a range of agricultural and horticultural crops.

Read more articles from Adama’s autumn blog series at com/uk/en/autumn-blog/www.adama. FG
(National Sprayer Testing Scheme) Sustainable Use Directive, all pesticide application equipment over ve years old should be tested every six years. If equipment is less than ve years old it needs to be tested by its fth anniversary, and then every six years thereafter.TheNSTS test includes:
• Forward operating speed and aperture settings should also be considered to ensure pellets are applied at the correct rate, with the best practice considered to be a forward speed of no more than 12kph.
AgriSolutionsStrength – Reliabilty – Quality Call direct for best pricing Andrew: 07967 300 578 Office: 01805 603 363 90095 Cultivation Equipment to suit your needs • Discs: 3–6 metres, trailed/mounted • Tines: 3–6 metres, trailed/mounted • zero compromise on spec and quality • Ultimate minimum-tillage equipment • Add air seeder for grass seeds and oilseed rape • Unbeatable prices on new and stock itmes

The Ozyrus discs have, as standard, two rows of 12 discs with 560mm diameter, active side screens, de ector board between the row of discs, straw tines, hydraulic depth control, LED lights and steel ring packer. There are various rear rollers and packers available with the option of doubling up to have a twin roller or packer.TheSherp and Ozyrus combination is designed to provide e ortless working e ciency, as the operator can adjust whilst on the go the working depth of the two components to suit ground conditions and soil types. Having the ability to separate the two components allows for more varied jobs to be carried out. Chitting grain after harvest being the main consideration and utilising the discs to work the top 1cm then reconnecting before drilling to work the ground, preparing an ideal seed bed. On the PFC test farm min till has been used successfully to replace the plough and dramatically reduce establishment cost and improve time management of the continuous wheat crop. FG
October 2022 29 Arable
2022 saw the successful launch of the new Awemak min-till disc combinations, which help to improve soil health and drastically reduce establishment cost, says PFC.

setup with high or low disturbance leg options on the Sherp are protected by sprung auto reset.
The standard hydraulic 3-point
As with all the Awemak products o ered by PFC, there is no compromise on build strength and quality, the company claims. The 3m

Minimum e ort, yet maximum returns
Using hydraulic linkage allows
linkage couples directly to the Ozyrus Discs with minimal down time to separate and connect as required.
ultimate precision adjustment to the depth control of both the Sherp disturbance legs and the 3m discs.
The cornerstone of your grass-weed control programme Need a contractor? To find a contractor in your area check the website: or scan the QR code with your phone to view the contractor list GOWAN CONTACTS Hank King UK and BusinessIrelandManager 07867 353981 Barrie Hunt UK and TechnicalIrelandManager 07308 166356 Erin Matlock UK and DevelopmentIrelandManager 07458 130541 USE PESTICIDES SAFELY. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND PRODUCT INFORMATION BEFORE USE. Avadex® contains tri-allate. Avadex is a registered trademark used under licence by Gowan Crop Protection Ltd. Robust, dependable performance – proven over 60 years! Enhancing the power of your cereal grassweed control programmes Essential part of your integrated management approach for black-grass, rye-grass, wild-oats and bromes Consistent performance – throughout autumn and spring drillings

Despite growing grassweed problems across the country, many growers are keen to minimise their wheat establishment risks by drilling earlier than advisable for the best cultural control, reveals the latest in a series of national studies. This will put particular pressure on pre-em herbicides, making the most robust resilient programmes more essential than ever.
Figure 1: Changes in main grassweed problems
Conducted by Gowan Crop Protection this summer, with more than 260 growers up and down the UK managing a total of just under 90,000ha of cropping, the 2022 National Grassweed Management Study spans a broad range of enterprises, establishment regimes and weed management practices.
“Black-grass continues to be much more problematic in the south and east of the country than in the west and north,” Mr King notes. “If anything, though, the weed now appears to be more of an issue in the southern counties than in the historically worst-a ected eastern regions. And it remains most concerning under reduced tillage regimes.
“With grassweed problems continuing to increase, it is worrying to see relatively large numbers of growers planning to drill their wheat earlier than advisable this season,”
continued over…
Earlier wheat drilling puts particular pressure on pre-ems this autumn

It shows black-grass, ryegrass, brome and wild oat infestations continue to be widespread, with three quarters or more of growers having at least some problem with each, and more growers reporting an increase than a decrease in problems in each case (Figure “Interestingly,1). the proportion seeing increasing black-grass problems is lower than it was in a similarly comprehensive national survey conducted by Bayer in 2016,” points out study co-ordinator, Hank
The 2022 study shows black-grass remaining the most signi cant grassweed issue for most growers, with nearly a quarter reporting problems across half or more of their winter cereals area and over a half across more than 10%. Wild oats are the second most problematic grassweed, with bromes and ryegrass somewhat less signi cant in their scale.
Black-grass with wild oats, and black-grass with bromes are the most widely encountered grassweed combinations, with wild oats proving a challenge in combination with other species for more than 50% of growers.
“As well as in reduced tillage systems, bromes are especially problematic in both the southern and northern counties. While there are clear hotspots elsewhere, ryegrass problems are most widespread in the south and among those with shallow min till regimes. Wild oat problems, however, are more evenly distributed across the country and, like the other grassweeds, noticeably less under
The ve most widely used cultural grassweed controls – each employed by 85% or more of growers – continue to be spring cropping, stale seedbeds, delayed autumn drilling, rotational ploughing and increased seed rates. In all cases these are being more widely used than four years ago and are scored relatively highly for their e ectiveness by growers.
King (pictured) of Gowan. “This clearly suggests the integrated approaches growers have been taking to deal with black-grass in recent years are having the desired e “Unfortunately,ect. the same cannot be said for bromes, ryegrass and wild oats, though. In all three cases, the proportion of growers seeing increasing problems with these weeds over the past four seasons is going up and the proportion reporting decreases going down. The situation is particularly worrying with ryegrass and wild “Equallyoats.concerning is the fact that problems with mixed grassweeds rather than just single species are reported by half of growers; especially so since control measures that work well with one species may not be the most appropriate for others.”
growers have been taking
recent years are having the

October 2022 31 Arable
“Almost a quarter of growers are seeing similarly concerning resistance problems in ryegrass, with 16% nding issues that may be resistancerelated in bromes.”
“Herbicide resistant black-grass is continuing to cause issues for most growers, reveals the study, with over half reporting serious or very serious problems from resistance,” he adds.

Mr King “Heedingobserves.thebest advice, many growers are still setting mid-October as their target start date for wheat drilling on high grassweed risk elds to give time to spray-o the largest ushes of weed growth ahead of sowing. However, 52% are now
43% 35%Black-grass Percentage of growers seeing Increase No change Decrease WildRyegrassBromesoats 48%55%45%26%32%41% 24%13%14%22%
“Unfortunately,ect. the same National Grassweed Management Study 2022 – Gowan.
plough-based winter cereal establishment regimes.
Of the 12 main cultural grassweed control techniques, the study reveals growers are currently employing an average of 9.7 in their management – an encouraging increase on the average of 6.3 of the same techniques identi ed in the 2016 survey.
Cultural control
looking to drill high risk elds and 80% medium-risk elds before this time – presumably to minimise their establishment risk from the weather (Figure“This2).puts even more pressure on pre-em herbicides, making correct choice and use more critical than ever; not least given the dependence of most chemistry on both weather and seedbed quality for its performance.”
“Added to this, tri-allate acts on multiple enzyme systems within the young plant to inhibit the synthesis of long chain fatty acids – including waxes. This means that weed seedlings not killed directly by the herbicide tend to emerge with substantially less leaf wax to interfere with the uptake of other chemistry.

“It will be most important under the reduced tillage regimes our study shows invariably have the greatest challenges from grassweeds. Also, where mixed grassweed populations, in general, and wild oat infestations, in particular, are problematic; not least because employing it in the autumn pre-em spray can frequently eliminate the need for subsequent wild oat spraying in the spring.” FG
“Working as vapour in the air spaces within the soil rather than in the moisture ensures Avadex maintains as much e ectiveness as possible in drier seedbeds,” explains Mr King. “Its very low water solubility also means excessive rainfall has far less e ect on it than other chemistry.

“Growers and agronomists have long appreciated the extra black-grass, brome and ryegrass control value Avadex gives their pre-em programmes,” he concludes. “And it’s interesting to see this being maintained with the newest chemistry on the market.

soil on which their activity depends is disrupted.Extensive Gowan trials, for instance, show ve typical pre-em programmes – including the newest chemistry – giving an average black-grass control of 60% across 12 sites over the past four seasons, and varying from 50% to 68% betweenEncouragingly,seasons. the addition of liquid tri-allate (Avadex Factor) to these programmes boosted average control to 74% while halving the season-to-season variation (Figure 3).
Regardless of claimed e cacy, soil-acting herbicide activity fundamentally depends on the season – primarily the weather. If conditions are too dry there isn’t enough moisture for most of today’s chemistry to work. Equally, if they’re too wet the herbicidal layer in the

Titanum Disc Harrow from 3-6 metres now available with hydraulic depth control Nigel : 07850 825980 Ross : 07815 110529 email: Prices start £9,500fromplusvat 90517 Titanum Disc Harrow 52%High weed risk elds Medium weed risk elds Low weed risk elds Percentage of growers planning to drill before mid-October 80%93% Figure 2: Winter wheat sowing intentions %controlblack-grassannualAverage Base pre-em Pre-em + Avadex Factor 45505560657075808590 Average 60% Range 50–68% Average 74% Range 69–78% Figure 3: Black-grass control from pre-em programmes 2019–2022 Side-by-side comparisons of ve pre-em programmes with and without Avadex Factor at 12 sites over four years (Gowan). National Grassweed Management Study 2022 – Gowan. ...from previous page Making Connections CHAP provides the tools, expertise and solutions to help accelerate agriculture’s journey to net zero, and further enhance sustainable farming practices. |@CHAPAgriTech October 202232

Pre-em performance
“The season-proo ng Avadex Factor so clearly provides to pre-em programmes will be particularly valuable for those drilling wheat earlier than advisable this autumn.

The nal piece of the jigsaw, according to Mr Alcock, is the herbicide programme. With RRR resistant black-grass, in recent years that’s been Crystal or Liberator + d , followed by Avadex. Going forward, the programme will contain Luximo.

The rotation on those blocks incorporates spring crops – either beans or barley – as well as winter oilseed rape and winter wheat.
According to BASF agronomy manager, Richard Guest (pictured), the replicated trials showed the value of pendimethalin as a partner to Luximo. This will be supplied in the pack as Stomp Aqua.

“We’ve had three years of trials here in various di erent elds,” he explains. “The sites had the perfect soil for black-grass with a high clay fraction that lies wet over the winter. The black-grass itself is as challenging as you’ll nd anywhere in the country – it’s RRR resistant.”
“Theeld.trials also helped con rm Luximo’s place in the herbicide programme – pre-emergence has always been the best technical t. They also showed that partnering Luximo with pendimethalin is how to get the most control.”
“While Luximo o ers great improvements in herbicide control, the use of cultural controls such as spring cropping, delayed drilling, higher seeding rates, must come rst.” FG
“We’ve also increased seed rates, and where we used traditional vigorous non-inversion tillage going 5–6in deep, we’re now managing the seedbank in the top few inches of soil with minimum tillage.
“We encourage germination over the autumn and winter and spray o seedlings to reduce the weed burden. Those shallow cultivations are enough to create a seedbed in which we can direct drill with either the Horsch Serto Drill or a Sumo DTS Drill.
“We’ve been using this approach for so long that any seed down at depth will no longer be viable. Consequently, we’re now discussing rotational ploughing.”
Encouraging leap forward in black-grass control
Having hosted trials at one of his client’s farms, independent agronomist, Richard Alcock, has seen Luximo perform across multiple seasons, on a population he knows well.
“With resistant black-grass, the di erent mode of action is critical, but that is also something we need to protect by retaining the cultural controls and maximising its performance in any way that we can.
“We’ve put the trials in places where we know there will be a challenge,” he says. “It’s a good way of testing the product, and we’ve had some very good results.”
“Nathan inherited a black-grass problem, when he took on some new business units,” explains Mr Alcock. “With quite a sizeable enterprise, spread across about seven miles, for economic and logistical reasons, we tend to block crop.”
The trials have taken place at Nathan Hopkins’ farm in Yeovil in Somerset. It’s a business that’s grown rapidly since 2004, and now includes 1,200ha of arable land and 200ha of grassland. With four separate farms, soil types vary from Cotswold-type brash to very heavy clay.

The battle against black-grass could well be easier this autumn with a new grassweed herbicide now available from BASF.
On-farm trials
Luximo is the brand name for cinmethylin – a completely new active with a new mode of action that has the potential to turn the tide for those battling with highly resistant strains of black-grass.

“Luximo’s performance here mirrored that of other trials; it was always incredibly high, consistently o ering more than 20 percentage points additional control.
“Extensive Luximo testing has found no direct cross resistance to any existing chemistry. These trials demonstrate how valuable that is in the
“We try to maximise late drilling. Where there is black-grass, the target drilling date for winter wheat is 25th October. Last year, we went at the beginning of the month because the forecast suggested that the weather was going to break and it would be unlikely that we’d get back onto the elds. As a result, the stale seedbeds didn’t work as well as we’d have liked, and we’ve more black-grass in some crops. In previous years, we’ve made the target drilling window and bene ted from lower seed return and lower black-grass populations.”
October 2022 33 Arable
“It is a premium product, but having experienced the extra control it brings, it’s well worth the investment.”
The team tested Luximo with a variety of partner products, comparing their performance against various standards such as Crystal + d and Liberator ( ufenacet and di ufenican) + aclonifen.
building,” he says.
“It’s proven to be a substantial step up for black-grass control, and I’ve already pre-ordered Luximo for the whole wheat acreage here.
“Machinery can easily spread weed seed around the four farms, so we have to be as clean as possible. As we can never eliminate the risk, we have to manage populations too. We also don’t want the problem
The trials work at Mr Hopkins’ farm contributedhas to the development of BASF’s o ering.

“Having seen Luximo in trials for three years now, I’ve con dence in the product and want it to play a central role in the pre-emergence stacks we apply.
While delayed drilling is undoubtedly high on the list, for Mr Alcock it’s been changing the rotation that has had the biggest impact.“We’ve dramatically reduced the second wheat area as it is a potential hotspot for increasing the black-grass problem. It’s not nearly as competitive as some of the hybrid barley that we grow and doesn’t have the same capacity for out-of-crop control.
Winter wheats demonstrate strong year on-farm
Based in north Norfolk and annually cropping 1,600–1,800ha, the business grew 70ha of winter barley this year, with Buccaneer, a new variety marketed by Elsoms Seeds and bred
by Saaten Union, accounting for 20ha of the area.
RAGT’s winter wheats have performed well on-farm, despite the exceptionally dry season according to reports from around the country.
Now in its third year of National List trials, new two-row winter malting barley variety Buccaneer coped well with the extreme summer heat, yielding 0.75t/ha ahead of expectations and producing a bold grain according to farm manager Mike Wilton of Stody Estate Limited.

The company’s arable product manager, Tom Dummett, says:
“Weboron.didn’t have any issues with septoria, which we know was a concern with some of the Group 3s last year. As Astronomer is tall, we ensured the PGR programme was robust, and consequently had no problems with lodging.
David Hoyles harvesting LG Astronomer.
ha applied at T1 on 15th April, followed by bixafen + uopyram at 0.75-litres/ha on 21st May. Both SDHI fungicides were applied with some pyraclostrobin in the tank mix for its additional protectant and curative properties.“Threesplits of nitrogen totalling 140kg/ha were applied on 11th February, 9th March and 9th April and, with no signs of disease or heat stress despite the extremely hot summer temperatures, Buccaneer achieved a nal yield of 8.25t/ha –ahead of our predictions and around 0.75t/ha ahead of the historical yield expectations for the elds in which it was grown.”
The 2021/22 growing season began with little drama – a mild autumn and winter provided adequate rainfall, followed by a warm, dry spring which allowed crops to progress rapidly. Wetter conditions increased the risk for all the key foliar diseases come May, but this rainfall was shortlived as the hotter-than-average and very dry June and July, leading into early August, resulted in early senescence. Although this will have limited yield potential, both breeders and growers are reporting some positive results.
“We drilled [the Buccaneer] into a nice sandy loam on 14th October, following a double break of parsnips and forage “Althoughmaize.planted 10 days behind our other winter barleys, it established well, competing against a medium weed burden of annual meadow grass, and by late spring it had caught up to our other (mainly) winter feed varieties. As with most of our barleys, it had a two-spray fungicide program consisting of benzovindi upyr + prothioconazole at 0.6-litres/
David Hoyles of GH Hoyles Ltd in Long Sutton, Lincolnshire, was pleased with his late September-drilled seed crop of biscuit wheat LG Astronomer. Two elds harvested on 27–28th July, yielded 13.2–13.4t/ha, and achieved 13.3–13.6% moisture.
“We were disappointed that we didn’t have as much soil nitrogen after the vining peas as we had hoped for, meaning the crop received a total of 160kg N/ha which was applied in the seedbed, and three follow up applications.”
Atypical end to season brought an early harvest – but how was yield a ected?
Both elds followed vining peas and were min-tilled and drilled in late“WeSeptember.hadvery little disease at the beginning of the season, so skipped the T0. It was wet in April, so the T1 was more robust, containing Revystar ( uxapyroxad + mefentri uconazole), Arizona (folpet) and a good dose of PGR,”
New winter barley coped well with extreme weather
New two-row malting barley, Buccaneer.

explains Mr However,Hoyles.itwas dry again by T2, so only Fire y (prothioconazole + uoxastrobin) and boron were applied.“Anearlier-than-normal T3 at the end of May consisted of Univoq (fenpicoxamid + prothioconazole) and
The ve-year farm average is 11.6t/ ha, although Mr Hoyles points out that this does include two lower yielding seasons with very wet autumns and lower levels of radiation in the spring.
Biscuit performswheatwell on the fens October 202234
Mr Wilton says: “Due to a diverse rotation, our area of winter barley can uctuate each year. However, it’s an important crop for the business, and on our light land we regularly achieve yields of over 7t/ha.
Record temperatures and a severe lack of rainfall across the summer months led to cereals being harvested up to three weeks’ earlier than usual for some areas of the UK, with eld res in Eastern regions adding extra pressure to bring the grain in.

The new Group 4 variety KWS Dawsum, added to the RL at the end of last year, has performed particularly well, he “KWSreports.Dawsum has performed consistently throughout the UK,
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Strong harvest performance despite challenging year

Ken Goodger trialled 6ha of RGT Bairstow on silt and skirt fen at Pates Farm, Tipps End, Welney, Norfolk.
One 22ha block of Skyfall averaged 10t/ha and a further 33ha averaged 11.6t/ha. The 40ha of RGT Illustrious averaged 10.8t/ha. Protein levels, Hagberg scores and speci c weights exceeded speci cation.
“KWS Cranium has also achieved double- gure yields with many growers appreciating its yellow rust resistance, sti straw and orange wheat blossom midgeTheresistance.”mostpopular wheat outright for next season will be KWS Extase following another impressive year, Mr Compson reckons.
delivering 12t/ha plus yields together with speci c weights around the 80kg/hl mark with many samples reaching as high as 85kg/hl.
“The crop was drilled in early December after sugar beet and did phenomenally well, yielding 11–12t/ ha,” says Mr Goodger. “It was the best bit of wheat we had.”
Oxfordshire farmer Adrian Taylor has reported another very successful harvest for RAGT’s Group 1 breadmaking wheats at Clattercote Priory Farm, Claydon.

“Our new RL Group 2 variety KWS Palladium has also made a promising start in its rst year of commercial production with some yields approaching 14t/ha and good protein levels ensuring its popularity can only grow.”
“Although yields have been pleasing, protein levels across the board have su ered as a result of the lack of rainfall in recent weeks combined with the potential cutbacks in nitrogen applied due to the high prices.”

“Rather than cherry-pick the highest yields, we’ve chosen examples that re ect wider experience to indicate what new growers can realistically expect.
“Su cient rainfall at the right time has been key. But good management that takes account of a variety’s agronomic strengths and weaknesses, plus the consistency across regions, rotational positions and soil types seen in most of our wheats, has played a big partAndrewtoo.”
Ken Goodger’s RGT Bairstow was his “best bit of wheat”.
Mr Pitts believes the yield re ects years of soil improvements and the massive amount of sunshine thisHeseason.saysRGT Bairstow was cheap to grow. “We omitted the T0 and the T1, as it was dry and there was no disease to be seen, and followed up with 1.2 litres of Ascra Xpro at T2.

“KWS Extase’s combination of high treated and untreated yields combined with strong rust and

“Wheat yields in general have been much better than expected, and our new and established varieties have produced some excellent results.
Despite drought conditions towards the end of the growing season and an earlier harvest than in most years, yields have generally held up well across the country, says KWS UK country manager Will Compson (pictured).
Pitts had his second-best wheat harvest at the Grange, Mears Ashby in Northamptonshire, despite receiving just 25mm of rain between May and Groupharvest.4newcomer RGT Bairstow grown as a rst wheat for seed after peas exceeded 11t/ha across 30ha of medium-bodied soils.
Crop pf KWS Palladium being harvested at Passmore Brothers’ Mays Farm in Oxfordshire.
RGT Illustrious has the edge over Skyfall on disease resistance scores, particularly yellow rust. “But as long as you are on the ball, it is easy enough to control,” Mr Taylor comments.
“We had nished harvesting all our seed crops at Thriplow, Cambridgeshire, by 10th August, which is a good 10 days earlier than normal,” he explains.“Despite the challenging conditions later in the season, yields have been strong across most of the country with much of this down to the predominantly good seedbeds crops went into and the amount of sunlight they received throughout the year, particularly in June.
orange wheat blossom anotherresistance.”impressive
Mr Compson reckons.
“We’ve doubled the area of Bairstow this coming season. It is a signi cant advance on some other varieties and has had an excellent rst year on farm.”
septoria resistances and good grain quality is making it the top choice for all types of growers.
On the barley front, KWS Tardis has lived up to its promise with many crops on-farm delivering yields to match the best six row hybrids, he says. “We’ve seen yields of over 13t/ ha in the East of the country for KWS Tardis, which is truly remarkable considering the year we have had.” FG
for the past eight years and RGT Illustrious for seven, says: “They complement each other well and help spread risk. Skyfall is earlier to harvest, while Illustrious does better on heavier land and can be drilled earlier.”
Mr Taylor, who has grown Skyfall

agreement and end delivery, to protect both parties in the transaction.
Testing the market with 5–10% of your holding is not the end of farming as you know it, and allowing the companies being set up to lead in the market to do all this for you may also work – while taking a rent may be a lot less lucrative, they take the risk.
Once you have your ideal land parcel and have decided broadly what to target – biodiversity, carbon or, in speci c locations, nutrient management – it’s a case of working out how much it is going to cost you to change and manage the new landscape.

The net gain market is up
Find out more at
Carter Jonas Natural Capital Exchange is a central point for those seeking and providing environmental services or credits to meet and trade.

growing FG
With BNG units starting to ‘trade’ in the £1525K bracket, original estimations of £30k per acre don’t look too far out. On 25 acres, a receipt of some £750,000, but remember that’s for at least 30 years of land management. There is no one size ts all cost to deliver a scheme on your land; it is as varied as what it costs to grow an acre of wheat or barley. The best schemes will move the management of the land from a modern intensive agricultural model to a much lower intensity agricultural use, which will allow your agricultural business to continue to manage the site.
If I was interested in putting 50 acres into a habitat scheme, I might be convinced to let half that area to a third party to get it up and running and, if it is successful, I might then look to be more directly involved in the second tranche.
We are also now seeing that the value of BNG units is likely to set the baseline for other environmental credits which is giving us all a base to work from.
Interested in nding out more?
We are still waiting for the government systems to fall into place to allow the rst serious natural capital market to get going. However, deals are starting to be struck, with these nascent market arrangements being structured as ‘options’ for developers to call on the land if required.
By some of the simple calculators, up to two BNG units can be produced per acre of farmland o ered into a scheme. Depending on scale, there are di erent approaches – a 500-acre farm might choose to put 25 or 50 acres in one block over to environmental services. Whereas if you are thinking of a whole farm conservation scheme where, say, 25 acres is spread across the hedges and stream banks of a 250-acre block, I would consider how easy (or not) it will be to unstitch a 30-year conservation covenant which, whilst only covering 10% of your holding, wraps around most of the main land blocks.
Farm businesses are already starting to adapt to these changes and more will follow.

biodiversity October 202236 Rural Advice
Farm consultancy expert Mark Russell, a partner at Carter Jonas, advises questioning anyone who tells you they’ve already traded biodiversity net gain (BNG) units. There is very little real trading going on yet, but as a market, it is starting to mature.

In many cases, third parties have set themselves up as the delivery mechanism to allow farmers to act together. At Carter Jonas, we have now brought our Natural Capital tooptionslike,yourpossible,wecreditsgatheringforofcanwhoonline.(,thisisasitewherethosewanttobuyorsellenvironmentalservicesregistertheirinterest.Aswebuildupalistpartiesoeringsitestothemarketorlookingosets,thesitewilldevelopfrominformationtoprojectmarketing.Whereassomewebsitesalreadyclaimtooer–wheninrealitythesearenotavailable–wouldratherbeclear.Bespokeagreementsarebutitismorelikelythatbyregisteringproperty,youwilllearnwhatthemarketlooksandonlylaterwilltradestakeplace.Bindingthatareagreedshouldbeexibleenoughallowforchangesinthemarketbetweeninitial
What is also becoming clear is that being ready to play in one market (say BNG) opens up a number of others, for instance environmental and social governance (ESG). The practical actions can be very similar so, in practice, adapting a scheme is relatively simple.
Andrew Harris, ARION 660, May 2022

I love the fact that I just get in, select my pre-set cruise speed and let the tractor sort things out for itself. It’s a set-and-forget system that means the engine and gearbox are always running in harmony with revs and transmission ratios constantly adjusting to match the load.
Read the full
CMATIC – Geared for Growth.

The CLAAS CMATIC CVT gearbox, a fully stepless transmission that provides seamless acceleration and deceleration between 0-50kph, delivering maximum ef ciency. Contact your local CLAAS dealer today for further details.

Agricultural insurance specialist, A-Plan Rural, stresses the importance of assessing rebuild values to ensure your insurance policy contains the right amount of cover.
• You can’t always predict exactly where building costs will be in a year but adding Day One Uplift to the sum insured is a relatively inexpensive way of protecting your business from building cost rises throughout the term.

The risk is that, if you need to make a claim on a building that is underinsured, it may not be paid out. Or you might only receive a percentage of the claim (known as averaging). Using BCH gures as an example, if you insure your farm building for £100,000 but its actual re-build cost is £166,000 and you su er a loss of £30,000, your insurance is likely only to pay £18,072.
As ever, it’s well worth speaking to your broker, who can help you avoid underinsurance and the costs it can entail. FG October 202238 News DOOR SERVICES LTD•Installation•Repairs• Agricultural doors • Steel roller shutters – galvanised and powder coated • Insulated roller shutters for cold stores • Pass door and steel hinged door sets • High speed rapid roll doors • Insulated sectional doors • Industrial Door Specialists24hr call out 90278 Specialists in Building & Perimeter Security Tel: 01245 600235 Mobile: 07887 806603 landjdoorservicesltd

A professional valuation

“As an alternative, you could opt for a sample valuation of a few properties. You can use this to identify any major changes and consider whether the sums insured on your other buildings need adjusting

Accurate rebuild values key to insurance cover
“The more current problem is restricted supply chains, rising building material costs and the shortage of labour which have all contributed to substantially higher rebuild costs.”
“A whole farm valuation can be expensive, but you don’t need to have one every year –we’d recommend having it done around every three to ve years. But in the intervening years, we’d still recommend you check the sums insured.

• Notify your insurer of changes as they happen, such as building works, extensions, additions or overhauls. Otherwise, it’s easy to forget everything that has happened in a year

Whateveralso.”you decide to do, there are a couple of important bits of advice to help avoid underinsurance:
Each year, when farmers review their insurances, they should be asked to con rm whether the rebuild values for all their buildings remain accurate. Farmers might be aware that costs have gone up and the supply of some materials is an issue, but might not know the extent and therefore the urgent need to assess rebuild values for both old and new farm buildings to avoid beingA-Planunderinsured.Ruraladvises that if you don’t assess rebuild costs properly, then you could end up underinsuring the property. This means that the declared sum insured is not enough to cover the actual replacement cost. Underinsuring will mean that in the event of a claim your insurer won’t pay the full amount or may not pay out at all.
(including materials and labour) but also takes account of site clearance cost following a loss and professional fees.
So, what can be done to avoid being underinsured? For a start, it can help to check index linking rates provided by your insurer. These re ect changes in national building costs, although they won’t be speci c to your farm.

Freddie goes on to o er this advice: “The belt-and-braces approach is to have a whole farm valuation done, to ensure that all buildings are insured accurately. This has the added advantage that some insurers will also guarantee
This is really common with farms and estates, with 85% underinsured, according to valuations by building insurance valuer Barrett Corp Harrington (BCH). Its data also shows that rebuild values are signi cantly underinsured (average of 66%).Freddie Braithwaite-Exley, account executive at A-Plan Rural, explains more: “Part of the problem may be confusion between ‘rebuild cost’ and market value. The rebuild cost (Sum Insured) covers the expense of rebuilding a property
a professional valuation for a number of years meaning that even if a claim is more than the declared sum insured you will still be covered for the whole loss.
Call CLA Insurance for a quote on 0330 165 8945 or email The CLA (Country Land and Business Association Limited) is an Introducer Appointed Representative of A-Plan Holdings, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in respect of general insurance business. CLA Insurance is a trademark of the CLA. A-Plan Holdings is permitted to use CLA Insurance as a trading name and provides insurance services to CLA members. A-Plan Holdings is registered in England and Wales under company registration number 750484. Registered Office: 2 Des Roches Square, Witney, OX28 4LE. Calls may be monitored and recorded for quality assurance purposes. CLA220805.


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To nd out more about AgriScot, view the full exhibitor list and to register for your free ticket, visit FG

New innovations to help build resilience and increase e ciency will be at the heart of discussions at this year’s AgriScot, as soaring input costs impact the bottom line of many farming businesses.

The seminar programme has been designed to tackle some of the big pressures facing farming businesses,
and will include sessions on agricultural policy, recruiting sta , skills and training, nancial management, dairy, arable technologies and livestock identi cation to name a few. Following two successful events during the pandemic, the seminars will also be live streamed for anyone unable to attend the event.
With over £25,000 available in prize funds, the highest value of any event in the country, the Dairy Cattle Classes draw herds from across the

The free-to-attend event, which has been running for more than 20 years, has launched an impressive line-up of exhibitors and seminars to support attendees with future planning. Taking place on 16th November, AgriScot brings together 240 exhibitors –showing innovations and solutions across machinery and technology, nutrition, consultancy and nance.

UK and Ireland, with entries open until 28th October 2022. This year’s judge, Niels Erik Haahr is one of the top Holstein breeders in Denmark, and works with cattle in Germany and Scandinavia, investing in high-quality genetics from across the world.
Wednesday 16 November 2022 Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston, Edinburgh Over 240 trade and exhibitor stands Seminars Beef demonstration Award presentations Dairy cattle classes with £25,000 cash prize fund (applications now online) @agriscotRegister for your ticket: Airport 20-minutes on the tram from Edinburgh Train Station FREE entry FREE car parking
A highlight of the day is The AgriScot Scottish Farm Awards, with the nalists announced earlier this month. Categories include Arable, Dairy, Beef, Sheep and Diversi ed, as well as Product Innovation, Silage, and Business Skills, demonstrating the breadth and depth of the event.
The Beef Demonstration o ers plenty of interaction in the main ring, inviting the audience to submit questions as specialists and breeders discuss the importance of good
October 2022 41 News
AgriScot to showcase innovations to support farming businesses

For those wishing to make the most of their visit to Edinburgh, a range of budget and premium hotels are located next to the venue, including a Moxy, Travelodge, Holiday Inn Express, Premier Inn, Hilton, Doubletree and Norton House Hotel.
cattleAgriScotmanagement.takesplace at the Royal Highland Centre, Ingliston and runs from 9am to 5.30pm. It is located within walking distance of Edinburgh airport, and just 20 minutes by tram from Edinburgh City Centre and mainline rail networks. If travelling by road, car parking is free.
Custom vacuum grippers such as one which picks three, 30kg bags of hay per cycle and cardboard and plastic tray grippers are also available from Bradley Engineering.

In the past, robots gained a somewhat poor reputation for stack quality. This was due not to the robots themselves, but the lack of proper bag presentation and gripping technology. On service jobs, Bradley Engineering says all too often it has found some adjustments to the bag infeed conveyors and the gripping type makes a far greater impact than the robot programme itself.
cells to be tted at build stage on all G T Bunning spreaders. It allows integration with the latest Isobus version in compatible machines and means users can view on the go weighing from weigh cells on the axle and drawbar. This o ers greater feedback to help improve accuracy and manage ll up logistics to limit the number of empty runs and reduce soil compaction.Furtheradvantages include being able to enter a target application rate for blanket coverage, with the spreader monitoring the load and adjusting oor speed in relation to product weight loss.
Bradley Engineering therefore developed its bag gripper with 100% bag consistency in mind. It has three main functions: The claw, which carries the bag; the wings, which guide it; and the centre plunger, which keeps it in place while travelling.
Weigh cells with Isobus compatibility are an option on all Bunning spreaders, in either TVA or HBD con guration, built in Norfolk. FG October 202242 News Lowlander ® Manure Spreaders Twin Vertical Auger TVA | 6 – 40 tonnes Horizontal Beater & Spinning Disc HBD | 8 – 40 tonnes 3 Year Warranty | Details available upon request bunning Bradley Engineering Ltd – Wisbech Office: 01945 479388 Email: | 90143 Suitable for bags, boxes, trays and bales 12–15t/hr palletisation from24/7£38,000Support Rental Options & Finance Available Single and Twin Bay Robotic Palletisers with multi pallet stacks PALLETISATIONBAGROBOTIC Isobus compatibility increases operational ease on spreader range Controlling muck spreaders through an whenpartcabaccuracyimprovesonreadoutsscreenIsobus-compatibleallows‘live’weighttobedisplayedasingleterminal,andapplicationandsimpliesdisplays.AnIsobusECUisofthepackageuserschooseweigh

Poor stack quality a thing of the past

Users get back-up from Bunning directly, without going through a third party, which allows a quicker response. Bunning sales director Chris Druce says: “Spreading valuable fertiliser products at the right time to make the most of weather windows and increase accuracy means farmers need reliable machinery. As we supply back-up to the whole machine, including the technology, downtime is minimised, allowing crop and soil nutrition to be applied when it is needed.”

These functions are independent of each other, so when the claw is retracted the wings are not and the bag can only go in one direction: directly down without roll or wobble. The bags are straightened and tightened when picked, dealing with any inconsistencies. Couple this with pneumatic cylinder position monitoring and the robot can produce a safe, reliable

and on-board the pallet stack, Bradley Engineering says.

If you have a product you currently handle by hand and you would like to reduce labour costs, contact the company directly to speak to a specialist. FG

October 2022 43 Newly designed with next generation DPF technology to meet all emissions standards, Farmtrac’s FT6075E utility tractor offers a powerful combination of performance and fuel economy for any farm looking to make an upgrade to its daily routine. Farmtrac compact tractors Distributed exclusively in the UK by Reesink Agriculture An agricultural machinery partner with great service and great value. Great Choice. Great Performance. Great Value. Great Results Reesink UK LTD is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. Images shown for illustration only. Rear pointthreelinkageSimple service access Rear spoolmountedvalve75hp enginediesel cabinAir-conditioned 16 & November17 2022 Watch live cleandemonstrationsmachineryincludingpowertechnologiesSee the latest equipment and technology that will help you increase yield and profitability Leading brands of agricultural machinery NRoSO/ BASIS points available satisfaction93%visitor (based on exhibitor quality) Driving e ciency within ThebusinessyourMidlandsMachineryShow returns with a focus on new innovations to tackle the challenges farming businesses face today FREE TO ATTEND REGISTER IN ADVANCE midlandsmachineryshow.comSCANME Newark Showground, Newark-on-Trent, Nottinghamshire, NG24 2NY @MidsMachinery @midsmachineryshow@MidlandsMachineryShow


The Sub-Line is designed to achieve the maximum e ciency from your soil by lifting and shattering compaction, allowing air, water and nutrients to ow into the substructure, thus enabling the roots and microbacteria to ful l their potential. The strong environmental credentials of this machine include its contoured, low-draft legs, which are mounted in-line, achieving great lift and shatter with minimal horsepower and fuel consumption. It also helps water dissipate through the soil structure preventing ash run-o , or worse, standing water that will further compact the soil, deprive the soil of oxygen and emit greenhouse gases. Additionally, like all Ceres machinery, the Sub-Line is designed, built and manufactured in the UK, reducing its carbon footprint. October 202244 News

Now is the time to be thinking about preparing your grassland for winter – the Ceres Sub-Line Grassland Subsoiler is a “lowcost, but highly e cient way to rejuvenate and sustain healthy grassland, by relieving compression from the year’s livestock, water and general tra c, with minimal disturbance, and helping to prevent water damage and further compression throughout the winter”.

The Sub-Line is available from a single leg machine up to a ve-leg machine. All sizes are compatible with Category 2 linkage, from 40–190hp. FG
The Sub-Line is suitable for all levels of soil management, including contractors and farmers, and as it has been designed for UK soils, it can be more e ective than other more expensive machines. The leading discs have independent suspension to help prevent damage to the discs and overload and shock of bearings. All of the discs can be adjusted with one handle, which has six working positions and one out-of-work position. The discs can be kept in their optimum working position, cutting through the sward cleanly, allowing the leg to pass through without tearing the surface. Each of the legs are mounted on the substantial frame, with two M16 shear bolts for protection. The legs, knock on points and all other wearing components are widely available, which reduces cost andItdowntime.isequipped with a 460mm diameter at rear roller, which has simple dual turn-buckle adjustment to control the working depth of the machine, and leaves a neat, level nish across the width of the work. There is a galvanised, adjustable scraper mounted within the roller arms to prevent congestion and build-up.
Is your winter-ready?grassland

01223613246 B B U U Y Y O O N N C C E E.. B B U U Y Y R RIIG G H H T T. . B B U U Y Y B B R RIIT TIIS S H H.. T T h h e e C C E E R R E E S S S S u u b b--L Liin n e e G Grra a s s s slla a n n d d S S u u b b s s o oiil l e err ((S S w w a arrd d L Liif ftte err) ) F Frro o m m 1 1 tto o 5 5 lle e g g s s H H E E A A L LT T H H Y Y S S O OIIL L.. H H E E A A L LT T H H Y Y G G R R A A S S S S.. H H E E A A L LT T H H Y Y S S T T O O C C K K..

There are ve models – from 203hp (rated) to 303hp with boost, all with a new version of Fendt’s VarioDriveDespitetransmission.thelongwheelbase, the
Intelligent boost
Peter Settele says that to get the best performance and from the new tractors, users must be familiar with the low engine speed operating concept.
continued over…
is at only 1,300rpm, and the engine achieves maximum fuel e ciency across an exceptionally wide 1,200–1,700rpm speed range. With almost constant torque available between 1,150–1,500rpm, this means
tried both machines on an Italian farm.
Fendt Dynamic Performance, standard on the 728 Vario, provides the extra 20hp boost only when it is needed, but it is always available even for stationary working applications. The power demands of ancillary systems such as the cooling fan, air conditioning, lights, PTO, hydraulic pump and transmission are constantly monitored, and the engine output is uprated to compensate so that power available for the main task remains constant. October 202246 Machinery

The new 700 Vario models have a completely new AgcoPower engine and a concentric cooling system.
tractors boast extremely compact dimensions and an impressive 30.5kg/ hp power-to-weight ratio, making them particularly manoeuvrable and minimising ground pressure and compaction. Ideal weight distribution can be achieved, with ballast added front and rear up to a maximum gross vehicle weight of 15t.

Longer wheelbase
New engines
“To get the best from the tractor, the operator has to bear in mind the low engine speed concept,” explained Fendt tractor product specialist Peter Settele. “There is no advantage to running the engine at high revs. The economy PTO setting achieves the rated output speed at 1,300rpm rather than the standard 1,650rpm, but I would only use it for implements with an extremely low power requirement, or when implements are too small for the tractor. Otherwise, there is no real bene t in terms of reducing the fuel consumption as the engine achieves maximum e ciency across the standard working speed range.”
The engine and transmission are both brand new. It is the rst time that Fendt has introduced a previously unused engine and gearbox simultaneously on the same tractor.

that the ‘sweet spot’ for operation is between 1,400–1,500rpm where near maximum power and torque are produced simultaneously.
The new models feature a 2,900mm wheelbase – signi cantly longer than the current 700 Vario series. This results in an even better ride, greater lift capacity and improved ability to transfer power to the ground. Despite the long wheelbase the new tractors have an incredibly tight turning radius for their size –and match the manoeuvrability of the smaller 500 Vario models. They can be supplied with a 60in track width and narrow dual wheels – for specialist row crop applications. Tyres up to 2.05m diameter can be tted – increased from 1.95m on existing 700 Vario models. On the 726 Vario and 728 Vario, 650/85R38 rear tyres are standard and 650/65R42 tyres are an option. Fendt 720 Vario, 722 Vario and 724 Vario models feature the smaller size as standard.
There are ve new 700 Vario models, from 203hp to more than 300hp, and the series meets growing demand for extremely versatile tractors capable of heavy draft work and demanding transport applications, but which are also light enough for top-work, and tasks such as spray and fertiliser applications. The new models will be o ered alongside the existing 6th generation 700 Vario line-up, and deliveries commence next year.
New tractors and a flagship forage harvester feature at Italian press event David Williams
Rather than sucking air through the cooling packs, Fendt’s Concentric system pushes it through using a hydraulic-driven fan. Because the air is at ambient temperature and denser than air already warmed by the cooling packs, the system requires a lower air volume than traditional systems – reducing the fan power requirement by up to 40%. The fan speed is independent of the engine revs, and the cooling system can respond quickly if any cooling circuits require extra air ow, and the vacuum created by the fan is used to extract dust from the primary air cleaner, reducing the cleaning requirement. An automatic reversing fan is an option – helping keep the cooling packs clear of dust andThedebris.surface below the cooling packs is at, and with no fan between, they are easily cleaned by washing or blowing out. “If it’s easy then people will do it,” stressed Peter. “Clean coolers mean improved fuel consumption as less cooling power is needed.”Anadditional advantage of the Concentric fan layout is that it allows a wasp waist and a narrow engine hood, and the new 700 Vario tractors
Fendt’s best-selling 700 Vario tractor series has been expanded, with the addition of completely new seventh generation models with a longer wheelbase and more power. There is also a new, more powerful and updated Katana forage harvester.

Impressive power for size
The new AgcoPower 7.5-litre engines have six cylinders with four valves per cylinder and an electronically controlled turbo charger. Fendt’s proven iD low engine speed concept combines impressive productivity with miserly fuel consumption. The transmission, hydraulics and cooling system have been designed to make best use of the torque available without requiring high engine speeds. The engine idles at 700rpm, and rated power is at 1,700rpm – down from 2,100rpm on sixth generation models. Max torque
E cient cooling
It’s Fendt. Because we understand Agriculture. You dreamt it. We built it. The new Fendt 700 Vario Gen7. Performance on a new scale. Packed full of technology, such as a newly developed engine with Fendt iD low-speed concept, the intelligent VarioDrive driveline with variable all-wheel drive, combined with high-performance hydraulics with a delivery rate of up to 220 l/min, make the Fendt 700 Vario Gen7 a pioneer in the 200-300 hp class. Learn more: Fendt is a worldwide brand of AGCO Scan to fi nd out more

Ascenso aims to provide farmers and farming contractors long-lasting tyres that are specially designed for a variety of farming applications and for a variety of conditions. For Ascenso Tyres in the UK, contact your local tyre dealer or visit Trade enquiries: | 01205 743163on Bias tyres 5 year warranty on Farm Radial tyres 7year warranty t: +44 (0)1905 347347 e: w: Auto-Level Series Auto-Level Series Self-levelling technology Advanced electronic proportional controls 5.5m or 6.8m telescopic reach Flail & Rotary head options

a 77-degree viewing angle. A side wiper on the right-hand window maintains a clear view in wet or dusty conditions. Two optional cameras can be speci ed, as well as two bonnet-mounted work lights.
Cultivating deep in the hard,
October 2022 49 Machinery
Hydraulic performance
Unlike conventional four-wheel drive systems, VarioDrive distributes torque to the front and rear axles dynamically. A single hydraulic pump powers two drive motors. One delivers uninterrupted torque through a hydro-mechanical drive to the rear axle and the other drives the front axle. An intelligent clutch distributes the torque to the axle with most traction to maximise pulling performance.
Many 700 Vario-series tractors will be supplied with front loaders, and new Cargo and Cargo Pro 6.100 versions with a wider frame, extra strength and an upgraded mounting system have been added to the line-up. “These are designed to withstand the extra power and torque from tractors
New transmission
Cab upgrades
The FendtONE operating concept is standard. Control is by the multifunction joystick and optional 3L joystick. A 10in dashboard display, plus a 12in VarioTerminal on the armrest are standard, and an additional roof-mounted 12in VarioTerminal is an option.
The air conditioning system provides 30% extra cooling capacity, and an e ective fridge cools drinks andThefood.updated Fendt cabs can be equipped with Cat 4 ltration for increased safety for spray applications. In its basic form, it provides protection to Cat 2 standards. Cat 4 ltration will be available from late 2023.

transmission were immediately obvious. For loading, the manoeuvrability is exceptional for a tractor of this size as the front wheel drive engages to pull the tractor around. With no xed ratio between the front and rear wheels, the steering is light and there is little scrubbing – which will result in a longer tyre life particularly for yardbased operations on hard surfaces.
Use at-face couplings
…from previous page
continued over…
Fendt’s VarioDrive transmission concept was rst used on the agship 1000 Vario series, and the latest 900 Vario models have it too. Now, a smaller version (TA190) has been developed for the seventh generation 700 Vario series tractors.
tractors are compatible with future versions of Tractor Implement Management (TIM) expected in the next few years. Extra functionality includes ow rate adjustment by the implement, increasing work rates and improving fuelEightyeconomy.litres of oil can be removed, and the tractors can have up to ve valves at the rear, two at the front, plus an additional three in the middle. A new control block can be speci ed below the cab to supply a loader – avoiding the need to sacri ce a valve elsewhere.
Farmers Guide tried the new agship 728 Vario handling loose materials with the new Cargo 6.100 front loader, and cultivating stubble with a Lemken Karat 10, 5m heavy
Safe transport
High-speed safety is provided by dual-circuit brakes. Fendt Reaction Steering, and a brake light and deceleration assistant. Fendt Stability Control reduces side lean at speeds above 25kph and minimises roll –also increasing operator comfort.
A new trailer braking assistant is an option. Sensors measure the thrust of the trailer and, when
New loaders
travelling downhill, if the trailer is pushing hard then the trailer’s pneumatic brakes are automatically activated. Trailer Brake Assist will be available from late 2023.
increases e ciency during tight turns. Because the front and rear axles are driven independently, the system can increase the speed of the front wheels so that they pull the front of the tractor towards the steering direction. This results in an incredibly tight turning radius – demonstrated at the event by negotiating a challenging obstacle course alongside a much smaller 500 Vario VarioDrivemodel.has only one operating mode and is fully automatic. On standard Vario models, users select the eld or transport speed range, but this isn’t needed on the new system, and four-wheel drive is always available and engages when it will o er an advantage. During transport tasks, the system improves e ciency and safety, including when pulling away from junctions when four-wheel drive cuts in maximising traction and acceleration.
FendtONE allowed the GPS guidance and eld map to be displayed on the dashboard – making it easy to view while working.

On the road, and at speeds over 25kph, the front axle drive disengages completely to reduce drag and fuel VarioDriveAdditionalconsumption.advantagesofincludepull-in-turn which
Operator comfort is even better than before. An increased range of six seats includes a new topspeci cation Isri version – with electric position adjustment plus four-way lumbar support and adjustable side bolsters, a massage function as well as heating and cooling. Seat adjustments can be made from the VarioTerminal, and users can save their preferred position and settings in the userpro le memory and re-select them with one touch of the screen.
The VisioPlus cab has an uprated frame but looks similar to the existing version. The glass area is the same as before – o ering exceptional allaround vision, especially to the front for high-level loader work where the popular curved windscreen provides
up to 300hp,” continued Peter. Maximum lift height is 4,850mm (4,460mm previously), and maximum lift capacity is 4,470daN.
The FendtONE control concept is standard.
Peter pointed out that the new tractors were all displayed with at-face hydraulic couplings. He stressed that these should be in use on all modern farms and machinery, as they o er higher ow rates than push-in connectors, while also avoiding oil leaks and the need for messy oil containers. They are easily wiped clean and reduce oil contamination.
Pro versions add a weighing function, and maintenance requirements based on working hours are monitored through the VarioTerminal.Controlthrough the optional 3L joystick allows up to three functions to operate simultaneously.
bene t from a tight 52-degree steering angle and a forward view that wouldn’t be possible with a more traditional cooling system layout.
A new multi-coupler with an automatic closing cover prevents dirt ingress when the loader is removed.
New Cargo 6.100 loaders are especially designed to suit the powerful Fendt 700 Vario tractors.

Hydraulic oil ow of 165 litres/min is standard and a 220 litres/min system, with a variable displacement pump and electronic load sensing, is an option for Pro and Pro plus

The test tractor had the new Isri seat, and it was easy to achieve a comfortable working position. It provides plenty of support, and on uneven ground at higher speeds, the combination of the axle, cab and seat suspension ensures a comfortable ride.
Attractive new option for buyers
The cultivating demonstration proved the bene ts of Fendt’s iD low engine speed concept. Pulling the 5m cultivator at 11.3kph, the engine speed settled at approximately 1,450rpm. The conditions were exceptionally tough, but spot fuel consumption under full load was only 50–52 litres per hour.
With the new loader fully raised there is a good view of the attachment, and the narrow bonnet gives a clear view of the front wheels. For the cultivating demonstration, the seat was swivelled
continued over…
The Katana 850 equipped with a Kemper 12-row header performed well in the extremely heavy maize crop.
to the right, and it was easy to watch the front of the tractor during headland turns, while also monitoring the implement. The FendtONE displays are clear and easy to view, even in bright, sunny conditions.
Fendt has entered the 800hp-plus forage harvester market with its new agship Katana 850. David Williams saw it prove its capabilities in an impressively heavy maize crop.

Optimised crop ow The Katana’s crop feed system achieves a uniform ow through the machine. A new 12-row Kemper 490plus maize header is available to fully utilise the harvester’s performance and optimise work rates. The header

TheEGR.Katana operates at full capacity with the engine speed at 1,800rpm, or for harvesting lighter crops an Eco mode can be selected. This maintains the standard 1,150rpm drum speed, but reduces the engine revs to 1,500rpm, saving fuel. The engine is mounted longitudinally within the Katana’s chassis, with a low centre of gravity for maxim stability.
“The engine is more e cient than the previous Katana 85, and lighter too,” explained Fendt UK forage harvester product specialist DanAnWoodward.optionalreversing fan with adjustable blade pitch adjusts the cooling performance to suit the
A manual winding system moves the cracker in and out of its working position.
tractors will hold their value well, and we trialled them against all their main competitors in the eld and on the road, and our arguments in terms of fuel consumption are convincing.
During each headland turn, and when working around curves on the eld headlands the steering action was always positive with little sign of front wheel slip, and although the pull-inturn VarioDrive action is subtle and progressive it was obvious that the front wheels were doing more than justThesteering.transmission is always progressive and smooth, and there is very little operating noise. The drive engages without any delay, and precise movements are is very good.
The header speed can be xed or set to adjust automatically.
The Katana 850 has a new Liebherr 6-cyl, 18-litre engine developing 847hp, which replaces the V12 MTU power unit of the previous most powerful Katana 85. The new engine meets stage 5 emissions standards using SCR (AdBlue) only, without a DPF or
is suspended on the Katana’s pendulum mounting frame which allows it to pivot up to 14 degrees in either direction to optimise groundfollowing capability.
“We o er attractive extended warranty packages allowing customers to guarantee their ownership costs per hectare too.”
Katana 850
“Priorities for UK buyers include total cost of ownership,” explained Fendt vice president marketing, Roland Schmidt. “The new Fendt 700 Vario
Roland Scmidt says the new seventh generation 700 Vario tractors o er excellent versatility for year-around use.
conditions. The automatic reversing function can be set to operate each time the engine revs reduce – keeping the cooling pack clear of debris while leaving the operator free to concentrate on the harvesting process.

dry conditions tested the tractor’s power and traction capabilities.
The Katana’s chopping drum is the industry’s largest at 720mm diameter, and it can be tted with 20, 28 or 40 knives for a chop length from 2.6–41.4mm. The knife sharpening system continually adjusts the stone during use, so that the entire blade width is sharpened gently and evenly. This maintains optimal chopping performance and maximises the blade working life. The blades are mounted on slotted holes and can be repositioned so that the entire length is utilised.Choplength is controlled by the rotation speed of the six feed rollers, through a gearbox with two speed ranges and a hydraulic drive with two virtualFendt’sranges.range of 300mm diameter crackers includes an R version with a sawtooth pro le, and the RS with a V spiral groove. Speed di erentials of 30 and 40% are available. October 202250
Roland said that the new tractors bridge the gap between the current sixth-generation 700 Vario series, and larger 800 Vario and 900 Vario models. “The compact size and excellent manoeuvrability make them extremely versatile, and suitable for year-around use,” he added. “All tractors are a compromise, but our new 700 Vario series is an extremely attractive option for all sorts of applications. UK dealers are very excited by the new models and believe that they will provide additional sales opportunities.”
From the header, the crop passes through six pre-compression rollers in the feed intake. These compress the crop and hold it securely as it enters the drum, ensuring consistent chop length. Metal and stone detectors in the rst feed rollers, 920mm in front of the drum, allow plenty of time to stop the ow and prevent damage.
…from previous page
October 2022 51 UNITEDSEATS.COM Off road seating or 01604 - 300014 For details of your nearest stockist: TREAT YOURSELF TO A NEW SEAT! Find Your Nearest Dealer at: Tel: 01179 866 163 #FollowTheLeaders

the two models, with the new 850 likely to be selected by those with large areas of maize and wholecrop.
…from previous page

comfortableattractive,savingscombined“Increasedseasons.productivitywithsignicantfuelmakesbothmodelsveryandthecabisextremelytoo.” FG October 202252 Machinery Röhren- und Pumpenwerk BAUER Ges.m.b.H. 8570 Voitsberg, Austria, Phone +43 3142 200-0,,

Fendt forage harvester product specialist, Dan Woodward.

“Limited production of the Katana 850 starts in April next year, and we will be running demonstration machines of both sizes during the grass and maize harvesting
Test drive
Advantages of the Katana’s design include cruise control which allows the user to set a maximum engine working load which is maintained automatically by adjusting the travel speed, and the unblocking process which allows the feed rollers to be reversed without the table feed reversing at the same time – preventing the crop being ejected out onto the eld.
Crop handling

Mobile irrigation management system

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The farm in northern Italy proved an excellent location for the harvesting demonstration, with maize standing

as high as the top of the Katana’s cab and yielding up to 108t/ha. With the 8m, 12-row, Kemper 490 Plus header, and set to achieve a 5mm chop length, the Katana harvested 180–205t/hr, travelling at 3kph, at an engine speed of 1,850rpm. The spot-rate diesel consumption was impressively low at 41 litres per hour, in the damp heavy crop.
Cab noise levels are extremely low. The air conditioning maintained a cool cab even though it was approximately 40ºC outside.
The revised discharge chute has a 210-degree swivel angle and a maximum loading height of 6.2m making it suitable for use with the largest trailers. Optional Fendt Fill Control automatically adjusts the discharge ap as the chute rotates, so that forage is delivered to the same central point across the trailer. A chute-mounted camera provides a clear view of the crop entering theCroptrailer.nutrient sensing is available through the optional IT-Photonics NIR sensor. Connection is through Isobus and, as well as monitoring crop quality, it also measures crop ow and provides yield estimates. Crop data can be transferred wirelessly from the machine, through VarioDoc Pro andWhenAgrirouter.itisn’t required for harvesting, the NIR sensor can be mounted on a slurry applicator for constituent analysis instead.
“The improved crop ow system transformed the smaller Katana when it was upgraded from the 65 to the 650, and the same system will bene t owners of the new 850 too,” explained Dan. “We expect sales to be split equally between

Control appearance and layout is similar to Fendt tractors.

October 2022 53 MOULTONMYARDSCRAPER Smisby Road, Ashby de la Zouch, Leicestershire LE65 2UE Phone 01530 567040 Email YS4HM 90149 Trade welcomeenquiries Heavy push pull swing over action yard scraper, for use on 3 point linkage with category 1 & 2 linkage pins, the head stock is designed to accept a standard tractorAframe.Theswing over latch is released by means of a rope, which can be operated from the tractor seat. Specification: Scraping width adjustable from approx 1650mm to 2280 mm Replaceable 50mm thick rubber blade 420mm deep Delivered weight 240kg QUALITY, EFFICIENCYPERFORMANCE, Box Storage Bulk including:-GradingGlycolVentilationAboveCondenserHeatersBespokeLouvresRefrigerationVentilationStorage&HatchesPanelsDryingFloorLateralSystemsEquipmentStoneand Clod Separator, Weighting, Bagging & Palletising Specialists in Tolsma-Grisnich B.V. Woodland Drive, Alma Park Ind Est, Grantham, Lincs, NG31 9SR E T 01476 591592 Collection throughout Central & EasternEngland PLEASE 03453312747CALL COLLECTION & ENVIRONMENTAL Recycling of Agri-Truck-Industrial,CarTyres&Tracks Supplier of heavyduty rubber rings for silage clamps DISPTRTYRE&ACKOSAL 90368

The Autocast
First class seats for every journey
new seedlings to quickly establish. Autocasting is a low cost, zero till, zero carbon application system and ticks all the key boxes for growers looking seriously at regenerative farming,” he adds.“When combining our spring wheat, we also intend to use the Autocast V2 to establish an overwintered cover crop mix of linseed, phacelia and clover – again ful lling the criteria within our new Higher Tier scheme. The new cover crop mix will improve our soil health and x more nitrogen, before we desiccate it and then look to establish a lowinput spring cereal crop in 2023.
After making an investment in an Autocast V2 Applicator in 2021 to establish the farm’s oilseed rape crop earlier, farmer Michael Gent, of G L Gent & Son, has now widened the use of the autocasting system to establish a new two-year, grass-free legume fallow on the 500ha mixed enterprise farm he runs, alongside his

Michael says: “Having successfully switched to autocasting in 2021 to get the rape away early and reduce some of our upfront costs, we were subsequently rewarded this summer with average yields of just over 3t/ha.
“Our SW6 over-wintered cover crop option followed by an AB14 low input spring cereal option o ers a good nancial return of £362/ ha before grain is even taken into account, creating a healthy overall pro t margin for both our business and for our contract farming customers,” concludes Michael. FG
The newly established cover crop legume mix.
V2, mounted on the header of the Claas Lexion 660, is designed to broadcast OSR and cover crops accurately as you combine. 89908
RancherProfessionalMaximo 88822

“Following our January move into a Higher Tier Stewardship scheme,

the next logical step was to use the Autocast V2 to apply an AB15 2-year legume fallow consisting of vetch, red clover, lucerne, alsike clover, yellow trefoil and birdsfoot trefoil to improve our soil health and provide an excellent entry for a rst wheat planned for “Altering2024.theset up on the Autocast V2 was quick and easy with just a minor adjustment to the width of the seed rolls to allow for the larger seeds in the legume, then simply adjusting the Techneat rate controller from 3.5kg/ha, where we were for rape, to 18kg/ha for the new legume mix.
A Northamptonshire farmer has successfully widened his use of autocasting following a move into the Higher Tier Countryside Stewardship scheme. October 202254 Machinery 01892 | Branches: Tunbridge Wells, Kent and Rearsby, Leics 10% off RRPs – call for details T600 XH2/U4 SCIOX Super TEK Seating, the UK’s biggest independent vehicle seating distributor for the OEM and aftermarket, offers a wide range of competitively priced, quality agricultural seats and spares from leading suppliers such as KAB Seating, Grammer, United Seats, Isringhausen and Sears.

“From the Autocast’s 200-litre hopper, seed is metered into an airstream and accurately placed on the soil surface via twin-headed spreader plates spaced equally along the full width of the combine header. Once we’d autocasted the new legume, chopped straw covered the seed ready to conserve the moisture as we waited for the long overdue mid-August rain. After the rain had given us the required moisture, we rolled down tight – e ectively sealing in the moisture beneath the straw to create a micro-climate, enabling the
improve our soil health and provide new seedlings to quickly establish.

father John, near Oundle.
Autocasting usage widened to establish legume fallow


ERNEST YOURDOE LOCAL NEW DEALERHOLLAND BENINGTON Whempstead Road, StevenageBenington, SG2 7BZ Tel: 01438 869251 BRAINTREE Rayne BraintreeRoad,CM7 2QS Tel: 01376 321144 COLCHESTER Haven Colchester,Road,CO2 8HT Tel: 01206 871881 FULBOURN Wilbraham Road, Fulbourn CB21 5EX Tel: 01223 880676 LITTLEPORT Henry Crabb Road, Littleport CB6 1SE Tel: 01353 860761 MARLESFORD The MarlesfordMill, IP13 0AG Tel: 01728 746437 NORTH WALSHAM Stanford Tuck Road, Lyngate Industrial Estate, North Walsham NR28 0TY Tel: 01692 405121 ROCHFORD Weir Pond Road, Rochford SS4 1AH Tel: 01702 544562 ULTING Maldon, CM9 6QH Tel: 01245 380311 WYMONDHAM Station WymondhamRoad, NR18 0NN Tel: 01953 602982 CONTACT YOUR LOCAL ERNEST DOE BRANCH OR AREA SALES MANAGER TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT NEW HOLLAND FORAGE DEALERHARVESTERS

“We have an agreement through which crops are grown and managed by landowners according to our instructions to ensure the quality we need, then we do the harvesting with our own sta and“Includingmachinery.the forage leys within arable rotations is very good for the soil, and it introduces very competitive plants which help reduce weed burdens, and with deep roots which contribute to a healthy soil structure.”
“The dealer looked after us well and also supplied our tractors, and we didn’t feel any pressure to change
Plenty of torque
The forage is mainly from lucerne and grass.
“However,brands.we have increased the amount of business we do with the Ernest Doe & Sons Ltd Braintree depot in recent years – including hiring eets of six New Holland tractors for the harvesting season. The team looks after us well, so when the forage harvester was due for updating this time, we were happy to consider the New Holland Forage Cruiser instead. We accepted the o er of a demonstration during harvest 2020, and it performed very well.”
Even though the harvester is only the second model in the New Holland line-up, there is plenty of torque allowing fuel e cient operation in Eco mode. This means that the engine runs slower –at the bottom end of its at torque curve – saving fuel and reducing noise. There is no reduction in chop quality, as the chop length and rotor speed remain constant, and when dense or uneven swaths create challenging conditions, then maximum power is available immediately at the touch of a dashboard-mounted button.
Immediate improvement
Initially self-loading forage harvesters with integrated bodies were used then, 16 years ago, there was a change to conventional self-propelled models purchased through a local main dealer.
“For us, the priority is harvesting forage in optimum condition then drying it as soon as possible to preserve the quality, so operating our own forage harvester is the best way to ensure we can do that,” explained Freddie. “There aren’t very many contractors with forage harvesters in our area, and even if there were then they wouldn’t be interested in coming in to cut small areas at a time during limited weather windows, or when we have the capacity to dry it.”
Ideal break crops

Service led to brand change

“We remained loyal to one brand and owned three similar machines in succession,” said Freddie.
October 2022 57 Machinery continued over…
The lucerne is grown in three- to four-year leys within arable rotations. “It’s an ideal arrangement,” explained operations manager Freddie Barclay.
Hertfordshire-based Fox Feeds Ltd has been trading since 1982 and specialises in the preparation and supply of forages and bre-based feeds, supplied predominantly to the equine market. The company started supplying haylage which had been bagged and fermented, but in 2000 a drier was installed to rapidly reduce the moisture content to 10% after which the forage is supplied immediately as a feed constituent to other feed manufacturers or stored and then sold.
harvesters was generally good, long, uncut strands were a frustration when conditions were dry. “The staggered blade layout included a gap and when the crop was especially dry there were a lot of uncut stalks. The New Holland rotor has blades right across, and we noticed an immediate improvement when we trialled it.”
The farm’s own new FR550 harvester was delivered for the start of the 2022 cutting season. “It’s easy to drive. The cab is comfortable, and the visibility all around is excellent,” said Freddie. “Lucerne can be very sticky in warm weather, and although we haven’t had any blockages so far, we had a second water jet installed by the Ernest Doe team just to help maintain an e cient ow.”
The forage is cut using tractor-mounted triple mowers, or a MacDon M1170 swather if the crop is particularly di cult to cut, then swaths are created using a rake or belt merger. The forage harvester picks up, chops and loads the forage into trailers for transport to the drying facility.
Freddie said that the New Holland’s Power Cruise mode helps achieve high work rates. “I set what I think is a reasonable working speed for the conditions, then activate Power Cruise mode and the harvester immediately speeds up by
Hertfordshire-based Fox Feeds Ltd invested in a New Holland Forage Cruiser 550 from Ernest Doe to harvest grass and lucerne for its range of equinequalityfeeds.

