Volume 41 I February 1st, 2021 I email: I
Staying safe on your farm 1 Go the AgriHQ market snapshot page 2 What was the South Island steer price last week?
Have a look at the completed copy of the ‘Be Safe, Be Seen poster’ below. Are there any similarities or differences between the poster you filled out and ours?
3 How is this tracking compared to year-ago levels?
1 Go to 2 Find and watch the OnFarmStory of Angela Clifford and Nick Gill “Small farms can be so much more” and read the article“ A different way of life” 3 Where in NZ do Nick and Angela live?
4 What industries did they work in in Australia?
This graph shows the average value at the Feilding ewe fair in $/head. Last week we looked into breeding ewe numbers and mutton slaughter values. This week we will look at how this has flowed into the store market for breeding ewes.
5 What do they grow and raise on their farm?
1 How do average values compare to the previous year? 2 Last week we discussed breeding ewe numbers falling in the last 10 years, how would this have an effect on prices for breeding ewes? 3 A widespread drought last year meant farmers were required to destock, how would this have impacted on demand this year with most areas receiving decent pasture growth for this time of the year? 4 A high proportion of ewes at this sale were unshorn, why do you think this is? Think about the current market for wool.
DON’T FORGET TO SEND US YOUR PHOTOS! ‘Be Safe, Be Seen’ and the whole Gurt and Pops collection could be yours! - We want to see howyou stay safe on the farm. Send us in a photo of you being safe on the farm these holidays, along with your answers to two of the questions below to get yourself in the draw. Let Ted and Pops teach your children how to use their ‘Think Safe Brains’ to keep the little ones safe this summer!
Why do you never drink out of bottles that are in the workshop? If we walked into this paddock with cattle what could go wrong?
Why should you never go somewhere on the farm without talking to an adult first? Before riding your motorbike, what should you dress yourself in and why?
Send your entries to: (we will draw the winner on February 28th)
FILL YA BOOTS: STRETCH YOURSELF: 1 Nick and Angela talk a lot about permaculture. What is this? 2 Angela has a strong belief that part of permaculture is seeing yourself as part of a community and contributing to that community. How do they do this? 3 Angela is the chief executive of Eat New Zealand. What is this? 4 Alongside their traditional range of crops they are currently experimenting with “Kaanga ma”. What is this? What do they plan to do with it? How do they plan to harvest it? 5 Angela and Nick both believe that buying locally is a key to sustainability. Do you agree? Tell us why you agree or disagree. Let us know your thoughts at:
Do some research on these sheep breeds and find out their benefits 1 Wiltshire - What is the main characteristic of this sheep breed? Why is this breed becoming more popular? 2 Beltex - What is the attraction of this breed? Where did it originally come from? For more related content please head to our website at: