7 minute read
CLAAS VOLTO 1100 £14,500 2021, 10 rotors with 10.5mm tines, headland spread limiter
POTTINGER NOVACAT APLHA MOTION 261 £4,500 2016, front mower, quick change blades PT-37510001268
KRONE KW 7.82 £4,500 2009, 6 rotor tedder
LEMKEN VARI-DIAMANT 10 £24,500 2011, L100, CS40 bodies, skimmers, rear disc, onland - in furrow, rear lights, 8 + 1 furrows LE-359718
LEMKEN EUROPAL 8 5+1 £15,000
2015, 5+1, CS40 Slat, in furrow only
CLAAS ARION 650 £46,950 2015, 50kph, 184hp, 5714hrs, 540/65R28 fronts, 650/65R38 rears, 4 spools
HORSCH CRUISER 5SL £20,950 2020, 50mm points, spring wheel packer
2016, PT 280 36m, GPS fully active, GPS steering & section control
LEMKEN DIAMANT 11 V OF W52 £32,000
2015, w52 boards, on-land & in-furrow, 7+1
CLAAS ARION 620 £33,000
2010, 50kph, 145hp, 9113hrs, 420/85R28 fronts, 520/85R38 rears, 3 spools, QUICKE loader
2015, 40kph, 158hp, EGR engine, 3882hrs, 420/70R28 fronts, 600/65R38 fears CL-A3604134.A
2013, 3 x 70*80 and 2x 120*90 bales,”
2013, to fit Xerion 3800 VC
CLAAS AXION 850 £75,000 50kph, 268hp, AdBlue engine, 4488hrs, 650/65R42 fronts, 540/65R30 rears, 4 spools, CL-A4003229.A
KRM SOLADRILL 799 £11,000 2011, pre emerg markers, Solatronic in-cab control, RDS varirate C1153
CLAAS TUCANO 480 £12,500 2013, 7.5m Vario header, 1515hrs, 1005 drum hours
CLAAS LEXION 580 TT £66,000 2004, 9.0m, 3706hrs, 2631 drum hrs
CLAAS ARES 577 £26,500 2007, 40kph, 125hp, 7675hrs, 380/85R28 fronts, 460/85R38 rears, 3 spools, CL-A0500893.B
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Tim Smith Tel: 01529 303093 Mob: 07730 780510
SEE ALL OUR MACHINES FOR SALE VISIT OUR NEW WEBSITE: www.claas-eastern.co.uk preem ,markers QZ-059890153
NEW HOLLAND CSX7080 £65,000 2008, 6m NH Varifeed cutterbar header, , 2328hrs, 1939 drum hrs NH-371600005
NEW HOLLAND CR9080 £93,000 9m NH Varifeed cutterbar header,, 3260hrs, 2530 drum hrs NH-781775009
HI-SPEC 2500 £6,000
2009, 2500 gallon, 30.5 R32 tyres, splash plate, side and rear fill ports, spring drawbar, hyd brakes OT-6851
KUHN HR3003D/VENTA LC302 £8,000 2003, Suffolk coulter, pre-em markers, PTO fan, toothed packer, following harrow, track markers KU-760-920/B0477
2012, Trailblazer 4200, induction bowl, 30-24, electric fill level, 2x boom height sensor SR00006173
CLAAS LEXION 650 £135,000 2015, 6.6m Vario header, 1664hrs, 1135 drum hrs
KUHN/AMAZONE HR3002D/ AD302 COMBINATION £4,250 1999, power harrow drill combination, Suffolk coulters, packer roller, bout markers” AM-89018544/D0527
CHAFER ROGATOR 618 £30,000 2007, RoGator 618, sprayer, 12/24/32m chafer booms ZA-618458007
MASCHIO ORSO 4000 £6,800
2014, with sulky mp 2008, mp09 108, tine Suffolk drill 7W-1398R0310
SANDS HORIZON 6000 £90,000 2018, Sands Horizon 6000
DOWDESWELL DP 7 E 6 + 1 £1,950 1991, 14 CN bodies
AGCO 765B £46,000 2007, kph, 355hp, 8193hrs
CLAAS ARION 640 £29,800 2010, 50kph, 180hp, 8260hrs
CLAAS ARION 630 £30,000
2014, 50kph, 159hp, 10250hrs, 540/65 R28 fronts, 650/85R38 rears
CLAAS ARION 64 £31,250
2014, 50kph, 177hp, EGR engine, 10150hrs
AGCO CHALLENGER 755E £92,000 2017, 40kph, 350hp, , 3839hrs U8-AGCO755CGNBA1022
LEMKEN DIAMANT 11 V OF £32,000 2017, CS 40 bodies, hyd vari width, rear disc, 6 +1 furrow, ready for work, on land in furrow LE-444344.A
CLAAS LEXION 420 £30,000 1998, 5.40m Contour header, , 3751hrs, 3087 drum hrs, straw chopper, chaff spreader CL-45300960
2014, 50 kph, 175hp, 6750hrs, 540/65/28 fronts, 650/65/38 fears
2018, Rigid 4m, pre emergance, marker arms, wheel eradicator frame
2019, 60kph, 280hp, 4388hrs, 600/70R30 fronts, 710/70R42 rears, 6 spools
2858hrs, 2051 drum hrs coulters listed elsewhere in magazine. £105. P Beales Tel 07584 189359/01284 828360 (Suffolk)
WEAVING GD3000M direct drill, 2017, 869ha, in excellent condition, c/w Stocks Ag seeder on back & hyd markers, metal in good condition, small discs new pre harvest, big disc has 200 acres left before needing replacement. £28,000+VAT. C McAnespie Tel 07577 673141 (North Yorkshire)
AMAZONE ED452-K 6 row maize drill with fert, 2012, in immaculate condition, done approx only 300400 acres/yr from new. £9,500. M Hornbuckle Tel 07801 101645 (Leicestershire)
SIMBA Freeflow 4m folding, near new coulter points & front leg points, hydraulic flow via tractor supply for fan, front & rear packers in great condition, a very tidy, high output drill.
£6,000+VAT. P Weston Tel 07947 923844 (Northants)
CLAYDON SR drill, 2008, 3.43m wide, 7 passes to 24m, bean points & chutes, spoons for drilling OSR with seed roller restrictors, c/w following harrow or levelling borders, RDS Control box variable rate compatible, good condition. £10,500. F Steward Tel 07901 633744 (Suffolk)

AMAZONE D8-40 4m seed drill, with transport kit, tramline kit & hydraulic markers. £1,800+VAT. R Pumfrey Tel 01799 530246/07850 943370 (Essex)

RECO Sulky SPI-Solo 6m disc coulter drill, 2002, c/w some spares, full working order, good condition, more photos on request. £2,000. M Lawrence Tel 07836 724223 (Nottinghamshire)
MASCHIO Primavera 4.8m/5m drill, excellent condition, hyd fan, monitor, marker arms, wheel eradicators, pre em markers available too, tungsten tip points, cracking drill, genuine reason for sale. £13,950+VAT. A Robinson Tel 07876 711477 (Bedfordshire)
KUHN KRM Soladrill combi drill &. 3m Kuhn power harrow, nearly new tines, excellent toothed packer, Soladrill great condition with RDS control box, excellent condition & ready to work.
£11,000+VAT. P Weston Tel 07947 923844 (Northants)
KRM Sola SM1909 6m tine drill, 2020, tungsten tines, 2 rows covering tines, hyd fan, electric drive, 2000L hopper, 1075ha, manufactured 2020, RDS Artemis Lite, excellent condition. £25,000+VAT ono. T Green Tel 07931 372095 (Norfolk)
MASCHIO Sulky 3m combination drill, new p/harrow tines fitted 50ha ago & p/h runs very quiet & smooth, drill has Suffolk coulters & is very tidy for age, would go straight to work, selling due to upgrade. £4,000+VAT. L Coleman Tel 07590 309414 (Norfolk)
HESTAIR Bettinson 4m 3D direct drill, 1990s, vgc, discs bearing excellent, paintwork good & all feed rolls in great condition, end tow & all tyres good.
£5,500+VAT. R Lane Tel 07831 615912 (Cambridgeshire)
KUHN Venta LC402 power harrow/ drill combi unit, 2016, owned from new, exc cond, pre-ems, hyd fan, following harrow, half width shut off, Suffolk coulters, Hector 3000 control box, hyd coulter lift (great for broadcasting grass seed). £15,500+VAT. R McAulay Tel 07919 387712 (Scottish Borders)
CLAYDON 3m SR drill, in good condition with splitter boots & open ended boots, nearly new set of A shares & a worn set, bean coulters, wheels & batter boards. £12,500+VAT. J Headland Tel 07980 983620 (Nottinghamshire)
FALCON 4m drill & end tow kit, very tidy, in cab tramline kit, been well looked after, can load this end. £1,195 ono no VAT. M Jeffrey Tel 07802 722408 (North Yorkshire)
KUHN Accord tank metering unit, in good condition, previously used on an OSR drill, metering wheel & shaft also included, as are demounting legs. £500+VAT ono. A Wright Tel 07788 393720 (Lincolnshire)
SEED drill & front tank – drill Weaving tine deck 3 row S type, following harrow 4m wide, pre emergence markers, 8 light Accord tramline box, wheel eradicator tines, Accord front tank, hydraulic drive, can be used as combi drill as well. £3,950. T Chugg Tel 07980 240592 (Worcestershire)