A high-quality forage supplier has invested in a New Holland forage harvester to replace a previous brand, in pursuit of a more consistent chop. David Williams reports.
Specialist machinery
Although the chop quality of the previous
Forage harvester brand change delivers improved chop for high-quality feed

“However, as we had hoped, the back-up has been brilliant. We received training at New Holland’s UK headquarters, and then members of the manufacturer and dealer teams were on-hand to help set the harvester up in the eld for its rst use. Within just a few hours of starting work I felt completely at home on the machine, and for anyone who has used a forager before, the New Holland controls make operation very simple. We have worked 345 engine hours since it arrived, without losing a single day due to technical issues or breakdowns.”
“It was a big leap of faith changing from a brand of forage harvester and a dealer we had known for so long, to the New Holland supported by Ernest Doe,” continued Freddie. “We had experience of Ernest Doe’s excellent customer service through hiring the tractors, and when we purchased a MacDon swather last year, but it was still a big change for us.
Quick, simple maintenance
Back-up as good as expected
Comparing the New Holland’s fuel consumption to the previous machines is di cult as no two seasons are the same, explained Freddie – but he said it seems very reasonable. Daily maintenance and checks are quickly and easily carried out, and with optional auto-lube tted there are only four, 10-hour grease nipples and 10 which require lubrication every 50 hours. The harvester is blown clean every day to prevent dust build-up.
Freddie describes dealing with the Ernest Doe team as very easy. “We feel valued as customers and are well looked after. I particularly like the WhatsApp-based customer care system. If I have a query or a fault occurs, then I just send a message to the Ernest Doe WhatsApp group, and it’s read by both the sales and service teams. That means that everyone is aware when someone responds to my query, and everyone is also aware if there has been no response. In that case, even those who wouldn’t usually get involved will step in to try to nd a solution. It’s a good system that works well.”
Options speci ed included LED lights which Freddie describes as very worthwhile, undercover servicing lights and an air blowdown kit which provides air hose connectors for maintenance and cleaning around the machine.
Machinery FOR BUSINESS PURPOSES ONLY Available on new equipment only. Prices quoted are based on a 2 + 22 Hire Purchase agreement. O er based on max 60% of MSRP price or balance to nance whichever is lower. Genuine Can-Am ATV accessories inclusive. Full VAT due on signing. Minimum deal size £1,500+VAT. Repayments payable in advance. Documentation fee of £90 due on signing, with £50 + VAT option to purchase fee payable with the nal repayment. 0% nance o er available until 31st January 2023. Alternative nance options available. All nance quotations are subject to credit underwriting and approval. Over 18s only. Terms and conditions apply. Finance is provided by Societe Generale Equipment Finance Limited. Societe Generale Equipment Finance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. © 2022 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc (BRP). All rights reserved. The BRP logos are registered trademarks of BRP or its a liates. BRP reserves the right at any time to discontinue or change speci cations, price, design, features, models or equipment without incurring any obligation. Some models depicted may include optional equipment. Photos taken outside the European Union, on private and authorised terrains. Respect the environment and ride only to authorised locations. Always ride responsibly and safely. EXCLUSIVE OFFER 0% FINANCE AVAILABLE Period: 2+22 Months O er based on max 60% of MSRP price or balance to nance whichever is lower. 0% nance available until January 31st 2023. WORKS HARD. DRIVES EASY. NFU O er Get a 5% discount from Can-Am that is valid on MY20 models and up.

Area sales manager, Mark Jolley, added: “The New Holland Forage Cruiser 550 is ideal for Fox Feeds. Ernest Doe is well known for its customer service and back-up for tractor and combine owners, and we have invested to ensure we can look after forage harvester users equally well.”

another 2kph or so. The travel speed is managed to maintain a constant chopping load, and it reduces to avoid the risk of blockages when needed. “It’s used a lot when harvesting grass as the chopper is always kept full, and that is what’s needed to maintain optimum chop quality.”
With the New Holland forage harvester are Ernest Doe Braintree depot area sales manager Mark Jolley (left) with Fox Feeds operations manager Freddie Barclay.

Chop quality, cost and back-up
“Our main priorities for a forage harvester are performance, cost, and back-up, and the New Holland satis es all three. We will probably keep it for four to ve years before it’s updated and, as long as the cost is reasonable, then it’s likely we will opt for a similar machine again. For us, being able to harvest at the right time to achieve the right quality is far more important than high work rates, and the 544hp Forage Cruiser 550 gives us the chop quality we need, and it’s backed by the brilliant Ernest Doe team,” Freddie concluded. FG
…from previous page
“Dealer values our business”

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Merlo UK management was impressed with the Marst Agri business plan, and granted Mark and Stewart its franchise for the Su olk area on 1st September 2022. Operating for the past ve years from its established premises at Lower Layham, close to Hadleigh Showground, Marst Agri bene ts from a large yard with two substantial workshop bays, and is dedicated exclusively to Merlo.

Product and service satisfaction leads to new purchase

a 3.8t/10m Turbofarmer 38.10 also due this autumn.

“But another reason was the product itself. Much of our work involves loading grain and sugar beet, but beyond this we also carry out a lot of rewood processing, plus some landscaping and pond clearance, so our telehandler is rarely still.”

“Whenwork.they announced they were forming a dealership in addition to o ering the servicing they had provided for our previous Merlos, we were very keen to deal with Mark and Stewart based on our experiences with them,” explains Gerald.
“We do occasional servicing of general farm equipment, but don’t intend to broaden our sales into other franchises or product areas,” explains Mark.
One of Marst Agri’s rst customers when it branched out into retailing was Su olk father-and-son farm partnership Gerald and Giles Western; long-term Merlo users who farm 400ha near Framlingham. Having had three Merlo telehandlers, beginning with a Turbofarmer 32.7 in 1996 not long after Merlo had established a UK base, they have considerable experience with the marque, and were as keen to stay with Merlo when purchasing their most recent machine as they were to commit to the new dealer, having previously used Mark and Stewart for service
“But every time we try one out, we come to the conclusion that we must have another Merlo.
“Dealernance.franchise changes across the industry gave us the chance to consider entering the sales sector, and via our service connections with Merlo UK we expressed our interest in becoming a sub or full dealer,” says“WeMark.had accumulated a lot of knowledge and experience with Merlo products over the years, and while it is a big step from running a service business to setting up a full sales, service and parts dealership, we were
Mark and Stewart Butcher formed Marst Agri in 2017, having each been involved with servicing Merlo products since the manufacturer’s earliest days in the UK 20 years previously. Concentrating at rst on servicing machines across their Su olk locality, they then added Merlo parts supply to their o ering, before in mid2021 being o ered the chance to take on the franchise as a full sales dealer for Merlo’s agricultural telescopic handlers, genuine attachments and retail
“For example, many of the transmissions on the alternatives are nowhere near as smooth as the Merlo’s hydrostatic, which is also a great asset when it’s necessary to hold the machine in place momentarily and use the throttle to provide maximum power to the hydraulics.
“We pride ourselves on service, rst and foremost. With Merlo agricultural telehandlers alone, we have su cient service and parts business to keep us busy, because while reliability is not an issue, there is a substantial park of Merlo handlers on farms in this area requiring service support to maintain them in the best possible working condition. We have around 150 machines on our books, and are making investments in our premises to enhance support for them, including a new mezzanine oor dedicated to parts
Customer sticks with product and people October 202260 Machinery
“The general design principles we really like include the relationship with the headstock and attachment. We had another maker’s 9m machine on demo, and found that the carriage was directly above the front axle at full height, eliminating any forward reach. With the Merlo design, the carriage is over a metre forward of the front wheels at full height.
“One of the downsides with large-scale dealerships is that they can lose the personal touch and struggle to retain service sta . With Marst Agri, working with a small team that understands all aspects of the machines across the sales, service and parts is one of the key reasons we committed to buying another Merlo. On the rare occasion a part we might need isn’t in stock, it will be available the next day from Merlo UK.
“The Turbofarmer 38.10 we recently purchased from Marst Agri is the second 10m Merlo with twin telescopic boom we have had, and the additional reach makes it ideal for pushing up grain – with a pusher attached we can get maximum reach without putting the machine’s front wheels in the heap.

“Every input and output it handles has gone up in price, so we’re pleased we’ve bought another Merlo telehandler that gives us the ability to get commodities heaped and stacked as swiftly as possible without issue, and we’ve no qualms about working with a new dealer given the team’s vast experience with the product.” FG
con dent Merlo was the right product line to do it with.”
time comes to replace a machine and demonstrators become available.
Beyond its work shifting grain, seed and fertiliser, the Western partnership’s Merlo spends much of its time on timber processing for rewood.
Satisfaction with both back-up and product design are the twin reasons one farm business has purchased its third Merlo telehandler – this time from long-term Merlo engineers who founded one of the brand’s newest UK dealerships.

Gerald Western (left) pictured with Mark Butcher, was one of Marst Agri’s rst customers when it branched out into retailing, but has been running Merlo machines since 1996, beginning with a TF32.7. He is now running his third Merlo telehandler, a Turbofarmer 38.10.

“There are many other makes on the market,” acknowledges Gerald.
Thestorage.”business sold six new Merlo telehandlers in its rst six months with the franchise, primarily to committed Merlo customers, and is now looking to target conquest sales by demonstrating to owners of other machines the feature advantages of Merlo’s range. To this end, the company has recently invested in a 4.2t/7.1m Turbofarmer 42.7 demonstrator, with
The Westerns are not averse to trying other makes, though, when the
“Then there’s the visibility and driving position. We have a very compact farm yard, with perhaps the worst design possible for manoeuvring with a telehandler. But the Merlo’s low boom and its pivot, plus the low-set engine, make it easy to see all around.
SEEDBEDNARDRILLS RANGE We offer a professional line of seed drills with disc cultivation section, wide seed drills suitable for prepared soils or direct, as well as standard seeding bars. The BEDNAR portfolio of seed drills come with one, two or three product hoppers and a working width from 3 to 12 metres. JOY OF FARMING SERIOUS DRILLS, FOR SERIOUS FARMERS EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTION ALLIANCEFor more information, please contact your local CASE IH and BEDNAR FMT outlet. CORSA CN A seeding bar suitable for any conditions (6–9 m) EFECTA CE A wide seed drill for maximum daily outputs (12 m) OMEGA OO_L A universal seed drill with maximum precision (3–9 m) Made to measure with a choice of options covering the largest of openings INDUSTRIAL ROLLER SHUTTERS 25 Harwood Court, Riverside Park Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough TS2 1PU Manufactured and installed by experts All doors are fully galvanised, made to measure and come with a host of features built in to ease use and long term reliability Features include: Built in wind protection as standard Industrial single phase motors with high duty rating and manual haulchain Safety built in • Fully CE Marked • Anti-drop devices • Low voltage controls Extras available: Plastisol coated laths in a choice of colours • Integrated wicket doors Bird brush and rubber seal • External lockable switch • Remote control • 3 Phase motors Contact us for more information 01642 221 838 • email: 90173 Also available: STEEL EXIT DOORS • INSULATED ROLLER SHUTTERS INSULATED SECTIONAL DOORS Built in Wind Protection Anti-drop safety brakes as standard Covering the whole of the North 90354 MARK: 07788 marstagristewart@outlook.commarstagrimark@outlook.com647567STEWART:07585226493 Marst Agri Ltd • Overbury Hall • Layham • Ipswich • Suffolk • IP7 5RP Merlo agricultural dealer for Su�olk & Tendring Peninsula Merlo TF 38.10 CS 145 Available for demo pls call for details on this hi-spec compact 10m machine. TF 38.10/ 42.7 /35.7 all available soon on different specs orders being taken now for 2023 delivery Find us on OPENING SOON NewPartsDepartment

“Steve asked us to organise his sale because of a successful auction we arranged a while ago for his late neighbour. We were very pleased by the attendance and results achieved and delighted for the vendor as he begins his retirement.” FG October 202262 Machinery
{farm sale}

An array of very impressive prices was achieved by Sta ordshire-based auctioneer Bagshaws at a machinery dispersal sale in mid-July. David Williams reports.

wife Meg Elliott, as well as Oliver Hiles and new Bagshaws recruit, Will Amos. “There was a real mix of machinery on o er; agricultural, forestry, arboricultural, and classic, as well as seasoned timber and logs, and it attracted bidders from all over the “SteveUK. looked after all his machinery very well, and our team
Mark said that it was the rst time Bagshaws had worked for the vendor.
The onsite auction, at Croxall near Lich eld, was on behalf of Steve Webb, who was retiring from running his successful forestry and arboricultural contracting enterprise.
This John Deere 2130 2wd with a Duncan cab, registered on a P-plate, had power steering, a pick-up hitch, and a Grammar seat. It had 13.6R38 rear tyres and was in very tidy condition. Sold by Mark Elliott, it achieved a winning £7,550 bid from a local farmer.
A Major GDX twin-rotor 9ft cut mower sold for £1,780.

This three-phase Edge Wildcat hot water pressure washer with up to 175bar of pressure available was in good order and sold for £820.

Sta ordshire dispersal sale achieves a massive crowd and excellent trade
This locally made Bamfords Mill made £70.
The undisputed star of the sale was this John Deere 6820. Owned by Steve Webb from new, it was on a 56-plate and had worked 4,442 hours. It had a 50kph transmission and was equipped with air brakes. It had TLS front axle suspension and an air suspended seat. It had three rear spools and a three-speed PTO. The tyres were 20.8R38 and 16.9R28. The loader was an MXT 12 with joystick control, and a third hydraulic service for attachments. In very tidy condition, it sold to a Yorkshire buyer for £45,400.

This Japa 385 Expert linkage-mounted wood processor was a 2013 model, and in very good condition. It had a powered input belt, a chainsaw cutter, and an end hydraulic splitter. With internal hydraulics it was suitable for use with tractors with no spools. It sold for £5,750.
Outstanding sale
“It was an outstanding sale,” commented auctioneer Mark Elliott, who sold the items with his

worked with him preparing and organising the lots for the sale. The star of the auction was without doubt a John Deere 6820 tractor, which must have been the smartest of its type sold in the Midlands so far this year. It attracted very competitive bidding and eventually sold for £45,400, which was exceptional.”
Auctioneer Mark Elliott (centre) takes bids, assisted by Oliver Hiles (left), and Meg Elliott (right).
A selection of modern and older hand tools was available for bids. A pair of longhandled post hole spades made £12.
A Sta ordshire dispersal sale, which included agricultural and forestry machinery used by contractor Steve Webb, was well attended, and resulted in some very impressive prices for the vendor.
Delighted for the vendor

This very tidy Massey Ferguson 35X had a Multi-Power transmission and a 3-cyl diesel engine. It had a folding ROPS and with interest coming from buyers as far away as Norfolk, it sold very well at £8,500 to an enthusiast from Lancashire.

This set of He-Va hydraulic folding 8.2m rolls was one of the ‘included’ lots. It was tted with Shatta-Boards and appeared in good condition. The winning bid was £12,100.
A Schliesing 550ZX PTO-driven, linkagemounted chipper, with 1,000rpm input and an 11in throat intake plus a directional chute, auto-stop and sidemounted reverse and neutral buttons made £8,960.

A Marshall QM 14t grain trailer with a hydraulic rear door, front viewing window, sprung drawbar, cover and bars and with twin front mounted toolboxes was on 385/60-22.5 tyres and it sold for £9,100.
As always at farm machinery sales – the workshop sundries tools proved very popular.

Auctioneer Will Amos accepts bids for the timber on o er.
October 2022 63
Auctioneer Meg Elliott selling some of the building materials.

T:01939 232382 • E: 90452 marked Building a Future for British Agriculture for over 70 years Please give us a call to discuss your building requirements

It was the ideal time of year to sell a seed drill, and this Vaderstad RDA400 S Rapid with a hydraulic-driven fan, electric controls and tramline kit was in good order. It was a 2004 model and had worked only 1,000ha. It sold for £25,000.

This Jensen A530 Fast Tow diesel chipper with a 4-cyl Kubota engine had recorded only 1,095 working hours and it sold for £5,550.

* Where worm burdens are reducing productivity the use of a fully effective wormer will improve productivity. Zolvix is known to kill all productivity limiting roundworms, even those that are resistant to other classes of wormer. Reference: DM Leathwick and BC Hosking, Managing anthelmintic resistance: Modelling strategic use of a new anthelmintic class to slow the development of resistance to existing classes, New Zealand Veterinary Journal 57(4), 203-207, 2009 For further information call Elanco Animal Health on +44 (0) 1256 353131 or write to Elanco UK AH Limited, Bartley Way, Bartley Wood Business Park, Hook RG27 9XA. ZOLVIX™ 25 mg/ml oral solution for sheep contains monepantel. Legal category: POM-VPS in UK. Information regarding the side effects, precautions, warnings and contra-indications can be found in product packaging and leaflets; further information can also be found in the Summary of Product Characteristics. Advice should be sought from the medicine prescriber. Zolvix, Elanco and the diagonal bar logo are trademarks of Elanco or its affiliates. Use Medicines Responsibly ( © 2021 Elanco or its affiliates. PM-UK-21-0601. Date of Preparation: June 2021 make INtheVISIBLEFACTyouWON’t see worm resistance on your farm. Zolvix ™ removes the invisible resistant worms in your lambs.* Try it and see the difference on your farm.

“In order to help prevent resistance from developing further and impacting our ock performance, we’re working closer with our vet to develop a suitable worming programme that supports ock performance, while preserving the e cacy of the main groups of wormers within our regime,” he explains.Arise in wormer resistance can be signi cantly increased with repeated use of wormers throughout the year when they may not be needed. To avoid this, Mr Richards conducts regular faecal egg counts to determine the need for treatment.
As a closed ock, Mr Richards does not buy in any replacement lambs or ewes but does annually bring in replacement rams. All new rams are treated with Zolvix and then quarantined for 24-48 hours to ensure that they do not bring in any resistant worms. After being quarantined all new stock is turned out on dirty pastures to dilute the impact of any surviving worms.
Typically, Mr Richards chooses to administer Zolvix towards the end of August or early in September.
“These counts help us to check the level of worm burdens within the lambs and ensure we’re only worming when necessary.”

Quarantine treatment

Reducing the resistance risk Wider industry data shows that, in the last 10 years, the number of reports of resistance to the three older classes of wormer has been increasing. In one study, 94% of farms have been found to have resistance to white wormers, 68% to yellow wormers, 51% to ivermectin and 19% to moxidectin, with just 2% of farms with no detectable resistance.MrRichards explains that concern around these growing resistance levels drove him to carry out tests at
October 2022 65 Livestock
Why should we act to prevent worm resistance?
Anthelmintic resistance is one of the biggest challenges to the health and pro tability of sheep ocks and a ects the entire industry. As the impact of resistant worms remains invisible until levels reach the tipping point, it is important to include a newer group 4 active in worm control plans now. Acting before there is an obvious problem will help maintain the e cacy of wormers for the future, as well as allowing lambs to achieve their full growth potential.
Wernoog Farm, which subsequently unveiled that like many other farms, they too had a problem.
Increasing performancelamb
“It’s also worth noting, that when working out dose rates, we always ensure we weigh the heaviest lambs. This then guarantees we’re dosing correctly and none of the ock are being under dosed as this can also increase the build-up of resistance.”
“When ock health planning, e ective worm control is very important and after working closely with our vet, we identi ed a wormer resistance issue. This allowed us to act early to slow the rate at which resistance is building-up,” explains Mr Richards.
Part of the updated worming plan at Wernoog Farm includes the use of Zolvix at key points in the year. Mr Richards explains that this helps achieve complete worm control for all lambs, making sure no resistant worms are left behind that could hinder health and performance.
Mr Richards runs a closed ock of 1,000 pedigree Lleyns at Wernoog Farm, Powys and ensures ock health is always at the top of his agenda.“Assheep are our only form of income, we have very much all our eggs in one basket. Therefore, a high health status across our ock is crucial to ensure we’re maximising production levels and achieving good returns on investment.
“We have used Zolvix for several

Managing wormer resistance is key to flock health planning
for all incoming sheep.
Wormer resistance presents a growing threat to the sheep sector and has prompted Powys-based shepherd Ernie Richards to implement a more sustainable worming programme that supports ock performance while preserving wormer e cacy.

years, but in the past 12 months have made a concerted e ort to use it as a form of resistance prevention, to help prolong the e cacy of the other wormer groups we use,” he explains.Zolvix is a group 4, broad spectrum anthelmintic, containing the active monepantel. SCOPS best practice guidance encourages the use of a group 4 at two key points; as a mid-late season break dose for lambs and as a quarantine treatment
“We’ve found that by following this routine and treating at the end of summer when our FECs often show a heavy worm burden, there has been a marked improvement in our lambs’ growth rates and performance into the late autumn and winter months,” explains Mr Richards.
“Strategically incorporating the use of a group 4 wormer into our worming plan has de nitely delivered a notable increase in lamb performance. In addition, we believe it’s helping to increase the e ective lifespan of the older group 1, 2 and 3 wormers which means that they can still be e ectively used at certain times,” concludes Mr Richards. FG

Challenge: Cattle sheds often have insu cient ventilation, meaning stale air containing pathogens stays within the building and infectious agents are readily spread between animals. The cumulative load of pathogens in the air increases as the air is rebreathed, resulting in a higher load than the immune system can cope with.
What steps should farmers be taking to minimise the risk to herds?
calves have su cient, good enough quality colostrum within six hours of birth. Generally, we are talking about 10–12% of their body weight within the rst 12 hours of life and as soon as possible. If the rst dose is delayed longer than six hours, the calf’s ability to absorb the antibodies and energy in colostrum deteriorates.Oldercows generally have better quality colostrum than heifers, although consideration should be given to the Johne’s disease status of older animals. Any that have tested positive or show clinical signs should be removed from the herd. Colostrum is easy to check for quality with a densimeter. Or your vet can take bloods from calves up to seven days old to ensure they have had su cient passive transfer of proteins from colostrum to the calf.
identifying the pathogens on your farm and vaccinating calves is a key component. There are a number of common pathogens we can vaccinate for, but not all will be present on your farm if you are a closed herd. If you are buying in stock, you may need to vaccinate for a larger range of pathogens.

• Entering a shed with new smells, environments etc.
What are some of the key risk factors for

Stress: Animals release the hormone cortisol in response to stressful stimuli, resulting in the ‘ ght or ight’ response which boosts energy levels and reduces unnecessary functions – including the body’s in ammatory response and immune system. This potentially reduces the animal’s ability to ght o infectious pathogens.
• Mixing groups – having to reinstate hierarchy
At this time of year, prior to housing, there may not be many animals su ering with active pneumonia to sample pathogens. However, if you are a closed herd, it is likely that last year’s batch of calves (if not vaccinated) will act as a sentinel population for what is in your herd. These animals can be blood sampled to assess their antibodies and this data can be used to formulate a vaccination plan.
An alternative method of traditional weaning could be considered, such as separating cows and calves in adjacent elds prior to housing, or gradually weaning them after housing by separating them for increasing periods each day. While not a silver bullet,
01926 484250 Gumleaf Outdoor Ltd • Ash Tree Farm • Rouncil Lane • Beausale • Warwick • CV34 7AL Natural rubber for greatest testedDesignedcomfort.inthecountryside,intheeld. 89870

If you are buying calves in from di erent sources, it may be more prudent to use a blanket vaccination protocol to cover all pathogens and this should be discussed with your vet.
respiratory disease, or pneumonia, in housed cattle.
All vaccination courses should be completed two weeks prior to housing or weaning so that the animal has had time to respond to the vaccine. Administering a vaccine on the same day as housing is likely to result in the vaccine failing to produce a robust immune response as the animal has too much cortisol in the body. FG
All of these stressors are su cient on their own to a ect the immune system, however the result of multiple occurring at once, is far greater.
Where possible we need to reduce the impact of stressors. In my experience, farms often perform more than one procedure at once for convenience – e.g. weaning, housing and vaccinating.


• Transport
• Weaning – removal from their dam
At the point of housing there are often multiple stresses on animals:
– a lovely airy shed may be excellent for bigger cattle, but too draughty for smaller cattle, causing them to divert energy to keep warm. The lowest temperature a new-born calf can tolerate without a stress response is 13.4ºC (Robertson, 2020), so consideration should be given to extra feeds, housing or calf coats if the environment is colder than expected.
Q&A: healthRespiratory October 202266 Livestock Opening8:30am–5pmMon–FriTimesSat8:30am–1pm Whitesbridge Farm • Margaretting • Ingatestone • Essex • CM4 9JT 35688101277Tel: Farm • Margaretting I• Ingate AGRICULTUR AL LIVESTOCK EQUINE EQUIPMENT & ACCES SORIES 90355 ACCESS ORIES We are suppliers of Animal Health WoodenElectricEar-TagsProductsFencing&GalvanisedGatesStockFencing Barbed Wire & Posts Drinking Troughs Pipe Fittings Clothing & Footwear Kids Farm Toys cts


Even in sheds with su cient ventilation, if they are mucked out infrequently the airspace can have a high load of urea from cattle urine. The respiratory tract has a highly e cient physical barrier to infection by pathogens: the mucocillary apparatus – but this is damaged by high levels of urea so it no longer works to preventNothinginfection.iseasy, however
A: Whether an animal succumbs to BRD is largely dictated by their immune system. We can think about the risk factors, in three parts: Immune function: This is often down to the rst few hours of life and whether calves received su cient high-quality colostrum.
This compounding e ect will have a massive impact on the calf’s ability to respond to pathogens, so any stressors should be separated.
A: We should start as soon as the calf is born – ensuring all
• Contains closantel • Treats liver uke from 7 weeks immature to adult • Easy-to-use pour-on application • Kills triclabendazole resistant uke •Available in 1L, 2.5L and 5L of controlfluke Take in cattle •• THE ONLY SINGLE ACTIVE POURON FLUKICIDE FOR CATTLE Pour-On Solution for Cattle USE MEDICINES RESPONSIBLY. Manufactured in NI by: Norbrook Laboratories Ltd, Station Works, Newry, Co. Down, BT35 6JP. Distributed in GB by: Norbrook Laboratories (G.B.) Limited, 1 Saxon Way East, Corby, Northamptonshire, England, NN18 9EY. Legal Category: Solantel® 200mg/ml Pour-On Solution for Cattle contains 200mg/ml closantel. For further details on this product including the dosage regimens, side e ects, precautions, warnings and contraindications please see the summary of product characteristics (SPC) available at Advice on the use of this product should be sought from the medicine prescriber. | 5140-LA(C)-v2a-GB-11/07/22

...when it’s a Persistent performance... MARATHON, NOT A SPRINT. 042 DAYS persistency against lungworm (Dictyocaulus viviparus) DAYS persistency against gutworm (Ostertagia ostertagi) 042 DAYS persistency against biting lice (Damalinia bovis) 049 DAYS persistency against sucking lice (Linognathus vituli)* PERSISTENT PERFORMANCE - VISIBLE RESULTS TAURADOR® is a doramectin pour-on, which provides persistent action against the important internal and external parasites in cattle. Taurador is rainfast and coloured BLUE for easy-to-use visible application. *Taurador is indicated for the treatment of the following species of sucking lice; Haematopinus eurystemus, Linognathus vituli, Solenopotes capillatus, and is persistent for 49 days against Linognathus vituli, and 35 days for Solenopotes capillatus. USE MEDICINES RESPONSIBLY. Manufactured and Distributed in NI by: Norbrook Laboratories Ltd, Station Works, Newry, Co. Down, BT35 6JP. Distributed in GB by: Norbrook Laboratories (G.B.) Limited, 1 Saxon Way East, Corby, Northamptonshire, England, NN18 9EY. Legal Category: Taurador® 5mg/ml Pour-on Solution for Cattle contains 5mg/ml doramectin. For further details on this product including the dosage regimens, side e ects, precautions, warnings and contraindications please see the summary of product characteristics (SPC) available at | Advice on the use of this product should be sought from the medicine prescriber. 4779-LA(C)-v2a-GB-17/03/22

Additionally, grazing a short sward can create the perfect storm as parasites tend to be in the bottom of the sward. Plus, it’s likely that much of this season’s lambs will not have met much of a worm burden, and therefore won’t have developed the expectedHaemonchusimmunity.contortus, or barber’s pole worm, which also infects adult sheep, can survive hot dry weather and cause signi cant amounts of infection very quickly on farms that have it. But it’s likely that all roundworm species will be a problem, Lesley predicts, including possibly nematodirus, which is increasingly seen in autumn.
insidious losses often go unnoticed, so regular weighing also provides useful information. The cost of FECs is very small compared to that of production losses. This year, Lesley believes we are also facing mortality if parasites are not kept under control.Liver uke would typically not be as much of a concern in the winter following a hot dry summer, but some farms will still have it so testing is important. Last year saw many farms treat for liver uke at the wrong time – in September/ early October, when in fact uke caught up later in the winter. Less gas means more profit. Improved FCR Reduced cost/kg gain Improved killing out percentage Carbon Trust assured RumiTech

Regular faecal egg counts and treating ‘as much as necessary but as little as possible’ to prevent further resistance, is the key to control, but it’s important to remember that the sample only re ects what that animal ate about three weeks ago. So this should be considered if lambs are not doing well and there has been rain and warm weather, even if faecal monitoring shows worm levels are not very high.
rain, those parasites are very adept at making up for lost time. So we could end up with a crescendo in autumn,” Lesley warns.
Although traditionally parasite problems have tended to slow down in winter, the changing climate means parasites can be a year-round problem, so regular testing is more important than ever. FG

Serology testing a sentinel group of this year’s lambs or calves on a monthly basis can tell you not only that you need to treat them, but when.Another risk is that although very dry summers limit uke, if it is present on the farm it tends to be very concentrated in any wet muddy area of the farm – which is also where animals will go to drink.

It’s also vital to retest 7-14 days after treatment, depending on the product used, to ensure it’s working. When wormers are not working,
Very hot, dry weather, such as that experienced this summer, generally puts a halt on parasites such as roundworms and liver uke – but they are very good at making up for lost time. Testing and treatment where necessary will be essential to avoid losses this autumn, explains independent sheep consultant Lesley Stubbings. In very dry conditions, most of the roundworms will have waited for moisture to complete their lifecycle. “The danger is that as we get more
Sheep farmers warned not to be complacent about parasites this winter

There are two main causes:
There are two types a ecting cattle – chewing lice and sucking lice. It is important to know which type you are dealing with as this will determine the treatment choice. Chewing lice such as Bovicola bovis feed on skin debris and require treatment with a pour-on pyrethroid. Sucking lice such as Linognathus vituli feed on blood and require treatment with an injectable ivermectin. Most treatments are not e ective against louse eggs, so a follow-up treatment 2-3 weeks later is often necessary.
More information on sheep parasites can be found at
to the neck and shoulder region.
Cattle: Lice and mites are a common problem for cattle, particularly at winter housing due to the increased proximity to each other and thicker coats providing lice with a warm environment in which to thrive. If signi cant infestations are present, they can lead to intense irritation which can quickly become a welfare concern or lead to production loss.
equipment. The intense irritation caused results in signi cant production losses

In the UK, Chorioptes bovis is the most common mite a ecting cattle. Chorioptic mange is mainly found on the tail head, lower legs, scrotum or udder but they can only be identi ed microscopically following a skin scraping of the a ected area. Infestations with low numbers may not cause signi cant clinical signs so treatment may not be necessary. More severe infestations can lead to pustular, crusted and thickened areas of skin with possible hair loss. In these cases, treatment with pour-on permethrin or ivermectin products would be recommended; injectable ivermectin products will not be e ective against chorioptic mange. FG
in delayed scab treatment, compromised welfare and increased production losses. Your vet can take skin scrapes and blood samples to rule in/out sheep scab and advise on appropriate treatment at the rst sign of itchy sheep this winter. October 202270 Livestock 2332 - Farmacy Farmers Guide October 2022 Advert.indd 1 05/09/2022 15:29
Adult lice and eggs can be identi ed by carefully parting the hair, paying particular attention
• Bovicola ovis is a chewing louse that is often visible, which feeds on bacteria, skin and debris and is spread by close contact in pens and from ewes to lambs. Lice often have little consequence to healthy sheep, but those in poor condition are more susceptible to infestation and can be Frustratingly,itchy.we see many cases of sheep scab where sheep have been treated for lice rst, resulting
Winter itching: Mites or lice?
Farm vets Sharminda Lockwood, Ti any Etherington and Verity Atkins, of Westpoint Farm Vets, Ashford branch, share their advice on lice and mites that sheep and cattle may encounter.

• Psoroptes ovis is a mite, invisible to the naked eye, that causes ‘scab’ in sheep. The mites feed on skin lipids, resulting in a debilitating skin condition, appearing as scabs and wool loss. The mite is easily spread between sheep and indirectly via equipment, feeders, fences and clothes. It is often brought in to a ock via new sheep or on shared
Sheep: Sheep scratching themselves on fence posts and biting their sides should not be ignored.
The Scrapenser Box o ers full control of bedding speeds; reliability and long life; and it can be retro tted to your existing scraper. It’s also better for the health of operators with no more inhaling ne dust. In summer, some farmers even use it to feed meal and concentrates to outdoor stock.

While the very dry weather this summer kept blow y at bay, the risk remained at the maximum level (one in 100 animals could be struck) across the UK, in the Nadis/Elanco forecast on 1st September (see map).

Blow y population numbers remained high and temperatures were still above average. Plus, the prophylactic protection applied to ewes in June or July had started to wane, as many of the treatments approached the end of their residualExpertsactivity.predicted that a warm, wet autumn could see

Brought up on a Cumbria dairy farm, Ian Cleasby developed the rst prototype – still in use on his brother’s farm today – after the farm purchased its rst box scraper and it seemed like an obvious opportunity to combine both jobs. A version for the ip-over scraper market was subsequently requested. FG
On farm tests show the one pass system means cows are returned to cubicles more quickly, resulting in more rest time, increased production, cleaner bedding and less husbandry problems.

September, Elanco recommended putting an IGR on if you haven’t already, or for animals that are already struck an insecticidal product such as Crovect may be needed. If a product has already FEEDINGDIAGONALGATES HANDLINGCATTLECOMFORT SELF LOCKING YOKES 028 7086 EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR WINTER HOUSING Official Distributor LAMBFEEDERSCREEP DE-HORNINGCALFCRATES SOLUTIONSCALVING

Warning over autumn potentialblowfly
October 2022 71 90259
The Scrapenser can go anywhere a standard scraper goes, so there’s no need to alter buildings, machines or routines. Milking time routines are bene tted as operators return to milking duty more quickly, users report.

Ian Cleasby
Innovative box allows farmers to complete two jobs in one go
Dairy farmers can spread sawdust into cubicles and scrape out simultaneously with the patented Scrapenser from Ian Cleasby Agriculture, saving time and fuel, whilst potentially freeing up a tractor or materials handler.

The hopper’s design provides better visibility over the Scrapenser

whilst bedding up to 150 cubicles. Hopper extensions are an easy bolt on extra, to cater for any size herd.

10 bene ts of feeding a ration consisting of pre-processed straw:
• No over-processing, reduced mixing time

Tips for a straw-basedsuccessfuldiet:
• The additional bre helps to retain the food in the stomach for longer
• Straw cannot be fed on its own, it must be balanced with other forages (speak to a nutritionist for advice)
• A straw-based diet is very dry; make sure a plentiful supply of clean water is accessible.

To assist in meeting these standards and to review the general health and wellbeing of his herd, Gavin sought help from nutritionist Andy Hawken from Three Counties Feeds. Andy (pictured below) comments: “The challenge when taking over this farm as their nutritionist, was to improve the milk constituents and keep the yield high. One of the tools in the armoury to achieve this was the addition of pre-chopped, short straw to theButterfatsration.”
Straw impaction occurs when the cow’s ration does not contain enough protein and fermentable energy to feed the rumen microbes. These microbes break down the bre and without this process the straw becomes blocked in the stomach (omasum/abomasum). The symptoms of straw impaction include low appetite and very solidGavindung.says:
• Ensure the straw has been pre-processed (using a bale processor) – this will reduce any sorting

• The added straw helps to stabilise the pH levels in the stomach

help improve rumen function otherwise you could cause straw impaction which can lead to major health problems for the animal.” October 202272 Livestock
As well as improving proteins and butterfats, since incorporating chopped straw into the diet they have also seen improvements in cow health, condition and fertility, with no left displaced abomasums from last winter, continuing into this year. Teagle is a family-owned company with over 75 years’ experience manufacturing agricultural machinery, and invests heavily in its research and development.
• Make sure straw is fresh, clean and palatable
• The diet is more open and palatable
“When you use pre-chopped straw as part of a balanced diet, you need to add extra protein to
Straw is a great form of e ective bre but it must be processed and su ciently supplemented with other forages or feeds to avoid straw impaction.“Wewant to reduce the length of the straw signi cantly from the traditional ‘muzzle width’, which produces multiple scratching e ects on to the papillae (which are like little ngers). More scratching stimulates more papillae, creating more surface area and increasing the nutrients back into the cow and this is all achieved by chopping the straw consistently in the correct way,” Andy explains.
• Maintained butterfats during spring/summer grazing
“At rst we used a contractor to chop our straw but this became a costly and time-consuming process. We contacted Teagle and they recommended the Tomahawk 8555 Dual Chop with a removable screen which we can use for both feeding and bedding.”
• If you feed silage, adding straw will help to reduce the potassium levels, which can be bene cial during calving

Gavin runs a 330-cow dairy herd at Rosemorran Farm, producing an average of 9,500 litres. Milk is produced under contract for Cathedral Citybranded cheese, which demands the constituents and quality of the milk are consistently high.

• Feeding su cient protein to pregnant cows in the last month before calving also makes an important contribution to a successful calving and good colostrum quality
• Feeding pre-chopped straw pre- and postcalving will help to reduce cases of displaced abomasum by increasing food consumption and keeping the abomasum full. FG
typically crash when out to grass but by adding consistent pre-chopped straw to the ration, Andy says they have seen butterfats at over 4% in the summer and up to 4.3% in the winter. Proteins also remained stable at 3.3% in the summer and 3.6% in the winter.
Cornish dairy farmer Gavin Rodda and nutritionist Andy Hawken explain how they improved milk constituents to keep yield high – with one of the tools in the armoury being to add pre-chopped short straw to the ration.
• Less or no sorting occurs, resulting in a complete diet being fed
The unique scissor action, cutting mechanism of the Teagle Dual Chop cuts the straw consistently short and is the ideal material for feeding, creating e ective rumen stimulation, Teagle says. Gavin adds: “The straw is chopped short with clean cut ends. Chopping as needed keeps the straw fresh, which the cows nd more palatable, increasing intake and reducing waste for the dung pile!”
SPOTLIGHT ON: Maintaining butterfats

• Better energy balance after calving means improved health during the transition period
• Adding straw to the diet can aid rumination and avoid acidosis

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Reap the rewards Rumevitewith ® Freephone: 0800 833 675 | | & Protein WIN Porta-Yards Handling System from Wise Agriculture 3 x FREE NEW SHAPE Block Feeders with every 1 tonne of New Shape Rumevite purchased Scan CodeQR to surveycompletetoenter

Although ewes are past peak lactation, they need to be preparing for tupping and can’t a ord to lose any body condition. Feeding a free-access supplement, such as Rumevite at this time will help support this preparation as well as supplying key minerals, vitamins and trace elements.
For maintenance a ewe needs 1kg grass on a DM basis during summer time – ongoing dry weather means they struggle to get this and consequently face a loss of body condition which can have a negative impact on conception as we head into tupping time.

Alternatively, the consequences of selling undernished animals may reduce income by around £5 and £18 per lamb and steer sold respectively.
“Supplementing dwindling grazing sooner rather than later will help keep growth and performance on track with younger animals having improved e ciency of growth and so improved return on investment of feed o ered,” concludes Dr Bond. “Reaching markets at closer to peak values adds further value to the nished stock too so delaying acting could end up costing you more than it saves.” FG
October 2022 75 Livestock

Counter grass shortage with proven nutrition

Although it may be tempting to hold o on supplementation, the cost of feeding for an extra 1kg of liveweight gain later in the animal’s life, and subsequently later in the season, may be as much as double as the animal matures.

becoming depleted with animals who are not supplemented potentially su ering weight loss and a reduction in health and performance,” explains Dr NumerousBond.trials conducted over the years with all classes of ruminant livestock have shown supplementation of sparse grazing will typically increase cattle growth rates and achieve extra margin per head.
This summer’s prolonged dry weather caused real issues for many cattle and sheep producers across the UK as grazing became scarcer at a time when grass growth and subsequent livestock performance should have been at its best, says Dr Alison Bond, ruminant nutritionist for Rumenco.

“Across much of the country, pastures are

“Rumevite feed blocks provide energy and protein required for growth and maintenance to achieve DLWG targets, whilst also providing key minerals, vitamins and trace elements. The little and often feeding provides a ow of nutrients through the rumen, helping to support a healthy rumen bug population. This supports forage digestibility, ensuring stock make the most of the grass or forage that they do have. Rumevite All Season in particular is a high energy and protein feed and mineral block for cattle and sheep with access to lower quality grazing to support optimal health and performance,” explains Dr Bond.

Using Temperature and Humidity Index (THI) to assess livestock buildings accounts for both the impact of temperature and humidity in one number. Oestrous expression in dairy cows can be a ected at a THI of 57. This number can be reached at just 14ºC and 55% humidity. And in UK dairy buildings in winter the humidity very often exceeds 55% says Gary Walter, of Dalton Engineering, the UK distributor for Vostermans aboveMultifans.ATHIscore65(19ºC, 70% humidity) can a ect conception rates and by THI 68 (21ºC, 70% humidity), milk yields and milk components are impacted.Heatstressed cows require more fresh water and fresh air and lying times can be reduced by up to two hours per day.

Poor ventilation – not just a summer problem

The Dairy Show is hosting National Shows for both the Jersey and Guernsey Cattle Societies on 5th October. Jerseys will be judged by Herefordshire-based Duncan Hunter while Guernseys will be looking for a tap out from Devonbased Lynden Bustard.

Pockets of poor air quality can cause cows to migrate to other areas of a building, often resulting in increased standing times. Introducing fresh air into a building at animal level is the key starting point in any ventilation system.Resting areas and collection yards are key areas to target – and don’t forget dry cows. FG
Due to the high humidity and poor air quality that can develop within housing as a result of poor ventilation, dairy cows can still su er more subtle e ects of heat stress in the winter months.

how a class act can catch his eye, Mr Bustard says: “The breed gives a lot of milk with good levels of butterfat and protein. Cows need good functional udders to support their levels of production; and I will want to see them well attached with good teat placement.” FG
Dalton Engineering, the UK

• High throw • High efficiency • Low noise • High level of air movement BEAT THE HEAT Multifan Dairy Fan It pays to keep your cows cool 01845 578 90565 You cannot afford to ignore the impact of heatstress October 202276 Livestock WEDNESDAY 5 OCTOBER 2022 HAVE YOU HERD? VISIT WWW.BATHANDWEST.COM/TICKETS TO BOOK PARTNERMEDIA HEADLINESPONSOR THE DAIRY SHOW RETURNS SEMINARS | COMPETITIONS | TRADE STANDS | BRITISH CHEESE AWARDS

Hailing from a dairying family in Ontario, Canada, Mr Bustard has over 25 years’ experience of dairy judging under his belt. His sharp eye has seen him show and judge successfully and extensively across Canada, the US, South America, the UK, Ireland, Scandinavia, and Europe.Asked
correctness indicative of her potential to milk well for a good number of years.”
Mr Hunter’s résumé in dairy cattle spans, collectively, over 50 years – some 30 years in dairy cattle breeding and upwards of 20 years judging across the UK and overseas.MrHunter comments: “I’ll be looking for excellent functional traits and overall balance. She needs a well attached udder; strong attachment in the fore and high and wide in the rear. I want to see straight, free movement in locomotion. The whole cow needs to t together well with her
October 2022 77 M: 07904 899289 - Dave Bull M: 07961 739233 - Ed Hughes T: 01244 394258 - Office E: VISIT OUR WEBSITE FOR MORE WWW.SPREAD-A-BALE.COMINFO Tube You Increased performance from bigger motors and higher level of oil flow facilitates spreading high density rectangular and round compact balesPOWER/TORQUE SPEED Standard 65% MORE POWER AND TORQUE WITH THE SAME SPEEDhydraulicsSpread-a-BaleHighDensity Spread-a-Bale ® MAKING YOUR STRAW GO FURTHER WITH MINIMAL DUST TWO OPTIONS AVAILABLE ON BOTH MIDI AND MAXI SPREAD-A-BALE MACHINES Accommodating longer 9’ bales HD (High Density) XL (Extra Long) 12487_CWK_FC_Wold Farms_133x190mm_v1.indd 1 08/09/2022 12:30

Once housing has been allowed to air dry, it can be disinfected using an authorised full spectrum biocide at the dilution which has passed the appropriate UK/EN Biocide Regulation tests and been proven to be e ective. The use of Defraapproved disinfectant dilutions only applies in the event of a noti able disease outbreak, not for general everyday use.
organic soiling and trap dust.

The detergent creates a highdensity foam through a foaming lance which prevents overspray. This method is three times faster than high-pressure water application and consequently reduces water consumption and time. Pre-rinsing also becomes unnecessary as the foam wets-out dust and softens built-up feed deposits, so removal is easier. After 20 minutes’ contact time, the foam will collapse onto the building surface; this allows the dust and organic material to be easily dislodged using a low-pressure rinse.

can be transmitted long distances through the air via water droplets, as a result of high-pressure washers used to decontaminate infected farms.This method was replaced with low-pressure detergent systems, such as foam cleaning, which is now a well-established and safe method. The objective is to apply the foaming detergent to all surfaces of the housing and equipment to soften
Using high-pressure water to remove organic soiling was once the norm, but it is now acknowledged that the most dangerous viruses
Using advanced detergents for e ective poultry house cleaning

The latest advance is gel detergent technology, whereby a specialised formulation creates a shear thickening solution. A ‘sticky’ foam, which improves adherence to surfaces, increases contact between the detergent and the substrate. These formulations are superior to
conventional foams. Gel cleaning in livestock housing is also the best way to deal with heavier soiling, particularly in layer farms, where fat and protein deposits respond better to gelTheproducts.application of a detergent gel cleaning formulation, prior to the disinfection phase, is therefore more e cient and e ective in terms of removal of heavy organic material, with all the speed and e ciency bene ts of standard foaming systems. This leads to a subsequent improvement in disinfection standards, as soiling is completely removed from treated surfaces. Many livestock cleaning contractors are now using this type of product, but it should be recognised that training in the use of the system is required for it to be fully e ective.
Gel cleaning using a properly formulated, tested and proven detergent is the most e ective way for producers to evade a major source of livestock infection and improve farm turnaround e ciency, EvansForconcludes.furtherinformation on the latest gel cleaning products or the Evans Biosecurity 3000 SOP, contact global animal health division manager Peter FG
Technology for cleaning livestock housing prior to disinfection has evolved signi cantly over the past decade, and gel detergent technology o ers the latest advance, explains Evans Vanodine, British manufacturer of livestock disinfectants and biosecurity systems. October 202278 GPC8™ Glutaraldehyde-Based General-Purpose Disinfectant Biosecurity for the Poultry Industry Evans Vanodine International T: +44 (0)1772 322200 E: actionRapidagainstAvianInfluenza* Residual Activity Disease-Free LivestockDefra Approved † Concentrated Formula Housing and Equipment Lower Mortality Rates *Tested against four strains of AIV. †Approved for Poultry Orders. Microbiological profile available. CONTACT US FOR YOURDISTRIBUTORNEAREST Scan to view & literatutresupportdownload Livestock Ine ective disinfection of poorly cleaned buildings means contamination of the next crop is inevitable. Highly pathogenic microorganisms and viruses reduce the e ciency of poultry breeding and farming, so an e ective cleaning and disinfection programme is key.

October 2022 79 From disinfectants & detergents to wipes & wellies. We’ve got it all. Shop online at: Big volumes of NATURAeggsperience:Morethan12.5millionbirdplacesintheUK,80millioninEuropeand120millionhensworldwideinNATURA–theflexiblemodularsystem. Newquip Limited, NQ House, Conygarth Way Leeming Bar Business Park, Leeming Bar Northallerton, North Yorkshire DL7 9EE Tel. 01677 428600, FLEXIBLE MODULAR SYSTEM free range egg production

The 9.0m and 10.5m trailing shoes also feature a unique hydraulic selflevelling system, whereby each arm of the trailing shoe will lift as it passes over a side incline. This ensures that the shoe continues to work perfectly over the incline without excess pressure to the outer boots.
To keep atmospheric losses to a minimum for maximum bene t, Hi-Spec provides a wide range of spreading options for its complete range of vacuum tankers, that range in size from 750–3,500 gallons.
ground, trailing shoes, dribble bars and other forms of low emission slurry spreading (LESSE), reduce the risk of run-o and minimise the amount of nitrogen lost into the air October 202280 Livestock Call us on 01258 817372 • ■ Oil immersed brakes ■ 2WD or 4WD ■ 2 Years' warranty ■ Comprehensivepartsbackup BASIC SIMPLE RELIABLE 89995

Options include its own design of trailing shoe, available in working widths of 6.0, 7.5, 9.0 and 10.5m and a 7.5m-wide dribble bar.

By placing the slurry on the

Hi-Spec trailing shoes feature hardened trailing shoes that gently part the grass sideways and allow the slurry to be placed onto the ground via a specialised rubber boot.
The dribble bar frame is fully galvanised and tted with an LED lighting bar for safe travel on the road. Each of the arms incorporate a sprung breakback mechanism to prevent any damage to the arm in a collision. Weighing just 520kg, the dribble bar is chassis-mounted, which has the bene t of spreading the weight closer to the tanker axle and avoids stress on the tanker barrel or the rear door.
The grass covering then prevents valuable nutrients escaping and the slurry placement to the roots ensures reduced grazing turn-around. The trailing shoe can also be used as a dribble bar without any contact with the Hi-Spec dribble bar has a working width of 7.5m, and folds down to just 2.55m for transport. It features 30 at hose outlets, 25cm apart. Feed to each of the outlets is via a Hi-Spec distributor with an integrated stone trap.
Getting the most out of slurry

in the form of ammonia.
The Hi-Spec trailing shoe features a robust chassis mounted mast that ensures the tanker and shoe are perfectly supported and balanced. The 7.5m, 9.0m and 10.5m trailing shoes use a unique folding system to keep the overall transport height below the height of a standard Hi-Spec 2600 tanker. There is also the ability to use both ll points and splash plate at the rear without modi cations.
The recent price hikes for compound fertilisers have emphasised the value of slurry as a source of nitrogen and other nutrients, but for maximum bene t, care should be taken as to how it’s applied, explains Hi-Spec Engineering.

The design includes a splash plate with a 6in feed and two blanked o 6in lling points for optimum functionality. The dribble bar only requires a single double-acting spool valve and is operated using a diverter control to switch between lifting/ lowering the arms and operating the distributor and gate valve. FG
Research has shown that compared to a traditional splash plate, where a trailing shoe is used, grass yields increased by 25%.
October 2022 81 Get connected 90585 FORTHCOMINGSALES2022 Stirling 17 October Auctioneers: United Auctions Ltd Tel: 01786 473055 Swatragh (club sale) 4 NovemberAuctioneers: Swatragh Livestock Mart Tel: 028 7940 1246 Welshpool 10 NovemberAuctioneers: Welshpool Livestock Sales Tel: 01938 553438 Catalogues can be viewed at No bull works harder for the farmer, the plate and the planet Tel: +44 (0)2476 697222 Email: Albutt Ltd Tel. 01242 620 252 Dan Cross 07720087264 90597 SHEAR QUALITY The heavy duty range of Shear Grabs from Albutt SHEAR QUALITY The heavy duty range of Shear Grabs from Albutt

Aw Control

• No storage losses

The complete system is Plug n'Play i.e. You do not need electrical specialists for this. Simply plug in the required components, the measuring and control system is ready. You can monitor the warehouse from anywhere in the world via one device. Ventilation is fully automatic or, if desired, also manually.
• Fans only run when needed
The novelty in testing technology is the AW-Wert measurement system, AW-Control for short. The system allows not only temperature monitoring but also simultaneous control of the bearing via the AW value. The availability of water for physical, chemical, microbial and enzymatic processes is described by water activity, the AW value, and is of great importance for the shelf life of the grain.


 October 202282

Distributed by Agro Hanse Pilgrims, Elmstead Road, Elmstead, Colchester, Essex CO7 7A Tel: 07557 363057 . Email: . 90113

Monitoring the activity of water is an important step forward for grain store control systems, and should be measured along with temperature and intake air humidity of the fan, says grain handling specialist Agro Hanse.
• Earliest possible warning of potential threats

Ventilation is avoided:
• If the fan is switched o manually

• A system that is better than current standards – monitoring of moisture during the entire storage period, enabling con dence to store for longer if necessary.
In addition to this facility, Steve Chapman of Agro Hanse can provide a demonstration which includes a fan with control box and sensors and shows the advantages and how the system works.
• Ease and exibility of use
• High level of con dence in the system, leading to peace of mind
This sample setup can give a closer view of the advantages and simplicity of the online software without the need to create a live account and without the need to install hardware components on your site.
• Increased focus on environmental considerations

intake air Temperature intake airWater activity AW Control system informationAW Control System Overview of the system www Up to 7m = 7 sensors per rod Wireless connection Wireless connection User PC, tabletsmartphone,etc Wi-Fi or cable Fan with fan control Only a three-phase socketGrain storage Data collection box Overview of the system 9 13 17 21 2 6 10 14 18 22 3 7 11 15 19 23 8 12 16 20 24 V1 V2 V Example showing suggested position of sensors 1 5 1.2m 3.5m Measuring rod Venting system Fan 1.2m3.5m Example4 showing suggested position of sensors
Agro Hanse knows that most automatic systems rely on the monitoring of ambient relative humidity and temperature uctuations, and not moisture, which leaves time for problems to build up in the store –making them more di cult to reverse. Instead, the company says systems should measure the temperature, the aw value and the intake air humidity of the fan, because temperature and aw value can be converted into an increase in grain moisture. Intake of ambient air with high relative humidity % must be prevented in order to avoid an increase in awInvalue.answer to this, the Schmelzer
What is water activity?
Water activity (aw) is a measure of the available water in or around a material, e.g. a grain of wheat. The aw value is temperature-dependent and therefore it’s important to remember that an increase in temperature also increases the mobility of water. So how does it di er from the

• The ability to monitor stores remotely

aw % % rel. Online bulk bulkTemparaturemoistureofthematerial Traceability of the storage condition

• Reduction in running costs –energy and labour saving
• Assurance of crop quality and traceability, with up-to-the-minute monitoring
• If the set aw value is not reached
• The ability to get an accurate picture of what is really happening inside the grain store with monitoring points at 1m intervals up to 7m of grain depth
• Compatibility for integration with other precision farm data systems

October 2022 83 Grain Handling, Drying & Storage

If the value falls below the measured value, those values are recorded every 15 minutes and sent to the server. It is reassuring to remember that every single monitoring point is in constant contact with the individual fan controls, which leaves no margin for error. The system can highlight a problem, whether near the surface or deep inside the store.
Grain storage technology: When water isn’t “just” water
• If the system is outside pre-set operating time
The Schmelzer AW Control System is available in the UK via Agro Hanse. Contact the company directly for more information.
This means that if the pre-set aw value is exceeded, the assigned fans switch on during a set runtime. Then there is a rest period to measure the aw value and the temperature.
• If the ambient conditions do not allow ventilation (weather too humid or too warm).

• Increased farm e ciency
The automatic controls of the fans ensure that conditioning of the grain or bulk material is optimal at all times. Clearly, this can lead to signi cant reductions in energy consumption.
Should you wish to learn more about this system and see it working in practice, Schmelzer o ers the facility to log-in to a test account where you can view an actual setup of the required components which are installed in one the Schmelzer’s testing facilities.
If the measured value is exceeded, ventilation continues again.
Avoiding an increase in water activity
Silo AW Control System, which includes sensor measuring rods, venting systems and fans, will only operate fans within pre-set parameters which include ambient conditions but, just as important, moisture and temperature conditions deep inside the grain.
When it comes to a good grain store control system, Agro Hanse says customers should demand the following when seeking a new one:
standard moisture content that we usually refer to? It is not always widely known, that two identical grains can have the same overall moisture content, but can still have very di erent aw values. Virtually no damaging microorganisms will grow below an aw of 0.6, and typically the limit to aim for is 0.65. To put these values into perspective, the aw value of water is 1.0 while a completely anhydrous (dry) material is given a value of 0.

Which active ingredient to use is an important consideration as part of a planned approach to minimise and prevent both primary and secondary poisoning. Second Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs) have been termed ‘bioaccumulative’, simply meaning there can be a build-up of these rodenticides within the body, which occurs with repetitive feeding on the rodent bait or poisoned rodents. The non-anticoagulant active ingredient, cholecalciferol, which is used in Selontra, is neither bioaccumulative nor persistent in the environment.
and encourage best practice across UK farms, BASF has launched a new digital portal o ering farmers the chance to gain CPD points through an interactive rodent control training programme.

The soft block bait causes death from hypercalcaemia; the accumulation of too much calcium in the blood. This results in rodents
When signs of rodents are spotted, it’s important farmers act fast to reduce the risks posed by these common pests. Having rats and mice active on farms comes with a host of issues, including:

A recent national rodent control survey showed that 92% of farmers have used rodenticides on their farm in the last year, but with so many rodenticide baits on the market, how do you choose which bait is best?From anticoagulants to non-anticoagulants, and hard blocks, soft blocks, pellets, paste and grain available, is can be di cult to decide which is the most e ective solution.

stopping feeding, on both the bait and any available food on the farm, 24 hours after consuming a lethal dose – quickly putting a stop to disease, contamination and damage to the site.
“Thanks to these fast-acting results, Selontra o ers the added bene t of reducing the time the bait is in the environment as it is applied on site for shorter periods of time – typically no more than seven days. This also means that farmers’ valuable time can be spent focusing on their many other dailyTotasks.”help raise awareness of rodenticide resistance
The need for speed
One of the most important factors to consider, though, is the speed of control.
• Spread of infestation – In the right conditions, rats and mice can reproduce every three weeks, and from one breeding pair it is possible for over 1,500 o spring to occur within six months.

Reducing the risk to non-targets

Find out more about Selontra and gain CPD points at FG

• Damage – Rats and mice need to gnaw, and often choose to do so on electrical cables which can result in damage to expensive equipment and machinery, and in some cases even cause res to breakout
Anticoagulant rodenticides usually take 21–28 days to control an infestation, which means that these risks of damage, loss and contamination continue to occur around a site for some weeks after the initial treatment. BASF has introduced a new non-anticoagulant rodenticide, Selontra, to combat this, using the active ingredient cholecalciferol to stop rodents in their tracks.
BASF pest control solutions specialist, Helen Hall, commented: “Not only does Selontra have a stop feed e ect, causing rodents to cease feeding once a lethal amount of bait has been eaten, it is also e ective on rats and mice with rodenticide resistance, non-bioaccumulative and readily metabolised by rodents – balancing performance and environmental impact.

It also goes without saying that all non-target species should be prevented from accessing the rodenticide bait, either by using a securable bait in a lockable bait box or by using the covered and protected approach, that is attaching bait to an object and covering with a sturdy item such as palletts, timber or tyres. Frequent searching for and disposing of dead rodents throughout the rodenticide treatment helps to prevent secondary poisoning, and ensuring all bait is removed following the treatment plan is essential.
• Disease – Rats carry up to 45 diseases, posing a serious risk to the biosecurity of the whole food chain. Salmonella is an ever present (and possibly increasing) risk within pigs and poultry and rodents are a contributing factor to the spread of this disease
as few as seven days, just by choosing the right rodenticide, according to pest control manufacturer BASF.

• Loss of animal feed and grain – It is estimated that one rat can eat and contaminate 100kg of stored grain and feed annually, so 200 rats will destroy a massive 20t per year

With the use of all pesticides, reading and following the product label is a strict requirement. With rodenticides, however, it is also essential to complete an Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA). Think Wildlife’s Campaign for Responsible Rodenticide Use (CRRU) reported that routine monitoring from 2016–2021 found rodenticide traces present in nearly 90% of barn owls, demonstrating that more needs to be done to reduce the risk to all non-targets. October 202284
If all non-chemical preventative methods have failed, an ERA should be completed before applying rodenticides. This ERA should focus primarily on non-target species, those being animals which may consume any baits applied (known as primary poisoning) that are not rats and mice, and those which may consume poisoned rodents through predation or scavenging (known as secondary poisoning).
Switch to Selontra® The Speed Baiting Technology 3 x faster - rodents stop feeding 24hrs after consuming a lethal dose No resistance unlike some anticoagulants Stop feed effect - rodents stop eating and also moving around the farm which prevents damage, contamination, spread of disease and stress to livestock Cost saving – stops damage to machinery and feed being eaten NowHACCPcertified Discover more about Selontra® with just one click! Selontra® contains Cholecalciferol. Selontra® is a registered trademark of BASF. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use. BASF plc, 4th and 5th Floors, 2 Stockport Exchange, Railway Road, Stockport, SK1 3GG. Tel: 0161 485 6222 email: BENEFITS:

The Zappshelter 3000 combines rapid, simple installation with tough, durable materials, resulting in a shelter solution that will last you for years to come. The Zappshelter 3000 is a ground mounted system, which can be held down using concrete fixings into a concrete pad, or held down using ballasts. With a ten year life expectancy and a wide range of sizes and options, you can get the setup you need without any hassle. October 202286 FARMfarmers@zapp.groupInchcoonansZappshelterShelter|Perthshire|PH27RB|02080505121
Zappshelter system is simple, adaptable and cost-effective to install. The toughest steel, the most durable cross-woven fabric membrane covers and more importantly it is designed to British structural engineering standards - ensuring your peace of mind in the unpredictable weather patterns we experience across the year. Whether covering your grain, your livestock, or your machinery for when not in use - Zappshelter can help you protect what matters to you the most.

Zappshelter 3000
Zappshelter 5000
The Zappshelter 5000 is a robust, long-lasting shelter system, designed to safeguard your assets – grain, livestock, machinery, people, we’ve got it covered. Designed to mount to ‘lego-style’ concrete blocks, shipping containers or steelwork, the Zappshelter 5000 rarely requires groundworks, meaning it is easy to move or extend if requirements change. 3000 Range 5000 Range

“Farms can be wild, inhospitable places, especially in the winter months. Having come through 32 major storms o cially recorded by the Met O ce since the product was launched and without a single major failure, our Zappshelters have proven to be the toughest such structures outThethere!”team at Zappshelter would love to chat about your requirements. Get in touch and quote ‘Farmers Guide 2022’ for special rates. FG
Mark Weatherhead Ltd Telephone: 01954 210 355 Mobile: 07885 202 005 Hardwick, Cambs CB23 7QL

well-lit and dry for valuable livestock. The more you think about it, the more applications you can see on the farm that require a safe, tough shelter system with no groundworks, no disruption, and hardly ever a requirement for planning permission.Theinitial concept was created decades ago in the searing heat of rural outback Australia where farmers work on the slimmest of margins and are at constant risk of drought or ooding. One freak storm or prolonged dry spell could mean ruin, so they had to come up with creative ways to protect themselves and their assets from the elements.
Since the start of time, success or failure in agriculture has been dictated to a large extent by weather conditions. When you add price uctuations in seed, fertiliser and feed, farming becomes a gamble where the bigger the bet, the bigger the win – or loss. UK company Zappshelter explains how its concept is bene tting British farmers.

It’s not possible to control the weather or market prices. However, being able to cushion the e ects these external factors have can greatly improve the odds for farmers and turn a bad year into a good one.
Roll forward to 2016, and Zappshelter was born in the UK. Although loosely based on the Australian concept, the British design took into consideration the sudden and unpredictable changes in our climate conditions and devastating elements such as snow and winds.
October 2022 87 Grain Handling, Drying & Storage • Steel por tal framed buildings • Grain drying and storage • Groundworks and drainage • Electrical engineering works • Elevator/conveyor repairs Existing building conversions
locations in the country, Zappshelters are proving hugely bene cial to our Great British farming community, the company says. With a large range of standard widths available from stock, protecting what matters to you has never been easier, the company reckons. And because it isn’t a xed conventional structure like a steel shed, they can be easily extended, relocated or dismantled as requirements on the farm (pictured),Craigchange.Michelfounder and managing director at Zappshelter, commented:

Protecting what matters to our Great British farmers
managing director at

St Neots Road, Hardwick, Cambs CB23 7QL
Tel: 01954 210355
Today, with over 500 units installed in some of the most remote
That’s where Zappshelter comes in. Imagine being able to buy more

stock at low prices because you have the undercover space to store it, or being able to keep your machinery perfectly maintained in dry, light workshops all year round. Picture the possibility of storing vast quantities of crops, hay and biomass in optimal conditions, or having somewhere

Post-harvest and when temperatures are dropping, rodents move indoors in search of food, warmth and shelter. Controlling rodents is vital to prevent disease transmission, food loss and contamination and structural damage, and is essential to meet

Baiting: Place bait in tamperresistant bait stations, available from 1env Solutions, to provide protection against the weather and help to prevent non-target species eating the bait. Place stations beside wellde ned runs, in and around burrows, holes and other sheltered places. Rats are neophobic (fear of new objects) and may avoid new objects in their environment for three or more days.
Food loss and contamination:

• Remove vegetation from the outside of buildings and maintain an uncluttered, vegetation free, perimeter of at least 1m around buildings. Trim any branches overhanging buildings

Prevention: Rodents may be discouraged and infestations prevented by improving hygiene and proo ng buildings:

• Repair leaking pipes. Rats must

• Ensure feed stores are secure, well maintained, and free of spilled foodstu s; seal the bottom of wooden doors with a metal strip

• Proof all holes and possible points of entry and make sure there are no openings greater than 6mm around doors and windows

leptospirosis, murine typhus and hantavirus; and spread Salmonella bacteria, viruses and parasitic worms. Rodents could also help spread avian in uenza and other diseases by going in and out of poultry houses.
A rat will eat approximately 10% of its body weight in feed each day, equating to roughly 10kg of feed

Rodents can transmit
drink every day, so minimise the availability of water sources (e.g. stagnant pools, ponds, ditches etc.) near buildings.

