12 SFF warns lamb may fall further Vol 21 No 47, December 4, 2023
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Water in for fresh thinking Neal Wallace
HE new coalition government will announce before Christmas the broad changes it intends making to freshwater regulations. Newly appointed Minister of Agriculture Todd McClay said he has already met with Environment Minister Penny Simmonds and they intend signalling changes to the National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management within the next month. McClay said he has heard from farmers and regional councils that the December 2024 deadline to notify land and water plans is too tight and could result in poor policy. He has two immediate goals as agriculture minister: to enable farmers to get on with farming and to improve public recognition of the primary sector’s contribution to New Zealand. Farmers need to have pride once again in what they do, he said. “They should be proud of what they do, but they have had their heads hung low for a few years and it is my job to change that. “If you have a strong rural
economy, you have a strong NZ economy.” McClay also has the key portfolio of trade, a deliberate move by Prime Minister Christopher Luxon to recognise the two are interlinked, he said. As well as reminding the public that 80% of containers leaving NZ contain food and fibre, McClay also wants to highlight the many environmental projects farmers and growers are involved with. He intends to run the agriculture portfolio as a team, which is why there are three associate ministers of agriculture: Nicola Grigg (National), Mark Patterson (NZ First) and Andrew Hoggard (ACT). Each will have areas of focus such as horticulture and workforce and training. That partnership approach is also being adopted as McClay establishes work programme priorities, which he said will focus on the outcome not the process and will not create additional burdens on the sector. While seeking advice from officials, McClay said he is asking farming leaders what their priorities are. “We have clearly signalled that while it is the government’s job to make decisions and develop Continued page 3
Buy-in, bushwork build eco corridor Paterangi dairy farmer Don ‘Bush’ Macky and his family have planted more than 10,000 trees and plants as part of the Taiea te Taiao project, which is marking its second anniversary. The project is creating a corridor by planting alongside the Mangapiko Stream and its tributaries. Photo: DairyNZ
Emissions impossible The six years Damien O’Connor was minister of agriculture were eventful, to say the least. As he left office after a sound electoral defeat, he reflected on his tenure.
POLITICS 11 LIC says it acted fairly and was as transparent as possible over semen failure.
Wairoa and Gisborne farmers await El Niño as wet weather plagues the region.
Farmers should embrace what can be done, not what can’t, says Ben Anderson.
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