Vol 22 No 2, January 22, 2024
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McClay cools clamour for new FTAs Nigel Stirling
RADE Minister Todd McClay has doused hopes from exporters for a wave of new trade negotiations during the Nationalled Government’s first term. The new government is under pressure from exporters to resist the notion that New Zealand has reached saturation point for tariffbusting free trade agreements. In a briefing to McClay late last year, the NZ International Business Forum (NZIBF), representing major exporters including Fonterra, meat exporters Silver Fern Farms and ANZCO, as well as kiwifruit marketer Zespri, said it did not believe NZ had reached “peak FTA” despite 73% of the country’s existing trade being covered by free trade agreements once last year’s deal with the European Union enters into force. The exporting heavyweights said they had been disappointed in the previous government’s muted response to their suggestions for new negotiations with Switzerland, Norway, Israel, a host of African countries, and others. They conceded, however, that the era of “transformative” trade agreements reducing barriers to trade with large economies achieved over the past 30 years was drawing to a close.
“Even so, the NZIBF has not given up on trade liberalisation or securing future high-quality and comprehensive agreements, which can take considerable time to develop, and which continue to create considerable opportunities for exporters,” it said. Farmers Weekly understands that it was not just the Labour Government that demurred after knocking off significant deals with the United Kingdom and the European Union, however. Some of NZ’s top trade officials are understood to be unconvinced that the payoff from new trade deals with second-tier countries suggested by the NZIBF would justify the cost and time in negotiating them.
The rise of the $100,000 stag This three-year-old Red trophy stag bred by the Brock family from Gore sold for $114,000 last week, one of two stags the vendor sold for $100,000 or more.
Cherries on top, but season is the pits for HB
I have set a goal of doubling our exports by value in the next 10 years ... that is not just about more trade deals.
Cherry exports and prices are up but Hawke’s Bay growers are still feeling the impact of Cyclone Gabrielle.
Todd McClay Trade Minister
McClay said he wants to keep full the “pipeline” of trade negotiations, which he believed had not always been the case under the last government. Priorities are salvaging stalled negotiations with the oil-rich Continued page 3
Chinese New Year, Easter could determine sheepmeat farmers’ fortunes this season.
Regional councils’ work on freshwater policy development has slowed to a trickle.
There are still major holes in NZ’s water standards and surveillance, an expert says.
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