• Fit ba e guards on down pipes and mesh screens on grills and air vents

per rat per year. Based on one pair of rats producing up to 200 o spring per year, this can result in big losses. They can spoil large amounts of food by contaminating it with droppings, hairs and urine or though persistent gnawing.
Rodents require several feeds over several days to build up a lethal dose of the poison. Therefore, it is essential to regularly check and top up bait points, especially during the rst two weeks. It may take 4–10 days for a rodent to die after eating the bait so it may be two weeks before improvements are seen. FG

Non-toxic control measures: On sites where an Environmental Risk Assessment has highlighted a risk to protected or non-target species, or a risk of secondary poisoning, it may be appropriate to use a non-toxic control method such as traps. 1env Solutions has an extensive range of traps and stations within which they can be placed.
your farm With winter just around the corner, now is the time to ensure your premises are prepared for the pest problems that lie ahead. 1env Solutions o ers some tips.

Rodent control on
Grain Handling, Drying & Storage

• Remove debris that rodents can use for nesting, such as pipes, wood piles, old equipment, old pallets and broken machinery, and piles of old feed sacks/bags

drying, ventilation

Crop and systems

Flachspecialists.&Le-RoyLtdisanindustry leader in designing and delivering high performance drying, ventilation & storage systems. We have been supplying top quality drive-on and box store drying and storage installations to the arable farming industry globally for over 27 years and our business is continuing to grow. Drive-on Floor Systems • Letter Box Duct Systems • Control Systems Centrifugal & Axial-Flow Fans • Gas Burners • Walling SystemsTelephone: 01480 495956 Mobile: 07774 141512 Email: 10 ManufacturedGuaranteeyearinEngland Flach & Le-Roy Ltd 35 experienceyearsintheindustry “Drive on Drive off ” systems

storage October 202290 COVENBROOK e: • Covenbrook Hall Farm, Stisted, Braintree, Essex CM77 8AJ t: John on 07860 417643 Sales Direct 86230 WE OFFER A WIDE RANGE OF QUALITY BUILT PRODUCTS DELIVERED NATIONWIDE DIRECT TO OUR CUSTOMERS We also undertake all agricultural engineering, fabricating, machining and welding, including reconditioning and modifications to existing machinery, blasting and paintshop facilities. For further information please ring John on 07860 417643 Grain Pushers – 3, 4 & 6m from stock – immediate deliveryMole Drainers (low horse power requirement) Rigid Hyd Bag LiftersHD Access Platforms from stock Approved HD Muck GrabsFork Carriage HD Bale Spikes – available in all sizes Adaptor Plates

by not having to rely on basic monitoring systems and crucially over-drying is always kept to an absolute minimum – thus having a huge impact on costs.
Labour hours are greatly reduced
moisture tolerance – the latter

Future-proofed and automated dryer control is a reality with the market-leading application, Tornum Intelligent Dryer Control, according to Allmet.
Grain dryer tech designed to save energy and labour costs

October 2022 91 Grain Handling, Drying & Storage

The doesControlIntelligentTornumDrier(IDC)allthe

A recent installation of the IDC software at Laurence Kirkby Farms, near Lincolnshire, has received positive feedback from George Strawson of Active Business Partnerships, which manages the

Charles White, director at JWI UK Ltd, said: “All of our current and upcoming projects are incorporating the IDC system, so it won’t be long before our customers are reaping the bene ts of this market leading application.” FG
800ha estate: “Drying grain is now a very easy process that no longer needs a member of sta permanently watching what’s going on.”
hard work for you, Allmet reckons – IDC is a software-based control system which continuously monitors incoming moisture content and physically controls the speed of the drier to ensure the precise average moisture content of the grain is achieved, irrespective of outside weatherRemoteconditions. dataincludes the number of discharges per hour, chosen moisture content, drying air temperature, and a moisture tolerance – the latter is a reaction to uctuations with incoming moisture content, and is a reference to the intelligent control. This lets the IDC counter any e ect of over-drying grain caused by sudden moisture content uctuations and is achieved by automatically releasing grain with a slightly higher moisture content, to average out in-store variations.
Drying grain precisely is a complex process, but doing it correctly achieves the best possible grain quality for the best price. Relying on manual drying can risk either not attaining the desired moisture content or over-drying the grain which is a costly exercise – by over drying to 13% instead of 14%, you can typically add up to 20% to your energy bill.
• Fully automated, energy e cient noise
Ideal for cereals, oils seeds, pulses and seed crops
“Our drier was nearing the end of its life, unable to cope with increased capacity and part of an outdated system,” explained Mr Robertson.
• Capacities from 5 to over 100
Fully galvanised for indoor or outdoor
Northern England Area Sales Manager I T: 07468 698188
• Fully galvanised for indoor or
I E:
fans Select the Best in Grain Drying Systems and Svegma Continuous Flow Driers winning combination:
Dust control Turboclean fans
BDC Systems' Svegma drier SV 6-5 38tph with Skandia elevator.
Ideal for cereals, oils seeds, pulses and seed crops
Fully galvanised for indoor or outdoor installation
Northern England Area Sales Manager
Systems and Svegma Continuous Flow Driers
Northern England Area Sales Manager T: 07468

Alistair Robertson, who farms a large arable unit at Bonnington Mains Farms, Kirknewton, Midlothian, nished last year’s harvest in record time, with the help of BDC Systems Ltd working closely with d.m.i. Mechanical Engineers (now part of McArthur Agriculture).
Capacities from 5 to over 100 tph
Capacities from 5 to over 100 tph
Select the Best in Grain Drying Systems and Svegma Flow Driers
Fully automated, energy efficient low noise operation
698188 I E: Select the Best in Grain Drying

turbo cleans dust extraction system, via three Skandia I-Line 60tph elevators and ve Skandia I-Line 60tph conveyors. Over ow is fed back into the system to be processed.

• Dust control Turboclean
I E:
harvest was easier, quicker, more productive and e cient, handling increased capacity. We shaved one week o the time it would previously have taken us,” said Mr Robertson. “Last harvest was fairly dry but I can see how the new plant will be of huge bene t to us when the weather is wet.” FG
Adjusting the grain drier settings remotely ensures that it is optimised to maintain the correct mc, helping to reduce current spiralling energy costs.
Grain Handling, Drying & Storage 01672 810851 BDC Systems Ltd | Grafton Road | Burbage | Marlborough | Wiltshire | SN8 3BA • Grain driers • Handling equipment • Storage solutions • Aeration equipment • Cleaners, weighers • Mill and mix Complete Grain Plant Solutions The Ultimate in Grain Care BDC Systems and Svegma Continuous Flow Driers – the winning combination: Select the Best in Grain Drying

A Skandia 60tph belt conveyor, running the length of the new grain store, is tted with a tripper discharge and key fob remote control. It can be stopped, allowing grain to be discharged where required.
or tablet, negating the need for anyone to be continuously on site.
The entire plant is controlled by a BDC Systems’ PLC control panel with a 21in touch screen. The plant can be remotely controlled via a smartphone
Ideal for cereals, oils seeds, pulses and seed crops
Dust control Turboclean fans
Fully automated, energy efficient low noise operation
Mr Robertson has installed BDC Systems’ Moisture Monitoring System (MMS) to ensure moisture content (mc) of grain is constantly monitored as it goes into and out of the Svegma drier.
outdoor installation
winning combination:
pulses and seed crops
Dust control Turboclean fans
“BDC and d.m.i. have delivered a new processing plant that ‘bang-on’ delivers what we needed and it was up and running for harvest 2021,” said Mr GrainRobertson.entersthe new plant via a 14m Skandia I-line 60tph trench intake, and is transferred to an Aagaard Aspirator (AF40) pre-cleaner before moving to a Zanin (PPR4/9) rotary cleaner. Trash and screenings are transferred to a dust house.
Capacities from 5 to over 100 tph
Northern England Area Sales Manager
I T: 07468
698188 I E:
Capacities from 5 to over 100 tph
the winning combination:
I T: 07468 698188
Fully automated, energy efficient low noise operation
Having long-standing and trusted relationships with BDC Systems’, John Wilson and d.m.i.’s George Brown, Mr Robertson approached them to design and develop a new grain processing plant.
Fully galvanised for indoor or outdoor installation
Select the Best in Grain Drying Systems and Svegma Continuous Flow Driers winning combination:

Once cleaned, grain is transported to and from a Svegma (SV 6/5 38tph) continuous ow drier, tted with a
“Despite last year being a bit of a learning curve around the new plant,

Fully automated, energy efficient low noise operation
Dust control Turboclean fans
Ideal for cereals, oils seeds, pulses and seed crops
Farm speeds up harvest with new grain processing plant
Fully galvanised for indoor or outdoor installation
• Ideal for cereals, oils seeds,
The plant has been designed with several options around how grain is handled, i.e. grain can bypass the rotary cleaner going directly from the pre-cleaner to the drier and or store.
October 2022 93 90353 • New Grain Dryers • On Floor Drying • Mobile Drying • Fixed Drying • Conveying Equipment • New & Refurbished Buildings Offering you the complete grain drying and storage equipment solution For all agricultural & commercial buildings, machinery, equipment and service, contact Morgan Farm Machinery today on 07850 869747 Email: 01630 655 555 | | We •••••Workshops••••supplymanufacture,&build...CubicleBuildingsLambingShedsDairyUnitsEquestrianGrainStoresIndustrialUnitsBespokeDesignNationwideCoverage 90390 Our ever changing climate ensures it has never been more challenging to produce a consistent quality harvest. Kentra has been at the forefront of continuous flow grain drying technology for well over 20 years. Our range of dryers and user-friendly management hardware and software give you complete, real time control over your harvest. • CONTINUOUS AND EVEN GRAIN DISCHARGE • REMOTE INTERNET MONITORING AND CONTROL • TOUCH SCREEN CONTROL FOR EASE OF USE Grain drying demands real time control and automated decision making at your fingertips. Kentra brings you both and more. For further information please telephone: 01423 326665 PROUDLY MADE IN THE UK DM510 AVAILABLENOWFOR SVEGMADRYERS* *withrollerdischarge(alsoavailableforotherdryers)*

 October 202294 THE MOST RELIABLE DRIER AVAILABLE DF25000 Double Flow Grain Drier Complete Grain Drying System Optional automated moisture control Alvan Blanch provide service, spares & support Custom built turn key solution by Alvan Blanch | | +44 (0) 1666 577 333 Rotary Cleaners and Aspirators RCG 805/4 Screen Rotary Cleaner with A80 Aspirator Precleaning, commercial and seed Tcleaning/gradingwomodelranges with 630mm and 805mm Powerfuldiameteraspiration at intake (optional) Simple to operate and easy to maintain Suitable for multiple grains – with easily interchangeable screens Alvan Blanch provide grain driers and handling equipment through an alliance with Søby - 5 to 175 T/hr GrainConveyors,driers elevators, augers Reliable & robust RCG 630/4 Screen Rotary Cleaner with A60 Aspirator Manufactured in UK JHVaudrey & Son Ltd Grain storage and handling Steel framed buildings TurnkeyAllGroundworkstypesofconcreteprojects Phone: 01379 678459 Fax: 01379 678458 Email: JH Vaudrey & Son Ltd have been supporting farmers with their building requirements since 1993 and have a wealth of expertise when it comes to the requirements of today’s agri business. JH Vaudrey & Son Ltd can provide grain stores complete with the most up to date grain handling equipment, silos, dryers, and straw barns. We also provide a maintenance service to all properties and farm buildings. JH Vaudrey & Son Ltd provides a complete design and build service and will even take care of the planning application for you. We will be pleased to hear from you and offer a friendly reliable service. To discuss your requirements telephone 01379 678459.

To discuss your processingpost-harvestneeds,

Alvan Blanch is also able to offer a complete range of farm machinery, including mixers, hammermills and roller-mills; a range designed to allow on-farm grain processing and feed milling. Through utilising home-grown grain, costs are reduced and the quality of the feed for livestock has provenance, the company says.
Alvan Blanch’s range of post-harvest equipment includes its highly fuel e cient continuous double ow drying system, complementary handling and cleaning systems and a complete range of machinery for on-farm grain processing and feed milling.

FG TF 42. 7 TURBOFARMERMERLOMerlo SuspensionCab 7m Lift Height 40km/h Max. Speed MerloLevellingFrame 4200 kg Max. Lift Capacity MAKE IT A MERLO FIND YOUR AUTHORISED DEALER ON OUR WWW.MERLO.CO.UKLOCATOR:DEALER

Fuel-e icient grain drying solutions

elevators designed to work in conjunction with the drier along with the recently introduced range of Alvan Blanch Rotary Cleaners and Aspirators. Manufactured in UK, they are available in six different models, with two size options per model (with the option of 2, 3, or 4 screens), designed for powerful pre-cleaning and seed cleaning/grading. Interchangeable screens allow for the processing of multiple grains, all in one machine.
October 2022 95 Grain Handling, Drying & Storage
Alvan Blanch also supplies all complementary handling and cleaning systems. In partnership with Soby, the company can offer a wide range of grainsolutionshandling–conveyors,withaugersand

All solutions are custom built, whilst remaining simple to use and maintain. Through Alvan Blanch’s network of dealers nationwide, and service engineering team, annual drier servicing and technical support are provided. An internal parts department ensures that you can source the parts for your machine.
A British manufacturing company, with over 70 years of experience, Alvan Blanch is a leading UK manufacturer of post-harvest equipment.TheContinuous Double Flow drying system can process any combine-harvestable crop, no matter how wet or dirty. Alvan Blanch grain dryers are highly fuel efficient, recycling the warm drying air to reduce fuel consumption. Through careful design and automatic operation, the company says its modern technology provides even drying whilst requiring little supervision.
Safe, controlled lifting of these modern giants is, of course, a priority. To that end, Pridamach says it ensures that its highly experienced operators are fully trained in all necessary aspects of health and safety.
One of Europe’s largest silo erection companies, Pridamach has over 30 years’ experience in construction and installation of steel corrugated silos and associated equipment.
Su olk company o ers wide range of silo installations

months to a superior standard, meeting UK and European health and safety regulations. This unique equipment, along with conventional lifting systems, allows the company to construct the largest of European manufactured silos with diameters over 28m and overall heights exceeding 37m.
UK’s largest stockist of grain storage products

Simply screw the galvanised steel spear into the desired area, place an airspear or airspear max fan on top and plug in. Plug&Cool also o ers a wide variety of bundle o ers on its website, helping you save time and money when ordering. As one of the UK’s largest suppliers of grain storage products, Plug&Cool has a huge stock of aeration spears and grain fans, ready for next-day delivery. FG

Grain Handling, Drying & Storage October 202296 01621 868 138 Huge UnrivalledUnbeatableNext-DayStockDeliveryPricesQuality

It’s not too late to cool your stored grain

The company also o ers site supervision, material handling and plant installation. If you are buying direct from the manufacturer, contact Pridamach Ltd for installation. FG
The company says its reputation for excellent workmanship and topquality customer service, means it partners with the world’s leading manufacturers to build and install silos throughout mainland Europe and the Sudbury, Su olk, Pridamach says it can o er anything from small single-silo installations on farms, to multimillion-pound developments for grain storage, port complexes and bio-fuel Pridamachcompanies.hasdeveloped its own in-house hydraulic jacking system, which is tested every six
Sometimes, things just don’t go to plan. With lengthy spells of hot and dry weather over the past months, many farmers have taken to harvesting their grain a little earlier than usual. With this comes the challenge of keeping the grain cool throughout the entire store, as many hotspots can appear in unreachable areas.With current prices in the UK grain market at such high levels, it’s now even more important to reduce waste as much as possible. As the weather has reached recordbreaking temperatures this year, many farmers have been caught a little short. If your grain is now in the store and too hot with no under- oor or pedestal ventilation in place, the best way to cool the grain is with aeration spears, says thehotspotssolutionsMaxAirspearPlug&Cool.ThePlug&CoolandAirspeararethebesttotackleinagrainpile,companyreckons.
lifting of these modern giants is, of course, a priority. To that end, we ensure that our highly experience operators are fully trained in all necessary aspects of health and safety.
As one of Europe’s largest silo erection companies, Pridamach has over thirty years of experience in the construction and installation of steel corrugated silos and associated equipment.

Thanks to our reputation for excellent workmanship and top-quality customer service, we partner with the world’s leading manufacturers to build and install silos throughout mainland Europe.
Based in Sudbury, Su�olk in the beautiful East of England, Pridamach can o�er you anything from small single-silo installations on farms, to multi-million-euro developments for grain storage, port complexes and bio-fuel companies.

October 2022 97 HARDCASTLE VENTACROP CROP STORAGE SPECIALISTS Hardcastle Ventacrop are specialists in the manufacture and installation of hardwood main air ducts and hardwood drive-over drying floors. We also supply axial and centrifugal fans, gas heaters and humidity/temperature control equipment. To avoid disappointment contact us now email: Sales: 07970 029 240 • Office: 01377 254 257 Visit: 90050 90153 Unit 3 • Inca Business Park • Acton Place Industrial Estate • Acton • Sudbury • Su�olk • CO10 0BB

At Pridamach, we have developed our own in-house hydraulic jacking system which are tested every 6 months to a superior standard meeting UK and European Health and Safety regulations. This unique equipment, along with conventional lifting systems allow us to construct the largest of European manufactured silos with diameters over 28 metres and overall heights exceeding 37 metres.Safe,controlled
COVERING THE WHOLE OF CUSTOMEROUTSTANDINGSPECIALISTTRUSTEDINESTABLISHEDEUROPE1988&RELIABLESTAFFSUPPORT OVER 30 YEARS OF 01787EXPERIENCE371111 07875 626084 371111 07875 626084 JONESPre-StressedBROTHERSConcreteWallPanels Inspired by the latest technology in Pre-stressed Concrete Wall Panels, and with the desire to continue in meeting our customers' requirements regarding Quality, Design, Volume & Delivery... ...we have opened a new & improved manufacturing facility in Green eld, Flintshire, North Wales • Brand new precision built moulds & tooling • Larger range of sizes & loadbearing options (95, 145, 200 & new 240, 280mm) • Selection of Concrete Lego Blocks • Increased capacity • Made to measure • Shorter lead-times • Established Quality Assured products at competitive prices • Design & Bespoke Project capability t: 01352 719182 or 01352 716648 • f: 01352 837690 e: 90109 October 202298 For all enquiries t: 01449 720256 m: 07774 633608 e: A family run business established in East Anglia for over 40 years Complete Building Construction Wilwyn, Flordon Road, Creeting St Mary Ipswich, Suffolk IP6 8NH Steel framed buildings Complete BuildingDriveMechanicalgroundworkshandlingequipmentontimberfloorsrefurbishment 90051 Purlins & Sections Gutters Cladding FibreRooflightsandCementGRP 01568 61 00 Manufacturers of: Box Profile & Corrugated Roof & Wall Cladding · VentAir, Perforated & Anti-Con Sheets · Curved Sheets ·Purlins and Sections · Folded Galvanised Guttering Market leader in Steel ComponentsBuilding

Selecting post-harvest equipment that delivers energy savings and the best return on investment has never been so important, says McArthur Agriculture managing director, John McArthur.
You can take a close look at McArthur Agriculture’s extensive range of grain drying, processing and storage equipment, including the latest Mecmar models, on 8–10th November 2022, when the team will be hosting its annual Open Days at its Scunthorpe depot. FG

“The prolonged dry spell this harvest, although bringing with it
October 2022 99 Grain Handling, Drying & Storage December 1986 Stem anum it, Catanum quam unceps, Catuam tum teatilici fursu vit ocaete esim urn imena, prarta demolti ina. Bellwin Drive, Flixborough Industrial Estate, Flixborough, Scunthorpe. DN15 8SN T +44 (0)1724 747110 E
Grain drying, storage & processing specialists.

serious drought issues, delivered some respite from the doom and gloom of the current economic outlook. Many farmers nished harvest in record time, with reasonable yields and avoided what, in a wetter harvest, could have been hefty energy costs for drying grain.
McArthur Agriculture technician, Andrew Hewitt, commented: “This year will see the use of electronics to further manage the grain drying process to further minimise energy usage. Collection of fuel and power data delivers a clear picture of running costs and, like your car, you will soon be able to optimise the grain drier to deliver greater economy or more performance.”
Although, the heatwave did see many farmers using their driers to cool“Butgrain!who knows what weather we can expect for harvest 2023? It is unlikely we will see such an easy run, and the grain drier will be seeing much more work.
investment in a more expensive grain drier can be justi ed by a relatively modest reduction in energy use.
Planning ahead for 2023 harvest grain drying
“So, updating your ageing grain drier or increasing your farm’s existing grain drying capacity might be a consideration. With July estimates from farm business consultant, Andersons, putting annual ag in ation at 23.5%, considering the energy usage of new equipment has never been more important.

Now that ‘all is safely gathered in’, it is time to assess how successful this harvest was and what equipment needs to be replaced, or upgraded, to ensure harvest 2023 goes smoothly and pro tably, comments John.
“A grain drier will undoubtedly cost more to run over its service life than the initial capital investment and, it has never been so important that the decision as to which drier you select is based on return on that investment, not just the purchase price. Calculating that return is heavily in uenced by operating costs over the equipment’s service life and the residual value.
“Operating costs include maintenance, labour and, crucially, spiralling fuel and power costs. An

“Mecmar driers have for a long time o ered unique energy saving and performance enhancing features including their full-length stainlesssteel furnace, plenum air distribution system and high open space perforated screens, all designed to deliver more air ow with less energy,” further explained John.
Mecmar D 24 T with silo loading system.
“Running cooling fans 24 hours a day is a very ine cient way to cool grain,” explains managing director Joel Capper. “Not only will it use a lot of energy, but it will also have very little e ect when the ambient air temperature is not su cient to e ectively cool. It could even increase the grain temperature.”MartinLishman automatic fan controllers constantly monitor the crop temperature and turn cooling fans on and o to make the best use of ambient air conditions, the company says. This ensures fast cooling but can also save at least 40% of energy costs which, at a time when energy prices are at an all-time high, will have a noticeable e ect on the bottom line. Automatic control means reduced trips to the store to manually operate fans, or simply avoiding forgetting to do so. October 2022100 Grain Handling, Drying & Storage

For more information on Martin Lishman’s range visit FG

Record-breaking temperatures, drought, an early harvest and hot grain presented challenges across the farming industry this year. Experts predict that
Martin Lishman’s award-winning Barn Owl Wireless takes automation to the next level, the company reckons. The modular system, made from an array of wireless crop temperature sensors and fan controllers, gives store managers the ability to monitor and control crop stores from anywhere in the world through an online web-portal. Store managers can log on to their Barn Owl Wireless web page on any internet-enabled device to check temperature, humidity and even CO2 readings for all their stores.
hotter temperatures will become the new normal, so farmers will need to adapt to the changing climate.
Crop storage specialist Martin Lishman Ltd believes that best storage practice and introducing automation to the store’s cooling system is key to e ciently controlling grain temperatures.


your temperatures, control your costs As farmers are increasingly faced with the challenges of a changing climate, crop storage specialists believe automation is the key to e ective control of grain temperatures. Martin Lishman outlines the bene ts of automatic fan controllers. 100’s of Barn Owl systemsWirelessinuseacrossthe UK!

October 2022 101 THERMOBILE UK LIMITED 12 Buckingham Close, Bermuda Industrial Estate, Nuneaton, Warwickshire CV10 7JT | 02476 357960 SALES CONTACTS: Andy Wallis 07850 988382 | John Hall 07775 635527 90102 GA Direct Propane Gas Fired Four models 43,000–444,000fromBtus/hr output AGA E Direct Fired Propane/ Natural Gas Five models 154,000–358,000fromBtus/hr output Direct Fired Propane or Natural Gas • High Quality Heaters • Stainless Steel • Dust & Moisture Proof Controls • Built to Last • Fully Automatic • Modulating Controls Available • Separate Combustion Air Connection APPLICATIONS – ONION & GRAIN DRYING GLASSHOUSE HEATING PROCESS DRYING POULTRY HOUSES Thermobile also supply a large selection of heaters for buildings, including workshops, factories, warehouses & poultry housing 43,000–444,000 Btus/hr 02476 357960

 October 2022102 SPACE?STORAGESHORTSPACE?STORAGESHORTSPACE? RIDBA Rural & Industrial Design & Building Association Competitive prices for all Competitiveagriculturalyour&industrialrequirementspricesforallyouragricultural&industrialrequirementsCompetitivepricesforallyouragricultural&industrialrequirements CONTACTUSNOW! 89987 Grain stores and other agricultural and buildingscommercialavailable HARVEST INSTALLATIONS CALL: 01795 533903 Main Office: Unit 2/3 Oaklands Park, Rougham Hill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP33 2RW. HARVEST INSTALLATIONS CONSTANTHARVEST HUMIDITY GivesCONTROLLERyouguaranteeddrying conditions, 24/7. Efficient and economic with thousands of units in use on all combinable crops and onion stores nationwide. CROP DRYING SPECIALISTS Grain protection you can trust @BayerPestUK Contact the Bayer Pest Solutions team for more information at or on 00800 1214 9451 Visit our new Twitter feed for all of the latest news sales@pellcroft.comwww.pellcroft.com01526 342466 PELLCROFT Manufacturers of centrifugal, low volume and portable fans, air tunnels, drive over floors, grain stirrers and gas burners 89898

October 2022 103 Grain Handling, Drying & Storage Stirring drying silos, the e ective & e cient all in one grain drying & storage system Contact John Telephone:Statt 01283 760445 Mobile: 07703 608014 Email: Sukup Europe Ltd Unit 2C, Gunby Lea Farm, Grangewood,SwadlincoteNetherseal,DE128BE v190059

“The demonstration unit shows how the Sukup grain drying silos provide both functionality and value which, in many cases, o er an alternative to new grain storage sheds equipped with integrated drying oors,” added Terry.

The open days also o er the chance to understand the depth and strength of McArthur Agriculture’s extensive range of grain drying, processing and storage equipment and discuss all things grain handling with its team. FG

For the 2022 harvest, two Lincolnshire-based farmers chose to invest in new Sukup grain drying silos supplied by McArthur Agriculture – and have been impressed with the results so far.

Two 3607 Sukup drying silos, providing approximately 1,000 tonnes of storage.

“The new equipment replaced an ageing silo system and hugely simpli ed our harvest operations,” explained Boo Parkes. “The Sukup drying silos are a great t for our system and delivered the extra storage and drying capacity the farm needed. They easily meet the additional demands of the larger combine. In a word, they are
Ability to dry, cool and store combinable crops drives interest in silos
the capability to dry, cool and store combinable crops, with minimal labour and no costly re-handling.

Lincolnshire, took the decision to invest in two 3607 Sukup drying silos, providing approximately 1,000 tonnes of storage.

Boo Parkes of Weelsby Estates, near Grimsby in North East
McArthur Agriculture regional sales manager, Terry Royston, explained: “We’re not surprised about the increasing number of British farms considering Sukup grain drying silo technology. We have further projects underway as we speak and fully expect that these silos will become a common sight across the country.”
Onbrilliant!”theopposite side of the Lincolnshire Wolds, David Casswell based near South Kyme, chose a single 4207 Sukup drying silo to provide approximately 700 tonnes of additional storage for his spring“Frombarley.rst contact, both McArthur Agriculture and Sukup did an outstanding job,” David commented. “The silo was erected in a very short space of time by a passionate and dedicated team. Importantly, support has been readily available as required during our rst harvest with the new system.”
The McArthur Agriculture team is hosting its annual open days on 8–10th November at its Scunthorpe depot, providing a great opportunity to take a close look at a Sukup working demonstration unit.
The Sukup silos have long been popular across northern Europe and Scandinavia and are quickly building a following in the grain-shed-loving British market. The silos combine
Contact: UK 07761 292070 / 01244 Tub Feeders TMR Mixers Diet Feeders We supply all types of Augers Augers for all makes of manufacturedhorizontalAll12–20mmFlightorfrommanufacturedfeedersnewrefurbishedthicknessAugersforfeeders 90213 October 2022104 Grain Handling, Drying & Storage

grain analysis technology and UK speci c calibrations, the GAC 2500 moisture meters avoid these issues to deliver accurate, reliable results across a range of moistures and temperatures, distributor Farm-Tec reckons. In particular, the di erences in barley varieties, growing conditions and temperatures can make determining an accurate moisture reading very di cult.
For more information contact the company directly or visit FG

Family business takes pride in high quality, cost-e ective solutions

Delivering reliable results for 2022 harvest

But the GAC 2500 and Mini GAC 2500 with their robust UK speci c calibrations, have managed to maintain consistent accuracy across the whole of the UK.
As preparations for 2023 start, Farm-Tec will now collect even more crop samples to further maintain, re ne and improve its unique calibrations.TheGAC 2500 family of moisture meters are sold and supported by Farm-Tec who develop the UK speci c calibration on a wide range of commodities (wheat, barley, oats, rapeseed, peas, beans, etc.) and monitor the calibrations throughout the year to ensure optimum accuracy andForperformance.moreinformation, please contact Farm-Tec directly. FG

By utilising the latest 149MHz
Rotospiral Ltd is a family-run business and one of the leading suppliers and manufacturers of augers, screw conveyors, helicoid ights, hoppers and silos in the UK develops and manufactures solutions for silage harvesters and wagons, combines, fertiliser spreaders, augers for corn rollers, meal feeders, grain augers and dryers, meal mixers, chaser bins and many more.
the smallest and simplest jobs to was established by Tommy and Tessa Doyle in Co. Kilkenny, Ireland in 1979 and has been run by the family ever since, with current managing director Larry Doyle having been at the helm for the past 35 years.
Following the success, of the benchtop DICKEYjohn GAC 2500 and the Mini GAC 2500 in previous years’ harvest, the results for the 2022 harvest have been very good, the company
The Rotospiral team also specialises in refurbishing augers, conveyors and a wide range of industrial machinery. It takes pride in always providing high-quality, cost-e ective solutions for its clients.Rotospiral’s customers include many of Europe’s leading agriculture companies and suppliers, rendering plants, waste and water management pharmaceuticalcompanies,companies and animal feed producers. It says its knowledgeable team can accommodate any size job, from
Legacysays.technologies (capacitancebased moisture meters) have seen a steady increase in moisture prediction errors. Analysing results from UK pro ciency schemes con rm this, with underprediction being a signi cant problem; up to 50% of barley samples tested will have a moisture error of 0.4% or more.

October 2022 105 90219 Installation24HourBreakdownRefrigerationColdStorageDomesticand Commercial Air Conditioning 01284 630895 Air-Conditioning Refrigeration Technologies Limited Free obligationnoquoteswithcompetitiveprices Industrial Refrigeration Solutions 90031 Terry Johnson Ltd Sugar CleanerBeetLoaders 01406 422286 Elevators NationWideService Tel:01455891929 MIDBusinessCentre/SapcoteRd,Burbage,Hinckley,LE102AU •GalvanisedRollerShutters •PlastisolColourCoatedRollerShutters •InsulatedRollerShutters •SectionalOverheadDoors •Steel10PointLockingSecurity/PersonnelDoor •SteelFireExitDoors •FastActingHighSpeedDoors •DockLeveler/LoadingBayInstallations •PVCStripCurtains •andmanymoreproducts Telephone: 01206 230488 Mobile: 07720 842743 Rookery Farm, Ardleigh, Essex CO7 7LH www.sgwooldridge.comS&GWooldridge LtdS&G GRAIN PUSHERS GRAIN BUCKETS BAG GRAINUNDERFLOORFABRICATIONMACHINERYPRECISIONLIFTERSBESPOKE&REPAIRSAERATIONSYSTEMSGENERALAGRICULTURALREPAIRS 90364

Ag engineers specialising in grain handling equipment

The renowned, fully automated Rekord andrangeoevenly.ensureincreasepressure,augersDanagrireducinganygraingrainchallengesovercomessystemtheofdryingbypreventingcapping,clearing‘hotspots’andcompaction,says.ThestirrerreducestaticairsignicantlyairowandthecropisdriedDanagrialsoersacomplementaryoffans,heatersextractionfans.
Bloom eld Installations, formerly M. Bloom eld & Sons, based in Debenham, Su olk, is a team of agricultural engineers who specialise in xed grain handling equipment, both in the store and the regularly works with the installation, service/ maintenance and extraction of grain handling equipment within the agricultural and industrial elds.
For free quotes: 01604 770418 ■ ••••BuildingsAgriculturalIndustrialCommercialEquestrian ■ Kit Buildings available ■ Repair Works and Steel Fabrication –• roofs • side sheeting • gutters • doors ■ Off-sale supplies ■ accredited FWT Burrows & Co Ltd • Althorp • Northants • NN7 4HH 90537
Hutchinson grain augers or via a grain pump.Danagri also o ers a range of drive over laterals, ducts and the Rekord oor store stirrer machines to help make light work of drying at harvest.
Based in the Debenham workshop, the team works on the refurbishment of used equipment, as well as the fabrication and modi cation of new builds drawn by the sales team in the o ce.
Part of the Ben Burgess & Co family, Bloom eld Installations says it strives for excellence and follows the core values of safety, commitment, respect, professional,
Silos can be lled and emptied via Danagri’s range of Jema intakes, elevators, conveyors, heavy duty

quality and integrity. The company also has ‘Safe Contractor Assurance Accreditation’.Bloomeld Installations’ services include the supply of new and second-hand grain handling equipment, conveying equipment and mill and mixing equipment. It also provides installation services of machinery and plants, and servicing of plants, mills and grain stores – as well as equipment breakdowns and supply of parts and spares for new and used grain handling equipment and mill and mixing machines. Fabrication on parts for existing or obsolete machines, and fabrication of equipment to customers’ sepci cations, plus general fabrication, are also available.
Cost-e icient drying methods
For further information, contact Bloom eld Installations directly. FG

Silo and stirrer systems have proven a big hit with farms and even more so now the ‘super-deduction’ in the 2021 Budget allowed those qualifying to claim the 130% capital allowance, bene tting drying silos over grain stores.In-bin stirrers turn the silo into a batch drier which can take out up to 2% moisture per day throughout the whole bin, making them one of the most cost-e cient drying methods available, according to Danagri-3S.
Manufactured from galvanised steel and comprised of a strong welded frame and screen which sits on a trough, making them simple to lift out and clean. Laterals are made to interlock and stop small grains from falling between the joints. The level oor nish also makes it much easier to outload the store. October 2022106 Grain Handling, Drying & Storage • Fire Protection • Floor Coatings • Metal Paints & Primers • Hygiene & Anti-bacterial • Renovation & Repair • Roofing & Cladding • Agricultural & ContainersEast Anglia’s Leading Independent Industrial Coating Call us now for your free quote 01508 486057 or email 90275


October 2022 107 Steel Framed Buildings Looking for an independent, reliable and practical ‘one stop shop’ steel framed building service with the personal touch? Contact Johnstruct Ltd today... 01277 890 595 FREE Advice Planning Refurbishment Project Management Hassle Free 90352 Covering Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Essex, Hertfordshire & Suffolk Suppliers and stockists of used and reconditioned grain handling equipment. •General•General•Augers•Elevators•Conveyersfabricationgrainandfeed handling equipment for grain stores and mills Unit 4, Meadow Works, Kenton Road, Debenham, Su olk IP14 6RP Tel: 01728 861657 enquiries@bloom t: 01353 725 151 e: years experience in the roller shutter industry call us anytime for a competitive price. 40 shutteryearsintheindustry STEEL ROLLER SHUTTER DOORS

First, let’s talk about external factors that have a negative impact on your crop once it’s in storage. To name a few:
• Durable and easy-to-clean concrete panels.

Graham Heath Construction says its expert team can help you plan the perfect grain store to suit all your requirements.Grainstores should be cleaned and cleared well ahead of the harvest. Temperature control and moisture management are vital for ensuring you can prevent spoilage in stored grain. Both temperature and moisture interact with one another to provide ideal conditions for insect population and fungi to develop. Storing grain above temperatures of 15ºC increases the biological activity of insects, fungi and grain Grahamitself.Heath says the bene ts of its new grain stores include:
• Watertight construction with its UKCA marked buildings


Graham Heath Construction o ers advice on planning ahead solid grain storage solution, including key factors should any new building, to maximise your chance of a successful harvest.

Planning ahead and creating a solid grain storage solution are vital, Graham Heath Construction reckons.

to ensure you have a

• High quality roo ng to eliminate pests and birds October 2022108 Grain Handling, Drying & Storage @GrahamHeathConstructionLtd @GrahamHeath Construction @GHConstruction 19 years’*NationwideMadeExperienceinBritainDeliveryBespokeBuildingsCustomerServiceLIVESTOCK SHED OFFER 100’ x 40’ x 15’ + 4ft 6″ Cantilever From £25,500* Including panels. Ex. works STRAWOFFERSHED 100’ x 50’ x 21’ From £28,000 Ex. Works 1,000T GRAIN STORE OFFER 80’ x 60’ x 20’ From £57,500 Including panels. Ex. works BackingBritishFarming 01270 Call us for your free quote & Special Offers. ONE OF THE UK’s LEADING MANUFACTURERS OF STEEL FRAME BUILDINGS AGRICULTURAL, INDUSTRIAL & EQUESTRIAN BUILDINGS Qu alityAssuredBuildings LAMBING SHED OFFER 75’ x 40’ x 14’ From £22,995 Including panels. Ex. works
• A clean, dry and well-ventilated area

See below for the company’s current grain store o ers and get in touch with Graham Heath Construction directly for further information. FG
With the e ects of the global pandemic, ongoing con ict in Ukraine and climate change, we have seen an increase in food insecurity, and it’s now more important than ever to increase your chance of a successful harvest.
Planning your grain store

moisture, general hygiene and structural issues should be considered.

consider with

October 2022 109 We specialise in agricultural,andmanufacturing,designing,supplyingawiderangeofindustrialandequestriansteelframebuildings 90578 Julian Arrowsmith 07527 395424 Harry Groome 07805 419544 email: Contact: 90418 For more information 01568 620585 • • WE ARE PREPARED TO PRICE MATCH ANY LIKE FOR LIKE SUPPLY PRICE CONTACT US NOW FOR YOUR AGRICULTURALFREEDESIGN&BUILDQUOTE or just supply only HIGH DEFINITION CNC PLASMA CUTTING AVAILABLE NOW!! 90371Station Works, Station Road, Duns TD11 3EJ dealers of Opico portable grain dryers for South East Scotland and Northumberland. We also supply, install, repair and maintain grain handling plant & equipment. To discuss your requirements, call Ross Poole on 01361 883245 90697 RECRUITING OPERATORSMACHINERYFORNOW

FUTURE PROOF FARMING Leave something to be proud of. That’s the Mzuri philosophy Our passion is helping farmers and landowners leave behind a landscape and industry to be proud of. Whether that be through greater financial security of the family business or ensuring a stable ecological environment that is fit to feed the future – we o er crop establishment solutions that make a real di erence. tel: 01905 841123 web: Call us today for a no obligation chat about the future of farming. Mzuri Limited, Springfield Farm, Peopleton, Worcestershire, WR10 2BF

“Conditions vary year to year, but the yields we achieved last harvest following favourable growing conditions were exceptional,” he said.
Farmers Guide visited the farm in early September, during a period of unsettled weather which included torrential rain showers following months of drought. The enterprise is owned and farmed by Martin Lole, who is also managing director of drill manufacturer Mzuri. The land is mainly heavy Evesham clay, and a range of soils also includes some Cotswold Brash, so the farm’s drill must cope with challenging conditions in both wet and dry seasons.Thelatest iPass drill was displayed for the rst time last year, following three years of development. A limited number were available for customer purchase earlier this year and, with positive feedback from users, they are now in full production.
The seeding system consists of a at or scalloped leading disc with an adjustable working angle, followed by a fertiliser band placement coulter, then a seeding coulter on a vertical tine followed by a V-pro le press wheel.

Models from 4–8m are available, all with a 5,000-litre split hopper, and coulter spacing at 250 or 333mm. All versions are trailed, and although a standard drawbar is an option, most customers select the recommended semi-mounted, goose-neck connection which provides controlled weight transfer between the tractor and drill wheels and allows 90-degree articulation on headlands.“Wehadexceptionally high straw volumes this year, but our own drill with 250mm coulter spacing coped well, although for farms which chop all their straw we would probably recommend the wider 333mm spacing to ensure even better trash ow,” Martin explained. “There seems to be little di erence in eventual yields whichever seed row spacing is used.”
The iPass o ers high output, low disturbance seeding direct into stubbles and cover crops, as well as into pre-cultivated ground. Priorities during development included minimal soil disturbance even at high speeds, a low power requirement, and a simple design which ensures successful establishment in a wide range of conditions.
October 2022 111 Direct Drilling
Width and crop spacing options
The adjustable leading disc is a major contributor to the drill’s exibility. A at disc creates a slot and causes minimal disturbance, but Martin said that if conditions are damp then hairpinning is always a risk. He prefers to use shallow scalloped discs, which are run straight if straw conditions are light, but in higher trash volumes he selects a slight angle to the direction of travel to clear a narrow path in front of the coulters.
The fertiliser coulter is directly behind the disc, and nutrients are
Accurate depth control
The Mzuri drill provides exceptional seed depth control. Attached to the
placed in a band under a layer of soil.
Farmers Guide saw the iPass drill establishing oilseed rape into barley stubble on the Worcestershire farm.
High work rates, low power
The seed coulter tine gently consolidates loose soil above the fertiliser, and seeds strike a spreadplate and drop into a V-shaped seed channel. The press wheel’s V-pro le precisely matches the seed channel shape and covers the seeds with a soil layer while also providing consolidation for optimal seed to soil contact.“It’sreally a mini strip-till drill,” Martin continued. “The fertiliser coulter creates a very narrow cultivated strip and ideal conditions for the roots to access moisture and nutrients. However, most of the land remains undisturbed which saves fuel and reduces opportunities for problem weed growth, and far less fertiliser is needed than for conventional full-width tillage systems.”
The iPass drill is designed for direct seeding but works equally well on pre-cultivated ground. The semi-mounted design and front wheels allow draft control to be used to provide weight transfer, ensuring consistent results even on undulating ground. over…
Because Martin does much of the Mzuri drill development on his own farm, a variety of machines are always used; but last year, the iPass completed 80% of the drilling, and crops included wheat, oilseed rape, barley, oats, winter and spring beans, cover crop mixes, and sun ower and maize grown for conservation.

Low-disturbance, direct drill brings flexibility to Worcestershire farm

A direct drill which o ers opportunities to seed direct into stubbles and cover crops, but which works just as well on pre-cultivated land is reducing fertiliser requirements while maintaining yields on a heavy-land farm. David Williams saw it in action.
Adjustable leading disc
Proven performance
“Barley was established in a single pass by the iPass along with most of the Nitrogen, and we achieved an 8t average yield with plenty of straw. The crop established well, and then the roots just followed the moisture down.”
Twelve LED work lights are standard, and the ashing transport beacon is linked to the hopper level sensors and functions as an alert to those delivering seed to the eld when the hopper contents are low.
The hopper lids have rubber seals and are fastened by over-centre latches. The safety bar swings into position.
There are four main working elements:
Accurate seed and fertiliser placement
The front wheel assembly pivots in the direction of turns and avoids scrubbing, reducing fuel use, wear and tear and prevents bulldozing soil on the headlands.Thegoose-neck drawbar allows turns at 90 degrees for bout-to-bout working.

Popular solution
“Accurate drilling depth is critical,” stressed Martin. “For e ective crop management we need the plants to emerge and grow evenly, and chemical regulations are very speci c. Pre-emergence treatment instructions state that seed must be at a speci c depth; they don’t state a range of depths from the surface down.”
• The fertiliser tine coulter creates a narrow tilled strip and places fertiliser beneath a layer of soil.

• The seeding coulter creates a V-slot into which the seed is placed, above and away from the fertiliser but within easy reach of the nutrients for when they are needed.
The seeding coulter is parallelogram mounted, ensuring that the seed depth remains constant, regardless of the surface pro le and conditions. Ball joints are used for mounting, allowing the seed coulter to accurately track the leading coulter, and ensuring that seed is always placed above the fertiliser.
Practical design
tractor’s lower link arms, the leading wheels lift clear of the ground for transport and control cultivation depth in the eld. With light draft control selected, the hydraulics respond when extra pulling power is needed – transferring a proportion of the drill’s weight to the tractor’s rear wheels to optimise traction. Using draft control also provides compensation on undulating land. “Standard drawbars can’t compensate for changing conditions, but as soon as the iPass drill travels up hill, or through a dip, this adjusts to maintain a constant result,” explained
Auto-reset leading tines are standard, and each seeding assembly is held in position by a hydraulic ram. Working pressures up to 200 bar can be set, giving up to 300kg of downward force on the depth wheels and preventing air pockets, but Martin said that pressures of 200kg are usually adequate and on sticky Cotswold Brash he reduces the force, allowing the legs to vibrate and preventing soil and trash accumulation.
The rear press wheel has the same V-pro le as the seed channel, ensuring even
High work rates
Mzuri has developed its own metering system. The iPass drill has four metering units, controlled through an RDS terminal using speed measurement provided by an on-board GPS signal receiver. The standard hopper con guration is a 60/40 split, with a removable ba e. Two metering units are at the base of each hopper section: each supplying half the working width and allowing half-width section control. Seeds are delivered directly into tubes below the metering units, and no venturi is needed due to the pressurised hopper. High ow rates are possible with any size seeds from cover crop mixes to grass seed or beans. A range of metering rollers ensures compatibility with any seed type and size, and calibration is quick and convenient. Blockage sensors are standard.
The rear rake is easily removed, and alternative rear-mounted implements are available. The rake used by Martin has hockey stick tines, which provide shallow soil movement across the working width but have plenty of space for trash to Wearingow. sections of the fertiliser
and seed coulters are easily changed, and the tungsten points are hockey stick shaped and pivot into position and are held in place by a roll pin.
• The V-pro le press wheel covers the seed and provides consolidation for e ective seed to soil contact.

is mounted on a pair of ball joints, which allow movement in three directions. This means that the seeding coulter always follows the same path as the leading disc and fertiliser tine so that the seed channel is directly above the fertiliser. It also reduces the power and fuel requirement.Thelarge 850/50R30.5 rear transport wheels operate at low pressure allowing them to ex and remain clean even in sticky, wet soils. Their width means that they each travel on top of three raised strips of uncultivated soil, which avoids disturbing the planted seeds.
The self-steering leading disc, and seeding tine and press wheel assembly are a unique feature. The leading disc is on a trailing pivot so that it naturally follows the direction of travel during turns. The fertiliser coulter is xed in position, and the parallelogram frame holding the seed coulter and press wheel
Its performance is so consistent that once it is set up for a certain crop, then there has been no need to alter the depth settings when demonstrating at di erent farms and in a range of conditions. FG
…from previous page
“More farmers are looking at one-pass drilling, to reduce soil disturbance and fuel use,” con rmed Martin. “The iPass works well in a wide range of conditions, and always achieves accurate seeding depth.

• A front at or scalloped leading disc creates an opening and can operate at an angle to clear straw and trash in front of the fertiliser and seeding coulters.

Lole says there is growing interest from UK farmers in one-pass crop establishment, but systems have to o er exibility to work successfully in a wide range of conditions.
CultivatingMartin.depth adjustment is by adding or removing spacers on hydraulic rams which control the large rear transport wheels, and by similar spacers on the drawbar wheels. Seed depth control is by the press wheel immediately behind the seeding coulter and adjusted by a simple pin. The leading disc, fertiliser tine, seeding coulter and press wheel are all on one assembly, and the seed coulter and press wheel are connected by a parallelogram linkage and move together. This ensures constant seed placement even if the cultivation depth or working angle varies.
The iPass is designed for high work rates, and Martin said that best results are achieved at travel speeds up to 16kph. To ensure accurate seed rates the hopper is pressurised. A hydraulic-driven, twin-fan air supply is mounted at the rear and provides air ow to deliver seed and fertiliser to the coulters while also pressurising the tank. The tank lids have durable rubber seals and are held closed by simple over-centre bars. October 2022112 Direct Drilling

South & West: 07970(Richard)549012

UK: 01223 891888 (EastAnglia & Midlands)

Abington Farm Park, Great Abington, Cambridge CB21 6AX 89627 TRITON... ADVANCED DIRECT DRILLING

North & Scotland: 07712 831718 (Steve) (S.T. Gowan Agri)
Ireland: +35387 4661024 (David Weld) Triton Direct ConventionalandAll Weather Seed Drills low input, high output, with no compromise The latest direct and conventional drill system for all weather crop establishment, ideally suited to all soils and unrivalled in stronger soils Hybrid Disc and Tine Drill Now with detachable disc units for further reduction in soil disturbance and for use in cover crops Triton are pleased to announce that David Weld (Triton Ireland) has been appointed Triton dealer for Eastern Ireland based near Dublin please phone +35387 4661024 for details of demonstration days being held in September and October

South East: 07860 417643 (John) (Covenbrook)

“For the rst time during my 35 years in farming, variable costs have overtaken xed costs. Crop inputs costs have tripled and crop prices are volatile. Farmers are at continual risk of growing a crop using very high levels of working capital, but may nd a collapse in the wheat price nine months later,” Simon continues.“Alow-risk strategy is needed and a whole new approach based ultimately on versatility, and the ability to adapt to drilling midseason with as many options as possible open to the farmer at all times. Triton advocates growing the highest output winter sown crops with minimal inputs. The Triton drill delivers the highest level of versatility on the seed drill market by a long way, allowing an allautumn drilling programme to be implemented.” FG
min-till and direct into stubble.

At the heavy-duty end of the market, Triton seed drills, manufactured in the UK, o er a unique bladed tine drill with a series of patented soil engagement features that allow the drill to operate e ectively in all The Triton hasconditions.replaced ve other types of seed drills on the manufacturer’s own farms at Kelso, Northampton, Fakenham and Cambridge. It will drill into plough,
Until the Triton came to the market in 2018, the limiting factor with direct tine drills was the inability to shut the seed slot when direct drilling in heavy damp“Farmerssoil. are often debating which is the best retro- t opener to put on various seed drills, but the vital thing is to shut the slot and the only tine drill with a soil engagement ‘closer’ is the Triton. This is literally a
The Triton is zero maintenance and drills all seed types through the same coulter, with no down time between seed types. The 2 minus 2 rape set up has increased Triton farms’ own rape yields by According50%.

to the manufacturer it is a faultless bean drill and an e ective maize drill; Triton blades run 15cm deep in the ground leaving an ‘air battery’ for the roots which helps microbes, rooting and drainage below the seed. The ‘closer’ shuts the seed slot just at seed depth, leaving the deep air and rooting slot open for a further 4in beneath the seed. This delivers air and space to the roots and microbes, which gives “exceptional levels of tillering”, Triton reckons. The drill also has a ‘rock-hopper’ feature allowing the heavily stoned soils to be drilled without stoppages.

Heavy-duty seed drill is a “game-changer” The Triton overcomes previous limitations of direct tine drills by providing a soil engagement ‘closer’ to shut the seed slot when direct drilling in heavy damp soil. Wherefarmingstarts Visitvaderstad.comtolearnmore. Inspire Fullcontrolin8sections!Thisisakeyfeatureof thenew12metreseeddrillInspire1200C/S. VäderstadInspire1200C/Sisbuilttocombine capacitywithsoundagronomics. Introducing Inspire1200C/S

October 2022 115 Direct Drilling
game changer,” says Simon Chaplin, managing director of Cambridgebased Triton Seed Drills.

Farming has changed enormously in the last few years and will be continuously changing for years to come due to con ict, drought, growing populations and changing availability and price of fertilisers.

On its own farm, PFC has seen machinery prices escalate over the past decade, and in response, developed a premium-built cultivation package at a ordable prices.The

The Solitair 12 works very well in
The coulter bar of the Solitair 12 is in two parts. An innovative hydraulic system provides the ground following that is particularly important with large working widths. Mounted on four hydraulic cylinders, coulter sections can oat independently of the main folding parts of the drill; this also works well in low disturbance, controlled tra c or reduced cultivation systems. FG

“Premium cultivation at a ordable prices”

low disturbance systems, especially where growers are focusing on resistant grass weed control. On all the Solitair models a parallelogram frame controls the depth of the drilling coulter to give precise depth over the width of the drill.

AgriSolutionsStrength – Reliabilty – Quality Disc and Tine Cultivation Equipment to suit your needs Call direct for best pricing Andrew: 07967 300 578 Office: 01805 603 363 • 3-meter Disc Combination • Active side screens • 560mm discs with NSK sealed bearings • De ector board between discs • Straw tines and Steel ring packer • Tool bar • Sprung auto reset • Lifting or low disturbance points • Category 3 hydraulic linkage for on-the-go depth adjustment 90096 • Ultimate Minimum-tillage tool for 170hp+ • Subsoil up to 12 inches (300mm) working depth • On-the-go hydraulic adjustment • On farm for £19,500 • Stock items available at further discounts
The Solitair drill range from Lemken is still providing growers with an accurate and exible drilling system, the manufacturer says. The ‘Double Disc’ coulter that has been developed by Lemken since 1997 is at the heart of the entire drill range and provides accurate seed placement for even crop establishment.Theseeddistribution on the pneumatic machines also provides very accurate seed distribution over the width of even the widest in the range, the Solitair 12 model with eight individual distribution heads and 12m wide drilling width. October 2022116
and rigidity for a uniform and consistent cultivating depth, the manufacturer says. The front support wheels provide even depth control by preventing yaw in the frame under high-speed cultivating. The support wheels can be replaced with weights.
Drill range o ers “ultimate flexibility”
The frame pro le is built using a high-grade steel in 180x180mm pro le, providing excellent longevity
Adding to the Titan for direct drilling of oilseed rape and grass seeds, PFC utilises a seed ratecontrolled air seeder. This provides a single pass with the standard steel ring packer providing excellent seed consolidation for even and reliable germination. FG

The Titan discs o er operators signi cantly more control on their cultivation operations and PFC also o ers a range of smaller trailed or mounted options for the horticultural and agricultural sectors.

Direct Drilling
Titan BTA is the HD trailed discs with a large speci cation as standard. Options include: 560mm discs with HD NSK sealed bearings, active side screens, depth support wheels, straw tines hydraulic depth control. The rear packer is standardised with the steel ring and scrappers but there are many other options to suit speci c requirements, including a dual packer option and following straw tines.
For when you want to drive down establishment costs and improve soil health… LOVE YOURSOIL …but don’t want to compromise on yield. Establishing a better way With 20 years’ direct strip-till experience, we know that Claydon drilling is good for your soil and good for your pocket. It dramatically reduces fuel consumption, doesn’t require huge horsepower to pull, aids carbon sequestration and reduces soil erosion. Worms just love it. And importantly, yields are healthy too. To discuss sustainable farming, call your local dealer or Claydon direct on +44 (0)1440 820327. GO BIG – PULL LIGHT SOLITAIR 12 PNEUMATIC SEED DRILL With working widths of up to 12 m, the Solitair 12 from LEMKEN is the machine with a big capacity and a small power requirement. Electronic seed metering and pneumatic distribution ensure accurate seed placement, even at high speeds. This makes it the ideal seed drill to raise productivity, especially when large areas need to be drilled in little time. Seed hopper capacity of 5800 l Working widths of 8-12 m Row widths of 12,5 and 15 cm High precision at high speeds

Meanwhile, the D version has a single disc with large rubber depth wheel, followed by two closing wheels; and the C version has a 15mm wide coulter followed by two rubber closing wheels.
Finally, the DD version is a totally unique design that has not been seen before on disc direct drills, Samagri says. Instead of traditional route of having row cleaners in front of the single disc, Virkar has added a turbo disc that runs directly in front of the single seeding disc, ensuring the turbo disc and seeding disc remain free of substantial crop residue – even in the highest volumes of crop residue.
New available
versions of direct drill now
The Virkar direct drill, imported by Samagri Ltd, is now available in four versions –the DC (disc and coulter), D (disc), C (coulter) and DD (double disc).

The disc, with its 7-degree running angle, cleans as much of the seeding channel as possible to ensure the seed has great seed to soil contact leading to even germination and crop establishment. With the extra turbo disc, you can alter the pressure this disc operates at and can also lift the disc up out of the way when not required. FG

All use the same modular chassis, seed hopper and distribution equipment, and all variants come in 4.5, 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0m working widths with the option of 19cm or 25cm row widths. The seed hopper is 5,300 litres as standard or 7,000 litres optional; and both can be seed
for true contour following, and up to 280kg of coulter pressure. Seed depth adjustment can be done with one spring loaded lever for quick and easy adjustment. Coulter pressure is hydraulic and adjustable from the cab on the move.
that works 2cm below the seeding coulter to cut through trash and create a tilth for the seed to be placed on. The slot is then closed by two rubber press wheels. October 2022118 Direct Drilling

only or seed and fertiliser, with a third hopper also an option.

All drills are standard semimounted with rear steering axle for increased manoeuvrability and slope compensation. The independent sowing elements on all versions come with 35cm of travel

The DC version has a leading disc

All Weather Tine Drills

October 2022 119 Recent wet Autumn’s have highlighted the risks of both later drilling dates and climate change, resulting in many farmers re thinking their approach to drilling KRM Sola “all weather” tine drills ensure your crop can be sown in the wettest seedbed to the hardest, dry conditions, with the benefits of less weight on the seedbed, less horsepower and less fuel used. For Conventional ororConventionalminmintill Narrow tip forNarrow for low disturbance Heavy duty for for direct drilling Elite PT SM Find out more at:

New box drill option available

The SM coulters feature narrow tungsten carbide tips which run at an attacking angle to pull the tip in to work. Each coulter creates a tilth as it pulls through the soil, creating ideal conditions for germination and strong root development. Straw and other residues are moved away from the row, ensuring seeds are placed in clear, moist soil. The undisturbed soil between the rows minimises the risk of weeds germinating and leaves a rm surface for following operations.Forthose requiring more output, KRM has an extensive range of mounted folding tine drills with working widths up to 7m. Options include Isobus, variable rate and section control. KRM can also cater for those wishing to follow the drill with a mechanical hoe and o er machines with a 25cm row spacing. FG

Installing a new SD3115 in very dry conditions ready for the coming season.
The SD3115 is an economical option ideally suited to the smaller farm and lower horsepower tractors. Since rst showing this model at the Cereals event in June, KRM says it has received plenty of interest and orders but is still able to supply a limited number in time for the coming season. Ground driven mechanical metering and a simple RDS control system make for easy operation.
Following the success of the SM coulter on KRM’s SM1909 and SM-P drill ranges, the company is now o ering the same coulter on mounted 3m box drill.

each tyre gives space for sprung levelling boards, which break any clods left on the top of the seedbed and levels the soil, pushing it into the track of the tyres. This leaves a uniform, consolidated seedbed and ensures good seed to soil contact. An optional following harrow can be tted to further spread the soil over the top of the seed; particularly e ective in min till and plough-based scenarios.Onecustomer who has used the product to drill a two-year red clover ley into the ground said: “Conditions have been fairly horrendous because the ground is rock hard, even though we have had an inch of rain. But it’s going in reasonably well. I think the system is working quite well and the seeds are de nitely going in, so I’m happy with it.” FG
Drill with all-new tyre packer “gets results in all conditions” The latest Moore Unidrill with rubber tyre packer is a seed drill that can drill, level and reconsolidate all in one pass. E T 01733 971971 BOURGAULT TILLAGE TOOLS VOS & Speed-Loc™ Quick Change System VOS Opener(VersatileSystem) Direct drill into a wide variety of situations across a range of soil types with less soil disturbance, less draft and consistencygreater in seed Speed-Loc™ Quick Change System Quickly seedingdepthspikes.knives,openers,betweenchangeBTTfertilisersweepsandConsistentcontrolforandtillage. 90599

drill is designed for the small-to-medium-size farm and can be used in all scenarios, whether you are direct drilling, min-till or plough based. The Moore Unidrill with rubber tyre packer creates perfect

Moore Unidrill with new tyre packer.
seeding results in all conditions, Agri-Linc reckons.
and robust, ensuring a long working life with low operating costs, the company says. October 2022120 Direct Drilling
At the heart of this drill is AgriLinc’s unique tungsten seed coulters, which have been the same ever since 1974. This 3m 24 row model has 125mm row spacings between the coulters which provides the crop with considerably higher competitiveness against weeds. This is especially important as more herbicide-resistant weeds are on the increase. Research shows that 125mm row spacing results in 20% less weeds than 150mm. The narrow rows help close the canopy faster and thus as the crop grows, moisture evaporation from the soil is reduced at a time when it is crucial that the seed gets access to the moisture in the Behindsoil. all this is the new rubber tyre packer, which is used to control the drilling depth of the seed coulters, while at the same time applying reconsolidation. There are only 12 tyres on the machine, one tyre for every two rows of seed. This wide spacing between

The main frame of the drill is the same construction and design as all Agri-Linc’s mounted drills, and has proved to be both simple


Levelling paddles in front/between the tyre packer. October 2022122 UNLOCK THE FUTURE OF YOUR FARM Join our network of farmers, farm advisors, land agents, estate managers, ecologists, foresters, surveyors, and landscape recovery projects. MAP YOUR LAND Our mission is to make the Land App as accessible as possible, for as many people as possible. For this reason, the Land App is free for everyone to sign up and start mapping: DRAWING AUTHORITATIVETOOLSDATA LAYERS PROJECT INSTANTPRINTINGTEMPLATESREPORTS PLAN FOR THE FUTURE Rediscover your land and �nd ways to drive revenue. MAP YOUR EXISTING FARM ACCESS NEW SOURCES OF FUNDING DEMONSTRATE ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP SUPPORT LOCAL NATURE RECOVERY SECURE YOUR PLACE WITHIN YOUR LANDSCAPE UNEARTH POTENTIAL ON YOUR LAND COLLABORATE WITH YOUR COMMUNITY GET CRUCIAL FUNDING OWN YOUR DATA Createyour FREEaccount Today!! 90088

• Mapping your baseline holding and creating a ‘digital twin’ of your land

Users can then select from 60 data layers to nd out how their land intersects with habitat,

Looking ahead, Land App is also working with Sustainable Farming Incentive pilots so it will be possible to submit SFI applications through the app, as is the case with CS, saving farmers signi cant time.For a Countryside Stewardship project, for example, you simply create a project on the app, enter your SBI number and create a ‘digital twin’ of your landscape. You can then instantly run a project report which will give a full breakdown of what has been mapped and the payment rate of di erent funding schemes. The stewardship is automatically calculated so there’s no need to get out a calculator to work out the values. The report goes straight into Excel so it can be easily submitted for application.
To sign up visit: Tutorials are also available via Land App’s YouTube page. FG
How does it work?

October 2022 123 Precision Farming
• Planning future scenarios to make an informed choice about the way forward for your business
water courses, geology or B-Lines, for example – and therefore what funding they might be eligible for. The app also has a digital hook up with the Rural Payments Agency.

As British farmers face the loss of BPS payments, soaring input costs and an array of new government schemes to get to grips with, it’s never been more important to get the most out of your land. Many are wrestling with the question of whether to continue farming, and Surrey farmer Tim faced just such a dilemma when his grandfather retired and he was advised to sell the farm.
One feature of the app that has proved particularly popular is the ability to collaborate – when designing a plan users can add the email address of their ecologist or land agent, for example, click ‘add viewer’ and they will be able to view the plans.
“I think what everyone’s going to be concerned with going forward – regardless of whether they are working to improve the environment or increase food production – is the balance sheet. If you have a platform to draw up future plans, and compare how much each scenario is worth, with all the options and opportunities at your disposal, you can make informed decisions.”
Tim is keen to stress that anything users create on the platform is 100% owned by the user and they have full access and control of where it’s used – Land App does not have access to the data and nor do your neighbours. It’s a totally secure process. Tim adds: “Data is not something to be scared of; it’s to be used and leveraged to people’s bene t.”
Free mapping tool boosts farm profits and aids future planning
• Collaborating with neighbours to maximise funding opportunities.

The app now has nearly 13,000 users and covers 65% of England’s farmland. Its network comprises farmers, farm advisors, land agents, estate managers, ecologists, foresters, surveyors and landscape recovery projects. The team is proud to be 100% sponsored and funded by British landowners, so everyone who has a stake in the platform is invested in the success of British farming. And, with Tim’s farming background, keeping Land App free for farmers is important.
The app has a wide range of project templates, for example for Countryside Stewardship schemes, so users can start to mock up and design a plan.
In addition, with lots of farms and estates in the process of bringing together all the new legislation from government, funding applications and private sector funding, the app makes it easy to assess your options.
maps with clients, colleagues and team members. And while many traditional mapping programmes are highly technical, Land App is very intuitive – and the rst of its kind when it comes to taking ownership of your land digitally, Tim adds. Plus, it’s possible to make as many maps as you like with a free account.Oneuser, organic farmer Martin Steer, who is also a rural consultant at Steer Ethelston Rural Limited, said: “Hardly a day passes without Land App being put to good use. Mapping forestry on Jura, CS plan designs, ‘Slow the Flow’ projects, farm water supplies, section 31 plans to local authorities and looking at the sequestration of carbon in peatlands are all simpli ed using the app. Within days of submitting emails with pdf of RLE1 plans and forms, we received mapping changes messages from the RPA.
Part of the problem was lack of data and the expense of bringing in consultants. Tim developed Land App to give farmers the tools to manage data digitally, get funding and improve pro tability.