VADERSTAD 400F 4m drill, good condition. £12,000+VAT. P Helyer Tel 07973 267835 (West Sussex)
AMAZONE ZA-M 1501, OM24-36 discs, hyd shutter, only done 300 acres/yr total, can fit 4 x 600kg bags, vgc. £4,200. J Murrell Tel 07770 692891/01603 712222 (Norfolk)
HORSCH CO4 4m folding drill, 2001, back on the market perfect spring drill, bean coulters available, very tidy, can be used as a direct drill, c/w good duet coulters, wheel eradicators, following harrow, bout markers, pre-em markers. £13,249+VAT ono. R Allan Tel 07786 964728 (Oxfordshire)

MONOSEM 6 row maize drill, 2013, new coulters 200ac ago, for sale due to loss of contract. £10,500+VAT. H Kisby Tel 07768 903046 (Cambridgeshire)

Tree and Hedge

DRILLS (cont)
WEAVING GD6000T, 2016, 6m trailed grain & fertiliser direct drill, Caddy 2.5 Bigdisc, stainless steel hopper with split tank, twin metering, GD coulter bar with angled disc coulters. £36,000+VAT. R Rayner Tel 07808 066655 (Cambridgeshire)
MDF boards (60), 2.7m x 0.9m used in storage racking, good order, I have these over from lining my storage barn. £475 ono. G Adams Tel 07885 964461 (Cambridgeshire)
POTTINGER Mex 6, 1998, spout extension for side loading, 1.9m pickup, knives & shearbar 50%, stone 70%, been backup machine for last 7yrs, in good working order, Oswestry area. £5,750+ VAT. R Jackson Tel 01691 860359 (Shropshire)
QUICKE 5' silage grab, never used. £1,200. K Smith Tel 07940 049960/01335 330770 (Derbyshire)

GENERATORS: diesel & PTO, quality used & new, est 25yrs. JSP UK Ltd. Tel 01432 353050 Mob 07774 742182 (Hereford)
STRAIGHT auger, 14' x 6", 3 phase motor with soft start starter box, triple V belt drive. £150+VAT. R Jones Tel 07785 583192 (Norfolk)
FOSTER 6" auger, 3 phase motor, chain drive, 40t/hr, barn stored, on large wheels. £750+VAT. R Jones Tel 07785 583192 (Norfolk)
CARIER elevator, 34’ high, 9” belt, 3 phase, good condition, dismantled. W Boyd Tel 07836 772424 (Kent)
PORTABLE 240v Medusa generator, 2300w, easy start, runs for approx 6hrs non stop, f/w two 3 pin power outlets, very little used for occasional power cut standby, vgc, collect from farm.
£160. T Bush Tel 07932 183449 (Essex)

Sales Spares & Repairs
HORSCH CO4 4m folding drill, 2001, perfect spring drill, bean coulters available, very tidy, can be used as a direct drill, c/w good duet coulters, wheel eradicators, following harrow, bout markers, pre-em markers, good condition. R Allan Tel 07786 964728 (Oxfordshire)

SHIRE colt foal, fully registered, bay with four white socks, very tall, well handled, excellent conformation. £2,500. K Smith Tel 07940 049960/01335 330770 (Derbyshire)
WOLSELEY electric fencer (3 strand wire system), needs 6V battery. £50. R Sinkler Tel 01377 270251 (East Yorkshire)

ELECTRIC fencing posts (214), suitable for sheep or cattle. £200 the lot. R Haigh Tel 07968 215777 (Nottinghamshire)
9-INCH post hole digger, tractor mounted, 3pt linkage PTO driven. £550 ono. K Hustwitt Tel 01279 436080 (Essex)
CLAAS genuine 900 grass blades (13), 3 sets feed roll serrated & plain edges, various blade back plates & sundry spares. £480+VAT. C Mell Tel 07768 682143/01427 848210 (Nottinghamshire)
Tel: 01746 762777
35KVA generator, PTO tractor driven, 3 phase, Serial No 51 492/5, made for The Gloster
Electrical Company by BKB
Electric Motors Ltd, c/w PTO shaft (no guard), working. Cash on collection from Lowestoft NR32. £620+VAT. W Slater Tel 07770 946760 (Suffolk)
RECO Mengele SH40 forage harvester, 1996, rear hydraulic PUH, barn stored since owned, lots of spare parts. £4,200+VAT. H Pearce Tel 07947 344310 (Essex) www.danagri-3s.com
1992 Leyland DAF 7.5T (2.2T payload), short wheelbase, 5 gears, tilt cab, 179330km, September MOT, takes 3 horses, small living area, cut through to cab, good starter, side ramp recently replaced, waxoiled chassis, good condition. £5,500 ono. S Slater Tel 07970 181379 (Suffolk)