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Unlocking carbon opportunities for increased pro tability and resiliency
Arable Unlocking carbon opportunities for increased profitability and resiliency
Soil carbon certi cation company Agreena has announced it will open free access to calculate emissions baselines and second revenue potential.
In addition to a dry harvest year, the geopolitical challenges of 2022 hit UK farmers in agricultural inputs. Defra’s annual price index reported a 33.1% in ation spike for inputs over the last harvest year, largely attributed to rising fertiliser and energy costs. And with Basic Payment Scheme (BPS) payments declining by 35% in 2023 compared to 2020, and energy prices set to rise this winter and in ation potentially rising to 13% by the end of year, these challenges look set to continue.
Soil carbon schemes, such as AgreenaCarbon, are ramping up to provide UK farmers support in retaining their pro tability in the face of these economic challenges with a second revenue potential.
“Carbon certi cation schemes can play a key role in helping farmers overcome nancial uncertainty by impacting the bottom line through an additional revenue stream from the sale of carbon certi cates, at the same time as improving the environmental sustainability and resilience of their farming businesses,” said Simon Haldrup, CEO and co-founder of soil carbon certi cation company, Agreena.
Carbon farming initiatives for farmers are on the rise across Europe. Agreena has expanded its operations out of Denmark with more than 20 employees in the UK and is now serving 13 countries across Europe, with more than 500,000ha under management and plans to expand into seven new countries this year. Haldrup says the key to the company’s success has been ensuring farmer control in decision making.
Unlike other schemes, Agreena’s third-party veri ed and tradeable CO2 certi cate ownership sits directly with the farmer, who can choose to keep them, sell them to institutional or private organisations, bundle the certi cates with their crops, or work with Agreena to achieve the best price. The number of certi cates a farmer can earn is based on the adoption of regenerative farming practices, which reduce greenhouse gases (GHG) and remove CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in the soil. Farmers participating in the AgreenaCarbon programme receive up to three certi cates per hectare, depending on the practices adopted, such as sowing cover crops or no-till farming. Depending on current market conditions, the value of certi cates are selling for £20–40 each.
Extending beyond new income stream
Not only does carbon farming provide an increasingly important additional revenue stream, the longterm bene ts from regenerative agriculture practices support the farm business by decreasing fuel and labour costs, potentially reducing farm machinery and fertiliser costs.
Soils are one of the greatest life-supporting resources on the planet – but currently are falling into a crisis globally, with one-third of our precious soils degraded. Regenerative and sustainable practices are being looked to by leaders and pioneering farmers across the world to support longterm soil health. A key bene t of regen ag is the ability to increase the water holding capacity of soils and supporting cleaner water run-o . This bene t has resulted in water agencies focused on a clean and safe water supply, such as Severn Trent, partnering with Agreena.
On a practical level, participation in carbon schemes can support longterm climate resiliency for the eld – in addition to providing co-bene ts such as higher nutrient content of crops and increased biodiversity.
Planning for 2023
Overall, harvest 2022 was good, despite the heatwave which served to highlight the unpredictability that climate change delivers, with many farmers completing harvest in record time.
“Harvest 2023 may well be a di erent story. Much will depend on input costs and the weather,” says Thomas Gent, well-known regenerative farmer from South Lincolnshire and the market lead for the UK at Agreena. “What is certain is that farmers will be looking for ways to remain pro table and achieve return on investment from their crops. Carbon farming delivers that return both in terms of a revenue stream and long-term improvements in business resilience.”
AgreenaCarbon for the 2023 harvest year opened on 12th October 2022. Now, farmers are able to log into the platform for free to quickly determine their baseline and estimated calculation of the value available from carbon certi cates. The company has enhanced its programme o ering to include more cultivation techniques this time around: “And there is more exibility for each farmer’s business needs, supporting the pace of adoption of new practices,” concludes Mr Gent. FG

Market uncertainty may prompt increases in farm-saved seed
NAAC seed section chairmain, Richard Jones (pictured), comments: “It has been a good year for farmers to keep their own seed this autumn. Hot dry weather, no wet grain to dry, good quality crops and relatively high seed prices have all come together to create a perfect storm when it comes to home-saved seed.
“And who can blame growers for wanting to save some cash, with so much uncertainty in the market? Mobile seed processors across the country have seen a rise in tonnages processed on farm this year, and it this year, and it emphasises the emphasises the importance importance of having a of having a viable and professional mobile seed processing industry.
“I have been processing seed for over 40 years – both certi ed and home-saved – and I cannot imagine drilling the screenings and the cha along with all the weed seeds! It makes no sense. Independent research by the NAAC has shown that the best graded seed is more vigorous, and produces stronger plants with more tillers, which has shown that good quality seed is the foundation of a successful crop.
“Seed size and quality really do matter, and it is questionable whether drilling ungraded seed is economically viable. The skill, technology, investment, care, hard work, research and development in the seed cleaning industry through 200 years has ensured that farmers have goodquality, viable seed, whether it be home-saved or certi ed, to grow a crop to the best potential possible.
“We should learn to value our seed; it is, after all, an investment in our future.” FG

Seaweed extracts: Snake oil or sea magic?
Seaweed extracts have risen in popularity, driven by environmental pressures, the soaring cost of fertilisers, improved knowledge of their functions in plants and soil health, and their natural ability to support metabolism in plants through the provision of amino acids, hormones, sugars, nutrients, and phytohormones.
Croptek Bio Ltd supplies a range of high-quality seaweed extracts which are a complex broth of bioactive compounds that act as elicitors of the plant defence response. Timely applications of seaweed extracts are an e ective tool in increasing the amounts of exudates produced by the plant which in turn boosts the soil condition, as well as improving the control of disease management – resulting in cost savings in crop protection produce due to healthier plants.
CropTek Bio Ltd says seaweed extracts should be included in any IPM programme; not simply as ‘ re ghters’ when plants are under stress, but also as a soil conditioner. Used either on their own, or in combination with other products, they will enhance the e ectiveness of any programme, the company explains.
Croptek Bio Ltd o ers a range of products made by specialist manufacturers to work in all types of crops. Most popular is SeaPhyte, which is applied immediately the crop has su cient leaf cover to absorb the product, “dramatically” increasing root development and exudates into the soil, CropTek Bio says. SeaPhyte is followed by further applications of SeaFol which maintains the plant and soil health by feeding soil microbes and boosting crop tolerance to abiotic and biotic stress. These treatments give the best returns when applied as part of a programme. FG

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These treatments give the best returns when applied as part of a programme

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