Being cloud-based means it is easy to share

and the payment rate of di erent funding

Key aspects of the app are:
When fourth generation farmer Tim Hopkin was facing the loss of his family farm as it was no longer pro table, he decided to come up with a solution. The result was Land App – a free mapping platform that helps farmers plan for the future and get the revenue they deserve from their land.
To get started, all you need to do is set up a free account at Baseline maps can be viewed in satellite view or the most up-to-date Ordnance Survey view.
“The new coordinates with What3words points have also simpli ed instructions to contractors.“We’relooking forward to using the imminent mobile app in the eld for hedgerow management and evidence photos for the PRA CS claims.”
The benefits Farmers continue to face an unprecedented mix of challenges, and uncertainty remains rife. “Land App is helping a lot of our customers get on top of things and understand what their value is. We can move into a new era of land management,” Tim says. October 2022124 Improve your cashflow and efficiency Visit With the time-saving app for farmers and contractors that makes invoicing easier and manages your team’s timesheets, job schedule, field mapping, health and safety, and more. Customisable to suit your business. Start your FREE 14 day trial today! Seamless integration with accounting software Reduce Operator Stress • Operators no longer have to continuously look at the boom • Allows operator to focus on drive path • Operator can go faster Maintain Proper Spray Tip Height • Increase application efficiency – get the most from your spray • Too low = Streaking • Too High = Drift Issues • Ensures chemical application is not wasted due to improper boom height Cover More Acres • Work day and night – sensors do not need light to “see” • Take advantage of low wind conditions at night • Spray faster – no manual boom adjustments Protect Sprayer From Damage • Accurate control • Avoid ground strikes • Prevents downtime from repairing bent booms and broken spray nozzels Other Benefits/Features • Boom height control systems may offer other features such as Headlands Assist so that the boom can be automatically lifted and lowered at the end of the field • Satisfaction guaranteed Hybrid Mode™ • An advanced crop sensing feature for in-crop spraying that eliminates the need for the operator to take manual control of the boom in a row crops or adverse situations such as lodged, thin and uneven crop Patented NORAC Boom Height Control manufacturersavailableSystemsforselect The Benefits of Boom Height Control Precise House, Wetheral Carlise, Cumbria CA4 8HZ Derek Johnston +44 (0) 1228

The owner or manager can prepare and send tasks to each operator, with the option to include additional information such as which tractor and implement to use, and precise eld locations. Alternatively, the operator can record each task himself – including the equipment used, the time and date, and the location. Additional general information can be attached for future reference.
Saves time and costs
Ag-drive can also contribute to safer operation, as relevant health and safety checklists can be added for each task, vehicle or implement. Options include a requirement for operators to con rm that items on the list have been noted and checked before task recording begins.
Jobs recorded as complete can be immediately invoiced without waiting for operators to return time sheets to the yard.”
Paperless system
Cornwall-based contractor, AJ Heywood & Sons recently subscribed to Ag-drive, and quickly appreciated the system’s bene ts. The company’s wide range of services includes arable and grassland eld work from drilling to harvesting. Up to 25 sta are employed.“Papertime sheets were a pain,” explained operations manager Pete Garrad. “We looked for an app to replace paper records, but nothing was suitable. We also approached several people to create one especially, but no-one o ered a solution.“Then someone suggested Agdrive and I talked to Will. His system seemed to o er what was needed so we trialled it, and it proved extremely
administration saves time and costs for all contracting operations and can signi cantly improve the company’s cash ow.
A smartphone app, designed by an agricultural contractor to improve the e ciency of his own business, is now bene tting similar operations throughout the UK, and further a eld. David Williams reports.
Added value
An additional feature is that when invoices are sent, pdf job records can be automatically attached containing eld maps and additional task details – providing full traceability between the contractor and farmer.
Ag-drive is available on a monthly subscription. For the rst or admin account user, the cost is £10 per month, and the cost per additional user is £5 per month. “The cost is right for an agricultural contracting business,” continued Will. “It’s easily a ordable, and the additional user subscriptions can be activated and deactivated as required – making it ideal for seasonal workers. Just one job invoiced which might otherwise be missed will easily pay the app subscription for the year.”
Replacing paper records with an app improves operating e iciency
Ag-drive creates digital time sheets for each operator, ensuring that starting, nishing and break times are accurately recorded.
“It’s so exible that we even have electricians using it to keep track of their jobs and billing,” added Will. “Because work locations are recorded by the smartphone’s GPS tracking function, tasks can be monitored in real time, or locations can be checked afterwards.”
The app is compatible with Apple and Android smartphones and tablets, and desktops. Data is stored in the ‘cloud’, so even if smartphones are lost or damaged, the data remains secure. Any number of users within subscribed businesses can log in and contribute to the record keeping, and Will said that the system is an ideal task management and recording option for farms as well as contracting businesses. “Even if machinery within mixed brand eets can’t share the
Will is the son of a North Yorkshirebased agricultural contractor. After studying agriculture at Newcastle University, he worked and travelled extensively before joining the family business, BHE Agricultural Contractors Ltd. “We had millions of pounds worth of professional tackle in the yard; yet still relied on records kept on scraps of paper to bill customers for its use,” he explained. “Our Ag-drive app was the solution. We launched it in June 2021, and now there are more than 1,000 active users in the UK and overseas.”
Satis ed user
The Ag-drive pricing is reasonable, Pete con rmed. “It saves time spent by operators completing paper forms, and our accounts department no longer has to sort through piles of paperwork to create bills. It improves our e ciency, makes the job easier and saves time, and direct billing through our established cloud-based accounts system will improve our cash-“It’sow.also very versatile. We have a contract groundworks division and run a eet of diggers and lorries. That team also uses Ag-drive to record time as well as the use of equipment and materials on each job. We wouldn’t want to be without it now.” FG
contractor AJ Heywood & Sons recently subscribed to Ag-drive and is already seeing bene ts from the move towards a paperless system. Operations manager Pete Garrard is pictured (right) with operator Matt Jones on the left.

data; Ag-drive will – everyone has a smartphone,” he stressed.
Ag-drive integrates with popular cloud-based accounts software including Xero, Sage and QuickBooks, so that sending an invoice just requires two clicks of a button. Jobs can be billed as soon as they are complete, and the reduced
Invoice immediately
successful. It’s exible, easy to use, and it ticks all the right boxes, so we subscribed. Will is very open to suggestions and feedback, and I think the app’s success is due to his industry experience. Whenever we suggest anything, he acts on it or is already working on it.”
Will Dunn developed Ag-drive to improve the e ciency of his family’s contracting operation.Cornwall-based

Cost-e ective option
Bene ts outweigh costs
Fully compatible
“Ultimately, the digital solution will help our business as bills can be sent out in a timelier manner,” he stressed. “Previously our accounts department sorted piles of time sheets then input the information on our system manually before bills could be sent. Now Ag-drive ‘talks’ directly to our accounts package, QuickBooks, so invoicing is almost completely automatic. We welcome the move to a paperless system.”
The ability to add PDF job records to invoices automatically will be seen as an advantage by customers, commented Pete. “We use nutrient analysis on our forage harvesters and when spreading liquid manure. Automatically linking the yield and application data to the eld record and invoice will add value to our service.”
October 2022 125 Precision Farming
Added safety
“Running our business using paper records completed by machine operators every fortnight, then delivered to us or our book-keeper, and then organised and entered into a paper diary before the jobs could be invoiced through our computer accounts system wasted time and risked bills being sent out late or missed altogether,” explained Ag-drive founder Will Dunn.
For this project, the Cayena tine seeder and Cirrus cultivator drill were used for crop establishment and then crop care was carried out using a ZA-TS 3200 Pro s Tronic spreader and Pantera 4504 self-propelled sprayer.

He explained that he does not see the technology as a way of using less or more inputs, but optimising the best use of what they have, according to the data shown on the satellite images.
Luke added that using a new piece of hardware called Xarvio Connect – which physically connects to the terminal within the machinery – growers can wirelessly ping data backwards and forwards from the Field Manager system to the terminal.
Combining satellite technology with precision machinery has enabled cereal grower Pat Thornton to reap the rewards of better crop uniformity and yield, by optimising inputs usage and tracking disease, on his farm in Doncaster.
He explained that he used the

crop care equipment and has been providing seeding, spreading and spraying equipment which can be loaded with a prescription map to carry out a designated task, using information from the Xarvio app. October 2022126 Precision Farming
“This allows a grower to, for example, send an application map for liquid fertiliser or crop protection to the sprayer terminal wirelessly,” he said.Patconcluded:

Amazone Ltd managing director, Simon Brown, explained that technology is going to prove ‘vital to keeping farming viable’. He said: “We can see obvious added value for farmers when you look at potential overlap savings: chemical savings; reduction in fertiliser usage; making the best use of seed by targeting zones, and in the next year or two, we will get more and more smaller zones, that's how we will probably keep some active ingredients going, because we're obviously only
Pat has partnered with Amazone precision machinery alongside Xarvio Field Manager to get the most out of his seed, fertiliser and crop protection. Amazone manufactures a range of crop establishment and

“I've been in this game long enough to know that we've been able to create many pretty maps for many years, but now a grower my size can actually utilise them,” he said. “It is not information overload, and it comes back to the pro tability and e ciency of this farm and it is making an impact. We can all walk and look at our farms and assess them to an extent, but having a tool like this gives you the ability to back up your decisionmaking process.” FG
putting them where they need to be. Everything that we do is e ectively working towards these smaller zones, with more control of what's going on.”
“We have also been able to use the latest in-season satellite images to target nitrogen rates to even out elds in the early spring. We were able to create application maps for our spreader, so thinner areas received a higher rate of 60kg/ha of nitrogen and thicker areas were reduced to 40kg/ha.”
Machinery partner
Pat runs Low Melwood Farm, in Owston Ferry, in partnership with his father. The 150ha operation grows oilseed rape, winter wheat, spring barley and spring beans. Over the past season, he has been using digital platform Xarvio Field Manager, as part of a whole eld scale trial with BASF, to identify historical productivity trends dating back up-to 15 years and in-season eld variation on his farm, which has allowed him to alter and target his inputs more precisely.Xarvio Field Manager was launched in 2020 as a tool for growers and agronomists to improve collection and utilisation of data through satellite imagery, to help inform decisions throughout the season.Growers can use the tool to access historical biomass maps, called PowerZone maps, which identify high and low performing eld-zones, based on satellite data. In the summer of 2021, using the Power Zone maps, Pat found that there was a fair amount of variation between his crops and was able to manipulate his seeding rates to improve uniformity in the eld.
Targeted input approach
By altering seeding rates in August 2021, Pat was able to see improved biomass consistency across his eld by May the following year. He was then able to apply this targeted input approach to his fungicide programme.Xarvioimplementation lead, Luke Pollard explained: “We discussed how to target Revystar XE for Pat’s T2 application, using the latest satellite images, to produce an application map for the sprayer. We maintained the average use at 1.25 litres per hectare, but we varied from 1.0 litre in the thinner areas up to 1.5 litres/ha where there was more biomass and more green leaf area”
Digital decision-making tool helps to deliver on-farm e iciency
digital platform to identify historically less productive areas and then apply more seed in those targeted areas.“It is not low-hanging fruit for a farm of our size to embrace this technology, it does come at a price – but when you have power zones, that have 15 years of data you can access, there is a value to that and I was really surprised how much data was on there,” he said.
But starting out alone can be both frustrating and disappointing.

PRECISE Let’s aboutaboutbefarmingfarming PRECISION INTELLIGENCEEverything’sgoing digital these days – even farming.

With RHIZA, a dedicated account manager will work with you and your agronomist on-farm to get you up and running.

Combining the power of data, expertise and technology, we will help you make the most of precision farming so you can maximise your farm’s performance.
With all the economic, sustainability and environmental pressures facing you today, it’s time to embrace the future of farming.

LEMKEN blue colour, above all versatility optimally the

The smart iQblue connect retro tting kit, which was already awarded a silver medal at Agritechnica 2019, o ers the unique opportunity to use the bene ts of TIM (Tractor Implement Management) control for smart tillage. Combined with the Isobus interface on the tractor, iQblue connect allows data to be exchanged between the tractor and implement. As a result, the implement is able to control
This exible retro tting solution allows existing tillage implements to be automated. Farmers merely need a single iQblue connect module, which can be used with a range of implements. The module is connected to the tractor via its Isobus interface. It also features GPS and a mobile data connection

and robust designs. We are continuously working towards developing solutions that
iQblue connect is compatible with implements by other manufacturers and is available to order from Lemken dealers. FG

for communication, for example with a farm management system. The system automatically adapts to the implement it is connected to at any time and therefore substantially reduces the user’sForworkload.ploughs,Lemken o ers GPS-based working width control as a rst step. Here, iQblue connect transmits implement data on the plough’s GPS position and current working width to the TIM to enable the hydraulic control unit on the tractor to automatically control the cylinder for the plough’s working width. This ensures that the plough always produces a precise and straight furrow. At the same time, it also allows operators to plough towards a target furrow, vastly increasing the e ciency when ploughing wedge-shaped elds.

Smart retrofitting kit for automatic implement control independent Industry Foundation (AEF) recently certi ed iQblue connect for TIM following comprehensive conformity tests. Lemken is therefore the rst manufacturer to be awarded this certi cation for implement control.
An important prerequisite for using iQblue connect is that the tractor has TIM functionality with AEF certi cation. AEF is a neutral multivendor organisation that works to promote the increased use and standardisation of electronics in agricultural technology. Its members include all leading agricultural technology manufacturers.
certain tractor functions automatically, for example the ground speed or spool valves.

UK and global markets. OUR DRIVING FORCE: YOUR SUCCESS! Precision Farming


meet the speci c needs of
because of its quality,
agricultural machinery is distinctive, not only because of its

In semi-mounted cultivators, the working depth can be detected by a sensor. In this case, iQblue connect collects the area-speci c target working depth from digital maps, and the TIM adjusts the working depth of the tine section and levelling tools to the changing soil conditions in the eld via the tractor’s hydraulic system.
To nd out more, contact the Ben Burgess Precision Ag team on its new dedicated Precision Ag line. FG

Equip your combine for data sharing with CANBus capable messaging

01296 October 2022130 Precision Farming

We work with farmers providing practical precision agriculture solutions to optimise productivity and profitability. Complete solutions all year round.
SymAgri specialises in providing precision agriculture solutions to farmers, dealers and OEMs. SymAgri, powered by the Thurlow Nunn Group, was formed in partnership with Trimble to o er guidance and precision agriculture solutions for all seasons, crops, terrains and vehicles.

Weather connected to your crops
One place, many brands.

Irrigation management
Monitor current and average yield and moisture in the cab

Free over-the-air software updates so farmers always get the latest in yield mapping technology

Are seasonyou ready?

Book your service now.
Weather monitoring

As demand for precision agriculture and smarter ways of farming continues to grow, SymAgri looks forward to bringing more solutions to the ever-changing world of agriculture to help farmers get the most out of their land and resources. FG
Empowering In-Field Decision Making and Post-Harvest Insights

and can give some distinct advantages over factory built in-systems. Our ever-growing portfolio at SymAgri is designed to make sure we can provide technology solutions for farmers no matter the job at hand.
Getting the most out of machines and reducing downtime
Optimisation of machines, and the joining together of tractors and implements to get the most e ciency from the package, is an important part of Ben Burgess Precision Ag and its connected support services.Forexample, for a customer needing to install a new machine on the tractor, this would involve setting up the screen display to the operator’s requirements and providing training to highlight how to get the most out of the display and ultimately the machine.
“When you invest in agriculturaltechnology, farmersengineersinvestmentyourisonlyasgoodasthesupportyoureceive.Ourexperiencedandknowledgeableprovidewithpeace
Access your precision weather data in a single application, and simplify the farms' daily management with indicators adapted to your crops.
Disease and pest prevention
of mind via our support packages and servicing.”
Precision ag service continues to move forward
New data could then be utilised and recorded in My JohnDeere for the operations carried out in the eld, providing timely reporting and optimisation for speed maps or fuelBenmaps.Burgess Precision Ag also brings variable rate data from the third-party supplier via My JohnDeere to the tractor screen, so when that machine heads into the eld, the operator has all the information they need for smooth
operation throughout the crop establishment season.
John Deere also runs the feature ExpertConnect which provides insight and actionable knowledge. Ben Burgess can predict failures with linked machines, so it can attend the repair before it fails. This reduces downtime and cost of ownership with a simpler repair, avoiding an inconvenient larger repair that reduces the timeframe for optimum drilling and cultivation.
October 2022 131 Philip Ltd Hall Farm, Stainton, Rotherham, Sou th Yorkshire S66 7Q Y Tel: 01709 798522 Email: 3.9m QUAD-TILL 3.3m Trailed Press 4m Incorporator HARVEST YOUR DATA Understand financial performance with gross margin reporting Drill down into those parts of the business that are performing well, and those that aren’t Create a benchmark of performance – use your map records this year and in the coming seasons to make more informed decisions Gatekeeper turns your yield data into valuable and effective farm actions. Contact our team today and discover how you can harvest your farm’s data. Make sense of your harvest data with

Farms director James Green says: “The business has machines working across a large acreage with multiple brands of GPS receivers tted to them; it is vital for us to maintain continuity of signal and performance across the entire eet, irrespective of brand. We need the ability to transfer GPS data between machines and keep operational lines in the same repeatable place year on year.”
RTKFnet is an independent, farmer owned business based in Cambridge, supplying RTK GPS correction service through a privately owned network of base stations across the UK producing year-on-year repeatable positioning sub-2.5cm, primarily into the agricultural market.

allows for continuity across your entire eet, the company says. Selective radio coverage is still available in the eastern counties supporting existing Trimble hardware with radio transmission.
If you would like RTKFnet to come and assess your eet and talk about how it can integrate with your existing setup, or for any other enquiries contact the company directly or visit: to book a demo. FG
Conant Farming Company based near Oakham in Rutland contract farms more than 7,000 acres for

Conant Farming’s Claas Axion 960

England ScotlandWales Our providesnetworkrobustcoverage RTKFnet operate an extensive network of the latest RTK Basestations, connected and managed via our in-house server. More than a sim card, more than a signal, RTKFnet is a network that constantly evolves to keep your business at the forefront of RTK Technology. CompatiblewithALLRTKhardware Tailoredpricingpackages subscriptionsFlexible Visit to find out more or call 01223 902278. Are you getting the best from your RTK equipment? More satellites, greater reliability, increased performance and industry leading support – Just some of the reasons people switch to
He adds: “Operating over such a large area has, in the past, been a limiting factor with phone signal reliability being extremely variable. Now, with multi network SIM cards, reliability and robustness of signal is no longer a problem!”

TT running on RTKFnet’s RTK signal.
Many of these base stations are located on machinery dealers’
Rutland-based farms director James Green explains how the RTKFnet service helps with the challenges of operating a large mixed eet.
premises, to whom RTKFnet provides specialist technical support for their customers whilst supporting their own in-house precision farming needs, irrespective of brand.
In conjunction with your dealership, RTKFnet provides direct specialist technical support, minimising downtime and the frustrations experienced working through third parties.
National coverage is achieved through the latest NTRIP RTK network (SIM card) which is compatible with all types of hardware, providing seamless integration between the brands and
By farmers, for farmers RTKFnet.
several long-standing clients within an 18-mile radius. Operating a large mixed eet can present a challenge.
RTK GPS service ensures continuity of signal and performance across fleet October 2022132 Precision Farming

James concludes: “We chose to use RTKFnet as they are specialists and provide the necessary support when needed. Their knowledgeable support adds value to the business and has been implemented e ciently across our entire eet.”
October 2022 40240301604NOW CB RADIO can supply all your drainage and trenching Puma 4.0: choose reliability The market leader among 4-row self-propelled harvesters Option AVR Connect * Discover precision farming: higher yields, lower costs * Work more e ciently by analysising your machine data * Online reporting tool for all your machine, planting and harvesting data Call us now for more info or a quotation: T 07796 997827 | E

weight and equipped with a 3,000-litre tank and 24–36m boom options. The speci cation can include either a GRP or stainless-steel tank with capacities up to 6,000 litres maximum and the cab is from the Claas range, as on other Househam sprayers. A special feature of the Predator sprayer is the modi ed chassis to allow 380/90R46 crop tyres to be tted to meet some crop requirements. The maximum tank capacity is up to 5,000 litres, the boom width can be up to 36m and the unladen weight is 10,500kg. Predator sprayer design features include 1.2m for crop clearance beneath the axles, the suspension provides active load sensing, the rear position for the engine mounting provides a 50/50 weight balance, and the MTU engine choice is 240 or 280hp. Househam self-propelled sprayers also include the entry-level Spirit model with a 170hp engine and a 28m boom width.
Tractor-mounted sprayers are generally associated with smaller acreages and frequent re ll stops, but adding a front-mounted tank can bring a gain in capacity with fewer re ll journeys. The Kuhn PF series front tanks are available in 1,000- and 1,500-litre sizes, and adding the biggest size to a Kuhn tractor mounted sprayer can boost the combined capacity to 3,500 litres. Extra equipment available with Kuhn
The topic of this month’s Power on the Land is sprayers, brought to you as always by Mike Williams

Power on the land
capacities in six sizes from 4,600 to 6,600 litres and with boom options up to 36m wide. The self-propelled Amazone sprayer is the Pantera 4504, with a 4,500-litre tank and boom choices up to 42m wide. Special features of the Pantera include stepless track width adjustment, and all-wheel steering is provided.
Sprayers are an important part of the Amazone range, with tractormounted, trailed and self-propelled models available. Mounted sprayers in the UF series are available as standard versions with 900 or 2,000-litre tank sizes, but capacities can be increased by adding the 1,500-litre front mounted tank. Three di erent boom series are available o ering widths from 12–30m, and a feature of the UF series is the selfpriming pump which cannot run dry. Amazone trailed sprayers include two models in the UG series with 2,200 and 3,000-litre tank sizes. The boom has a suspension system to provide a smoother ride and the maximum boom width is 28m. Amazone’s biggest sprayer selection is the UX Super trailed series, o ered with tank
Tank capacities up to 6,600 litres are available on Amazone UX Super series trailed sprayers. October 2022134 Sprayers

tractor-mounted spray equipment includes either a GPS linked antenna or a GPS controlled sensor for in- eld guidance, and this can be transferred to other items of eld machinery. The standard electrically powered pump produces 22-litre/min ow for tank contents rinsing after use, but this can be replaced by a hydraulic pump with 75 or 125-litre/min output. Trailed sprayers from Kuhn are available with 2,400 and 3,000-litre tank capacities in the Lexis range, with an increase to 3,200 and 4,100 litres in Metris 2 sprayers, and the low overall height of Metris models with the booms folded improves stability whenSelf-propelledtravelling.
The Arian 2 is a new addition to the Team Sprayers tractor-mounted range.

crop sprayers are a Househam speciality, o ering advanced technology while keeping the weight low to minimise soil damage. An example is the Harrier sprayer with an 8,500g unladen

The recent addition to the range of self-propelled sprayers from the Agrifac company based in the Netherlands is the Condor V, o ered with the company’s J series booms with width options from 24–54m. A boom width greater than 50m is unusual, but it is available on the Condor V because the machine has been designed for exceptional chassis stability in order to provide a smoother ride for the boom. The design also includes the Agrifac StabiloPlus chassis feature that aims to distribute the weight evenly over the four wheels, assisting stability and also helping to provide even ground pressure to minimise soil damage. Agrifac also o ers the EcoTronicPlus information display and control system to assist the continued over…

EFFECTIVE For further information on Roundup® contact the Technical Helpline on 01954 717575. Email: Web: Roundup is a registered trademark of the Bayer Group. Roundup contains Glyphosate. USE HERBICIDES SAFELY. ALWAYS READ THE LABEL AND PRODUCT INFORMATION BEFORE USE. © 2022 Bayer Group. All rights reserved. n Rainfast from 1 hour n Proven reliability in plant uptake and translocation n Excellent performance in challenging spring and summer conditions n Modern drift-minimising formulations Proven Effective Dependable October 2022136 • 01353 661211 TEAM LEADER 4 - SERIES 36 NOW WITH 36M NEWBOOM

The largest capacity sprayer on a single axle 01302 755
operating e ciency. Unusual e ciency features available in the Agrifac Condor self-propelled range include the AirFlowPlus system using fans placed at 3m intervals across the boom width to improve the air ow distribution across the working width. Another option is adding FastFoldPlus to reduce the time required for folding and opening the Oneboom.of the special features of the Team range is a selection of small capacity machines including hand-held sprayers suitable for amenity and horticultural situations, and their agricultural range includes both tractor-mounted and trailed sprayers. Features included on all their boom sprayers include a choice
October 2022 137
Recent additions to the Grimac range include the ES series with 170hp available and with 2,500 or 3,000 litre tank options, and an unusual feature is the crab steering system. Another new arrival is Bargam’s Grimpeur JR spreader series with up to 3,000 litre tank capacity and the mechanical drive system has a 50kph maximum speed; plus an ECO feature to reduce fuel consumption during road travel. As well as the Bargam self-propelled range, sprayer options from Merse Agriculture also include trailed and tractor-mounted models from other manufacturers. FG
Seeoperation.theNEW Amazone UX 8601 sprayer for yourself.

The unique chassis concept of integrated drawbar and frame, so weight shifts from the axle onto the tractor rear wheels, keeps the machine legal on the road when fully laden.

The NEW Amazone UX 8601 Super is designed to turn on a six pence - and with boom widths of up to 42 m and a tank capacity of 9,000 litres - it makes it the largest capacity possible on one axle.
of manual or electric folding, and the options also include a computer based automatic rate control that adjusts the application to match changes in the forward speed.
ContourControl & SwingStop maintain the NEW Super-L3 boom at the target height. The operator station and liquid circuit come straight from the UX 01 Super with its industry-leading induction bowl and Comfort-Pack plus touchscreen
...from previous page

Contact your local dealer or phone us on
Lexis series trailed sprayers from Kuhn have 2,400 and 3,000-litre tank options.

A Scottish-based contribution to UK crop spraying requirements is provided by Merse Agriculture, based in Berwickshire. The self-propelled sprayers it o ers include a comprehensive range of Grimac models from the Bargam company with both hydrostatic and mechanical drive systems available. Entry level Grimac self-propelled sprayers from Merse Agriculture are the JR models powered by a 122hp Deutz engine. They have tank capacity options up to 1,600 litres, boom widths are up to 24m and power transmission is hydrostatic.
Recent additions to the sprayer list from Team include the Arian 2 mounted models available with pendulum type booms from 18–27m wide and equipped with a new two-stage valve operation system for boosting e ciency and reducing waste. A 25-litre container provides the operator with carrying capacity for clothing, spray tank capacities range from 1,200–1,800 litres, there is a 100-litre water container for tank rinsing and boom ushing, and a 15-litre container carries clean water for hand-washing.
High output self-propelled models are a Househam Sprayers speciality.

John Rhodes AS Ltd also holds a stock of good quality used parts.
The business is further complemented by a very active NSTS department and an operator training department. These departments work closely together

John Rhodes AS Ltd is centrally located in Worcestershire

Hardi, Househam, Solano, Tolmet and others, and stocks an enormous number of spare parts for these and many other sprayer brands – along with a vast number of generic parts.

and is within easy access of Northamptonshire, Warwickshire, Wiltshire, West Berkshire and Oxon, the Cotswolds and Gloucestershire. FG

John Rhodes AS Ltd says it is proud to supply and service the agricultural spraying industry. The business is devoted to the sales, servicing and repairs of all types of agricultural and amenity spraying equipment. The business is particularly proud of its wellestablished reputation for reliability and excellent customer care.The company supplies Berthoud,
Business o ers “reliability and excellent customer care” email: 83272801386 JOHN RHODES A.S. LIMITED 90483 Crop Sprayer Specialists TRAININGSERVICESALESPARTSTESTING

to deliver confidence in customers’ machines and operator skills. October 2022138 Steer into the future of crop care with the HARDI AEON. Now available for demo. Contact Peter Wiles (07901 856734) or Steve Dunning (07785 707746) |

Tank capacities on mounted sprayers have increased to just over 2,000 litres to give 50 acres or so a ll, but the biggest gain comes from adding a FT 1502 front tank. Traditionally, growers have been put o front tanks due to the time taken to batch mix tank lls and transfer them forwards and then in the eld have to manually transfer liquid from front to back, making sure there is adequate weight on the front
done as though it is all just one big 3,500 litre rear tank, the company says. Liquid is automatically transferred forwards on lling and the front and back tanks swap their contents over every 5–6 minutes, when lling, when in transport and when spraying. Using the digital tank contents gauges, the volume in each tank is constantly monitored and so, once in the eld, and the rear tank is starting to empty, then at 30% of the rear tank volume, the contents of the front tank start to be transferred backwards, keeping that rear tank volume at 30%. When the front tank is empty, the remainder of the rear tank is sprayed out.
To get the most out of every available spraying day, growers are looking to maximise sprayer capacity but don’t necessarily want a trailed option; preferring to stay with the exibility and manoeuvrability of a mounted sprayer.

Sancroft Agri Services Ltd NSTS TestinTg, Ser vice & Repairs on all makes of crop sprayers Contac t Nick Hambling Sancrof t Agri Ser vices Ltd Frogs Hall, Wilby, Eye, Su olk IP21 5LF mobile: 07748 644975 email: 90276 Please contact us with requirementscropallsprayersFARMGEMKNIGHTenquiriesanyforandplusyourothersprayer

Maximising capacity of trailed sprayers

After the spraying operation is nished, both tanks are simultaneously washed out using the ComfortClean automated system. FG
However,axle.when utilising Amazone’s FlowControl+ system, the lling, mixing and washing is all

October 2022 139 Sprayers Compact and manoeuvrable, with fully integrated suspension • Precision spray system with smart nozzle technology • Ensures accurate application over a range of operating speeds simply by setting droplet size and dose • 3,200 and 4,100 litre tank options and 18 to 38 metre boom widths • EQUILIBRA boom suspension system AUTOSPRAY METRIS 2 PRECISION SPRAYING KUHN-Metris-2-Farmers-Guide-half-page-270x93-08-22.indd 1 24/08/2022 19:05

The Aeon is manufactured with rear-wheel steering, enabling the operator to make sharper turns on the headland, all the while not compromising on overall sprayer
and boom stability. It also enables the driver to steer with booms folded to help increase e ciency especially within the smaller elds.
New, more sophisticated sprayer series
The Aeon Centura Line is equipped as standard with PrimeFlow – a pressure-fed boom uid system that guarantees rapid priming and prevents sedimentation and clogging. When spraying starts, liquid has already been distributed across the entire boom, circulating at the requested pressure through the spray lines. When spraying stops, the liquid will continue to circulate at a standby pressure. Even when spraying at low pressure, the spray lines are completely drained, leaving only a small residual volume, which means less liquid is required for cleaning. FG
No compromises. Book your Condor V demo: Chris Potter (UK North) - 07741 312197 Tom Hubbard (UK South) - 07825 261853 October 2022140 Sprayers

Ever since its introduction, the Agrifac Condor has been renowned for its stability, precision and innovation, the company reckons. Agrifac claims that its patented StabiloPlus chassis provides unparalleled stability in comparison to any other sprayer in the world, with GreenFlowPlus ensuring continuous pressure using the specially designed pump so that there is no di erence in spray pressure at any point during operation, as well as no residual liquid left in the tank.
With options that give a wider track width (WideTrackPlus)
and higher ground clearance (ClearancePlus), the tried-andtested Condor concept can also be used in speci c circumstances and for the most diverse crops. In addition to various possible options and versions, the Condor is ready to spray on plant level ensuring each individual plant receives the required dosage speci c to its exact needs, thanks to Agrifac innovations such as AiCPlus (location-speci c spraying camera technology) and DynamicDosePlus (individual dosage per nozzle). Previously only available on the Endurance II, these innovations are now available on the Condor V, which is available with 4,000 or 5000-litre tank options, and booms of up to 54m. FG

The Aeon is the rst of the new sprayers within the ‘Centura Line’ series from Hardi, as the manufacturer expands its o ering into a more sophisticated range of crop sprayers with higher speci cations, advanced technology options, and a more desirable, modern and sleek design. The Aeon is currently available with tank capacity of 4,200 and 5,200, and boom widths from 24–39m. Delta Force steel booms are standard on the Hardi Aeon and technology includes individual nozzle control and automatic nozzle selection.
Innovations now available on sprayer model

The comfortable cab features the EcoTronicPlus control system, which is easy to understand and operate.
Strength. Control. Precision.
TOGETHER#FUTUREGROUNDFORAHEALTHYAGRICULTURE - HORSCH.COM Discover more at your local CLAAS dealer today. EASTERN MANNS WESTERN OLIVERS STAY CLOSE TO THE CROP WITH LEEB SPRAYERS Our high-precision crop care technology provides targeted protection of the crops for reliable and healthy yields. BoomControl ensures precision spraying, less than 30cm from the crop at speed and over hilly terrain. Reduce drift and maximise inputs with BoomControl, available across the entire Leeb sprayer range.

An entry level option is also available for smaller budgets or farms with only a small number of solar panels. This is a telescopic pole with a wide brush on the end that is water-fed and can simply be connected to the mains water.

Solar panels are a signi cant investment and, with the costs of energy and other inputs continuing to be sky-high, getting the most out of that investment is key. Dirty solar panels can be one of the biggest factors resulting in reduced e ciency of panels – and also the easiest to x – according to the Renewable Energy Hub, which says cleaning is “an absolute must” if you want to get the best possible performance from your panels.
Q: How much loss can be expected?
A: Designed from the ground up for solar PV cleaning, the Sola-Tecs brush o ers a complete high e ciency solution where manual methods are proven ine cient. With no motor or electrics, the brush head is connected to a pressure washer to drive the internal impeller. The high-pressure water is then distributed through the brush to rinse o any dust and debris. A choice of carbon bre poles provide a reach of up to 15m for roof mounted systems, or shorter modular poles for ground arrays. The system was designed with quality and reliability in mind, with the drive mechanism built from stainless and alloys for extended periods of use. Time e ciency is a key bene t of this system and the spinning brush means it is much less labour intensive than some other options on the market, as well as e ciently removing heavily ingrained dirt.
Depending on the size of PV array, this can equate to thousands of lost kWh per annum. PV panels installed on pig and poultry sheds are especially susceptible to heavy losses as roof mounted extraction fans dump dust directly onto their surface.
Exceptionally dry weather this summer meant precious little, if any rain, to rinse o the dirt and dust accumulating on solar panels – resulting in a spike in sales of solar panel cleaning equipment. But even in wetter periods, rain is not always su cient to keep panels clean, and the costs in terms of reduced energy output can be signi cant.
William answers our questions on the importance of keeping panels clean, the potential losses from dirty panels, and what cleaning equipment to use for the best results.
A: The accumulation of dust and debris build-up on a panel’s surface creates shading and hot spots, which directly impacts the e ciency of the panel – in turn reducing cash generation. The performance of a PV module decreases with surface soiling, and therefore power losses increase as the soiling builds up. Even a light covering of surface dust results in the e ective shading of the PV cell. October 2022142 Farm Diversification
A: Hugh Crane (Cleaning Equipment) Ltd has over 40 years’ experience in the manufacture and supply of industrial cleaning equipment to the agricultural sector. With the rise of on-farm solar PV, a solution was required to maintain these PV systems. That’s where the Sola-Tecs systems came in. Rain on its own does not have enough cleaning impact to remove most dusts and debris – check your car windscreen after rain, it’s still dirty! A combination of agitation and rinse water is required for best results. Farms with solar PV can now bring the cleaning
With some of the driest conditions on record this summer, William Crane, equipment sales manager of Hugh Crane (Cleaning Equipment) Ltd, saw an increase in sales of the company’s solar panel cleaning equipment. But it’s important to note that even in times of more ‘normal’ rainfall, dust and dirt can still impact the amount of energy generated.
Soiling equals shading, which equals power loss, which means revenue loss.
Q: What’s the solution?
Protect your investment and optimise cash revenue
Speak to Hugh Crane directly for advice on the best model for your farm. FG
Q: Why clean solar panels?

in-house equipmentwithdesigned to be run by one operator.
“Solar panels are huge investments, but by not cleaning them you’re e ectively throttling the revenue they could generate,” William explained.
A: Electrical tests can show losses of up to 40% for heavily soiled PV panels before cleaning.
Q: What is the Sola-Tecs system?

Re-optimise your solar Soiling = Shading = Power Loss Maximise your returns with our range of solar cleaning equipment. Contact us today. HUGH CRANE (CLEANING EQUIPMENT) LIMITED Acle 01493 750072 I Peterborough 01733 206991 I Stamford 01778 381700 I Head Office: South Walsham Road, Acle, Norwich NR13 3ES

Land PlanningEnergyConstructionInvestmentAcquisitionStorageandPermitting Grid Solutions Power Engineering & Grid Connections Operation and Maintenance We have a team of experienced, highly proficient renewable energy experts. They have an extensive record which encompasses the following: We are looking for sites between 50 acres and 200 acres, ideally close to a nearby grid connection Land should be relatively flat and Grade 3 or Welllowerscreened by hedges and a good distance from residential property Not in a valued landscape or near historic buildings Noventum Power Limited is one of the leading large-scale renewable energy companies in the UK We will work with you, helping you towards developing your land into an income generating asset that can provide additional income streams for your business. The benefits include: • Diversifying revenue streams away from farming or other land uses • Deploying solar power or wind turbines on your available land • Maintaining agricultural use through sheep grazing when possible We are here to offer you THE BEST OF BOTH WORLDS! If you would like to discuss how to potentially earn a secure and long-term predictable income stream from your land, please get in touch and contact us on: LANDOWNERS... One Glass Wharf, Bristol BS2 0ZX 990 2897 90244

For further advice, contact Noventum Power. FG
Putting money back into farming with renewable energy
From there, Andrew says it’s very important to move quickly on the grid application, as net zero targets mean there is a lot of activity in the renewables space, putting pressure on grid operators. The company handles everything from project planning and permitting, legals, grid connection process, nancing, construction management, and operation and maintenance.
Farmers Guide spoke to Andrew Middleton and John Morgan at Noventum Power, who say many farms they work with are using the revenue generated from renewables to support their farming business; for example by purchasing more land or machinery to increase e ciency and production. “Renewable energy
For renewable energy developer and Independent Power Producer (IPP) Noventum, the key is working alongside landowners to help strengthen farming businesses and provide longer-term income security and revenue, which can then improve the sustainability of the farming business. The company also helps landowners to maintain agricultural use through sheep grazing once reseeded.
October 2022 145 Farm Diversification
Renewable energy is set to become a very important income stream for farmers. With ever-rising input costs and the phase out of subsidies – alongside the government’s focus on ‘public money for public goods’ – renewable energy can provide long-term income that can be reinvested into the farming business.

should not be a core business but the revenue can be put to good use elsewhere in the farming enterprise and perhaps help to achieve other objectives,” explains Andrew.
Food security is another key concern – without su cient income to spend on fuel, fertiliser and energy, it’s inevitable that UK food production will su er. If poorer grade land is put to solar energy, for example, and the income generated is invested into machinery, technology and additional

renewable energy is garnering a lot of interest among farmers, who are well aware they need to plan for future economic and climatic conditions, John said. Renewables can provide landowners with a very important, long-term annual income, and could help to minimise the soaring costs of their own energy. Alongside the need for diversi ed income streams, there is also the increasing scrutiny from the government and general public on environmental issues.
land, food production could be increased, John points out.
For farmers looking to embark on a renewable energy project, Noventum puts together a balanced proposal factoring in aspects such as commercial considerations and inheritance so the landowner can make an informed choice. The startto- nish process begins with a site visit to discuss the considerations with a view to carrying out internal feasibility, grid feasibility and a highlevel planning assessment.
With costs of fuel, fertiliser and energy extremely high and margins tight, compounded by the recent dry weather impacting tonnages,
What sets Noventum apart from some other developers in the market, Andrew says, is it looks to develop own and operate projects so the partnership extends beyond planning – whereas many others are only involved until planning permission is approved.

In addition, the trend for wellness tourism has inspired many farmers to open up retreats; and there are the more traditional farm diversi cations, such as onfarm accommodation, camping and glamping sites and shing lakes.Diversi cation doesn’t have to be focused just on your land – are there nature reserves, national parks, or natural phenomena that could bring additional revenue back to the Whateverfarm?your vision, RAF says it can provide the funds, friendly support and practical help to open up that revenue stream – however diverse. But to safeguard the future of your farm, the time to act is now. FG October 2022146 Farm Diversification

Hamish Campbell and his late father Robert, of R Oil, have been pressing oilseed rape, grown at their Cotswold farm for 13 years. R Oil uses a system of 12 presses supplied by Kernkraft GmBh and sold through its UK agent Aquahelios Limited.Thepresses operate 24 hours a day, but only three spare parts have ever been needed.
Mention farm diversi cation and most people wouldn’t think of swan-spotting. But one farm is o ering winter accommodation on the Cambridgeshire Fens, where twitchers can watch the unique, spectacular sight of 10,000 swans migrating in from Iceland andThisRussia.farmer’s idea, which Rural Asset Finance helped to fund, is now generating year-round bookings and is yet another example of a resourceful British farmer looking at the wider local landscape to bring in much-needed alternative revenue.Many farms are tapping into the public’s desire to connect with nature. In Wales, customers pay farmers to take a sheep for a walk through the beautiful Brecon Beacons. Farmers in the south of

A holiday let with a di erence

Kernkraft has been manufacturing oilseed presses for over 20 years and they are sold worldwide.Thepresses can process everything from small volumes of 3–15kg/hr, to 500–2,000kg/hr using the largest press in the Additionalrange.value comes from by-products such as pressed cake for animal feed, gluten free our and sun ower cake, which has a high protein value for livestock. By adding a Kernkraft Concentrator to the system, human

England rent fruit trees out by the season, so customers can harvest their own crop.

Cold pressing your own crops for oil

If you would like further information, Derek Tolley, head of technical sales for Aquahelios, is happy to help. FG Authorised sales agent for associatedmanufactureGmbHKernkraftwhohighqualityoilSeedpressesandsystems. 90277 Aquahelios Limited Droitwich, UK For all enquiries contact: Derek Tolley (Technical Sales) 07483 869311 Do you want to diversify? Gavin Dixon Finance Can help with your projects 90668 Give our office a ring on Trustpilot rating score: 4.9 of 5 Gavin Dixon Finance Solutions Ltd Gavin Dixon Finance Solutions Ltd is an Appointed Representative of Rural Finance Limited. Rural Finance Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority, FRN 630701. Rural Finance Limited is an authorised Credit Broker and not a lender. We offer financial facilities from a number of funders and a list is available upon request 01308 480 248

grade protein powder can also be obtained.Other potential uses include cosmetics, green fuels, lubrication oils, CBD oil, and even for paints. The Farming Transformation Fund could help UK farmers with capital expenditure for purchasing oilseed press systems.
This can be an opportunity for ‘added value’ for UK farmers. Crops such as oilseed rape, axseed, sun ower and even hemp are ideal for cold pressing and producing oil.

bookings and payments are made directly to landowners without any commission. Landowners are free to set their own pricing and accept members to stay on their terms. This includes choosing where they want the 4x4 capable members to set up camp, giving full exibility to adapt around farming activities.

For many farmers and farming businesses, enhancing farm income from sources other than conventional farm production makes sense. The majority of diversi cation projects will require some form of planning consent, be that through a full planning application or through the use of permitted development rights. As such, planning will be essential to most schemes.Wilson Wraight is involved with a number of diversi cation projects including holiday lets, change of use to dwellings, glamping sites, dog exercise areas, and the company has had several recent successes for the change of use of existing buildings to commercial uses.


Low-hassle for farmers
Unlocking opportunities through the planning system
camping diversification
O -Grid Camp links 4x4 capable overlanders looking for somewhere wilder to camp, with farmers and landowners for a small
Tom’s family run a hill farm on Exmoor and Rozzi is a trained agronomist, so they have set up the business with a strong understanding and respect for the farming community.

Head of planning Dan Hewett comments: “Despite the ongoing

Visit www.o for more information. FG

October 2022 147 ImpartialValuable,Advice Leading providers of agricultural, environmental, and planning consultancy services. T \ 01284 700727 E \ W \ Agricultural Management
debate around reforms to the planning system, there remains considerable scope to enhance value and income through the implementation of diversi cation projects. Our service is tailored to unlocking these opportunities through the planning system and our experience enables us to cover the strategic promotion of sites through to the project management of development schemes via planning applications or Wilsonappeals.”Wraight’s planning consultancy team would be delighted to discuss options for farm diversi cation. For further information on this and to discuss any planning related matters contact Dan Hewett directly. FG
Sustainability and ecological sensitivity are key to the business principles of Timberspecs, which has been supplying log and wood homes since 1999, all sourced from a well-managed forest in Romania.Sourcing its supply of timber has involved many changes to prevent illegal logging and pillaging of Romania's ancient forests and woodlands, and its partner companies ensure that they hold the relevant documentation in line with Natura 2000Itsregulations.timberistaken from mature, not ancient trees that are seasoned for durability and a replacement tree programme is carried out and managed.Eachstructure
Unused buildings –a useful source of income

Sustainably sourcing log and wood homes

Salter & Mckenna. This is very important as ‘location location location’ is the most important factor in diversi cation choice. Farms that are close to high levels of populous have the most options, with many being able to have a mixed portfolio. Farms in more rural areas lend themselves to holiday lets and bespoke lettings. This phase should also include a feasibility study. The second phase is planning, followed by building control, construction and conversion, and nally occupation andSaltermanagement.&Mckenna practises on the Essex/Su olk border, serving clients throughout East Anglia. Contact Alice or Cameron at Salter & Mckenna for further advice. FG

Every structure it completes involves as little ground disturbance as possible to preserve existing natural habitats. It has ceased using concrete in favour of a layer
Farm diversi cation has become a very important part of many farm businesses, o ering a more stable income that is not subject to the commodity

is very individual in design features, but all materials must have originated from a sustainable source. All cabins conform to BS3632 to minimise their carbon footprint. October 2022148 eco friendly affordable sustaina bl e ma terials bespoke design The Natural Way To Build For more information on all the buildings please visit our website.. Web: Email: Tel: 01580 212141 Mob: 07710 480259 • Mobile Homes • Club Houses • Country Parks • Garden, Studio & Office Buildings Bespoke Design Service And Technical Data Paynetts Farm, Cranbrook Road, Goudhurst, Kent, TN17 1DY Tel: 01580 212141 Mob: 07710 480259 Email: Mobile homes, holiday chalets, log homes. All built to your requirements, delivered and erected anywhere, we offer builds in round, square, cavity and random log up to 360mm thick. Houses supplied to meet building control regulations. • TimberSectionalBuildings • Timber Built Garages • Log Cabins • Flood Proof Cabins • Planning Help Available SALTER & MCKENNA Rural Professional Services Alice Howard MRICS FAAV 07955,CornardTye,Sudbury,Suolk 90100 Salter & Mckenna ✦ Farm and ManagementEstate ✦ Subsidy and Grant Applications ✦ Landlord and Tenant ✦ Listed Building Advice ✦ Planning and Development –Domestic, Agricultural and Commercial ✦ Commercial ManagementProperty ✦ Valuations ✦ Rural Tax Planning ✦ Project Management ✦ Compensation Claims ✦ Building Surveys ✦ Architectural Services
of recycled brick dust on a levelled surface, upon which are sat Jack pads and beams or ground screws and beams. These can all be removed to leave no trace of any disturbance.Allstructures are completely thermally insulated and double glazed as standard. This signi cantly reduces heat Timberspecsloss.and partners also specialise in providing cabins that conform to the UK Mobile Home Act, meaning ecologically sensitive customers are not restricted to the usual unsustainable option of metal and plastic. FG

Finding new, diversi ed revenue streams is only becoming more important for British farmers, as margins are tighter than ever, and the industry faces numerous
Farm Business Innovation Show returns to support diversifying farmers
Seminars cover all aspects of rural business, from inspiration on the di erent opportunities, to practical advice. There will be something for everyone, organisers promise, with advice and ideas from sectors including tourism and leisure, renewable energy, farm attractions, land rentals, alternative agriculture, diversi ed farm production and more.
using their land for non-farming activities. The extent to which these activities contribute to total business turnover varies hugely, but on average was 16%, up from 11% in 2020. In addition, 34% had either diversi ed already or were planning to do so in Decidingfuture.what new business venture to take on, and nding the right advice, can be challenging, which is why the Farm Business Innovation Show – Europe’s largest event of its kind – aims to help farmers and landowners identify new opportunities and give them the tools to diversify their land.
October 2022 149 Farm Diversification
According to the latest NFU Mutual Diversi cation Report in 2021, 37% of farmers surveyed said they, or a third party, were already

This year’s Farm Business Innovation Show at Birmingham’s NEC is set to attract over 14,300 visitors, to bene t from a whopping 1,000 exhibitors and 550 seminars – all aiming to inspire and support farmers who are looking to diversify their business.

Keynote speakers will share their knowledge, stories, expertise and advice, while visitors can also bene t from networking with like-minded individuals and learn from each other’s advice
The Farm Business Innovation Show Awards will take place again this year, recognising those who are breaking down boundaries in farming and landowning.
challenges and uncertainty.

and diversi cation successes and failures. There will also be panel debates and live demos, while exhibitors showcase the latest products, solutions and systems for visitors to try out.
Also back for 2022 is the Green Route, which showcases products from the sector’s most sustainable suppliers – handpicked to give visitors everything they need to get green ready for 2023. Panel debates and awards ceremonies will explore the latest sustainable products covering everything from biodegradable packaging, renewable energy and eco-friendly means of transport to take farms to the next level.
The Farm Business Innovation Show will take place on 2nd November (10am-5pm) and 3rd November (10am-4pm) 2022 at the NEC,ToBirmingham.bookyourfree ticket or keep up to date with announcements on the speakers and seminars at this year’s event, visit: www. FG

Its experts liaise with the relevant local planning authority and work with landowners to establish schemes that provide a solution to local developers seeking to o set their ecological impacts.

Glamping franchise Wigwam Holidays has over 30 years’ experience, o ers support and experience to help farmers make the most of their investment.

‘Staycations’ enjoyed a signi cant boom during the pandemic, resulting in increased appreciation of the great British countryside. With the current cost of living crisis, it seems likely that this trend will continue as more people opt for British camping and glamping holidays, rather than jetting o on lavish overseas holidays.
Getting into glamping
rewarding possibilities for farm diversi cation, but starting a new business takes a lot of work, the company says. Entering into the challenge with a wealth of knowledge behind you can make it a lot ers to assist with everything from planning your site layout, to running your website and advertising to customers – to ensure you enter the holiday business on the best possible footing.
Increasing pressures on British farming businesses means diversi cation opportunities will only become more important.
Bidwells’ environmentalspecialistconsultants and rural surveyors identify strategic opportunities for establishing biodiversity net gain schemes within rural estates where there is signi cant potential for biodiversity uplift, particularly when diversifying underused assets.
Wigwam Holidays has 87 sites across the whole of the UK.


Glamping is one of the most cost e ective and nancially

For further information, chat with the team at the Farm Business Innovation Show at the NEC Birmingham on 2nd–3rd November, or visit FG
IF YoU’ve GOT THE LAND, We’VE GOT THe BRAND CHECK US OUT AT 90570 Wigwam® Holidays has been leading the way in the glamping industry for 30 years. With over 90 sites and with a proven business model, we are with you every step of the way. From planning and feasibility right through to taking your first booking and beyond, we offer a turn key solution that earns you money while you sleep. Visit us at Farm Business Innovation Show 2nd-3rd November 2022 UNLOCK THE VALUEOF YOURLAND OR ESTATE Louise Newton 07932 699 blood; we understand thechallenges facedby sustainable solutions to diversify your estate and maximise existing assets. Visit us at Farm Business Innovation Stand FM600 84893
An opportunity for landowners is arising with new planning rules requiring developers to improve biodiversity within development sites. Biodiversity net gain, introduced by the Environment Act 2021, seeks to ensure natural habitat which is damaged through development is not just replaced but enhanced by at least a further 10%. This new legislation has already been rolled out across a number of local authorities, creating a growing demand for ‘biodiversity units’.
Biodiversity net gain presents a novel diversification approach

The rm says its comprehensive understanding and experience of biodiversity net gain in practice makes it best placed to determine the appropriate way to deliver such a scheme. It combines ecological expertise with a comprehensive understanding of rural investment to provide well-informed advice on the natural capital market.
Get in touch with Bidwells’ experienced specialists, senior environmental consultant Lisa Bulmer and associate and chartered rural surveyor Louise Newton. Or speak to the team in person on stand FM600 at the Farm Business Innovation Show at the NEC Birmingham on 2nd and 3rd November 2022. FG October 2022150 Farm Diversification

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October 2022 153 Tel: 01507 466352 Mobile: 07801 343023 Fax: 01507 462812 Email: THE LARGEST FLEET OF CHALLENGER TRACKED TRACTORS IN EUROPE up to 600hp 89907 IanHoulgraveIanHoulgraveFORHIRE In an ideal world, you’d be using a SuperMaxx ® Take a closer look at the ultimate cultural solution to: • Blackgrass chitting with volunteer cereal control • Straw spreading and incorporation • Mounted widths 3m, 5m & 6m • Trailed widths 6m, 9m, 10m, 12m • For non-inversion and plough-based systems. SuperMaxx® The ultimate blackgrass and cultivation solution. AGRI SERVICES To find out more call 01670 789 020 or visit woxagriservices woxagri woxagri pump partsdirect partsdirect www.pumppartsdirect.comAllPartsare100%Genuine,directfromManufacturers Purchase Pumps, Parts & Umbilical Accessories online now

 October 2022154 Collins Farming & ServicesForestryLtdTURNPOPLAR & ASH INTO CASH • ash and poplar dismantling and purchase • hedge and woodland coppicing • site clearance • felling licence applications • contract chipping • supplier of dried and screened woodchip m: 07850 988808 e: w: Don’t let timber quality deteriorate Safely harvest while it has value! 87480 Call Dave on 07803 135170 90137 Covering the Stowmarket area D Williams Services Ltd Mole draining with a Cat steel track crawler and Miles single leg mole Stowmarket • Suffolk Avadex spreading with specialist machine with wide tyres, guidance and 24m spreader WASTE TYRES 90274 For free estimate and quote contact Chris Ingram – Intowaste Ltd 07860 670 201 Farms, Agricultural Contractors, Plant Hire & Earthmover 25 Years’ experience in used tyre disposal Registered Environment Agency Waste carrier/collector National bulk collections in articulated trailers Mixed tyres accepted Forklift and plant tracks accepted Competitive prices • Excellent service Mobiles: 07710 622 611/07710 619 088 Email: Fitzandrews Fm, Howe Street, Chelmsford, Essex CM3 1BQ member Most arable undertakenoperations Call for attractive options on andstubble-to-stubblefull-farmcontracts Spraying with Bateman RB35 12, 24, 32 & 36m boom widths available Drilling services including high capacity Horsch Sprinter 8m on Challenger 89681 A.E. Kiddy & Son 07767 167821 Phone Edward to discuss • 12/24m spraying and liquid fertiliser application • Claydon drilling • Claydon Terrastar (also for hire) • Grassland operations/paddock maintenance • Tractor/telehandler with operator All operations carried out with GPS Covering Halesworth and surrounding areas 89380 Matt Gregory (Transport) Ltd provides professional transportation of agricultural & industrial machinery, tanks, vessels & generators across the UK We have a range of Hiabs to maximise our lifting capabilities with a maximum reach of 28m t: 01284 827118 m: 07710 782340 e: info@mgtsu w: mgtsu 85635 Matt Gregory (Transport) Ltd 86772 ConstructionAgricultural Contractor P. BOpeterbowers6@gmail.comContactWERSPeter07944272762360º Digger DitchingSpecialisingworkin&Coppicing(shear&grab)Cuts&holds14”diameterwoodConcreteCrushingHedgeCutting For all your building needs... From livestock, grain stores, straw sheds and workshops (industrial and agricultural) All groundworks undertaken, from drainage to concreting! Lagoons and water holding treatment/sewageplants, etc, also carried out Please call for a chat – we are happy to help where we can Specialist Machinery Hire Robocut – Mulcher, Forestry, Trencher Muck Spreader Hire Hedgecutting – Flail & Saw Low Loader Transport t: 01206 230662 m: 07850 888002 e: Harwich Road • Ardleigh Essex • CO7 7LS 90121 Blue Pump Farm, Bressingham, Diss, Norfolk IP22 2AA For further information please contact us on Tel: 01379 388156 • Fax: 01379 388109 Email: or T. G. ASKEW 87257 • Bulk Haulage • Aggregates • Road Planings Stock Feed • Lump Chalk • Bark • Equestrian Rubber Chip & Silica Sand • Farm Track Repairs We are very flexible and meeting our clients needs is our top priority • Sugar HarvestingBeet • Precision Sugar Beet Drilling Operating in and around Su olk Please call Tom for a friendly chat on... T D Sagon Contracting 32379607532 84433

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BD1 3BN 01274 390962 BRIGHTON 123 Lewes Rd, BN2 3QB 01273 915999 BRISTOL 1-3 Church Rd, Lawrence Hill. BS5 9JJ 0117 935 1060 BURTON UPON TRENT 12a Lichfield St. DE14 3QZ 01283 564 708 CAMBRIDGE 181-183 Histon Road, Cambridge. CB4 3HL 01223 322675 CARDIFF 44-46 City Rd. CF24 3DN 029 2046 5424 CARLISLE 85 London Rd. CA1 2LG 01228 591666 CHELTENHAM 84 Fairview Road. GL52 2EH 01242 514 402 CHESTER 43-45 St. James Street. CH1 3EY 01244 311258 COLCHESTER 4 North Station Rd. CO1 1RE 01206 762831 COVENTRY Bishop St. CV1 1HT 024 7622 4227 CROYDON 423-427 Brighton Rd, Sth Croydon 020 8763 0640 DARLINGTON 214 Northgate. DL1 1RB 01325 380 841 DEAL (KENT) 182-186 High St. CT14 6BQ 01304 373 434 DERBY Derwent St. DE1 2ED 01332 290 931 DONCASTER Wheatley Hall Road 01302 245 999 DUNDEE 24-26 Trades Lane. DD1 3ET 01382 225 140 EDINBURGH 163-171 Piersfield Terrace 0131 659 5919 EXETER 16 Trusham Rd. EX2 8QG 01392 256 744 GATESHEAD 50 Lobley Hill Rd. NE8 4YJ 0191 493 2520 GLASGOW 280 Gt Western Rd. G4 9EJ 0141 332 9231 GLOUCESTER 221A Barton St. GL1 4HY 01452 417 948 GRIMSBY ELLIS WAY, DN32 9BD 01472 354435 HULL 8-10 Holderness Rd. HU9 1EG 01482 223161 ILFORD 746-748 Eastern Ave. IG2 7HU 0208 518 4286 IPSWICH Unit 1 Ipswich Trade Centre, Commercial Road 01473 221253 LEEDS 227-229 Kirkstall Rd. LS4 2AS 0113 231 0400 LEICESTER 69 Melton Rd. LE4 6PN 0116 261 0688 LINCOLN Unit 5. The Pelham Centre. LN5 8HG 01522 543 036 LIVERPOOL 80-88 London Rd. L3 5NF 0151 709 4484 LONDON CATFORD 289/291 Southend Lane SE6 3RS 0208 695 5684 LONDON 6 Kendal Parade, Edmonton N18 020 8803 0861 LONDON 503-507 Lea Bridge Rd. Leyton, E10 020 8558 8284 LUTON Unit 1, 326 Dunstable Rd, Luton LU4 8JS 01582 728 063 MAIDSTONE 57 Upper Stone St. ME15 6HE 01622 769 572 MANCHESTER ALTRINCHAM 71 Manchester Rd. Altrincham 0161 9412 666 MANCHESTER CENTRAL 209 Bury New Road M8 8DU 0161 241 1851 MANCHESTER OPENSHAW Unit 5, Tower Mill, Ashton Old Rd 0161 223 8376 MANSFIELD 169 Chesterfield Rd. South 01623 622160 MIDDLESBROUGH Mandale Triangle, Thornaby 01642 677881 NORWICH 282a Heigham St. NR2 4LZ 01603 766402 NORTHAMPTON Beckett Retail Park, St James’ Mill Rd 01604 267840 NOTTINGHAM 211 Lower Parliament St. 0115 956 1811 PETERBOROUGH 417 Lincoln Rd. Millfield 01733 311770 PLYMOUTH 58-64 Embankment Rd. PL4 9HY 01752 254050 POOLE 137-139 Bournemouth Rd. Parkstone 01202 717913 PORTSMOUTH 277-283 Copnor Rd. Copnor 023 9265 4777 PRESTON 53 Blackpool Rd. PR2 6BU 01772 703263 SHEFFIELD 453 London Rd. Heeley. S2 4HJ 0114 258 0831 SIDCUP 13 Blackfen Parade, Blackfen Rd 0208 3042069 SOUTHAMPTON 516-518 Portswood Rd. 023 8055 7788 SOUTHEND 1139-1141 London Rd. Leigh on Sea 01702 483 742 STOKE-ON-TRENT 382-396 Waterloo Rd. Hanley 01782 287321 SUNDERLAND 13-15 Ryhope Rd. Grangetown 0191 510 8773 SWANSEA 7 Samlet Rd. Llansamlet. SA7 9AG 01792 792969 SWINDON 21 Victoria Rd. 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WR1 1JZ 01905 723451 VISIT YOUR LOCAL SUPERSTORE OPEN MON-FRI 8.30-6.00, SAT 8.30-5.30, SUN 10.00-4.00 INDUSTRIAL COMPRESSORSAIR MIG WELDERS Quality machines from Britain’s leading supplier See online for included accessories 135TE GAS, TIPS, SHROUDS & WIRE IN STOCK UP CAPACITY7938KGTOINSTOCK Ammeter Multiposition cycleonprotectionregulatorchargeOverloadcharging BATTERY CHARGERS /ENGINE STARTERS JUMP STARTS Provides essential home, garage and roadside assistance Integral work light 910 /JS1100C include air compressor Long life battery EXTRA LONG 1m LEADS CAT117 HEAVY WATERSUBMERSIBLEDUTYPUMPS *Pumps solids up to 35mm dia. †dia.)to(solidsdirty#Clean/waterup5mm cutterSewagepump HSEC650A PVP11A Model MaxLPMFlow Headexc.VATinc.VATMax PVP11A* 25811.0m £86.99 £104.39 HSE130A# 1407.0m £109.98 £131.98 HSE1400A† 43013m £359.00 £430.80 HSEC650A†# 290L9.5M £229.00 £274.80 Model StartingBoost Ampsexc.VATinc.VATPeak 910400900 £89.95 £107.94 JS1100C5001100 £89.98 £107.98 40007001500 £156.00 £187.20 JS12/2410002000 £175.00 £210.00 ModelCapacityexc.VATinc.VAT 20SPS12907kg £89.98 £107.98 25SPS121134kg £124.99 £149.99 HEADER EXC.VAT FROM ONLY £275.98 inc.VAT £229.98 DRILL PRESSES Range of precision bench & floor presses for enthusiast, engineering & industrial applicationsB=BenchmountedF=Floorstanding CDP102B model MotorSpeedsexc.VATinc.VAT(W) CDP5EB350 / 5 £84.99 £101.99 CDP102B350 / 5 £99.98 £119.98 CDP152B450 / 12 £189.98 £227.98 CDP202B450 / 16 £239.00 £286.80 CDP352F550 / 16 £298.00 £357.60 CDP452B550 / 16 £299.00 £358.80 CDP502F1100 / 12 £739.00 FROMDOUBLEONLYDOUBLEFOOTER £84.99 £101.99 inc.VATEXC.VAT 5 JACKFORKLIFT/TRACTORTONNE-CFT5B HIGH LIFTS UPTO 730mm LOW LIFTS FROM 70mmRANGEHUGEOF FROM DOUBLEDOUBLEONLYFOOTER £229.00 £274.80 inc.VATEXC.VAT GENERATORS Honda engineavailablemodels PG3800ADV CHECK FRAME TYPEORDERINGWHENHYUNDAI DIESEL GENERATORS UP TO 125kVA ALSO ModelVolts KVA HPexc.VATinc.VAT PG2500A2302.25.6 £239.00 £286.80 PG3800A23035.6 £289.00 £346.80 PG3800ADV230/11035.6 £319.00 £382.80 PG6500ADVES230/1105.59.7 £569.00 £682.80 HEADER EXC.VAT FROM ONLY £286.80 inc.VAT £239.00 FROMDOUBLEONLYDOUBLEFOOTER £89.95 £107.94 inc.VATEXC.VAT FROMDOUBLEONLYDOUBLEFOOTER £89.98 £107.98 inc.VATEXC.VAT FROMDOUBLEONLYDOUBLEFOOTER £72.99 £87.59 inc.VATEXC.VAT PETROL ENGINE WATER PUMPS Delivery & Suction hose in stock *Can pump solids up to 15mm dia. #Can pump solids up to 28mm dia. 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CONTAINER FOR DETERGENT LOWAMAZINGPRICE! 1452100Barpsi HOT WASHERS FROM DOUBLEDOUBLEONLYFOOTER £539.00 £646.80 inc.VATEXC.VAT ModelBARPress.VOLTexc.VATinc.VAT Harry 21452100psi230 £539.00 £646.80 KING150B1452103psi230 £798.00 £957.60 KING 2001502175psi230 £1059.00 £1270.80 * WAS £1294.80 inc.VAT HARRY 2 CAT117 WATERSUBMERSIBLEPUMPS #Auto ON/OFF float switch on these models The HippoFamouspump Model FlowMax Headexc.VATinc.VATMax PSV3A# 133L8M £44.99 £53.99 PSV1A# 140L5.8M £54.99 £65.99 HIPPO 2 230V85L6M £59.98 £71.98 PSV4A# 216L8M £59.98 £71.98 TURBO COMPRESSORSAIR Superb range ideal for DIY, hobby & semi-professional use 16/1050TIGER HEADER EXC.VAT FROM ONLY £143.98 inc.VAT £119.98 ModelMotorCFMTankexc.VATinc.VAT 11/2602.5HP9.3CFM24ltr £139.98 £167.98 8/5502HP7CFM50ltr £169.98 £203.98 16/5503HP14.550ltr £249.00 £298.80 16/10503HP14.5CFM100ltr £319.00 £382.80 FROMDOUBLEONLYDOUBLEFOOTER £44.99 £53.99 inc.VATEXC.VAT MODEL CFM (HP) RCVREXC.VATINC.VAT XEV16/100 (OL)†* 143100ltr £499.00 £598.80 XEV16/150 (OL)†* 143150ltr £559.00 £670.80 XEV16/200(OL)†* 143200ltr £615.00 £738.00 XEV16/150(400V)† 143150ltr £619.00 £742.80 XE18/200 (OL)†* 184200ltr £689.00 £826.80 XE36C200† 307.5HP200Ltr £1099.00 £1318.80 XE29/270†* 282X3HP270Ltr £1249.00 £1498.80 XE37/270 (OL)†* 362x 4270ltr £1329.00 £1594.80 SE46C270† 4010HP270Ltr £1898.00 £2277.60 RCVR EXC.VAT INC.VAT †V-Twin *230V XEV16/100 Top quality belt driven air compressors for industrial & commercial users inc; garages, factories, workshops and farms. 10 bar/145psi max working pressure COMPRESSORSSCREWUPTO371CFM HEADER EXC.VAT FROM ONLY £598.80 inc.VAT £499.00 MODEL OUTPUTMAX kWexc.VATinc.VAT Little Devil II10.3 £89.98 £107.98 Devil 70014.6 £109.98 £131.98 Devil 90024.9 £149.98 £179.98 Devil 160036.6 £179.98 £215.98 Devil 210049.8 £259.00 £310.80 Devil 4000117.2 £449.00 £538.80 TURBO FAN GAS HEATERSOffering low cost, efficient heating GASPROPANEFIRED DUAL VOLTAGE 230& 110 VOLT IN FROMSTOCK£214.80 FROMDOUBLEONLYDOUBLEFOOTER £89.98 £107.98 inc.VATEXC.VAT MODELVOLTAGE OUTPUTHEAT exc.VAT VATinc. 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Two Shropshire businessmen had raised almost £8,000 for the British Heart Foundation by driving Ford tractors from John O’Groats to Land’s End and Yorkshire’s Ken Chappell was among the winners at the Normac ploughing match. FG
including a Dowdeswell Delta Furra model for tractors up to 250hp, Gregoire Besson models with 7–12 furrows and electronic headland management system, and the Rabe Raven with adjustable furrow widths for tractors up to 150hp.
The next series of International Harvester crawler tractors appeared in America in 1938. The T-6 and TD-6 along with the T-9 and TD-9 were farm tractors and the more powerful
Claas reported a good year and announced it was reducing its prices by 15%. The Saxham-based company had achieved a third of the total combine sales in the UK and made an agreement with Caterpillar to market the CAT Challenger range of tractors in Europe. Farm machinery news also noted that Claas had added a new Quadrant 2200 big square baler with a £56,500 price tag and needing a 100hp tractor. With the attachment Rotocut for a 150hp tractor it cost £70,100. Claas had also entered the 200hp tractor market with the Xerion which had four steering modes and a rotating cab that could be xed in three di erent positions.

improved BTD-6 with a 50hp power unit and strengthened transmission replaced the earlier model in 1955. International Harvester added the BTD-20 in 1958. Built for the construction industry and drainage work, it had a 124hp Rolls Royce engine and a six forward and reverse gearbox. FG
The International T-6 was the vaporising oil version of the diesel-engine TD-6 crawler tractor.

The combine feature gave details of the latest John Deere options – the 2200 and 1170 series machines. The smaller 1170 series had a 170hp engine, with the choice of a 14 or 16ft cutter bar and prices from £96,000. Massey Ferguson would be celebrating 60 years of self-propelled combine harvesters in 1998, and the latest models could be equipped with automatic self-levelling cutter bars able to harvest across slopes of up to 25%.
Another special feature on farm vehicles included a new 4wd Yamaha Wolverine ATV with a 350cc engine and ve-speed transmission and the latest Land Rover Freelander rst seen at the recent Frankfurt Motor Show. The speci cation included 4wd, a petrol or diesel engine and optional 16in wheels. Other vehicles reviewed
The special features in the October 1997 Farmers Guide included ploughs and combine harvesters. The plough feature included a preview of the British National Ploughing Championships in Kent. All the latest multi-furrow reversible ploughs would be demonstrated alongside the ploughing match,

T-14, TD-14 and TD-18 were industrial models. The 85hp TD-18 weighed about 10t; it was about three times heavier than the TD-6 and used more than six gallons of diesel fuel an hour. The para n engine T6 and TD-6 diesel launched in 1940 had ve forward and two reverse gearboxes, clutch and brake steering, power take-o and optional belt pulley. The diesel engine was started on gasoline and it switched to diesel automatically after about 900 revolutions. The International TD-6 had been on the UK market for several years when the Doncaster-built BT-6 and BTD-6 were launched at the Royal Show in Blackpool in 1953. The BT-6 had a modi ed Farmall BM vaporising oil engine and a BTD-6 had a 38hp Farmall BMD power unit. The speci cation was similar to the earlier TD-6 with an indirect injection 4-cyl engine, electric starting and an hour meter. An
East Anglian dealer Pan Anglia made the news by selling its kit form rst Concept seedbed cultivator. There were two models; the 3m cultivator at £4,700, and the 4m model at £5,650. It was estimated that it would take two hours to build the 3m model.

included the new SsangYong Musso from Korea, the Daihatsu Fourtrak Fieldman and the latest John Deere Gator with an 18hp diesel engine.
The rst international crawler tractors, the McCormick-Deering 10-20 and 15-30 TracTracTors, based on the wheeled 10-20 and 15-30 tractors, appeared in 1928. The 10-20 model number indicated that the tractor, with a 4cyl kerosene engine, developed 10hp at the drawbar and 20hp at the belt pulley. Likewise, the 15-30 had 15 drawbar horsepower and 30hp at the belt pulley. The T-20 crawler, introduced in 1931, a tracklaying version of the wheeled Farmall F-20, was classed as a two-plow tractor and the more powerful gasoline engine T-40 (Trac 40) was the crawler version of the wheeled W-40. The T-40 and the diesel engine TD-40 with the same power unit as the WD-40 were made from 1933-39.

90120 Agriculture Nationwide Coverage Servicing of all Tractors and MachinesCombine Service and RepairsElectrical Hydraulic RepairsTrailer Services and RepairsWelding and FabricationClassic Machine Repairs a speciality 07778 morleyagriculture@gmail.com598391 Ford New Holland Specialist

‘Points to Ponder’ from the editor’s desk in the October 1997 Farmers Guide included a prediction that, following the early spring frosts, up to 100 Kent fruit farmers were facing bankruptcy.


October 2022

158 October 2022 Farmers – place your FREE advert in the magazine or online by visiting To post, see coupon on page 218 Deadline for inclusion in the November 2022 issue is 6th October 2022 UK’S LARGEST AGRICULTURAL CLASSIFIED SECTION Tel 01652 655777 Kevin mob 07796 957735 Michael mob 07850 828639 Fountain House, 111 Scawby Road, Scawby Brook, Brigg, N Lincs DN20 9JX email: fax: 01652 651476 90242 20 reg Manitou 733/115 LSU Premium new 19 reg MF 7720s 4x4 FL FS 50K air brakes 2400hrs 70 reg MF 7718s 50K air brakes 3 year warranty 897hrs 20 reg MF 7718s 4x4 air brakes 50K 2100hrs FL 62 reg MF 7624 4x4 Dyna 6 50K FL 5200hrs 14 reg MF 7624 4x4 Dyna VT 3600hrs FS CS 14 reg MF 7618 4x4 Dyna 6 air brakes 50K 6900hrs 14 reg MF 7618 4x4 Dyna 6 air brakes 50K 7500hrs 13 reg MF 7618 4x4 Dyna 6 4700hrs 13 reg MF 7618 4x4 Dyna 6 7500hrs 50K air brakes 15 reg MF 7618 4x4 Dyna VT 50K 7500hrs 08 reg MF 6499 4x4 Dyna 6 FS CS 50K 7700hrs 11 reg MF 6499 4x4 Dyna 6 FS CS FL 7400hrs mint 11 reg MF 6495 4x4 FS CS FL 6900hrs Dyna 6 11 reg MF 6490 4x4 50K 7100hrs 61 reg MF 6480 4x4 FS CS FL 5000hrs 03 reg MF 6290 4x4 FS 9000hrs 18 reg MF 5710s 4x4 Essential spec wth MF loader 3870hrs 55 reg MF 5465 4x4 K reg Case 895 4x4 with loader 02 reg Manitou 635/120 teleporter AC 5500hrs 11 reg JCB 526/56 teleporter 4x4 4100hrs 1964 Fordson Super Dexta Samsung digger 13t 7900hrs Marshall 10t tipper trailer Case 1000kg block Rowcrop wheel for MF 6480 2019 LOGIC CTM600 WEED WIPER 6m, front or rear mount, hydraulic folding, hydraulic angle adjustment, in cab controls, 270L tank 2016 JOHN DEERE 8600i 4wd SPFH, 2800 eng/1800 drum hrs, 710/70R42 traction tyres 70%, 620/70R30 steering tyres 60%, 639 grass header, crop processor, Harvest Lab 3000, air con 2014 NEW HOLLAND KEMPER FI600S 8 row rotary maize header, ts FR forager 2003 NEW HOLLAND RI600 8 row rotary maize header, ts FR forager 2018 NEW HOLLAND T7.210 T4B Auto Command, 4wd, 50kph, 2200hrs, 650/75R38 rear tyres 70%, 600/65R28 front tyres 60%, front linkage + PTO, 4 spools, MM, air con, AGR 2019 NEW HOLLAND T7.210 T4B Power Command 4wd, 4500hrs, 50kph, 650/65R38 r/tyres 60%, 540/65R28, f/tyres 40%, f/linkage, 4 spools, MM, air con, AGR + Quicke Q6M parallel loader c/w JCB Q- t headstock 2022 NEW HOLLAND T6.180 Stage 5 Auto Command, 4wd, 50kph, 450hrs, 650/65R38 rear tyres 95%, 540/65R28 front tyres 95%, front linkage + PTO, 4 spools, air con, AGR, MM 2018 NEW HOLLAND T6.165 T4B Electro Command, 50kph, 700hrs, 600/65R38 r/tyres 90%, 480/65R28 f/tyres 85%, f/linkage, 4 elec spools, MM, air con, AGR NEW HOLLAND CX7.80 20’ Varifeed header + trolley, twin side knives, Ultra Flow staggered drum, yield + moisture, AGR, chopper & cha spreaders, 800/70R38 & 500/80R28 tyres – new NEW HOLLAND CX8.80 28’ Varifeed header + trolley, twin side knives, Ultra Flow staggered drum, yield + moisture, AGR, chopper & cha spreaders, 24” Smarttrax + 520/80R26 tyres – new 2019 NEW HOLLAND CX8.80 SL 1040 eng/847 drum hrs, 24” Smartrax tracks 80%, 520/80R28 steering tyres 70%, 25’ Varifeed header + trolley, side knives, AGR, yield + moisture, air con Paul Reeves 07802 383742 • Oliver Knowles: 07468 860351 Visit our website for our full range of used machinery available 90727

159October 2022—onlinesellandBuy ONLINE OR IN PRINT – FARMERS GUIDE GETS RESULTS FREE FORFARMERSPRIVATE AGVANTAGE UK LTD, POPLAR FARM, COATES, PETERBOROUGH, CAMBRIDGESHIRE, PE7 2DU 01733 215921 £65, kit,WaterPoweredOmega,discs,kit,WindrowEasypicpickingofftable 2017 Standen T2 £12,000Belt levelling, XL flow Camerasboard, 2011 Grimme GB215 £50,000 32” rows in 2 x 72” beds, XL flow board, Powder applicator, Air brakes 2018 Grimme GB430 £8,000Quad planter, Amistarstainlessapplicator,hood 2013 Standen SP244 £7,000 Stainless steel ridging hood, Good condition 2007 Miedema PM20 £19,000 85cm, rows, 1.8m wheel track, XL flow board, Hyd front plough, 2 cameras 2015 Grimme GB215 £95,000DoubleTopper,Multisep,Terratrac,1050tyres 2008 Grimme Varitron 270 POA Choice of 2012 or Goodmachines,2013condition 2013 Miedema MS2000L Tree Shearing & Site Clearance Tree Shears on Diggers capable of clearing any hard/soft wood up to 300mm diameter Perfect for coppicing/ pollarding overgrown hedgerows to large areas of growth for thinning or complete clearance Hire with a digger at a £/per metre basis (dependent on volume per m2) Chipping also available through a third party if required Hire of TMK 300 tree shears on their own are also available from us Hedgecutting 7.5m reach 1.6m head Debris blower Hedgecutter also available to hire for self drive (without the tractor) Groundworks Ditching Site Clearance Concreting Drainage Driveways All general digger work undertaken Machinery Hire 7.5m Shelbourne Reynolds hedgecutter Tree shears Hire High capacity JPM 20T dump trailers 19T LowloadersPlease contact OSG Agri Hire for more information 07804 823484 • 01279 815319 • e: • OSG Agri Hire Ltd is a family run business based on the Hertfordshire/Essex border providing trailer hire, tractor hire, contract bale chasing and other agricultural services Get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements and discover the advantages of working with OSG Agri Hire Ltd 90366

Tractors: 2017 Massey Ferguson 7718 Dyna-6 (1,100hrs), 2015 Massey Ferguson 7618 Dyna-6 (1,000hrs), 2017 Massey Ferguson 6713 Dyna-6 (1,095hrs). Combine Harvester: 1991 Massey Ferguson 38. Self-propelled Sprayer: 1997 Sands 2500 LowLine 24m (4,941hrs). Machinery: 2017 Bailey 14tonne and 2015 Bailey 16tonne trailers, 2019 Sumo Trio 3 min-till cultivator, 2008 Lemkin Smaragd cultivator, NRH Engineering rolls, 2010 Rabe Raven 1500 5furrow reversible plough, Baur 110/490 irrigation reel, Herbert Contractor 1200 System grader, Bredal B2 fertiliser spreader, Lely power harrow/drill combination 3m, Maschio Dominator power harrow 4m, Bunning 10tonne trailer, Grimme Continental onion harvester, Asa-Lift onion windrower, 1993 AS Marston FF-12 12tonne trailer, Stanhay precision drill, irrigation pumps etc. etc.

160 October 2022—advertisingTrade Buyers from over 50 countries 30,000 registered bidders worldwide Up to 500 tractors for sale every month 1,500 lots of agricultural and horticultural machinery o ered for sale CONSIGN NOW TO EUROPE’S LARGEST MONTHLY AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY SALE NEXT SALE: MONDAY 3RD OCTOBER 2022 Cambridge Machinery Sales, The Saleground, Sutton, Ely, Cambridgeshire CB6 2QT machinery@che Sales and valuations undertaken nationwide Catalogues available from the auctioneers two weeks prior AUCTION SALE OF AGRICULTURAL TRACTORS, COMBINE HARVESTER, IMPLEMENTS AND SHEEP REQUISITES To include: Tractors: 2020 Case IH 175 Puma CVX (1,673hrs), 2008 Case IH 140 Maxxum. Combine Harvester: 1994 New Holland TX34 17ft cut. Loader: 1985 Ford 555. Implements: 2003 Simba Horsch 4CO drill 4m, 2006 Cousins Sidewinder rolls 8.2m, 2011 Vicon RO-EDW fertiliser spreader, 2002 Chafer C-Series trailed sprayer 24m, Vaderstad NZ cultivator 6.6m, Kverneland LD85 6furrow and LB8NR 4furrow ploughs, Kuhn HR4002 power harrow 4m, Bomford B457 hedgecutter LH, Lely Lotus Stabilo 600 tedder, Kuhn FC300G mower, PZ Haybob 300, 1995 Richard Western 14tonne trailer, Brian Legg 8tonne trailer: Also: sheep requisites, attachments, cultivators and workshop equipment. On instructions from Gaynes Park Farms Ltd HORNES FARM, THEYDON GARNON, EPPING, ESSEX, CM16 7PH THURSDAY 29TH SEPTEMBER 2022 AT 10.00AM Sales and valuations undertaken nationwide Catalogues available from the auctioneers two weeks prior AUCTION SALE OF WELL-MAINTAINED LOW-HOURED MASSEY FERGUSON TRACTORS, COMBINE HARVESTER, SELF-PROPELLED SPRAYER, POTATO/ ONION GROWING AND GRADING EQUIPMENT, MACHINERY AND IMPLEMENTS

On instructions from B Norman due to retirement FIFTY FARM, WEST ROW, BURY ST EDMUNDS, SUFFOLK, IP28 8QT THURSDAY 6TH OCTOBER 2022 AT 10.00AM Sales and valuations undertaken nationwide Catalogues available from the auctioneers two weeks prior AUCTION SALE OF AGRICULTURAL TRACTORS, FORAGE HARVESTER, IMPLEMENTS AND GRASSLAND MACHINERY To include: Tractors: John Deere: ‘20 6250R (1,547hrs), ‘20 6215R (1,825hrs), ‘21 6155R (930hrs), ‘20 6155R (2,349hrs), ‘17 6155R (2,753hrs), ‘19 6145R (4,162hrs), ‘04 New Holland TM190, IH 125B S.II. Forage Harvester: 2021 Claas 950 Jaguar, 2021 Claas Direct Disc. Vehicle: 2016 VW Amarok. Grassland Machinery: 2020 Claas 3200FC and 2021 9200C triple mower, 2018 Claas 3200FC and 8500C triple mower, 2021 Claas 4800 Liner rake, 2021 Claas 2900 Liner rake, 2019 Claas 1300T Volto tedder, 2021 Massey Ferguson TD1310XTRC tedder, 2019 Shelbourne Reynolds HD87S VFRT hedgecutter, 2017 Abbey 4000T and 3000R slurry tanker, 2021 and 2014 Bunning Lowlander 105/85. Implements: 2019 Lemken Juwel 8M 5furrow reversible plough, 2021 Lemken Solitair 9t and 2020 Zirkon 12 combi drill, 2019 Kuhn/Kverneland S-Drill and HR3004 combi drill, ,2020 Kuhn Axis 40.2W V8 fertiliser spreader, 2020 Richard Western SF12HS 12t (2), 2017 Herron H2 14t (2) trailers. Also: slurry equipment, weight blocks, pumps, John Deere Starfire 6000 (4), 3000 and screens etc. On instructions from Andrew Johnston (Contracting) HIGH BURNTHWAITE FARM, DURDAR, CARLISLE, CUMBRIA, CA5 7AR THURSDAY 13TH OCTOBER 2022 AT 10.00AM Property | Land | Fine Art | Farm Machineryche 01353 777767 Cheffins-4UpAds-Gaynes-Norman-Johnstone-CMS.indd 1 14/09/2022 15:43:44

161October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FORTHCOMING AGRICULTURAL SALES DISPERSAL SALE OF FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT On Instruction from Buckenham Farms Limited The Sale will be held at Park Farm, Abbey Road, Old Buckenham, NR17 1PU Sale Date: Wednesday 5th October Starting at 10.30am Viewing: 1pm - 5pm on Tuesday 4th October and from 8am on the morning of the sale Catalogues available via or from the auctioneers For further information, please contact Richard Prentice on 07803 089558 Email: Land&PropertyExperts www. b ANGLEYFARM GLASSENBURYROAD•CRANBROOK KENT•ME38RG Wednesday26th October2022at10:30am FarmDispersalsalebyAuctionofArable Machinery&Equipmentbyauctionincluding:JohnDeere6155RTractor(2018),JohnDeere6215RTractor (2017),JohnDeere7530Tractor(2009),NewHollandCX8080 CombineHarvester(2014),BatemanRB35Sprayer(2007),JCB 530-70Loadall,LandRoverDefender90(2011),Discovery3 TDV6S,JohnDeereXUVGator,AmazoneZATS4000Fertiliser Spreader,Sumo3mLDS(2019),Weaving6mStrawrake (2013),BomfordCutlass4.6mTopper,AmazoneKG3000 RotaryHarrow,LemkenEuropal5-furrowReversiblePlough, Twose8mRingRolls,Weeks14T&8TGrainTrailers,Le Boulch14TGrainTrailers,West10TGrainTrailer,2Ifor WilliamsFlatTrailers,KuhnVKM280FlailMower,McConnel PA65THedgeCutter,otherlotsofarablefarmmachinery& equipment. Workshopequipment,miscellaneousitemsandsundriesetc. E T 01233740077

162 October 2022—advertisingTrade Manor France Farm, Blandford Forum, Dorset DT11 0QL Dispersal of 3 Tractors, Telehandler, Arable & Grassland Machinery, Livestock and Workshop Equipment, etc. Symonds &Sampson LIVE Highlights include: John Deere 6630 Premium (08), Deutz Agrotron 150.7 Profi Line (07), Ford 4600 2wd (78), Merlo TF42.7 156 Telehandler (16), AS Marston 12t Grain Trailer, 2 x Ken Wootton 11t Silage Trailers, Marshall 28’ Bale Trailer, Marshall 2550gln Vacuum Tanker, Teagle Tomohawk 8080 Straw Blower, 20’ Lagoon Stirrer, Shelbourne 6m Grass Harrows, Cousins 6.3m Cambridge Rollers with Breaker Rings, Ifor Williams 14’ Tri Axle Livestock Box, Large quantity of Livestock equipment including Feed Trailers, DP Agri Hoof Care Foot Trimming Crush, 2 x Bateman Cattle Crush, Feed Troughs, Workshop equipment, etc. On behalf of David Coombes (retiring) Contact Symonds & Sampson Yeovil 01935 382909 Online Bidding Available. Commencing Tuesday 4th October 2022 Tel:01284 748634(Sale Contact: Graham Ford) Email: Website: FARM DISPERSAL SALE AT BRIGHTHOUSE FARM, LAWSHALL, BURY ST EDMUNDS, SUFFOLK BEGINNING 9am MONDAY 19th SEPTEMBER 2022 ENDING 1pm WEDNESDAY 28th SEPTEMBER 2022 VIEWING DAYS 23th and 27th September 2022 (10am-4pm) UPCOMING SALE TIMED ONLINE (ONLY) 90487 Bury St Edmunds - 01284 748600 Stowmarket - 01449 612384 Stamford Office: Sheep Market House, Stamford PE9 2RB • T: 01780 761651 On Instructions from Hurn Bros THE LIMES, STATION ROAD, GEDNEY HILL, LINCOLNSHIRE, PE12 0NP Farm Dispersal Sale of Combine, Tractors, Telescopic Loader, Implements and Machinery Combine: 1997 New Holland TX62 with 15’ header (2559 engine hours). Tractors: 2016 John Deere 6130R (1623 hours), 2009 McCormick CX110 xtrashift (2570 hours), 1987 Case International 885XL 2wd (7466 hours), 1974 International 454 with loader. Handlers: 2003 JCB Loadall 526S (5773 hours), 1997 Manitou MB25C masted forklift. Vintage: 1948 Farmall H, Massey Ferguson 35X, 1959 International BTD6. Trailers: Richard Western 11T grain trailer (1991), Ken Wootton 10T grain trailer (1985), AS Marston 8T grain trailer (1982), 28’ flat trailer, Wheatley 3T tipping trailer, Blue Line 1.5T car trailer. Cultivation: 2 leg subsoiler, Dowdeswell DP8, 4m Simba Double Press, 4m Parmiter heavy discs, Sulky Cultiline HR3500.22 (2020), Kuhn HR 3502D power harrow, Edlington Cambridge rolls. Implements & Equipment: Reco Sulky DPX 1154 12/24m spreader, JCB 2.1m3 grain bucket (2011), Grain Pusher. Grassland Equipment: Samasz Z165 mower (2017), 1.7m flail mower, PZ Haybob, Vicon Acrobat, International 440 conventional baler, bale squeeze. Miscellaneous: 50cc Polaris mini quad bike, 2500l diesel tank with 240v pump, 400l Titan truck master diesel tank with 12v pump, Lister fan, stone milling wheel, moisture meter, Draper compressor, vacuum cleaner, gas guns, electric grease gun, sheep troughs, field gates, spares, wheels, tyres, spanners, wrenches, workshop equipment, etc, etc, Friday 28th October 2022 at 11-00am prompt In all about 150 Lots – Catalogues available to download three weeks beforehand

Combine Harvester, Tractors, Sprayer, Drills, Cultivators, Trailers
Farm, Wetherden, Su
Long Drove House, Walcott Fen, Billinghay, Lincoln LN4 4BH Of Tractors, Materials Handler, Trailers, Cultivation Equipment, Implements & Workshop Equipment

Saturday 8th October 2022 at 10am
Viewing: Friday 7th October 2022 10am – 4pm Lincoln O ice: 01522 457800 | 07919 015675 | 07717 512498
Thursday 27th October 2022 at 10:30am
Including: Combine: Massey Ferguson Cerea 7274 rotary separator (08); Tractors: John Deere 6210R (12), John Deere 6420 (03), John Deere 6810 (01), Fordson Power Major; Materials Handler: JCB Loadall 540-70 Farm Special Plus (03) with various attachments; Trailers: AS Marston ACE 14t grain (99), Gull 12t grain (98), Pettit 3t general, AS Marston 8t Hi-tip drop side personnel, T Woods 2.6t flat bed trailer with canopy for poult transport; Implements & Equipment: Kuhn MD1141 24m twin disc spreader, McConnel PA8 back hoe loader (84), Suton RMP8 rotary brush, Howard rotavator, Kongskilde 4.5m spring tine cultivator, Kongskilde Vibroflex 4m, Cousins Front Press 6m (95), Simba CultiPress 4.6m (05), Simba X-Press 4.6m (05), Ubaldi Concept Aerodrill 5m tine drill, Weaving Big Disc 4.8m Caddy drill (12), Overum 6.3m Cambridge rolls; Lawn Mowers: Stiga Villa 14HST hydrostatic lawn mower (12), Atco cylinder mower; Miscellaneous Equipment & Spares: Quantity various game equipment, 5400l fuel tank, John Deere 1500kg weight block, Alto Neptune 5 steam cleaner, large quantity of workshop equipment and spares etc.

Viewing: Wednesday 26th October 2022 10am - 4pm Lincoln O ice: 01522 457800 | 07919 015675 | 07717 512498
Of Combine Harvester, Tractors, Materials Handler, Trailers, Cultivation Equipment

St James’ Farm, James Road, Crowland, Lincolnshire PE6 0LU
Of & General Farm Machinery & Spares
Including: Combine: New Holland CX8080 with 25 Varifeed header (10); Tractors: John Deere 6830 Premium (11), John Deere 6930 Premium (10), Case International 885XL (88), 2No. Fordson Major Diesel (55 & 58); Self-Propelled Sprayer: Househam Airride 2000 24m (02); Trailers: Easterby ET14 14t grain trailer (10), Easterby ET12 12t grain trailer (98), Ranch 12t grain trailer, Wheatley 8t dropside; Implements & Equipment: Maschio Gira a 2.2m side o set flail, Unifarm CM166 drum mower, Spaldings 3 leg flatli , Sumo Trio 2.5, Cousins V-Form (14), Gregoire Besson RB47 5f rev. plough (99), Simba 4.5m springtine (94), Cousins Packa-Rolla (95), Kuhn HR3502D power harrow (95), Proforge Inverta 4.5m (17), Cousins Precision Seed Bed Harrow 4m (20), Weaving 6m tine drill (05), Vaderstad Rapid RD300S drill (10), Cousins Sidewinder 9.5m rolls (04), Amazone ZAM Novis 24m fertiliser spreader (03); Miscellaneous Equipment & Spares: Titan FM5000L bunded diesel tank, John Deere 900kg weight block, various wafer weight blocks, Chemical store shipping container, 20 shipping container, implement spares, large quantity workshop tools and equipment etc.

Viewing: Monday 17th October 2022 11am - 4pm Norwich O ice: 01603 629871 | 07768 07500 Tow Fuel Bowser, Iveco Irrigation Pump, 40 Grain Auger, Suton GB8 Grain Pusher, Suton Grain Bucket, Gurney Reeve Muck Grab, Stocks Slug Pelleter, ATV Sprayer, Large Quantity of Workshop Tools & Equipment etc.
IP14 3LS
163October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FORTHCOMING AGRICULTURAL SALES
Including: Tractors: New Holland T6.175 40kph (16), New Holland T7040 40kph (08); Materials Handler: JCB 525-67 Loadall (92); Trailers: Armstrong & Holmes 10t grain (97), 6t high-tip, Ferguson 3t dropside, 3t dropside; Implements & Cultivation Equipment: Spraycare 20m trailed sprayer, Amazone ZA-M Special 1000 twin disc fertiliser spreader, McConnel hedge cutter, Dowdeswell DP7D2 5f rev. plough, Simba Mark II trailed discs, Simba DTX300 cultivator, Kuhn HR3002D 3m power harrow, Lely Polymat 3m combination drill (11), Cousins Contour 6.3m vertical folding Cambridge rolls, spring tine and pig tail cultivators, Stocks AG Fan Jet 28 granular applicator, Stocks AG Wizard Micro-Meter seed applicator; Miscellaneous & Workshop Equipment: Matrot side knife, Enduramaxx 3000l fuel tank, linkage mounted weight box, quantity wafer weights, Sealey AB458 space heater, Clarke CH3E water pump (08), various implement spares, hand tools, wheels and tyres and large quantity of workshop equipment etc.

783360 Including: Combine: Case 2388 AFS w/ 24 Header (05); Tractors: Massey Ferguson 7618 Dyna 6 (14), Massey Ferguson 6499 Dyna 6 (09), Massey Ferguson 6265 Dyna Shi 4 (00), Massey Ferguson 675, Grey Ferguson, 2 No. Allis Chalmers; Vehicles: Vauxhall Frontera 2.8TDI (94), Honda Foreman 450; Trailers: Meltmill Ltd. 12T Grain Trailer, Brian Legg 12T Lorry Conversion Trailer (83), Gooch & Davey Grain Trailer (88), G T Bunning 12T Dump Trailer (88), Brian Legg 6T Grain Trailer; Drills: John Deere 750A 4m (16), Weaving Minstral 4000 4m Piggyback Drill; Cultivators: Claydon Straw Rake 8m (11), Maschio DM400 4m Power Harrow (99), Simba Cultipress 4.8m, Simba Series 2 Discs 3.5m, Dowdeswell DP140S (00), Tim Howard 5 Leg Subsoiler 3m, Single Leg Mole Plough, Dowdeswell Furrow Press; Sprayers & Spreaders: Landquip Electra 3000 24m Trailed Sprayer (11), Amazone ZAM 3000 24-36m Discs (08); Misc. Equipment: Bomford Hawk 4.8m Reach Hedge Cutter, McConnel Rhino Topper 3m, Bunded Fast
FOR A DETAILED LOT LIST & CATALOGUE VISIT BROWN-CO.COM Viewing: Wednesday 12th October 2022 10am – 4pm Lincoln O ice: 01522 457800 | 07919 015675 | 07717 512498
Of Combine Harvester, Tractors, Self-Propelled Sprayer, Materials Handler, Trailers and Cultivation Equipment
Tuesday 18th October 2022 at 10:30am
& Implements
Thursday 13th October 2022 at 10:30am
Wetherden Hall olk
Manor Farm, Old Brick Kiln Lane, Bassingham, Lincoln LN5 9XP
164 October 2022—advertisingTrade FORTHCOMING AGRICULTURAL SALES 90695 Onsite Only Sale of Tractors, Trailers, Baler, Implements, Bygones & Associated Lots on Behalf of A.C. Clarke & Son. Village Farm, Bisbrooke, Uppingham, Oakham Rutland, LE15 9EN Approximately 200 Lots Commencing 10.30am Saturday 1st October 2022 County Chambers, Kings Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire LE13 1QF Telephone: 01664 560181 Viewing Date: Friday 30th September 10am – 4pm Signposts will be erected for the view day and sale day On behalf of the Executors of Maurice Coupland (deceased) Onsite and online auction sale of vintage machinery and equipment at Carrington Road, Frithville, Boston, Lincolnshire PE22 7DZ on Thursday 6 October 2022 at 10:30 prompt including: Caterpillar: Caterpillar D8H (c. 61); Caterpillar D7 4T (c. 44); Caterpillar D6C (c. 63). International: International TD6 (c. 41); International TD9 (c. 40); International TD9 (c.47); International TD14 (c. 41); 2 x International TD18 (c. 40s); International TD25 (c. 60); International BTD8 82 (c. 67); International BTD20 (c. 60s-70s). McCormick: McCormick Farmall International A culti-vision (c.40); McCormick Farmall International H (c. 44). Miscellaneous Tractors & Vehicles: Renault 155.54 Turbo tractor (96); Case International 895XL tractor (90); Liebherr R902 digger (92); Sanderson SB50M telehandler; Scammell Trunker MKII lorry (68); Renault 5 car; Rover 218SLD Turbo car. Trailers: Tye 3 tonne tipping trailer (74); Crawford low loader; Martin Markham 3 tonne trailer; c. 10 tonne grain trailer. Ploughs: Ransomes Hexatrac 6+1 furrow; Ransomes Quadtrac 4 furrow; 2x Ransomes Jumbo 3 furrow; Crawford 5 furrow reversible. Cultivation Equipment: 3m trailed 3 leg subsoiler; Leverton c. 4m drag; Parmiter 3.5m discs; Ransomes mole drainer; Massey Ferguson 8m harrows; 4m gang rolls; 3.6m discs; 5m straight tooth harrows. Crawler Equipment: Heil Road Machinery scraper; rock buster. Workshop Machinery & Equipment: CAT generator; Generator with Perkins L4 engine; Ingersoll Rand compressor with generator; bench drill; manual press; lathe; engine lift; Draper socket set; qty of taps and dies; qty of fuel tanks; qty of concrete slabs; qty of workshop tools and requisites. For a complete listing of all the equipment on sale visit To register, photographic identification will be required. Viewing on Wednesday 5 October 2022 10:00 until 16:00 and on the Auction Day. Fisher German LLP 01302 243925

165October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 All prices + VAT 90553 Case IH 4230 4wd tractor c/w loader, 7500hrs................................................£11,000 John Deere 2650 MC1 4wd tractor, L reg, 7500hrs, good ...................................................£9,750tyres 07973 657609 Worcester Parmiter Shear Bucket c/w manitou ......................................................£550brackets John Deere 456A square ...................................................£5,250baler 9059390593 BARN PAINTING SPECIALISTS Coatings on all types of buildings Waterproof etc Repairs and maintenance Applied by airless spray Established for 50 years • We cover all areas FREE QUOTATION • FULLY INSURED Mobile: 07747 606527 Office: 01992 566683 Email: 90399 Call George on: 07968 098410 or Email: £2, ono Waste Wood WT15 Workshop Heater 500,000 Btu 3 phase £1,000 ono WT5 85,300 Btu single phase Seamless aluminium guttering and gutter linings for all concrete, asbestos and metaI valley gutters. Ideal for Atcost, Crendan and Tyler type barns. The material has a life expectancy in excess of 30 years. Please call or email for a free quote. STAR STILE HOUSE, COLNE ENGAINE ROAD, HALSTEAD, ESSEX CO9 2RP A1 Installations ALUMINIUM GUTTERING SPECIALISTS t: 01787 474217 m: 07900 920023 e: WE NATIONWIDEOPERATE DOMESTIC • INDUSTRIAL • NEW BUILD • AGRICULTURAL 89694 LEAKING GUTTERING? AIR CONDITIONING 01-88908 We stock: •recovery•vac•leakAirR134A..................................POAconditioningserviceequipmentdetectorspumpsmachines AIR CONDITIONING PARTS FOR ALL FARM & CONSTRUCTION VEHICLES AT DISCOUNT PRICES We accept all major credit cards CONDITIONINGVEHICLEPAPWORTHAIRTel:01954267215 ATVs/UTVs SET of 4 UTV off road tyres & rims, Kendra 23x10.5x12, used but In good condition, they were a spare off road set, not needed anymore as sold the UTV they fitted, collection only from Lawford. £220. C McCracken Tel 07899 951240 (Essex) ATV, UTV and MachineryGroundcareSpecialists Manor Farm • Ixworth Thorpe Bury St Edmunds • Su olk • IP31 1QH Sun Valley Works • Wood End Marston Moretaine • Bedford • MK43 0NJ 01234 768889 01284 771344 SPARES & SERVICE 03-90298 APACHE 2wd buggy, non runner. £350. K Pugh Tel 01694 771258 or 771783/07977 912970 (Shropshire) KAWASAKI KLF300, needs attention. £1,000. K Pugh Tel 01694 771258 or 771783/07977 912970 (Shropshire) SUZUKI 400 4x4 quad bike, need attention. £1,500. K Pugh Tel 01694 771258 or 771783/07977 912970 (Shropshire) BALERS & HANDLINGBALE BALE handler for round bales, removable tubes with spikes. £450 no VAT. D Godfrey Tel 07707 524151/01235 868492 (Oxon) Please see website for more JOHN Deere 582 round baler, Hi-flow, 19250 bales, 2005, goes well. £5,000. G Blandford Tel 07973 424473 (Hereford) MASSEY Ferguson 2170XD baler, tandem steering axle, knotter blower, 2013, 52000 bales, weigher, crop roller, bale ejector, excellent condition. £55,000+VAT. C Tuckett Tel 07855 775529 (Warwickshire) BEET EQUIPMENT 06-90312 CROSS ELEPHANT beet washer/de-stoner, 2015 model, PTO driven, high output, very reliable, farmer owned, light use, in excellent condition. POA. A Jones Tel 07980 668649 (Cornwall) HOLMER T3 sugar beet harvester, 2007, 7245 harvested ha, 8349 engine hrs, leaf mulching unit, transfer web, tungsten shares and one feed roller replaced in last 250acres. £39,900+VAT. D Pickering Tel 07979 757884/01692 580138 (Norfolk) For Cleaner Loaders & Surfers Contact: Nigel Mountain Mob: 07785 972510 or Email: For all ROPA Machinery details Contact: Simon Peacock Mob: 07717 416178 or Email: 06-90127 CLEANER LOADERS BEET2001HARVESTERSCTM9000SeriesPrecleaner & roller system Slew elevator, low hours 2018 Holmer Terra-Dos T4-40 VHR2 Lifting unit with HS topper Engine 3,169hrs Harvested 2,719ha Currently unrepaired – vgc 2019 CTM Weed Surfer XL 9m cut Excellent condition, low usage/barn stored KLEINE SF10-2, 2004, 4200hrs, 45-50cm rows, approx 9t tank, walking shares, mulching or leaf spreading topper, auto lube & auto steer, good webs, etc. POA. G White Tel 07834 043194/01363 84266 (Devon) CTM 62 Soilmaster cleaner loader, loading lights, picking off table, electric start, Lister Petter engine, vgc. D Hurn Tel 07990 586839 (Norfolk) Buy and onlinesell

166 October 2022—advertisingTrade Lexion & Dominator combine Fabricationhire& repairs Breaking 100s of machines JMT Engineering (Ladbroke) Ltd HIREPARTSREPAIRS Over 30 years’ experience email: • 90240 01926 614345 We supply the following new parts CONCAVES RASP BARS BELTS KNIVES CHAINSFILTERFINGERSKITS and many other wearing parts 90502 Perkins & Ford/New Holland engines New/Reman, Dyno tested, engine blocks & parts available New JCB 444 engine stock! Tier 2 & 3 engines – 55kW, 63kW, 68kW, 74kW, 85kW, 97kW and 108kW available ENGINES&SPARES timikenginerecon BEET (cont)EQUIPMENT VERVAET 625 beet harvester, 2010, fully overhauled & ready to go to work, can be seen working on our own farm, excellent condition. F Campling Tel 07876 507590 (Lincolnshire) BOILER PLANT / HEATING / OVENS FARM 2000 central heating wood burner, 2019 (installed 2020), heats 40 radiators in big house, Ofgen registered for heat payment, Accreditation No RHI 000004684, taken out as unable to refuel due to old age. Priced to sell at £1,200 (loaded). P Onions Tel 01949 850268 (answerphone) (Nottinghamshire) BUILDINGS & MATERIALS KIT BUILDINGS steelwork, eaves beams, purlins & bolts All sizes available – made to order 08-85437 S SCOTT & StockholdersSteelSONS 08-89452 Ltd All types of steel available new and secondhand Posts for grain walling and silage Galvanisedclampsroofing sheets, box profile and corrugated Delivery service 01359 269378 ROOFINGMATERIALS 01622 832666 07939 114023 METAL SHEETS •Galvanised and PVC coated steel• •Corrugated or box profile• •First and second quality• •Non asbestos•Big Six and Std 3in sheets• •Fittings and accessories• HardySuppliesRoofing 08-90376 10-FOOT square office block, or similar, new roof fitted. £750. B Colson Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) EX-FREEZER container, 40', clean & dry, used for storage, shelved out (removable), buyer to collect. £1,650. M Scaife Tel 01423 322570 (North Yorks) TELEGRAPH poles (4), over 30’ long. £10 each. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) PORTACABIN portable office, 32' x 10', clear span with kitchen area. £2,750+VAT. R Mills Tel 07710 800665 (Rutland) t: 01449 737192 Peter SuppliesWragge Ltd ROOFING, CLADDING & INSULATION MATERIAL FOR INDUSTRIAL AGRICULTURAL & DOMESTIC USE We also supply... composite panels, bre cement sheeting, accessories, xings, llers, mastics & can deliver to almost anywhere in the UK 08-90300 CHAINS 50% higher ultimate tensile strength than standard chain Available from Chain Stockists 00-88865 COMBINES HARVESTERS& See our ad on page 152 10-90132 Specialists in new & harvesterrefurbishedcombineparts NEW Holland TX65, 1996, very good condition, serviced every year by NH specialist, 17’ header, 2900 drum/3700 engine hrs, chaff spreader, chopper, air con, auto level, well maintained combine, changing as needing larger machine. £21,500 ono. J Green Tel 07415 387696 (Bedfordshire) 01733 FORMACHINES841932SALE HIRESALESSERVICEPARTS hours 2017 CX7.90 25’V 900/700 2012 CR9090T 35’V 2480/1818 2012 CR9080 30’V 2945/2338 2011 CR9090 4wd 35’V 2950/2296 2010 CR9080 30’V 2918/2346 2009 CR9080 4wd 30’V 3052/2307 2004 CR980 25’G 2674/2176 2014 Bateman RB35 36m 7700 2014 Bateman RB35 36m 7327 2011 Lite-trac S 2400 tool carrier 10-90372 CLAAS Dominator 118SL Maxi, 1992, 20' header, & trolley, chopper, chaff spreader. £11,500+VAT. R Robinson Tel 07702 234707 (South Yorks) 16-FOOT knife for Massey Ferguson 7345S combine, 2012. £130. R Sinkler Tel 01377 270251 (East Yorkshire) CLAAS Lexion 760TT, 2014, 1920 drum/2520 engine hrs, Laser Pilot both sides, CEBIS display, Claas Telematics, Claas Vario 1050 header, serviced by Claas, excellent condition. £125,000+VAT. M Robinson Tel 07786 673396 (Hertfordshire) CONTRACTORS John H. Howlett ■ Full farm contracts ■ 24m spraying & 24m fertiliser spreading ■ Muck, Limex 45 & 70 and lime spreading ■ Set aside topping ■ Combining and all cultivations Agricultural Contractor Andrew 07860 262196 Hill Farm, Wissett, Halesworth 00-90212 DIGGERS / DOZERS / DUMPERS BENFORD dumper, 2x2, 1993, diesel, swivel hydraulic tipper, 1t load capacity, good condition, not used very much. £1,500+VAT ono. J Hurd Tel 01985 840260 (Wiltshire) JCB JS130 excavator, 2014, 3160hrs, lovely digger, always serviced, greased & well maintained, you won’t find many with such low hours, selling privately so you can come to the yard & see for yourself. R Fenton Tel 07964 282833 (Leicestershire) THAWITES 6t dumper, only 1200hrs, 2005, tidy. £6,500. J Hicks Tel 07539 367336 (Berkshire) DOORS DOOR 6'5.5" high x 3'1" wide, 1.5" thick, was front door. £65. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) TWO doors 7' x 31", 2" thick, good solid doors. £55 each. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) PAIR of handmade heavy duty bi-fold doors, one 5'3" tall x 4'8" wide, one 5'3" tall x 3' wide, total width 7'8", made to order but no longer required, c/w fittings, would split. Selling at fraction of cost. N Cowper Tel 01280 703008 (Northants)

167October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 Pecks AgriTrac ELY – TEL 01353 664515 SPALDING – TEL 01775 712310 MAREHAM-LE-FEN – TEL 01507 568484 FOR MORE INFORMATION PLEASE CONTACT • C – CHRIS HISLOP 07771 534603 • G – GRAEME MATTHEWS 07823 352418 • J – JON WAREING ON 07818 030561 • K – KEN BEARD 07818 030560 • W – WAYNE COTTAM 07795 600043 • KR – KEVIN ROBINSON 07818 030580 • S – SIMON DACK 07795 024468 RAMSEY – TEL 01733 844642 DEREHAM – TEL 01362 698698 All prices are exclusive of VAT 89969 J – 51028489 – JCB Fastrac 8330 Stage V 2021 ex demo. 5 rear spools, 1 f/spool with f/ linkage, 900kg r/deck weight, Field Pro package POA J – 21030771 – JCB Fastrac 4220, 2020, 600/70R30 tyres 50%, 5+1 spool f/linkage, hyd top link, Field Pro, extra set of wheels & tyres 70% POA G – 41030659 – Case Puma CVX240 ex demo, 4 elec mid mount valves, high mount headlights, 1000kg weights, full coverage fenders CCLS hyd pump £148,500 G – 41030658 – Case RB455 VC round baler, ex demo, rotor cutter, moisture sensor installed, isobus electronics, optional monitor, 2.3m pickup £35,600 W – 41027828 – Ex demo Amazone Centaya 3000, Super ISO c/w Twintec double disc coulters, hyd coulter pressure, 2000L hopper, hyd fan drive £43,650 G – 41030430 – Ex demo Case 35’ header, c/w 4wd trailer, c/w crop lifters and vertical side knives POA W – 21027826 – New Amazone KG60012 folding power harrow c/w 360hp 4 speed centre gearbox, oil cooler, 21 spline PTO shaft, mid ridge eradicator tine £28,995 W – 21027975 – Ex demo Amazone Cayros XS 5 + 1 plough, 950 c/w 260hp headstock, Cat 888 integrated lower link balls, hyd swivel frame system £19,250 G – 41030519 – Case Puma CVX240, 2022, 4 elec r/remotes, 540mm dyn f/fenders, 2x110mm rear lift rams, f/linkage, deluxe comfort pack, 540/65R30 adj & 650/65R42 fixed tyres POA G – 41029128 – New Teagle Telehawk T2 bale shredder £15,950 J – 21030847 –Strimech work platform with fork pockets & Q-fit brackets £1,500 S – 51030057 – Used JCB 531-70 AGS Agri Super, Q-fit carriage, 40k p/s, 460/70R24 tyres, boom suspension £53,500 J – 21029884 – Used JCB TM420 loading shovel, LED worklights, in cab stowage box with padded lid, hyd pick up hitch with trailer brakes & electrics £89,500 C – 11028213 – New Brian James Cargo Connect compact trailer 2700kg twin axle, 10” wheels, 3.3m x 1.9m, cast steel coupling head, high security lock £2,969 J – 21030529 – New 14t Larrington Harvester trailer, 24’ long, 4’ sides, hydraulic tailgate, air brakes, roll over sheet, ladder, grain chute £27,500 J – 21030878 – New 16t Larrington Harvester trailer, 4 sides, hydraulic tailgate, air brakes, roll over sheet, ladder, grain chute POA J – 21029955 – New Larrington flat deck trailer, underslung suspension, twin line air brakes & LSV, front & rear ladder rack, 435/50R19.5 tyres £17,750 G – 41030824 – Park 160 Teagle flail mower, brand new in stock, easy to operate, built for straightforward maintenance for a long & trouble-free service life POA J – 41029159 – Used Lynx FZ60.1 Stoll, 3rd service, Comfort Drive, euro headstock, pallet tines, 2.4 bucket, suits 4220 Fastrac £9,500 J – 21029827 – New JCB 1 cubic metre bucket, Q-fit £890 J – 21029850 – new JCB 2.5 cubic metre bucket, Q-fit £1,780 J – 21030860 – Ex demo JCB 3 cubic metre bucket, Q-fit £2,450 G – 41030211 – Teagle Topper 9, brand new in stock, British built quality, high strength pressings & an impressive driveline & blade system results in a very robust machine POA J – 51028396 – New JCB muck grab, 6’6”, c/w compact tool carrier brackets, KV tines £1,650 K – 21027759 – New Albutt grass forks, 12’0” wide, folding grass fork, JCB Q-fit £6,950 G – 41030823 – Teagle Dual 280 flail mower, brand new in stock, double skinned body for strength & durability, suitable for material up to 5cm diameter, f/or r/mounted.................. POA NEWPRICE

flotation wheels John Deere green £14,000

CLAAS Liner 420, single rotor rake £6,800
COUSINS £2,000
CLAAS Volto 800 6 rotor tedder/spreader £10,200

Used Machinery

SPEARHEAD Q 2500 HD front & rear mower, hydraulic side shift £3,000 VICON RO-XXL Geospread, 3900L hopper with cover, section control & variable rate licence, 2 side steps, 2 seasons use £13,000 KONGSKILDE 4m Germinator cultivator, good condition £3,000 MAJOR rotary yard brush, hydraulic driven £1,800 5TH wheel trailer bogie, hydraulic brakes, mudguards £1,500 SUTON ELCS 80 rehandling bucket, Merlo brackets £975 PARMITER Utah 250 disc harrows, 12’ working width, rear towing clevis £3,300 VOGEL & NOOT XS 5 furrow hydraulic variwidth plough £4,000 VOGEL & NOOT XMS 5 furrow manual variwidth plough c/w press arm £4,500 FRANSGARD RV 300 2 rotor tedder/rower very good condition £1,950 KUHN HR4004 power harrow, fixed 4m, clod board, packer roller, good condition £5,500 BERTHOUD Gamma 1000L sprayer, 12mmanual fold booms, manual controls, induction hopper £1,500 QUICKE 6’power grab for front loader c/w euro brackets £750 B W MB W M ACK (Machinery) LTD. R C BOREHAM & CO New & Used Machinery Chelmsford, Essex CM3 1HU For all enquiries call: 01245 231320 or email 90596 Kuhn Integra Drill Combination 3m, 2021, Excellent condition, Integra double disc drill, Kuhn HR3004 power harrow Merlo TF38.10 CS TT -156 2016, Cab suspension, frame levelling and sideshift, 4,700hrs Kuhn GA4321 - NEW Single rotor rake Kuhn Megant – NEW 6m Tine drill, pre emergence markers Kuhn Axis 40.1 W 2012, Quantron E control box, very good condition, hoper cover Kuhn GMD 280 Mower - NEW 2.8m Straight mower Volvo FH13 Lorry 2012, Good condition, mid lift axle, 751000km Tehnos 2.2m Flail New ails, good condition, front and rear mounting DEUTZ 6165RC Shift 2018, 4350hrs, 50k, air brakes, electric spools, tyres 95% POA £48,000 POAPOAPOAPOA £4,000 £14,000 £3,950

CLAAS Arion 440 CIS & loader, 2019, 3400hrs £45,000
168 October 2022—advertisingTrade 90253 Contact • Dameon 07548 829587 • Richard: 07880 552295 • Office 01493 733211 • • Specialists ECE Specialists OTHER MACHINES COMING IN SOON including used Merlo telehandlers Visit our website for further photos and details 2021 BUNNING 150 HBD MK4 weigh cells 2022 PHILIP WATKINS 33’ flat trailer air and ABS 2018 MERLO TurboFarmer 35.7 BUNNING 14t root crop trailer BUNNING 120 vertical beaters FOR HIRE! BUNNING 2500 gallon tanker AVAILABLE TO HIRE 2018 WIEDEMANN 2070 LP BAILEY 14T Construction dump trailer BUNNING 3000 gallon tanker 2006 ROLLAND V2-140 muck spreader PHILIP WATKINS weight blocks IN STOCK We stock parts for ECE,STEWARTHI-SPEC,BUNNING,&MERLO Nationwide next day delivery available WANTED BUNNING spreaders! Barroway Drove, Downham Market, Norfolk PE38 0AL T: 01366 324256/324311 E: Out of hours: 07795 845308 • Sales contacts Paul Warner 07795 845308 Brian Cornwell 07899 965066 90234 New Machines CLAAS Arion 630 Cebis, 50kph, GPS steering, S10 terminal, front linkage POA CLAAS Scorpion 741 Vari Power telehandler, 4.1t, 7m, demonstrator POA ALPEGO DK Top 6m power harrow, c/w 600mm packer roller, 350hp drive line, Twin Force rotor assembly with quick fit tines......................................................................................................£34,000 HE-VA 300 Combi Disc 5 legs, 600mm Profile roller demo £17,500

CLAASAres 657 ATZ, 2007, 125 hp 7400 hrs, creep speed, fully suspended cab, good condition £20,000
front axle suspension, good condition

CLAASAres 657 ATZ, 2007, 125 hp, 4000 hrs, Creep speed, air brakes fully suspended cab, good condition £24,000
JPM DT 16 dump trailer, air/oil brakes, sprung drawbar, standard hydraulic tailgate, 560/45-R22.5

ALPEGO TL33-220 verge mower 2.2m working width, hydraulic right hand offset, wide angle PTO £7,000 ALPEGO TR46-280 front/rear 2.8m flail mower, hyd offset headstock, demo £7,000

JPM low loader trailer, 24’ long, loading skids, sprung drawbar, air & hyd brakes £10,950

6m pressure harrow, hydraulic folding

169October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218

170 October 2022—advertisingTrade GREGOIRE BESSON 5F PLOUGH £4,500 2006 furrow discs included, 5 furrow, manual vari-width, good metal 5P-N121674 LEMKEN JUWEL 8 £23,350 2018 , 5 furrow, slatted mouldboard (w52 equiv), FLEX PACK, manual vari width, hyd front furrow, hyd pitch & depth wheel, rear discs LE-457037.A DOWDESWELL DP130S £5,350 1999, 6 furrow SR00004222 HORSCH TERRANO FG 6 £12,500 2005, working width - 5.7m, comes with a new set of points HS-34241320.A HORSCH TERRANO 6 FG £11,000 2005, working width - 5.7m, spare points included HS-34240344 CLAAS ARION 650 £72,500 2019, 50kph, 3380hrs, 4 spools, full susp, front linkage, electric hyd, 420/85 R28 fronts, 520/85 R378 rearsCL-A7600415.A CLAAS AXION 840 £57,000 2016, 50kph, 3675hrs, 4 spools, full susp, front linkage, electric hyd, front weight not included 540/65R30 fronts, 650/65R42 rears CL-A4000844.A CLAAS ARION 650 £88,000 2018, 50kph, 1900hrs, 4 spools, full susp, front linkage, eco PTO, electric hyd, power beyond, S7 GPS on RTK 540/65 R30 fronts, 650/65 R42 rears CL-A7601244.A CLAAS ATOS 340 CX £39,000 2018, 40kph, 750hrs, 2 spools, trailer brake, P.U. hitch, 420/70R24 fronts, 480/70R34 rears CL-A9900269.A CLAAS ARION 650 £74,000 2018, 50kph, 2750hrs, 3 spools, full susp, front linkage, electric hyd, 540/65R28 fronts, 650/65R42 rears, maxi care protect until 10/07/23 or 3750 hrs CL-A7600692.A VADERSTAD RAPID 800A 29,000 2012, 9500ha, leveling boards OQ-16154 HORSCH PRONTO 4M £22,000 2004 HS-23470103 HORSCH SPRINTER 4ST £30,000 2012, 7850ha, foam filled rear tyres HS-31151311 SUMO VERSADRILL 4 £23,995 2004, 1000ha OT-11533.A VADERSTAD RAPID RDA 600 £15,000 2004, seed blockage sensors, rear filling auger, leveling boards separateOQ-0832k.A Please contact your Local Field Sales Manager or William Riddleston Tel: 01284 777700 Mob: 07717 861815 email: william.riddleston@claas.comMANNS 89963 J Murrell 01603 712222 Norfolk Farmers Contract Farm Services Agricultural Machinery Dealers J Murrell • Wood Farm • Wood Lane • Hassingham • Norwich • Norfolk • NR13 4HF 07770 692891We are JPM Trailers’ East Anglia Dealer For more pictures and further details of our stock visit our website All prices + VAT 90479 2014 CLAAS 365RC VARIANT 8737 bales £15,000 NEW FULL SPEC JPM 16DT dump trailer £13,950 McCORMICK MC130 f/links, 4615hrs £26,000 2014 MASCHIO ALITALIA 400 air disc combi £13,500 NEW FLEMING T900 topper £2,800 2004 MF 5445 2wd £15,200 2014 McCONNEL SR15 vgc £7,800 LARRINGTON 14T roll over sheet, vgc £15,000 BAILEY 14T ROOT CROP flotations, roll over sheet £7,400 AMAZONE ZA-M 1501 OM24-36 discs £4,200 NEW JPM 11T MULTI drop side, ramps £9,350 JOHN DEERE 2850 & Stoll F HDPM loader £10,500 2017 ANDERSON TRB2000 round bale chaser £13,000 2019 MASSEY FERGUSON 1532 Hydrostatic 4x4, 187hrs £15,000 NEW JPM 16T MULTI PURPOSE ramps £15,000

171October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 Connect with us on social media For more pictures and stock visit *All prices subject to VAT R C SETCHFIELD LTD GranthamAgriculture01476560784 RCS RCS Growth Through Service Growth Through Service 90249 JCB 4220 FASTRAC 69 reg, c/w 3650hrs approx, f/linkage, Field Pro pack, 600 tyres, Road Perform pack POA JCB 527-58 COMPACT 66 reg, c/w 4365hrs, PUH, trailer braking, 60% good tyres POA SCHAFFER 8610T 17 reg, c/w 3468hrs, cone & pin carriage POA NEW KIOTI RX 7330 PC with loader, 420/85R34 & 320/85R24 tyres. 2 spools, 3rd service IN STOCK NEW KIOTI DK6020 HST with loader, 60hp engine, cab, turf tyres IN STOCK NEW KIOTI CK4030H 40hp engine, turf tyres IN STOCK NEW KIOTI CK2630H 24.5hp engine, turf tyres IN STOCK NEW KIOTI CS 2510 H PLUS MID MOWER DECK 24.5hp engine, turf tyres IN STOCK COME SEE US AT THE MIDLANDS MACHINERY SHOW 16TH & 17TH NOVEMBER 2022 Stand No: 18, George Stephenson Exhibition Hall, Newark Showground DEMO KIOTI K9 UTV IN STOCK NEW KIOTI 54” ZERO TURN MOWER IN STOCK BOMFORD 225 TURBO MOWER ELITE c/w hydraulic side shift £4,495 BOMFORD B81-81 HEDGECUTTER c/w ICS controls, 1.2m Procut head, electric rotor reverse POA SPEARHEAD EXCEL 605 HEDGECUTTER 2006, linkage mtd, c/w elec controls POA SOLIS 26 COMPACT 19 reg, Agri spec tyres, 84hrs only £6,950 NRH CRS-CB8 8.3M ROLLER on 20“ horizontalrings,folding £16,500 FRANSGARDTEDDER/ROWERRV390 2017, tidy machine £2,650 GROUP GCS Machinery, Manor Farm, Lincoln Road, Baumber, Horncastle , Lincs LN9 5NT tel 01507 211500 Tim 07497 557567 email are one of the Nations largest stockists of used trailers, delivering nationwide. We also specialise in tractor, telehandler, trailer and fuel bowser hire. Short and long term hires across the country. 90367 Abbi 950L road tow bowser Refurbished for hire, or sale, fully internally cleaned, with new Piusi 12v pump, flow meter, filter, auto shut off nozzle, and fitted with adblue tank £3,950 +VAT Other size refurbished bowsers are available from stock including static tanks. John Deere 6215R Ultimate Edition Autopower, Command Arm, very well specced tractor, hyd stabilisers, Bridgestone VF 710/70 R42 rear 70% 600/70 R28 front 70%, 2000hrs £135,000 +VAT Other John Deeres coming back in from hire soon. 6195Rs & 6155Rs JCB Loadall 532-70 2019, Q-fit carriage, also available with Manitou headstock, 145hp Agrisuper, 6 speed trans, 1830hrs, LED lighting package, full agri spec ............................................£60,000machine +VAT Choice of JCB 536-95 Agrixtra loadalls 145hp, LED work lights, PUH, Q-fit with hyd locking, 3rd service, aircon, rear spool, 2021 machines starting from £75,000 Stewart GX16-21S Grain or silage trailers 560/60 R22.5 floatation tyres, 10 stud commercial axles, air and oil braking, LSV, sprung draw bar, hyd tailgate with grain chute, sheets also available 2019 trailers £19,950 +VAT 2020 trailers £22,000 +VAT Stewart GX18-23S Grain or silage trailers 560/60 R22.5 floatation tyres, 10 stud commercial axles, air and oil braking, sprung draw bar, hyd tailgate with grain chute, LSV, Available with sheets, or silage sides 2019 trailers £19,950 +VAT 2020 trailers £22,500 +VAT A special 14 tonne root crop trailer The last one to come off the fleet for this year, so grab a bargain while you can. Stewart GX14-17Z, high speed 10 stud commercial axles, super singles, air and oil braking, LSV, hyd tailgate with grain chute, with sheet, silage sides available, drawbar will be painted, full safety check so its ready to go to work, a well specced root crop trailer ............................................£18,000 +VAT NEW Telehandler buckets from 1 cubic meter to 5 cubic meters, JCB Q-fit in stock ready to go, other fitments available to order, call Tim with your requirements for a price

2009 Amazone Z-AM, 2600 wide fill hopper, holds 4 bags, 24—36 discs, manual hopper cover, border limiter, road lights, left & right shut offs, immaculate condition, owned from new. £3,950. R Dobson Tel 01754 890233/07780 664320 (Lincolnshire)

172 October 2022—advertisingTrade Contact James French – Manager/Engineer 07764 ROLLERSHUTTERDOORINSTALLATIONREPAIR 90237 Roller shutter doors made to measure We also repair all types of industrial doors We can erect or make alterations to steel work for new door openings Call for free site survey EAST MIDLANDS INDUSTRIAL DOORS24 OHURCALLOUT 100,000 BTU Concept 2 Multi Fuel Cooker Used for • central heating • cooking • baking • runs radiators20 0114 257 8891 5 year warranty 90562 DRILLS PLANET seed drill & push hoe. R Bane Tel 01953 850309 (Norfolk) WEAVING 6.6m tine drill, 2008, could be modified to a 6m, hydraulic filling auger on the back, good condition. £11,000. D Brocksopp Tel 07974 669997 (South Yorks) RECO Sulky GC coulter drill, 4m with less than 200 acres & Lely 4m power harrow with up and over linkage combination, retirement sale, call for more details. K Cook Tel 01953 681201 (Norfolk) 15-90669 07748 004794 01245 442224(T) Please call for more information Versatile no-till & conventional disc drill with low power requirement Available from Writtle Farm Machinery MF30 grain drill, working order, nearly new discs & tubes, will split if no one wants drill complete. Offers. H Easton Tel 07939 721273 (East Yorkshire) KUHN Combilina Venta, disc coulter, 5.4m, 611ha only, 2019, transport trailer, vgc. P Cormack Tel 07771 660854 (Leicestershire) WEAVING 6m mounted tine drill, 2017, hydraulic markers, electronic control box, good condition. £15,500+VAT. T Siddons Tel 01933 678785/07776 141684 (Northants) CARRIER 4m drill, 33 tine, disc markers, pre emergence markers, 80' tramline kit, will do just as good a job as ought else for half the money! Will separate tramline kit if anyone interested as it’s only a few bolts. Offers. F Johnson Tel 07774 361830 (Lincolnshire) KRM 4m Maxi drill with Drillmate disc coulters, markers, following harrow. £4,250+VAT. J Smith Tel 01945 860596/07774 290777 (Cambridgeshire)

drill has pre em markers, vertical fold bout markers, zig zag harrow, Accord f/tank, hyd driven fan, low loader trailer available, good cond. £12,750+VAT. T Chugg Tel 07980 240592 (Worcestershire) WEAVING GD 170 Direct 6m tine drill, 1t hopper, hydraulic folding (pulled by 170hp), control box, mounted with fertiliser (not used) & seed stainless steel hopper, good condition. £48,000. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire) 01530 229686 or 07831 www.midlandsagriplant.com11331615-90742 POALemken 3m Zirkon 8/Solitair 8 Drill Combination first used 2019, quick fit tines, disc coulters, only 300 acres from new, demo condition MASCHIO piggyback frame drill mount, in good working order. £500+VAT. A Green Tel 07710 179221 (Cambridgeshire) WEAVING 6m hyd folding tine drill 1t hopper, 3pt linkage PTO. good condition. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire) Accord • Amazone Sulky • KRM • Vicon Call Craig on 07977 208205 (T) Coulters, Metering Units, A frames Etc BreakingSeeddrills 15-90601 VADERSTAD Rapid 4m disc drill with tines on front, hopper, cab control box, hyd fold, average condition. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire) WEAVING 6m tine drill, mounted, 2017, hydraulic markers, tramliner, control box, good condition. £15,500+VAT. W Willmott Tel 07776 141684 (Northants) RECO Sulky seed drill, 3m, c/w control box, average condition. £1,000. A Green Tel 07710 179221 (Cambridgeshire) EQUESTRIAN PEUGEOT Boxer horsebox, 2015, 2-horse, in excellent condition, 78,000mls, always stored under cover, can be driven on car licence, rear view camera, sat nav, radio, internal camera, first reg's 30.06.2015, diesel, 32mpg. £29,600+VAT. M Chapman Tel 07971 940087/01673 843663 (Lincolnshire) MONARCH horse walker, very good condition, surplus to requirements, has been dismantled ready for collection. £2,750. I Hudson Tel 07766 395220 (Cambridgeshire) IFOR Williams HB506 double horsebox, graphite colour, central partition, rubber floors, used twice (as pony box-shy!), unbelievably immaculate condition, stored inside insulated building near Uffington, cost new £8,064. £6,250 ono. H Wells Tel 07939 527915 (Lincolnshire) FENCING & GATES WOLSELEY electric fencer (3 strand wire system), needs 6V battery. £60. R Sinkler Tel 01377 270251 (East Yorkshire) 18-90401 07813 182054 01536 771246


15-90675 07748 004794 01245 refurbished

AMAZONE Avant 6m hydraulic folding combination drill, 2014, 4610ha drilled, wedge ring packer, disc coulters, pre-emergence markers, front tank c/w tyre packer, 90% tines, Amatron 3 control box, well maintained & in good condition. £29,950+VAT. S Melton Tel 07747 433014 (Norfolk) by Weaving, tidy lightweight drill, for work.

KRM Sola 799 drill, 4m, 2008, only 1200ha drilled, barn stored, vgc. £7,000 ono. P Slater Tel 07976 693506 (Suffolk) VICON Air drill, 4m, good condition. £1,250. J Smith Tel 01945 860596/07774 290777 (Cambridgeshire)
KUHN 4004/Weaving tine drill combi, 2008, wheel erad tines, hyd piggyback linkage, tine

173October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 Agricultural and Construction Machinery Sales and Service Grange, Elliotts LE67Leicestershire,UnderStantonLane,Bardon,9TWTF33.9CS-140 NEW! 11001999 NEW! TF35.7-115 2017 11002020 2150 hours TF35.7-140 NEW! 11002059 NEW! TF42.7 2019 11002172 1550 hours TF42.7-145 NEW! 11002067 NEW! 226D3 Skid Steer 11002221 NEW! 301.6-05A Excavator 11002217 NEW! 306-07A Excavator 11002219 NEW! 308 PREMIUM Excavator 11002220 NEW! M7173 DEMO 11001818 £77,266 M7153 NEW 11001923 £79,652 L2452 HST NEW 11001994 £POA NEW! GR1600 ID Ride-On Mower 11001737 £POA NEW! GR1600 EU3 Ride-On Mower 11001932 £POA NEW! GR2120 Ride-On Mower 11001934 £POA NEW! M125GX111 2018 1474 hours 11002203 £POA KTwo Duo 1200 Muck Spreader £POA NEW! DSX 1500 Fertiliser Spreader 11001631 EXACTA Disc Spreader 11001689 Merlo Cingo transporter 11002182 Spread-a-Bale Midi Straw Spreader 11002141 Email O ce 01530 229686 Mobile 07831 113316 Finance & Part Ex Available See website for more pictures & more stock WANTED High Quality Machinery, 6m Combination Drills, Stainless Steel Water Bowsers, Road Compressors with low hours 90703 Keeble Delta Cultivator 3.25m, very heavy duty, otation wheels, xed tines, subsoiler legs and 800mm packer roller Caterpillar D5B VHP Special Application Tractor 1992, 5652hrs, 125/165hp, air/ con, rear linkage, two owners from new Bailey 11T Grain Trailer 2014, hydraulic brakes, hardly used, immaculate condition Richard Western High Speed Flat Bed Trailer 2015, 24t tri-axle, ABS, a/brakes & suspension, excellent condition SlurryKat Vacuum Tanker 2017, 18,000L, 710/50 x 26.5 75%, air/hyd brakes, splash plate, docking station, 1st class B. A. Caulkett High Tip Bucket 2020, 3.00m3, new and unused, JCB / Volvo backplate Kuhn Vari-Leader 7 Furrow Semi Mounted Plough 2015, on land-in furrow, hyd vari-width, auto reset Ifor Williams Shoot / Event Trailer seats 18 to 20 people, excellent condition Pottinger 3m Combi Drill 2012, Su olk coulters, 500mm packer roller, still on original power harrow tines Lemken 3m Zirkon 8/Solitair 8 Drill Combination rst used 2019, quick t tines, disc coulters, only 300 acres from new, demo condition Maschio SC 300 Rotorvator, 2013, 3m, 70% blades, 500mm crumbler roller, had little use, excellent condition New Herbst 15T Dump Trailer 2020, John Deere green, sprung air/hydraulicdrawbar,brakes Suton HD 230 Hydraulic Sweeping Brush with collector, 2018, as new condition Linkage Mounted Silage Consolidator 2015, 3m wide, 3,800kg, excellent condition Kverneland 4m Combination Drill 2014, 90% tines, 3 rows of Su olk coulters, wheel eradicators Hubert 2145 7+ 1 Plough 2016, on land/in furrow, DD bodies, Cat 3 or 4 headstock, suit track or wheel tractor Marshall Root Crop Trailer 2016, 16.5t, Trelleborg 560/60 x 22.5 90%, roll over sheet, immaculate condition 710/70 x 42, 710/70 x 38 650/85 x 38 650/75 x 38, 650/75 x 32 all Stocks with clamps Belle Altrad BXW 15/250 Mobile Pressure Washer 2019, yanmar diesel engine, 1125l tank, excellent condition, NO VAT Watkins 3m Front Press 2015, 700mm rings, two rows of leading tines, steering immaculateheadstock,condition Maschio 380 HP Rapido Toro 6m Power Harrow 2014, tungsten tines 80%, hydraulic adjusted 500mm packer, excellent condition

174 October 2022—advertisingTrade 90508 PARTS & DISMANTLING CONTACT DAVE Direct: 07770 814967 • USED MACHINERY CONTACT JOE Direct: 07711 162004 • JOHNCOMBINES:DEERE:T670i, W540, 9580 WTS, 2066, 2264, 2258, 2058, 1188, 1177, 1166, 1085, 1075, 1065, 985, 975, 965, 955, 952, 950, 630, 530, 8820 CLAAS: Lexion 600, 580T, 570T, 480, 460, 440, 430, 218, 118, 116, 115, 114CS, 108, 106, 105, 98, 96, 85, 76, 70 NEW HOLLAND: CR9080, CR980, TX66, TX68, TX36, TX34, TX32, TF78, TF46, TF44, TF42, 8080, 8050, 8040, 1500’s, 133 MASSEY FERGUSON: 7278, 40RS 38, 34, 31, 29, 27, 865, 760, 750, 665, 504 DEUTZ FAHR: 6090, 4090, 4080,4075, M3630, M3610, M2780, M2680, M1002 LAVERDA: 152, M120. CASE: 1660 JOHNTRACTORS:DEERE:8520, 8400, 8200T, 7800, 7530, 7430, 6930, 6900, 6800, 6430, 6110, 3650, 3130, 2140, 2040, 1640 JCB:FORKLIFTS: 531-70, 530-70, 525-58, 520-4, 414, 926 CLAAS: Targo C50, K50 Ranger MATBRO: Telestar, Teleshift, 280, 270, 250 MANITOU: 2600, MLT 633 MERLO: 40.7, 30.6 Multifarmer, 28.7, 26.6 JOHN DEERE: 3800, 3420, 3415, 3200 MASSEY FERGUSON: 8295 TEREX: 250 NEWBALERS:HOLLAND: 1210, 1010S, D1000, BB940, 841, 835, 7070, 750, 740, 654, 650, 644, 640 JOHN DEERE: 680, 644, 592, 590, 582, 578, 575, 550, 342, CASE: RBX435 CLAAS: Quadrant 2200,1200, Rollant 255, 280, 180, 46, 44, Vari, Hesston 4900, 4800, 4750 VICON: LB12000, LB8200, MP800, RV1602 WELGER: D6000, D4000, 520, 435 VICON: LB12000, LB8200, MP800, 1601, RV1602 MASSEY FERGUSON: No.5, 2190, 2170, 2160, 190, 187, 185 SUPERTINO: 60-120 KUHN:MOWERS: Alterna 500 JOHN DEERE: 328, 228, 131, 1360 POTTINGER: Novacat, Eurocat KRONE: AM20, 32P, AMT 4000CV, Easycut 32CV Old Rides Farm • Eastchurch Kent • ME12 4BD 01795 880224 BURDENMACHINERYBROSLTD BUY YOUR USED PARTS ONLINE 12ft Grain Pusher 7’ blade, Manitou bolt on goodbrackets,solid condition £1,250 Kuhn HR4004D 2015, brand new set of Quick Fit tines fitted, very good condition, had little use £12,950 Simba 5.5m Unipress 2007, sprung tines, DD rings, good wearing metal, hydraulic folding, rear hydraulics £8,750 John Deere 1570 Terraincut 2015, Fastback commercial 62” deck, diesel, 4wd, air suspension seat, road registered, vgc, 1216hrs £15,500 New Holland BR740A 2007, Bale Command Plus control box, 35247 bales, good working order, video available working in the field £6,950 Amazone ZA-M 3000 Ultra Profis Hydro 2011, 24/48m discs, Amatron + GPS-switch&controller, working order £5,750 John Deere 6110M 2021, 128hrs 40k Autoquad c/w TLS & cab suspension, 540/65R38 & 480/65R24 Mitas tyres Keighly BD20 7BX £66,750 John Deere 6090MC 2014, 2403hrs, 2wd 30k 16/16 Powerquad Plus c/w 3 x SCVs, air seat, air con, 340/85R38 & 10.00-16 tyres. Ripon HG4 1TT £26,500 John Deere 6130R 2019, 2577hrs, 40k Powerquad c/w front suspension, air con, 380/85R24 & 420/85R38 Trelleborg tyres Stockton TS21 1E £68,500 John Deere 6130R 2018, 1984hrs, 50k Autoquad c/w TLS & cab suspension, 3 x SCVs, 600/65R38 & 640/65R24 tyres Keighly BD20 7BX £69,750 John Deere 6155R 2021, 1614hrs, Ultimate Edition Autopower 50k c/w TLS & cab susp, f/linkage, Autotrac ready, Command Pro, Ultimate light package, 650/75R38 & 600/65R28 tyres Market Weighton YO43 3EW POA John Deere 8370RT 2018, 3758hrs, 40k Autopower c/w 30” tracks, 5 x ESCVs, 10” display, 4600 processor, SF1 command centre, Autotrac activation, JD Link, leather comfort package Market Weighton YO43 3EW POA John Deere V451M Baler 2019, Variable Chamber Round Baler c/w 2.2m Rotoflow pick up, drop floor, bale ramp, floatation tyres. 8,000 Riponbales HG4 1TT £24,950 JBunning Lowlander Mk4 120 Spreader 2016, c/w 580/70R38 tyres, slurry door, wide angle PTO, flared body to standard height, hydraulic brakes, full road RiponlightingHG41TT £18,250 Kramer 8085T Tele Wheel Loader 2016, 3500hrs, c/w 375/70R20 tyres & Kramer headstock Ripon HG4 1TT £41,000 Contacts Richard Gravill | 07768 341193 Ripon | 01765 692255 Brigg | 01652 650600 Darrington | 01977 795241 Keighley | 01535 632661 Louth | 01507 617588 Malton | 01653 695094 Market Weighton | 01430 872421 Ottringham | 01964 622341 Leyburn | 01969 621369 Retford | 01777 704823 Stockton | 01740 630254 Tadcaster | 01937 835454 All prices + VAT 90581

175October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218

176 October 2022—advertisingTrade FENCING & GATES (cont) 18-85657 01354 278506 HEAVY DUTY FARM GATES ROLLS of various sizes of wire netting. R Bane Tel 01953 850309 (Norfolk) John Brewer 07966 285240 125MULTI Similar to the Farmer 80, but the Multi will take taller wire up to 125mm, as well as rabbit netting. With the adjustable arm, other options inc single & double strand barb attachments, re-rolling machine, hoist & loader/ telehandler bracket adaptor. 18-90378 hydraulicclampingwithnoliftingoffoftheclamp–fullyautomatic FINANCE Equipment • Livestock • Feed Fertiliser • Seed • Cash Flow Diversification Projects Building • Debt Consolidation We bring the personal touch back into farm finance. Please ring George Bridgman on 07522 731193 or FORAGE & SILAGE QUALITY Timothy hay rounds & squares, 4’ rounds & small square bales, no ragwort, suitable for livestock & horses, can load & arrange haulage nationwide. £34 ono. D Bennie Tel 07557 991784 (Stirlingshire) JEANTIL Primor 2800 PTO mounted straw/haylage spreader feeder, any bale size, 2006, vgc, spreads up to 40', £3,750+VAT. R Lane Tel 07831 615912 (Cambridgeshire) GENERATORS GENERATORS: diesel & PTO, quality used & new, est 25yrs. JSP UK Ltd. Tel 01432 353050 Mob 07774 742182 (Hereford) P. Cowell & Sons Ltd Tel: 01772 21-90168 Full range up to 200KVA 2 year warranty, UK built Ring Anthony for details PTO Static/LinkageGeneratorsMounted GRAIN STORAGEHANDLING/ GRAIN pedestals (4). £25+VAT. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) 22-90130 t: 01526 342466 f: 343507 PELLCROFT Manufacturers of Typhoon (0.5–120hp)FansDriveOverFloorsGrainStirrersAirTunnelsGasBurners Controllers & ACCS Equipment GRAIN pusher, 3.5m long blade, 2x1m, fits over pallet tines. £270+VAT. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) NEW & availableCLEANERSSECONDHANDAVAILABLECLEANERSCREENSformostmakesNEW&SECONDHANDDRYINGFANSCarierElevatorsConveyorsandSpares PLOT FEEDS SEED & ENGINEERINGCEREAL Main Agents for 22-90400 Contact Robin on 01472 753936 07710 242015 Roy Edwards 07702 408833 Full engineering, installation & dismantling services CAD fractionating cleaner, reduces seed borne diseases and increases vigor NOW AVAILABLE BRICE Baker auger, 4.5m x 5.5", 3ph, c/w hopper for filling 24' grain bin. £325+VAT. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) BRICE Baker sweep auger, 75kw, 3ph, 12' long. £125+VAT. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) 2-HORSEPOWER fan, 3 phase, 6" inlet. £225+VAT. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) CRITTALL grain walling sheets (56), 3m x 1m, to be taken down. £32 each. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) 01842 898515 22-90582 ChaserInterbennePerard27GrainBin £54,950+VAT immaculate, 27m3 capacity, 5m reach all angle operable auger, r/steer axle, axle weigh system, auger camera, 710/50- R26.5s FIFTY-FOOT 6" belt with 5.5" cups, for a grain elevator, c/w man platform. £100. R Sinkler Tel 01377 270251 (East Yorkshire) GRAIN laterals, metal, 3' x 10", approx 180. £5 each. P Astill Tel 07751 500081 (Leicestershire) GRASS MACHINERY GRASS seed spinner. R Bane Tel 01953 850309 (Norfolk) SPEARHEAD Trident 4000 flail mower, 2002, excellent flails, in good working order, no vibrations, can be seen working. £4,500+VAT. M West Tel 07793 956368 (Kent) 23-90736 £4,995+VAT H-DutyFM-150ChapmanProFlails For more details visit our website or call 01362 687260 • 07771 972092 23HP Honda, Breaker Bar/ C. Bar WESTWOOD T1600 mower, 42" cut with collector, excellent engine, torque converter fails when hot. £235. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) J.E.GrahamLtd t: 01379 384444 m: 07775 764540 23-90164 SuffolkPastureTopper Safe – fully guarded Strong – British built design Shear bolt protection in the PTO Can be offset if required Simple to use & adjust –no spanners required Variety of sizes – 4', 5', 6' PARMITER 4m mounted flex harrow, manual folding, good matts, no welding, vgc. £900. B Wheaton Tel 07767755599 (Essex) 23-90670 07748 004794 01245 442224 Photos and full spec heavy duty, rated 200hp, well priced TAPS & DUAL models in stock JOHN Deere 38" mower, good working order. £750. B Colson Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) EX DEMO KRONE EASYCUT B950 Collect r/butterfly mowers, 9.5m w/ width (with f/mower), hyd swath curtain & r/frame lifting, merger augers, parking stands. £36,000 + VAT. Moore Farm Services 01302 759969. JOHN Deere mower, new deck fitted. £2,250. B Colson Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) FLEMING 6' rotary mower, good working order. £450. B Colson Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) LELY 770 Lotus hay turner, 1st used 2013, 6 rotors, stored undercover, vgc. £6,500+VAT. P Hawes Tel 01371 850392/07747 697836 (Essex)

177October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 email: website: Dean: 07836 680004 Peter Scott: 07584 066866 Kevin Gladding: 07960 678109TRAILERS Main Dealer for SEE WEBSITE FOR MORE PICTURES & OTHER STOCK NEW BAILEY 14T X 8.4M BALE TRAILERS air brakes, 435/50x19.5 wheels, ex stock, choice of 2 2007 PEUGEOT EXPERT DIESEL VAN 116000miles, side sliding doors, tow bar, serviced to date 2019 TOYOTA HILUX INVINCIBLE X MODEL PICK UP 24000mls, 2.4 diesel auto, FSH, TOP SPEC AS MARSTON ACE 11 GRAIN TRAILER rollover sheet, chute, super singles, mint condition FORD 6610 TRACTOR2WD 6800hrs, new “criss cross” block, 16.9x34 tyres as new AS MARSTON FF10 10T TRAILER grain chute, silage sides, 12.5-7.5x15.3 wheels CASE 885XL 2WD TRACTOR 7800hrs, hitch, 2 spools, 16.9x34 tyres as new BAILEY TB16 TRAILER air brakes, rollover sheet, 560/60x22.5 wheels, sprung drawbar, chute 1998 AS MARSTON ACE 10 TRAILER grain chute, good tyres, excellent condition 1988 AS MARSTON FF10 TRAILER grain chute, good tyres, body as new inside & out 2000 AS MARSTON ACE 14 TRAILER super singles, sprung d/bar, chute, excellent condition 2015 BAILEY BEETEAPER 18T TRAILER sprung d/bar, air brakes, Michelin 560/60x22.5 wheels 15T TANDEM AXLE BEAVERTAIL LOW LOADER air & oil brakes, hyd ramps, twin wheels 2020 AEBI TT 281+ GRASS CUTTING TRACTOR 74 genuine hrs, front & rear linkage, 440/50x17 grass tyres BLOWER TRAILER air brakes, available ex stock REEKIE CLEANFLOW 2000 POTATO HARVESTER Dahlman rollers, picking off table with canopy 1996 JOHN DEERE 855 4WD HYDRO TRACTOR 2797hrs, turf & ag wheels & tyres, tted ewis loader 2007 NEW HOLLAND LM415 POWER SHUTTLE 110 TELEHANDLER 6380hrs, pin & cone, hitch SIMBA 4 METRE TOPTILTH CULTIVATOR WITH END TOW KIT good condition STOCKS FAN JET BROADCASTER24 NEW & UNUSED 2.8T FRONT LINKAGE for John Deere 4cyl 6000 series tractors 90236 S.R. Haylock Please see website for more pictures: Eves: 01799 584626 Daytime: 07831 158848 or 07766 107610 Agricultural Machinery For Sale Cambridgeshire Due in: Bobcat E10 mini digger International B47 Baler, very good condition Sanderson TL7 Loadall Perkins turbo, 3500hrs only, vgc JCB 525B Loadall Farm special, good tidy example International 584 2wd Straight & tidy condition, works well also 585 David Brown 1490 2wd 3500hrs, Nice conditionoriginal International B100 Drott c/w ripper, good tidy example Armer Salmon Trailed Mole Drainer good condition Kuhn 5F Plough 14”, nice clean condition, Ex Fen farm KV 6F LD240 Plough hyd variwidth, tidy conditon Claas Markant 65 Baler very nice clean condition, Year 1998 90761 Mob 07836 643155 Tel 01263 833281 WANTED s/beet drills cleaners & trailing tanker harvesters 2 & 3 row 90251 BEET HARVESTERS TIM & THYREGOD 2–3 ROW Beet buckets – choice of standard & toe tip BEET CLEANERS – CHOICE OF CTM & TODD with picking tables etc VOGEL NOOT XMS950 4F HYD VARI WIDTH c/w press arm & Lemken furrow press, tidy set NORDSTEN NS4130 3M GRAIN DRILL COMBI on Kongskilde springtine drillmate with packer etc TERRADISC CULTIVATORS 3 & 4M Dutch & combination harrows – 3 to 6m BOMFORD 8M VIBROFLEX HYDRAULIC FOLD Plough presses – Cousins, Lemken & KV for large ploughs FLAT LIFTS – SUBSOILERS 2 TO 5 LEG Reco hydraulic bag crane for fert spreader 10T RICHARD WESTERN DUMP TRAILER 33’ flat straw trailer with 5th wheel dolly 14T FLAT TRAILER 30’ STEEL FLOOR ON S/S dump trailer 8 ton needs floor repair 14T ALLOY LORRY CONVERSION ROLL SHEET choice of 5th wheel dollys 14T LARRINGTON HYD TAILGATE – SPRUNG D/BAR stainless steel water/fert bowsers 18T LARRINGTON MAJESTIC AIR & HYD BRAKES Flat artic trailer 30’ with 5th wheel dolly and hyd brakes 50’ NEAN COMBINE/MACHINERY TRAILER full MOT wells & outriggers on air with rear lift – choice of 2 Reynolds Motors Cromer • Norfolk

178 October 2022—advertisingTrade Ltd Evenings 01323 840077 • Mobile 07850 851941 • • Hailsham, East Sussex 90477 | 30+ TRACTORS: FORD • NH • MF • JD • IH • CASE | 30+ BALERS ALWAYS IN STOCK: WELGER • NH • JD • IH • CLAAS • HESSTON • GALLIGNANI • BAMFORD • DEUTZ-FAHR | 20+ mowers in stock: Lely • Pottinger • Vicon • Kverneland • Taarup • JD • MF • IH • Ransomes • Deutz-Fahr • Tallis | 30+ tedders, turners, rakes, mowers, toppers, forage wagons | 15+ hay grabs, accumulators, transporters | 30+ trailers 3t–30t: agricultural, commercial, construction, dump, hay, general purpose, grain, silage, livestock, horsebox, dual purpose, plant, tippers | 30+ toppers, flail mowers, etc | 15+ ploughs | 50+ discs, cultivators, drills | 10+ 360o excavators/dumpers • Volvo • JCB • Hyundai • Hitachi • Benford | 2019(69) NH T7-210, 7hrs only, f/linkage & PTO, fully loaded with all the goodies, as new 500+ ITEMS IN STOCK – PLEASE LOOK AT OUR WEBSITE FOR FULL DESCRIPTIONS AND PHOTOS BREAKING MOWERS –TEDDERS – RAKES – BALERS 2021 JOSKIN TORNADO 3 5513/14V 14T MANURE SPREADER excellent condition RICHARD WESTERN 16T GRAIN/ROOT TRAILER grain chute, air-hyd-load sensing brakes. new flotation 560x22.5 wheels/tyres, a cracker!!!! NEW T5-105HOLLANDC/WMX LOADER 81hrs T7-210 72hrs T7-245 1200hrs AW 12T TRAILERGRAIN-SILAGE Very good condition £14,500 IFOR WILLIAMS 14’ AND 12’ DP120 AND TA510 LIVESTOCK TRAILERS CHOICE OF BAILEY TRAILERS BEETEAPER, GRAIN, SILAGE & ROOT from 12–20t, new & used ROLAND V160 MANURE SPREADER a credit to its former owner WELGER BALER 4 AP 730 balers 2 AP 630 balers 3 AP 530 balers good condition 1997 CASE MAXUUM 5120 4wd, 100hp, c/w power loader, exceptionally clean, 4 speed PowerPoint, very good condition for year 1997 NEW HOLLAND 7840 SLE 4wd, 100hp, c/w Fauchuex loader, 3rd service, manure grab, good condition CHOICECHOICEOF40+TRACTORSOF40+BALERS CHOICEOF60+TRAILERS CHOICEOF20+TRAILERS Oakfields AG Ltd, Park Farm Lane Nuthampstead, Royston, Herts. SG8 8LZ E: W: Part exchange is welcome! Call / Whatsapp us on (+44) 1763 780440 2013 MASSEY FERGUSON 7616 DYNA-6 TRACTOR 50kph, air brakes, 6012hrs POA 2017 JOHN DEERE 6215R 4WD TRACTOR Direct Drive 50K, front linkage & PTO POA 2016 JOHN DEERE 6210R 4WD TRACTOR 50K Command Arm, air brakes, front linkage & PTO! POA 2009 JOHN DEERE 6830 4WD TRACTOR C/w Zuidberg front linkage, cab suspension & TLS £33,500 + VAT 2003 JOHN DEERE 6520 4WD TRACTOR C/w MX 95.5u front loader and on very good tyres! £29,750 + VAT 2007 CAT 755B RUBBER TRACKED CRAWLER C/w very good trackwork, a tidy crawler! £39,950 + VAT 2002 CASE IH STX 375 QUADTRAC Goes well, and on very good tracks! £44,500 + VAT 2008 CASE IH MXU 135 MULTICONTROLLER 4WD TRACTOR Just 1 owner and in nice order! £24,950 + VAT WEAVING CADDY 35 6M TRAILED DRILL C/w Stocks Ag seeder and hydraulic axles POA 2018 AMAZONE KG 3000 POWER HARROW C/w AD-P 303 drill, all in nice order! £14,950 + VAT VADERSTAD REXIUS TWIN 330 LAND PACKER C/w new points and excellent rings! £11,450 + VAT COUSINS SIDEWINDER 12.3M CAMBRIDGE ROLLS 22” plain rings, in top order! POA 2016 DALBO LEVELFLEX 4M HYD FOLDING FRONT PRESS C/w leading springtines and 650mm DD packer £8,450 + VAT 2019 PROFORGE INVERTAMAX 6M SHORT-DISC CULTIVATOR Done very little work, ready to go! £23,950 + VAT 2019 ZIEGLER FIELD PROFI 3001 3M CULTIVATOR In excellent condition, very little use £7,500 + VAT 90247

179October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 Massey Ferguson MF6718S £63,000 50kph, 1st & 2nd valves, pneu & hyd trailer brakes, loader subframe, electrical valve, joystick, quick coupler, 540/65R28 & 650/65R38, Super Luxe Air Grammar seat, radio/CD/MP3/ f/aux in/ bluetooth/USB, 2 roof mtd beacons 31053380 John Deere 5125R POA 40kph, 3 spools, power shift transmission, Mitas tyres 480/65R28 100% 540/65R38 51053484100% Massey Ferguson MF7726S £89,500 50kph semi P/shift, f/linkage, 1 f/spool, susp f/axle, susp cab, 4 r/spools, Power Beyond, load sensing, Isobus, air & hyd trailer brakes, hyd top link, air seat, Trimble CM guidance, Firestone 650/75R38 sliding axle @60% & 600/65R28 @40% adj rims 51053070 Massey Ferguson MF7720S £77,000 50kph, semi P/shift, f/weight rack, f/axle susp, susp cab, 4 r/spools, Power Beyond, load sensing, Isobus, Trimble Submeter guidance, BKT 520/85R42 @60% & 420/85R30 @20%, warranty till 02.10.2022 or 2400hrs 51053072 Claas Axion 870 POA 50kph Vario, f/linkage, 1 f/spool & 5 rear, f/axle susp, air & hyd brakes, Isobus, Power Beyond, hyd top link, cab susp, air seat, bluetooth radio, air con, RTK GPS guidance, full LED lights, Michelin 710/70R42 & 600R42 @80%, warranty till 3000hrs or 2024 61053288 Massey Ferguson MF7718S POA 50kph, 4 spools, tls f/susp, dyna 6 transmission, e�cient cab, air con, �eldstar 5, radio/CD, 540/65R28 & 650/65R38 Michelin 50% tread 51053256 JCB 4220 £77,000 60kph Vario gearbox, f/axle susp, f/linkage, f/ PTO, 1 f/spool & 4 r/spools, Power Beyond, air & hyd brakes, abs, susp cab, bluetooth radio BKT 600/R30 75% x 4 21053235 Case CS 78 £18,500 5 wafer weights, �xed f/axle, �xed cab, mech seat, radio, 2 spools, Cat 2 r/linkage, hyd trailer brakes, loader bracket, cable control, goodyear tyres 13.6r24 40% tread & 16.9r34 50% 51052910tread Valtra N143 £42,500 50kph, 4 speed manual transmission, �xed cab, air seat, susp f/axle, pivoting f/mud guards, 12 x 40kg f/weights, 3 r/spools, air & hyd trailer brakes, Michelin tyres 14.9R38 60% tread & 18.4R38 60% tread 21052909 Massey Ferguson MF7720S POA Exclusive cab, Dyna VT transmission, 50kph, 4 spools, f/linkage, 1 f/service, LED lights, 600/65R28 & 710/70R38 Michelin 75% tread, warranty till 13.12.23 or 3000hrs 41052185 Valtra N134A £78,000 green met, 50km/h, r/wheel weights 4x80kg, 3 valve package, accy kit, susp cab, radio FM/DAB, twin beacons, rev buzzer, cool box, f/loader G6S, loader subframe set, loader readiness with quick couplers, tool carrier, Softdrive, TB wheels 520/85R38 & 420/85R28 51048131 Fendt 828 Vario S4 £88,000 60kph, 5 spools, PTO, couplers, hyd pump 205L/min, Pro� Plus, Super Comfort seat, passenger seat comfort, 600/70R30 Michelin 50% tread & 650/75R42 Mitas 50% 61051694tread Challenger MT765E £94,500 40kph, 4 spools, SMS, Deluxe spec, guidance ready, P/shift transmission, air con, lighting equipment, 50% tread 41048822 Fendt 936 POA guidance ready, wheels & tyres IF710/75R42 & IF600/70R34 BKT, 2 x 280kg wheel weights each 61053554wheel Fendt 415 POA 50kph, 4 spools TM800 f/540/65R26 70% TM800 r/650/65R38 70% 61053533 Valtra T151 POA 50kph, 4 spools, TLS f/susp, mech transmission, air brakes, standard cab spec, air con, 420/85R28 & 520/85R38 BKT 95% 51053510tread Massey Ferguson MF7726 £55,000 50kph, 4 spools, E�cient cab, Dyna transmission, radio 41053383 Fendt 930 £92,500 65kph Vario, susp f/axle, f/linkage, f/hyd return, susp cab, 4 r/spools, Power Beyond, Isobus, air & hyd brakes, hyd top link, air seat, bluetooth radio, Trimble RTK, Michelin 710/70R42 & 620/75R30 @70% , full wty to 4/3/23 or 8000hrs 61051331 Kverneland 6m TS drill £31,500 E Bas system (Focus 3 control box), 48 auto reset tine coulters c/w straight points, 1700L hopper, hopper cover, Eldos metering, hyd fan drive, pre ems, 4 tramline shut o�s, bout markers, elec half width shut o�, road lights, following harrow, 6m clod board 51052680 Bomford Turner Elite 225 POA 6 spline PTO, 540 rpm, r/roller with scraper bar, hyd side shift, belt driven rotor, Whatl tail �ails – average, bolt on skids 21053538 McConnel Topper 9 £2,000 41053249 Bomford Turner Elite 190 £3,200 c/w hyd side shift 51053244 Manitou M26-4 £15,000 22kph, hydrostatic gearbox, 2.5t lift, reversing camera, LED lights, BKT 16.5/8530 & 10.5/80-18 30% tread 21053040 Manitou MLT 735 PS POA Michelin tyres 460/70R24 10% 51053496 Massey Ferguson MF1840 POA PTO with overrunning clutch, PTO speed 540 rpm, 31x13.5 – 15 tyres, bale chute, hyd bale density control, elec driven knotter fan, hyd pickup lift, trailer hitch kit 21053446 East Anglia’s first choice for new & used agricultural machinery CONTACT US 07798 585624 • OUR BRANCHES KennettLittleportAttleborough FakenhamMelton Thurlow Nunn Standen Ltd, Wisbech CambsLittleport,Road,CB61RA All prices + VAT 90256

180 October 2022—advertisingTrade HUNDREDS OF ITEMS IN STOCK: Power Command, 2012, 5835 hrs, Elec spools, ALO Q65 loader. Has had a recent major gearbox overhaul, Now on 650/65R38 & 540/65R28 tyres. Sulky Cultiline XR4000 4 Metre cultivator, year 2020, c/w x2 rows of discs, tracker roller Nev Kirby t:07970 805 369 £13,000SN:21036473 Easterby ET12 12T Trailer, hydraulic brakes, standard drawbar, manual rear door, grain chute, frontrearwindow.door, Graham Milner t:07885 243 761 £7,500SN:11044800 Househam Airride 4000 Stainless steel tank, Chemical inductor, 400L clean water tank, Triplex bodies, 24/12 metre booms, 10 section control, manually adjustable axles, auto alignment on wheels, never used for liquid fert Graham Milner t:07885 243 761 £37,000SN:11043646 Jeantil PR4000 Bale Shredder/ Feeder, year 2009, hydraulic rear door with extension, swivel chute, electric cab controls & external controls, Graham Cannon t:07970 805 340 £6,950SN:A1041480 Vaderstad RD300S Complete with 80% metal, very tidy drill, 2003 model Dave Muir t:07580 982 487 £9,750SN:21045170 Vadersad RDA 400S year 2011, Front Packer,Track eradicators, Hyd system disc, off set wheels, following harrow, preemergence markers. Graham Milner t:07885 243 761 £33,500SN:11046633 Teagle RD9 Rear Discharge Spreader, c/w sprung drawbar, Hyd brakes, Hyd bed, Slurry door, side ladder Graham Milner t:07885 243 761 £7,250SN:11046360 Manitou MLT630-105 Year 2018, c/w Manitou headstock, third service, hydraulic locking pin, rear hitch, Boom lights, Air Con, approx1600 Hours, 460/70R24 all Michelin XMCL tyres. Tim Weatherhead t:07580 982 612 £55,000SN:31044593 Manitou MLT840 year 2012, Elite Spec 62 Plate, Approx 4500hrs , Very Tidy Machine, New tyres to go on Stuart Dixon t:07506 595 873 £41,000SN:11042692 Kubota RTV-X900 year 2018 Camo ROPS c/w screen kit, rear screen, 50mm rear ball hitch, front clevis, large tyres. Stuart Dixon t:07506 595 873 £11,000SN:11042893 Honda TRX500 FM6 year 2018, Heated Grips, Road Registered, 3696 hours, Tow bar, new tyres. Tim Weatherhead t:07580 982 612 £5,750SN:31041916 New T7.200Holland Nev t:07970Kirby805 369 £42,000SN:21040804 Joskin Cobra 10000 ES Vacuum Tanker (2200 Gallon) Galvanised tank, front right & left quick attach fill points, sight tube, sprung drawbar, 2 pipes, rear linkage with load sensing & elec controls, hydraulic change over, manhole topfill, pump exhaust, 66/43R25 70% Rich Green t:07867 746 672 £9,250SN:41046658 2022, 441 LED’s,protectionrelease,hitch,Powershifthours,6x3,rearAuxpressureBoomdust&boomQ-FitCarrier, 140L Pump, Trailer Brakes, Continuous flow for aux boom hyd, 460/70R24 Trelle tyres. New Holland TH7.42 145 Elite Jim Nash t:07734 550 400 £84,800SN:41046375 DEPOTS AT: YO17 | DL6 | YO51 | DN14 | DL8 | DE6 | NN14 | DE4 | NG22 | LE14

SUFFOLK tups for sale, yearlings and one 3yr old, most birth notified. £500. D Littlehales Tel 07767 633200/01743 891188 (Shropshire)
LIMOUSIN heifers (6), well grown, 14 to 16 months old, ideal bulling heifers, home reared, 4 year area. I Hudson Tel 07766395220 (Cambridgeshire)

Limousin bull, 5yrs old, now returning on heifers, TB4, in herd health scheme, nice genuine bull. £2,400. L Enefer Tel 07810 004470 (Norfolk) ELWESS Herefords, pedigree, registered bulls for sale, easy calving bloodlines, good feet & legs, ready to work, Hi Health, accredited for BVD, Johnes, IBR & Lepto, TB4, nr Gainsborough, Lincs. www. £2,500. V Elwess Tel 07764 740540 (Lincolnshire) REGISTERED pedigree Ryeland ewe lamb for sale, born April 22, a quality, sturdy lamb in good health & wormed to date, will make good breeding stock, home bred from small flock, message me for more info. £150 ono. M Clark Tel 07809 132243 (Derbyshire) PEDIGREE

JERSEY heifers, in calf, weaklings & calves, from long established, pedigree closed herd. J Eveson Tel 07891 340555 (Shropshire)

ABERDEEN Angus bulls, choice of two, both have excellent Rawburn breeding, bBoth nose rung & halter trained, TB4, closed herd in West Sussex. £2,000 ono. D Bradbury Tel 07758 819761 (West Sussex)

181October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 GRASS MACHINERY (cont) British designed & built Very low running & maintenance costs 1.8m wide with large easy discharge hopper PTO driven – low HP requirements 3pt linkage with 4 independent rubber wheels Rejuvenates grass, removing dead & loose material J.E.GrahamLtd t: 01379 384444 m: 07775 764540 23-90165 SweeperSuffolkCollector McCONNEL, 2004/5, 1.5m flail head, gc rotor with nearly new T flails, 65hp motor, good condition, Hereford/Worcester border. £1,000 ono. M Brazington Tel 07710 873246 (Hereford) HEDGING FORESTRY& GLEBETheHEDGINGFARMHedgingSpecialists 24-90233NATIONWIDEDELIVERY Over 100 varieties of top quality hedge plants and young trees. For a catalogue, advice or a competitive quote, contact Glebe Farm Hedging Langham, Essex CO4 5PP Tel: 01206 323200 ELECTRIC chainsaw & strimmer. R Bane Tel 01953 850309 (Norfolk) BOMFORD B577 hedge cutter, full working order. £2,000. K Jones Tel 01263 712328 (Norfolk) See our ad on page 10 24-90155 Specialists in hedging & equipmentforestry JTE JOE TURNER EQUIPMENT JTE JOE TURNER EQUIPMENT OLD Bomford Super Trim, 3pl, last used Oct 21, cable levers. Offers. F Johnson Tel 07774 361830 (Lincolnshire) PTO-DRIVEN woodchipper, takes 4.5". Offers. F Johnson Tel 07774 361830 (Lincolnshire) ARBOR Eater 6" chipper towable, c/w Hatz silent pack twin cylinder diesel engine, little used, in good condition. £2,975. W Everitt Tel 01263 860112 (Norfolk) MCCONNEL debris blower, as new, will fit any machine, came off a PA65T, perfect working order, only done one season, no longer required having sold machine. £1,000 payment on collection. R Graham Tel 01697 342817/07884 012950 (Cumbria) LAND/PROPERTY AVAILABLE to rent, workshop equipped for woodwork, 2000 sq ft, phone for more info. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) LIVESTOCK Scalford Road, Melton Mowbray, Leicestershire, LE13 1JY 01664 562971 Weekly Prime Cattle, Sheep and Store Cattle Sales Monthly Poultry Sales Pedigree Livestock Sales Farm Sales and Valuations Sale of Pigs twice a month Annual Rare Breed Sale Deadweight Cattle Sales Straw and Fodder Sales 28-90377 ANIMAL feed grade oat flakes, oat flour & oat bran. Can deliver oat chaff in bulk, Huntingdon. POA. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire) PEDIGREE Lincoln Red bull, Windmill Zion, dob 25/02/20 heterozygous polled bull, grass fed & a good temperament, easy calving Lincoln Red dam Windmill Poppy & sired by St Fort Winston. J Barlow Tel 07968 969424 (Nottinghamshire) VERY friendly Golden Guernsey nanny for sale, excellent milker & currently running with the billy (he is also for sale or rent), she would make an excellent house goat. POA. E Bunting Tel 01206 625016/07889 640199 (Essex)
YEARLING tups for sale – Beltex, Suffolk, Leicester, Suffolk X Leicester, Beltex X Suffolk, Cheviot, Bluebells (BFL X Beltex). £500 each. D Littlehales Tel 07767 633200/01743 891188 (Shropshire)
GLOUCESTER Tel 01920 438232 (Hertfordshire)

THREE Lincoln Red steers & one heifer, 13 months old, good temperament, prefer not to split them up. A Rose Tel 07890 305120 (Lincolnshire)
FANTASTIC selection of Pygmy wether and nanny kids, lots of different colours available, ready to go now, very tame & friendly, high welfare stock, all come wormed, vacc'd & hoof trimmed. E Bunting Tel 01206 625016/07889 640199 (Essex)

GORGEOUS selection of Pygmy nanny kids for sale, super-cute & friendly, ready to go now & are from high welfare stock, all vacc'd, wormed & hoof trimmed. E Bunting Tel 07889 640199 (Essex)

CUTE billy with pretty markings, born this year, friendly & small. E Bunting Tel 01206 625016/07889 640199 (Essex)
REALLY good Pygmy billy for sale, Stig is an entire proven billy, very friendly & lovely colours to ensure well marked kids (with the right nanny), friendly & good natured, loves the ladies! E Bunting Tel 07889 640199 (Essex)

up to 15
PEDIGREE Limousin cow, 4yrs old with heifer calf at foot & back in calf, TB4 area & in High Health scheme, reluctant sale as need room for up & coming heifers. £2,400. L Enefer Tel 07810 004470 (Norfolk)
PEDIGREE Pentervin polled Charolais bulls, 18–20 months old. £3,500. D Littlehales Tel 07767 633200/01743 891188 (Shropshire)
551111 (Suffolk) BUTLEY
5-FOOT bales of marsh & meadow hay, last year's, stored singly outside, approx 100 bales, cut and baled in the good weather last year. £20/bale collection only. J Turvey Tel 07810 633270 (Norfolk) EASYCARE sheep, large selection of rams & strong ram lambs from the original flock, wool shedding, very easy lambing, fast growing, all organic. Yearlings from £450, ram lambs from £300. I Owen Tel 07788 585309 (Isle of Anglesey)

Old Spot weaners, pure bred, ready mid October; also GOS growers ready now. J Spackman
GLOUCESTERSHIRE Old Spots X Duroc breeding boars & gilts; also store pigs available. J Sowter Tel 07561 637615 (Derbyshire)
PEDIGREE Large Black sows (2) one boar for sale, reducing the quantity of livestock on farm; also three Large Black gilts & a boar three pig arks. Willing to take reasonable offers. C Browning-Smith Tel 07808 186094 weaners, available mid October when they will be 8 weeks old, outdoor born reared, used to electric fence, hood hardy pigs, collect from near Thetford. K Jordan 07880 Herefords, registered pedigree bulls & females, quiet & easily handled, all bulls halter trained & guaranteed under Hereford Society rules, TB4 area. www.butleyherefords. DC Smith & Sons Tel 07971 694912/07885 594143 (Suffolk)

RYELAND ewe & ram lambs, born April 22, available shortly, sired by pedigree registered Ryeland ram & off sound Ryeland ewes, all healthy & wormed to date, would make excellent pets, lawn mowers or breeding stock, homebred. £130 each. M Clark Tel 07809 132243 (Derbyshire)

182 October 2022—advertisingTrade USED MACHINERY SALES Weights NOT included. Prices each,exclude VAT ex yard. Whilst stocks last. Correct 1/9/22 Please check hours and availability. E & OE Our Milton Common OX9 2NZ Yard 01844 11080157 JOHN DEERE 6430 Standard 2010, 5018hrs, PowrQuad, 40K, TLS, A/C, air seat, 460/85R38.420/85R24, 3SCV, hyd brakes, 653 loader, euro 8 headstock 11079676 JOHN DEERE 6120M 2019, 2293hrs, AutoQuad, 40K, 3SCV, A/C, air seat, PUH, hyd brakes, 623R loader, euro 8 headstock, multicoupler 11079663 JOHN DEERE 6125M 2013, 4591hrs, PowrQuad, 40K, TLS, A/C, air seat, 3SCV, BKT 460/85R38.420/85R24, hyd brakes, PUH, MXT410 loader, euro 8 headstock, £52,750 51075397 JD 131 2015, 3.1MTR front mow er conditioner, metal tine, 1000rpm speed, 6 spline shaft £8,500 11080631 KUHN MDS18.2 18m3 Profile plus feeder/bed der, front swivel, front convey or, 2019 DUE IN 11079364 CR9090 2009, 1936/2819hrs, self level lingshoe, 4 speed hydro, 4wd, varifeed header, 35ft header, JUST IN 41080225 TANCO 1814 2011, Square bale wrapper, control box, 500/50R17 tyres, bale count: 10,000. £9,250 71079713 TANCO 580S 2010, Round bale wrapper, counter, cable control, approx 8000 bales £5,950 11078645 FERRI TD42 2007, hedgecutter, 1mtr, 4.2mtr reach, flails, rear roller, cable control, 3 point linkage, £4,950 41074105 MCHALE HS2000 2006, Trailed satellite wrapper, fully automatic, 59612 bales £5,950 ROLLAND 14T - NEW STOCK Flat trailer, 9mtr, 14T, sprung axle, Front skid, Hydraulic/air brakes, flat side standard, 385 £14,950 71080983 KUHN SW7664 2010, Trailed large sqaure bale wrapper, control box, 19500 bales £9,750 41079857 CLAAS 3500 Liner 2012, 4 rotor tedder, hyd brakes, control box, 12 tines per rotor £18,750 31080362 CLAAS VOLTO 770 2010, 7.7mtr 6 rotor tedder 61081031 BECKER T6Z 2007, 6mtr mounted maize drill, marker arms, control box, little use £7,950£4,250 £49,950 NEW REDUCED REDUCEDREDUCEDREDUCED REDUCED REDUCED £42,500

183October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 Prices each,exclude VAT ex yard. Whilst stocks last. Correct 1/7/22 E & OE. Library pictures 01844 IN STOCK Full range available to order from your local Farol Depot AD27094BTS Challenger 50 £3,195 2700kg, 9 x 4, ramp, bucket stand, ball hitch, spare wheel SE7064 750kg, 6’6” x 4’, mesh kit, ramp, spare wheel AD35105BTS Challenger 50 3500kg, 10 x 5’6, ramp, bucket stand, ball hitch, spare wheel AD35126BTS Challenger 50 3500kg, 12’ x 6’, spare wheel, ball hitch, mesh ramp, LED lights £3,834 inc VAT Ex VAT £1,695£2034 inc VAT Ex VAT £3,995£4,794 inc VAT Ex VAT £4,295£5,154 inc VAT Ex VAT STOCKIN FTL35146 £4,295 3500KG, 14’ x 6’, twin axle, spare wheel, ramps, sides GT26085 2600kg goods trailer, ramp, 8’X5’ twin axle, spare wheel £5,154 inc VAT Ex VAT £2,995£3,594 inc VAT Ex VAT Livestock Trailers 12-14’, twin/tri axle, sheep decks, slurry tank, side vents TO ORDER STOCKIN STOCKIN STOCKIN STOCKIN STOCKIN

184 October 2022—advertisingTrade NISSAN NAVARA 2016 (66) 2.3 Tekna Manual Double Cab 75,682 Miles £17,490.00 FIAT FULLBACK 2019 (19) 2.4 Cross Manual Double Cab 14,060 Miles G105A£21,490.00 335 Hrs, 105 HP Tyres: 460/85R38380/85R28 £57,500.00 500 HOURS 1000 LESS THAN MF 1740 M 40 HP, ROPS Spec Tyres: 13.6-1626x10.50-12TURFTYRES 716£22,950.00 2018, 2871 Hrs, 175 HP Tyres: 480/65R28 (90%) 520/70R38 (95%)RG655B£79,950.00 2013, 6152 Hrs, 242 HP 24m Pommier Aluminium Twin Fold Booms £85,000.00 MANITOU MLT 634 2014, 4902 Hrs 6m 3400kgReach,Lift £35,000.00 MANITOU MLT 735 2009, 5000 Hrs 7m Reach, 3500kg Lift Tyres: 460/70R24 (40%) £45,900 MANITOU 735-120PS 2014, 7200 Hrs, 120HP 4 Wheel Steer Crab Tyres: 460/70R24 (10%) £29,950.00 MT775E 2015, 6278 Hrs, 425 HP Speed: 40Km/h Track: 25 Track %: 75 £79,250.00 MT765D 2013, 7651 Hrs Speed: 40Km/h Track: 25 £67,750.00 MT775E 2015, 6360 Hrs, 439 HP Speed: 40Km/h Track: 30 Track %: 40 £81,500.00 MT765C 2009, 9326 Hrs, 360 HP Speed: 40Km/h Track: 30 Track %: 60 £55,000.00 MT755B 2006, 10000 Hrs, 350 HP Speed: 40Km/h Track %: 85 720£43,950.00 2017, 6400 Hrs, 210 HP Tyres: 540/60R30 (60%) 650/65R42 (50%) £73,950.00 724 2012, 5241 Hrs, 240 HP Tyres: 540/65R28 (60%) 650/65R38 (60%) £76,000.00 724 & MXT412 LOADER 2012, 11372 Hrs, 240 HP Tyres: 540/65R30 (60%) 650/65R42 (60%) £69,000.00 724 2018, 3950 Hrs, 240 HP Tyres: 600/65R28 (40%) 710/70R38 (40%) £112,500.00 828 2017, 4038 Hrs, 290 HP Tyres: 600/70R30 (60%) 650/85R38 (70%) MF£119,950.008S.245EXDE 2021, 800 Hrs, 245 HP Tyres: 600/70R28 (85%) 650/85R38 (85%) £126,000.00 1500 1000 HOURS LESS THAN MF 8740 S EXDV 2018, 3558 Hrs, 400 HP Tyres: 620/75R30 (95%) 710/75R42 (95%) £130,000.00 MF 7726 EXDV 2020, 2677 Hrs, 280 HP Tyres: 600/65R28 (70%) 650/65R42 (70%) £97,500.00 MF 7724 EFD6 2017, 4175 Hrs, 235 HP Tyres: 600/65R28 (80%) 650/65R42 (80%) £65,995.00 MF 7720 EFD6 2017, 4250 Hrs, 210 HP Tyres: VF600/60R30 (5%) VF710/60R42 (20%) N174D£55,500.00 2020, 1119 Hrs Tyres: 540/65R28 (85%) 650/65R38 (85%) £88,000.00 1500 LESS THAN HOURS T174EA 2019, 1298 Hrs, 175 HP Tyres: 540/65R28 F (90%) 650/65R38 F (95%) £84,950.00 1500 LESS THAN HOURS T214A 2019, 5338 Hrs Tyres: 600/65R28 (20%) 650/75R38 (40%) £79,500.00 T234V ST 2020, 491 Hrs, 235 HP Tyres: 600/65R28 (100%) 650/75R38 (100%) £116,500.00 500 HOURS 1000 LESS THAN T254V ST 2021, 548 Hrs, 235 HP Tyres: 600/65R30 (100%) 710/60R42 (100%) £121,500.00 1500 1000 HOURS LESS THAN MERLO 35.7CS 4WD 2018, 4739 Hrs 7m Reach, 3500kg lift Tyres: 405/24 Mitas (10%) £42,000.00 MERLO 32.6 2011, 4750 Hrs 6m Reach, 3200kg Lift Air Con £28,000.00 MERLO TF33.7-115 2019, 2500 Hrs 7m Reach, 3300kg Lift 405/70R24 (70%) £49,950.00 FORD RANGER 2018 (68) 2.2 Limited Auto Double Cab 44,204 Miles £23,790.00 ISUZI D-MAX 2017 (66) 2.5 UTAH Manual Double Cab 68,700 Miles £17,690.00 MITSUBISHI L200 2018 (18) 2.4 Warrior Auto Double Cab 31,781 Miles £20,490.00 LATEST USED AG SALES ; Graham Peall: 07970 121109 / Andrew Elms: 07860 464753 USED PICK-UP TRUCKS ; Richard Young / Adam Swales: 01476 590077 Errors and omissions excepted. All prices +VAT SCAN MEScan from your mobile forour latest used stock.

185October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 TOP PICKS IN PRE-OWNED AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY All items o ered are subject to remaining unsold. Prices shown do not include VAT. Some images may be library photos. AGRICULTURE 2017 New Holland T4.55, 2wd, full dealer service history, very good condition. £19,900 Contact CD REF: 11127761 PC Paul Churches 07702 724308 SC Stuart Crook 07831 249489 CD Colin Davies 07860 401211 AH Alex Hodgetts 07966 268527 RL Ryan Lanfear 07769 248602 ML Marley Lawrence 07483 037710 BL Ben Linton 07495 114479 CM Chris Martin 07919 044389 AR Alex Ross 07792 438917 PS Paul Simpson 07779 132551 AT Andy Taylor 07831 255811 Use the codes to contact our sales representatives about each machine: 01373 465941 (MON-FRI 08.00-17.00) For more deals on Stock O ers and Used equipment 2016 New Holland T7.210 , clock 6100, Power Command, Sidewinder package, front lkg. £47,900 Contact PC REF: 61127111 2010 New Holland Baler BR7060 SF, 52,000 bales, good condition £6,500 Contact AH REF: K1125781 2018 Case IH Puma 150, clock 1970, T4B, semi Power Shift, 1 mid-mount, 4 rear mech val. £65,000 Contact SC REF: 51125506 2018 New Holland T7.190 Classic Range Command, clock 2178, 50kph, tyres 90%. £64,000 Contact BL REF: J1127487 2017 Case IH Maxxum 150, clock 4550, hyd trailer brakes, 113L pump, 3 mech remotes. £POA Contact SC REF: 51127125 2021 Case IH Puma 240 CVX, clock 750, AFS complete, 2 mid mounts, 5 elect rear remotes. £POA Contact CM REF: 41126471 2016 Manitou MLT 840-137 PS Elite, front hitch, trailer braking, new tyres, aircon. £55,500 Contact AH REF: K1126592 2002 New Holland TM140 RC. Clock 10k hrs, 4 Spools, Cab Susp, Good Condition. £21,000 Contact ML REF: 71127952 2008 Kuhn Multimaster 4+1 plough, auto reset, 80% wearing metal. £8,500 Contact BL 2005 Claas Lexion 570, 24ft Hdr & Trailer, Single Rape Knife, Excellent Condition. £58,000 Contact RL REF: 61127689 REF: J1127785 2015 New Holland CX7080 T4, 22ft Varifeed Hdr, Self Leveller, Very Good Condition. £122,000 Contact AT REF: 71126870 2015 New Holland T6.175 EC, Clock 6950, Electro Cmd, Elite Spec, Front Lkg, Electric Spools. £42,500 Contact PS REF: L1126957 2021 Kverneland LO85 300 plough, condition.excellent £29,850 Contact PS REF: K1124077 4332LT Kverneland 4332LT Mower excellentConditioner,condition. £18,850 Contact AR REF:EX-DEMOK1126319 01302 759969 Unit A7 Lords Wood Road, Harworth, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN11 8BZ info@moorefarmservices.comwww.moorefarmservices.com2014 AMAZONE PANTERA 4502 36m boom, GPS 11 section control, full autosteer, autolube, high flow, Cat 4 cab filtration, 520L pump, 1 previous owner, 5600 eng hrs, fully dealer serviced, c/w warranty, exc cond £96,000 + VAT NEW MCCORMICK X7.624 240hp CVT transmission, guidance ready, front PTO, black wheels, 710/70 R38 rear 600/65 R28 front POA NEW AMAZONE ZA-V 3200 PROFIS TRONIC fertiliser spreader, weigh cell, ISOBUS, parking wheels (last 2022 stock machine) POA EX DEMONSTRATOR KRONE BIG X780 forage harvester, Varistream stream control additive system, grass header, 14 row, spout extension, HD lined, rear base weight, autosteer ready POA ALSO IN STOCK/COMING IN SOON... EX DEMO KRONE EASYCUT B950 COLLECT r/butterfly mowers, 9.5m w/width (with f/mower), hyd swath curtain & r/frame lifting, merger augers, parking stands £36,000 + VAT 2019 ENOROSSI DR 420 4R tedder & rake in one £3,250 + VAT 2018 McHALE PROGLIDE F3100 front pull mower POA 2005 AMAZONE AD-P 402 PROFI drill with 2010 KE4000 Super power harrow £11,500 + VAT 2013 KUHN GA 4321 single rotor rake £4,500 + VAT 2014 F-STOLL GXS 3205 plain mower £5,250 + VAT 2008 SULKY X36 fertiliser spreader £2,500 + VAT TOUCHEL 0030 PLUS tractor mtd road sweeper £5,000 + VAT 2014 KRONE EASYCUT F320 CV f/mower £8,250 + VAT 2011 EASYCUT 32 CV float front mower £7,500 + VAT 2010 20M LANDQUIP mounted sprayer & f/tank POA 2011 AMAZONE ZA-M 3001 control £3,500 + VAT 2013 AMAZONE EDX 6000-2C 8 row maize drill bulk fertiliser auger, marker arms ready to go to work £18,000 + VAT 2012 SWADRO 1400 4 rotor rake £16,000 + VAT 2016 KRONE EASYCUT 3201 CV trailed mower POA EX DEMO AMAZONE CAYRON 200 6 furrow vari width plough with hydraulic front furrow £21,500 + VAT VADERSTAD RAPID A600S trailed drill, 6m working width £14,000 + VAT DEMO KRONE SWADRO 1370 rake, ISOBUS, joystick control, 14m swathing, LED work lights POA 90228

186 October 2022—advertisingTrade LIVESTOCK (cont) PEDIGREE British Blonde bull, Heywood Samson, 17 months, TB4, High Health & BVD free, easy calving lines, halter broken. M Barker Tel 07731 377319 (Norfolk) HAMPSHIRE ram, born February 2021. £80. J Cracknell Tel 07818 638369 (Suffolk) ABERDEEN Angus bulls from the Park Wall herd, herd is Johnes Level 1, BVD Accredited, vaccinated for BVD & IBr. J Musk Tel 01638 724831/07748 850465 (Suffolk) NORTH Country Mule theaves (160), Heptavac P, Clik, electric fence trained, used to dog, well grown, not had lambs. See website www. P Blackman Tel 07880 728341 (Cambridgeshire) TEXEL Mule X theaves (200), Heptavac P, Clik, electric fence trained, used to dog, well grown, not had lambs. See www.lblackmanandsons. com. P Blackman Tel 07880 728341 (Cambridgeshire) EQUIPMENTLIVESTOCK BATEMAN cattle crush, very good condition, no rust, solid floor, adjustable head yoke, sections open out. J Mayo Tel 07854 506739 (Gloucestershire) TWO root grinders/shredders, one with electric engine, one hand crank; also ribbed milk cooler. R Bane Tel 01953 850309 (Norfolk) FEEDERSBULKUK0787940224601948710662 28-90580 Barry Horne 22T & 20T SILOS IN STOCK SECOND HAND SILOS WANTED BULL yoke, 1m wide, galvanised, never been used. £350+VAT. D Raven Tel 07825 151798 (Suffolk) CALF creep feeder, vgc, ring for details. T Bays Tel 07379 451868 (Cambridgeshire) TEAGLE Telehawk straw chopper, 2018, excellent condition, one owner. £8,000+VAT. M Sugrue Tel 07767 611200 (Essex) JEANTIL straw chopper/blower. £2,400 ono no VAT. R Futter Tel 07740 106944/01362 697501 (Norfolk) 10-TONNE cake bin, fibreglass, good condition, c/w auger system & motor. £950+VAT ono. M Woodall Tel 07811 043362 (Gloucestershire) LAMB weight crate, old but in good condition. £250. I Hudson Tel 07766 395220 (Cambridgeshire) IAE dehorning crate, very good condition. £200. I Hudson Tel 07766 395220 (Cambridgeshire) PIG/SHEEP scales, gates at both ends, in good condition, no batteries or wiring to go wrong. £500+VAT. R King Tel 07759 498074 (Nottinghamshire) TWO plastic pig troughs, 6' wide, 29" high, 12" deep, 8 spacing, fair condition. £120+VAT. R King Tel 07759 498074 (Nottinghamshire) ww w.conte n te d k 01353 862 044 Insulated twin skin Increased yield Flip up plastic ARMADILLOARCfender28-84828 FOUR plastic pig troughs, 3' wide, 2'6" high, 14" deep, 4 sections, fair condition. £200+VAT. R King Tel 07759 498074 (Nottinghamshire) KUHN 13.1cu/m capacity feeder wagon, 2019, has belt on front, will discharge both sides, will raise on right hand side, has 2 speed reduction gearbox, very little use last 2yrs as herd was sold. £15,500. D Bolderston Tel 07887 925550 (Norfolk) PLASTIC pig trough, 6' wide, 2' high, 10" deep, 8 sections, good condition. £60+VAT. R King Tel 07929 424474 (Nottinghamshire) Ian Cleasby 28-90261 Suppliers Seeequipmentlivestockofouradonpage71 WYDALE 5 calf feeder, good condition, brackets to hold on gate (2). £250+VAT for both. R King Tel 07929 424474 (Nottinghamshire) RITCHIE 8' adjustable lamb creep feeder on wheels. D Coe Tel 07867 578854/01473 311672 (Suffolk) FEED silo, approx 40t. £1,500+VAT. H Goldthorpe Tel 07392 007037 (South Yorks) ROWLANDS Hydrafil 5t meal transporter, fair condition. £1,500 ono. P Treen Tel 07818 031445 (Suffolk) MACHINERY OXDALE 6' tractor mounted box grader with ripper tines, little used, suit small tractor. £450. K Jones Tel 01263 712328 (Norfolk) SUTON hydraulic sweeper brush, 3 point linkage mounting, 2007, recently had a brand new set of brushes installed, selling due to buying a bucket brush, good condition. £1,100+VAT. P Phoenix Tel 07871 599016 (Norfolk) 29-90600 All + VAT & delivery unless otherwise stated FGMMachinery Norfolk 07775 741720 Baselier 2 x 4 row hook tine cultivators, ridging hoods, 2010 & 2016 models POA Stocks Dual wheels 580-70-R42, 40% Trelleborg tyres, 8 clamps £1,800 KRM 4m power harrow, 90% tines £2,000 ono Rau 4m Sicam disc drill, 1999, Guttler packers, pneumatic POA Stanhay 250 Ranger 2R transplanter, bare root or modules £800 Teagle Tomahawk 4040 straw chopper, 2002, on fruit farm, had little use £2,000 ono Micron 6m tractor mounted weedwiper £2,500 TRACTOR mounted 7'' sweeper brush. £650+VAT. R Hanton Tel 07860 792976 (Norfolk) HANDLERSMATERIALS MANITOU pin & cone carriage, came of 18 plate, 737-130 with 2500hrs, c/w pallet tines & quick attach frame. £2,500+VAT. C Bacon Tel 07811 162299 (Derbyshire) 31-90374 TELEHANDLERFORKLIFT/MANCAGE01531820545 • £610+VAT FORKLIFT 2t diesel, full cab model, Perkins engine, gwo, tidy condition. £2,600 possible delivery at cost. D Smith Tel 07871 163224 (Dorset)

187October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 M AULDEN 01525 405848 Gary Buckle 07712 556387 C ROMER 01438 07712Robert861257Vigus556389 A CTON 01787 374100 Paul Co ey 07766 225174 R AYLEIGH 01268 783311 Tim 07557Thornton922965 D UNMOW 01371 875751 Tim 07557Thornton922965 W ORLINGWORTH 01728 628325 Tom Mason 07957 844986 A RDLEIGH 01206 230283 Mark07710Debenham148420 I VYCHURCH 01233 225775 Harry 07860Durrant507763 S TOCKBURY 01795 843250 Harry 07860Durrant507763 F RAMFIELD 01825 891111 Harry 07860Durrant507763 90230 KIDD 807 TRAILED BALE SHREDDER 2021 Stk No 11069009 £9,950 VADERSTAD RDA600F 2001, System disc with levelling board, disc coulters, Fenix metering, wheel packer, following harrow, preemergence markers Stk No 21062123 POA JCB 541-70AGSU 2019, 5660hrs, 6 speed 40kph, 500/70R24, pin & cone carriage, hydraulic locking, boom suspension Stk No 51068779 £46,000 VADERSTAD RDA600F 2001, cultivation tines, levellers, disc coulters, land wheel metering, wheel packer, following harrow, preemergence markers Stk No 11064800 POA BUNNING 120 LOWLANDER muck spreader, hydraulic brakes, road lights, 650/65R37 Alliance 10 stud wheels, guillotine slurry door, bottom sludge cake kit, 1000rpm 6 spline wide angle PTO Stk No B1011019 POA MASSEY FERGUSON TD676 6 ROTOR TEDDER 2020 Stk No C1066201 POA VALTRA T254 2017, 3324hrs, 710/60R42600/60R30 Michelin tyres, Trimble RTK, Evolution seat, LED lights, 5 rear SCVs Stk No C1065683 POA JOHN DEERE T550 2008, 1834E/1434D hrs, 22’ header & trailer, 800/65R35 – 540/65R30, autotrac ready, Harvest Smart, chopper & chaff spreader Stk No 11069135 POA VALTRA T234 2017, 4000hrs, 710/70R38600/70R28 Trelleborg tyres, front linkage & PTO, 5 rear SCVs, guidance ready Stk No C1065701 POA CLAAS VOLTO 800 6 ROTOR TEDDER 2019, 7.7m wide, 2 stabilisers, fence line tedding Stk No A1065730 POA JOHN DEERE 131 FRONT MOUNTED MOWER c/w conditioner, 2016, metal conditioner fingers Stk No A1067833 POA JOHN DEERE S690 2013 2615E/1975D hrs, 35’ header with rape knife & trailer, front tracks, 500/85R28, guidance complete, chopper & chaff spreader Stk No 31058672 POA ZURN PROFI 6.10M HEADER EXTENSION 2012, right hand side knife Stk No 11069137 £3,800 JOHN DEERE S690 2014 2875E/2125D hrs, front tracks, 620/70R26, Prodrive transmission, Harvest Smart, fine cut chopper & chaff spreader Stk No 11066434 POA JOHN DEERE 1365 REAR TRAILED MOWER c/w conditioner, 2008, metal conditioner fingers Stk No A1067834 POA JOHN DEERE 6155R 2019, 3290hrs, Autopower 50kph, Ultimate edition, 650/65R42600/60R30, autotrac ready, front & cab suspension, front linkage Stk No 21069026 £87,500 JOHN DEERE 6115MC 2017, 6600hrs, Powerquad Plus 40kph, 600/65R38 – 540/65R24, 3 manual SCVs, air seat, air con & 623R loader c/w multidock & eurohitch Stk No 11069134 £34,000 JOHN DEERE 6155R 2018, 4820hrs, Autoquad Plus 20/20 50kph, Select edition, 650/65R38540/65R28, autotrac ready, loader ready, f/& cab suspension, f/linkage & PTO Stk No A1065337 POA JOHN DEERE 6155M 2020, 1885hrs, Autoquad Plus 20/20 40kph, 600/65R38 - 480/65R28, TLS front suspension & cab suspension, 3 SCVs Stk No 61067311 £77,500 WSS WWI WWA WWI SSS A W S A

—advertisingTrade USED Massey Ferguson 7718 Dyna 6, 2019, 3450hrs, Exclusive Spec, Front Linkage USED Massey Ferguson 1839, 390,000 Bales, Hydraulic Bale Density, Hydraulic Pick Up Lift, Rear Drawbar ~ £11,750 Ref: 11012040 NEW Ktwo Roadeo Dump Trailer, 2022, High quality and heavy-duty trailer. ~ £POA Ref: 11012353 W = WARRANTY REMAINING OR AVAILABLE Prices shown are subject to VAT unless stated otherwise RWCRAWFORD.CO.UK Dave Redford 07970 248116 NEW, EX DEMO & USED MACHINERY SALES USED Opico HE-VA Disc-Roller “Contour” 650, 2019, 6.5m working width, Hydraulic Levelling boards ~ £29,950 Ref: TBC 40km/h, Manual, 540 PTO, 2WD ~ £12,750 Ref: N/A USED Amazone Cenius 6003-2TX, 2017, 6m Wide, 21 Tines, Covering Discs, Packer Roll, ~ £39,500 Ref: N/A PEACOCK & BINNINGTON All Prices Exclude VAT | E&OE 2014 MF Centora 7380. 22ft powerflow. £95,000REF:110184481694 £41,750 JCB 536/70 AGRI Super loadall with Q Fit carriage. 4715 hours Fendt 724 Profi Plus tractor with Vario £99,000transmission, £44,950 REF:21018482 MF7620 Dyna 6 E cient Spec£135,000Tractor.REF:71006046 £71,000 JCB 4220 Fastrac - 60kph CVT Transmission, 4 Rear £92,500 Valtra T254 Versu Tractor Approx Availability Autumn Lely Welger RP445 Baler 2.2M Pick up, Drop Floor, Fendt 828 tractor. Profi Plus. Variogrip. Pneumatic £14,500 £135,000 REF:21018512 REF:71006073 REF:1101762863139907584B:CHRIS82435407815F:DAVID94209907771SAY:LEE 82435407815F:DAVID77360507827W:ANDREW83131807384B:WILL 29639007774B:MARCUS88077807771W:JOE37929607774H:IAN Brigg - Corringham - Halsham - Kirby Misperton - Louth - Selby Keeping Farmers Farming since 1894 PEACOCK.CO.UK *PRICES & HOURS CORRECT AT THE TIME OF PRINT Mettron Weighbridges 90495 Made in the UK Call 01782 816730 or email to discuss options and to arrange your site visit Any size or capacity All makes and models serviced & repaired Spares, conversion kits available for any weighbridge Software systems / remote driver terminals available Free advice on upgrades / repairs / calibrations

189October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 90172 HeVa Combi Disc 550 cultivator 2020, ex demo condition, auto reset £36,750 NEW Marshall QM14 grain trailer new & unused, full spec, flotations £21,750 Sumo Trio 3m Trailed Cultivator 2012, new discs, vgc £18,750 Kverneland 6m tine seeder drill 2012, vgc low acerage machine. £18,750 Claas Targo K50 telehandler 2002, 5400hrs, tidy machine with Loler £17,750 Alanco Sprayranger 100D 2011, 24m booms, 1500L tank, 2 sets wheels, vgc £16,950 Kuhn VB2160 round baler 2012, only 18k bales, immaculate £15,950 Warwick 14t grain trailers 2011, full spec, new tyres, 2 available £14,950 Dalbo Greenline Maxiroll 630 flat rolls 2022, new & unused, IN STOCK £13,950 Lemken Juwel 8 5 furrow plough 2016, vgc £13,750 Massey Ferguson 1839 Conventional Baler 2009, excellent order, off small holding £12,950 Kverneland CLC Pro Cut 300 cultivator ex demo £12,750 Ken Wootton 10T trailer immaculate, sprung drawbar, hydraulic door, rollover sheet £11,950 Titan Agri Hire 14T grain trailer hydraulic door, sprung drawbar, roll over sheet, vgc £11,750 Marshall BC32 bale trailer 32’ 14t, air & hydraulic brakes £11,500 NEW Bailey TB8 trailer new & unused, 2022, 8t, hydraulic door £10,950 Simba X-Press 3m Cultivator ST bar, very good discs, tidy machine £10,950 Kongskilde Germinator 6m cultivator 2011, off black fen farm, immaculate, ex demo condition £10,750 Gregoire Besson 4+1 Reversible Plough 2015, only done 300 acres since new, vgc £10,250 Kverneland 9464m mounted twin rotor rake 2019, vgc, done little work £10,250 Agrimaster Golden R520W hedge cutter 2021, joystick control, slew behind, vgc £9,950 Maschio rotovatorSWC280 2019, vgc, heavy duty packer £9,750 Vogel & Noot C-Plus XS950 6 furrow plough 2015, off black fen, immaculate, original metal like new £8,950 NEW Albutt 10’ HX buck rake new & Hardoxunused,tines £8,250 Lely Lotus 675 hay tedder immaculate2017, machine £7,950 Kuhn HR3502 power harrow recently3.5m, refurbished £6,950 Claas Rollant 255 rotor cut baler 2002, low bale count, vgc £6,950 Kuhn GA4431 single rotor rake ex2020,demo condition £6,950 Spaldings 2.8m 3-leg Flatlift Cultivator with discs & packer, seen very little use £6,750 Kuhn HRB 182 Power Harrow 2016, 1.8m, hardly been used, rare machine £4,250 • ALL PRICES PLUS VAT • DELIVERY AND FINANCE AVAILABLE • PART EXCHANGE WELCOME • RICHARDSON MACHINERYSALESLTDTel: 07599 www.richardsonmachinerysales.com552864 Newlands Southfields Farm, Kimbolton Road, Bolnhurst, Bedford MK44 2EY

190 October 2022—advertisingTrade A • Abbotsley 01767 677316 B • Brigstock 01536 373238 Please visit our website to view our full range of new and used machinery available email: 89965 Used 2018 Concept 2m Offset flail mower £5,250 Used JCB 541-70 Agri Super 2015 6258hrs air con tines £39,995 New KUHN VB3165 Opticut 14 ISOBUS POA New KUHN FC284+314 mower conditioner’s POA New & Ex Demo Deutz 8280 TTV POA Ex Demo KUHN SB1290iD Baler POA 2016 JOHN DEERE 960 round baler/14k bale £16,750 New KUHN 3m & 5m Cultimer POA New Kuhn 5m Cultimer POA Ex Demo 6m Kuhn Optimer POA Used 8m Weaving Tine Drill £11,500 New Kuhn Megants in stock POA New Claydon 3m Hybrid Drill POA New HR6004R £29,495 Used KV LB85 5+1 1996 £3,995 Used 3.8m Level Lift £3,250 Ex Demo Deutz 6215 RC Shift Warrior Black edition POA Ex Demo 6165 RC Shift POA New KRM Ares PT Electra POA Used Steward Mole drainer £1,500

191October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 UK Ltd WE ARE AN AGRICULTURALQUALITY,SUPPLYINGINDEPENDENTEXPERIENCED,SPECIALISTHIGHLOWHOURSMACHINERY AT THE BEST PRICES Here’s a small selection of our stock: SHORT & LONG-TERM TRACTOR HIRE AVAILABLE! CALL FOR DETAILS. For more information and our latest available stock go to: 01865 880866 | 07808 703325 FERGUSONMASSEY 6480 08 Reg, DynaCommand,Range6,Front & Cab FullSuspension,Service History £18,500 NEW T7.210HOLLANDSIDEWINDER 70 Reg (2021), 565 Hrs, Sidewinder, Power Command, Horizen Cab with Suspension £74,500 NEW BOOMERHOLLAND50 22 Reg, 130 Hrs, Auto Command, 50 TransmissionHydrostaticHP/KW, £23,800 VALTRA T234 68 Reg, 3950 Hrs, Auto Command, 4+ Mid Mount Valve, 60KPH Vario, Valtra 7M Loader, Hyd Top Link £76,500 NEW T7.210HOLLAND 21 Reg, 923 Hrs, Power Command, 50KPH, Creep Gears, Horizen Cab with Suspension £71,500 FENDT 724 PROFI PLUS 68 Reg, 4100 Hrs, Auto Command, 4+ Mid Mount Valve, Q7M Loader, 12 WK Lights, Front Linkage & PTO £102,000 0%AVAILABLEFINANCE 0%AVAILABLEFINANCE 01362 687260 • 07771 972092 PROTECH 90231 Trakjak Capello Maize Headers STOCK!IN POA THE ORIGINAL AND BEST! Trakjak –THE safest way to change your tractor’s wheel Available for all types of combines/ SPFH 6 -16 rows fixed & hyd options Call for more info Holaras Tiger Silage Scraper Holaras Stego-Pro Ex-Demo POA £6,725+VAT FOR BETTER CLAMP FACES! 2–10m, all bracket types available! standard machine c/w weights Holaras Stego-Pro 285 Holaras Silage Blades £10,275+VAT POA hydraulic side shift, c/w weights Fixed & hydraulic folding, 3.0-5.7m Staines Dump Trailer Teagle Titan 17 - As New £18,450+VAT £36,450+VAT 2021 build, air brakes, hyd t/gate, as new condition IN STOCK! 2021, full spec, g/door, air/hyd brakes, in cab controls, 650 tyres. Why wait 12 months? Covenbrook Manual Bag Lifters Staines Low Loader DETAILSFORCALL £24,995+VAT IN STOCK hyd adj also available! JCB Q-fit, more brackets available 26’ beaver tail, air brakes, as new Ring for full spec & prices! Strimech Muck Grabs Strimech Pro Ag £2,875+VATFROM £1,650+VATFROM IN STOCK Grain Buckets – IN STOCK Graham EdwardsGET14 W Tri Graham Edwards Flat Bed Trailer £7,765+VAT £4,995+VAT Gate, int light, spwheel,hurdle carriers, f/vent Dtag IN STOCK! 3500kg ramps, sides Dtag,spare wheel, 14’ tri-axle IN STOCK! standard c/w DemoUnit SOLD OthersinStockCallfordetails SOLD Callfordetails McCORMICK TRACTORS EX DEMO McCormick X7.624 VT, 50kph, air con,front links & PTO, metalic paint, 71 reg, low hrs POA EX HIRE McCormick X7.660 Power Shift, 50kph, air con, CCLS, 800hrs, 22 reg £82,250 + VAT NEW McCormick X5.100, 100hp 24x24 Power Shift40kph POA NEW EX STOCK Vicon VS330H Mini Vari Spreader............................................................................................................ £1,995 + VAT Grain Bucket 3.75m3, Manitou brackets £1,975 + VAT Krone EasyCut Mowers, various sizes POA Krone Vendro Tedders, various sizes POA ATCO GT30E Battery Powered Lawn TractorRRP £4,210 + VAT SPECIAL OFFER £3,999 + VAT USED EX DEMO Muck Fork and Grab. Manitou brackets £3,250 + VAT PAIR OF 480/80 R42 WHEELS AND TYRES 30% tread £750 + VAT AMAZONE DEMONSTRATIONSCULTIVATIONAVAILABLE NOW Pakenham, Bury St Edmunds, Su olk IP31 2JS 01359 232155 • After Hours: 07768 007528 • E-mail: o ce@su Visit our NEW website: 90254 CONTACT: Richard King on 07538 595860 David Eley on 07768 007528

192 October 2022—advertisingTrade HANDLERSMATERIALS (cont) JCB 3CX, 1984, 2wd, Extradig 4 in 1 bucket with pallet forks, Perkins engine, c/w 3 buckets, tidy for age, please phone for more details. £5,500+VAT ono. M West Tel 07793 956368 (Kent) MATBRO TS 260 Turbo, L reg, 6300hrs, joystick, pick up hitch, logbook, very genuine, in good working order, please phone for more details. £8,000+VAT ono. M West Tel 07793 956368 (Kent) COTIL 3 point linkage crane, lifts 750kg, lifts high & has extendable ram for reach, excellent condition. £600. M Church Tel 07787 563743 (Norfolk) SUTON pallet fork extensions, selling as they do not fit the new loader, length 2450mm, will fit a 100mm wide pallet tine, good condition. £100+VAT. P Phoenix Tel 07871 599016 (Norfolk) MATBRO Telestar, 1985, 7368hrs, 7m boom, 2wd, original condition, solid machine, 7368hrs, starts well, c/w pallet tines, average condition. £3,500 ono. E Briggs Tel 01777 248357 (Nottinghamshire) NEW Holland skid steer with bucket & bale spike, works well, also comes with spare wheel & tyre. £6,750. J Hicks Tel 07539 367336 (Berkshire) JCB 540-70 Agri, 12000hrs, 2005, regularly serviced, very tidy & reliable, genuine machine, good condition, for sale due to change in farming policy. £22,500+VAT ono. A Jones Tel 07980 668649 (Cornwall) JCB 540-140 telehandler, 2017, in good condition, air con, etc, 3800hrs, all original paintwork, road legal. £32,000+VAT ono. K Weightman Tel 07818 098751 (West Sussex) JCB TLT 30D, 2003, 6550hrs, good working order. £10,750+VAT. J Furness Tel 07973 843230/07973843230 (Gloucestershire) 1994 Sanderson 726, tines & 2 buckets. £7,500+VAT. C Allen Tel 07850 359747 (Cambridgeshire) MILL & MIX Danagri-3S Roller Mills Tel: 01746 www.danagri-3s.com762777 Two EasyCapacitymodelsapprox1ton-3ton/hrtooperate&adjust Efficient for crushing/rolling all common raw materials 32-90131 MISCELLANEOUS NEWMAN electric motor, single phase, 2hp. £100. R Sinkler Tel 01377 270251 (East Yorkshire) DIESEL engine, 2.25. £650; also 2.5 with turbo. £850. B COLSON Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) UNDER THE WIRE 2023 CALENDAR Under The Wire 2023 Calendar (size A3) now available for pre-order for £10+£3.20 p&p UK Also available to collect by hand at Ruskington or Boston for £10 only £5 will go to the Lincs & Notts Air 0783101526fromAmbulanceeachsale583076828014 no profit is made from these sales Also see our website... from each sale MUCK & SLURRY AGRIHIRE 16t rear discharge spreader, 2015 model, new slats, air & hyd brakes, farmer owned, had minimal use, very good condition, only for sale due to change in farming policy. £18,750+VAT ono. A Jones Tel 07980 668649 (Cornwall) e: t: 01493 733211 07880 & NATIONWIDE NEXT DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE 34-90304 SLURRY tanker with new vacuum pump fitted, hasn't been used since fitted, with pipes. £1,800. B Colson Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) HERBST tanker, new vacuum pump fitted, with hoses. £3,250. B Colson Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) HI-SPEC 1000 muck spreader, had very little use, in as new condition. H Haynes Tel 01793 762437/07711 488341 (Wiltshire) JCB muck grab, 7'6" wide, twin rams. £1,000. K Pugh Tel 01694 771258 or 771783/07977 912970 (Shropshire) HALL Engineering muck spreader, British made, very tidy, ideal for smaller horsepower tractors, superb condition. £1,500. A Arnold Tel 01579 321048 (Cornwall) KIDD side discharge spreader sprockets, vgc. £60+VAT. R Hanton Tel 07860 792976 (Norfolk) PEST CONTROL Call GRAIN TREATMENTSGRAINFUMIGATIONSTOREfullcoverageGRAINMONITORINGandRODENTCONTROLBESTPRICES for COMMANDPESTCONTROL 01787 248049 35-90291 PLOUGHS LEMKEN Variopack 2.7m furrow press, good rings. £2,000. M Lister Tel 07761 322027 (Norfolk) RANSOMES TSR300 4f, c/w r/discs & depth wheel, in good order with all adjustments free & working, used this spring & put away oiled up, c/w with new landslides & skimmer points that will need to be fitted. Please call for more details. £1,200+VAT. M West Tel 07793 956368 (Kent) RANSOMES R108 3 furrow plough. £450. K Jones Tel 01263 712328 (Norfolk) DOWDESWELL MA 120 5 furrow plough, with manually adjustable DD bodies, including matching furrow press, in good order & with some spares. £4,750+VAT. N Vergette Tel 07802 331200 (Cambridgeshire) LEMKEN Europal 8 6 furrow plough, 2007, C40 bodies, good metal, hydraulic press arm a good honest straight plough, more pics available. £8,000. M Lister Tel 07761 322027 (Norfolk) QUANTITY of Lemken C40 plough metal with fasteners, full list available. Cost £1,500 in 2019. £1,200 the lot. M Lister Tel 07761 322027 (Norfolk) DOWDESWELL MA140 5 + 1 6 furrow plough, 2004, good paintwork, average metal work, 2004. £4,500. W Hitchcock Tel 07903 248519 (Suffolk) POTATO EQUIPMENT CHITTINGPOTATOLIGHTS All of our LED units come with a one metre lead and a 13 amp plug Lights can be leap frogged Available in sizes 5ft to 12ft Options: Free standing or hanging 01621 www.kjengineering.com828689 37-90296

SAM 24m self propelled sprayer 1995 L reg 5 cyl Deutz engine £4,250

193October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 NEW Walter Watson Feed FantasticEquipmentQuality! New calf/lamb creep feeders starting from £1,250+VAT New silage feed bins starting from £1,250+VAT New feedstartingtrailersfrom £1,500+VAT New transport boxesfrom £750+VAT New bull beef feedersfrom £1,500+VAT New Talex bale spike on Euro brackets £300+VAT SPECIAL OFFER New Talex Leopard duo 280 flail£3,700+VATmower NEW JAR-MET 6m weed£3,500+VATharrows Contact Tom on 07872 916363 for more www.hallfarmmachinery.cominformationHallMachineryFarm Hall Farm, Aldeburgh IP15 5JD New Malone post knockers, toppers and log splitters Viewing by appointment only USED MACHINERY Iseki 2160 4wd compact tractorPOA Case 956 XL 4wd (black cab) tractor POA Gregoire Besson RB5 160 90, 5 furrow, reversible plough POA Amazon disc drill c/w rabewerk power harrow 4m £1,350+VAT 89957 t: 01243 575333 • m: Joe 07540 013587 e: mail@ • 90238 Kuhn GF8702 8 rotor tedder £5,750 Welger AP730 conventional baler £6,750 KRM 4m p/harrow drill combi £4,500 KRM folding front press £2,250 Vicon Fannex 4 rotor tedder £3,400 Two 14t Warwick grain trailers air ABS hyd gate.........................................................from £8,250 Welger AP530 conventional baler £3,250 Kuhn FC283 mower/con 2004 £4,200 Dowdeswell DP100S 3+1+1 plough £1,850 McHale 998 bale wrapper 2007 65k bales ready to work £12,995 Claas Liner 3000 4 rotor rake elec controls tidy machine £9,450 Major MT20HR flail c/w collector 2010 immaculate £2,250 Amazone KG3000 3m power harrow, 2015 immaculate £7,500

Shelbourne HD760T £7950
Galucho RDA 660 trailed press c/w Vaderstad 2 row tine kit £4,950

Ryetec 420 4.2m hedger 2003 cable control £3,450
2008 power harrow
McConnel PA6400 hedgecutter big old girl will do a job £6,750
Various trailers in stock................................................................................................................ POA
Claas £4,450

350S single rotor rake
John Deere 3400 telehandler £10,950
Kuhn FC303 YGL trailed mo/co tidy heavy duty mower £5,750
scruffy but usable
Maschio Aquilo 5m power harrows 2013/2015 from £10,950

Perkins 6.354 POA

New Malone post bangers, side & t/l tilt...............................................................................£2,995

Volto 770 6 rotor tedder
Malone 6’ pasture toppers new in stock & ready to go £1,175 each
Choice of Gard 6m folding disc harrows £3,995 each
New Holland 60-86S vineyard tractor, rare thing.................................................................£7,995

He-Va folding 5 leg subsoiler very HD hyd breakback £8,250

Kubota GR1600 £3,650
New pallet carriages from £450

Maschio DM3000 £3,850
spreader immaculate
ride on mowers, choice
Shelbourne Reynolds Due in
tanker c/w injector system £7,250 Vaderstad Rapid A 600 S Drill £12,750 John Deere 6115M TLS P/Q 40K c/w loader 3264hrs £44,950 Farm Force 4m folding front press £3,250 Kongskilde Delta 4m cultivator £3,750 Stocks duals. 20.8-38 +14.9x28 + clamps 80%....................................................................£1,500 All prices + VAT 90305 Hardwick, Cambridge Mark Weatherhead MF 6480 Dyna 6 – v tidy MF 7280 AL (2012) low hrs MF 7278AL combine (2006) 24’ PF MF 30 – 14’ FF, v tidy Rolland trailer Nugent cattle trailer MF 1839 baler – immaculate TRACTORS & TELEHANDLERS MF 135 7062hrs – tidy MF 230 low hrs – p/steering MF 240 c/w MIL loader – p/steering MF 6480 Dyna 4 – v tidy MF 6480 Dyna 6 – v tidy MF 698T 2wd & power loader Case 895L & loader 4850hrs (1993) 4wd Caterpillar 407 Ag telehandler (2009) – tidy JCB 525-70 5000hrs Various forks & grapples HARVESTING MF 7278 AL combine (2006) – 24’ PF, v tidy MF 7280 AL combine (2012) – 22’ PF, v tidy MF 30 – 14’ FF – v tidy MF 40 RS – 20’ PF – v tidy MF 1839 baler – immaculate Vicon RV2160 round baler, v tidy Krone 1270 Big baler (2012) 44389 bales Krone 1290 HDP baler – tidy New Holland 940 square baler Krone 1400 (2013) 4 rotor rake Claas 2.5m mtd mower Lely 280 MC combi mower Claas Liner 3100 twin rotor rake 10m Kv Taarup 4232 3.2 trailed mower OTHER EQUIPMENT Dowdeswell DP7F, 7f, v tidy KV LD85 5f & 4f Flat Lift Force – 2 leg HD buster Knight Raven 3 leg combination – vgo Vicon PO-EDW weightcell, vgo Vicon RO-EDW extension hopper Kuhn Axis 30.1 spreader extension hopper Cousins 6.2m hyd rolls Richard Western 12t dump trailer Armstrong & Holmes 14.5t trailer, v tidy Bomford 9’ topper Bargum 9’ flail mower Major 1600g vacuum tanker Hi Spec 2000g vacuum tanker 80” mounted rotovator 450 & 600 workshop heaters HEDGECUTTERS Fella TFS 60 tidy Major 2.8 front & rear flail mower VEHICLES Discovery Sport HSE TD4 – 2016 – black Isuzu Yukon – 2017 – black Isuzu Yukon – 2016 – silver

Amazone Centaur 3001 3m cultivator £4,995
hedger 2005

Major LGP

powered irrigation pumps, choice of 8

Kongskilde Delta cultivator, 2008 £4,250

KRM M2 Bogballe £3,750
Claas Liner £2,250

760T hedge trimmer 2015

194 October 2022—advertisingTrade Find the most desirable stock at Tel: 01580 291271 • Mob: 07836 723944 • We are expecting more tractors to arrive in our yard shortly – Keep an eye on the website!
2013 JCB JS130, 9171hrs, Serial Number JCBJS13EP02133667 with Quicke hitch, check valves, 30% undercarriage .........£23,000
2018 Valtra T254V, 7211hrs, 255hp, 57kph high speed, air brakes, front axle suspension, cab suspension, air seat, front linkage, full Powershift, touch screen, fridge, hydraulic top link, 2 hydraulic front services, full RTK, front tyres 600/65x28 35% Trelleborg, rear tyres 650/75x38 50% Trelleborg...........£59,500

2015 Massey Ferguson 7718 Dyna 6, 6939hrs, 180hp, front axle suspension, cab suspension, front linkage, 1 front service, 4 spool valves, front tyres 14.9x28 30%, rear tyres 18.4x38 50% Firestone, very tidy – a credit to the driver ................................£39,000

WANTED: Kuhn Mergers We have our Customs Agents & DEFRA in place to produce our paperwork for tractor exports/imports within the EU & the rest of the world A DYNAMOMETER READING IS AVAILABLE ON ALL TRACTORS NOW IN: ENGINES: NEW FORD 4610 & 4630 short motors – genuine Ford engines Part No: 84227819...... £1,750 each 2 x New Holland FX Forage complete engine 2 x New Holland TD5 complete engine Quadtrak 450 Cummings short motor 3 x Case Magnum 380 engines – complete in box 1 x New Holland T5040 engine – new complete in box 1 x New Holland TSA 110 short motor – new in 1boxx factory re-con TM155 Range Command gearbox – still in box ................................ £5,000 BRAND NEW TYRES WE ARE BREAKING A LARGE QUANTITY OF TRACTORSTRACTORSNEWMAXXUM/PUMA/CASE/FARMALL/HOLLANDT4T5T6T7–NOTDAMAGED90%–PARTSAVAILABLE 2016 Case Puma 220 8677hrs 2017 Fendt 828 S4 Black 8403hrs 2015 Massey Ferguson 7718 Dyna 6, 6939hrs, very tidy – a credit to the driver 2018 Valtra 7211hrsT254V 2013 JCB 9171hrsJS130 Breaking Tractors Case/Farmall/Maxxum/Puma/NH T4 T5 T6 T7 not damaged tractors £39,500£23,000POA£59,500£40,000 89970

2019 Case Puma 185 CVX, 2500hrs Case Puma 165 CVX, 4200hrs Case Puma 175 CVX, 5900hrs ......£51,000

2016 Case Puma 220, 8677hrs, 220hp, full Powershift 50kph, air brakes, front linkage, front and cab suspension, guidance ready, auto-steer, 4 speed PTO, 4 electric spools, heated seat, air con, LED light kit, 540/65R30 Bridgestone 80%, 650/65R42 Bridgestone 80% ....................................................£40,000
2017 Fendt 828 S4 Black, 8403hrs, 280hp, 65kph, air brakes, front loader brackets, front axle suspension, cab suspension, front linkage, continuously variable, rear linkage never used, Vario Grip, full guidance, fitted fridge, wheel weight carriers, loader brackets for Quicke Q8, front tyres 600/70x30 50% BKT, rear tyres 710/70x42 50% BKT ..................POA
MORREY bagging line, with roller table,

POTATO quilting, approx 60' x 40' cover. £500. M Scaife Tel 01423 322570 (North Yorks)
MORRAY steering

933777 (Lincolnshire)
wheel, good condition. £1,500+VAT. O Martin Tel 07753 929307 (Bedfordshire) TRIMBLE NavController II module, c/w wiring harness, good condition. £1,500+VAT. O Martin Tel 07753 929307 (Bedfordshire)

£325. A Kerfoot
40-FOOT telescopic potato conveyor, articulated 180deg angles, new joiners. £600. M Scaife Tel 01423 322570 (North Yorks)

425 auto weigher, in good condition, also Morray V track stitching line, in good condition, just finished potatoes, priced together but would split. £4,000+VAT ono. D Lunn Tel 07941 072957 (Cambridgeshire) PRECISION FARMING 38-90756 Helping to improve cashflow & efficiency See our ad on page 124 USED & REBUILT 37-90126 01353 740666 UK agents for The Sack Filling & Robot Palletising Company weighing and stitching equipment, and Visser & Symach palletisers EasyfillMidiRef New Tong Midi Easyfill range of both new & used Easyfill box fillers available. Call for more details PalletiserRef Visser Palletiser compact, self-contained capable of up to 9.5tph average at 25kg both new and used models available 7027Ref Tong Caretaker Grader 2.4m wide with hopper, 4-row evolution cleaner, screen, picking tables, end cross conveyor and full canopy 6932Ref Pace Orion Electra Weigher electronic weigher StitcherRebuiltRef Rebuilt Walthambury Vee Track Stitcher Line rebuilt stitcher automator system with 3m vee track 6314Ref Tong Dry Brusher 1.8m x 600mm with 3 phase fixed speed 6827Ref Tong Stone and Clod Separator 900mm wide 6950Ref Swift Lift Interstore 130T 12m long with a 900mm wide belt, two speed with powered wheel 5729Ref Rebuilt Roller Table 2.4m long x 1200mm wide MORE STOCK AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE FOOT-OPERATED activation switch for auto steer, etc. £20+VAT. O Martin Tel 07753 929307 (Bedfordshire) TRIMBLE rate controller & section control module, c/w wiring harness, good condition. £400+VAT. O Martin Tel 07753 929307 (Bedfordshire) TRIMBLE Antenna 450-470 MHz, good condition. £20+VAT. O Martin Tel 07753 929307 (Bedfordshire) TRIMBLE EZ Pilot

REEKIE Dominant 3000 potato harvester, wheel drive, new 47mm main web, spare webs, onion kit, ready to go. £7,000. A Goodacre Tel 07901 917707 (Lincolnshire)

SPARES for Pearson Enterprise potato harvester, all sorts. From £25. A Goodacre Tel 07901 917707 (Lincolnshire)

195October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 POTATO EQUIPMENT (cont) 2015 Dewulf 3060 harvester, been on a Lincolnshire silt farm for 4 seasons, well maintained & serviced ready for the next upcoming harvest, 2135hrs & 481ha, c/w water kit, LED lights, cameras & extras. Contact for more info. POA. D Waters Tel 07950 875479 (Lincolnshire) WANTED FOR EXPORT FOREXPORT or visit our website Marian 07512821421TeodorczykByTeoCall Lukasz on Potato • Onion • Carrot • Parsnip Red Beet • Veg handling equipment Graders (both screen & lift roller) hopper cleaners/graders, brushes, box & big bag llers/tippers, etc Field equipment Vegetable transplanters, drills, top lifters, toppers, hook tine cultivators Grimme DL/GZ/GT/SE harvesters Payment prior to collection • Any condition considered 37-90515 SCANSTONE windrower, Evolution cleaner, 45mm web, 2016, little used, smart machine. G Blandford Tel 07973 424473 (Hereford) LINGARDEN GR4 3 phase jump grader, in vgc, with riddles to fit. £500+VAT. A Stanley Tel 07710 183399 (Lincolnshire) CHITTING trays, around 4000 available, always dry stored & well maintained. POA. R Clarke Tel 01255 823031/07811 956789 (Essex) REDUCE RUBBERDAMAGEHARVESTINGWITHWEBCOVERSQUICKSPLICEWEBJOINERSRUBBERGRADINGSCREENSPERFORATEDRUBBERWASHERBELTS Tel: 028 9127 5913 Email: 37-90289 TONG single screen grader c/w William Cook 2t feed hopper & Walthambury auto weigher, ideal small grower set up! £1,000 ono. J Boreham Tel 07879 446287 (Suffolk) SEED potato storage boxes, we have 64 of these seed specific 1.2t boxes available, bought new February 2020, used to store seed twice only, all in pretty much new condition, always dry stored, excellent condition. POA. R Clarke Tel 07811 956789 (Essex) 37-90134 POTATO CHITTINGCRATES CHITTING Pellcroft Engineering Ltd Coningsby, Lincs 01526 342466 STANDEN T2 potato harvester, double omega separator, 2010, soft drop elevator, wheel drive & post goal axle, 40mm/50mm webs, joystick & touch screen controls. £40,000+VAT ono. D Bowd Tel 07889 378008 (Lincolnshire) STANDEN T2, 2010, double omega separator, hydraulic wheel drive, 4 man picking off table, spare parts for omega rollers included, average condition. £19,000 ono. L Northern Tel 07519 634008 (Hertfordshire) POTATO boxes (400), wooden, 4' x 6', good condition, made in 2012 to 2017. £50+VAT ono. D Bowd Tel 07889 378008 (Lincolnshire)

DOWNS Foxhound elevator, 3 phase, 3 speed, vgc, stored inside. £2,300. A Goodacre Tel 07901 917707 (Lincolnshire)

RUSSELL 90 elevator, in good condition & working order. £1,000. M Nobbs Tel 01354 677482 (Cambridgeshire)

FLAT roll/cold smasher! Concrete filled, 12' wide. £1,700. A Goodacre Tel 07901 917707 (Lincolnshire)
rocker, been used last season, always
quantity of

inside, c/w

good condition. £700+VAT. urfitt el 0 8 0533 3 (Cambridgeshire)
PACE Orion automatic stitching line, good Walthambury weigher converted 07778
TONG single phase potato riddler/ stored large various size riddles. Tel 07539

to go with line also available. ,000 . urfitt el

053373 (Cambridgeshire)
2170 potato harvester, good working order, c/w Standen hydraulic driven topper, driven off rear PTO, will sell separately. £3,000+VAT. urfitt el 0 8 0533 3 (Cambridgeshire)

196 October 2022—advertisingTrade Tel: 01636 700608 • Andy mobile: 07860 637654 Email: • Recon 3m power harrows from £6,450 Recon 3m DA drills c/w Suffolks 3m from £6,500 4m from £7,250 Recon 3.5m power harrows £6,950 Vertical folding markers to suit Kuhn, Maschio, etc £895 pre emerge kits from £795 3m recon Kuhn Accord combis from £13,350 4m recon Kuhn Accord combis from £14,350 Recon 4m power harrows from £7,500 Tractor wheel track eradicators to suit Kuhn Maschio KRM from £175/leg Spaldings & Shakaerators from £2,150 Maxi Packer roller kits, flexicoils and tyre packers ex Quickstockfit 2! Blade toConversionHolderKitsuitmostmodelsofKuhn£150/rotor Refurbished Kuhn Power Harrow & Accord Seed Drill Specialists Tel: 01636 700608 • Mob: 07860 637654 • Email parts: 2 bolt fix......................£9.95Q fit 2..........................£9.95Q fit 3........................£16.95Non genuineQ fit 1 tines (each)...£12.00Non genuine tungstenquick fit tines...........£32.50

197October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 90470 Email: • OPENING TIMES: Monday–Friday: 8 am–5 pm Saturday: 8 am–12 noon ACCEPT NO IMITATIONS! OTHERS JUST PAINT MACHINES AND DO WHAT THEY THINK NEEDS DOING... THIS IS WHAT WE DO! Refurbished Power Harrows: • All New Bearings and Seals in the Trough and Gearbox • Blade Holders All New are fitted • New Genuine Kuhn Tines fitted • New Packer Roller Kit fitted • Shot Blasted, Repainted and New Stickers • New PTO and Guards fitted as standard • Models of Power Harrows used: HR3001, HR3002, HR3003, HR4001, HR4002, HR4003 and HR4004 • Front or Rear Levelling Board as standard • Cam Clutch new fitted on all machines • Wheel Track Eradicators are available as an optional extra All Seed Drills Totally Refurbished: • New Main Frame with Extra Strength • New Coulters and Pivot Bushes • New Metering Device • Vertical Folding Markers Power Harrow mounted • New Disc Marker Pivots and Discs • All New Hoses and Hopper Cover • New Hopper Extension and Double Step • Tramliner c/w 2 or 4 Shut Offs and Low Level Sensor • All Shot Blasted, Repainted and New Stickers • S-Type Following Harrow Standard on complete combinations • 2 Rows of Coulters as standard – 3 rows optional extra • Pre Emergence Markers available as an extra – £795 • Hydraulic Coulter Lift – £795 3m – from £13,350 Kuhn 3001 3002 3003 Power Harrow: • New Maxi Packer Roller & Clod Board • Accord 3m DA Seed Drill c/w Tramliner • 2 row Suffolk Coulters • Vertical Folding Markers fitted on harrow • Hopper Extension • Step and S-Harrow 4m – from £14,350 Kuhn 4001 4002 4003 Power Harrow: • New Maxi Packer Roller & Clod Board • Accord 4M DA Seed Drill c/w Tramliner • 2 row Suffolk Coulters • Vertical Folding Markers fitted on Harrow • Hopper Extension • Step and S-Harrow 12 Months Warranty on our combis Refurbished Combinations

01279 Sprayer Specialists in the Eastern & Southern Counties SPRAYER, SLUG PELLET AND APPLICATORGRANULARTESTING SPRAYTEC LTD Crop & Amenity Sprayer Specialist 47-90303 CHALLENGER Rogator 645B, 5720hrs, 5000L 12/24m Pommier booms, 10 section auto shut off, auto steer, Topcon X30 screen, Norac boom levelling, 2 sets wheels 620s & 380s, electric valves for in-cab wash outs, hyd track width adjustment, very tidy. T Herring Tel 07789 556028/07909 091314 (Gloucestershire) SPRAYAGRI01284724455 AGRICULTURAL SPRAYERS SALES SERVICE SPARES 47-90288 47-90758 Knight Mounted 1000L 20m, 2003, laser recirculation, 4 boom section triplet nozzle bodies, NSTS tested Boston SprayersCropLtd £4,250+VAT

Phil Ramsey: 07934 799628

Robert Webb: 07860 801322

198 October 2022—advertisingTrade PRECISION FARMING (cont) TRIMBLE EZ Steer steering wheel motor, good condition. £750+VAT. O Martin Tel 07753 929307 (Bedfordshire) TRIMBLE AG25 GPS receiver, good condition. £500+VAT. O Martin Tel 07753 929307 (Bedfordshire) TRIMBLE CFX 750 screen, touch screen GPS guidance display, RTK ready, good condition. £1,250+VAT. O Martin Tel 07753 929307 (Bedfordshire) PRESSURE WASHERS PRESSURE washer, as new, 3 phase, long extended hose. £1,400. B Colson Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) PREMIUM portable pressure washer, C-1001A, 2200psi variable speed, 4 nozzles, 4 stroke easy start engine, little used, one tyre perished. £75 ono. R Lowe Tel 01485 518574 (Norfolk) REPAIRS, SERVICING & MAINTENANCE LtdEngineeringBridgeBlue 07824 600667 Chelmsford 42-90501AGRICULTURALMACHINERYMAINTENANCEENGINEER City & Guilds of London Institute Certi cates of Competence 25 years experience with Eastern Bloc machinery Skandinavian agricultural/forestry products and West German engineering based machinery Tractor starting fault repairs Repairs of Same tractors Competitive labour rates subject to customer acceptance of company working policy SITUATIONS VACANT ENTHUSIASTIC person/persons wanted with a genuine interest & some experience in farming, initially to work alongside owner of 40 acre farm, consisting of a pig unit & suckler herd, with prospect of future tenancy, accommodation could be provided. G Shepherd Tel 01283 732275 (Derbyshire) SPARE PARTS PTO output shaft for Case Magnum 310 tractor, 21 spline, brand new boxed. £100. T Muskett Tel 01449 737845 (Suffolk) ELECTRONICCONTROLSREPAIRED Tel: 01789 731365 Tractor & Combine MaterialControls GrainJoysticksHandler&SLI's&Precision Drills Balers & Wrappers Mowers & Foragers Sprayers & Fertiliser DietSpreadersFeeder Weighing DavidSystemsKing Electronics 46-90292 TWO 8" Carrier elevator heads with gearboxes, 4KW motor & anti rotation bars. POA. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire) FLAILS.CO.UKDIRECT QUALITY FLAILS To suit most flail mowers and hedge cutters at competitiveprices 0142701427Tel:718561Fax:718016 (Flails direct is a division of Engineering and Hire Ltd)46-90129 EXTRA furrow off a Ransomes 300 plough, metal work not the best, but will still do the job, just bolts on/off. Offers. F Johnson Tel 07774 361830 (Lincolnshire) RICHARD HOYLAND, W YORKS 01924 252129 or 07710 153603 BREAKING 46-90171 NEW IN: MF 4445 CLAAS ARION 640•MF 575 4WD, 595, 698, 699, 1080, 1200, 2645, 2725, 3060, 3070, 3080, 3630, 3680, 3095, 4370, 6140, 6180, 6480, 6615, 7495 & 8120 FENDT 716, 933•VALMET 6400 USED spare parts for Vervaet 625 beet harvester from 2009 onwards, complete machine to be dismantled so all parts available. F Campling Tel 01945 440234/07876 507590 (Lincolnshire) Perkins 1004/1004.4TShortEngines timikenginerecon for agricultural & applicationsindustrial IN STOCK & BUILT TO ORDER with oil pump, top & bottom gasket sets & rear & front seals For engine builds AA, AB, AC, AG, AH, AK, AM Agri spec pictured Genuine PerkinsAftermarket&blocks & parts available 46-90379 BONNET to fit John Deere 3050/3350/3650, needs a respray & a couple of badly rusted areas repairing, please contact for more photos. £150. J Woodward Tel 01455 221112/07930 548933 (Warwickshire) AELS Bearings offer an excellent service with over 30 years’ experience in Agricultural & Plant Engineering Bearings and Power Transmission Products 46-90268 AELS www.aelsbearings.com01777Bearings860224 OEM quality Aftermarketatprices SPRAYERS 47-90375SERVICINGSPRAYERSALESANDREPAIRS PARTSSPARESPRAYEROFSTOCKVAST 01449 737482 07860 GM-R SPRAYERS LTD CASE SP3000 sprayer, 24m, 3000L, 5900hrs, 2000 reg, 2 set wheels – rowcrops & flotations, spray & fertiliser nozzles, no GPS, 12mths sprayer MOT. £16,999+VAT. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire) ROGATOR RG655, 36m, 5000L, 6340hrs, two lines/sets of nozzles, adjustable dribble bar, 500L wash out tank, GPS Trimble screen, RTK mast system, 2 set wheels – rowcrops & flotations, 12mths sprayer MOT. £45,000+VAT. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire) HOUSEHAM Super Sprint, 30m booms, 2500L tank, LH Agro controller, 2 sets of wheels, 9406hrs, 1996, good straight machine, selling due to moving to 36m, call for more information or email lionel@chshaw. £6,750+VAT ono. L Shaw Tel 07949 078781 (Bedfordshire) USED STOCK KNIGHT MOUNTED 1000L 20m, 2003, Laser recirculation, 4 Boom Section Triplet nozzle bodies, NSTS tested £4250 + VAT Boston SprayersCropLtd incorporating VASSGRO SPRAYERS BOSTON 01205 722 240 WISBECH 01945 461 181 BEDFORD 01525 841 923 Contact Richard Dix 07770 331587 47-90373 LANDQUIP SPRAYERS SALES & SERVICE NOW AVAILABLE SPRAYER & SLUG APPLICATOR NSTS TESTING AT OUR LOCATIONS OR ON SITE FULL ON FARM SERVICE & REPAIR Main Agents for TEAM HYPRO TEEJET RDS ENDURAMAXX DUAL PUMPS Landquip Agricultural Application Machinery Specialists KNIGHT trailed sprayer, 2007, 400L tank, 36m self levelling booms, steering rear axle, joystick control, GPS section control, good condition. £10,800 ono. J Bird Tel 07973 346801 (Leicestershire) KNIGHT trailed sprayer, 24m boom, current NSTS report March 23, 1997 model, 2500L, laser triple nozzle, rowcrops 90% & standard wheels. £4,950+VAT. T Moore Tel 07850 032137 (Cambridgeshire) Sprayer Specialist in the Eastern & Southern Counties New and used sprayers and parts stocked for: Berthoud • Househam Chafer • Agrifac and most other makes Hypro • Teejet • Lechler Altek • RDS • Dual Pumps Enduramaxx • Stocks Fan Jet Contacts:

Andy Gemmill: 07802 336880

Anthony Williams: 07711 947189

199October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 Thank you, Ma ' am You made us proudtobeBritish 01223613246 A DOWNING AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERS Carlton Farm, Cattle Dyke, Gorefield, Wisbech, Cambridgeshire PE13 4NR Tel: 01945 410099•07850 All prices plus VAT unless otherwise stated 89959 Demo Pegoraro 5m hyd folding power harrow hyd roller adjustment, adjustable clod board, wheel track eradicators, available for demo or hire, 12 month warranty, demo less than 40 acres, high quality Was £19,500, Now £19,000 International 784 Tractor flat deck super deluxe cab, T/A, weight frame, PUH, 5000hrs £7,000 Kioti K9 2400 utility vehicle, tipping half tonne body, cab with half doors, opening windscreen, rear window. Floor mat, belly pan protector, under hood toolbox £13,980 Leyland DAF 7.5t W reg, 12ths MOT, 430000km, tilt cab for easy maintenance, ex cond, living in amazing cond, sleeps 3 with plenty of storage, 1 outside locker that will fit a bale of hay in, CCTV to horse area, mains & 12v, stalled for 3 Selling due to change of circumstances POA McHale Pro Glide R3100 r/mower, superior floatation, self adjusting cutter bar angle, constant c/bar ground pressure, enhanced c/bar protection, optimum conditioning, clean uniform swath POA Kioti CX2510 5yr warranty, 25hp, HST POA NEW Kioti CK4030 HST tractor, 40hp (5 YEARS WARRANTY or 3000HRS) POA McHale 991BE fully automatic bale wrapper POA David Brown 995 S reg 1977, late Q cab, 64hp, rebuilt engine, new battery, PUH £5,250 McHale V6-750 round baler, in stock and available for demo POA McCormick X7.460VT 2019 (69 reg),165hp boosts to 175hp, VT drive, 50k, a/brakes, precision steering ready, 4YR WARRANTY, 0% FINANCE £77,950 Maschio Bravo, 3m power harrow with crumble roller. Very little work from small fenland farm. £4,995 Tomlin 6’ & 4’ Grass Toppers now in stock POA Kioti CK2630 HST industrial tyres, 25hp, hydrostat transmission, spool valve, Cat 1 linkage, 5yrs warranty in stock £17,995 McHale 691 Bale Handler Spike with rollers, suitable for silage or straw. £895

200 October 2022—advertisingTrade 2022 FARMET 6.5m & 8.5m Classic cultivators, front paddles, 4 rows or auto-reset tines, steel ring packers, in stock, enquire for demo BROCK Campaign Trailed Tine Drill, heavy duty low disturbance coulters, will drill direct as well as into seedbeds, 6m to 13.35m widths 2022 FARMET Fantom 4.7m auto-reset stubble cultivator, 200-300hp, due in 2019 HORSCH Cruiser 6m XL stubble cultivator, double soil packer 2020 FARMET Verso 8m/9m springtine, frt & rear paddles, harrow, in stock TWB 4.5m 7 leg subsoiler, depth wheels, working tines, 600mm packers 2005 KVERNELAND 4m Tineseeder, hyd fan, erads, pre-em markers 2014 COUSINS Contour HZ 16.4m rolls, 24” breaker rings, hyd brakes 2002 VADERSTAD NZA 8m, front & rear levellers, rear drawbar, due in 2014 LEMKEN Europal 8 6f (5+1), rear discs, hyd wheel, on original W52’s 2005 TWOSE 12.4m Rolls c/w plain rings 2004 SPEARHEAD Excel 686 VFR linkage mounted forward reach hedger LEMKEN Rubin 8m disc c/w DD packer McCONNEL 3m 7 leg Shakaerator c/w 500mm packer, optional depth wheels 2007 WEAVING 6m Tine Drill, eradicators, pre-em markers, due in SIMBA 3m X-Press + ST Bar, DD lite packer, due in LELY 400/45 powerharrow drill, new tines, Suffolk coulters, rear harrow 2012 MASCHIO Primavera 4m tine drill, hyd fan, due in 2011 KUHN 4004 / KV combi drill, 3 row suffolk coulters, following harrow 2014 KV PW 13 furrow (8+4+1), auto-reset, on land, vari-width, no.28’s 2018 NEW HOLLAND SBL 5.3m Triple K, front boards, rear crumblers 2006 WEAVING Caddy 5T 8m tine drill, ½ width shut off, pre-em, due in 2022 FARMET Softer 6PS 6m disc, front depth wheels, 560mm discs, double soil packer c/w parallel linkage depth control, in stock, enquire for demo 2022 BROCK Super Disc 850 DT 8.5m disc tine cultivator, 600mm discs, working tines, hyd paddles, 700mm double packer, in stock, see video, enquire for demo Woodhams Farm, Cutlers Green, Thaxted, EssexCM6 2RH01371 830353 90239 01691 683825 • John Mottram: 07968 715 512 • Mike Worthing: 07709 089 781 • email: W&M Agricultural EngineeringOswestry•Shropshire•SY107JU90609 All prices + VAT PROTECH POA STOCKIN POA POA NEW Kidd 450 trailed bale shredder 4.5cu/m, swivel chute 270o, r/c to t/gate & floor conveyor, handles straw, silage, hay & haylage bales <1.54m wide NEW Moulton yard scrapersTreemaster MS300 tree shear & grapple with rotator 13t machine & above Twose rolls 6.3m, hyd folding, breakers & rings STOCKIN POA POA NEW Moulton silage pusher w/w from 2/3m, multi-fit system 3pt linkage or pallet tine mtd, loader or handler brackets, fully galv frame NEW NC shear grabs sizes from 1.3–2.3m capacities from 0.83–3cu/m, nickel chrome hyd rams, 2/3 ram versions available NEW ProDig Shear Genius shear buckets 1.5/1.8/2.2m wide, ideal for use with diet feeder, plastic film retainer, wide opening for splitting round bales, etc, hardened tempered serrated blades, nickel chromed hyd rams, PRV, h/d & robust STOCKIN STOCKIN POA £850 NEW ProDig shear grabs widths 1.3/1.5/1.8/2.2/2.5m, cap 0.85–3cu/m, hardox tines, brackets & pipes fitted NEW Storth 20’ lagoon mixer Kuhn GMD 4410 Lift Control plain mower disc mower, 4.35m cut, lift control hydropneumatic suspension, 2014, good condition Wylie 4’ shear grab 2004, Chilton brackets

201October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 W&M Agricultural EngineeringOswestry•Shropshire•SY107JU 01691 683825 • John Mottram: 07968 715 512 • Mike Worthing: 07709 089 781 • email: 90257 PROTECH All prices + VAT POA POA POA STOCKIN NEW TYM 255 compact tractor hydrostatic drive, 60” grass deck, turf tyres, 540 PTO, 3 point linkage, rear hyd spools, 3yrs warranty TYM T455 HST (hydro) ROPS industrial tyres, 4wd, front loader tines & bucket TYM T555 Yanmar 55hp eng, 4wd, 16F/16R man shuttle g/box, full a/c cab, radio, twin spools, lift cap 1500kgs, agri tyres(13.6-26 rear 9.5-16 front), loader ready TYM T393 HST 39hp Yanmar engine, full air con cab, 3 range HST transmission, mid & rear PTO, turf tyres, 4wd POA STOCKIN POA POA Mantiou MLT731T 12 reg, 7700hrs, pick up hitch, trailer brakes Merlo 27.6 2018, 1000hrs, new tyres, condition excellent AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY JCB 530/70 1997, bucket8800hrs,&tines Herbst low loader trailer 15’ flat bed, 5’ beaver tail, 16t, sheeted manual ramps, LED lights £3,500 STOCKIN POA POA 2008 Fleming 6t drop side trailer hyd brakes, 2.5/80-15.3 BKT tyres, lights NC Engineering 14t i Series silage trailer 2022 model, full spec Bailey 20t dump trailer 2020 build, air/hyd brakes, load sensing brakes, 10 stud com axles, sprung drawbar, hyd door, LED lights Portequip 28’ bale trailer 16t, 385/65×22.5 tyres, 8 stud axles 350×90 brakes, spr axles, f/& r/hay ladders, fixed headboard & d/bar, rope box, LED lights £3,600 £5,300 STOCKIN POA New NC Road runner brush 2.4m brush width, wire & plastic bristles, hyd driven Teagle Tomahawk 8500 straw bedder 2013, electric controls, straw bedder & silage feeder Root chopper bucket 2m wide, 1.6cu/m cap, c/w loader or handler brkt, stone trap (option), also available as mixer bucket – will feed roots, maize, silage & meal Feed trailer 5’6” wide, retractable drawbar, 18/20’t long, bloody well built STOCKIN INFOMOREFORCALL £3,500 STOCKIN Albutt F450, F352, F410, F301 bale handling equipment supplied with pipes and brackets Weaving 3m tine drill excellent order, 540 hectares from new Tulip 3m Multidisc Kidd 6’ and 9’ toppers £3,500fromPrices POA STOCKIN DEMOAARANGETOCALL Concept flail toppers various widths, front/rear mounted or just rear, hyd side shift, heavy duty flails & rear roller, extra wear skids McConnel 7000T-65 2002, electric control, 1.2m head McConnel PA 5755/60HP NEW 2022, 5.7m, 1.5m head, Motion Control joystick CORVUS TERRAIN DX4 DEALERS for Shropshire & Mid Wales 2yrs wty as std, Yanmar diesel 1000cc (24hp), 60kph, full homologation, 907kg tow/450kg cargo cap, full spec cab, p/steering

2015 McHale 660V chopper baler – a really nice example – ready for work £16,500

T: 01522 246522 or 07764 511257 Richard Betts 4x4 Ltd • Lincolnshire Based • Please see website for more stock • All prices +VAT 90252 2017, 3913hrs, 126hp, 40kph, PUH & trailer braking, hyd locking pins, boom susp, joystick, rev fan, constant flow hyds, selectable 4wd, a/c, a/seat, new tyres £48,000 FUEL PROOF POWER WASHER BOWSER 1140L, Lombardini diesel engine, electric start, hose reel & lance, twin dose tanks, twin axel, highway tow, ball hitch, lights £2,950 THWAITES 9T DUMPER 2018, 1062hrs, shuttle forward/reverse, folding roll bar, seat belt, orange & green beacon, 75% tyres £19,750 BOBCAT E20Z 2021, 303hrs, expanding tracks, hammer lines, twin spd tracking, blade with extns, orange & green beacons, keypad, w/lights, quick hitch, 3 buckets, 95% tracks £18,750 BROWNS UNIVERSAL BALE GRAB/SQUEEZE JCB Q-fit brackets, hydraulic operated ram, adjustable clamping distance, open up to 1800mm, close down to 730mm £1,500 GROUNDHOG GP360 WELFARE UNIT 6 people, canteen area, sink, lights, heaters, kettle, microwave, plug sockets, H&C water, toilet & wash room, drying room, built in 6kva generator £8,750 NEW JCB MUCK GRAB 7’6” wide, 1.7cu/m, twin rams, Q-fit brackets, Kv tines £3,250 TRAILER ENGINEERING 2250L WATER BOWSER skid mounted with forklift pockets, two outlets £975 BG & LD Rich tel & whatsapp: 07774 112211 • email: Farmers, Straw, Hay and Haylage Suppliers Used Farm Machinery Bought & Sold Lawrence Rich, Stud Farm, Blaisdon, Gloucestershire GL17 0AL All prices + VAT 90719 POA £45,000 NEW HOLLAND BB1290 PLUS 2018, moisture meter, bale weight, electric bale length CASE IH LB434 2014, 120x90 bale size, good spec, good tidy condition £4,950 £8,500 FLEXI-COIL RING ROLLS 6.4m, 20” rings c/w breaker rings, vgc WARWICK SD14 TRAILER 2008, 14t, sprung drawbar, locking hydraulic rear door £17,500 £29,500 WELGER D4060 2005, 80x70 bale size, rotor cutter, rear wheel steering WELGER D6006 2007, 120x70 bale size, only 21k bale count, additive application, vgc helpTransport&nanceprovidedifrequired

SISIS Hydromain 25 twin – compact tractor – articulated/turf tyres – good £4,500 Hinimoto compact tractor with rotavator 4f attached – works well £3,000
202 October 2022—advertisingTrade

2016 McCormick X6.430 – new clutch packs – very nice & worth viewing £37,000
Tanco 173 bale shear – auto plastic remove – as new £1,750
Deutz 8280 – the future of tractor – unbelievable power & economy now with finance of 1+5 annuals @ 1.5% on 50% of retail –try this on your farm today – you will be amazed

2021 Chapman trailed TH200 grass rejuvenator – electric height adjust £1,850 Dalbo 8m Culti-Max – worth viewing – due in shortly

Flatlift TDR 3, 7 low disturbance tines/discs/packer – nice....................................£4,950 Manitou headstock with pallet tines – suit JCB 531 Series £1,250
Selection of new & used rowcrop wheels at very keen prices
Visit us on and

Portequip feeders/sheep/calf/pigs ex yard – knockout deals – ring now emo e a Combi- i m mounted superb one pass outfit £18,000 Fleming mowers/harrows/roll/boxes ex stock

Merlo toe tip bucket – shop soiled – at very reduced prices
Lely SX4000 fertiliser spreader – 24m – good only £2,750

Kioti compact tractors/utility vehicles – demo models available Big price bargains on new Hayter/Toro lawnmowers End of season deals now while stock remains
2009 Deutz Agrotron 610, 140hp – a good sound tractor – very tidy £29,500
Kockerling Allrounder – this extremely popular min-till cultivator for one pass operation can be available to demo on your farm – ring now

2011 Kuhn 2190 round baler – good reliable machine – variable chamber £11,000 Kverneland TS 4.8m tine drill, pre-emergence markers/tramline kit harrow £6,750

Excellent choice of buckets/grabs/fork/bale handlers – ex yard

2008 McCormick MC115 – a very popular tractor – in nice condition £18,000
Mac Revolution 11/120 hot water pressure washer – had very little use £1,475 Kverneland 2.4 mower conditioner – suspension & rear fold £4,650
203October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 SPRAYERS (cont) 47-90767 01302 www.moorefarmservices.comliz@moorefarmservices.com7599692014AMAZONEPANTERA4502 £96,000 + VAT 36m boom, GPS 11 section control, full autosteer, autolube, high flow, Cat 4 cab filtration, 520L pump, 1 previous owner, 5600 eng hrs, fully dealer serviced, c/w warranty, exc cond BERTHOUD Racer 32, 24m, 3200L tank, good working order, just had 12 months ticket, set of nozzles on it, genuine reason for sale, due to upgrade. D Whitting Tel 07815 684604 (Gloucestershire) SPREADERS AMAZONE ZA-M 24m fertiliser spreader, 1500kg hopper, only TSP used inside, good dry canopy, twin spinner discs. £1,600+VAT. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire) AMAZONE ZAM Compact spreader, c/w hopper extension, hopper cover, 20–28m discs & omni-set border disc. £650+VAT. R Hanton Tel 07860 792976 (Norfolk) KRM Bogballe M2 D fertiliser spreader, 2014, 3 bag hopper, hydraulic shut off, lights, hopper cover, 24m vanes. Call for more details. £2,900. D Brocksopp Tel 07974 669997 (South Yorks) STOCKS Fan Jet 28 slug pelleter. £325+VAT. C Banks Tel 07971 627574/01777 870246 (Nottinghamshire) HORSTINE Cascade, 18m, 1997, c/w Avadex & fertiliser rollers, very good condition, recently had a brand new gearbox, good condition. £2100+VAT. P Phoenix Tel 07871 599016 (Norfolk) KRM spreader vanes E2T, 2 left 2 right, surplus to requirements, vgc. £225+VAT. R Hanton Tel 07860 792976 (Norfolk) KRM Bredal B2 fertiliser spreader, 1997, mounted, good working order, for sale due to retirement, hardly used over recent years due to use of liquid fertilisers, average condition. £1,000+VAT ono. R Hutton Tel 07870 687051 (Nottinghamshire) FLEMING V800 fertiliser spinner, 2018, very tidy machine, only 2 bags of fertiliser put through, collection or delivery (at extra cost). £1,800+VAT ono. J Davis Tel 07803 276917 (Somerset) STRAW & HAY 01284 810751 07768 353910 RAPE, WHEAT & BARLEY STRAW STRAW IN THE SWATH WANTED for home market & export COLLECTION & arrangedDELIVERY BEST PRICES PAID 49-90299 FOR SALE & WANTED P J Reed WHEAT straw for sale in large 120x70 & 120x90 sized bales, great quality straw for delivery in Derbyshire & surrounding counties. J Parker Tel 07576 346663 (South Yorks) Call Je on 07977 268113 WANTED(T)WHEAT,BARLEY&RAPESTRAW also SOFT MEADOW HAY o the eld & throughout thewinter Very good prices paid promptly 49-88904 01394 460408 07885 OWEN594143SMITHFARMING 49-90568 Also round bale haylage & barleyavailablestrawalways Good quality round & small bale hay Call us for a good deal WHEAT & barley straw for sale, approx 1000 bales of each, 4x3 bales up to 12% moisture, some in outside stacks & some stacked in sheds. K Plumb Tel 07955 676578 (Hertfordshire) ABBOTT & CO 01603 870903 07860 475964 (Wessex) LTD 49-90359 Are buyers & sellers of HAY STRAW& LARGE quantities of this year's IRG haylage for sale in 120x90 bales, available from Writtle, Essex. C Thorogood Tel 07850 567321 (Essex) LARGE quantities of wheat & barley straw for sale in 4' x 3' x 8' bales, up to 12% moisture. K Plumb Tel 07955 676577/01438 889228 (Hertfordshire) TANKS & BOWSERS HEAVY galvanised riveted water tank, 7' x 4' x 3' (500 gallons). £125+VAT. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) We stock new and recycled steel and plastic drumsstock or deliverynationwideavailable Visit or call 01594 833308 of the Forest of Dean Ltd SMITHS Tank & Drum Experts 50-90282 stock Collectnationwidefrom BALMORAL 2500L tank, slight blemish, but good for water. £75. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) TRANSCUBE bunded fuel tank, approximately 1800L, good condition, c/w fuel pump. £985+VAT. J Furness Tel 07973 843230 (Gloucestershire) WATER tank, ex fuel tank, ideal rainwater. D Seymour Tel 07850 292743 (Buckinghamshire) GDQ8J water bowser. D Seymour Tel07850 292743 (Buckinghamshire) INDUSTRIALTANKSSTORAGE HIRE • NEW • USED 01502 710100 Fully searchable database at... 50-90301 REGALTANKS TILLAGE TACKLE 51-90671 07748 004794 01245 442224 For more information Isaacs trailed 8m rolls, good working order. £1,250. D Tutt Tel 07767 667668/01480 212340 (Bedfordshire) SUMO Trio 3, 6 leg, excellent condition, very little use. £11,500+VAT. D Tutt Tel 07767 667668/01480 212340 (Bedfordshire) New & Used Machine Spares & Repairs Andy Guest 51-90294 01636 700608 07860 637654 e: EINBOCK Taifun 400RF cultivator, 4m, c/w new Einbock points, hydraulic folding, good condition. P Lynn Tel 07813 714766 (Nottinghamshire) MASCHIO 4m power harrow, very good condition. £2,250+VAT ono. W Agri Tel 07873 149208 (Kent) DALBO Dinco Classic 100 3m stubble cultivator, 2008, pretty generic, currently has Lemken parts, wide disturbance, excellent for mixing, wings removable for deeper work, light so doesn’t need a lot of power, good condition. £3,600+VAT ono. J Rush Tel 07736 383677 (Suffolk) HEVA new subsoiler points for sale having sold the subsoiler, 10 narrow wing points surplus to requirements. £50+VAT/point. N Whitebread Tel 07770 365121 (Kent) KUHN HR 3003 3m power harrow, heavy duty packer roller, 2006, new tines, good condition tine holders, very good condition. £6,250+VAT ono. A Jones Tel 07980 668649 (Cornwall) KRONE 3m rotovator, new blades. £1,400. B Colson Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) LEMKEN furrow press arm, with hydraulic ram. £250. R Sinkler Tel 01377 270251 (East Yorkshire) 4-METRE single press with hydraulic end tow, gwo. £1,200. M Abraham Tel 07803266436 (Bedfordshire)

204 October 2022—advertisingTrade OLIVERS Over 100 machines listed at Email: ww OLIVERS Petworth Tel: 01798 343660 OLIVERS Luton Tel: 01582 727111 OLIVERS Reading Tel: 01189 723741 OLIVERS Tingewick Tel: 01280 848494 OLIVERS Winchester Tel: 01962 774590 NEW OPICO SWARD LIFTER £8,350 2.7m working width, 3 shearbolt legs, trailed cutting discs, reversible shin, standard points, spring loaded rollers, Cat 3 linkage NEW OPICO GRASS HARROW £4,995 6m working width, 7mm tines, 4 flexing beds, 3m transport width, 32 tines/m in 6 rows, 10 angle settings NEW SPEARHEAD SNIPER 280 SHD £9,450 2.80m cutting width, 25 Heavy duty hammer flails, 25mm - 45mm cutting height NEW RICHARD WESTERN BTTA16/28HS £15,995 flat bed trailer, mono leaf springs, 2m axle track, 2’ headboard, LED lights, sprung drawbar, air & hydraulic brakes with LSV for air brakes, hyd load sensing valve NEW GRANGE 4M CCT £14,930 close coupled toolbar, track eradicator, 8x low disturbance legs, c/w standard Tungsten points, hard faced lower legs, manual adj front discs, 4 DA services to rear, Free Flow return, 7 pin socket, A frame with rear clevis & sleeves NEW MX BALE GRABS POA heavy duty bale grab for material handler, HD floating tines, Q-fit brackets, choice of V5000HD & V7000HD in stock NEW BUNNING 105 TVA MK4 £29,950 13.2m3 10.5t spreader, Twinvert shred augers, 10mm boron heat-treated steel, rubber protected, 16mm floor chains with high tensile box slats, fully welded body, 14t axle hyd brakes, DA hyd slurry door CASE IH MXU125 £25,950 2004,125hp, 6910hrs, BKT 480/65R28 fronts, BKT 600/65R38 rears, 2 spools, front weights, a/c, trailer brake, PUH, no battery cover, paint faded, paint on mudguard coming off, genuine tractor all round JOHN DEERE 6930 PREMIUM £40,850 2007, 40kph, 155/163hp, 8800hrs, Michelin 540/65 R28 front, 650/65R38 rears, 3 spools, f/susp, Eco PTO, A/C, cab susp, trailer brake, elec hyd, PUH, Autoquad Plus, removable f/wt block 900kg, keypad immobiliser JOHN DEERE 6930 PREMIUM £49,850 2012, 50kph, 155/163hp, 6360hrs, 540/65R28 fronts, 650/65R38 rears, 3 spools, f/susp, f/wt block 900kg, a/c, cab susp, trailer brake, air brakes, PUH, DataTag, Autoquad trans, plumbed in Trimble GPS steering, keypad immobiliser NEW HOLLAND CR9080 £112,840 2013/2014, 9.1m NH varifeed cutterbar header, 30kph, 2381/ 1968hrs, 800/60R38 fronts, 540/65R30 rears, RH V knife, header rev, a/c, yield/Q meter, yield mapping, AdBlue, chop/chaff, Trimble GPS autosteer EGNOS running through Intelliview terminal CLAAS QUADRANT 5300 FC £120,000 2021, only 6700 bales, 120x90, a/brakes, full width p/feed pick up auger, 620/50/R22 tyres, K80 ball hitch, steering axle, moisture sensor, weighing tailgate, hyd bale ejector, hyd ramp, hyd knotter blowers, LED w/lights, load sensing KUHN BP 28 £5,490 2020, hydraulic lateral offset, rear roller, hammer flails, 6 spline PTO shaft yoke, 1,000 rpm PTO HORSCH SPRINTER SW8 £52,985 2013, approx 14000ha, 8m, bout markers, pre-ems, 8000SW seed cart, twin hopper, side walkway, Firestone 620/75R30 steering seed wagon tyres, grain & fert, twin dist towers, half width shutoff, r/lights & markers, Horsch Duett coulters, folg hrw, cleated tyres, interm harrow, a/brakes McCONNEL SHAKAERATOR £4,750 7 legs, toothed packer, shaker works ok, very tidy machine, 3.5m working width COUSINS V-FORM £15,950 2020,7 leg, hydraulic folding, front depth wheels - steel, razor ring packer, new wearing metal will be fitted, rear lights, excellent condition, approx 200 acres CLAAS LINER 3600 HH £34,950 2018, 620/40 R22.5 tyres, Claas operator terminal, hydraulic brakes, hydraulic height adjustment, can be Isobus controlled, load sensing line, 10 to 12.5m working width, 4 rotor rake, new curtain KRONE 1400 SWADRO £26,500 2015, manual height adjust rotor, 500/50-17 tyres, Krone Delta control box, 4 wheel under carriage, lights, 13.5m raking width, 4 rotors, smart machine in very good condition DOWDESWELL POWER HARROW £2,985 1990, 4m power harrow, rear packer roller, HD frame, straight machine, hinged side deflectors COUSINS CONTOUR £5,990 2004, 26” smooth rings 50%+, bearings all good, 12.5/80-15.3 wheels, 50% good, frame very good, wing braces reinforced (pro), rams & pipes good, stored inside, very tidy, 7.3m working width Tractors & Other Equipment CLAAS ARES 656 2006, 40kph, 132 hp, 9945hrs, 2 spools, PUH POA CLAAS ARION 450 CIS 2018, 40kph, 130hp, 2130hrs, 3 spools, FL100 loader, PUH POA CLAAS ARION 630C 2009, 40kph, 150hp, 6950hrs, 3 spools, weights, Eco PTO, cab suspension £27,600 CLAAS ARION 620 2017, 50kph, 158hp, 4302hrs, 3 spools, FL120 loader, air brakes, PUH POA CLAAS ARION 630 CIS 2019, 50kph, 165hp, AdBlue, 2259hrs, 3 spools, air brakes, PUH, creep speed £68,950 CLAAS ARION 650 CEBIS 50K 2016, 50kph, 185hp, approx 5000hrs, 4 spools, f/linkage, GPS S7 steering, a/brakes, PUH ......................................................................................................................................................£66,750 CLAAS ARION 650 2013, 50kph, 184hp, 4100hrs, 4 spools, f/linkage, air brakes, electric hyd, PUH £56,675 CLAAS AXION 850 CEB 2011, 50kph, 258hp, AdBlue 6690hrs, 3 spools, f/linkage, air brakes, electric hyd PUH POA VALTRA N103 2017, HiTech, 40kph, 111hp, 2700hrs, 3 spools, weights, A-pillar display, metallic blue £34,950 WARWICK FLAT BED dropside trailer, tandem axle, 10’ long bed, 50mm ball hitch, over-run brakes, LED lights, plate holder, spare wheel, strap box, removable headboard, internal lashing points, new jockey wheel £2,140 89971

205October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 TILLAGE TACKLE (cont) COUSINS Contour rolls, 8.2m, 24" plain rings, c/w Stocks Pro130 slug pellet applicator. £5,250+VAT. R Mills Tel 07710 800665 (Rutland) 51-90672 07748 004794 01245 442224 For more information plough, twin leg, on tool carrier frame, good legs & expanders. £2,250+VAT. R Mills Tel 07710 800665 (Rutland) NRH Engineering P209RD 2.7m press, good irder please call for details. £2,250. D Goose Tel 07768 954585 (Lincolnshire) LEMKEN Labrador 3 leg subsoiler, 2019, very good condition, had very little use, wearing parts as new. £3,500+VAT ono. D Bowd Tel 07889 378008 (Lincolnshire) TAYLOR Gent/Spaldings 3 leg flatlift, square bar, in good order. J Hoyes Tel 01507 568213/07960 013997 (Lincolnshire) VADERSTAD Carrier 8.2m, good discs & packer rings. J Hoyes Tel 01507 568213/07960 013997 (Lincolnshire) TELEPHONE: 01604 686216 MOBILE: 07973 265378 HANKINS ENGINEERING 51-90295 MAIDWELLMOLER Well proven design Single and twin and three legged machines available Mounted and Vibromaster 4.8m hydraulic folding springtine cultivator, levelling boards, good tyres, ready for work. £3,100. P Astill Tel 07751 500081 (Leicestershire) HEVA 3m subsoiler, 2007, shearbolt protection, hydraulic depth control on DD packer roller, had little use in recent years, hence for sale. £5,500 ono. N Whitebread Tel 07770 365121 (Kent) Pan Busters & spirals ALL BLENCH SPARES 454 Herne Road, Ramsey St Huntingdon,Mary’s,Cambs. 01733 844590 (24hrs) 51-90293 GRANGEWARDS (THE HARROW KING) CHEVAL heavy duty 6m zig zag pressure harrows, c/w brand new 10" heavy duty tines & following harrow, ideal for low cost cultivations, as new condition. £2,750+VAT. P Skinner Tel 07711 405100 (Northants) 51-90694 See our ad on page Suppliers32 of cultivationslugairseedersequipment&pelleters RABE Corvus heavy duty 6m power harrow, recently reconditioned by main dealer at a cost of £6,500, including new oils & seals, only covered a small area since, saving of approx £20K on new price, for sale due to lack of use. £11,950+VAT. P Skinner Tel 07711 405100 (Northants) 01530 229686 or 07831 www.midlandsagriplant.com11331651-90743 POAMaschio 380 HP Rapido Toro 6M Power Harrow 2014, tungsten tines 80%, hydraulic adjusted 500mm packer, excellent condition MICHAEL Moore 7.2m hydraulic folding Cambridge rolls, 22'' rings, good condition. £3,250+VAT ono. T Mortlock Tel 07733 377549 (Essex) 51-90674 07748 004794 01245 442224(T) more photos and full spec available for immediate delivery, 8.2m-12.3m 22"-24" rings, horizontal folding, contour following SIMBA Flatliner 500, 3m, 2007, 5 Prolift legs (easily converted to low disturbance legs), DD packer, new wings fitted, good condition, delivery possible. £6,150+VAT. T Chugg Tel 07980240592 (Worcestershire) RANSOMES subsoiler, wheeled, all working. £300+VAT. M Andrew Tel 07903 442568 (Lincolnshire) OPICO HeVa 1020 Cambridge rolls, 10.2m, 2007, SATS weigh transfer system, good 24" rings with breakers, contour following wings, very good condition, delivery possible. £9,250+VAT ono. T Chugg Tel 07980 240592 (Worcestershire) 51-90766 6 furrow vari width plough with hydraulic front furrow 01302 www.moorefarmservices.comliz@moorefarmservices.com759969EXDEMOAMAZONECAYRON200 £21,500 + VAT VADERSTAD Carrier, 5m, new rear discs, excellent order, good to go. £8,750. R Edwards Tel 07967 828571 (Hereford) SPALDINGS Flatlift 3m 5 swivel leg subsoiler, c/w cultivator disc tool bar, rear heavy duty packer & spares, done less than 500 acres. £6,000 no VAT. W Banks Tel 07977 460341 (Cheshire) OVERUM 3.5m trailed heavy discs, 23" discs, cutaways on front plain rear, good paint, stored inside, will cut into hard ground, good condition. £4,000+VAT. A Dunham Tel 07767 248412 (Cambridgeshire) Please see website for more SHAKAERATOR leg, 24” with clamp & 10 shins. P Walsh Tel 01767 627233/07709 597395 (Bedfordshire) LEYLAND (Nuffield) 384, with Mill Master loader & bucket, new clutch, new wiring, many new parts, all restored, tyres fair, would suit smallholder or wood splitter, etc. £4,000+VAT ono. M Andrew Tel 07903 442568 (Lincolnshire) FARMFORCE Ultratilth 150 heavy duty primary cultivator, 2009, 5 Metcalfe NG low disturbance legs, two staggered rows of inverta tines & large diameter rubber wedge packer roller, all elements adjustable down to 18", good cond. £7,500+VAT. A Towns Tel 07751 917839 (South Yorks) KVERNELAND 7.5m trailed spring tine, hydraulic fold, 4 adjustable depth wheels, average condition. £2,950+VAT ono. C Hutley Tel 07532 057699 (Essex) LEMKEN Variopack furrow press, 16 rings. £650+VAT. R Hanton Tel 07860 792976 (Norfolk) 51-90673 07748 004794 01245 442224 More photos and detail Deep tines, two rows of discs, adjustable on the move. Like a Sumo Trio; just better. PRESS rings, 28" diameter, 50mm bore, 45 degree angle, vgc. £45+VAT each. R Hanton Tel 07860 792976 (Norfolk) VICON 9 leg cultivator, 10' working width, adjustable steel depth wheels, reversible points, in excellent condition, very heavy duty, ideal for stubble, ready to go straight to work, in excellent condition. I Thompson Tel 07800 866337 (Somerset)

206 October 2022—advertisingTrade TILLAGE TACKLE (cont) LAWRENCE Edwards 3m Combicult cultivator. D Seymour Tel 07850 292743 (Buckinghamshire) SPALDINGS Flatlift, 3m 5 swivel leg subsoiler, with cultivator disc tool bar, rear heavy duty packer & spares, done less than 500 acres. £6,000 no VAT. W Banks Tel 07977 460341 (Cheshire) TRACTORS CLAAS Xerion 3300VC, 330hp reverse drive, 50k Vario gearbox, 6800hrs, air brakes, PUH camera, rear view camera, front linkage, 4 front & rear spools, Claas RTK GPS, a/c, fridge. POA. B Bennett Tel 07804 579665 (Essex) MB trac Unimog 900 turbo 4wd tractor in vgc, 1992, 7800hrs, front & rear linkage & PTO, gear levers at r/h side, with splitter, new rear tyres & front at least 50%, cab & seat in great condition. £26,000+VAT. R Lane Tel 07831 615912 (Cambridgeshire) NEW Holland 7840 SLE, 1997, genuine less than 1900hrs, blue roof cab, vg tyres, full set front weights & matching pair of dual rear wheels, owner driven, retirement sale, call for more details. K Cook Tel 01953 681201 (Norfolk) BONNET for McCormick XTX, will fit 145, 165, 185 or MXT, slight front damage. £155+VAT. P Beales Tel (Suffolk)07584189359/01284828360 Call for more info & prices 07496 734212 53-90701 1999 Case CX100 Norfolk • Everything working as it should • tradeSuitabletaken • Finance available Landman special 100hp tractor 40k, 2 spools, selectable pto 540/1000, left hand shuttle. Immaculate condition inside and out with only 2800hrs. £17,500 +VAT MASSEY Ferguson 690, new clutch, good engine, hydraulics, etc, front end loader with hay spike, all straight tinwork. £7,300 no VAT. V Smith Tel 07774 290777/01945 860596 (Cambridgeshire) FENDT 1800kg Big Pack weight, vgc. £2,800. J Murrell Tel 07770 692891/01603 712222 (Norfolk) 53-90765 Andrew H Gemmill 07767 891328 01702 202930 New HollandM100 £18,000+ VAT 4x4, 120hp, air con new Dramone hitch EIGHTEEN 50kg JD wafer weights with pin & bolts, 900kg total weight, vgc. £1,000. J Murrell Tel 07770 692891/01603 712222 (Norfolk) MICROPLANT 53-90166 Hire, Sales, Servicing & Repairs of Compact Tractors & Mini Loaders - Fencing, Landscaping & Paddock Maintenance Machinery 07850 210256 MICROPLANT McCORMICK MTX 150 tractor wafer weights, 16 x 50kg wafers, never used, 800kg in total, shop soiled condition. £700. J Murrell Tel 07770 692891/01603 712222 (Norfolk) 53-90739 FergusonMassey7618DynaVT For more details visit our website or call 01362 687260 • 07771 972092 2015, Genuine, 6930HRS, 50K, No Air, Full Cab Axle Susp £38,000+VAT JOHN Deere 6250R, 2017, 4250hrs, Ultimate Edition, Autopower, 50k, TLS, HCS, autotrac ready, 4600 screen, air seat, 800/70R38, 600/70R30, air brakes, front linkage, Ultimate lights, Powergard warranty to 10/225000hrs. £96,000+VAT. R Mills Tel 07710 800665 (Rutland) 53-90226 MF 016917726S7914602019, Dyna VT, 3900hrs, f/linkage, 50kph, air brakes, 4 spools, guidance ready JOHN Deere 7230R Command Quad, 2014, smart tractor, 50kph, air brakes, Command Arm, 5ESCVs, electric mirrors, f/axle & cab suspension, air con & autotrac ready, 710/70/42 rears & 600/70/30 fronts 35% good, 5850hrs, excellent. £58,500+VAT. C Tuckett Tel 07855 775529 (Warwickshire) NEW Holland T6.180 c/w 770TL loader, 2019, 30l00hrs, Dynamic Command, 3000hrs, 50kph, Euro brackets, soft ride, multi pad j/stick, upgraded armrest c/w built in loader j/stick, 3 man spools, a/brakes, LEDs, Vredestein tyres 50%, gc. £59,000+VAT. T Herring Tel 07909 091314 (Gloucestershire) 53-90227 MF 016916475791460 2004, 7800hrs, Dynashift CLASS Challenger 55, good condition, 98 S, 9200hrs, good tracks, 4 spools. £21,000 ono. C Harding Tel 07870 470788 (Hertfordshire) JCB 4220, 2016, 2300hrs, front linkage & PTO, very good order. £78,000+VAT. M Fisher Tel 07976 622090 (Norfolk) JOHN Deere 7920, 2006, 40k Autopower, 8700hrs, 600/70/30710/70/42 tyres, very good condition, active seat, 4 spools. A Alden Tel 07850 468101 (Norfolk) FENDT 360GT tool carrier, 65hp, 2wd, 16800hrs, 1987, f/w a Deutz reconditioned engine approx 5000hrs ago, c/w 6m mid mounted inter row hoe, average condition. R Mee Tel 07932 648295 (Leicestershire) WEIGHT block, 3pt linkage, ideal for a loader tractor. £100. R Sinkler Tel 01377 270251 (East Yorkshire) NEW Holland TS 115A, 4wd, Dual Power gearbox, few, air con , genuine 8857hrs & rising as still in use, good tidy tractor, pictures available on request. £26,500+VAT. R Vick Tel 07967 795372 (West Sussex) 01162 478 999 Leicester 1970 Deutz 6006 front weights 59-90802 WANTED TRAILERS RANCH 12t grain trailer, roll over sheet, manual door, grain chute on 40x14 aircraft tyres, only ever used on grain, very tidy. £4,500. M Lister Tel 07761 322027 (Norfolk) 54-90554 MerrickTrailersLoggin 01280 702725 Mob 07799 836590 Visit to see what else we make! Enduramaxxwater/liquidbowser 10,000L tandem axle water/liquid bowsers, hyd and/or air brakes, side lockers, super single wheels, pacer pumps and valves, front platform for IBC Chassis kits for your tanks WARWICK grain trailer, approx 8t, good structural condition all round, decent radial tyres, lights & brakes, paintwork is tatty as was red-oxided but needs reapplying, good cheap all purpose trailer. £2,251+VAT ono. P Helyer Tel 07973 267835 (West Sussex) PETTIT high lift tipping trailer, in good condition, single axle, lifts to 8’, then also tips, been barn stored most of its life. £1,000. C McCracken Tel 07899 951240 (Essex)

Teagle 40/40 tub feeder/bedder
Twyman 10’ flail mower
Claydon 4.5m direct drill
McHale 691BH & R5S round bale handlers

McHale HS2000 high speed wrapper (2009)
207October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 Agricultural Engineers 01162 478 999 Sales: Dave Gri in – mobile 07712 509869 Saddington Road Nr LeicsSHEARSBYLE176PX
Bomford SR15 tri-wing heavy duty grass topper
Deutz Agroplus 410 DT on turf tyres

Claas Volto 1050 tedder
Kverneland FRO 2.8m grass topper front & rear
Kverneland 863 Pro straw bedder
Welger RP445 2012 e-link
McConnel 5 leg Shakaerator
rings 89958 Station Yard, Postland, Crowland, Peterborough PE6 0JT Tel: 01406 330386 Fax: 01406 330080 Email: FenlandTractorsLimited Visit our website to see our stock machines Suppliers of replacement parts for all Caterpillar machines DUE IN – Kubota KX057-4 2014, Thwaites 3t swivel skip dumper, Komatsu D37E dozer 90493 Claas Challenger 55 crawler T reg 12422hrs tidy throughout Cat D4E VHP ag crawler7241hrs1984 Caterpillar D4D 44H 1976 ag crawler 3 point linkage & drawbar Caterpillar D4D 60J 1971 Direct Drive ag crawler 3 point linkage drawbar Caterpillar D6C 82A 1967 Direct Drive ag crawler 3 point linkage drawbar New Holland LB110B 4wd 2435hrs2005 JCB JS130LC Plus 5100hrs2016 Takeuchi TB250 2013new6518hrstracks Bobcat E80 3572hrs2011 email: llansilintractors@hotmail co uk For a full list of our stock please go to www llansilintractors co uk 90225 MF 7726S 2019, Dyna VT, 3900hrs, front linkage, 50kph, air brakes, 4 spools, guidance ready MF 7718S 2020, 2000hrs, Dyna 6, 50kph, air brakes, 4 spools, Eco PTO MF 6718S 2020, 3500hrs, Tier 5, 50kph, front axle & cab suspension, air brakes, 4 spools MF 6480 2004, 6300hrs, front & cab suspension, front links, tyres @90% MF 6475 2004, 7800hrs, Dynashift MF 6490 2009, front & cab suspention, front links & PTO MF 8670 2012, 7000hrs, 50kph, front linkage, front axle & cab, suspension, guidance ready MF 7626 2014, Dyna 6, 4200hrs, front links & PTO, 4 spools MF 7616 2012, Dyna 6 Exclusive, 7000hrs, front linkage & PTO, air brakes, 50kph MF 6480 2012, 6400hrs, front & cab suspension John Deere 1365 trailed mower 2011, very good condition Manitou 1050R skid loader new hand/foot control system, 2022, c/w LWC 5’ bucket, as new condition Herbst low loader trailer 2017, 16t gross, 21’, tandem axle 01691 791460

Kverneland Taarup 9578C twin rotor rake
Deutz 8280 TTV (280hp) 60K
Kverneland 3m CTS stubble finisher c/w DD packer
Deutz 3060 4wd c/w roll bar

Lely 2.4m mower conditioner
Deutz 5090D c/w loader
Kverneland 2828 mounted mower
Dowdeswell 4 furrow good condition
Fleming o set 8ft grass topper
Kuhn 700G11 disc mower
Kverneland 8590 8 row tedder
Teagle 2010 80/80 SC feeder/bedder good condition
Kuhn FC243 mower conditioner with lift control

McHale 991BE bale wrapper approx 30,000 bales
Deutz 6160 2013 4000hrs only air brakes, front linkage, excellent condition
Lely Roterra 4m power harrow
McHale 991 high speed bale wrapper

Kuhn MDS1141 QL fertiliser spreader
Welger RP445 2013 round baler 46,000 bales

Amazone ZAM300 fertiliser spreader, tested 2020, good condition
Deutz 6185 RC shift 2019 low hrs (as new)

Deutz 5125 loader ready
Walter Watson 8.3m Cambridge rolls with breakers & shatterboards
Bomford 3m heavy duty shaft drive topper
Bailey 16t low loader, air brakes, hyd rams, twin axle, never been used
Redrock 20t grain/silage trailer, tandem axle, oversized air hyd brakes 2021

Teagle TAPS 2.5m verge mower

Twose 6.3m Cambridge rolls c/w breaker

Kidd Mk3 Professional Post Bumper as new
McCormick 2008 MC135, front suspension
Kverneland 8590 8 row hay tedders in stock
Moulton FY4 yard scraper
Lely 770 6 row tedder – 2 in stock
Kverneland 6m tine seeder drill full spec

Lely 360M mounted mower good condition 2014
Deutz 5125 c/w FZ30 Stoll loader

Amazone ED452-K 6 row maize drill, 2011

McHale (Vario Fusion) baler/wrapper
Redrock 24t tri-axle low-loading trailer
Teagle 80/80 SC feeder/bedder
Teagle 8500 Chief feeder bedder
Kawasaki Mule Pro DX Kawasaki 750 quad bike
208 October 2022—advertisingTrade TRAILERS (cont) Call for more info & prices 07496 734212 54-90638 New Tu Mac Trailers Beavertail Low Loader 14’ x 6’6” tri axle, c/w LED lights, one piece chequer plate oor with pressure treated larch boards under, 8’ aluminium ramps, internal & external lashing points, sealed wheel bearings all as standard Also available in 16’ Made in Ireland, all Tu mac Trailers are built with outstanding strength & durability at the forefront. A full range of trailers available BEAT THE WAIT ON OTHER BRANDS have one of these lovely trailers in 6 weeks! Norfolk • All prices plus VAT • tradeSuitableins taken • Finance available from £35.00 a week STOCKIN EIGHT corner posts for a 5/6t Weeks trailer. £80. R Sinkler Tel 01377 270251 (East Yorkshire) MARSTON 8t trailer, used this harvest, selling due to upgrade. £3,200. T Ashton Tel 07508 238635 (Norfolk) 54-90687 01603 £14,,712222NorfolkNEWJPM24’19TLL AS Marston 6t twin axle grain trailer, needs 6 new wheel studs, great condition. £2,000. T Moore Tel 07850 032137 (Cambridgeshire) SMYTH auger trailer/drill filler, 14t, 3 compartments, tidy condition. £6,250. T Howe Tel 07786 543764 (Cambridgeshire) 54-90737 FlatEdwardsGrahamBedTrailer For more details visit our website or call 01362 687260 • 07771 972092 3500KG Ramps, Sides Dtag, Spare Wheel, 14’ Tri-Axle £4,995 +VAT STOCK!IN LARRINGTON 14t trailer, in good working order, ready to go, air & hydraulic brakes, commercial axles, hydraulic side door for root crops, LED tail lights, 560/45-R22 flotation tyres 70% good, roll over sheet, sprung drawbar. £11,500+VAT ono. J Roberts Tel 07706 760294 (Cambridgeshire) TYRES & WHEELS ONE Mitas 800/70-R38, 30% tread; one Trelleborg 710/60-R34, 40% tread; pair of Michelin 710/70-R42 30% tread. T Morrell Tel 07775 676852 (South Yorks) BOSTON Contact Colin Sims 07831 805080 01205 460081 & •Specialised •••••••ApplicationsWheelFloatationSpecialistsRowcropWheelAssembliesStockDualWheelsNew/UsedWheels&CentreDiscsWheelModificationsSecondHand&PartUsedPartExchangeConsidered WHEELSTYRESAGRICULTURAL 55-90269 GOODYEAR 900x60x32 flotation wheels, like new condition, replaces 650 or 520x42, two sets of rims, 10 stud & 8 stud, will fit John Deere & other makes. £3,000. D Murrell Tel 07850 724139 (Norfolk) MARKET LEADERS IN AGRI TYRES Let us solve YOUR AgriTyre and wheel problems OVER 40YEARS EXPERIENCE DISCOUNTS FROM 25% All makes sold Part exchange welcome Telephone: 01328 863 331 or fakenham@lodgetyre.comemail: Wheel barrow to Combine we have the lodgetyre.comanswer! 55-90297 14.9X28 5 star dual wheels. £55. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) 07976 715896 01925 730274 New and used for tractor, trailer and agricultural machines duals, row crops and flotations Please ring with your requirements Trevor Wrench Agriculture 55-90755Warrington,Cheshire WHEELSTYRES AND 14.9X70X28 tyres, suitable for duals. £25. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk) TWO BKT Agri Max 520/85R38 25% tread, two 420/85R28 10% tread. £350. J Murrell Tel 07770 692891/01603 712222 (Norfolk) GALWAY 22.5LL-16.1 rears & 12LLx16 front turf wheels & tyres, came of New Holland T4030 tractor. £350. C Murrell Tel 07766 216100/01603 712222 (Norfolk) ALLOY wheels (5), complete spare, unused, for Land Rover. £500. B Colson Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) UKAGENT For more details visit our website 01362 687260 07771 55-90380 Farm Machinery Sales Specialists FIRESTONE Performer 650/65R42, matching pair, 20%, no repairs, splits, etc. £500. P Astill Tel 07751 500081 (Leicestershire) GOODYEAR JCB 3CX front tyres (2), 112.5x80x18, 20% tread. £60. B Youngman Tel 01379 688011/07771 824751 (Norfolk) GOODYEAR JCB 3CX rear tyres (2) 18.4x26, 20% tread, no cuts. £100. B Youngman Tel 01379 688011/07771 824751 (Norfolk) PAIR of 650/85-R38 Michelin tyres @20% tread, one needs slight repair. £650+VAT. O Sadler Tel 07803 281030 (Essex) KUBOTA turf wheels ME5700, will fit others good condition, 2 sets available, price is for one set of 4 wheels, rear 18.4x26, 152mm centre hole, 203mm PCD, 18mm stud hole, front,12/580x18, 118mm centre hole, 152 PCD, 16mm stud hole. £575 ono. J Sayer Tel 07889 311734 (Suffolk) 20.8-R42 & 16.9-R30 Galaxy 90% tread, some cracking on front cleats. £300. S Farrelly Tel 07789 431842 (Essex) GOODYEAR tyre & rim off JD baler, 31/13.5/15, 6 ply. D Seymour Tel 07850 292743 (Buckinghamshire) VEHICLES SOFT top for Nissan Navara, silver, excellent condition. R Bane Tel 01953 850309 (Norfolk) REGISTRATION number YP10UGH, on retention certificate. Offers over £3,000. E Harrison Tel 07714 788203 (Merseyside)

To request your copy, sign up at: If you have an item(s) you want to advertise in the rst issue – dispatched October 18th - please send an image NEW MAGAZINE!! and description of the item to Please be sure to include your name, postcode and mobile number. FOR UK GROWERS OF VINES AND FRUIT Do you enjoy the Farmers Guide? Are you a grower of vines or fruit? Sign up for your free subscription and receive the rst issue dispatched on October 18th with the second issue arriving before Christmas Advertise your used machinery and equipment for free in the classi ed pages Regular articles will include: • On-site machinery tests and reports • Grower pro les • Agronomy advice for fruit and vine • Variety spotlights • Financial solutions • Technical how-to guides • Latest news & updates Recognisable advertisers already known to you from Farmers Guide pages New advertisers specialising in equipment for vineyard and processing, fruit growing, storage and transporting pagespages COMING UP IN ISSUE No 1 … UK’s rst New Holland grape harvester putto work at Essex vineyard; vineyard grass/cover crop drill on-farm report.Machinery editor David Williams Suffolk vineyard pro le; fruit grower in Kent; guide to trellising; nancing a vineyard; improving shelf life with biostimulants; vineyard tasks for winter; variety spotlight; National Fruit Show preview; routes to market. Editor Rachel Hicks

210 October 2022—advertisingTrade All prices + VAT Boxford Suffolk UK89946 Office 01787 211701 Luke 07915 sales@lbgmachinery.com669007 MASSEY FERGUSON 6480 Dyna 6 50K, 2012, 5787hrs £41,000 JOHN DEERE 4720 4wd, 2761hrs2009, £19,250 JCB FASTRAC 4220 2017, Trimble3796hrs,autosteer £87,500 NEW HOLLAND TM155 40K Range Command, 2006, 5444hrs £31,500 MANITOU MLT628 telehandler, 1998, 8475hrs POA GREGOIRE BESSON HRPC7 6+1 on land/in furrow plough, 2015 £12,750 VADERSTAD 300 SUPER XL seed drill £12,500 QUIVOGNE PASSMASTER 5m hyd fold disc harrow POA TEAGLE TULIP POLYMAT 3m combi drill, 2010, Multiterra 300 cultivator £6,500 LEMKEN EUROPAL 8 6+1 plough, 2013, C40 bodies £11,250 VADERSTAD NZA 600 6m cultivator POA SIMBA 6.1M hyd fold double press £3,500 MASCHIO AQUILA RAPIDO 6000 6m power harrow, 2011 £11,250 SIMBA 3.8M double press £5,250 TWB 3M 5 leg subsoiler, 3 legs fitted £5,750 East Farm, Mill Lane, Ellerton, York, YO42 4PA Tel: 01757 807007 M: 07901 520908 Email: All prices +VAT 90170 Case 7088 Axial Flow Combine 2010, 1700 drum hrs, 1900hrs, 24’ cut, one owner £59,950 Case 2388 Axial Flow combine 2001, 3650hrs 3250 rotor hrs, 20’ header, used ourselves last 2 years, excellent combine £32,500 Case 1680 Axial Flow combine 1992, 2700hrs from new, 20’ header & trolley, believed one owner, tidiest 1680 you’ll nd £20,000 New Holland CR980 2004, 2600hrs, 2200 rotor hrs, 30’ header & trolley, tidy machine £46,500 Valtra S322 2010, 4300hrs, 50k vario, front links, full suspension £42,500 New Holland 8360 1998 S reg, 3800hrs only from new, 1 owner, mint £27,950 Parris Tractors Ltd • Cutli e Farm • Sherford • Taunton • Somerset • TA1 3RQ t: 01823 253808 . m: 07702 501272 e: . 90604

211October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 Andy Mellor Ltd • Edderton • Forden • Welshpool • Powys • SY21 8RZ 07976 702858 • 01938 580640 89960 JCB 403 Plus choice of all for more info JCB 538-60 Super Agri 2021 choice40kphofheadstock JCB 420 2021 2600hrs new tyres LED lights JCB TM 320S 2021 1400hrs 145 hp choice of headstock JCB 541-70 Super Agri 2017 3500hrs 40 kph 145hp super agri choice of head stock JCB TM 420S 2021 71 reg 700hrs 50kph LED lights as new condition JCB 435S 2021 185hrs full spec. Contractor Pro package JCB 435S 2019 3100hrs Contractor Pro package full spec JCB TM 320S 2019 4500hrs pick up hitch ready choice of headstock JCB 542-70 2019/69 reg 2500hrs 145hp 500 tyres full spec JCB 531-70 Super Agri 2019 4500hrs full spec choice of headstock JCB 532-70 Super Agri Xtra 2021 150hp850hrsfullspec JCB 536-60 2018 4750hrs 40kph choice of headstock JCB 526-56 Agri Plus 2016 66 reg joystick control 80% good tyres Claas 970 2017 497 new type header Call for more info Pottinger Mex 6 10 paddles great blow vg knives been used this time wide p/u reel lots of extras Albutt push off buck rake 10 foot 3 point linkage JPM low loaders/dump trailers all Callsizesformore New JPM 20t dump trailer full spec choice of colour call for more New JPM 16t silage trailer big wheels air/oil brakes commercial axles choice of 2 INSTOCK

212 October 2022—advertisingTrade VEHICLES (cont) RENAULT Master CCLL35, 06 reg, 120DCI LWB, white, 130k mls MOT to May 2023, one owner, fitted cold room unit in gwo & serviced regularly, elec standby, 3 phase plug for working off mains, whole back box & unit can be removed, van gwo. £3,900+VAT. J Hurd Tel 01985 840260 (Wiltshire) LAND Rover Discovery HSE Commercial, 3L SD6 diesel, auto, Dec 2019, under 25,000mls, FSH, seat conversion, electric towbar, v high spec, lots of extras. POA. E Reece Tel 07836 747300 (Monmouthshire) LAND Rover Defender with some Bowler conversions, 2014, immaculate, black suede & red quilted roof lining, full leather seats, 2 seats fold away in rear, recently serviced & MOT, v low mileage 23097. £46,995 ono. E Reece Tel 07957 605051 (Monmouthshire) LAND Rover Defender 110, 2005, MOT 29 Jun 2023, fair cond, needs some work, would make a good project, needs new f/seats, c/w f/ winch, roof rack, partly ply lined back, 213589mls. £8,500. E Reece Tel 07957 605051 (Monmouthshire) ISUZU Trooper V6 3.5L petrol, 1999, 186,000 mls, MOT till Feb 23, gearbox has a bit of lag in it, still runs OK, fair condition. £1,000 ono. A Lyle Tel 07889 303809 (Lincolnshire) CHERISHED personal number plate, A403 KAY, on 10yr retention, £80 transfer fee paid, ready to go straight on to a vehicle. £1,000. E Calcott Tel 01827 62265 (Staffordshire) FIAT Fiorino van, 2016, 30,000 miles, MOT until January 2023. £7,500+VAT. A Rose Tel 07890 305120 (Lincolnshire) NISSAN XTrail, 2011, 126000 miles, 2.5 diesel. £2,395. J Furness Tel 07973 843230 (Gloucestershire) VOLVO FH 500 mid lift on alloys with tipping equipment, 2015 (65 plate, 12 months MOT, 74cu/yd step tipping trailer with sheet & weigher. C Badcock Tel 07917 473641 (Cambridgeshire) NISSAN Navara NP300, white, single cab pickup, 4wd, 3 person bench seat, elec windows, central locking, bed liner is the longest bed in its class, MOT Jan 2023, genuine 42,400 miles. £4,250 no VAT. J Weston Tel 07803 270448 (Lincolnshire) VINTAGE & CLASSIC DREADNOUGHTS (2+1 spare) vertical stone mills, 1920s, 20hp motors engines. POA. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire) 1990 Zetor 5211, tidy tractor, ideal for smallholder or easy classic restoration, have wanted to restore & show, but time does not allow so rather a reluctant sale, no pick up hitch, just straight drawbar. £4,950 no VAT. P Ayres Tel 07919 411423 (Norfolk) IH674, 1976, good runner, torque amplifier, good tinwork, tyres rough, barnstored, one owner. £3,500. A Mayhew Tel 07836 262787 (Suffolk) THREE horse drawn mowers, one Bamlett, one Bamford & one Deering. £150 each or £400 for all 3. E Calcott Tel 01827 62265 (Staffordshire) DAVID Brown 990, 1974, very low hours (c1700hrs), built up some years ago as a usable tractor from a currant harvester skid unit, but needs further finishing or full repaint, etc, for showing. £3,250 no VAT. G Howell Tel 07903 089391/01728 723683 (Suffolk) FORD wheel weights (8). £400 ono. J Swinfen Tel 07452 833388 (Warwickshire) Please see website for more FORDSON Standard, 1950s, vgc, tyres good, hand start only, petrol paraffin. £3,750. R Lane Tel 07831 615912 (Cambridgeshire) MASSEY Ferguson loader to fit MF35, all brackets & bolts complete, bucket & grab, South West Scotland. £400. J Smith Tel 07732 272858/01556 505850 (Dumfriesshire) TRACTORP.W.PowellRESTORATIONSPPowell078856415940168664090058-90656 Mid Wales Massey Ferguson 35 on which we have done a full nut and bolt restoration, resprayed in 2 pack paint and it's as new, has a 3 month warranty FOUR chisels on 12’ stretcher with wheels, used to prepare sugar & fodder beet land, excellent condition. Offers. H Easton Tel 07939 721273 (East Yorkshire) 1952 Fergie TF20, drove back 900miles from Scotland a few years ago. £2,000. B Colson Tel 01284 828251 (Suffolk) VINTAGE weighing scales, restored, in working condition. £200 ono. R King Tel 07759 498074 (Nottinghamshire) PTO pulley off a David brown 20D; also one for a Super Major. Offers. F Johnson Tel 07774 361830 (Lincolnshire) BRISTOL bulldozer, f/w Perkins P3 engine, winch – walks & talks. H Ashton Tel 07831 588318 (Lincolnshire) DAVID Brown 990 Selectamatic, starts & runs well, good for renovation or use, loader & bucket available separately. £2,000 ono. J Mackinder Tel 07767 402460 (Lincolnshire) OLD paraffin bowser frame, c/w ornate cast wheels, ideal for shepherd’s hut. £200. A Kerfoot Tel 07539 933777 (Lincolnshire) 1950S Vigzol tractor sprayer, ideal for showing behind a vintage tractor. £200. A Kerfoot Tel 07539 933777 (Lincolnshire) MATCHLESS G3L 1947 scrambler, 350cc, rigid, green lane, road use, V5c, complete engine & frame rebuild, new big end, magneto, rims, spokes, tyres all rebuilt, receipts, no work needed. £4,600 ono. M Markham Tel 07850 863374 (Nottinghamshire) 58-90169 PocockSuppliesTractorLtd are suppliers of used parts for Antique, Vintage and Classic Tractors British & American, built 1920's - 1980's 01747 828272 PETTER PAZ1 diesel stationary engine, perfect running order. £120 ono. J cox Tel 07760 141928 (Hertfordshire) RUSTON Hornsby stationary engine, 3hp, good running cond. J Cox Tel 07760 141928 (Hertfordshire) COLLECTOR’S Ferguson steer hoe (all brackets). £125. M Andrew Tel 07903 442568 (Lincolnshire) FORDSON Major front end loader, made by Hordraulic, c/w brackets & some pipework. £300+VAT. R Hanton Tel 07860 792976 (Norfolk) WANTED Tel: 01507 466352 Mobile: 0780 134 3023 Fax: 01507 462812 Email: HoulgraveIanWANTEDRAPESWATHERS&DRAPERPICKUPHEADERS All makes & models 59-90128 STORE cattle, must be around 4–8 months and 4yr TB, phone with details. T Bays Tel 07379 451868 (Cambridgeshire) CATTLE ring feeders, must be in good order, phone with details. T Bays Tel 07379 451868 (Cambridgeshire) 59-90688 01603,712222Norfolk Please email your machine to or call WANTED John Deere 00, 10, 20 & 30 Series tractors KVERNELAND 3 furrow AB/AD conventional plough, in any condition, Co Galway. P Healy Tel 07876 681545 (Republic of Ireland) 59-90642Francis Holohan 07496 734212 Cambs TRACTOR from 70hp-100hp range 2wd or 4wd drive one in need of repair may suit WANTED INSTRUCTION manual for W L Holland Adelphi Mash Mixer. C Coe Tel 07938 804802 (Suffolk) FARMER looking for a Case Magnum (preferably larger one) to give a good home & pull subsoiler in the spring prior to maize, anything considered, the tidier the better! J Lowe Tel 01531 820222/07850 768755 (Gloucestershire) TWO spinning discs for Kuhn 1141 fertiliser spreader. C Banks Tel 07971 627574/01777 870246 (Nottinghamshire)

213October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 01223 870016 Church Road, Hauxton, Cambridge CB22 5HS • VÄDERSTAD Machinery Available Väderstad RefurbishedRDA800S Väderstad RefurbishedRDA800S Väderstad RefurbishedRDA800S Vaderstad RDA600S 6m Drill 2014 Väderstad RST 450 Twin Press Refurbished Väderstad RST830 Twin Press Väderstad RST550 Twin Press Väderstad Carrier CR650 CB Väderstad RDA 600S Väderstad Carrier CR 500CB Köckerling Vector 620 6.2m Ex Demo Köckerling Allrounder 750 7.5m 89961 Väderstad RDA 400S Drill 2004 Väderstad RDA 400S Drill 2002 Väderstad RDA 600S Drill 2012 Väderstad RDA 800S Drill 2007 Väderstad RDA 800S Drill 2011 c/w 3 Rows of Coulters Väderstad RDA 800S Drill 2018 c/w 3 Rows of Coulters Väderstad RDA 800S Drill 2009 c/w 2 Rows of Coulters Väderstad Carrier CR 500CB Classic c/w Crossboard Väderstad Carrier CR 650CB Classic c/w Crossboard Väderstad RST 630 Twin Press Väderstad TopDown TD400 Vaderstad Extensions to fit NZA Cultivator Rapidlift RL 400 Cultivating Solutions £5,000 Rapidlift RL 600 c/w fert unit Rapidlift RL 600 to fit a Väderstad 6m Drill Demo Unit He-Va Rolls 12m c/w 24" Diameter Rings 2011 He-Va Rolls 16.3m c/w 24" Diameter Rings 2012 He-Va Stealth 3m low disturbance Subsoiler New He-Va Stealth 4m low disturbance Subsoiler New Kockerling All Rounder 6m New Köckerling Allrounder Cultivator 7.5m Köckerling Vario 4.8m Cultivator New

214 October 2022—advertisingTrade Jim Brown 07944 Photos & more at: 07768 171085 March • Cambs 90594 John Deere 6250R 2018, 3650hrs, Command Pro, front linkage & PTO, weights, Powergard £107,000 John Deere 6155R 2018, 5000hrs, Autopower, Command Arm, front linkage & PTO £68,500 John Deere 6830/6930/7530 from 5500hrs, 40k, suspension, all nice from £43500 Case Maxxum 140 2008, 40k, suspension, f ront linkage & PTO, very nice £33,500 Deutz 6180TTV 2014, 6200hrs, 50k, front linkage & PTO £42,000 New Holland T7.200 2014, 5500hrs, 50k, Power Command, front linkage & PTO, very nice £43,500 New Holland T6050 2009, 6700hrs, Range Command, full verysuspension,nice £31,500 JCB 535-95 Agri Super 2014, 7100hrs, full spec, new 500 tyres £39,000 JCB 541-70 Agri Super 2014, 6100hrs, full spec, very tidy £39,000 JCB JS130 2001, 11000hrs, good tracks, one bucket £15,750 Bailey 16 ton root trailer 2016, roll over sheet, super singles, very tidy £15,950 Bailey TB14 ton trailer full spec, 560/45/22.5 flotations, air brakes, also... 18 ton Beetheaper from £8,000 Cousins 12.3m Sidewinder rolls 22” rings with breaker rings, very good £9,950 Pottinger Terrasem 4 and 6m drills recons & ex demo POA Pottinger Servo 35S & 45M ploughs new & used from £11,500 Pottinger Terradiscs 5 & 6m pack ring roller, new & ex demo POA Pottinger Synkro 3030 3m, pack ring roller, new & used POA Pottinger Lion 6000 power harrow new & used POA Machinery Traders, Farmers, Agricultural Contractors & Coach Hire for all OccasionsTravel PART EXCHANGE WELCOME Ex works • All prices + VAT OVER 100 MACHINES IN STOCKSelling 2nd hand machinery in 1st class order! t: 01462 442409 • Ben: 07850 474511 • Daniel: 07734 328994 • e: St Ibbs Farm • St Ippolyts • Hitchin • Herts • SG4 7NL 90702 SIMBA SOLO 330ST 2005 discs/legs/discs/DD packer, rear hydraulic services, in superb condition £11,995 MAJOR MJ30 420 CYCLONE TOPPER very good condition, hdy folding rear roller, galvinished body £9,995 JCB 2.5M3 BUCKET BRUSH Q-fit brackets, as new, excellent condition £3,995 2020 BROCK SUB V300M 5 leg mounted subsoiler with 700mm steel ring packers, swivelling scraper bar, as new, demo condition £9,995 KNIGHT TRIPLE PRESS 2004, 4.6m, new points (speed-loc), immaculate condition £10,995 PARMITER UTAH 250 discs 3.6m, hyd front angling, good metal, very good condtion £4,495 KEVERLAND DISCS 4m hyd fold, rear drawbar & services, x-form, excellent condition press option avaliable at extra cost £9,995 PROFORGE MOLE PLOUGH single leg cutting disc, trailed, new type pitch, less than 20 acres from new £7,495 ALLWANTEDJCBFASTRACS Tractors, Telehandlers & Trailers AND ALL OTHER FARM MACHINERY EVERYTHING considered, immediate payment & finances settled Choiceof2 Quality Used Tractors and Machinery for Agriculture and Construction 90589 Please visit for further information and additional stock Andrew Kidd 07798 616420 Matt Kidd 07805 717602 Office 01768 870666 The Keld Farm, Plumpton, Penrith, Cumbria CA11 9PF D & A KIDD LTD Claas Orbis 900 Maize Header 2016, good working order Claas Axion 850 2015, 5751hrs, f/links & PTO, full suspension, 90% tyres John Deere 6400 Premium 1994, 10690hrs, PowerQuad, f/links, very good conditon Manitou MLT 635-130 PS 2017, 6028hrs, a/c, 50% tyres, Deutz engine Lemken Solitair 8+ Combi Drill 2021, Zirkon 12/300 Powerharrow & Solitair 8+ drill, only done 20 acres Case Maxxum 150 2019, 4259hrs, f/links, cab suspension, 3 spools, a/c ASNEW

9.5X48 rowcrop wheels to fit MF 300 Series with heavy duty centres, front & rear tyres, as new. M Walker Tel 07984 460637 (Lincolnshire)

MANITOU pin & cone carriage, came of 68 plate 737-130, only done 2500hrs, c/w locking rams, pallet tines & quick attach frame, in excellent condition. £2,500+VAT. C Bacon Tel 07811 162299 (Derbyshire)

215October 2022——onlinesellandBuy handsexchangingmoneyanytopriorviewedbeshoulditemsadvisewe FARMERS - Advertise your ‘for sale’ and ‘wanted’ on-farm machinery for free. See coupon on page 218 WANTED (cont) WANTED D J Davison & Sons 0793201359STANDINGLtdTIMBER23007566830301359230075 thinning woodlandAssistanceorReferencesPaymentAllorclear-fellcoppicespecies&gradesoverweighbridgesuppliedviewpreviousjobsavailableformanagementschemes&licensing 59-90566 QA16.0X20 Belshina or Alphatrac tyre or simlilar, to fit 20” rim, needs to be worth putting on, top price paid. G Scham Tel 01692 651021 (Norfolk) Good Quality Woodland Grown Oak Required. (Not Hedgerow Trees) We can help with woodland management schemes and felling licences - must be good to 07848 459863 or email SELECTOSPEED parts for Ford 5000, or complete gearbox, any condition. A Hawes Tel 01491 571571/07739 491091 (Buckinghamshire) INTERNATIONAL 485 XL tractor required by farmer’s son to restore. G Jenkins Tel 07976 281713/01794 340922 (Hampshire) DAVID Brown/Case 1594 cab or complete tractor, condition not important, 2 or 4wd. H Ashton Tel 07831 588318 (Lincolnshire) JOHN Deere 6210 or 6215, must be autotrac ready. D Brown Tel 07710 316205 (Cambridgeshire) ONION hoover with rotating bar & paddle & onion field topper. D Brown Tel 07710 316205 (Cambridgeshire) 59-90689 Email details Big Square Baler or similar. R Clarke Tel 01884 277365/07778 172269 (Devon) All tractor and machinery brands, all years, complete collections. Cash or cheque on collection. all ages or cashconditionpaidandcollected 01277 822001 07831 59-90676 WANTED Land RangeDefendersRoversRoversDiscoverysFreelanders IRRIGATION pump with an acoustic canopy, preferably with a JCB engine. D Brown Tel 07710 316205 (Cambridgeshire) QUINOA GROWERS WANTED to produce organic & conventional quinoa grain under a buy back agreement. We would like to hear from growers with quality fertile soils, low weed burden & capabilities to dry. Please contact Stephen Jones on 01939 270777 or ❚ Combines ❚ Sugar Beet Harvesters ❚ Tractors ❚ Trailers ❚ Cars ❚ Vans ❚ Lorries ❚ Trucks David SCRAPSmithWANTED Top Cash Paid+VAT 01353 861694 07968 661115 59-90302 STORE lambs, any breed. K Pugh Tel 01694 771258 or 771783/07977 912970 (Shropshire) BUDDY seat for Case MXM 190, 2005. R Moss Tel 07860 774729 (Essex) STORE cattle, 12+ months old, tested or TB restricted. K Pugh Tel 01694 771258 or 771783/07977 912970 (Shropshire) JONES Panascopic telehandler for spares, or sell mine needing some repairs. £3,250 no VAT. J Weston Tel 07803 270448 (Lincolnshire) 59-83540 COMBINESWANTED New Holland TC, TX, CX Deutz Fahr - all models John Deere 1177, 2056, 2058, 2256, 2258 Claas Trailed410-420-430-510-520-530LexionBerthoud,KnightSprayersAmazone-Kuhn3MTPowerHarrows 59-90690 James on 01603 Please email pictues & details to or call WANTED JCB 520-50 Farm Special Loadall 4x4x4 ROOT chopper auger bucket to fit JCB. K Pugh Tel 01694 771258 or 771783/07977 912970 (Shropshire) 07785 937779 01953 454462 SCRAPMETALWANTED S RecyclingGray Alltypesofscrap... MACHINERYTRACTORSHARVESTERSSUGARCOMBINESBEET 59-90406 TANCO root cleaner chopper bucket or similar. T Allsopp Tel 07870 739476 (Derbyshire) MOLASSES tank. T Allsopp Tel 07870 739476 (Derbyshire) CLAAS 3200/2200 BIG BALERS FORD/NEW HOLLAND TRACTORS JCB TELESCOPICS 1998–2015 BUNNING SPREADERS ROUND WANTEDKroneClaasWelgerBALERS:RP20246/240/340KR125/KR135/1250McHale5400/5500sales@robertwraightltd.com07836540559 59-90405 FORD Consul/Zephyr/Zodiac Mk2 or Consul Capri or Mk1 Capri. J Weston Tel 07803 270448 (Lincolnshire) EQUIPMENTWORKSHOP ALLOY builder’s ladders (2), one 4m extending to 8m, one 2.55m extending to 4.56m, both with non slip rubber feet, top & bottom, vgc. £40 each. M Markham Tel 07850 863374 (Nottinghamshire) PARKSIDE PKGS 1400 fixed mitre cross cut saw. £50. R Lowe Tel 01485 518574 (Norfolk) SAWBENCH made by Agro Walden, belt drive, hardly used, great working order. £250 ono. J Cox Tel 07760 141928 (Hertfordshire) TOO LATE CLASSIFICATIONFOR TWO 2021 hatched peacocks for sale. C Grundy Tel 01406 330205 (Lincolnshire) RANSOMES potato spinner in super working order, most of original paint, hardly done any work, original PTO, you won’t find a better one! £300. C Darlow Tel 07739 462887/01353 724953 (Cambridgeshire) SET of four BKT420/85R24 8 stud wheels, been used as an intermediate set on a Sands sprayer, had very little use. £2,250+VAT. M Robertson Tel 07879 656006 (Norfolk)

FLAT trailer, will carry 10t, brakes & lights all working, only changing as have bought a low loader, Peterborough. £500. J Barber Tel 07970 079759 (Cambridgeshire)

CLAAS Matador Giant 10’ cut with Perkins engine, used this year, works well, too good to scrap. M Morse Tel 07773 518082 (Carmarthenshire)

KUHN 2220 Avadex spreader, 20m, average condition. £3750 ono. A Bowring Tel 07976 293739 (Nottinghamshire)

WANTED – 4x4 pickup truck in good condition. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)

2004 SDC Lawrence David stepframe curtain side trailer, 3 axles on air suspension, drum brakes, only been stood 8 months, used for storage, now no longer needed. £2,750+VAT. C Bacon Tel 07811 162299 (Derbyshire)
ISUZU D Max Iger, auto 1.9cc, 20600mles, Sept 2018, FSH with Isuzu dealer, f/w drawbar, Gamic canopy top, mesh tailgate, liner in back, seat covers on from new, v clean, excellent order, very genuine vehicle. £19,500 ono. S Ford Tel 07768 093717 (Pembrokeshire)
CLAAS Lexion 780TT, 2015, 12.3m Vario, auto separation & cleaning, Cruise Pilot, c/w Claas guidance, serviced & maintained to the highest standard from new, 2200 rotor hrs, excellent condition. £190,000+VAT. A Maddever Tel 07899 665180 (Suffolk)

LEMKEN Vari-Diamant 10 7f semimounted, on-land/in-furrow, hyd variwidth, W52 bodies, new metal fitted where required, c/w large quantity of spare metal & parts, 2008 build, new turnover rams, good condition. £12,500+VAT. O Martin Tel 07753 929307 (Bedfordshire)

GOODYEAR tyres (2) 540/65-R38, 45% tread. £350; also two Goodyear tyres 420/70-R24. £300. J Fletcher Tel 07977 040288 (Cambridgeshire)

REEKIE Cleanflow potato harvester, 1994, owned from new, always stored under cover, spare narrow web, lifted 25 acres/ yr. £1,750+VAT. M Walker Tel 07984 460637 (Lincolnshire)
ROWCROP wheels, set of 380/85R28 BKT, rears 380/90R46 BKT adjustable centres, came off a john Deere 6130, would fit other machines. £2,450+VAT ono. M Robertson Tel 07879 656006 (Norfolk)

ROLLVAN livestock trailer, 21’, as new, selling due to ill health. B Dawson Tel 07742 998907/01539 566058. (Cumbria)

SIMBA Solo 380ST, 9 legs with Bourgault quick release points, disc, tine, disc, press, good condition. £12,000+VAT. A Maddever Tel 07899 665180 (Suffolk)
VADERSTAD NZF 6m trailed spring tine, hydraulic folding, levelling board & following harrow. £5,600. A Burton Tel 07970 260224 (Derbyshire)

Harry Steer back to the business, as eld sales manager for Brigg. Harry started his career as a Claas apprentice years ago and then worked for Claas Australia/New Zealand.There are two new service managers, Martin Lyon and Andrew Smith, at Catfoss and Ulceby Cross branch respectively.
New appointments at Adama
Scotland. Alistair, who is based in Perth, will be responsible for developing and delivering Adama’s commercial strategy, and providing technical support to growers, agronomists and trade partners in Scotland.Alistairhas previously worked for CSC Crop Protection, AgrEvo, ProCam, Germinal, DLF Seeds and Agrovista Amenity.
Long-serving agricultural expert, Sarah Knights, co-founder of poultry livestock services business, Bowden & Knights, has announced her retirement following 40 years in the industry.
Kirsty McKenzie as manageragronomyregionalin central England. Kirsty will provide technical support and advice to growers, agronomists and trade partners in centralKirstyEngland.isBASIS quali ed and has a Pre-Veterinary Science BTEC and a degree in Applied Farm Management from the Royal Agricultural University. She later worked for BASF’s western trials team as a development agronomist.
market-leader in poultry health, hygiene and housing. It now sits within the wider Elta Group alongside brands All Agri, Animal Aids, FarmTech Services and Hydor.
The business has taken on additional warehouse space in Thetford, Norfolk, to provide an extra 50% capacity. This aims to o er added supply chain resilience, allowing the business to hold more stocks of core farming consumables.Sambrings 10 years’ experience in the farming industry, most recently working for an agricultural wholesaler, and is applying this knowledge to ensure a smooth transition for customers against a challenging economic backdrop.
face in making their business work. I also appreciate the amount of money required these days to both purchase equipment and fund the annual cash ow of an agricultural business.”RAFfunds both land and equipment directly to the borrower through xed-term, xed-rate loans secured on land and buildings, as well as nance for equipment bought on hire purchase or lease plans.“Ican see already RAF understand farmers and rural business models and speak the language,” added Ben. “I’m looking forward to helping farmers make their ideas come to life.”
Bowden & Knights co-founder to retire
agriculturalInnovative direct lender Rural Asset Finance has appointed Ben Wood as regional salesBen,director.previously sales director at agricultural machinery specialist Collings Brothers, will support farmers wanting to nance anything from new machinery and buildings to diversi cation and renewable energy projects.

to help secure and maintain product registrations for Adama’s expanding portfolio of fungicides, herbicides, pesticides and plant growth regulators, with a speci c focus on the UK and Ireland. She joins Adama from UPL, where she has been working as a regulatory manager for the UK and alsoAdamaIreland.hasappointed

Nicola Geering as its new managerregulatoryfor the UK and Ireland. Nicola will be working as part of Adama’s European regulatory team
Meanwhile, Carl Brewer has been promoted to parts manager at Wilberfoss, with Ben Ringham as the new parts assistant working members of the service and parts departments at Claas Eastern include Ben Croft, parts trainee at Wilberfoss; Joe Croft, trainee service engineer at Wilberfoss; Isobel Hayes, parts and service adminstrator at Ulceby Cross; Holly Coupland, used machinery support at Ulceby Cross; and new service engineers Steven Orton, Edward Howard, William Simpson, Lee Stonehouse, Jordan Major and Michael Boseley.
Alistair Eccles has been appointed to the new position of key account and manageragronomyfor

Direct lender welcomes regional director

New eld sales manager at Sleaford, Adam Stride (left), has been working alongside Philip for some weeks to ensure a smooth transition. Adam graduated from Harper Adams University and previously worked as sales support demonstrator and then Tractors.salesman/demonstratorareaatLouthClaasEasternalsowelcomes
Contact Ben on 07483 947 877 or at bwood@ruralasset
She will be handing the baton over to Sam Coulson who has been appointed as operations manager, reporting to Andrew Mann, general manager of the agricultural brands within Elta Group.Bowden & Knights was established in 2003 by Mike Bowden and Sarah Knights. Since then, the company has become a
“I’m excited to be starting a new challenge with a progressive, forward-thinking company within an industry I know well and am passionate about,” he said. “I grew up on my family’s farm and know the day-to-day challenges farmers
After nearly 27 years of service, Philip Gandy (right) retires from Claas Eastern on 30th September. Philip worked as a eld sales manager from the Sleaford branch and has sold over 225 new combines – or twice that number if used combine sales are included. October 2022216 RECRUITMENT Farmers Guide Tel: 01473 691888 email: classi and About People
Sta updates at Claas Eastern
• Talk con dently about agricultural equipment
Dave has worked in manufacturing from the ground up for his whole career and has experience in many di erent types of business. He has a wealth of experience in procurement, manufacturing processes and production e ciencies, as well as possessing solid business and leadership credentials.

The successful candidate will be directly responsible for the production team ensuring production targets are delivered on time and to budget.
partnerships, technical services and consultancy activities, with a focus on the practical application of research outputs from across the NIAB’sorganisation.headof farming systems and agronomy research, Dr Elizabeth Stockdale explains: “Peter will work closely with the Cambridge University Potato Growers Research Association (CUPGRA), to support
• Understand lean manufacturing principles
• Have pride in your personal appearance with an ability to communicate with all levels of our business
The successful candidate must be fully conversant with modern crop spraying equipment, GPS technologies, spray application techniques and the latest practices in crop production; the role will report to the sales manager and be territory-based.
Tom Bannon has joined the yearsfollowingcompanymanyworkingin
Although the company has always sold machines to farmers and contractors in Scotland, this is the first time it has had a dedicated area sales manager. It is also currently in talks with service partners covering the whole of Scotland to provide back-up and carry out any required warranty work.
NIAB strengthens potato research team
In a drive to expand further into Scotland, self-propelled crop sprayer manufacturer Househam Sprayers has appointed a new area sales manager based in Dundee.
Peter has run a South Lincolnshire farmSincebusiness.2012, he has specialised in potato production for both pre-pack and chipping markets. He has also held roles on the Oxford Farming Conference Emerging Leaders Programme and the NFU Potato Forum, and is a Nu eld Farming scholar.
• Develop sales in a de ned area
• Have pride in your personal appearance with an ability to communicate with all levels of business
• Have the personal drive to succeed with a ‘can do, must do’ attitude
This role reports to the Production Manager.
A graduate in agri-business
The successful candidate will spend their time working closely with our distribution partners, promoting and selling the full range of Knight Farm Machinery products to customers within their area.
To be considered for this role you must ensure you have the following attributes:
In this role, Peter will lead the development of NIAB’s potato agronomy research and industry

Knight Farm Machinery Limited
the development of research, knowledge exchange and events undertaken by NIAB or wider collaborations.“Hewillalso lead on the growth of our potato knowledge exchange programme, including training and meetings/conferences, as well as in the delivery of demonstrations at events, trials sites and on-farm.”
development manager for NIAB Potatoes in August.
Stocks Ag has promoted Dave Hampton to the recently created position manufacturingof and operations director. Dave joined Stocks in January 2022 and has responsibility for manufacturing, production and stores, as well as the Wisbech site and factory.
agricultural machinery sales and farming in the UK and abroad. Most recently he worked for Hamilton Ross Group in Perth and prior to this as a self-propelled crop sprayer operator on a large estate in Scotland, as well as in Australia and New Zealand.
• Have a high degree of computer literacy skills
• Be prepared to work long exible hours to match industry requirements
• Be prepared to work beyond standard hours to meet production requirements
• Be prepared to travel
management, for the past 25 years
• Demonstrate the Company’s products
• Hold a valid UK driving licence with an HGV1 being an advantage
• An ability to absorb new information and disseminate to dealers and customers
• Be comfortable leading and working within a team
• Be a good communicator with honesty and integrity
The successful candidate must be fully conversant with modern production techniques and processes, have strong interpersonal skills and be results & quality driven; the role will be based at our South Lu enham production facility.
• Be a good communicator with honesty and integrity and be a team player
• Hold a valid UK driving licence
• Have practical workshop production experience
• Have a quality driven mindset with an appreciation of continuous improvement
• Work to deadlines and deliver quarterly sales targets
October 2022 217—PeopleAboutandRecruitment
• Have an operational understanding of production techniques and systems
• Have the personal drive to succeed with a ‘can do, must do’ attitude
• A high degree of computer literacy skills
These are excellent opportunities to join a progressive and stable business. We o er an excellent employment package and long-term career prospects to the right candidates. If either of the above describes you and you are looking to develop yourself further, please contact us by e-mailing your full CV with a covering letter to heading your e-mail with the role you are applying for.
Househam manager to drive sales in Scotland Stocks Ag’s Dave Hampton promoted to director

To be considered for this role you must hold the following attributes:
“Dave brings with him some key experience and knowledge that we need at Stocks,” said managing director James Woolway. “I am con dent he will lead the manufacturing team to increase capacity and take advantage of the opportunities to take the business
Plus have an ability to:
Peter Craven joined
• Engage with new and existing dealers and customers
PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR Knight Farm Machinery Limited

Explaining why he decided to work for Househam, Tom said he was impressed by the team’s commitment and passion for what they do. Having driven many different brands he says he has a unique insight into the pros and cons of each brand and what makes Househam so unique.
forward.”Dave Hampton added: “I am looking forward to leading the team to improve e ciencies at Stocks. In the short time I’ve been here we have committed to an investment in robotic welding and our plans for the next ve years are all about optimisation.”
Knight Farm Machinery is a well-respected, family-owned business, with an enviable reputation for high quality crop protection sprayers and cultivation equipment. Due to the continued expansion of our business, we have excellent opportunities for the following self-motivated, sales oriented professionals to join us.
• Be able to absorb new information and disseminate to the production sta
Please circle how many people read your copy of Farmers Guide: 1 2 3 4 5 Other ( ) The fast and efficient advertising service for private farmers wishing to buy & sell their used machinery, livestock or equipment. Submit online at, email to or WhatsApp on 07759 054803 (max 250 characters), alternatively, use this form: Post to FREEPOST Farmers Guide, Parkside, London Road, Ipswich, IP2 0SS. Unfortunately, we are no longer able to accept faxes. SUBMIT BY 6th OCTOBER 2022 TO GUARANTEE YOUR AD APPEARS IN THE NOVEMBER 2022 ISSUE! Provide a description of what you would like to submit, including the category to appear under. i.e. Wanted, Grass Machinery, Livestock etc. You can also attach a picture for FREE! PLEASE FILL IN CLEARLY WITH BLOCK CAPITALS Any suggestions? Let us know what you like best or what you would change in Farmers Guide. This form must be signed I certify that in placing this advertisement I am acting in a private capacity and not offering items purchased for the purpose of re-sale and not in contravention of the 1977 Business Disclosure Order. TelPostcode:Signed:No/s: TickEmail:here to opt out of Farmers Guide emails: Full Name (in Address:caps):Have you attachedCounty:pictures? [Y/N Qty] FREE for private farmers farmersforAds-FarmAdsFREE
the only British built plough on the market, uses a combination of well proven genuine Dowdeswell parts and modern updates From 5 to 10 furrows to suit horsepowers up to 600hp, in furrow and on land options with a choice of bodies including DD, DDS, UCN, SCN and Slatted We also.... AGRI-HOSE Hydraulics while you wait hydraulic hose service for Agricultural, Industrial, Construction Call now to book your demonstration Hire James Seeley 07860 849685 Sales Ben 07764Clowes968206 Parts & Hydraulics Jeremy Waspe 01473 744184 Transmissions Mick Hewitt 01473 240377 Now the UK’s largest Dowdeswell parts supplier ... supply a wide range of new PTO shafts and spares nationwide and also carry out servicing and repairs on most types of shaft. Our parts department offer’s a comprehensive range of oils, filters, wearing parts, batteries, bearings, belts, and tools. A huge range of parts are available including U/Js, tubing and guards. We also supply gear boxes and hydraulic motors for a wide range of machines including mowers. spreaders and toppers. Y body spinner deck 18 to 40 tonnes. Y body vertical beater 8 to 40 tonnes. Classic vertical beater 8 to 40 tonnes. All of our spreaders are manufactured by ourselves in the UK and combine heavy duty construction with top quality components. Standard specifications include 20mm chain, 70mm shafts and bearings, commercial axles, wide angle PTOs. AGRICULTURAL EQUIPMENT HIRE ENGINEERING & SALES Est.1986 Made in Britain used worldwide @agrihire call now to book your demonstration Agri-Hire, main dealers in Suffolk for...

Gas, Electrical & Diesel Heaters & SUSPENDED HEATERS • From 34,000–358,000Btu INDIRECT WORKSHOPFIXEDHEATERS • From 120,000 – 2,000,000Btu • Ideal for workshops • Fume-free • Low noise • Inside & outside use Compressors & Pressure Washers HOT PRESSUREWATERWASHER • Perfect for a professional clean • Ideal for extra cleaning power • Robust and reliable COMPRESSOR • Ideal for workshops, fl vehicles, tyre companies and much more! • Efficient and trustworthy compressors powerfleet maintenance COLD WATER PRESSURE WASHER • Sturdy and dependable • All round heavy duty cleaner See our website for or email For details or a demonstration ring Paul Bradford now on 01449 766157 ••• • Free advice on the best compressors, heating equipment and pressure washers to meet your needs • All parts available for compressors, heating equipment and pressure washers • Great deals available on sales and servicing Wash Lane, Mendlesham, Stowmarket, Suffolk IP14 5TD 84066